This hand was used for a quiz for
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EasyHand Replayer
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*** ERROR ***
Error Message
EasyHand Replayer
Status Message 58%
What should you do?
Status Message 58%
Add Comment to Action
Quiz Choices
- Enter Amount for 'xxx'.
- Will be displayed at this point in the action.
Leave blank for "What should you do?"
Start New Hand - with new players?
The current Game Setup, (players, blinds, etc.), will be retained,
but player names, stacks.
Action will be reset.
"New Hand" resets player names and stacks.
"Next Hand" keeps player names and stacks.
Start Next Hand - wth same players?
The current Game Setup, (players, blinds, etc.), will be retained,
and player names and stacks.
Action will be reset.
"New Hand" resets player names and stacks.
"Next Hand" keeps player names and stacks.
Choice 0 / Pts 0
Choice 1 / Pts 1
Choice 2 / Pts 2
Choice 3 / Pts 3
Save Hand to EasyHand Cloud
*Event (required) e.g. $1,500 WSOP, $200 online, $5/$10 NL, $1,100 Live
This will be used when listing, or searching for hands.
*Description (required) Also used when listing, or searching for hands.
Result and Comments Will be displayed at the end of the action.
Game Type Cash or Tournament
Opponent Position UTG, UTG+1, Multiple, etc.
Opponent Description (leave blank to get from player box)
Tags for searches Separate by Commas.
Unique Id If replacing an existing hand after edits.
Replace Existing Hand If unchecked, (or ID is blank),then a new hand with a new ID will be created.