Gripsed's Hands

Evan Jarvis
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Coach Hand Cards View Date ID
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 - Meet up Game Straddle Pot 7d,2hView Hand 2024-05-27 (ej-1314)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 - Straight Flushin Homie 4s,5sView Hand 2024-05-27 (ej-1313)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 - Multiway Wildness As,3sView Hand 2024-05-27 (ej-1312)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 - Randos & Grinders, & OMC Oh My! As,9sView Hand 2024-05-27 (ej-1311)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 - OMG vs OMC Qs,QcView Hand 2024-05-27 (ej-1310)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 NL - Shorthanded Shenanigans Ks,KcView Hand 2024-05-27 (ej-1309)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 NL - Table Image Timing As,TsView Hand 2024-05-27 (ej-1308)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 NL - Jersey Shore Showdown Kc,QcView Hand 2024-05-27 (ej-1307)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3NL - Mono time to shine Ac,ThView Hand 2024-03-20 (ej-1306)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3NL - The New Trip Times 7c,5cView Hand 2024-03-20 (ej-1305)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3NL - Big Time Flop in Blind Battle As,KsView Hand 2024-03-20 (ej-1304)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3NL - Big Flop vs Big Chasers Jc,TcView Hand 2024-03-20 (ej-1303)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3NL - Dead Money Dilemna Js,9cView Hand 2024-03-20 (ej-1302)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3NL - Turning the Tables Js,TsView Hand 2024-03-20 (ej-1301)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3NL - Draw Me a River Jh,8hView Hand 2024-03-20 (ej-1300)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3NL - Unexpected Action As,7sView Hand 2024-03-20 (ej-1299)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3NL - Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Eee Ess Dee Ks,TsView Hand 2024-03-13 (ej-1298)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3NL - Big Slick Suited n Straddlin Ad,KdView Hand 2024-03-13 (ej-1297)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3NL - He Draws Me Crazy As,TsView Hand 2024-03-13 (ej-1296)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3NL - Spicy Suited Straddle Spot Ad,TdView Hand 2024-03-13 (ej-1295)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3NL - Button Multiway Fun Ad,6dView Hand 2024-03-13 (ej-1294)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3NL - Stradouble Down Special 8s,2cView Hand 2024-03-13 (ej-1293)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3NL - Inderpair Multiway Ts,TcView Hand 2024-03-13 (ej-1292)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3NL - I'm a Straddlin Man Qh,5hView Hand 2024-03-13 (ej-1291)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL - Big Pair vs The Splash Bro Ks,KcView Hand 2024-03-04 (ej-1290)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL - Pillsbury Toaster Straddle 9s,3sView Hand 2024-03-04 (ej-1289)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL - Small Pair Big Pot 5s,5cView Hand 2024-03-04 (ej-1288)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 2/5 NL - Big Action in the Blinds 4s,4cView Hand 2024-03-04 (ej-1287)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 2/5 NL - Straddling Broadways Ks,QhView Hand 2024-03-04 (ej-1286)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 2/5 NL - AJo OOPs As,JcView Hand 2024-03-04 (ej-1285)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 2/5 NL - Straddlin Shenanigans 8s,5cView Hand 2024-03-04 (ej-1284)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 2/5 NL - Hero meets Always Lose with Aces Guy 9s,8sView Hand 2024-03-04 (ej-1283)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $0.50/$1 - Calling All Odds As,4sView Hand 2022-09-22 (ej-1282)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $0.50/$1 - It's Getting Nutty Out There Jc,ThView Hand 2022-09-22 (ej-1281)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $0.50/$1 - Top Pair vs The Splash Bro Tc,8cView Hand 2022-09-22 (ej-1280)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$2 NL - Down in Donktown 8h,8dView Hand 2022-09-22 (ej-1279)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $0.50/$1 - It Was A Crazy Hand of Poker Kh,JcView Hand 2022-09-22 (ej-1278)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $0.50/$1 - Combo Draw in Reg War As,4sView Hand 2022-09-22 (ej-1277)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$2 NL - Lady In Red With a Bullet in the BB Ad,QdView Hand 2022-09-22 (ej-1276)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$2 NL - Baby Suited Connector in the BB 4c,3cView Hand 2022-09-22 (ej-1275)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 0.5/1 NL - AA Don't Play (Ay Bay Bay) Ac,AhView Hand 2022-08-30 (ej-1274)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 0.5/1 NL - Broadway in Late Position Battle Kd,QsView Hand 2022-08-30 (ej-1273)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 0.5/1 NL - UTG vs Wannabe OG Td,9dView Hand 2022-08-30 (ej-1272)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 0.5/1 NL - Big Slick vs Big Fish Ad,KsView Hand 2022-08-30 (ej-1271)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/2 NL - Big Lick Getting Some Love 6d,9dView Hand 2022-08-30 (ej-1270)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/2 NL - Top Pair in a Tricky Pot Qd,ThView Hand 2022-08-30 (ej-1269)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/2 NL - Big Draw In the Battle of the Blinds Ad,3dView Hand 2022-08-30 (ej-1268)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/2 NL - Deep Stack Drawlemna Ac,6cView Hand 2022-08-30 (ej-1267)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 - Mid Sizzle vs the Blue Collar Brizzle 9s,9cView Hand 2021-10-25 (ej-1266)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 - Nice Flop vs "New" Player Ac,TsView Hand 2021-10-25 (ej-1265)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 - Just a lil piece outta the lil blind 6d,5dView Hand 2021-10-25 (ej-1264)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 - Draw Heaviness vs Loose Lana Ks,QcView Hand 2021-10-25 (ej-1263)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 - New Guy Brews a Big Pot Ad,KdView Hand 2021-10-25 (ej-1262)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 - Mississippi Multiway Maxtion Ac,3cView Hand 2021-10-25 (ej-1261)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 - Flop Flushin Fun Out of Position Kc,QcView Hand 2021-10-25 (ej-1260)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 - Backdoor Drawin vs Loose Lana 9d,8dView Hand 2021-10-25 (ej-1259)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 - How to get Paid on the Perfect Flop? Qs,TcView Hand 2021-10-25 (ej-1258)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 - Multiway Madness vs Maniacs As,4sView Hand 2021-10-25 (ej-1257)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 - Big Slick vs Our New Best Friend As,KcView Hand 2021-10-25 (ej-1256)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 - Rookie Hand vs Loosey Goosey Ks,JcView Hand 2021-10-25 (ej-1255)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 NL - Major Test in Multiway Madness Kc,QcView Hand 2021-09-16 (ej-1254)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 NL - Baby Suited Connector BD Action 5c,4cView Hand 2021-09-16 (ej-1253)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 NL - Bottom Two for Big Money Jc,TcView Hand 2021-09-16 (ej-1252)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 NL - A Medium Pair for All the Marbles 9s,9cView Hand 2021-09-16 (ej-1251)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 NL - TPGK OOPs vs Some Real Good Regs Ac,TcView Hand 2021-09-16 (ej-1250)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 NL - Mississippi Straddle vs Joe Millionaire Kc,TcView Hand 2021-09-16 (ej-1249)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 NL - Be Smart my Foolish Hearts Ah,ThView Hand 2021-09-16 (ej-1248)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 NL - AQs in precarious preflop spot Ad,QdView Hand 2021-09-16 (ej-1247)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 NL - Gettin Jiggedy With It Js,JcView Hand 2021-09-16 (ej-1246)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 NL - SETting the trap vs a Loosey Goosey 5d,5hView Hand 2021-09-16 (ej-1245)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 NL - Pocket Kings Gone Wild Ks,KcView Hand 2021-09-16 (ej-1244)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 NL - Big Lick For Lotsa Chips? 6s,9sView Hand 2021-09-16 (ej-1243)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 NL - Marginal Holding vs Last Hand Guy Th,8hView Hand 2021-08-26 (ej-1242)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 NL - NFD Blocker vs Big Stack Bobby As,JcView Hand 2021-08-26 (ej-1241)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 NL - Degenerate Strikes Back Ad,9dView Hand 2021-08-26 (ej-1240)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 NL - Blind Battle vs Studious Shannon Qd,5cView Hand 2021-08-26 (ej-1239)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 NL - Dead Man's vs Degenerate As,8cView Hand 2021-08-26 (ej-1238)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 NL - Mississippi Straddle Hammertime 7s,2cView Hand 2021-08-26 (ej-1237)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 NL - Jack Ten SOOTED vs ALLLL the players Jd,TdView Hand 2021-08-26 (ej-1236)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 NL - Friends Turning Emenies? Ks,KcView Hand 2021-08-26 (ej-1235)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 NL - Trip Tens vs Tight Teddy Jh,ThView Hand 2021-08-26 (ej-1234)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 NL - Sweet Sweet Setness 2s,2cView Hand 2021-08-26 (ej-1233)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 NL - Top Pair Turn Troubles Ks,9dView Hand 2021-08-26 (ej-1232)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 NL - Early Session Aces As,AcView Hand 2021-08-26 (ej-1231)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2500 WPT Fallsview - Pocket Aces vs Aggro Asian Girl Ah,AdView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1230)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2500 WPT Fallsview - AJdd on the BUBBLE facing Action! Ad,JdView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1229)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2500 WPT Fallsview - Suited Connector LP On the Bubble Ts,9sView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1228)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2500 WPT Fallsview - Crazy Sixes on the bubble 6s,6cView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1227)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2500 WPT Fallsview - Ladies UTG on the BUBBLE Qd,QhView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1226)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2500 WPT Fallsview - 33 Re-shove Spot Near the Money 3s,3cView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1225)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2500 WPT Fallsview - AJo Shallow Stack Action As,JcView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1224)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2500 WPT Fallsview - AQ w/ Action Ahead As,QcView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1223)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2500 WPT Fallsview - Blackjack in the Big Blind Ac,JdView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1222)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2500 WPT Fallsview - Ladies on a Wet Board Qs,QcView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1221)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2500 WPT Fallsview - 54s LP vs BB on dry board 5d,4dView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1220)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2500 WPT Fallsview - AKo Late Position Warfare As,KcView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1219)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2500 WPT Fallsview - TT in Dream Spot Ts,TcView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1218)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2500 WPT Fallsview - K6 sooted on da but! Kh,6hView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1217)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2500 WPT Fallsview - 22 Little Sizzler 2s,2cView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1216)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2500 WPT Fallsview - Small Pot Shenanigans As,2cView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1215)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2500 WPT Fallsview - ATo SB vs strange action As,TcView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1214)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2500 WPT Fallsview - AA oop early vs Aggronaut As,AcView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1213)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2500 WPT Fallsview - Overpair vs OVERBET Qs,QcView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1212)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2500 WPT Fallsview - A8cc 5way fun Ac,8cView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1211)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - DAY 2 - A9cc vs BOB PATTERSON Ac,9cView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1210)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - DAY 2 - ATo Shallow BVB ITM As,TcView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1209)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - DAY 2 - A4o Super Shallow ITM As,4cView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1208)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - DAY 2 - ATo UTG ITM Shallow Stacked As,ThView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1207)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - DAY 2 - Weak Ace - 8 Off the Money - Bubble Spot As,5cView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1206)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - DAY 2 - Big Hand on the Bubble (Big Spot) As,KcView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1205)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - DAY 2 - 89s OTB vs Table Captain Deepstacked 9d,8dView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1204)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - DAY 2 - Sneak Attack in the Small Blind 5d,2dView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1203)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - DAY 2 - AA Shallow vs a Limper Ad,AhView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1202)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - DAY 2 - T9s low board vs a shorty Ts,9sView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1201)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - Marginal Hand w/ Tells Ks,TcView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1200)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - A2o Big Blind De-Fence? As,2hView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1199)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - KK facing crazy action Ks,KcView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1198)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - J7s small blind strange spot Jd,7dView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1197)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - Pocket Tens - Dicey Spot Ts,TcView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1196)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - AQ oop multiway? As,QdView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1195)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - Slaggy openers and BB All-inaments Ac,TcView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1194)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - The BLADES vs a CANNON As,AhView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1193)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - Suited Aces OOP vs a SLAG Ac,TcView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1192)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - AQo vs an Overraise As,QcView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1191)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - AJ Facing early action As,JdView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1190)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - 2 Bullets Under Tha Gun As,AcView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1189)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - Big Draw in the Blinds Ah,7hView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1188)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - Last Hand Before Break Fun 2s,2cView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1187)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - 77 on Not The Best Board 7s,7cView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1186)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - KJo UTG 10 handed??? Js,KhView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1185)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - AJo Facing 4 Opponents As,JhView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1184)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - 67s Multiway Tricky Spot 6d,7dView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1183)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - A5ss vs a Splasher As,5sView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1182)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - A2cc Blind vs Blind Battle Ac,2cView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1181)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - Big Blind Special Multiway 7c,6dView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1180)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - 62 Sooted in a BVB battle 6h,2hView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1179)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 WPT Fallsview - AJsooted GutterBALLIN Ad,JdView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1178)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL - Preflop Punter Problems Jh,JdView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1177)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL - 22 vs NICE Sizing 2c,2sView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1176)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL - AKo SUPER Deep As,KcView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1175)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL - QQ vs Major Cannons Qs,QcView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1174)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL - AJovers on a Dry Board Ad,JsView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1173)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL - 97s vs a LAGasaurus 9s,7sView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1172)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL - KJo late position on wet board Ks,JhView Hand 2020-07-28 (ej-1171)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $550 Turbo Niagara - Blind Battle vs a BLASTER x2 8s,4cView Hand 2019-11-14 (ej-1170)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $550 Turbo Niagara - Blind Battle vs a BLASTER Ks,2sView Hand 2019-11-14 (ej-1169)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $550 Turbo Niagara - Pocket 7s in Cold 4-Bet City 7s,7cView Hand 2019-11-14 (ej-1168)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $550 Turbo Niagara - Pocket Jacks on the Bubble vs the Bully Js,JcView Hand 2019-11-14 (ej-1167)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $550 Turbo Niagara - Short Stack Ninja Tactics w/ AJs Ah,JhView Hand 2019-11-14 (ej-1166)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $550 Turbo Niagara - K9s Short in the Small blind Ks,9sView Hand 2019-11-14 (ej-1165)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $550 Turbo Niagara - Big Blind SPECIAL vs Big Stack Qs,7cView Hand 2019-11-14 (ej-1163)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $550 Turbo Niagara - AKs Facing Limp Reraise ~_~ Ac,KcView Hand 2019-11-14 (ej-1162)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $550 Turbo Niagara - Inderpair vs the Lady in Red Ts,TcView Hand 2019-11-14 (ej-1161)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $550 Turbo Niagara - AQ Dangerous Runout big Action Ac,QsView Hand 2019-11-14 (ej-1160)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $550 Turbo Niagara - Short with KJs facing an EP Limp Kd,JdView Hand 2019-11-14 (ej-1159)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $550 Turbo Niagara - AQo Short and Facing an ISO As,QhView Hand 2019-11-14 (ej-1158)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $550 Turbo Niagara - Taking a TRIPS with QTo Qs,TcView Hand 2019-11-14 (ej-1157)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $550 Turbo Niagara - ATs Ultra Marginal Spot Ad,TdView Hand 2019-11-14 (ej-1156)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $550 Turbo Niagara - The ROOKIE Hand in EP Ks,JcView Hand 2019-11-14 (ej-1155)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $550 Turbo Niagara - Top Pair Trouble Kicker As,8sView Hand 2019-11-14 (ej-1154)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - Top Pair vs a CANNON As,TcView Hand 2019-11-14 (ej-1153)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - WTF Hand of the Year Ks,JdView Hand 2019-11-14 (ej-1152)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - KK vs a couple limpers Ks,KcView Hand 2019-11-14 (ej-1151)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - Q8s in a loose limpey game Qh,8hView Hand 2019-11-14 (ej-1150)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - There's no right way to play JJ Js,JcView Hand 2019-11-14 (ej-1149)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - Top Pair caught up in the sandwich Ts,8sView Hand 2019-11-14 (ej-1148)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - Drawing at the ABSOLUTE NUTS Ah,ThView Hand 2019-11-14 (ej-1147)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - HUGE Spot vs an OG Gripster As,3sView Hand 2019-11-14 (ej-1146)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - The PERFECT Semi Bluffing Hand Ad,5dView Hand 2019-11-14 (ej-1145)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - KTo with a STRADDLE on Ks,TcView Hand 2019-11-14 (ej-1144)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - 33 EP Set Mining Shenanigans 3c,3sView Hand 2019-11-14 (ej-1143)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - Q9s Big Blind not so special Qc,9cView Hand 2019-11-14 (ej-1142)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - KTs oop gettin jiggy wit it Kd,TdView Hand 2019-11-14 (ej-1141)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - Pocket Kings MULTIway Ks,KcView Hand 2019-11-14 (ej-1140)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - Pure 5AM Absurdity... wtf... Js,JcView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1139)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - Red Fives Black Boards 5d,5hView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1138)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - Top Pair Troublesome Kicker Ah,2hView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1137)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - Overfull on the button! Ks,TcView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1136)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - Late Night Poker Action w/ AQo As,QcView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1135)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - RedKings Multiway what to do??? Kh,KdView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1134)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - Suited Connectors up in the Cutoff 8h,7hView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1133)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - AQo OTB Facing DAT HEAT As,QhView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1132)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - Post Dinner Break Special ^_^ Ac,JcView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1131)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - KJ Suited vs BLIND ALL IN Kd,JdView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1130)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - Suited Connected Small Blind Sickness Th,9hView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1129)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - Dead Man's Hand Strikes Again As,8hView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1128)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - Suited Aces in all the right places Ah,2hView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1127)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - We've got ACES but a Flush Hit :/ Ah,AdView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1126)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - Headsup Nutshot As,QsView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1125)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - KQ facing an EP/MP open Ks,QcView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1124)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - All Black Nines on All Red Flops 9s,9cView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1123)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - OESD + BDFD + INSANE ACTION!!! Qc,JcView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1122)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - KK and as usual the Ace comes Ks,KcView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1121)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - Post vs Post Late Positions w/ QQ Qh,QdView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1120)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL Cash - KTs In position vs the Villain AGAIN Ks,TsView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1119)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL Cash - A9o In position vs the Villain Ah,9dView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1118)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL Cash - AKs UTG vs the new guy Ah,KhView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1117)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL Cash - AQs OTB vs Limpers (The Dream) Ad,QdView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1116)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL Cash - AKs lot of action lot. of. action. Ah,KhView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1115)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL Cash - Snowmen facing a 3Bet 8s,8cView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1114)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL Cash - Multiway pot with Crabs EW 3h,3sView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1113)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL Cash - Dicey Spot w/ Limited Reads Ks,JsView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1112)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL Cash - 87s the Battle Goes On 8h,7hView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1111)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL Cash - Too Crazy to Title As,8sView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1110)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL Cash - Suited Ace Big Blind Special? Ah,ThView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1109)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL Cash - AJs caught up in the middle As,JsView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1108)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL Cash - Chad Ocho Cinco in Position 8c,5cView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1107)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL Cash - What a Spot for AQomg Ah,QdView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1106)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL Cash - Kings in a Multiway pot (epic turn) Ks,KcView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1105)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL Cash - AQo UTG vs SQUEEZE As,QhView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1104)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL Cash - Suited Broadway Facing HEAT Qc,JcView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1103)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL Cash - Pocket Potatoes w/ Potential 6s,6cView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1102)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL Cash - Whale spotting with AJo Ah,JdView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1101)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL Cash - Late Position Big Card BATTLE As,QhView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1100)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL Cash - Big Slick on the Button at Niagara Ah,KhView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1099)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 NL Cash - Thin cutoff spot at Niagara As,8hView Hand 2019-11-12 (ej-1098)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - MGM Big Slick BIG DECISION Ah,KhView Hand 2019-11-06 (ej-1097)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - MGM Multiway Potential Drawmination 7s,5sView Hand 2019-11-06 (ej-1096)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - MGM Small Pots, Poor Position, Big Plans Qs,4sView Hand 2019-11-06 (ej-1095)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - MGM Big Slick, Dry Board, Tricky Spot As,KcView Hand 2019-11-06 (ej-1094)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - MGM Massive straddled pot action Kh,KdView Hand 2019-11-06 (ej-1093)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - MGM The Weirdest 1/3 Hand Ever (did I get angled?) Ts,9sView Hand 2019-11-06 (ej-1092)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - MGM Inderpair vs Miss Shorty Gambler Ts,TcView Hand 2019-11-06 (ej-1091)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - MGM Big Blind w/ Tricky Tuns Td,8dView Hand 2019-11-06 (ej-1090)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - MGM Suited Connector Swaggin 9d,7dView Hand 2019-11-06 (ej-1089)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - MGM Small Blind Action As,JhView Hand 2019-11-06 (ej-1088)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$2 (100 CAP) - A9s in Comboland Ac,9cView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1087)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$2 (100 CAP) - ATo SB vs Iso Raise : / As,TcView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1086)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$2 (100 CAP) - NASTY SPOT for Top Pair Tc,7cView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1085)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$2 (100 CAP) - 98s Destination Donkville 9c,8cView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1084)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$2 (100 CAP) - TT OTB 3-Bettin BABY Th,TdView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1083)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$2 (100 CAP) - Top pair vs weird line Kc,QcView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1082)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$2 (100 CAP) - KK UTG vs 3-Bet Kd,KhView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1081)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$2 (100 CAP) - 33 OOP vs 3-Bet 3s,3cView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1080)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$2 (100 CAP) - Kitchies (T3s) on the Post Hand Ts,3sView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1079)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$2 NL (100 Cap) - AA on dry flop feat. Mr Bust As,AcView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1078)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$2 NL (100 Cap) - A4o BB not so special As,4dView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1077)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$2 NL (100 Cap) - JTs tricky OOP top pair Jd,TdView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1076)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$2 NL (100 Cap) - ATo IP vs Old Man Taggers As,TcView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1075)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$2 NL (100 Cap) - Royal Flush Drawin Kh,ThView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1074)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$2 NL (100 Cap) - SUPERNUT straight oop Tc,8dView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1073)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$2 NL (100 Cap) - AK facing Limp Reraise As,KsView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1072)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$2 NL (100 Cap) - How to Play QUADS Qs,6sView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1071)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$2 NL (100 Cap) - Flopping Boats BB Special Jd,8dView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1070)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$2 NL (100 Cap) - Top 2 Pair facing small bets Ks,QhView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1069)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$2 NL (100 Cap) - JTs UTG 3 way Jd,TdView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1068)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - AKo UTG Miss Multiway As,KcView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1067)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - AA Dream Scenario!!! As,AdView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1066)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - T8s OOP Mway vs TIGHT Reg Td,8dView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1065)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - 45s OTB w/ a Poster + Limps 4s,5sView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1064)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - T8s UTG New Game Ts,8sView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1063)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - AA OOP vs Young TAG Ah,AdView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1062)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - T9cc IP multiway vs TILTER Tc,9cView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1061)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 nl - ATdd IP vs Buzz Word Pro Ad,TdView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1060)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$2 nl - A9s BB vs Poster Boy Ac,9cView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1059)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$2 nl - 97s IP vs Hustlin Granny 9d,7dView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1058)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$2 NL - AA In Position vs TAG As,AcView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1057)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$2 NL - 78s In position Mulitway 8c,7cView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1056)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$2 NL - AKo UTG Multiway Kd,AsView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1055)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$2 NL - 98s Small Blind Multiway 9s,8sView Hand 2019-09-21 (ej-1054)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $10000 WSOP Main Event - QQ on LITERAL BUBBLE Qs,QcView Hand 2019-07-30 (ej-1053)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $10000 WSOP Main Event BUBBLE - TT vs Antonio 'The Magician' Esfandiari Td,ThView Hand 2019-07-29 (ej-1052)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $10000 WSOP Main Event - 2012 - JJ vs Dan Harrington Js,JcView Hand 2019-07-29 (ej-1051)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $10000 WSOP Main Event - TT bu vs SB Ts,TcView Hand 2019-07-29 (ej-1050)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $10000 WSOP Main Event - AA Bu vs Ep As,AdView Hand 2019-07-29 (ej-1049)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $10000 WSOP Main Event - KQs utg v bu Ks,QsView Hand 2019-07-29 (ej-1048)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $10000 WSOP Main Event - 99 bu v bb 9s,9cView Hand 2019-07-29 (ej-1047)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $10000 WSOP Main Event - KK multiway Kd,KhView Hand 2019-07-29 (ej-1046)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $10000 WSOP Main Event - AQ bu v co Ah,QdView Hand 2019-07-29 (ej-1045)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $10000 WSOP Main Event - T9dd bu Multiway Td,9dView Hand 2019-07-29 (ej-1044)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $10000 WSOP Main Event - AA mp vs BB As,AhView Hand 2019-07-29 (ej-1043)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $10000 WSOP Main Event - AKs UTG vs UTG+1 Ad,KdView Hand 2019-07-29 (ej-1042)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $10000 WSOP Main Event - JJ Co v HJ Jd,JhView Hand 2019-07-29 (ej-1041)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $10000 WSOP Main Event - KTss MP vs BB Kc,TcView Hand 2019-07-29 (ej-1040)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $10000 WSOP Main Event - 54s BB vs UTG 5d,4dView Hand 2019-07-29 (ej-1039)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $10000 WSOP Main Event - A6s Button vs UTG Ac,6cView Hand 2019-07-29 (ej-1038)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $10000 WSOP Main Event - A2 button vs big blind Ad,2dView Hand 2019-07-29 (ej-1037)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 NL - KK Straddle pot Kd,KhView Hand 2019-06-26 (ej-1036)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 - JJ Straddle pot Js,JcView Hand 2019-06-26 (ej-1035)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 - Pair + FD multiway 9s,8sView Hand 2019-06-26 (ej-1034)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1/$3 - Straight Draw Multiway 8h,7dView Hand 2019-06-26 (ej-1033)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 NL - KJ Multiway Action Kd,JhView Hand 2019-06-26 (ej-1032)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 NL - A6s vs Multiway Action As,6sView Hand 2019-06-26 (ej-1031)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 NL - AA vs EP gambler As,AcView Hand 2019-06-26 (ej-1030)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $2/$5 NL - JJ Facing ACtion Js,JcView Hand 2019-06-21 (ej-1029)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed JTs RIU Reno Main Event Jh,ThView Hand 2019-04-24 (ej-1028)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed $1100 Bounty Even RIU Reno Ks,ThView Hand 2019-04-24 (ej-1027)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed AK 2/5 MUG at RIU Reno Ah,KcView Hand 2019-04-24 (ej-1026)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 34o Aria 2/5 Shorthanded 3d,4hView Hand 2019-04-24 (ej-1025)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 87o Shorthanded 1/2 GRV 8c,7dView Hand 2019-04-24 (ej-1024)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 77 Straddle pot GRV 7s,7cView Hand 2019-04-24 (ej-1023)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed Q8s 1/2 Green Valley Ranch Qs,8sView Hand 2019-04-24 (ej-1022)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/2 Green Valley Ranch QTs Qh,ThView Hand 2019-04-24 (ej-1021)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed Aria 2/5 86s OTB 8c,6cView Hand 2019-04-24 (ej-1020)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed Bellagio 1/3 KK Ks,KcView Hand 2019-04-24 (ej-1019)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 1/3 Bellagio J5s BB Jh,5hView Hand 2019-04-24 (ej-1018)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 10/25 Fallsview 7h,7dView Hand 2019-04-24 (ej-1017)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed KQ Hero call on River Flush Kh,QhView Hand 2019-03-31 (ej1016)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed AA 4-bet or Flat IP As,AhView Hand 2019-03-31 (ej1015)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed A4s 2Pair vs Action Player As,4sView Hand 2019-03-31 (ej1013)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed Light 3-bet 68s in $5k WPT 6d,8dView Hand 2019-03-14 (ej1012)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 55 Set Donking in $5k WPT 5s,5cView Hand 2019-03-14 (ej1011)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed BVB Fallsview $1k Induction As,AhView Hand 2019-03-14 (ej1010)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 89s Implied Odds EP v EP 2/5NL Rama 9s,8sView Hand 2019-03-14 (ej1009)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed 88 EP Implied Odds at Rama 2/5NL 8s,8cView Hand 2019-03-14 (ej1008)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed Big ISO w/ Air at Rama 2/5NL Ts,8dView Hand 2019-03-14 (ej1007)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed Super Range Widen 2/5NL Brantford Ts,7dView Hand 2019-03-14 (ej1006)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed Set vs Trips 2/5NL Brantford 5s,5cView Hand 2019-03-14 (ej1004)
Evan Jarvis - Gripsed Nut Blocker Bluff 2/5NL Brantford Ah,JdView Hand 2019-03-14 (ej1003)