User's Hands

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Trent - VF 1/3 cash Aria - KK in LJ Ks,KcView Hand 2024-07-26 (trt-1003)
Trent - VF 1500 WSOP - 2 orbits until bubble As,KdView Hand 2024-07-26 (trt-1002)
Trent - VF 1/3 cash Aria - JJ in SB Js,JcView Hand 2024-07-26 (trt-1001)
Derek - Derek wsop2024-deepstack8 - wsop 2024 deepstack hand #8 review Js,JcView Hand 2024-07-26 (dek-1009)
Derek - Derek wsop2024-deepstack7 - wsop 2024 deepstack hand #7 review Qs,QdView Hand 2024-07-26 (dek-1008)
Derek - Derek wsop2024-deepstack6 - wsop 2024 deepstack hand #6 review As,KhView Hand 2024-07-26 (dek-1007)
Derek - Derek wsop2024-deepstack5 - wsop 2024 deepstack hand #5 review Th,TdView Hand 2024-07-26 (dek-1006)
Derek - Derek wsop2024-deepstack4 - wsop 2024 deepstack hand #4 review Ah,AsView Hand 2024-07-26 (dek-1005)
Derek - Derek wsop2024-deepstack3 - wsop 2024 deepstack hand #3 review As,AcView Hand 2024-07-26 (dek-1004)
Derek - Derek wsop2024-deepstack2 - wsop 2024 deepstack hand #2 review 9s,9cView Hand 2024-07-26 (dek-1003)
Derek - Derek wsop2024-deepstack1 - wsop 2024 deepstack hand #1 review As,9sView Hand 2024-07-26 (dek-1002)
Faraz Jaka - $1500 WSOP Freeze Out ITM - Hand 17 Js,9sView Hand 2024-07-25 (jaa-1963)
Faraz Jaka - $1500 WSOP Freeze Out ITM - Hand 16 Ah,TcView Hand 2024-07-25 (jaa-1962)
Faraz Jaka - $1500 WSOP Freeze Out ITM - Hand 15 3h,2hView Hand 2024-07-25 (jaa-1961)
Faraz Jaka - $1500 WSOP Freeze Out Direct Bubble - Hand 14 9d,3dView Hand 2024-07-25 (jaa-1960)
Faraz Jaka - $1500 WSOP Freeze Out Direct Bubble - Hand 14 9d,3dView Hand 2024-07-25 (jaa-1959)
Faraz Jaka - $1500 WSOP Freeze Out Direct Bubble - Hand 13 5h,5dView Hand 2024-07-25 (jaa-1958)
Faraz Jaka - $1500 WSOP Freeze Out Near Bubble - Hand 12 Js,9sView Hand 2024-07-25 (jaa-1957)
Faraz Jaka - $1500 WSOP Freeze Out Near Bubble - Hand 11 Jh,9cView Hand 2024-07-25 (jaa-1956)
Faraz Jaka - $3k WSOP 6 Max 8% Remain - Hand 10 Ad,9dView Hand 2024-07-25 (jaa-1955)
Faraz Jaka - $3k WSOP 6 Max Near Bubble - Hand 9 Ks,6sView Hand 2024-07-25 (jaa-1954)
Faraz Jaka - $3k WSOP 6 Max Near Bubble - Hand 8 As,9hView Hand 2024-07-25 (jaa-1953)
Faraz Jaka - $3k WSOP 6 Max Near Bubble - Hand 7 As,5hView Hand 2024-07-25 (jaa-1952)
Faraz Jaka - $3k WSOP 6 Max Near Bubble - Hand 7 As,5hView Hand 2024-07-25 (jaa-1951)
Faraz Jaka - $3k WSOP Midstakes 10% Remain - Hand 6 As,5hView Hand 2024-07-25 (jaa-1950)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Punt into nit Ah,QsView Hand 2024-07-25 (aew-1066)
Justin A - WSOP $500 - Bet flop or turn? As,KdView Hand 2024-07-25 (adn-1010)
Justin A - TCH $250k - 2 from bubble 9s,9hView Hand 2024-07-25 (adn-1009)
JJ - wsop 10k main event day 2 - playing against aggro great britain guy early day 2 Kh,KdView Hand 2024-07-24 (jcj-1611)
Faraz Jaka - $3k WSOP Midstakes 10% Remain - Hand 5 9d,9hView Hand 2024-07-24 (jaa-1949)
Faraz Jaka - $3k WSOP Midstakes 10% Remain - Hand 4 Js,JdView Hand 2024-07-24 (jaa-1948)
Faraz Jaka - $3k WSOP Midstakes 10% Remain - Hand 3 8s,8hView Hand 2024-07-24 (jaa-1947)
Faraz Jaka - $3k WSOP Midstakes 16% Remain - Hand 2 Js,TsView Hand 2024-07-24 (jaa-1946)
Faraz Jaka - $3k WSOP Midstakes 16% Remain - Hand 1 Ks,TsView Hand 2024-07-24 (jaa-1945)
Faraz Jaka - $3k WSOP Midstakes Championship - Day 2 ITM - Hand 9 Kc,JsView Hand 2024-07-24 (jaa-1944)
Faraz Jaka - $3k WSOP Midstakes Championship - Day 2 ITM - Hand 8 3s,3hView Hand 2024-07-24 (jaa-1943)
Faraz Jaka - $3k WSOP Midstakes Championship - Day 2 - Hand 7 Kh,4hView Hand 2024-07-24 (jaa-1942)
Faraz Jaka - $3k WSOP Midstakes Championship - Day 2 - Hand 6 Ad,5dView Hand 2024-07-24 (jaa-1941)
Faraz Jaka - $3k WSOP Midstakes Championship - Day 2 - Hand 4 As,9sView Hand 2024-07-24 (jaa-1940)
Faraz Jaka - $3k WSOP Midstakes Championship Day 2 - Hand 5 Kd,TdView Hand 2024-07-24 (jaa-1939)
Faraz Jaka - $3k WSOP Midstakes Championship - Hand 3 Kd,ThView Hand 2024-07-24 (jaa-1938)
Faraz Jaka - $3k WSOP Midstakes Championship - Hand 2 As,KhView Hand 2024-07-24 (jaa-1937)
Faraz Jaka - $3k WSOP Midstakes Championship - Hand 1 Tc,8cView Hand 2024-07-24 (jaa-1936)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $10K 6 Max - Hand 3 8s,6hView Hand 2024-07-24 (jaa-1935)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $10K 6 Max - Hand 2 Kh,QhView Hand 2024-07-24 (jaa-1934)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $10K 6 Max - Hand 1 As,4hView Hand 2024-07-24 (jaa-1933)
JJ - WSOP 10k main event day 2 - thoughts on postflop play 3 bet pot? As,6sView Hand 2024-07-23 (jcj-1610)
JJ - WSOP 10k main event day 2 - thoughts on 4 bet on main event day 2 with AKo? As,KhView Hand 2024-07-23 (jcj-1609)
JJ - WSOP 10k main event day 3 - thoughts on early flop play on day 3 if UTG1 is tight? Kh,AdView Hand 2024-07-23 (jcj-1608)
JJ - WSOP 10k main event day 3 - bustout hand- anything else you do differently? 9s,8cView Hand 2024-07-23 (jcj-1607)
Zak - $22 PKO 10k ACR - $22 PKO 10k ACR Ad,2dView Hand 2024-07-21 (prz-1003)
JC - LEARN TO COPE WSOP 2024 Main - 44 bottom set 4d,4hView Hand 2024-07-21 (jec-1184)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 4 #5 - thought I was back in it Th,TcView Hand 2024-07-21 (fly-2155)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 4 #4 - good hand, but board and OOP Kc,QcView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2154)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 4 #3 - what is he calling with? look up spot Ah,AdView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2153)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 4 #2 - Ace from space! As,AcView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2152)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 4 #1 - ITM. If HJ folds I flat. 7s,7hView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2151)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 3 #18 - only played one hand this level 10. +1 said he folded 10s Ah,KhView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2150)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 3 #17 - only played one hand this level Ks,KhView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2149)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 3 #16 - small ball As,JhView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2148)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 3 #15 - straightforward Qh,QcView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2147)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 3 #14 - playing very conservatively OOP 6s,6hView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2146)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 3 #13 - only way I can get chips is calling all-ins Ad,KhView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2145)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 3 #12 - sliding backwards and hadnt played a hand in over an hour Qs,QhView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2144)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 3 #11 - set mining 5s,5cView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2143)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 3 #10 - missed value or just a bad board and OOP? As,JsView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2142)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 3 #9 - 3b pre? Kh,QhView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2141)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 3 #8 - these hands are how we slide backwards 6s,6cView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2140)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 3 #7 - this guy hadnt raised yet, suddenly 3b me As,KhView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2139)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 3 #6 - Bvb is something I need to work on Kh,ThView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2138)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 3 #5 - not sure if I like this spot, but OOP is tough As,QhView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2137)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 3 #4 - early vs Russian Pro. Possible call, but dont want to chase OOP 5s,4hView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2136)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 3 #3 - BB looked like he wanted to bet the turn Ts,TcView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2135)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 3 #3 - very next hand Ah,QhView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2134)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 3 #2 - dead on the turn Qs,JhView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2133)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 3 #1 - Early in Day 3. No real reads yet Ac,TcView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2132)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #32 - so badly misplayed but Im tired Ac,QhView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2131)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #31 - getting late. MIssed value? Trying to protect my stack Js,JcView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2130)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #30 - meh As,JhView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2129)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #29 - ugh Kh,ThView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2128)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #28 - capped> missed value or bad board? 8s,6hView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2127)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #27 - First time facing a 3b from this player Kd,JdView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2126)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #26 - capped? missed value? As,5sView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2125)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #25 - capped? 3s,3cView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2124)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #24 - winners tilt? whats the proper play here? As,QhView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2123)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #23 - good hand, ugly board Qs,JhView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2122)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #22 - is this a bet? If so, sizing? As,KcView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2121)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #21 - meh As,9sView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2120)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #20 - Vs freq c-better Ah,7hView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2119)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #19 - Squeeze? Has to be big. Missed value on river? As,QhView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2118)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #18 - Sizing? Qh,QdView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2117)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #17 - Sizing? Qs,QcView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2116)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #16 - dont like how I played this one. Turn and River Kd,JdView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2115)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #15 - nut flush, but of course its BS As,JsView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2114)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #14 - set mining, but bad board. Think my sizing could be better. River decision? 4s,4cView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2113)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #13 - dont like my sizing pre. Post? As,TcView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2112)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #12 - 4b raise or shove? Sizing is weird As,AhView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2111)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #11 - didnt raise cause this guy never folds to 3b Ks,QsView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2110)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #10 - ugh damn cold caller Qs,QcView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2109)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #9 - tough situation, couldve been worse vs better player Js,JcView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2108)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #8 - not interesting, but this is how you slowly lose chips Qh,JhView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2107)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #7 - back below starting Ac,TcView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2106)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #6 - dont like my play esp on river Ad,TdView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2105)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #5 - couldve been worse Ah,6hView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2104)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #4 - 3rd double of the day... finally above starting As,KhView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2103)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #3 - look up pre flop Ah,ThView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2102)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #2 - vs aggro opener Qs,QcView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2101)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 2 #1 - first hand of the day... why do I study? Js,TsView Hand 2024-07-20 (fly-2100)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - 99 SB history mad BTN 9h,9cView Hand 2024-07-19 (ker-1601)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - 99 SB history with BTN 9s,9cView Hand 2024-07-19 (ker-1600)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - 99 SB facing 4x BTN rfi 9s,9hView Hand 2024-07-19 (ker-1599)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - 99 SB facing 4x BTN rfi 9s,9hView Hand 2024-07-19 (ker-1598)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 1 #22 - big losses 7s,5sView Hand 2024-07-19 (fly-2099)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 1 #21 - small wins.... Ks,QcView Hand 2024-07-19 (fly-2098)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 1 #20 - this fucking guy 8h,7hView Hand 2024-07-19 (fly-2097)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 1 #19 - decision time Ac,KcView Hand 2024-07-19 (fly-2096)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 1 #18 - huh? As,KhView Hand 2024-07-19 (fly-2095)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 1 #17 - this guy Js,JcView Hand 2024-07-19 (fly-2094)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 1 #16 - interesting.... can I hit a flush? Ad,5dView Hand 2024-07-19 (fly-2093)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 1 #15 - misplayed or bad board. I think the former Qs,8sView Hand 2024-07-19 (fly-2092)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 1 #14 - The overcall As,KhView Hand 2024-07-19 (fly-2091)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 1 #13 - Starting to feel it? As,KhView Hand 2024-07-19 (fly-2090)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 1 #12 - Starting to feel it? As,QhView Hand 2024-07-19 (fly-2089)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 1 #11 - whipped dog Ks,KhView Hand 2024-07-19 (fly-2088)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 1 #10 - literally the 2nd hand back from my walk Qs,QcView Hand 2024-07-19 (fly-2087)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 1 #9 - I didnt want big hands early Ts,TcView Hand 2024-07-19 (fly-2086)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 1 #8 - bad board Qs,QhView Hand 2024-07-19 (fly-2085)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 1 #7 - this guy turns into my nemesis As,AcView Hand 2024-07-19 (fly-2084)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 1 #6 - no reads yet As,KsView Hand 2024-07-19 (fly-2083)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 1 #5 - Blocking bet? Qd,JdView Hand 2024-07-19 (fly-2082)
Bob - Bobothy 1칸 - 1칸 Qd,JcView Hand 2024-07-18 (jwk-1068)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 1 #4 - no reads yet on this kid Kc,ThView Hand 2024-07-18 (fly-2081)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 1 #3 - Big hands coming early Ks,KcView Hand 2024-07-18 (fly-2080)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 1 #2 - 2nd hand and already punting. Or is it? Ah,JhView Hand 2024-07-18 (fly-2079)
John Borges - John B 2024 Main Day 1 #1 - Closest I come to starting stack for a long time 6d,4dView Hand 2024-07-18 (fly-2078)
Chang - fishandkook 2/5 - test Ac,KcView Hand 2024-07-18 (cay-1001)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 137 As,KcView Hand 2024-07-18 (bdo-2283)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 136 As,QcView Hand 2024-07-18 (bdo-2282)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 135 6d,6hView Hand 2024-07-18 (bdo-2281)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 134 As,JsView Hand 2024-07-18 (bdo-2280)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 133 Kd,QsView Hand 2024-07-18 (bdo-2279)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 132 Kc,TcView Hand 2024-07-18 (bdo-2278)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 131 Kc,QcView Hand 2024-07-18 (bdo-2277)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 130 Ts,ThView Hand 2024-07-18 (bdo-2276)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 129 As,KsView Hand 2024-07-18 (bdo-2275)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 128 As,JhView Hand 2024-07-18 (bdo-2274)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 127 6h,5hView Hand 2024-07-18 (bdo-2273)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 126 Qh,9hView Hand 2024-07-18 (bdo-2272)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 125 Th,TcView Hand 2024-07-18 (bdo-2271)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 124 Th,7hView Hand 2024-07-18 (bdo-2270)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 123 As,KhView Hand 2024-07-18 (bdo-2269)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 122 6c,6sView Hand 2024-07-18 (bdo-2268)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 121 Ac,JsView Hand 2024-07-18 (bdo-2267)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 120 Js,7hView Hand 2024-07-18 (bdo-2266)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 119 Js,8sView Hand 2024-07-18 (bdo-2265)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 118 As,QdView Hand 2024-07-18 (bdo-2264)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 117 4s,4hView Hand 2024-07-18 (bdo-2263)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 116 Js,JcView Hand 2024-07-18 (bdo-2262)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 115 Ad,9dView Hand 2024-07-18 (bdo-2261)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 114 Ah,4hView Hand 2024-07-18 (bdo-2260)
Cameron - Ranging - IP SRP paired board As,JdView Hand 2024-07-17 (his-1096)
John Borges - John B Orleans 5th #15 - decision pre / As played is this a call post? Ac,QcView Hand 2024-07-16 (fly-2077)
John Borges - John B Orleans 5th #14 - Sizing? As,QhView Hand 2024-07-16 (fly-2076)
John Borges - John B Orleans 5th #13 - one of the few times.... Th,8hView Hand 2024-07-16 (fly-2075)
John Borges - John B Orleans 5th #12 - vs limp-caller again 8s,8hView Hand 2024-07-16 (fly-2074)
John Borges - John B Orleans 5th #11 - vs limp-caller Ac,JcView Hand 2024-07-16 (fly-2073)
John Borges - John B Orleans 5th #10 - vs limp-caller Qs,TcView Hand 2024-07-16 (fly-2072)
John Borges - John B Orleans 5th #9 - 3b range. Look up As,ThView Hand 2024-07-16 (fly-2071)
John Borges - John B Orleans 5th #8 - so bad. I had seen him chase before Ah,QhView Hand 2024-07-16 (fly-2070)
John Borges - John B Orleans 5th #7 - squeezing the punisher Ah,KsView Hand 2024-07-16 (fly-2069)
John Borges - John B Orleans 5th #6 - unforeseen raise 9s,9hView Hand 2024-07-16 (fly-2068)
John Borges - John B Orleans 5th #5 - Sizing? Qs,TsView Hand 2024-07-16 (fly-2067)
John Borges - John B Orleans 5th #4 - OOP As,ThView Hand 2024-07-16 (fly-2066)
John Borges - John B Orleans 5th #3 - Trying to squeeze As,JhView Hand 2024-07-16 (fly-2065)
John Borges - John B Orleans 5th #2 - Didnt expect to see that hand As,AcView Hand 2024-07-16 (fly-2064)
John Borges - John B Orleans 5th #1 - sizing pre and post Qh,QdView Hand 2024-07-16 (fly-2063)
P37 - Fugu 1/3 playground - Monster jam wtf 9s,9hView Hand 2024-07-16 (ezr-1001)
Jimmy - WPTLC ME - Flop shove 2 pair monotone board Kh,QdView Hand 2024-07-15 (jls-1006)
Jimmy - WPTLC ME - OESD on flop Js,TdView Hand 2024-07-15 (jls-1005)
John Borges - John B Orleans 4th #22 - is this a fold or go with it? Not in $ yet but looming 9s,9hView Hand 2024-07-15 (fly-2062)
John Borges - John B Orleans 4th #21 - range 3b. Look this up As,JhView Hand 2024-07-15 (fly-2061)
John Borges - John B Orleans 4th #20 - range betting Ks,QhView Hand 2024-07-15 (fly-2060)
John Borges - John B Orleans 4th #19 - trapped or capped? As,QhView Hand 2024-07-15 (fly-2059)
John Borges - John B Orleans 4th #18 - range betting As,7hView Hand 2024-07-15 (fly-2058)
John Borges - John B Orleans 4th #17 - new table. Look up this spot. Repping range 8s,8hView Hand 2024-07-15 (fly-2057)
John Borges - John B Orleans 4th #16 - against good young kid As,JhView Hand 2024-07-15 (fly-2056)
John Borges - John B Orleans 4th #15 - I shouldve remembered this one later 2s,2hView Hand 2024-07-15 (fly-2055)
John Borges - John B Orleans 4th #14 - look this spot up As,KhView Hand 2024-07-15 (fly-2054)
John Borges - John B Orleans 4th #13 - check to protect Ad,AsView Hand 2024-07-15 (fly-2053)
John Borges - John B Orleans 4th #12 - protecting equity 5s,5hView Hand 2024-07-15 (fly-2052)
John Borges - John B Orleans 4th #11 - range betting Ks,QsView Hand 2024-07-15 (fly-2051)
John Borges - John B Orleans 4th #10 - Is this a big bet board? Look it up As,QhView Hand 2024-07-15 (fly-2050)
John Borges - John B Orleans 4th #9 - dont like this hand Ks,9hView Hand 2024-07-15 (fly-2049)
John Borges - John B Orleans 4th #8 - capped Qs,9cView Hand 2024-07-15 (fly-2048)
John Borges - John B Orleans 4th #7 - so many outs Kd,TdView Hand 2024-07-15 (fly-2047)
John Borges - John B Orleans 4th #6 - should I be afraid of him re-raising river? Ks,QhView Hand 2024-07-15 (fly-2046)
John Borges - John B Orleans 4th #5 - should I blast river? 4s,4hView Hand 2024-07-15 (fly-2045)
John Borges - John B Orleans 4th #4 - is this a range bet? Look up As,9sView Hand 2024-07-15 (fly-2044)
John Borges - John B Orleans 4th #3 - accidental limp. Why is BB barreling? 9s,9hView Hand 2024-07-15 (fly-2043)
John Borges - John B Orleans 4th #2 - betting range. Look up Ah,JhView Hand 2024-07-15 (fly-2042)
John Borges - John B Orleans 4th #1 - Late entry. Vs straightforward Ks,KcView Hand 2024-07-15 (fly-2041)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP main event day 2 hands - Jeremy Menard - #30 Jc,JsView Hand 2024-07-14 (jaa-1932)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP main event day 2 hands - Jeremy Menard - #29 Tc,8cView Hand 2024-07-14 (jaa-1931)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP main event day 2 hands - Jeremy Menard - #28 Qd,QsView Hand 2024-07-14 (jaa-1930)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP main event day 2 hands - Jeremy Menard - #27 Kd,QhView Hand 2024-07-14 (jaa-1929)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP main event day 2 hands - Jeremy Menard - #26 Th,9dView Hand 2024-07-14 (jaa-1928)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP main event day 2 hands - Jeremy Menard - #25 Ad,AhView Hand 2024-07-14 (jaa-1927)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP main event day 2 hands - Jeremy Menard - #24 Ac,TsView Hand 2024-07-14 (jaa-1926)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP main event day 2 hands - Jeremy Menard - #23 6h,6cView Hand 2024-07-14 (jaa-1925)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP main event day 2 hands - Jeremy Menard - #22 As,QhView Hand 2024-07-14 (jaa-1924)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP main event day 2 hands - Jeremy Menard - #21 Kd,QsView Hand 2024-07-14 (jaa-1923)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP main event day 2 hands - Jeremy Menard - #20 Kc,9cView Hand 2024-07-14 (jaa-1922)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP main event day 2 hands - Jeremy Menard - #19 Td,TcView Hand 2024-07-14 (jaa-1921)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP main event day 2 hands - Jeremy Menard - #18 Kc,TcView Hand 2024-07-14 (jaa-1920)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP main event day 2 hands - Jeremy Menard - #17 9s,6sView Hand 2024-07-14 (jaa-1919)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP main event day 2 hands - Jeremy Menard - #16 Qd,JhView Hand 2024-07-14 (jaa-1918)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP main event day 2 hands - Jeremy Menard - #15 Kh,6hView Hand 2024-07-14 (jaa-1917)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP main event day 2 hands - Jeremy Menard - #14 Ks,JsView Hand 2024-07-14 (jaa-1916)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP main event day 2 hands - Jeremy Menard - #13 5s,5dView Hand 2024-07-14 (jaa-1915)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP main event day 2 hands - Jeremy Menard - #12 Ad,4dView Hand 2024-07-14 (jaa-1914)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP main event day 2 hands - Jeremy Menard - #11 As,JsView Hand 2024-07-14 (jaa-1913)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP main event day 2 hands - Jeremy Menard - #10 Ac,3cView Hand 2024-07-14 (jaa-1912)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP main event day 2 hands - Jeremy Menard - #9 Qh,QsView Hand 2024-07-14 (jaa-1911)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP main event day 2 hands - Jeremy Menard - #8 Kd,QsView Hand 2024-07-14 (jaa-1910)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP main event day 2 hands - Jeremy Menard - #7 2s,2cView Hand 2024-07-14 (jaa-1909)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP main event day 2 hands - Jeremy Menard - #6 Kd,TsView Hand 2024-07-14 (jaa-1908)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP main event day 2 hands - Jeremy Menard - #5 Ac,5dView Hand 2024-07-14 (jaa-1907)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP main event day 2 hands - Jeremy Menard - #4 Tc,TdView Hand 2024-07-14 (jaa-1906)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP main event day 2 hands - Jeremy Menard - #3 Th,9hView Hand 2024-07-14 (jaa-1905)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP main event day 2 hands - Jeremy Menard - #2 8s,8cView Hand 2024-07-14 (jaa-1904)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP main event day 2 hands from Jeremy Menar - Jeremy Menard 5s,5cView Hand 2024-07-14 (jaa-1903)
John Borges - John B WSOP Seniors #26 - facing big bet and uncapped range 9s,9dView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2040)
John Borges - John B WSOP Seniors #25 - facing 4b shove As,KhView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2039)
John Borges - John B WSOP Seniors #24 - New table Ac,KcView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2038)
John Borges - John B WSOP Seniors #23 - go for value? Sizing? Ks,9sView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2037)
John Borges - John B WSOP Seniors #22 - vs sticky player Ks,QsView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2036)
John Borges - John B WSOP Seniors #21 - straightforward As,AcView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2035)
John Borges - John B WSOP Seniors #22 - hate OOP Th,AsView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2034)
John Borges - John B WSOP Seniors #21 - facing aggression Ah,4hView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2033)
John Borges - John B WSOP Seniors #20 - damn, I couldve stolen this pot As,ThView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2032)
John Borges - John B WSOP Seniors #19 - finally As,AhView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2031)
John Borges - John B WSOP Seniors #18 - dont like this one but running short Ks,ThView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2030)
John Borges - John B WSOP Seniors #17 - trending downwards Ad,7dView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2029)
John Borges - John B WSOP Seniors #16 - in a spot Kd,JdView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2028)
John Borges - John B WSOP Seniors #15 - vs BTN opening ranges As,8hView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2027)
John Borges - John B WSOP Seniors #14 - not sure what to do Kh,JhView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2026)
John Borges - John B WSOP Seniors #13 - flopping well Th,9hView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2025)
John Borges - John B WSOP Seniors #12 - flopping big. Can I get there? Ah,8hView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2024)
John Borges - John B WSOP Seniors #11 - cbet here? Sizing? Ah,JhView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2023)
John Borges - John B WSOP Seniors #10 - double barrel? Ks,9hView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2022)
John Borges - John B WSOP Seniors #9 - where should I bet? As,QhView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2021)
John Borges - John B WSOP Seniors #8 - cbet sizing or check back? Ks,KcView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2020)
John Borges - John B WSOP Seniors #7 - Raise? Jc,TcView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2019)
John Borges - John B WSOP Seniors #6 - folds ATo face up Jh,7dView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2018)
John Borges - John B WSOP Seniors #5 - vs BTN opening ranges As,JhView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2017)
John Borges - John B WSOP Seniors #4 - wonder if a small bet is better instead of vs capped ranges As,QsView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2016)
John Borges - John B WSOP Seniors #3 - vs donk multiway Qh,9hView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2015)
John Borges - John B WSOP Seniors #2 - bvb As,6sView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2014)
John Borges - John B WSOP Seniors #1 - dont like how I played this one on flop/river As,QhView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2013)
John Borges - John B Orleans Tuesday #22 - Look this up. Offsuit made difference to me. Not sure if right As,TcView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2012)
John Borges - John B Orleans Tuesday #21 - flop range bet, but what about turn? Look up 8s,8cView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2011)
John Borges - John B Orleans Tuesday #20 - feeling it Ks,KcView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2010)
John Borges - John B Orleans Tuesday #19 - feeling it Js,9cView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2009)
John Borges - John B Orleans Tuesday #18 - vs weird sizing Kh,QcView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2008)
John Borges - John B Orleans Tuesday #17 - vs passives As,ThView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2007)
John Borges - John B Orleans Tuesday #16 - check to see if this is an open. Think its bottom Js,6sView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2006)
John Borges - John B Orleans Tuesday #15 - squeeze spot or keep position? As,QhView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2005)
John Borges - John B Orleans Tuesday #14 - vs weird line. Jam? Kh,QhView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2003)
John Borges - John B Orleans Tuesday #13 - vs straightforward As,JsView Hand 2024-07-14 (fly-2002)
Jarred Gabin - GodsBigToe Circuit multi way with KJ - Circuit multi way with KJ Kh,JhView Hand 2024-07-13 (god-1018)
Jarred Gabin - GodsBigToe Circuit Event - 67o triple multiway 7h,6sView Hand 2024-07-12 (god-1017)
Bob - Bobothy A6 A8 - f As,6dView Hand 2024-07-10 (jwk-1067)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 113 Kc,QsView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2259)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 112 Tc,TsView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2258)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 111 Js,8hView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2257)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 110 As,TcView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2256)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 109 Ad,7dView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2255)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 108 Ad,QdView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2254)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 107 Ac,5cView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2253)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 106 Kd,9dView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2252)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 105 8c,2cView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2251)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 104 2d,2cView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2250)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 103 As,6hView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2249)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 102 Jd,8sView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2248)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 101 Tc,6sView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2247)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 100 Ah,2dView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2246)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 99 Ah,KdView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2245)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 98 Ah,2hView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2244)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 97 Kh,QhView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2243)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 96 Qh,QdView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2242)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 95 Qs,JsView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2241)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 94 Ad,ThView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2240)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 93 As,JcView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2239)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 92 9s,3sView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2238)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 91 Qh,QdView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2237)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 90 Ah,QdView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2236)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 89 As,JsView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2235)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 88 Ks,JsView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2234)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 87 8c,6hView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2233)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 86 9c,8sView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2232)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 85 9h,9sView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2231)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 84 Ad,TsView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2230)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 83 Kd,QsView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2229)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 82 Ts,ThView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2228)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 81 Kc,QcView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2227)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 80 Jc,JsView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2226)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 79 Qd,QcView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2225)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 78 Js,9cView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2224)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 77 Js,5sView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2223)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 76 As,AhView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2222)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 75 9d,7dView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2221)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 74 Ad,QhView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2220)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 73 Ks,4sView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2219)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 72 As,4dView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2218)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 71 Kh,TdView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2217)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 70 Ah,QdView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2216)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 69 Ad,2dView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2215)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 68 Ks,QhView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2214)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 67 Ah,7hView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2213)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 66 As,KhView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2212)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 65 Jh,TcView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2211)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 64 Kc,ThView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2210)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 63 Ah,JdView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2209)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 62 Js,JhView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2208)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 61 6s,2sView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2207)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 60 Ad,ThView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2206)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 59 Js,JcView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2205)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 58 7s,6cView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2204)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 57 Qs,ThView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2203)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 56 Ks,QhView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2202)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 55 Ah,9hView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2201)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 54 Ac,QcView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2200)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 53 Ad,QdView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2199)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 52 Qd,8cView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2198)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 51 Ac,JcView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2197)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 50 Qh,9dView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2196)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 49 Td,6hView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2195)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 48 8h,7hView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2194)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 47 Ah,AdView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2193)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 46 Ks,9sView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2192)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 45 As,3sView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2191)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 44 Ac,TdView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2190)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 43 Qd,JsView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2189)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 42 Qs,ThView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2188)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 41 Qd,JdView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2187)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 40 Ad,QhView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2186)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 39 8s,7sView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2185)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 38 Ks,3sView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2184)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 37 Ac,QdView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2183)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 36 9s,6hView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2182)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 35 Jc,JdView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2181)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 34 Ks,QhView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2180)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 33 Tc,9sView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2179)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 32 Ah,JhView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2178)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 31 Ks,2hView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2177)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 30 8d,7dView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2176)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 29 Ts,8hView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2175)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 28 Qs,3cView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2174)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 27 Js,JhView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2173)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 26 Jd,TsView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2172)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 25 Ah,TcView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2171)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 24 Ah,QhView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2170)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 23 Ks,ThView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2169)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 22 Th,TdView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2168)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 21 Qs,ThView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2167)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 20 Js,ThView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2166)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 19 9h,5cView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2165)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 18 Ah,QhView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2164)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 17 Th,8dView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2163)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 16 Qd,TdView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2162)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 15 As,2sView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2161)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 14 Qd,9cView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2160)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 13 Qh,JhView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2159)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 12 Kc,JcView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2158)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 11 Ad,2dView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2157)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 10 Ad,JhView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2156)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 9 Ks,JcView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2155)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 8 Qh,JhView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2154)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 7 Qs,TsView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2153)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 6 7s,6sView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2152)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 5 Qd,QsView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2151)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 4 3d,3cView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2150)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 3 As,KhView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2149)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 2 Ts,9sView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2148)
PokerCoaching - JL Summer 2024 Hands - 1 Js,9sView Hand 2024-07-10 (bdo-2147)
skateordie87 - 1/2 - 1010 set did not bet turn after draws present Ts,TcView Hand 2024-07-09 (foo-1002)
kevinkeo - wsop2024 - wsop2024 first hand Qs,5sView Hand 2024-07-07 (kvn-1001)
Faraz Jaka - Kenny Hsiung - Hand 3 View Hand 2024-07-04 (jaa-1902)
Faraz Jaka - Kenny Hsiung - Hand 2 5s,3sView Hand 2024-07-04 (jaa-1901)
Faraz Jaka - Kenny Hsiung - Hand 1 Qs,8sView Hand 2024-07-04 (jaa-1900)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $10k Main Event Day 1 - Hand 26 9d,5dView Hand 2024-07-04 (jaa-1899)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $10k Main Event Day 1 - Hand 25 Td,9dView Hand 2024-07-04 (jaa-1898)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $10k Main Event Day 1 - Hand 24 Ah,KdView Hand 2024-07-04 (jaa-1897)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $10k Main Event Day 1 - Hand 23 8h,7dView Hand 2024-07-04 (jaa-1896)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $10k Main Event Day 1 - Hand 22 Kh,8sView Hand 2024-07-04 (jaa-1895)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $10k Main Event Day 1 - Hand 21 Qd,TdView Hand 2024-07-04 (jaa-1894)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $10k Main Event Day 1 - Hand 20 Kc,JcView Hand 2024-07-04 (jaa-1893)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $10k Main Event Day 1 - Hand 19 Kd,5dView Hand 2024-07-04 (jaa-1892)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $10k Main Event Day 1 - Hand 18 Ks,2sView Hand 2024-07-04 (jaa-1891)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $10k Main Event Day 1 - Hand 17 Kh,TcView Hand 2024-07-04 (jaa-1890)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $10k Main Event Day 1 - Hand 16 As,6sView Hand 2024-07-04 (jaa-1889)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $10k Main Event Day 1 - Hand 15 Ad,8dView Hand 2024-07-04 (jaa-1888)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $10k Main Event Day 1 - Hand 14 Ks,9hView Hand 2024-07-04 (jaa-1887)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $10k Main Event Day 1 - Hand 13 Ah,KdView Hand 2024-07-04 (jaa-1886)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $10k Main Event Day 1 - Hand 12 8s,6dView Hand 2024-07-04 (jaa-1885)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $10k Main Event Day 1 - Hand 11.5 Ks,KcView Hand 2024-07-04 (jaa-1884)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $10k Main Event Day 1 - Hand 11 Ah,9hView Hand 2024-07-04 (jaa-1883)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $10k Main Event Day 1 - Hand 10 Qc,9cView Hand 2024-07-04 (jaa-1882)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $10k Main Event Day 1 - Hand 9 Ad,JsView Hand 2024-07-04 (jaa-1881)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $10k Main Event Day 1 - Hand 8 As,4sView Hand 2024-07-04 (jaa-1880)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $10k Main Event Day 1 - Hand 7 Kd,3dView Hand 2024-07-04 (jaa-1879)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $10k Main Event Day 1 - Hand 6 Th,6cView Hand 2024-07-04 (jaa-1878)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $10k Main Event Day 1 - Hand 5 As,JhView Hand 2024-07-04 (jaa-1877)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $10k Main Event Day 1 - Hand 4 6s,5hView Hand 2024-07-04 (jaa-1876)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $10k Main Event Day 1 - Hand 3 Ad,5dView Hand 2024-07-04 (jaa-1875)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $10k Main Event Day 1 - Hand 2 Js,7sView Hand 2024-07-04 (jaa-1874)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $10k Main Event Day 1 - Hand 1 As,TdView Hand 2024-07-04 (jaa-1873)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game 4h,4cView Hand 2024-07-03 (top-1055)
Selma - Selma Mini Main - Throw Up Hand Qc,JcView Hand 2024-07-03 (sla-1299)
skateordie87 - 1/2 - 1/2 Bluff 5d,6dView Hand 2024-07-02 (foo-1001)
Selma - Selma Ladies Day 2 - 99 into TT 9h,9dView Hand 2024-07-01 (sla-1298)
Selma - Selma Ladies Day 2 - Tens get 3 bet Th,TdView Hand 2024-07-01 (sla-1297)
Louis - €250 IPT Main event - Royal Straight Flush Qc,TcView Hand 2024-06-30 (lop-1001)
Don Bisco - Blitz D1 MS WSOP - RFMV Ks,TsView Hand 2024-06-30 (don-1090)
Don Bisco - Blitz D1 MS WSOP - DB Qs,TsView Hand 2024-06-30 (don-1089)
Don Bisco - Blitz D1 MS WSOP - BBR Qs,JsView Hand 2024-06-30 (don-1088)
Don Bisco - Blitz D1 MS WSOP - PRB 8s,9sView Hand 2024-06-30 (don-1087)
Don Bisco - Blitz D1 MS WSOP - Represent the range Qh,JdView Hand 2024-06-30 (don-1086)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - AKo on BTN facing UTG rfi, 8 away from money As,KhView Hand 2024-06-28 (ker-1597)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - 99 LJ 14bb facing UTG rfi 9s,9hView Hand 2024-06-28 (ker-1596)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - 76s 11bb from HJ 7c,6cView Hand 2024-06-28 (ker-1595)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - J2o SB folds to me Js,2hView Hand 2024-06-28 (ker-1594)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - 66 +1 to act 6s,6hView Hand 2024-06-28 (ker-1593)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - 55 +1 rfi 5s,5hView Hand 2024-06-28 (ker-1592)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - QQ +2 rfi Qd,QcView Hand 2024-06-28 (ker-1591)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - AKo rfi facing 13bb shove As,KhView Hand 2024-06-28 (ker-1590)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - AJo +2 rfi, 5 handed Ac,JhView Hand 2024-06-28 (ker-1589)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - TT SB facing BTN 16bb shove Ts,ThView Hand 2024-06-28 (ker-1588)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - 74o BTN facing LJ limp 7c,4sView Hand 2024-06-28 (ker-1587)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - A6s LJ facing UTG limp Ah,6hView Hand 2024-06-28 (ker-1586)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - J5o CO facing 2 limpers Js,5hView Hand 2024-06-28 (ker-1585)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - A5s LJ rfi Ad,5dView Hand 2024-06-28 (ker-1584)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - AA in BB facing LJ rfi As,AcView Hand 2024-06-28 (ker-1583)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - Q9o BB facing BTN raise over limper Qd,9sView Hand 2024-06-28 (ker-1582)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - A9s HJ rfi Ac,9cView Hand 2024-06-28 (ker-1581)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - AKo UTG rfi As,KhView Hand 2024-06-28 (ker-1580)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - T9s +2 rfi Td,9dView Hand 2024-06-28 (ker-1579)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - AKs in BB facing 2 limpers Ah,KhView Hand 2024-06-28 (ker-1578)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - BTN facing limp from CO Ah,6hView Hand 2024-06-28 (ker-1577)
Bob - Bobothy AJ - asd As,JsView Hand 2024-06-28 (jwk-1066)
Jimmy - $0.5/$1 cashie - Facing overbet on river Ah,9cView Hand 2024-06-28 (jls-1004)
Tom - Tee 2.5€/2.5€ live - Tough spot 2 View Hand 2024-06-27 (pii-1002)
Tom - Tee 2.5€/2.5€ live - Playing vs Whale Ah,8cView Hand 2024-06-26 (pii-1001)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - A8s BTN facing +2 rfi Ac,8cView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1576)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - KJo BTN facing 1 limper Kh,JcView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1575)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - TT SB rfi Ts,TcView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1574)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - KQo +1 rfi Kh,QsView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1573)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - J9o BTN rfi Js,9hView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1572)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - Q6o BB facing 3 limpers Qs,6hView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1571)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - QJs BTN rfi Qd,JdView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1570)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - QJs BTN rfi Qd,JdView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1569)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - JTs in BB facing 2 limpers Jh,ThView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1568)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - AJo LJ rfi As,JhView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1567)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - AKo in BB facing TIGHT UTG rfi As,KhView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1566)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - 77 on BTN facing 2 limpers 7h,7cView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1565)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - 43o in BB facing 3 limpers 4d,3cView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1564)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - KQo CO facing +2 limp Kc,QdView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1563)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - AKo SB rfi As,KhView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1562)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 1B 2024 - T8s CO facing HJ rfi Tc,8cView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1561)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 2024 - A6s UTG rfi As,6sView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1560)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 2024 - Q9s in BB facing BTN rfi Qd,9dView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1559)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 2024 - 98s HJ rfi 9h,8hView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1558)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 2024 - QTs BTN facing 4 limpers Qs,TsView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1557)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 2024 - A9o BB facing +2 rfi Ac,9sView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1556)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP Sr 2024 - BTN QJo facing HJ rfi Qs,JdView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1555)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - K3s LJ (BTN) rfi Ks,3sView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1554)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - 55 in BB w/ 6bb facing CO rfi 5h,5cView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1553)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - J6o UTG w/ 8bb Js,6hView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1552)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - A3o BTN rfi Ac,3hView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1551)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - TT in BB facing LJ limp Ts,ThView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1550)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - 99 from +2 rfi 9s,9hView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1549)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - 95s in BB facing SB limp 9c,5cView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1548)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - AQo BTN rfi Ah,QdView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1547)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - QQ UTG rfi Qs,QcView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1546)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - 98o BTN rfi 9c,8sView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1545)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - 98o BTN rfi 9c,8sView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1544)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - 55 in CO facing +1 rfi 5s,5hView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1543)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - AJs +2 rfi Ac,JcView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1542)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - K8o BTN rfi Kd,8hView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1541)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - 99 in SB facing 4x BTN rfi 9h,9cView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1540)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - A8o CO facing HJ rfi As,8hView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1539)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - AQx in SB facing +2 rfi As,QsView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1538)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - AJo in BB facing 7bb shove from HJ As,JhView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1537)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - K9s BTN facing 2 limpers Ks,9sView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1536)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - AA in BB facing +1 rfi As,AcView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1535)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - J6s BB facing HJ rfi Js,6sView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1534)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - 66 BB facing CO rfi 6s,6hView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1533)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - 66 HJ facing UTG rfi 6h,6cView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1532)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - 66 HJ facing UTG rfi 6h,6cView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1531)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - KK HJ rfi Ks,KhView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1530)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - TT in HJ facing 2 limpers Ts,ThView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1529)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - 87o BTN rfi 8h,7cView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1528)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - ATs in BB facing +1 rfi Ac,TcView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1527)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - 88 LJ rfi 8s,8cView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1526)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - TT in HJ facing UTG rfi Th,TcView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1525)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - QQ on BTN facing CO rfi Qs,QdView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1524)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - A9s HJ facing UTG rfi As,9sView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1523)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans Sr 2024 - KQs CO facing UTG limp Kc,QcView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1522)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans MS 2024 - 77 in +2 w/ 14bb facing +1 rfi 7s,7cView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1521)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans MS 2024 - ATo LJ rfi Ah,TdView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1520)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans MS 2024 - AKo UTG rfi facing 3 all-in Ad,KhView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1519)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans MS 2024 - J8s HJ rfi Js,8sView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1518)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans MS 2024 - JJ in BB facing big raise from CO Js,JhView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1517)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans MS 2024 - QQ in UTG rfi Qh,QdView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1516)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans MS 2024 - QQ in LJ rfi Qs,QcView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1515)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans MS 2024 - 54s in BB 15bb facing +1 rfi 5h,4hView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1514)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans MS 2024 - 54s in BB 15bb facing +1 rfi 5h,4hView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1514)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans MS 2024 - T9o BTN facing 2 limpers Td,9sView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1513)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans MS 2024 - 65s in SB facing 4 limpers 6d,5dView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1512)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans MS 2024 - 77 in SB facing +3 rfi 7s,7hView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1511)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans MS 2024 - KJo BB facing +1 rfi Kh,JdView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1510)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans MS 2024 - A8s in +1 facing 3-bet from pro in +3 Ad,8dView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1509)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans MS 2024 - KK in +1 facing 3-bet from +3 Kh,KdView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1508)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans MS 2024 - Q9s LJ facing limp from +1 Qs,9sView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1507)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans MS 2024 - Jake JTo in BB vs. HJ rfi Jd,TcView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1506)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans MS 2024 - +3 facing big bet from LAG in SB 3s,3dView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1505)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans MS 2024 - 88 on BTN facing HJ rfi 8s,8hView Hand 2024-06-26 (ker-1504)
Bob - Bobothy J7s - a Js,7sView Hand 2024-06-26 (jwk-1065)
Bob - Bobothy K9cc - d Kc,9cView Hand 2024-06-26 (jwk-1064)
John Borges - John B Orleans Tuesday #12 - Very next hand. Triple barrel? Ks,KcView Hand 2024-06-26 (fly-2001)
John Borges - John B Orleans Tuesday #11 - BB Floater who bets big if checked to As,QhView Hand 2024-06-26 (fly-2000)
John Borges - John B Orleans Tuesday #10 - check cause OOP or bet? Sizing? Look this up As,AcView Hand 2024-06-26 (fly-1999)
John Borges - John B Orleans Tuesday #9 - capped ranges 8s,7hView Hand 2024-06-26 (fly-1998)
John Borges - John B Orleans Tuesday #8 - 8-handed. Look up this spot Js,9sView Hand 2024-06-26 (fly-1997)
John Borges - John B Orleans Tuesday #7 - 8-handed. bet sizing? 2s,2cView Hand 2024-06-26 (fly-1996)
John Borges - John B Orleans Tuesday #6 - 8-handed. 2's are killing me vs player to right Jc,5cView Hand 2024-06-26 (fly-1995)
John Borges - John B Orleans Tuesday #5 - 7-handed. small-big Ts,ThView Hand 2024-06-26 (fly-1994)
John Borges - John B Orleans Tuesday #4 - 6-handed. Married to hand. Need to find a fold Qs,QcView Hand 2024-06-26 (fly-1993)
John Borges - John B Orleans Tuesday #3 - 5-handed. Is this a spot to lead river? Kc,JcView Hand 2024-06-26 (fly-1992)
John Borges - John B Orleans Tuesday #2 - 5-handed. 7h,6hView Hand 2024-06-26 (fly-1991)
John Borges - John B Orleans Tuesday #1 - 4-handed. Ad,ThView Hand 2024-06-26 (fly-1990)
John Borges - John B Orleans Seniors #15 - bottom of calling range Qs,JhView Hand 2024-06-26 (fly-1989)
John Borges - John B Orleans Seniors #14 - capped? beware of people who know As,ThView Hand 2024-06-26 (fly-1988)
John Borges - John B Orleans Seniors #13 - Call or fold pre? Kd,JdView Hand 2024-06-26 (fly-1987)
John Borges - John B Orleans Seniors #12 - Saw him check his cards Kh,9sView Hand 2024-06-26 (fly-1986)
John Borges - John B Orleans Seniors #11 - OOP sucks Ad,QhView Hand 2024-06-26 (fly-1985)
John Borges - John B Orleans Seniors #10 - small-big Qh,8hView Hand 2024-06-26 (fly-1984)
John Borges - John B Orleans Seniors #9 - can I get a nut flush?? As,JsView Hand 2024-06-26 (fly-1983)
John Borges - John B Orleans Seniors #8 - facing small CR Qs,TcView Hand 2024-06-26 (fly-1982)
John Borges - John B Orleans Seniors #7 - get it in bad... As,JsView Hand 2024-06-26 (fly-1981)
John Borges - John B Orleans Seniors #6 - against a wildcard who is looking to bust 9s,9hView Hand 2024-06-26 (fly-1980)
John Borges - John B Orleans Seniors #5 - stab or just give up? Kc,TcView Hand 2024-06-26 (fly-1979)
John Borges - John B Orleans Seniors #4 - starting to increase the aggression 8c,7cView Hand 2024-06-26 (fly-1978)
John Borges - John B Orleans Seniors #3 - is this a check? As,KhView Hand 2024-06-26 (fly-1977)
John Borges - John B Orleans Seniors #2 - squeeze? Is hand too good to waste? Ad,QdView Hand 2024-06-26 (fly-1976)
John Borges - John B Orleans Seniors #1 - late reg level 5 early in As,AcView Hand 2024-06-26 (fly-1975)
Bob - Bobothy T5cc - asd Ah,6hView Hand 2024-06-25 (jwk-1063)
Bob - Bobothy QTss - asd Qs,TsView Hand 2024-06-25 (jwk-1062)
John Borges - John B Orleans Sunday #14 - I hate this hand Ts,TcView Hand 2024-06-24 (fly-1974)
John Borges - John B Orleans Sunday #13 - dont soft play a nice neighbor!!! First time I took passive line and I dont like it As,KdView Hand 2024-06-24 (fly-1973)
John Borges - John B Orleans Sunday #12 - called for it Ah,3cView Hand 2024-06-24 (fly-1972)
John Borges - John B Orleans Sunday #11 - reshove led to fold.... now steaming Jd,TdView Hand 2024-06-24 (fly-1971)
John Borges - John B Orleans Sunday #10 - capped ranges 8c,8sView Hand 2024-06-24 (fly-1970)
John Borges - John B Orleans Sunday #9 - How??? 9d,8dView Hand 2024-06-24 (fly-1969)
John Borges - John B Orleans Sunday #8 - small-big Qh,9hView Hand 2024-06-24 (fly-1968)
John Borges - John B Orleans Sunday #7 - capped ranges Ks,QhView Hand 2024-06-24 (fly-1967)
John Borges - John B Orleans Sunday #6 - trying to bluff the station Ks,QhView Hand 2024-06-24 (fly-1966)
John Borges - John B Orleans Sunday #5 - Squeeze? 9s,9cView Hand 2024-06-24 (fly-1965)
John Borges - John B Orleans Sunday #4 - raise sizing? As,QhView Hand 2024-06-24 (fly-1964)
John Borges - John B Orleans Sunday #3 - body language 3c,3sView Hand 2024-06-24 (fly-1963)
John Borges - John B Orleans Sunday #2 - rule breaker, but no equity Ac,2cView Hand 2024-06-24 (fly-1962)
John Borges - John B Orleans Sunday #1 - raise sizing? Qs,QcView Hand 2024-06-24 (fly-1961)
Selma - Selma Mill Maker - annoying player Ad,8dView Hand 2024-06-23 (sla-1296)
Selma - Selma Mill Maker - top pair vs shove Ac,QcView Hand 2024-06-23 (sla-1295)
Chris Radford - Radford999 $500 live MTT - bad beat Ah,3hView Hand 2024-06-23 (rdd-1019)
John Borges - John B Monster 1B #5 - 8-handed. Relative low point of trip Js,JcView Hand 2024-06-23 (fly-1960)
John Borges - John B Monster 1B #4 - 8-handed. Betting ranges Qs,JsView Hand 2024-06-23 (fly-1959)
John Borges - John B Monster 1B #3 - 7-handed. Capped Ks,9sView Hand 2024-06-23 (fly-1958)
John Borges - John B Monster 1B #2 - 6-handed. Not on my game. Missed value Js,JcView Hand 2024-06-23 (fly-1957)
John Borges - John B Monster 1B #1 - 5-handed. Early 8c,8sView Hand 2024-06-23 (fly-1956)
John Borges - John B Monster 1A #14 - Know this guy is going to bet big Ks,QdView Hand 2024-06-23 (fly-1955)
John Borges - John B Monster 1A #13 - Boards arent cooperating Qs,QhView Hand 2024-06-23 (fly-1954)
John Borges - John B Monster 1A #13 - 8-handed. Turning point 6c,6sView Hand 2024-06-23 (fly-1953)
John Borges - John B Monster 1A #12 - 8-handed. Still too passive As,9sView Hand 2024-06-23 (fly-1952)
John Borges - John B Monster 1A #11 - 8-handed. Went w/ my read... guy bets big when strong Kh,QcView Hand 2024-06-23 (fly-1951)
John Borges - John B Monster 1A #10 - 8-handed. Trying to rebuild Kh,9cView Hand 2024-06-23 (fly-1950)
John Borges - John B Monster 1A #9 - 8-handed. Trying to rebuild Kc,KhView Hand 2024-06-23 (fly-1949)
John Borges - John B Monster 1A #8 - 7-handed. Turn cbet should be larger IMO 9s,8sView Hand 2024-06-23 (fly-1948)
John Borges - John B Monster 1A #7 - 7-handed. Too passive? feels like it but GTO says ok Qs,JhView Hand 2024-06-23 (fly-1947)
John Borges - John B Monster 1A #6 - 7-handed. Early mistakes get compounded Ts,TcView Hand 2024-06-23 (fly-1946)
John Borges - John B Monster 1A #5 - 7-handed. Hate the way I played this one Kd,TcView Hand 2024-06-23 (fly-1945)
John Borges - John B Monster 1A #4 - 7-handed. Waste of quads Js,JcView Hand 2024-06-23 (fly-1944)
John Borges - John B Monster 1A #3 - 7-handed. Qc,TcView Hand 2024-06-23 (fly-1943)
John Borges - John B Monster 1A #2 - 7-handed. +2 and BTN empty Ah,8dView Hand 2024-06-23 (fly-1942)
John Borges - John B Monster 1A #1 - 5-handed so everyone is wider than normal 7s,7dView Hand 2024-06-23 (fly-1941)
John Borges - John B Orleans Thurs #8 - vs knowledgeable player Ah,9hView Hand 2024-06-23 (fly-1940)
John Borges - John B Orleans Thurs #7 - high point (for the next few days - sigh) Ks,KcView Hand 2024-06-23 (fly-1939)
John Borges - John B Orleans Thurs #6 - seems like I keep playing OOP As,KhView Hand 2024-06-23 (fly-1938)
John Borges - John B Orleans Thurs #5 - bad runout or too passive? I think the latter Ad,AhView Hand 2024-06-23 (fly-1937)
John Borges - John B Orleans Thurs #4 - missed opportunity Ah,9hView Hand 2024-06-23 (fly-1936)
John Borges - John B Orleans Thurs #3 - early As,3hView Hand 2024-06-23 (fly-1935)
John Borges - John B Orleans Thurs #2 - early Jd,JcView Hand 2024-06-23 (fly-1934)
John Borges - John B Orleans Thurs #1 - early Ah,7hView Hand 2024-06-23 (fly-1933)
Jimmy - $400 MTT Star Sydney - All-in on turn with gutshot Ac,QcView Hand 2024-06-19 (jls-1003)
Jimmy - Tuesday night cashie - Multi-way with JJ Jh,JdView Hand 2024-06-19 (jls-1002)
Jimmy - Tuesday night cashie - 160BB all in on flop Qs,9sView Hand 2024-06-19 (jls-1001)
Faraz Jaka - Marc Torrence. $800 WSOP on Thursday - Hand 4 Ks,QsView Hand 2024-06-19 (jaa-1872)
Faraz Jaka - Marc Torrence. $800 WSOP on Thursday - Hand 3 Ac,2cView Hand 2024-06-19 (jaa-1871)
Faraz Jaka - Marc Torrence. $800 WSOP on Thursday - Hand 2 Ts,9dView Hand 2024-06-19 (jaa-1870)
Faraz Jaka - Marc Torrence. $800 WSOP on Thursday - Hand 1 7h,7dView Hand 2024-06-19 (jaa-1869)
Faraz Jaka - Stacey Ceragioli. Monster stack (Day 1B) - Hand 1 Kc,9cView Hand 2024-06-19 (jaa-1868)
Faraz Jaka - Kyle Martin. WSOP Mystery Millions 1c - Hand 2 Kd,8dView Hand 2024-06-19 (jaa-1867)
Faraz Jaka - Kyle Martin. WSOP Mystery Millions 1d - Hand 1 As,5sView Hand 2024-06-19 (jaa-1866)
Faraz Jaka - Brian Roelke. Monster Stack - Hand 2 Js,JdView Hand 2024-06-19 (jaa-1865)
Faraz Jaka - Brian Roelke. Monster Stack - Hand 1 Js,9hView Hand 2024-06-19 (jaa-1864)
Faraz Jaka - Sebastian Park. $333 WSOP Online Bracelet Eve - Hand 3 Jd,6dView Hand 2024-06-19 (jaa-1863)
Faraz Jaka - Sebastian Park. WSOP $300 Gladiator - Hand 2 As,AcView Hand 2024-06-19 (jaa-1862)
Faraz Jaka - Sebastian Park. WSOP 1500 Freezeout - Hand 1 Ah,AsView Hand 2024-06-19 (jaa-1861)
Faraz Jaka - Travis Young - Hand 2 6s,6dView Hand 2024-06-19 (jaa-1860)
Selma - Selma WSOP 1500 - BB Blunder with AK Ad,KsView Hand 2024-06-18 (sla-1294)
Selma - Selma WSOP 1500 - Short vs BB Ad,QdView Hand 2024-06-18 (sla-1293)
Selma - Selma WSOP Deep Stack 1500 - BB flush draw 9s,2sView Hand 2024-06-18 (sla-1292)
Faraz Jaka - Travis Young - Hand 1 As,JdView Hand 2024-06-18 (jaa-1859)
Faraz Jaka - JOSHUA SISAK. Mystery millions 1K buyin - Hand 3 Ts,TcView Hand 2024-06-18 (jaa-1858)
Faraz Jaka - JOSHUA SISAK. Mystery millions 1K buyin - Hand 2 Qd,7dView Hand 2024-06-18 (jaa-1857)
Faraz Jaka - JOSHUA SISAK. Mystery millions 1K buyin - Hand 1 Ac,JhView Hand 2024-06-18 (jaa-1856)
Faraz Jaka - Judith Q. Bielan. Mystery Bounty $1100 Aria - Hand 1 As,QhView Hand 2024-06-18 (jaa-1855)
Faraz Jaka - Carey P. Aria BetMGM Mystery Bounty - Hand 1 Th,TcView Hand 2024-06-18 (jaa-1854)
Faraz Jaka - Michael. WSOP $1K mystery bounty - Hand 1 Ks,TsView Hand 2024-06-18 (jaa-1853)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - I Muck No Show 9s,8sView Hand 2024-06-18 (aew-1065)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Another Ridic Cooler 4s,4hView Hand 2024-06-18 (aew-1064)
Alex - Yoda 20/40 NL - Hero Fold Correctly Kc,QcView Hand 2024-06-18 (aew-1063)
Alex - Yoda 20/40 NL - Idk how this got through Ks,9hView Hand 2024-06-18 (aew-1062)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MS 2024 - AKo facing 3-bet from BTN As,KhView Hand 2024-06-16 (ker-1503)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MS 2024 - KQs CO facing LJ rfi and HJ flat Ks,QsView Hand 2024-06-16 (ker-1502)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MS 2024 - AQs BTN facing +2 rfi As,QsView Hand 2024-06-16 (ker-1501)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MS 2024 - AJo facing LJ 13bb shove and HJ flat As,JhView Hand 2024-06-16 (ker-1500)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MS 2024 - KTs +2 facing UTG limp Kh,ThView Hand 2024-06-16 (ker-1499)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MS 2024 - AJo SB facing CO rfi As,JcView Hand 2024-06-16 (ker-1498)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MS 2024 - Q8s BTN facing LJ rfi CO flat Qh,8hView Hand 2024-06-16 (ker-1497)
Bob - Bobothy TT flop - ff Th,TcView Hand 2024-06-16 (jwk-1061)
Fish Face Poker - tourn - donk turn donk riv Kh,ThView Hand 2024-06-16 (gee-1004)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Mega Pot Kc,KdView Hand 2024-06-16 (aew-1061)
Pulse of Hearts - $1/$2 NL - Bluffed Jonathan Little's Brother Kh,9hView Hand 2024-06-15 (umb-1002)
Pulse of Hearts - $1/$2 NL - Max and Bald Tattoo Fish Kc,QsView Hand 2024-06-15 (umb-1001)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MS 2024 - T5s in BB calling HJ rfi Ts,5sView Hand 2024-06-15 (ker-1496)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MS 2024 - A8o rfi CO Ac,8hView Hand 2024-06-15 (ker-1495)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MS 2024 - Q8s SB 3-bet over CO rfi Qc,8cView Hand 2024-06-15 (ker-1494)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MS 2024 - KTs rfi BTN Kh,ThView Hand 2024-06-15 (ker-1493)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MS 2024 - AJs SB facing HJ rfi, CO & BTN flats Ad,JdView Hand 2024-06-15 (ker-1492)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MS 2024 - 97s in SB facing HJ rfi 9s,7sView Hand 2024-06-15 (ker-1491)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MS 2024 - KT BTN 3-bet over CO Kc,ThView Hand 2024-06-15 (ker-1490)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MS 2024 - AA in SB facing CO limp Ah,AcView Hand 2024-06-15 (ker-1489)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MS 2024 - QQ in LJ 3-bet over +2 Qs,QcView Hand 2024-06-15 (ker-1488)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MS 2024 - Q5s LJ rfi (BB not there) Qc,5cView Hand 2024-06-15 (ker-1487)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MS 2024 - KK in SB facing CO rol Ks,KhView Hand 2024-06-15 (ker-1486)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MS 2024 - KK in SB facing CO rol Ks,KhView Hand 2024-06-15 (ker-1485)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MS 2024 - Q8s LJ rfi Qh,8hView Hand 2024-06-15 (ker-1484)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Orleans 2024 - BTN 44 facing UTG open 4s,4hView Hand 2024-06-15 (ker-1483)
Jeremy M - Bay 101 5k - Bay 101 5k Hand 11 Tc,AhView Hand 2024-06-14 (med-1010)
Jeremy M - Bay 101 5k - Bay 101 5k Hand 10 Ts,TdView Hand 2024-06-14 (med-1009)
Jeremy M - Bay 101 5k - Bay 101 5k Hand 9 Ah,QcView Hand 2024-06-14 (med-1008)
Jeremy M - Bay 101 5k - Bay 101 5k Hand8 Ad,AsView Hand 2024-06-14 (med-1007)
Jeremy M - Bay 101 5k - Bay 101 5k Hand 67 Qs,8hView Hand 2024-06-14 (med-1006)
Jeremy M - Bay 101 5k - Bay 101 5k Hand 5 9s,9hView Hand 2024-06-14 (med-1005)
Jeremy M - Bay 101 5k - Bay 101 5k Hand 4 Ac,KdView Hand 2024-06-14 (med-1004)
Jeremy M - Bay 101 5k - Bay 101 5k Hand 3 Ah,4hView Hand 2024-06-14 (med-1003)
Jeremy M - Bay 101 5k - Bay 101 5k Hand 2 Qh,QdView Hand 2024-06-14 (med-1002)
Jeremy M - Bay 101 5k - Bay 101 5k Hand 1 As,QcView Hand 2024-06-14 (med-1001)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MS 2024 - SB 3-bet 7s,2hView Hand 2024-06-14 (ker-1482)
Bob - Bobothy turn donk - dd Jd,6dView Hand 2024-06-14 (jwk-1060)
WannabeSauce - $5/$10 NL - srp multi way vs fish rob As,AdView Hand 2024-06-14 (htj-1003)
Brian - BVA NLH $2/$5 - Aria Jd,JcView Hand 2024-06-14 (brv-1010)
Brian - BVA NLH $2/$5 - Wynn Qs,JhView Hand 2024-06-14 (brv-1009)
Brian - BVA NLH $2/$5 - Wynn As,AdView Hand 2024-06-14 (brv-1008)
Brian - BVA NLH $2/$5 - Wynn 3d,3sView Hand 2024-06-14 (brv-1007)
Brian - BVA NLH $2/$5 - Wynn 6s,6cView Hand 2024-06-14 (brv-1006)
Brian - BVA NLH $2/$5 - Wynn Kd,KcView Hand 2024-06-14 (brv-1005)
Brian - BVA NLH $2/$5 - Wynn Ks,JsView Hand 2024-06-14 (brv-1004)
Brian - BVA NLH $2/$5 - Wynn Ac,3cView Hand 2024-06-14 (brv-1003)
Brian - BVA $2/$5 - Live at TCH LC Ks,QcView Hand 2024-06-14 (brv-1002)
Brian - BVA $2/$5 NL - Live at TCH LC Kc,QsView Hand 2024-06-14 (brv-1001)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Light 3 bet spots 4 - Q40 in SB Qs,4dView Hand 2024-06-13 (jec-1183)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Light 3 bet spots 3 - A50 in SB Ac,5hView Hand 2024-06-13 (jec-1182)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Light 3 bet spots 2 - Q9s Qs,9sView Hand 2024-06-13 (jec-1181)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Light 3 bet spots 1 - K8s Kd,8dView Hand 2024-06-13 (jec-1180)
WannabeSauce - $5/$10 NL - 3b bb v lj iso Ks,AdView Hand 2024-06-13 (htj-1002)
WannabeSauce - $5/$10 NL - srp co hj fish Ac,KsView Hand 2024-06-13 (htj-1001)
Max - Saytoe 5/10 TCH Austin - -3bet bluff on the flop in a 3bet pot 9c,8cView Hand 2024-06-12 (mxp-1003)
Fish Face Poker - WSOP Main Event - Pot bet vs short stack Ks,QcView Hand 2024-06-12 (gee-1003)
Fish Face Poker - WSOP - 3b pot Vs maniac Js,TsView Hand 2024-06-12 (gee-1002)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#76 Kh,QhView Hand 2024-06-10 (wjm-1076)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#75 Ad,KdView Hand 2024-06-09 (wjm-1075)
Parker - East homegame - homegame Ts,7dView Hand 2024-06-09 (pae-1002)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game View Hand 2024-06-08 (top-1054)
Fish Face Poker - $50/$100 - Trap Vs Aggro Opponent Qs,5sView Hand 2024-06-08 (gee-1001)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Small Pot with the Wizard 9s,8sView Hand 2024-06-08 (aew-1060)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Massive Cooler Ks,KcView Hand 2024-06-08 (aew-1059)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Duke Blasts Off Ah,KsView Hand 2024-06-08 (aew-1058)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Nit Fold on Turn Ah,9hView Hand 2024-06-08 (aew-1057)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Nitroll on River 7h,4hView Hand 2024-06-08 (aew-1056)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - River Chop Kd,TdView Hand 2024-06-08 (aew-1055)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - What did he have? 8c,9cView Hand 2024-06-08 (aew-1054)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Nitty Fold Overpair Ts,ThView Hand 2024-06-08 (aew-1053)
craig Stuart savage - 1-secret-1 WSOP - Bubble play As,TcView Hand 2024-06-06 (css-1007)
craig Stuart savage - 1-secret-1 WSOP - Mikha -B v B battle Ts,7cView Hand 2024-06-06 (css-1006)
craig Stuart savage - 1-secret-1 WSOP - Getting paid Qd,7dView Hand 2024-06-06 (css-1005)
craig Stuart savage - 1-secret-1 WSOP - Runout River jam? Ad,6dView Hand 2024-06-06 (css-1004)
craig Stuart savage - 1-secret-1 WSOP - Mikha tough fold 9c,8hView Hand 2024-06-06 (css-1003)
craig Stuart savage - 1-secret-1 WSOP - Mikha at WSOP1 Kh,8hView Hand 2024-06-06 (css-1002)
craig Stuart savage - 1-secret-1 $10 PS PA - Hubie vs "target/Sticky Ad,AhView Hand 2024-06-06 (css-1001)
Chris - GG $17.75 turbo - Alistair #5 6d,6hView Hand 2024-06-06 (cil-1005)
Chris - $25 GG game - Alistair #4 Ad,7dView Hand 2024-06-06 (cil-1004)
Chris - $25 GG game - Alistair #3 Qs,5sView Hand 2024-06-06 (cil-1003)
Chris - Stars - Alistair #2 Ah,7hView Hand 2024-06-06 (cil-1002)
Chris - GG game - Alistair #1 Ac,6hView Hand 2024-06-06 (cil-1001)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - RIP Brother As,KcView Hand 2024-06-06 (aew-1052)
Selma - Selma Daytona 300 - Top pair in BB Qs,9hView Hand 2024-06-04 (sla-1291)
Bob - Bobothy TT - asd Th,TcView Hand 2024-06-03 (jwk-1059)
Bob - Bobothy KTdd - asd Kd,TdView Hand 2024-06-03 (jwk-1058)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Max Value on river Js,TsView Hand 2024-06-01 (aew-1051)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Shoulda Folded to the river raise Kd,QcView Hand 2024-06-01 (aew-1050)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Punt into AA Ad,5dView Hand 2024-06-01 (aew-1049)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - 50 BB Cooler Td,ThView Hand 2024-06-01 (aew-1048)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Bricking Open Ended Jh,ThView Hand 2024-06-01 (aew-1047)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Bluff into the Nuts 8d,7dView Hand 2024-06-01 (aew-1046)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Bluff Calling Kh,JhView Hand 2024-06-01 (aew-1045)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Bluffing the straights Ah,QhView Hand 2024-06-01 (aew-1044)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Getting Donked into Ah,QcView Hand 2024-06-01 (aew-1043)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Standard 4betpot Ad,QdView Hand 2024-06-01 (aew-1042)
- 1-3 Live - Alex Hand #3 June 2024 Ac,KcView Hand 2024-05-31 (tar-1004)
- 1-3 - Hand #2 for Alex June 2024 As,QhView Hand 2024-05-31 (tar-1003)
John Borges - John B WSOPC LA #2 - Selective Aggression Kd,QsView Hand 2024-05-31 (fly-1932)
- Live 1-3 - Hand #1 for A. Fitz July 2024 9h,9cView Hand 2024-05-30 (tar-1002)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Donating to the Any2 Fish 5d,4dView Hand 2024-05-30 (aew-1041)
John Borges - John B WSOPC LA #9 - Selective Aggression Td,8cView Hand 2024-05-29 (fly-1931)
John Borges - John B WSOPC LA #8 - Selective Aggression Ad,7sView Hand 2024-05-29 (fly-1930)
John Borges - John B WSOPC LA #7 - Selective Aggression Ts,7dView Hand 2024-05-29 (fly-1929)
John Borges - John B WSOPC LA #6 - Selective Aggression Kh,8hView Hand 2024-05-29 (fly-1928)
John Borges - John B WSOPC LA #5 - Selective Aggression 5d,3cView Hand 2024-05-29 (fly-1927)
John Borges - John B WSOPC LA #4 - Selective Aggression Qs,QdView Hand 2024-05-29 (fly-1926)
John Borges - John B WSOPC LA #3 - Selective Aggression Th,TdView Hand 2024-05-29 (fly-1925)
John Borges - John B WSOPC LA #2 - Selective Aggression Kd,QsView Hand 2024-05-29 (fly-1924)
John Borges - John B WSOPC LA #1 - Selective Aggression 8c,5dView Hand 2024-05-29 (fly-1923)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Classic Nutflush Blocker Ac,QhView Hand 2024-05-29 (aew-1040)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Bluffing Again LOL 8d,TdView Hand 2024-05-29 (aew-1039)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Thin value? As,JsView Hand 2024-05-29 (aew-1038)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Rekt by Raymond Js,JhView Hand 2024-05-29 (aew-1037)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Punting at the nit 5d,4cView Hand 2024-05-29 (aew-1036)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Punt that gets through Kd,6cView Hand 2024-05-29 (aew-1035)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Thin Value Ad,QcView Hand 2024-05-29 (aew-1034)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Happy Poker Qd,TcView Hand 2024-05-29 (aew-1033)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Sandbag with AK Ac,KdView Hand 2024-05-29 (aew-1032)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Nit Jam LOL Kc,KdView Hand 2024-05-29 (aew-1031)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Bluff Everything Ad,JdView Hand 2024-05-29 (aew-1030)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Punish the Turn Donk 9c,7cView Hand 2024-05-29 (aew-1029)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Trapping AA LOL Kd,KcView Hand 2024-05-29 (aew-1028)
Selma - Selma Cruise Cash - Flopped Set 9h,9dView Hand 2024-05-28 (sla-1290)
Alan Ho - Alan H. O11 Memor 2024 - Q9s in BTM facing limp from HJ Qs,9sView Hand 2024-05-28 (ker-1481)
Alan Ho - Alan H. O11 Memor 2024 - AQo in LJ rfi with 16bb As,QcView Hand 2024-05-28 (ker-1480)
Alan Ho - Alan H. O11 Memor 2024 - J3s in BB facing limp from UTG Jh,3hView Hand 2024-05-28 (ker-1479)
Alan Ho - Alan H. O11 Memor 2024 - 63s in BB facing limp from SB 6s,3sView Hand 2024-05-28 (ker-1478)
Alan Ho - Alan H. O11 Memor 2024 - KQs in LJ (20bb) facing 3x open from +2 Kd,QdView Hand 2024-05-28 (ker-1477)
Alan Ho - Alan H. O11 Memor 2024 - JJ in LJ (13bb) facing 1 limper Js,JdView Hand 2024-05-28 (ker-1476)
Alan Ho - Alan H. O11 Memor 2024 - AJo in BTN facing 2 limpers As,JhView Hand 2024-05-28 (ker-1475)
Alan Ho - Alan H. O11 Memor 2024 - 88 in HJ facing 2 limpers 8c,8dView Hand 2024-05-28 (ker-1474)
Alan Ho - Alan H. O11 Memor 2024 - 75o in BTN facing 2 limpers 7h,5cView Hand 2024-05-28 (ker-1473)
Alan Ho - Alan H. O11 Memor 2024 - J3o in BB facing 4 limpers Jh,3cView Hand 2024-05-28 (ker-1472)
Alan Ho - Alan H. O11 Memor 2024 - BB 55 vs SB limp 5s,5hView Hand 2024-05-28 (ker-1471)
PokerCoaching - 2024 PGT Champions - Multiway against world class players Qs,JsView Hand 2024-05-28 (bdo-2146)
PokerCoaching - $100 Live Turbo MTT - Early Stages Kh,QhView Hand 2024-05-28 (bdo-2145)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Folding TPTK Ad,KhView Hand 2024-05-28 (aew-1027)
Tom - 1/2/5 PG - H3 Kh,3hView Hand 2024-05-27 (saf-1003)
Tom - 1/2/5 PG - H2 Jd,7dView Hand 2024-05-27 (saf-1002)
Tom - 1/2/5 PG - H1 Kd,9dView Hand 2024-05-27 (saf-1001)
PokerCoaching - $155 - $100K Guaranteed - 40 from money, Multiple flights Ah,KdView Hand 2024-05-27 (bdo-2144)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Randomized Chopping As,JdView Hand 2024-05-27 (aew-1026)
Justin A - Bad Call - Fold Turn Qs,TsView Hand 2024-05-27 (adn-1008)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker $1/$3 NL - Cardroom 6d,5dView Hand 2024-05-26 (top-1053)
Ryan M - $2/$5 NL Live - Hand#74 As,2sView Hand 2024-05-25 (wjm-1074)
Ryan M - $2/$5 NL Live - Hand#73 Ah,2hView Hand 2024-05-25 (wjm-1073)
Ryan M - $2/$5 NL Live - Hand#72 Jh,9hView Hand 2024-05-25 (wjm-1072)
Ryan M - $2/$5 NL Live - Hand#71 Jd,JhView Hand 2024-05-25 (wjm-1071)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#70 Ad,TdView Hand 2024-05-25 (wjm-1070)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#69 Ac,KcView Hand 2024-05-25 (wjm-1069)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - I got bluffed :( Td,9dView Hand 2024-05-25 (aew-1025)
Justin A - TCH $500k - In position flush draw Ac,3cView Hand 2024-05-25 (adn-1007)
Joel Gotthilf - WPS 800M - JJ en el BB Js,JhView Hand 2024-05-24 (oel-1002)
Joel Gotthilf - WPS 800M - QJcc Qc,JcView Hand 2024-05-24 (oel-1001)
PokerCoaching - $700 Run Good Poker Series - Day 2 - In the Money Kd,QdView Hand 2024-05-24 (bdo-2143)
PokerCoaching - $5000 Da Nang Superstar Challenge - USOP Viet - CO vs. SB 40bb eff Ad,JcView Hand 2024-05-24 (bdo-2142)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Super Cooler Ac,9cView Hand 2024-05-24 (aew-1024)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Chinese Sandbagger Js,JdView Hand 2024-05-24 (aew-1023)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Chinese Angler Ah,KhView Hand 2024-05-24 (aew-1022)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - River Raise Ts,TcView Hand 2024-05-24 (aew-1021)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Massive Whale Punt Ac,KsView Hand 2024-05-24 (aew-1020)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Hero Call with Set 8h,8dView Hand 2024-05-24 (aew-1019)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Donk 3bet turn Jh,8cView Hand 2024-05-24 (aew-1018)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Donk 4bet Jh,JsView Hand 2024-05-24 (aew-1017)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - UTG+1 bottom or range call Ks,KcView Hand 2024-05-24 (aew-1016)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Prob Standard Ad,KcView Hand 2024-05-24 (aew-1015)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Overplay? Kh,QhView Hand 2024-05-24 (aew-1014)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Big Boss Morgan 9h,9dView Hand 2024-05-24 (aew-1013)
Justin A - $360 Live - Flush Draw facing raise Kc,7cView Hand 2024-05-24 (adn-1006)
Adam - Reddevilek $ztos 9 - Crucial hand with CL when 22left Ac,AsView Hand 2024-05-22 (swt-1001)
gorgon - sztt - lalalala Ks,6sView Hand 2024-05-22 (moc-1001)
Jim - Jimk MSPT - TT Ts,TdView Hand 2024-05-22 (kag-1012)
Jim - Jimk MSPT - 77 7s,7cView Hand 2024-05-22 (kag-1011)
Jim - Jimk MSPT - AhQc Ah,QcView Hand 2024-05-22 (kag-1010)
Jim - Jimk MSPT - AK As,KcView Hand 2024-05-22 (kag-1009)
Jim - Jimk MSPT - AT Ah,TdView Hand 2024-05-22 (kag-1008)
Jim - Jimk MSPT - 99 9s,9cView Hand 2024-05-22 (kag-1007)
Jim - Jimk MSPT - KsJc Ks,JcView Hand 2024-05-22 (kag-1006)
Jim - Jimk MSPT - QQ Qh,QdView Hand 2024-05-22 (kag-1005)
Jim - Jimk MSPT - Ks3s Ks,3sView Hand 2024-05-22 (kag-1004)
Jim - Jimk MSPT - AQhh As,KsView Hand 2024-05-22 (kag-1003)
JJ - 1/3 cash - $6 button straddle, postflop thoughts and river thoughts? Kh,TsView Hand 2024-05-22 (jcj-1606)
PokerCoaching - $400 Live - Facing shove on flop vs. Aggressive Player Ks,KdView Hand 2024-05-22 (bdo-2141)
PokerCoaching - WSOP Vegas - $2500 - Middle Stages - Far from money As,9sView Hand 2024-05-22 (bdo-2140)
Jim - Jimk MSPT - JcTc Jc,TcView Hand 2024-05-21 (kag-1002)
Jim - Jimk MSPT - AQhh Ah,QhView Hand 2024-05-21 (kag-1001)
Bruiser_Cruiser - 1/2 No straddle. 3b in the SB. - 3b in the SB. Ad,KsView Hand 2024-05-21 (dok-1002)
Claudio Steiger - IndiJones7 SWL 500$ NLH online - When 3B Bluff IP does not work out Ad,TcView Hand 2024-05-19 (sht-1014)
Claudio Steiger - IndiJones7 SWT 500$ NLH online - Play correct reactive and with correct Pot Odds Ah,QhView Hand 2024-05-19 (sht-1013)
Bob - Bobothy QQ 3bp - asd Qs,QdView Hand 2024-05-19 (jwk-1057)
Bob - Bobothy JJ vs KK bluff - asd Js,JdView Hand 2024-05-19 (jwk-1056)
Ryan M - $2/$5 NL Live - Hand#68 Ah,AcView Hand 2024-05-18 (wjm-1068)
Ryan M - $2/$5 NL Live - Hand#67 Kh,QdView Hand 2024-05-18 (wjm-1067)
Ryan M - $2/$5 NL Live - Hand#66 As,KdView Hand 2024-05-18 (wjm-1066)
Ryan M - $2/$5 NL Live - Hand#65 Jh,JcView Hand 2024-05-18 (wjm-1065)
Ryan M - $2/$5 NL Live - Hand#64 Ah,JdView Hand 2024-05-18 (wjm-1064)
Ryan M - $2/$5 NL Live - Hand#63 Ac,JcView Hand 2024-05-18 (wjm-1063)
Ryan M - $2/$5 NL Live - Hand#62 6d,6hView Hand 2024-05-18 (wjm-1062)
Ryan M - $2/$5 NL Live - Hand#61 As,JdView Hand 2024-05-18 (wjm-1061)
PokerCoaching - $600 Mystery Bounty - After Late Reg Js,JcView Hand 2024-05-18 (bdo-2139)
PokerCoaching - WSOP - $1500 Milly Maker - Triple Barrel? Kd,8dView Hand 2024-05-18 (bdo-2138)
PokerCoaching - $400 MTT (Hollywood Park) - Folding TP on Turn Qc,JcView Hand 2024-05-18 (bdo-2137)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game View Hand 2024-05-17 (top-1052)
Jonathan - Rudiscoo $800 RunGood Main Event - Graton, Day 2, 18/770 remain Qh,QcView Hand 2024-05-16 (jnh-1010)
Jonathan - Rudiscoo $800 RunGood Main Event - Graton, Day 2, 18/770 remain 9s,9hView Hand 2024-05-15 (jnh-1009)
Don Bisco - Blitz 1.5 SAT EC - Fancy Jd,TdView Hand 2024-05-15 (don-1085)
Derick - Derick 20240511 - Hand 3 AK As,KhView Hand 2024-05-14 (pmn-1009)
Derick - Derick 20240511 - hand 2 7s,6sView Hand 2024-05-14 (pmn-1008)
Derick - Derick cash 1/3 20240511 - 1/3 hand 1 As,ThView Hand 2024-05-14 (pmn-1007)
Bob - Bobothy 762 프로브 - ㅇ View Hand 2024-05-14 (jwk-1055)
Bob - Bobothy K52r 프로브벳 - ㅇ View Hand 2024-05-14 (jwk-1054)
Jonathan - Rudiscoo $800 RunGood Main Event - Graton, Day 2, 27/770 remain 8c,7cView Hand 2024-05-14 (jnh-1008)
Jonathan - Rudiscoo $800 RunGood Main Event - Graton, Day 2, 27/770 remain As,ThView Hand 2024-05-14 (jnh-1007)
Jonathan - Rudiscoo $800 RunGood Main Event - Graton, Day 1 Ah,ThView Hand 2024-05-14 (jnh-1006)
Jonathan - Rudiscoo $3/$5 NL Live - Graton, multiway, weird non-raise 4! all in preflop Ad,KdView Hand 2024-05-14 (jnh-1005)
Jonathan - Rudiscoo $3/$5 NL Live - Graton Qc,5cView Hand 2024-05-14 (jnh-1004)
Jonathan - Rudiscoo $800 RunGood Main Event - Graton, Day 1 Ah,JdView Hand 2024-05-14 (jnh-1003)
Jonathan - Rudiscoo $800 RunGood Main Event - Graton, Day 1 As,KhView Hand 2024-05-14 (jnh-1002)
Jonathan - Rudiscoo $800 RunGood Main Event - Graton, Day 1 Kd,7cView Hand 2024-05-14 (jnh-1001)
Joshua Kornetzke - Josh .25/.50 in person 5/13 - AQoff As,QcView Hand 2024-05-14 (jhk-1022)
Don Bisco - Blitz 1.5 SAT EC - Sticky Call? Qs,TsView Hand 2024-05-14 (don-1084)
Don Bisco - Blitz 1.5 SAT EC - Overbet? 4h,3dView Hand 2024-05-14 (don-1083)
Derek - Derek 51124cheroturbo - 51124cheroturbo Kh,KdView Hand 2024-05-14 (dek-1001)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#60 As,AcView Hand 2024-05-12 (wjm-1060)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#59 9h,ThView Hand 2024-05-12 (wjm-1059)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#58 Ah,KdView Hand 2024-05-12 (wjm-1058)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#57 Jd,JcView Hand 2024-05-12 (wjm-1057)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#56 Ah,TcView Hand 2024-05-12 (wjm-1056)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#55 Ah,KdView Hand 2024-05-12 (wjm-1055)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#54 5d,5hView Hand 2024-05-12 (wjm-1054)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#53 Ad,KdView Hand 2024-05-12 (wjm-1053)
Apophis66 - Cash - Cash As,QcView Hand 2024-05-11 (elb-1001)
Don Bisco - Blitz MEP - Shove vs Raise As,QhView Hand 2024-05-09 (don-1082)
Don Bisco - Blitz WCP - Suspicious raise Js,JcView Hand 2024-05-09 (don-1081)
Don Bisco - Blitz WCP - Wild players in the wild card Jh,JdView Hand 2024-05-09 (don-1080)
Don Bisco - Blitz MEP - Terrible Flop 9s,9cView Hand 2024-05-09 (don-1079)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn PO 2024 - 66 LJ rfi w/ 21bb 6s,6hView Hand 2024-05-08 (ker-1470)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn PO 2024 - AQo in HJ w/ 14bb facing limper Ah,QcView Hand 2024-05-08 (ker-1469)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn PO 2024 - JJ facing limp and min-raise Js,JhView Hand 2024-05-08 (ker-1468)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn PO 2024 - KTo in BB facing +1 limp Ks,TcView Hand 2024-05-08 (ker-1467)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn PO 2024 - AQs on BTN facing +1 open Ad,QdView Hand 2024-05-08 (ker-1466)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn PO 2024 - UTG rfi 9s,3hView Hand 2024-05-08 (ker-1465)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn PO 2024 - 76o SB facing UTG limp 7d,6sView Hand 2024-05-08 (ker-1464)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn PO 2024 - QQ from +2 facing +1 open Qs,QhView Hand 2024-05-08 (ker-1463)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game As,JhView Hand 2024-05-07 (top-1051)
tokenator - 2/5 - 5/2/24-8 Kh,KdView Hand 2024-05-07 (tak-1159)
tokenator - 2/5 - 5/2/24-7 As,8sView Hand 2024-05-07 (tak-1158)
tokenator - 2/5 - 5/2/24-6 Ts,TdView Hand 2024-05-07 (tak-1157)
tokenator - 2/5 - 5/2/24-5 Kh,QsView Hand 2024-05-07 (tak-1156)
tokenator - 2/5 - 5/2/24-4 Ah,QcView Hand 2024-05-07 (tak-1155)
tokenator - 2/5 - 5/2/24-3 Ks,KhView Hand 2024-05-07 (tak-1154)
tokenator - 2/5 - 5/2/24-2 Qs,QdView Hand 2024-05-07 (tak-1153)
tokenator - 2/5 - 5/2/24-1 Ad,QdView Hand 2024-05-07 (tak-1152)
Kyle - ShuvMunky $320 $10k Local Tourney - Blunder Qs,TsView Hand 2024-05-07 (cud-1001)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - Raising in a 4bet pot Ac,QcView Hand 2024-05-07 (aew-1012)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - 3bet with nuts on flop View Hand 2024-05-07 (aew-1011)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - 3bet on the river #2 9d,9cView Hand 2024-05-07 (aew-1010)
Alex - Yoda 1/2 NL Microstake God - 3bet on the river Ah,QcView Hand 2024-05-07 (aew-1009)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#52 As,3sView Hand 2024-05-06 (wjm-1052)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#51 5d,5cView Hand 2024-05-06 (wjm-1051)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#50 6s,6dView Hand 2024-05-06 (wjm-1050)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#49 As,JsView Hand 2024-05-06 (wjm-1049)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#48 Ks,JdView Hand 2024-05-06 (wjm-1048)
John Borges - John B Saturday Special #1 - Womp womp Ah,AdView Hand 2024-05-06 (fly-1922)
John Borges - John B Sunday Special #9 - Sizing vs Capped Ranges 6d,8dView Hand 2024-05-06 (fly-1921)
John Borges - John B Sunday Special #8 - Rule Breakers 9s,8sView Hand 2024-05-06 (fly-1920)
John Borges - John B Sunday Special #7 - Sizing? 6s,6hView Hand 2024-05-06 (fly-1919)
John Borges - John B Sunday Special #6 - How would a 7 play this? Qs,JcView Hand 2024-05-06 (fly-1918)
John Borges - John B Sunday Special #5 - Running well As,4sView Hand 2024-05-06 (fly-1917)
John Borges - John B Sunday Special #4 - Turn bet?? Th,TdView Hand 2024-05-06 (fly-1916)
John Borges - John B Sunday Special #3 - Double gutter vs capped ranges 8h,7hView Hand 2024-05-06 (fly-1915)
John Borges - John B Sunday Special #2 - Trying to 3b wider 9s,8sView Hand 2024-05-06 (fly-1914)
John Borges - John B Sunday Special #1 - what does large open and same bet post flop mean? Js,JcView Hand 2024-05-06 (fly-1913)
John Borges - John B Syndicate Playoff #1 - shove w/less variance and win or 3b small and increase variance? Kc,KhView Hand 2024-05-06 (fly-1912)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#47 Kd,JcView Hand 2024-05-05 (wjm-1047)
The Bad Guy - TBG MM Tourney - Who made the most mistakes? 8s,8cView Hand 2024-05-05 (mco-1001)
Faraz Jaka - QQ Monthly League - Kathrine B #3 8c,7dView Hand 2024-05-04 (jaa-1852)
Faraz Jaka - QQ Monthly League - Kathrine B #2 Kc,KsView Hand 2024-05-04 (jaa-1851)
Faraz Jaka - QQ Monthly League - Kathrine B Ac,9sView Hand 2024-05-04 (jaa-1850)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT Apr 2024 - 22 in HJ w/ 20bb 2h,2cView Hand 2024-05-03 (ker-1462)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT Apr 2024 - KK in BB facing 3 limpers Ks,KhView Hand 2024-05-03 (ker-1461)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT Apr 2024 - AQo UTG rfi As,QdView Hand 2024-05-03 (ker-1460)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT Apr 2024 - A6o BTN rfi As,6dView Hand 2024-05-03 (ker-1459)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT Apr 2024 - KK +1 rfi Ks,KhView Hand 2024-05-03 (ker-1458)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT Apr 2024 - JJ UTG rfi Js,JdView Hand 2024-05-03 (ker-1457)
John Borges - John B ACR #1 - Facing pressure Js,TsView Hand 2024-05-03 (fly-1911)
Faraz Jaka - Steve Forde - Hand 3 As,KcView Hand 2024-05-02 (jaa-1849)
Faraz Jaka - Steve Forde - Hand 2 Jc,TcView Hand 2024-05-02 (jaa-1848)
Faraz Jaka - Steve Forde - Hand 1 As,8sView Hand 2024-05-02 (jaa-1847)
Faraz Jaka - David Grossnickle - Hand 2 Kh,TcView Hand 2024-05-02 (jaa-1846)
Faraz Jaka - David Grossnickle - Hand 1 Jh,7hView Hand 2024-05-02 (jaa-1845)
Faraz Jaka - Krisha - Hand 3 7d,8cView Hand 2024-05-02 (jaa-1844)
Faraz Jaka - Krisha - Hand 2 Ks,KcView Hand 2024-05-02 (jaa-1843)
Faraz Jaka - Krisha - Hand 1 Ac,9sView Hand 2024-05-02 (jaa-1842)
Faraz Jaka - Stacey. WSOP Circuit Montréal $300 Ladies Ev - Hand 2 As,8dView Hand 2024-05-02 (jaa-1841)
Faraz Jaka - Stacey. LIVE WSOP CIRCUIT EVENT $1K buy in - Hand 1 Td,ThView Hand 2024-05-02 (jaa-1840)
Faraz Jaka - Adrian Aguilar - Hand 3 Tc,TdView Hand 2024-05-02 (jaa-1839)
Faraz Jaka - Adrian Aguilar - Hand 2 Ks,TsView Hand 2024-05-02 (jaa-1838)
Faraz Jaka - Adrian Aguilar - Hand 1 Ad,9sView Hand 2024-05-02 (jaa-1837)
Faraz Jaka - Mike Garcia - Hand 3 2h,2dView Hand 2024-05-02 (jaa-1836)
Faraz Jaka - Mike Garcia - Hand 2 As,TdView Hand 2024-05-02 (jaa-1835)
Faraz Jaka - Mike Garcia - Hand 1 Ac,QdView Hand 2024-05-02 (jaa-1834)
Faraz Jaka - Chez Rudnicki. A live $150 tourney - Hand 3 Th,TdView Hand 2024-05-02 (jaa-1833)
Don Bisco - Blitz TME PO - Nut Flush on the river As,QdView Hand 2024-05-02 (don-1078)
Bob - Bobothy TT BB XR - asd Js,5sView Hand 2024-05-01 (jwk-1053)
Faraz Jaka - Chez Rudnicki - Hand 2 Ad,KsView Hand 2024-05-01 (jaa-1832)
Faraz Jaka - Chez Rudnicki - Hand 1 Jh,8cView Hand 2024-05-01 (jaa-1831)
Faraz Jaka - John Merriam. Live Tournament - Hand 4 Ks,QdView Hand 2024-05-01 (jaa-1830)
Faraz Jaka - John Merriam. Online Poker stars $100 Sunday - Hand 3 Ac,2sView Hand 2024-05-01 (jaa-1829)
Faraz Jaka - John Merriam - Hand 2 Ad,2dView Hand 2024-05-01 (jaa-1828)
Faraz Jaka - John Merriam - Hand 1 8h,8sView Hand 2024-05-01 (jaa-1827)
Alex - Yoda 20/40 NL - Massive POT Ac,AhView Hand 2024-05-01 (aew-1008)
Alex - Yoda 20/40 NL - Asian Chicken As,AdView Hand 2024-05-01 (aew-1007)
Alex - Yoda 20/40 NL - Asian Aggro Donk As,KsView Hand 2024-05-01 (aew-1006)
Steve - The Naked Ace 5NL - AJs HJ As,JsView Hand 2024-04-30 (ssl-1032)
Kyle - Kilo0124 50NL GP - Quad Kings lose to Straight Flush Kh,KdView Hand 2024-04-30 (kyi-1001)
Alex - Yoda 20/40 NL - Asian Aggro Donk As,6sView Hand 2024-04-30 (aew-1004)
Alex - Yoda 20/40 NL - Asian Aggro Donk Kc,AsView Hand 2024-04-30 (aew-1003)
Alex - Yoda 20/40 NL - Asian Station Ac,QhView Hand 2024-04-30 (aew-1002)
Alex - Yoda 20/40 NL - Alex Spewing 8c,9cView Hand 2024-04-29 (aew-1001)
Don Bisco - Blitz SDS #16 - Should we fold 9s,9hView Hand 2024-04-27 (don-1077)
- fallingjane test - test View Hand 2024-04-27 (dia-1001)
Steve - The Naked Ace 5NL - AK HJ Ad,KdView Hand 2024-04-26 (ssl-1031)
Steve - The Naked Ace 5NL - AKo UTG Kc,AsView Hand 2024-04-26 (ssl-1030)
Steve - The Naked Ace 5NL - AKs button Ac,KcView Hand 2024-04-26 (ssl-1029)
Joe - WSOP Mystery Bounty - 99 9s,9dView Hand 2024-04-26 (jen-1001)
Arunas - Moose 215 online - Moose bb 3b vs btn 50bb View Hand 2024-04-25 (cel-1002)
SU XU - robbie Macau 50/100 - 44 4h,4cView Hand 2024-04-24 (rob-1075)
Michael Bayertz - Zuki Workshop - Betsize finding Qh,QcView Hand 2024-04-24 (mby-1006)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #16 2024 - LJ rfi As,6sView Hand 2024-04-24 (ker-1456)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #16 2024 - CO facing raise and a call As,ThView Hand 2024-04-24 (ker-1455)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 Hardrock main event Day 2 - Hand 15 Ks,7sView Hand 2024-04-24 (jaa-1826)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 Hardrock main event Day 2 - Hand 14 As,5sView Hand 2024-04-24 (jaa-1825)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 Hardrock main event Day 2 - Hand 13 Ad,KdView Hand 2024-04-24 (jaa-1824)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 Hardrock main event Day 2 - Hand 12 Qh,QsView Hand 2024-04-24 (jaa-1823)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 Hardrock main event Day 2 - Hand 11 7s,6sView Hand 2024-04-24 (jaa-1822)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 Hardrock main event Day 2 - Hand 10 8s,8cView Hand 2024-04-24 (jaa-1821)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 Hardrock main event Day 2 - Hand 9 Jd,9sView Hand 2024-04-24 (jaa-1820)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 Hardrock main event Day 2 - Hand 8 5s,5cView Hand 2024-04-24 (jaa-1819)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 Hardrock main event Day 2 - Hand 7 Qh,JhView Hand 2024-04-24 (jaa-1818)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 Hardrock main event Day 2 - Hand 6 Ad,7dView Hand 2024-04-24 (jaa-1817)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 Hardrock main event Day 2 - Hand 5 9d,8dView Hand 2024-04-24 (jaa-1816)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 Hardrock main event Day 2 - Hand 4 9h,8hView Hand 2024-04-24 (jaa-1815)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 Hardrock main event Day 2 - Hand 3 4s,4cView Hand 2024-04-24 (jaa-1814)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 Hardrock main event Day 2 - Hand 2 As,JhView Hand 2024-04-24 (jaa-1813)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 Hardrock main event Day 2 - Hand 1 View Hand 2024-04-24 (jaa-1812)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 Hardrock main event - Hand 10 Ts,TdView Hand 2024-04-24 (jaa-1811)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 Hardrock main event - Hand 9 6d,5dView Hand 2024-04-24 (jaa-1810)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 Hardrock main event - Hand 8 Ah,9cView Hand 2024-04-24 (jaa-1809)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 Hardrock main event - Hand 7 Ah,JsView Hand 2024-04-24 (jaa-1808)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 Hardrock main event - Hand 6 Ac,KcView Hand 2024-04-24 (jaa-1807)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 Hardrock main event - Hand 5 8c,7cView Hand 2024-04-24 (jaa-1806)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 Hardrock main event - Hand 4 Js,TsView Hand 2024-04-24 (jaa-1805)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 Hardrock main event - Hand 3 Jh,2hView Hand 2024-04-24 (jaa-1804)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 Hardrock main event - Hand 2 8d,8cView Hand 2024-04-24 (jaa-1803)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 Hardrock main event - Hand 1 As,TsView Hand 2024-04-24 (jaa-1802)
Steve - $800 APO Main Event - 40% left - 2-pair raised on flop 9s,8sView Hand 2024-04-23 (wld-1036)
Steve - $800 APO Main Event - 10% left - C-bet flop? Triple barrel on missed draw? 8c,7cView Hand 2024-04-23 (wld-1035)
Steve - $800 APO Main Event - Bust-out hand Ah,5cView Hand 2024-04-23 (wld-1034)
Michael Bayertz - Zuki PB 17-04-24 - first hand, Multiway Jh,ThView Hand 2024-04-23 (mby-1005)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #16 2024 - SB facing HJ 2x open 4h,4dView Hand 2024-04-23 (ker-1454)
Derick - Derick 1/3 20240420 Niagara - villain from last hand 2s,2cView Hand 2024-04-22 (pmn-1006)
Derick - Derick Live 1/3 Niagara 240420 - Villain shoves 900 Ac,KcView Hand 2024-04-22 (pmn-1005)
Hero_Wassili - 1100 WSOP -C Main - BvB A5o Ad,5sView Hand 2024-04-22 (isb-1055)
John Borges - John B s16 #13 - repping a flush? Kd,QdView Hand 2024-04-22 (fly-1910)
John Borges - John B s16 #12 - flop action is key but on unfavorable board Kh,QdView Hand 2024-04-22 (fly-1909)
John Borges - John B s16 #11 - Squeeze? As,TcView Hand 2024-04-22 (fly-1908)
John Borges - John B s16 #10 - playing defensively As,TcView Hand 2024-04-22 (fly-1907)
John Borges - John B s16 #9 - landmines Ah,TcView Hand 2024-04-22 (fly-1906)
John Borges - John B s16 #8 - trying to take orphan pot Kd,QdView Hand 2024-04-22 (fly-1905)
John Borges - John B s16 #7 - go for it or will she not fold to most bets? As,QhView Hand 2024-04-22 (fly-1904)
John Borges - John B s16 #6 - missing value??? Qs,QcView Hand 2024-04-22 (fly-1903)
John Borges - John B s16 #5 - getting a big out of line post flop 8h,8sView Hand 2024-04-22 (fly-1902)
John Borges - John B s16 #4 - dont like how I played this one on flop/river Ah,KdView Hand 2024-04-22 (fly-1901)
John Borges - John B s16 #3 - monotone board As,KcView Hand 2024-04-22 (fly-1900)
John Borges - John B s16 #2 - OOP multi Ad,TdView Hand 2024-04-22 (fly-1899)
John Borges - John B s16 #1 - needs to be bigger Qd,JdView Hand 2024-04-22 (fly-1898)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 56 9s,8sView Hand 2024-04-22 (bdo-2136)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 55 Qs,ThView Hand 2024-04-22 (bdo-2135)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 54 Qs,8sView Hand 2024-04-22 (bdo-2134)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 53 Ts,3hView Hand 2024-04-22 (bdo-2133)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 52 5d,4dView Hand 2024-04-22 (bdo-2132)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 51 9s,9dView Hand 2024-04-22 (bdo-2131)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 50 Kc,TcView Hand 2024-04-22 (bdo-2130)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 49 Kd,JcView Hand 2024-04-22 (bdo-2129)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 48 Js,ThView Hand 2024-04-22 (bdo-2128)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 47 Kc,8hView Hand 2024-04-22 (bdo-2127)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 46 As,ThView Hand 2024-04-22 (bdo-2126)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 45 Ts,8sView Hand 2024-04-22 (bdo-2125)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 44 Kh,8cView Hand 2024-04-22 (bdo-2124)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 43 Th,9hView Hand 2024-04-22 (bdo-2123)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 42 7d,5dView Hand 2024-04-22 (bdo-2122)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 41 8h,8sView Hand 2024-04-22 (bdo-2121)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 40 5s,2cView Hand 2024-04-22 (bdo-2120)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 39 9s,7hView Hand 2024-04-22 (bdo-2119)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 38 Kh,8hView Hand 2024-04-22 (bdo-2118)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 37 Qs,JhView Hand 2024-04-22 (bdo-2117)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 36 6s,6dView Hand 2024-04-22 (bdo-2116)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 35 As,2sView Hand 2024-04-22 (bdo-2115)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 34 Qc,JhView Hand 2024-04-22 (bdo-2114)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 33 Ks,JsView Hand 2024-04-22 (bdo-2113)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 32 Ad,5hView Hand 2024-04-22 (bdo-2112)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 31 Ac,AdView Hand 2024-04-22 (bdo-2111)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 30 7h,6hView Hand 2024-04-22 (bdo-2110)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 29 Qs,8sView Hand 2024-04-22 (bdo-2109)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 28 Td,9dView Hand 2024-04-22 (bdo-2108)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#46 Ah,4hView Hand 2024-04-20 (wjm-1046)
Ryan M - $2/$5 NL Live - Hand#45 Qc,8cView Hand 2024-04-20 (wjm-1045)
Ryan M - $2/$5 NL Live - Hand#44 Ac,9cView Hand 2024-04-20 (wjm-1044)
Ryan M - $2/$5 NL Live - Hand#43 As,AcView Hand 2024-04-20 (wjm-1043)
Ryan M - $2/$5 NL Live - Hand#42 As,JsView Hand 2024-04-20 (wjm-1042)
Ryan M - $2/$5 NL Live - Hand#41 As,QcView Hand 2024-04-20 (wjm-1041)
Ryan M - $2/$5 NL Live - Hand#40 Ah,KhView Hand 2024-04-20 (wjm-1040)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#39 4h,5hView Hand 2024-04-20 (wjm-1039)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#38 Jd,9dView Hand 2024-04-20 (wjm-1038)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#37 Kh,KdView Hand 2024-04-20 (wjm-1037)
lövbiff - Freeroll - MTT Qh,AhView Hand 2024-04-19 (seo-1001)
JJ - coushatta - playing QQ in sb against tight 60-70s Qh,QdView Hand 2024-04-18 (jcj-1605)
Steve - The Naked Ace 5NL - AKo BB Ac,KsView Hand 2024-04-17 (ssl-1028)
Steve - The Naked Ace 5NL - ATs CO As,TsView Hand 2024-04-17 (ssl-1027)
JJ - pearl river main - day 2- do you value bet river? Ah,KcView Hand 2024-04-17 (jcj-1604)
JJ - coushatta - thoughts on flop play with Kd nut blocker? Kd,KcView Hand 2024-04-17 (jcj-1603)
JJ - coushatta - completing SB Q7o super short vs folding? Qs,7cView Hand 2024-04-17 (jcj-1602)
JJ - coushatta - completing SB multiway very short stacked vs folding? Js,8dView Hand 2024-04-17 (jcj-1601)
JJ - coushatta - blind vs blind Jc,8cView Hand 2024-04-17 (jcj-1600)
JJ - coushatta - thoughts on river bluff? Ah,6hView Hand 2024-04-17 (jcj-1599)
Sindre - School1 - test Js,TsView Hand 2024-04-16 (snd-1001)
Max - Saytoe €2/€4 NL - Aces vs Party Pooper Ad,AcView Hand 2024-04-16 (mxp-1002)
Scott Marks - Pony Toilet poker ( - 99 vs A9 cooler 9d,9hView Hand 2024-04-16 (dec-1001)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 27 Kh,TsView Hand 2024-04-16 (bdo-2107)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 26 Ah,JhView Hand 2024-04-16 (bdo-2106)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 25 Ac,TdView Hand 2024-04-16 (bdo-2105)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 24 Js,9cView Hand 2024-04-16 (bdo-2104)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 23 Ks,QhView Hand 2024-04-16 (bdo-2103)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 22 Jh,TcView Hand 2024-04-16 (bdo-2102)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 21 Ts,TcView Hand 2024-04-16 (bdo-2101)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 20 Ks,4sView Hand 2024-04-16 (bdo-2100)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 19 Ah,JhView Hand 2024-04-16 (bdo-2099)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 18 Jh,ThView Hand 2024-04-16 (bdo-2098)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 17 As,AhView Hand 2024-04-16 (bdo-2097)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 16 Js,JhView Hand 2024-04-16 (bdo-2096)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 15 As,6sView Hand 2024-04-16 (bdo-2095)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 14 Ac,ThView Hand 2024-04-16 (bdo-2094)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 13 Kc,2cView Hand 2024-04-16 (bdo-2093)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 12 7c,3cView Hand 2024-04-16 (bdo-2092)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 11 Qs,JhView Hand 2024-04-16 (bdo-2091)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 10 Ac,JhView Hand 2024-04-16 (bdo-2090)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 9 Qc,TdView Hand 2024-04-16 (bdo-2089)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 8 Qh,JdView Hand 2024-04-16 (bdo-2088)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 7 8c,7sView Hand 2024-04-16 (bdo-2087)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 6 Ts,9hView Hand 2024-04-16 (bdo-2086)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 5 Kc,QdView Hand 2024-04-16 (bdo-2085)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 4 Qs,ThView Hand 2024-04-16 (bdo-2084)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 3 6d,5dView Hand 2024-04-16 (bdo-2083)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 2 As,JhView Hand 2024-04-16 (bdo-2082)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 1 As,9hView Hand 2024-04-16 (bdo-2081)
Steve - The Naked Ace 5NL - J9s BB Jh,9hView Hand 2024-04-15 (ssl-1026)
Derick - Derick 1/3 Live 20240413 888 - set of 8's 600bb deep 8c,8dView Hand 2024-04-15 (pmn-1004)
Derick - Derick Live 20240413 set of 777 - set of sevens 7s,7hView Hand 2024-04-15 (pmn-1003)
Max - Saytoe €2/€4 NL - AQ 3bet Pot (SB) vs AK Ac,QsView Hand 2024-04-15 (mxp-1001)
Don Bisco - Blitz Tilted #16 - Bad Call? Ad,7dView Hand 2024-04-15 (don-1076)
Don Bisco - Blitz T#15 - Another cooler As,KdView Hand 2024-04-15 (don-1075)
Don Bisco - Blitz SDS #15 - Scared on the river 9h,9dView Hand 2024-04-15 (don-1074)
Chris Radford - Radford999 $400 Live MTT - 4-way facing BB open shove 9d,9hView Hand 2024-04-14 (rdd-1018)
Bob - Bobothy KJ vs 55 - aa 5s,5dView Hand 2024-04-14 (jwk-1052)
Bob - Bobothy AA UTg - a 7h,7dView Hand 2024-04-14 (jwk-1051)
Bob - Bobothy K8ss 림퍼 - ㅁㄴㅇ Kh,8hView Hand 2024-04-14 (jwk-1050)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#36 Jh,9cView Hand 2024-04-13 (wjm-1036)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#35 7s,8sView Hand 2024-04-13 (wjm-1035)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand #34 Ac,AhView Hand 2024-04-13 (wjm-1034)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#33 Kd,JsView Hand 2024-04-13 (wjm-1033)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#32 Th,TdView Hand 2024-04-13 (wjm-1032)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#31 Ah,TdView Hand 2024-04-13 (wjm-1031)
Ryan M - $2/$5 NL Live - Hand#30 Jd,JhView Hand 2024-04-13 (wjm-1030)
Ryan M - $2/$5 NL Live - Hand#29 Ac,QcView Hand 2024-04-13 (wjm-1029)
Ryan M - $2/$5 NL Live - Hand#28 Th,TdView Hand 2024-04-13 (wjm-1028)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game As,TdView Hand 2024-04-12 (top-1050)
Steve - The Naked Ace 5NL - 86s 8c,6cView Hand 2024-04-12 (ssl-1025)
Nick Jivkov - Nick Test Hand - AKss vs T3 As,KsView Hand 2024-04-12 (niv-1001)
ArkyBill - ArkyBill Thursday Circus - Last hand Qd,KhView Hand 2024-04-12 (biy-1006)
YC - fortune r 13 - 4 10 24 Kd,QdView Hand 2024-04-11 (ycu-1079)
Steve - The Naked Ace 5NL - A6s Button Ah,6hView Hand 2024-04-11 (ssl-1024)
Bob - Bobothy ATdd - asd Ad,TdView Hand 2024-04-11 (jwk-1049)
Bob - Bobothy AA vs J4 - asd Ad,AcView Hand 2024-04-11 (jwk-1048)
Bob - Bobothy AKs 동크 - ㅁㄴㅇ Ad,KdView Hand 2024-04-11 (jwk-1047)
Bob - Bobothy KK 동크?2 - ㅁㄴㅇ Qd,QcView Hand 2024-04-11 (jwk-1046)
Bob - Bobothy KK 동크 - ㅁㄴㅇ Ks,KcView Hand 2024-04-11 (jwk-1045)
Bob - Bobothy KJo - a Kc,JsView Hand 2024-04-11 (jwk-1044)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game 9d,9cView Hand 2024-04-10 (top-1049)
Bob - Bobothy 88 스퀴 - ㅇ 8s,8hView Hand 2024-04-10 (jwk-1043)
Steve - The Naked Ace 5NL - QQ CO Qs,QhView Hand 2024-04-09 (ssl-1023)
Steve - The Naked Ace 5NL - A7o BB As,7hView Hand 2024-04-09 (ssl-1018)
Derick - Derick 1/3 Niagara - Hand 2 8s,6sView Hand 2024-04-09 (pmn-1002)
Derick - Derick 1/3 cash Niagara - flop quads 6s,6hView Hand 2024-04-09 (pmn-1001)
Faraz Jaka - $2000 Main Event WSOPC Toronto - Hand 20 9d,8dView Hand 2024-04-09 (jaa-1801)
Faraz Jaka - $2000 Main Event WSOPC Toronto - Hand 19 Ah,2cView Hand 2024-04-09 (jaa-1800)
Faraz Jaka - $2000 Main Event WSOPC Toronto - Hand 18 Js,ThView Hand 2024-04-09 (jaa-1799)
Faraz Jaka - $2000 Main Event WSOPC Toronto - Hand 17 As,ThView Hand 2024-04-09 (jaa-1798)
Faraz Jaka - $2000 Main Event WSOPC Toronto - Hand 16 Jd,JhView Hand 2024-04-09 (jaa-1797)
Faraz Jaka - $2000 Main Event WSOPC Toronto - Hand 15 Ad,QcView Hand 2024-04-09 (jaa-1796)
Faraz Jaka - $2000 Main Event WSOPC Toronto - Hand 14 Qh,QdView Hand 2024-04-09 (jaa-1795)
Faraz Jaka - $2000 Main Event WSOPC Toronto - Hand 13 Qs,QhView Hand 2024-04-09 (jaa-1794)
Faraz Jaka - $2000 Main Event WSOPC Toronto - Hand 12 As,ThView Hand 2024-04-09 (jaa-1793)
Faraz Jaka - $2000 Main Event WSOPC Toronto - Hand 11 Jc,JhView Hand 2024-04-09 (jaa-1792)
Faraz Jaka - $2000 Main Event WSOPC Toronto - Hand 10 7h,7dView Hand 2024-04-09 (jaa-1791)
Faraz Jaka - $2000 Main Event WSOPC Toronto - Hand 9 Ah,8cView Hand 2024-04-09 (jaa-1790)
Faraz Jaka - $2000 Main Event WSOPC Toronto - Hand 8 6h,6cView Hand 2024-04-09 (jaa-1789)
Faraz Jaka - $2000 Main Event WSOPC Toronto - Hand 7 Ts,TcView Hand 2024-04-09 (jaa-1788)
Faraz Jaka - $2000 Main Event WSOPC Toronto - Hand 6 9d,2dView Hand 2024-04-09 (jaa-1787)
Faraz Jaka - $2000 Main Event WSOPC Toronto - Hand 5 6s,4cView Hand 2024-04-09 (jaa-1786)
Faraz Jaka - $2000 Main Event WSOPC Toronto - Hand 4 Kh,8hView Hand 2024-04-09 (jaa-1785)
Faraz Jaka - $2000 Main Event WSOPC Toronto - Hand 3 Qd,QhView Hand 2024-04-09 (jaa-1784)
Faraz Jaka - $2000 Main Event WSOPC Toronto - Hand 2 Td,2dView Hand 2024-04-09 (jaa-1783)
Faraz Jaka - $2000 Main Event WSOPC Toronto - Hand 1 7c,6cView Hand 2024-04-09 (jaa-1782)
Steve - The Naked Ace 5NL - ATs HJ Ad,TdView Hand 2024-04-08 (ssl-1017)
Steve - The Naked Ace 5NL - AKs CO Ah,KcView Hand 2024-04-08 (ssl-1016)
KathleenT - KathleenT LIPS Main Event - $360 Level 14 Day 2 Ks,8dView Hand 2024-04-08 (klm-1010)
KathleenT - KathleenT LIPS Main Event - $360 Level 14 Day 2 7s,5hView Hand 2024-04-08 (klm-1009)
KathleenT - KathleenT LIPS Main Event - $360 Level 13 Day 2 Js,JhView Hand 2024-04-08 (klm-1008)
Chris Jones - FiveByFive Triton $150k - ICM Bully Qh,JcView Hand 2024-04-08 (cor-1011)
ArkyBill - ArkyBill $300 WSOP Seniors ring event Tulsa - All in on turn Qs,JsView Hand 2024-04-08 (biy-1005)
ArkyBill - ArkyBill $300 WSOP Seniors ring event Tulsa - Called all in As,KhView Hand 2024-04-08 (biy-1004)
ArkyBill - ArkyBill Poker League Tournament - Young aggressive As,QhView Hand 2024-04-08 (biy-1003)
ArkyBill - ArkyBill Poker League Tournament - Young aggressive As,QhView Hand 2024-04-08 (biy-1002)
ArkyBill - ArkyBill $300 WSOP Seniors ring event Tulsa - All in with top pair and 4 to the flush As,QhView Hand 2024-04-08 (biy-1001)
Ryan M - $2/$5 NL Live - Hand#27 Ah,9dView Hand 2024-04-07 (wjm-1027)
Ryan M - $2/$5 NL Live - Hand#26 Kh,KdView Hand 2024-04-07 (wjm-1026)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#25 Ad,KsView Hand 2024-04-07 (wjm-1025)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#24 Ad,9hView Hand 2024-04-07 (wjm-1024)
Ryan M - $2/$5 NL Live - Hand#23 4s,3cView Hand 2024-04-07 (wjm-1023)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#22 Kh,KdView Hand 2024-04-07 (wjm-1022)
Ryan M - $2/$5 NL Live - Hand#21 Kd,TdView Hand 2024-04-07 (wjm-1021)
Ryan M - $2/$5 NL Live - Hand#20 Kd,KhView Hand 2024-04-07 (wjm-1020)
Ryan M - $2/$5 NL Live - Hand#19 Qs,QdView Hand 2024-04-07 (wjm-1019)
Ryan M - $2/$5 NL Live - Hand#18 Ac,KcView Hand 2024-04-07 (wjm-1018)
Ryan M - $2/$5 NL Live - Hand#17 6h,7hView Hand 2024-04-07 (wjm-1017)
Steve - The Naked Ace 5NL - T8s CO Td,8dView Hand 2024-04-07 (ssl-1015)
Steve - The Naked Ace 5NL - ATs UTG As,TsView Hand 2024-04-07 (ssl-1013)
JOr - 1 3 - CASH As,7sView Hand 2024-04-07 (sos-1004)
John - $240 Weekly - Punt or Sick Bluff w/ 14 left Qd,JhView Hand 2024-04-07 (jwb-1001)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#16 4d,4hView Hand 2024-04-06 (wjm-1016)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL - Hand#15 4d,4sView Hand 2024-04-06 (wjm-1015)
Karen Boyd - $400 Double Stack, Vegas Circuit, March 27, 2 - ISO raise, set over set 9s,9cView Hand 2024-04-05 (kbt-1002)
Bob - Bobothy AQo 3bet - a As,QhView Hand 2024-04-05 (jwk-1042)
Don Bisco - Blitz Tilted #16 - 44 4c,4hView Hand 2024-04-05 (don-1073)
Don Bisco - Blitz Tilted #16 - Scary Call Th,8cView Hand 2024-04-05 (don-1072)
Don Bisco - Blitz Tilted #16 - Lucky Ad,KcView Hand 2024-04-05 (don-1071)
Don Bisco - Blitz Tilted #16 - Too much on the river Qs,JsView Hand 2024-04-05 (don-1070)
Don Bisco - Blitz Tilted #16 - Represent 8d,7cView Hand 2024-04-05 (don-1068)
Don Bisco - Blitz Tilted #16 - Break the rule vs trapping Qs,JsView Hand 2024-04-05 (don-1067)
Don Bisco - Blitz Tilted #16 - Delayed CR 3s,3dView Hand 2024-04-05 (don-1066)
PokerCoaching - $2500 WSOP (2021) - Analysing Preflop Play As,9sView Hand 2024-04-05 (bdo-2080)
dave - pc deep run hands - pc deep run hands Ks,KhView Hand 2024-04-04 (rbd-1001)
Logan - $2/$5 NL - $2/$5 NL at Thunder Valley with 55 in HJ 5h,5sView Hand 2024-04-04 (loa-1001)
John Borges - John B ACR 4/4 #1 - blocking turn c-bet 9h,9sView Hand 2024-04-04 (fly-1897)
Bob - Bobothy A3o A9hh - asd As,3cView Hand 2024-04-03 (jwk-1041)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 NL - ATs OOP vs. flatter Ad,TdView Hand 2024-04-02 (mkn-1048)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 NL - AKs in SB Ac,KcView Hand 2024-04-02 (mkn-1047)
Joshua Kornetzke - Josh .25/.50 in person 3/30 - AJs As,JsView Hand 2024-04-01 (jhk-1021)
Joshua Kornetzke - Josh .25/.50 in person 3/30 - AJ off Ac,JdView Hand 2024-04-01 (jhk-1020)
Joshua Kornetzke - Josh .25/.50 in person 3/30 - Set of 8's 8s,8hView Hand 2024-04-01 (jhk-1019)
limp_ftw - live 5/5 charron - vs tight fish Js,3sView Hand 2024-04-01 (ato-1007)
limp_ftw - live 5/5 charron - vs young chinese internet player 3 Ad,JhView Hand 2024-04-01 (ato-1006)
limp_ftw - live 5/5 charron - vs middle aged dude 2 Ad,QdView Hand 2024-04-01 (ato-1005)
limp_ftw - live 5/5 charron - vs young chinese internet player 2 Ks,KhView Hand 2024-04-01 (ato-1004)
limp_ftw - live 5/5 charron - vs tightish middle age dude Kc,QcView Hand 2024-04-01 (ato-1003)
limp_ftw - live 5/5 charron - vs young chinese internet player 9d,9hView Hand 2024-04-01 (ato-1002)
JT - 3/30/24 - A5L to Straight Ah,5sView Hand 2024-03-30 (tsa-1001)
Steve - The Naked Ace 5NL - JJ in SB Jh,JcView Hand 2024-03-29 (ssl-1012)
Bob - Bobothy KQss vs ATo - e Ks,QsView Hand 2024-03-29 (jwk-1040)
Bob - Bobothy KJcc - a Kc,JcView Hand 2024-03-29 (jwk-1039)
Bob - Bobothy A4s vs 78o - d As,4sView Hand 2024-03-29 (jwk-1038)
Claudio Steiger - IndiJones7 PS Turbo DS - When to deny Equity Ad,6dView Hand 2024-03-28 (sht-1012)
Ryan - 3h - k6s 15 6 15bb Ks,6sView Hand 2024-03-28 (ryt-1001)
Michael Bayertz - Zuki Nunzio - Ende 1st Level Qs,QcView Hand 2024-03-28 (mby-1004)
PokerCoaching - Ignition - $470+$30 MTT (#21 - Sam Richardson) Qh,QsView Hand 2024-03-28 (bdo-2079)
Steve - Hollywood $150 - Hand 7 - Overpair v flop raise ICM bubble Qc,QdView Hand 2024-03-27 (wld-1033)
Steve - Hollywood $150 - Hand 6 - c/bet flop, continue turn Jd,TcView Hand 2024-03-27 (wld-1032)
Steve - Hollywood $150 - Hand 5 - Trip Q, c/f river Qc,6cView Hand 2024-03-27 (wld-1031)
Steve - Hollywood $150 - Hand 4 - T9o BB defend, top pair, river c/c Ts,9cView Hand 2024-03-27 (wld-1030)
Steve - Hollywood $150 - Hand 3 - JTs oop, turns str8, river c/r Jc,TcView Hand 2024-03-27 (wld-1029)
Steve - Hollywood $150 - Hand 2 - C-bet spot multiway and IP As,TsView Hand 2024-03-27 (wld-1028)
Steve - Hollywood $150 - Hand 1 - Multiway c-betting spot As,KcView Hand 2024-03-27 (wld-1027)
Bob - Bobothy 동크 - ㅏㅓㅏㅣ 8s,6sView Hand 2024-03-27 (jwk-1037)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 NL - No Strategy, just...Oh my As,9sView Hand 2024-03-26 (mkn-1046)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 NL - Triple Barrel Bluff...punt? 6d,7dView Hand 2024-03-26 (mkn-1045)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 NL - I'm the Captain of this boat As,QcView Hand 2024-03-26 (mkn-1044)
John Borges - John B s14 #16 - capped range 3h,2hView Hand 2024-03-26 (fly-1896)
John Borges - John B s14 #15 - rule breaker Jc,TcView Hand 2024-03-26 (fly-1895)
John Borges - John B s14 #14 - Capped ranges Kh,4hView Hand 2024-03-26 (fly-1894)
John Borges - John B s14 #13 - protected Kh,KdView Hand 2024-03-26 (fly-1893)
John Borges - John B s14 #12 - misplayed hand Ad,KdView Hand 2024-03-26 (fly-1892)
John Borges - John B s14 #11 - Trying new things Kd,8dView Hand 2024-03-26 (fly-1891)
John Borges - John B s14 #10 - Iso or flat? Ac,KhView Hand 2024-03-26 (fly-1890)
John Borges - John B s14 #9 - Protecting checking ranges As,QhView Hand 2024-03-26 (fly-1889)
John Borges - John B s14 #8 - Playing ranges Qc,4cView Hand 2024-03-26 (fly-1888)
John Borges - John B s14 #7 - Is this the time? As,KhView Hand 2024-03-26 (fly-1887)
John Borges - John B s14 #6 - Raised post flop Ah,JhView Hand 2024-03-26 (fly-1886)
John Borges - John B s14 #5 - badly misplayed a premium As,AcView Hand 2024-03-26 (fly-1885)
John Borges - John B s14 #4 - Trying to range and charge Ah,AdView Hand 2024-03-26 (fly-1884)
John Borges - John B s14 #3 - What do I beat? Kd,KhView Hand 2024-03-26 (fly-1883)
John Borges - John B s14 #2 - Should I raise? As,QdView Hand 2024-03-26 (fly-1882)
John Borges - John B s14 #1 - Accidental raise (meant to call but said raise) As,6sView Hand 2024-03-26 (fly-1881)
Bob - Bobothy AQ donk - asd As,QsView Hand 2024-03-25 (jwk-1036)
Bob - Bobothy T4 동크벳 - ㅌ Th,4hView Hand 2024-03-25 (jwk-1035)
JC - LEARN TO COPE RIVER VALUE 6 - 55 set when flush comes in 5s,5dView Hand 2024-03-25 (jec-1179)
JC - LEARN TO COPE RIVER VALUE 5 - AKo when flush and straight come in Ks,AdView Hand 2024-03-25 (jec-1178)
JC - LEARN TO COPE RIVER VALUE 4 - QQ on low runout Qh,QdView Hand 2024-03-25 (jec-1177)
JC - LEARN TO COPE RIVER VALUE 3 - ATs top top Ac,TcView Hand 2024-03-25 (jec-1176)
JC - LEARN TO COPE RIVER VALUE 2 - TJ rivers 2 pair flush comes in Th,JhView Hand 2024-03-25 (jec-1175)
JC - LEARN TO COPE RIVER VALUE 1 - AK top top As,KdView Hand 2024-03-25 (jec-1174)
JC - LEARN TO COPE SHOVE EXAMPLES VS RAISE 12 - AA Ad,AhView Hand 2024-03-25 (jec-1173)
JC - LEARN TO COPE SHOVE EXAMPLES VS RAISE 11 - A5o Ad,5sView Hand 2024-03-25 (jec-1172)
JC - LEARN TO COPE SHOVE EXAMPLES VS RAISE 10 - A2o Ad,2cView Hand 2024-03-25 (jec-1171)
JC - LEARN TO COPE SHOVE EXAMPLES VS RAISE 9 - QJcc Qc,JcView Hand 2024-03-25 (jec-1170)
JC - LEARN TO COPE SHOVE EXAMPLES VS RAISE 8 - 22 2s,2dView Hand 2024-03-25 (jec-1169)
JC - LEARN TO COPE SHOVE EXAMPLES VS RAISE 7 - QTo Qs,ThView Hand 2024-03-25 (jec-1168)
JC - LEARN TO COPE SHOVE EXAMPLES VS RAISE 6 - KJs Kd,JdView Hand 2024-03-25 (jec-1167)
JC - LEARN TO COPE SHOVE EXAMPLES VS RAISE 5 - 77 7c,7hView Hand 2024-03-25 (jec-1166)
JC - LEARN TO COPE SHOVE EXAMPLES VS RAISE 4 - AQo Ad,QcView Hand 2024-03-25 (jec-1165)
JC - LEARN TO COPE SHOVE EXAMPLES VS RAISE 3 - KTcc Kc,TcView Hand 2024-03-25 (jec-1164)
JC - LEARN TO COPE SHOVE EXAMPLES VS RAISE 2 - TJhh Th,JhView Hand 2024-03-25 (jec-1163)
JC - LEARN TO COPE SHOVE EXAMPLES VS RAISE 1 - A5ss As,5sView Hand 2024-03-25 (jec-1162)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#14 As,KdView Hand 2024-03-24 (wjm-1014)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#13 5d,5cView Hand 2024-03-24 (wjm-1013)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#12 5s,6sView Hand 2024-03-24 (wjm-1012)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#11 As,5dView Hand 2024-03-24 (wjm-1011)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#10 Ad,AhView Hand 2024-03-24 (wjm-1010)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#9 2s,2hView Hand 2024-03-24 (wjm-1009)
JC - LEARN TO COPE WHEN TO CBET - AKss UTG on 222 As,KsView Hand 2024-03-22 (jec-1161)
JC - LEARN TO COPE WHEN TO CBET - Out of position when we flop nothing As,KsView Hand 2024-03-22 (jec-1160)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#8 Ah,KdView Hand 2024-03-21 (wjm-1008)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#7 Qc,QsView Hand 2024-03-21 (wjm-1007)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#5 Jd,JhView Hand 2024-03-21 (wjm-1006)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#6 7d,7hView Hand 2024-03-21 (wjm-1005)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#4 Js,JhView Hand 2024-03-21 (wjm-1004)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#3 Ad,QsView Hand 2024-03-21 (wjm-1003)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#2 As,KsView Hand 2024-03-20 (wjm-1002)
Ryan M - $1/$2 NL Live - Hand#1 8s,8hView Hand 2024-03-20 (wjm-1001)
Dinero - Diner0Poker Playground Cash Games 1/2 - 3bet pot AKs vs 23s! Ad,KdView Hand 2024-03-20 (vka-1005)
Dinero - Diner0Poker Playground Cash Games 1/2 - Bad river shove with KK Ks,KdView Hand 2024-03-20 (vka-1004)
S L - EPT ME - JJ sqz SB Jc,JdView Hand 2024-03-20 (toz-1009)
S L - 5k ME - BB MW 5h,3hView Hand 2024-03-20 (toz-1008)
S L - Satty 1k - Limped pot w UTG Kc,5hView Hand 2024-03-20 (toz-1007)
S L - 2k FPS - BB vs BTN SRP 5s,3hView Hand 2024-03-20 (toz-1006)
S L - 2k FPS - SRP HJ vs BB 8s,6hView Hand 2024-03-20 (toz-1005)
S L - 1k FPS - bvb IsoR 8c,5sView Hand 2024-03-20 (toz-1004)
S L - FPS 1K - SRP LJ vs BB Ah,8hView Hand 2024-03-20 (toz-1003)
S L - 1k FPS - 3BP CO vs UTG Ad,KcView Hand 2024-03-20 (toz-1002)
JJ - pearl $400 - thoughts on double barrel vs check fold? Kd,QsView Hand 2024-03-20 (jcj-1598)
JJ - pearl $400 - flopping set on level 2 multiway- thoughts? 6s,6dView Hand 2024-03-20 (jcj-1597)
JJ - pearl TOC - should i have fired river or give up? Jd,TdView Hand 2024-03-20 (jcj-1596)
JJ - pearl TOC - how to play nut flush draw on flop 30 BB? Ah,5hView Hand 2024-03-20 (jcj-1595)
JJ - pearl $400 - preflop thoughts against multiple players with A blocker? Ah,4hView Hand 2024-03-20 (jcj-1594)
JJ - pearl TOC - postflop thoughts? 9h,TcView Hand 2024-03-20 (jcj-1593)
JJ - $400 pearl - 3 bet OOP Ad,QhView Hand 2024-03-20 (jcj-1592)
JJ - $400 pearl - how to play this hand against early limpers? As,JsView Hand 2024-03-20 (jcj-1591)
JJ - $400 pearl - flopping trips in limp pot Jh,9sView Hand 2024-03-20 (jcj-1590)
PokerCoaching - WSOPC Series - $15 Double Stack (#18 - jeffrey gaastra) 4c,4sView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2078)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 40 9h,8hView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2077)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 39 Qd,JhView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2076)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 38 Ad,4dView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2075)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 37 8h,8cView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2074)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 36 Td,7dView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2073)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 35 Js,TcView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2072)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 34 Jh,JdView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2071)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 33 9s,9cView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2070)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 32 Ks,5sView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2069)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 31 As,JcView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2068)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 30 Ts,7hView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2067)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 29 5s,5cView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2066)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 28 Kh,ThView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2065)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 27 Ad,JdView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2064)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 26 As,JhView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2063)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 25 Ts,ThView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2062)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 24 As,JhView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2061)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 23 Js,JhView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2060)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 22 Ts,8hView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2059)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 21 Ad,8dView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2058)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 20 Js,JhView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2057)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 19 Js,JhView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2056)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 18 As,QhView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2055)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 17 Qs,QhView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2054)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 16 Kh,3cView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2053)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 15 Qd,9dView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2052)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 14 Qs,QhView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2051)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 13 8c,7dView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2050)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 12 Qh,JsView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2049)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 11 Ks,3sView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2048)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 10 Ts,ThView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2047)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 9 8s,8hView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2046)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 8 Qh,ThView Hand 2024-03-20 (bdo-2045)
KathleenT - KathleenT WPT Seniors - $300 buy in ITM Kh,QcView Hand 2024-03-19 (klm-1007)
KathleenT - KathleenT WPT Seniors - Thunder Valley $300 Ah,JcView Hand 2024-03-19 (klm-1006)
KathleenT - KathleenT WPT Seniors - $300 Buy In Ah,KhView Hand 2024-03-19 (klm-1005)
KathleenT - KathleenT WPT Seniors - $300 Buy In Ts,ThView Hand 2024-03-19 (klm-1004)
PokerCoaching - Online MTT - $20,000 GTD (#19 - Sam Richardson) 3d,4dView Hand 2024-03-19 (bdo-2044)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 7 Ah,ThView Hand 2024-03-19 (bdo-2043)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 6 Ad,7dView Hand 2024-03-19 (bdo-2042)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 5 Ts,6hView Hand 2024-03-19 (bdo-2041)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 4 Qs,ThView Hand 2024-03-19 (bdo-2040)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 3 As,9sView Hand 2024-03-19 (bdo-2039)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 2 Ah,TdView Hand 2024-03-19 (bdo-2038)
PokerCoaching - JL Hands - 1 Ks,QdView Hand 2024-03-19 (bdo-2037)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 50NL - Bad Runout with Flush 9h,7hView Hand 2024-03-18 (wap-1221)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 50NL - Max Value in 3bet pot Ad,QdView Hand 2024-03-18 (wap-1220)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 50NL - Overplayed v Polarised Range Ah,9cView Hand 2024-03-18 (wap-1219)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 50NL - Getting Stacked with Nothing Ac,QcView Hand 2024-03-18 (wap-1218)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 50NL - Bluff catching after donk 9d,9cView Hand 2024-03-18 (wap-1217)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 50NL - Repping the Nut Flush Ac,JhView Hand 2024-03-18 (wap-1216)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 50NL - Going Broke with a Bluff Jd,2dView Hand 2024-03-18 (wap-1215)
Steve - The Naked Ace 5NL - QTs button Qd,TdView Hand 2024-03-18 (ssl-1009)
Steve - The Naked Ace 5NL - 99 button 9d,9hView Hand 2024-03-18 (ssl-1008)
Steve - The Naked Ace 5NL - QQ button Qc,QdView Hand 2024-03-18 (ssl-1007)
Steve - The Naked Ace 5NL - AKs button Ad,KdView Hand 2024-03-18 (ssl-1006)
PokerCoaching - Online - $2000 GTD (#1 - Kyle Moellering) Jc,2hView Hand 2024-03-18 (bdo-2036)
PokerCoaching - Live/Online?? - MTT (#16 - Nadeem Hirani) Qh,8hView Hand 2024-03-18 (bdo-2035)
PokerCoaching - PokerStars - $11.00 Bounty MTT (#15 - John Flynn) Jd,JsView Hand 2024-03-18 (bdo-2034)
PokerCoaching - PokerStars - $11.00 Bounty MTT (#14 - John Flynn) 2c,KhView Hand 2024-03-18 (bdo-2033)
PokerCoaching - PokerStars - $250 MTT (#13 - Adam Calabrese) Ad,7dView Hand 2024-03-18 (bdo-2032)
PokerCoaching - PokerStars - $250 MTT (#12 - Adam Calabrese) 3d,8dView Hand 2024-03-18 (bdo-2031)
PokerCoaching - Live - $150 Turbo MTT (#11 - Ayden Cutmore) As,ThView Hand 2024-03-18 (bdo-2030)
PokerCoaching - Bovada - Bounty MTT (#10 - Jason Mitchell) Ac,QcView Hand 2024-03-18 (bdo-2029)
PokerCoaching - Bovada - Bounty MTT (#9 - Jason Mitchell) Ac,KhView Hand 2024-03-18 (bdo-2028)
PokerCoaching - Bovada - Bounty MTT (#8 - Jason Mitchell) Kh,QcView Hand 2024-03-18 (bdo-2027)
PokerCoaching - Global Poker - MTT (#7 - Daniel Fleshner) 9d,2dView Hand 2024-03-18 (bdo-2026)
PokerCoaching - PokerStars - $4.40 Bounty MTT (#6 Robert Barr) 5d,4dView Hand 2024-03-18 (bdo-2025)
Adam - 2/5 Live - TPTK Big Pot As,KcView Hand 2024-03-17 (toe-1088)
Adam - 2/5 Live - v. Amy IP 3bet pot sb v BB Ah,AcView Hand 2024-03-17 (toe-1087)
Sam - NoodbOut Final 14-15 out of 550. $11 PKO - Played too soft? Jh,ThView Hand 2024-03-17 (sav-1002)
Chris Jones - FiveByFive RP OB Turn Spot 1 - Overbet Spot As,TdView Hand 2024-03-17 (cor-1010)
Chris Jones - FiveByFive RP OB Flop Spot 1 - Overbet spot Js,8dView Hand 2024-03-17 (cor-1009)
Chris Jones - FiveByFive RP OB River Spot 1 - Overbet spot Th,3hView Hand 2024-03-17 (cor-1008)
PokerCoaching - PokerStars - $5.50 Bounty MTT (#5 - James Meadows) Kh,QcView Hand 2024-03-17 (bdo-2024)
PokerCoaching - PokerStars - $5.50 Bounty MTT - (#4 - James Meadows) Ah,QsView Hand 2024-03-17 (bdo-2023)
PokerCoaching - PokerStars - $22 MTT (#3 - Vasile Mihalache) 6s,KcView Hand 2024-03-17 (bdo-2022)
Sam - NoodbOut $11 PKO Betonline 550man - 3rd place run. Final table bubble. Ah,5dView Hand 2024-03-16 (sav-1001)
PokerCoaching - PokerStars - $22 MTT (#2 - Vasile Mihalache) 6d,5dView Hand 2024-03-16 (bdo-2021)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Flush draw in 3b pot Ah,7hView Hand 2024-03-14 (wap-1214)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Reverse Implied Odds Baby II Ah,6hView Hand 2024-03-14 (wap-1213)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - 3bet Pot - All Draws in World Ah,8hView Hand 2024-03-14 (wap-1212)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Reverse Implied Odds Baby Ks,QsView Hand 2024-03-14 (wap-1211)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Slowplay gone wrong Ks,QhView Hand 2024-03-14 (wap-1210)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - TP on Flush Board Ah,QdView Hand 2024-03-14 (wap-1209)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Boat vs Fish As,QhView Hand 2024-03-14 (wap-1208)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Facing Overbet with a Flush 9h,8hView Hand 2024-03-14 (wap-1207)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Max Value with a set 3s,3hView Hand 2024-03-14 (wap-1206)
KathleenT - KathleenT $200 WPT 20/20/20 - WPT Thunder Valley; reg closed 8c,TdView Hand 2024-03-13 (klm-1003)
PetVet - RecPoker homegame - Stuey home game View Hand 2024-03-13 (kbk-1001)
John L - $200 Venetian MTT Bounty - $50 bounties, 18 players remaining 12 payout Qh,AcView Hand 2024-03-13 (jda-1060)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Flop Continue Examples 8 - QJss on A53 Qs,JsView Hand 2024-03-12 (jec-1159)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Flop Continue Examples 7 - A5s on T73 Ah,5hView Hand 2024-03-12 (jec-1158)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Flop Continue Examples 6 - 33 on 224 3h,3dView Hand 2024-03-12 (jec-1157)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Flop Continue Examples 5 - KJo on QJ3 Kh,JcView Hand 2024-03-12 (jec-1156)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Flop Continue Examples 4 - 67s on 9TJ 6d,7dView Hand 2024-03-12 (jec-1155)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Flop Continue Examples 3 - 55 on AQT 5s,5hView Hand 2024-03-12 (jec-1154)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Flop Continue Examples 2 - TJo on 873 Ts,JhView Hand 2024-03-12 (jec-1153)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Flop continue examples 1 - K5s Kc,5cView Hand 2024-03-12 (jec-1152)
Dinero - Diner0Poker Playground 1/2 NL - LJ QQ vs. UTG 4Bet All-in Qs,QcView Hand 2024-03-10 (vka-1003)
Ray - Pot Odds 1 - Pot Odds 1 7s,6sView Hand 2024-03-08 (ryr-1001)
JJ - local ballys- 8 left, 5 paid - final table - 8 left 5 paid 6s,6cView Hand 2024-03-07 (jcj-1589)
JJ - local horseshoe - 13 left, 9 paid - postflop thoughts? Kh,ThView Hand 2024-03-07 (jcj-1588)
Ayden - Kings Opening Event - ICM Pressure with 99 9s,9hView Hand 2024-03-07 (ayd-1014)
Ayden - Kings Opening Event - 44 Multi Way as Agressor 4s,4hView Hand 2024-03-07 (ayd-1013)
Ayden - Kings Opening Event - AQ v Straightforward Opener Ad,QcView Hand 2024-03-07 (ayd-1012)
Ayden - Kings Opening Event - Tough Spot in Soft Field Kh,9hView Hand 2024-03-07 (ayd-1011)
Ayden - Kings Opening Event - 2 Pair on Straight Board Th,9hView Hand 2024-03-07 (ayd-1010)
Ayden - Kings Opening Event - Multiway action with 64s 6d,4dView Hand 2024-03-07 (ayd-1009)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Lucky against Slowplayer As,9hView Hand 2024-03-06 (wap-1205)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Bluffcatching on River As,7sView Hand 2024-03-06 (wap-1204)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Bluff Gone Wrong As,JdView Hand 2024-03-06 (wap-1203)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Reverse Implied Odds Kd,JdView Hand 2024-03-06 (wap-1202)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - 3bet Pot with Check-Raise Ks,JhView Hand 2024-03-06 (wap-1201)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - How did he fold KK??? Kd,QdView Hand 2024-03-06 (wap-1200)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - AK v Lots of Action As,KcView Hand 2024-03-06 (wap-1199)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Two Pair Scary Spot Ad,TdView Hand 2024-03-06 (wap-1198)
Andreas - London Poker Guide Pokerstars 6max 25NL - Polarization Mistake Jd,JhView Hand 2024-03-06 (wap-1197)
Andreas - London Poker Guide Facebook online 6max - Overplaying KK again Kc,KhView Hand 2024-03-06 (wap-1196)
Andreas - London Poker Guide Facebook 10NL - Failing to Bluff River Qd,JdView Hand 2024-03-06 (wap-1195)
Andreas - London Poker Guide Witnessed at Empire - Panicked River Bet 4s,4cView Hand 2024-03-06 (wap-1194)
Andreas - London Poker Guide Witnessed at Empire - Slowplaying each other As,KhView Hand 2024-03-06 (wap-1193)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Reshove Example 2 - KJss Btn vs CO Ks,JsView Hand 2024-03-06 (jec-1151)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Reshove example 1 - 66 in SB 6s,6hView Hand 2024-03-06 (jec-1150)
Ayden - NL50 Ignition - Premium Made Hand from BB Kd,JdView Hand 2024-03-06 (ayd-1008)
Selma - Selma Wynn FT - ICM Issue Ts,TcView Hand 2024-03-05 (sla-1289)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 NL - AK OOP in 4-bet pot Ac,KsView Hand 2024-03-05 (mkn-1043)
Daniel Zane Maroti - buckywhitman 2/3 NL - Go for it all or GO for the Call Ad,AcView Hand 2024-03-05 (dzm-1005)
JOr - 1 3 - CASH View Hand 2024-03-04 (sos-1003)
Selma - Selma Wynn Seniors - Pivotal Hand 9h,9dView Hand 2024-03-04 (sla-1288)
KathleenT - KathleenT PokerStars - Freeroll CC League Game Js,5dView Hand 2024-03-04 (klm-1002)
KathleenT - KathleenT $5 KO - $5 $250 Daily [KO, 6 Max] Ad,AhView Hand 2024-03-04 (klm-1001)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #13, 2024 - QQ UTG Qs,QdView Hand 2024-03-04 (ker-1453)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #13, 2024 - K6s BB vs. EP rfi Kh,6hView Hand 2024-03-04 (ker-1452)
Ayden - 50NL Ignition - River Spot after Flop Overbet Qd,JsView Hand 2024-03-04 (ayd-1007)
Ayden - NL50 Ignition - AKs v Cold caller As,KsView Hand 2024-03-04 (ayd-1006)
Ayden - NL50 Ignition - Premium Made Hand Multiway Kd,7cView Hand 2024-03-04 (ayd-1005)
Ayden - 50NL Ignition - Bluff Catch v BB Tc,6cView Hand 2024-03-04 (ayd-1004)
Ayden - 50NL Ignition - Neat spot v LAG Ah,JhView Hand 2024-03-04 (ayd-1003)
Ayden - 50NL Ignition - BB v SB straight draw Js,9hView Hand 2024-03-04 (ayd-1002)
limp_ftw - Charron Live 5/5 - Q9s 200bb deep vs flop c/r Qc,9cView Hand 2024-03-04 (ato-1001)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #13, 2024 - TT BTN facing 3-bet shove from LAG Th,TdView Hand 2024-03-03 (ker-1451)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #13, 2024 - KTs SB facing BTN raise over limper Kh,ThView Hand 2024-03-03 (ker-1450)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #13, 2024 - A6s HJ rfi As,6sView Hand 2024-03-03 (ker-1449)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #13, 2024 - JJ SB facing LJ rfi Jc,JdView Hand 2024-03-03 (ker-1448)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #13, 2024 - T9s SB facing UTG 3x rfi Jd,9dView Hand 2024-03-03 (ker-1447)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #13, 2024 - JJ +1 facing limper Js,JhView Hand 2024-03-03 (ker-1446)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #13, 2024 - KQo rfi +1 Kd,QsView Hand 2024-03-03 (ker-1445)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #13, 2024 - A5s UTG As,5sView Hand 2024-03-03 (ker-1444)
Joshua Kornetzke - Josh .25/.50 in person 2/29 - Wes All in vs Jordan Hero Call? Ks,JsView Hand 2024-03-03 (jhk-1018)
Joshua Kornetzke - Josh .25/.50 in person 2/1 - JJ Jd,JcView Hand 2024-03-03 (jhk-1017)
Joshua Kornetzke - Josh .25/.50 in person 2/1 - KQ off Kh,QdView Hand 2024-03-03 (jhk-1016)
Joshua Kornetzke - Josh .25/.50 in person 2/1 - KQd Kd,QdView Hand 2024-03-03 (jhk-1015)
Joshua Kornetzke - Josh .25/.50 in person 2/1 - k8h Kh,8hView Hand 2024-03-03 (jhk-1014)
Joshua Kornetzke - Josh .25/.50 in person 2/1 - KTs Ks,TsView Hand 2024-03-03 (jhk-1013)
Joshua Kornetzke - Josh .25/.50 in person 2/1 - AQ off As,QdView Hand 2024-03-03 (jhk-1012)
Joshua Kornetzke - Josh .25/.50 in person 2/1 - KTh Kd,TdView Hand 2024-03-03 (jhk-1011)
Joshua Kornetzke - Josh .25/.50 in person 2/1 - KQ off Kc,QdView Hand 2024-03-03 (jhk-1010)
Joshua Kornetzke - Josh .25/.50 in person 2/1 - A3h Ah,3hView Hand 2024-03-03 (jhk-1009)
John Borges - John B s13 #14 - AK keeps missing As,KhView Hand 2024-03-03 (fly-1880)
John Borges - John B s13 #13 - bvb cooler Qs,9cView Hand 2024-03-03 (fly-1879)
John Borges - John B s13 #12 - vs capped ranges Jd,TdView Hand 2024-03-03 (fly-1878)
John Borges - John B s13 #11 - vs ABC Th,9hView Hand 2024-03-03 (fly-1877)
John Borges - John B s13 #10 - Rockets but flush draw As,AdView Hand 2024-03-03 (fly-1876)
John Borges - John B s13 #9 - slowly trying to recover As,KhView Hand 2024-03-03 (fly-1875)
John Borges - John B s13 #8 - slowly trying to recover As,9hView Hand 2024-03-03 (fly-1874)
John Borges - John B s13 #7 - breaking rules but..... 9d,7dView Hand 2024-03-03 (fly-1873)
John Borges - John B s13 #6 - bvb blah As,3hView Hand 2024-03-03 (fly-1872)
John Borges - John B s13 #5 - so bad of me (multiple reasons) 9h,9cView Hand 2024-03-03 (fly-1871)
John Borges - John B s13 #4 - tough spot vs tight raiser Qd,TdView Hand 2024-03-03 (fly-1870)
John Borges - John B s13 #3 - good flop, bad board 6c,6sView Hand 2024-03-03 (fly-1869)
John Borges - John B s13 #2 - tough start continues 7s,7cView Hand 2024-03-03 (fly-1868)
John Borges - John B s13 #1 - tough start Ac,KcView Hand 2024-03-03 (fly-1867)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game View Hand 2024-03-02 (top-1048)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game Kd,9dView Hand 2024-03-02 (top-1047)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game View Hand 2024-03-02 (top-1046)
Joshua Kornetzke - Josh .25/.50 in person 2/1 - QJ off turn Straight Qd,JhView Hand 2024-03-02 (jhk-1008)
Joshua Kornetzke - Josh .25/.50 in person 2/29 - 99 fold pre 9s,9dView Hand 2024-03-02 (jhk-1007)
Joshua Kornetzke - Josh .25/.50 in person 2/29 - J4h Js,4sView Hand 2024-03-02 (jhk-1006)
Joshua Kornetzke - Josh .25/.50 in person 2/29 - AK off Ac,KhView Hand 2024-03-02 (jhk-1005)
Joshua Kornetzke - Josh .25/.50 in person 2/29 - AJ off Ad,JsView Hand 2024-03-02 (jhk-1004)
Joshua Kornetzke - Josh .25/.50 in person 2/29 - KQ off Qs,KdView Hand 2024-03-02 (jhk-1003)
Joshua Kornetzke - Josh .25/.50 in person 2/29 - Quad Aces As,AcView Hand 2024-03-02 (jhk-1002)
Joshua Kornetzke - Josh .25/.50 in person 2/29 - Turn the flush Jd,6dView Hand 2024-03-02 (jhk-1001)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - TPTK in Big 3bet pot As,JhView Hand 2024-03-01 (wap-1192)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - 3bet pot MW with AK Ac,KsView Hand 2024-03-01 (wap-1191)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Draws get in on river As,ThView Hand 2024-03-01 (wap-1190)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Straight v Boat 7s,7dView Hand 2024-03-01 (wap-1189)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Donker in 3bet pot As,JdView Hand 2024-03-01 (wap-1188)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Flopping the Nuts Ac,9cView Hand 2024-03-01 (wap-1187)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Draw v Draw 4c,4sView Hand 2024-03-01 (wap-1186)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - 3bet Pot with QQ on paired board Qs,QdView Hand 2024-03-01 (wap-1185)
Hershel - Demonstration hand for class - Demo hand played from the villain seat Qc,ThView Hand 2024-03-01 (hes-1002)
Hershel - Demonstration hand for class - A quick demonstration hand of 66 played poorly for demo purposes 6c,6sView Hand 2024-03-01 (hes-1001)
Selma - Selma Venetian Daily - Stuck on button Kc,8cView Hand 2024-02-29 (sla-1287)
- 1 - 1 Kc,9dView Hand 2024-02-29 (ady-1004)
JC - LEARN TO COPE MSPT STL Main - Q2dd made trips Qd,2dView Hand 2024-02-28 (jec-1149)
JC - LEARN TO COPE 3 betting examples 4 - A8s ep vs ep As,8sView Hand 2024-02-28 (jec-1148)
JC - LEARN TO COPE 3 betting examples 3 - ATo in SB As,TdView Hand 2024-02-28 (jec-1147)
JC - LEARN TO COPE 3 betting examples 2 - J9o Js,9hView Hand 2024-02-28 (jec-1146)
JC - LEARN TO COPE 3 bet examples 1 - K9dd Kd,9dView Hand 2024-02-28 (jec-1145)
JC - LEARN TO COPE MSPT Main STL - A5ss 3bet As,5sView Hand 2024-02-28 (jec-1144)
Justin - pompompurin $400 Wynn Day1 02/27/24 - +1 vs CO 3bp Kh,QhView Hand 2024-02-27 (zhn-1011)
Justin - pompompurin $400 Wynn Day1 02/27/24 - BB vs CO SRP Ah,5cView Hand 2024-02-27 (zhn-1010)
Justin - pompompurin $400 Wynn Day1 - +1 vs UTG 3BP Ac,QsView Hand 2024-02-27 (zhn-1009)
Justin - pompompurin $600 Venetian Day 1 - +1 vs BB SRP 9s,9cView Hand 2024-02-27 (zhn-1008)
Justin - pompompurin Wynn low Day 1C - +2 vs BB SRP Qc,JcView Hand 2024-02-27 (zhn-1007)
Justin - pompompurin Wynn low Day 1C - BB vs HJ SRP Kc,9cView Hand 2024-02-27 (zhn-1006)
Justin - pompompurin $1600 WPT Day 1C - BB vs +2 3BP Ks,KhView Hand 2024-02-27 (zhn-1005)
Justin - pompompurin $400 Venetian Day 1 - +2 vs BB SRP Ah,ThView Hand 2024-02-27 (zhn-1004)
Aki Nevalainen - 555€ Kot - Sebua vastaan Ad,8dView Hand 2024-02-27 (nev-1001)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 NL - AJ in SB 30bet As,JdView Hand 2024-02-27 (mkn-1042)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 NL - 3-bet pot 4 ways to showdown Ah,QhView Hand 2024-02-27 (mkn-1041)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 NL - JJ BB defense Jc,JsView Hand 2024-02-27 (mkn-1040)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 NL - J9s BB Defense Js,9sView Hand 2024-02-27 (mkn-1039)
- cash - replay Kh,AhView Hand 2024-02-27 (ady-1003)
Justin - pompompurin $800 Venetian Day 1 - LJ vs BU SRP Jc,9cView Hand 2024-02-26 (zhn-1003)
Justin - pompompurin $800 Venetian Day 1 - B v B SRP Th,6hView Hand 2024-02-26 (zhn-1002)
Justin - pompompurin $800 Venetian Day 2 - B v B SRP Qs,8sView Hand 2024-02-26 (zhn-1001)
SU XU - robbie Macau 100/200 - AQo As,QhView Hand 2024-02-26 (rob-1074)
SU XU - robbie Macau 100/200 - KQdd Kd,QdView Hand 2024-02-26 (rob-1073)
SU XU - robbie Macau 100/200 - 64dd 6d,4dView Hand 2024-02-26 (rob-1072)
SU XU - robbie Macau 100/200 - AKo Ah,KsView Hand 2024-02-26 (rob-1071)
SU XU - robbie Macau 100/200 - AAcs Ac,AsView Hand 2024-02-26 (rob-1070)
SU XU - robbie Macau 100/200 - AKss As,KsView Hand 2024-02-26 (rob-1069)
Don Bisco - Blitz SDS Event # 10 - Sticky 6s,6hView Hand 2024-02-26 (don-1065)
- Linus - Linus As,7sView Hand 2024-02-26 (ady-1002)
John Borges - John B ACR 2/25 #3 - stubborn punt Ts,TdView Hand 2024-02-25 (fly-1866)
John Borges - John B ACR 2/25 #2 - river? 5s,4sView Hand 2024-02-25 (fly-1865)
John Borges - John B ACR 2/25 #1 - spicy As,9dView Hand 2024-02-25 (fly-1864)
zack - sc11 deep - Final table Ac,KcView Hand 2024-02-24 (zak-1001)
SU XU - robbie Manila 200/400 - A5ss As,5sView Hand 2024-02-24 (rob-1068)
SU XU - robbie Manila 200/400 - QJdd Qd,JdView Hand 2024-02-24 (rob-1067)
SU XU - robbie Manila 200/400 - KQhh Kh,QhView Hand 2024-02-24 (rob-1066)
SU XU - robbie Manila 200/400 - AQcc Ac,QcView Hand 2024-02-24 (rob-1065)
SU XU - robbie Manila 200/400 - KKhd Kh,KdView Hand 2024-02-24 (rob-1064)
SU XU - robbie Manila 200/400 - QTss Qs,TsView Hand 2024-02-24 (rob-1063)
SU XU - robbie Manila 100/200/400 - AAsc As,AcView Hand 2024-02-24 (rob-1062)
SU XU - robbie Manila 200/400 - 66 6h,6cView Hand 2024-02-24 (rob-1061)
SU XU - robbie Manila 200/400 - A3cc Ac,3cView Hand 2024-02-24 (rob-1060)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game View Hand 2024-02-23 (top-1045)
John Borges - John B ACR 2/23 #1 - selling the story Tc,8cView Hand 2024-02-23 (fly-1863)
Solwa54 - 50NL Pokerstars - Facing Turn Donk Qc,9sView Hand 2024-02-21 (sow-1081)
SU XU - robbie Macau 50/100 - QThh 3b pot Qh,ThView Hand 2024-02-21 (rob-1059)
SU XU - robbie Macau 50/100 - 33 3s,3hView Hand 2024-02-21 (rob-1058)
SU XU - robbie Macau 50/100 - JTs Jc,TcView Hand 2024-02-21 (rob-1057)
SU XU - robbie Macau 50/100 - 99 9s,9cView Hand 2024-02-21 (rob-1056)
SU XU - robbie Macau 50/100 - JJ Jc,JdView Hand 2024-02-21 (rob-1055)
SU XU - robbie Macau 50/100 - K9o Kh,9dView Hand 2024-02-21 (rob-1054)
SU XU - robbie Macau 50/100 - AJhh Ah,JhView Hand 2024-02-21 (rob-1053)
Matt Logan - 1/2 Live - 3 bet pot KK View Hand 2024-02-21 (mgl-1001)
The Sheriff - 2019 WSOP 1k - Approx 1 hour to the money 8h,4sView Hand 2024-02-20 (wir-1002)
The Sheriff - 2023 $2500 WSOP - BTN vs BB Js,JhView Hand 2024-02-20 (wir-1001)
wilson - quads v kara - QUADSS 4h,4dView Hand 2024-02-20 (wio-1001)
Selma - Selma Venetian 400 - BB Bluff vs Button 8s,9hView Hand 2024-02-20 (sla-1286)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #12 2024 - A7o SB folded to me As,7hView Hand 2024-02-20 (ker-1443)
Faraz Jaka - Sherif, Live tournament - Hand 2 Ad,TdView Hand 2024-02-20 (jaa-1781)
Faraz Jaka - Sherif, Live tournament - Hand 1 3h,3sView Hand 2024-02-20 (jaa-1780)
Faraz Jaka - Mio Rodriguez, $164,000 online tournament - Hand 1 Tc,6cView Hand 2024-02-20 (jaa-1779)
John Borges - John B s12 #15 - FT. ICM facing big stack Ad,JdView Hand 2024-02-20 (fly-1862)
John Borges - John B s12 #14 - on points bubble. ICM As,KhView Hand 2024-02-20 (fly-1861)
John Borges - John B s12 #13 - on points bubble As,QsView Hand 2024-02-20 (fly-1860)
John Borges - John B s12 #12 - Thought I picked up on bet sizing tell Td,9dView Hand 2024-02-20 (fly-1859)
John Borges - John B s12 #11 - Gotta remember sometimes I run well too Jc,JsView Hand 2024-02-20 (fly-1858)
John Borges - John B s12 #10 - facing 3b. Play for stacks? As,KhView Hand 2024-02-20 (fly-1857)
John Borges - John B s12 #9 - vs. Don w/ good blockers. Wonder what GTO says Kd,QcView Hand 2024-02-20 (fly-1856)
John Borges - John B s12 #8 - same scenario As,KhView Hand 2024-02-20 (fly-1855)
John Borges - John B s12 #7 - can I win a flip? As,KhView Hand 2024-02-20 (fly-1854)
John Borges - John B s12 #6 - what is calling range to a shove? 7s,7cView Hand 2024-02-20 (fly-1853)
John Borges - John B s12 #5 - vs. capped ranges As,7sView Hand 2024-02-20 (fly-1852)
John Borges - John B s12 #4 - very next hand Qc,QhView Hand 2024-02-20 (fly-1851)
John Borges - John B s12 #3 - facing big donk bet (I dont recall what I had) View Hand 2024-02-20 (fly-1850)
John Borges - John B s12 #2 - players acted out of turn x2 As,KdView Hand 2024-02-20 (fly-1849)
John Borges - John B s12 #1 - rainbow board Ts,9sView Hand 2024-02-20 (fly-1848)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #12 2024 - KJo on BTN facing UTG rfi Kh,JdView Hand 2024-02-19 (ker-1442)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #12 2024 - T4o SB facing BTN limp Ts,4dView Hand 2024-02-19 (ker-1441)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #12 2024 - K9s on BTN facing CO limp Ks,9sView Hand 2024-02-19 (ker-1440)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #12 2024 - 42s on BTN; HU 4d,2dView Hand 2024-02-19 (ker-1439)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #12 2024 - T7s in BB facing BTN rfi Td,7dView Hand 2024-02-19 (ker-1438)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #12 2024 - 94o in SB rfi 9s,4cView Hand 2024-02-19 (ker-1437)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #12 2024 - ATo in BB facing CO rfi As,TcView Hand 2024-02-19 (ker-1436)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #12 2024 - QTs in CO facing LJ rfi Qd,TdView Hand 2024-02-19 (ker-1435)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #12 2024 - TT in BB facing HJ rfi Tc,TdView Hand 2024-02-19 (ker-1434)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #12 2024 - A9s on BTN facing 3 limpers Ad,9dView Hand 2024-02-19 (ker-1433)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #12 2024 - 65o in BB facing UTG rfi 6c,5sView Hand 2024-02-19 (ker-1432)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #12 2024 - KQo on BTN facing UTG rfi Kd,QcView Hand 2024-02-19 (ker-1431)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #12 2024 - T3s in BB Td,3dView Hand 2024-02-19 (ker-1430)
Faraz Jaka - Benjamin Luber, WSOP Pomp B ME - Hand 7 (7 added) Ad,8dView Hand 2024-02-19 (jaa-1778)
Faraz Jaka - Benjamin Luber, WSOP Pomp B ME - Hand 6 (7 added) 3s,3dView Hand 2024-02-19 (jaa-1777)
Faraz Jaka - Benjamin Luber, WSOP Pomp B ME - Hand 5 (7 added) 6s,4hView Hand 2024-02-19 (jaa-1776)
Faraz Jaka - Benjamin Luber, WSOP Pomp B ME - Hand 4 (7 added) Ah,JhView Hand 2024-02-19 (jaa-1775)
Faraz Jaka - Benjamin Luber, WSOP Pomp B ME - Hand 3 (7 added) As,5dView Hand 2024-02-19 (jaa-1774)
Faraz Jaka - Benjamin Luber, WSOP Pomp B ME - Hand 2 (7 added) 7s,7cView Hand 2024-02-19 (jaa-1773)
Faraz Jaka - Benjamin Luber, WSOP Pomp B ME - Hand 1 (7 added) As,JdView Hand 2024-02-19 (jaa-1772)
Faraz Jaka - Jacki Burkhart - Hand 1 Ks,3cView Hand 2024-02-19 (jaa-1771)
Faraz Jaka - Mistie Lackey, Home Tourney, $80 Turbo - Hand 3 Qh,QsView Hand 2024-02-19 (jaa-1770)
Faraz Jaka - Mistie Lackey, $20 Turbo / 25K starting stack - Hand 2 As,9hView Hand 2024-02-19 (jaa-1769)
Faraz Jaka - Mistie Lackey, $20 Turbo / 25K starting stack - Hand 1 9s,8dView Hand 2024-02-19 (jaa-1768)
Faraz Jaka - Sebastian Park, $1500Millionaire Maker - Hand 3 Ac,KdView Hand 2024-02-19 (jaa-1767)
Faraz Jaka - Sebastian Park, $1500Millionaire Maker - Hand 2 Ac,AdView Hand 2024-02-19 (jaa-1766)
Faraz Jaka - Sebastian Park, $1500Millionaire Maker - Hand 1 7s,6sView Hand 2024-02-19 (jaa-1765)
Faraz Jaka - Benjamin Luber, WSOP Pomp B ME - Hand 3 Qd,9cView Hand 2024-02-19 (jaa-1764)
Faraz Jaka - Benjamin Luber, WSOP Pomp B ME - Hand 2 8h,2cView Hand 2024-02-19 (jaa-1763)
Faraz Jaka - Benjamin Luber, WSOP Pomp B ME - Hand 1 Ad,KhView Hand 2024-02-19 (jaa-1762)
Faraz Jaka - Santiago Cabatu - a.k.a. June - Hand 1 As,KdView Hand 2024-02-19 (jaa-1761)
Faraz Jaka - Craig Morrison - Hand 3 Js,8hView Hand 2024-02-19 (jaa-1760)
Faraz Jaka - Craig Morrison - Hand 2 Ah,9hView Hand 2024-02-19 (jaa-1759)
Faraz Jaka - Craig Morrison - Hand 1 5h,4hView Hand 2024-02-19 (jaa-1758)
Faraz Jaka - Aaron Wach. Satellite MTT for $800 bounty - Hand 2 Kd,7hView Hand 2024-02-19 (jaa-1757)
Faraz Jaka - Aaron Wach. Satellite MTT for $800 bounty - Hand 1 Ks,KcView Hand 2024-02-19 (jaa-1756)
Alex Kozak - Daypass WSOP Milli Satelite online - BTN 99 vs HJ open AKs 9d,9cView Hand 2024-02-18 (koz-1010)
JJ - winstar $500 main - first hand after rebuy period, 40 min lvls day 1 As,JsView Hand 2024-02-17 (jcj-1587)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 20NL Elwin - TP vs c/r #2 Kd,QdView Hand 2024-02-15 (wap-1184)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 25NL Elwin - TPTK vs c/r Ah,QhView Hand 2024-02-15 (wap-1183)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 20NL Elwin - TPTK on flush board As,KsView Hand 2024-02-15 (wap-1182)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Live Student - TPTK in MW pot Ad,QsView Hand 2024-02-15 (wap-1181)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Live Student - Overplaying KK Kc,KdView Hand 2024-02-15 (wap-1180)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game Ad,AhView Hand 2024-02-15 (top-1044)
tokenator - 2/5 - 2/9/24 - 1 Jd,JhView Hand 2024-02-15 (tak-1151)
tokenator - 2/5 - 2/3/24 - 8 6s,5sView Hand 2024-02-15 (tak-1150)
tokenator - 2/5 - 2/3/24 - 7 Qh,QdView Hand 2024-02-15 (tak-1149)
tokenator - 2/5 - 2/3/24 - 6 Ac,7sView Hand 2024-02-15 (tak-1148)
tokenator - 2/5 - 2/3/24 - 5 Ad,9dView Hand 2024-02-15 (tak-1147)
Selma - Selma Venetian 600 - SB leads Qh,QdView Hand 2024-02-15 (sla-1285)
Selma - Selma Venetian 600 - BB leads Ah,AdView Hand 2024-02-15 (sla-1284)
Selma - Selma Venetian 600 - BB leads 8s,8hView Hand 2024-02-15 (sla-1283)
JJ - biloxi $400 - thoughts on river bluff? 6s,7sView Hand 2024-02-15 (jcj-1586)
JJ - horsehoe local - multiway with top pair, bet sizings? Ac,QcView Hand 2024-02-15 (jcj-1585)
JJ - 1/3 cash - postflop sizings on turn and river? Ks,QcView Hand 2024-02-15 (jcj-1584)
JJ - 1/3 cash - thoughts on river check vs value bet? Ac,TdView Hand 2024-02-15 (jcj-1583)
JJ - 1/3 cash - postflop thoughts against loose passive woman who was trying to raise UTG but actually was in the BB? Ac,KcView Hand 2024-02-15 (jcj-1582)
JJ - ballys local - thoughts on turn and river? Kd,9hView Hand 2024-02-15 (jcj-1581)
JJ - local horseshoe - final table - 6 left, 3 paid- jam vs wait for another hand? Kh,3hView Hand 2024-02-15 (jcj-1580)
JJ - local horseshoe - final table - 6 left, 3 paid- thoughts on checking vs jamming flop when short stacked? Js,TdView Hand 2024-02-15 (jcj-1579)
Selma - Selma Venetian 500 - T9 suited 9h,ThView Hand 2024-02-14 (sla-1282)
Alex Kozak - Daypass $4000 GT R&A - KTs in BB - Multi Way Kh,ThView Hand 2024-02-13 (koz-1009)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BB hands - 52s in BB on AK5rb 5s,2sView Hand 2024-02-13 (jec-1143)
Kenna James - KJ JamesGang - Monday Club Game As,6sView Hand 2024-02-11 (kej-1001)
JC - LEARN TO COPE 2/3 NL STL - KJo huge bluff Ks,JdView Hand 2024-02-11 (jec-1142)
JC - LEARN TO COPE 2/3 NL STL - T8hh Th,8hView Hand 2024-02-11 (jec-1141)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 32 8s,8hView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-2020)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 31 Ad,QdView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-2019)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 30 7s,7cView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-2018)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 29 Kc,QcView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-2017)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 28 9s,9hView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-2016)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 27 Qs,TsView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-2015)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 26 Td,TcView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-2014)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 25 As,2sView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-2013)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 24 As,JhView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-2012)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 23 Ks,QhView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-2011)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 22 Ts,8hView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-2010)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 21 Js,JhView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-2009)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 20 9h,8sView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-2008)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 19 Ah,KcView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-2007)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 18 Kh,TsView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-2006)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 17 8s,8hView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-2005)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 16 Qh,QdView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-2004)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 15 5c,4cView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-2003)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 14 Js,8cView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-2002)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 13 Ks,KdView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-2001)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 12 As,AdView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-2000)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 11 Qh,ThView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-1999)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 10 As,JhView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-1998)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 9 Kc,TcView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-1997)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 8 Ah,JhView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-1996)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 7 Ah,KdView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-1995)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 6 9h,7cView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-1994)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 5 Jd,2dView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-1993)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 4 Ad,4dView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-1992)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 3 Qs,TdView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-1991)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 2 Jh,8hView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-1990)
PokerCoaching - JL Tournament - 1 Ks,KhView Hand 2024-02-08 (bdo-1989)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game View Hand 2024-02-07 (top-1043)
John Borges - John B s10 #10 - going backwards Ah,9hView Hand 2024-02-07 (fly-1847)
John Borges - John B s10 #9 - raising Steve again, but felt like he was tired of it Ah,QhView Hand 2024-02-07 (fly-1846)
John Borges - John B s10 #8 - ranging Ks,ThView Hand 2024-02-07 (fly-1845)
John Borges - John B s10 #7 - barrel or give up? Qs,6cView Hand 2024-02-07 (fly-1844)
John Borges - John B s10 #6 - breaking rule Ah,TcView Hand 2024-02-07 (fly-1843)
John Borges - John B s10 #5 - squeezing / sizing? Qs,QcView Hand 2024-02-07 (fly-1842)
Alper - vtol London Cup - AJ vs JJ FT Ah,JcView Hand 2024-02-07 (aps-1004)
Alper - vtol London Cup - J9 vs ?? Jc,9cView Hand 2024-02-07 (aps-1003)
Alper - vtol London 250 - JJ vs A5 Jd,JhView Hand 2024-02-07 (aps-1002)
Alper - vtol London Cup - AJ vs JJ Ac,JhView Hand 2024-02-07 (aps-1001)
Andreas - London Poker Guide Discord 5/5 - Missed Bluff Opportunities As,JsView Hand 2024-02-06 (wap-1179)
Andreas - London Poker Guide Facebook 10NL - Reacting to Triple Ks,QsView Hand 2024-02-06 (wap-1178)
Andreas - London Poker Guide Facebook 2/2 - Polarisation & Bluff Catching Ah,4hView Hand 2024-02-06 (wap-1177)
Andreas - London Poker Guide Facebook unknown stake - Polarisation mistake Ac,QcView Hand 2024-02-06 (wap-1176)
Andreas - London Poker Guide Facebook 25NL Zoom - Overplayed KK Ks,KcView Hand 2024-02-06 (wap-1175)
Nik - Nik 5/10/20 - sample CO v BU SRP As,TcView Hand 2024-02-06 (nir-1001)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 NL - AJs vs 3B cold call Ac,JcView Hand 2024-02-06 (mkn-1038)
John Borges - John B s10 #4 - targeted spicy Ks,8sView Hand 2024-02-06 (fly-1841)
John Borges - John B s11 #9 - can I get away? Qs,QcView Hand 2024-02-06 (fly-1840)
John Borges - John B s11 #8 - do I bomb river? Ks,JhView Hand 2024-02-06 (fly-1839)
John Borges - John B s11 #7 - 3b? Perhaps if I do I win more Ah,5hView Hand 2024-02-06 (fly-1838)
John Borges - John B s11 #6 - sizing? Qh,QdView Hand 2024-02-06 (fly-1837)
John Borges - John B s11 #5 - things not going well 8c,9cView Hand 2024-02-06 (fly-1836)
John Borges - John B s11 #4 - what his 3b range? 6s,6hView Hand 2024-02-06 (fly-1835)
John Borges - John B s11 #3 - very next hand As,JhView Hand 2024-02-06 (fly-1834)
John Borges - John B s11 #2 - capped or super nutted? 6s,6cView Hand 2024-02-06 (fly-1833)
John Borges - John B s11 #1 - pre flop call or no? Deep but OOP throughout 7d,6dView Hand 2024-02-06 (fly-1832)
S L - online 200 FT - 3bet pot against CL Kd,KhView Hand 2024-02-05 (toz-1001)
tokenator - 2/5 - 2/3/24 - 4 Jh,JdView Hand 2024-02-05 (tak-1146)
tokenator - 2/5 - 2/3/24 - 3 Ac,KcView Hand 2024-02-05 (tak-1145)
tokenator - 2/5 - 2/3/24 - 2 Ad,AsView Hand 2024-02-05 (tak-1144)
tokenator - 2/5 - 2/3/24 - 1 Kh,KcView Hand 2024-02-05 (tak-1143)
Selma - Selma Wynn 240 - Flopped set in BB 4d,4hView Hand 2024-02-05 (sla-1281)
Selma - Selma wynn 240 - 15 BB with Jacks Jd,JcView Hand 2024-02-05 (sla-1280)
Selma - Selma Wynn 240 - Flopped nuts Ah,AdView Hand 2024-02-05 (sla-1279)
Selma - Selma Wynn 240 - Committed? Jh,JdView Hand 2024-02-05 (sla-1278)
Bob - Bobothy JJ vs 97ss - asd Jh,JsView Hand 2024-02-05 (jwk-1034)
Bob - Bobothy AJ vs A5 - asd Ad,JdView Hand 2024-02-05 (jwk-1033)
Bob - Bobothy AK vs AT - asd Ah,KcView Hand 2024-02-05 (jwk-1032)
Bob - Bobothy KK vs 22 - asd Ks,KhView Hand 2024-02-05 (jwk-1031)
Bob - Bobothy AA vs Q9h - asd Ah,AsView Hand 2024-02-05 (jwk-1030)
Bob - Bobothy 99 vs - dsa 9h,9sView Hand 2024-02-05 (jwk-1029)
Bob - Bobothy 88 vs AK - 123 8c,8hView Hand 2024-02-05 (jwk-1028)
JC - LEARN TO COPE General - Super short in BB Stop N Go Play 3s,3cView Hand 2024-02-05 (jec-1140)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW HW5 - TT near bubble Ts,ThView Hand 2024-02-05 (jec-1139)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW HW4 - KTcc facing small 3bet Kc,TcView Hand 2024-02-05 (jec-1138)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW HW3 - ATo in BB should we stab turn As,ThView Hand 2024-02-05 (jec-1137)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW HW2 - K9ss overlimp Ks,9sView Hand 2024-02-05 (jec-1136)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW HW1 - 44 in SB 4h,4cView Hand 2024-02-05 (jec-1135)
Alex Kozak - Daypass $55 Knock out - 2 pair vs 2 pair Ad,7cView Hand 2024-02-04 (koz-1008)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #11, 2024 - A6s with 9bb facing UTG open Ah,6hView Hand 2024-02-04 (ker-1429)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #11, 2024 - A6s with 9bb facing UTG open Ah,6hView Hand 2024-02-04 (ker-1428)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #11, 2024 - A6s with 9bb facing UTG open Ah,6hView Hand 2024-02-04 (ker-1427)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #11, 2024 - Lena donk small on flop 9h,3cView Hand 2024-02-04 (ker-1426)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #11, 2024 - T5s in SB facing 2 limpers Tc,5cView Hand 2024-02-04 (ker-1425)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #11, 2024 - KK rfi from CO Ks,KhView Hand 2024-02-04 (ker-1424)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #11, 2024 - T7s on BTN facing 1 limper Td,7dView Hand 2024-02-04 (ker-1423)
jon - 2.4.24 - TT2 - 2.4.24 - TT2 Qc,JsView Hand 2024-02-04 (jnt-1020)
jon - 2.4.24 - TT - 2.4.24 - TT Kd,KhView Hand 2024-02-04 (jnt-1019)
Chris Radford - Radford999 live mtt - mtt Kc,KdView Hand 2024-02-03 (rdd-1017)
Wes Lorenz - LilDubya 1/3 Speedway - Dan screws himself with an over pair Js,JhView Hand 2024-02-02 (wes-1013)
Wes Lorenz - LilDubya 1/3 Speedway - Dan makes bad read with 3rd pair Ks,TsView Hand 2024-02-02 (wes-1012)
test - 400$ - qwertyuio View Hand 2024-02-02 (pvo-1001)
John Borges - John B s10 #3 - still out of hand and punting Jd,7dView Hand 2024-02-01 (fly-1831)
John Borges - John B s10 #2 - getting out of line 7c,6hView Hand 2024-02-01 (fly-1830)
John Borges - John B s10 #1 - trying something new Ah,9dView Hand 2024-02-01 (fly-1829)
Wes Lorenz - LilDubya 1/3 NLH - 3-way with one player All In Preflop Td,TcView Hand 2024-01-31 (wes-1011)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Set vs Draw Ts,TcView Hand 2024-01-31 (wap-1174)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Big River Decision As,JcView Hand 2024-01-31 (wap-1173)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - River Value vs 52o 8s,8hView Hand 2024-01-31 (wap-1172)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Suckout Ad,QhView Hand 2024-01-31 (wap-1171)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Losing House 8d,7dView Hand 2024-01-31 (wap-1170)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Huge Turn Decision As,QcView Hand 2024-01-31 (wap-1169)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Max Value vs Friendly Whale Ac,JcView Hand 2024-01-31 (wap-1168)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Mistake with TT Ts,TdView Hand 2024-01-31 (wap-1167)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Set of Aces Ah,AdView Hand 2024-01-31 (wap-1166)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Owned by an Old Man Ks,8hView Hand 2024-01-31 (wap-1165)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - River Raise for Value As,9sView Hand 2024-01-31 (wap-1164)
tokenator - 1/2 - 1/24/24 - 11 Ac,KhView Hand 2024-01-31 (tak-1142)
tokenator - 1/2 - 1/24/24 - 10 Ks,JhView Hand 2024-01-31 (tak-1141)
tokenator - 1/2 - 1/24/24 - 9 Qs,JcView Hand 2024-01-31 (tak-1140)
tokenator - 1/2 - 1/24/24 - 8 Ah,QhView Hand 2024-01-31 (tak-1139)
tokenator - 1/2 - 1/24/24 - 7 Ks,KcView Hand 2024-01-31 (tak-1138)
tokenator - 1/2 - 1/24/24 - 6 Qc,JcView Hand 2024-01-31 (tak-1137)
tokenator - 1/2 - 1/24/24 - 5 Ad,KdView Hand 2024-01-31 (tak-1136)
tokenator - 1/2 - 1/24/24 - 4 Tc,ThView Hand 2024-01-31 (tak-1135)
tokenator - 1/2 - 1/24/24 - 3 4c,4dView Hand 2024-01-31 (tak-1134)
tokenator - 1/2 - 1/24/24 - 2 2s,2cView Hand 2024-01-31 (tak-1133)
tokenator - 1/2 - 1/24/24 - 1 Qc,TcView Hand 2024-01-31 (tak-1132)
Solwa54 - 50NL Pokerstars - Do I ever 4bet OOP after a fish cold calls a 3bet? Ah,JhView Hand 2024-01-31 (sow-1080)
Mateusz - woln7777 grzes - uno 1 Kc,QhView Hand 2024-01-30 (mwo-1001)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW Tunica - ATdd limped behind utg facing 9x raise from BB Ad,TdView Hand 2024-01-30 (jec-1134)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW Tunica - 52o in SB when BB only has like 4 bbs 5s,2hView Hand 2024-01-30 (jec-1133)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW Tunica - TT in SB when board pairs K on turn Th,TcView Hand 2024-01-30 (jec-1132)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW Tunica - 99 with 15bbs facing min raise from BB 9s,9hView Hand 2024-01-30 (jec-1131)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW Tunica - Jacks vs a rivered 2 pair Js,JcView Hand 2024-01-30 (jec-1130)
Helene - Pokercop $210.00 daily Tournament - TT Ts,TcView Hand 2024-01-30 (hco-1001)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 NL - Top set @200BB Qs,QcView Hand 2024-01-29 (mkn-1037)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 NL - Nut Flush Draw vs. shorts Ad,JdView Hand 2024-01-29 (mkn-1036)
Bob - Bobothy TT on mono 2 - 123 Ts,TcView Hand 2024-01-29 (jwk-1027)
Bob - Bobothy TT on mono - d Tc,TdView Hand 2024-01-29 (jwk-1026)
Brian Harrison - $1/$3 NLH - Live 1/3 at a loose wild game. Ts,TcView Hand 2024-01-29 (brh-1001)
Solwa54 - 50NL Pokerstars - Deepstacked nut flush draw Ac,QsView Hand 2024-01-28 (sow-1079)
Solwa54 - 50NL Pokerstars - Weird 3way 3bet pot. Ah,KhView Hand 2024-01-27 (sow-1078)
Bob - Bobothy 44 vs AA - asd 4d,4cView Hand 2024-01-27 (jwk-1025)
Bob - Bobothy 55 - 123 5c,5sView Hand 2024-01-27 (jwk-1024)
Bob - Bobothy A4hh - asd Ah,4hView Hand 2024-01-27 (jwk-1023)
Bob - Bobothy AJss reversed - asd As,JsView Hand 2024-01-27 (jwk-1022)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #10, 2024 - ATs BTN facing HJ rfi As,TsView Hand 2024-01-26 (ker-1422)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #10, 2024 - ATs BTN facing HJ rfi As,TsView Hand 2024-01-26 (ker-1421)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #10, 2024 - 85s BB facing LJ rfi 8d,5dView Hand 2024-01-26 (ker-1420)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #10, 2024 - 77 LJ rfi 7h,7cView Hand 2024-01-26 (ker-1419)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #10, 2024 - ATs +2 rfi Ah,ThView Hand 2024-01-26 (ker-1418)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #10, 2024 - 97s BTN facing HJ limp 9h,7hView Hand 2024-01-26 (ker-1417)
Bob - Bobothy QJss SB - d Qs,JsView Hand 2024-01-26 (jwk-1021)
Bob - Bobothy QJss BTN - flush Qs,JsView Hand 2024-01-26 (jwk-1020)
Bob - Bobothy A3cc BTN - multiway Ac,3cView Hand 2024-01-26 (jwk-1019)
Ray - Home Game at E's - £10 Buy in blinds 5p-10p Ac,4cView Hand 2024-01-26 (fbt-1009)
Perry - 13 - 5 Ah,AdView Hand 2024-01-25 (pey-1005)
Perry - 13 - 4 As,QdView Hand 2024-01-25 (pey-1004)
Perry - 13 - 3 8s,8hView Hand 2024-01-25 (pey-1003)
Perry - 1/3 - 2 Js,4sView Hand 2024-01-25 (pey-1002)
Perry - $1/$3 NL - Hand 1 As,KsView Hand 2024-01-25 (pey-1001)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game Ac,KdView Hand 2024-01-24 (top-1042)
Karen Boyd - QQ Monthly League, Jan. 17 - monthly league hands Qs,QhView Hand 2024-01-24 (kbt-1001)
GodCC - GodCC 名门 20$/50 - 无限鱿鱼 Js,JhView Hand 2024-01-24 (goc-1010)
tokenator - 1/2 - 1/19/24 - 7 Js,JhView Hand 2024-01-23 (tak-1131)
tokenator - 1/2 - 1/19/24 - 6 Kd,QcView Hand 2024-01-23 (tak-1130)
tokenator - 1/2 - 1/19/24 - 5 As,QhView Hand 2024-01-23 (tak-1129)
tokenator - 1/2 - 1/19/24 - 4 Kd,9dView Hand 2024-01-23 (tak-1128)
tokenator - 1/2 - 1/19/24 - 3 As,QcView Hand 2024-01-23 (tak-1127)
tokenator - 1/2 - 1/19/24 - 2 Ts,9hView Hand 2024-01-23 (tak-1126)
tokenator - 1/2 - 1/19/24 - 1 5s,5dView Hand 2024-01-23 (tak-1125)
Sam - 5/10 NL - 4bet bluff CO/BTN Js,TsView Hand 2024-01-23 (sag-1001)
Solwa54 - 50NL Pokerstars - Really weird flop donk Qd,7dView Hand 2024-01-22 (sow-1077)
Solwa54 - 50NL Pokerstars - 3bet larger? Fold the turn? Ah,AcView Hand 2024-01-22 (sow-1076)
Bob - Bobothy AK on CCC - c As,KhView Hand 2024-01-22 (jwk-1018)
Bob - Bobothy AK vs KT SRP - UTG vs BB Ah,KdView Hand 2024-01-22 (jwk-1017)
Bob - Bobothy AK vs JT 3bp - QQQ Ad,KdView Hand 2024-01-22 (jwk-1016)
Bob - Bobothy AK on 852 - 3bp As,KhView Hand 2024-01-22 (jwk-1015)
Bob - Bobothy AK vs AQ - asd Ac,KhView Hand 2024-01-22 (jwk-1014)
Bob - Bobothy AK Q72 - asd Ah,KhView Hand 2024-01-22 (jwk-1013)
Bob - Bobothy AK on J62 - dsa As,KsView Hand 2024-01-22 (jwk-1012)
Bob - Bobothy AK on J98 3bp - s Ac,KhView Hand 2024-01-22 (jwk-1011)
Steve - The Naked Ace KJo button - 5NL Ks,JdView Hand 2024-01-21 (ssl-1004)
Bob - Bobothy AK vs BTN A85 - d Ah,KhView Hand 2024-01-21 (jwk-1010)
Bob - Bobothy AK +1 vs UTG - j As,KhView Hand 2024-01-21 (jwk-1009)
Bob - Bobothy AK 3bp on J62 - d Ah,KhView Hand 2024-01-21 (jwk-1008)
Bob - Bobothy AK vs BB - d View Hand 2024-01-21 (jwk-1007)
Bob - Bobothy AK vs 55 - dd Ah,KcView Hand 2024-01-21 (jwk-1006)
Selma - Selma Daytona 400 - KK smoked Kc,KsView Hand 2024-01-19 (sla-1277)
Selma - Selma Daytona 400 - Check raise BB Kd,9sView Hand 2024-01-19 (sla-1276)
Bob - Bobothy 77 shove - f 7h,7cView Hand 2024-01-19 (jwk-1005)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Missed slow play. As,AcView Hand 2024-01-19 (hod-1044)
Bob - Bobothy m - vb Ah,QhView Hand 2024-01-18 (jwk-1004)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game View Hand 2024-01-17 (top-1041)
Faraz Jaka - $10k seniors wpt wynn - ATs Ac,TcView Hand 2024-01-17 (jaa-1755)
Faraz Jaka - Hand from Seniors Borgata ($300 20K SS) - Hand 1 As,QdView Hand 2024-01-17 (jaa-1754)
Faraz Jaka - Seniors from HR and Borgata - Hand 7 Ac,5dView Hand 2024-01-17 (jaa-1751)
Faraz Jaka - Seniors from HR and Borgata - Hand 6 Ad,TcView Hand 2024-01-17 (jaa-1750)
Faraz Jaka - Seniors from HR and Borgata - Hand 5 9d,9hView Hand 2024-01-17 (jaa-1749)
Faraz Jaka - Seniors from HR and Borgata - Hand 4 Ad,QhView Hand 2024-01-17 (jaa-1748)
Faraz Jaka - Seniors from HR and Borgata - Hand 3 Ac,QhView Hand 2024-01-17 (jaa-1747)
Faraz Jaka - Seniors from HR and Borgata - Hand 2 Qs,QcView Hand 2024-01-17 (jaa-1746)
Faraz Jaka - Seniors from HR and Borgata - Hand 1 Jd,2dView Hand 2024-01-17 (jaa-1745)
Faraz Jaka - Hard Rock $1,100. $100K GTD - Hand 9 Ks,QdView Hand 2024-01-17 (jaa-1744)
Faraz Jaka - Hard Rock $1,100. $100K GTD - Hand 8 5s,5cView Hand 2024-01-17 (jaa-1743)
Faraz Jaka - Hard Rock $1,100. $100K GTD - Hand 6 Ah,3cView Hand 2024-01-17 (jaa-1741)
Faraz Jaka - Hard Rock $1,100. $100K GTD - Hand 5 Th,TdView Hand 2024-01-17 (jaa-1740)
Faraz Jaka - Hard Rock $1,100. $100K GTD - Hand 4 6s,3sView Hand 2024-01-17 (jaa-1739)
Faraz Jaka - Hard Rock $1,100. $100K GTD - Hand 3 5s,4hView Hand 2024-01-17 (jaa-1738)
Faraz Jaka - Hard Rock $1,100. $100K GTD - Hand 2 Ks,JdView Hand 2024-01-17 (jaa-1737)
Faraz Jaka - Hard Rock $1,100. $100K GTD - Hand 1 As,8sView Hand 2024-01-17 (jaa-1736)
PokerCoaching - $10K Tournament - 18 Ah,8hView Hand 2024-01-17 (bdo-1988)
PokerCoaching - $10K Tournament - 17 As,QhView Hand 2024-01-17 (bdo-1987)
PokerCoaching - $10K Tournament - 16 7c,6cView Hand 2024-01-17 (bdo-1986)
PokerCoaching - $10K Tournament - 15 Ah,4hView Hand 2024-01-17 (bdo-1985)
PokerCoaching - $10K Tournament - 14 Jc,7cView Hand 2024-01-17 (bdo-1984)
PokerCoaching - $10K Tournament - 13 Jd,9dView Hand 2024-01-17 (bdo-1983)
PokerCoaching - $10K Tournament - 12 Js,7hView Hand 2024-01-17 (bdo-1982)
PokerCoaching - $10K Tournament - 11 Ad,QdView Hand 2024-01-17 (bdo-1981)
PokerCoaching - $10K Tournament - 10 8d,7dView Hand 2024-01-17 (bdo-1980)
PokerCoaching - $10K Tournament - 9 Qc,9cView Hand 2024-01-17 (bdo-1979)
PokerCoaching - $10K Tournament - 8 6s,5sView Hand 2024-01-17 (bdo-1978)
PokerCoaching - $10K Tournament - 7 Qc,4cView Hand 2024-01-17 (bdo-1977)
PokerCoaching - $10K Tournament - 6 Qs,JsView Hand 2024-01-17 (bdo-1976)
PokerCoaching - $10K Tournament - 5 Ac,7sView Hand 2024-01-17 (bdo-1975)
PokerCoaching - $10K Tournament - 4 Qc,9dView Hand 2024-01-17 (bdo-1974)
PokerCoaching - $10K Tournament - 3 Ac,AdView Hand 2024-01-17 (bdo-1973)
PokerCoaching - $10K Tournament - 2 6h,5hView Hand 2024-01-17 (bdo-1972)
PokerCoaching - $10K Tournament - 1 Js,JcView Hand 2024-01-17 (bdo-1971)
tokenator - 2/5 - 1/15/24 - 7 Ts,ThView Hand 2024-01-16 (tak-1124)
tokenator - 2/5 - 1/15/24 - 6 7c,5cView Hand 2024-01-16 (tak-1123)
tokenator - 1/2 - 1/15/24 - 5 Ad,JdView Hand 2024-01-16 (tak-1122)
tokenator - 1/2 - 1/15/24 - 4 Ah,8sView Hand 2024-01-16 (tak-1121)
tokenator - 1/2 - 1/15/24 - 3 Ad,8dView Hand 2024-01-16 (tak-1120)
tokenator - 1/2 - 1/15/24 - 2 As,KdView Hand 2024-01-16 (tak-1119)
tokenator - 1/2 - 1/15/24 - 1 Ad,JsView Hand 2024-01-16 (tak-1118)
Solwa54 - 50NL Pokerstars - How not to get value with two pairs (2) 7s,6sView Hand 2024-01-16 (sow-1075)
Solwa54 - 50NL Pokerstars - How not to get value with two pair Ah,3cView Hand 2024-01-16 (sow-1074)
Isaac Wachsmuth - Ike $1/$2 Live - Top Top Bluff Catcher Ad,KsView Hand 2024-01-16 (isw-1002)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - TT in 4bet Pot Ts,TdView Hand 2024-01-15 (wap-1163)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - AA vs Pro As,AhView Hand 2024-01-15 (wap-1162)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Coooooler Ks,JsView Hand 2024-01-15 (wap-1161)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Rivered Boat 8s,8dView Hand 2024-01-15 (wap-1160)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - A lot going on Ah,JsView Hand 2024-01-15 (wap-1159)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Set vs Fish 5h,5dView Hand 2024-01-15 (wap-1158)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Bluffing the Nit Ac,8cView Hand 2024-01-15 (wap-1157)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Folding TP v River Donk Ad,QcView Hand 2024-01-15 (wap-1156)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - TT Thin Value Th,TdView Hand 2024-01-15 (wap-1155)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Nuts v 2nd Nuts Kh,TsView Hand 2024-01-15 (wap-1154)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - JJ Double Barrel Js,JcView Hand 2024-01-15 (wap-1153)
Faraz Jaka - $10k WPT Wynn Seniors - Hand 5.5 As,8hView Hand 2024-01-15 (jaa-1735)
Chris Radford - Radford999 £60 live mtt - nitty fold? 7s,TsView Hand 2024-01-14 (rdd-1016)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Bad Flop shove Ad,AhView Hand 2024-01-13 (hod-1043)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Forced to raise flop As,AcView Hand 2024-01-13 (hod-1042)
John Borges - John B s9 #16 - When to go for it vs multiple calling ranges? As,ThView Hand 2024-01-13 (fly-1828)
John Borges - John B s9 #13 - go for it? Jh,ThView Hand 2024-01-13 (fly-1827)
John Borges - John B s9 #17 - In points Kd,QhView Hand 2024-01-13 (fly-1826)
John Borges - John B s9 #15 - dicey Ks,QsView Hand 2024-01-13 (fly-1825)
John Borges - John B s9 #14 - range betting board 6s,6hView Hand 2024-01-13 (fly-1824)
John Borges - John B s9 #12 - orphan - range betting turn Qh,8hView Hand 2024-01-13 (fly-1823)
John Borges - John B s9 #11 - orphan 9c,8cView Hand 2024-01-13 (fly-1822)
John Borges - John B s9 #10 - sizing 8d,8hView Hand 2024-01-13 (fly-1821)
John Borges - John B s9 #9 - orphan Ad,JhView Hand 2024-01-13 (fly-1820)
John Borges - John B s9 #8 - premium Kh,KdView Hand 2024-01-13 (fly-1819)
John Borges - John B s9 #7 - tables have turned 6d,6hView Hand 2024-01-13 (fly-1818)
John Borges - John B s9 #6 - AK on BTN again Ah,KsView Hand 2024-01-13 (fly-1817)
John Borges - John B s9 #5 - Orphan Ac,2cView Hand 2024-01-13 (fly-1816)
John Borges - John B s9 #4 - very next hand As,KhView Hand 2024-01-13 (fly-1815)
John Borges - John B s9 #3 - SB check out Ad,JdView Hand 2024-01-13 (fly-1814)
John Borges - John B s9 #2 - misplayed hand but bailed out? Qs,QcView Hand 2024-01-13 (fly-1813)
John Borges - John B s9 #1 - early Ad,JdView Hand 2024-01-13 (fly-1812)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Cash- Tight fold due to limited info Ts,TcView Hand 2024-01-12 (hod-1041)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - OOP check best option? 7s,7cView Hand 2024-01-12 (hod-1040)
tokenator - 2/5 - 1/5/24 - 6 Qs,JcView Hand 2024-01-11 (tak-1117)
tokenator - 2/5 - 1/5/24 - 5 Ah,QsView Hand 2024-01-11 (tak-1116)
tokenator - 2/5 - 1/5/24 - 4 Ac,TsView Hand 2024-01-11 (tak-1115)
tokenator - 2/5 - 1/5/24 - 3 Qs,JcView Hand 2024-01-11 (tak-1114)
tokenator - 2/5 - 1/5/24 - 2 As,QsView Hand 2024-01-11 (tak-1113)
tokenator - 2/5 - 1/5/24 As,3sView Hand 2024-01-11 (tak-1112)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT Jan 2024 - AJs HJ rfi As,JsView Hand 2024-01-11 (ker-1416)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT Jan 2024 - AJo in SB facing LJ rfi As,JdView Hand 2024-01-11 (ker-1415)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT Jan 2024 - QQ in CO facing 11bb steam shove Qs,QhView Hand 2024-01-11 (ker-1414)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT Jan 2024 - KTo in CO facing UTG limp Kc,TdView Hand 2024-01-11 (ker-1413)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT Jan 2024 - QJo in SB facing BTN rfi Qc,JhView Hand 2024-01-11 (ker-1412)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT Jan 2024 - 86s in BB vs SB limp 8c,6cView Hand 2024-01-11 (ker-1411)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT Jan 2024 - T8o in BB facing UTG rfi Ts,8dView Hand 2024-01-11 (ker-1410)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT Jan 2024 - AA on BTN facing UTG limp As,AcView Hand 2024-01-11 (ker-1409)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT Jan 2024 - AA on BTN facing UTG limp As,AcView Hand 2024-01-11 (ker-1408)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT Jan 2024 - 98o in SB facing rfi 9c,8sView Hand 2024-01-11 (ker-1407)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT Jan 2024 - 96s in BB facing rfi 9c,6cView Hand 2024-01-11 (ker-1406)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Positional advantage 6s,4dView Hand 2024-01-11 (hod-1039)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Runner Runner Th,6hView Hand 2024-01-11 (hod-1038)
Nikc - NL $5/$10 - Вскрываем 2-х оппонентов As,TcView Hand 2024-01-10 (vog-1002)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game View Hand 2024-01-09 (top-1040)
Solwa54 - 50NL Pokerstars - Misplayed Hand 6h,5hView Hand 2024-01-09 (sow-1073)
Solwa54 - 50NL Pokerstars - Squeeze getting called by overcaller Kc,JsView Hand 2024-01-09 (sow-1072)
Chris Radford - Radford999 $109 mystery bounty - check call or check raise? Ad,5dView Hand 2024-01-08 (rdd-1015)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #9 2024 - BB 65s facing 3 limpers 6s,5sView Hand 2024-01-08 (ker-1405)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #9 2024 - 77 rfi facing 3-bet shove 7h,7cView Hand 2024-01-08 (ker-1404)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #9 2024 - A7s BTN facing CO rfi Ac,7cView Hand 2024-01-08 (ker-1403)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #9 2024 - 55 LJ facing small 3-bet pre 5s,5cView Hand 2024-01-08 (ker-1402)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #9 2024 - 66 LJ rfi 6h,6dView Hand 2024-01-08 (ker-1401)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #9 2024 - 99 +1 rfi 9h,9dView Hand 2024-01-08 (ker-1400)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #9 2024 - 33 rfi facing 3-bet shove 3h,3cView Hand 2024-01-08 (ker-1399)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #9 2024 - AA facing 3-bet with 22bb stack As,AhView Hand 2024-01-08 (ker-1398)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #9 2024 - AKo rfi from CO As,KdView Hand 2024-01-08 (ker-1397)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #9 2024 - AJo rfi from UTG As,JcView Hand 2024-01-08 (ker-1396)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #9 2024 - QTs rfi +1, got min-raised Qh,ThView Hand 2024-01-08 (ker-1395)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #9 2024 - A9o in SB facing UTG rfi As,9dView Hand 2024-01-08 (ker-1394)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #9 2024 - 99 in SB facing 2 limpers 9s,9hView Hand 2024-01-08 (ker-1393)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #9 2024 - 22 rfi from HJ 2s,2hView Hand 2024-01-08 (ker-1392)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #9 2024 - 22 rfi from HJ 2s,2hView Hand 2024-01-08 (ker-1391)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #9 2024 - Q8s in CO facing +1 rfi View Hand 2024-01-08 (ker-1390)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Thick River Value Ad,QcView Hand 2024-01-07 (wap-1152)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Trips Good Kicker As,KhView Hand 2024-01-07 (wap-1151)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - JJ v LAG Js,JcView Hand 2024-01-07 (wap-1150)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Boat v LAG As,ThView Hand 2024-01-07 (wap-1149)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Super thin river bet w AK Ac,KhView Hand 2024-01-07 (wap-1148)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - QQ v 5bet Shove Qs,QhView Hand 2024-01-07 (wap-1147)
Fonzi - FonziCreates 0.10/0.20 Online - Online play ClubGG Ts,AhView Hand 2024-01-06 (luj-1001)
Alan Ho - Alan H. 1/3 cash Venetian Dec 2023 - ATs LJ facing UTG open Ac,TcView Hand 2024-01-06 (ker-1389)
Alan Ho - Alan H. 1/3 cash Venetian Dec 2023 - K7s LJ facing 3 limpers in $1/3 game Kc,7cView Hand 2024-01-06 (ker-1388)
Alan Ho - Alan H. $600 Venetian Dec 2023 - KQs on BTN facing HJ rfi Kc,QcView Hand 2024-01-06 (ker-1387)
Alan Ho - Alan H. $600 Venetian Dec 2023 - KQo in BB facing HJ rfi Kh,QcView Hand 2024-01-06 (ker-1386)
Alan Ho - Alan H. $600 Venetian Dec 2023 - JJ in CO facing open and 3-bet from EP Js,JdView Hand 2024-01-06 (ker-1385)
Alan Ho - Alan H. $600 Venetian Dec 2023 - KJo in SB facing BTN limp Ks,JhView Hand 2024-01-06 (ker-1384)
Alan Ho - Alan H. $600 Venetian Dec 2023 - A7s rfi CO Ah,7hView Hand 2024-01-06 (ker-1383)
jon - 1.5.24 TT#2 - 1.5.24 TT#2 As,QcView Hand 2024-01-05 (jnt-1018)
jon - 1.5.24 TT - 1.5.24 TT Ah,QhView Hand 2024-01-05 (jnt-1017)
Faraz Jaka - $10k WPT Wynn Seniors - Hand 30 8h,8dView Hand 2024-01-04 (jaa-1734)
Faraz Jaka - $10k WPT Wynn Seniors - Hand 29 9h,9dView Hand 2024-01-04 (jaa-1733)
Faraz Jaka - $10k WPT Wynn Seniors - Hand 28 Ah,QhView Hand 2024-01-04 (jaa-1732)
Faraz Jaka - $10k WPT Wynn Seniors - Hand 27 Qh,9hView Hand 2024-01-04 (jaa-1731)
Faraz Jaka - $10k WPT Wynn Seniors - Hand 26 9h,9sView Hand 2024-01-04 (jaa-1730)
Faraz Jaka - $10k WPT Wynn Seniors - Hand 25 7d,7cView Hand 2024-01-04 (jaa-1729)
Faraz Jaka - $10k WPT Wynn Seniors - Hand 24 Ah,TcView Hand 2024-01-04 (jaa-1728)
Faraz Jaka - $10k WPT Wynn Seniors - Hand 23 Kh,8hView Hand 2024-01-04 (jaa-1727)
Faraz Jaka - $10k WPT Wynn Seniors - Hand 22 Qs,QdView Hand 2024-01-04 (jaa-1726)
Faraz Jaka - $10k WPT Wynn Seniors - Hand 20 As,9dView Hand 2024-01-04 (jaa-1724)
Faraz Jaka - $10k WPT Wynn Seniors - Hand 19 Ah,QcView Hand 2024-01-04 (jaa-1723)
Faraz Jaka - $10k WPT Wynn Seniors - Hand 18 4c,4sView Hand 2024-01-04 (jaa-1722)
Faraz Jaka - $10k WPT Wynn Seniors - Hand 17 Js,TdView Hand 2024-01-04 (jaa-1721)
Faraz Jaka - $10k WPT Wynn Seniors - Hand 16 Ah,TcView Hand 2024-01-04 (jaa-1720)
Faraz Jaka - $10k WPT Wynn Seniors - Hand 15 As,ThView Hand 2024-01-04 (jaa-1719)
Faraz Jaka - $10k WPT Wynn Seniors - Hand 14 Ad,8cView Hand 2024-01-04 (jaa-1718)
Faraz Jaka - $10k WPT Wynn Seniors - Hand 11 Th,TcView Hand 2024-01-04 (jaa-1715)
Faraz Jaka - $10k WPT Wynn Seniors - Hand 9 As,TdView Hand 2024-01-04 (jaa-1713)
Faraz Jaka - $10k WPT Wynn Seniors - Hand 8 Ah,7hView Hand 2024-01-04 (jaa-1712)
Faraz Jaka - $10k WPT Wynn Seniors - Hand 7 Ac,7cView Hand 2024-01-04 (jaa-1711)
Nikc - NL $2/$5 - good call Js,2hView Hand 2024-01-03 (vog-1001)
Faraz Jaka - $10k WPT Wynn Seniors - Hand 6 Ac,KsView Hand 2024-01-03 (jaa-1710)
Faraz Jaka - $10k WPT Wynn Seniors - Hand 5 As,QdView Hand 2024-01-03 (jaa-1709)
Faraz Jaka - $10k WPT Wynn Seniors - Hand 4 6c,5dView Hand 2024-01-03 (jaa-1708)
Faraz Jaka - $10k WPT Wynn Seniors - Hand 3 Ah,9hView Hand 2024-01-03 (jaa-1707)
Faraz Jaka - $10k WPT Wynn Seniors - Hand 2 Qs,QhView Hand 2024-01-03 (jaa-1706)
Faraz Jaka - $10k WPT Wynn Seniors - Hand 1 Ts,9sView Hand 2024-01-03 (jaa-1705)
PokerCoaching - 3-bet miss the flop - SB vs BB example Qd,3dView Hand 2024-01-03 (bdo-1970)
Andreas - London Poker Guide Reddit 1/2 - Two pair on flush board 2 straddles Jh,ThView Hand 2024-01-02 (wap-1146)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 10NL - Bluffing a short stacked fish 9c,8cView Hand 2024-01-02 (wap-1145)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Facebook - Fortune Reversal 5c,5hView Hand 2024-01-02 (wap-1144)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 5/10/10 Facebook - Hoping for a miracle Kd,TdView Hand 2024-01-02 (wap-1143)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 2/5 Facebook - Two pair on flush river Kh,9hView Hand 2024-01-02 (wap-1142)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game Ks,KcView Hand 2024-01-02 (top-1039)
Bob - Bobothy 3bet pot - T high flop Ks,QsView Hand 2024-01-02 (jwk-1003)
Hayden Fortini - Ryan Uppal Cash Hand - QJS 4 BET POT Qd,JdView Hand 2024-01-02 (had-1125)
Hayden Fortini - Ryan Uppal Cash hand - KK 4 Bet pot Ks,KhView Hand 2024-01-02 (had-1124)
bryan - LastCh1p test - test Kh,QhView Hand 2024-01-02 (gur-1001)
- live - replay Kh,2hView Hand 2024-01-02 (ady-1001)
Selma - Selma Venetian 600 - Crazy table--nobody folds Ac,QcView Hand 2024-01-01 (sla-1275)
Selma - Selma Best Bet 300 - Tough turn spot As,QcView Hand 2024-01-01 (sla-1274)
Bob - Bobothy Probe Bet - Probe Bet w 77 BB 7s,7cView Hand 2024-01-01 (jwk-1002)
Bob - Bobothy RC10 - Stabbing Td,9dView Hand 2024-01-01 (jwk-1001)
Frank Friel - LuckyOkie 20nl 6max NLH - Global Poker 8c,3cView Hand 2023-12-31 (oki-1001)
Nathan Chen - 15.S50 $1/$2 - Example Hand As,5sView Hand 2023-12-31 (ncr-1001)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 32 8c,5cView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1969)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 31 Tc,TdView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1968)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 30 Qs,QhView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1967)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 29 Jc,TsView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1966)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 28 8h,7hView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1965)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 27 Ad,8dView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1964)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 26 7c,7dView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1963)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 25 Qs,ThView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1962)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 24 Js,JcView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1961)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 23 3s,3cView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1960)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 22 Ac,TcView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1959)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 21 Qs,JsView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1958)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 20 Qs,3sView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1957)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 19 9s,9hView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1956)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 18 Qd,JhView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1955)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 17 Ah,QhView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1954)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 16 Ad,4sView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1953)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 15 As,4sView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1952)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 14 8c,8dView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1951)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 13 As,JsView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1950)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 12 Ts,TcView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1949)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 11 Ac,3sView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1948)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 10 Js,8cView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1947)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 9 8h,7hView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1946)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 8 Ac,3sView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1945)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 7 Ks,TcView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1944)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 6 2s,2cView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1943)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 5 7h,6cView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1942)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 4 9s,6sView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1941)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 3 Qh,7hView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1940)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 2 As,3sView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1939)
PokerCoaching - $25K Tournament - 1 Kc,JcView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1938)
PokerCoaching - $5K Tournament - 22 Kc,7cView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1937)
PokerCoaching - $5K Tournament - 21 As,ThView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1936)
PokerCoaching - $5K Tournament - 20 Tc,4sView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1935)
PokerCoaching - $5K Tournament - 19 7d,7hView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1934)
PokerCoaching - $5K Tournament - 18 As,9cView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1933)
PokerCoaching - $5K Tournament - 17 Ah,KhView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1932)
PokerCoaching - $5K Tournament - 16 4h,4cView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1931)
PokerCoaching - $5K Tournament - 15 As,3cView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1930)
PokerCoaching - $5K Tournament - 14 Kh,8hView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1929)
PokerCoaching - $5K Tournament - 13 Ac,JhView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1928)
PokerCoaching - $5K Tournament - 12 6h,4sView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1927)
PokerCoaching - $5K Tournament - 11 Jh,9hView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1926)
PokerCoaching - $5K Tournament - 10 Ac,8sView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1925)
PokerCoaching - $5K Tournament - 9 Ad,JdView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1924)
PokerCoaching - $5K Tournament - 8 Qc,QdView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1923)
PokerCoaching - $5K Tournament - 7 5h,5dView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1922)
PokerCoaching - $5K Tournament - 6 3c,3hView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1921)
PokerCoaching - $5K Tournament - 5 Qd,JdView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1920)
PokerCoaching - $5K Tournament - 4 As,JdView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1919)
PokerCoaching - $5K Tournament - 3 As,AhView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1918)
PokerCoaching - $5K Tournament - 2 Kh,6hView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1917)
PokerCoaching - $5K Tournament - 1 Ac,KsView Hand 2023-12-31 (bdo-1916)
Adam - $1/2 NL - UTG QQ vs Royal Flush Qd,QhView Hand 2023-12-29 (adh-1004)
YC - fortune r 2 5 day - r 25 Jc,TcView Hand 2023-12-28 (ycu-1078)
jingxin qi - leo 武汉国家杯 - flop NTUS flush draw As,KhView Hand 2023-12-28 (qij-1006)
Faraz Jaka - WPT Wynn 1600 day 1c - Hand 2.1 Qs,8sView Hand 2023-12-28 (jaa-1704)
Faraz Jaka - WPT Wynn 1600 day 1c - Hand 2 Qs,8sView Hand 2023-12-28 (jaa-1703)
Faraz Jaka - WPT Wynn 1600 day 1c - Hand 1 Ks,9sView Hand 2023-12-28 (jaa-1702)
Faraz Jaka - 3k buy in 6 max - Hand 3 Ad,8dView Hand 2023-12-28 (jaa-1701)
Faraz Jaka - 3k buy in 6 max - Hand 2 Kc,5cView Hand 2023-12-28 (jaa-1700)
Faraz Jaka - 3k buy in 6 max - Hand 1 Ac,QsView Hand 2023-12-28 (jaa-1699)
Faraz Jaka - WPT Wynn $3k, $3mln. GTD, Day 1A - Hand 3 Qd,5dView Hand 2023-12-28 (jaa-1698)
Faraz Jaka - WPT Wynn $3k, $3mln. GTD, Day 1A - Hand 2 Ac,9dView Hand 2023-12-28 (jaa-1697)
Faraz Jaka - WPT Wynn $3k, $3mln. GTD, Day 1A - Hand 1 Jh,7hView Hand 2023-12-28 (jaa-1696)
Faraz Jaka - Faraz Wynn WPT Dec hhs 2023 - Hand 13 Qd,TcView Hand 2023-12-28 (jaa-1695)
Faraz Jaka - Faraz Wynn WPT Dec hhs 2023 - Hand 12 6c,6dView Hand 2023-12-28 (jaa-1694)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn WPT $25k HighRoller - Hand 12 Qd,TdView Hand 2023-12-28 (jaa-1693)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn WPT $25k HighRoller - Hand 11 5s,5dView Hand 2023-12-28 (jaa-1692)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn WPT $25k HighRoller - Hand 10 Ts,4cView Hand 2023-12-28 (jaa-1691)
Faraz Jaka - Faraz Wynn WPT Dec hhs 2023 - Hand 9 Ah,2dView Hand 2023-12-28 (jaa-1690)
Faraz Jaka - Faraz Wynn WPT Dec hhs 2023 - Hand 8 As,2sView Hand 2023-12-28 (jaa-1689)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn WPT $25k HighRoller - Hand 7 Jc,8cView Hand 2023-12-28 (jaa-1688)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn WPT $25k HighRoller - Hand 6 9h,8hView Hand 2023-12-28 (jaa-1687)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn WPT $25k HighRoller - Hand 5 Js,9cView Hand 2023-12-28 (jaa-1686)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn WPT $25k HighRoller - Hand 4 Ad,QdView Hand 2023-12-28 (jaa-1685)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn WPT $25k HighRoller - Hand 3 Kh,8hView Hand 2023-12-28 (jaa-1684)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn WPT $25k HighRoller - Hand 2 8h,8sView Hand 2023-12-28 (jaa-1683)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn WPT $25k HighRoller - Hand 1 Ad,QcView Hand 2023-12-28 (jaa-1682)
John Borges - John B Oceans #10 - running into it x4 8s,7hView Hand 2023-12-28 (fly-1811)
John Borges - John B Oceans #9 - running into it x3 Kh,QhView Hand 2023-12-28 (fly-1810)
John Borges - John B Oceans #8 - running into it As,QcView Hand 2023-12-28 (fly-1809)
John Borges - John B Oceans #7 - polar bet As,2cView Hand 2023-12-28 (fly-1808)
John Borges - John B Oceans #6 - 3-way all-in Qh,QdView Hand 2023-12-28 (fly-1807)
John Borges - John B Oceans #5 - multiway limped Ts,TcView Hand 2023-12-28 (fly-1806)
John Borges - John B Oceans #4 - multiway limped Ks,KcView Hand 2023-12-28 (fly-1805)
John Borges - John B Oceans #3 - odd line from UTG Kd,6cView Hand 2023-12-28 (fly-1804)
John Borges - John B Oceans #2 - OMC 3b's As,JhView Hand 2023-12-28 (fly-1803)
John Borges - John B Oceans #1 - priced in? 9d,8dView Hand 2023-12-28 (fly-1802)
Adam - $1/2 NL - $1/2 NL UTG AA As,AcView Hand 2023-12-28 (adh-1003)
Me - justreplaying Maker's QQQ - Trips missed value? Qs,TcView Hand 2023-12-27 (rip-1010)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Wynn WPT Series - AQo 3bet, then double barrel jam Ah,QcView Hand 2023-12-27 (jec-1129)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Wynn WPT Series - 45o defend BB river trips overbet 4s,5hView Hand 2023-12-27 (jec-1128)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Wynn WPT Series - Kh 2nd nuts tiny river lead to induce Kh,5sView Hand 2023-12-27 (jec-1127)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Wynn WPT Series - 44 rivered set overbet 4d,4hView Hand 2023-12-27 (jec-1126)
Lewis - LPtheG0D 10p/20p Online Private Game - 1.5% rake 4c,4hView Hand 2023-12-23 (lep-1016)
Lewis - LPtheG0D 10p/20p Online Private Game - 1.5% rake Ad,JhView Hand 2023-12-23 (lep-1015)
Lewis - LPtheG0D 10p/20p Online Private Game - Private Game online 1.5% rake 5c,5hView Hand 2023-12-23 (lep-1014)
Lewis - LPtheG0D 10p/20p Online Private Game - Online Private Game 1.5% rake Th,AhView Hand 2023-12-23 (lep-1013)
Lewis - LPtheG0D 10p/20p Online Private Game - An online private game on ClubGG (1.5% rake) 4c,4sView Hand 2023-12-23 (lep-1012)
Adam - $1/2 NL - 45h SB Squeeze 4h,5hView Hand 2023-12-23 (adh-1002)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Villain only called with set 4s,4hView Hand 2023-12-21 (wap-1141)
jingxin qi - leo 武汉国家杯 - 河牌反向价值下注 Js,ThView Hand 2023-12-21 (qij-1005)
jingxin qi - leo 武汉国家杯 - 河牌加注的思考 Qs,3cView Hand 2023-12-21 (qij-1004)
Zak - $1/$2 NL Hold'em - AA vs crazy person Ac,AhView Hand 2023-12-21 (prz-1002)
Adam - $1/2 NL - KQo LJ Ks,QhView Hand 2023-12-21 (adh-1001)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Overbet getting raised Js,JcView Hand 2023-12-20 (wap-1140)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Raising an overbet Ac,TcView Hand 2023-12-20 (wap-1139)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Missed river bluff with pair Kh,ThView Hand 2023-12-20 (wap-1138)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Overbet vs loose player Ac,5cView Hand 2023-12-20 (wap-1137)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Missed river value bet As,AdView Hand 2023-12-20 (wap-1136)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Thin value on flush board As,JhView Hand 2023-12-20 (wap-1135)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Bluffing a House Kd,TdView Hand 2023-12-20 (wap-1134)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - AK on scary board 3bet pot As,KhView Hand 2023-12-20 (wap-1133)
Me - justreplaying Maker's Gallery - AKs in a dinky pot... missed value? As,KsView Hand 2023-12-20 (rip-1009)
Nathan Stewart - MostPaid #3673128046 (Pokerstars tourney #) - Never Limp Aces! Ad,AcView Hand 2023-12-19 (sew-1001)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #8, 2023 - K9 in SB Ks,9sView Hand 2023-12-19 (ker-1382)
John Borges - John B PS #1 - FT - assessing her range Ad,JdView Hand 2023-12-19 (fly-1801)
John Borges - John B s8 #25 - 6th AIPF Ad,7dView Hand 2023-12-19 (fly-1800)
John Borges - John B s8 #24 - 5th AIPF Ad,JdView Hand 2023-12-19 (fly-1799)
John Borges - John B s8 #23 - vs ABC Kh,TsView Hand 2023-12-19 (fly-1798)
John Borges - John B s8 #22 - wide range? Ah,2dView Hand 2023-12-19 (fly-1797)
John Borges - John B s8 #21 - "at least you didnt lose more" Qh,ThView Hand 2023-12-19 (fly-1796)
John Borges - John B s8 #20 - overbet for max value or go for small gains? As,QhView Hand 2023-12-19 (fly-1795)
John Borges - John B s8 #19 - short stacked Ah,KhView Hand 2023-12-19 (fly-1794)
John Borges - John B s8 #18 - 4th AIPF Kh,8cView Hand 2023-12-19 (fly-1793)
John Borges - John B s8 #17 - 3rd AIPF Qs,7dView Hand 2023-12-19 (fly-1792)
John Borges - John B s8 #16 - AK is a drawing hand As,KcView Hand 2023-12-19 (fly-1791)
John Borges - John B s8 #15 - 2nd AIPF Ac,JcView Hand 2023-12-19 (fly-1790)
John Borges - John B s8 #14 - Playing the player 8d,7dView Hand 2023-12-19 (fly-1789)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game 3d,3sView Hand 2023-12-18 (top-1038)
tokenator - 2/5 - 2/12/23 - 3 8h,7hView Hand 2023-12-18 (tak-1111)
tokenator - 2/5 - 2/12/23 - 2 Qs,QcView Hand 2023-12-18 (tak-1110)
tokenator - 2/5 - 2/12/23 - 1 4s,4dView Hand 2023-12-18 (tak-1109)
tokenator - 1/2 - 12/9/23 - 4 Ad,AsView Hand 2023-12-18 (tak-1108)
tokenator - 1/2 - 12/9/23 - 3 Kd,5hView Hand 2023-12-18 (tak-1107)
tokenator - 1/2 - 12/9/23 - 2 As,8sView Hand 2023-12-18 (tak-1106)
tokenator - 1/2 - 12/9/23 - 1 3s,2sView Hand 2023-12-18 (tak-1105)
jingxin qi - leo 武汉国家杯 - 河牌错误过牌 7h,5dView Hand 2023-12-18 (qij-1003)
jingxin qi - leo 武汉国家杯 - 被动的AK As,KdView Hand 2023-12-18 (qij-1002)
Qsarge - ACR $33 - What are the bluffs? Shoulda found the fold 7h,7dView Hand 2023-12-18 (qba-1005)
Qsarge - Bovada $16.5 - When they min raise turn multiway and bet river multiway they ain't bluffin Ad,TdView Hand 2023-12-18 (qba-1004)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #8, 2023 - A4o CO facing 5bb shove As,4hView Hand 2023-12-18 (ker-1381)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #8, 2023 - AQo facing rfi w/ 15bb As,QhView Hand 2023-12-18 (ker-1380)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #8, 2023 - TT on BTN facing massive action Ts,ThView Hand 2023-12-18 (ker-1379)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #8, 2023 - 65s in BB 6s,5sView Hand 2023-12-18 (ker-1378)
John Borges - John B s8 #13 - orphan Ah,7dView Hand 2023-12-18 (fly-1788)
John Borges - John B s8 #12 - dont like the way I played pre, but adjusted As,7hView Hand 2023-12-18 (fly-1787)
John Borges - John B s8 #11 - Only big hand all night Kh,KsView Hand 2023-12-18 (fly-1786)
John Borges - John B s8 #10 - not how I thought it'd happen Ks,QcView Hand 2023-12-18 (fly-1785)
John Borges - John B s8 #9 - picking it off As,QsView Hand 2023-12-18 (fly-1784)
John Borges - John B s8 #8 - wish I had a hand.... Ac,5cView Hand 2023-12-18 (fly-1783)
John Borges - John B s8 #7 - holy crap! Kc,6cView Hand 2023-12-18 (fly-1782)
John Borges - John B s8 #6 - picking it off Kd,9hView Hand 2023-12-18 (fly-1781)
John Borges - John B s8 #5 - 1st AIPF Ah,7dView Hand 2023-12-18 (fly-1780)
John Borges - John B s8 #4 - Just trying, but interesting I didnt get 3b 4d,3dView Hand 2023-12-18 (fly-1779)
John Borges - John B s8 #3 - Thin value? Qs,JhView Hand 2023-12-18 (fly-1778)
John Borges - John B s8 #2 - vs. CS Ad,9dView Hand 2023-12-18 (fly-1777)
John Borges - John B s8 #1 - tough decision early 2h,2sView Hand 2023-12-18 (fly-1776)
JOr - 1 3 - CASH Kh,KcView Hand 2023-12-17 (sos-1002)
JOr - 1 3 - CASH View Hand 2023-12-17 (sos-1001)
jingxin qi - leo 武汉国家杯 - 河牌是否应该全下? As,6dView Hand 2023-12-17 (qij-1001)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #8, 2023 - KQ SB 8bb Kh,QcView Hand 2023-12-17 (ker-1377)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #8, 2023 - A6s facing raise over limper Ac,6cView Hand 2023-12-17 (ker-1376)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #8, 2023 - KK on BB facing +2 rfi Ks,KcView Hand 2023-12-17 (ker-1375)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #8, 2023 - TT UTG facing 3-bet Ts,TcView Hand 2023-12-17 (ker-1374)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #8, 2023 - A6s CO rfi Ac,6cView Hand 2023-12-17 (ker-1373)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #8, 2023 - J9s on BTN facing 2 limpers Jh,9hView Hand 2023-12-17 (ker-1372)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #8, 2023 - AA UTG facing river bet As,AhView Hand 2023-12-17 (ker-1371)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #8, 2023 - QQ from Mona CO View Hand 2023-12-17 (ker-1370)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #8, 2023 - AA from +1 Ah,AdView Hand 2023-12-17 (ker-1369)
Faraz Jaka - $5k wsop Bahamas Main - hand 13 QQ Qh,QcView Hand 2023-12-17 (jaa-1681)
SpecialK - WPT Main - WPT Main Th,TdView Hand 2023-12-16 (jiz-1001)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 0.10/0.25 - evw 56s 5h,6hView Hand 2023-12-15 (wap-1132)
PokerCoaching - Folding Aces Preflop - Hand Example As,AhView Hand 2023-12-15 (bdo-1915)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 0.10/0.25 - evw QTo Qs,TdView Hand 2023-12-14 (wap-1131)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 0.10/0.25 - evw 55 5c,5dView Hand 2023-12-14 (wap-1130)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 0.10/0.25 - evw A4s Ah,4hView Hand 2023-12-14 (wap-1129)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 0.10/0.25 - evw KTo II Ts,KhView Hand 2023-12-14 (wap-1128)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Tight fold. As,AcView Hand 2023-12-14 (hod-1037)
Sam - Test hand - This is just a test As,KhView Hand 2023-12-13 (sbl-1001)
Qsarge - $11 Bovada nightly - I like the bluff here. Might seem like a punt though. Against tougher opponents this would be a better play Ac,3cView Hand 2023-12-13 (qba-1003)
Qsarge - Nightly $55 Bovada - Just a tad bit tilted after this one Jh,JsView Hand 2023-12-13 (qba-1002)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Going for value 5s,5dView Hand 2023-12-13 (hod-1036)
Glenn - $.25/$.5 Cash game - played a cash game in a casino Js,TsView Hand 2023-12-13 (glt-1002)
Glenn - $1/$2 Cash game - played a cash game in a casino Ad,KsView Hand 2023-12-13 (glt-1001)
tokenator - 2/5 - 11/30/23 - 9 Qd,TdView Hand 2023-12-12 (tak-1104)
tokenator - 2/5 - 11/30/23 - 8 As,KhView Hand 2023-12-12 (tak-1103)
tokenator - 2/5 - 11/30/23 - 7 Ac,KcView Hand 2023-12-12 (tak-1102)
tokenator - 2/5 - 11/30/23 - 6 Ks,QcView Hand 2023-12-12 (tak-1101)
tokenator - 2/5 - 11/30/23 - 5 8s,8hView Hand 2023-12-12 (tak-1100)
tokenator - 2/5 - 11/30/23 - 4 Kc,JdView Hand 2023-12-12 (tak-1099)
tokenator - 2/5 - 11/30/23 - 2 Ad,JcView Hand 2023-12-12 (tak-1098)
tokenator - 2/5 - 11/30/23 - 3 Kh,ThView Hand 2023-12-12 (tak-1097)
tokenator - 2/5 - 11/30/23 - 1 Ts,TdView Hand 2023-12-12 (tak-1096)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Deep stacks/Massive Pot Qs,JdView Hand 2023-12-12 (hod-1035)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 0.10/0.25 - evw A7s As,7sView Hand 2023-12-11 (wap-1127)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 0.10/0.25 - evw 89o 8s,9dView Hand 2023-12-11 (wap-1126)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 0.10/0.25 - evw KTo Kd,TcView Hand 2023-12-11 (wap-1125)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Draw vs Draw Ah,ThView Hand 2023-12-11 (wap-1124)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Top Pair, Scary Board Ad,JdView Hand 2023-12-11 (wap-1123)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Set v Flush Ts,TcView Hand 2023-12-11 (wap-1122)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Could there be more diamonds? Qd,9dView Hand 2023-12-11 (wap-1121)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - AA on 4 flush board As,AdView Hand 2023-12-11 (wap-1120)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Nobody Wants It Ad,4dView Hand 2023-12-11 (wap-1119)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Best River Ever 6c,6dView Hand 2023-12-11 (wap-1118)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Flush over Flush Kh,JhView Hand 2023-12-11 (wap-1117)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Fullhouse v Weak Player As,QsView Hand 2023-12-11 (wap-1116)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - AA in MW 3bet pot As,AhView Hand 2023-12-11 (wap-1115)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game View Hand 2023-12-11 (top-1037)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 NL - Nut Gutter vs. Tight V Kc,QcView Hand 2023-12-11 (mkn-1035)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Protect the check/Pot control Qh,QdView Hand 2023-12-11 (hod-1034)
Faraz Jaka - $5k Bahamas main event - Hand 17 As,2hView Hand 2023-12-10 (jaa-1680)
Faraz Jaka - $5k Bahamas main event - Hand 16 As,AhView Hand 2023-12-10 (jaa-1679)
Faraz Jaka - $5k Bahamas main event - Hand 15 Qh,JhView Hand 2023-12-10 (jaa-1678)
Faraz Jaka - $5k Bahamas main event - Hand 14 Ks,KdView Hand 2023-12-10 (jaa-1677)
Faraz Jaka - $5k Bahamas main event - Hand 12 9s,9hView Hand 2023-12-10 (jaa-1675)
Faraz Jaka - $5k Bahamas main event - Hand 11 Ad,9dView Hand 2023-12-10 (jaa-1674)
Faraz Jaka - $5k Bahamas main event - Hand 10 Th,8cView Hand 2023-12-10 (jaa-1673)
Faraz Jaka - $5k Bahamas main event - Hand 9 Kc,ThView Hand 2023-12-10 (jaa-1672)
Faraz Jaka - $5k Bahamas main event - Hand 8 8s,8dView Hand 2023-12-10 (jaa-1671)
Faraz Jaka - $5k Bahamas main event - Hand 7 Qd,9dView Hand 2023-12-10 (jaa-1670)
Faraz Jaka - $5k Bahamas main event - Hand 6 5s,4sView Hand 2023-12-10 (jaa-1669)
Faraz Jaka - $5k Bahamas main event - Hand 5 As,2sView Hand 2023-12-10 (jaa-1668)
Faraz Jaka - $5k Bahamas main event - Hand 4 Qh,JdView Hand 2023-12-10 (jaa-1667)
Faraz Jaka - $5k Bahamas main event - Hand 3 9h,9cView Hand 2023-12-10 (jaa-1666)
Faraz Jaka - $5k Bahamas main event - Hand 2 Qd,QcView Hand 2023-12-10 (jaa-1665)
Faraz Jaka - $5k Bahamas main event - Hand 1 Qd,6dView Hand 2023-12-10 (jaa-1664)
Faraz Jaka - $25k HR WSOP Bahamas - Hand 12 2h,2dView Hand 2023-12-10 (jaa-1663)
Faraz Jaka - $25k HR WSOP Bahamas - Hand 11 Qh,8cView Hand 2023-12-10 (jaa-1662)
Faraz Jaka - $25k HR WSOP Bahamas - Hand 10 Ad,3dView Hand 2023-12-10 (jaa-1661)
Faraz Jaka - $25k HR WSOP Bahamas - Hand 9 Kd,TdView Hand 2023-12-10 (jaa-1660)
Faraz Jaka - $25k HR WSOP Bahamas - Hand 8 4h,4dView Hand 2023-12-10 (jaa-1659)
Faraz Jaka - $25k HR WSOP Bahamas - Hand 7 Td,9dView Hand 2023-12-10 (jaa-1658)
Faraz Jaka - $25k HR WSOP Bahamas - Hand 6 Ad,TsView Hand 2023-12-10 (jaa-1657)
Faraz Jaka - $25k HR WSOP Bahamas - Hand 5 9s,7sView Hand 2023-12-10 (jaa-1656)
Faraz Jaka - $25k HR WSOP Bahamas - Hand 4 Ad,8dView Hand 2023-12-10 (jaa-1655)
Faraz Jaka - $25k HR WSOP Bahamas - Hand 3 Ah,6hView Hand 2023-12-10 (jaa-1654)
Faraz Jaka - $25k HR WSOP Bahamas - Hand 2 Ah,8dView Hand 2023-12-10 (jaa-1653)
Faraz Jaka - $25k HR WSOP Bahamas - Hand 1 Ks,QhView Hand 2023-12-10 (jaa-1652)
Matt - mkindc 5/5/10 - A pair of fours (straddle) 4c,4hView Hand 2023-12-09 (mkn-1034)
Andreas - London Poker Guide Imaginary 1/2 - JJ getting squeezed Js,JcView Hand 2023-12-08 (wap-1114)
Andreas - London Poker Guide Imaginary 1/2 - Opening AJo UTG Ac,JdView Hand 2023-12-08 (wap-1113)
Qsarge - Bovada Daily $16.5 - Turning 3rd pair into river bluff 9h,9dView Hand 2023-12-08 (qba-1001)
Andreas - London Poker Guide Imaginary 1/2 - Preflop Mistake with 56s 5s,6sView Hand 2023-12-07 (wap-1112)
Andreas - London Poker Guide Imaginary 1/2 - Preflop Mistake with T9o BB Ts,9hView Hand 2023-12-07 (wap-1111)
Andreas - London Poker Guide Imaginary 1/2 - Preflop Mistake with AQo OOP Ad,QcView Hand 2023-12-07 (wap-1110)
Andreas - London Poker Guide Imaginary 1/2 - Preflop Mistake with AQo Deep stacked As,QhView Hand 2023-12-07 (wap-1109)
Selma - Selma 1100 1st Shot - Missed river bluff? 8c,9sView Hand 2023-12-07 (sla-1273)
Selma - Selma 1100 1st Shot - Big draw on the button Ac,JcView Hand 2023-12-07 (sla-1272)
Selma - Selma Ladies Wynn Exit - JJ vs Q6o Jh,JdView Hand 2023-12-07 (sla-1271)
Selma - Selma Ladies Wynn - SB Gift As,QdView Hand 2023-12-07 (sla-1270)
Selma - Selma Ladies Wynn - Queens on the button Qs,QcView Hand 2023-12-07 (sla-1269)
Selma - Selma Ladies Wynn - BB Special Jc,3cView Hand 2023-12-07 (sla-1268)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #7 2023 - T9s +1 Th,9hView Hand 2023-12-07 (ker-1368)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #7 2023 - Q8s facing +1 rfi Qs,8sView Hand 2023-12-07 (ker-1367)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #7 2023 - QJo BTN facing CO rfi Qs,JdView Hand 2023-12-07 (ker-1366)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #7 2023 - TT from +1 facing 3-bet Th,TdView Hand 2023-12-07 (ker-1365)
GABRIEL - gabrielfpoker Mao 11 - Mao 11 As,3sView Hand 2023-12-07 (gal-1011)
GABRIEL - gabrielfpoker Mao 10 - Mao 10 Qs,QhView Hand 2023-12-07 (gal-1010)
GABRIEL - gabrielfpoker Mao 9 - Mao 9 Td,8dView Hand 2023-12-07 (gal-1009)
GABRIEL - gabrielfpoker Mao 8 - Mao 8 8s,9hView Hand 2023-12-07 (gal-1008)
GABRIEL - gabrielfpoker Mao 7 - Mao 7 Qh,KsView Hand 2023-12-07 (gal-1007)
GABRIEL - gabrielfpoker Mao 6 - Mao 6 View Hand 2023-12-07 (gal-1006)
GABRIEL - gabrielfpoker Mao 5 BSOP - mao anlaise 5 bsop 9s,TsView Hand 2023-12-07 (gal-1005)
GABRIEL - gabrielfpoker Mao 4 BSOP - Mao para analise 4 bsop As,KhView Hand 2023-12-07 (gal-1004)
YC - fortune castle - 12 Kc,5cView Hand 2023-12-06 (ycu-1077)
Zak - $50 Online Ignition - Flush/Straight draw All in Qd,4dView Hand 2023-12-06 (prz-1001)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #7 2023 - T9s BB Tc,9cView Hand 2023-12-06 (ker-1364)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game View Hand 2023-12-05 (top-1036)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 NL - KQs vs UTG raiser Kc,QcView Hand 2023-12-05 (mkn-1033)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Pot Odds Mistake/Not enough Equity Qc,TcView Hand 2023-12-05 (hod-1033)
John Borges - John B ACR #2 - facing extremely small cbets on boards that dont favor his range 9h,8dView Hand 2023-12-05 (fly-1775)
Don Bisco - Blitz SDS #7 - River min raise Ad,JdView Hand 2023-12-05 (don-1064)
Don Bisco - Blitz SDS #7 - B's View Ad,JdView Hand 2023-12-05 (don-1063)
Jay - $2/$5 NL - Suited connector IP Th,9hView Hand 2023-12-05 (djm-1001)
Andreas - London Poker Guide Discord 2/5 - Preflop Mistake with JJ Js,JcView Hand 2023-12-04 (wap-1108)
Andreas - London Poker Guide Discord 2/5 - Bet Sizing and Ambitious Call As,KdView Hand 2023-12-04 (wap-1107)
Andreas - London Poker Guide Discord 1/3 - Bet Sizing all over the place As,KhView Hand 2023-12-04 (wap-1106)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 2 plus 2 2/5 - Polarisation and others Th,9hView Hand 2023-12-04 (wap-1105)
tokenator - 1/2 - 11/21/23 - 6 Qs,TsView Hand 2023-12-04 (tak-1095)
tokenator - 1/2 - 11/21/23 - 5 Kd,9dView Hand 2023-12-04 (tak-1094)
tokenator - 1/2 - 11/21/23 - 4 As,AdView Hand 2023-12-04 (tak-1093)
tokenator - 1/2 - 11/21/23 - 2 Kh,TsView Hand 2023-12-04 (tak-1092)
tokenator - 1/2 - 11/21/23 - 1 Jh,9hView Hand 2023-12-04 (tak-1091)
Selma - Selma Venetian 600 - Top set drowned Th,TdView Hand 2023-12-04 (sla-1267)
Selma - Selma Venetian 600 - Big Draw on the Turn Kd,QdView Hand 2023-12-04 (sla-1266)
Selma - Selma Venetian 600 - Jacks level one Jd,JhView Hand 2023-12-04 (sla-1265)
SU XU - robbie Manila 100/200 - 97hh 7h,9hView Hand 2023-12-04 (rob-1052)
SU XU - robbie Manila 100/200 - AA Ac,AdView Hand 2023-12-04 (rob-1051)
SU XU - robbie Macau 50/100 - JTs Jd,TdView Hand 2023-12-04 (rob-1050)
SU XU - robbie Macau 50/100 - QQ Qs,QcView Hand 2023-12-04 (rob-1049)
SU XU - robbie Macau 50/100 - JTo Jc,TsView Hand 2023-12-04 (rob-1048)
SU XU - robbie Macau 50/100 - TT Tc,TdView Hand 2023-12-04 (rob-1047)
SU XU - robbie Macau 50/100 - KQo Kd,QsView Hand 2023-12-04 (rob-1046)
SU XU - robbie Macau 50/100 - QJdd Qd,JdView Hand 2023-12-04 (rob-1045)
SU XU - robbie Macau 50/100 - A2ss As,2sView Hand 2023-12-04 (rob-1044)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Induce or check? Ad,8dView Hand 2023-12-04 (hod-1032)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Donk bet same villain Ac,AsView Hand 2023-12-04 (hod-1031)
John Borges - John B ACR #1 - OOP w/ AA As,AdView Hand 2023-12-04 (fly-1774)
John Borges - John B s7 #16 - Final table - stupid blockers Ah,3sView Hand 2023-12-03 (fly-1773)
John Borges - John B s7 #15 - Is this an obvious call? Jh,5cView Hand 2023-12-03 (fly-1772)
John Borges - John B s7 #14 - raise or shove? Ts,TcView Hand 2023-12-03 (fly-1771)
John Borges - John B s7 #13 - staying alive one blind at a time As,KdView Hand 2023-12-03 (fly-1770)
John Borges - John B s7 #12 - what to do pre/post? Qc,9cView Hand 2023-12-03 (fly-1769)
John Borges - John B s7 #11 - tough call 5s,5cView Hand 2023-12-03 (fly-1768)
John Borges - John B s7 #10 - out of line #2 Ks,QcView Hand 2023-12-03 (fly-1767)
John Borges - John B s7 #9 - out of line #1 - would require 3barrel-shove Ks,TcView Hand 2023-12-03 (fly-1766)
John Borges - John B s7 #8 - will I miss another nut flush? Ah,9hView Hand 2023-12-03 (fly-1765)
John Borges - John B s7 #7 - misplayed hand / missed value Ad,KsView Hand 2023-12-03 (fly-1764)
John Borges - John B s7 #6 - how to extract max value? Qh,QsView Hand 2023-12-03 (fly-1763)
John Borges - John B s7 #5 - wonder about bet sizing 9h,9dView Hand 2023-12-03 (fly-1762)
John Borges - John B s7 #4 - Does Ray break the rules or just desperate cause he's short Ah,5hView Hand 2023-12-03 (fly-1761)
John Borges - John B s7 #3 - early on As,AcView Hand 2023-12-03 (fly-1760)
John Borges - John B s7 #2 - early on Ad,ThView Hand 2023-12-03 (fly-1759)
John Borges - John B s7 #1 - early in game. Likely sizing was too small Ts,TcView Hand 2023-12-03 (fly-1758)
Vichadach - Jozzy 1/3 - Mandatory call with gutter 6s,5sView Hand 2023-12-03 (buy-1007)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - OOP Kd,AdView Hand 2023-12-02 (hod-1030)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 35 Ks,KcView Hand 2023-12-02 (his-1095)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 34 As,QsView Hand 2023-12-02 (his-1094)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 33 As,QhView Hand 2023-12-02 (his-1093)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 32 Qs,JsView Hand 2023-12-02 (his-1092)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 31 As,QsView Hand 2023-12-02 (his-1091)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 30 Js,TsView Hand 2023-12-02 (his-1090)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 29 Ts,8hView Hand 2023-12-02 (his-1089)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 28 7d,7cView Hand 2023-12-02 (his-1088)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 27 9s,9hView Hand 2023-12-02 (his-1087)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 26 As,JhView Hand 2023-12-02 (his-1086)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 25 Ks,3dView Hand 2023-12-02 (his-1085)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 24 7d,6dView Hand 2023-12-02 (his-1084)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 23 Qc,9cView Hand 2023-12-02 (his-1083)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 22 Ks,QsView Hand 2023-12-02 (his-1082)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 21 9s,7sView Hand 2023-12-02 (his-1081)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 20 Kh,JcView Hand 2023-12-02 (his-1080)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 19 Th,8hView Hand 2023-12-02 (his-1079)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 18 Qd,JdView Hand 2023-12-02 (his-1078)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 17 Ks,QhView Hand 2023-12-02 (his-1077)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Raise the turn? 8h,9hView Hand 2023-12-01 (hod-1029)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 16 Js,TsView Hand 2023-12-01 (his-1076)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 15 Ks,TsView Hand 2023-12-01 (his-1075)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 14 As,QhView Hand 2023-12-01 (his-1074)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 13 Qh,ThView Hand 2023-12-01 (his-1073)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 12 Ks,TsView Hand 2023-12-01 (his-1072)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills---DTDTWX 11 Qs,QcView Hand 2023-12-01 (his-1071)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 10 As,KhView Hand 2023-12-01 (his-1070)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 9 Ts,8sView Hand 2023-12-01 (his-1069)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 8 As,AhView Hand 2023-12-01 (his-1068)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 7 As,JhView Hand 2023-12-01 (his-1067)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 6 Ks,QdView Hand 2023-12-01 (his-1066)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 5 Qs,JsView Hand 2023-12-01 (his-1065)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 4 Ks,TsView Hand 2023-12-01 (his-1064)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 3 9s,8sView Hand 2023-12-01 (his-1063)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 2 Ks,TsView Hand 2023-12-01 (his-1062)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - Drills--DTDTWX 1 Ks,JhView Hand 2023-12-01 (his-1061)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - HTMM--1 7s,7cView Hand 2023-12-01 (his-1060)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Stack sizes and proper bet sizing Tc,TdView Hand 2023-11-30 (hod-1028)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $5k 30 min levels - Hand 13 8d,7dView Hand 2023-11-29 (jaa-1651)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $5k 30 min levels - Hand 12 4h,4dView Hand 2023-11-29 (jaa-1650)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $5k 30 min levels - Hand 11 Kh,2sView Hand 2023-11-29 (jaa-1649)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $5k 30 min levels - Hand 10 Ah,3sView Hand 2023-11-29 (jaa-1648)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $5k 30 min levels - Hand 9 Qd,9cView Hand 2023-11-29 (jaa-1647)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $5k 30 min levels - Hand 8 8h,7sView Hand 2023-11-29 (jaa-1646)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $5k 30 min levels - Hand 7 Ah,3cView Hand 2023-11-29 (jaa-1645)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $5k 30 min levels - Hand 6 8h,3hView Hand 2023-11-29 (jaa-1644)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $5k 30 min levels - Hand 5 As,QcView Hand 2023-11-29 (jaa-1643)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $5k 30 min levels - Hand 4 Ks,KdView Hand 2023-11-29 (jaa-1642)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $5k 30 min levels - Hand 3 Jd,TdView Hand 2023-11-29 (jaa-1641)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $5k 30 min levels - Hand 2 Kc,QcView Hand 2023-11-29 (jaa-1640)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $5k 30 min levels - Hand 1 Jc,9hView Hand 2023-11-29 (jaa-1639)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock - Hand 8 View Hand 2023-11-29 (jaa-1638)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock - Hand 7 Qd,9dView Hand 2023-11-29 (jaa-1637)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $3500 Main - Hand 6 8c,7cView Hand 2023-11-29 (jaa-1636)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $3500 Main - Hand 5 Ad,7hView Hand 2023-11-29 (jaa-1635)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $3500 Main - Hand 4 8s,8cView Hand 2023-11-29 (jaa-1634)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $3500 Main - Hand 3 As,QdView Hand 2023-11-29 (jaa-1633)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $3500 Main - Hand 2 5s,4sView Hand 2023-11-29 (jaa-1632)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $3500 Main - Hand 1 Jc,TdView Hand 2023-11-29 (jaa-1631)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Leak/mistake Ac,AdView Hand 2023-11-29 (hod-1027)
Solwa54 - 25NL Pokerstars - Turning top pair into bluff? Kc,JhView Hand 2023-11-28 (sow-1071)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Slow play? 4d,4sView Hand 2023-11-28 (hod-1026)
GABRIEL - gabrielfpoker Mao 3 BSOP - Mao 3 bsop millions Ah,KsView Hand 2023-11-28 (gal-1003)
GABRIEL - gabrielfpoker Mao 2 BSOP - Segunda mao para analise do BSOP Tc,8cView Hand 2023-11-28 (gal-1002)
GABRIEL - gabrielfpoker MAO 1 BSOP - MAO 1 BSOP PKO Ah,QdView Hand 2023-11-28 (gal-1001)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Weak detected Ad,KsView Hand 2023-11-27 (hod-1025)
Gregory Leseine - Lessnuts cash club gg - rien As,TdView Hand 2023-11-27 (grr-1002)
Gregory Leseine - Lessnuts cash club gg - rien As,TdView Hand 2023-11-27 (grr-1001)
John Borges - John B ACR #4 - Fausto Kh,QcView Hand 2023-11-27 (fly-1757)
John Borges - John B ACR #3 - Not sure of river sizing Kh,KcView Hand 2023-11-27 (fly-1756)
John Borges - John B ACR #2 - FT 9d,7dView Hand 2023-11-27 (fly-1755)
John Borges - John B ACR #1 - 2 tables left Ad,JsView Hand 2023-11-27 (fly-1754)
tokenator - 2/5 - 11/7/23 - 8 Ah,KdView Hand 2023-11-26 (tak-1090)
tokenator - 2/5 - 11/7/23 - 7 9c,9dView Hand 2023-11-26 (tak-1089)
tokenator - 2/5 - 11/7/23 - 6 Kh,JhView Hand 2023-11-26 (tak-1088)
tokenator - 2/5 - 11/7/23 - 5 Ad,QdView Hand 2023-11-26 (tak-1087)
tokenator - 2/5 - 11/7/23 - 4 As,9sView Hand 2023-11-26 (tak-1086)
tokenator - 2/5 - 11/7/23 - 3 Kh,7hView Hand 2023-11-26 (tak-1085)
tokenator - 2/5 - 11/7/23 - 2 Ad,JdView Hand 2023-11-26 (tak-1084)
tokenator - 2/5 - 11/7/23 - 1 Ac,7cView Hand 2023-11-26 (tak-1083)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 NL Commerce - Multiway limp fest Qs,TdView Hand 2023-11-26 (mkn-1032)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Math was right. Ks,JcView Hand 2023-11-26 (hod-1024)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Flat? 8c,8dView Hand 2023-11-25 (hod-1023)
John Borges - John B s6 #15 - KK sucks Kd,KhView Hand 2023-11-25 (fly-1753)
John Borges - John B s6 #14 - facing small shove 4s,4cView Hand 2023-11-25 (fly-1752)
John Borges - John B s6 #13 - flopping well, not playing well Qs,9sView Hand 2023-11-25 (fly-1751)
John Borges - John B s6 #12 - waking up against large opener Ad,KhView Hand 2023-11-25 (fly-1750)
John Borges - John B s6 #11 - I love flushes Jh,ThView Hand 2023-11-25 (fly-1749)
John Borges - John B s6 #10 - flush draws are over-rated Kd,QdView Hand 2023-11-25 (fly-1748)
John Borges - John B s6 #9 - facing 3b Jh,JdView Hand 2023-11-25 (fly-1747)
John Borges - John B s6 #8 - turn rule breaker Ks,JcView Hand 2023-11-25 (fly-1746)
John Borges - John B s6 #7 - bad boards multiway Qh,JhView Hand 2023-11-25 (fly-1745)
John Borges - John B s6 #6 - going for XR but board keeps getting worse Ts,9hView Hand 2023-11-25 (fly-1744)
John Borges - John B s6 #5 - Trying to steal BB who was card dead 9h,6hView Hand 2023-11-25 (fly-1743)
John Borges - John B s6 #4 - trying to punish limper, get lucky, but dont like sizing Qs,3sView Hand 2023-11-25 (fly-1742)
John Borges - John B s6 #3 - scary board against rule breaker 7s,7cView Hand 2023-11-25 (fly-1741)
John Borges - John B s6 #2 - card dead, getting spicy 9c,7cView Hand 2023-11-25 (fly-1740)
John Borges - John B s6 #1 - early game, multiway Ad,QdView Hand 2023-11-25 (fly-1739)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Bluff catch 6h,6dView Hand 2023-11-24 (hod-1022)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #6 2023 - Q4s BB facing CO TP rfi Qd,4dView Hand 2023-11-23 (ker-1363)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #6 2023 - K8s in BB facing LJ rfi Ks,8sView Hand 2023-11-23 (ker-1362)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #6 2023 - TT BTN facing UTG rfi Ts,ThView Hand 2023-11-23 (ker-1361)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #6 2023 - 88 rfi from +1 8h,8cView Hand 2023-11-23 (ker-1360)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #6 2023 - K7s in SB Kd,7dView Hand 2023-11-23 (ker-1359)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #6 2023 - A7s on BTN Ac,7cView Hand 2023-11-23 (ker-1358)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Bluff Catch Jh,JdView Hand 2023-11-23 (hod-1021)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - River Value As,KdView Hand 2023-11-22 (wap-1104)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Set in MW Pot 3h,3sView Hand 2023-11-22 (wap-1103)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - AK vs LAG As,KhView Hand 2023-11-22 (wap-1102)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Straight on Flush Board Kh,TdView Hand 2023-11-22 (wap-1101)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - AJ vs OMC Ad,JcView Hand 2023-11-22 (wap-1100)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Mistake with Flush Draw As,TsView Hand 2023-11-22 (wap-1099)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Max Value vs OMC As,4sView Hand 2023-11-22 (wap-1098)
Devilish - Devilish 50NL - FakeTestHand1 Jd,TdView Hand 2023-11-22 (jum-1001)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Bet sizing amt? 9h,9dView Hand 2023-11-22 (hod-1020)
Eric Gin - Binkley Oaks 2/3/5 Winners Straddle - Connected monotone flop 5h,5dView Hand 2023-11-22 (gin-1004)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Snap call with K high Jc,JhView Hand 2023-11-21 (wap-1097)
tokenator - 2/5/10 - 11/6/23 - 9 Ks,QsView Hand 2023-11-21 (tak-1082)
tokenator - 2/5/10 - 11/6/23 - 8 7d,5dView Hand 2023-11-21 (tak-1081)
tokenator - 2/5/10 - 11/6/23 - 7 Ks,KcView Hand 2023-11-21 (tak-1080)
tokenator - 2/5/10 - 11/6/23 - 6 Ad,KhView Hand 2023-11-21 (tak-1079)
tokenator - 2/5/10 - 11/6/23 - 5 4s,2sView Hand 2023-11-21 (tak-1078)
tokenator - 2/5/10 - 11/6/23 - 4 9s,9hView Hand 2023-11-21 (tak-1077)
tokenator - 2/5/10 - 11/6/23 - 3 9d,7dView Hand 2023-11-21 (tak-1076)
tokenator - 2/5/10 - 11/6/23 - 2 Kd,KsView Hand 2023-11-21 (tak-1075)
tokenator - 2/5/10 - 11/6/23 - 1 Ac,KcView Hand 2023-11-21 (tak-1074)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Should have folded Ah,AsView Hand 2023-11-21 (hod-1019)
Don Bisco - Blitz Syn 23/24 #6 - R VS J View Hand 2023-11-21 (don-1062)
Don Bisco - Blitz Tilted #7 - J's AA's As,AcView Hand 2023-11-21 (don-1061)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 NL, Commerce - Hidden Draw vs. open limper 9h,8hView Hand 2023-11-20 (mkn-1031)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game Kc,QcView Hand 2023-11-19 (top-1035)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Mistake- Nit fold As,AhView Hand 2023-11-19 (hod-1018)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Obvious fold on turn? Jd,TdView Hand 2023-11-18 (hod-1017)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Raise the turn? 9d,9sView Hand 2023-11-17 (hod-1016)
Jon Swift - JSwisha $300 RGPS - Interesting 55bb eff tourney hand As,TdView Hand 2023-11-16 (swi-1001)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Defense? Ah,8hView Hand 2023-11-16 (hod-1015)
John Borges - John B App 11/15 #8 - Obs 11 6h,4hView Hand 2023-11-16 (fly-1738)
John Borges - John B App 11/15 #7 - Obs 10 View Hand 2023-11-16 (fly-1737)
John Borges - John B App 11/15 #6 - Obs 9 - sizing? View Hand 2023-11-16 (fly-1736)
John Borges - John B App 11/15 #5 - Im so bad / Obs 8 Tc,ThView Hand 2023-11-16 (fly-1735)
John Borges - John B App 11/15 #4 - draw vs capped range 6s,7sView Hand 2023-11-16 (fly-1734)
John Borges - John B App 11/15 #3 - Obs 7 View Hand 2023-11-16 (fly-1733)
John Borges - John B App 11/15 #2 - Obs 6 View Hand 2023-11-16 (fly-1732)
John Borges - John B App 11/15 #1 - Obs 5 5c,4sView Hand 2023-11-16 (fly-1731)
Danny - Wynn 40k Guarantee - #2 6c,6dView Hand 2023-11-16 (dym-1002)
Danny - Wynn 40k Guarantee - #1 Kc,7cView Hand 2023-11-16 (dym-1001)
Don Bisco - Blitz Tilted #6 - Shove needed? 2s,2dView Hand 2023-11-16 (don-1060)
Don Bisco - Blitz Tilted #6 - Capped on the turn Ac,JcView Hand 2023-11-16 (don-1059)
Don Bisco - Blitz Tilted #6 - Turn checks through Td,8cView Hand 2023-11-16 (don-1058)
Don Bisco - Blitz RG DS - Win over Information 9h,6hView Hand 2023-11-16 (don-1057)
Don Bisco - Blitz RG Senior - Miss click and timing 7s,2sView Hand 2023-11-16 (don-1056)
Vichadach - Jozzy $1/$3 Bellagio - AJo<JTs As,JcView Hand 2023-11-16 (buy-1006)
Vichadach - Jozzy $1/$3 - J9s<QQ Js,9sView Hand 2023-11-16 (buy-1005)
pp - $50r - T2 Ah,KhView Hand 2023-11-15 (ppa-1016)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Tilt and spewed off stack Qc,TsView Hand 2023-11-15 (hod-1014)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Tight fold on dangerous flop Qh,QdView Hand 2023-11-15 (hod-1013)
Andreas - London Poker Guide FB 1/2 - AQ Mega-multiway As,QhView Hand 2023-11-14 (wap-1096)
Andreas - London Poker Guide FB 1/3 - AK Super-multiway As,KdView Hand 2023-11-14 (wap-1095)
Andreas - London Poker Guide FB 2/2 - AQ on A98 As,QcView Hand 2023-11-14 (wap-1094)
Andreas - London Poker Guide FB 5/10 - Set of Kings on Flush Draw Board Ks,KcView Hand 2023-11-14 (wap-1093)
Andreas - London Poker Guide FB 2/5 - Gutshot gets there As,JdView Hand 2023-11-14 (wap-1092)
tokenator - 2/5 - 2/5 magic city song Ad,JdView Hand 2023-11-14 (tak-1073)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - 86s BB 8d,6dView Hand 2023-11-14 (sts-1146)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - KJs CO Ks,JsView Hand 2023-11-14 (sts-1145)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - T8s BB Tc,8cView Hand 2023-11-14 (sts-1144)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - TT CO Th,TcView Hand 2023-11-14 (sts-1143)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - KTo BB Kh,TcView Hand 2023-11-14 (sts-1142)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - 33 SB 3h,3dView Hand 2023-11-14 (sts-1141)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - JTs BB Jd,TdView Hand 2023-11-14 (sts-1140)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - 88 CO 8c,8hView Hand 2023-11-14 (sts-1139)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - JTs BB Js,TsView Hand 2023-11-14 (sts-1138)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - 98s SB 9s,8sView Hand 2023-11-14 (sts-1137)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - 77 BB 7s,7cView Hand 2023-11-14 (sts-1136)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - A4s CO Ad,4dView Hand 2023-11-14 (sts-1135)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - 56s button 6s,5sView Hand 2023-11-14 (sts-1134)
pp - $300 - T1 As,KcView Hand 2023-11-14 (ppa-1015)
pp - $300 - T1 As,QsView Hand 2023-11-14 (ppa-1014)
pp - $300 - T1 6s,7sView Hand 2023-11-14 (ppa-1013)
pp - $300 - T1 5d,3dView Hand 2023-11-14 (ppa-1012)
pp - $300 - T1 5d,3dView Hand 2023-11-14 (ppa-1011)
pp - $300 - T1 6s,6hView Hand 2023-11-14 (ppa-1010)
pp - $300 - T1 Ks,QdView Hand 2023-11-14 (ppa-1009)
pp - $300 - T1 As,QdView Hand 2023-11-14 (ppa-1008)
pp - $300 - T1 9s,9cView Hand 2023-11-14 (ppa-1007)
pp - $300 - T1 Qs,QdView Hand 2023-11-14 (ppa-1006)
pp - $300 - T1 9s,ThView Hand 2023-11-14 (ppa-1005)
Ben - GTO Presentation - Position (Dealer) Qs,JsView Hand 2023-11-14 (bez-1007)
Ben - GTO Presentation - HJ vs. BB, AKQ Ts,ThView Hand 2023-11-14 (bez-1006)
Ben - GTO Presentation - HJ vs. BB, 677 9d,8dView Hand 2023-11-14 (bez-1005)
Ben - GTO Presentation - UTG RFI 9s,8sView Hand 2023-11-14 (bez-1004)
Ben - GTO Presentation - Dealer RFI 9s,8sView Hand 2023-11-14 (bez-1003)
Ben - GTO Presentation - Position Js,4dView Hand 2023-11-14 (bez-1002)
Ben - GTO Presentation - Basic Poker Hand As,AhView Hand 2023-11-14 (bez-1001)
Andreas - London Poker Guide Facebook 1/3 - Terrible Iso 6s,7hView Hand 2023-11-13 (wap-1091)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Folding the Nuts 9h,4cView Hand 2023-11-13 (wap-1090)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Top Two in 3bet Pot As,QsView Hand 2023-11-13 (wap-1089)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game Ks,9hView Hand 2023-11-13 (top-1034)
Kevin Kan - KT ChungMout 1010R kaka - KQ top 2 river decision Ks,QhView Hand 2023-11-13 (kvi-1012)
John Borges - John B App 11/8 #10 - Obs 4 4h,5cView Hand 2023-11-13 (fly-1730)
John Borges - John B App 11/8 #9 - Obs 3 View Hand 2023-11-13 (fly-1729)
John Borges - John B App 11/8 #8 - Obs 2 View Hand 2023-11-13 (fly-1728)
John Borges - John B App 11/8 #7 - Obs 1 View Hand 2023-11-13 (fly-1727)
John Borges - John B App 11/8 #6 - Gonz' 1/3 river bets are weak 5s,4hView Hand 2023-11-13 (fly-1726)
John Borges - John B App 11/8 #5 - vs capped range on scary board Ac,QcView Hand 2023-11-13 (fly-1725)
John Borges - John B App 11/8 #4 - ex of passivity pre and post 7h,TdView Hand 2023-11-13 (fly-1724)
John Borges - John B App 11/8 #3 - missed a bet and should I fold to sm bet? Kd,3dView Hand 2023-11-13 (fly-1723)
John Borges - John B App 11/8 #2 - facing aggression on monotone board w/set 7s,7cView Hand 2023-11-13 (fly-1722)
John Borges - John B App 11/8 #1 - got there but did I lose value? Ah,4hView Hand 2023-11-13 (fly-1721)
John Borges - John B ACR #6 - BvB Js,9hView Hand 2023-11-13 (fly-1720)
John Borges - John B ACR #5 - what does 1bb bet mean? Kh,JhView Hand 2023-11-13 (fly-1719)
John Borges - John B ACR #4 - expecting to fold As,QsView Hand 2023-11-13 (fly-1718)
John Borges - John B ACR #3 - OOP w/nuts Ac,8hView Hand 2023-11-13 (fly-1717)
John Borges - John B ACR #2 - final two tables - blocking bet As,7sView Hand 2023-11-13 (fly-1716)
John Borges - John B ACR #1 - bubble just burst Ac,JdView Hand 2023-11-13 (fly-1715)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Bluff with Flush Draw Ac,7cView Hand 2023-11-12 (wap-1088)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - 99 in 3bet Pot 9d,9hView Hand 2023-11-12 (wap-1087)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - JJ in 3bet Pot Js,JcView Hand 2023-11-12 (wap-1086)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Bluffing Turn on good card As,JhView Hand 2023-11-12 (wap-1085)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Blockbet on river As,5dView Hand 2023-11-12 (wap-1084)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Folding to min click Ah,KsView Hand 2023-11-12 (wap-1083)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Backdoor Flush Ac,KhView Hand 2023-11-12 (wap-1082)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Set vs Baluga 6s,6cView Hand 2023-11-12 (wap-1081)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Allin with Flush Draw Ad,4dView Hand 2023-11-12 (wap-1080)
Solwa54 - 25NL Pokerstars - Set in 3way 3bet pot 3s,3hView Hand 2023-11-12 (sow-1070)
Solwa54 - 25NL Pokerstars - Combo draw in 4way 3bet pot Ac,JcView Hand 2023-11-12 (sow-1069)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Burley home game Nov 11 2023 - KQo in CO facing HJ rfi Ks,QhView Hand 2023-11-12 (ker-1357)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Burley home game Nov 11 2023 - 87s Chad View Hand 2023-11-12 (ker-1356)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Burley home game Nov 11 2023 - 55 on KKK flop 5s,5hView Hand 2023-11-12 (ker-1355)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Burley home game Nov 11 2023 - QQ in UTG Qh,QdView Hand 2023-11-12 (ker-1354)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Burley home game Nov 11 2023 - QTs Qs,TsView Hand 2023-11-12 (ker-1353)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Burley home game Nov 11 2023 - 97s LJ 9h,7hView Hand 2023-11-12 (ker-1352)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - HTMM-2 7s,7cView Hand 2023-11-11 (his-1059)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 2plays-EM1 8s,7sView Hand 2023-11-11 (his-1057)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 2plays-PP1 5s,3sView Hand 2023-11-11 (his-1056)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - MIQ-N-3 As,QhView Hand 2023-11-11 (his-1055)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - MIQ-N-2 Ks,JsView Hand 2023-11-11 (his-1054)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - MIQ-N-1 Kh,JcView Hand 2023-11-11 (his-1053)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Barreling with a flush draw As,TsView Hand 2023-11-10 (wap-1079)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Blocking the Nuts Ah,QcView Hand 2023-11-10 (wap-1078)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Good Bluffing Card on Turn Ks,TdView Hand 2023-11-10 (wap-1077)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Flopped Trips vs Jimmy Any Two 9d,7dView Hand 2023-11-10 (wap-1076)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Triple barrel with trips As,JhView Hand 2023-11-08 (wap-1075)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Straight on tricky board in 3bet pot Jc,TcView Hand 2023-11-08 (wap-1074)
Andreas - London Poker Guide Imaginary 1/2 - QQ on K high board v good player Qs,QcView Hand 2023-11-08 (wap-1073)
pp - $300 - T1 As,QdView Hand 2023-11-07 (ppa-1004)
pp - $300 - T1 As,QdView Hand 2023-11-07 (ppa-1002)
pp - $300 - T1 As,KdView Hand 2023-11-07 (ppa-1001)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10-30 Ah,QdView Hand 2023-11-07 (his-1052)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - aa double up As,AhView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1091)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - aqo sb vs bu shv As,QhView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1090)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - 88 co call bb rejam 8s,8hView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1089)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - ajo nitty fold vs open As,JhView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1088)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - ako bu fold vs raise and hj jam As,KdView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1087)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - 33 ep fold 3s,3cView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1086)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - jj 3bet vs loose player Js,JhView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1085)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - standard open Qs,JhView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1084)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - ak rejam As,KdView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1083)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - 22 hj open fold 2s,2hView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1082)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - a high check down As,TcView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1081)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - aqo double up As,QhView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1080)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - a9s vs raise 2 hands later As,9sView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1079)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - a9s vs raise As,9sView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1078)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - 77 a high cbet 7h,7cView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1077)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - hj tight open fold Ks,JhView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1076)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - bb tight fold Js,8hView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1075)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - hj tight fold Ah,6hView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1074)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - kk sb Kh,KdView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1073)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - after bubble pop, utg 77 fold 7s,7hView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1072)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - easy rejam Ah,QcView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1071)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - passive line pre Ks,QsView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1070)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - missed flop oop Ah,TsView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1069)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - turn trips 9s,9cView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1068)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - top pair bad runout Kc,QcView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1067)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - turn overbet Jh,JdView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1066)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - flop set ace high board 3h,3dView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1065)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - aa lp flat Ah,AcView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1064)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - 2 pair 3 way limped pot Kh,2hView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1063)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - ep 3bet As,QdView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1062)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - turn set 4 way limped pot 4s,4hView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1061)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - JJ ep vs epo Js,JdView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1060)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - loose call pre Jd,9dView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1059)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - 2 pair limped pot 9h,7hView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1058)
Mogilnicki - April 30 2 day tournament - jj 3 bet Jh,JcView Hand 2023-11-07 (emo-1057)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - River Bluff As,ThView Hand 2023-11-06 (wap-1072)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Flush Draw vs LAG As,8sView Hand 2023-11-06 (wap-1071)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - QQ in 4bet pot vs Pro Qh,QcView Hand 2023-11-06 (wap-1070)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - KK in 4bet pot Ks,KcView Hand 2023-11-06 (wap-1069)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Combi Draw all-in Js,TsView Hand 2023-11-06 (wap-1068)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Top Pair no Kicker Ah,3cView Hand 2023-11-06 (wap-1067)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Flush Draw Kc,JcView Hand 2023-11-06 (wap-1066)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Set vs TAG 5s,5cView Hand 2023-11-06 (wap-1065)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Surprising hand Ah,2hView Hand 2023-11-06 (wap-1064)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Nuts v 2nd Nuts Qs,9sView Hand 2023-11-06 (wap-1063)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Nut flush v tired Player As,8sView Hand 2023-11-06 (wap-1062)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game Jc,JdView Hand 2023-11-06 (top-1033)
Selma - Selma Venetian 400 Random - Caught bluffing 9c,TcView Hand 2023-11-06 (sla-1264)
Selma - Selma Venetian 800 - River the Nuts Ad,TdView Hand 2023-11-06 (sla-1263)
Selma - Selma Venetian 800 Exit Hand - TT in SB Td,ThView Hand 2023-11-06 (sla-1262)
Selma - Selma Venetian 800 - 88 in BB 8d,8cView Hand 2023-11-06 (sla-1261)
Selma - Selma Venetian 800 - Magic Hand in SB Kd,JdView Hand 2023-11-06 (sla-1260)
Selma - Selma Venetian 800 - Fold set of kings Ks,KcView Hand 2023-11-06 (sla-1259)
Selma - Selma Venetian 800 - Overplayed AKs ? Ac,KcView Hand 2023-11-06 (sla-1258)
Sarah - Sarah 600 MTT 100K GTD - $600 MTT BIG SLICK Ah,KdView Hand 2023-11-06 (skj-1002)
Sarah - Sarah $600 MTT 100K GTD - 46S 4s,6sView Hand 2023-11-06 (skj-1001)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 NL - AJs SB As,JsView Hand 2023-11-06 (mkn-1030)
Marc - Pink Hat Cash vs. REG 1 - Cash Game All In River As,4sView Hand 2023-11-06 (arc-1001)
Claudio Steiger - IndiJones7 GG Master 250$ MTT - Flop not in favour of UTG (play smart) Ks,TsView Hand 2023-11-04 (sht-1011)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Raise the flop? 2d,2hView Hand 2023-11-04 (hod-1012)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Going for full value Jh,JdView Hand 2023-11-03 (hod-1011)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Call/Raise with Position Advantage Ad,KdView Hand 2023-11-02 (hod-1010)
Selma - Selma Venetian 400 - Set of jacks Js,JcView Hand 2023-11-01 (sla-1257)
Selma - Selma Venetian 400 - BB special Ah,6hView Hand 2023-11-01 (sla-1256)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Multiway with low connected board Qh,QdView Hand 2023-11-01 (hod-1009)
Solwa54 - 25NL Pokerstars - no clue what to do Ah,AcView Hand 2023-10-31 (sow-1068)
Solwa54 - 25NL Pokerstars - River bet size? Give up? 5s,3sView Hand 2023-10-31 (sow-1067)
Solwa54 - 25NL Pokerstars - 3bet (size?) or shove? Turn action with Ah? Ah,KdView Hand 2023-10-31 (sow-1066)
Solwa54 - 25NL Pokerstars - Lead Flop? Check River? 8s,7sView Hand 2023-10-31 (sow-1065)
Solwa54 - 25NL Pokerstars - Fold or shove? Js,JcView Hand 2023-10-31 (sow-1064)
Solwa54 - 25NL Pokerstars - Fold Pre? Raise Flop? Fold Turn? 5d,5cView Hand 2023-10-31 (sow-1063)
Solwa54 - 25NL Pokerstars - Flop raise or turn shove? Js,JdView Hand 2023-10-31 (sow-1062)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Flopped set multiway 3d,3sView Hand 2023-10-31 (hod-1008)
Quang Ngo - 1600 wyn - Wyn Fall classic Qs,KsView Hand 2023-10-30 (qug-1001)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - 4 Bet AKo Ad,KcView Hand 2023-10-30 (hod-1007)
John Borges - John B ACR #1 - capped range Ks,KcView Hand 2023-10-30 (fly-1714)
Selma - Selma Venetian 400 - Flopped top set early Jh,JdView Hand 2023-10-29 (sla-1255)
Selma - Selma Wynn 600 - Exit Hand Kd,7cView Hand 2023-10-29 (sla-1254)
Selma - Selma Wynn 600 - Flopped Boat 5h,5dView Hand 2023-10-29 (sla-1253)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Facing Donk bet on river As,AcView Hand 2023-10-29 (hod-1006)
Vichadach - Jozzy $1/$3 - We must 4-bet back in this spot to not get called to multi-way pot Jc,JhView Hand 2023-10-29 (buy-1004)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Cash Qs,QcView Hand 2023-10-28 (hod-1005)
Vichadach - Jozzy $1/$3 - Should X/R when we have eq vs auto c-better Ts,9sView Hand 2023-10-28 (buy-1003)
Vichadach - Jozzy $1/$3 - Top pair with gutter 8h,7dView Hand 2023-10-28 (buy-1002)
tokenator - 1/2 - 10/3/23 - 6 As,AhView Hand 2023-10-27 (tak-1072)
tokenator - 1/2 - 10/3/23 - 5 Ac,3cView Hand 2023-10-27 (tak-1071)
tokenator - 1/2 - 10/3/23 - 4 Ks,9sView Hand 2023-10-27 (tak-1070)
tokenator - 1/2 - 10/3/23 - 3 View Hand 2023-10-27 (tak-1069)
tokenator - 1/2 - 10/3/23 - 2 Qd,QsView Hand 2023-10-27 (tak-1068)
tokenator - 1/2 - 10/3/23 - 1 7d,7sView Hand 2023-10-27 (tak-1067)
Poker01 - Poker01 Cash - Slow down and Think Ks,KdView Hand 2023-10-27 (hod-1004)
YC - fortune r 25 - 10 26 Ad,KdView Hand 2023-10-26 (ycu-1076)
YC - fortune r 25 - 10 26 9d,8dView Hand 2023-10-26 (ycu-1075)
Nino - cash - flopped set 99 9h,9dView Hand 2023-10-26 (vle-1001)
Thijs - TJ WSOPE - 55 5s,5hView Hand 2023-10-26 (tja-1095)
Eric Gin - Binkley Oaks 2/3/5 Winner's Straddle - 3way 3bet pot Jd,TdView Hand 2023-10-26 (gin-1003)
Eric Gin - Binkley Oaks 2/3/5 Winners Straddle - 4 way pot SB donk 9s,9dView Hand 2023-10-26 (gin-1002)
Don Bisco - Blitz Tilted #5 - Turn lead? Kc,QcView Hand 2023-10-25 (don-1055)
Don Bisco - Blitz Tilted #5 - Punish the rule breaker 7s,7dView Hand 2023-10-25 (don-1054)
Don Bisco - Blitz Tilted #5 - C bet sizing Ks,JsView Hand 2023-10-25 (don-1053)
Solwa54 - 25NL Pokerstars - Raise flop? Fold river? Ad,5sView Hand 2023-10-24 (sow-1061)
Solwa54 - 25NL Pokerstars - Mandatory turn bet? Ad,3dView Hand 2023-10-24 (sow-1060)
Solwa54 - 25NL Pokerstars - Mandatory turn raise/river bet? Js,9sView Hand 2023-10-24 (sow-1059)
Solwa54 - 25NL Pokerstars - Limped/called pot Kc,9hView Hand 2023-10-24 (sow-1058)
Solwa54 - 25NL Pokerstars - BTN vs fish in BB Th,6hView Hand 2023-10-24 (sow-1057)
Selma - Selma Wynn 400 - Level One Ac,3cView Hand 2023-10-24 (sla-1252)
Selma - Selma Wynn 400 - AQ in SB Ac,QdView Hand 2023-10-24 (sla-1251)
JJ - $400 multibag tourney - postflop thoughts against unknown old man Qs,JcView Hand 2023-10-24 (jcj-1578)
JJ - $400 multibag tourney - day 2 - 2nd hand i sit down...thoughts on how to play against 2 early limpers? Th,TdView Hand 2023-10-24 (jcj-1577)
JJ - $400 pearl river multibag tourney - 12 left, 10 bag, 6 handed, going for 1st you defend here or okay to fold with multiple short stacks? Ad,9dView Hand 2023-10-24 (jcj-1576)
JJ - $400 pearl river multibag tourney - 13 left, 10 bag, 6 handed, going for 1st i call off 3 BB short stack here? Ks,8cView Hand 2023-10-24 (jcj-1575)
JJ - $400 pearl river multibag tourney - thoughts on flop and turn play with top pair medium kicker? Ad,8cView Hand 2023-10-24 (jcj-1574)
JJ - $400 pearl river multibag tourney - flop C bet vs check back? Ks,8cView Hand 2023-10-24 (jcj-1573)
JJ - $400 pearl river multibag tourney - do i stack off here or fold given utg and 3 bet? Js,JcView Hand 2023-10-24 (jcj-1572)
JJ - $400 pearl river multibag tourney - thought on check call vs check shove on the flop? Qh,ThView Hand 2023-10-24 (jcj-1571)
JJ - $400 pearl river multibag tourney - thought on check call vs check shove on the flop? 8s,8cView Hand 2023-10-24 (jcj-1570)
JJ - $400 pearl river multibag tourney - 23 left, 17 bag, 7 handed, going for double bag bonus Ah,JhView Hand 2023-10-24 (jcj-1569)
JJ - $400 pearl river multibag tourney - thoughts on jam vs 3x raise to price in? As,AcView Hand 2023-10-24 (jcj-1568)
JJ - $400 pearl river multibag tourney - thoughts on my turn and river play? Jh,ThView Hand 2023-10-24 (jcj-1567)
JJ - $400 pearl river multibag tourney - thoughts on flop play? Ah,JsView Hand 2023-10-24 (jcj-1566)
JJ - $400 pearl river multibag tourney - facing 3 streets with top pair against HJ Qc,JsView Hand 2023-10-24 (jcj-1565)
JJ - pearl river $400 multibag- day 1 - Sb vs BB spot- thoughts on turn play? 6h,2sView Hand 2023-10-24 (jcj-1564)
JJ - pearl river $400 multibag- day 1 - 20 BB stack- do you defend here multiway? Jh,4hView Hand 2023-10-24 (jcj-1563)
JJ - pearl river $400 multibag- day 1 - level 2- thoughts on 3 betting vs defending in BB against utg open? Ah,QsView Hand 2023-10-24 (jcj-1562)
JJ - pearl river $400 multibag- day 1 - limp pot level 1 - unknown players 6s,7hView Hand 2023-10-24 (jcj-1561)
JJ - pearl river multibag $400 FT - 4 handed, short stack, is this +ICM EV to shove? Ks,7cView Hand 2023-10-24 (jcj-1560)
JJ - pearl river $400 multibag - final table spot, 5 handed, A9o, do i fold or shove given ICM? Ah,9dView Hand 2023-10-24 (jcj-1559)
JJ - pearl river $400 multibag - final table spot, 9 handed, AQo, do i fold or call off? Ah,QdView Hand 2023-10-24 (jcj-1558)
Don Bisco - Blitz Tilted #5 - Win Td,9sView Hand 2023-10-24 (don-1052)
Don Bisco - Blitz Tilted #5 - vs Wizard Qh,JsView Hand 2023-10-24 (don-1051)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game View Hand 2023-10-23 (top-1032)
Selma - Selma Venetian Day 2 - BB vs Button 6h,7cView Hand 2023-10-23 (sla-1250)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 LA Live - 9Tc with Questions all the way 9c,TcView Hand 2023-10-23 (mkn-1029)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #4, 2023 - J9s LJ rfi Jc,9cView Hand 2023-10-23 (ker-1351)
Joey - $2/5 Live - AKo 4b Pot Ac,KdView Hand 2023-10-23 (hye-1005)
Joey - $2/5 Live - Turn Straight Flush Draw Jd,TdView Hand 2023-10-23 (hye-1004)
Poker01 - Poker01 $1$3 Cash - Donk river bet Ah,AsView Hand 2023-10-23 (hod-1003)
Poker01 - Poker01 $1/$3 Cash - $1/$3 Cash As,KsView Hand 2023-10-23 (hod-1002)
Greg Bush - Review 10/23/23 - KJs Ks,JsView Hand 2023-10-23 (gbu-1074)
Greg Bush - Review 10/23/23 - 87s 8h,7hView Hand 2023-10-23 (gbu-1073)
Greg Bush - Review 10/23/23 - KK Ks,KhView Hand 2023-10-23 (gbu-1072)
John Borges - John B s4 #8 - combo draw Ad,ThView Hand 2023-10-23 (fly-1713)
John Borges - John B s4 #7 - vs capped range Kd,JhView Hand 2023-10-23 (fly-1712)
John Borges - John B s4 #6 - likely capped range As,QcView Hand 2023-10-23 (fly-1711)
John Borges - John B s4 #5 - bet sizing tell? Jd,TdView Hand 2023-10-23 (fly-1710)
John Borges - John B s4 #4 - blah Qs,9cView Hand 2023-10-23 (fly-1709)
John Borges - John B s4 #3 - still cant believe she folded 7s,7dView Hand 2023-10-23 (fly-1708)
John Borges - John B s4 #2 - Dead money or is it me? Qs,7hView Hand 2023-10-23 (fly-1707)
John Borges - John B s4 #1 - bluff vs capped range Ad,KcView Hand 2023-10-23 (fly-1706)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 2/5 Live Hippodrome - Straight with a lower Kicker Qs,TsView Hand 2023-10-22 (wap-1061)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #4, 2023 - TT in UTG Ts,TcView Hand 2023-10-22 (ker-1350)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #4, 2023 - A2s in HJ Ad,2dView Hand 2023-10-22 (ker-1349)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #4, 2023 - k8o in BB facing HJ open Ks,8dView Hand 2023-10-22 (ker-1348)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #4, 2023 - k9o in BB facing HJ open Kh,9dView Hand 2023-10-22 (ker-1347)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #4, 2023 - SB vs BB (Jeff) Qs,3hView Hand 2023-10-22 (ker-1346)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #4, 2023 - Donnie vs. Ray 6s,2dView Hand 2023-10-22 (ker-1345)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #4, 2023 - Q3o in BB vs. SB limp Qh,3cView Hand 2023-10-22 (ker-1344)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #4, 2023 - ATs in CO facing 12bb shove Ac,TcView Hand 2023-10-22 (ker-1343)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #4, 2023 - J7o in SB facing BTN limp Jd,7cView Hand 2023-10-22 (ker-1342)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #4, 2023 - 87s BTN rfi 8c,7cView Hand 2023-10-22 (ker-1341)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #4, 2023 - A4o in SB in limped pot Ac,4sView Hand 2023-10-22 (ker-1340)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #4, 2023 - QJo rfi from LJ Qd,JsView Hand 2023-10-22 (ker-1339)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #4, 2023 - A2s in BB facing LJ rfi As,2sView Hand 2023-10-22 (ker-1338)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #4, 2023 - KQs in HJ facing UTG rfi Ks,QsView Hand 2023-10-22 (ker-1337)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #4, 2023 - AQo in SB facing HJ rfi As,QhView Hand 2023-10-22 (ker-1336)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #4, 2023 - 55 CO rfi 5s,5hView Hand 2023-10-22 (ker-1335)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #4, 2023 - AA 4-bet pre from Steve P Tc,6dView Hand 2023-10-22 (ker-1334)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #4, 2023 - 62s in BB facing UTG rfi 6d,2dView Hand 2023-10-22 (ker-1333)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #4, 2023 - AQs in HJ rfi Ad,QdView Hand 2023-10-22 (ker-1332)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #4, 2023 - 65s on BTN facing CO rfi 6c,5cView Hand 2023-10-22 (ker-1331)
Poker01 - Poker01 $1/$3 Cash - $1$3 Cash Ks,KhView Hand 2023-10-22 (hod-1001)
Mitch Winkler - Mitch The Nit Oneida 2/5 Cash - Dynamic board OOP against LAG Ah,8hView Hand 2023-10-21 (jmw-1001)
Don Bisco - Blitz LL League - Villian over shoves Ks,9cView Hand 2023-10-19 (don-1050)
Don Bisco - Blitz DH WED Game - Sticky hero Qd,4dView Hand 2023-10-19 (don-1049)
Me - justreplaying AQo whiff - AQo whiff As,QhView Hand 2023-10-18 (rip-1008)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW41 - AQo facing 3bet from SB Ah,QcView Hand 2023-10-18 (jec-1125)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW40 - A9cc tricky turn spot Ac,9cView Hand 2023-10-18 (jec-1124)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW39 - A5hh 16.5bb shove from CO Ah,5hView Hand 2023-10-18 (jec-1123)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW38 - KJss with 15bbs facing 9bb jam Ks,JsView Hand 2023-10-18 (jec-1122)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW37 - TJdd facing big turn bet open ended Jd,TdView Hand 2023-10-18 (jec-1121)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW36 - A9o open limp on Btn As,9hView Hand 2023-10-18 (jec-1120)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW35 - A2hh in BB facing 9BB utg shove Ah,2hView Hand 2023-10-18 (jec-1119)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW34 - 88 on Btn facing 5x raise and a call 8s,8hView Hand 2023-10-18 (jec-1118)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW33 - AKo top 2 multi way Ac,KdView Hand 2023-10-18 (jec-1117)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10.30 Kh,KcView Hand 2023-10-18 (his-1051)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10.29 Ad,4dView Hand 2023-10-18 (his-1050)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10.28 Kd,TsView Hand 2023-10-18 (his-1049)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10.27 Kd,TdView Hand 2023-10-18 (his-1048)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10.26 4h,3hView Hand 2023-10-18 (his-1047)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10.25 Ad,JcView Hand 2023-10-18 (his-1046)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10.24 Kd,KhView Hand 2023-10-18 (his-1045)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10.23 9c,8hView Hand 2023-10-18 (his-1044)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10.22 Ks,AcView Hand 2023-10-18 (his-1043)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10.21 9h,9sView Hand 2023-10-18 (his-1042)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10.20 Qh,JsView Hand 2023-10-18 (his-1041)
John Borges - John B App 10/18 #1 - capped or tricky Ad,6hView Hand 2023-10-18 (fly-1705)
Don Bisco - Blitz LL League #3 - Villain view Qc,9cView Hand 2023-10-18 (don-1048)
PokerCoaching - 10 Tips - Cash Games 1 Qs,JsView Hand 2023-10-17 (bdo-1914)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game View Hand 2023-10-16 (top-1031)
Selma - Selma Venetian 300 - Bubble set over set 8s,8cView Hand 2023-10-16 (sla-1249)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KK - line check, results say nh, but did I misplay this? Kc,KhView Hand 2023-10-16 (miq-1848)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AJs line check w/ tiny bet, hate it? Ac,JcView Hand 2023-10-16 (miq-1847)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KTo vs fish & reg, ugh help all streets Ks,TdView Hand 2023-10-16 (miq-1846)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AQo iso two fish, line check As,QcView Hand 2023-10-16 (miq-1845)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AKs multi-way TPTK vs fish & reg Ah,KhView Hand 2023-10-16 (miq-1844)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10.19 Ks,JcView Hand 2023-10-16 (his-1040)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10.18 9s,9dView Hand 2023-10-16 (his-1039)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10.17 Ah,3dView Hand 2023-10-16 (his-1038)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10.16 Qs,9cView Hand 2023-10-16 (his-1037)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10.15 Ah,QdView Hand 2023-10-16 (his-1036)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10.14 Jc,2cView Hand 2023-10-16 (his-1035)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10.13 Ad,JcView Hand 2023-10-16 (his-1034)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10.12 7s,7hView Hand 2023-10-16 (his-1033)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10.11 Ks,KdView Hand 2023-10-16 (his-1032)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10.10 Ks,9sView Hand 2023-10-16 (his-1031)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10.9 Ks,JsView Hand 2023-10-16 (his-1030)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10.8 Td,ThView Hand 2023-10-16 (his-1029)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10.7 Kh,JhView Hand 2023-10-16 (his-1028)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10.6 Th,TdView Hand 2023-10-16 (his-1027)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10.5 Ks,KcView Hand 2023-10-16 (his-1026)
Jeremy Brewer - Lodge 1/2 oct 14 2023 - Exploitative 4B bluff Ac,QdView Hand 2023-10-15 (jew-1002)
Jeremy Brewer - Lodge 1/2 oct 14 2023 - Exploitative light 3B Kc,TcView Hand 2023-10-15 (jew-1001)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Printing Money with this Bluff As,ThView Hand 2023-10-14 (wap-1060)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Folding KK Preflop Kh,KdView Hand 2023-10-14 (wap-1059)
Flopper - Flopper 20231012 - Underbet with made straight Kh,TcView Hand 2023-10-14 (smu-1001)
Selma - Selma Venetian 400 - KQ on the button Ks,QhView Hand 2023-10-14 (sla-1247)
Selma - Selma Venetian 400 - Folded Queens Qc,QhView Hand 2023-10-14 (sla-1246)
Selma - Selma Venetian 500 - JJ vs set Jh,JdView Hand 2023-10-14 (sla-1245)
Selma - Selma Venetian 300 - AK vs Aces Ad,KhView Hand 2023-10-14 (sla-1244)
Selma - Selma Venetian 300 - AK suited vs shove Ah,KhView Hand 2023-10-14 (sla-1243)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Cooler?! Tc,QhView Hand 2023-10-12 (wap-1058)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - KK Cracked Kh,KdView Hand 2023-10-12 (wap-1057)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Back door Straight 7d,8dView Hand 2023-10-12 (wap-1056)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - JJ on Q high board Js,JdView Hand 2023-10-12 (wap-1055)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Flush v Straight Ah,2hView Hand 2023-10-12 (wap-1054)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - House with Value As,JhView Hand 2023-10-12 (wap-1053)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Hitting set in 3bet pot 4s,4cView Hand 2023-10-12 (wap-1052)
John brown - EV - GAME - MY GAME As,AhView Hand 2023-10-12 (sca-1002)
John Borges - John B App #5 - vs. capped range As,9sView Hand 2023-10-12 (fly-1704)
John Borges - John B App #4 - vs likely capped range Tc,8cView Hand 2023-10-12 (fly-1703)
John Borges - John B App #3 - First hand Qs,QdView Hand 2023-10-12 (fly-1702)
John Borges - John B App #2 - Flopping well 8c,8sView Hand 2023-10-12 (fly-1701)
John Borges - John B App #1 - very late in tournament Ks,8sView Hand 2023-10-12 (fly-1700)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Incredible Hero Call 6h,7hView Hand 2023-10-11 (wap-1051)
John brown - My Game - EV - 1 As,KsView Hand 2023-10-11 (sca-1001)
Rich G - 1/2 - AA Again As,AdView Hand 2023-10-11 (rgr-1039)
Rich G - 1/2 - AQ View Hand 2023-10-11 (rgr-1038)
Rich G - 1/2 - A/A Ad,AcView Hand 2023-10-11 (rgr-1037)
Solwa54 - 25NL Pokerstars - Triple barrel in 3bet pot Ac,JcView Hand 2023-10-10 (sow-1056)
Faraz Jaka - 1100 RUNGOOD MAIN - . Ad,8dView Hand 2023-10-10 (jaa-1630)
Faraz Jaka - $1100 RUNGOOD MAIN - . Js,4sView Hand 2023-10-10 (jaa-1629)
Faraz Jaka - 1100 WSOP COUNCIL - . Kh,7dView Hand 2023-10-10 (jaa-1628)
Joey - $1/3 NL - AQo facing maniac Ah,QdView Hand 2023-10-10 (hye-1003)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10.4 Js,TsView Hand 2023-10-10 (his-1025)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10.3 7s,7hView Hand 2023-10-10 (his-1024)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10.2 As,5sView Hand 2023-10-10 (his-1023)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 10.1 7s,7hView Hand 2023-10-10 (his-1022)
Squid - Squid Live Scary Serbian HU - Live Scary Serbian HU 5d,5hView Hand 2023-10-10 (eas-1002)
Squid - Squid h - h Ts,TcView Hand 2023-10-10 (eas-1001)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Set against OMC Ks,KcView Hand 2023-10-09 (wap-1050)
phannah - manjalara - 3way all in merdeka 2023 9d,9hView Hand 2023-10-09 (goh-1001)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game Ad,5sView Hand 2023-10-08 (top-1030)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #3, 2023 - UTG limp/raise 9s,7hView Hand 2023-10-08 (ker-1330)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #3, 2023 - AJo HJ facing 2 limpers View Hand 2023-10-08 (ker-1329)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #3, 2023 - AT HJ rfi Ac,TsView Hand 2023-10-08 (ker-1328)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #3, 2023 - AJo in SB facing LJ rfi As,JdView Hand 2023-10-08 (ker-1327)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #3, 2023 - ATs in CO As,TsView Hand 2023-10-08 (ker-1326)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #3, 2023 - AQo in CO rfi As,QdView Hand 2023-10-08 (ker-1325)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #3, 2023 - ATo CO facing EP rfi As,ThView Hand 2023-10-08 (ker-1324)
Faraz Jaka - Iowa Council Bluffs $400 - Hand 2 8s,5sView Hand 2023-10-08 (jaa-1627)
Faraz Jaka - Iowa Council Bluffs $400 - Hand 1 Ah,9hView Hand 2023-10-08 (jaa-1626)
Faraz Jaka - $250 RUNGOOD St Louis - Hand 1 Js,TsView Hand 2023-10-08 (jaa-1625)
Faraz Jaka - 1700 WSOPc COUNCIL BLUFFS MAIN ss 40k - Hand 16 Jh,TcView Hand 2023-10-08 (jaa-1624)
Faraz Jaka - 1700 WSOPc COUNCIL BLUFFS MAIN ss 40k - Hand 15 7s,7dView Hand 2023-10-08 (jaa-1623)
Faraz Jaka - 1700 WSOPc COUNCIL BLUFFS MAIN ss 40k - Hand 14 Qd,9dView Hand 2023-10-08 (jaa-1622)
Faraz Jaka - 1700 WSOPc COUNCIL BLUFFS MAIN ss 40k - Hand 13 Ad,9hView Hand 2023-10-08 (jaa-1621)
Faraz Jaka - 1700 WSOPc COUNCIL BLUFFS MAIN ss 40k - Hand 12 As,KdView Hand 2023-10-08 (jaa-1620)
Faraz Jaka - 1700 WSOPc COUNCIL BLUFFS MAIN ss 40k - Hand 11 Ad,JdView Hand 2023-10-08 (jaa-1619)
Faraz Jaka - 1700 WSOPc COUNCIL BLUFFS MAIN ss 40k - Hand 10 5s,5cView Hand 2023-10-08 (jaa-1618)
Faraz Jaka - 1700 WSOPc COUNCIL BLUFFS MAIN ss 40k - Hand 9 Ah,QhView Hand 2023-10-08 (jaa-1617)
John Borges - John B s3 #27 - FT 1st Hand Ah,JhView Hand 2023-10-08 (fly-1699)
John Borges - John B s3 #26 - FML Kc,KsView Hand 2023-10-08 (fly-1698)
John Borges - John B s3 #25 - low card connected texture vs SB range Js,ThView Hand 2023-10-08 (fly-1697)
John Borges - John B s3 #24 - tough call or straightforward? As,KhView Hand 2023-10-08 (fly-1696)
John Borges - John B s3 #23 - limper tried to min raise but messed up Ad,AhView Hand 2023-10-08 (fly-1695)
John Borges - John B s3 #22 - vs likely capped range Kh,QhView Hand 2023-10-08 (fly-1694)
John Borges - John B s3 #21 - Was going to shove flop but then the deeper caller nixed that plan Qh,6hView Hand 2023-10-08 (fly-1693)
John Borges - John B s3 #20 - Trying to abuse limpers. Bad runout Qh,8hView Hand 2023-10-08 (fly-1692)
John Borges - John B s3 #19 - any 4b sizing or just shove? Ks,KcView Hand 2023-10-08 (fly-1691)
John Borges - John B s3 #18 - vs capped range Jh,TdView Hand 2023-10-08 (fly-1690)
John Borges - John B s3 #17 - Just trying to buy it 5h,5dView Hand 2023-10-08 (fly-1689)
John Borges - John B s3 #16 - low unconnected board Kh,QsView Hand 2023-10-08 (fly-1688)
John Borges - John B s3 #15 - whelp x2 (calls wide even when around 20 bbs) 7s,7cView Hand 2023-10-08 (fly-1687)
John Borges - John B s3 #14 - whelp As,KhView Hand 2023-10-08 (fly-1686)
John Borges - John B s3 #13 - getting there but shouldve bet since they capped themselves Kd,3dView Hand 2023-10-08 (fly-1685)
John Borges - John B s3 #12 - flopping bottom set 4h,4dView Hand 2023-10-08 (fly-1684)
John Borges - John B s3 #11 - 3b pot As,KhView Hand 2023-10-08 (fly-1683)
John Borges - John B s3 #10 - vs capped range 6d,7hView Hand 2023-10-08 (fly-1682)
John Borges - John B s3 #9 - more instances of capped ranges and missed value Th,9hView Hand 2023-10-08 (fly-1681)
John Borges - John B s3 #8 - trying to rep but they have it (so much missed value!!!) Qc,4hView Hand 2023-10-08 (fly-1680)
John Borges - John B s3 #7 - bad 3b saves me 4h,4dView Hand 2023-10-08 (fly-1679)
John Borges - John B s3 #6 - vs capped range Ad,8dView Hand 2023-10-08 (fly-1678)
John Borges - John B s3 #5 - bluff catching early vs likely capped range Qd,4dView Hand 2023-10-08 (fly-1677)
John Borges - John B s3 #4 - orphan pot Js,ThView Hand 2023-10-08 (fly-1676)
John Borges - John B s3 #3 - wtd when vs. VLAG when you miss? As,KhView Hand 2023-10-08 (fly-1672)
John Borges - John B s3 #2 - squeezed but then priced in 5h,4hView Hand 2023-10-08 (fly-1671)
John Borges - John B s3 #1 - early Ts,TcView Hand 2023-10-08 (fly-1670)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Big value on River Qs,QcView Hand 2023-10-07 (wap-1049)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Hippodrome - Rivered straight As,4sView Hand 2023-10-07 (wap-1048)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Hippodrome - Two pair river call As,JdView Hand 2023-10-07 (wap-1047)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Hippodrome - 4bet bluff As,QhView Hand 2023-10-07 (wap-1046)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Cooler As,QdView Hand 2023-10-07 (wap-1045)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Blind shove Part 2 Ks,AhView Hand 2023-10-07 (wap-1044)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Blind shove Part 1 4c,4hView Hand 2023-10-07 (wap-1043)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Silly river bet Jd,TdView Hand 2023-10-07 (wap-1042)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Checked through 7s,7cView Hand 2023-10-07 (wap-1041)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - 4bet vs KQo Ks,QhView Hand 2023-10-07 (wap-1040)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Missed river bluff 7s,7hView Hand 2023-10-07 (wap-1039)
JJ - day 1- arkansas tourney - postflop thoughts? As,2cView Hand 2023-10-07 (jcj-1557)
JJ - day 1- arkansas tourney - thoughts on river? As,JsView Hand 2023-10-07 (jcj-1556)
JJ - day 1- arkansas tourney - do i call CXR or fold? Kc,JsView Hand 2023-10-07 (jcj-1555)
JJ - day 1- arkansas tourney - blind vs blind- turn play? Qc,TcView Hand 2023-10-07 (jcj-1554)
JJ - day 1- arkansas tourney - postflop thoughts? 5s,6sView Hand 2023-10-07 (jcj-1553)
JJ - day 1- arkansas tourney - last level of rebuy- facing unknown limper 3.5x PFR sizing 9s,9dView Hand 2023-10-07 (jcj-1552)
JJ - day 1- arkansas tourney - do you call on turn or okay to fold since paired board? Ks,TcView Hand 2023-10-07 (jcj-1551)
JJ - day 1- arkansas tourney - river sizing? Jh,JcView Hand 2023-10-07 (jcj-1550)
JJ - day 1- arkansas tourney - 3 bet pot against aggro lady- flop top set 9s,9cView Hand 2023-10-07 (jcj-1549)
JJ - day 1- arkansas tourney - playing big combo draw multiway Ah,KhView Hand 2023-10-07 (jcj-1548)
JJ - final table - day 2 Arkansas 80k GTD - QTo- preflop action on final table with 2 shorter stacks? Qs,TcView Hand 2023-10-07 (jcj-1547)
JJ - final table - day 2 Arkansas 80k GTD - AJo - preflop action on final table with 2 shorter stacks? As,JcView Hand 2023-10-07 (jcj-1546)
JJ - final table - day 2 Arkansas 80k GTD - preflop action on final table with 2 shorter stacks? 7s,7cView Hand 2023-10-07 (jcj-1545)
JJ - final table - day 2 Arkansas 80k GTD - playing in SB against old man who normally limps? Ah,QdView Hand 2023-10-07 (jcj-1544)
JJ - final table - day 2 Arkansas 80k GTD - thoughts on checking vs betting flop? Ts,TcView Hand 2023-10-07 (jcj-1543)
JJ - day 2 Arkansas 80k GTD - turn play? As,AcView Hand 2023-10-07 (jcj-1542)
JJ - day 2 Arkansas 80k GTD - how to play multiway here short stack? Jc,TsView Hand 2023-10-07 (jcj-1541)
JJ - day 2 Arkansas 80k GTD - thoughts on flop bet vs check? 6s,6cView Hand 2023-10-07 (jcj-1540)
JJ - day 2 Arkansas 80k GTD - day 2- facing flop lead- how to proceed? 8s,8dView Hand 2023-10-07 (jcj-1539)
JJ - day 2 Arkansas 80k GTD - day 2- fold vs flat here? 6s,6cView Hand 2023-10-07 (jcj-1538)
JJ - local final table turbo - final table- 8 left, 3 paid- do you shove, fold, or raise off 12 BB here? Ks,TcView Hand 2023-10-07 (jcj-1537)
JJ - $300 250k TCH Sept monthly - thoughts on turn play? As,KdView Hand 2023-10-07 (jcj-1536)
JJ - $300 250k TCH Sept monthly - multiway Kh,QcView Hand 2023-10-07 (jcj-1535)
JJ - $300 250k TCH Sept monthly - blind vs blind 4s,KhView Hand 2023-10-07 (jcj-1534)
JJ - $300 250k TCH Sept monthly - postflop thoughts? Qc,8sView Hand 2023-10-07 (jcj-1533)
JJ - $300 250k TCH Sept monthly - thoughts on calling flop vs folding multiway? 7d,7cView Hand 2023-10-07 (jcj-1532)
Faraz Jaka - 1700 WSOPc COUNCIL BLUFFS MAIN ss 40k - Hand 8 Qh,QsView Hand 2023-10-07 (jaa-1616)
Faraz Jaka - 1700 WSOPc COUNCIL BLUFFS MAIN ss 40k - Hand 7 As,6sView Hand 2023-10-07 (jaa-1615)
Faraz Jaka - 1700 WSOPc COUNCIL BLUFFS MAIN ss 40k - Hand 6 Ah,QhView Hand 2023-10-07 (jaa-1614)
Faraz Jaka - 1700 WSOPc COUNCIL BLUFFS MAIN ss 40k - Hand 5 Kd,9dView Hand 2023-10-07 (jaa-1613)
Faraz Jaka - 1700 WSOPc COUNCIL BLUFFS MAIN ss 40k - Hand 4 9h,3sView Hand 2023-10-07 (jaa-1612)
Faraz Jaka - 1700 WSOPc COUNCIL BLUFFS MAIN ss 40k - Hand 3 Qh,8hView Hand 2023-10-07 (jaa-1611)
Faraz Jaka - 1700 WSOPc COUNCIL BLUFFS MAIN ss 40k - Hand 2 As,TdView Hand 2023-10-07 (jaa-1610)
Faraz Jaka - 1700 WSOPc COUNCIL BLUFFS MAIN ss 40k - Hand 1 Js,8hView Hand 2023-10-07 (jaa-1609)
Faraz Jaka - $400 WSOPc COUNCIL BLUFFS one day 20kss - Hand 14 As,5dView Hand 2023-10-07 (jaa-1608)
Faraz Jaka - $400 WSOPc COUNCIL BLUFFS one day 20kss - Hand 13 As,AhView Hand 2023-10-07 (jaa-1607)
Faraz Jaka - $400 WSOPc COUNCIL BLUFFS one day 20kss - Hand 12 8h,8cView Hand 2023-10-07 (jaa-1606)
Faraz Jaka - $400 WSOPc COUNCIL BLUFFS one day 20kss - Hand 11 Kc,JsView Hand 2023-10-07 (jaa-1605)
Faraz Jaka - $400 WSOPc COUNCIL BLUFFS one day 20kss - Hand 10 Jc,9hView Hand 2023-10-07 (jaa-1604)
Faraz Jaka - $400 WSOPc COUNCIL BLUFFS one day 20kss - Hand 9 Ac,8cView Hand 2023-10-07 (jaa-1603)
Faraz Jaka - $400 WSOPc COUNCIL BLUFFS one day 20kss - Hand 8 As,7dView Hand 2023-10-07 (jaa-1602)
Faraz Jaka - $400 WSOPc COUNCIL BLUFFS one day 20kss - Hand 7 Kd,9dView Hand 2023-10-07 (jaa-1601)
Faraz Jaka - $400 WSOPc COUNCIL BLUFFS one day 20kss - Hand 6 Js,9dView Hand 2023-10-07 (jaa-1600)
Faraz Jaka - $400 WSOPc COUNCIL BLUFFS one day 20kss - Hand 5 View Hand 2023-10-07 (jaa-1599)
Faraz Jaka - $400 WSOPc COUNCIL BLUFFS one day 20kss - Hand 4 Ad,KsView Hand 2023-10-07 (jaa-1598)
JJ - $300 250k TCH Sept monthly - playing KK multiway on straight board Kh,KcView Hand 2023-10-06 (jcj-1531)
JJ - $300 250k TCH Sept monthly - thoughts on river sizing? Js,JcView Hand 2023-10-06 (jcj-1530)
JJ - $300 250k TCH Sept monthly - do you defend here against 2.5x open and call? Qs,6sView Hand 2023-10-06 (jcj-1529)
JJ - $300 250k TCH Sept monthly - table about to break- people seem checked out- shove or regular open? Ks,JcView Hand 2023-10-06 (jcj-1528)
JJ - $300 250k TCH Sept monthly - is this a shove spot in BB ante format? Qs,8cView Hand 2023-10-06 (jcj-1527)
YC - fortune r 25 - 10 4 As,AcView Hand 2023-10-05 (ycu-1074)
YC - fortune r 25 - 10 4 As,AcView Hand 2023-10-05 (ycu-1073)
YC - fortune r 25 - 10 4 6s,6cView Hand 2023-10-05 (ycu-1072)
YC - fortune r 25 - 10 4 7c,7sView Hand 2023-10-05 (ycu-1071)
YC - fortune r 25 - 10 4 Qc,TsView Hand 2023-10-05 (ycu-1070)
YC - fortune r 25 - 10 4 Ks,QcView Hand 2023-10-05 (ycu-1069)
YC - fortune r 25 - 10 4 6c,7cView Hand 2023-10-05 (ycu-1068)
Faraz Jaka - $400 WSOPc COUNCIL BLUFFS one day 20kss - Hand 3 Ah,6hView Hand 2023-10-05 (jaa-1597)
Faraz Jaka - $400 WSOPc COUNCIL BLUFFS one day 20kss - Hand 2 Qd,JsView Hand 2023-10-05 (jaa-1596)
Faraz Jaka - $400 WSOPc COUNCIL BLUFFS one day 20kss - Hand 1 Ks,QhView Hand 2023-10-05 (jaa-1595)
Faraz Jaka - $1100 WSOPc Council Bluffs - Hand 8 Js,ThView Hand 2023-10-05 (jaa-1594)
Faraz Jaka - $1100 WSOPc Council Bluffs - Hand 7 8s,5sView Hand 2023-10-05 (jaa-1593)
Faraz Jaka - $1100 WSOPc Council Bluffs - Hand 6 4s,2hView Hand 2023-10-05 (jaa-1592)
Faraz Jaka - $1100 WSOPc Council Bluffs - Hand 5.5 Kc,8cView Hand 2023-10-05 (jaa-1591)
Faraz Jaka - $1100 WSOPc Council Bluffs - Hand 5 Ah,9hView Hand 2023-10-05 (jaa-1590)
Faraz Jaka - $1100 WSOPc Council Bluffs - Hand 4 7h,7cView Hand 2023-10-05 (jaa-1589)
Faraz Jaka - $1100 WSOPc Council Bluffs - Hand 3 Qs,JdView Hand 2023-10-05 (jaa-1588)
Faraz Jaka - $1100 WSOPc Council Bluffs - Hand 2 Ad,JdView Hand 2023-10-05 (jaa-1587)
Faraz Jaka - $1100 WSOPc Council Bluffs - Hand 1 As,QsView Hand 2023-10-05 (jaa-1586)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (4) - 25 8s,7sView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1913)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (4) - 24 Jd,9hView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1912)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (4) - 23 Qc,4cView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1911)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (4) - 22 4s,4cView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1910)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (4) - 21 Td,9dView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1909)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (5) - 4 Ks,JdView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1908)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (5) - 3 Ks,QhView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1907)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (5) - 2 As,QhView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1906)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (5) - 1 Qc,QsView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1905)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (4) - 20 Ac,JcView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1904)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (4) - 19 Ad,TsView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1903)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (4) - 18 Kh,KcView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1902)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (4) - 17 Kh,JdView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1901)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (4) - 16 Ac,4hView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1900)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (4) - 15 Qd,9dView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1899)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (4) - 14 Qc,JdView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1898)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (4) - 13 As,TsView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1897)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (4) - 12 9s,7hView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1896)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (4) - 11 As,AhView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1895)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (4) - 10 Jd,TdView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1894)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (4) - 9 Ts,ThView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1893)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (4) - 8 7s,6dView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1892)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (4) - 7 Qh,QdView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1891)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (4) - 6 Kc,JcView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1890)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (4) - 5 Qs,7sView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1889)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (4) - 4 As,ThView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1888)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (4) - 3 9s,9hView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1887)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (4) - 2 Js,9dView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1886)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (4) - 1 Ks,KhView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1885)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (3) - 5 Ad,JsView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1884)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (3) - 4 Kc,6cView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1883)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (3) - 3 Tc,7cView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1882)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (3) - 2 Ks,KcView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1881)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (3) - 1 Ad,5dView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1880)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (2) - 7 6s,6cView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1879)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (2) - 6 9h,5hView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1878)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (2) - 5 As,AhView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1877)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (2) - 4 As,8hView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1876)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (2) - 3 9s,9hView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1875)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (2) - 2 As,JcView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1874)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (2) - 1 Js,9dView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1873)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (1) - 3 Qd,JdView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1872)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (1) - 2 8s,8hView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1871)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters 2023 $10K (1) - 1 Kh,7hView Hand 2023-10-05 (bdo-1870)
Paul - CruxOR $775 Live MTT, Day 2 - BB v MP, in the money 6s,5cView Hand 2023-10-04 (pas-1035)
Paul - CruxOR $775 Live MTT, Day 2 - CO v sticky BTN, in the money As,4sView Hand 2023-10-04 (pas-1034)
Paul - CruxOR $775 Live MTT, Day 2 - Stone Bubble, BB v CO Qs,JcView Hand 2023-10-04 (pas-1033)
Paul - CruxOR $775 Live MTT, Early Day 2 - CO v LJ Kh,6hView Hand 2023-10-04 (pas-1032)
Scott Meltzer - Scotty You have Jacks - Thoughts on table talk Js,JhView Hand 2023-10-03 (sct-1001)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #2 2023 - 66 in HJ facing 7bb shove 6s,6hView Hand 2023-10-03 (ker-1323)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - AKo vs cold 4bet and call As,KhView Hand 2023-10-02 (wap-1038)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game 6s,5sView Hand 2023-10-02 (top-1029)
magik244 - 20r - Q9s 3way 11left Qs,9sView Hand 2023-10-02 (sez-1004)
JustinKim - Jkgrants Mstt - UTG KJs Kh,JhView Hand 2023-10-02 (jki-1007)
JustinKim - Jkgrants MTT - BB vs. BTN Limp 7c,5cView Hand 2023-10-02 (jki-1006)
JustinKim - Jkgrants MTT - BB vs. SB 3s,3dView Hand 2023-10-02 (jki-1005)
JustinKim - Jkgrants MTT - SB vs. BB As,TdView Hand 2023-10-02 (jki-1004)
JustinKim - Jkgrants MTT - SB Ad3d - lv.5 400/800 Ad,3dView Hand 2023-10-02 (jki-1003)
Paul - CruxOR $775 Live MTT, Day 2 - HJ v BTN, 3bet pot Ts,TcView Hand 2023-10-01 (pas-1031)
Paul - CruxOR $775 Live MTT, Day 2 - UTG v BB Ac,KcView Hand 2023-10-01 (pas-1030)
Paul - CruxOR $775 Live MTT, Late Day 1 - BB v HJ, flopped flus Js,9sView Hand 2023-10-01 (pas-1029)
Paul - CruxOR $775 Live MTT, Late Day 1 - BB v EP 8s,4sView Hand 2023-10-01 (pas-1028)
Paul - CruxOR $775 Live MTT, Day 1 - Multiway, in position flop nut straight on monotone board Qh,JdView Hand 2023-10-01 (pas-1027)
Paul - CruxOR $775 Live MTT, Day 1 - BB, short-stacked, dead money pre-flop Ah,QcView Hand 2023-10-01 (pas-1026)
Paul - CruxOR $775 Live MTT, Day 1 - MP v CO, 3bet pot 9s,9hView Hand 2023-10-01 (pas-1025)
Paul - CruxOR $775 Live MTT, Day 1 - HJ v LJ, short stacked 4s,4cView Hand 2023-10-01 (pas-1024)
Paul - CruxOR $775 Live MTT, Day 1 - SB v BTN open, short stacked Qd,TdView Hand 2023-10-01 (pas-1023)
Paul - CruxOR $775 Live MTT, Day 1 - SB Limped pot 9s,8sView Hand 2023-10-01 (pas-1022)
JPpoker - Cash Game 1-1 - Straddle 2, straddle 4 6c,7cView Hand 2023-09-30 (deu-1001)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Polarization Mistake Qd,TdView Hand 2023-09-29 (wap-1037)
Paul - CruxOR $775 Live MTT, Day 1 - CO v UTG Ad,QhView Hand 2023-09-29 (pas-1021)
Paul - CruxOR $775 Live MTT, Day 1 - UTG1 v BTN, 3bet pot Ah,JdView Hand 2023-09-29 (pas-1020)
Paul - CruxOR $775 Live MTT, Day 1 - BB in multiway 3! pot, flop trips Jc,TdView Hand 2023-09-29 (pas-1019)
Paul - CruxOR $775 Live MTT, Day 1 - Multi-way pot, flop trips Ks,QsView Hand 2023-09-29 (pas-1018)
Paul - CruxOR $775 Live MTT, Day 1 - Multiway Flop, X-Raise in BB Js,9cView Hand 2023-09-29 (pas-1017)
Paul - CruxOR $775 Live MTT, Day 1 - LJ v BB, check-raised flop Jc,TcView Hand 2023-09-29 (pas-1016)
Paul - CruxOR $775 Live MTT, early Day 1 - HJ v LJ, double paired board 7h,7dView Hand 2023-09-29 (pas-1015)
Paul - CruxOR $775 Live MTT, Early Day 1 - Multiway 3bet pot, raised on paired flop Ah,AdView Hand 2023-09-29 (pas-1014)
JustinKim - Jkgrants $500-200K GTD MTT - BB - KJs Kh,JhView Hand 2023-09-29 (jki-1002)
JustinKim - Jkgrants $500-200K GTD MTT - UTG+1 - JJ - Nut Flop Js,JcView Hand 2023-09-29 (jki-1001)
Paul - CruxOR $775 Live MTT, Day 1 of 2 - CO v BTN paired board Js,JhView Hand 2023-09-28 (pas-1013)
Paul - CruxOR $775 Live MTT, Day 1 of 2 - BTN made hand for value Th,8hView Hand 2023-09-28 (pas-1012)
Paul - CruxOR $775 Live, Day 1 of 2 - Early stages, multi-way flop As,JcView Hand 2023-09-28 (pas-1011)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/23/23 - 10 View Hand 2023-09-26 (tak-1066)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/23/23 - 9 Ah,AdView Hand 2023-09-26 (tak-1065)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/23/23 - 8 Kc,KhView Hand 2023-09-26 (tak-1064)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/23/23 - 7 Kc,JdView Hand 2023-09-26 (tak-1063)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/23/23 - 6 Qs,QdView Hand 2023-09-26 (tak-1062)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/23/23 - 5 Ks,KcView Hand 2023-09-26 (tak-1061)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/23/23 - 4 Js,JdView Hand 2023-09-26 (tak-1060)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/23/23 - 3 As,KcView Hand 2023-09-26 (tak-1059)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/23/23 - 2 Tc,9cView Hand 2023-09-26 (tak-1058)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/23/23 - 1 8d,AdView Hand 2023-09-26 (tak-1057)
KeyserS023 - $5/$10/$20 NL - River check-raise bluff Ks,5sView Hand 2023-09-26 (sas-1001)
Rufus - rowhousepd Harrington on Cash Games - Sample hand from part 1 (p. 95) Ac,KcView Hand 2023-09-26 (row-1003)
Dylan - Dylan $2/$5 Live - Raising against limpers BB Jc,9cView Hand 2023-09-26 (dyd-1011)
Dylan - Dylan $2/$5 Live - Good Flop for IP Raiser 8d,7dView Hand 2023-09-26 (dyd-1010)
haikus - haikus 25nl - 25nl UTG vs BTN As,KdView Hand 2023-09-26 (bal-1002)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #2 2023 - T9o SB facing RFI Th,9cView Hand 2023-09-25 (ker-1322)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW32 - TJdd in BB time for stop n go Jd,TdView Hand 2023-09-25 (jec-1116)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW31 - 34ss in BB with 11bbs facing jam 3s,4sView Hand 2023-09-25 (jec-1115)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW30 - 66 open limp 6s,6cView Hand 2023-09-25 (jec-1114)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW29 - 85ss two pair facing raise from Shad 5s,8sView Hand 2023-09-25 (jec-1113)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW28 - 68cc flush draw on paired board facing bet and raise 6c,8cView Hand 2023-09-25 (jec-1112)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW27 - AsQh on all heart board As,QhView Hand 2023-09-25 (jec-1111)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW26 - A2cc rivers trip 2s Ac,2cView Hand 2023-09-25 (jec-1110)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW25 - AQo in SB missed 3bet As,QhView Hand 2023-09-25 (jec-1109)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 5.2 Qs,TcView Hand 2023-09-25 (his-1021)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 1.4 Ah,QhView Hand 2023-09-25 (his-1020)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 1.3 As,KhView Hand 2023-09-25 (his-1019)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 1.2 As,KhView Hand 2023-09-25 (his-1018)
John Borges - John B s2 #15 - What a spot! 8h,5hView Hand 2023-09-25 (fly-1669)
John Borges - John B s2 #14 - What is Joey's shoving range? Ah,ThView Hand 2023-09-25 (fly-1668)
John Borges - John B s2 #13 - Ugh Ac,JcView Hand 2023-09-25 (fly-1667)
John Borges - John B s2 #12 - Checking OOP Kc,KsView Hand 2023-09-25 (fly-1666)
John Borges - John B s2 #11 - If I call what do I do on the turn Kc,QhView Hand 2023-09-25 (fly-1665)
John Borges - John B s2 #10 - when a bluff doesnt work, but then it does Qs,JcView Hand 2023-09-25 (fly-1664)
John Borges - John B s2 #9 - Its important to pay attention Kc,8hView Hand 2023-09-25 (fly-1663)
John Borges - John B s2 #8 - Targeted squeeze Ad,JdView Hand 2023-09-25 (fly-1662)
John Borges - John B s2 #7 - Ranging. What do I beat? Ac,KcView Hand 2023-09-25 (fly-1661)
John Borges - John B s2 #6 - Ranging. What do I beat? Js,TsView Hand 2023-09-25 (fly-1660)
John Borges - John B s2 #5 - Call 3b? Do I stab? Jc,TcView Hand 2023-09-25 (fly-1659)
John Borges - John B s2 #4 - great start but poor runout Ac,7cView Hand 2023-09-25 (fly-1658)
John Borges - John B s2 #3 - betting bad board Ad,JdView Hand 2023-09-25 (fly-1657)
John Borges - John B s2 #2 - trying to range properly 7h,5hView Hand 2023-09-25 (fly-1656)
John Borges - John B s2 #1 - trying to range properly Jh,9hView Hand 2023-09-25 (fly-1655)
Ray - PP at As - 4 bet pre flop with KK Kh,KsView Hand 2023-09-25 (fbt-1008)
PokerCoaching - SB Mistake - Example 2 5s,5hView Hand 2023-09-25 (bdo-1869)
PokerCoaching - SB Mistake - Example 1 5s,5hView Hand 2023-09-25 (bdo-1868)
PokerCoaching - SB Mistake - Calling From The SB View Hand 2023-09-25 (bdo-1867)
haikus - haikus 25nl - 25nl Ad,JcView Hand 2023-09-25 (bal-1001)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #2 2023 - T6s on BTN Ts,6sView Hand 2023-09-24 (ker-1321)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #2 2023 - 87o in BB 9h,8dView Hand 2023-09-24 (ker-1320)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #2 2023 - 77 in SB facing 3 limpers 7s,7hView Hand 2023-09-24 (ker-1319)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #2 2023 - TT facing UTG open Ts,ThView Hand 2023-09-24 (ker-1318)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #2 2023 - A6o in SB Ac,6dView Hand 2023-09-24 (ker-1317)
Solwa54 - 25NL Pokerstars - Flop Raise: Mandatory or optional? Qd,QcView Hand 2023-09-23 (sow-1055)
Pam Bush - Review- 9/21- AQ - AQ As,QhView Hand 2023-09-21 (rnk-1025)
Pam Bush - Review 9/21- Turn bluff - 99 turn into bluff 9s,9hView Hand 2023-09-21 (rnk-1024)
Pam Bush - Review- 9/21 Value on river - Flush draw Qh,9hView Hand 2023-09-21 (rnk-1023)
Greg Bush - Review 9/21- KK Poorly played Post Flop - KK Ks,KcView Hand 2023-09-21 (gbu-1071)
Greg Bush - Review-9/21 Range & nut advantage on flop - QQ HJ Qh,QcView Hand 2023-09-21 (gbu-1070)
Greg Bush - Review- 9/21 Aggression Wins - T7s Tc,7cView Hand 2023-09-21 (gbu-1069)
Greg Bush - Review- 9/21- Agg. against donk lead - T7s Ts,7sView Hand 2023-09-21 (gbu-1068)
Greg Bush - Review-9/21- Float flop, bluff river - AK0 Ah,KsView Hand 2023-09-21 (gbu-1067)
Greg Bush - Review- 9/21- Tight fold - QQ Qh,QcView Hand 2023-09-21 (gbu-1066)
Greg Bush - Review- 9/21- Bet sizing like Lexy taught me - QQ Qs,QcView Hand 2023-09-21 (gbu-1065)
Greg Bush - Review- 9/21- Bad bluff? - 89h 8h,9hView Hand 2023-09-21 (gbu-1064)
Greg Bush - Review- 9/21 Facing Donk Lead - Loose call preflop View Hand 2023-09-21 (gbu-1063)
Greg Bush - Review-9/21 Polarized Bet on flop - 3 betting passive fish View Hand 2023-09-21 (gbu-1062)
Greg Bush - Review- 9/21- Keeping the lead - QQ Qs,QcView Hand 2023-09-21 (gbu-1061)
Greg Bush - Review - 9/21- Can I ever fold? - KK vs. LAG Pro Ks,KcView Hand 2023-09-21 (gbu-1060)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Overbetting river when bluff-heavy As,QhView Hand 2023-09-20 (wap-1036)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Value betting on scary board As,KhView Hand 2023-09-20 (wap-1035)
Theo - Marginal spot - Test for decal 9d,9cView Hand 2023-09-20 (tad-1002)
Theo - Test - Test Ts,KsView Hand 2023-09-20 (tad-1001)
Paul - CruxOR $600 Wynn WPT Opener - Mutiway 3! 5h,4hView Hand 2023-09-20 (pas-1010)
Paul - CruxOR $600 Wynn WPT Opener - 3! Pot 6s,7sView Hand 2023-09-20 (pas-1009)
Paul - CruxOR $3200 WSOP Circuit Highroller - BB v BTN Ac,4sView Hand 2023-09-20 (pas-1008)
Paul - CruxOR Live $200 Local - 7 Handed Qs,TsView Hand 2023-09-20 (pas-1007)
Paul - CruxOR $250 Local $10k Guarantee - Blind v Blind 3! Pot 6h,6cView Hand 2023-09-20 (pas-1006)
Paul - CruxOR WSOP Gladiator Day1 - UTG v BB Ac,9cView Hand 2023-09-20 (pas-1005)
Paul - CruxOR WSOP Gladiator Day 1 - 3! Multiway Pre Ac,9cView Hand 2023-09-20 (pas-1004)
Paul - CruxOR $600 WSOP Circuit - UTG v LJ Ks,9sView Hand 2023-09-20 (pas-1003)
Paul - CruxOR $500 $50k Guarantee Freezeout - SB v HJ Qh,KcView Hand 2023-09-20 (pas-1002)
Paul - CruxOR $250 Weekly Local $10k Guarantee - Multiway Tc,TdView Hand 2023-09-20 (pas-1001)
LaLa - LaLa 9/17/23 Live 5/10 - 3BP OOP PFC Qs,QhView Hand 2023-09-20 (lbe-1005)
LaLa - LaLa Live 5/10 - 3bp IP PFC Js,TsView Hand 2023-09-20 (lbe-1004)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW24 - AQo in Satty facing jam after cbet on 245 As,QhView Hand 2023-09-20 (jec-1108)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW23 - ATo CO facing BB 3bet jam As,ThView Hand 2023-09-20 (jec-1107)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW22 - A5s in SB with 12bbs facing CO jam As,5sView Hand 2023-09-20 (jec-1106)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW21 - 33 facing 9bb jam utg2 vs LJ 3c,3dView Hand 2023-09-20 (jec-1105)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW20 - 33 in BB facing huge raise over limps from SB 3s,3hView Hand 2023-09-20 (jec-1104)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW19 - J9hh utg with 8bbs Jh,9hView Hand 2023-09-20 (jec-1103)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW18 - J8hh in BB facing large raise over several limps Jh,8hView Hand 2023-09-20 (jec-1102)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW17 - A3dd in SB facing large open Ad,3dView Hand 2023-09-20 (jec-1101)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW16 - 22 in BB 2c,2hView Hand 2023-09-20 (jec-1100)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW15 - KJo on Btn facing CO open Ks,JhView Hand 2023-09-20 (jec-1099)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW14 - 73hh in SB 7h,3hView Hand 2023-09-20 (jec-1098)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW13 - AcQh on 8c7c6cAs4c Ac,QhView Hand 2023-09-20 (jec-1097)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW12 - 88 on 8TJ 8h,8cView Hand 2023-09-20 (jec-1096)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW11 - AKo facing raise and 3bet before us As,KcView Hand 2023-09-20 (jec-1095)
Ray - Home Game at R's - Pot odds? 6h,5hView Hand 2023-09-20 (fbt-1007)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - TPTK and nut flush blocker Qs,AdView Hand 2023-09-19 (wap-1034)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/17/23 - 10 As,8sView Hand 2023-09-19 (tak-1056)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/17/23 - 9 Ad,8dView Hand 2023-09-19 (tak-1055)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/17/23 - 8 Kh,KdView Hand 2023-09-19 (tak-1054)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/17/23 - 7 7d,5dView Hand 2023-09-19 (tak-1053)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/17/23 - 7 Kc,JcView Hand 2023-09-19 (tak-1052)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/17/23 - 6 Ad,7dView Hand 2023-09-19 (tak-1051)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/17/23 - 5 Ah,AsView Hand 2023-09-19 (tak-1050)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/17/23 - 4 3s,3cView Hand 2023-09-19 (tak-1049)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/17/23 - 3 6c,5cView Hand 2023-09-19 (tak-1048)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/17/23 - 2 Ah,JdView Hand 2023-09-19 (tak-1047)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/17/23 - 1 As,KsView Hand 2023-09-19 (tak-1046)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/15/23 - 2 Ks,KcView Hand 2023-09-19 (tak-1045)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/15/23 - 1 Kd,9dView Hand 2023-09-19 (tak-1044)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW10 - J8o in BB facing raise Js,8dView Hand 2023-09-19 (jec-1094)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW9 - QQ with two aces out there Qh,QcView Hand 2023-09-19 (jec-1093)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW8 - Q9ss facing raise and 3bet with 12bbs Qs,9sView Hand 2023-09-19 (jec-1092)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW7 - KJo folded to in LJ with 13bbs Ks,JcView Hand 2023-09-19 (jec-1091)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW6 - TJcc on Button folded to you Tc,JcView Hand 2023-09-19 (jec-1090)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW5 - 33 in BB vs Paulie 3s,3cView Hand 2023-09-19 (jec-1089)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW4 - KQs in BB facing utg raise Kc,QcView Hand 2023-09-19 (jec-1088)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW3 - KTdd on Btn facing raise Kd,TdView Hand 2023-09-19 (jec-1087)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW2 - A7dd vs AT Ad,7dView Hand 2023-09-19 (jec-1086)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW1 - 78o folded to you on button 7h,8cView Hand 2023-09-19 (jec-1085)
John Borges - John B s1 #8 - tough spot Jh,JcView Hand 2023-09-19 (fly-1654)
John Borges - John B s1 #7 - tough spot 8d,7dView Hand 2023-09-19 (fly-1653)
John Borges - John B s1 #6 - tough spot Ah,JdView Hand 2023-09-19 (fly-1652)
John Borges - John B s1 #5 - deception check leads to good fortune Ks,8sView Hand 2023-09-19 (fly-1651)
John Borges - John B s1 #4 - sometimes we deserve gifts Qs,8cView Hand 2023-09-19 (fly-1650)
John Borges - John B s1 #3 - discipline fold Kc,JcView Hand 2023-09-19 (fly-1649)
John Borges - John B s1 #2 - tough start to day As,KhView Hand 2023-09-19 (fly-1648)
John Borges - John B s1 #1 - Early on game #1 As,JhView Hand 2023-09-19 (fly-1647)
Vichadach - Jozzy $1/$3 Bellagio - Overplay top two pairs with emotion Ks,6sView Hand 2023-09-19 (buy-1001)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker $1/$3 NL - Cardroom View Hand 2023-09-18 (top-1028)
JC - LEARN TO COPE APO Main - Bustout hand with JJ Jh,JcView Hand 2023-09-18 (jec-1084)
JC - LEARN TO COPE APO Main - Q9cc on 666 Qc,9cView Hand 2023-09-18 (jec-1083)
JC - LEARN TO COPE APO Main - 99 River Call 9h,9sView Hand 2023-09-18 (jec-1082)
Dan - Live Cash 2/5 - PFR-BTN_vs_EP-PFC_Flop A-Q-4 9s,7hView Hand 2023-09-18 (dhn-1003)
Dan - Live Cash 2/5 - PFR-IP, RB-Coord Flop J-T-9 Ks,QhView Hand 2023-09-18 (dhn-1002)
Rufus - rowhousepd Harrington on Cash Games, Hand 5-12 - Hand from "The Problems" section, part 5 Th,TdView Hand 2023-09-17 (row-1002)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #1 2023 - T5s in BB Ts,5sView Hand 2023-09-17 (ker-1316)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #1 2023 - AKo facing limper As,KhView Hand 2023-09-17 (ker-1315)
YC - fortune r 25 - 9 16 23 Jh,ThView Hand 2023-09-16 (ycu-1067)
YC - fortune r 25 - 9 16 23 Ks,KhView Hand 2023-09-16 (ycu-1066)
YC - fortune r 25 - 9 16 23 Ac,KdView Hand 2023-09-16 (ycu-1065)
Rufus - rowhousepd Harrington on Cash Games, Hand 5-1 - Hand from "The Problems" section, part 5 7d,6dView Hand 2023-09-16 (row-1001)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 NL - Overlimping JTo Js,TcView Hand 2023-09-16 (mkn-1028)
Chris Radford - Radford999 £340 Live MTT - Too passive with AA and just call river? As,AcView Hand 2023-09-15 (rdd-1014)
YC - fortune r 9 13 - 2 5 Qs,QcView Hand 2023-09-14 (ycu-1064)
YC - fortune r 9 13 - 2 5 8h,9hView Hand 2023-09-14 (ycu-1063)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Folding a full house? 2s,2hView Hand 2023-09-14 (wap-1033)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Funniest hand in a while Qs,2hView Hand 2023-09-14 (wap-1032)
Eric Gin - Binkley Cal Grand $2/$3/$5 - Small pair in BB 6h,6cView Hand 2023-09-14 (gin-1001)
Greg Bush - Review-9/14 Hero AA - Tough spot on river Ac,AdView Hand 2023-09-14 (gbu-1059)
Greg Bush - Review-9/14 - AJs 4 bet pot Ah,JhView Hand 2023-09-14 (gbu-1058)
Greg Bush - Review 9/14- River All in? - River All in? Kh,9hView Hand 2023-09-14 (gbu-1057)
Greg Bush - Review-9/14 Should I bet flop? - Flop Check? Qh,QdView Hand 2023-09-14 (gbu-1056)
Greg Bush - Review- 9/14 - Flop and turn bet size? 8d,8sView Hand 2023-09-14 (gbu-1055)
Douglas - Parx - Fast play 6d,7dView Hand 2023-09-14 (dos-1003)
Douglas - Live - Philly Ah,3hView Hand 2023-09-14 (dos-1002)
Douglas - Parx 10/10/20NL - vs Sung As,KdView Hand 2023-09-14 (dos-1001)
Wyatt - MoltenAshes 1/3 - Multiway 6-ways Ad,JhView Hand 2023-09-12 (wya-1002)
LaLa - LaLa Live 5/10 - 9/7/23 3BP OOP Bluff/Sizing Kh,QsView Hand 2023-09-12 (lbe-1003)
LaLa - LaLa Live 5/10 TT - 9/8/23 3BP IP River Spot Th,TdView Hand 2023-09-12 (lbe-1002)
Dylan - Dylan $2/$5 - River the nuts? Kc,AsView Hand 2023-09-12 (dyd-1009)
Nick - Nick Unger T high - hero T-high Ts,9hView Hand 2023-09-12 (alb-1001)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/3 Vic - Absolutely insane hand Js,JhView Hand 2023-09-11 (wap-1031)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker $1/$3 NL - Cardroom View Hand 2023-09-11 (top-1027)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/11/23 - 7 6h,6dView Hand 2023-09-11 (tak-1043)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/11/23 - 6 Js,JcView Hand 2023-09-11 (tak-1042)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/11/23 - 5 Kh,JsView Hand 2023-09-11 (tak-1041)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/11/23 - 4 Qd,JdView Hand 2023-09-11 (tak-1040)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/11/23 - 3 As,AdView Hand 2023-09-11 (tak-1039)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/11/23 - 2 Ah,KcView Hand 2023-09-11 (tak-1038)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/11/23 - 1 6s,6dView Hand 2023-09-11 (tak-1037)
Dylan - Dylan $2/$5 Best Bet Jax - Questionable Multi-way River Bluff Tc,9cView Hand 2023-09-11 (dyd-1008)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/10/23 - 9 Ac,QcView Hand 2023-09-10 (tak-1036)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/10/23 - 8 Jd,JcView Hand 2023-09-10 (tak-1035)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/10/23 - 7 As,QdView Hand 2023-09-10 (tak-1034)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/10/23 - 6 As,TsView Hand 2023-09-10 (tak-1033)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/10/23 - 5 Ah,KhView Hand 2023-09-10 (tak-1032)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/10/23 - 4 Qh,ThView Hand 2023-09-10 (tak-1031)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/10/23 - 3 9c,9hView Hand 2023-09-10 (tak-1030)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/9/23 - 2 Js,JdView Hand 2023-09-10 (tak-1029)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/10/23 - 1 9s,9cView Hand 2023-09-10 (tak-1028)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/9/23 - 2 Kh,KdView Hand 2023-09-10 (tak-1027)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/9/23 - 3 As,JcView Hand 2023-09-10 (tak-1026)
tokenator - 1/2 - 9/8/23 - 1 Kd,8dView Hand 2023-09-10 (tak-1025)
LaLa - LaLa Live 5/10 AK - 9/10/23 IP PFR Top Two As,KhView Hand 2023-09-10 (lbe-1001)
Joey - $1/3 Live NL - AA Multiway on Paired Board As,AhView Hand 2023-09-10 (hye-1002)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Hammer 1/3 Sep 7 - JJ RFI from +2 Js,JhView Hand 2023-09-08 (ker-1314)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Hammer 1/3 Sep 7 - 65s in BB facing 4 limpers 6c,5cView Hand 2023-09-08 (ker-1313)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 day1 - facing 3b from str8 forward player who lacks bluffs Ah,QhView Hand 2023-09-07 (jaa-1585)
Faraz Jaka - Crush Midstakes - Multiway #1 View Hand 2023-09-06 (jaa-1584)
Frédéric Harvey - Frederic $0.15/$0.30 online - ATs in the SB Ah,ThView Hand 2023-09-06 (frh-1022)
Frédéric Harvey - Frederic $0.15/$0.30 online - 99 5bet allin in SB 9h,9dView Hand 2023-09-06 (frh-1021)
Frédéric Harvey - Frederic $0.15/$0.30 online - AQo in the BB As,QdView Hand 2023-09-06 (frh-1020)
Frédéric Harvey - Frederic $0.15/$0.30 online - 77 on the BTN 7h,7dView Hand 2023-09-06 (frh-1019)
Frédéric Harvey - Frederic $0.50/$1 online - AKs small stack flopped TPTK Ad,KdView Hand 2023-09-06 (frh-1018)
Frédéric Harvey - Frederic $0.50/$1 online - 56s in HJ against button min 3bet 5s,6sView Hand 2023-09-06 (frh-1017)
Frédéric Harvey - Frederic $0.50/$1 online - Q10o squeeze in SB Qh,TsView Hand 2023-09-06 (frh-1016)
Frédéric Harvey - Frederic $0.15/$0.30 online - A4s nut FD Ad,4dView Hand 2023-09-06 (frh-1015)
Frédéric Harvey - Frederic $0.25/$0.50 online - ATo against whale Ad,ThView Hand 2023-09-06 (frh-1014)
Wyatt - MoltenAshes 1/3/6 Live - Cooler? Ks,JhView Hand 2023-09-05 (wya-1001)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Old man overbet river shove 6d,7dView Hand 2023-09-05 (wap-1030)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Old man overbet river shove 6d,7dView Hand 2023-09-05 (wap-1029)
Rich G - 1/2 - 8 8 8s,8dView Hand 2023-09-05 (rgr-1036)
JJ - $1000 main TCH - thoughts on C bet vs checking with KQ? Ks,QcView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1526)
JJ - $1000 main - max late reg- first hand i sit down in BB Qs,QcView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1525)
JJ - $1000 TCH main - thoughts on flop against UTG1 Ad,QsView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1524)
JJ - $1000 TCH main - 410 players total -> 63 left, 52 paid, what to do? 5s,6cView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1523)
JJ - $1000 TCH main - 410 players total -> 58 left, 52 paid, what to do? Ah,TcView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1522)
JJ - $1000 TCH 1.5 M GTD - playing pocket 77 on one overcard flops multiway 7h,7dView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1521)
JJ - $1000 TCH 1.5 M GTD - do i call or okay to fold 20 BB effective? 6s,6cView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1520)
JJ - $1000 TCH 1.5 M GTD - facing river overbet- what to do? 8s,8cView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1519)
JJ - $1000 TCH 1.5 M GTD - thoughts on the river against aggressive pro? Jd,3dView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1518)
JJ - $1000 TCH 1.5 M GTD - how to play AK preflop in this spot? Ad,KdView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1517)
JJ - $1000 TCH 1.5 M GTD - thoughts on river? Ah,2cView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1516)
JJ - $1000 TCH 1.5 M GTD - floping the nuts- did i get max value? Kh,7hView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1515)
JJ - $1000 TCH 1.5 M GTD - do you C bet here or give up multiway on dry board? 5s,5cView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1514)
JJ - satellite - is this a shove spot during rebuy period? As,2dView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1513)
JJ - $1000 TCH 1.5M GTD - is this shove in BB ante format vs GTOwizard chart? Kc,7cView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1512)
JJ - $1000 TCH 1.5M GTD - thoughts on jamming vs calling against Tight older man? Ah,ThView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1511)
JJ - $1000 TCH 1.5M GTD - postflop thoughts multiway? Ks,9cView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1510)
JJ - $1000 TCH 1.5M GTD - playing AA for value Ah,AcView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1509)
JJ - $1000 TCH 1.5M GTD - thoughts on checking vs bluffing river? 4h,7hView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1508)
JJ - $1000 TCH 1.5M GTD - flopped set in position 9h,9cView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1507)
JJ - $1000 TCH 1.5M GTD - playing JJ in 3 bet pot against UTG big flop bet Js,JhView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1506)
JJ - TCH BBQ tourney - final table- thoughts on how to play 88 on soft table? 8h,8dView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1505)
JJ - TCH BBQ tourney - final table- do i shove here or just fold? As,3hView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1504)
JJ - TCH BBQ tourney - final table- do i defend BB here? Js,9cView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1503)
JJ - TCH BBQ tourney - thoughts on flop sizing? Qh,QcView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1502)
JJ - TCH BBQ tourney - value bet on the river? As,ThView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1501)
JJ - TCH BBQ tourney - facing 3.3x raise UTG short stacked 7s,7cView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1500)
JJ - TCH BBQ tourney - preflop decision with JdTd Jd,TdView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1499)
JJ - TCH BBQ tourney - multiway limp pot- postflop thoughts? Kc,9sView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1498)
JJ - TCH BBQ tourney - thoughts on flop CXR vs check call? Kh,4hView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1497)
JJ - TCH BBQ tourney - flopped set level 1 multiway 7s,7dView Hand 2023-09-05 (jcj-1496)
Hero_Wassili - 550 Estrellas Cup - 55 FT SB vs BN 5s,5cView Hand 2023-09-05 (isb-1054)
Hero_Wassili - 550 Estrellas Cup - T6o on Bubble as CL Ts,6hView Hand 2023-09-05 (isb-1053)
Hero_Wassili - 550 Estellas Cup - ATs multiway Ah,ThView Hand 2023-09-05 (isb-1052)
Hero_Wassili - 550 Estrellas Cup - JJ 3bet pot vs MP Jc,JhView Hand 2023-09-05 (isb-1051)
Hero_Wassili - 1100 Estrellas Main - QJs CO multiway with toppair Qh,JhView Hand 2023-09-05 (isb-1050)
Joey - $1/$3 NL - AKss Multiway As,KsView Hand 2023-09-05 (hye-1001)
Frédéric Harvey - Frederic $0.50/$1 online - AQs in the LJ Ad,QdView Hand 2023-09-05 (frh-1013)
Frédéric Harvey - Frederic $0.50/$1 online - AQo on the button Ad,QcView Hand 2023-09-05 (frh-1012)
Frédéric Harvey - Frederic $0.50/$1 online - Missed flush draw Qh,9hView Hand 2023-09-05 (frh-1011)
Frédéric Harvey - Frederic $0.50/$1 online - K3o on the button Kd,3sView Hand 2023-09-05 (frh-1010)
Frédéric Harvey - Frederic $0.50/$1 online - A9s on the button As,9sView Hand 2023-09-05 (frh-1009)
Frédéric Harvey - Frederic $0.50/$1 online - Flat Q10o in CO? Qd,ThView Hand 2023-09-05 (frh-1008)
Frédéric Harvey - Frederic $0.50/$1 online - AJo in SB Ad,JcView Hand 2023-09-05 (frh-1007)
Frédéric Harvey - Frederic $0.50/$1 online - A5s against short stack 3bet As,5sView Hand 2023-09-05 (frh-1006)
Frédéric Harvey - Frederic $0.50/$1 online - QJo in LJ seat Qc,JhView Hand 2023-09-05 (frh-1005)
Frédéric Harvey - Frederic $0.50/$1 online - A9o against small stack all in Ac,9sView Hand 2023-09-05 (frh-1004)
Frédéric Harvey - Frederic $0.50/$1 online - All in small pair 6d,6sView Hand 2023-09-05 (frh-1003)
Frédéric Harvey - Frederic $0.50/$1 online - AA multiways Ah,AdView Hand 2023-09-05 (frh-1002)
Frédéric Harvey - Frederic $0.50/$1 online - AK vs. JJ As,KhView Hand 2023-09-05 (frh-1001)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - 89s CO 9s,8sView Hand 2023-09-04 (sts-1133)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - KK MP Kd,KhView Hand 2023-09-04 (sts-1131)
Christopher Fox - 52goat APL Main Sattelite - 2 way AQ Ac,QcView Hand 2023-09-04 (hrs-1006)
Christopher Fox - 52goat APT Opening Event - ICM Blunder - Missed Read Ad,4dView Hand 2023-09-04 (hrs-1005)
Christopher Fox - 52goat APT Opening Event - Final Table Tilt Fold Kh,ThView Hand 2023-09-04 (hrs-1004)
Christopher Fox - 52goat $70 BPU - Bad fold with top pair As,QhView Hand 2023-09-04 (hrs-1003)
Christian - Woodhouse DM i poker - Flop 2 pair monotone broadway board Ah,QdView Hand 2023-09-04 (csk-1002)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker $1/$3 NL - Cardroom View Hand 2023-09-03 (top-1026)
Kelly Crawford - Crawfdad WSOP Main Event - 18th Hand Played Ks,TsView Hand 2023-09-03 (kew-1018)
Kelly Crawford - Crawfdad WSOP Main Event - 17th Hand Played Ah,2dView Hand 2023-09-03 (kew-1017)
Kelly Crawford - Crawfdad WSOP Main Event - 16th Hand Played Ad,QcView Hand 2023-09-03 (kew-1016)
Kelly Crawford - Crawfdad WSOP Main Event - 15th Hand Played Kd,KcView Hand 2023-09-03 (kew-1015)
Kelly Crawford - Crawfdad WSOP Main Event - 14th Hand Played Qd,ThView Hand 2023-09-03 (kew-1014)
Kelly Crawford - Crawfdad WSOP Main Event - 13th Hand Played Kd,8dView Hand 2023-09-03 (kew-1013)
Kelly Crawford - Crawfdad WSOP Main Event - 12th Hand Played Jh,9sView Hand 2023-09-03 (kew-1012)
Kelly Crawford - Crawfdad WSOP Main Event - 11th Hand Played Js,JdView Hand 2023-09-03 (kew-1011)
Kelly Crawford - Crawfdad WSOP Main Event - 10th Hand Played Ah,KdView Hand 2023-09-03 (kew-1010)
Kelly Crawford - Crawfdad WSOP Main Event - 9th Hand Played Tc,TdView Hand 2023-09-03 (kew-1009)
Kelly Crawford - Crawfdad WSOP Main Event - 8th Hand Played Kd,KhView Hand 2023-09-03 (kew-1008)
Kelly Crawford - Crawfdad WSOP Main Event - 7th Hand Played Qs,TcView Hand 2023-09-03 (kew-1007)
Kelly Crawford - Crawfdad WSOP Main Event - 6th Hand Played Qc,TdView Hand 2023-09-03 (kew-1006)
Kelly Crawford - Crawfdad WSOP Main Event - 5th Hand Played Ah,KdView Hand 2023-09-03 (kew-1005)
Kelly Crawford - Crawfdad WSOP Main Event - 4th Hand Played Ks,JsView Hand 2023-09-03 (kew-1004)
Kelly Crawford - Crawfdad WSOP Main Event - 3rd Hand Played Ah,JsView Hand 2023-09-03 (kew-1003)
Kelly Crawford - Crawfdad WSOP Main Event - 2nd Hand Played Kh,9dView Hand 2023-09-03 (kew-1002)
Kelly Crawford - Crawfdad WSOP Main Event - 1st Hand Played Ac,JcView Hand 2023-09-03 (kew-1001)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD, Final 8 - Hand 12 Ah,JhView Hand 2023-09-03 (jaa-1583)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD, Final 9 - Hand 11 As,KsView Hand 2023-09-03 (jaa-1582)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD, Final 9 - Hand 10 As,9sView Hand 2023-09-03 (jaa-1581)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD, Final 9 - Hand 9 6c,2dView Hand 2023-09-03 (jaa-1580)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD, Final 9 - Hand 8 Ks,QdView Hand 2023-09-03 (jaa-1579)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD, Final 9 - Hand 7 9s,8sView Hand 2023-09-03 (jaa-1578)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD, Final 9 - Hand 6 9h,9sView Hand 2023-09-03 (jaa-1577)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD, Final 9 - Hand 5 Jd,TdView Hand 2023-09-03 (jaa-1576)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD, Final 9 - Hand 4 As,8hView Hand 2023-09-03 (jaa-1575)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD, Final 9 - Hand 3 5d,3dView Hand 2023-09-03 (jaa-1574)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD, Final 9 - Hand 2 Kc,9cView Hand 2023-09-03 (jaa-1573)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD, Final 10 - Hand 1 Jh,JdView Hand 2023-09-03 (jaa-1572)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 45 Ks,5dView Hand 2023-09-03 (jaa-1571)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 44 As,7hView Hand 2023-09-03 (jaa-1570)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 43 Kh,TcView Hand 2023-09-03 (jaa-1569)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 42 Ks,TdView Hand 2023-09-03 (jaa-1568)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 41 Ks,9dView Hand 2023-09-03 (jaa-1567)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 40 As,5sView Hand 2023-09-03 (jaa-1566)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 30 Kc,TsView Hand 2023-09-03 (jaa-1565)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 29 View Hand 2023-09-03 (jaa-1564)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 28 Tc,9sView Hand 2023-09-03 (jaa-1563)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 27 As,2hView Hand 2023-09-03 (jaa-1562)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 26.1 As,KdView Hand 2023-09-03 (jaa-1561)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 26 As,4dView Hand 2023-09-03 (jaa-1560)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 25 Jh,JdView Hand 2023-09-03 (jaa-1559)
Dylan - Dylan 5/10 Best bet Jax - Flop Set and get re-raised 5c,5sView Hand 2023-09-03 (dyd-1007)
Dylan - Dylan 2/5/10 NL live Best Bet Jax - Multi-way at loose table Ac,7cView Hand 2023-09-03 (dyd-1006)
Christian - Woodhouse 3900 DKK DM - Aces cracked As,AhView Hand 2023-09-03 (csk-1001)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 24 Kh,JhView Hand 2023-09-02 (jaa-1558)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 23 As,9hView Hand 2023-09-02 (jaa-1557)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 21 Qs,JhView Hand 2023-09-02 (jaa-1556)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 20 Ad,8dView Hand 2023-09-02 (jaa-1555)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 19 Ad,6dView Hand 2023-09-02 (jaa-1554)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 18 Kc,6cView Hand 2023-09-02 (jaa-1553)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 17 Qs,3cView Hand 2023-09-02 (jaa-1552)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 16 Qc,8cView Hand 2023-09-02 (jaa-1551)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 15 As,4hView Hand 2023-09-02 (jaa-1550)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 14 As,AhView Hand 2023-09-02 (jaa-1549)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 13 7c,5cView Hand 2023-09-02 (jaa-1548)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 12 Ad,4sView Hand 2023-09-02 (jaa-1547)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 11 Qs,ThView Hand 2023-09-02 (jaa-1546)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 10 9h,8hView Hand 2023-09-02 (jaa-1545)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 9 As,4dView Hand 2023-09-02 (jaa-1544)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 8 6c,6dView Hand 2023-09-02 (jaa-1543)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 7 Qs,QhView Hand 2023-09-02 (jaa-1542)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Hippodrome - Thin value on scary board Ac,TcView Hand 2023-08-31 (wap-1028)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 6 8s,8hView Hand 2023-08-31 (jaa-1541)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 5 Ks,5sView Hand 2023-08-31 (jaa-1540)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 4 As,JhView Hand 2023-08-31 (jaa-1539)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 3 As,4sView Hand 2023-08-31 (jaa-1538)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 2 Ad,ThView Hand 2023-08-31 (jaa-1537)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main, Day 2 - Hand 1 Ks,QdView Hand 2023-08-31 (jaa-1536)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main event - Hand 3 Ah,AsView Hand 2023-08-31 (jaa-1535)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main event - Hand 2 Ah,5cView Hand 2023-08-31 (jaa-1534)
Faraz Jaka - Pompano $1700 500k GTD main event - Hand 1 Ah,JsView Hand 2023-08-31 (jaa-1533)
Greg Bush - Review 8/31 - Post flop raise Ad,8dView Hand 2023-08-31 (gbu-1054)
Greg Bush - Review 8/31 - 3 bet squeeze Kd,QsView Hand 2023-08-31 (gbu-1053)
Me - justreplaying Flopped set of 10s vs. Jeremy - Flopped set of 10s vs. Jeremy Tc,TdView Hand 2023-08-30 (rip-1007)
Lachezar - 1500 WSOP Freezeout - 45ss Bubble 5s,4sView Hand 2023-08-30 (leu-1008)
Lachezar - 3.5k Aria - JTss river meh call Ts,JsView Hand 2023-08-30 (leu-1007)
Lachezar - 3.8k Choctaw Main - AJhh last hands of the day Ah,JhView Hand 2023-08-30 (leu-1006)
JJ - ballys local - playing JJ 50 BB during early stages? Js,JdView Hand 2023-08-30 (jcj-1495)
JJ - ballys local - playing flush draw in multiway pot 6h,9hView Hand 2023-08-30 (jcj-1494)
JJ - ballys local - playing straight draw in multiway pot 7c,8cView Hand 2023-08-30 (jcj-1493)
JJ - horseshoe local - playing QQ on coordinated board multiway Qs,QcView Hand 2023-08-30 (jcj-1492)
JJ - horseshoe local - playing AA in 3 bet pot in position- runout? Ad,AhView Hand 2023-08-30 (jcj-1491)
tokenator - 1/2 - 8/28/23 As,AhView Hand 2023-08-29 (tak-1024)
tokenator - 1/2 - 8/27/23 Qc,TcView Hand 2023-08-29 (tak-1023)
tokenator - 1/2 - 8/25/23 Ac,JsView Hand 2023-08-29 (tak-1022)
tokenator - .25/.25 - 8/19/23 Qs,QcView Hand 2023-08-29 (tak-1021)
tokenator - 1/2 - 8/18/23 Qh,JsView Hand 2023-08-29 (tak-1020)
tokenator - 1/2 - 8/15/23 Ad,3dView Hand 2023-08-29 (tak-1019)
tokenator - 1/2 - 8/12/23 As,KdView Hand 2023-08-29 (tak-1018)
tokenator - 1/2 - 8/1/23 Qs,3cView Hand 2023-08-29 (tak-1017)
Solwa54 - 25NL Pokerstars - Too nitty? 5c,4dView Hand 2023-08-29 (sow-1054)
Solwa54 - 25NL Pokerstars - Missed river value bet. Unsure about size? Ad,6dView Hand 2023-08-29 (sow-1053)
Lachezar - 3800 Choctaw Main - Underconfident opponent cbet a bit too quickly on the flop Jc,9cView Hand 2023-08-29 (leu-1005)
Lachezar - 5k Hard Rock - btn been aggro middle-late age middle east gentleman , sees my stack and rips rather quickly As,JhView Hand 2023-08-29 (leu-1004)
Lachezar - 3.5k Main Hard Rock - AQo 90 left As,QhView Hand 2023-08-29 (leu-1003)
Lachezar - 3500 Main Hard Rock - JJ Jh,JdView Hand 2023-08-29 (leu-1002)
Lachezar - 3500 Main Hard Rock - JThh Jh,ThView Hand 2023-08-29 (leu-1001)
Greg Bush - Review 8/31 - Do I check fold flop? Qs,QdView Hand 2023-08-29 (gbu-1052)
Greg Bush - Review 8/31 - Should I cbet flop or turn? Ad,KdView Hand 2023-08-29 (gbu-1051)
Greg Bush - Review 8/31 - Turn full house 3s,3cView Hand 2023-08-29 (gbu-1050)
Greg Bush - Review 8/31 - Pocket Jack UTG Jd,JcView Hand 2023-08-29 (gbu-1049)
Steve - $1,700 WSOPC Tulsa Main - QT in BB flops oesd Qh,TdView Hand 2023-08-28 (wld-1026)
Steve - $1700 WSOPC Tulsa Main - AQ top 2 on AQ662 board Ah,QhView Hand 2023-08-28 (wld-1025)
Steve - WSOPC Tulsa $1,700 Main - 54s on BTN on the bubble 5c,4cView Hand 2023-08-28 (wld-1024)
Selma - Selma Daytona 1500 - Exit Hand As,AcView Hand 2023-08-28 (sla-1242)
Selma - Selma Daytona 500 - Bubble Exit Hand Kh,KdView Hand 2023-08-28 (sla-1241)
Selma - Selma Daytona 500 - Flopped Set on Bad Board 3c,3sView Hand 2023-08-28 (sla-1240)
Selma - Selma Daytona 500 - Flop Top Set Jh,JdView Hand 2023-08-28 (sla-1239)
Selma - Selma Daytona 500 - Three bet Jacks Jh,JdView Hand 2023-08-28 (sla-1238)
Selma - Selma Daytona 500 - Aces level one Ad,AhView Hand 2023-08-28 (sla-1237)
Selma - Selma Daytona 500 - Flop Nuts As,KcView Hand 2023-08-28 (sla-1236)
Selma - Selma Daytona 500 - Bad shove? Ad,3dView Hand 2023-08-28 (sla-1235)
JC - LEARN TO COPE HW 500 Mega - CO shove with QTo Qs,TdView Hand 2023-08-28 (jec-1081)
JC - LEARN TO COPE HW Mega - set of 77 facing turn check jam with 18 left 7d,7hView Hand 2023-08-28 (jec-1080)
Thijs - TJ 2500 live - JJ on button Jh,JdView Hand 2023-08-27 (tja-1094)
Thijs - TJ Live $2500 buy in - JJ vs UTG action and 3bet Jh,JdView Hand 2023-08-27 (tja-1093)
Thijs - TJ Live event $2,500 - 90 left, 64 paid Jh,JdView Hand 2023-08-27 (tja-1092)
Rich G - WSOP online circuit event - AQd Ad,QdView Hand 2023-08-27 (rgr-1035)
Rich G - 1/2 Cash - AQ Off Suit Ad,QsView Hand 2023-08-27 (rgr-1034)
Rich G - 1/2 Cash - KK Ks,KcView Hand 2023-08-27 (rgr-1033)
Rich G - 1/2 cash - QJ Off Qd,JhView Hand 2023-08-27 (rgr-1032)
Rich G - WSOP online circuit - KK Ks,KcView Hand 2023-08-27 (rgr-1031)
Rich G - WSOP online circuit - AdQd Ad,QdView Hand 2023-08-27 (rgr-1030)
Rich G - WSOP online circuit - set over set 7h,7sView Hand 2023-08-27 (rgr-1029)
Dylan - Dylan $2/$5 Live - Best Bet Jax Get Raised with Nut Flush Ac,8cView Hand 2023-08-25 (dyd-1005)
Dan - Live Cash 2/5 - PFR-LP_vs_EP-PFC_Paired.Flop As,QhView Hand 2023-08-25 (dhn-1001)
Tommy - 2.5€/2.5€ live - Tough spot As,KhView Hand 2023-08-24 (tmm-1005)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Ballwin League - ATo vs Keith Ah,TcView Hand 2023-08-24 (jec-1079)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Ballwin League - KTo SB turn stab with air Ks,ThView Hand 2023-08-24 (jec-1078)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Ballwin League - King high river call Ks,ThView Hand 2023-08-24 (jec-1077)
JJ - local shoe - 6 and 6 - 12 left - blinds about to go up- shove or complete? Js,TsView Hand 2023-08-24 (jcj-1490)
JJ - local ballys - ICM bubble scenario- shove or fold? As,5cView Hand 2023-08-24 (jcj-1489)
Greg Bush - 8/24 Review - KQs 3 bet call Kd,QdView Hand 2023-08-24 (gbu-1048)
Dylan - Dylan $.02/$.05 - ACR cash game Js,JcView Hand 2023-08-24 (dyd-1004)
Pam Bush - Review 8/24 - Flop pair and flush draw 8h,9hView Hand 2023-08-23 (rnk-1022)
Pam Bush - Review 8/24 - Starting range issue Td,4dView Hand 2023-08-23 (rnk-1021)
Pam Bush - Review 8/24 - AQ Bet flop and check turn and river As,QcView Hand 2023-08-23 (rnk-1020)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 7.4 6d,6hView Hand 2023-08-23 (his-1017)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 2.5 As,KcView Hand 2023-08-23 (his-1016)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 2.4 Ac,QcView Hand 2023-08-23 (his-1015)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 4.2 As,JhView Hand 2023-08-23 (his-1014)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 4.1 Ah,KcView Hand 2023-08-23 (his-1013)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 2.3 Ah,8hView Hand 2023-08-23 (his-1012)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 5.1 Ah,KcView Hand 2023-08-23 (his-1011)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 7.3 6d,4dView Hand 2023-08-23 (his-1010)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 3.3 Ad,9dView Hand 2023-08-23 (his-1009)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 7.2 Ks,TdView Hand 2023-08-23 (his-1008)
Cameron - Deepstacked Cash - 7.1 9s,9dView Hand 2023-08-23 (his-1007)
Greg Bush - Review 8/24 - Should I check flop? Kd,QcView Hand 2023-08-23 (gbu-1047)
Greg Bush - Review 8/24-$300 Black Chip Bounty - ICM tournament spot Ac,4cView Hand 2023-08-23 (gbu-1046)
Dylan - Dylan $.02/$.05 ACR - ACR cash against maniac Ad,KhView Hand 2023-08-22 (dyd-1003)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker $1/$3 NL - Cardroom As,AcView Hand 2023-08-21 (top-1025)
Selma - Selma Daytona 500 - Against Bully Ad,KsView Hand 2023-08-21 (sla-1234)
Selma - Selma Daytona 500 - JJ in SB Jd,JhView Hand 2023-08-21 (sla-1233)
Selma - Selma Daytona 500 - Level 4 Ks,KhView Hand 2023-08-21 (sla-1232)
Selma - Selma Daytona 500 - Exit Hand 8d,9dView Hand 2023-08-21 (sla-1231)
Mark McKenzie - Swordpoker 1/3 The Lodge - 1/3/10 Man straddle Calling down weak tp Kd,9sView Hand 2023-08-19 (swo-1024)
Mark McKenzie - Swordpoker 1/3 The Lodge - 1/3/10 Shoved on with trips As,TdView Hand 2023-08-19 (swo-1023)
Tommy - 2.5€/2.5€ live - x raise View Hand 2023-08-17 (tmm-1004)
Mike - Closer - small pair multiway 5s,5cView Hand 2023-08-17 (mkh-1042)
Mike - Closer - weak top pair Ac,9cView Hand 2023-08-17 (mkh-1041)
Mike - Closer - 66 vs blinds 6s,6hView Hand 2023-08-17 (mkh-1040)
Mike - Closer - AA in EP Ac,AhView Hand 2023-08-17 (mkh-1039)
Mike - Flip and go - Mid pair from CO Kc,9cView Hand 2023-08-17 (mkh-1038)
Mike - Flip and go - Call short stack all in Qc,TcView Hand 2023-08-17 (mkh-1037)
Mike - Flip and go - small pair v bb 5s,5cView Hand 2023-08-17 (mkh-1036)
Mike - Flip and go - 3 bet Ks,JcView Hand 2023-08-17 (mkh-1035)
Mike - Flip and go - SB 3 bet As,9sView Hand 2023-08-17 (mkh-1034)
Mike - Flip and go - Weak top pair Qh,ThView Hand 2023-08-17 (mkh-1033)
JJ - $400 mgm daily - 3 bet pot- how to play KK OOP against unknown man in 60-70s Ks,KhView Hand 2023-08-17 (jcj-1488)
JJ - $400 mgm daily - playing 4 bet pot against unknown man in 60-70s Kh,KdView Hand 2023-08-17 (jcj-1487)
JJ - 1500 monster wsop - 3 bet pot- playing suited ace OOP against tough pro As,8sView Hand 2023-08-17 (jcj-1486)
Isaac Wachsmuth - Ike $1/2 Live - AKs Ah,KhView Hand 2023-08-17 (isw-1001)
Dylan - Dylan $2/$5 Live - River flush against an all in paired board 8d,7dView Hand 2023-08-17 (dyd-1002)
Dylan - Dylan $2/$5 Live - All in shove on turn over big bet Ac,2cView Hand 2023-08-17 (dyd-1001)
Mark McKenzie - Swordpoker 1/3 The Lodge - Super deep with maniac Kc,QcView Hand 2023-08-16 (swo-1022)
Me - justreplaying Jack Queen offsuit vs. Daniel Roofing - Jack Queen offsuit vs. Daniel Roofing Jh,QcView Hand 2023-08-16 (rip-1006)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jamul EB Aug 15 2023 - A6s in SB Ah,6hView Hand 2023-08-16 (ker-1312)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jamul EB Aug 15 2023 - T8o in BB Ts,8hView Hand 2023-08-16 (ker-1311)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jamul EB Aug 15 2023 - KJo in LJ Kh,JdView Hand 2023-08-16 (ker-1310)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jamul EB Aug 15 2023 - K8s UTG Kc,8cView Hand 2023-08-16 (ker-1309)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jamul EB Aug 15 2023 - K7o BB facing +1 open Ks,7cView Hand 2023-08-16 (ker-1308)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jamul EB Aug 15 2023 - K5s in BTN facing 2 limpers Kd,5dView Hand 2023-08-16 (ker-1307)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jamul EB Aug 15 2023 - A5s in LJ Ac,5cView Hand 2023-08-16 (ker-1306)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jamul EB Aug 15 2023 - AKo in BB facing 2 limpers Ah,KcView Hand 2023-08-16 (ker-1305)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jamul EB Aug 15 2023 - QJo in BB facing BTN rfi Qh,JdView Hand 2023-08-16 (ker-1304)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jamul EB Aug 15 2023 - K4s in SB; B vs B Kc,4cView Hand 2023-08-16 (ker-1303)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jamul EB Aug 15 2023 - K7o in BB Kc,7sView Hand 2023-08-16 (ker-1302)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jamul EB Aug 15 2023 - JJ in SB facing HJ open Js,JdView Hand 2023-08-16 (ker-1301)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jamul EB Aug 15 2023 - QTo in BB facing 2 limpers Qc,TdView Hand 2023-08-16 (ker-1300)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jamul EB Aug 15 2023 - Q9s in HJ Qs,9sView Hand 2023-08-16 (ker-1299)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jamul EB Aug 15 2023 - T7ss in CO Ts,7sView Hand 2023-08-16 (ker-1298)
JC - LEARN TO COPE WSOP 10K Main - 44 set river fold 4d,4cView Hand 2023-08-16 (jec-1076)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Venetian $1100 - 9Tdd 3bet from SB river induce 9d,TdView Hand 2023-08-16 (jec-1075)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Venetian $1100 - J J facing flop c/r and turn jam on T high Jh,JdView Hand 2023-08-16 (jec-1074)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker $2/$5 NL - Home Game Ks,KcView Hand 2023-08-15 (top-1024)
Adam - 1/2 Live - UTG limp v BB Ks,9hView Hand 2023-08-15 (toe-1086)
Kuukyker - ThreezeKuus Overbet Two Pair on a K high board - The flop comes QT3tt and we raise a half-pot bet at the flop. Qd,TcView Hand 2023-08-15 (kuu-1002)
Kuukyker - ThreezeKuus Overbet Two Pair on a K high board - The flop comes QT3tt and we raise a half-pot bet at the flop. Qd,TcView Hand 2023-08-15 (kuu-1001)
Kenny Hsiung - Kenny The Pig (KTP) 8/15 $11k NT PWPT Accumulator Day1b - Level 5 or so Ad,5cView Hand 2023-08-15 (kes-1020)
JC - LEARN TO COPE BW AQ vs A6 - BW AQ vs A6 As,QhView Hand 2023-08-15 (jec-1073)
Mark McKenzie - Swordpoker 1/3 The Lodge - 4 bet bluff with KQs. Hit 2nd pair. Kh,QhView Hand 2023-08-13 (swo-1021)
Mark McKenzie - Swordpoker 1/3 The Lodge - Guy value bets 2 pair on str8 and flush poss Ks,TdView Hand 2023-08-13 (swo-1020)
Mark McKenzie - Swordpoker 1/3 The Lodge - 5 bet pot with 2nd pair Kh,QhView Hand 2023-08-13 (swo-1019)
Chris Radford - Radford999 £60 live mtt - check flop/ raise turn? As,AcView Hand 2023-08-13 (rdd-1013)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Burley home game Aug 12 2023 - QJs in CO Qh,JhView Hand 2023-08-13 (ker-1297)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Burley home game Aug 12 2023 - 96s in SB 9h,6hView Hand 2023-08-13 (ker-1296)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Burley home game Aug 12 2023 - 64s in BB 6d,4dView Hand 2023-08-13 (ker-1295)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Burley home game Aug 12 2023 - 77 in SB 7s,7hView Hand 2023-08-13 (ker-1294)
John Borges - John B Home #1 - wet neutral board Js,JhView Hand 2023-08-13 (fly-1646)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jamul Aug 11 2023 - A4s HJ 12bb As,4sView Hand 2023-08-12 (ker-1293)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jamul Aug 11 2023 - A3s HJ RFI As,3sView Hand 2023-08-12 (ker-1292)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jamul Aug 11 2023 - AA HJ facing 2 limpers As,AdView Hand 2023-08-12 (ker-1291)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jamul Aug 11 2023 - AA HJ facing 2 limpers As,AdView Hand 2023-08-12 (ker-1290)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jamul Aug 11 2023 - ATo CO facing 2 limpers As,ThView Hand 2023-08-12 (ker-1289)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jamul Aug 11 2023 - T6s on BTN facing 3 limpers Th,6hView Hand 2023-08-12 (ker-1288)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jamul Aug 11 2023 - KTs in BB Kh,ThView Hand 2023-08-12 (ker-1287)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jamul Aug 11 2023 - KTs in BB Kh,ThView Hand 2023-08-12 (ker-1286)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jamul Aug 11 2023 - AA UTG facing 3 bet As,AcView Hand 2023-08-12 (ker-1285)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jamul Aug 11 2023 - AQo on BTN facing CO open Ac,QhView Hand 2023-08-12 (ker-1284)
Mark McKenzie - Swordpoker 1/3 The Lodge - Should I bet river when flush possible Kd,KcView Hand 2023-08-11 (swo-1018)
Kenny Hsiung - Kenny The Pig (KTP) 8/11 WPT TP $22k NT Deepstack Turbo Bounty - Big Punt this hand, just totally spaced Kh,JhView Hand 2023-08-11 (kes-1019)
Kenny Hsiung - Kenny The Pig (KTP) 8/11 WPT TP $22k NT Deepstack Turbo Bounty - First bounty scored Ad,9cView Hand 2023-08-11 (kes-1018)
Kenny Hsiung - Kenny The Pig (KTP) 8/11 WPT TP $22k NT Deepstack Turbo Bounty - 3 left, 55k for 3rd, 157k for 1st Ad,AsView Hand 2023-08-11 (kes-1017)
Dan Hardman - BlankBlankity Aria - Opponent Check Raises Turn All-in 9h,ThView Hand 2023-08-11 (dnm-1017)
Dan Hardman - BlankBlankity Aria - 2 All ins Ad,KdView Hand 2023-08-11 (dnm-1016)
Dan Hardman - BlankBlankity Aria - Quad Jacks Jd,JcView Hand 2023-08-11 (dnm-1015)
Kenny Hsiung - Kenny The Pig (KTP) 8/8 Yonghe Nightly $1200 NT - 21 left, 15 pay 8s,8hView Hand 2023-08-09 (kes-1016)
JJ - local ballys - final table- 5 handed- ITM 7s,6sView Hand 2023-08-09 (jcj-1485)
JJ - local ballys - what to do here preflop? 3s,3cView Hand 2023-08-09 (jcj-1484)
JJ - local ballys - how to play postflop? 8d,7hView Hand 2023-08-09 (jcj-1483)
JJ - local ballys - multiwyay with top pair Ad,QhView Hand 2023-08-09 (jcj-1482)
JJ - local ballys - turning nut flush Ah,ThView Hand 2023-08-09 (jcj-1481)
Faraz Jaka - $1m gtd $270 - Hand 6 Ks,6dView Hand 2023-08-09 (jaa-1532)
Faraz Jaka - $1m gtd $270 - Hand 5 As,KcView Hand 2023-08-09 (jaa-1531)
Faraz Jaka - $1m gtd $270 - Hand 4 Kd,KhView Hand 2023-08-09 (jaa-1530)
Faraz Jaka - $1m gtd $270 - Hand 3 As,JcView Hand 2023-08-09 (jaa-1529)
Faraz Jaka - $1m gtd $270 - Hand 2 7d,7hView Hand 2023-08-09 (jaa-1528)
Faraz Jaka - $1m gtd $270 - Hand 1 Jc,9cView Hand 2023-08-09 (jaa-1527)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock Aug 2023, Main Event - Hand 17 Ks,8sView Hand 2023-08-09 (jaa-1526)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock Aug 2023, Main Event - Hand 16 Tc,7hView Hand 2023-08-09 (jaa-1525)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock Aug 2023, Main Event - Hand 15 6d,4dView Hand 2023-08-09 (jaa-1524)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock Aug 2023, Main Event - Hand 14 Qs,QhView Hand 2023-08-09 (jaa-1523)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock Aug 2023, Main Event - Hand 13 Ad,8dView Hand 2023-08-09 (jaa-1522)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock Aug 2023, Main Event - Hand 12 Ad,KdView Hand 2023-08-09 (jaa-1521)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock Aug 2023, Main Event - Hand 11 6h,6dView Hand 2023-08-09 (jaa-1520)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock Aug 2023, Main Event - Hand 10 7s,6sView Hand 2023-08-09 (jaa-1519)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock Aug 2023, Main Event - Hand 9 As,4hView Hand 2023-08-09 (jaa-1518)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock Aug 2023, Main Event - Hand 8 As,8sView Hand 2023-08-09 (jaa-1517)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock Aug 2023, Main Event - Hand 7 Kh,ThView Hand 2023-08-09 (jaa-1516)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock Aug 2023, Main Event - Hand 6 Ad,KdView Hand 2023-08-09 (jaa-1515)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock Aug 2023, Main Event - Hand 5 As,8sView Hand 2023-08-09 (jaa-1514)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock Aug 2023, Main Event - Hand 4 Kh,4hView Hand 2023-08-09 (jaa-1513)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock Aug 2023, Main Event - Hand 3 As,KcView Hand 2023-08-09 (jaa-1512)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock Aug 2023, Main Event - Hand 2 As,AhView Hand 2023-08-09 (jaa-1511)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock Aug 2023, Main Event - Hand 1 Js,JdView Hand 2023-08-09 (jaa-1510)
Steve - SHRPO $1,100 - J9s in SB with 12bb v BTN min-raise Js,9sView Hand 2023-08-08 (wld-1023)
Mark McKenzie - Swordpoker 1/3 The Lodge - Using position with ssc 6d,5dView Hand 2023-08-08 (swo-1017)
Kenny Hsiung - Kenny The Pig (KTP) 8/6 TP DDS $2k NT - 32 left 27 pay As,5cView Hand 2023-08-08 (kes-1015)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn bounty Aug 2023 - 98s facing limper 9h,8hView Hand 2023-08-08 (ker-1283)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker $2/$5 NL - Home Game Jd,9hView Hand 2023-08-07 (top-1023)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 NL Live LA - Missed River bet? Kc,QcView Hand 2023-08-07 (mkn-1027)
Kenny Hsiung - Kenny The Pig (KTP) 8/7 TP DDS $2k - 4 players left Ac,QsView Hand 2023-08-07 (kes-1014)
JC - LEARN TO COPE MSPT STL - My Main Event Day 2 bustout hand Ac,JhView Hand 2023-08-07 (jec-1072)
Cameron - Deepstacked cash - 3.5 Qh,QcView Hand 2023-08-07 (his-1006)
Cameron - Deepstacked cash - 2.9 6h,6dView Hand 2023-08-07 (his-1005)
Tommy - 2.5€/2.5€ live - playing vs loose fish Tc,6hView Hand 2023-08-06 (tmm-1003)
Tommy - 2.5&euro;/2.5&euro; live - big flop Qc,QhView Hand 2023-08-06 (tmm-1002)
Tommy - 2.5€/2.5€ live - QQ multiway Qs,QhView Hand 2023-08-06 (tmm-1001)
Kenny Hsiung - Kenny The Pig (KTP) 8/7 TP DDS $2k NT - 50 left 27 pay Kd,2dView Hand 2023-08-06 (kes-1013)
Kenny Hsiung - Kenny The Pig (KTP) 8/7 TP DDS $2K NT - 70 left 27 pay Tc,TdView Hand 2023-08-06 (kes-1012)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn bounty Aug 2023 - +1 99 open 9s,9hView Hand 2023-08-06 (ker-1282)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn bounty Aug 2023 - BB K7s w/ 11bb vs limp Kh,7hView Hand 2023-08-06 (ker-1281)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn bounty Aug 2023 - UTG 33 3s,3cView Hand 2023-08-06 (ker-1280)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn bounty Aug 2023 - HJ Js,JcView Hand 2023-08-06 (ker-1279)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn bounty Aug 2023 - HJ 66 facing Limp & raise 6s,6hView Hand 2023-08-06 (ker-1278)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn bounty Aug 2023 - HJ cold AJo vs LJ 3-bet As,JhView Hand 2023-08-06 (ker-1277)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn bounty Aug 2023 - SB 65o vs LJ RFI 6s,5dView Hand 2023-08-06 (ker-1276)
Kenny Hsiung - Kenny The Pig (KTP) 8/3/23 TP DDS $1500 NT - Registration closed, 65 players left, 17 pay 8s,8hView Hand 2023-08-05 (kes-1011)
Kenny Hsiung - Kenny The Pig (KTP) Taipei DDS $2000 NT - Bustout hand - somewhat annoying. 49 players left, 31 pay Ks,KdView Hand 2023-08-05 (kes-1010)
Kenny Hsiung - Kenny The Pig (KTP) Taipei DDS $2k NT - Villain is very good player, registration just closed, 80 players left, 31 pays Qh,5cView Hand 2023-08-05 (kes-1009)
JJ - horseshoe local - did i miss a raise somewhere? 9s,7sView Hand 2023-08-05 (jcj-1480)
JJ - horseshoe local - did i miss a raise somewhere? 9c,8cView Hand 2023-08-05 (jcj-1479)
JJ - horseshoe local - possible overbet spot? Js,4sView Hand 2023-08-05 (jcj-1478)
Cameron - Deepstacked cash - 3.2 Kc,JcView Hand 2023-08-05 (his-1004)
Cameron - Deepstacked cash - 2.2 Ts,8sView Hand 2023-08-05 (his-1003)
Cameron - Deepstacked cash - 2.1 Qh,JhView Hand 2023-08-05 (his-1002)
Cameron - Deepstacked cash - 3.1 7s,7dView Hand 2023-08-05 (his-1001)
Chris Scott - Deepstacked Cash - 1.1 7s,7dView Hand 2023-08-05 (crc-1030)
Kenny Hsiung - Kenny The Pig (KTP) Yonghe Special $3k NT - 12 left 7 pay Jc,JdView Hand 2023-08-04 (kes-1008)
Kenny Hsiung - Kenny The Pig (KTP) Taipei Daily Deep Stack $1500 NT Buyin - bust out unreal hand #2 super tilting Ad,KcView Hand 2023-08-04 (kes-1007)
Kenny Hsiung - Kenny The Pig (KTP) Taipei Daily Deep Stack $1500 NT - unreal hand #1 9s,8dView Hand 2023-08-04 (kes-1006)
Ike - handsome jock Shuffle 1/2 cash - Weird limp 3 bet Ts,TcView Hand 2023-08-04 (kal-1002)
Ike - handsome jock Shuffle 2/5 cash - Hand against a reg View Hand 2023-08-04 (kal-1001)
Young - $1100 live - Interesting hand between a crusher and a reg Qs,TdView Hand 2023-08-04 (dmt-1001)
YC - fortune r 25 - 7 29 23 8s,8hView Hand 2023-08-03 (ycu-1062)
YC - fortune r 25 - 7 29 23 Ks,4sView Hand 2023-08-03 (ycu-1061)
YC - fortune r 25 - 7 29 23 Qs,QcView Hand 2023-08-03 (ycu-1060)
Alfred Simmons - AlfaWolf_614 Triton Series - Triton Event Jd,JcView Hand 2023-08-03 (smm-1001)
Frank - 35$ Live - Is the risk higher than the reward? 6h,6cView Hand 2023-08-03 (mec-1001)
Steve - $150 Tag Team Event - River Value with TP2K Ks,QdView Hand 2023-08-02 (wld-1022)
Mark McKenzie - Swordpoker 1/3 The Lodge - Over play JJ on river Jc,JhView Hand 2023-08-02 (swo-1016)
Kenny Hsiung - Kenny The Pig (KTP) $1200 NT Yonghe Nightly GTD (YHN) - Tried to bully really weak player off his hand after isolating him PF 8s,4sView Hand 2023-08-02 (kes-1005)
JJ - horseshoe saturday local - final table - thoughts on how to play 88 FT- 8 left, ITM with buy-in back, next payjump 5th place 8s,8cView Hand 2023-08-02 (jcj-1477)
Chris Scott - 320 eff - My favorite play (minraise a small donk) 5s,3sView Hand 2023-08-02 (crc-1029)
Chris Scott - 350 eff - Folding KJo in BB with a ton of callers Kc,JdView Hand 2023-08-02 (crc-1028)
Chris Scott - 800 eff - Got trapped by Chip Ac,KsView Hand 2023-08-02 (crc-1027)
Chris Scott - 600 - Folding AK vs Chip View Hand 2023-08-02 (crc-1026)
Chris Scott - 600 eff - Fold to Chip's first 3bet Ah,TdView Hand 2023-08-02 (crc-1025)
Chris Scott - 400 eff - K6o on BU lol Ed Miller can be a bad influence 6c,KsView Hand 2023-08-02 (crc-1024)
Chris Scott - 400 eff (Gabi 110) - Folding KJo to Gabi's U open Kc,JdView Hand 2023-08-02 (crc-1023)
Chris Scott - 300 eff - Floating turn when angry OWG looks miserable and samebets 5h,5dView Hand 2023-08-02 (crc-1022)
Chris Scott - 400 eff - Good monotone barrel against Chip Ad,QdView Hand 2023-08-02 (crc-1021)
Chris Scott - 350 eff - Good river bet against Daniel Qh,ThView Hand 2023-08-02 (crc-1020)
Kenny Hsiung - Kenny The Pig (KTP) $1500 NT Yonghe Nightly - poor turn bet sizing w/AA (maybe?) As,AdView Hand 2023-08-01 (kes-1004)
Kenny Hsiung - Kenny The Pig (KTP) Nightly Yonghe $1500 NT - Very poorly played hand pre-flop and river near the money bubble Tc,7cView Hand 2023-08-01 (kes-1003)
Kenny Hsiung - Kenny The Pig (KTP) TMT $8k NT Main Event - ITM, one of CL's, 400 / 3500 players Kd,JdView Hand 2023-08-01 (kes-1002)
JJ - horseshoe local - final table spot - potential overbet spot? Td,8dView Hand 2023-08-01 (jcj-1476)
JJ - horseshoe local - potential overbet spot? Qs,QcView Hand 2023-08-01 (jcj-1475)
JJ - horseshoe local - potential overbet spot? 3h,2cView Hand 2023-08-01 (jcj-1474)
GodCC - GodCC 5$/10$ NL live naga - 后门听牌 打韩国胖子 Tc,8cView Hand 2023-08-01 (goc-1009)
Daniel Zane Maroti - buckywhitman Live 2/3 - Non Geometric Sizing Ad,7dView Hand 2023-08-01 (dzm-1004)
Daniel Zane Maroti - buckywhitman Ignition 25 NL BB3BETvsBU - Strange Line from Hero Kd,7dView Hand 2023-08-01 (dzm-1003)
Rich G - 1/2 - AQ Ad,QdView Hand 2023-07-31 (rgr-1028)
Rich G - 1/2 - Tight Fold? Ah,5hView Hand 2023-07-31 (rgr-1027)
Rich G - 1/2 - Boat vs straight flush draw 6h,6dView Hand 2023-07-31 (rgr-1026)
Rich G - 1/2 - AK Ac,KhView Hand 2023-07-31 (rgr-1025)
Lewis - LPtheG0D £600 SummerFest ME Day 1 - Bet or No Bet River Ks,8cView Hand 2023-07-31 (lep-1011)
Lewis - LPtheG0D £600 SummerFest ME Day 1 - Too thin for three streets? Kh,TcView Hand 2023-07-31 (lep-1010)
Lewis - LPtheG0D £600 SummerFest Main Event Day 1 - SB RFI 90BB 8s,4sView Hand 2023-07-31 (lep-1009)
Lewis - LPtheG0D £600 SummerFest Main Event Day 1 - Loose 3B? As,3hView Hand 2023-07-31 (lep-1008)
Lewis - LPtheG0D £600 SummerFest Main Event Day 1 - Too loose open? Ks,ThView Hand 2023-07-31 (lep-1007)
Lewis - LPtheG0D &pound;600 SummerFest ME Day 1 - Multiway Deep 6h,6sView Hand 2023-07-31 (lep-1006)
Lewis - LPtheG0D £600 SummerFest ME Day 1 - Limped pot vs Rec Qc,3cView Hand 2023-07-31 (lep-1005)
Kenny Hsiung - Kenny The Pig (KTP) $8,000 NT TMT Main Event - 56/3500 players left Js,8sView Hand 2023-07-31 (kes-1001)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Pearl River - Ace high river call Ad,4sView Hand 2023-07-31 (jec-1071)
Chris Scott - 450 eff - Folding KK to a nit on a low board when the 9 pairs Ks,KcView Hand 2023-07-31 (crc-1019)
Chris Scott - 400 eff - 75 tu bet folds out JG As,TsView Hand 2023-07-31 (crc-1018)
Chris Scott - 400 eff - KK hand where I disagree with JLil Ks,KhView Hand 2023-07-31 (crc-1017)
Chris Scott - 430 eff - KQo IP vs limpcalls from JG and Sami, flop is terrible, f Kd,QcView Hand 2023-07-31 (crc-1016)
Chris Scott - 700 eff - H goes big with SD in limped pot, runs it into 2p 9s,8hView Hand 2023-07-31 (crc-1015)
Chris Scott - 350 eff - 99 UTG, hit set on flop, everyone folds tu to 50 9s,9dView Hand 2023-07-31 (crc-1014)
Chris Scott - 275 eff - back jam from erratic player Kh,QcView Hand 2023-07-31 (crc-1013)
Chris Scott - 275 eff - $5 BU str by erratic player who likes to defend his str, H folds KQo UTG Ks,QhView Hand 2023-07-31 (crc-1012)
Chris Scott - 250 eff - Studied player opens for 15 and folds to 50 Ks,JsView Hand 2023-07-31 (crc-1010)
Chris Scott - 300 eff - Bad player makes it 35 in UTG+1 Ks,QcView Hand 2023-07-31 (crc-1009)
Chris Scott - 300 eff - H 3bets big pre and cbets big with QQ on K high board Qs,QhView Hand 2023-07-31 (crc-1008)
Chris Scott - 200 eff - Gambler jams for 200 over my 75, call with AQo As,QdView Hand 2023-07-31 (crc-1007)
Steve - Hollywood $500 - KJs mw, flush draw facing OR c/r AI Ks,JsView Hand 2023-07-30 (wld-1021)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game View Hand 2023-07-30 (top-1022)
Thijs - TJ 500 live - KdTd from LJ Kd,TdView Hand 2023-07-30 (tja-1091)
Mark McKenzie - Swordpoker 1/3 The Lodge - Bluffing with combo draw. Thin decision. 6d,5dView Hand 2023-07-29 (swo-1015)
Johannes - 5/10 NL - 77 7h,7dView Hand 2023-07-29 (jka-1010)
Ray - Home Game at R's - Set vs Flopped straight Ks,JcView Hand 2023-07-29 (fbt-1006)
Thijs - TJ $1200 live - JJ Jh,JcView Hand 2023-07-28 (tja-1090)
Mark McKenzie - Swordpoker 1/3 The Lodge - Bizarre small bets from weak player Ts,9sView Hand 2023-07-28 (swo-1014)
Lewis - LPtheG0D £600 SummerFest ME - Raise river? Kh,3hView Hand 2023-07-28 (lep-1004)
Lewis - LPtheG0D £600 SummerFest ME - Overpair with redraw multiway Kc,KhView Hand 2023-07-28 (lep-1003)
Lewis - LPtheG0D £600 SummerFest ME - BU vs SB deepstacked play 8c,7hView Hand 2023-07-28 (lep-1002)
Greg Bush - Multiway w/QQ - 1/2 TCH Social $300 cap Qs,QhView Hand 2023-07-27 (gbu-1045)
David - AbuJam HH Global MILLION$, $1M GTD [Day 1] - M2314202912 Jh,JcView Hand 2023-07-27 (dor-1001)
Chris Scott - revised turn barrel - overbet class Ad,JsView Hand 2023-07-27 (crc-1006)
Chris Scott - turn barrel - overbet class Ad,JsView Hand 2023-07-27 (crc-1005)
PokerCoaching - Bubble Example - Facing 2 All-ins Js,JcView Hand 2023-07-27 (bdo-1866)
Mark McKenzie - Swordpoker 1/3 The Lodge - Extreme deep stack with AA multiway Ad,AhView Hand 2023-07-26 (swo-1013)
Mark McKenzie - Swordpoker 1/3 The Lodge - Calls my bluff for stack and loses. 9s,8sView Hand 2023-07-26 (swo-1012)
Christian - Small stakes MTT - . Qc,TcView Hand 2023-07-26 (ddm-1001)
Chris Scott - SACH cash - turn overbet of flop squeeze spot Ah,8hView Hand 2023-07-26 (crc-1004)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 2/5 Live Hippodrome - Flopped set v KK 2s,2hView Hand 2023-07-25 (wap-1027)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 2/5 Live Hippodrome - Bluff catching OOP Jh,ThView Hand 2023-07-25 (wap-1026)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 2/5 Live Hippodrome - 3bet pot vs Pro II Ac,QcView Hand 2023-07-25 (wap-1025)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 2/5 Live Hippodrome - 3bet pot vs Pro Qc,JcView Hand 2023-07-25 (wap-1023)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 2/5 Live Hippodrome - Monster getting better Kd,QdView Hand 2023-07-25 (wap-1022)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 2/5 Live Hippodrome - Bluff Gone Wrong As,3sView Hand 2023-07-25 (wap-1021)
Mark McKenzie - Swordpoker 1/3 The Lodge - Calling a raise on river. Live read. Ah,JsView Hand 2023-07-25 (swo-1011)
Mark McKenzie - Swordpoker 1/3 The Lodge - Creative bluff multiway in ep Ad,5dView Hand 2023-07-25 (swo-1010)
Sean - .25/.50 - Overbet River 7 Ac,3cView Hand 2023-07-25 (mrg-1007)
John Borges - John B Main '23 Day 2 #8 - Level 7 - 500-1000 (its over) As,KhView Hand 2023-07-25 (fly-1645)
John Borges - John B Main '23 Day 2 #7 - Level 7 - 500-1000 (see note) Qs,QcView Hand 2023-07-25 (fly-1644)
John Borges - John B Main '23 Day 2 #6 - Level 6 - 400-800 Kd,9hView Hand 2023-07-25 (fly-1643)
John Borges - John B Main '23 Day 2 #5 - Level 6 - 400-800 As,QsView Hand 2023-07-25 (fly-1642)
John Borges - John B Main '23 Day 2 #4 - Level 6 - 400-800 8c,8sView Hand 2023-07-25 (fly-1641)
John Borges - John B Main '23 Day 2 #3 - Level 6 - 400-800 As,JcView Hand 2023-07-25 (fly-1640)
John Borges - John B Main '23 Day 2 #2 - Level 6 - 400-800 Ts,TcView Hand 2023-07-25 (fly-1639)
John Borges - John B Main '23 Day 2 #1 - Level 6 - 400-800 3h,3dView Hand 2023-07-25 (fly-1638)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #45 - Level 5 - 300-600 As,KhView Hand 2023-07-25 (fly-1637)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #44 - Level 5 - 300-600 Qs,QcView Hand 2023-07-25 (fly-1636)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #43 - Level 5 - 300-600 Kh,QcView Hand 2023-07-25 (fly-1635)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #42 - Level 5 - 300-600 Ks,JhView Hand 2023-07-25 (fly-1634)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #41 - Level 5 - 300-600 Jc,9cView Hand 2023-07-25 (fly-1633)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #40 - Level 5 - 300-600 Ks,9cView Hand 2023-07-25 (fly-1632)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #39 - Level 5 - 300-600 Qc,JcView Hand 2023-07-25 (fly-1631)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #38 - Level 4 - 300-500 Ks,QhView Hand 2023-07-25 (fly-1630)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #37 - Level 4 - 300-500 Qh,QdView Hand 2023-07-25 (fly-1629)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #36 - Level 4 - 300-500 As,TsView Hand 2023-07-25 (fly-1628)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #35 - Level 4 - 300-500 9h,9dView Hand 2023-07-25 (fly-1627)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #34 - Level 4 - 300-500 Ad,TdView Hand 2023-07-25 (fly-1626)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #33 - Level 4 - 300-500 Ks,QhView Hand 2023-07-25 (fly-1625)
Steve - Orleans $200 7/23 - K9o in bb Ks,9cView Hand 2023-07-24 (wld-1020)
Steve - WSOP Main Event 2023 - AA calls utg raise, pro shoves behind, utg shoves As,AcView Hand 2023-07-24 (wld-1019)
Steve - WSOP Main Event 2023 - Nut flush draw v shortish stack pro Ad,4dView Hand 2023-07-24 (wld-1018)
Steve - WSOP Main Event 2023 - QQ 4-bet IP, King-high board Qh,QdView Hand 2023-07-24 (wld-1017)
Rich G - 1/2 NL - K,K Kh,KdView Hand 2023-07-24 (rgr-1024)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $1500 shootout Final Table - Hand 8 9c,7hView Hand 2023-07-24 (jaa-1509)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $1500 shootout Final Table - Hand 7 Ks,9cView Hand 2023-07-24 (jaa-1508)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $1500 shootout Final Table - Hand 6 3s,3hView Hand 2023-07-24 (jaa-1507)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $1500 shootout Final Table - Hand 5 Qs,JhView Hand 2023-07-24 (jaa-1506)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $1500 shootout Final Table - Hand 4 Qs,TsView Hand 2023-07-24 (jaa-1505)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $1500 shootout Final Table - Hand 3 Ah,7cView Hand 2023-07-24 (jaa-1504)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $1500 shootout Final Table - Hand 2 Ks,8sView Hand 2023-07-24 (jaa-1503)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $1500 shootout Final Table - Hand 1 Ac,4cView Hand 2023-07-24 (jaa-1502)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $1500 shootout - Heads up - Hand 6 Js,8sView Hand 2023-07-24 (jaa-1501)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $1500 shootout - Heads up - Hand 5 Kd,4cView Hand 2023-07-24 (jaa-1500)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $1500 shootout - Heads up - Hand 4 Ad,6dView Hand 2023-07-24 (jaa-1499)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $1500 shootout - Heads up - Hand 3 9h,8cView Hand 2023-07-24 (jaa-1498)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $1500 shootout - Heads up - Hand 2 8h,6sView Hand 2023-07-24 (jaa-1497)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $1500 shootout - Heads up - Hand 1 Ah,7cView Hand 2023-07-24 (jaa-1496)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $1500 shootout win - Hand 8 Qh,KcView Hand 2023-07-24 (jaa-1495)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $1500 shootout win - Hand 7 9s,6hView Hand 2023-07-24 (jaa-1494)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $1500 shootout win - Hand 6 Ac,TdView Hand 2023-07-24 (jaa-1493)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $1500 shootout win - Hand 5 Qs,9sView Hand 2023-07-24 (jaa-1492)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $1500 shootout win - Hand 4 8s,6hView Hand 2023-07-24 (jaa-1491)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $1500 shootout win - Hand 3 Kd,JsView Hand 2023-07-24 (jaa-1490)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $1500 shootout win - Hand 2 8d,6dView Hand 2023-07-24 (jaa-1489)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $1500 shootout win - Hand 1 Qs,QcView Hand 2023-07-24 (jaa-1488)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #32 - Level 4 - 300-500 Ks,JhView Hand 2023-07-24 (fly-1624)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #31 - Level 4 - 300-500 Kh,QcView Hand 2023-07-24 (fly-1623)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #30 - Level 4 - 300-500 5h,4cView Hand 2023-07-24 (fly-1622)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #29 - Level 4 - 300-500 As,3sView Hand 2023-07-24 (fly-1621)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #28 - Level 3 - 200-400 Kd,KhView Hand 2023-07-24 (fly-1620)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #27 - Level 3 - 200-400 Ah,ThView Hand 2023-07-24 (fly-1619)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #26 - Level 3 - 200-400 Qh,JhView Hand 2023-07-24 (fly-1618)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #25 - Level 3 - 200-400 Qh,JsView Hand 2023-07-24 (fly-1617)
PokerCoaching - Multiway Example - Everybody Calls Ah,KcView Hand 2023-07-24 (bdo-1865)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker $2/$5 NL - Cardroom Ks,KcView Hand 2023-07-23 (top-1021)
Sean - .25/.50 - Overbet river 6 Ah,9sView Hand 2023-07-23 (mrg-1006)
Sean - .25/.50 - Overbet river 5 As,9hView Hand 2023-07-23 (mrg-1005)
Sean - .25/.50 - Overbet river 4 Qh,JcView Hand 2023-07-23 (mrg-1004)
Sean - .25/.50 - Overbet river 3 Qc,9dView Hand 2023-07-23 (mrg-1003)
Sean - .25/.50 - Overbet river 2 9s,TsView Hand 2023-07-23 (mrg-1002)
Sean - .25/.50 - Overbet river 8d,8hView Hand 2023-07-23 (mrg-1001)
Mark McKenzie - Swordpoker 1/3 The Lodge - Exploiting fish with a set 3h,3sView Hand 2023-07-22 (swo-1009)
Selma - Selma Daytona 600 - 1st bullet 8s,8cView Hand 2023-07-22 (sla-1230)
Selma - Selma Daytona 600 - AQ at 50BB Ah,QcView Hand 2023-07-22 (sla-1229)
Ray - Home Game at V's - Boat on the river 2h,2sView Hand 2023-07-22 (fbt-1005)
Ray - Home Game at V's - Lucky on River As,KhView Hand 2023-07-22 (fbt-1004)
Ray - Home Game at V's - Full House vs Full House Ac,TcView Hand 2023-07-22 (fbt-1003)
Andreas - London Poker Guide Hippodrome 1/2 - Overplaying trips Ks,QhView Hand 2023-07-21 (wap-1020)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Getting max value 5s,5cView Hand 2023-07-21 (wap-1019)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Betting thin for value 5s,5hView Hand 2023-07-21 (wap-1018)
Mark McKenzie - Swordpoker 1/3 The Lodge - AA calling off stack in deep stack Ad,AhView Hand 2023-07-21 (swo-1008)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #24 - Level 3 - 200-400 4s,4cView Hand 2023-07-21 (fly-1616)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #23 - Level 3 - 200-400 (see note) Qc,QdView Hand 2023-07-21 (fly-1615)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #22 - Level 3 - 200-400 Kd,TdView Hand 2023-07-21 (fly-1614)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #21 - Level 3 - 200-400 9h,9dView Hand 2023-07-21 (fly-1613)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #20 - Level 3 - 200 - 400 6s,6dView Hand 2023-07-21 (fly-1612)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #19 - Level 3 - 200-400 (see note) Qd,QhView Hand 2023-07-21 (fly-1611)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #18 - Level 3 - 200-400 (see note) 3h,3dView Hand 2023-07-21 (fly-1610)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #17 - Level 2 - 200-300 View Hand 2023-07-21 (fly-1609)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #16 - Level 2 - 200 - 300 (see note) Ah,ThView Hand 2023-07-21 (fly-1608)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #15 - Level 2 - 200 - 300 Qh,8sView Hand 2023-07-21 (fly-1607)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #14 - Level 2 - 200-300 5h,5cView Hand 2023-07-21 (fly-1606)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #13 - Level 2 - 200-300 Ks,QsView Hand 2023-07-21 (fly-1605)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #12 - Level 2 - 200-300 5h,5cView Hand 2023-07-21 (fly-1604)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H51 - 380 Ks,QcView Hand 2023-07-20 (mrh-1380)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H49 - 379 Kc,8cView Hand 2023-07-20 (mrh-1379)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H47 - 378 Th,8hView Hand 2023-07-20 (mrh-1378)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H45 - 377 As,JdView Hand 2023-07-20 (mrh-1377)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H43 - 376 Ac,AdView Hand 2023-07-20 (mrh-1376)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H42 - 375 7s,7dView Hand 2023-07-20 (mrh-1375)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H41 - 374 Ks,KdView Hand 2023-07-20 (mrh-1374)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H37 - 373 5s,4cView Hand 2023-07-20 (mrh-1373)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H32 - 372 As,8cView Hand 2023-07-20 (mrh-1372)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H29 - 371 Ac,QsView Hand 2023-07-20 (mrh-1371)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H28 - 370 Ks,KcView Hand 2023-07-20 (mrh-1370)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H27 - 369 Qc,QhView Hand 2023-07-20 (mrh-1369)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H26 - 368 As,TdView Hand 2023-07-20 (mrh-1368)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H24 - 367 Ks,7cView Hand 2023-07-20 (mrh-1367)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H23 - 366 7h,7sView Hand 2023-07-20 (mrh-1366)
Dustin K. - ClubGG Daily Deepstack, EU $1,000 Guarantee - Flopping top two in a multiway pot. Ks,8sView Hand 2023-07-20 (kah-1029)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #11 - Level 2 - 200-300 Js,JhView Hand 2023-07-20 (fly-1603)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #10 - Level 2 - 200-300 8c,8dView Hand 2023-07-20 (fly-1602)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #9 - Level 1 - 100-200 Qd,JdView Hand 2023-07-20 (fly-1601)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #8 - Level 1 - 100-200 Ah,QhView Hand 2023-07-20 (fly-1600)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #7 - Level 1 - 100-200 Qs,QhView Hand 2023-07-20 (fly-1599)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #6 - Level 1 - 100-200 As,8hView Hand 2023-07-20 (fly-1598)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #5 - Level 1 - 100-200 9s,9dView Hand 2023-07-20 (fly-1597)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #4 - Level 1 - 100-200 Ad,4dView Hand 2023-07-20 (fly-1596)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #3 - Level 1 - 100-200 8h,8dView Hand 2023-07-20 (fly-1595)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #2 - Level 1 - 100-200 4s,4cView Hand 2023-07-20 (fly-1594)
John Borges - John B Main '23 #1 - Level 1 - 100-200 Qc,3cView Hand 2023-07-20 (fly-1593)
PokerCoaching - JL $5000 WSOP 2023 - 12 Qs,QhView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1864)
PokerCoaching - JL $5000 WSOP 2023 - 11 Js,TcView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1863)
PokerCoaching - JL $5000 WSOP 2023 - 10 Jh,9cView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1862)
PokerCoaching - JL $5000 WSOP 2023 - 9 Js,8hView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1861)
PokerCoaching - JL $5000 WSOP 2023 - 8 Js,ThView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1860)
PokerCoaching - JL $5000 WSOP 2023 - 7 Qd,QhView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1859)
PokerCoaching - JL $5000 WSOP 2023 - 6 7h,7dView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1858)
PokerCoaching - JL $5000 WSOP 2023 - 5 Qs,TcView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1857)
PokerCoaching - JL $5000 WSOP 2023 - 4 As,AdView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1856)
PokerCoaching - JL $5000 WSOP 2023 - 3 Kh,ThView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1855)
PokerCoaching - JL $5000 WSOP 2023 - 2 8d,5dView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1854)
PokerCoaching - JL $5000 WSOP 2023 - 1 Qc,TcView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1853)
PokerCoaching - JL $1500 Closer WSOP 2023 - 16 Ks,JhView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1852)
PokerCoaching - JL $1500 Closer WSOP 2023 - 15 Ts,9dView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1851)
PokerCoaching - JL $1500 Closer WSOP 2023 - 14 As,ThView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1850)
PokerCoaching - JL $1500 Closer WSOP 2023 - 13 Ah,5hView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1849)
PokerCoaching - JL $1500 Closer WSOP 2023 - 12 As,QhView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1848)
PokerCoaching - JL $1500 Closer WSOP 2023 - 11 Ks,TdView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1847)
PokerCoaching - JL $1500 Closer WSOP 2023 - 10 As,QsView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1846)
PokerCoaching - JL $1500 Closer WSOP 2023 - 9 Ah,4hView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1845)
PokerCoaching - JL $1500 Closer WSOP 2023 - 8 7s,7dView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1844)
PokerCoaching - JL $1500 Closer WSOP 2023 - 7 Ac,3cView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1843)
PokerCoaching - JL $1500 Closer WSOP 2023 - 6 8c,7cView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1842)
PokerCoaching - JL $1500 Closer WSOP 2023 - 5 Qd,6dView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1841)
PokerCoaching - JL $1500 Closer WSOP 2023 - 4 4s,4hView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1840)
PokerCoaching - JL $1500 Closer WSOP 2023 - 3 8h,7dView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1839)
PokerCoaching - JL $1500 Closer WSOP 2023 - 2 Td,8dView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1838)
PokerCoaching - JL $1500 Closer WSOP 2023 - 1 Qh,8sView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1837)
PokerCoaching - JL $10K WSOP 2023 - 16 Ad,AsView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1836)
PokerCoaching - JL $10K WSOP 2023 - 15 Kd,QdView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1835)
PokerCoaching - JL $10K WSOP 2023 - 14 Qs,7sView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1834)
PokerCoaching - JL $10K WSOP 2023 - 13 Ah,KhView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1833)
PokerCoaching - JL $10K WSOP 2023 - 12 Js,JhView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1832)
PokerCoaching - JL $10K WSOP 2023 - 11 Ts,TdView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1831)
PokerCoaching - JL $10K WSOP 2023 - 10 Qh,9hView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1830)
PokerCoaching - JL $10K WSOP 2023 - 9 Ac,9sView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1829)
PokerCoaching - JL $10K WSOP 2023 - 8 View Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1828)
PokerCoaching - JL $10K WSOP 2023 - 7 7d,6dView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1827)
PokerCoaching - JL $10K WSOP 2023 - 6 Jh,ThView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1826)
PokerCoaching - JL $10K WSOP 2023 - 5 7c,7dView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1825)
PokerCoaching - JL $10K WSOP 2023 - 4 Ks,JhView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1824)
PokerCoaching - JL $10K WSOP 2023 - 3 Js,2sView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1823)
PokerCoaching - JL $10K WSOP 2023 - 2 As,JcView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1822)
PokerCoaching - JL $10K WSOP 2023 - 1 Ad,KdView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1821)
PokerCoaching - JL $2K WSOP 2023 - 8 6s,6cView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1820)
PokerCoaching - JL $2K WSOP 2023 - 7 Kd,KcView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1819)
PokerCoaching - JL $2K WSOP 2023 - 6 Ts,ThView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1818)
PokerCoaching - JL $2K WSOP 2023 - 5 Kd,7hView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1817)
PokerCoaching - JL $2K WSOP 2023 - 4 Ad,KsView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1816)
PokerCoaching - JL $2K WSOP 2023 - 3 2s,2cView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1815)
PokerCoaching - JL $2K WSOP 2023 - 2 Qs,9cView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1814)
PokerCoaching - JL $2K WSOP 2023 - 1 5s,5cView Hand 2023-07-20 (bdo-1813)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 2/5 Live Hippodrome - 56s getting better 6c,5cView Hand 2023-07-19 (wap-1017)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 2/5 Live Hippodrome - JJ on A high board Jh,JdView Hand 2023-07-19 (wap-1016)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 2/5 Live Hippodrome - First marginal, then monster 9s,8sView Hand 2023-07-19 (wap-1015)
Mark McKenzie - Swordpoker 1/3 The Lodge - Fold equity and pot odds bluffing Jc,8cView Hand 2023-07-19 (swo-1007)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H22 - 365 7h,7dView Hand 2023-07-19 (mrh-1365)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H21 - 364 Ah,QhView Hand 2023-07-19 (mrh-1364)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H20 - 363 9c,9sView Hand 2023-07-19 (mrh-1363)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H19 - 362 Ts,TdView Hand 2023-07-19 (mrh-1362)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H17 - 361 7c,7hView Hand 2023-07-18 (mrh-1361)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H16 - 360 Kd,QsView Hand 2023-07-18 (mrh-1360)
Mohsin - InternClass - Notes 9s,8sView Hand 2023-07-18 (moi-1010)
Mike - WSOP Shootout - Run into aces As,QhView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1032)
Mike - WSOP Shootout - Weak hand in BB 6d,2dView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1031)
Mike - WSOP Shootout - Missed draw 7d,6cView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1030)
Mike - WSOP Shootout - Raise/fold to shove Ah,7hView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1029)
Mike - WSOP Shootout - QJ miss IP Qs,JcView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1028)
Mike - WSOP Shootout - Weak top pair vs BB As,4hView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1027)
Mike - WSOP Shootout - Mid pair from BB Js,7cView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1026)
Mike - WSOP Shootout - ATo IP As,ThView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1025)
Mike - WSOP Shootout - QQ 4 bet shove Qs,QhView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1024)
Mike - WSOP Shootout - Fold big hand pre Qh,JhView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1023)
Mike - WSOP Shootout - Raise takedown Kd,7dView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1022)
Mike - WSOP Shootout - 3 bet Ks,JcView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1021)
Mike - WSOP Shootout - SC in position 9s,7sView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1020)
Mike - WSOP Shootout - Small pair in BB 3s,3cView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1019)
Mike - WSOP Shootout - Check raise 3 way flop Qs,9cView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1018)
Mike - WSOP Shootout - Underpair checkdown 3c,3hView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1017)
Mike - WSOP Shootout - Decent top pair Kd,JdView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1016)
Mike - WSOP Shootout - Small overpair OOP 8s,8cView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1015)
Mike - WSOP Ultra Stack #2 - 3 bet all in with short stack Td,9dView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1014)
Mike - WSOP Ultra Stack #2 - 3 bet OOP As,JcView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1013)
Mike - WSOP Ultra Stack #2 - Fold to 3 bet IP As,8sView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1012)
Mike - WSOP Ultra Stack #2 - Weak top pair Kh,8hView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1011)
Mike - WSOP Ultra Stack #2 - SC on button 6s,5sView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1010)
Mike - WSOP Ultra Stack #2 - SB check down Ac,7cView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1009)
Mike - WSOP Ultra Stack #2 - 3 bet OOP Ad,KsView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1008)
Mike - WSOP Ultra Stack #2 - 1 card flush draw Kd,QcView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1007)
Mike - WSOP Ultra Stack #2 - Turned 2 pair Ks,ThView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1006)
Mike - WSOP Ultra Stack #2 - 3 bet IP against young Euro As,QcView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1005)
Mike - WSOP Ultra Stack - Big 3 bet hand OOP Td,9dView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1004)
Mike - WSOP Ultra Stack - QQ utg1 against old guy Qs,QhView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1003)
Mike - WSOP Ultra Stack - 99 utg on low board 9s,9hView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1002)
Mike - WSOP Ultra Stack - BVB early 7d,6dView Hand 2023-07-18 (mkh-1001)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 2/5 Live Hippodrome - The Art of Bluff Catching Kc,QcView Hand 2023-07-17 (wap-1014)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 2/5 Live Hippodrome - Flopping trips Ac,JcView Hand 2023-07-17 (wap-1013)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game View Hand 2023-07-17 (top-1020)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H - 359 Jc,TdView Hand 2023-07-17 (mrh-1359)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H - 358 Ad,KsView Hand 2023-07-17 (mrh-1358)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H - 357 5c,2cView Hand 2023-07-17 (mrh-1357)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H - 356 As,KdView Hand 2023-07-17 (mrh-1356)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 355 6h,5hView Hand 2023-07-17 (mrh-1355)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H - 354 8s,7cView Hand 2023-07-17 (mrh-1354)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H - 353 Ts,7dView Hand 2023-07-17 (mrh-1353)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H - 352 Qc,9cView Hand 2023-07-17 (mrh-1352)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H - 351 Ah,AdView Hand 2023-07-17 (mrh-1351)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H - 350 Ac,QdView Hand 2023-07-17 (mrh-1350)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H - 349 7h,6hView Hand 2023-07-17 (mrh-1349)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H - 348 Ac,9dView Hand 2023-07-17 (mrh-1348)
Ray - Home Game - 10 GBP Buy in blinds 5p-10p Kh,JhView Hand 2023-07-17 (fbt-1002)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 60 Kh,QhView Hand 2023-07-17 (bdo-1812)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 59 Js,ThView Hand 2023-07-17 (bdo-1811)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 58 6d,3dView Hand 2023-07-17 (bdo-1810)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 57 9s,9hView Hand 2023-07-17 (bdo-1809)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 56 Ac,5cView Hand 2023-07-17 (bdo-1808)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 55 9s,9hView Hand 2023-07-17 (bdo-1807)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 54 Qs,TsView Hand 2023-07-17 (bdo-1806)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 53 Ac,QdView Hand 2023-07-17 (bdo-1805)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 52 Qc,JcView Hand 2023-07-17 (bdo-1804)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 51 As,2cView Hand 2023-07-17 (bdo-1803)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 50 As,JcView Hand 2023-07-17 (bdo-1802)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 49 2s,2cView Hand 2023-07-17 (bdo-1801)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 48 Kd,9dView Hand 2023-07-17 (bdo-1800)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 47 Ks,QcView Hand 2023-07-17 (bdo-1799)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 46 Ad,9hView Hand 2023-07-17 (bdo-1798)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 45 Ad,JhView Hand 2023-07-17 (bdo-1797)
Chris Radford - Radford999 flop and turn play? - bet flop jam turn? As,TsView Hand 2023-07-16 (rdd-1012)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H - 347 Kd,JdView Hand 2023-07-16 (mrh-1347)
mrhoai165 - H-516 H - 346 6d,5sView Hand 2023-07-16 (mrh-1346)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 345 Jh,8dView Hand 2023-07-16 (mrh-1345)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 344 Td,9dView Hand 2023-07-16 (mrh-1344)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 343 Ks,TcView Hand 2023-07-16 (mrh-1343)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 342 Ad,4dView Hand 2023-07-16 (mrh-1342)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 341 Jd,9cView Hand 2023-07-16 (mrh-1341)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 340 Qs,3sView Hand 2023-07-16 (mrh-1340)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 339 8s,6cView Hand 2023-07-16 (mrh-1339)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 338 9d,4dView Hand 2023-07-16 (mrh-1338)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 337 Jh,TcView Hand 2023-07-16 (mrh-1337)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 336 Kh,TsView Hand 2023-07-16 (mrh-1336)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 335 7c,4cView Hand 2023-07-16 (mrh-1335)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 334 Qc,9cView Hand 2023-07-16 (mrh-1334)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 333 Qh,9sView Hand 2023-07-16 (mrh-1333)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 332 Jh,ThView Hand 2023-07-16 (mrh-1332)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 331 Ts,2cView Hand 2023-07-16 (mrh-1331)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 330 Jc,5cView Hand 2023-07-16 (mrh-1330)
JC - LEARN TO COPE HW - BW 24 KJo in BB missed raise pre Ks,JcView Hand 2023-07-16 (jec-1070)
JC - LEARN TO COPE HW - BW 23 AJo light 3bet spot in SB As,JhView Hand 2023-07-16 (jec-1069)
JC - LEARN TO COPE HW - BW 22 KQdd in 3bet pot facing weak turn bet Kd,QdView Hand 2023-07-16 (jec-1068)
JC - LEARN TO COPE HW - BW 21 TT facing 3bet squeeze from BB Ts,TcView Hand 2023-07-16 (jec-1067)
JC - LEARN TO COPE HW - BW 20 AK facing raise from lady on J9J As,KhView Hand 2023-07-16 (jec-1066)
JC - LEARN TO COPE HW - BW 19 AJo betting 2nd pair on one liner Ah,JcView Hand 2023-07-16 (jec-1065)
JC - LEARN TO COPE HW - BW 18 KTdd in 3bet pot Kd,TdView Hand 2023-07-16 (jec-1064)
JC - LEARN TO COPE HW - BW 17 77 in BB 20bbs 7h,7dView Hand 2023-07-16 (jec-1063)
JC - LEARN TO COPE HW - BW 16 55 EP 20bbs 5s,5cView Hand 2023-07-16 (jec-1062)
JC - LEARN TO COPE HW - BW 15 QJo on Btn facing CO open Qd,JcView Hand 2023-07-16 (jec-1061)
JC - LEARN TO COPE HW - BW 14 KQhh in BB on 456 Kh,QhView Hand 2023-07-16 (jec-1060)
JC - LEARN TO COPE HW - BW 13 AA in SB Ad,AcView Hand 2023-07-16 (jec-1059)
JC - LEARN TO COPE HW - BW 12 QJcc 20bbs facing raise Qc,JcView Hand 2023-07-16 (jec-1058)
JC - LEARN TO COPE HW - BW 11 quad kings Ks,KcView Hand 2023-07-16 (jec-1057)
JC - LEARN TO COPE HW - BW 10 A3o BB facing river jam Ad,3sView Hand 2023-07-16 (jec-1056)
JC - LEARN TO COPE HW - BW 8 KQo all in on ace high flop Ks,QhView Hand 2023-07-16 (jec-1055)
JC - LEARN TO COPE HW - BW 9 QTcc facing 10bb jam Qc,TcView Hand 2023-07-16 (jec-1054)
JC - LEARN TO COPE HW - BW 7 QQ on King high board multi way Qh,QdView Hand 2023-07-16 (jec-1052)
JC - LEARN TO COPE HW - BW 6 Example of when we can continue 7h,8hView Hand 2023-07-16 (jec-1051)
JC - LEARN TO COPE HW - BW 5 78o in BB we flop nothing 7s,8cView Hand 2023-07-16 (jec-1050)
JC - LEARN TO COPE HW - BW 4 AQo we flop top 2 As,QhView Hand 2023-07-16 (jec-1049)
JC - LEARN TO COPE HW - BW 3 QJo as pfr on AA5 Qh,JcView Hand 2023-07-16 (jec-1048)
JC - LEARN TO COPE HW - BW 2 Sizing too big multi way on 772 View Hand 2023-07-16 (jec-1047)
JC - LEARN TO COPE HW - BW 1 JJ in SB multi way Jc,JdView Hand 2023-07-16 (jec-1046)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 44 Ad,JhView Hand 2023-07-16 (bdo-1796)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 43 Qs,QhView Hand 2023-07-16 (bdo-1795)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 42 As,QhView Hand 2023-07-16 (bdo-1794)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 41 Qh,ThView Hand 2023-07-16 (bdo-1793)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 40 4d,4sView Hand 2023-07-16 (bdo-1792)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 39 9c,8sView Hand 2023-07-16 (bdo-1791)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 38 As,TcView Hand 2023-07-16 (bdo-1790)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 37 Js,9dView Hand 2023-07-16 (bdo-1789)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 36 Qs,QhView Hand 2023-07-16 (bdo-1788)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 35 Qs,QdView Hand 2023-07-16 (bdo-1787)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 34 As,3cView Hand 2023-07-16 (bdo-1786)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 33 Ks,KcView Hand 2023-07-16 (bdo-1785)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 32 Qd,8dView Hand 2023-07-16 (bdo-1784)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 31 Ad,6dView Hand 2023-07-16 (bdo-1783)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 30 As,KdView Hand 2023-07-16 (bdo-1782)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 29 Kh,TdView Hand 2023-07-16 (bdo-1781)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 28 Kh,9hView Hand 2023-07-16 (bdo-1780)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 27 Ks,QdView Hand 2023-07-16 (bdo-1779)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 26 Jd,9dView Hand 2023-07-16 (bdo-1778)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 25 Qc,JdView Hand 2023-07-16 (bdo-1777)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 24 Qh,JdView Hand 2023-07-16 (bdo-1776)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 23 6h,5hView Hand 2023-07-16 (bdo-1775)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 22 Tc,9dView Hand 2023-07-16 (bdo-1774)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 21 7c,7dView Hand 2023-07-16 (bdo-1773)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 20 Jd,8dView Hand 2023-07-16 (bdo-1772)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 19 Js,ThView Hand 2023-07-16 (bdo-1771)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 18 Qs,9cView Hand 2023-07-16 (bdo-1770)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 17 Tc,8sView Hand 2023-07-16 (bdo-1769)
Ayden - 1100 HR Kings - Tough Spot vs BB As,JhView Hand 2023-07-16 (ayd-1001)
Mark McKenzie - Swordpoker 1/3 The Lodge - Bluffing Preflop v utg Ac,5cView Hand 2023-07-15 (swo-1006)
Tui la Omega - Omega Loi 21 - VD1 Js,JdView Hand 2023-07-15 (spr-1011)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 329 7h,7cView Hand 2023-07-15 (mrh-1329)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 328 Qd,JdView Hand 2023-07-15 (mrh-1328)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 327 Kd,9cView Hand 2023-07-15 (mrh-1327)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 326 Qh,JhView Hand 2023-07-15 (mrh-1326)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 325 7s,4sView Hand 2023-07-15 (mrh-1325)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 324 Qs,9sView Hand 2023-07-15 (mrh-1324)
sweetg - sweetg Final Table 4$ - KQs UTG 9handed FT - fold turn yes/no Kh,QhView Hand 2023-07-15 (ebs-1001)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 16 Qs,JsView Hand 2023-07-15 (bdo-1768)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 15 Qs,9cView Hand 2023-07-15 (bdo-1767)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 14 Tc,TsView Hand 2023-07-15 (bdo-1766)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 13 Ah,AdView Hand 2023-07-15 (bdo-1765)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 12 Kd,JdView Hand 2023-07-15 (bdo-1764)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 11 Ks,5sView Hand 2023-07-15 (bdo-1763)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 10 Kd,4dView Hand 2023-07-15 (bdo-1762)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 6 Kh,3hView Hand 2023-07-15 (bdo-1761)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 8 Kd,3dView Hand 2023-07-15 (bdo-1760)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 7 8c,8dView Hand 2023-07-15 (bdo-1759)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 6 Jc,JdView Hand 2023-07-15 (bdo-1758)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 5 Ks,3sView Hand 2023-07-15 (bdo-1757)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 4 Kh,9hView Hand 2023-07-15 (bdo-1756)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 3 As,4dView Hand 2023-07-15 (bdo-1755)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 2 8h,5dView Hand 2023-07-15 (bdo-1754)
PokerCoaching - JL Main Event 2023 - 1 3h,2dView Hand 2023-07-15 (bdo-1753)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 323 Js,3dView Hand 2023-07-14 (mrh-1323)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 322 5d,3cView Hand 2023-07-14 (mrh-1322)
YC - fortune r 25 - 7 11 Qs,QcView Hand 2023-07-13 (ycu-1059)
YC - fortune r 25 - 7 11 Ts,TcView Hand 2023-07-13 (ycu-1058)
YC - fortune r 25 - 7 11 Jd,9cView Hand 2023-07-13 (ycu-1057)
YC - fortune r 25 - 7 11 As,QcView Hand 2023-07-13 (ycu-1056)
YC - fortune r 25 - 7 11 4s,4cView Hand 2023-07-13 (ycu-1055)
Steve - Venetian $1,100 - Hand 15 - AJ c-bets flop, hits Ace on turn As,JhView Hand 2023-07-13 (wld-1016)
Steve - Venetian $1,100 - Hand 14 - TT on A-high board Ts,ThView Hand 2023-07-13 (wld-1015)
Steve - Venetian $1,100 - Hand 13 - AA calls from HJ, bets flop multiway on dry As,AhView Hand 2023-07-13 (wld-1014)
Steve - Venetian $1,100 - Hand 12 - AK calls 22bb 4-bet As,KhView Hand 2023-07-13 (wld-1013)
Steve - Venetian $1,100 - Hand 11 - Nut flush beats set of Aces Kc,6cView Hand 2023-07-13 (wld-1012)
Steve - Venetian $1,100 - Hand 10 - 3-bet AJo from sb, call 4-bet v 16bb stack As,JhView Hand 2023-07-13 (wld-1011)
Steve - Venetian $1,100 - Hand 9 - Float with gs, hit straight Js,TcView Hand 2023-07-13 (wld-1010)
Steve - Venetian $1,100 - Hand 8 - Fold A-high to flop c/r on 2f board Ah,QsView Hand 2023-07-13 (wld-1009)
Steve - Venetian $1,100 - Hand 7 - Float gs, hit straight 5h,4hView Hand 2023-07-13 (wld-1008)
Steve - Venetian $1,100 - Hand 6 - AJs AI 16bb As,JsView Hand 2023-07-13 (wld-1007)
Steve - Venetian $1,100 - Hand 5 - check/fold flop multi-way As,QcView Hand 2023-07-13 (wld-1006)
Steve - Venetian $1,100 - Hand 4 - C-bet v 2 with gs + over Ac,QcView Hand 2023-07-13 (wld-1005)
Steve - Venetian $1,100 - Hand 3 - River thin value raise? As,KhView Hand 2023-07-13 (wld-1004)
Steve - Venetian $1,100 - Hand 2 - Flopped straight 6s,5dView Hand 2023-07-13 (wld-1003)
Steve - Venetian $1,100 - Hand 1 - First hand of tournament Ad,QdView Hand 2023-07-13 (wld-1002)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 321 Kd,JcView Hand 2023-07-13 (mrh-1321)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 320 9s,7dView Hand 2023-07-13 (mrh-1320)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 319 4c,3cView Hand 2023-07-13 (mrh-1319)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 318 9d,9cView Hand 2023-07-13 (mrh-1318)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 317 Jh,TcView Hand 2023-07-13 (mrh-1317)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 316 Ad,QdView Hand 2023-07-13 (mrh-1316)
Steve - Venetian $1,100 - Hand 16 - Bubble decision Ac,TcView Hand 2023-07-12 (wld-1001)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Overbetting Flop Qh,TcView Hand 2023-07-12 (wap-1012)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - JJ vs Short Stacker Js,JcView Hand 2023-07-12 (wap-1011)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Showdown Value vs Bluffing Js,JcView Hand 2023-07-12 (wap-1010)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Gambling with JJ Js,JhView Hand 2023-07-12 (wap-1009)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - Overbetting River forValue Ks,QsView Hand 2023-07-12 (wap-1008)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1/2 Empire - All-in with Monster Draw As,QsView Hand 2023-07-12 (wap-1007)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 1-2 Empire - Bluffing the river on 4-flush board As,QhView Hand 2023-07-12 (wap-1006)
Mark McKenzie - Swordpoker 1/3 The Lodge - Crazy Mexican Calls Everything Ah,JhView Hand 2023-07-12 (swo-1005)
Mark McKenzie - Swordpoker 1/3 The Lodge - Weak Top Pair oop on Draw heavy board Kh,ThView Hand 2023-07-12 (swo-1004)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 315 Td,TcView Hand 2023-07-12 (mrh-1315)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 314 Qs,JhView Hand 2023-07-12 (mrh-1314)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 313 Th,7hView Hand 2023-07-12 (mrh-1313)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 312 Ad,KdView Hand 2023-07-12 (mrh-1312)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 311 Ac,9sView Hand 2023-07-12 (mrh-1311)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 310 Kh,JdView Hand 2023-07-12 (mrh-1310)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 2/5 Live Hippodrome - Defending the BB As,JdView Hand 2023-07-11 (wap-1005)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 2/5 Live Hippodrome - Squeeze by aggressive reg Ah,KcView Hand 2023-07-11 (wap-1004)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 2/5 Live Hippodrome - Slowplayed Top Pair Ad,QhView Hand 2023-07-11 (wap-1003)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 2/5 Live Hippodrome - Flopping a monster Qd,TdView Hand 2023-07-11 (wap-1002)
Andreas - London Poker Guide 2/5 Live Hippodrome - AK OOP when missing flop Ac,KcView Hand 2023-07-11 (wap-1001)
Adam - 1/2 Online - ATcc IP MW Ac,TcView Hand 2023-07-11 (toe-1085)
Adam - 1/3 Live - A4cc IP Ac,4cView Hand 2023-07-11 (toe-1084)
Solwa54 - 25NL Pokerstars - Going for thin value multiway Ad,KcView Hand 2023-07-11 (sow-1050)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 309 Th,9dView Hand 2023-07-11 (mrh-1309)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 308 9s,6hView Hand 2023-07-11 (mrh-1308)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 307 Jd,JcView Hand 2023-07-11 (mrh-1307)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 306 Ah,KdView Hand 2023-07-11 (mrh-1306)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 305 As,9cView Hand 2023-07-11 (mrh-1305)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 304 Jc,9sView Hand 2023-07-11 (mrh-1304)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 303 Qs,8dView Hand 2023-07-11 (mrh-1303)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 302 Ac,JdView Hand 2023-07-11 (mrh-1302)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 301 6s,5cView Hand 2023-07-11 (mrh-1301)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 300 Ad,5dView Hand 2023-07-11 (mrh-1300)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 299 Qs,5cView Hand 2023-07-11 (mrh-1299)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 298 Ac,7cView Hand 2023-07-11 (mrh-1298)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 297 Ad,JsView Hand 2023-07-10 (mrh-1297)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 296 Kh,5hView Hand 2023-07-10 (mrh-1296)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 295 Ad,JdView Hand 2023-07-10 (mrh-1295)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 294 Kh,QcView Hand 2023-07-10 (mrh-1294)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 293 3s,3hView Hand 2023-07-10 (mrh-1293)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 292 Ah,9dView Hand 2023-07-10 (mrh-1292)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 291 Ah,7dView Hand 2023-07-10 (mrh-1291)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 290 As,4dView Hand 2023-07-10 (mrh-1290)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 289 Ah,5sView Hand 2023-07-10 (mrh-1289)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 288 Td,9dView Hand 2023-07-10 (mrh-1288)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 287 Ac,JcView Hand 2023-07-10 (mrh-1287)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 286 Qc,JhView Hand 2023-07-10 (mrh-1286)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 285 Kh,QhView Hand 2023-07-10 (mrh-1285)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 284 Ac,JdView Hand 2023-07-10 (mrh-1284)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 283 9s,9hView Hand 2023-07-10 (mrh-1283)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 282 Ac,8hView Hand 2023-07-10 (mrh-1282)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker $2/$5 NL - Cardroom View Hand 2023-07-09 (top-1019)
Mark McKenzie - Swordpoker 1/3 The Lodge - triple straddle Kh,ThView Hand 2023-07-09 (swo-1003)
Mark McKenzie - Swordpoker 1/3 The Lodge - How do you like that flop? Qc,JsView Hand 2023-07-09 (swo-1002)
Mark McKenzie - Swordpoker 1/3 The Lodge - squeeze preflop bluff Ac,JdView Hand 2023-07-09 (swo-1001)
Chris Radford - Radford999 £100 live MTT - tough spot on river Ac,ThView Hand 2023-07-09 (rdd-1011)
Dustin K. - ClubGG - Sunday Main Event - SB vs HJ - 17bb Effective Ad,QcView Hand 2023-07-09 (kah-1028)
Dustin K. - ClubGG Sunday Main Event - BB vs Maniacal Player - Trying to play exploitatively against maniacal player. As,TcView Hand 2023-07-09 (kah-1027)
jon - 7.9.23 - TT - 7.9.23 - TT 4c,4hView Hand 2023-07-09 (jnt-1016)
YC - fortune 25 riv - 7 6 23 4s,4cView Hand 2023-07-08 (ycu-1054)
Royce - 1/3 NL - Flush over Flush Qh,7hView Hand 2023-07-08 (ryc-1002)
Royce - $1/3 NL - Straddle Q-9 Qh,9dView Hand 2023-07-08 (ryc-1001)
YC - fortune 25 riv - 7 6 23 Qs,QdView Hand 2023-07-07 (ycu-1053)
YC - fortune 25 riv - 7 6 23 Tc,9cView Hand 2023-07-07 (ycu-1052)
YC - fortune 25 riv - 7 6 23 Qs,JsView Hand 2023-07-07 (ycu-1051)
YC - fortune 25 riv - 7 6 23 5s,5cView Hand 2023-07-07 (ycu-1049)
YC - fortune 25 riv - 7 6 23 Ks,9sView Hand 2023-07-07 (ycu-1048)
GodCC - GodCC 10/20/40 btn straddle - KQs 抓鸡失败 Ks,QsView Hand 2023-07-07 (goc-1008)
GodCC - GodCC 10/20/50 - AKs preflop 5bet Allin Kd,AdView Hand 2023-07-07 (goc-1007)
3chimp - $1/$2 NL - CO Vs BTN Jc,TsView Hand 2023-07-06 (zzu-1001)
JJ - wsop $500 freezeout - 2nd hand after dinner break- about 150 players from the money 6s,6hView Hand 2023-07-05 (jcj-1473)
JJ - wsop $800 deepstack - how to play this hand postflop Ks,8sView Hand 2023-07-05 (jcj-1472)
JJ - wsop $500 freezeout - playing top pair OOP against unknown player in late position Kd,TsView Hand 2023-07-05 (jcj-1471)
JJ - wsop $500 freezeout - how to play AA in side pot? As,AhView Hand 2023-07-05 (jcj-1470)
JJ - wsop $500 freezeout - level 1 - first hand - how do i play this? Ac,5cView Hand 2023-07-05 (jcj-1469)
JJ - $1500 monster stack- day 2 - how to play QQ 30 BB against multiple limpers? Qs,QhView Hand 2023-07-05 (jcj-1468)
JJ - wsop $800 deepstack - last hand of the day- 12 BB with A8o- do you shove here or just fold come back fresh? Ah,8dView Hand 2023-07-05 (jcj-1467)
JJ - $1500 monster stack- day 2 - limp pot, get raised on the river...wtd? Tc,7hView Hand 2023-07-05 (jcj-1466)
JJ - $1500 monster stack- day 2 - thoughts on how i play this hand postflop? Ks,QdView Hand 2023-07-05 (jcj-1465)
JJ - $1500 monster stack- day 2 - sb vs bb spot Kc,2hView Hand 2023-07-05 (jcj-1464)
JJ - $1500 monster stack- day 2 - interesting turn check raise? As,TcView Hand 2023-07-05 (jcj-1463)
Adam - 1/2 Online Home Game - 22 BB v Raven Big Open 2s,2hView Hand 2023-07-04 (toe-1083)
Adam - 1/2 Online Home Game - KK BB v BTN Open Ks,KdView Hand 2023-07-04 (toe-1082)
Adam - 1/2 Online Home Game - AA OOP MW Ac,AhView Hand 2023-07-04 (toe-1081)
Solwa54 - 25NL Pokerstars - Who's the bigger fish in this hand? Ac,QdView Hand 2023-07-04 (sow-1049)
Selma - Selma Ladies - BB special Ts,4sView Hand 2023-07-04 (sla-1228)
Selma - Selma Wynn Ladies - AA in BB Ac,AdView Hand 2023-07-04 (sla-1227)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 281 Js,JcView Hand 2023-07-04 (mrh-1281)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 280 Jd,TdView Hand 2023-07-04 (mrh-1280)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand X Ac,TsView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1487)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 48 Js,9sView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1486)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 47 6c,2cView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1485)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 46 Ac,7cView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1484)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 45 Kh,6hView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1483)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 44 9h,8hView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1482)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 43 Ts,TcView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1481)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 42 Kh,JsView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1480)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 41 Ac,KcView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1479)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 40 Ac,JsView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1478)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 39 As,JsView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1477)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 38 As,QhView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1476)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 37 Qs,TdView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1475)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 36 8d,7cView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1474)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 35 Kd,KcView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1473)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 34 5d,4dView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1472)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 33 Qh,7hView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1471)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 32 Js,TsView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1470)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 31 Ks,9sView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1469)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 30 As,TsView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1468)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 29 Js,TdView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1467)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 28 As,KdView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1466)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 27 Kh,TdView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1465)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 26 Th,9hView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1464)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 25 As,4cView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1463)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 24 Js,TsView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1462)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 23 Ks,TsView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1461)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 22 Ad,QcView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1460)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 21 As,2sView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1459)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 20 Ad,AcView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1458)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 19 Kh,QcView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1457)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 18 As,QsView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1456)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 17 Ks,QhView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1455)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 16 5h,3cView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1454)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 15 Ac,QhView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1453)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 14 Ts,ThView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1452)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 13 Td,8dView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1451)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 12 Th,9hView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1450)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 11 Qc,2cView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1449)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 10.1 As,JdView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1448)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 10 Ah,6cView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1447)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 9 Ad,5dView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1446)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 7 Qc,9cView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1445)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 6 Jh,ThView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1444)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 5 Ac,3cView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1443)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 4 Qs,QcView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1442)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 3 Kh,8hView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1441)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 2 Ah,AdView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1440)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2023 Main Event - Hand 1 As,2hView Hand 2023-07-04 (jaa-1439)
Dom - DomkeyKong 5/10 - KQ River decision Ks,QhView Hand 2023-07-04 (dol-1002)
Dom - DomkeyKong 5/10 - KQ Wet Board Ks,QhView Hand 2023-07-04 (dol-1001)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 279 Jh,7hView Hand 2023-07-03 (mrh-1279)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 278 Ad,KsView Hand 2023-07-03 (mrh-1278)
Rich G - 1/2 - Bet the turn? Jc,TcView Hand 2023-07-02 (rgr-1023)
Rich G - 1/2 Cash - JJ Jh,JdView Hand 2023-07-02 (rgr-1022)
Rich G - 1/2 Cash - Straddle Pot Jh,ThView Hand 2023-07-02 (rgr-1021)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 277 Qc,TcView Hand 2023-07-02 (mrh-1277)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 276 8h,7sView Hand 2023-07-02 (mrh-1276)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 275 Ts,TdView Hand 2023-07-02 (mrh-1275)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 274 Qc,TcView Hand 2023-07-02 (mrh-1274)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 273 As,4sView Hand 2023-07-02 (mrh-1273)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 272 Ks,QcView Hand 2023-07-02 (mrh-1272)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 271 Ac,4cView Hand 2023-07-02 (mrh-1271)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 270 Ac,QdView Hand 2023-07-02 (mrh-1270)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 269 Ts,ThView Hand 2023-07-02 (mrh-1269)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 268 Kc,JcView Hand 2023-07-02 (mrh-1268)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 267 Jh,4hView Hand 2023-07-02 (mrh-1267)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 266 7c,6cView Hand 2023-07-02 (mrh-1266)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 265 Ah,2hView Hand 2023-07-02 (mrh-1265)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 264 Kc,2hView Hand 2023-07-02 (mrh-1264)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 263 Qh,TdView Hand 2023-07-02 (mrh-1263)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game View Hand 2023-07-01 (top-1018)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 262 Kh,QdView Hand 2023-07-01 (mrh-1262)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 261 Ac,6cView Hand 2023-07-01 (mrh-1261)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 260 Ad,JcView Hand 2023-07-01 (mrh-1260)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 259 Ac,9cView Hand 2023-07-01 (mrh-1259)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 258 Ad,JdView Hand 2023-07-01 (mrh-1258)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 257 Ac,8cView Hand 2023-07-01 (mrh-1257)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - KQs CO Ks,QsView Hand 2023-06-30 (sts-1130)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 256 Ac,6cView Hand 2023-06-30 (mrh-1256)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 255 Qd,TdView Hand 2023-06-30 (mrh-1255)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 254 2h,2cView Hand 2023-06-30 (mrh-1254)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 253 Ac,9dView Hand 2023-06-30 (mrh-1253)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 252 Jc,7dView Hand 2023-06-30 (mrh-1252)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 251 Ah,QcView Hand 2023-06-30 (mrh-1251)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 250 Tc,7hView Hand 2023-06-30 (mrh-1250)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 249 Kh,QhView Hand 2023-06-30 (mrh-1249)
Jay Nguyen - JWIN $50/$100 NL - The Lodge Js,7sView Hand 2023-06-30 (jwi-1002)
Jay Nguyen - JWIN $50/$100 NL - Texas Live Cash Js,7sView Hand 2023-06-30 (jwi-1001)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 248 8d,7dView Hand 2023-06-29 (mrh-1248)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 247 Qd,QcView Hand 2023-06-29 (mrh-1247)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 246 Th,9cView Hand 2023-06-29 (mrh-1246)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 245 Jc,TcView Hand 2023-06-29 (mrh-1245)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 244 Qc,3cView Hand 2023-06-29 (mrh-1244)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 243 8s,8hView Hand 2023-06-29 (mrh-1243)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 242 Kd,TdView Hand 2023-06-29 (mrh-1242)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 241 Ac,5dView Hand 2023-06-29 (mrh-1241)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 240 6s,6hView Hand 2023-06-29 (mrh-1240)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 239 Kd,JhView Hand 2023-06-29 (mrh-1239)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 238 Ah,3hView Hand 2023-06-29 (mrh-1238)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 237 Jd,TdView Hand 2023-06-29 (mrh-1237)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 236 Ad,KdView Hand 2023-06-28 (mrh-1236)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 235 Qc,9cView Hand 2023-06-28 (mrh-1235)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 234 Jd,9hView Hand 2023-06-28 (mrh-1234)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 233 Ks,JcView Hand 2023-06-28 (mrh-1233)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 232 Kh,KdView Hand 2023-06-28 (mrh-1232)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 231 Ad,JdView Hand 2023-06-28 (mrh-1231)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Venetian 1100 - Sick river check raise bluff 9c,3cView Hand 2023-06-28 (jec-1045)
JC - LEARN TO COPE WSOP 2023 - Ace high call vs river jam As,ThView Hand 2023-06-28 (jec-1044)
JC - LEARN TO COPE WSOP 2023 - Turning 22 into a bluff 2s,2hView Hand 2023-06-28 (jec-1043)
JC - LEARN TO COPE WSOP 2023 - Max value with quads Kd,8hView Hand 2023-06-28 (jec-1042)
Adam - 1/3 Live - Flop top set w/ FD MW Kh,KcView Hand 2023-06-27 (toe-1080)
Adam - 2/5 Live - AK 3! pot OOP w/ Middling board As,KhView Hand 2023-06-27 (toe-1079)
Adam - 2/5 Live - AK 3! pot OOP As,KhView Hand 2023-06-27 (toe-1078)
Solwa54 - 25NL Pokerstars - SB vs EP in SRP, lead freq. and size? Ac,QsView Hand 2023-06-27 (sow-1048)
Solwa54 - 25NL Pokerstars - How (not) to get paid Ad,QdView Hand 2023-06-27 (sow-1047)
Solwa54 - 25NL Pokerstars - Facing river 3bet on scary board Qd,ThView Hand 2023-06-27 (sow-1046)
Selma - Selma Super Seniors - Flopped Set 7d,7sView Hand 2023-06-27 (sla-1226)
Selma - Selma Super Seniors - SB Shove Kd,QdView Hand 2023-06-27 (sla-1225)
Selma - Selma Super Senior - BB gets reraised 7s,8cView Hand 2023-06-27 (sla-1224)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 230 Jh,TsView Hand 2023-06-27 (mrh-1230)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 229 As,4hView Hand 2023-06-27 (mrh-1229)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 228 Jh,5cView Hand 2023-06-27 (mrh-1228)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 227 Ah,JcView Hand 2023-06-27 (mrh-1227)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 226 Kd,QdView Hand 2023-06-27 (mrh-1226)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 225 Ac,KsView Hand 2023-06-27 (mrh-1225)
Faraz Jaka - Milly Maker $1500 1a hand 1 - low board from the bb Qs,5hView Hand 2023-06-27 (jaa-1438)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP $3k - XR Bluff from BB 8h,4hView Hand 2023-06-27 (jaa-1437)
Faraz Jaka - $1500 milly maker hand 3 - Big C bet bottom pair 5h,4hView Hand 2023-06-27 (jaa-1436)
CC - CedHabs 1$ / 2$ CG - Hard spot on river Ah,QcView Hand 2023-06-27 (ced-1001)
Selma - Selma Warriors $500 - Raised on the river Kc,TcView Hand 2023-06-26 (sla-1223)
Selma - Selma Warriors $500 - KK when everyone calls Ks,KcView Hand 2023-06-26 (sla-1222)
Selma - Selma Warriors $500 - AQ in BB As,QhView Hand 2023-06-26 (sla-1221)
Selma - Selma Warriors $500 - Bottom two pair 3c,7cView Hand 2023-06-26 (sla-1220)
Selma - Selma Warriors $500 - trip 3s As,3sView Hand 2023-06-26 (sla-1219)
Selma - Selma Warriors $500 - Set over set 3c,3hView Hand 2023-06-26 (sla-1218)
Selma - Selma Warriors $500 - Sick Exit hand AA vs QQ Ah,AsView Hand 2023-06-26 (sla-1217)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 224 As,9hView Hand 2023-06-26 (mrh-1224)
mrhoai165 - H-516 A - 223 Ac,TdView Hand 2023-06-26 (mrh-1223)
Faraz Jaka - David Yonnotti - Hand 3 View Hand 2023-06-26 (jaa-1435)
Faraz Jaka - David Yonnnotti - Hand 2 Js,4sView Hand 2023-06-26 (jaa-1434)
Faraz Jaka - David Yonnotti - Hand 1 Ks,JhView Hand 2023-06-26 (jaa-1433)
Faraz Jaka - Eric Adelstein - Hand 2 View Hand 2023-06-26 (jaa-1432)
Faraz Jaka - Alan Thomas - Hand 3 View Hand 2023-06-26 (jaa-1431)
Faraz Jaka - Alan Thomas - Hand 2 Ks,JsView Hand 2023-06-26 (jaa-1430)
Faraz Jaka - Alan Thomas - Hand 1 View Hand 2023-06-26 (jaa-1429)
Faraz Jaka - Sebastian Park - Hand 1 7s,6sView Hand 2023-06-26 (jaa-1428)
Faraz Jaka - Eric Adelstein - Hand 1 8h,8dView Hand 2023-06-26 (jaa-1427)
Faraz Jaka - David Sandford - Hand 1 4h,3hView Hand 2023-06-26 (jaa-1426)
Faraz Jaka - Jeffrey Yanchek - Hand 3 Jc,TcView Hand 2023-06-26 (jaa-1425)
Faraz Jaka - Jeffrey Yanchek - Hand 2 Kc,8cView Hand 2023-06-26 (jaa-1424)
Faraz Jaka - Jeffrey Yanchek - Hand 1 Ks,JsView Hand 2023-06-26 (jaa-1423)
Faraz Jaka - Craig Collins - Hand 1 As,KhView Hand 2023-06-26 (jaa-1422)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cash - AJo SB squeeze + double barrel Ad,JcView Hand 2023-06-26 (isb-1049)
John Borges - John B Seniors '23 #20 - 9th level - of course it ends this way As,KhView Hand 2023-06-26 (fly-1592)
John Borges - John B Seniors '23 #19 - 8th level - beginning of the end As,QhView Hand 2023-06-26 (fly-1591)
John Borges - John B Seniors '23 #18 - 8th level - getting squeezed 8s,8cView Hand 2023-06-26 (fly-1590)
John Borges - John B Seniors '23 #17 - 7th level - too much for action? Kh,KdView Hand 2023-06-26 (fly-1589)
John Borges - John B Seniors '23 #16 - 7th level - new table 9h,9dView Hand 2023-06-26 (fly-1588)
John Borges - John B Seniors '23 #15 - 6th level - playing position As,4hView Hand 2023-06-26 (fly-1587)
John Borges - John B Seniors '23 #14 - 6th level - more good hands from the blinds As,QdView Hand 2023-06-26 (fly-1586)
John Borges - John B Seniors '23 #13 - 5th level - hard decision, but not closing action As,ThView Hand 2023-06-26 (fly-1585)
John Borges - John B Seniors '23 #12 - 5th level - prospecting As,ThView Hand 2023-06-26 (fly-1584)
John Borges - John B Seniors '23 #11 - 5th level - trying to get action.... insta-fold Ks,KhView Hand 2023-06-26 (fly-1583)
John Borges - John B Seniors '23 #10 - 5th level - squeezing the loose callers As,JhView Hand 2023-06-26 (fly-1582)
John Borges - John B Seniors '23 #9 - 4th level - double barrel or give up? Jd,ThView Hand 2023-06-26 (fly-1581)
John Borges - John B Seniors '23 #8 - 3rd level - running well As,JhView Hand 2023-06-26 (fly-1580)
John Borges - John B Seniors '23 #7 - 3rd level - running well and fighting for pots 7s,7cView Hand 2023-06-26 (fly-1579)
John Borges - John B Seniors '23 #6 - 3rd level - ranging villains Kc,9cView Hand 2023-06-26 (fly-1578)
John Borges - John B Seniors '23 #5 - 2nd level - fun pot, but why do I keep getting strong hands from the blinds Qs,QcView Hand 2023-06-26 (fly-1577)
John Borges - John B Seniors '24 #4 - 2nd level - ranging villain Kc,JdView Hand 2023-06-26 (fly-1576)
John Borges - John B Seniors '23 #3 - 2nd level - dodging bullets Kc,AcView Hand 2023-06-26 (fly-1575)
John Borges - John B Seniors '23 #2 - 1st level - early squeeze but then nail it Qs,QcView Hand 2023-06-26 (fly-1574)
John Borges - John B Seniors '23 #1 - 1st level - early, when no one folds Ac,JhView Hand 2023-06-26 (fly-1573)
John Borges - John B Freezeout '23 #21 - 16th level - stone bubble Ac,4hView Hand 2023-06-26 (fly-1572)
John Borges - John B Freezeout '23 #20 - 15th level - best hand, but not nut advantage As,AhView Hand 2023-06-26 (fly-1571)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game View Hand 2023-06-25 (top-1017)
Faraz Jaka - Judith Bielan - Hand 7 8h,7cView Hand 2023-06-25 (jaa-1421)
Faraz Jaka - Judith Bielan - Hand 6 As,KdView Hand 2023-06-25 (jaa-1420)
Faraz Jaka - Judith Bielan - Hand 5 2h,2dView Hand 2023-06-25 (jaa-1419)
Faraz Jaka - Judith Bielan - Hand 4 Kc,QcView Hand 2023-06-25 (jaa-1418)
Faraz Jaka - Judith Bielan - Hand 3 Qc,9cView Hand 2023-06-25 (jaa-1417)
Faraz Jaka - Judith Bielan - Hand 2 Ah,TcView Hand 2023-06-25 (jaa-1416)
Faraz Jaka - Judith Bielan - Hand 1 As,QsView Hand 2023-06-25 (jaa-1415)
Faraz Jaka - Scot Fahrenbruch (MCSFpoker) - Hand 3 Kh,KdView Hand 2023-06-25 (jaa-1414)
Faraz Jaka - Scot Fahrenbruch (MCSFpoker) - Hand 2 Qs,TdView Hand 2023-06-25 (jaa-1413)
Faraz Jaka - Scot Fahrenbruch (MCSFpoker) - Hand 1 As,JhView Hand 2023-06-25 (jaa-1412)
John Borges - John B Freezeout '23 #19 - 14th level - range betting Ks,JhView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1570)
John Borges - John B Freezeout '23 #18 - 13th level - been card dead As,JhView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1569)
John Borges - John B Freezeout '23 #17 - 10th level - blinds battle with pro 6s,7hView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1568)
John Borges - John B Freezeout '23 #16 - 10th level - blind v. blind Qs,9dView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1567)
John Borges - John B Freezeout '23 #15 - 9th level - 3b pots are fun Ks,QhView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1566)
John Borges - John B Freezeout '23 #14 - 8th level - multiway OOP. Small pots, small loses As,QhView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1565)
John Borges - John B Freezeout '23 #13 - 8th level - bet sizing? 3h,3dView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1564)
John Borges - John B Freezeout '23 #12 - 7th level - wonder if this is a fold or worth the draw Ks,JhView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1563)
John Borges - John B Freezeout '23 #11 - 7th level - question is the 4b sizing As,AcView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1562)
John Borges - John B Freezeout '23 #10 - 6th level - What do you do in this spot? Ah,ThView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1561)
John Borges - John B Freezeout '23 #9 - 6th level - hard to get paid 9h,9dView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1560)
John Borges - John B Freezeout '23 #8 - 5th level - more missed opportunities Ah,KhView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1559)
John Borges - John B Freezeout '23 #7 - 5th level - good fold, but what could have been 8h,8dView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1558)
John Borges - John B Freezeout '23 #6 - 4th level - missed value? Ks,JhView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1557)
John Borges - John B Freezeout '23 #5 - 3rd level - read on CO is he'd bet big with strong hands Js,9hView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1556)
John Borges - John B Freezeout '23 #4 - 3rd level - dont like this play at all Ad,JdView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1555)
John Borges - John B Freezeout '23 #3 - 2nd level - lucky / unlucky 9h,9dView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1554)
John Borges - John B Freezeout '23 #2 - 2nd level - somehow Im good 9c,8cView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1553)
John Borges - John B Freezeout '23 #1 - 2nd level - my first hand 7s,7cView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1552)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 Day 2 #13 - 18th level - desperation Ts,TcView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1551)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 Day 2 #12 - 18th level - first hand at new table after being card dead As,QhView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1550)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 Day 2 #11 - 16th level - VERY NEXT HAND near bubble As,JsView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1549)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 Day 2 #10 - 16th level - near bubble Js,JhView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1548)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 Day 2 #9 - 16th level - first hand after dinner As,KhView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1547)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 Day 2 #8 - 15th level - flopping a set OOP. Missed value on river? Js,JhView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1546)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 Day 2 #7 - 15th level - start of the decline. Avoidable? Jc,TsView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1545)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 Day 2 #6 - 14th level - not how I expected to win Qh,JsView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1544)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 Day 2 #5 - 14th level - moved to new table Ts,TcView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1543)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 Day 2 #4 - 13th level - running smoothly (so far) As,KhView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1542)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 Day 2 #3 - 13th level - Squeezing with rockets As,AcView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1541)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 Day 2 #2 - 13th level - still early in Day 2 Ac,TcView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1540)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 Day 2 #1 - 12th level - early Day 2 facing short stack Ts,TcView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1539)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 #23 - eleventh level - blind vs blind As,JhView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1538)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 #22 - eleventh level - the Stan hand Ks,JhView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1537)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 #21 - eleventh level - fun hand vs aggressive player Kc,QcView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1536)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 #20 - tenth level - dream scenario Th,TcView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1535)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 #19 - tenth level - 3b in position Qs,QcView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1534)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 #18 - tenth level - missed river value? As,QsView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1533)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 #17 - eighth level - supposedly AQ Th,TdView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1532)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 #16 - eighth level - facing a raise IP As,KcView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1531)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 #15 - eighth level - squeeze too big? Kd,KhView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1530)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 #14 - seventh level - I tried to get tricky and just fuck it up and lose value Qs,QcView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1529)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 #13 - seventh level - vs passive Js,JcView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1528)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 #12 - seventh level - vs active Aussie As,9dView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1527)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 #11 - sixth level - keep barreling or pot control? Ah,AcView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1526)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 #10 - sixth level - facing tricky Aussie Qs,QcView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1525)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 #9 - 5th level - after 2 hours of card dead - claims AK 9h,9dView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1524)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 #8 - second level - facing a limp Kh,JdView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1523)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 #7 - second level - 2nd hand at new table As,JhView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1522)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 #6 - second level - double barrel or check-call As,JhView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1521)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 #5 - first level - draw in position Kd,9dView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1520)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 #4 - first level - playing position Qh,9dView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1519)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 #3 - first level - pot control multi or cbet? As,QhView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1518)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 #2 - first level As,KhView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1517)
John Borges - John B Monster '23 #1 - early first level Kc,3cView Hand 2023-06-25 (fly-1516)
Tumiky - M - AA Ex2 As,AhView Hand 2023-06-24 (vtp-1002)
Tumiky - M - AA Ex1 As,AhView Hand 2023-06-24 (vtp-1001)
Michael - $.55 - N/A 9h,QcView Hand 2023-06-24 (mkg-1001)
JJ - $1500 wsop monster - how to play ace high against the BB postflop? Ad,8sView Hand 2023-06-24 (jcj-1462)
JJ - $1500 wsop monster - how to play the nuts blind vs blind? Qc,TcView Hand 2023-06-24 (jcj-1461)
JJ - $1500 wsop monster - facing CXR against BB postflop Ad,4dView Hand 2023-06-24 (jcj-1460)
JJ - $1500 wsop monster - flopping trip aces against BB Ad,4dView Hand 2023-06-24 (jcj-1459)
JJ - $1500 wsop monster - postflop play with pocket JJ with Jh Js,JhView Hand 2023-06-24 (jcj-1458)
YC - fortune r 25 - 6 22 23 Kh,3hView Hand 2023-06-22 (ycu-1047)
Marta - £70 live - BNR Sunday Special Ts,TcView Hand 2023-06-22 (gas-1012)
Marta - £70 live - BNR Sunday Special Ts,TcView Hand 2023-06-22 (gas-1011)
Marta - £70 live - BNR Sunday Special Jc,JdView Hand 2023-06-22 (gas-1010)
Marta - £70 live - BNR Sunday Special 9c,9sView Hand 2023-06-22 (gas-1009)
Marta - £70 live - BNR Sunday Special Ad,AcView Hand 2023-06-22 (gas-1008)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - KTs CO Ks,TsView Hand 2023-06-21 (sts-1129)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - 55 CO 5h,5cView Hand 2023-06-21 (sts-1128)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - QQ MP Qs,QhView Hand 2023-06-21 (sts-1127)
Solwa54 - 25NL Pokerstars - Mandatory river bluff? Turn bet? Th,TcView Hand 2023-06-20 (sow-1045)
Solwa54 - 25NL Pokerstars - Tough turn 3way Ac,7cView Hand 2023-06-20 (sow-1044)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 - Top pair in 3b pot As,8sView Hand 2023-06-20 (mkn-1026)
Mike Zaino - Bulldog1996 WSOP Cash - KK UTG Ks,KdView Hand 2023-06-19 (ypj-1001)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - 22 CO 2s,2cView Hand 2023-06-19 (sts-1126)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cash - KQs 3bet IP vs EP Kd,QdView Hand 2023-06-19 (isb-1048)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cash - AA IP vs 3bet in BB As,AcView Hand 2023-06-19 (isb-1047)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cash - AJo ep vs maniac in BB Ad,JhView Hand 2023-06-19 (isb-1046)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cash - AQo preflop jam 700 As,QcView Hand 2023-06-19 (isb-1045)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cash - 88 overpair multiway 8c,8sView Hand 2023-06-19 (isb-1044)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cash - 56s BB vs CO on A44 5s,6sView Hand 2023-06-19 (isb-1043)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cash - AQo EP vs EP 3bet Ad,QsView Hand 2023-06-19 (isb-1042)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cash - QQ 3bet vs BB coldcall Qd,QhView Hand 2023-06-19 (isb-1040)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cash - KJo toppair vs turn raise Ks,JcView Hand 2023-06-19 (isb-1039)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cash - QJs 4bet pot IP Js,QsView Hand 2023-06-19 (isb-1038)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cash - A5s EP 4bet View Hand 2023-06-19 (isb-1037)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cash - A4s EP 4bet bluff Ac,4cView Hand 2023-06-19 (isb-1036)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cash - TT set vs 4-liner Ts,TdView Hand 2023-06-19 (isb-1035)
Hero_Wassili - 2.5/2.5 cash - AQo SB 3bet vs BN Qd,AhView Hand 2023-06-19 (isb-1034)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cash - Multiway Q4o checkraise Qd,4cView Hand 2023-06-19 (isb-1033)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cash - QJo multiway outside SD+overcards Qs,JcView Hand 2023-06-19 (isb-1032)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cash - AJs tripple barrel bluff Ah,JhView Hand 2023-06-19 (isb-1031)
ti151 - ti cash1 - bvb 3bp Qd,9dView Hand 2023-06-19 (doe-1001)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game View Hand 2023-06-18 (top-1016)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 Live CA - Zero Equity Turn Bluff 5d,6dView Hand 2023-06-17 (mkn-1025)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - 99 CO 9d,9cView Hand 2023-06-14 (sts-1125)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - KJo CO Kd,JhView Hand 2023-06-14 (sts-1124)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - AQo MP As,QdView Hand 2023-06-14 (sts-1123)
Me - justreplaying 8s 9s suited connector maker's vs. Jeremy - 8s 9s suited connector maker's vs. Jeremy 8s,9sView Hand 2023-06-14 (rip-1005)
JC - LEARN TO COPE WHEN TO CBET - AKs utg vs BB flop air vs their board As,KsView Hand 2023-06-14 (jec-1041)
JC - LEARN TO COPE WHEN TO CBET - AKss heads up vs BB dry board As,KsView Hand 2023-06-14 (jec-1040)
JC - LEARN TO COPE WHEN TO CBET - AKss multi way on dry board we can turn equity As,KsView Hand 2023-06-14 (jec-1039)
JC - LEARN TO COPE WHEN TO CBET - Multi way we have air As,KsView Hand 2023-06-14 (jec-1038)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - K8s CO Kc,8cView Hand 2023-06-13 (sts-1122)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - ATs CO Ad,TdView Hand 2023-06-13 (sts-1121)
Marta - &pound;60 Live - BNR Friday Special Js,JcView Hand 2023-06-13 (gas-1007)
Marta - &pound;60 Live - BNR Friday Special Ks,JcView Hand 2023-06-13 (gas-1006)
Marta - &pound;60 Live - BNR Friday Special Ah,ThView Hand 2023-06-13 (gas-1005)
Marta - &pound;60 Live - BNR Friday Special Qh,9hView Hand 2023-06-13 (gas-1004)
Marta - &pound;60 Live - BNR Friday Special Ks,QsView Hand 2023-06-13 (gas-1003)
Marta - &pound;60 Live - BNR Friday Special 7s,6sView Hand 2023-06-13 (gas-1002)
Marta - £60 Live - BNR Friday Special Ad,QcView Hand 2023-06-13 (gas-1001)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - A5s UTG Ah,5hView Hand 2023-06-12 (sts-1120)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - AJo CO As,JhView Hand 2023-06-12 (sts-1119)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - 75s button 7s,5sView Hand 2023-06-12 (sts-1118)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cash - J9s EP turn overbet Jc,9cView Hand 2023-06-12 (isb-1030)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cash - 66 set utg multiway 6s,6hView Hand 2023-06-12 (isb-1029)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cash - TT 4bet pot BN vs SB Ts,TcView Hand 2023-06-12 (isb-1028)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker $2/$5 NL - Cardroom Qh,QdView Hand 2023-06-11 (top-1015)
Alex Kozak - Daypass $6 Satelite - AKo on a Dynamic Board Ac,KdView Hand 2023-06-10 (koz-1007)
Faraz Jaka - wsop gladiator - dead side pot View Hand 2023-06-10 (jaa-1411)
Faraz Jaka - 2023 gladiator, june - flop str8 Ad,3dView Hand 2023-06-10 (jaa-1410)
Faraz Jaka - wsop 2023 gladiator - flush Kd,7dView Hand 2023-06-10 (jaa-1409)
Faraz Jaka - golden nugget summer series - raised off trips Ah,TsView Hand 2023-06-10 (jaa-1408)
Faraz Jaka - $600 deepstack - squeeze spot multiway Ts,TcView Hand 2023-06-10 (jaa-1407)
Crazysixes - Irish Poker Open - IPO Day 1 HH Review 8 Ad,KhView Hand 2023-06-09 (sha-1012)
Crazysixes - Irish Poker Open - IPO Day 2 HH Review 7 Qs,QcView Hand 2023-06-09 (sha-1011)
Crazysixes - Irish Poker Open - IPO Day 2 HH Review 6 Ad,5dView Hand 2023-06-09 (sha-1010)
Crazysixes - Irish Poker Open - IPO Day 1 HH Review 5 6c,6sView Hand 2023-06-09 (sha-1009)
Crazysixes - Irish Poker Open - IPO Day 1 HH Review 4 Ac,KhView Hand 2023-06-09 (sha-1008)
Crazysixes - Irish Poker Open - IPO Day 1 HH Review 3 Qd,KdView Hand 2023-06-09 (sha-1007)
Crazysixes - Irish Poker Open - IPO Day 1 HH Review 2 Ac,JsView Hand 2023-06-09 (sha-1006)
Crazysixes - Irish Poker Open - IPO Day 1 HH Review Ts,TcView Hand 2023-06-09 (sha-1005)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP 6-max 2023 - KTo open from LJ View Hand 2023-06-09 (ker-1275)
Alan Ho - Alan H. WSOP 6-max 2023 - 76o in BB 7h,6dView Hand 2023-06-09 (ker-1274)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cash - 67s checkraise multiway 6h,7hView Hand 2023-06-09 (isb-1027)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cash - A5s 3bet from BN vs good reg Ac,5cView Hand 2023-06-09 (isb-1026)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cash - 63s call BN multiway 3h,6hView Hand 2023-06-09 (isb-1025)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cash - JJ 3bet pot OOP Js,JhView Hand 2023-06-09 (isb-1024)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cash - 4bet A4s preflop multiway Ac,4cView Hand 2023-06-09 (isb-1023)
Steezy - Tourney - MTT Hand 8c,TsView Hand 2023-06-08 (stz-1001)
Steve - Sullivan47 2 NL - A5s CO Ac,5cView Hand 2023-06-08 (sts-1117)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - K9s SB Ks,9sView Hand 2023-06-08 (sts-1116)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - KJs on button Kd,JdView Hand 2023-06-08 (sts-1115)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - Q2s button Qs,2sView Hand 2023-06-08 (sts-1114)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - AKs BB As,KsView Hand 2023-06-08 (sts-1113)
Faraz Jaka - Mayank WSOP, JT - Hand 3 Js,TsView Hand 2023-06-08 (jaa-1406)
Faraz Jaka - Mayank WSOP, A-6 - Hand 2 Ac,6sView Hand 2023-06-08 (jaa-1405)
Faraz Jaka - Mayank WSOP, AK - Hand 1 As,KhView Hand 2023-06-08 (jaa-1404)
Faraz Jaka - Aria Bounty (JJ) - Hand 1 Jd,JhView Hand 2023-06-08 (jaa-1403)
Faraz Jaka - Mystery Bounty - (44) - Hand 1 4s,4cView Hand 2023-06-08 (jaa-1402)
Faraz Jaka - Michael, AdTd - Hand 1 Ad,TdView Hand 2023-06-08 (jaa-1401)
Faraz Jaka - Greg, $400 WSOPC @ The Bike - Hand 2, TT Th,TsView Hand 2023-06-08 (jaa-1400)
Faraz Jaka - Greg, $400 WSOPC @ The Bike - Hand 1, AQ Ac,QhView Hand 2023-06-08 (jaa-1399)
Faraz Jaka - Sean, WSOP Mystery Millions - Hand 1 KK Kh,KcView Hand 2023-06-08 (jaa-1398)
Me - justreplaying Jacks at Maker's vs. PB - QT4 board Js,JhView Hand 2023-06-07 (rip-1004)
Alan Bostick - PokerShaman59 Oaks 2-3-5 - QsTs on BTN flops gutshot SF draw, faces heavy action View Hand 2023-06-07 (abs-1007)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game View Hand 2023-06-04 (top-1014)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 222 Js,3sView Hand 2023-06-04 (mrh-1222)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 221 Th,7cView Hand 2023-06-04 (mrh-1221)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 220 7d,6dView Hand 2023-06-04 (mrh-1220)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 219 5h,3hView Hand 2023-06-04 (mrh-1219)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 218 Tc,ThView Hand 2023-06-04 (mrh-1218)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 217 9s,6sView Hand 2023-06-04 (mrh-1217)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 216 Qh,JhView Hand 2023-06-04 (mrh-1216)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 215 Kh,6cView Hand 2023-06-04 (mrh-1215)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 214 7c,5sView Hand 2023-06-04 (mrh-1214)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 213 Tc,TsView Hand 2023-06-04 (mrh-1213)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 212 7h,2cView Hand 2023-06-04 (mrh-1212)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 211 Js,3hView Hand 2023-06-04 (mrh-1211)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 210 9c,6hView Hand 2023-06-04 (mrh-1210)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 209 Jd,4sView Hand 2023-06-04 (mrh-1209)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 208 Ac,AdView Hand 2023-06-04 (mrh-1208)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 207 Kc,9sView Hand 2023-06-04 (mrh-1207)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 206 Td,4cView Hand 2023-06-04 (mrh-1206)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 205 9d,9hView Hand 2023-06-04 (mrh-1205)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 204 8s,4sView Hand 2023-06-04 (mrh-1204)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 203 Qh,4cView Hand 2023-06-04 (mrh-1203)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 202 Qd,6cView Hand 2023-06-04 (mrh-1202)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 201 Ts,9hView Hand 2023-06-04 (mrh-1201)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 200 6s,5hView Hand 2023-06-04 (mrh-1200)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 199 8d,7dView Hand 2023-06-04 (mrh-1199)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 198 Jd,TsView Hand 2023-06-04 (mrh-1198)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 197 Ks,6dView Hand 2023-06-04 (mrh-1197)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 196 Ks,ThView Hand 2023-06-04 (mrh-1196)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 195 Ac,6sView Hand 2023-06-04 (mrh-1195)
YC - fortune r 25 - 6 3 23 Kh,QcView Hand 2023-06-03 (ycu-1046)
YC - fortune r 25 - 6 3 23 Td,8dView Hand 2023-06-03 (ycu-1045)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 194 Ac,KsView Hand 2023-06-03 (mrh-1194)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 193 Ad,7dView Hand 2023-06-03 (mrh-1193)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 192 6c,3cView Hand 2023-06-03 (mrh-1192)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 191 Jc,8cView Hand 2023-06-03 (mrh-1191)
- MGM Cash 01 - Alex June 3, hand 01 8s,8dView Hand 2023-06-02 (tar-1001)
magik244 - 11r - Q4s Qh,3hView Hand 2023-06-02 (sez-1003)
GodCC - GodCC 5/10 NL Live - A9s 4bet As,9sView Hand 2023-06-02 (goc-1006)
GodCC - GodCC 10/20 50 Straddle - 顶对碰明三条 9d,JhView Hand 2023-06-02 (goc-1005)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 190 As,AhView Hand 2023-06-01 (mrh-1190)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 189 Th,TcView Hand 2023-06-01 (mrh-1189)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 188 Ks,7cView Hand 2023-06-01 (mrh-1188)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 187 Ah,TsView Hand 2023-06-01 (mrh-1187)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 186 Qc,3sView Hand 2023-06-01 (mrh-1186)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 185 Ac,9dView Hand 2023-06-01 (mrh-1185)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 184 Qh,4hView Hand 2023-06-01 (mrh-1184)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 183 Qd,TdView Hand 2023-06-01 (mrh-1183)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 182 Qc,ThView Hand 2023-06-01 (mrh-1182)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 181 3c,2cView Hand 2023-06-01 (mrh-1181)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 180 4d,2dView Hand 2023-06-01 (mrh-1180)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 179 Kc,8dView Hand 2023-06-01 (mrh-1179)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 178 Jh,2dView Hand 2023-06-01 (mrh-1178)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 177 9d,9sView Hand 2023-06-01 (mrh-1177)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 176 Ks,QsView Hand 2023-06-01 (mrh-1176)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 175 Ac,7hView Hand 2023-06-01 (mrh-1175)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 174 5s,2sView Hand 2023-05-31 (mrh-1174)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 173 Kh,5hView Hand 2023-05-31 (mrh-1173)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 172 Ad,JsView Hand 2023-05-31 (mrh-1172)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 171 Ac,AhView Hand 2023-05-31 (mrh-1171)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 170 7c,6hView Hand 2023-05-31 (mrh-1170)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 169 Kd,5dView Hand 2023-05-31 (mrh-1169)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 168 Js,9hView Hand 2023-05-31 (mrh-1168)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 167 9s,7sView Hand 2023-05-31 (mrh-1167)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 166 Ks,JhView Hand 2023-05-31 (mrh-1166)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 165 Kc,8dView Hand 2023-05-31 (mrh-1165)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - 66 BB 6s,6cView Hand 2023-05-30 (sts-1112)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - 67s CO 6s,7sView Hand 2023-05-30 (sts-1111)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - AKo Button Ad,KcView Hand 2023-05-30 (sts-1110)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - AQ MP As,QhView Hand 2023-05-30 (sts-1109)
Solwa54 - 25NL Pokerstars - Missed triple barrel? Kc,QcView Hand 2023-05-30 (sow-1043)
Solwa54 - 25NL Pokerstars - Should I have shoved the flop? Kc,JcView Hand 2023-05-30 (sow-1042)
Solwa54 - 25NL Pokerstars - Thin river raise Js,8sView Hand 2023-05-30 (sow-1041)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 164 Qc,QsView Hand 2023-05-30 (mrh-1164)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 163 Ah,9sView Hand 2023-05-30 (mrh-1163)
Dan Hardman - BlankBlankity Friday M8trx - Jacks Full Jc,9cView Hand 2023-05-30 (dnm-1014)
Dan Hardman - BlankBlankity Friday M8trx - Limped Pot 9c,3cView Hand 2023-05-30 (dnm-1013)
Dan Hardman - BlankBlankity Friday M8Trx - 3/5 NL Th,TdView Hand 2023-05-30 (dnm-1012)
Dan Hardman - BlankBlankity Friday M8trx - 2/5 NL 6c,9cView Hand 2023-05-30 (dnm-1011)
Dan Hardman - BlankBlankity 2/5 M8Trx - Second Stacking View Hand 2023-05-30 (dnm-1010)
Dan Hardman - BlankBlankity 2/5 Friday at M8Trx - Quad 2 Ah,2hView Hand 2023-05-30 (dnm-1009)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 NL - Hand 3 vs. LAG big stack Qs,QcView Hand 2023-05-29 (mkn-1024)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 NL - Hand 1 vs. LAG big stack 4s,8hView Hand 2023-05-29 (mkn-1022)
Elanit Hasas - EllaElla Cherokee Main 5/23 - unsure about river fold As,JcView Hand 2023-05-29 (eha-1028)
Elanit Hasas - EllaElla Cherokee Main 5/23 - v snyder 5s,5cView Hand 2023-05-29 (eha-1027)
Elanit Hasas - EllaElla Cherokee Main 5/23 - MW oop Qd,QhView Hand 2023-05-29 (eha-1026)
Elanit Hasas - EllaElla Cherokee $1100 5/23 - TP bad kicker in BB As,2dView Hand 2023-05-29 (eha-1025)
Elanit Hasas - EllaElla Cherokee main 5/23 - multi-way top/top Ah,KsView Hand 2023-05-29 (eha-1024)
Elanit Hasas - EllaElla Cherokee main 5/23 - MW oop As,JcView Hand 2023-05-29 (eha-1023)
Elanit Hasas - EllaElla Tunica main 2/23 - flop nuts 33bb - raise? Qs,TdView Hand 2023-05-29 (eha-1022)
Elanit Hasas - EllaElla Tunica main 2/23 - Villain jams flop 15bb open-ended Kc,TcView Hand 2023-05-29 (eha-1021)
Elanit Hasas - EllaElla Tunica main 2/23 - 3b pot multi-way oop Js,JcView Hand 2023-05-29 (eha-1020)
Elanit Hasas - EllaElla Tunica main 2/23 - Bet sizing review Ts,ThView Hand 2023-05-29 (eha-1019)
Elanit Hasas - EllaElla Tunica Main 2-23 - bb lead T/R Ks,KhView Hand 2023-05-29 (eha-1018)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game View Hand 2023-05-28 (top-1013)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 161 Ad,8sView Hand 2023-05-28 (mrh-1162)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 162 Kc,QsView Hand 2023-05-28 (mrh-1161)
Elanit Hasas - EllaElla Tunica $1700 - flop raise sizing? 7d,6dView Hand 2023-05-28 (eha-1017)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 160 Kd,4sView Hand 2023-05-27 (mrh-1160)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 159 Qh,TcView Hand 2023-05-27 (mrh-1159)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 158 5c,5sView Hand 2023-05-27 (mrh-1158)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 157 Kc,JcView Hand 2023-05-27 (mrh-1157)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 156 As,7sView Hand 2023-05-27 (mrh-1156)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 155 9c,8cView Hand 2023-05-27 (mrh-1155)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 154 Kc,8dView Hand 2023-05-27 (mrh-1154)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 153 Ac,JsView Hand 2023-05-27 (mrh-1153)
John Borges - John B WSOP PG#10 - facing double barrel 8s,8cView Hand 2023-05-27 (fly-1515)
John Borges - John B WSOP PG #9 - what do you do on this board? As,AhView Hand 2023-05-27 (fly-1514)
John Borges - John B WSOP PG #8 - As played, do you ever fold here? Kc,QhView Hand 2023-05-27 (fly-1513)
John Borges - John B WSOP PG #7 - how to play AK from the BB Ah,KsView Hand 2023-05-27 (fly-1512)
John Borges - John B WSOP PG #6 - Pot control or go for it? 6s,5sView Hand 2023-05-27 (fly-1511)
Ray - Home Game - 10 GBP Buy in blinds 5p-10p Ac,QdView Hand 2023-05-27 (fbt-1001)
Don Bisco - Blitz Venetian DS - River re-raise As,TsView Hand 2023-05-27 (don-1047)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 152 9c,7cView Hand 2023-05-26 (mrh-1152)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 151 Kc,QhView Hand 2023-05-26 (mrh-1151)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 150 Jd,5dView Hand 2023-05-26 (mrh-1150)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 149 Kd,7dView Hand 2023-05-26 (mrh-1149)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 148 Qc,JcView Hand 2023-05-26 (mrh-1148)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 147 As,AdView Hand 2023-05-26 (mrh-1147)
YC - fortune r - 5 24 5T Js,JhView Hand 2023-05-25 (ycu-1044)
YC - fortune r - 5 24 5T Qs,QcView Hand 2023-05-25 (ycu-1043)
YC - fortune r - 5 24 5T As,KcView Hand 2023-05-25 (ycu-1042)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 146 7d,5dView Hand 2023-05-25 (mrh-1146)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 145 Kd,9dView Hand 2023-05-25 (mrh-1145)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 144 Qs,7hView Hand 2023-05-25 (mrh-1144)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 143 6h,6cView Hand 2023-05-25 (mrh-1143)
YC - fortune r - 5 24 5T Ks,QcView Hand 2023-05-24 (ycu-1041)
YC - fortune r - 5 24 5T Ac,9cView Hand 2023-05-24 (ycu-1040)
YC - fortune r - 5 24 5T 8s,8hView Hand 2023-05-24 (ycu-1039)
YC - fortune r - 5 24 5T Ts,JcView Hand 2023-05-24 (ycu-1038)
YC - fortune r - 5 24 5T Ts,TcView Hand 2023-05-24 (ycu-1037)
Rollo - b-roll Live 1-3 - ATs CO Qs,TsView Hand 2023-05-24 (wal-1004)
Rollo - b-roll Live 1-3 - AKo vs AK non-chop As,KdView Hand 2023-05-24 (wal-1003)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - A5s button As,5sView Hand 2023-05-24 (sts-1108)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - KQo Buttong Ks,QhView Hand 2023-05-24 (sts-1107)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - KTs CO Kd,TdView Hand 2023-05-24 (sts-1106)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 142 Qh,JcView Hand 2023-05-24 (mrh-1142)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 141 Ks,JdView Hand 2023-05-24 (mrh-1141)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 140 Tc,9dView Hand 2023-05-24 (mrh-1140)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 139 Ac,QdView Hand 2023-05-24 (mrh-1139)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 138 7d,4sView Hand 2023-05-24 (mrh-1138)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 137 Ac,QhView Hand 2023-05-24 (mrh-1137)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Indy WSOP Main - Light 4bet gone bad As,TdView Hand 2023-05-24 (jec-1037)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Indy WSOP 1700 Main - 69hh double gutted river bluff 6h,9hView Hand 2023-05-24 (jec-1036)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Indy WSOP Main - A3dd light 3bet double barrel jam Ad,3dView Hand 2023-05-24 (jec-1035)
JC - LEARN TO COPE HW 3K Maker - A9cc weak top pair facing turn jam Ac,9cView Hand 2023-05-24 (jec-1034)
JC - LEARN TO COPE HW 3K Maker - KTss facing 3bet from BB Ks,TsView Hand 2023-05-24 (jec-1033)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - QQ CO Qc,QdView Hand 2023-05-23 (sts-1105)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - AQ UTG Ad,QcView Hand 2023-05-23 (sts-1104)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - KQo UTG Kh,QsView Hand 2023-05-23 (sts-1103)
Tui la Omega - Omega Loi so 19 - VD1 As,6cView Hand 2023-05-23 (spr-1010)
magik244 - 135 brl pko - AQo FT Ad,QsView Hand 2023-05-23 (sez-1002)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 136 Qd,JhView Hand 2023-05-23 (mrh-1136)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 135 Js,9sView Hand 2023-05-23 (mrh-1135)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 134 Ac,8cView Hand 2023-05-23 (mrh-1134)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 133 Kh,QdView Hand 2023-05-23 (mrh-1133)
mrhoai165 - H-516 1 - 132 8s,6hView Hand 2023-05-23 (mrh-1132)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 131 Jh,JdView Hand 2023-05-23 (mrh-1131)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 130 Tc,8dView Hand 2023-05-23 (mrh-1130)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 129 Ac,4cView Hand 2023-05-23 (mrh-1129)
mrhoai165 - H-516 T - 128 Ks,KcView Hand 2023-05-23 (mrh-1128)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRITON - 127 Kh,8hView Hand 2023-05-23 (mrh-1127)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRITON - 126 As,5dView Hand 2023-05-23 (mrh-1126)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRITON - 125 Jc,8cView Hand 2023-05-23 (mrh-1125)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - KK CO Ks,KhView Hand 2023-05-22 (sts-1102)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - 66 BB 6c,6hView Hand 2023-05-22 (sts-1101)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - AQo BB Ad,QcView Hand 2023-05-22 (sts-1100)
Tui la Omega - Omega Loi so 18 - VD2 9s,8sView Hand 2023-05-22 (spr-1009)
Tui la Omega - Omega Loi so 18 - VD1 As,5sView Hand 2023-05-22 (spr-1007)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 11 - 4 Ac,8hView Hand 2023-05-22 (mrh-1124)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 11 - 3 Th,2sView Hand 2023-05-22 (mrh-1123)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 11 - 2 Qh,QdView Hand 2023-05-22 (mrh-1122)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 11 - 1 Qc,9cView Hand 2023-05-22 (mrh-1121)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 10 - 12 Kc,QhView Hand 2023-05-22 (mrh-1120)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 10 - 11 4d,4cView Hand 2023-05-22 (mrh-1119)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 10 - 10 Td,9sView Hand 2023-05-22 (mrh-1118)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 10 - 9 Ks,6sView Hand 2023-05-22 (mrh-1117)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 10 - 8 9c,6sView Hand 2023-05-22 (mrh-1116)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 10 - 7 Qh,JhView Hand 2023-05-22 (mrh-1115)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 10 - 6 Ks,QcView Hand 2023-05-22 (mrh-1114)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 10 - 5 Ad,6dView Hand 2023-05-22 (mrh-1113)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 10 - 4 Js,6cView Hand 2023-05-22 (mrh-1112)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 10 - 3 Qd,6dView Hand 2023-05-22 (mrh-1111)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 10 - 2 Ah,3sView Hand 2023-05-22 (mrh-1110)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 10 - 1 Ad,KhView Hand 2023-05-22 (mrh-1109)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 9 - 12 8s,7hView Hand 2023-05-22 (mrh-1108)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 9 - 11 Ad,TdView Hand 2023-05-22 (mrh-1107)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 9 - 10 Ks,2sView Hand 2023-05-22 (mrh-1106)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 9 - 9 Qh,TcView Hand 2023-05-22 (mrh-1105)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 9 - 8 As,TsView Hand 2023-05-22 (mrh-1104)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 9 - 7 Tc,9dView Hand 2023-05-22 (mrh-1103)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 9 - 6 Ad,KcView Hand 2023-05-22 (mrh-1102)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 9 - 5 Ac,9cView Hand 2023-05-22 (mrh-1101)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 9 - 4 4s,2sView Hand 2023-05-22 (mrh-1100)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 9 - 3 8d,7dView Hand 2023-05-22 (mrh-1099)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 9 - 2 Ah,9hView Hand 2023-05-22 (mrh-1098)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 9 - 1 Jd,9dView Hand 2023-05-22 (mrh-1097)
Jeroen - jbax009 live in sevilla - set on monotone flop 3s,3cView Hand 2023-05-22 (jba-1001)
Chad Gardner - GOPO 400 - Final Table Ks,JcView Hand 2023-05-22 (cwg-1003)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 8 - 12 9c,9sView Hand 2023-05-21 (mrh-1096)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 8 - 11 As,KdView Hand 2023-05-21 (mrh-1095)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 8 - 10 As,5sView Hand 2023-05-21 (mrh-1094)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 8 - 9 Kh,KdView Hand 2023-05-21 (mrh-1093)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 8 - 8 Qd,7sView Hand 2023-05-21 (mrh-1092)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 8 - 7 Jh,JsView Hand 2023-05-21 (mrh-1091)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 8 - 6 Ah,TdView Hand 2023-05-21 (mrh-1090)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 8 - 5 5d,5cView Hand 2023-05-21 (mrh-1089)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 8 - 4 Ac,6cView Hand 2023-05-21 (mrh-1088)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 8 - 3 Qd,9cView Hand 2023-05-21 (mrh-1087)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 8 - 2 7s,AhView Hand 2023-05-21 (mrh-1086)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 8 - 1 Qs,ThView Hand 2023-05-21 (mrh-1085)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 7 - 12 Jh,ThView Hand 2023-05-21 (mrh-1084)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 7 - 11 Kc,8cView Hand 2023-05-21 (mrh-1083)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 7 - 10 Jh,JdView Hand 2023-05-21 (mrh-1082)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 7 - 9 Qh,ThView Hand 2023-05-21 (mrh-1081)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 7 - 8 Ks,6cView Hand 2023-05-21 (mrh-1080)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 7 - 7 Kd,3dView Hand 2023-05-21 (mrh-1079)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 7 - 6 Kd,ThView Hand 2023-05-21 (mrh-1078)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 7 - 5 As,KhView Hand 2023-05-21 (mrh-1077)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 7 - 4 5c,4sView Hand 2023-05-21 (mrh-1076)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 7 - 3 Kc,4cView Hand 2023-05-21 (mrh-1075)
PD - hburks 1/3 - JJ squeeze vs very LP Js,JhView Hand 2023-05-21 (hao-1003)
PD - hburks 1/3 - 3bet pot Qs,QcView Hand 2023-05-21 (hao-1002)
Stephen Lai - YouTube 1 - 19 May 2023 Qd,TdView Hand 2023-05-19 (seh-1001)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - AJs BB Ad,JdView Hand 2023-05-18 (sts-1099)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - 67s BB 6h,7hView Hand 2023-05-18 (sts-1097)
Chad Gardner - 2/5 BestBet AQo - River Spot As,QcView Hand 2023-05-18 (cwg-1002)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - T9o BB Tc,9dView Hand 2023-05-17 (sts-1096)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - QJo BB Qs,JdView Hand 2023-05-17 (sts-1095)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - QTs BB Qh,ThView Hand 2023-05-16 (sts-1094)
Solwa54 - 16NL Pokerstars - enormous 3bet As,AhView Hand 2023-05-16 (sow-1040)
Tui la Omega - Omega Loi so 17 - VD1 Td,ThView Hand 2023-05-15 (spr-1006)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game View Hand 2023-05-14 (top-1012)
JC - LEARN TO COPE 1/1 Cash Game - KQdd made flush facing river jam Kd,QdView Hand 2023-05-14 (jec-1032)
lucky - 44ks szatelit - early stage Qh,QcView Hand 2023-05-14 (bua-1008)
lucky - 50/100 - opp x rai 2 7s,7hView Hand 2023-05-14 (bua-1007)
lucky - 50/100 - opp x rai 8c,9cView Hand 2023-05-14 (bua-1006)
YC - fortune riv - 5 13 6d,5dView Hand 2023-05-13 (ycu-1036)
YC - fortune riv - 5 13 Ks,JdView Hand 2023-05-13 (ycu-1035)
Tui la Omega - Omega Poker can ban - B7 - SPR-4 As,AhView Hand 2023-05-13 (spr-1005)
Tui la Omega - Omega Poker can ban - b7 - SPR-3 As,QsView Hand 2023-05-13 (spr-1004)
Tui la Omega - Omega Poker can ban - B7 - SPR-2 As,KhView Hand 2023-05-13 (spr-1003)
Tui la Omega - Omega Poker can ban - b7 - SPR-1 As,AhView Hand 2023-05-13 (spr-1002)
PD - hburks 1/3 - limped pot 6c,7dView Hand 2023-05-13 (hao-1001)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - Q8o BB Qc,8dView Hand 2023-05-12 (sts-1093)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - J7o BB Jc,7dView Hand 2023-05-12 (sts-1092)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - J9o BB Jc,9hView Hand 2023-05-12 (sts-1091)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - J8o BB Js,8dView Hand 2023-05-12 (sts-1090)
Michael Washington - 1/3 Live - JJ overpair Js,JhView Hand 2023-05-11 (vit-1030)
Michael Washington - 1/3 Live - 88 vs aggro guy 8s,8cView Hand 2023-05-11 (vit-1029)
Michael Washington - 1/3 Live - AT Flop nuts As,TsView Hand 2023-05-11 (vit-1028)
Michael Washington - 1/3 Live - KK vs BB Kh,KcView Hand 2023-05-11 (vit-1027)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - ATo BB As,TdView Hand 2023-05-11 (sts-1089)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - AJs BB As,JsView Hand 2023-05-11 (sts-1088)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - J9s BB Js,9sView Hand 2023-05-11 (sts-1087)
Pam Bush - Review 5/11 - Lead Jam river? As,KcView Hand 2023-05-11 (rnk-1019)
Pam Bush - Review 5/11- Flush draw - Call 3 bet OOP with A9s As,9sView Hand 2023-05-11 (rnk-1018)
Greg Bush - Review 5/11- Can I ever fold preflop? - Cooler Ks,KhView Hand 2023-05-11 (gbu-1044)
Greg Bush - Review 5/11- Jam river? - Bet 1/2 pot on river Ac,KcView Hand 2023-05-11 (gbu-1043)
Dan Hardman - BlankBlankity M8Trx - 3bet K3 AA snap jams flop Ks,3sView Hand 2023-05-11 (dnm-1008)
Dan Hardman - BlankBlankity Mtr8x - AJ Straight over top 2 Kh,QhView Hand 2023-05-11 (dnm-1007)
Dan Hardman - BlankBlankity Ariaa - Trip J Ks,JsView Hand 2023-05-11 (dnm-1006)
Dan Hardman - BlankBlankity Aria - Q6 Boat Qs,6cView Hand 2023-05-11 (dnm-1005)
Dan Hardman - BlankBlankity M8trx - Cash As,AhView Hand 2023-05-11 (dnm-1004)
Dan Hardman - BlankBlankity M8trx - Cash game 9s,9hView Hand 2023-05-11 (dnm-1003)
Dan Hardman - BlankBlankity M8trx - Cash Ts,ThView Hand 2023-05-11 (dnm-1002)
Dan Hardman - BlankBlankity Session 1 - M8trx As,3sView Hand 2023-05-11 (dnm-1001)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - A5o SB As,5hView Hand 2023-05-10 (sts-1086)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - 39o BB 9s,3dView Hand 2023-05-10 (sts-1085)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Synt #16 2023 - KJs in CO facing 2 limpers Kh,JhView Hand 2023-05-10 (ker-1273)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Synt #16 2023 - QQ UTG facing 4 callers Qs,QcView Hand 2023-05-10 (ker-1272)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Synt #16 2023 - AKo facing +1 open As,KhView Hand 2023-05-10 (ker-1271)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - A2o BB As,3cView Hand 2023-05-09 (sts-1084)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - A3s UTG As,3sView Hand 2023-05-09 (sts-1083)
Selma - Selma Freeroll Club GG - Exit hand Qs,3dView Hand 2023-05-09 (sla-1216)
Alex Kozak - Daypass $2500 GT - max value w/ only one street of betting (river) Kc,JhView Hand 2023-05-09 (koz-1006)
Tammi L Endemann - Pilot 1 Passive - Passive player Ts,ThView Hand 2023-05-09 (ebo-1004)
Wes Lorenz - LilDubya .25/.50 cash - Full house over turned full house 3c,3dView Hand 2023-05-08 (wes-1010)
Claudio Steiger - IndiJones7 EPT MT Carlo 5K ME - BTN AA. Range no Nut Advantage. Ad,AcView Hand 2023-05-08 (sht-1010)
GodCC - GodCC 10/20 NL Live - AA river catch bluff Ad,AcView Hand 2023-05-08 (goc-1004)
GodCC - GodCC 20/40NL Live - 河牌同花 公对面 河牌被raise allin Js,8sView Hand 2023-05-08 (goc-1003)
GodCC - GodCC 10/20NL Btn straddle 40 - J9s 前位被抓 Jc,9cView Hand 2023-05-08 (goc-1002)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker $2/$5 NL - Cardroom View Hand 2023-05-07 (top-1011)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 NL - Overpair in SB Td,TcView Hand 2023-05-07 (mkn-1021)
lucky - 50/100 - flop x? river x? Ac,JcView Hand 2023-05-07 (bua-1005)
lucky - 50/100 - flop bet size Kh,KcView Hand 2023-05-07 (bua-1004)
YC - fortune mohegan - 4 29 23 Kd,7dView Hand 2023-05-06 (ycu-1034)
YC - fortune mohegan - 4 29 23 Th,TdView Hand 2023-05-06 (ycu-1033)
YC - fortune mohegan - 4 29 23 Ah,QsView Hand 2023-05-06 (ycu-1032)
YC - fortune mohegan - 4 29 23 Ah,JhView Hand 2023-05-06 (ycu-1031)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 Live - KJd multiway deep Kd,JdView Hand 2023-05-06 (mkn-1020)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 Live - KJd multiway deep Kd,JdView Hand 2023-05-06 (mkn-1019)
GodCC - GodCC $10/20NL - 3 multi-way set 5 5c,5sView Hand 2023-05-06 (goc-1001)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - QJs Button Qs,JsView Hand 2023-05-05 (sts-1082)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 7 - 2 Kh,QhView Hand 2023-05-05 (mrh-1074)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 7 - 1 7c,7hView Hand 2023-05-05 (mrh-1073)
Greg Bush - Pocket 4's- Review 5/11 - All in Jam on flop 4d,4sView Hand 2023-05-05 (gbu-1042)
Greg Bush - Pocket 2's- Review 5/11 - Using range to play 2's for profit 2s,2cView Hand 2023-05-05 (gbu-1041)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - J9o button Js,9hView Hand 2023-05-04 (sts-1081)
John Borges - John B s16 #8 - 3b vs UTG and a call? Ac,TcView Hand 2023-05-04 (fly-1510)
John Borges - John B s16 #7 - raise or flat? Pre and post Ah,KdView Hand 2023-05-03 (fly-1509)
John Borges - John B s16 #6 - Missed value! Ac,JcView Hand 2023-05-03 (fly-1508)
John Borges - John B s16 #5 - orphan pot 8h,8sView Hand 2023-05-03 (fly-1507)
John Borges - John B s16 #4 - DONT SLOW PLAY!! As,JsView Hand 2023-05-03 (fly-1506)
John Borges - John B s16 #3 - facing loose player from UTG Ah,KdView Hand 2023-05-03 (fly-1505)
John Borges - John B s16 #2 - why do I do this every major? Qc,9cView Hand 2023-05-03 (fly-1504)
John Borges - John B s16 #1 - facing 3b As,QhView Hand 2023-05-03 (fly-1503)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 1-2eur - sizing tells Qh,AdView Hand 2023-05-03 (bag-1207)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - JTo BB Js,ThView Hand 2023-05-02 (sts-1080)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - KQo Kh,QsView Hand 2023-05-02 (sts-1079)
Solwa54 - 10NL Pokerstars - Turn Overbet #5 9c,6hView Hand 2023-05-02 (sow-1039)
Solwa54 - 10NL Pokerstars - Turn Overbet #4 Ks,JdView Hand 2023-05-02 (sow-1038)
Solwa54 - 10NL Pokerstars - Turn Overbet #3 (really bad) 8c,4cView Hand 2023-05-02 (sow-1037)
Solwa54 - 10NL Pokerstars - Turn Overbet #2 (prob. bad) Jd,TdView Hand 2023-05-02 (sow-1036)
Solwa54 - 10NL Pokerstars - Turn Overbet #1 Ah,KsView Hand 2023-05-02 (sow-1035)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 6 - 12 As,KsView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1072)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 6 - 11 Ad,QdView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1071)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 6 - 10 As,ThView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1070)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 6 - 9 Jd,9hView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1069)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 6 - 8 4d,2dView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1068)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 6 - 7 Jh,TdView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1067)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 6 - 6 Td,9sView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1066)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 6 - 5 Ad,8sView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1065)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 6 - 4 As,ThView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1064)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 6 - 3 Qh,QdView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1063)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 6 - 2 Ac,5sView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1062)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 6 - 1 Qs,JdView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1061)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 5 - 12 Kc,QcView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1060)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 5 - 11 Ad,7hView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1059)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 5 - 10 8c,8hView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1058)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 5 - 9 9d,9cView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1057)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 5 - 8 Ad,6dView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1056)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 5 - 7 Ac,KcView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1055)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 5 - 6 As,TsView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1054)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 5 - 5 9c,9hView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1053)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 5 - 4 Kh,QhView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1052)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 5 - 3 Jh,9dView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1051)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 5 - 2 Jc,JhView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1050)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 5 - 1 Ks,KcView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1049)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 4 - 12 Ks,QcView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1048)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 4 - 11 9d,7cView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1047)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 4 - 10 Tc,TdView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1046)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 4 - 9 9h,9cView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1045)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 4 - 8 7d,6dView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1044)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 4 - 7 As,5hView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1043)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 4 - 6 Qs,TcView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1042)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 4 - 5 Ad,7dView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1041)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 4 - 4 Kh,6hView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1040)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 4 - 3 Ah,KsView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1039)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 4 - 2 Kd,4sView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1038)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 4 - 1 Jh,TdView Hand 2023-05-02 (mrh-1037)
Chris Jones - FiveByFive RP DD - Player Reads #4 8s,8dView Hand 2023-05-02 (cor-1007)
Chris Jones - FiveByFive RP DD - Player Reads #3 Js,JcView Hand 2023-05-02 (cor-1006)
Chris Jones - FiveByFive RP DD - Player Typing 2 Jh,ThView Hand 2023-05-02 (cor-1005)
Chris Jones - FiveByFive RP DD - Player Typing 1 Ad,QsView Hand 2023-05-02 (cor-1004)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 3 - 12 6s,4sView Hand 2023-05-01 (mrh-1036)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 3 - 11 9s,8hView Hand 2023-05-01 (mrh-1035)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 3 - 10 Qh,JhView Hand 2023-05-01 (mrh-1034)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 3 - 9 Ah,7hView Hand 2023-05-01 (mrh-1033)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 3 - 8 7c,5dView Hand 2023-05-01 (mrh-1032)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 3 - 7 Kh,QdView Hand 2023-05-01 (mrh-1031)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 3 - 6 Ac,KhView Hand 2023-05-01 (mrh-1030)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 3 - 5 5s,4sView Hand 2023-05-01 (mrh-1029)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 3 - 4 Ah,4cView Hand 2023-05-01 (mrh-1028)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 3 - 3 As,AdView Hand 2023-05-01 (mrh-1027)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 3 - 2 Ad,TdView Hand 2023-05-01 (mrh-1026)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 3 - 1 Ac,KdView Hand 2023-05-01 (mrh-1025)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 2 - 12 8h,3hView Hand 2023-05-01 (mrh-1024)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 2 - 11 Jd,2cView Hand 2023-05-01 (mrh-1023)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 2 - 10 9d,2dView Hand 2023-05-01 (mrh-1022)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 2 - 9 Kc,QcView Hand 2023-05-01 (mrh-1021)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 2 - 8 Qh,TdView Hand 2023-05-01 (mrh-1020)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 2 - 7 7s,7cView Hand 2023-05-01 (mrh-1019)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 2 - 6 Ac,9cView Hand 2023-05-01 (mrh-1018)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 2 - 5 Jh,JcView Hand 2023-05-01 (mrh-1017)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game View Hand 2023-04-30 (top-1010)
Claudio Steiger - IndiJones7 SPL 18 RG Mode - UTG vs BTN Range Tc,ThView Hand 2023-04-30 (sht-1009)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 2 - 4 Ks,QdView Hand 2023-04-30 (mrh-1016)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 2 - 3 As,AhView Hand 2023-04-30 (mrh-1015)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 2 - 2 As,TcView Hand 2023-04-30 (mrh-1014)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 2 - 1 Js,AdView Hand 2023-04-30 (mrh-1013)
jon - 4.30 - TT - TT Qs,6hView Hand 2023-04-30 (jnt-1015)
jon - 4.30 - TT - TT Ac,4cView Hand 2023-04-30 (jnt-1014)
jon - 4.30 - TT - TT Ac,9cView Hand 2023-04-30 (jnt-1013)
Niuwuchui - bluffinginn 打硬度 - 老牛大灭 9s,9dView Hand 2023-04-29 (blf-1017)
Niuwuchui - bluffinginn 打硬度 - 老牛老印分 As,JsView Hand 2023-04-29 (blf-1016)
Niuwuchui - bluffinginn 打硬度 - 老牛灭老印 8s,8cView Hand 2023-04-29 (blf-1015)
Niuwuchui - bluffinginn 打硬度 - 常威打来福 View Hand 2023-04-29 (blf-1014)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 1 - 12 Ac,8cView Hand 2023-04-28 (mrh-1012)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 1 - 11 7s,7dView Hand 2023-04-28 (mrh-1011)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 1 - 10 Ac,AdView Hand 2023-04-28 (mrh-1010)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 1 - 9 4c,4sView Hand 2023-04-28 (mrh-1009)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 1 - 8 7s,6cView Hand 2023-04-28 (mrh-1008)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 1 - 7 Ac,AsView Hand 2023-04-28 (mrh-1007)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 1 - 6 Qc,JsView Hand 2023-04-28 (mrh-1006)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 1 - 5 Ac,5dView Hand 2023-04-28 (mrh-1005)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A5s CO big bet / overbet line check Ah,5hView Hand 2023-04-28 (miq-1843)
Niuwuchui - bluffinginn 打硬度 - forvideo Th,TcView Hand 2023-04-28 (blf-1013)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 1 - 4 Kh,QcView Hand 2023-04-27 (mrh-1004)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 1 - 3 Ac,QdView Hand 2023-04-27 (mrh-1003)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 1 - 2 Qs,6sView Hand 2023-04-27 (mrh-1002)
Niuwuchui - bluffinginn 打硬度 - 牛诈常威 4h,5hView Hand 2023-04-27 (blf-1012)
Antonin Chadima - Zarx01 CG Showdown - Fish play - never bluff fish View Hand 2023-04-27 (ant-1002)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - 64o BB 6c,4dView Hand 2023-04-26 (sts-1077)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - K6o BB Ks,6cView Hand 2023-04-26 (sts-1076)
Tui la Omega - Omega Loi so 16 - Vi du 1 Ac,9dView Hand 2023-04-26 (spr-1001)
Me - justreplaying Flopped Set of 9's at Maker's Gallery - Flopped Set of 9's at Maker's Gallery 9d,9cView Hand 2023-04-26 (rip-1003)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - ATs otb flat LJ & call, overbet-ish turn Ad,TdView Hand 2023-04-26 (miq-1842)
Greg Bush - Review 4/26 3 street bluff - Hero wins Kh,8hView Hand 2023-04-26 (gbu-1040)
Greg Bush - Review 4/26 - Should I call river? - Villain wins Jc,4hView Hand 2023-04-26 (gbu-1039)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - 75s SB 7d,5dView Hand 2023-04-25 (sts-1075)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - AJo SB Ah,JcView Hand 2023-04-25 (sts-1074)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - K9s SB Kh,9hView Hand 2023-04-25 (sts-1073)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - AKo CO Ad,KcView Hand 2023-04-25 (sts-1072)
Solwa54 - 10NL Pokerstars - AKo in 4bet pot (part 2) Ah,KsView Hand 2023-04-25 (sow-1034)
Solwa54 - 10NL Pokerstars - AKo in 4bet pot (part 1) As,KdView Hand 2023-04-25 (sow-1033)
Solwa54 - 10NL Pokerstars - Did I miss value raises? Kh,KdView Hand 2023-04-25 (sow-1032)
Solwa54 - 10NL Pokerstars - Missed river bet As,KsView Hand 2023-04-25 (sow-1031)
Solwa54 - 10NL Pokerstars - Do I ever bluff this hand? 5d,4dView Hand 2023-04-25 (sow-1030)
Solwa54 - 10NL Pokerstars - Viable exploit or just bonkers? Qd,2dView Hand 2023-04-25 (sow-1029)
Solwa54 - 10NL Pokerstars - Double Check-Raise As,QcView Hand 2023-04-25 (sow-1028)
Solwa54 - 10NL Pokerstars - Bluffing in a multiway 3bet pot Kd,9dView Hand 2023-04-25 (sow-1027)
mrhoai165 - H-516 TRANG 1 - 1 9s,8cView Hand 2023-04-25 (mrh-1001)
Moises Yacila - 2/2/3 NL CA Grand - Lost $250 after calling a raise with two pairs Ac,JdView Hand 2023-04-25 (mmd-1001)
- Wynn Signature $1,100 - Blind Vs Blind Js,TdView Hand 2023-04-25 (chd-1001)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 46 Qs,QhView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1752)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 45 Kc,5sView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1751)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 44 Ks,4hView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1750)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 43 Qh,ThView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1749)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 42 Qh,9hView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1748)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 41 Th,7dView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1747)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 40 Qs,QhView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1746)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 39 8c,7sView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1745)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 38 As,KdView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1744)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 37 Qc,JcView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1743)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 36 Kh,QsView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1742)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 35 Ad,KsView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1741)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 34 Ac,9cView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1740)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 33 As,8hView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1739)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 32 Ah,7cView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1738)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 31 Qc,TcView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1737)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 30 Tc,8cView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1736)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 29 Ks,KhView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1735)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 28 7s,4sView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1734)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 27 7h,6cView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1733)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 26 Jh,JcView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1732)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 25 6s,6cView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1731)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 24 Ts,TcView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1730)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 23 Qc,3cView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1729)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 22 Tc,9cView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1728)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 21 Qs,TsView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1727)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 20 7h,7dView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1726)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 19 6s,6cView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1725)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 18 Td,8dView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1724)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 17 7s,7cView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1723)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 16 Kh,3hView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1722)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 15 Qs,8hView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1721)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 14 Ks,3sView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1720)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 13 Ks,QcView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1719)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 12 Kh,8hView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1718)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 11 Ks,KhView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1717)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 10 9s,7hView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1716)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 9 Qd,QcView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1715)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 8 Qs,8sView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1714)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 7 Ks,KhView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1713)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 6 8c,8sView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1712)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 5 Ah,6hView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1711)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 4 8d,8sView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1710)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 3 9h,9cView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1709)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 2 Kc,QcView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1708)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2023 - 1 Ks,JhView Hand 2023-04-25 (bdo-1707)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - K9o SB View Hand 2023-04-24 (sts-1070)
Steve - Sullivan47 2 NL - ATs SB Ac,TcView Hand 2023-04-24 (sts-1069)
Steve - Sullivan47 2 NL - AKo SB Ad,KhView Hand 2023-04-24 (sts-1068)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - AKs SB Ah,KhView Hand 2023-04-24 (sts-1067)
Greg Bush - Review 4/26 - Should I call turn bet? Ah,KhView Hand 2023-04-24 (gbu-1038)
Greg Bush - Review 4/26 - All in with draw Ts,8sView Hand 2023-04-24 (gbu-1037)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - K9s BB def BvB, flop, turn, river? Kc,9cView Hand 2023-04-23 (miq-1841)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AJo SB 3b pot vs aggro, flop? turn? river? Ad,JsView Hand 2023-04-23 (miq-1840)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 88 otb, AKT flop line check, river? 8h,8dView Hand 2023-04-23 (miq-1839)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A9o in CO vs loose fish, standard? Ac,9sView Hand 2023-04-23 (miq-1838)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - J9s BvB 4b pot vs aggro reg Jd,9dView Hand 2023-04-23 (miq-1837)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A5o BvB def, bluff catch range? Ad,5sView Hand 2023-04-23 (miq-1836)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - Q9s CO ip 3b pot, exploite, spew or standard? Qh,9hView Hand 2023-04-23 (miq-1835)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QTo CO, AKx flop, sizing check ip Qd,TcView Hand 2023-04-23 (miq-1834)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #15, 2023 - HJ light open As,7dView Hand 2023-04-23 (ker-1270)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #15, 2023 - B vs B Qs,5dView Hand 2023-04-23 (ker-1269)
John Borges - John B s15 #5 - bad fold, but is this results oriented or just bad? As,QdView Hand 2023-04-23 (fly-1502)
John Borges - John B s15 #4a - preflop call? As,5sView Hand 2023-04-23 (fly-1501)
John Borges - John B s15 #4 - just bad luck. Can I avoid? Ah,QdView Hand 2023-04-23 (fly-1500)
John Borges - John B s15 #3 - 3b UTG range? Post flop betting? As,KcView Hand 2023-04-23 (fly-1499)
John Borges - John B s15 #2 - bet sizing questions vs weak CS As,AcView Hand 2023-04-23 (fly-1498)
John Borges - John B s15 #1 - decision to raise or check the flop. Also, what do you do if he jams river? Ks,TcView Hand 2023-04-23 (fly-1497)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A5s 4b bluff hit, line? Ad,5dView Hand 2023-04-22 (miq-1833)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - K4s BB def, x-r candidate? Kh,4hView Hand 2023-04-22 (miq-1832)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QJs oop 3b pot river bluff, flop? Qh,JhView Hand 2023-04-22 (miq-1831)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - KTo SB Kd,TcView Hand 2023-04-19 (sts-1066)
Pam Bush - Review 4/20 - 3 bet preflop Ah,KcView Hand 2023-04-19 (rnk-1017)
Pam Bush - Review 4/20 - Multiway flop Ad,2dView Hand 2023-04-19 (rnk-1016)
Pam Bush - Review 4/20 - 6X preflop raise and calll Ac,6cView Hand 2023-04-19 (rnk-1015)
Pam Bush - Review 4/20 - 5 bet preflop Ks,KhView Hand 2023-04-19 (rnk-1014)
Pam Bush - Review 4/20 - Preflop 3 bet Kd,JdView Hand 2023-04-19 (rnk-1013)
Pam Bush - Review 4/20 - Flush Draw As,2sView Hand 2023-04-19 (rnk-1012)
Greg Bush - Review 4/20 - All in too soon?? As,AhView Hand 2023-04-19 (gbu-1036)
Greg Bush - Review 4/20 - Big river bluff 6h,5sView Hand 2023-04-19 (gbu-1035)
Greg Bush - Review 4/20 - Big River bet Ks,KcView Hand 2023-04-19 (gbu-1033)
Greg Bush - Review 4/20 - Full House 2h,2dView Hand 2023-04-19 (gbu-1032)
Solwa54 - 10NL Pokerstars - Tough river vs loose player Kh,KsView Hand 2023-04-18 (sow-1026)
Solwa54 - 10NL Pokerstars - Overpair vs very loose range Kh,KcView Hand 2023-04-18 (sow-1025)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian $400 Senior WSOP-C - What do I beat? As,AhView Hand 2023-04-18 (opp-1035)
Matt - mkindc 5-5 NL Commerce - Single Pair Flop Slowplay Ah,KdView Hand 2023-04-18 (mkn-1018)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - TT otb, overpair, line check Ts,TdView Hand 2023-04-18 (miq-1830)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AA UTG oop line check vs small bets & bad board Ah,AdView Hand 2023-04-18 (miq-1829)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - K9s OTB 3b ip, river options? Kd,9dView Hand 2023-04-18 (miq-1828)
JC - LEARN TO COPE APO - King high hero call vs Andros on bubble Kc,QcView Hand 2023-04-18 (jec-1031)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Ryan Hand QTo - Ryan Hand QTo on 66Qrb Qh,TcView Hand 2023-04-18 (jec-1030)
JC - LEARN TO COPE LSL League - AKo facing tiny 4bet As,KcView Hand 2023-04-18 (jec-1029)
JC - LEARN TO COPE $1100 MSPT Main HW STL - AK facing 5bet jam vs Andros As,KhView Hand 2023-04-18 (jec-1028)
JC - LEARN TO COPE 2/3 NL HW - TT facing huge 3bet Ts,ThView Hand 2023-04-18 (jec-1027)
Faraz Jaka - Sandy Final Table - Hand 2 7h,7cView Hand 2023-04-18 (jaa-1397)
Faraz Jaka - Ignition $25 2-table ($10 KO) - Hand 2 As,9sView Hand 2023-04-18 (jaa-1396)
Faraz Jaka - Ignition $15 MTT - Hand 1 Qc,JcView Hand 2023-04-18 (jaa-1395)
Faraz Jaka - WPT Choctaw $3500 - Hand 3 Ad,QcView Hand 2023-04-18 (jaa-1394)
Faraz Jaka - WPT Choctaw $3500 - Hand 2 9s,8sView Hand 2023-04-18 (jaa-1393)
Faraz Jaka - Turning Stone WSOP Circuit $1700 - Hand 1 5d,4dView Hand 2023-04-18 (jaa-1392)
John Borges - John B ACR 4/17 - facing a donk lead As,AcView Hand 2023-04-18 (fly-1496)
Don Bisco - Blitz Saturday @ Jamul - Villain 3 barrells Ac,QcView Hand 2023-04-18 (don-1046)
Poker Give Back - Poker Give Back 1/2NL - Take em downn 6d,8dView Hand 2023-04-18 (dnb-1003)
Wes Lorenz - LilDubya $25 Tourney - Bad play with A9 UTG Ah,9dView Hand 2023-04-17 (wes-1009)
Rich G - 1/2 cash - j 8 suited semi bluff Jc,8cView Hand 2023-04-17 (rgr-1020)
Rich G - 1/2 Cash - 8 8 8h,8dView Hand 2023-04-17 (rgr-1019)
Rich G - 1/2 Cash - Felt Frisky with 4 7 Suited 4h,7hView Hand 2023-04-17 (rgr-1018)
Rich G - 1/2 Cash - Flopped Boat Js,7sView Hand 2023-04-17 (rgr-1017)
Rich G - 1/2 Cash - J/10 Suited Jd,TdView Hand 2023-04-17 (rgr-1016)
Rich G - 1/2 Cash - Too soon to fold? Kd,QdView Hand 2023-04-17 (rgr-1015)
Philip - LuckyPig PDX 5/5 - Losing $3,000! Ah,KcView Hand 2023-04-17 (phb-1008)
Matt - mkindc 5-5 NL Commerce - Facing River Shove Kd,TsView Hand 2023-04-17 (mkn-1017)
John Borges - John B Jamul #2 - be careful what you wish for 7h,7cView Hand 2023-04-17 (fly-1495)
John Borges - John B Jamul #1 - early in tournament, just after I added-on Qd,QcView Hand 2023-04-17 (fly-1494)
Charlie - Jordaleste Test Event - Test Hand As,KhView Hand 2023-04-17 (drt-1001)
Alexander - bond77 WPT - KQo on KQ39 Ks,QdView Hand 2023-04-17 (bns-1005)
Selma - Selma Venetian 400 - AJ in SB As,JcView Hand 2023-04-16 (sla-1215)
Selma - Selma Wynn 600 - BB special Ah,3hView Hand 2023-04-16 (sla-1214)
Selma - Selma Wynn 600 - AJ in BB Ah,JsView Hand 2023-04-16 (sla-1213)
Selma - Selma Wynn 600 - Flop Nuts 9c,7cView Hand 2023-04-16 (sla-1212)
Selma - Selma Wynn 600 - SB leads Td,ThView Hand 2023-04-16 (sla-1211)
Matt - mkindc 5-5 NL Commerce - River Bluff HU 9s,TsView Hand 2023-04-16 (mkn-1016)
jon - A9o - 4.16.23 - TT As,9hView Hand 2023-04-16 (jnt-1012)
jon - QJo - 4.16.23 - TT Qs,JhView Hand 2023-04-16 (jnt-1011)
zarb - 5/5 - 14 April Ts,TcView Hand 2023-04-15 (zar-1001)
- 1/2 - Bad Playing Kh,QhView Hand 2023-04-15 (sgo-1005)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 64o BB def min raise BvB, line check 6c,4sView Hand 2023-04-15 (miq-1827)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - K2s OTB big fish in BB, ok to play? Raise at any point? Ks,2sView Hand 2023-04-15 (miq-1826)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AKo LJ vs fish, flop TPTK facing x-r, can we value bet river? As,KdView Hand 2023-04-15 (miq-1825)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AA OTB 3b pot facing turn lead. Does villain type matter? As,AdView Hand 2023-04-15 (miq-1824)
lucky - 50/100 - van blöff a riveren? As,AhView Hand 2023-04-15 (bua-1003)
lucky - 50/100 river bluff hiba - 3rd barrel hiba 6c,7cView Hand 2023-04-15 (bua-1002)
lucky - 50/100 - pre call hiba nit range ellen Th,TdView Hand 2023-04-15 (bua-1001)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - ATo BB Ah,TsView Hand 2023-04-12 (sts-1065)
Alexander - bond77 Irish Open - 55 on HJ vs r EP, fd 5s,5dView Hand 2023-04-12 (bns-1004)
Alexander - bond77 Irish Open - 55 on SB vs r BTN 5s,5dView Hand 2023-04-12 (bns-1003)
Alexander - bond77 Irish Open - 55 on BB multipot 5s,5dView Hand 2023-04-12 (bns-1002)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - QJs SB Ks,QdView Hand 2023-04-11 (sts-1064)
Solwa54 - 10NL Pokerstars - Failed Squeeze Attempt Ah,JdView Hand 2023-04-11 (sow-1024)
Solwa54 - 10NL Pokerstars - Multiway 4Bet Pot Ad,KsView Hand 2023-04-11 (sow-1023)
Solwa54 - 10NL Pokerstars - Correct river lead? Ad,AcView Hand 2023-04-11 (sow-1022)
Selma - Selma Venetian 500 - Led into from SB 6h,6dView Hand 2023-04-11 (sla-1210)
Selma - Selma Venetian 500 - AQ in SB Ad,QsView Hand 2023-04-11 (sla-1209)
Daniel Eylenfeldt - ScoutingZealot NL 200 CG (Blitz) - River with 2nd Nuts As,AhView Hand 2023-04-11 (dey-1005)
Alexander - bond77 Irish Open - 44 4s,4dView Hand 2023-04-11 (bns-1001)
John Doe - The_GTO_Coin Live 500K GTD - Live 500K GTD 8h,8dView Hand 2023-04-10 (lui-1019)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - K9o SB Kd,9hView Hand 2023-04-09 (sts-1062)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AQs otb 3b pot, can we raise this river for value? Ac,QsView Hand 2023-04-08 (miq-1823)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 77 in CO 3b pot, flop set r?, line when flush card turns? 7d,7cView Hand 2023-04-08 (miq-1822)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 55 def BB flop FH, line check sizings 5c,5hView Hand 2023-04-08 (miq-1821)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AA UTG x flop, face rvr overbet Ah,AsView Hand 2023-04-08 (miq-1820)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A4s OTB checking too much Ah,4hView Hand 2023-04-08 (miq-1819)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - K9s def BB, TPkK value bet sizings Ks,9sView Hand 2023-04-08 (miq-1818)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KJs in CO 3b pot, 3 street bluff? Kc,JcView Hand 2023-04-08 (miq-1817)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A4s BB 3b vs reg, river call bottom pair? Ah,5hView Hand 2023-04-08 (miq-1816)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - JTs BB 3b, line? Jd,TdView Hand 2023-04-08 (miq-1815)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AKo I flat 3b oop, line check. river lead, sizing? As,KcView Hand 2023-04-08 (miq-1814)
Johannes - 2/5 - a Ah,5hView Hand 2023-04-08 (jka-1009)
Johannes - 2/5 - fs Ah,5hView Hand 2023-04-08 (jka-1008)
Johannes - 5/10 Cash - HU Pot Ac,TcView Hand 2023-04-08 (jka-1007)
Jeff - JKR_SEA Wynn 1/3 - 2003_04_07_QQ Qh,QdView Hand 2023-04-08 (jei-1005)
Claudio Steiger - IndiJones7 OLP 250$ NLH - Range and Hand Analysis BB vs UTG 7s,9dView Hand 2023-04-07 (sht-1008)
Neil - donk - hand1 Jd,TdView Hand 2023-04-07 (nes-1001)
YC - fortune r - 4 5 9s,9cView Hand 2023-04-06 (ycu-1030)
YC - fortune r - 4 5 6h,7hView Hand 2023-04-06 (ycu-1029)
YC - fortune r - 4 5 Ts,TdView Hand 2023-04-06 (ycu-1028)
YC - fortune r - 4 5 6h,7hView Hand 2023-04-06 (ycu-1027)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - A5s small blind As,5sView Hand 2023-04-06 (sts-1061)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - 66 CO 6d,6cView Hand 2023-04-06 (sts-1060)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - 66 on button 6h,6cView Hand 2023-04-06 (sts-1059)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - KQ HJ Kd,QdView Hand 2023-04-06 (sts-1058)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 53s HU BB def, x-r turn big bet? River 5s,3sView Hand 2023-04-06 (miq-1813)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - K8s BB def, Just fold turn or river? or standard? Kd,8dView Hand 2023-04-06 (miq-1812)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KK otb flat a 3b to exploit, unnecessary? Kh,KcView Hand 2023-04-06 (miq-1811)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AQs LJ 3b pot oop, flop TPTK, river value size? Ac,QcView Hand 2023-04-06 (miq-1810)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AKo in CO 3b pot, TPTK x turn, r river As,KhView Hand 2023-04-06 (miq-1809)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 66 BB def vs btn, line check, t overbet 6s,6hView Hand 2023-04-06 (miq-1808)
YC - fortune r - 4 5 3s,3cView Hand 2023-04-05 (ycu-1026)
YC - fortune r - 4 5 9s,9cView Hand 2023-04-05 (ycu-1025)
JC - LEARN TO COPE 2K Maker - 77 with one overcard student gets raised 7s,7hView Hand 2023-04-05 (jec-1026)
Solwa54 - 10NL Pokerstars - Correct point to fastplay flopped set? 3c,3sView Hand 2023-04-04 (sow-1021)
Solwa54 - 10NL Pokerstars - Should I raise the river? 7h,7dView Hand 2023-04-04 (sow-1020)
Selma - Selma Venetian 600 - AQ in BB As,QhView Hand 2023-04-04 (sla-1208)
Selma - Selma Venetian 600 - 3bet AQo As,QhView Hand 2023-04-04 (sla-1207)
Selma - Selma Venetian 400 - 66 to a shove 6d,6cView Hand 2023-04-04 (sla-1206)
Selma - Selma Venetian 400 - AQ in SB As,QdView Hand 2023-04-04 (sla-1205)
fabio - $1,500 WSOP - add View Hand 2023-04-04 (fia-1001)
Chris Radford - Radford999 $4 PKO Stars - Icm? Kh,JsView Hand 2023-04-03 (rdd-1010)
Comix - Comix Strategy Pain Train $50 NL Live Event - Comix Pain Train Hands 3h,3dView Hand 2023-04-03 (pow-1001)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A7s in HJ vs splashy fish, river 2x jam for value? Ah,7hView Hand 2023-04-03 (miq-1807)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KTs OTB vs r & call, flop trips line check, river value & induce Kh,ThView Hand 2023-04-03 (miq-1806)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QQ in CO 3b ip, river odd line Qs,QcView Hand 2023-04-03 (miq-1805)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $8.80 $25k guarantee on ACR - Hero flops top pair BB vs BTN. Line? 9s,7cView Hand 2023-04-02 (mcl-1344)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - J8s CO, line check sizings Jc,8cView Hand 2023-04-01 (miq-1804)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - TT Iso Limper, 4 way flop Top Set, butchered AF Th,TdView Hand 2023-04-01 (miq-1803)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AKs BvB sigh I'm a station - overbet? As,KsView Hand 2023-04-01 (miq-1802)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KJs otb line check, flop? VB river? Ks,JsView Hand 2023-04-01 (miq-1801)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KK in CO facing donk bets all streets. Ks,KhView Hand 2023-04-01 (miq-1800)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KJo OTB 3b ip vs CO, line check on AAx flop. River value lol Kh,JdView Hand 2023-04-01 (miq-1799)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QTs in EP 3b pot, what if face bet on river? Qs,TsView Hand 2023-04-01 (miq-1798)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 66 in CO 3b pot ip vs HJ, flop size? 6h,6cView Hand 2023-04-01 (miq-1797)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 99 def BB, I bluff catch too much? 9c,9sView Hand 2023-04-01 (miq-1796)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - ATs HJ, OESD vs turn overbet. River sizing? Ac,TcView Hand 2023-04-01 (miq-1795)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A6s OTB bottom pair vs rec player, unconv line Ac,6cView Hand 2023-04-01 (miq-1794)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AJs CO oop 3b pot, dbl gutter line check. Ah,JhView Hand 2023-04-01 (miq-1793)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 88 in CO, cbet? Terrible bluff catch? 8h,8dView Hand 2023-04-01 (miq-1792)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QQ in BB squeeze 3 players, line check Qc,QhView Hand 2023-04-01 (miq-1791)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - TT in CO 3b pot IP, goddam I'm a fish Th,TdView Hand 2023-04-01 (miq-1790)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AJs LJ, sb squeeze from reg, preflop? Flop? Ah,JhView Hand 2023-04-01 (miq-1789)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - T8s BB BvB vs limp, too stationy BvB? Th,8hView Hand 2023-04-01 (miq-1788)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game View Hand 2023-03-31 (top-1009)
David Dunlap - WSOPc $140 Nightly at Turning Stone - Final table at WSOPc Nightly. 130 players, 15k starting stack As,KhView Hand 2023-03-31 (dvn-1003)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game Td,8dView Hand 2023-03-30 (top-1008)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game View Hand 2023-03-30 (top-1007)
John Borges - John B s14 #14 - action to you with big hand 9s,9hView Hand 2023-03-30 (fly-1493)
John Borges - John B s14 #12 - (Steaming) Decision Kc,9hView Hand 2023-03-30 (fly-1492)
John Borges - John B s14 #11 - FT Bubble As,KhView Hand 2023-03-30 (fly-1491)
John Borges - John B s14 #13 - Facing a big test very early at FT As,KhView Hand 2023-03-30 (fly-1490)
John Borges - John B s14 #10 - facing a test Ac,8cView Hand 2023-03-30 (fly-1489)
John Borges - John B s14 #9 - flop the nuts to bluff catcher Ts,TcView Hand 2023-03-30 (fly-1488)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game View Hand 2023-03-29 (top-1006)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game View Hand 2023-03-29 (top-1005)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #13, 2023 - TT in CO facing 9bb shove Ts,ThView Hand 2023-03-29 (ker-1268)
JC - LEARN TO COPE 500 Mega HW - Student Hand w/ AQ when K hits turn As,QsView Hand 2023-03-29 (jec-1025)
Greg Bush - 3/30 Review- Fold River? - Pot bet on river from Villain As,AcView Hand 2023-03-29 (gbu-1031)
Greg Bush - 3/30 Review KQ flop 4 bet Jam - Flop top 2- 4 bet jam on flop Kd,QdView Hand 2023-03-29 (gbu-1030)
Greg Bush - 3/30 Review- River raise for value - River raise on dynamic board Ah,AsView Hand 2023-03-29 (gbu-1029)
Greg Bush - 3/30 Review Preflop out of line? - Hero 4 bet with A4s UTG As,4sView Hand 2023-03-29 (gbu-1028)
Greg Bush - 3/30 Review River value raise - 2/5 TCH Ad,JdView Hand 2023-03-29 (gbu-1027)
John Borges - John B s14 #8 - Unexpected flat caller As,JhView Hand 2023-03-29 (fly-1487)
John Borges - John B s14 #7 - to raise or not to raise? Jd,JhView Hand 2023-03-29 (fly-1486)
John Borges - John B s14 #6 - 4b shove by small stack As,QsView Hand 2023-03-29 (fly-1485)
John Borges - John B s14 #5 - vs BTN range Ah,8cView Hand 2023-03-29 (fly-1484)
John Borges - John B s14 #4 - vs sun run player Ad,TdView Hand 2023-03-29 (fly-1483)
John Borges - John B s14 #3 - Too early to fold vs tight player? Qh,QdView Hand 2023-03-29 (fly-1482)
John Borges - John B s14 #2 - early in rebuy Kd,QdView Hand 2023-03-29 (fly-1481)
John Borges - John B s14 #1 - early in a rebuy As,QcView Hand 2023-03-29 (fly-1480)
Chris Scott - MSSC multiway - ATs BU facing UTG aggression on A-high board Ad,TdView Hand 2023-03-29 (crc-1003)
Trent - T 1/3 horrible call - bad call Ac,5cView Hand 2023-03-28 (tje-1002)
Solwa54 - 10NL Pokerstars - Had to laugh at username Jd,JcView Hand 2023-03-28 (sow-1019)
Selma - Selma Venetian 500 - AJ math Ac,JcView Hand 2023-03-28 (sla-1204)
Selma - Selma Venetian 500 - How much to bet Qh,QdView Hand 2023-03-28 (sla-1203)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 NL - Bad Play, cooler or both? Ad,8dView Hand 2023-03-28 (mkn-1015)
David Dunlap - $1/$3 NL - $1/$3 NL at Turning Stone WSOPc Event Js,JcView Hand 2023-03-28 (dvn-1002)
David Dunlap - $1/$3 NL - $1/$3 NL at Turning Stone WSOPc event Ks,QhView Hand 2023-03-28 (dvn-1001)
Chris Scott - MSSC Multiway Quiz - Test hand Ah,ThView Hand 2023-03-28 (crc-1002)
Chris Scott - 1/2 OKC - 97ss flush shove 9s,7sView Hand 2023-03-28 (crc-1001)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - K4s in HJ, x flop flush draw for "binkability" Kc,4cView Hand 2023-03-27 (miq-1787)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A9o SB BvB, line check, x-r turn whiff. Fine? As,9cView Hand 2023-03-27 (miq-1786)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QQ SB iso limper shorty, reg calls, line check Qc,QdView Hand 2023-03-27 (miq-1785)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QTo CO oop, TPQK sizings vs fish, insta-called flop & turn Qc,ThView Hand 2023-03-27 (miq-1784)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AQs BvB vs min-r 3b pot, go for value w A high? Ah,QhView Hand 2023-03-27 (miq-1783)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - A7s OTB 3b pot, line check? As,7sView Hand 2023-03-27 (miq-1782)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - 64o BB limped pot, double gutted line check. River? 6s,4dView Hand 2023-03-27 (miq-1781)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - 33 BvB in SB, range sizing, standard? 3s,3hView Hand 2023-03-27 (miq-1780)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - 77 BvB 3b pot oop, turn into bluff rvr lead? 7h,7cView Hand 2023-03-27 (miq-1779)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - A7o def BB multiway, Flop? Turn? Ad,7cView Hand 2023-03-27 (miq-1778)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - KQo def BB vs LJ, line check Kh,QsView Hand 2023-03-27 (miq-1777)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - KTs in SB, 3b then 4b by prev fish caller, so many questions Ks,TsView Hand 2023-03-27 (miq-1776)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - JJ in HJ 3b oop, line check Jc,JsView Hand 2023-03-27 (miq-1775)
Cris Stival - Fessstival $200 online - 3bet pot Ah,QcView Hand 2023-03-27 (cst-1001)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game View Hand 2023-03-26 (top-1004)
Trent - T 1/3 Cash - Folding bottom flush 2h,3hView Hand 2023-03-26 (tje-1001)
Steve - Sullivan47 2Nl - ATs on Button Ac,TcView Hand 2023-03-26 (sts-1057)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - KQo BB Ks,QdView Hand 2023-03-26 (sts-1056)
Steve - Sullivan47 2 NL - ATo Button Ah,TsView Hand 2023-03-26 (sts-1055)
Steve - Sullivan47 2 NL - ATs from CO As,TsView Hand 2023-03-26 (sts-1054)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - 98s CO oop 3b pot, line & sizings 9s,8sView Hand 2023-03-25 (miq-1774)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - 87s HJ ip 3b pot, line check 8h,7hView Hand 2023-03-25 (miq-1773)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - QJs SB oop 3b pot, low flop, line check sizings Qs,JsView Hand 2023-03-25 (miq-1772)
JC - LEARN TO COPE APO Main Feb 2023 - AKhh vs Dino 4bet pot Ah,KhView Hand 2023-03-24 (jec-1024)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Ryan Hand #3 - 88 CO Facing Limp Jam From EP 8d,8cView Hand 2023-03-24 (jec-1023)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Ryan Hand #2 - TT Fold To 4bet Jam Th,TcView Hand 2023-03-24 (jec-1022)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Ryan Hand #1 - AA Turn Jam As,AhView Hand 2023-03-24 (jec-1021)
Mogilnicki - Live MTT $300 - flush draw limped pot 5c,3cView Hand 2023-03-23 (emo-1056)
Mogilnicki - Live MTT $300 - oesfd on flop Qh,JhView Hand 2023-03-23 (emo-1055)
Mogilnicki - Live MTT $300 - turn nuts Kh,QhView Hand 2023-03-23 (emo-1054)
Mogilnicki - Live MTT on a holiday - facing 3bet Ts,ThView Hand 2023-03-23 (emo-1053)
Mogilnicki - Live MTT on a holiday - paired board Ad,AhView Hand 2023-03-23 (emo-1052)
Mogilnicki - Live MTT on a holiday - 3 way flop, one all in Ks,QhView Hand 2023-03-23 (emo-1051)
Mogilnicki - Live MTT day 1c - top pair Ah,KcView Hand 2023-03-23 (emo-1050)
Mogilnicki - Live MTT day 1c - ace high Ah,9hView Hand 2023-03-23 (emo-1049)
Mogilnicki - Live MTT day 1c - 3bet pot oop vs pro Qh,QdView Hand 2023-03-23 (emo-1048)
Mogilnicki - Live MTT day 1c - flop ace high flush Ks,TsView Hand 2023-03-23 (emo-1047)
Mogilnicki - Live MTT day 1c - turn straight flush draw 9s,7sView Hand 2023-03-23 (emo-1046)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AQo Iso Limp fish, TPQK sizing up, fold to x-r on blank turn As,QhView Hand 2023-03-22 (miq-1771)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AJs CO line check, hit 2nd pair on river, call psb? As,JsView Hand 2023-03-22 (miq-1770)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - TT SB cold 4b vs fish & aggro reg, line check Td,ThView Hand 2023-03-22 (miq-1769)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A8o SB def BvB TPwK facing overbets, what ifs Ac,8sView Hand 2023-03-22 (miq-1768)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 96s BB def, OESD turn Flush draw, line check 9d,6dView Hand 2023-03-22 (miq-1767)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - QTs CO low flop, sizing, bluff raise river Qc,TcView Hand 2023-03-22 (miq-1766)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - QJs 3b pot oop x to river, stab Qd,JdView Hand 2023-03-22 (miq-1765)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - AQs OTB turn overbet ok? As,QsView Hand 2023-03-22 (miq-1764)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - 43s def BB multi-way vs fishes, 2pair gross 4d,3dView Hand 2023-03-22 (miq-1763)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - A4s 4b bluff, sizings, turn? river? See notes Ac,4cView Hand 2023-03-22 (miq-1762)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - AKo iso limper, TPTK, turn check or bet sizing? Ah,KcView Hand 2023-03-22 (miq-1761)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - KQo BB def, TPQK facing overbets Ks,QdView Hand 2023-03-22 (miq-1760)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - K8s Iso Limper, river sizing Kd,8dView Hand 2023-03-22 (miq-1759)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - 44 BB def, overbetting sizings 4h,4dView Hand 2023-03-22 (miq-1758)
Hayden Fortini - VY A6ss - VY A6ss tournament As,6sView Hand 2023-03-22 (had-1122)
Hayden Fortini - Vy Cash - AA As,AhView Hand 2023-03-22 (had-1121)
Hayden Fortini - Tournament - Bryce JJ Pre Flop Spot Js,JhView Hand 2023-03-22 (had-1120)
Mogilnicki - Live MTT day 1b - facing turn check raise As,KhView Hand 2023-03-22 (emo-1045)
Mogilnicki - Live MTT day 1b - monotone flop Ts,TcView Hand 2023-03-22 (emo-1044)
Mogilnicki - Live MTT day 1b - facing 5bb open As,KhView Hand 2023-03-22 (emo-1043)
Mogilnicki - Live MTT day 1 - ace high flush draw Ad,7dView Hand 2023-03-22 (emo-1042)
Mogilnicki - satellite - ace high Ac,TcView Hand 2023-03-22 (emo-1041)
Mogilnicki - satellite - marginal made hand Qh,QcView Hand 2023-03-22 (emo-1040)
Mogilnicki - satellite - facing 9bb shove Ac,6cView Hand 2023-03-22 (emo-1039)
Mogilnicki - satellite - marginal made hand Qh,JdView Hand 2023-03-22 (emo-1038)
Mogilnicki - satellite - flop 2 pair limped pot Ks,4hView Hand 2023-03-22 (emo-1037)
Mogilnicki - satellite - AA flat preflop As,AcView Hand 2023-03-22 (emo-1036)
Mogilnicki - satellite - 2 pair facing action Ah,JcView Hand 2023-03-22 (emo-1035)
Mogilnicki - satellite - facing check raise on QQ6 Ks,JsView Hand 2023-03-22 (emo-1034)
Mogilnicki - satellite - facing check raise on 442 9h,9cView Hand 2023-03-22 (emo-1033)
Mogilnicki - satellite - ten high flop Ah,KdView Hand 2023-03-22 (emo-1032)
Mogilnicki - satellite - marginal made hand As,TcView Hand 2023-03-22 (emo-1031)
magik244 - 20$ - FT KQs Ks,QsView Hand 2023-03-21 (sez-1001)
Matt - mkindc 2/5 NL - Straight Flush Draw OOP Deep Js,TsView Hand 2023-03-21 (mkn-1014)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #13, 2023 - KTs UTG+2 Ks,TsView Hand 2023-03-21 (ker-1267)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #13, 2023 - T8s HJ open Tc,8cView Hand 2023-03-21 (ker-1266)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #13, 2023 - A2s CO open As,2sView Hand 2023-03-21 (ker-1265)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #13, 2023 - 44 UTG+1 4s,4dView Hand 2023-03-21 (ker-1264)
Greg Bush - 3/30 Review- 2/5 TCH Loose open w/ 64s? - Hero opens with suited gapper 6c,4cView Hand 2023-03-21 (gbu-1026)
Greg Bush - 3/30 Review 2/5 TCH- Too loose w/ preflop 4 b - Hero 4 bet LAG villain w/ KQo Ks,QcView Hand 2023-03-21 (gbu-1025)
Greg Bush - 3/30 Review- 4 bet w/55 - Villain was an extreme LAG 5c,5dView Hand 2023-03-21 (gbu-1024)
Greg Bush - 3/30 Review- Should I just fold flop? - Hero calls down with 88 8d,8cView Hand 2023-03-21 (gbu-1023)
Greg Bush - 3/30-review- Cold 4 bet with 88 - Hero cold 4 bet w/88 from SB 8s,8dView Hand 2023-03-21 (gbu-1022)
Greg Bush - 3/30 Review-TCH 2/5- Flop raise?? Should I s - Hero JJ- Flop raise Jd,JhView Hand 2023-03-21 (gbu-1021)
Greg Bush - 3/30 Review- 2/5 TCH- Thin river bet? Should - Value bet 3 streets Kd,JdView Hand 2023-03-21 (gbu-1020)
Greg Bush - 3/30 Review-TCH 2/5 - Hero KK- Check flop Ks,KdView Hand 2023-03-21 (gbu-1019)
Greg Bush - 3/30 Review- 2/5 TCH When do I give up? - Hero QQ 3 bet pot Qh,QdView Hand 2023-03-21 (gbu-1018)
PokerCoaching - Test - Test 5s,TsView Hand 2023-03-20 (bdo-1706)
Selma - Selma Club GG Final - One Paid Js,JhView Hand 2023-03-19 (sla-1202)
Claudio Steiger - IndiJones7 200$ NLH Swiss National League B - UTG with KJ vs BTN 76 - outplay Flush draw 7c,6cView Hand 2023-03-19 (sht-1007)
John Borges - John B ACR #2 - When is it a good time to check top set? As,AcView Hand 2023-03-19 (fly-1479)
John Borges - John B ACR #1 - MTT Th,TsView Hand 2023-03-19 (fly-1478)
John Borges - John B s13 #8 - WTF 8s,4sView Hand 2023-03-19 (fly-1477)
John Borges - John B s13 #7 - Running into it pt. 2 Jd,9dView Hand 2023-03-19 (fly-1476)
John Borges - John B s13 #6 - Running into in pt. 1 Ac,5hView Hand 2023-03-19 (fly-1475)
John Borges - John B s3 #5 - Learning from mistakes As,ThView Hand 2023-03-19 (fly-1474)
John Borges - John B s13 #4 - early mistakes only grow bigger Ah,QsView Hand 2023-03-19 (fly-1473)
John Borges - John B s13 #3 - Good hand, bad flop Ah,AdView Hand 2023-03-19 (fly-1472)
John Borges - John B s13 #2 - Facing limper and a donk bet Qs,TcView Hand 2023-03-19 (fly-1471)
John Borges - John B s13 #1 - First hand of tourney Ah,7hView Hand 2023-03-19 (fly-1470)
Meadows - Slow Coach Study Session - BB vs SB Qs,8sView Hand 2023-03-18 (mea-1002)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - K3s SB BvB line check, good result but how's the line? Kc,3cView Hand 2023-03-17 (miq-1757)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - ATo BB def, low flop, villain's line? As,TcView Hand 2023-03-17 (miq-1756)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - J7s SB BvB line check sizings, river? Jh,7hView Hand 2023-03-17 (miq-1755)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - A9o def BB river trips face overbet Ah,9cView Hand 2023-03-17 (miq-1754)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - TT oop 3b pot flop FH line check, river line/size? Tc,ThView Hand 2023-03-17 (miq-1753)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - ATs IP 3b pot TPTK line check As,TsView Hand 2023-03-17 (miq-1752)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - AA otb 3b pot, seeing monsters, how bad? Ah,AsView Hand 2023-03-17 (miq-1751)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - 77 4 way 3b pot, river spot 7s,7dView Hand 2023-03-17 (miq-1750)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - AQo OTB call down vs reg A-high Ad,QhView Hand 2023-03-17 (miq-1749)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - AKs x-r on r w TPTK vs reg Ad,KdView Hand 2023-03-17 (miq-1748)
YC - fortune 3 10 - r Qs,JcView Hand 2023-03-16 (ycu-1024)
Michael Washington - 1/3 Live - 54s UTG 5h,4hView Hand 2023-03-16 (vit-1026)
Michael Washington - 1/3 Live - AA UTG Ad,AcView Hand 2023-03-16 (vit-1025)
Michael Washington - 1/3 Live - KK in SB Kh,KcView Hand 2023-03-16 (vit-1024)
Michael Washington - 1/3 Live - 75 UTG 7c,5cView Hand 2023-03-16 (vit-1023)
Michael Washington - 1/3 Live - Flop top 2 Qs,9sView Hand 2023-03-16 (vit-1022)
Roger Wang - .01/.02 Home - QQ vs 99 vs KJo vs A9s Qs,QhView Hand 2023-03-16 (rgw-1001)
Greg Bush - 2/5 TCH- Review w/ Lexy 3/16 - Wanted to make big river raise As,KcView Hand 2023-03-16 (gbu-1017)
Claudio Steiger - IndiJones7 Texas Card House NLH 150$ - KK vs UTG Range where Check on Turn is bad option Kc,KdView Hand 2023-03-15 (sht-1006)
Pam Bush - 1/3 Review with Lexy 3/16 - Fold AA vs. 2 all ins Ac,AdView Hand 2023-03-15 (rnk-1011)
Pam Bush - 1/3 Review w/ Lexy 3/16 - All in with Set of 6's 6s,6cView Hand 2023-03-15 (rnk-1010)
Pam Bush - 1/3 review w/lexy 3/16 - Should I call river? 3s,3hView Hand 2023-03-15 (rnk-1009)
Pam Bush - 1/3, review w/Lexy 3/16 - ? too aggressive? Bluff hand Ac,KcView Hand 2023-03-15 (rnk-1008)
Pam Bush - 2-5 review w/Lexy 3/16 - should i have folded Kh,QhView Hand 2023-03-15 (rnk-1007)
Greg Bush - 2/5 Review with Lexy 3/16 - Should I fold? 9c,9hView Hand 2023-03-15 (gbu-1016)
Greg Bush - 5/5 Review w/ Lexy 3/16 - 4 Bet vs. 2 callers As,AhView Hand 2023-03-15 (gbu-1015)
Greg Bush - 5/5 Review w/ Lexy 3/16 - Too aggressive?? As,7sView Hand 2023-03-15 (gbu-1014)
Greg Bush - 2/5 Winstar 9 handed Review w/ Levy 3/16 - Full Value?? 3h,3cView Hand 2023-03-15 (gbu-1013)
PokerCoaching - Final Table - Big Stack Leading View Hand 2023-03-15 (bdo-1705)
Claudio Steiger - IndiJones7 UK DTD 500 £ - HJ vs BB stay strong Ah,4hView Hand 2023-03-14 (sht-1005)
Philip - LuckyPig $1k 2023 Heads-Up Championship PDX - Round 5 - Aces full! Ah,9cView Hand 2023-03-14 (phb-1007)
Philip - LuckyPig $1k 2023 Heads-Up Championship PDX - Round 5 - Bluff! 9d,3dView Hand 2023-03-14 (phb-1006)
Philip - LuckyPig $1k 2023 Heads-Up Championship PDX - Round 4 Ah,KcView Hand 2023-03-14 (phb-1005)
Philip - LuckyPig $1k 2023 Heads-Up Championship PDX - Round 3 - Nines? 7c,8cView Hand 2023-03-14 (phb-1004)
Philip - LuckyPig $1k 2023 Heads-Up Championship PDX - Round 3 - AQ vs AT Ad,QcView Hand 2023-03-14 (phb-1003)
Philip - LuckyPig $1k 2023 Heads-Up Championship PDX - Round 2 As,9hView Hand 2023-03-14 (phb-1002)
Philip - LuckyPig $1k 2023 Heads-Up Championship PDX - Round 1 Ks,KdView Hand 2023-03-14 (phb-1001)
Meadows - Slow Coach BB vs BTN Nit - Limped Pot Ks,6dView Hand 2023-03-14 (mea-1001)
Jeremy - $2/5 Cash - Being too nitty at $2/5 Qs,QhView Hand 2023-03-14 (jmh-1003)
Chris Radford - Radford999 $3 mtt - lead by bb on club turn Ks,QdView Hand 2023-03-13 (rdd-1009)
Matt - mkindc 2/5 NL - KTo cu Open vs. BTN Ks,ThView Hand 2023-03-12 (mkn-1013)
Matt - mkindc 2/5 NL - BTN v. BB TP Jd,KdView Hand 2023-03-12 (mkn-1012)
Matt - mkindc 2/5 NL - BTN v. BB TP Jd,KdView Hand 2023-03-12 (mkn-1011)
jon - 3.12.23 TT - 3.12.23 TT Ad,AhView Hand 2023-03-12 (jnt-1010)
Mogilnicki - satellite - flop a set 2h,2dView Hand 2023-03-12 (emo-1030)
Mogilnicki - satellite - bb defend Ac,2dView Hand 2023-03-12 (emo-1029)
Mogilnicki - satellite - multiway flush draw Kh,5hView Hand 2023-03-12 (emo-1028)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - AKo EP call down, river cards & option Ah,KdView Hand 2023-03-11 (miq-1747)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - T9s OTB 3b pot, flop bet size Td,9dView Hand 2023-03-11 (miq-1746)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - 76s BB 3b pot, bet size flop 7h,6hView Hand 2023-03-11 (miq-1745)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - AKo OTB 3b pot, unusual line Ah,KcView Hand 2023-03-11 (miq-1744)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - KQo in CO oop TPqK bet sizing vs fishy player Kh,QcView Hand 2023-03-11 (miq-1743)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - Q8s BB def multiway w 45bb stack Qc,8cView Hand 2023-03-11 (miq-1742)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - AKo CO line check, fold to bet size? Ac,KhView Hand 2023-03-11 (miq-1741)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - QJo OTB 3b pot, pre? 2x psb rvr bluff Qh,JdView Hand 2023-03-11 (miq-1740)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - KJo OTB 3b pot, pf, t, rvr? Kh,JdView Hand 2023-03-11 (miq-1739)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - A9s LJ oop 3b pot, spew? As,9sView Hand 2023-03-11 (miq-1738)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - QTo OTB line check turn size, value bet river? Qc,ThView Hand 2023-03-11 (miq-1737)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - 44 BB vs UTG, fold boat to overbet? 4c,4hView Hand 2023-03-11 (miq-1736)
Tuan Dang - davinc95 1125 vsop - BBvCO As,QhView Hand 2023-03-10 (tua-1001)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - AQs OTB 3b pot river bluff raise As,QsView Hand 2023-03-10 (miq-1735)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - 77 BB weird 3b pot 4-way wtf see notes 7d,7cView Hand 2023-03-10 (miq-1734)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - 99 OTB line check, semi-bluff A turn? 9h,9dView Hand 2023-03-10 (miq-1733)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - AQs in SB 3b pot, call down w A high? Ad,QdView Hand 2023-03-10 (miq-1732)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - AKo BB 3b pot, TPTK r on flop, call down? Ac,KsView Hand 2023-03-10 (miq-1731)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $600 $15k guarantee at MGM Nat. Harbor - First hand and flopped FH faces pressure 5h,5dView Hand 2023-03-10 (mcl-1343)
YC - fortune r - 3 8 22 Ts,TcView Hand 2023-03-09 (ycu-1023)
YC - fortune r - 3 8 22 Ah,8hView Hand 2023-03-09 (ycu-1022)
YC - fortune r - 3 8 22 Qc,JcView Hand 2023-03-09 (ycu-1021)
braga'-'279 - Study - A65 2t EP vs BB - what bet size to use Flop? Ad,KdView Hand 2023-03-09 (kec-1004)
braga'-'279 - Study - A65 2t EP vs BB - what bet size to use Flop? Ad,KdView Hand 2023-03-09 (kec-1003)
Greg Bush - Winstar 5/5 9 Handed - Review with Lexy on 3/16 Kc,QdView Hand 2023-03-09 (gbu-1012)
Claudio Steiger - IndiJones7 200$ Online SC - UTG vs Multiway: when EV changes on Turn quickly Ac,JcView Hand 2023-03-08 (sht-1004)
Claudio Steiger - IndiJones7 NLH 200$ Local Tournament - UTG vs Co + BB 6s,6cView Hand 2023-03-08 (sht-1003)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Burley home tourney - QJs Qs,JsView Hand 2023-03-08 (ker-1263)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Burley home tourney - T9s BB Td,9dView Hand 2023-03-08 (ker-1262)
Hero_Wassili - QJs vs vs utg3 reg - QJs vs UTG3 3bet Qh,JhView Hand 2023-03-08 (isb-1022)
pokerhorror - pokerhorror Training - 98s on the BU 9s,8sView Hand 2023-03-08 (fri-1001)
Solwa54 - 10NL Pokerstars - unsure about turn play 7s,7hView Hand 2023-03-07 (sow-1018)
Solwa54 - 10NL Pokerstars - probably a clear decision, but I'm not sure Qc,TcView Hand 2023-03-07 (sow-1017)
Mogilnicki - satellite - flush draw check raise 9h,8hView Hand 2023-03-07 (emo-1027)
Mogilnicki - 1/3 - nut flush draw As,KsView Hand 2023-03-07 (emo-1026)
Mogilnicki - 1/3 - top pair flop, dangerous turn Qs,JhView Hand 2023-03-07 (emo-1025)
Mogilnicki - 1/3 - 2 pair oop on monotone limped flop 4s,3sView Hand 2023-03-07 (emo-1024)
Mogilnicki - 1/3 - cbet and win Ad,QhView Hand 2023-03-07 (emo-1023)
Mogilnicki - 1/3 - missed flop barrel 6c,5cView Hand 2023-03-07 (emo-1022)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Big Punt | 26/1/23 Kd,QdView Hand 2023-03-06 (tos-1100)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Weak Top Pair Multiway | 26/1/23 Ah,7sView Hand 2023-03-06 (tos-1099)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Overly Aggressive Preflop | 26/1/23 Kh,QsView Hand 2023-03-06 (tos-1098)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - C Bet | 26/1/23 Ad,JdView Hand 2023-03-06 (tos-1097)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Nuts Vs Older Reg | 26/1/23 Kd,7cView Hand 2023-03-06 (tos-1096)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Bluff Catching Vs TAG | 26/1/23 6h,7hView Hand 2023-03-06 (tos-1095)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Middle pair Bluff Catching | 26/1/23 6s,7sView Hand 2023-03-06 (tos-1094)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Limped Pot with Full House | 26/1/23 Jc,5cView Hand 2023-03-06 (tos-1093)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Bluff Catcher | 26/1/23 6d,7dView Hand 2023-03-06 (tos-1092)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Squeeze Pre | 26/1/23 As,5sView Hand 2023-03-06 (tos-1091)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Flopped Flush | 26/1/23 Qs,TsView Hand 2023-03-06 (tos-1090)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Big Blunder | 17/2/23 Ah,9sView Hand 2023-03-06 (tos-1089)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Semi Bluff Vs Tight Kid | 17/2/23 Kh,JcView Hand 2023-03-06 (tos-1088)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Bluff Preflop | 17/2/23 Ks,QhView Hand 2023-03-06 (tos-1087)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Combo Draw | 17/2/23 Kc,QdView Hand 2023-03-06 (tos-1086)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Middling pair Multiway | 17/2/23 9h,9dView Hand 2023-03-06 (tos-1085)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Trips Weak Kicker OOP | 17/2/23 Ah,7hView Hand 2023-03-06 (tos-1084)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Overcards and backdoor draw OOP | 17/2/23 Kh,QhView Hand 2023-03-06 (tos-1083)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Top Pair vs donk Shove on River | 17/2/23 Jc,QcView Hand 2023-03-06 (tos-1082)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Top Pair on Wet Board Vs Short Stack | 17/2/23 Ah,QcView Hand 2023-03-06 (tos-1081)
Selma - Selma St. Augustine - Bad river Kd,JhView Hand 2023-03-06 (sla-1201)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KTs in SB 3b pot, 2PwK bluff catch? Kd,TdView Hand 2023-03-06 (miq-1730)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KQs EP oop 3b pot, flop TPQK line check Kh,QhView Hand 2023-03-06 (miq-1729)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QQ in BB 3b pot, line check too nitty? Qs,QcView Hand 2023-03-06 (miq-1728)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AA OTB 4b pot, flop line? As,AcView Hand 2023-03-06 (miq-1727)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A7s in BB multiway, bluff choice spew? Ah,7hView Hand 2023-03-06 (miq-1726)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KTo IP flop TPwK, donked into & river overbet Kh,TsView Hand 2023-03-06 (miq-1725)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QTs CO 3b. All streets? Qc,TcView Hand 2023-03-06 (miq-1724)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A4o BvB SB, line check, sizings Ac,4sView Hand 2023-03-06 (miq-1723)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - J9s OTB AKx flop, sizing up, river overbet Jd,9dView Hand 2023-03-06 (miq-1722)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 22 in CO, AKx flop donk bet, bluff raise line? 2c,2hView Hand 2023-03-06 (miq-1721)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KTo OTB line check, value bet & size Kd,TsView Hand 2023-03-06 (miq-1720)
Jose - CubanPoker Cash game Sandia - Sandia Casino 5h,6hView Hand 2023-03-06 (mel-1001)
Junkyuba - 10k - Sunday 6s,6dView Hand 2023-03-06 (juy-1002)
Junkyuba - Thunder 10k - Sunday Kd,2sView Hand 2023-03-06 (juy-1001)
John Borges - John B s12 #5 - just bad playing 8h,7hView Hand 2023-03-06 (fly-1469)
John Borges - John B s12 #4 - using my range Js,6cView Hand 2023-03-06 (fly-1468)
John Borges - John B s12 #3 - par for the course Jh,ThView Hand 2023-03-06 (fly-1467)
John Borges - John B s12 #2 - vs BB calling range Qs,9sView Hand 2023-03-06 (fly-1466)
John Borges - John B s12 #1 - 3b with real hand but then facing 4b Ks,KhView Hand 2023-03-06 (fly-1465)
- BOL Main - Multiway with JJ Jd,JhView Hand 2023-03-06 (dil-1010)
Chris Jones - FiveByFive AussieHomeGame - Early levels turn play Kc,TcView Hand 2023-03-06 (cor-1003)
TC - Tom $1/$1 NL - Kings Against Big Action on wet board | 5/3/23 Kd,KcView Hand 2023-03-05 (tos-1080)
TC - Tom $1/$1 NL - Weird Preflop Action with Aces | 5/3/23 As,AhView Hand 2023-03-05 (tos-1079)
TC - Tom $1/$1 NL - Flopped nuts multiway | 5/3/23 Ah,JdView Hand 2023-03-05 (tos-1078)
TC - Tom $1/$1 NL - Limped pot with trips | 5/3/23 7s,3cView Hand 2023-03-05 (tos-1077)
TC - Tom $1/$1 NL - Big Shove on Wet board | 5/3/23 Jh,JdView Hand 2023-03-05 (tos-1076)
TC - Tom $1/$1 NL - Weird preflop action with Kings | 5/3/23 Ks,KcView Hand 2023-03-05 (tos-1075)
TC - Tom $1/$1 NL - Limped Pot | 5/3/23 Qd,6cView Hand 2023-03-05 (tos-1074)
TC - Tom $1/$1 NL - Suited Connectors Multiway | 5/3/23 4s,5sView Hand 2023-03-05 (tos-1073)
TC - Tom $1/$1 NL - Loose Call Multiway | 5/3/23 Ac,JcView Hand 2023-03-05 (tos-1072)
TC - Tom $1/$1 NL - Big Ace in double straddle pot | 5/3/23 Ac,QdView Hand 2023-03-05 (tos-1071)
TC - Tom $1/$1 NL - Loose Open in double straddle hand | 5/3/23 Qs,9sView Hand 2023-03-05 (tos-1070)
TC - Tom $1/$1 NL - Top Pair on Wet Board Vs Loose Villain | 5/3/23 Ad,KcView Hand 2023-03-05 (tos-1069)
TC - Tom $1/$1 NL - Top Pair on Wet Board Vs Loose Villain | 5/3/23 Ad,KcView Hand 2023-03-05 (tos-1068)
TC - Tom $1/$1 NL - Marginal Hand &amp; Draw Multiway | 5/3/23 7h,7sView Hand 2023-03-05 (tos-1067)
TC - Tom $1/$1 NL - Overpair on wet board | 5/3/23 Th,TsView Hand 2023-03-05 (tos-1066)
jon - Q8dd - 3.5.23 - TT Qd,8dView Hand 2023-03-05 (jnt-1009)
Bruiser_Cruiser - 1/2 NLHE Cash. The Lodge. - NLHE Cash Big Bets. View Hand 2023-03-05 (dok-1001)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Set Vs Rec | 29/10/22 7d,7cView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1065)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Bluff With Nut Flush Blocker | 29/10/22 Ah,6sView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1064)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Loose Call Pre Vs Big Limp/Raise | 26/10/22 Qd,TdView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1063)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Top Pair vs Lead Multiway | 26/10/22 Kc,QdView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1062)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Jacks vs UTG Limp Shove | 26/10/22 Js,JhView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1061)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Top 2 Multiway vs Short Stacks | 26/10/22 Qs,JsView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1060)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Top Pair on Monotone Board | 26/10/22 Ah,JcView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1059)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Bluff Deep Stacked vs TAG Kid | 26/10/22 8d,9dView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1058)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Top Pair IP Vs Tiny 3Bet | 26/10/22 As,QhView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1057)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Small Pair Vs Big EP Raise | 26/10/22 6d,6cView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1056)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Full Table with Draw | 26/10/22 Ad,4dView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1055)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Small Overpair Multiway | 26/10/22 5h,5cView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1054)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Combo Draw OOP on Montone Board | 26/10/22 Ah,JcView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1053)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Straight on Wet Board Multiway | 26/10/22 5h,6hView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1052)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Limped Pot Preflop | 17/11/22 Ad,QhView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1051)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Top 2 in Multiway Pot | 26/10/22 9d,TdView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1050)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Vs weird limp/cold 4 bet | 26/10/22 View Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1049)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Draw to Marginal Hand vs All In Multiway | 22/10/22 Qd,9dView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1048)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Loose Open + Bad Bluff/Value? | 22/10/22 Kh,TdView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1047)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Draw vs Limper | 22/10/22 5c,7cView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1046)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Bluff GIve Up vs Passive Rec | 22/10/22 As,KhView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1045)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Loose call vs Big Bet in Limped Pot | 22/10/22 Ks,9hView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1044)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Marginal Hand IP | 22/10/22 Qh,2hView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1043)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Deep Stacked OOP Vs TAG 3Bet | 22/10/22 Jh,ThView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1042)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Top Set on Wet Board Multiway | 22/10/22 Kd,KsView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1041)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Overpair Multiway | 22/10/22 Ks,KhView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1040)
TC - Tom $1/$1 NL - Big Pair Multiway vs Leads | 18/12/22 Th,TsView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1039)
TC - Tom $1/$1 NL - Short Stacked OOP vs LAG | 18/12/22 5s,5cView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1038)
TC - Tom $1/$1 NL - 3Bet Pot vs Overcaller | 18/12/22 Ks,KdView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1037)
TC - Tom $1/$1 NL - Thin value in Multiway Pot | 18/12/22 As,QhView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1036)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Weird hand short stacked | 8/12/22 6s,6cView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1035)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Facing Donk in SRP IP | 8/12/22 Qd,8dView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1034)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Loose Call on dangerous board | 8/12/22 Jh,JdView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1033)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Marginal Hand Multiway | 8/12/22 Kd,QsView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1032)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Cheeky 3Bet OOP | 8/12/22 Qh,JdView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1031)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Dubious Bluff in SRP | 8/12/22 Ah,JhView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1030)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Big Draw Multiway in 3Bet Pot | 8/12/22 7d,8dView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1029)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Marginal Hand IP 3Bet Pot | 8/12/22 Kc,JcView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1028)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Bluff IP in 3Bet Pot | 8/12/22 Kc,QhView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1027)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - SRP Multiway | 8/12/22 Kd,QdView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1026)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Exploitative Squeeze OOP | 8/12/22 Ah,3hView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1025)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - OOP Multiway SRP | 8/12/22 7d,8dView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1024)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - SRP IP vs Limper | 8/12/22 Ac,KdView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1023)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Top Pair vs PFR Multiway | 8/12/22 Kh,QhView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1022)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Overpair in Multiway SRP | 8/12/22 Kc,KhView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1021)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - SRP OOP with under pair | 8/12/22 Td,TcView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1020)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - SRP Multiway Middle Position | 8/12/22 8s,9sView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1019)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - 3Bet Pot IP | 8/12/22 Ah,KdView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1018)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Big Raise Pre in Limped Pot | 8/12/22 Ah,ThView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1017)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Full House Vs Loose Rec | 8/12/22 Kd,KcView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1016)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - SRP Multiway in MP | 8/12/22 Ks,8sView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1015)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - 5Bet Pot Vs LAG | 6/12/22 Kc,9cView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1014)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - BTN vs CO Small Raise | 6/12/22 Ks,TcView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1013)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - SRP Multiway OOP | 6/12/22 Ah,KhView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1012)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - SRP IP Bluff on Monotone Board | 6/12/22 As,4sView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1011)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - SRP OOP w Marginal Hand | 6/12/22 Ah,6hView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1010)
TC - Tom $2/$3 - SRP IP with Marginal hand | 6/12/22 Jc,8cView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1009)
TC - Tom $2/$3 - 3BET OOP vs TAG Older Guy | 6/12/22 Qs,JsView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1008)
TC - Tom $2/$3 - 3Bet IP 3 Ways | 17/11/22 8s,8cView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1007)
TC - Tom $2/$3 - 3Bet Pot IP Vs LAG | 17/11/22 As,JcView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1006)
TC - Tom $2/$3 - Bluff OOP 3Bet Pot | 17/11/22 Kc,QdView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1005)
TC - Tom $2/$3 - Overpair OOP Multiway | 17/11/22 Ad,AhView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1004)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Limped Pot Preflop | 17/11/22 Qh,8dView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1003)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Draw Very Multiway | Hand 2 - 17/11/22 4c,5cView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1002)
TC - Tom $2/$3 NL - Marginal Hand Vs Loose Opponent (17/11/22) Ah,JhView Hand 2023-03-04 (tos-1001)
Claudio Steiger - IndiJones7 HT NLH 200$ - UTG vs BB strategy play 1 Kd,8dView Hand 2023-03-04 (sht-1002)
Claudio Steiger - IndiJones7 Online Turnm NLH 200$ - Co vs SB Strategy against Nit Qc,JdView Hand 2023-03-04 (sht-1001)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian $100 Orleans - c-bet too big to x/r 6c,5cView Hand 2023-03-04 (opp-1034)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KK in SB 3b Deep, line check Ks,KcView Hand 2023-03-04 (miq-1719)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - T9s in LJ value bet 3rd pair on river? Td,9dView Hand 2023-03-04 (miq-1718)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AQo ISO limper short stack line check TP2K Ac,QsView Hand 2023-03-04 (miq-1717)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AKo in CO bet sizing line check Ac,KhView Hand 2023-03-04 (miq-1716)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KJs UTG 9h, multiway flush draw, line check, river options Kh,JhView Hand 2023-03-03 (miq-1715)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 99 otb cold 4bet 9d,9hView Hand 2023-03-03 (miq-1714)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 99 iso, then 4bet for value or bluff? 9h,9dView Hand 2023-03-03 (miq-1713)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 77 in HJ, squeezed by SB, line check. Overbet jam 7s,7dView Hand 2023-03-03 (miq-1712)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - K9s def BB, turn 2pair, river? Line check Ks,9sView Hand 2023-03-03 (miq-1711)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - ATs OTB 3b pot, TPtenK value on river? As,TsView Hand 2023-03-03 (miq-1710)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 74s def BB, flop bottom pair, t 2pair, line check 7s,4sView Hand 2023-03-03 (miq-1709)
Michael Washington - 1/3 Live - KJ UTG Ks,JsView Hand 2023-03-02 (vit-1021)
Michael Washington - 1/3 Live - 77 BU 7h,7cView Hand 2023-03-02 (vit-1020)
Michael Washington - 1/3 Live - Exploitable fold Kc,QdView Hand 2023-03-02 (vit-1019)
Michael Washington - 1/3 Live - 33 vs Reg 3s,3dView Hand 2023-03-02 (vit-1018)
Michael Washington - 1/3 Live - AQ vs Reg and short stack As,QsView Hand 2023-03-02 (vit-1017)
- Bobziee Spin - Vs Fish Kh,8dView Hand 2023-03-02 (trn-1003)
tokenator - 1/2 - weird spot 2 Ts,TdView Hand 2023-03-02 (tak-1016)
Greg Bush - TCH Dallas 2/5 - Villain all in on river Ks,4sView Hand 2023-03-02 (gbu-1011)
Pam Bush - Winstar 2/5 9 Handed - Pam 2/5 Short Stack 8h,8dView Hand 2023-03-01 (rnk-1006)
Pam Bush - Winstar 1/2 9 Handed - Check Raise All in on flop As,KdView Hand 2023-03-01 (rnk-1005)
Pam Bush - Winstar 1/3 9 Handed - Flop Broadway Ks,TcView Hand 2023-03-01 (rnk-1004)
Pam Bush - Winstar 1/3 9 Handed - KTh Kh,ThView Hand 2023-03-01 (rnk-1003)
Pam Bush - Winstar 1/3 9 Handed - 3 way All in on turn Kc,3cView Hand 2023-03-01 (rnk-1002)
Pam Bush - Winstar 1/3 9 Handed - Pam's Bad Beat Qh,QdView Hand 2023-03-01 (rnk-1001)
Patrick - pfm721 $22 - $3K GTD - BOL Kh,KcView Hand 2023-03-01 (pfm-1001)
Greg Bush - Winstar 2/5 9 Handed - Review w/ Lexy 3 bet squeeze from SB Ah,TsView Hand 2023-03-01 (gbu-1010)
Greg Bush - Winstar 2/5 9 Handed - Vs. young pro-LAG Review w/ Lexy 6c,9cView Hand 2023-03-01 (gbu-1009)
Terence - $1/$2 - Fish Protocols Ah,JhView Hand 2023-02-28 (ter-1001)
James Romero - James Romero Venetian $1,600 #4 - (16) Ad,KdView Hand 2023-02-28 (ski-1168)
James Romero - James Romero Venetian $1,600 #3 - (15) As,AhView Hand 2023-02-28 (ski-1167)
James Romero - James Romero Venetian $1,600 #2 - (14) As,TsView Hand 2023-02-28 (ski-1166)
James Romero - James Romero Venetian $1,600 #1 - (13) Kd,8cView Hand 2023-02-28 (ski-1165)
James Romero - James Romero Wynn $3,500 Main #4 - (12) 8s,8hView Hand 2023-02-28 (ski-1164)
James Romero - James Romero Wynn $3,500 Main #3 - (11) Ts,ThView Hand 2023-02-28 (ski-1163)
James Romero - James Romero Wynn $3,500 Main #2 - (10) As,ThView Hand 2023-02-28 (ski-1162)
James Romero - James Romero Wynn $3,500 Main #1 - (9) Ks,QhView Hand 2023-02-28 (ski-1161)
Rich G - cash - 7,8 spades fold to shove 8s,7sView Hand 2023-02-28 (rgr-1013)
Rich G - Cash - QQ Qs,QdView Hand 2023-02-28 (rgr-1012)
Rich G - Cash - AK Diamonds Ad,KdView Hand 2023-02-28 (rgr-1011)
Rich G - Cash - QJ Suited Hearts Qh,JhView Hand 2023-02-28 (rgr-1010)
Rich G - Cash - AK offsuit Ks,AcView Hand 2023-02-28 (rgr-1009)
Rich G - Cash - Suited 10,9 9h,ThView Hand 2023-02-28 (rgr-1008)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP Circuit Hammon $400 $500k GTD - Ben Luber Js,TsView Hand 2023-02-28 (jaa-1391)
Greg Bush - Winstar 1/3 9 Handed - Villain Jams after flop raise Ah,9hView Hand 2023-02-28 (gbu-1008)
Greg Bush - TCH-Dallas 2/5 - River bet size?? Review w/ Lexy Ad,4dView Hand 2023-02-28 (gbu-1007)
Greg Bush - Aria 2/5 - Tight fold?? Review w/ Lexy As,KhView Hand 2023-02-28 (gbu-1006)
Greg Bush - Aria 2/5 - LAG kid can't fold- Review w/ Lexy 4s,4hView Hand 2023-02-28 (gbu-1005)
Greg Bush - Aria 2/5 - Hero flops set of T's Ts,TdView Hand 2023-02-28 (gbu-1004)
Greg Bush - Bellagio 5/10 - Villain over plays hand Ks,7sView Hand 2023-02-28 (gbu-1003)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #12 2023 - AQo in BB As,QhView Hand 2023-02-27 (ker-1261)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #12 2023 - A8o HJ open As,8hView Hand 2023-02-27 (ker-1260)
Dustin K. - ClubGG On Demand SnG - Two Pair vs LAG Qh,8cView Hand 2023-02-27 (kah-1026)
Dustin K. - ClubGG Deepstack NLH - $5,000 GTD - Hero Calling w/ Ace High Ad,TdView Hand 2023-02-27 (kah-1025)
Faraz Jaka - $1600 mystery bounty - David Mzareluv 8c,7cView Hand 2023-02-27 (jaa-1390)
Hero_Wassili - 2/4 cashgame - 2/4 cashgame Jd,AdView Hand 2023-02-27 (isb-1021)
- Mini Main - 13 left 8s,8hView Hand 2023-02-27 (dil-1009)
- Bobziee Spin - Vs Fish 5h,8dView Hand 2023-02-26 (trn-1002)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #12 2023 - JJ open +1 Js,JcView Hand 2023-02-26 (ker-1259)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #12 2023 - AQo BTN 3-bet Ad,QsView Hand 2023-02-26 (ker-1258)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #12 2023 - KJo on BTN facing UTG open from LAG Kh,JcView Hand 2023-02-26 (ker-1257)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #12 2023 - AJo in LJ View Hand 2023-02-26 (ker-1256)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #12 2023 - AK in CO Ac,KsView Hand 2023-02-26 (ker-1255)
Faraz Jaka - $1k wsop circuit (David) - Hand 9 Ah,AdView Hand 2023-02-26 (jaa-1389)
Faraz Jaka - $400 mtt (David) - Hand 8 View Hand 2023-02-26 (jaa-1388)
Faraz Jaka - $400 mtt (David) - Hand 7 Ks,QhView Hand 2023-02-26 (jaa-1387)
Daniel Zane Maroti - buckywhitman Online 50NL - Cash Game Ah,QcView Hand 2023-02-26 (dzm-1002)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 Live - Aggro line with big draw Ad,JdView Hand 2023-02-25 (mkn-1010)
Faraz Jaka - $400 mtt (David) - Hand 6 Qs,JsView Hand 2023-02-25 (jaa-1386)
Faraz Jaka - $600 wsop circuit (David) - Hand 5 Ac,TcView Hand 2023-02-25 (jaa-1385)
Faraz Jaka - $300 mtt (David) - Hand 4 Ad,KdView Hand 2023-02-25 (jaa-1384)
Faraz Jaka - $300 mtt (David) - Hand 3 Ts,ThView Hand 2023-02-25 (jaa-1383)
Faraz Jaka - $300 bounty (David) - Hand 2 As,KhView Hand 2023-02-25 (jaa-1382)
Faraz Jaka - $600 mtt (David) - Hand 1 8s,7cView Hand 2023-02-25 (jaa-1381)
Faraz Jaka - $500 buy in $150k GTD Philly Live (Jeffrey) - Hand 3 Ac,TdView Hand 2023-02-25 (jaa-1380)
Faraz Jaka - $2200 buy in $500k GTD Maryland Live(Jeffrey) - Hand 2 Js,TsView Hand 2023-02-25 (jaa-1379)
Faraz Jaka - $360 Daily at Foxwoods (Jeffrey) - Hand 1 Qh,JhView Hand 2023-02-25 (jaa-1378)
Bart - 10nl - hand review Kh,KdView Hand 2023-02-25 (bas-1004)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game View Hand 2023-02-24 (top-1003)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker $2/$5 NL - Casino View Hand 2023-02-24 (top-1002)
Top Up Poker - Top Up Poker 0.5/1 NL Online - Online Home Game Kh,KsView Hand 2023-02-24 (top-1001)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KTo loose iso CO, TP2K donked into, x-r river Kc,TdView Hand 2023-02-24 (miq-1708)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A2s BB def vs reg, TPwK line check Ah,2hView Hand 2023-02-24 (miq-1707)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A9o def BB, TPwK vs reg As,9dView Hand 2023-02-24 (miq-1706)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A9o def BB, TPwK vs reg As,9dView Hand 2023-02-24 (miq-1705)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A9o def BB, TPwK vs reg As,9dView Hand 2023-02-24 (miq-1704)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A9o def BB, TPwK vs reg As,9dView Hand 2023-02-24 (miq-1703)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KQs squeeze in SB 4b pot, TP2K vs reg Kd,QdView Hand 2023-02-24 (miq-1702)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KJo squeeze in BB, line check, flop turn river Kd,JcView Hand 2023-02-24 (miq-1701)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KTs HJ OOP -- just awful. Ks,TsView Hand 2023-02-24 (miq-1700)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AQo SB 3b pot multiway line check As,QdView Hand 2023-02-24 (miq-1699)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QJs OTB 3b pot, line check -- see same opponent as A7s Qs,JsView Hand 2023-02-24 (miq-1698)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A7s 3b pot IP, 3 street bluff line check Ad,7dView Hand 2023-02-24 (miq-1697)
Dustin K. - ClubGG Final Stage Ticket Giveaway - Heads Up - Three of a Kind As,6sView Hand 2023-02-24 (kah-1024)
Dustin K. - ClubGG Deepstack NLH - $3,000 GTD - Top Pair vs LAG/Limper Ac,7cView Hand 2023-02-24 (kah-1023)
Don Bisco - Blitz Syndicate 22/23 DS - River Bet 4h,5hView Hand 2023-02-24 (don-1045)
PokerCoaching - Rampage Hand 2 (variant) - Rampage KJo Ks,JcView Hand 2023-02-24 (bdo-1704)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jamul Sr Mar 2023 - ATo BTN facing 3 limpers As,ThView Hand 2023-02-23 (ker-1254)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jamul Sr Mar 2023 - ATo CO As,TdView Hand 2023-02-23 (ker-1253)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jamul Sr Mar 2023 - JTs CO Js,TsView Hand 2023-02-23 (ker-1252)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jamul Sr Mar 2023 - JTs UTG Js,TsView Hand 2023-02-23 (ker-1251)
John Borges - John B S11 #1 - check to induce, but then... As,JhView Hand 2023-02-23 (fly-1464)
tokenator - 1/2 - KK&quot;weirdspot&quot; Ks,KdView Hand 2023-02-22 (tak-1015)
tokenator - 1/2 - AA DEEP As,AdView Hand 2023-02-22 (tak-1014)
tokenator - 1/2 - KQonofilm Ks,QhView Hand 2023-02-22 (tak-1013)
tokenator - 1/2 - PUNT Kd,TsView Hand 2023-02-22 (tak-1012)
tokenator - 1/2 - exploitative lead? Qs,JhView Hand 2023-02-22 (tak-1011)
tokenator - 1/2 - smallstacks Kh,QsView Hand 2023-02-22 (tak-1010)
tokenator - 1/2 - annoying spot Ks,QcView Hand 2023-02-22 (tak-1009)
tokenator - 1/2 - Min raising bitch Ad,8hView Hand 2023-02-22 (tak-1008)
tokenator - 1/2 - min river raise Ks,KcView Hand 2023-02-22 (tak-1007)
Selma - Selma Venetian Seniors - 4 bet raise sizing Qd,QsView Hand 2023-02-22 (sla-1200)
Selma - Selma Venetian Seniors - FT first hand Ad,TdView Hand 2023-02-22 (sla-1199)
Selma - Selma Venetian Seniors - 77 UTG 7s,7cView Hand 2023-02-22 (sla-1198)
Dustin K. - $250 Rungood Poker Series - Live - Facing a 3-Bet All-in from a TAG/NIT As,JsView Hand 2023-02-22 (kah-1022)
Jeremy - $16.50 $50k - Facing river jam Kd,6dView Hand 2023-02-21 (jmh-1002)
Arno - NANO ORCA Outsider - TF outsider As,QdView Hand 2023-02-21 (arn-1002)
Chris Radford - Radford999 bounty builder full house - raise the river? Jh,2hView Hand 2023-02-20 (rdd-1008)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian $200 Wynn - Mysterious Jam 9s,9cView Hand 2023-02-20 (opp-1033)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian $160 Resorts World - Unrealized Suckout As,QhView Hand 2023-02-20 (opp-1032)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian $160 Resorts World - Max value Ac,QcView Hand 2023-02-20 (opp-1031)
Dustin K. - ClubGG Deepstack NLH - $3,000 GTD - OOP Multiway Pot w/ AKo Ad,KhView Hand 2023-02-20 (kah-1021)
Dustin K. - ClubGG Deepstack NLH - $3,000 GTD - Calling IP vs BB - Flush Draw Kh,8hView Hand 2023-02-20 (kah-1020)
Faraz Jaka - $2200 Side Event - Hand 2 Qd,JsView Hand 2023-02-20 (jaa-1377)
Faraz Jaka - $2200 Side Event - Hand 1 8s,7hView Hand 2023-02-20 (jaa-1376)
Faraz Jaka - $600 satty to $2650 - Hand 1 Qd,JsView Hand 2023-02-20 (jaa-1375)
Faraz Jaka - Day 2 Mystery Bounty - Hand 3 Ad,2dView Hand 2023-02-20 (jaa-1374)
Faraz Jaka - Day 2 Mystery Bounty - Hand 2 Ah,5hView Hand 2023-02-20 (jaa-1373)
Faraz Jaka - Day 2 Mystery Bounty - Hand 1 6h,6dView Hand 2023-02-20 (jaa-1372)
Faraz Jaka - $3k PCA Mystery Bounty - Hand 17 Jd,7dView Hand 2023-02-20 (jaa-1371)
Faraz Jaka - $3k PCA Mystery Bounty - Hand 16 Kd,8dView Hand 2023-02-20 (jaa-1370)
Faraz Jaka - $3k PCA Mystery Bounty - Hand 15 9s,9dView Hand 2023-02-20 (jaa-1369)
Faraz Jaka - $3k PCA Mystery Bounty - Hand 14 As,QcView Hand 2023-02-20 (jaa-1368)
Faraz Jaka - $3k PCA Mystery Bounty - Hand 13 6c,4cView Hand 2023-02-20 (jaa-1367)
Faraz Jaka - $3k PCA Mystery Bounty - Hand 12 8s,7dView Hand 2023-02-20 (jaa-1366)
Faraz Jaka - $3k PCA Mystery Bounty - Hand 11 Jh,8hView Hand 2023-02-20 (jaa-1365)
Faraz Jaka - $3k PCA Mystery Bounty - Hand 10 6d,5dView Hand 2023-02-20 (jaa-1364)
Faraz Jaka - $3k PCA Mystery Bounty - Hand 9 Qs,9sView Hand 2023-02-20 (jaa-1363)
Faraz Jaka - $3k PCA Mystery Bounty - Hand 8 Ks,ThView Hand 2023-02-20 (jaa-1362)
Faraz Jaka - $3k PCA Mystery Bounty - Hand 7 As,QcView Hand 2023-02-20 (jaa-1361)
Faraz Jaka - $3k PCA Mystery Bounty - Hand 6 Ks,JhView Hand 2023-02-20 (jaa-1360)
Faraz Jaka - $3k PCA Mystery Bounty - Hand 5 Qh,JsView Hand 2023-02-20 (jaa-1359)
Faraz Jaka - $3k PCA Mystery Bounty - Hand 4 Kd,QcView Hand 2023-02-20 (jaa-1358)
Faraz Jaka - $3k PCA Mystery Bounty - Hand 3 9c,5cView Hand 2023-02-20 (jaa-1357)
Faraz Jaka - $3k PCA Mystery Bounty - Hand 2 Ah,AdView Hand 2023-02-20 (jaa-1356)
Faraz Jaka - $3k PCA Mystery Bounty - Hand 1 Ah,5sView Hand 2023-02-20 (jaa-1355)
Faraz Jaka - $2200 deepstack - Hand 2 6s,4hView Hand 2023-02-20 (jaa-1354)
Faraz Jaka - $2200 deepstack - Hand 1 Qc,JcView Hand 2023-02-20 (jaa-1353)
Faraz Jaka - $10k PCA Main 1B - Hand 1 Js,JcView Hand 2023-02-20 (jaa-1352)
- Bobziee Spin - Vs Fish Qc,9sView Hand 2023-02-19 (trn-1001)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian Wynn $200 - 4-bet shove Qs,QhView Hand 2023-02-19 (opp-1030)
Dustin K. - ClubGG Deepstack Marathon - $20,000 GTD - Heads Up - Marginal Made Hand + Flush Draw Qh,8hView Hand 2023-02-19 (kah-1019)
ryu - ryu 20-4river - 20-4river View Hand 2023-02-19 (aoc-1022)
ryu - ryu 20-3river - 20-3river Js,TsView Hand 2023-02-19 (aoc-1021)
ryu - ryu 20-2river - 20-2river Ts,JsView Hand 2023-02-19 (aoc-1020)
ryu - ryu 20-1river - 20-1river Ah,4hView Hand 2023-02-19 (aoc-1019)
Faraz Jaka - Bahamas 2023 $3k, Deepstack - Hand 6 Ad,JhView Hand 2023-02-17 (jaa-1351)
Faraz Jaka - Bahamas 2023 $3k, Deepstack - Hand 5 Ad,KsView Hand 2023-02-17 (jaa-1350)
Faraz Jaka - Bahamas 2023 $3k, Deepstack - Hand 4 Th,9hView Hand 2023-02-17 (jaa-1349)
Faraz Jaka - Bahamas 2023 $3k, Deepstack - Hand 3 As,QhView Hand 2023-02-17 (jaa-1348)
Faraz Jaka - Bahamas 2023 $3k, Deepstack - Hand 2 Kc,TcView Hand 2023-02-17 (jaa-1347)
Faraz Jaka - Bahamas 2023 $3k, Deepstack - Hand 1 Ah,7sView Hand 2023-02-17 (jaa-1346)
Selma - Selma Circuit 600 Day 1 - Nuts on River As,9sView Hand 2023-02-16 (sla-1197)
Selma - Selma Circuit 600 Day 1 - Short Stack Ad,6dView Hand 2023-02-16 (sla-1196)
Selma - Selma Circuit 600 Day 1 - AA on Bway Flop Ah,AcView Hand 2023-02-16 (sla-1195)
Selma - Selma Circuit 600 - BB leads Qh,QdView Hand 2023-02-16 (sla-1194)
Selma - Selma Circuit 600 - Exit hand 7d,9dView Hand 2023-02-16 (sla-1193)
Dustin K. - ClubGG NLH On Demand SnG (6-max) - Multiway, 3-Bet Pot - Top Pair Js,8sView Hand 2023-02-16 (kah-1018)
Dustin K. - ClubGG Final Stage Ticket Giveaway - Multiway Pot - Top Pair, Marginal Kicker Kd,9hView Hand 2023-02-16 (kah-1017)
Antonin Chadima - Zarx01 10/20CZK NL - 10/20 showdown 8max CG 9d,8dView Hand 2023-02-16 (ant-1001)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 88 BB defend multiway, overpair to board, fill up whiff x-r. 8s,8hView Hand 2023-02-15 (miq-1696)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QQ CO ip 4bet pot, bet sizing choice? Qs,QhView Hand 2023-02-15 (miq-1695)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KTs CO, line check, seems standard, what if...? Opponent Blasts River? Checks River? Kh,ThView Hand 2023-02-15 (miq-1694)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - K8s OTB 3b pot, Flop 2 Pair, r c-bet, size? Ks,8sView Hand 2023-02-15 (miq-1693)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AQs SPLASH POT, Line check TPQK Ah,QhView Hand 2023-02-15 (miq-1692)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AQs OTB, 3b pot IP, fold to 1 flop bet? As,QsView Hand 2023-02-15 (miq-1691)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - J9s SB 3b pot, line check, x-r, turn bet size? Js,9sView Hand 2023-02-15 (miq-1690)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KTo HJ, x TPwK IP multi-way? Kd,TsView Hand 2023-02-15 (miq-1689)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A6o def BB multiway, flop 2pair, x-r & get jammed Ah,6sView Hand 2023-02-15 (miq-1688)
jmiles - 2/5 - A3s SBvB Ac,3cView Hand 2023-02-15 (jmi-1021)
Alan Bostick - PokerShaman59 Oaks 2-3-5 NL - KK in CO vs Aggro Flops Top Set Ks,KhView Hand 2023-02-15 (abs-1006)
Brad - ClubWPT Freeroll - 17307292-2,14 Feb 2023 Kd,4dView Hand 2023-02-14 (wpt-1001)
Solwa54 - 5NL Pokerstars - too passive Ad,9dView Hand 2023-02-14 (sow-1016)
Josh - Notam Live $2/$5 Cash MGM - Folding when improved vs straight forward check-raise 7h,6hView Hand 2023-02-14 (osh-1001)
Nick - $18,888 Crazy Eights - BB 4 bet Ad,KhView Hand 2023-02-14 (nib-1001)
Matt - mkindc Wynn 2/5 NL - Game breaking: Almost SuperBowl Kickoff As,AcView Hand 2023-02-14 (mkn-1009)
Dustin K. - ClubGG Final Stage Ticket Giveaway - OOP Draw vs Maniac Kd,QsView Hand 2023-02-14 (kah-1016)
Dustin K. - ClubGG Final Stage Ticket Giveaway - Bluff Catching with High Card vs Maniac Kh,8hView Hand 2023-02-14 (kah-1015)
Dustin K. - ClubGG Amazon Gift Card Giveaway - Multiway Pot - Bluffing with Under Pair vs LAGs 4c,4dView Hand 2023-02-14 (kah-1014)
Dustin K. - ClubGG Amazon Gift Card Giveaway - Check/Raising Draw on the Flop vs LAG - Heads Up 6h,5hView Hand 2023-02-14 (kah-1013)
Dustin K. - ClubGG Amazon Gift Card Giveaway - Facing a 3-Bet Pot OOP vs LAG - Heads Up Kh,JdView Hand 2023-02-14 (kah-1012)
Dustin K. - ClubGG Amazon Gift Card Giveaway - Pre-Flop - 4-Bet/Jam Kd,KcView Hand 2023-02-14 (kah-1011)
Dustin K. - ClubGG Amazon Giftcard Giveaway - Heads Up - Triple Barrel Bluff - IP 5s,3sView Hand 2023-02-14 (kah-1010)
Dustin K. - Clubb Amazon Giftcard Giveaway - Heads Up vs Triple Barrel As,TcView Hand 2023-02-14 (kah-1009)
Dustin K. - ClubGG Amazon Gift Card Giveaway - Heads Up - Top Pair (A), Marginal Kicker Ac,5hView Hand 2023-02-14 (kah-1008)
Dustin K. - ClubGG Amazon Gift Card Giveaway - Multiway - Top Pair (A), Marginal Kicker As,9hView Hand 2023-02-14 (kah-1007)
Greg Bush - Aria 1/3 - Pam vs Hubby - JJ in BB vs preflop btn raise & SB 3 bet Js,JcView Hand 2023-02-14 (gbu-1002)
Mogilnicki - 1/3 live - bluffing missed draws 7s,4sView Hand 2023-02-14 (emo-1021)
Mogilnicki - 1/3 live - slow playing kings JJ4 Ks,KdView Hand 2023-02-14 (emo-1020)
Mogilnicki - 1/3 live - 5 way limped pot Js,7sView Hand 2023-02-14 (emo-1019)
Dustin K. - ClubGG Deepstack NLH, $3,000 GTD - Premium Hand (QQ) - 8bbs Qh,QsView Hand 2023-02-13 (kah-1006)
Dustin K. - ClubGG Deepstack NLH, $3,000 GTD - Multiway Pot - Marginal Hand vs All-in on Flop 4d,4hView Hand 2023-02-13 (kah-1005)
Dustin K. - ClubGG Deepstack NLH, $3,000 GTD - Multiway Pot - Full House on Paired Board Qc,TcView Hand 2023-02-13 (kah-1004)
Dustin K. - ClubGG On Demand NLH SnG (6-max) - Heads Up - Three of a Kind Kc,5dView Hand 2023-02-13 (kah-1003)
Dustin K. - ClubGG Double Stack NLH Online - Flopped Set (8s) - Multiway 8c,8dView Hand 2023-02-13 (kah-1002)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 NLH Cash - QQ BTN vs SB (vs splashy reg) Qc,QsView Hand 2023-02-13 (isb-1020)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 NLH - AKs UTG1 vs UTG Ad,KdView Hand 2023-02-13 (isb-1019)
Mogilnicki - 1/3 live - 5434 vs turn lead shove As,KsView Hand 2023-02-13 (emo-1018)
Mogilnicki - 1/3 live - sd + fd vs bet short stacked 7h,4hView Hand 2023-02-13 (emo-1017)
Mogilnicki - 1/3 live - 66 on Q85 3 way 6h,6dView Hand 2023-02-13 (emo-1016)
Mogilnicki - 1/3 live - top pair vs flop 3bet shove Ac,QhView Hand 2023-02-13 (emo-1015)
Mogilnicki - 1/3 live - underpair, dumb bluff 6s,6hView Hand 2023-02-13 (emo-1014)
Mogilnicki - 1/3 live - limped pot, pair and fd 6h,4hView Hand 2023-02-13 (emo-1013)
Mogilnicki - 1/3 live - 722J2 Ad,QcView Hand 2023-02-13 (emo-1012)
Mogilnicki - 1/3 live - flat kk pre, monotone flop Kh,KdView Hand 2023-02-13 (emo-1011)
Mogilnicki - 1/3 live - turn flush vs small bet Kc,TcView Hand 2023-02-13 (emo-1010)
Dustin K. - ClubGG Deepstack Marathon NLH, $15,000 GTD - Premium Hand - Multiway Ks,KdView Hand 2023-02-12 (kah-1001)
Poker Give Back - Poker Give Back hand 2 - destroyed Ts,8dView Hand 2023-02-12 (dnb-1002)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A9s LJ OOP 3b pot line check Ah,9hView Hand 2023-02-11 (miq-1687)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AJo SB BvB TPTK raised on flop, line check Ac,JdView Hand 2023-02-11 (miq-1686)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AKs oop vs known passive fish/whale vs 7x 3bet As,KsView Hand 2023-02-11 (miq-1685)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 54s OTB line check, river bluff raise 5h,4hView Hand 2023-02-11 (miq-1684)
Poker Give Back - Poker Give Back 1-2 cash - 2/3/23 As,KhView Hand 2023-02-11 (dnb-1001)
Craig - cmays xxx - xxx As,4sView Hand 2023-02-11 (cma-1001)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - Q9o OTB line check, river bet sizing bluff Qc,9sView Hand 2023-02-10 (miq-1683)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KQs BB 3b pot OOP, line check vs recreational Ks,QsView Hand 2023-02-10 (miq-1682)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 87s OTB trips & straight line check bet sizing 8d,7dView Hand 2023-02-10 (miq-1681)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QQ BB 3b vs LagFish line check Qc,QdView Hand 2023-02-10 (miq-1680)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 32s BB defend, line check 3c,2cView Hand 2023-02-10 (miq-1679)
Mogilnicki - 1/3 live - set of kings vs donk bet Ks,KhView Hand 2023-02-10 (emo-1009)
Mogilnicki - 1/3 live - ip king high flop Ac,TcView Hand 2023-02-10 (emo-1008)
Mogilnicki - 1/3 live - set of 77's 2 tone flop 7s,7hView Hand 2023-02-10 (emo-1007)
Mogilnicki - 1/3 live - 333 4 way flop Ah,TcView Hand 2023-02-10 (emo-1006)
Barney Goette - Schwoo RA $200 Dbl Stack - Turned set 8's 8s,8cView Hand 2023-02-10 (ban-1005)
YC - fortune cash session - 2 9 22 Js,JcView Hand 2023-02-09 (ycu-1020)
YC - fortune cash session - 2 9 22 Ah,8cView Hand 2023-02-09 (ycu-1019)
YC - fortune cash session - 2 9 22 Js,JhView Hand 2023-02-09 (ycu-1018)
YC - fortune cash session - 2 9 22 Ah,KhView Hand 2023-02-09 (ycu-1017)
YC - fortune cash session - 2 9 22 Js,JcView Hand 2023-02-09 (ycu-1016)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 55 ip line check, bluff rvr for scoop? 5h,5dView Hand 2023-02-09 (miq-1678)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AKo CO vs Lag Fish, bluff catch Ahigh? line check Ac,KhView Hand 2023-02-09 (miq-1677)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - ATs CO 3b pot OOP, TPTK x-r dumb dumb Ad,TdView Hand 2023-02-09 (miq-1676)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - Q9s LJ oop river x-r bluff line check Qh,9hView Hand 2023-02-09 (miq-1675)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - TT in HJ oop 3b pot line check Ts,TcView Hand 2023-02-09 (miq-1674)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KK ip 3b pot line check, bet sizing Ks,KcView Hand 2023-02-09 (miq-1673)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KK ip 3b pot line check, bet sizing Ks,KcView Hand 2023-02-09 (miq-1672)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 75s SB BvB line check, x-r 7s,5sView Hand 2023-02-09 (miq-1671)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 88 oop 3b pot, I donk flop & overbet 8s,8hView Hand 2023-02-09 (miq-1670)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $3.5k Main Day 2 - Hand 15 Ac,2cView Hand 2023-02-09 (jaa-1345)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $3.5k Main Day 2 - Hand 14 View Hand 2023-02-09 (jaa-1344)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $3.5k Main Day 2 - Hand 13 Kh,QcView Hand 2023-02-09 (jaa-1343)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $3.5k Main Day 2 - Hand 12 Kh,TsView Hand 2023-02-09 (jaa-1342)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $3.5k Main Day 2 - Hand 11 9s,4sView Hand 2023-02-09 (jaa-1341)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $3.5k Main Day 2 - Hand 10 Ac,TcView Hand 2023-02-09 (jaa-1340)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $3.5k Main Day 2 - Hand 9 Ah,QdView Hand 2023-02-09 (jaa-1339)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $3.5k Main Day 2 - Hand 8 9d,7dView Hand 2023-02-09 (jaa-1338)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $3.5k Main Day 2 - Hand 7 Ah,9cView Hand 2023-02-09 (jaa-1337)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $3.5k Main Day 2 - Hand 6 Kh,JdView Hand 2023-02-09 (jaa-1336)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $3.5k Main Day 2 - Hand 5 Ks,QsView Hand 2023-02-09 (jaa-1335)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $3.5k Main Day 2 - Hand 4 Kh,9hView Hand 2023-02-09 (jaa-1334)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $3.5k Main Day 2 - Hand 3 Ah,8hView Hand 2023-02-09 (jaa-1333)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $3.5k Main Day 2 - Hand 2 Ad,AcView Hand 2023-02-09 (jaa-1332)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock $3.5k Main Day 2 - Hand 1 Js,7sView Hand 2023-02-09 (jaa-1331)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 main event 1A - Hand 7 Ah,KsView Hand 2023-02-09 (jaa-1330)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 main event 1A - Hand 6 Kc,3cView Hand 2023-02-09 (jaa-1329)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 main event 1A - Hand 5 As,3sView Hand 2023-02-09 (jaa-1328)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 main event 1A - Hand 4 7s,6sView Hand 2023-02-09 (jaa-1327)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 main event 1A - Hand 3 Jd,TcView Hand 2023-02-09 (jaa-1326)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 main event 1A - Hand 2 Ac,2cView Hand 2023-02-09 (jaa-1325)
Faraz Jaka - $3500 main event 1A - Hand 1 3d,2dView Hand 2023-02-09 (jaa-1324)
Faraz Jaka - Hardrock Jan 2023, $2200 $200k GTD - Hand 1 9c,8cView Hand 2023-02-09 (jaa-1323)
Mogilnicki - $1-$3 live - ATs ep vs btn squeeze Ac,TcView Hand 2023-02-09 (emo-1005)
Mogilnicki - $1-$3 live - JJ top set vs donk bet Jh,JcView Hand 2023-02-09 (emo-1004)
Mogilnicki - $1-$3 live - AA flat sb 20bb 3bet shove, wet board oop As,AhView Hand 2023-02-09 (emo-1003)
Mogilnicki - $1-$3 live - AK sb raise vs limp As,KdView Hand 2023-02-09 (emo-1002)
Mogilnicki - $1-$3 live - Wed February 8 Ks,KdView Hand 2023-02-09 (emo-1001)
Michael Washington - 1/3 Live - QQ vs straddle Qh,QcView Hand 2023-02-08 (vit-1016)
Michael Washington - 1/3 Live - LJ w 98 9s,8sView Hand 2023-02-08 (vit-1015)
Michael Washington - 1/3 Live - CO w AK Ac,KcView Hand 2023-02-08 (vit-1014)
Michael Washington - 1/3 Live - CO w AQ Ad,QhView Hand 2023-02-08 (vit-1013)
Michael Washington - 1/3 Live - SB w 89 9c,8cView Hand 2023-02-08 (vit-1012)
Michael Washington - 1/3 Live - EP w QT Qc,TsView Hand 2023-02-08 (vit-1011)
Michael Washington - 1/3 Live - SB w KK Kh,KcView Hand 2023-02-08 (vit-1010)
Michael Washington - 1/3 Live - Mp w/ 66 6s,6cView Hand 2023-02-08 (vit-1009)
Michael Washington - 1/3 Live - EP w 88 8s,8hView Hand 2023-02-08 (vit-1008)
Edgar - InCtrl Online 100NL HU - hero call against unallowed bet 9d,TcView Hand 2023-02-08 (edg-1002)
Edgar - InCtrl Online 100NL HU - big fold on bad runout Kd,8dView Hand 2023-02-08 (edg-1001)
PokerCoaching - Missed Boards - Bad Flop Example View Hand 2023-02-08 (bdo-1703)
ryu - ryu 19.6 ex - 19.6 ex Ts,JsView Hand 2023-02-08 (aoc-1018)
ryu - ryu 19.7 ex - 19.7 ex Js,TsView Hand 2023-02-08 (aoc-1017)
ryu - ryu 9-2ex 3bet - 9-2 ex 3bet View Hand 2023-02-08 (aoc-1016)
ryu - ryu 7EX RANGE - 7EX RANGE 4d,AdView Hand 2023-02-08 (aoc-1015)
ryu - ryu 19-5 TURN BET - TURN BET EX Kh,QhView Hand 2023-02-08 (aoc-1014)
Selma - Selma Venetian 500 - AA on a monotone flop Ah,AdView Hand 2023-02-07 (sla-1192)
Selma - Selma Venetian 500 - Bad Board Kc,QsView Hand 2023-02-07 (sla-1191)
Selma - Selma Venetian 500 - QQ Qc,QdView Hand 2023-02-07 (sla-1190)
Solwa54 - 5NL Pokerstars - Unsure about turn bet Ts,TcView Hand 2023-02-06 (sow-1015)
Solwa54 - 5NL Pokerstars - No clue on any street Ts,TdView Hand 2023-02-06 (sow-1014)
Solwa54 - 5NL Pokerstars - Trying to induce IP on the river 7c,7hView Hand 2023-02-06 (sow-1013)
Solwa54 - 5NL Pokerstars - Would you ever slow-play the flop 7s,7dView Hand 2023-02-06 (sow-1012)
Matthew Barnes - Toast484 $1/3$ NL Live Cash - Straight Flush to Cap a Crazy Night 8h,5hView Hand 2023-02-06 (mtw-1004)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #10, 2023 - K9o on CO Ks,9dView Hand 2023-02-06 (ker-1250)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #10, 2023 - T8s on BTN Ts,8sView Hand 2023-02-06 (ker-1249)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #10, 2023 - A2o with 8bb As,2hView Hand 2023-02-06 (ker-1248)
John Borges - John B ACR #3 - why cant it always be this way (3 in a row) Ts,TcView Hand 2023-02-06 (fly-1463)
John Borges - John B ACR #2 - Meteoric Qh,QsView Hand 2023-02-06 (fly-1462)
John Borges - John B ACR #1 - start of the meteor Kd,QdView Hand 2023-02-06 (fly-1461)
John Borges - John B ACR #3 - schadenfruede Ah,AdView Hand 2023-02-06 (fly-1460)
John Borges - John B ACR #2 - Punt bluffing Qh,QsView Hand 2023-02-06 (fly-1459)
John Borges - John B ACR #1 - Ranges Kd,ThView Hand 2023-02-06 (fly-1458)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 47 Ah,9cView Hand 2023-02-06 (bdo-1702)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 46 Ah,QhView Hand 2023-02-06 (bdo-1701)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 45 Th,TdView Hand 2023-02-06 (bdo-1700)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 44 Th,9cView Hand 2023-02-06 (bdo-1699)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 43 Kh,TsView Hand 2023-02-06 (bdo-1698)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 42 7s,7dView Hand 2023-02-06 (bdo-1697)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 41 Kh,QhView Hand 2023-02-06 (bdo-1696)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 40 Kd,QcView Hand 2023-02-06 (bdo-1695)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 39 6s,2sView Hand 2023-02-06 (bdo-1694)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 38 Js,JhView Hand 2023-02-06 (bdo-1693)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 37 Qs,QhView Hand 2023-02-06 (bdo-1692)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 36 Js,JhView Hand 2023-02-06 (bdo-1691)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 35 8h,7hView Hand 2023-02-06 (bdo-1690)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 34 Ah,9dView Hand 2023-02-06 (bdo-1689)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 33 As,QcView Hand 2023-02-06 (bdo-1688)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 32 Ks,3sView Hand 2023-02-06 (bdo-1687)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 31 As,QhView Hand 2023-02-06 (bdo-1686)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 30 As,9hView Hand 2023-02-06 (bdo-1685)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 29 Ac,8cView Hand 2023-02-06 (bdo-1684)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 28 Ts,4hView Hand 2023-02-06 (bdo-1683)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 27 Ad,JhView Hand 2023-02-06 (bdo-1682)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 26 Js,ThView Hand 2023-02-06 (bdo-1681)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 25 Ad,QhView Hand 2023-02-06 (bdo-1680)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 24 Ac,KcView Hand 2023-02-06 (bdo-1679)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 23 Ah,AsView Hand 2023-02-06 (bdo-1678)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 22 As,2hView Hand 2023-02-06 (bdo-1677)
Arno - NANO ORCA HR UNIBET 150€ - Call river ? Ad,9sView Hand 2023-02-06 (arn-1001)
Selma - Selma Venetian 500 - QQ Exit hand Qh,QdView Hand 2023-02-05 (sla-1189)
ryu - ryu 19 예제4 - 턴전략4 As,TsView Hand 2023-02-05 (aoc-1013)
ryu - ryu 19 예제3 - 턴전략3 Ts,JsView Hand 2023-02-05 (aoc-1012)
ryu - ryu 19 예제2 - 턴전략2 Ts,JsView Hand 2023-02-05 (aoc-1011)
ryu - ryu 19 예제 - 턴전략 Ah,4hView Hand 2023-02-05 (aoc-1010)
ryu - ryu 18멀티웨이 - 18멀티웨이 As,KsView Hand 2023-02-05 (aoc-1009)
ryu - ryu 13리플레이4 - 13상대방성향고려한프리플랍4 Js,JcView Hand 2023-02-05 (aoc-1008)
ryu - ryu 13리플레이3 - 13상대방성향고려한프리플랍3 Ac,QcView Hand 2023-02-05 (aoc-1007)
ryu - ryu 13리플레이2 - 13상대방성향고려한프리플랍2 As,KhView Hand 2023-02-05 (aoc-1006)
ryu - ryu 13리플레이 - 13상대방성향고려한프리플랍 Js,JcView Hand 2023-02-05 (aoc-1005)
ryu - ryu 14EX림프상대로,마지널핸드잡기 - 14EX림프상대로,마지널핸드잡기 Qc,KhView Hand 2023-02-05 (aoc-1004)
ryu - ryu 8.림프상대로 - 8.림프상대로 림프 8h,8cView Hand 2023-02-05 (aoc-1003)
ryu - ryu 17.10Qs 블러프캐쳐 - HJ 10Qs vs btn Qs,TsView Hand 2023-02-05 (aoc-1002)
ryu - ryu 17.10Js배팅 - HJ 10Js vs btn Ts,JsView Hand 2023-02-05 (aoc-1001)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 NL - 333 Board 5c,5sView Hand 2023-02-04 (mkn-1008)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 NL - Set with rough runout 7s,7cView Hand 2023-02-04 (mkn-1007)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KQo otb line check, river raise bluff Ks,QdView Hand 2023-02-03 (miq-1669)
PokerCoaching - JL PSPC $25K - Hand 29 9s,9hView Hand 2023-02-03 (bdo-1676)
PokerCoaching - JL PSPC $25K - Hand 28 Tc,9cView Hand 2023-02-03 (bdo-1675)
PokerCoaching - JL PSPC $25K - Hand 27 Ts,TdView Hand 2023-02-03 (bdo-1674)
PokerCoaching - JL PSPC $25K - Hand 26 As,9cView Hand 2023-02-03 (bdo-1673)
PokerCoaching - JL PSPC $25K - Hand 25 Ah,QsView Hand 2023-02-03 (bdo-1672)
PokerCoaching - JL PSPC $25K - Hand 24 Js,TdView Hand 2023-02-03 (bdo-1671)
PokerCoaching - JL PSPC $25K - Hand 23 Kd,QhView Hand 2023-02-03 (bdo-1670)
PokerCoaching - JL PSPC $25K - Hand 22 Ac,3cView Hand 2023-02-03 (bdo-1669)
PokerCoaching - JL PSPC $25K - Hand 21 Qd,QhView Hand 2023-02-03 (bdo-1668)
PokerCoaching - JL PSPC $25K - Hand 20 Js,TcView Hand 2023-02-03 (bdo-1667)
PokerCoaching - JL PSPC $25K - Hand 19 9d,8dView Hand 2023-02-03 (bdo-1666)
PokerCoaching - JL PSPC $25K - Hand 18 7s,7dView Hand 2023-02-03 (bdo-1665)
PokerCoaching - JL PSPC $25K - Hand 17 7s,6sView Hand 2023-02-03 (bdo-1664)
PokerCoaching - JL PSPC $25K - Hand 16 Ah,KdView Hand 2023-02-03 (bdo-1663)
PokerCoaching - JL PSPC $25K - Hand 15 Ks,JcView Hand 2023-02-03 (bdo-1662)
PokerCoaching - JL PSPC $25K - Hand 14 Qd,4dView Hand 2023-02-03 (bdo-1661)
PokerCoaching - JL PSPC $25K - Hand 13 Js,TcView Hand 2023-02-03 (bdo-1660)
PokerCoaching - JL PSPC $25K - Hand 12 Ts,ThView Hand 2023-02-03 (bdo-1659)
PokerCoaching - JL PSPC $25K - Hand 11 Jc,8dView Hand 2023-02-03 (bdo-1658)
PokerCoaching - JL PSPC $25K - Hand 10 Qd,TdView Hand 2023-02-03 (bdo-1657)
PokerCoaching - JL PSPC $25K - Hand 9 Ac,QcView Hand 2023-02-03 (bdo-1656)
PokerCoaching - JL PSPC $25K - Hand 8 Qs,QhView Hand 2023-02-03 (bdo-1655)
PokerCoaching - JL PSPC $25K - Hand 7 Ks,KdView Hand 2023-02-03 (bdo-1654)
PokerCoaching - JL PSPC $25K - Hand 6 Td,7dView Hand 2023-02-03 (bdo-1653)
PokerCoaching - JL PSPC $25K - Hand 5 Ks,KhView Hand 2023-02-03 (bdo-1652)
PokerCoaching - JL PSPC $25K - Hand 4 Ac,QcView Hand 2023-02-03 (bdo-1651)
PokerCoaching - JL PSPC $25K - Hand 3 Th,TsView Hand 2023-02-03 (bdo-1650)
PokerCoaching - JL PSPC $25K - Hand 2 Ac,9hView Hand 2023-02-03 (bdo-1649)
PokerCoaching - JL PSPC $25K - Hand 1 Qh,JdView Hand 2023-02-03 (bdo-1648)
Bart - 0.25/0.50 cash game - hand review Ah,5hView Hand 2023-02-03 (bas-1003)
Barney Goette - Schwoo RA $500 Satty - RA $500 FTLM Satellite As,JsView Hand 2023-02-03 (ban-1004)
Selma - Selma Venetian 500 - 88 on button 8s,8cView Hand 2023-02-02 (sla-1188)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QQ CO ip raise river for value? Qs,QcView Hand 2023-02-02 (miq-1668)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 65s HJ vs passive fishy, 2pair line check 6d,5dView Hand 2023-02-02 (miq-1667)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A2o BvB def, face overbet TPnK, overbet to scoop chop? Ac,2dView Hand 2023-02-02 (miq-1666)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KQo iso limper IP, river block? Kc,QsView Hand 2023-02-02 (miq-1665)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AJo CO vs short stack 2pair line check Ah,JcView Hand 2023-02-02 (miq-1664)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 98s CO oop line check vs unknown 9c,8cView Hand 2023-02-02 (miq-1663)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KQo otb, 3b pot, pull the trigger? Kc,QsView Hand 2023-02-02 (miq-1662)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - K4s BB def line check, overbet lead Ks,4sView Hand 2023-02-02 (miq-1661)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A9o sb BvB TPwK reg x-r line check Ac,9hView Hand 2023-02-02 (miq-1660)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 33 in sb flop set line check vs reg 3s,3cView Hand 2023-02-02 (miq-1659)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A7s LJ OOP line check, block/value? Ad,7dView Hand 2023-02-02 (miq-1658)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 54s BB 3b bluff, x-r flop line check vs reg 5d,4dView Hand 2023-02-02 (miq-1657)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A5s otb line check, bluff catch? As,5sView Hand 2023-02-02 (miq-1656)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 99 in SB 5bb Splash Pot, 3b pot overpair to board 9s,9cView Hand 2023-02-02 (miq-1655)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AA OOP line check Ah,AcView Hand 2023-02-02 (miq-1654)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - ATs multiway Top2 w 4-str8 Ad,TdView Hand 2023-02-02 (miq-1653)
John Borges - John B WSOP PG #5 - Power of aggression Ad,KhView Hand 2023-02-02 (fly-1457)
John Borges - John B WSOP PG #4 - Big Fold View Hand 2023-02-02 (fly-1456)
John Borges - John B WSOP PG#3 - check notes View Hand 2023-02-02 (fly-1455)
John Borges - John B WSOP PG#2 - Missed value or scary board? View Hand 2023-02-02 (fly-1454)
Amy DeVaudreuil - $225 Jamul Tournament - big tilt shove Qs,QhView Hand 2023-02-02 (amy-1003)
tokenator - 1/2 - A9hh punt Ah,9hView Hand 2023-01-31 (tak-1006)
tokenator - 1/2 - AKs vs 55 As,KsView Hand 2023-01-31 (tak-1005)
tokenator - 1/2 - JJ SB large PFR Jc,JdView Hand 2023-01-31 (tak-1004)
tokenator - 1/2 - 88 Cbet on AAJ 8s,8cView Hand 2023-01-31 (tak-1003)
tokenator - 1/2 - Ah6hUTG BTN straddle 10 Ah,6hView Hand 2023-01-31 (tak-1002)
tokenator - 1/2 - QQHJ 3ways Qs,QdView Hand 2023-01-31 (tak-1001)
Solwa54 - 5NL Pokerstars - Weird Flop Action 9s,9cView Hand 2023-01-31 (sow-1011)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 21 9s,8sView Hand 2023-01-31 (bdo-1647)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 20 Ah,9hView Hand 2023-01-31 (bdo-1646)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 19 Ah,ThView Hand 2023-01-31 (bdo-1645)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 18 Qc,JcView Hand 2023-01-31 (bdo-1644)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 17 Js,8sView Hand 2023-01-31 (bdo-1643)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 16 Ah,KdView Hand 2023-01-31 (bdo-1642)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 15 9s,9cView Hand 2023-01-31 (bdo-1641)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 14 Qs,QhView Hand 2023-01-31 (bdo-1640)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 13 Ad,JhView Hand 2023-01-31 (bdo-1639)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 12 As,TdView Hand 2023-01-31 (bdo-1638)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 11 Js,JhView Hand 2023-01-31 (bdo-1637)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 10 As,QsView Hand 2023-01-31 (bdo-1636)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 9 Ah,KdView Hand 2023-01-31 (bdo-1635)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 8 As,KhView Hand 2023-01-31 (bdo-1634)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 7 Ad,KdView Hand 2023-01-31 (bdo-1633)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 6 6s,6cView Hand 2023-01-31 (bdo-1632)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 5 Jh,JcView Hand 2023-01-31 (bdo-1631)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 4 As,AcView Hand 2023-01-31 (bdo-1630)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 3 Kh,5hView Hand 2023-01-31 (bdo-1629)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 2 Ac,QcView Hand 2023-01-31 (bdo-1628)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA $10K Main - Hand 1 Ks,8cView Hand 2023-01-31 (bdo-1627)
PokerCoaching - SS30 - Example Ad,KhView Hand 2023-01-31 (bdo-1626)
Bart - $15/2.5k online tourney - hand review Ad,KdView Hand 2023-01-31 (bas-1002)
Selma - Selma Venetian 500 - Monster Flop As,7cView Hand 2023-01-30 (sla-1187)
Selma - Selma Venetian 500 - AK in crowded pot As,KcView Hand 2023-01-30 (sla-1186)
Selma - Selma Venetian 500 - AA level one Ah,AdView Hand 2023-01-30 (sla-1185)
Selma - Selma Venetian 600 - TT in BB Th,TdView Hand 2023-01-30 (sla-1184)
Selma - Selma Venetian 600 - KK in hijack Ks,KdView Hand 2023-01-30 (sla-1183)
James Romero - James Romero Hardrock $3.5k Main - (8) Jc,JhView Hand 2023-01-30 (ski-1160)
James Romero - James Romero Wynn $3k - (7) Js,7sView Hand 2023-01-30 (ski-1159)
James Romero - James Romero WSOP Bounty $1.5K - (6) Ks,JsView Hand 2023-01-30 (ski-1158)
Chad Gardner - 2/5 BestBet Hero Call - 2/5 BestBet Hero Call Kd,7dView Hand 2023-01-30 (cwg-1001)
Dan S. - Occam'sRaiser 1/2 Cash YalePC - Edgar plays ATs vs. a 3-bet Ac,TcView Hand 2023-01-29 (tep-1002)
Dan S. - Occam'sRaiser 1/2 cash YalePC - Edgar's QQ on monotone flop Qd,QcView Hand 2023-01-29 (tep-1001)
James Romero - James Romero Wynn Mystery Bounty $1,600 - (5) 7h,7cView Hand 2023-01-29 (ski-1157)
Chris Radford - Radford999 $1R flush - flush? Qd,JdView Hand 2023-01-29 (rdd-1007)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 Live - QQ from the Blinds vs. Limpers Qs,QcView Hand 2023-01-29 (mkn-1006)
- BOL 2500 - 3 handed ft 9s,AdView Hand 2023-01-29 (dil-1008)
James Romero - James Romero Hardrock Bounty. - (4) Ks,QhView Hand 2023-01-28 (ski-1156)
James Romero - James Romero Wynn $10k Main - (3) As,4sView Hand 2023-01-28 (ski-1154)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 NL LIve - Turn Overbet Bluffing ala JJaffe Cash Game Challenge 2d,2hView Hand 2023-01-28 (mkn-1004)
John Borges - John B ACR 1/28 - Against cold caller..... Hmmmm As,QcView Hand 2023-01-28 (fly-1453)
James Romero - James Romero Venetian $2.5k - (2) As,9cView Hand 2023-01-27 (ski-1153)
James Romero - James Romero Borgata $5k - (1) 8s,6sView Hand 2023-01-27 (ski-1152)
Chris Radford - Radford999 Great fold against a nit - Fold! Qs,QhView Hand 2023-01-27 (rdd-1006)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 38 Ks,KhView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1625)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 37 8c,5sView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1624)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 36 As,QhView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1623)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 35 Qs,JcView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1622)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 34 As,7hView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1621)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 33 Qh,5hView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1620)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 32 Th,TsView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1619)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 31 Qs,ThView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1618)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 30 Ad,6sView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1617)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 29 Qs,6hView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1616)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 28 Ah,5sView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1615)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 27 As,JsView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1614)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 26 Jh,9hView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1613)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 25 Ks,KcView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1612)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 24 9s,8sView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1611)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 23 8h,7hView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1610)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 22 Ah,AdView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1609)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 21 Ad,JsView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1608)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 20 Td,3dView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1607)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 19 Qh,JdView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1606)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 18 Qs,QdView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1605)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 17 Ah,4sView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1604)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 16 Ts,8cView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1603)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 15 Qs,QhView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1602)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 14 Ad,TdView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1601)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 13 Qd,9dView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1600)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 12 Ah,JhView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1599)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 11 Kh,TdView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1598)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 10 Tc,TsView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1597)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 9 Ac,JdView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1596)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 8 Ad,KdView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1595)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 7 As,KhView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1594)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 6 Ac,TdView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1593)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 5 Ad,AcView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1592)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 4 Qh,JdView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1591)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 3 Qh,ThView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1590)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 2 Ks,QhView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1589)
PokerCoaching - JL PCA 2023 - Hand 1 Td,9dView Hand 2023-01-27 (bdo-1588)
John Borges - John B S10 #1 - ranging As,QhView Hand 2023-01-26 (fly-1452)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Beau Rivage Main 15 - 68dd stacked AA 6d,8dView Hand 2023-01-25 (jec-1020)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Beau Rivage Main 14 - 46o from BB triple barrel 4s,6cView Hand 2023-01-25 (jec-1019)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Beau Rivage 12 - Sick river fold with TT. Td,TsView Hand 2023-01-25 (jec-1018)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Beau 11 - J9dd on Btn river value Jd,9dView Hand 2023-01-25 (jec-1017)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Beau Rivage 10 - A8hh light 3bet EP vs EP Ah,8hView Hand 2023-01-25 (jec-1016)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Beau Rivage 9 - 78dd bottom 2 lost the min 7d,8dView Hand 2023-01-25 (jec-1015)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Beau Rivage 7 - Worst hand I played all trip. As,QhView Hand 2023-01-25 (jec-1014)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Beau Rivage 4 - QQ sick play Qh,QdView Hand 2023-01-25 (jec-1013)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Beau Rivage 3 - 45ss SB flop 2 pair multi way 4s,5sView Hand 2023-01-25 (jec-1012)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Beau Rivage 2 - 89hh SB 8h,9hView Hand 2023-01-25 (jec-1011)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Beau Rivage 1 - KQo Misplayed Ks,QhView Hand 2023-01-25 (jec-1010)
Arunas - Moose 1100 live - live View Hand 2023-01-25 (cel-1001)
Solwa54 - 5NL Pokerstars - Bet or check to induce? As,KhView Hand 2023-01-24 (sow-1010)
Solwa54 - 5NL Pokerstars - Do not hero call the river As,ThView Hand 2023-01-24 (sow-1009)
Matt - mkindc 5/5NL Live - All About that Flop Ad,KdView Hand 2023-01-24 (mkn-1003)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #10, 2023 - JJ in BB View Hand 2023-01-24 (ker-1247)
Chris Radford - Radford999 $11 Big MTT Pokerstars - River decision 8d,4dView Hand 2023-01-23 (rdd-1005)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #10, 2022 - +1 KK Kh,KdView Hand 2023-01-23 (ker-1246)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #10, 2022 - LJ A9s As,9sView Hand 2023-01-23 (ker-1245)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #10, 2022 - SB 97s 9d,7dView Hand 2023-01-23 (ker-1244)
Wes Lorenz - LilDubya Home Game - CO Donk Leads into Button raiser with flush draw 5c,4cView Hand 2023-01-22 (wes-1008)
Wes Lorenz - LilDubya Home Game - Raise Flop and villain 3-bet jams Kc,6sView Hand 2023-01-22 (wes-1007)
Barney Goette - Schwoo $250 CB Deep Stack - $250 CB Deep Stack with ME Seat Added 6h,6dView Hand 2023-01-22 (ban-1003)
CPG - CPG - 9.7.21 - Turning Hands into Bluffs #2 As,TsView Hand 2023-01-21 (dtr-1003)
CPG - CPG - 8.10.21 - Turning Hands into Bluffs #1 Jc,ThView Hand 2023-01-21 (dtr-1002)
CPG - CPG TT-1 - turning hands into bluffs - 1 Jc,ThView Hand 2023-01-21 (dtr-1001)
YC - fortune Rivers - 1 20 23 Cash session Kc,QcView Hand 2023-01-20 (ycu-1015)
Selma - Selma Fort L 200 - KQ suited for the exit Kc,QcView Hand 2023-01-19 (sla-1182)
Selma - Selma Fort L 600 - Exit hand with 99 9h,9dView Hand 2023-01-19 (sla-1181)
Selma - Selma Fort L 200 - Q5 on the button Qh,5hView Hand 2023-01-19 (sla-1180)
Selma - Selma Seniors 400 - AQ in BB Ah,QhView Hand 2023-01-19 (sla-1179)
Selma - Selma Fort L Seniors 400 - Exit Hand As,9sView Hand 2023-01-19 (sla-1178)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$3 Hollywood Casino KC 1.23 - AKo faces strange spot As,KcView Hand 2023-01-19 (coh-1076)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$3 Hollywood Casino KC - A3hh - TP bd Nut Flush seeks value Ah,3hView Hand 2023-01-19 (coh-1075)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$3 Hollywood Casino KC - KQhh nut flush draw 5-way IP Kh,QhView Hand 2023-01-19 (coh-1074)
Joe - Joe WSOP Ring Monster $400 - Cowboys Early Kc,KdView Hand 2023-01-18 (jrl-1001)
Dinero - Diner0Poker Online NL30 - Big Turn Jam with 88 8h,8sView Hand 2023-01-17 (vka-1001)
Solwa54 - 10NL Pokerstars - Put under pressure on the river 8s,4dView Hand 2023-01-17 (sow-1008)
Chris Radford - Radford999 £100 MTT Live 6 max turbo - Turn the set and get check raised 7s,7dView Hand 2023-01-17 (rdd-1004)
Matthew Barnes - Toast484 $1/3$ NL Live Cash - AKo loses to KK. Preflop mistake? Kd,AhView Hand 2023-01-16 (mtw-1003)
Matthew Barnes - Toast484 $1/3$ NL Live Cash - AJo, loose player accidentally string betting Ah,JsView Hand 2023-01-16 (mtw-1002)
Matthew Barnes - Toast484 $1/3$ NL Live Cash - A4o BB, two pair loss to flush on the river Ah,4dView Hand 2023-01-16 (mtw-1001)
Barney Goette - Schwoo $800 RA Avalanche - Running Aces Big Stack Avalanche As,AhView Hand 2023-01-16 (ban-1002)
YC - fortune Todd's - defending pp Ts,ThView Hand 2023-01-14 (ycu-1014)
Selma - Selma Lucky Hearts 600 - Hand for Hand Bubble As,JsView Hand 2023-01-14 (sla-1177)
Peter - 1/3 cash - 88 bluff spot 8h,8cView Hand 2023-01-14 (pej-1001)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$3 Cash - Hollywood Casino KC - KQss 3! in SB vs BTN 300bb deep vs good player Ks,QsView Hand 2023-01-13 (coh-1073)
Cronut - Cronut $1/$3 NL - Overpair vs. aggro flop check raise Ts,ThView Hand 2023-01-12 (urc-1012)
Cronut - Cronut $1/$3 NL - Overpair vs. aggro flop raise Ts,ThView Hand 2023-01-12 (urc-1011)
Chris Radford - Radford999 £100 Live Turbo MTT - Call/Fold the river? Js,9sView Hand 2023-01-12 (rdd-1003)
Cronut - Cronut $1/$3 NL - Turn top two IP in 3-bet pot Ks,QhView Hand 2023-01-11 (urc-1010)
Cronut - Cronut $1/$3 NL - Overpair vs. small river bet on wet board Qs,QhView Hand 2023-01-11 (urc-1009)
Cronut - Cronut $1/$3 NL - Aces facing turn jam Ah,AdView Hand 2023-01-11 (urc-1008)
Cronut - Cronut $1/$2 NL - Top two facing turn check/jam 9s,8sView Hand 2023-01-11 (urc-1007)
Cronut - Cronut $1/$2 NL - KK multiway facing heavy action Ks,KdView Hand 2023-01-11 (urc-1006)
Rich G - Live - Not So Fun Night Out Ad,AhView Hand 2023-01-11 (rgr-1007)
Rich G - Live - Fun Night Out 6 8s,8hView Hand 2023-01-11 (rgr-1006)
Rich G - Live - Fun Night Out 5 Ts,TcView Hand 2023-01-11 (rgr-1005)
Rich G - Live - Fun Night Out 4 Th,KsView Hand 2023-01-11 (rgr-1004)
Rich G - Live - Fun Night Out 3 7s,8hView Hand 2023-01-11 (rgr-1003)
Rich G - Live - Fun Night Out 2 Qd,TdView Hand 2023-01-11 (rgr-1002)
Rich G - Live - Fun Night Out Ad,AcView Hand 2023-01-11 (rgr-1001)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 NL - Too Passive vs. Nit? 7s,8sView Hand 2023-01-11 (mkn-1002)
Matt - mkindc 5/5 10 Straddle - Trip Q on the river Qh,KhView Hand 2023-01-11 (mkn-1001)
Solwa54 - 10NL Pokerstars - battling hard Kh,QsView Hand 2023-01-10 (sow-1007)
Solwa54 - 10NL Pokerstars - Messed up on the river Jd,JcView Hand 2023-01-10 (sow-1006)
Solwa54 - 10NL Pokerstars - Bad flop play, interesting river spot 9h,9cView Hand 2023-01-10 (sow-1005)
Leon - 1/2 Live cash - Part of pre-flop quiz As,ThView Hand 2023-01-09 (lev-1001)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #9 2023 - KQo Kc,QsView Hand 2023-01-09 (ker-1243)
Jarred Gabin - GodsBigToe ONline - What would your bet sizes be turn and river? Kc,TdView Hand 2023-01-09 (god-1016)
Giorgio - king's - hh d'alterio Ks,QcView Hand 2023-01-09 (gau-1001)
John Borges - John B s9 #5 - keeping checking range strong As,QhView Hand 2023-01-09 (fly-1451)
John Borges - John B s9 #4 - Downhill slide.... 2s,2hView Hand 2023-01-09 (fly-1450)
John Borges - John B s9 #3 - Multiway limped pot 5h,4cView Hand 2023-01-09 (fly-1449)
John Borges - John B s9 #2 - 2nd hand of tournament Ac,QcView Hand 2023-01-09 (fly-1448)
John Borges - John B s9 #1 - 1st hand of tournament Ac,TcView Hand 2023-01-09 (fly-1447)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #9 2023 - 74s in BB 7h,4hView Hand 2023-01-08 (ker-1242)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #9 2023 - J9s in BB Jd,9dView Hand 2023-01-08 (ker-1241)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #9 2023 - 32s in BB 3h,2hView Hand 2023-01-08 (ker-1240)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #9 2023 - A5s in LJ Ah,5hView Hand 2023-01-08 (ker-1239)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #9 2023 - Q6s in SB flopped a flush Qh,6hView Hand 2023-01-08 (ker-1238)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$2 Harrah's KC - 1.7.23 - AQcc in BB vs UTG - ovebet jam river Ac,QcView Hand 2023-01-08 (coh-1072)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$2 Harrah's KC - 1.7.23 - ATo flops TPTK, villain makes hero fold As,TcView Hand 2023-01-08 (coh-1071)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$2 Harrahs KC - 1.7.23 - AKs 3! pot - turn sizing wrong? As,KsView Hand 2023-01-08 (coh-1070)
Bruno - Fleurer CHF100 PCSG / 07.01.23 - AQs gefoldet nachdem Chip Leader 3Bet Callt Ah,QhView Hand 2023-01-08 (bbu-1008)
jmiles - 1/3 Cash - TT on J all spade Tc,TdView Hand 2023-01-07 (jmi-1020)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/2 Cash Harrah's KC - 1.6.23 - ATo Squeeze over straddle + Limps Hero Calls overbluffed line As,ThView Hand 2023-01-07 (coh-1069)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$2 Cash Harrah's KC - 1.6.23 - QJo - Flop Top 2p sb v btn trying to play for stacks Qs,JcView Hand 2023-01-07 (coh-1068)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$2 Harrahs KC - 1.6.23 - AQo gets in 3-way all-in As,QhView Hand 2023-01-07 (coh-1067)
Wes Lorenz - LilDubya $20 Online Tournament - Bad play with Q6s facing an AI Ah,7dView Hand 2023-01-05 (wes-1006)
Michael Washington - $180 Turbo Re-Entry - Flop top two Ad,6dView Hand 2023-01-05 (vit-1007)
PokerCoaching - Value Bet - Example 2 View Hand 2023-01-05 (bdo-1587)
Johannes - Bestbet $2/$5 - Small PP facing 3-bet 6s,6cView Hand 2023-01-04 (jka-1006)
PokerCoaching - Value Bet - Example 1 View Hand 2023-01-04 (bdo-1586)
Steve - Sullivan47 2 NL - QQ HJ Qh,QsView Hand 2023-01-03 (sts-1053)
Cyrus Sidhwa - seeris 25/50 Live - Bluff Nominee 1 9h,8sView Hand 2023-01-03 (sih-1001)
- wsop - Fold w/QQ to turn raise Qh,QsView Hand 2023-01-02 (dil-1007)
- wsop 1000 - River give up Jd,9cView Hand 2023-01-02 (dil-1006)
- wsop 1000 - Q9ss Qs,9sView Hand 2023-01-02 (dil-1005)
- wsop 1000 - AQo As,QcView Hand 2023-01-02 (dil-1004)
- wsop 1000 - J10ss Multi-Way Js,TsView Hand 2023-01-02 (dil-1003)
- wsop 1000 - mulit-way 99 9h,9dView Hand 2023-01-02 (dil-1002)
- WSOP 1000 - Multi-Way Lead w/K10o Kh,TsView Hand 2023-01-02 (dil-1001)
Chris Potts - Potts48 0.10/0.25 online - A5h check raise river bluff Ah,5hView Hand 2023-01-01 (pos-1003)
Chris Potts - Potts48 0.10/0.25 online - KJ top two vs set Kc,JhView Hand 2023-01-01 (pos-1002)
Chris Potts - Potts48 0.10/0.25 online - KK overpair facing turn shove Ks,KhView Hand 2023-01-01 (pos-1001)
Jorge Gumucio - Puma $5/$10NL - Mano fuerte de la noche 2h,JhView Hand 2023-01-01 (jre-1001)
JJ - gulfcoast- ballys - thoughts on BB bet sizes? Ac,JcView Hand 2023-01-01 (jcj-1457)
JJ - gulfcoast- ballys - do you call off against 2 players even if short? 6s,6cView Hand 2023-01-01 (jcj-1456)
JJ - gulfcoast- ballys - thoughts on preflop play? Ts,TcView Hand 2023-01-01 (jcj-1455)
JJ - lodge monthly- December - thoughts on turn play with TT against blinds range? Th,TdView Hand 2023-01-01 (jcj-1454)
JJ - lodge monthly- December - playing turned trips against tricky player- river play? Ks,TcView Hand 2023-01-01 (jcj-1453)
JJ - TOC Lodge - final table bubble, 5 & 5 5s,5cView Hand 2023-01-01 (jcj-1452)
JJ - lodge TOC 18 players tourney - thoughts on turn check vs barrel multiway? Qs,TsView Hand 2023-01-01 (jcj-1451)
JJ - lodge TOC 18 players tourney - what to do with KK on flop? Ks,KhView Hand 2023-01-01 (jcj-1450)
JJ - dallas TCH Dec 31 - thoughts on jamming vs flatting against passive player? As,JcView Hand 2023-01-01 (jcj-1449)
JJ - local horseshoe - thoughts on turn barrel vs give up against Small blind range? Qs,8sView Hand 2023-01-01 (jcj-1448)
JJ - gulfcoast- ballys - playing pocket AA multiway Ah,AcView Hand 2023-01-01 (jcj-1447)
JJ - gulfcoast- ballys - blind vs blind deep stacked Ah,QcView Hand 2023-01-01 (jcj-1446)
JJ - gulfcoast- ballys - thoughts on turn bet vs give up? Jd,TdView Hand 2023-01-01 (jcj-1445)
JJ - gulfcoast- ballys - what to do against against passive player with top top? Ah,QsView Hand 2023-01-01 (jcj-1444)
JJ - gulfcoast - ballys - how to play turn when short stacked? Ah,KhView Hand 2023-01-01 (jcj-1443)
JJ - lodge $1200 main - playing QQ in 3 bet pot Qh,QdView Hand 2023-01-01 (jcj-1442)
Jeff Brownlee - Sooth Sayer $1/$2 NL - K2 suited Kd,2dView Hand 2022-12-31 (jeo-1015)
A - 1/2 - AAQQ Ks,QdView Hand 2022-12-31 (hel-1003)
A - 1/2 - 77733 Td,JdView Hand 2022-12-31 (hel-1002)
A - 1/2 NL - AcTs Ac,TsView Hand 2022-12-30 (hel-1001)
Barney Goette - Schwoo ACR $3.30 $2k GTD - First 1st 8h,6hView Hand 2022-12-29 (ban-1001)
Andrew - $1/$2 - ayying4 7s,7hView Hand 2022-12-28 (yin-1004)
Solwa54 - 5NL Pokerstars - River bluff with strong marginal hand Js,JhView Hand 2022-12-28 (sow-1004)
Solwa54 - 5NL Pokerstars - Triple Barrel with K high Kh,5hView Hand 2022-12-28 (sow-1003)
Solwa54 - 10NL Pokerstars - bluffing over turn lead Ks,8hView Hand 2022-12-28 (sow-1002)
Solwa54 - 5NL Pokerstars - Facing Hyperaggressive Player Ah,4hView Hand 2022-12-28 (sow-1001)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1/$3 at Maryland Live - Hero IP with a pile of equity in a 3-bet pot vs a decent reg Kh,JhView Hand 2022-12-28 (mcl-1342)
Hero_Wassili - 1600eu Dutch Open Freezeout - Blocker bluff 62bb deep As,8dView Hand 2022-12-28 (isb-1018)
Hero_Wassili - 1600eu Dutch Open Freezeout - Blocker bluff 62bb deep As,8dView Hand 2022-12-28 (isb-1017)
Hero_Wassili - 330eu FO Netherlands - 25bb overpair on draw heavy board Ks,KdView Hand 2022-12-28 (isb-1016)
Hero_Wassili - 1600eu Dutch Open - Second nuts flush - do I go for value Qd,JdView Hand 2022-12-28 (isb-1015)
Andrew - $1/$2 - ayying3 8s,8dView Hand 2022-12-27 (yin-1003)
Andrew - $1/$2 - ayying2 8s,8hView Hand 2022-12-27 (yin-1002)
jmiles - 1/3 - QQ vs Quads Qs,QcView Hand 2022-12-27 (jmi-1019)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Hollywood 1k Maker - 99 on 334cc 9h,9dView Hand 2022-12-27 (jec-1009)
PokerCoaching - Multi-Way Limped Pots - Example 3 View Hand 2022-12-27 (bdo-1585)
PokerCoaching - Multi-Way Limped Pots - Example 1 View Hand 2022-12-27 (bdo-1584)
PokerCoaching - Multi-Way Limped Pots - Example 2 View Hand 2022-12-27 (bdo-1583)
Andrew - $1/$2 - ayying1 As,KsView Hand 2022-12-26 (yin-1001)
Bart - Online Tourney - Bart's Dilemma Ac,KcView Hand 2022-12-24 (bas-1001)
YC - fortune Rivers - 12 23 Ad,QdView Hand 2022-12-23 (ycu-1013)
YC - fortune Rivers - 12 23 Ad,5dView Hand 2022-12-23 (ycu-1012)
YC - fortune Rivers - 12 23 As,7sView Hand 2022-12-23 (ycu-1011)
YC - fortune Rivers - 12 23 Js,JhView Hand 2022-12-23 (ycu-1010)
Cronut - Cronut $1/$3 live - Flopped pair + straight flush draw multiway 9s,8sView Hand 2022-12-23 (urc-1005)
Cronut - Cronut $1/$3 live - Flopped pair + straight flush draw multiway 8d,7dView Hand 2022-12-23 (urc-1004)
Chris Radford - Radford999 $2.20 Online MTT - 3street bluff? Td,9dView Hand 2022-12-23 (rdd-1002)
J - J $0.25/$0.50 NL - AQo vs K2s Ac,QsView Hand 2022-12-23 (jax-1001)
YC - fortune Rivers - Dec 22 2022 Ac,6cView Hand 2022-12-22 (ycu-1009)
YC - fortune Rivers - Dec 22 2022 8h,8dView Hand 2022-12-22 (ycu-1008)
YC - fortune Rivers - Dec 22 2022 Jh,JcView Hand 2022-12-22 (ycu-1007)
YC - fortune Rivers - Dec 22 2022 Kh,JhView Hand 2022-12-22 (ycu-1006)
YC - fortune Rivers - Dec 22 2022 9d,TdView Hand 2022-12-22 (ycu-1005)
YC - fortune Rivers - Dec 22 2022 Kh,ThView Hand 2022-12-22 (ycu-1004)
YC - fortune Rivers - Dec 22 2022 4c,4sView Hand 2022-12-22 (ycu-1003)
YC - fortune Rivers - Dec 22 2022 Ad,9dView Hand 2022-12-22 (ycu-1002)
YC - fortune Rivers - Dec 22 2022 Ah,9hView Hand 2022-12-22 (ycu-1001)
Wes Lorenz - LilDubya 12/18 Free Roll - Nate misplays A8s Ah,8hView Hand 2022-12-21 (wes-1005)
Christopher Fox - 52goat United Wednesday Christmas - Georgia Out Ah,TdView Hand 2022-12-21 (hrs-1002)
Christopher Fox - 52goat United Wednesday Christmas - Georgia bleeding chips Ks,3cView Hand 2022-12-21 (hrs-1001)
Wes Lorenz - LilDubya 12/18 Free Roll - Anselm Gets Trapped with 88 vs AA 8d,8cView Hand 2022-12-20 (wes-1004)
jmiles - 1/3 - Overs and Gutter vs Donk Lead Ts,8sView Hand 2022-12-20 (jmi-1018)
Jeremy - &amp;pound;1/&amp;pound;2 Cash - &amp;pound;1/&amp;pound;2 3bet pot vs reg Ad,JdView Hand 2022-12-20 (jmh-1001)
Faraz Jaka - $1100 1c prime - Hand 2 Js,8hView Hand 2022-12-20 (jaa-1322)
Faraz Jaka - $1100 1c prime - Hand 1 As,AcView Hand 2022-12-20 (jaa-1321)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn 3k HHS - Hand 3 As,9hView Hand 2022-12-20 (jaa-1320)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn 3k HHS - Hand 2 Kc,ThView Hand 2022-12-20 (jaa-1319)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn 3k HHS - Hand 1 Ad,JdView Hand 2022-12-20 (jaa-1318)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $10k HHs Day 1B - Hand 11 Ks,JhView Hand 2022-12-20 (jaa-1317)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $10k HHs Day 1B - Hand 10 Ac,7cView Hand 2022-12-20 (jaa-1316)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $10k HHs Day 1B - Hand 9 Jc,9cView Hand 2022-12-20 (jaa-1315)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $10k HHs Day 1B - Hand 8 Ad,KhView Hand 2022-12-20 (jaa-1314)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $10k HHs Day 1B - Hand 7 9s,9cView Hand 2022-12-20 (jaa-1313)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $10k HHs Day 1B - Hand 6 As,5sView Hand 2022-12-20 (jaa-1312)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $10k HHs Day 1B - Hand 5 Kh,ThView Hand 2022-12-20 (jaa-1311)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $10k HHs Day 1B - Hand 4 Qc,TcView Hand 2022-12-20 (jaa-1310)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $10k HHs Day 1B - Hand 3 3h,2cView Hand 2022-12-20 (jaa-1309)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $10k HHs Day 1B - Hand 2 Ah,KcView Hand 2022-12-20 (jaa-1308)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $10k HHs Day 1B - Hand 1 6d,6hView Hand 2022-12-20 (jaa-1307)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $10k WPT HHs $15m gtd - Day 1A, Hand 5 9c,8cView Hand 2022-12-20 (jaa-1306)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $10k WPT HHs $15m gtd - Day 1A, Hand 4 Js,9hView Hand 2022-12-20 (jaa-1305)
Wes Lorenz - LilDubya 12/18 Freeroll Tournament - Hero faced with river jam with JJ Js,JcView Hand 2022-12-19 (wes-1003)
Michael Washington - 1/3 Live - TT vs Good player Td,TsView Hand 2022-12-19 (vit-1006)
Michael Washington - 1/3 Live - 55 vs fish 5d,5sView Hand 2022-12-19 (vit-1005)
Michael Washington - 1/3 Live - 77 vs reg 7c,7hView Hand 2022-12-19 (vit-1004)
Michael Washington - 1/3 Live - AQs SB Ac,QcView Hand 2022-12-19 (vit-1003)
Michael Washington - 1/3 Live - A5s BU Ad,5dView Hand 2022-12-19 (vit-1002)
Michael Washington - 1/3 Live - 23s UTG 2s,3sView Hand 2022-12-19 (vit-1001)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $10k WPT HHs $15m gtd - Day 1A, Hand 3 7c,6cView Hand 2022-12-19 (jaa-1304)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $10k WPT HHs $15m gtd - Day 1A, Hand 2 Qs,5sView Hand 2022-12-19 (jaa-1303)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $10k WPT HHs $15m gtd - Day 1A, Hand 1 Qs,7hView Hand 2022-12-19 (jaa-1302)
Selma - Selma Daytona 200 - Big BB Draw 5c,7cView Hand 2022-12-18 (sla-1176)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - KTs otb 3b pot, line check, raise pre? raise turn? Kd,TdView Hand 2022-12-18 (miq-1652)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - TT in HJ 3b pot ip, set on KJT9Xccc line check Ts,ThView Hand 2022-12-18 (miq-1651)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - KK otb line check, Splash Pot +5bb, thin vb vs reg Kh,KdView Hand 2022-12-18 (miq-1650)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - A7s in CO, 2nd pair value bet river 7h,AhView Hand 2022-12-18 (miq-1649)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - J9o BvB line check Js,9dView Hand 2022-12-18 (miq-1648)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - A9o def BvB, can I raise for value on river? As,9cView Hand 2022-12-18 (miq-1647)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - KJo def BB, TP2K x-r line check Ks,JcView Hand 2022-12-18 (miq-1646)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - KTo in BB Iso limper, line check Ks,TcView Hand 2022-12-18 (miq-1645)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - K9o otb bluff raise river line Kh,9sView Hand 2022-12-18 (miq-1644)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - Q2s def BB, donk river line? Qc,2cView Hand 2022-12-18 (miq-1643)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - 77 in HJ 7high flush river value 7d,7hView Hand 2022-12-18 (miq-1642)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - QJo in CO TP3K, river trips line check Qc,JhView Hand 2022-12-18 (miq-1641)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - KTo def BB, x-r bluff line check Ks,TdView Hand 2022-12-18 (miq-1640)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - QJo in LJ TP3K fold river 4.2:1 odds Qc,JdView Hand 2022-12-18 (miq-1639)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - AKo in CO TPTK monotone flop oop, line check vs short stack Ah,KsView Hand 2022-12-18 (miq-1638)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - AQo def BB vs LJ, x-r flop TPTK line check Ah,QcView Hand 2022-12-18 (miq-1637)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - A6s vs shorty TP&FD ip Ah,6hView Hand 2022-12-18 (miq-1636)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - KJo in LJ, cbet multiway? Stab river? Ks,JdView Hand 2022-12-18 (miq-1635)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - 99 otb, set on river facing x-r 9h,9dView Hand 2022-12-18 (miq-1634)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - K8s otb 3b pot, TPwK line check Kh,8hView Hand 2022-12-18 (miq-1633)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - 88 in co, top set, line check ip 8s,8dView Hand 2022-12-18 (miq-1632)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - KQo def BB, line check, river donk dumb Kd,QhView Hand 2022-12-18 (miq-1631)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - T9s in BB 3b pot, OESD facing x-r Td,9dView Hand 2022-12-18 (miq-1630)
jon - 2d2h - 12.18.22 TT 2d,2hView Hand 2022-12-18 (jnt-1008)
jon - AsAc - 12.18.22 TT As,AcView Hand 2022-12-18 (jnt-1007)
Bruno - Fleurer SPL_JT 17.12.22 - JT in BB, 2.5Bet from Co, SB Calls, BB Calls Th,JcView Hand 2022-12-18 (bbu-1007)
Bruno - Fleurer SPL_Q9 17.12.22 - Q9 in BB, BU & SB are calling, Raise from my side Qh,9cView Hand 2022-12-18 (bbu-1006)
Bruno - Fleurer SPL_KJ 17.12.22 - KJ after 3Bet and two callers Kc,JhView Hand 2022-12-18 (bbu-1005)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - QQ in bb facing raise and 3b, what's the plan? Qs,QhView Hand 2022-12-16 (miq-1629)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - QTo otb 4b bluff, flop 2nd pair line check Qh,TsView Hand 2022-12-16 (miq-1628)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - JJ in SB vs reg, 4b pot, bleh Jd,JcView Hand 2022-12-16 (miq-1627)
Steve - Sullivan47 2 NL - TT on button Th,TdView Hand 2022-12-15 (sts-1052)
Cronut - Cronut Live 1/3 - TPMK facing check raise Ah,JdView Hand 2022-12-14 (urc-1003)
Cronut - Cronut Live 1/3 - TPGK facing check raise Ks,JcView Hand 2022-12-14 (urc-1002)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - AKo 4b pot deep, just spewing, what's your line? Kc,AhView Hand 2022-12-12 (miq-1626)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - J8o defend BB multiway, river FH, line check, river action? Jh,8dView Hand 2022-12-12 (miq-1625)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - KK in sb 3b pot, line check bluff catch? Ks,KdView Hand 2022-12-12 (miq-1624)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - AKo in BB 3b pot TPTK line check, 3 streets? Ah,KsView Hand 2022-12-12 (miq-1623)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - 99 ip vs x-r on low board 9c,9hView Hand 2022-12-12 (miq-1622)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - AKs vs short stack fish, just bet river? As,KsView Hand 2022-12-12 (miq-1621)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #8, 2022 - JJ UTG Js,JhView Hand 2022-12-12 (ker-1237)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #8, 2022 - KK facing 3-bet Ks,KcView Hand 2022-12-12 (ker-1236)
Selma - Selma Daytona Sunday - Top set Js,JcView Hand 2022-12-11 (sla-1175)
jon - T3dd Cherokee - TT 12.11.22 Td,3dView Hand 2022-12-11 (jnt-1006)
jon - Q5o Cherokee - 12.11.22 TT Qh,5dView Hand 2022-12-11 (jnt-1005)
jmiles - 1/3 - QQ Turned into Bluff Qs,QdView Hand 2022-12-10 (jmi-1017)
Steve - Sullivan47 2 NL - K6s on button Kd,6dView Hand 2022-12-09 (sts-1051)
Phillip Holmes - valveamp $2.20 8-max - PokerStars Tournament As,KhView Hand 2022-12-09 (php-1007)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - AJo UTG oop flop trips, bet sizings line check. Ad,JcView Hand 2022-12-09 (miq-1620)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - AKs otb line check TPTK 4flush Ad,KdView Hand 2022-12-09 (miq-1619)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - KJo otb bluff catch -- how terrible? Ks,JhView Hand 2022-12-09 (miq-1618)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - KQo otb 3b pot, defend vs 4.5x? Turn? Kd,QhView Hand 2022-12-09 (miq-1617)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - K4s complete SB with fishy villains, preflop? River stab? Kc,4cView Hand 2022-12-09 (miq-1616)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - 98s oop vs fish, bottom pair AQ8, line check, flop? River lead sizing? 9s,8sView Hand 2022-12-09 (miq-1615)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - AQo oop in CO 3b pot, line check bluff overbet jam Ac,QsView Hand 2022-12-09 (miq-1614)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - A5o defend BB, line check, river overbet As,5cView Hand 2022-12-09 (miq-1613)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - K7s in BB ISO poster and limper, TPwK turn overbet jam Kc,7cView Hand 2022-12-09 (miq-1612)
Michael Maginnis - OSS #34M - $88 - $75,000 GTD As,KdView Hand 2022-12-08 (mmg-1034)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - QTs in CO flop flush vs strange fishy line Qh,ThView Hand 2022-12-08 (miq-1611)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - KK otb iso limper short stack fish, line check Kc,KsView Hand 2022-12-08 (miq-1610)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - KQs 3b IP vs reg, line check, sizings, river bleh Kc,QcView Hand 2022-12-08 (miq-1609)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - KQs in CO iso limper, AKx flop line check Ks,QsView Hand 2022-12-08 (miq-1608)
Mike Mc - McLovin 200NL - AJ in LJ multiway TPTK monotone flop Ad,JsView Hand 2022-12-08 (miq-1607)
Jeff Brownlee - Sooth Sayer $1/$2 NL - Pair + Nut Flush Draw Kh,ThView Hand 2022-12-08 (jeo-1014)
Me - justreplaying Flopped set Cherokee - NUFFLE spot 6s,6cView Hand 2022-12-07 (rip-1002)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #7 2022 - 77 in BB facing 4 limpers 7h,7dView Hand 2022-12-06 (ker-1235)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #7 2022 - K9s UTG 5 callers pre Kh,9hView Hand 2022-12-06 (ker-1234)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #7 2022 - JJ UTG facing 3-bet Js,JhView Hand 2022-12-06 (ker-1233)
Hero_Wassili - 450 deepstack A9s 80bb - 450 deepstack A9s 80bb 3bet Ac,9cView Hand 2022-12-06 (isb-1014)
Andrew - 1-3 NLH - 1-3 NLH Bellagio Jd,TdView Hand 2022-12-06 (aaf-1001)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - AA HJ Ad,AhView Hand 2022-12-05 (sts-1050)
JC - LEARN TO COPE HW Mulligan - Red QQ vs Mario on 556ss Qh,QdView Hand 2022-12-05 (jec-1008)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 54s def BB, river overbet bluff? 5h,4hView Hand 2022-12-03 (miq-1606)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AA otb 3b pot deep vs reg, line check, river sizing As,AhView Hand 2022-12-03 (miq-1605)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 87s otb flat vs reg, flop 2pair, flop? river line? 8c,7cView Hand 2022-12-03 (miq-1604)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - J7o def BB, flop? Turn donk? Jc,7dView Hand 2022-12-03 (miq-1603)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - JJ otb A high flop, value bet river size? Js,JdView Hand 2022-12-03 (miq-1602)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QTo BvB vs spewy fish, flop & turn call, river x-r bluff Qs,ThView Hand 2022-12-03 (miq-1601)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - ATo def BvB vs reg, turn 2p fold river, idiot. Ad,ThView Hand 2022-12-03 (miq-1600)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AQo cold 4b vs 2 regs, T high flop Ah,QcView Hand 2022-12-03 (miq-1599)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 97s BvB vs weak reg, flop over bet? 9h,7hView Hand 2022-12-03 (miq-1598)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - JJ in LJ multiway low board, flop? Jc,JsView Hand 2022-12-03 (miq-1597)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AJo in CO OESD ip line check As,JhView Hand 2022-12-03 (miq-1596)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AJo HU vs 100bb limp/jam. 3rd time villain jammed 100bb in 6 hands. As,JcView Hand 2022-12-03 (miq-1595)
Joey - JoeBeagles Bike Day 2 - Bike Day 2 As,QsView Hand 2022-12-03 (jep-1002)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 98s OTB vs "str8 fwd" villain, line check, river? 9h,8hView Hand 2022-12-02 (miq-1594)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - J9s in HJ vs reg, line check TP on 9high board Jc,9cView Hand 2022-12-02 (miq-1593)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A8o CO vs reg, line check. Ah,8sView Hand 2022-12-02 (miq-1592)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 87s multiway, line check all streets. Sizing? River? 8d,7dView Hand 2022-12-02 (miq-1591)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KJs 3b pot ip, line check Kc,JcView Hand 2022-12-02 (miq-1590)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AA 200bb deep 4b pot vs "str8 fwd" villain, line check Ac,AhView Hand 2022-12-02 (miq-1589)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 99 BvB vs reg, flop? River LOL auto-checked when timebank expired SEE NOTE 9h,9cView Hand 2022-12-02 (miq-1588)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 66 oop 3b pot, x-r flop? river ovr bet range 6c,6hView Hand 2022-12-01 (miq-1587)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AKo vs reg w/ history of wide 3bets, pre ok? good instincts or spew? As,KdView Hand 2022-12-01 (miq-1586)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 54s "poker is dead" 5h,4hView Hand 2022-12-01 (miq-1585)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QJo flop str8 ip vs fish, turn decision Qd,JhView Hand 2022-12-01 (miq-1584)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - ATs BB iso ep limpers with short stack Ah,ThView Hand 2022-12-01 (miq-1583)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AKo 3b pot oop line check Ad,KsView Hand 2022-12-01 (miq-1582)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 88 ep is river a call? 8h,8cView Hand 2022-12-01 (miq-1581)
tokenator - 1/2 - facing a lead View Hand 2022-12-01 (jaq-1001)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AJo ip 3b pot line check flop, turn, river Ad,JhView Hand 2022-11-30 (miq-1580)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KJs in BB (NO SMALL BLIND) vs tagged fish, TP2K facing big jam Kh,JhView Hand 2022-11-30 (miq-1579)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AKo ip line check, turn x, river options Ad,KhView Hand 2022-11-30 (miq-1578)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QTs BvB vs Reg, line check TPwK facing turn overbet Qc,TcView Hand 2022-11-30 (miq-1577)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 97s ip line check river bluff... Turn? 9d,7dView Hand 2022-11-30 (miq-1576)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KK oop 4b pot vs reg, Turn? Ks,KhView Hand 2022-11-30 (miq-1575)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QJo oop 3b pot multi-way flop TPwK flop decision Qc,JcView Hand 2022-11-30 (miq-1574)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KQs IP multiway line check, river? Kh,QhView Hand 2022-11-30 (miq-1573)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A3s BvB vs tight shorty, flop? turn? line check Ah,3hView Hand 2022-11-30 (miq-1572)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AKo vs reg oop line check, turn, river size? Ks,AcView Hand 2022-11-30 (miq-1571)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 64s BvB river bluff 6s,4sView Hand 2022-11-30 (miq-1570)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AKo ip vs reg, flat 4bet line check Ad,KsView Hand 2022-11-30 (miq-1569)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KTo defend line check, turn, vb river decision Kh,TsView Hand 2022-11-30 (miq-1568)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - K8o BvB TP2K line check Kh,8dView Hand 2022-11-30 (miq-1567)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Chesterfield $440 - TJcc hand vs Mike Hurley Tc,JcView Hand 2022-11-28 (jec-1006)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Student Hand w/ Broadway - Student Hand w/ Broadway LSL League As,ThView Hand 2022-11-28 (jec-1005)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Hard Rock HW - KQ with top pair vs BB Kh,QcView Hand 2022-11-28 (jec-1004)
JC - LEARN TO COPE 500 STL Mega - 3 handed facing huge river bet 6s,8dView Hand 2022-11-28 (jec-1003)
Michael Maginnis - $22 DoubleDeuce - Day 2 8s,8cView Hand 2022-11-27 (mmg-1033)
jon - J6dd - 11.27.22 TT Jd,6dView Hand 2022-11-27 (jnt-1004)
jon - KJdd - 11.27 TT Kd,JdView Hand 2022-11-27 (jnt-1003)
Jeff Brownlee - Sooth Sayer $2/$5 - UTG+2 99 9h,9cView Hand 2022-11-27 (jeo-1013)
Jeff Brownlee - Sooth Sayer $2/$5 - UTG+2 RFI with 76s 7c,6cView Hand 2022-11-27 (jeo-1012)
Jeff Brownlee - Sooth Sayer $2/$5 - SB - 3bet with TT Ts,TcView Hand 2022-11-27 (jeo-1011)
Jeff Brownlee - Sooth Sayer $2/$5 - UTG w/ AA vs 3bet Ad,AhView Hand 2022-11-27 (jeo-1010)
Bruno - Fleurer PP 100CHF - Pocket Jacks against 4 Vilains Js,JhView Hand 2022-11-27 (bbu-1004)
Selma - Selma Daytona 600 - Exit Hand Ah,JdView Hand 2022-11-26 (sla-1174)
Joey - JoeBeagles $1k LAPO Main - $1k LAPO Main Event at the Commerce Casino 9s,9dView Hand 2022-11-24 (jep-1001)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KTo BvB defend, river sizing Kd,TcView Hand 2022-11-22 (miq-1566)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A4s otb spewy line check As,4sView Hand 2022-11-22 (miq-1565)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 63s 2pair nitty-ass line check 6d,3dView Hand 2022-11-22 (miq-1564)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - TT otb multiway, line check Tc,ThView Hand 2022-11-22 (miq-1563)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KQo otb call river w K high? Ks,QdView Hand 2022-11-22 (miq-1562)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KQo misclick 3b oop, continue like normal? Kc,QdView Hand 2022-11-22 (miq-1561)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KQo otb TP2K faces donk, then passive line, x-r on river Ks,QcView Hand 2022-11-22 (miq-1560)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 88 otb vs aggro reg who short stacks 8c,8sView Hand 2022-11-22 (miq-1559)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - K6s in HJ oop vs passive villain line check Kh,6hView Hand 2022-11-22 (miq-1558)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 98s vs fishy bb, line check 9h,8hView Hand 2022-11-22 (miq-1557)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 77 vs reg turned into bluff on river, then bluff catcher, I'm the moron 7h,7dView Hand 2022-11-22 (miq-1556)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - K8s multiway bluff Ks,8sView Hand 2022-11-22 (miq-1555)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AKo 3b pot from BB low board, river call? View Hand 2022-11-22 (miq-1554)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KTo BvB vs Reg, line check Kc,TsView Hand 2022-11-22 (miq-1553)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - JJ vs tagged aggro moron multiway 160bb deep Jh,JdView Hand 2022-11-22 (miq-1552)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AJo otb 3 streets TPTK vs reg, river sizing? Ac,JdView Hand 2022-11-22 (miq-1551)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 87s otb vs limped UTG 9handed, pre, river? 8h,7hView Hand 2022-11-22 (miq-1550)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QJo def vs rec fold TPwK on turn Qs,JhView Hand 2022-11-22 (miq-1549)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - K9s 3b an ISO vs reg Kd,9dView Hand 2022-11-22 (miq-1548)
Selma - Selma Daytona 200 - 3 Bet from SB Kh,QdView Hand 2022-11-21 (sla-1173)
Selma - Selma Daytona 200 - Exit Hand Js,TsView Hand 2022-11-21 (sla-1172)
jon - A8hh - 11.20.22 TT#2 Ah,8hView Hand 2022-11-20 (jnt-1002)
jon - AQcc - 11.20.22 TT Ac,QcView Hand 2022-11-20 (jnt-1001)
John Doe - The_GTO_Coin Live 100K - EP vs EP As,5sView Hand 2022-11-19 (lui-1018)
John Doe - The_GTO_Coin Live 100K - EP vs EP As,5sView Hand 2022-11-19 (lui-1017)
Bruno - Fleurer Rozvadov 1Mio Euro - Let Go Klo on the Button while Reraise after flop Qh,KsView Hand 2022-11-19 (bbu-1003)
Bruno - Fleurer PP $200 Friday Main - Playing Nut flush draw in HJ against multiple players. all folding to you Ac,9cView Hand 2022-11-19 (bbu-1002)
Chase Niederkorn - 1/2 South Point - KdQs Kd,QsView Hand 2022-11-18 (nid-1010)
Chase Niederkorn - 1/2 South Point - OMC Qs,JsView Hand 2022-11-18 (nid-1009)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AQo 3b pot vs reg TPTK facing 2x pot turn shove As,QcView Hand 2022-11-18 (miq-1547)
Matt G - Matt $0.05/0.10 Online Cash - 3-Bet AKo As,KhView Hand 2022-11-18 (guh-1001)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 64s BvB vs reg line check 6c,4cView Hand 2022-11-15 (miq-1546)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AK in BB with shorty in hand, 3b sizing Ah,KsView Hand 2022-11-15 (miq-1545)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QQ vs fish & donk flop line check Qc,QhView Hand 2022-11-15 (miq-1544)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 99 sb oop 3b pot vs loose fish 9s,9dView Hand 2022-11-15 (miq-1543)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AQo BB 3b pot vs passive villain Ah,QsView Hand 2022-11-15 (miq-1542)
John Borges - John B s5 #3 - vs. Aggressive player Jh,JdView Hand 2022-11-15 (fly-1446)
John Borges - John B s5 #2 - Vs. Tricky As,JsView Hand 2022-11-15 (fly-1445)
John Borges - John B s5 #1 - early vs aggressive opponent Jh,ThView Hand 2022-11-15 (fly-1444)
John Borges - John B Matt #1 - max value or take myself to valuetown? As,KhView Hand 2022-11-15 (fly-1443)
Chris Radford - Radford999 £60 Live MTT - Check or Bet the turn? As,QsView Hand 2022-11-14 (rdd-1001)
Nathan Ebenezer - ISL Cash Game w/ Marco - Marco double donks flop and turn, then checks river. What do you do? Js,JcView Hand 2022-11-14 (nah-1004)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Chesterfield $440 Tourney - ATss facing flop open jam As,TsView Hand 2022-11-14 (jec-1002)
JC - LEARN TO COPE Chesterfield $440 Tourney - AK vs in position flatter Ah,KcView Hand 2022-11-14 (jec-1001)
Bryan Loch - SUNDAY 100K - BB VS SB 35CC DEFEND 5c,3cView Hand 2022-11-14 (blo-1002)
Bryan Loch - GG FNG MILLIONAIRE - AA SB FOLD TURN Ad,AhView Hand 2022-11-14 (blo-1001)
Selma - Selma Venetian 500 - AQ to shove Ah,QsView Hand 2022-11-13 (sla-1171)
Selma - Selma Venetian 500 - Top pair on the river 9d,8dView Hand 2022-11-13 (sla-1170)
Selma - Selma Venetian 500 - Trip 77s 7c,AcView Hand 2022-11-13 (sla-1169)
Selma - Selma Venetian 500 - Had to Bet Ah,3hView Hand 2022-11-13 (sla-1168)
Selma - Selma Venetian 500 - Exit hand 8s,8cView Hand 2022-11-13 (sla-1167)
Selma - Selma Wynn Daily - Level One As,QsView Hand 2022-11-13 (sla-1166)
Mate Marczika - Duna Poker Center Cash game - 50/100 cash game Duna Poker Center Kh,KcView Hand 2022-11-13 (ofc-1003)
Nathan Ebenezer - IGLU 1/1 vs Maniac - Versus a maniac Jim @ IGLU Ts,ThView Hand 2022-11-13 (nah-1003)
Nathan Ebenezer - Molly's 1/1 - AA Hand - Molly's Mallone 1/1 game - 13 Nov 2022 Ad,AhView Hand 2022-11-13 (nah-1002)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Gabe's $400 Main Event - Hero turns a lot of equity as the FT short stack 6h,5hView Hand 2022-11-13 (mcl-1341)
Jeff Brownlee - Sooth Sayer $1/$2 NL Live - 66 UTG+2 vs SB Squeeze 6s,6cView Hand 2022-11-13 (jeo-1009)
Jeff Brownlee - Sooth Sayer $1/$2 NL Live - AA in SB As,AcView Hand 2022-11-13 (jeo-1008)
Jeff Brownlee - Sooth Sayer $1/$2 Cash - QQ vs 4bet Qs,QhView Hand 2022-11-13 (jeo-1007)
tb - tb3456 Bike - Maybe raise AQ pre flop. In this case, could have 3 bet on turn As,QhView Hand 2022-11-12 (bki-1002)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AJo sb squeeze line check & sizings Ac,JhView Hand 2022-11-11 (miq-1541)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A4o BB limped pot bet sizing Ah,4dView Hand 2022-11-11 (miq-1540)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - JJ ip vs limper & iso raise, line check Jd,JcView Hand 2022-11-11 (miq-1539)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KTo SB oop vs a known fish, a "wtf" kind of player Kh,TcView Hand 2022-11-11 (miq-1538)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - J7s squeeze & butchered line, x-r whiff now what? Js,7sView Hand 2022-11-11 (miq-1537)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - ATo def BB, river block bet As,TdView Hand 2022-11-11 (miq-1536)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - J6s otb TPwK facing donk bets on low board, River bet size action? Jd,6dView Hand 2022-11-11 (miq-1535)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KTo BB defend vs reg, missed value Kd,TsView Hand 2022-11-11 (miq-1534)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KTo BvB limp strategy vs regs Kc,TdView Hand 2022-11-11 (miq-1533)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - K2s def BB vs reg & fish, Aggro reg bluff catch Kh,2hView Hand 2022-11-11 (miq-1532)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 65s Dead Money (see note) 3b pot vs reg ip 6d,5dView Hand 2022-11-11 (miq-1531)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AQo LJ vs BB line check, river bluff? As,QhView Hand 2022-11-11 (miq-1530)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AQs vs reg w/ a maniac dynamic, donk turn bet, bluff river As,QsView Hand 2022-11-11 (miq-1529)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QTs vs fish, call river? Qs,TsView Hand 2022-11-11 (miq-1528)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QTs 4b pot IP vs reg, calling 4bets Qc,TcView Hand 2022-11-11 (miq-1527)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AQo HJ v CO 3b pot, line check oop Ac,QhView Hand 2022-11-11 (miq-1526)
tb - tb3456 5/5 Bike - Fold the two pair 8h,9cView Hand 2022-11-11 (bki-1001)
Selma - Selma Venetian 500 Exit - need general rule 7c,7sView Hand 2022-11-10 (sla-1165)
Mike - Mike play money 3 - play money 3 6c,8cView Hand 2022-11-10 (lir-1007)
Mike - Mike play money 2 - play money 2 4c,AcView Hand 2022-11-10 (lir-1006)
Mike - Mike play money 1 - play money 1 9h,9cView Hand 2022-11-10 (lir-1005)
Mike - Mike play money 1 - play money 1 3s,3hView Hand 2022-11-10 (lir-1004)
Francesco - 50k grt - value contro cl Ah,3sView Hand 2022-11-10 (frc-1001)
Dtrain - DTRAIN $27 croc arena - Bb cooler Qs,9dView Hand 2022-11-10 (dvt-1001)
Bruno - Fleurer PP $200 Friday Main - AA Using correct betsize against 3 players As,AcView Hand 2022-11-10 (bbu-1001)
buba321 - buba321 online cash game - online cash game Jc,KhView Hand 2022-11-09 (fiw-1002)
buba321 - buba321 online cash game - online cash game 6s,7sView Hand 2022-11-09 (fiw-1001)
Selma - Selma Venetian 600 - AJ in SB Ad,JsView Hand 2022-11-08 (sla-1164)
Selma - Selma Venetian 600 - Missed turn bet Qd,JhView Hand 2022-11-08 (sla-1163)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A9s 3b pot ip vs aggro reg, line check pre & flop Ad,9dView Hand 2022-11-08 (miq-1525)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - TT 3 handed otb, line check Ts,ThView Hand 2022-11-08 (miq-1524)
James - LG 3-5 TS - A6s decided to bluff 4 bet As,6sView Hand 2022-11-08 (jmu-1014)
James - LG 3-5 Talking Stick - do I float flop OOP Ad,TsView Hand 2022-11-08 (jmu-1013)
James - LG 3-5 Talking stick - Top pair good Kicker Call on river As,JsView Hand 2022-11-08 (jmu-1012)
James - LG 3-5 Talking stick - AJs flop gut turn 2way Ah,JhView Hand 2022-11-08 (jmu-1011)
James - LG 3-5 Talking Stick - Flop Flush for LG Coaching As,6sView Hand 2022-11-08 (jmu-1010)
Anthony J - River-King $150 - $10k Guarantee 100 players Qh,ThView Hand 2022-11-08 (aja-1001)
Selma - Selma Venetian 400 - AA vs tilted guy Ah,AdView Hand 2022-11-07 (sla-1162)
Selma - Selma Venetian 400 - Kings early Kd,KsView Hand 2022-11-07 (sla-1161)
Selma - Selma Venetian 400 - AA vs button As,AhView Hand 2022-11-07 (sla-1160)
Mate Marczika - Duna cash 50/100 - Duna cash in hungary 50/100 5c,6cView Hand 2022-11-07 (ofc-1002)
Mate Marczika - Cash Duna Poker - 50/100 cash game in hungary Ah,AdView Hand 2022-11-07 (ofc-1001)
James - For LG 2-5 - Coaching with LG Js,TsView Hand 2022-11-07 (jmu-1009)
jmiles - 1/3 - Gross Raise As,QhView Hand 2022-11-07 (jmi-1016)
jmiles - 1/3 - QQ vs Fish View Hand 2022-11-07 (jmi-1015)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #6, 2022 - AQs 3 way Ah,QhView Hand 2022-11-06 (ker-1232)
Selma - Selma Wynn Daily - 99 UTG 9c,9sView Hand 2022-11-05 (sla-1159)
Selma - Selma Wynn Exit - Top two on the river Ks,TsView Hand 2022-11-05 (sla-1158)
Selma - Selma Wynn Daily - Ak in the SB Ah,KsView Hand 2022-11-05 (sla-1157)
Selma - Selma Wynn Saturday - TT vs tight player Th,TcView Hand 2022-11-05 (sla-1156)
Selma - Selma Wynn card dead - AQ vs AK Ac,QcView Hand 2022-11-05 (sla-1155)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - K4s turn straight w/ crazy action multi-way Kd,4dView Hand 2022-11-04 (miq-1523)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AJs vs fishy villain, river line? Ac,JcView Hand 2022-11-04 (miq-1522)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AQs oop vs good SuperAggro villain, TPTK on 4 flush board Ad,QdView Hand 2022-11-04 (miq-1521)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 66 in BB, iso pf? bet-jam for value or bluff? 6s,6cView Hand 2022-11-04 (miq-1520)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AQo otb iso limper, line check Ac,QsView Hand 2022-11-04 (miq-1519)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A7o otb, donk bet flop, line check Ac,7dView Hand 2022-11-04 (miq-1518)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QJs BB squeeze or call vs seemingly stronger range, see notes. Qd,JdView Hand 2022-11-04 (miq-1517)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - TT flat in SB, line check multi-way Ts,TdView Hand 2022-11-04 (miq-1516)
Ankush - cash 5/10 - too many hands PF 5h,8dView Hand 2022-11-04 (ank-1001)
Ryan - 2/3 - Hand 2 7s,7dView Hand 2022-11-03 (rku-1008)
Ryan - 2/3 - Hand #1 Ac,7cView Hand 2022-11-03 (rku-1007)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - T9s 3b pot oop vs multi-tabler line check Ts,9sView Hand 2022-11-02 (miq-1515)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 64s BB x-r and shit card, line check vs multi-tabler 6h,4hView Hand 2022-11-02 (miq-1514)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - J8o BvB line check, value owned Js,8hView Hand 2022-11-02 (miq-1513)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - K9o BvB vs reg, taken to value town Ks,9hView Hand 2022-11-02 (miq-1512)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - T9s oop 3b pot vs reg, turn x-r size? Tc,9cView Hand 2022-11-02 (miq-1511)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 66 squeeze and big bet on AKQ flop 6s,6hView Hand 2022-11-02 (miq-1510)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AJs vs pot-size donk bet, line check Ah,JhView Hand 2022-11-02 (miq-1509)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 88 oop 3b pot vs tight & str8 fwd villain, line check. River options? 8c,8hView Hand 2022-11-02 (miq-1508)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 76s BvB vs tight player, call turn? 7c,6cView Hand 2022-11-02 (miq-1507)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 88 vs fish, cbet exploit, overbet exploit line check 8h,8dView Hand 2022-11-02 (miq-1506)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 55 in sb, defend multi-way? vs 2 regs 5h,5cView Hand 2022-11-02 (miq-1505)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - A7o vs known fish, flop trip Aces line check Ac,7dView Hand 2022-11-02 (miq-1504)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AQo TP2K turn donk, river fold line check Ac,QhView Hand 2022-11-02 (miq-1503)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - ATs river x-r bluff As,TsView Hand 2022-11-02 (miq-1502)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - KQo ip 3b pot vs reg, tight fold? Kd,QhView Hand 2022-11-02 (miq-1501)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AJo oop 3b pot line check Ac,JdView Hand 2022-11-02 (miq-1500)
JJ - $250 freezeout- lodge - thoughts on turn player when passive player calls? Ah,8hView Hand 2022-11-01 (jcj-1441)
JJ - $250 freezeout tourney - lodge - bubble - 13 left, 12 paid...what to do? Kc,JsView Hand 2022-11-01 (jcj-1440)
JJ - $250 freezeout- lodge local - thoughts on flop bet? Kc,JcView Hand 2022-11-01 (jcj-1439)
JJ - $250 freezeout- lodge local - blind vs blind play 7d,9dView Hand 2022-11-01 (jcj-1438)
JJ - $250 freezeout- lodge local - how to play against raised C bet with top pair on flop? Kc,JsView Hand 2022-11-01 (jcj-1437)
JJ - $250 freezeout- lodge local - thoughts on turn check against aggro player? Ks,KcView Hand 2022-11-01 (jcj-1436)
JJ - $250 freezeout- lodge local - thoughts on preflop and flop play? Ks,JcView Hand 2022-11-01 (jcj-1435)
JJ - $250 freezeout- lodge local - river play - raise for value or just call? As,KcView Hand 2022-11-01 (jcj-1433)
JJ - $250 freezeout- lodge local - pocket 66 in LJ- thoughts on min raise vs shove? 6s,6hView Hand 2022-11-01 (jcj-1432)
JJ - sunday $250 freezeout - lodge - level 1 - thoughts on turn with quads? 6d,6cView Hand 2022-11-01 (jcj-1431)
JJ - oct 2022 - $600 lodge monthly - thoughts on defending against 2.7x PFR with 9To when 15 -20 BB? 9d,ThView Hand 2022-11-01 (jcj-1430)
JJ - oct 2022 - $600 lodge monthly - weird spot in sb against 3.5x preflop and 4x 3 bet? As,KdView Hand 2022-11-01 (jcj-1429)
JJ - oct 2022 - $600 lodge monthly - thought on BB defense here against early raise? Js,6sView Hand 2022-11-01 (jcj-1428)
JJ - oct 2022 - $600 lodge monthly - thoughts on opponents short stack 3 bet? Ts,ThView Hand 2022-11-01 (jcj-1427)
JJ - oct 2022 - $600 lodge monthly - new table starting stack- first hand - how to play set here? 9h,9sView Hand 2022-11-01 (jcj-1426)
JJ - oct 2022 - $600 lodge monthly - new table- first hand - how to play pocket aces on flop against unknown player? Ah,AdView Hand 2022-11-01 (jcj-1425)
JJ - oct 2022- lodge $600 monthly - what to do preflop with 4 BB utg? with BB ante? Ks,4dView Hand 2022-11-01 (jcj-1424)
JJ - oct 2022- lodge $600 monthly - river decision - guy bets half his stack? Ad,AcView Hand 2022-11-01 (jcj-1423)
JJ - oct 2022- lodge $600 monthly - brand new table - what to do preflop facing utg 2.5x and flatter? Ks,QcView Hand 2022-11-01 (jcj-1422)
JJ - oct 2022 - lodge $600 monthly - how to play in 3 bet pot once turned king against tight old man? Ks,QcView Hand 2022-11-01 (jcj-1421)
JJ - oct 2022 - lodge $600 monthly - thoughts on how to play suited ace preflop? Ac,4cView Hand 2022-11-01 (jcj-1420)
JJ - oct 2022 - lodge $600 monthly - thoughts on folding preflop vs defending in BB facing 2.7x? 4c,3dView Hand 2022-11-01 (jcj-1419)
JJ - oct 2022 - lodge $600 monthly - thoughts on river value bet size? Ks,6sView Hand 2022-11-01 (jcj-1418)
JJ - oct 2022 - lodge $600 monthly - is it too nitty to fold here OOP facing 4x 3 bet? Kc,QcView Hand 2022-11-01 (jcj-1417)
JJ - oct 2022 - lodge $600 monthly - thoughts on C bet vs check here on rainbow board Kd,QdView Hand 2022-11-01 (jcj-1416)
- B - 40 Qd,3hView Hand 2022-11-01 (ila-1041)
- B - 38 7h,3hView Hand 2022-11-01 (ila-1039)
- B - 35 Ad,3hView Hand 2022-11-01 (ila-1036)
- B - 34 Ah,AdView Hand 2022-11-01 (ila-1035)
- B - 32 Kd,5cView Hand 2022-11-01 (ila-1033)
- B - 31 Qs,JcView Hand 2022-11-01 (ila-1032)
- B - 30 Kc,6sView Hand 2022-11-01 (ila-1031)
- B - 29 9h,4hView Hand 2022-11-01 (ila-1030)
- B - 28 Td,6sView Hand 2022-11-01 (ila-1029)
- B - 27 As,2sView Hand 2022-11-01 (ila-1028)
- B - 26 7s,6sView Hand 2022-11-01 (ila-1027)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - Q7s 4b bluff, line check, what if diff river? Qs,7sView Hand 2022-10-31 (miq-1499)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - TT flop set scary board, river action? Tc,TdView Hand 2022-10-31 (miq-1498)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - A7s ip line check, call turn, river? Ac,7cView Hand 2022-10-31 (miq-1497)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 76s hero call? vs weird min-raise pf, line check 7s,6sView Hand 2022-10-31 (miq-1496)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AT TPwK vs seemingly tight player, line check Ad,TsView Hand 2022-10-31 (miq-1495)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 66 bluffing 3 streets, spew vs a multitabler? 6c,6hView Hand 2022-10-31 (miq-1494)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - QQ fold PF to 4b vs tight player Qh,QdView Hand 2022-10-31 (miq-1493)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - KK 4b pot oop, x-fold flop?? wtf do you do? Ks,KdView Hand 2022-10-31 (miq-1492)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 98s IP line check, bet sizes, see notes 9h,8hView Hand 2022-10-31 (miq-1491)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AJs otb 3b pot vs reg, line check Ah,JhView Hand 2022-10-31 (miq-1490)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - A7s def BvB vs reg, bluff catch an overbet Ad,7dView Hand 2022-10-31 (miq-1489)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - JJ 200+bb deep 4bet pot View Hand 2022-10-31 (miq-1488)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - TT ip vs Aggro reg 3b pot, line check Ts,TdView Hand 2022-10-31 (miq-1487)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AQo TPTK vs aggro reg, line check 150bb deep Ah,QsView Hand 2022-10-31 (miq-1486)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - QQ vs aggro opp, line check Qd,QhView Hand 2022-10-31 (miq-1485)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 66 iso IP gets multiway with reg 6s,6hView Hand 2022-10-31 (miq-1484)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - ATs vs fish, raising every hand over donk bets Ac,TcView Hand 2022-10-31 (miq-1483)
- B - 25 Qc,TsView Hand 2022-10-31 (ila-1026)
- B - 24 Qc,TsView Hand 2022-10-31 (ila-1025)
- B - 23 Qc,3dView Hand 2022-10-31 (ila-1024)
- B - 22 Td,4dView Hand 2022-10-31 (ila-1023)
- B - 21 Qs,TsView Hand 2022-10-31 (ila-1022)
- B - 18 Ac,3cView Hand 2022-10-31 (ila-1019)
Jarred Gabin - GodsBigToe MW Multi way triple barrel donk - MW Multi way triple barrel donk Qh,7hView Hand 2022-10-31 (god-1015)
Ronny - MPF Main event 500+50 EUR - Tough call on river As,3sView Hand 2022-10-31 (frd-1001)
- Hand Example - Hand 5 As,JsView Hand 2022-10-31 (ddp-1005)
- Hand Example - Hand 4 As,AhView Hand 2022-10-31 (ddp-1004)
- Hand Example - Hand 3 As,JcView Hand 2022-10-31 (ddp-1003)
- Hand Examples - Hand 2 Ks,KcView Hand 2022-10-31 (ddp-1002)
- Hand Examples - Hand 1 Ks,KhView Hand 2022-10-31 (ddp-1001)
Jeff Brownlee - Sooth Sayer $1/$2 NL - Flopped set vs 3 players 3s,3dView Hand 2022-10-30 (jeo-1006)
Jeff Brownlee - Sooth Sayer $1/$2 NL - Turn Bluff against LAG Ad,TcView Hand 2022-10-29 (jeo-1005)
Jeff Brownlee - Sooth Sayer $1/$2 NL - Continued with 3bB vs 4b 5s,6sView Hand 2022-10-29 (jeo-1004)
Jeff Brownlee - Sooth Sayer $1/$2 NL - Multiway flop nut flush Ad,5dView Hand 2022-10-29 (jeo-1003)
Jeff Brownlee - Sooth Sayer $1/$2 - Multiway action with TPGK Kd,QsView Hand 2022-10-29 (jeo-1002)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #5, 2022 - AJs in SB facing BTN open As,JsView Hand 2022-10-28 (ker-1231)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #5, 2022 - 75s in CO facing 3-bet 7s,5sView Hand 2022-10-28 (ker-1230)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #5, 2022 - 76s on BTN 7h,6hView Hand 2022-10-28 (ker-1229)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #5, 2002 - KJo in SB facing limper Kc,7hView Hand 2022-10-28 (ker-1228)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #5, 2002 - KTs UTG+1 vs. 4 callers Kc,TcView Hand 2022-10-28 (ker-1227)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #5, 2002 - KK facing 4-bet pre Ks,KhView Hand 2022-10-28 (ker-1226)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #5, 2002 - AQo from +1 Ah,QdView Hand 2022-10-28 (ker-1225)
FatFishPoker - EV Class - Ev Class Qs,QhView Hand 2022-10-28 (fat-1001)
David - Theoretical - Gutshot turns into nut flush blocker Qh,JsView Hand 2022-10-28 (dmd-1001)
James - 2-3 Talking Stick - Defend BB then Bluff Js,QhView Hand 2022-10-27 (jmu-1008)
James - 2-5 Wynn - KK in Position Ks,KdView Hand 2022-10-27 (jmu-1007)
James - 3-5 Cash Talking Stick - PF raise with K5s Kc,5cView Hand 2022-10-27 (jmu-1006)
Cody - $2/5 - Facing 25% block bet Kh,KdView Hand 2022-10-27 (cod-1026)
Selma - Selma Venetian 600 - Bluff catching View Hand 2022-10-26 (sla-1154)
Selma - Selma Venetian 600 - SB polar 3bet Ah,8hView Hand 2022-10-26 (sla-1153)
Selma - Selma Wynn 400 - Wynn Exit hand As,9sView Hand 2022-10-26 (sla-1152)
James - 2-3 Talking Stick - JJ 3 way get 3bet Js,JhView Hand 2022-10-26 (jmu-1005)
James - Talking Stick 2-3 - Talking Stick 2-3 middle Pair 8h,8cView Hand 2022-10-26 (jmu-1004)
Aaron - TrueGoat 888 Poker Ont 22 1k - 3bet pot top pair As,JsView Hand 2022-10-26 (aap-1002)
Dylan - Dylans Weekly Re-entry - QQ ICM Qc,QdView Hand 2022-10-25 (dma-1001)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - QJo BvB vs reg, slow play line check Qh,JsView Hand 2022-10-24 (miq-1482)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AJ BB vs limper, line check Ad,JcView Hand 2022-10-24 (miq-1481)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 77 otb just fold to the first cbet? 7s,7hView Hand 2022-10-24 (miq-1480)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - A3o -- just fold to the min-bet? No cbet? Ad,3sView Hand 2022-10-24 (miq-1479)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - KJ flop full house vs shorty, line check Ks,JdView Hand 2022-10-24 (miq-1478)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - ATo ip line check vs reg Ah,TcView Hand 2022-10-24 (miq-1477)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - 88 oop 3bet pot, fold flop w overpair? 8d,8hView Hand 2022-10-24 (miq-1476)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - TT IP vs reg 3bet pot, line check all streets Td,ThView Hand 2022-10-24 (miq-1475)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - A9s flop flush draw line check multi-way Ah,9hView Hand 2022-10-24 (miq-1474)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Q5s def in BB? Is this just a fold or ok to def? Qh,5hView Hand 2022-10-24 (miq-1473)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - 86s BB def line check 8c,6cView Hand 2022-10-24 (miq-1472)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - T7s ip flop tp, line check Tc,7cView Hand 2022-10-24 (miq-1471)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - 87s flush vs turn donk, then pot-size donk on rvr 8c,7cView Hand 2022-10-24 (miq-1470)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - QTs BvB vs turn donk, line check Qh,ThView Hand 2022-10-24 (miq-1469)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - AKo BvB limp-rr vs reg, butchered all streets Ah,KcView Hand 2022-10-24 (miq-1468)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - T8s OTB flush vs river overbet x-jam Tc,8cView Hand 2022-10-24 (miq-1467)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - QTo def vs nit reg, min-bet cbet threw me off the rest of the hand wtf? Qd,ThView Hand 2022-10-24 (miq-1466)
Jeff Brownlee - Sooth Sayer $1/$2 Live Cash Game - Pair+Nut Flush vs Turn Lead Ad,5dView Hand 2022-10-24 (jeo-1001)
Hero_Wassili - 450 Mystery Bounty - 450 Mystery Bounty Th,JhView Hand 2022-10-24 (isb-1013)
Cody - $2/5/10 - Jamming turn with flush Ah,KhView Hand 2022-10-24 (cod-1025)
Cody - $2/5/10 - Flush over flush Kc,7cView Hand 2022-10-24 (cod-1024)
Cody - $2/5/10 - 3-bet pot OOP Ac,AhView Hand 2022-10-24 (cod-1023)
Aaron - TrueGoat 888 Ont 33 1k - Maybe okay bluff Ah,QsView Hand 2022-10-24 (aap-1001)
Selma - Selma Venetian 600 - Str8 on turn Qs,JsView Hand 2022-10-23 (sla-1151)
jmiles - 1/3 - KK on Low Board Kc,KhView Hand 2022-10-22 (jmi-1014)
jmiles - 1/3 - JJ on KKT vs OMC ALL IN Js,JdView Hand 2022-10-22 (jmi-1013)
LM - lm25 Quadstacks - 10/20 As,KcView Hand 2022-10-20 (lis-1008)
LM - lm25 Quadstacks - 10/20 As,KdView Hand 2022-10-20 (lis-1007)
LM - lm25 Quadstacks - 10/20 Ad,TdView Hand 2022-10-20 (lis-1006)
LM - lm25 Quadstacks - 10/20 Ad,KhView Hand 2022-10-20 (lis-1005)
LM - lm25 Quadstacks - 10/20 As,JsView Hand 2022-10-20 (lis-1004)
LM - lm25 Quadstacks - 10/20 As,JcView Hand 2022-10-20 (lis-1003)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - AQo SB 3b, x-r whiff, under-repped call I'm dumb As,QcView Hand 2022-10-19 (miq-1465)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - 99 IP line check 9s,9cView Hand 2022-10-19 (miq-1464)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - AKs folded preflop to cold 4b -- wtf? or ok? Ah,KhView Hand 2022-10-19 (miq-1463)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - AA multiway line check dumb As,AhView Hand 2022-10-19 (miq-1462)
LM - lm25 Triple Stacks - 10/18 Ad,ThView Hand 2022-10-19 (lis-1002)
LM - lm25 Triple Stacks - 10/18 As,JhView Hand 2022-10-19 (lis-1001)
Selma - Selma Daytona Exit - Flush over flush 2s,4sView Hand 2022-10-17 (sla-1150)
Selma - Selma Daytona Live - Flush draw multi way Ad,3dView Hand 2022-10-17 (sla-1149)
Selma - Selma Daytona Live - Aces on a Dry board As,AhView Hand 2022-10-17 (sla-1148)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #4, 2022 - J9o from BB Jc,9hView Hand 2022-10-17 (ker-1224)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #4, 2022 - AA from UTG As,AhView Hand 2022-10-17 (ker-1222)
Ryan Haury - $1100 MSPT Firekeepers Oct22 - 3bet Jamming AKs into AA and QQ Ah,KhView Hand 2022-10-16 (ryh-1011)
Ryan Haury - $1100 MSPT Firekeepers Oct22 - 4 Betting Aces OOP vs Loose Aggro Player Ad,AcView Hand 2022-10-16 (ryh-1010)
Ryan Haury - $1100 MSPT Firekeepers Oct22 - Raising a BB Flop Lead Ts,ThView Hand 2022-10-16 (ryh-1009)
Ryan Haury - $1100 MSPT Firekeepers Oct22 - Bluff Jam River Kc,JhView Hand 2022-10-16 (ryh-1008)
Ryan Haury - $1100 MSPT Firekeepers Oct22 - Checking Top Pair Into an Aggressor Ks,QhView Hand 2022-10-16 (ryh-1007)
Ryan Haury - $1100 MSPT Firekeepers Oct22 - Getting Value from a Flopped Set 7s,7hView Hand 2022-10-16 (ryh-1006)
Ryan Haury - $1100 MSPT Firekeepers Oct22 - Punished for Loose Pre-Flop Call Qd,9dView Hand 2022-10-16 (ryh-1005)
Ryan Haury - $1100 MSPT Firekeepers Oct22 - Block River with Ace High As,KhView Hand 2022-10-16 (ryh-1004)
Ryan Haury - $1100 MSPT Firekeepers Oct22 - River Flush for Good Price v KK 9h,ThView Hand 2022-10-16 (ryh-1003)
Ryan Haury - $1100 MSPT Firekeepers Oct22 - Flopped Set v 3! on Turn 9s,9hView Hand 2022-10-16 (ryh-1002)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $200 event at Randy's - Hero opens KK in the SB and faces resistence Kc,KdView Hand 2022-10-16 (mcl-1340)
jmiles - 1/3 - AA Super Wet Turn As,AcView Hand 2022-10-16 (jmi-1012)
John Borges - John B s4 #8 - mistake? 8s,8cView Hand 2022-10-16 (fly-1442)
John Borges - John B s4 #7 - cooler Ts,TdView Hand 2022-10-16 (fly-1441)
John Borges - John B s4 #6 - set mining 5c,5sView Hand 2022-10-16 (fly-1440)
John Borges - John B s4 #5 - getting donked in to. How much value on river? As,JcView Hand 2022-10-16 (fly-1439)
John Borges - John B s4 #4 - yahtzee, but decision on the flop As,KhView Hand 2022-10-16 (fly-1438)
John Borges - John B s4 #3 - PTSD fear Ah,QdView Hand 2022-10-16 (fly-1437)
John Borges - John B s4 #2 - misplayed vs against LAG? Kh,QcView Hand 2022-10-16 (fly-1436)
John Borges - John B s4 #1 - fun hand early 9s,9cView Hand 2022-10-16 (fly-1435)
Chase Niederkorn - South Point - AQo against maniac and reg As,QhView Hand 2022-10-15 (nid-1008)
James - 2,3 Talking Stick - Semi Bluff OOP into two players Qs,3sView Hand 2022-10-15 (jmu-1003)
James - 2,3 Talking Stick - AQ middle player All in As,QsView Hand 2022-10-15 (jmu-1002)
James - 2,3 Talking Stick - Set of Ten's on Flush & Straight board Th,TdView Hand 2022-10-15 (jmu-1001)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - 98o otb vs fishy villian, bet/fold rvr but min-raised 9c,8hView Hand 2022-10-14 (miq-1461)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - AJo iso limper known fish, call turn? Ah,JdView Hand 2022-10-14 (miq-1460)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - AQs iso limper get 3bet, line check vs shorty Ad,QdView Hand 2022-10-14 (miq-1459)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - 98s IP line check vs donk bet -- x-r get there, what if we don't? 9c,8cView Hand 2022-10-14 (miq-1458)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #3, 2022 - A8o on BTN facing 1 limper As,8dView Hand 2022-10-13 (ker-1221)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #3, 2022 - AKo open from CO Ac,KhView Hand 2022-10-13 (ker-1220)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #3, 2022 - KQo from CO facing +2 open Kh,QsView Hand 2022-10-13 (ker-1219)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #3, 2022 - AJs open from +2 As,JsView Hand 2022-10-13 (ker-1218)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #3, 2022 - QJs Qs,JsView Hand 2022-10-13 (ker-1217)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #3, 2022 - JJ facing 3-bet Js,JdView Hand 2022-10-13 (ker-1216)
John Doe - The_GTO_Coin $150 Live - 30K GTD Kc,8hView Hand 2022-10-12 (lui-1016)
- B - 17 Kc,6sView Hand 2022-10-12 (ila-1018)
- B - 16 9s,2hView Hand 2022-10-12 (ila-1017)
- B - 15 7h,3hView Hand 2022-10-12 (ila-1016)
- B - 14 Ah,QsView Hand 2022-10-12 (ila-1015)
- B - 12 9s,6cView Hand 2022-10-12 (ila-1013)
- B - 10 Qd,8dView Hand 2022-10-12 (ila-1011)
- B - 8 Kh,7cView Hand 2022-10-12 (ila-1009)
- B - 6 8s,7dView Hand 2022-10-12 (ila-1007)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - AQo 3b vs reg w shorty fish in hand, see notes Ac,QsView Hand 2022-10-11 (miq-1457)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - 88 otb vs reg, line check 8d,8hView Hand 2022-10-11 (miq-1456)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - KQs BB, squeeze? line check. Kd,QdView Hand 2022-10-11 (miq-1455)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - ATs deep 3b vs reg & familiar line, see notes As,TsView Hand 2022-10-11 (miq-1454)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - KQo BvB TP2K river?? Kh,QdView Hand 2022-10-11 (miq-1453)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - JJ OOP 3b pot, Ahigh flop, line check. What if you're villain? Js,JcView Hand 2022-10-11 (miq-1452)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - 87s IP vs limper, 3barrels or give up? sizing? 8h,7hView Hand 2022-10-11 (miq-1451)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - KJo vs loose passive fish, bet sizing 2pair Ks,JcView Hand 2022-10-11 (miq-1450)
Kirk - ACR $2.75 - $1800 guaranteed Ts,TcView Hand 2022-10-11 (adg-1010)
Grim River - Woody's 10/09 - 2/5 AA vs KK Ks,KhView Hand 2022-10-10 (klj-1002)
Davesav - Test - Test Kd,AsView Hand 2022-10-10 (dvd-1001)
DTTG - Online - AQo 3B pot IP Ac,QhView Hand 2022-10-09 (poa-1010)
DTTG - Online - BBvCO SRP x/r turn Ks,TsView Hand 2022-10-09 (poa-1009)
DTTG - Online - Q9s NL2.5k BBvCO 3bet pot 9c,QcView Hand 2022-10-09 (poa-1008)
DTTG - Online - KK COvHJ 3bet pot IP Kc,KhView Hand 2022-10-09 (poa-1007)
DTTG - Online - AK BvB 3B pot Ah,KhView Hand 2022-10-09 (poa-1006)
DTTG - Online - AQs IP 3bet Ah,QhView Hand 2022-10-09 (poa-1005)
DTTG - Online - 3bet pot ip Ac,QdView Hand 2022-10-09 (poa-1004)
DTTG - Online - 4bet pot IP Ks,KhView Hand 2022-10-09 (poa-1003)
DTTG - Online - 3bet pot OOP 8h,7hView Hand 2022-10-09 (poa-1002)
jmiles - 1/3 - A3s vs 5Bet ALL IN View Hand 2022-10-09 (jmi-1011)
DTTG - 10/20 NL - Cooler with AK As,KdView Hand 2022-10-08 (poa-1001)
Paul - crown poker - h11 8/10/22 8d,8hView Hand 2022-10-08 (deg-1011)
Paul - crown poker - h10 8/10/22 Ah,KhView Hand 2022-10-08 (deg-1010)
Paul - crown poker - h9 Ac,KcView Hand 2022-10-08 (deg-1009)
Paul - crown poker - h8 8/10/22 Qc,QhView Hand 2022-10-08 (deg-1008)
Paul - crown poker - h7 8/10/22 As,TdView Hand 2022-10-08 (deg-1007)
Paul - crown poker - h6 7d,7hView Hand 2022-10-08 (deg-1006)
Paul - crown poker - h5 8/10/22 2s,2hView Hand 2022-10-08 (deg-1005)
Paul - crown poker - h4 8/10/22 Js,JcView Hand 2022-10-08 (deg-1004)
Paul - crown poker - h3 8/10/22 Td,4cView Hand 2022-10-08 (deg-1003)
Paul - crown poker - h2 8/10/22 Qs,QcView Hand 2022-10-08 (deg-1002)
Paul - crown poker - h1 08/10/22 Ah,QsView Hand 2022-10-08 (deg-1001)
Sandy Leggett - Flooby Badoop 1/3 Live Cash MGMNH - Badly played multiway weak draw OOP? Ac,KcView Hand 2022-10-05 (leg-1025)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - ATo BB vs LJ reg rvr overbet? Ad,TcView Hand 2022-10-04 (miq-1449)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Q7o defend? Line check trips Qs,7cView Hand 2022-10-04 (miq-1448)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - KQo OOP line check -- cbet? how much? Kc,QsView Hand 2022-10-04 (miq-1447)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - A9s vs line check vs reg-ish v Ah,9hView Hand 2022-10-04 (miq-1446)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Q5s otb folded Q-high flush, stupid. Qc,5cView Hand 2022-10-04 (miq-1445)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - QTo BB def vs iso, xr line, give up turn or continue? Qc,ThView Hand 2022-10-04 (miq-1444)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - A7o BvB vs aggro fish see notes Ad,7cView Hand 2022-10-04 (miq-1443)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - 33 in SB vs fishy villain, xr river line check 3c,3dView Hand 2022-10-04 (miq-1442)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - QJo BB def, river overcall Qd,JsView Hand 2022-10-04 (miq-1441)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Q3s BvB line check vs unknown Qd,3dView Hand 2022-10-04 (miq-1440)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 A9s CO vs BTN 3 bet pot - 5/5 A9s CO vs BTN 3 bet pot As,9sView Hand 2022-10-04 (isb-1012)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 Cashgame AQs 3bet pot - 5/5 Cashgame AQs 3bet pot Ad,QdView Hand 2022-10-04 (isb-1011)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cashgame TT UTG - 5/5 cashgame TT UTG Ts,TdView Hand 2022-10-04 (isb-1010)
Hero_Wassili - NL25 cashgame - NL25 cashgame | squeeze SB 9s,TsView Hand 2022-10-04 (isb-1009)
Jeff - Por_Heff house game - all in vs joe with JJ Js,JhView Hand 2022-10-03 (jff-1001)
John Borges - John B s3 #5 - lucky turn but scary board 7h,7dView Hand 2022-10-03 (fly-1434)
John Borges - John B s3 #4 - no respect As,AcView Hand 2022-10-03 (fly-1433)
John Borges - John B s3 #3 - facing odd line Jh,JdView Hand 2022-10-03 (fly-1432)
John Borges - John B s3 #2 - facing big 3b Ac,KcView Hand 2022-10-03 (fly-1431)
John Borges - John B s3 #1 - flopping well on a scary board Kd,QcView Hand 2022-10-03 (fly-1430)
Amy DeVaudreuil - Syndicate - Bad 4-Bet Shove As,TdView Hand 2022-10-03 (amy-1002)
Amy DeVaudreuil - Syndicate - Too Nitty with QQ? Qs,QhView Hand 2022-10-03 (amy-1001)
Rico Calde - Online MTT - An online mtt hand Kc,QcView Hand 2022-10-02 (rco-1001)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - 64o BB vs limpers line check 6s,4dView Hand 2022-10-02 (miq-1439)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Q8s - dumb xr and give up *facepalm* Qs,8sView Hand 2022-10-02 (miq-1438)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - 96o BB def min raise IP, bluff x-r river 9d,6cView Hand 2022-10-02 (miq-1437)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - AQs multiway Top2 w action Ac,QcView Hand 2022-10-02 (miq-1436)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - AJs vs formerly fishy reg. Same reg as AQs hand prior. Ac,JcView Hand 2022-10-02 (miq-1435)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - AQs vs reg, formerly tagged as fish Ah,QhView Hand 2022-10-02 (miq-1434)
Me - justreplaying MAKER'S GALLERY - Villain Folds River? Ad,6dView Hand 2022-09-28 (rip-1001)
Nate Schmitt - N8Ball 2/5 cash - 2/5 As,TsView Hand 2022-09-28 (nrs-1005)
Cody - $2/5 - 3-bet from BB As,KdView Hand 2022-09-28 (cod-1022)
Mike - 5/T - V reg Ks,KdView Hand 2022-09-27 (miy-1001)
Grim River - 5/5/5 Cash - Squeeze Play As,JhView Hand 2022-09-27 (klj-1001)
Jarred Gabin - GodsBigToe 215 Ring Event - Early in MTT. Multi Way against known maniac As,7sView Hand 2022-09-27 (god-1014)
Don Bisco - Blitz Venetian DS Freezeout - Calling wide and donk betting As,8sView Hand 2022-09-27 (don-1044)
Don Bisco - Blitz Venetian DS Freezeout - Giving up the lead Ad,KsView Hand 2022-09-27 (don-1043)
Don Bisco - Blitz Syndicate 22/23 #2 - Range the Hero 6d,7dView Hand 2022-09-27 (don-1042)
Cody - $5/10 - Awkward turn spot 7d,7hView Hand 2022-09-27 (cod-1021)
Cody - MGM $2/5 - Double barreling Js,TsView Hand 2022-09-27 (cod-1020)
Cody - MGM $2/5 - Tough river spot 6h,6dView Hand 2022-09-27 (cod-1019)
Alan Bostick - PokerShaman59 2-3-5 $10 Winner Straddle - Pocket Aces vs Wide Range As,AcView Hand 2022-09-27 (abs-1005)
JJ - horseshoe local - what to do preflop with 30 BB here with KQo against multiple limpers? Ks,QcView Hand 2022-09-25 (jcj-1415)
John Borges - John B s2 #6 - This level SUCKS As,QhView Hand 2022-09-25 (fly-1429)
John Borges - John B s2 #5 - whelp 9c,9hView Hand 2022-09-25 (fly-1428)
John Borges - John B s2 #4 - after dinner blues Kh,QhView Hand 2022-09-25 (fly-1427)
John Borges - John B s2 #3 - lifes good until.... Kh,KsView Hand 2022-09-25 (fly-1426)
John Borges - John B s2 #2 - running good early Qd,8dView Hand 2022-09-25 (fly-1425)
John Borges - John B s2 #1 - bluff catcher vs maniac As,TdView Hand 2022-09-25 (fly-1424)
John Borges - John B ACR 9/25 - Deep in MTT. Down to 4 tables Ad,QhView Hand 2022-09-25 (fly-1423)
Hero_Wassili - QQ BTN vs CO - BTN vs CO - 3bet pot Qs,QcView Hand 2022-09-24 (isb-1008)
Hero_Wassili - 44 in BB (5/5) - 44 in BB (5/5) 4c,4dView Hand 2022-09-24 (isb-1007)
PokerCoaching - PB $10 ACR AcJs - PB $10 ACR AcJs Ac,JsView Hand 2022-09-23 (bdo-1582)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - JJ vs min-donk bets multi-way Jc,JdView Hand 2022-09-22 (miq-1433)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - ATs in SB w limpers, line check As,TsView Hand 2022-09-22 (miq-1432)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - KK multi-way vs aggro reg Ks,KhView Hand 2022-09-22 (miq-1431)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - AQo vs reg, bluff catch? Ad,QhView Hand 2022-09-22 (miq-1430)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - AJo TPTK vs spazzy fish - note says "wtf" Ac,JsView Hand 2022-09-22 (miq-1429)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - KQs in BB vs limp, TPGK vs post flop aggression Kc,QcView Hand 2022-09-22 (miq-1428)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - 88 def in SB, known fish open limps a ton 8h,8cView Hand 2022-09-22 (miq-1427)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - QTo Iso Posted BB--overplayed? Qc,TsView Hand 2022-09-22 (miq-1426)
PokerCoaching - Sample Hand 5 Poker Tips - Sample Hand 5 Poker Tips 9c,8cView Hand 2022-09-22 (bdo-1581)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - A5s CO As,5sView Hand 2022-09-21 (sts-1049)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - 66 MP 6c,6dView Hand 2022-09-21 (sts-1048)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - ATo bb As,TdView Hand 2022-09-21 (sts-1047)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - A8s in sb Ah,8hView Hand 2022-09-20 (sts-1046)
Steve - Sullivan47 2Nl - AJo in sb Ah,JdView Hand 2022-09-20 (sts-1045)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - JJ in sb Jh,JsView Hand 2022-09-20 (sts-1044)
Selma - Selma Orleans Sunday - Flush Draw Ks,TsView Hand 2022-09-19 (sla-1147)
Selma - Selma Venetian 400 - Limped Pot Ah,7hView Hand 2022-09-19 (sla-1146)
JJ - day 2 lodge Feb - 14 players left, new table change Js,JhView Hand 2022-09-19 (jcj-1414)
JJ - $1200 main - thoughts on playing JJ against EP 2.75-3x open? Js,JdView Hand 2022-09-19 (jcj-1413)
JJ - day 2 of deep run lodge - big 3 way hand preflop Js,JcView Hand 2022-09-19 (jcj-1411)
JJ - $600k monthly monster day 2 - big all-in hand on day 2 Js,JhView Hand 2022-09-19 (jcj-1410)
JJ - southern poker open lousiana $420 buy-in 100k - how to play this one postflop? 8s,7cView Hand 2022-09-19 (jcj-1409)
JJ - southern poker open lousiana $420 buy-in 100k - what to do on river? As,QcView Hand 2022-09-19 (jcj-1408)
JJ - southern poker open lousiana $420 buy-in 100k - rivering top pair with weak kicker, what sizing? Kd,6dView Hand 2022-09-19 (jcj-1407)
JJ - ballys $420 100k GTD day 2 lousiana - thoughts on BB defense against 2.5-2.7x preflop raise? Ts,9cView Hand 2022-09-19 (jcj-1406)
JJ - ballys $420 100k GTD day 2 lousiana - 28 players left, $420 buyin, $200 payjump on 27th then redraw for final 3 tables As,AhView Hand 2022-09-19 (jcj-1405)
JJ - $600 sept lodge monthly - BB defense against 2.2-2.3x with offsuit connectors - how to play this? 9s,7cView Hand 2022-09-19 (jcj-1404)
JJ - $600 sept lodge monthly - can you ever fold river here since i played it so passively postflop even if i think i am beat? Qd,QcView Hand 2022-09-19 (jcj-1403)
JJ - $600 sept lodge monthly - blind vs blind play, facing river overbet with top pair Ad,TsView Hand 2022-09-19 (jcj-1402)
JJ - $600 sept lodge monthly - how to play JJ postflop and on river here? Js,JcView Hand 2022-09-19 (jcj-1401)
JJ - $600 sept lodge monthly - how to play top set AA postflop when deep? Ah,AcView Hand 2022-09-19 (jcj-1400)
JJ - $600 sept lodge monthly - facing raise against limper with overpair on coordinated board? Kd,KcView Hand 2022-09-19 (jcj-1399)
JJ - $600 sept lodge monthly - how do you play this hand differently postflop? Ac,JcView Hand 2022-09-19 (jcj-1398)
JJ - $600 sept lodge monthly - what to do when getting raised on river with 2nd nut full house on level 1? Js,QdView Hand 2022-09-19 (jcj-1397)
JJ - $1200 lodge main - playing AT suited from SB with sub 30 BB Ad,TdView Hand 2022-09-19 (jcj-1396)
JJ - $1200 lodge main - playing 77 from SB < 25 BB 7s,7dView Hand 2022-09-19 (jcj-1395)
JJ - $1200 lodge main - what to do with KK against cold 4 better who seems straightforward? Kh,KdView Hand 2022-09-19 (jcj-1394)
JJ - $1200 lodge main - QQ in 3 bet position on trips board Qh,QdView Hand 2022-09-19 (jcj-1393)
PokerCoaching - Rampage x Brock Coaching Hands - Hand 11 As,9hView Hand 2022-09-18 (bdo-1580)
PokerCoaching - Rampage x Brock Coaching Hands - Hand 10 Kd,2dView Hand 2022-09-18 (bdo-1579)
PokerCoaching - Rampage x Brock Coaching Hands - Hand 9 Qc,QdView Hand 2022-09-18 (bdo-1578)
PokerCoaching - Rampage x Brock Coaching Hands - Hand 8 2s,2cView Hand 2022-09-18 (bdo-1577)
PokerCoaching - Rampage x Brock Coaching Hands - Hand 7 9s,9hView Hand 2022-09-18 (bdo-1576)
PokerCoaching - Rampage x Brock Coaching Hands - Hand 6 As,9hView Hand 2022-09-18 (bdo-1575)
PokerCoaching - Rampage x Brock Coaching Hands - Hand 5 Ks,QhView Hand 2022-09-18 (bdo-1574)
PokerCoaching - Rampage x Brock Coaching Hands - Hand 4 Qd,7dView Hand 2022-09-18 (bdo-1573)
PokerCoaching - Rampage x Brock Coaching Hands - Hand 3 Ks,JcView Hand 2022-09-18 (bdo-1572)
PokerCoaching - Rampage x Brock Coaching Hands - Hand 2 Qs,JcView Hand 2022-09-18 (bdo-1571)
PokerCoaching - Rampage x Brock Coaching Hands - Hand 1 Ah,9sView Hand 2022-09-18 (bdo-1570)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - AJo UTG+1 Ah,JdView Hand 2022-09-17 (sts-1043)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - A6s on button Ah,6hView Hand 2022-09-17 (sts-1042)
jmiles - 1/3 - Combo Draw vs Weak Ace? 5h,4hView Hand 2022-09-17 (jmi-1010)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 - A7s mp nuts, multiway Ac,7cView Hand 2022-09-17 (isb-1006)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cash - 5/5 cash 99 calling squeeze 9s,9dView Hand 2022-09-17 (isb-1005)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cash - 5/5 cash 7d,7cView Hand 2022-09-17 (isb-1004)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - 89s on button 9d,8dView Hand 2022-09-16 (sts-1041)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - QQ button Qh,QcView Hand 2022-09-16 (sts-1040)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - AA UTG As,AhView Hand 2022-09-16 (sts-1039)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - K9s CO Kh,9hView Hand 2022-09-16 (sts-1038)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - KQs on button Kd,QdView Hand 2022-09-16 (sts-1037)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #1 2022 - QJo UTG on points bubble Qh,JcView Hand 2022-09-15 (ker-1215)
John Borges - John B Rampage WSOP - love the blocking bet for value Kd,QhView Hand 2022-09-14 (fly-1422)
John Borges - John B ACR #1 - out of line 5c,4cView Hand 2022-09-14 (fly-1421)
Don Bisco - Blitz Syndicate 22/23 #1 - New player Aeon Jd,TdView Hand 2022-09-14 (don-1041)
DL - DL syn #1 - KJ v AK (SB has premium hand) Ks,JdView Hand 2022-09-13 (onn-1005)
DL - DL Syn #1 - Last hand 9s,TsView Hand 2022-09-13 (onn-1004)
DL - DL Syn #1 - AA vs 33 hit 3set As,AcView Hand 2022-09-13 (onn-1003)
John Borges - John B s1 #4 - can I ever hit a flush.... NO! 3c,2cView Hand 2022-09-13 (fly-1420)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #1 2022 - 64s multi-way 6s,4sView Hand 2022-09-12 (ker-1214)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #1 2022 - HU 92o BTN 9d,2dView Hand 2022-09-12 (ker-1213)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #1 2022 - SB 42s open 4h,2hView Hand 2022-09-12 (ker-1212)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #1 2022 - A8o BB facing HJ open As,8hView Hand 2022-09-12 (ker-1211)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #1 2022 - TT +1 open Th,TcView Hand 2022-09-12 (ker-1210)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #1 2022 - JJ SB facing UTG+2 open Jh,JcView Hand 2022-09-12 (ker-1209)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #1 2022 - AQo LJ facing UTG open As,QhView Hand 2022-09-12 (ker-1208)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #1 2022 - 76s in HJ facing 3 b-bet 7s,6sView Hand 2022-09-12 (ker-1207)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cash - 5/5 cash Ks,JsView Hand 2022-09-12 (isb-1003)
John Borges - John B s1 #3 - new table... YAHTZEE Ts,8sView Hand 2022-09-12 (fly-1419)
John Borges - John B s1 #2 - won, but dont like the way I played this hand As,QhView Hand 2022-09-12 (fly-1418)
John Borges - John B s1 #1 - love the snowmen 8h,8dView Hand 2022-09-12 (fly-1417)
Aubrey - 25/50 NL online - analyze As,KdView Hand 2022-09-12 (aub-1001)
Johannes - $2/$5 - What do you do here preflop? 4-bet? Based on sizing and appearance, it seemed unlikely here SB has AA Ac,KdView Hand 2022-09-11 (jka-1005)
Sandy Leggett - Flooby Badoop 1/3 Live Cash MGMNH - Badly played draw? Th,7hView Hand 2022-09-09 (leg-1024)
Sandy Leggett - Flooby Badoop 1/3 Live Cash MGMNH - Tough fold. Ks,QdView Hand 2022-09-09 (leg-1023)
Scott - Hard rock tampa (bonus) - #18 Ah,QhView Hand 2022-09-08 (scb-1019)
Maarten77 - 25dlr rebuy - 25dlr rebuy tourney Jc,JsView Hand 2022-09-08 (mva-1004)
Mike Janish - Mike Session - 1 - dfgasfda 7s,6sView Hand 2022-09-08 (ike-1001)
Scott - Hard Rock Tampa - #17 Kd,JdView Hand 2022-09-07 (scb-1018)
Scott - Hard Rock Tampa - #16 Ac,QsView Hand 2022-09-07 (scb-1017)
Scott - Hard Rock Tampa - #15 Qc,QsView Hand 2022-09-07 (scb-1016)
Scott - Hard Rock Tampa - #14 Jc,JsView Hand 2022-09-07 (scb-1015)
Scott - Hard Rock Tampa - #13 As,KhView Hand 2022-09-07 (scb-1014)
Scott - Hard Rock Tampa - #12 9s,9hView Hand 2022-09-07 (scb-1013)
Scott - Hard Rock Tampa - #11 9c,7hView Hand 2022-09-07 (scb-1012)
Scott - Hard Rock Tampa - #10 9s,4hView Hand 2022-09-07 (scb-1011)
Scott - Hard Rock Tampa - #9 Ks,8sView Hand 2022-09-07 (scb-1010)
Scott - Hard Rock Tampa - #8 As,KhView Hand 2022-09-07 (scb-1009)
Scott - Hard Rock Tampa - #7 4d,4hView Hand 2022-09-07 (scb-1008)
Scott - Hard Rock Tampa - #6 Ad,AhView Hand 2022-09-07 (scb-1007)
Scott - Hard Rock Tampa - #5 7h,9hView Hand 2022-09-07 (scb-1006)
Scott - Hard Rock Tampa - #4 Ah,QcView Hand 2022-09-07 (scb-1005)
Scott - Hard Rock Tampa - #3 Tc,3cView Hand 2022-09-07 (scb-1004)
Scott - Hard Rock - #2 Qd,JdView Hand 2022-09-07 (scb-1003)
Scott - Hard Rock - #1 As,AhView Hand 2022-09-07 (scb-1002)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cashgame - AKo vs the blinds Ac,KsView Hand 2022-09-07 (isb-1002)
Hero_Wassili - 5/5 cashgame - CO vs BTN Qs,9hView Hand 2022-09-07 (isb-1001)
Daniel Zane Maroti - buckywhitman $2/$5 - Cash Ad,AhView Hand 2022-09-06 (dzm-1001)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - JTs BB Js,TsView Hand 2022-09-05 (sts-1036)
Michael - 3/5 NLH - Tough spot Jh,JdView Hand 2022-09-05 (mcb-1001)
Faraz Jaka - Mediterranean Poker Party HR - hand 10 Kh,ThView Hand 2022-09-05 (jaa-1301)
Faraz Jaka - Mediterranean Poker Party HR - hand 9 5c,4cView Hand 2022-09-05 (jaa-1300)
Faraz Jaka - Mediterranean Poker Party HR - hand 8 Js,ThView Hand 2022-09-05 (jaa-1299)
Faraz Jaka - Mediterranean Poker Party H - hanf 7 Ks,QhView Hand 2022-09-05 (jaa-1298)
Faraz Jaka - Mediterranean Poker Party HR - hand 6 Jd,5dView Hand 2022-09-05 (jaa-1297)
Faraz Jaka - Mediterranean Poker Party HR - han 5 Ah,7hView Hand 2022-09-05 (jaa-1296)
Faraz Jaka - Mediterranean Poker Party HR - hand 4 Ac,QsView Hand 2022-09-05 (jaa-1295)
Faraz Jaka - Mediterranean Poker Party HR - hand 3 Ah,AdView Hand 2022-09-05 (jaa-1294)
Faraz Jaka - Mediterranean Poker Party HR - hand 2 9h,9dView Hand 2022-09-05 (jaa-1293)
Faraz Jaka - Mediterranean Poker Party HR - hand 1 8h,8dView Hand 2022-09-05 (jaa-1292)
Faraz Jaka - Mediterranean Poker Party - hand 12 Ah,ThView Hand 2022-09-05 (jaa-1291)
Faraz Jaka - Mediterranean Poker Party - hand 11 8s,7cView Hand 2022-09-05 (jaa-1290)
Faraz Jaka - Mediterranean Poker Party - hand 10 2s,2cView Hand 2022-09-05 (jaa-1289)
Faraz Jaka - Mediterranean Poker Party - hand 9 As,JhView Hand 2022-09-05 (jaa-1288)
Faraz Jaka - Mediterranean Poker Party - hand 8 As,QhView Hand 2022-09-05 (jaa-1287)
Faraz Jaka - Mediterranean Poker Party - hand 7 Ad,4dView Hand 2022-09-05 (jaa-1286)
Faraz Jaka - Mediterranean Poker Party - hand 6 View Hand 2022-09-05 (jaa-1285)
Faraz Jaka - Mediterranean Poker Party - hand 5 Jd,TsView Hand 2022-09-05 (jaa-1284)
Faraz Jaka - Mediterranean Poker Party - hand 4 As,QdView Hand 2022-09-05 (jaa-1283)
Faraz Jaka - Mediterranean Poker Party - hand 3 As,8hView Hand 2022-09-05 (jaa-1282)
Faraz Jaka - Mediterranean Poker Party - hand 2 Js,7sView Hand 2022-09-05 (jaa-1281)
Faraz Jaka - Mediterranean ME - hand 1 As,KhView Hand 2022-09-05 (jaa-1280)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$2 Cash - Harrahs KC - 9.2.22 - 97cc; tricky spot in bloated pot w draw 9c,7cView Hand 2022-09-03 (coh-1066)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$3 Cash - Hollywood Casino KC - 8.24.22 - K7ss value bets to thin Ks,7sView Hand 2022-09-03 (coh-1065)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - KK in BB Kh,KcView Hand 2022-09-01 (sts-1035)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - T9s on the button Ts,9sView Hand 2022-09-01 (sts-1034)
Selma - Selma Tampa - AQs in the BB As,QsView Hand 2022-09-01 (sla-1145)
Selma - Selma Tampa Exit - Jacks with callers Js,JhView Hand 2022-09-01 (sla-1144)
Connor Dougherty - Live $2/$5 Cash - MGM National Harbor - AQss Massive Punt in 4! pot As,QsView Hand 2022-09-01 (coh-1064)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$3 Cash - Hollywood Casino KC - 8.25.22 - push RA/NA w marginal made As,3sView Hand 2022-09-01 (coh-1063)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$2 Cash - Harrah's KC - 8.28.22 - A4ss Pushing RA/NA and attacking chops As,4sView Hand 2022-08-31 (coh-1062)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$3 Cash - Hollywood Casino KC - 8.23.22 - Made big pot w small hand Kc,5cView Hand 2022-08-31 (coh-1061)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1.$3 Cash - Hollywood Casino KC - 8.23.22 - Take showodown value with a hand that has no showdown value Kc,7cView Hand 2022-08-31 (coh-1060)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$2 Cash - Harrah's KC - 8.28.22 - TT Made horrible hero call against maniac Th,TdView Hand 2022-08-31 (coh-1059)
Selma - Selma Tampa 400 - Aces Cracked Ah,AsView Hand 2022-08-30 (sla-1143)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$3 Cash - Hollywood Casino KC - 8.29.22 - Horrible Runout Ac,QcView Hand 2022-08-30 (coh-1058)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$3 Cash - Hollywood Casino KC - 8.29.22 - Made Horrible Turn and River Call Ad,QcView Hand 2022-08-30 (coh-1057)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$3 Cash - Hollywood Casino KC - 8.29.22 - AJo; Strange Hand but double up As,JdView Hand 2022-08-30 (coh-1056)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$3 Cash - Hollywood Casino KC - 8.29.22 - Borderline spot w Second Pair in WIld game Th,TdView Hand 2022-08-30 (coh-1055)
John Borges - John B WSOP PG #1 - what to do from BB Ah,KsView Hand 2022-08-29 (fly-1416)
Mike Mc - McLovin 10NL - QQ folding top set on turn Qc,QhView Hand 2022-08-28 (miq-1425)
jmiles - 1/3 - AQ on AK7 After Cold 4bet As,QhView Hand 2022-08-28 (jmi-1009)
Pulse of Hearts - $160 Live - Pocket Kings Ks,KcView Hand 2022-08-27 (pep-1002)
Pulse of Hearts - $160 Live - KK Ks,KcView Hand 2022-08-27 (pep-1001)
Wes Lorenz - LilDubya 1/3 NL - Bluff River? Ah,JdView Hand 2022-08-23 (wes-1002)
John Borges - John B Tiki #10 - Thin Value Jh,JdView Hand 2022-08-22 (fly-1415)
John Borges - John B Boski video - this is how to preserve your stack Qs,QcView Hand 2022-08-22 (fly-1414)
John Borges - John B Merge - weakly hand Js,9dView Hand 2022-08-22 (fly-1413)
John Borges - John B ACR - questions on decisions per street Ac,QhView Hand 2022-08-22 (fly-1412)
John Borges - John B Merge - assessing ranges 8c,7dView Hand 2022-08-22 (fly-1411)
John Borges - John B Tiki #9 - range bet Qd,JdView Hand 2022-08-22 (fly-1410)
John Borges - John B Tiki #8 - missed opportunity vs correct fold? 3h,3dView Hand 2022-08-22 (fly-1409)
John Borges - John B Tiki #7 - BvB 7s,5cView Hand 2022-08-22 (fly-1408)
John Borges - John B Tiki #6 - when is the right time to fold? Kh,JcView Hand 2022-08-22 (fly-1407)
John Borges - John B Tiki #5 - vs donk bet on wet board Ah,AdView Hand 2022-08-22 (fly-1406)
John Borges - John B Tiki #4 - running pure is over As,QsView Hand 2022-08-22 (fly-1405)
John Borges - John B Tiki #3 - we're all going for it 9s,7sView Hand 2022-08-22 (fly-1404)
John Borges - John B Tiki #2 - easy game when you run pure Ah,AdView Hand 2022-08-22 (fly-1403)
John Borges - John B Tiki #1 - vs Active LAG Ah,AdView Hand 2022-08-22 (fly-1402)
Connor Dougherty - Live $2/$5 Cash - MGM National Harbor - 8.9.22 - Made a questionable call against whale As,KhView Hand 2022-08-22 (coh-1054)
Connor Dougherty - Live $2/$5 Cash - MGM National Harbor - 8.9.22 - 43hh flat on btn, failed to balance value range 4h,3hView Hand 2022-08-22 (coh-1053)
Connor Dougherty - Live $2/$5 Cash - MGM National Harbor - 8.9.22 - AQdd 3! SB give up Ad,QdView Hand 2022-08-22 (coh-1052)
Connor Dougherty - Live $2/$5 Cash - MGM National Harbor - 08.07.2022 - Cooler misplayed Qc,QdView Hand 2022-08-22 (coh-1051)
jmiles - 1/3 - Top 2 vs Jason As,QdView Hand 2022-08-21 (jmi-1008)
Kim Lutes - CraKi GP SC 500 Bonanza - 11 cent buy-in As,QhView Hand 2022-08-20 (klu-1024)
Faraz Jaka - EPT Barcelona HR - hand 8 Td,5cView Hand 2022-08-20 (jaa-1279)
Faraz Jaka - EPT Barcelona HR - hand7 Qs,JsView Hand 2022-08-20 (jaa-1278)
Faraz Jaka - EPT Barcelona HR - hand 6 Ks,2hView Hand 2022-08-20 (jaa-1277)
Faraz Jaka - EPT Barcelona HR - hand 5 Ah,9hView Hand 2022-08-20 (jaa-1276)
Faraz Jaka - EPT Barcelona HR - hand3 Ac,KhView Hand 2022-08-20 (jaa-1275)
Faraz Jaka - EPT Barcelona HR - hand2 As,KhView Hand 2022-08-20 (jaa-1274)
Faraz Jaka - EPT Barcelona HR - hand1 Qs,9sView Hand 2022-08-20 (jaa-1273)
Faraz Jaka - EPT Barcelona - hand 9 Ks,KhView Hand 2022-08-20 (jaa-1272)
Faraz Jaka - EPT Barcelona - hand 16 Ks,QdView Hand 2022-08-20 (jaa-1271)
Steve - Sullivan47 2 NL - JJ in CO Jd,JcView Hand 2022-08-19 (sts-1033)
Faraz Jaka - EPT Barcelona - hand 17 Qd,7dView Hand 2022-08-18 (jaa-1270)
Faraz Jaka - EPT Barcelona - hand 15 9s,2cView Hand 2022-08-18 (jaa-1269)
Faraz Jaka - EPT Barceolna - hand 14 Ah,JdView Hand 2022-08-18 (jaa-1268)
Faraz Jaka - EPT Barcelona - hand 13 9h,4hView Hand 2022-08-18 (jaa-1267)
Faraz Jaka - EPT Barelona - hand 12 Qs,ThView Hand 2022-08-18 (jaa-1266)
Faraz Jaka - EPT Barcelona - hand 11 7s,7hView Hand 2022-08-18 (jaa-1265)
Faraz Jaka - EPT Barcelona - hand 8 Qs,3hView Hand 2022-08-18 (jaa-1264)
Faraz Jaka - EPT Barcelona - hand 7 Kc,QsView Hand 2022-08-18 (jaa-1263)
Faraz Jaka - EPT Barcelona - hand 6 As,QcView Hand 2022-08-18 (jaa-1262)
Faraz Jaka - ept Barelona - hand 5 4s,4hView Hand 2022-08-18 (jaa-1261)
Faraz Jaka - EPT Barcelona - hand 3 Ks,QhView Hand 2022-08-18 (jaa-1260)
Faraz Jaka - EPT Barcelona - hand 2 Ah,4hView Hand 2022-08-18 (jaa-1259)
Faraz Jaka - EPT Barcelona - hands 1 Js,7sView Hand 2022-08-18 (jaa-1258)
Michael Maginnis - OSS #82L - $30,000 GTD - $22 buy in on ACR Ac,QcView Hand 2022-08-17 (mmg-1032)
Michael Maginnis - for brandon - yo Qc,4hView Hand 2022-08-17 (mmg-1031)
Kim Lutes - CraKi GP Buckaments - $1.00 buy-in 7h,7cView Hand 2022-08-17 (klu-1023)
JV - Oh B Win $150 MTT - Final table, ITM, 6 were paid As,7hView Hand 2022-08-16 (too-1001)
Michael Maginnis - $3000 GTD - $6.60 ACR Jd,9dView Hand 2022-08-16 (mmg-1030)
Kim Lutes - CraKi 8/16 Buckaments GP - $1 Buy-In Qh,JsView Hand 2022-08-16 (klu-1022)
Kim Lutes - CraKi 8/16 Buckaments GP - $1 Buy-In Ad,QhView Hand 2022-08-16 (klu-1021)
Kim Lutes - CraKi 8/16 Buckaments GP - $1 Buy-In 4d,3dView Hand 2022-08-16 (klu-1020)
Kim Lutes - CraKi 8/16 Buckaments GP - $1 Buy-In Qs,KdView Hand 2022-08-16 (klu-1019)
Kim Lutes - CraKi 8/16 Buckaments GP - $1 Buy-In 9s,9hView Hand 2022-08-16 (klu-1018)
Kim Lutes - CraKi 8/16 Buckaments GP - $1 Buy-In As,QcView Hand 2022-08-16 (klu-1017)
Dave Price - PBKC CASH - POCKET TENS UTG1 Ah,QcView Hand 2022-08-16 (dvf-1001)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - AJs on button As,JsView Hand 2022-08-14 (sts-1032)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $22 Double Deuce Day 1 flight on ACR - Not a strategy hand; just a fun one to show off. Ah,2hView Hand 2022-08-14 (mcl-1339)
김평강 - peace practice - practice 7s,4sView Hand 2022-08-13 (rla-1002)
김평강 - peace practice - practice 7s,4sView Hand 2022-08-13 (rla-1001)
jmiles - 1/3 - Set vs potential flush 5d,5cView Hand 2022-08-13 (jmi-1007)
jmiles - 1/3 - Aces up vs Tight Fish Ac,3cView Hand 2022-08-13 (jmi-1006)
Jürg - jux66 Casino Barcelona - Turnier 180+20 7s,8hView Hand 2022-08-11 (juw-1069)
Jürg - jux66 Casino Barcelona - Turnier 180+20 As,JdView Hand 2022-08-11 (juw-1068)
Jürg - jux66 Casino Barcelona - Turnier 180+20 Th,3dView Hand 2022-08-11 (juw-1067)
Mike - Mike 1/3 Cash Mike 2 - Cash Qs,QhView Hand 2022-08-10 (lir-1003)
Mike - Mike 1/3 Cash Mike - 1/3 Cash As,JsView Hand 2022-08-10 (lir-1002)
Mike - Mike 5/10 Cash - 5/10 Cash Mike 5c,5dView Hand 2022-08-10 (lir-1001)
Jürg - jux66 Casino Barcelona - Turnier 180+20 As,QcView Hand 2022-08-10 (juw-1066)
Jürg - jux66 Casino Barcelona - Turnier 180+20 Kc,9dView Hand 2022-08-10 (juw-1065)
Connor Dougherty - Live $2/$5 Cash - MGM National Harbor - 8.9.22 - Big Bluff into top of Villain Range As,QsView Hand 2022-08-10 (coh-1050)
PokerCoaching - JL $5K Florida 1a - Hand 28 Ks,JsView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1569)
PokerCoaching - JL $5K Florida 1a - Hand 27 Js,JhView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1568)
PokerCoaching - JL $5K Florida 1a - Hand 26 Qh,JcView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1567)
PokerCoaching - JL $5K Florida 1a - Hand 25 Ks,QdView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1566)
PokerCoaching - JL $5K Florida 1a - Hand 24 Ks,QhView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1565)
PokerCoaching - JL $5K Florida 1a - Hand 23 As,3sView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1564)
PokerCoaching - JL $5K Florida 1a - Hand 22 As,KhView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1563)
PokerCoaching - JL $5K Florida 1a - Hand 21 9s,9hView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1562)
PokerCoaching - JL $5K Florida 1a - Hand 20 Qh,9hView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1561)
PokerCoaching - JL $5K Florida 1a - Hand 19 8s,7cView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1560)
PokerCoaching - JL $5K Florida 1a - Hand 18 Qc,JdView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1559)
PokerCoaching - JL $5K Florida 1a - Hand 17 9s,9hView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1558)
PokerCoaching - JL $5K Florida 1a - Hand 16 Ah,5hView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1557)
PokerCoaching - JL $5K Florida 1a - Hand 15 9s,9hView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1556)
PokerCoaching - JL $5K Florida 1a - Hand 14 As,TsView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1555)
PokerCoaching - JL $5K Florida 1a - Hand 13 Tc,7cView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1554)
PokerCoaching - JL $5K Florida 1a - Hand 12 As,JcView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1553)
PokerCoaching - JL $5K Florida 1a - Hand 11 8s,8dView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1552)
PokerCoaching - JL $5K Florida 1a - Hand 10 Qd,8dView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1551)
PokerCoaching - JL $5K Florida 1a - Hand 9 As,JdView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1550)
PokerCoaching - JL $5K Florida 1a - Hand 8 Tc,TdView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1549)
PokerCoaching - JL $5K Florida 1a - Hand 7 8s,3sView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1548)
PokerCoaching - JL $5K Florida 1a - Hand 6 9c,7cView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1547)
PokerCoaching - JL $5K Florida 1a - Hand 5 8h,6dView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1546)
PokerCoaching - JL $5K Florida 1a - Hand 4 As,JsView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1545)
PokerCoaching - JL $5K Florida 1a - Hand 3 As,ThView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1544)
PokerCoaching - JL $5K Florida 1a - Hand 2 4s,4cView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1543)
PokerCoaching - JL $5K Florida 1a - Hand 1 Qs,JcView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1542)
PokerCoaching - JL $25K Florida - Hand 9 Ah,KsView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1541)
PokerCoaching - JL $25K Florida - Hand 8 Ad,KhView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1540)
PokerCoaching - JL $25K Florida - Hand 7 As,KhView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1539)
PokerCoaching - JL $25K Florida - Hand 6 Ac,AhView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1538)
PokerCoaching - JL $25K Florida - Hand 5 As,AcView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1537)
PokerCoaching - JL $25K Florida - Hand 4 Kh,KdView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1536)
PokerCoaching - JL $25K Florida - Hand 3 As,5cView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1535)
PokerCoaching - JL $25K Florida - Hand 2 Kd,QdView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1534)
PokerCoaching - JL $25K Florida - Hand 1 Kd,5dView Hand 2022-08-10 (bdo-1533)
Kirk - $2.20 PKO on ACR - middle pair, 2nd nut flush draw Qh,9hView Hand 2022-08-10 (adg-1009)
Kim Lutes - CraKi GP Newsletter Tournament - BB Defense Jd,9sView Hand 2022-08-08 (klu-1016)
Johannes - $2/$5 Live KK - Fold Turn ever? Kh,KsView Hand 2022-08-08 (jka-1004)
Johannes - $2/$5 Live - 74o turn bluff 7c,4sView Hand 2022-08-08 (jka-1003)
Michael Maginnis - $15,000 GTD - ACR As,8sView Hand 2022-08-07 (mmg-1029)
Jeff - JKR_SEA 22_07_31_2 - 55 Flopped Set vs Turn jam 5s,5hView Hand 2022-08-07 (jei-1004)
Jeff - JKR_SEA 22_07_31_1 - 9h9d vs Max Pressure 9h,9dView Hand 2022-08-07 (jei-1003)
Kim Lutes - CraKi Freeroll - Buy-In 25C As,QcView Hand 2022-08-06 (klu-1015)
Kim Lutes - CraKi Freeroll - Buy-In 25C Jd,JcView Hand 2022-08-06 (klu-1014)
Kim Lutes - CraKi Freeroll - Buy-In 25C Ac,JhView Hand 2022-08-06 (klu-1013)
Kim Lutes - CraKi Freeroll - 25C Buy-In Js,KsView Hand 2022-08-06 (klu-1012)
Kim Lutes - CraKi 25C SitnGo - 25C Buy-In Ah,QsView Hand 2022-08-06 (klu-1011)
Connor Dougherty - Live $2/$5 Cash - Harrah's KC - 8.5.22 - denying equity from all-in maniac 9c,7cView Hand 2022-08-06 (coh-1049)
Connor Dougherty - Live $2/$5 Cash - Harrah's KC - 8.5.22 - Passively play AA's against weak ranges Ah,AdView Hand 2022-08-06 (coh-1048)
Connor Dougherty - Live $2/$5 Cash - Harrah's KC - 8.5.22 - flat SB, play passive, miss and lose Ac,2cView Hand 2022-08-06 (coh-1047)
Connor Dougherty - Live $2/$5 Cash - Harrah's KC - 8.5.22 - 3! SB take showdown on river Ah,4hView Hand 2022-08-06 (coh-1046)
Connor Dougherty - Live $2/$5 Cash - Harrahs KC - 8.5.22 - Squeeze IP w bad runout Qs,JcView Hand 2022-08-06 (coh-1045)
Connor Dougherty - Live $2/$5 Cash - Harrahs KC - 8.5.22 - 3! SB vs CO, give up on river Ah,3hView Hand 2022-08-06 (coh-1044)
Jürg - jux66 Casino Barcelona - Turnier 290+40 As,9hView Hand 2022-08-04 (juw-1064)
Jürg - jux66 Casino Barcelona - Turnier 290+40 Kc,7cView Hand 2022-08-04 (juw-1063)
Jürg - jux66 Casino Barcelona - Turnier 290+40 9s,9hView Hand 2022-08-04 (juw-1062)
Kirk - $20 WSOP $2500 guaranteed - Are my actions correct? Kd,JdView Hand 2022-08-03 (adg-1008)
Jürg - jux66 Casino Barcelona - Turnier 150+15 As,6cView Hand 2022-08-02 (juw-1061)
Jürg - jux66 Casino Barcelona - Turnier 150+15 Ks,KcView Hand 2022-08-02 (juw-1060)
Jürg - jux66 Casino Barcelona - Turnier 150+15 Qc,TcView Hand 2022-08-02 (juw-1059)
Jürg - jux66 Casino Barcelona - Turnier 150+15 Ah,TcView Hand 2022-08-02 (juw-1058)
Jürg - jux66 Casino Barcelona - Turnier 150+15 5h,3hView Hand 2022-08-02 (juw-1057)
Jürg - jux66 Casino Barcelona - Turnier €150+15 7s,3hView Hand 2022-08-02 (juw-1056)
Conan - TheBarbarian $30 APL Circuit - Winning the hand. As,KcView Hand 2022-08-02 (coa-1003)
Conan - TheBarbarian $30 APL Circuit - Going broke. As,KcView Hand 2022-08-02 (coa-1002)
Conan - TheBarbarian $30 APL Circuit - Not going broke against wide caller As,KcView Hand 2022-08-02 (coa-1001)
Nicholas Jones - Croaker 1/2 NLH - OOP PreFlop All in As,KhView Hand 2022-08-01 (nij-1001)
jmiles - 1/3 - AJo vs ALL IN Squeeze As,JdView Hand 2022-08-01 (jmi-1005)
Jeff - JKR_SEA 22_07_30_2 - AA BTN Ah,AdView Hand 2022-07-31 (jei-1002)
Jeff - JKR_SEA 22_07_30_1 - TT_UTG Ts,TcView Hand 2022-07-31 (jei-1001)
Gabor Montlika - NL10 - HJ vs BB single raised stack in Ac,7cView Hand 2022-07-30 (mga-1004)
Kim Lutes - CraKi Global Poker Morning Brawl - $5 Buy-In Jd,JhView Hand 2022-07-30 (klu-1010)
Kim Lutes - CraKi Global Poker Morning Brawl - $5 Buy-In Ks,AcView Hand 2022-07-30 (klu-1009)
Kim Lutes - CraKi Global Poker Morning Brawl - $5 Buy-In Th,TcView Hand 2022-07-30 (klu-1008)
Kim Lutes - CraKi Global Poker Morning Brawl - $5 Buy-In Ts,AhView Hand 2022-07-30 (klu-1007)
Kim Lutes - CraKi Global Poker Morning Brawl - $5 Buy-In Ah,QhView Hand 2022-07-30 (klu-1006)
Michael Maginnis - $3000 GTD - ACR Ad,KcView Hand 2022-07-28 (mmg-1028)
Alan Ho - Alan H. O11 Jul 26 2022, #2 - 73s in BB limped pot 7h,3hView Hand 2022-07-28 (ker-1206)
Alan Ho - Alan H. O11 Jul 26 2022, #2 - 77 open facing a shove from BB 7h,7cView Hand 2022-07-28 (ker-1205)
Alan Ho - Alan H. O11 Jul 26 2022, #2 - AQs facing EP open Ah,QhView Hand 2022-07-28 (ker-1204)
Alan Ho - Alan H. O11 Jul 26 2022, #2 - KK in CO facing a limper Kh,KcView Hand 2022-07-28 (ker-1203)
Alan Ho - Alan H. O11 Jul 26 2022, #2 - JTs UTG Jc,TcView Hand 2022-07-28 (ker-1202)
Alan Ho - Alan H. O11 Jul 26 2022, #2 - 97s CO 7 way pot 9h,7hView Hand 2022-07-28 (ker-1201)
Michael Maginnis - $2500 GTD - ACR As,QsView Hand 2022-07-27 (mmg-1027)
Gabor Montlika - 0.05/0.10 NL - Blind vs Blind single raised 9h,8hView Hand 2022-07-27 (mga-1003)
Kim Lutes - CraKi Global Poker SC 5000 - $3.30 Buy-In Qs,KhView Hand 2022-07-27 (klu-1005)
Kim Lutes - CraKi Global Poker SC 5000 - $3.30 Buy-In Jc,JhView Hand 2022-07-27 (klu-1004)
Kim Lutes - CraKi Global Poker SC 5000 - $3.30 Buy-In 5s,8hView Hand 2022-07-27 (klu-1003)
Kim Lutes - CraKi Global Poker SC 5000 - $3.30 Buy-In 7h,6sView Hand 2022-07-27 (klu-1002)
Kim Lutes - CraKi Global Poker SC 5000 - $3.30 Buy-In Qs,QhView Hand 2022-07-27 (klu-1001)
Alan Ho - Alan H. O11 Jul 26 2022, #2 - 87o raise over CO limp 8c,7sView Hand 2022-07-27 (ker-1200)
Alan Ho - Alan H. O11 Jul 26 2022, #2 - 75s UTG+2; 1st level 7d,5dView Hand 2022-07-27 (ker-1199)
Alan Ho - Alan H. O11 Jul 26 2022 - KK in BB facing SB limp with 18bb Ks,KcView Hand 2022-07-27 (ker-1198)
Alan Ho - Alan H. O11 Jul 26 2022 - 77 UTG+2 w/ 19bb 7s,7hView Hand 2022-07-27 (ker-1197)
Alan Ho - Alan H. O11 Jul 26 2022 - 44 in SB; 4h,4dView Hand 2022-07-27 (ker-1196)
Alan Ho - Alan H. O11 Jul 26 2022 - AQo on SB facing BTN 4x open As,QhView Hand 2022-07-27 (ker-1195)
Alan Ho - Alan H. O11 Jul 26 2022 - A9o on BTN facing LJ open As,9dView Hand 2022-07-27 (ker-1194)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - JTs in HJ Jd,TdView Hand 2022-07-26 (sts-1031)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - AJs in BB Ad,JdView Hand 2022-07-26 (sts-1030)
John Doe - The_GTO_Coin $150 Day One - Vs Loose Caller Ad,TdView Hand 2022-07-26 (lui-1015)
Stretch - Stretch 2-5 - 2-5 Qs,QhView Hand 2022-07-24 (sst-1020)
Stretch - Stretch 2-5 - 2-5 6h,7hView Hand 2022-07-24 (sst-1019)
Stretch - Stretch 2-5 - 2-5 Kc,8cView Hand 2022-07-24 (sst-1018)
Stretch - Stretch 2-5 - 2-5 7s,7dView Hand 2022-07-24 (sst-1017)
Stretch - Stretch 2-5 - 2-5 Jd,QcView Hand 2022-07-24 (sst-1016)
Stretch - Stretch 2-5 - 2-5 5s,6sView Hand 2022-07-24 (sst-1015)
Stretch - Stretch 2-5 - 2-5 Js,TsView Hand 2022-07-24 (sst-1014)
Stretch - Stretch 2-5 - 2-5 Th,8cView Hand 2022-07-24 (sst-1013)
Stretch - Stretch 2-5 - 2-5 View Hand 2022-07-24 (sst-1012)
Stretch - Stretch 1-3 - 1/3 As,AcView Hand 2022-07-24 (sst-1011)
Stretch - Stretch 1-3 - 1-3 As,JdView Hand 2022-07-24 (sst-1010)
Michael Maginnis - $2500 GTD - ACR Tc,4hView Hand 2022-07-21 (mmg-1026)
BF - 2022 wsop deepstack 160 left - KK Kd,KhView Hand 2022-07-21 (fow-1003)
Michael Maginnis - $3000 GTD - ACR Ac,8dView Hand 2022-07-20 (mmg-1025)
Kevin Wilson - $20 Online - Calling like a fish Ks,JcView Hand 2022-07-16 (bop-1001)
Brian Battistone - omahabrian $1,500 WSOP - Test As,AdView Hand 2022-07-15 (bat-1001)
Lucky Brian - Lucky Brian SPR example 2 - SPR deny equity Ad,5dView Hand 2022-07-14 (bno-1013)
Lucky Brian - Lucky Brian SPR example - 1.5 SPR Ks,QsView Hand 2022-07-14 (bno-1012)
Lucky Brian - Lucky Brian Kyo 2 - equity denial - equity denial Ac,KhView Hand 2022-07-14 (bno-1011)
Lucky Brian - Lucky Brian Kyo 1 - preflop - preflop Ad,KsView Hand 2022-07-14 (bno-1010)
Daniel Adams - 2c/5c - KhQh Kh,QhView Hand 2022-07-13 (dnd-1002)
Daniel Adams - 2c5c - KsQc Ks,QcView Hand 2022-07-13 (dnd-1001)
PokerCoaching - James Romero Hand 1 AdJh - James Romero Hand 1 AdJh Ad,JhView Hand 2022-07-13 (bdo-1532)
PokerCoaching - James Romero Hand 2 KJo - James Romero Hand 2 KJo Kc,JsView Hand 2022-07-13 (bdo-1531)
PokerCoaching - James Romero Hand 3 K8s - James Romero Hand 3 K8s Ks,8sView Hand 2022-07-13 (bdo-1530)
Scott - WSOP test - TJss Js,TsView Hand 2022-07-12 (scb-1001)
Maarten77 - laatste2tafels - wat te doen 4s,4cView Hand 2022-07-11 (mva-1003)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$3 Cash - Hollywood Casino 6.22.22 - KK vs AA against Unbalanced Nit Kh,KsView Hand 2022-07-11 (coh-1043)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/3 Cash - Hollywood Casino 7.10.22 - AJo nasty cooler in tough river spot As,JcView Hand 2022-07-11 (coh-1042)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$3 Cash - Hollywood Casino 7.8.22 - Flop nuts lose 3-way all in 9h,9dView Hand 2022-07-11 (coh-1041)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP Main Event 2022 - Hand 25 Ks,JhView Hand 2022-07-10 (bdo-1529)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP Main Event 2022 - Hand 24 Ah,QdView Hand 2022-07-10 (bdo-1528)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP Main Event 2022 - Hand 23 Qs,QcView Hand 2022-07-10 (bdo-1527)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP Main Event 2022 - Hand 22 Ac,9cView Hand 2022-07-10 (bdo-1526)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP Main Event 2022 - Hand 22 9c,7cView Hand 2022-07-10 (bdo-1525)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP Main Event 2022 - Hand 20 2c,2hView Hand 2022-07-10 (bdo-1524)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP Main Event 2022 - Hand 19 Ad,TdView Hand 2022-07-10 (bdo-1523)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP Main Event 2022 - Hand 18 As,ThView Hand 2022-07-10 (bdo-1522)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP Main Event 2022 - Hand 17 7s,6cView Hand 2022-07-10 (bdo-1521)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP Main Event 2022 - Hand 16 Ad,TdView Hand 2022-07-10 (bdo-1520)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP Main Event 2022 - Hand 15 9c,8cView Hand 2022-07-10 (bdo-1519)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP Main Event 2022 - Hand 14 Jd,QdView Hand 2022-07-10 (bdo-1518)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP Main Event 2022 - Hand 13 Ks,JsView Hand 2022-07-10 (bdo-1517)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP Main Event 2022 - Hand 12 Ad,5dView Hand 2022-07-10 (bdo-1516)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP Main Event 2022 - Hand 11 3s,3dView Hand 2022-07-10 (bdo-1515)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP Main Event 2022 - Hand 10 As,TdView Hand 2022-07-10 (bdo-1514)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP Main Event 2022 - Hand 9 Qs,QhView Hand 2022-07-10 (bdo-1513)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP Main Event 2022 - Hand 8 7s,6sView Hand 2022-07-10 (bdo-1512)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP Main Event 2022 - Hand 7 9d,9sView Hand 2022-07-10 (bdo-1511)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP Main Event 2022 - Hand 6 Ks,9sView Hand 2022-07-10 (bdo-1510)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP Main Event 2022 - Hand 5 Js,7hView Hand 2022-07-10 (bdo-1509)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP Main Event 2022 - Hand 4 Ks,QcView Hand 2022-07-10 (bdo-1508)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP Main Event 2022 - Hand 3 7s,7cView Hand 2022-07-10 (bdo-1507)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP Main Event 2022 - Hand 2 9d,9hView Hand 2022-07-10 (bdo-1506)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP Main Event 2022 - Hand 1 Ad,AhView Hand 2022-07-10 (bdo-1505)
Nick - Cash 7/9/22 - Bonita poker room Qs,QcView Hand 2022-07-09 (niw-1001)
PokerCoaching - Lexy Gavin Hand 5 Td9d - Lexy Gavin Hand 5 Td9d Td,9dView Hand 2022-07-09 (bdo-1504)
PokerCoaching - Lexy Gavin AhKh Hand 4 - Lexy Gavin AhKh Hand 4 Ah,KhView Hand 2022-07-09 (bdo-1503)
PokerCoaching - Lexy Gavin 7d6d Hand 3 - Lexy Gavin 7d6d Hand 3 7d,6dView Hand 2022-07-09 (bdo-1502)
PokerCoaching - Tristan Wade Hand 3 QhJd - Tristan Wade Hand 3 QhJd Qh,JdView Hand 2022-07-08 (bdo-1501)
PokerCoaching - Tristan Wade Hand 2 A6o - Tristan Wade Hand 2 A6o As,6dView Hand 2022-07-08 (bdo-1500)
Lucky Brian - Lucky Brian Kyo hand 3 - calculate EV Ad,5dView Hand 2022-07-07 (bno-1009)
Lucky Brian - Lucky Brian Kyo - equity hand 2 - equity denial Ac,KhView Hand 2022-07-07 (bno-1008)
Lucky Brian - Lucky Brian Kyo - Equity hand 1 - Showing how equity changes after a flop Ad,KsView Hand 2022-07-07 (bno-1007)
Kirk - WSOP $3 R&A - bottom set 2s,2hView Hand 2022-07-07 (adg-1007)
Kirk - WSOP online $3 R&A - AQo from small blind on bad flop As,QcView Hand 2022-07-07 (adg-1006)
Kirk - WSOP online $3R&A - NFD on flop w/bottom pair Ah,9sView Hand 2022-07-07 (adg-1005)
Selma - Selma On Line - Big hand in BB Ts,7sView Hand 2022-07-06 (sla-1142)
Selma - Selma On Line - Overbetting flopped boat 3s,3dView Hand 2022-07-06 (sla-1141)
Selma - Selma On Line - AQ on monotone board Ad,QdView Hand 2022-07-06 (sla-1140)
Ben - fishlover69 Crazy 8's (18,888 Guaranteed) - final table 5d,6dView Hand 2022-07-06 (bgr-1003)
Ben - fishlover69 Crazy 8's (18,888 Guaranteed) - Bluff! 5s,5hView Hand 2022-07-06 (bgr-1002)
Ben - fishlover69 Crazy 8's (18,888 Guaranteed) - BB v. SB 2s,AdView Hand 2022-07-06 (bgr-1001)
PokerCoaching - Rampage Hand 3 (Sean Winter) - KcQd Facing Sean Winter Kc,QdView Hand 2022-07-06 (bdo-1499)
PokerCoaching - Rampage Hand 1 - Rampage 76cc 7c,6cView Hand 2022-07-06 (bdo-1498)
Kirk - WSOP $3R&A - turn pot bet Kd,TdView Hand 2022-07-06 (adg-1004)
Alan Bostick - PokerShaman59 2/5 NL - Vegas Pro Gets Frisky Ts,ThView Hand 2022-07-06 (abs-1004)
Iacomi Ovidiu - morphy big 330 - turneu live bacau Ts,7dView Hand 2022-07-05 (ovi-1001)
jmiles - 1/3 - Rivered Flush OOP vs Small Bets Kh,JhView Hand 2022-07-05 (jmi-1004)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 31 As,8hView Hand 2022-07-05 (jaa-1257)
PokerCoaching - Rampage Hand 2 - Rampage KJo Ks,JcView Hand 2022-07-05 (bdo-1497)
PokerCoaching - Jonathan Jaffe Hand 3 - 8s6d 8s,6dView Hand 2022-07-05 (bdo-1496)
PokerCoaching - Jonathan Jaffe Hand 2 (Elias) - QQ Facing Elias Qh,QdView Hand 2022-07-05 (bdo-1495)
PokerCoaching - Jonathan Jaffe Hand 1 (Seidel) - T8dd Facing Seidel Td,8dView Hand 2022-07-05 (bdo-1494)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian Nugget $200 - JJJ Qs,QhView Hand 2022-07-04 (opp-1029)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian Super Senior - Max value Qs,QhView Hand 2022-07-04 (opp-1028)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian Colossus - Agro German Punk 8s,8dView Hand 2022-07-04 (opp-1027)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian Nugget - Showdown Value Ks,6sView Hand 2022-07-04 (opp-1026)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian Colossus - vs SB 3-bet Td,TcView Hand 2022-07-04 (opp-1025)
KeithJD - keithJD IGNITION MTT - RIVER DECISION As,KsView Hand 2022-07-04 (ket-1001)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 30 As,JsView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1256)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 27 Js,7sView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1255)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 24 Qs,ThView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1254)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 18 Ts,ThView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1253)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 17 Ks,TsView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1252)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 13 Kd,4dView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1251)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 12 8c,6cView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1250)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 8.1 Ks,KhView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1249)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 7.1 As,KhView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1248)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 6.1 As,6hView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1247)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 6 Ks,8hView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1246)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 29 Qh,JdView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1245)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 28 Ks,ThView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1244)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 27 Ah,5hView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1243)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 25 As,TsView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1242)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 23 9d,2dView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1241)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 21 7s,7hView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1240)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 20 Qs,QhView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1239)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 19 Jc,4cView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1238)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 16 6s,2hView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1237)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 15 9d,9cView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1236)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 14 7d,5dView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1235)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 11 8h,8dView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1234)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 10 Ks,QhView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1233)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 9 6c,4cView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1232)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 7 Ts,ThView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1231)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 5 Kd,QhView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1230)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 4 As,QhView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1229)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 3 7h,6hView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1228)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 2 8d,7dView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1227)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP ME 1a - hand 1 9s,4hView Hand 2022-07-04 (jaa-1226)
LeonGaeilge - StJu 2/4 - Split Kd,9dView Hand 2022-07-04 (dxi-1031)
Kirk - WSOP $20 freeze out - No reads on opponent Ah,ThView Hand 2022-07-04 (adg-1003)
Johannes - 2$/5$ live - TT in 3 bet pot Tc,TdView Hand 2022-07-02 (jka-1002)
Johannes - $2/$5 NL - turned set 8s,8cView Hand 2022-07-02 (jka-1001)
Selma - Selma Ladies Event - KQ on the button Kc,QcView Hand 2022-07-01 (sla-1139)
Selma - Selma Orleans Daily - Second hand level one As,KcView Hand 2022-07-01 (sla-1138)
Selma - Selma Orleans Daily - Missed turn bet? Ac,JcView Hand 2022-07-01 (sla-1137)
Selma - Selma Mini Main - Krushed Kings Ks,KdView Hand 2022-07-01 (sla-1136)
Scott S - Bovada $50 Nightly - What are we doing here? Ah,KhView Hand 2022-07-01 (sch-1001)
Michael Maginnis - $2500 GTD - ACR 5d,3sView Hand 2022-07-01 (mmg-1024)
Grant LaGrange - Hand 1 - Top pair weak kicker River A Ks,QcView Hand 2022-07-01 (lag-1001)
Kirk - wsop online $3 R&A - 25 from bubble (20 paid) Kd,KcView Hand 2022-07-01 (adg-1002)
tyler - 5$ online - Rivers in position Qs,ThView Hand 2022-06-30 (tys-1001)
Michael Maginnis - Satellite into $33 tournament - ACR Ks,KcView Hand 2022-06-30 (mmg-1023)
Cody - 50NL Iggy - QQ tough river spot Qd,QhView Hand 2022-06-30 (cod-1018)
Ryan - 2/3 Ameristar - Turning the Nuts verse a Set from BB in limped pot 4d,2cView Hand 2022-06-29 (rku-1006)
Nate Schmitt - N8Ball 2/5 Live - Stacking scared money 6c,7cView Hand 2022-06-29 (nrs-1004)
Chase Niederkorn - $80 Bridges - KQo River Bluff Ks,QcView Hand 2022-06-29 (nid-1007)
Chase Niederkorn - $80 Bridges - A3s 3bet bluff As,3sView Hand 2022-06-29 (nid-1006)
Graham - 1/2 cash - 1/2 MS BTN straddle Ad,2dView Hand 2022-06-28 (whe-1001)
Ryan - 2/3 Ameristar - Triple barrel bluff multi-way Ac,QcView Hand 2022-06-28 (rku-1005)
Ryan - 2/3 Ameristar - 2/3 Deep stack vs any 2 Maniac Ac,QdView Hand 2022-06-28 (rku-1004)
Ryan - 2/3 Cash - JT in straddled pot vs Wet Board turn jam Jd,ThView Hand 2022-06-28 (rku-1003)
Ryan - 2/3 SB Squeeze in Multi-way Pot Pre-flop - Squeeze multi-way 7 ways? Kh,JhView Hand 2022-06-28 (rku-1002)
Ryan - AA into a bluff - AA into a bluff As,AcView Hand 2022-06-28 (rku-1001)
Paul - jackten915 1/3 MGMNH - Turning Equity and Not Playing Well...? Kh,9hView Hand 2022-06-28 (puc-1003)
Paul - jackten915 1/3 MGMNH - Overpair with TT as 3! flatter UTG, Straddled pot Td,TcView Hand 2022-06-28 (puc-1002)
Paul - jackten915 1/3 MGMNH - 3-way pot bluff catching with bottom of UTG range 7d,7cView Hand 2022-06-28 (puc-1001)
Michael Maginnis - $3000 GTD - ACR 4s,8hView Hand 2022-06-28 (mmg-1022)
Faraz Jaka - Monster Stack - Hand .5 (TOP) Ad,2dView Hand 2022-06-28 (jaa-1225)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 3k - Hand 2.5 9s,9hView Hand 2022-06-28 (jaa-1223)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 3k - Hand .5 (2nd from top!) As,AdView Hand 2022-06-28 (jaa-1222)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 3k - Hand .25 (TOP) 6h,6dView Hand 2022-06-28 (jaa-1221)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2k - Hand 6 Js,JhView Hand 2022-06-28 (jaa-1220)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2K - Hand 5 As,8sView Hand 2022-06-28 (jaa-1219)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2K - Hand 4 As,QhView Hand 2022-06-28 (jaa-1218)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP Monster Stack - hand 4 Qs,JhView Hand 2022-06-28 (jaa-1217)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP Monster Stack - hand 3 Js,TcView Hand 2022-06-28 (jaa-1216)
Faraz Jaka - Wsop Monster Stack - hand 2 5c,4cView Hand 2022-06-28 (jaa-1215)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP Monster Stack - hand 1 Qd,6dView Hand 2022-06-28 (jaa-1214)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 3k - hand 5 Jd,2dView Hand 2022-06-28 (jaa-1213)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 3k - hand 4 As,9hView Hand 2022-06-28 (jaa-1212)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 3k - hand 3 Ks,QhView Hand 2022-06-28 (jaa-1211)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2k - hand #2 As,KhView Hand 2022-06-28 (jaa-1210)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 3k - hand 2 Ad,QdView Hand 2022-06-28 (jaa-1208)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 3k - hand 1 Ah,QhView Hand 2022-06-28 (jaa-1207)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2k - hand 3 Ah,QsView Hand 2022-06-28 (jaa-1206)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP 2k - hand 1 As,7hView Hand 2022-06-28 (jaa-1204)
- $365 Live TCH Dallas - Can you ever fold KK preflop? Ks,KhView Hand 2022-06-27 (tp-1001)
Slade Manning - Slade366 $500 WSOP - Early WSOP vs. solid reg $500 Warriors Event 7h,8hView Hand 2022-06-27 (sld-1001)
roberto bendeck - robbenpoker Golden Nugget $1.1k - Turning a pair into a bluff 9h,9dView Hand 2022-06-27 (ron-1001)
Maarten77 - 20 dlr tourn. - bluff didnt work Ts,QhView Hand 2022-06-27 (mva-1002)
Maarten77 - 20 dollar tourn. - I got a pair Qd,8dView Hand 2022-06-27 (mva-1001)
Michael Maginnis - $2.20 Satellite to $55 - ACR Kc,QcView Hand 2022-06-27 (mmg-1021)
Will K - 1/2 NL - Test Ah,KhView Hand 2022-06-27 (kno-1001)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$2 Cash - Harrah's North KC - 6.27.22 - Another Cooler Ends a Brutal Sesh Ah,KdView Hand 2022-06-27 (coh-1040)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$2 Cash - Harrah's North KC - 6.27.22 - spewy whale runner runner's my flopped set 8c,8hView Hand 2022-06-27 (coh-1039)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$2 Cash - Harrah's North KC - 6.27.22 - huge misplay w flopped top two Qs,3sView Hand 2022-06-27 (coh-1038)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$2 Cash - Harrah's North KC - 6.27.22 - Wasted Opportunity w Monster Multi-Way 7s,5sView Hand 2022-06-27 (coh-1037)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$2 Cash - Harrah's North KC - 6.27.22 - live tell based squeeze play is unfortunate 5d,4dView Hand 2022-06-27 (coh-1036)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$2 Cash - Harrahs North KC - 6.27.22 - bluff with blocker gets called Ah,3dView Hand 2022-06-27 (coh-1035)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$2 Cash - Harrah's North KC - 6.27.22 - strange cooler Kh,KdView Hand 2022-06-27 (coh-1034)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Wynn 2200 - EP vs HJ 3bet pot Kh,JhView Hand 2022-06-27 (afs-1138)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Wynn 2200 - Multiway 6d,5dView Hand 2022-06-27 (afs-1137)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Wynn 1100 - BB vs BTN Jc,3cView Hand 2022-06-27 (afs-1136)
Kirk - WSOP online noon $3 rebuy and add on - JJ in SB on interesting flop Jh,JcView Hand 2022-06-27 (adg-1001)
Michael Maginnis - $1800 GTD - ACR Ah,AcView Hand 2022-06-26 (mmg-1020)
Michael Maginnis - $1800 GTD - ACR Ks,KdView Hand 2022-06-26 (mmg-1019)
Jürg - jux66 WSOP - Colossus Event #51 $400 9s,9cView Hand 2022-06-26 (juw-1055)
Jürg - jux66 WSOP - Colossus Event #51 $400 Ks,QhView Hand 2022-06-26 (juw-1054)
Jürg - jux66 WSOP - Colossus Event #51 $400 Jh,9hView Hand 2022-06-26 (juw-1053)
Michael Maginnis - $3000 GTD - ACR Ac,KdView Hand 2022-06-25 (mmg-1018)
Michael Maginnis - $3000 GTD - ACR Ad,6hView Hand 2022-06-25 (mmg-1017)
jmiles - 1/3 - AdTd OOP on Th6h2dKd5s Ad,TdView Hand 2022-06-25 (jmi-1003)
Cody - Deep stack $2/5 - AA in tough spot As,AcView Hand 2022-06-25 (cod-1017)
Richard Bryant - phdom $0 Freeroll $100 GTD - Welcome Week Freeroll 9s,9cView Hand 2022-06-24 (rmb-1006)
Richard Bryant - phdom $0 Freeroll, $100 GTD - Welcome Week Freeroll - WSOP NJ 4h,4dView Hand 2022-06-24 (rmb-1005)
Richard Bryant - phdom $0 Freeroll, $100 GTD - Welcome Week Jd,TcView Hand 2022-06-24 (rmb-1004)
Cody - $2/5 - Turning a pair into a bluff Kc,JdView Hand 2022-06-24 (cod-1016)
Cody - $2/5 3-bet pot - Hand reading As,AcView Hand 2022-06-24 (cod-1015)
Richard Bryant - phdom $320 Online (WSOP Online Circuit Ring) - 2x re-entry 7s,7cView Hand 2022-06-23 (rmb-1003)
Richard Bryant - phdom $320 Online (WSOP Online Circuit Ring) - 2x re-entry Qd,3cView Hand 2022-06-23 (rmb-1002)
Richard Bryant - phdom $320 Online (WSOP Circuit Super Series Event - $75K GTD, 2x Re-entry Ac,QhView Hand 2022-06-23 (rmb-1001)
Jürg - jux66 Bellagio - $1/3 NL Hold'em As,AhView Hand 2022-06-22 (juw-1052)
Jürg - jux66 Bellagio - $1/3 NL Hold'em As,QcView Hand 2022-06-22 (juw-1051)
Jürg - jux66 Bellagio - $1/3 NL Hold'em Js,JcView Hand 2022-06-22 (juw-1050)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1500 WSOP Monster Stack Day 1B - Hero has to decide between re-raising turn for value or going for river bluff money 5d,5hView Hand 2022-06-21 (mcl-1338)
PokerCoaching - Tristan Wade - 1 Qh,JdView Hand 2022-06-21 (bdo-1493)
Simon Solomon - 150k on Pokerbros - Bad decision? Js,TsView Hand 2022-06-20 (sis-1001)
Michael Maginnis - MOSS #18 $2500 GTD - BTN vs BB 3-bet pot Ad,4dView Hand 2022-06-20 (mmg-1016)
lj (Luck) westerbaan - Luck CG UTRECHT 2/4 - CG UTRECHT 2/4 View Hand 2022-06-20 (lwe-1003)
lj (Luck) westerbaan - Luck HC Utrecht Cashgame - CG Utrecht View Hand 2022-06-20 (lwe-1002)
Jürg - jux66 Aria - $1/3 NL Hold'em 6c,5cView Hand 2022-06-20 (juw-1049)
Jürg - jux66 Aria - $1/3 NL Hold'em Ks,TdView Hand 2022-06-20 (juw-1048)
Faraz Jaka - milly maker - 99 on A high board 9s,9hView Hand 2022-06-20 (jaa-1203)
Faraz Jaka - David C - Wynn M Bounty 3 - Missed opportunity with 40bb? As,JhView Hand 2022-06-20 (jaa-1202)
Faraz Jaka - David C - Wynn M Bounty - Flop bet size? As,AhView Hand 2022-06-20 (jaa-1201)
Faraz Jaka - David C - Wynn M Bounty 1 - turn decision Ks,TsView Hand 2022-06-20 (jaa-1200)
Faraz Jaka - Dr. Kelly Milly 2 - monotone board 9s,7sView Hand 2022-06-20 (jaa-1199)
Faraz Jaka - Dr. Kelly Milly Maker 1 - (didn't give bet sizes) Jh,JdView Hand 2022-06-20 (jaa-1198)
Jarred Gabin - GodsBigToe 300 Bounty Bracelet - 300 Bounty Bracelet Qs,JhView Hand 2022-06-20 (god-1013)
Jarred Gabin - GodsBigToe WSOP Bracelet - WSOP Bracelet 8h,5hView Hand 2022-06-20 (god-1012)
Jarred Gabin - GodsBigToe WSOP 300 Bracelet - WSOP 300 Bracelet Qs,JsView Hand 2022-06-20 (god-1011)
Jarred Gabin - GodsBigToe WSOP 300 Bounty - WSOP 300 Bounty Jc,KdView Hand 2022-06-20 (god-1010)
Jarred Gabin - GodsBigToe WSOP Bracelet - 300 bounty Ac,5cView Hand 2022-06-20 (god-1009)
John Borges - John B Daily #2 - Married As,KcView Hand 2022-06-20 (fly-1401)
John Borges - John B Daily #1 - perfect board for a set 5s,5cView Hand 2022-06-20 (fly-1400)
John Borges - John B Milly #5 - Seriously? Kc,KsView Hand 2022-06-20 (fly-1399)
John Borges - John B Milly #4 - Flopping Broadway Qc,JhView Hand 2022-06-20 (fly-1398)
John Borges - John B Milly #3 - pipped Ks,QsView Hand 2022-06-20 (fly-1397)
John Borges - John B Milly #2 - Vs. Unknown aggressive guy 6s,6hView Hand 2022-06-20 (fly-1396)
John Borges - John B Milly #1 - very early As,7sView Hand 2022-06-20 (fly-1395)
John Borges - John B Aria #4 - highwater mark Ks,QcView Hand 2022-06-20 (fly-1394)
AestheticWolfie - £50 Local Monday Rebuy - Thin value shove As,TcView Hand 2022-06-20 (drw-1001)
Jürg - jux66 Aria - $400 Turnier 4s,4hView Hand 2022-06-19 (juw-1047)
Jürg - jux66 Aria - $400 Turnier Js,JcView Hand 2022-06-19 (juw-1046)
Jürg - jux66 Aria - $400 Turnier 5s,6cView Hand 2022-06-19 (juw-1045)
Jürg - jux66 Resorts World - Turnier $160 Js,JcView Hand 2022-06-19 (juw-1044)
John Borges - John B Aria #3 - missed value Kc,8cView Hand 2022-06-19 (fly-1393)
John Borges - John B Aria #2 - vs Bully 5d,5hView Hand 2022-06-19 (fly-1392)
John Borges - John B Aria #1 - nut draw Ah,KsView Hand 2022-06-19 (fly-1391)
Faraz Jaka - Angela Final Table - #4 As,QdView Hand 2022-06-18 (jaa-1197)
Faraz Jaka - Angela Final Table - #3 Ks,JdView Hand 2022-06-18 (jaa-1196)
Faraz Jaka - angela final table - #2 Td,ThView Hand 2022-06-18 (jaa-1195)
Faraz Jaka - Angela Final Table - #1 Td,ThView Hand 2022-06-18 (jaa-1194)
Faraz Jaka - derrick diaz - #3 9h,9dView Hand 2022-06-18 (jaa-1193)
Faraz Jaka - derrick diaz - #2 Js,JhView Hand 2022-06-18 (jaa-1192)
Faraz Jaka - derrick diaz - #1 As,QhView Hand 2022-06-18 (jaa-1191)
Faraz Jaka - jeffrey Yanchek - #3 Kh,9hView Hand 2022-06-18 (jaa-1190)
Faraz Jaka - jeffrey Yanchek - #2 Kh,8dView Hand 2022-06-18 (jaa-1189)
Faraz Jaka - jeffrey Yanchek - #1 Qs,5cView Hand 2022-06-18 (jaa-1188)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn mystery bounty - david childs #3 As,JhView Hand 2022-06-18 (jaa-1187)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn mystery bounty - david childs #2 As,AhView Hand 2022-06-18 (jaa-1186)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn mystery bounty - david childs #1 Ks,TsView Hand 2022-06-18 (jaa-1185)
Faraz Jaka - Daniel Kuester - #2 Ah,3hView Hand 2022-06-18 (jaa-1184)
Faraz Jaka - Daniel Kuester - #1 5s,5cView Hand 2022-06-18 (jaa-1183)
Faraz Jaka - monster 1A - Kelley hand #2 Jd,4dView Hand 2022-06-18 (jaa-1182)
Faraz Jaka - monster 1A - Kelley hand #1 8h,7hView Hand 2022-06-18 (jaa-1181)
Edward York - Unwoken2bs 2nl - 2nl Qc,JcView Hand 2022-06-18 (edy-1001)
Lucky Brian - Lucky Brian 14.6.2022 - top and nut draw As,9sView Hand 2022-06-18 (bno-1006)
Jürg - jux66 WSOP 3 - $250 Deep Stack 6s,6cView Hand 2022-06-17 (juw-1043)
Jürg - jux66 WSOP 3 - $250 Deep Stack Qs,QhView Hand 2022-06-17 (juw-1042)
Jürg - jux66 WSOP 3 - $250 Deep Stack 8s,7hView Hand 2022-06-17 (juw-1041)
PokerCoaching - Lexy Gavin - Hand 2 Ah,2hView Hand 2022-06-17 (bdo-1492)
PokerCoaching - Lexy Gavin - Hand 1 7c,7dView Hand 2022-06-17 (bdo-1491)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$3 Cash - Hollywood Casino KC - 6.15.22 - 88 on btn against spewy BB is misplayed 8s,8cView Hand 2022-06-16 (coh-1033)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$3 - Hollywood Casino KC - 6.15.22 - K5dd get 3! and defends, plethora of questionable decisions Kd,5dView Hand 2022-06-16 (coh-1032)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/$3 - Hollywood Casino KC - 6.15.22 - A4dd gets 3! OOP and I find opportunity to bluff Ad,4dView Hand 2022-06-16 (coh-1031)
Connor Dougherty - Live $1/3 - Hollywood Casino KC - 6.15.22 - 3! reg w J9dd, sick spot Jd,9dView Hand 2022-06-16 (coh-1030)
Connor Dougherty - Live $2/5 w $10 Rock - Hollywood Casino KC - 6.15.22 - AQo vs 3! OOP on mised flop Ah,QdView Hand 2022-06-16 (coh-1029)
Connor Dougherty - Live $2/$5 w Rock - $2/$5/$10 - Hollywood Casino KC 6.15.22 - QJdd faced w tough decision Qd,JdView Hand 2022-06-16 (coh-1028)
Jürg - jux66 WSOP 2 - $250 Deep Stack Ks,ThView Hand 2022-06-15 (juw-1040)
Jürg - jux66 WSOP 2 - $250 Deep Stack Kh,QcView Hand 2022-06-15 (juw-1039)
Benedict Bauer - Jingles8 Bounty Hunter Salzburg 550 - 550er Buyin Mid/Late Stage Day 1 Kh,KsView Hand 2022-06-14 (mrj-1010)
John Doe - The_GTO_Coin Live 200K - Live 200K As,AcView Hand 2022-06-14 (lui-1014)
Jürg - jux66 The Orleans - Orleans Tournament Ah,QsView Hand 2022-06-13 (juw-1038)
jmiles - 1/3 - TPTK vs XR Ah,JdView Hand 2022-06-12 (jmi-1002)
Jürg - jux66 Aria Cash - Aria Cash 2c,3sView Hand 2022-06-11 (juw-1037)
jmiles - 1/3 Live - Bottom Pair and Flush Draw Facing Check Raise 6h,4hView Hand 2022-06-11 (jmi-1001)
John Borges - John B Merge #1 - 19.5 main pot. 8k side pot after flop 8s,8dView Hand 2022-06-11 (fly-1390)
Michael Maginnis - $2500 GTD - 4-way SRP 4s,3sView Hand 2022-06-10 (mmg-1015)
Connor Dougherty - $1/$3 Cash Game Hollywood Casino KC - 6.9.22 - paid off a whale again Kc,JdView Hand 2022-06-10 (coh-1026)
Connor Dougherty - $1/$3 Cash Game at Holywood Casino - 6.8.22 - wild game and strange cooler Ah,KdView Hand 2022-06-10 (coh-1025)
Michael Maginnis - The Boski Special - 88 on the BTN vs 3-bet from BB 8s,8cView Hand 2022-06-09 (mmg-1014)
Jürg - jux66 MGM Tournament - MGM Tournament Kh,AcView Hand 2022-06-09 (juw-1036)
Jürg - jux66 MGM Tournament - MGM Tournament 9s,9cView Hand 2022-06-09 (juw-1035)
Jürg - jux66 MGM Tournament - MGM Tournament Ah,4hView Hand 2022-06-09 (juw-1034)
Jürg - jux66 MGM Tournament - MGM Tournament Ks,KhView Hand 2022-06-09 (juw-1033)
Jürg - jux66 MGM Tournament - MGM Tournament 7s,4sView Hand 2022-06-09 (juw-1032)
Jürg - jux66 MGM Tournament - MGM Tournament Qc,ThView Hand 2022-06-09 (juw-1031)
Chase Niederkorn - $150 Bridges - Top Pair Kd,JdView Hand 2022-06-08 (nid-1005)
Chase Niederkorn - $80 Bridges - A10o Punishing Limpers As,ThView Hand 2022-06-08 (nid-1004)
Chase Niederkorn - $80 Bridges - AQo Fold? As,QhView Hand 2022-06-08 (nid-1003)
Chase Niederkorn - $80 Bridges - Trip Kings Laying the trap Ks,KhView Hand 2022-06-08 (nid-1002)
Chase Niederkorn - $80 Bridges - 53o GTO call 5s,3hView Hand 2022-06-08 (nid-1001)
Jürg - jux66 WSOP Tournament - WSOP Tournament Ah,KhView Hand 2022-06-08 (juw-1030)
Jürg - jux66 WSOP Tournament - WSOP Tournament Ks,KhView Hand 2022-06-08 (juw-1029)
Jürg - jux66 WSOP Tournament - WSOP Tournament Ad,JhView Hand 2022-06-08 (juw-1028)
Jürg - jux66 WSOP Tournament - WSOP Tournament Kc,QcView Hand 2022-06-08 (juw-1027)
Jürg - jux66 WSOP Tournament - WSOP Tournament 8c,8sView Hand 2022-06-08 (juw-1026)
Jürg - jux66 Ceasers Tournament - Ceasers Tournament 8h,8dView Hand 2022-06-08 (juw-1025)
Jürg - jux66 Ceasers Tournament - Ceasers Tournament Ks,QcView Hand 2022-06-08 (juw-1024)
Jürg - jux66 Aria Cashgame - Aria Cashgame Ac,3cView Hand 2022-06-07 (juw-1023)
Jürg - jux66 Aria Cashgame - Aria Cashgame 9d,7dView Hand 2022-06-07 (juw-1022)
Jürg - jux66 Aria Cashgame - Aria Cashgame Kd,JsView Hand 2022-06-07 (juw-1021)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx TCH Dallas - 2/5 Jd,TcView Hand 2022-06-07 (jnj-1078)
Kieran Czyzniejewski - ClownsDontCry WSOP - UTG - 6/4/22 Ad,QdView Hand 2022-06-06 (kcz-1012)
Kieran Czyzniejewski - ClownsDontCry WSOP - BTN - 6/4/22 Qd,3dView Hand 2022-06-06 (kcz-1011)
Kieran Czyzniejewski - ClownsDontCry WSOP - UTG - 6/4/22 Ad,JdView Hand 2022-06-06 (kcz-1010)
Kieran Czyzniejewski - ClownsDontCry WSOP - UTG1 - 6/4/22 7s,7cView Hand 2022-06-06 (kcz-1009)
Kieran Czyzniejewski - ClownsDontCry WSOP - BB - 6/4/22 7d,TdView Hand 2022-06-06 (kcz-1008)
Kieran Czyzniejewski - ClownsDontCry WSOP - BTN - 6/4/22 Ks,8dView Hand 2022-06-06 (kcz-1007)
Steve - Sullivan47 2 NL - KK in CO Kh,KcView Hand 2022-06-05 (sts-1029)
Steve - Sullivan47 2 NL - JJ on button Js,JhView Hand 2022-06-05 (sts-1028)
PokerCoaching - Pocket Jacks - Example 1 Jh,JdView Hand 2022-06-05 (bdo-1490)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx TCH 2/5 - Terrible River Qs,JcView Hand 2022-06-04 (jnj-1077)
Michael Bezos - wsop - wsop 3s,9sView Hand 2022-06-04 (fiv-1002)
Michael Bezos - wsop - wsop Ks,QsView Hand 2022-06-04 (fiv-1001)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx TCH 2/5 - TCH 2/5 Ks,QhView Hand 2022-06-03 (jnj-1076)
Marianne - Fontes 1/3 - raised to get SB out 9s,7sView Hand 2022-06-02 (mfa-1222)
Alan Ho - Alan H. PJ May 31 2022 - A8s facing calling a limp, facing a raise Ah,8hView Hand 2022-06-02 (ker-1193)
Alan Ho - Alan H. PJ May 31 2022 - KQo facing a raise from UTG (LAG) Ks,QdView Hand 2022-06-02 (ker-1192)
Jeremy - jh_him $1/$3 NL - 06/2/2022 at MD Live 3s,3cView Hand 2022-06-02 (jrm-1001)
Alan Ho - Alan H. PJ May 31 2022 - 44 facing a raise and a call 4h,4dView Hand 2022-06-01 (ker-1191)
Alan Ho - Alan H. PJ May 31 2022 - J5o BB, facing a raise on flop Jh,5cView Hand 2022-06-01 (ker-1190)
John Borges - John B o11 #10 - busto Kh,QhView Hand 2022-05-28 (fly-1389)
John Borges - John B o11 #9 - not hitting water As,JsView Hand 2022-05-28 (fly-1388)
John Borges - John B 011 #8 - squeeze spot? Kd,TcView Hand 2022-05-28 (fly-1387)
John Borges - John B o11 #7 - 3b amount? 5s,5cView Hand 2022-05-28 (fly-1386)
John Borges - John B o11 #6 - induce Kc,KhView Hand 2022-05-28 (fly-1385)
John Borges - John B o11 #5 - New table As,QcView Hand 2022-05-28 (fly-1384)
John Borges - John B o11 #4 - two limpers Ad,AcView Hand 2022-05-28 (fly-1383)
John Borges - John B o11 #3 - give up or keep barreling? 6h,6dView Hand 2022-05-28 (fly-1382)
John Borges - John B o11 #2 - school of Alex As,KcView Hand 2022-05-28 (fly-1381)
John Borges - John B o11 #1 - Mistake with river bet Ks,QcView Hand 2022-05-28 (fly-1380)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - KJo CO Ks,JhView Hand 2022-05-27 (sts-1027)
Brian - Primo $5$5 NL - $5$5 NL Ah,AsView Hand 2022-05-26 (bde-1008)
Brian - Primo $5$5 NL LIVE - $5$5 NL LIVE Qs,4sView Hand 2022-05-26 (bde-1007)
Brian - Primo $5$5 NL LIVE - $5$5 NL LIVE Js,JdView Hand 2022-05-26 (bde-1006)
Brian - Primo 5$5$ NL - 5$5$ NL 8d,9dView Hand 2022-05-26 (bde-1005)
Brian - Primo 5$5$ NL - 5$5$ NL 7d,7cView Hand 2022-05-26 (bde-1004)
Brian - Primo 5$5$ NL - 5$5$ NL 6h,7hView Hand 2022-05-26 (bde-1003)
Brian - Primo 5$5$ NL - 5$5$ NL Ad,QdView Hand 2022-05-26 (bde-1002)
Brian - Primo $5/$5NL LIVE - $5/$5NL LIVE Ah,KsView Hand 2022-05-26 (bde-1001)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Paul 5/18 - 66 facing BIG PF raise 6s,6hView Hand 2022-05-23 (ker-1189)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Paul 5/18 - 22 7-handed with bottom set 2h,2cView Hand 2022-05-23 (ker-1188)
John Borges - John B MEP #8 - stubborn and entitled Ks,KcView Hand 2022-05-23 (fly-1379)
John Borges - John B MEP #7 - bluff catcher? Ac,TsView Hand 2022-05-23 (fly-1378)
John Borges - John B MEP #6 - vs UTG opening range 8s,8cView Hand 2022-05-23 (fly-1377)
John Borges - John B MEP #5 - Bad Story Th,TsView Hand 2022-05-23 (fly-1376)
John Borges - John B MEP #4 - Monotone board Kh,JcView Hand 2022-05-23 (fly-1375)
John Borges - John B MEP #3 - magnets Ks,KcView Hand 2022-05-23 (fly-1374)
John Borges - John B MEP #2 - No value Ah,AdView Hand 2022-05-23 (fly-1373)
John Borges - John B MEP #1 - Thanks Alex As,KdView Hand 2022-05-23 (fly-1372)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Paul 5/17 - TT facing a limper Td,TcView Hand 2022-05-22 (ker-1187)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Paul 5/17 - 77 2 callers 7s,7hView Hand 2022-05-22 (ker-1186)
John Borges - John B Ryan ME #9 - busto Ah,QhView Hand 2022-05-22 (fly-1371)
John Borges - John B Ryan ME #8 - 3rd level (sizes are estimates) Ac,JhView Hand 2022-05-22 (fly-1370)
John Borges - John B Ryan ME #7 - 3rd level Ac,KsView Hand 2022-05-22 (fly-1369)
John Borges - John B Ryan ME #6 - 2nd level As,AhView Hand 2022-05-22 (fly-1368)
John Borges - John B Ryan ME #5 - 2nd level 9h,9cView Hand 2022-05-22 (fly-1367)
John Borges - John B Ryan ME #4 - 2nd level Ac,9cView Hand 2022-05-22 (fly-1366)
John Borges - John B Ryan ME #3 - 2nd level 7d,7hView Hand 2022-05-22 (fly-1365)
John Borges - John B Ryan ME #2 - 1st level (either CO or BTN raised) Kh,QcView Hand 2022-05-22 (fly-1364)
John Borges - John B Ryan ME #1 - 1st level Kh,QcView Hand 2022-05-22 (fly-1363)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Paul 5/17 - AA facing 2 limpers Ah,AcView Hand 2022-05-21 (ker-1185)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Paul 5/17 - JT raise over 3 limpers pre Jd,TcView Hand 2022-05-21 (ker-1184)
Edward Jackman - Cash game - River bluff nearly worked Jd,KcView Hand 2022-05-21 (edr-1003)
Edward Jackman - Cash game - Spiked an Ace Ad,KhView Hand 2022-05-21 (edr-1002)
Edward Jackman - Weekly Cash - Nice bluff 9c,7cView Hand 2022-05-21 (edr-1001)
Ryan - $25 - Go for value As,KsView Hand 2022-05-19 (ryv-1001)
Michael Maginnis - $5000 GTD - UTG+1 RFI vs SB Ah,TcView Hand 2022-05-17 (mmg-1013)
Kieran Czyzniejewski - ClownsDontCry Orleans - HJ - 5/14/22 6c,7sView Hand 2022-05-17 (kcz-1006)
Kieran Czyzniejewski - ClownsDontCry Orleans - LJ - 5/14/22 Td,JhView Hand 2022-05-17 (kcz-1005)
Kieran Czyzniejewski - ClownsDontCry Orleans - HJ - 5/14/22 Js,AdView Hand 2022-05-17 (kcz-1004)
Kieran Czyzniejewski - ClownsDontCry Orleans - HJ - 5/14/22 Ts,8cView Hand 2022-05-17 (kcz-1003)
Kieran Czyzniejewski - ClownsDontCry Orleans - SB - 5/14/22 Qh,4cView Hand 2022-05-17 (kcz-1002)
Kieran Czyzniejewski - ClownsDontCry Orleans - SB - 5/14/22 As,TsView Hand 2022-05-17 (kcz-1001)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - COMBOK Qs,TsView Hand 2022-05-17 (bag-1206)
Elanit Hasas - EllaElla MSPT $1100 Battle Creek - 99sb 20bb 9s,9dView Hand 2022-05-16 (eha-1016)
Elanit Hasas - EllaElla MSPT $1100 Battle Creek - 77 flat utg 11bb jam from u2 7s,7hView Hand 2022-05-16 (eha-1015)
Elanit Hasas - EllaElla wsopc main tunica $1700 - QJss Qs,JsView Hand 2022-05-16 (eha-1014)
Elanit Hasas - EllaElla wsopc main tunica $1700 - 99 in bb bvb 9s,9hView Hand 2022-05-16 (eha-1013)
Elanit Hasas - EllaElla wsopc main tunica $1700 - TT 13bb utg Ts,TdView Hand 2022-05-16 (eha-1012)
Elanit Hasas - EllaElla wsopc main tunica $1700 - 77 sb river lead 7h,7cView Hand 2022-05-16 (eha-1011)
Elanit Hasas - EllaElla wsopc main tunica $1700 - AQo As,QdView Hand 2022-05-16 (eha-1010)
Elanit Hasas - EllaElla wsopc tunica $400 one day - Flat KK 3b multi-way Ks,KdView Hand 2022-05-16 (eha-1009)
Elanit Hasas - EllaElla wsopc $400 one day - J7cc Jc,7cView Hand 2022-05-16 (eha-1008)
Elanit Hasas - EllaElla WSOPc tunica $400 one-day - AQss As,QsView Hand 2022-05-16 (eha-1007)
Elanit Hasas - EllaElla wsopc main tunica $1700 - QQ 4b pot (Tyler) Qh,QcView Hand 2022-05-16 (eha-1006)
Elanit Hasas - EllaElla wsopc tunica main $1700 - 99 7 handed 19 left 9s,9dView Hand 2022-05-16 (eha-1005)
John Borges - John B s16 #17 - can I hit the darn nut flush for once? Ad,TdView Hand 2022-05-15 (fly-1362)
John Borges - John B s16 #16 - Busto Jd,ThView Hand 2022-05-15 (fly-1361)
John Borges - John B s16 #15 - facing 3b @ FT As,QhView Hand 2022-05-15 (fly-1360)
John Borges - John B s16 #14 - limped pot.... yahtzee 9h,9cView Hand 2022-05-15 (fly-1359)
John Borges - John B s16 #13 - facing limp-caller As,AcView Hand 2022-05-15 (fly-1358)
John Borges - John B s16 #12 - squeeze sizing? Ks,KcView Hand 2022-05-15 (fly-1357)
John Borges - John B s16 #11 - keep trying until they push back As,JhView Hand 2022-05-15 (fly-1356)
John Borges - John B s16 #10 - power of position Kh,QsView Hand 2022-05-15 (fly-1355)
John Borges - John B s16 #9 - facing donk bet 7d,6dView Hand 2022-05-15 (fly-1354)
John Borges - John B s16 #8 - facing good UTG player Jh,JdView Hand 2022-05-15 (fly-1353)
John Borges - John B s16 #7 - Cowboys Ks,KhView Hand 2022-05-15 (fly-1352)
John Borges - John B s16 #6 - facing 3b what option is best? Ah,QhView Hand 2022-05-15 (fly-1351)
John Borges - John B s16 #5 - more of the same As,QhView Hand 2022-05-15 (fly-1350)
John Borges - John B s16 #4 - cold 4b from OOP? As,KdView Hand 2022-05-15 (fly-1349)
John Borges - John B s16 #3 - decision vs EP opener who limp-calls a lot Ah,QsView Hand 2022-05-15 (fly-1348)
John Borges - John B s16 #2 - facing utg limper w/ good BB Qs,TcView Hand 2022-05-15 (fly-1347)
John Borges - John B s16 #1 - trying to take aggressive line 9h,9cView Hand 2022-05-15 (fly-1346)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Fold equity Qc,JcView Hand 2022-05-14 (bag-1205)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - AK value Ac,KhView Hand 2022-05-14 (bag-1204)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Value shove As,6sView Hand 2022-05-13 (bag-1203)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Barell Kd,QdView Hand 2022-05-13 (bag-1202)
Nathan Ebenezer - 1/2 Cash Game - Heads up queen high flop (2 suits) Ah,QdView Hand 2022-05-12 (nah-1001)
Michael Maginnis - $3000 GTD ACR - BTN vs CO 5-bet all in Js,JcView Hand 2022-05-07 (mmg-1012)
Gabor Montlika - 50$ online - Tournament, Multiway, Early stages As,QhView Hand 2022-05-06 (mga-1002)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Verseny - Agro ellen Ks,QhView Hand 2022-05-05 (bag-1201)
Greg Candido - Tuna $1100 - Straight Flush vs flop Full House 8s,9sView Hand 2022-05-04 (grg-1001)
Selma - Selma Venetian 400 - Nuts level one Ks,QhView Hand 2022-05-03 (sla-1135)
Hayden Fortini - 2-5-10 Cash TCH QQ - 2-5-10 Cash TCH QQ Qh,QdView Hand 2022-05-02 (had-1119)
Hayden Fortini - 2-5 QQ TCH - 2-5 QQ TCH Qs,QdView Hand 2022-05-02 (had-1118)
Selma - Selma Orleans 300 - TT in BB Tc,TdView Hand 2022-05-01 (sla-1134)
John Borges - John B s15 #2 - Turn bet sizing? 6s,6dView Hand 2022-05-01 (fly-1345)
John Borges - John B s15 #1 - to puss or not to puss with JJ (ty Matt) Jh,JdView Hand 2022-05-01 (fly-1344)
John Borges - John B s15 #3 - how to get value? Ac,AdView Hand 2022-05-01 (fly-1343)
John Borges - John B s14 #4 - Decision on turn As,KhView Hand 2022-05-01 (fly-1342)
John Borges - John B s14 #3 - Pussy with Jacks Jh,JdView Hand 2022-05-01 (fly-1341)
John Borges - John B s14 #2 - float or just fold? What is donk range? Qh,8cView Hand 2022-05-01 (fly-1340)
John Borges - John B s14 #1 - flopped the joint. How to play for stacks? Ah,3hView Hand 2022-05-01 (fly-1339)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 BARELL - 100-200 Ah,JcView Hand 2022-04-30 (bag-1200)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 KK - 100-200 Ks,KcView Hand 2022-04-30 (bag-1199)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 BARELL - 100-200 Th,9hView Hand 2022-04-30 (bag-1198)
Brock Wilson - Venetian $2.5k - 3bet Pot LJ v BTN As,5sView Hand 2022-04-29 (bwi-1005)
Brock Wilson - Wynn Millions - 3bet Pot BTN v LJ Ks,QcView Hand 2022-04-29 (bwi-1004)
Selma - Selma Venetian 600 Day 1 - QhJh Qh,JhView Hand 2022-04-28 (sla-1133)
Jürg - jux66 Tournament 200+25 Euro - Casino Barcelona 9d,9hView Hand 2022-04-28 (juw-1020)
Jürg - jux66 Tournament 200+25 Euro - Casino Barcelona Qh,KdView Hand 2022-04-28 (juw-1019)
Jürg - jux66 Tournament 200+25 Euro - Casino Barcelona Kd,8sView Hand 2022-04-28 (juw-1018)
Jürg - jux66 Tournament 200+25 Euro - Casino Barcelona As,KcView Hand 2022-04-28 (juw-1017)
Jürg - jux66 Tournament 200+25 Euro - Casino Barcelona Ad,7dView Hand 2022-04-28 (juw-1016)
Jürg - jux66 Tournament 200+25 Euro - Casino Barcelona Js,8sView Hand 2022-04-28 (juw-1015)
Brock Wilson - $25k $2Mil Seminole Hard Rock - Co Btn SRP 9s,9dView Hand 2022-04-28 (bwi-1003)
Brock Wilson - $25k PokerGO Cup Event - CO BTN SRP Th,9hView Hand 2022-04-28 (bwi-1002)
Brock Wilson - Foxen Co BTN q76dd - SRP 9d,9sView Hand 2022-04-28 (bwi-1001)
KONSTANTINOS RAFAEL MANOUSOUDAKIS - NL100 - Brave river value shove Jh,QdView Hand 2022-04-27 (kor-1006)
KONSTANTINOS RAFAEL MANOUSOUDAKIS - NL100 - Overbetting on BTNvsBB defence. Qs,AcView Hand 2022-04-27 (kor-1005)
KONSTANTINOS RAFAEL MANOUSOUDAKIS - NL100 - 3-barrell bluff 8d,7dView Hand 2022-04-27 (kor-1004)
KONSTANTINOS RAFAEL MANOUSOUDAKIS - NL100 - Bluff catching with AKo. As,KcView Hand 2022-04-27 (kor-1003)
KONSTANTINOS RAFAEL MANOUSOUDAKIS - NL100 - Bravely Bluff Catching Ts,9sView Hand 2022-04-27 (kor-1002)
KONSTANTINOS RAFAEL MANOUSOUDAKIS - NL100 - Aggressive action Ks,KcView Hand 2022-04-27 (kor-1001)
Cody - $2/3 Horseshoe - Close to Broke Meet up Game Td,9dView Hand 2022-04-27 (cod-1014)
Steve - Sullivan47 2 NL - 99 UTG 9h,9dView Hand 2022-04-26 (sts-1026)
Selma - Selma Venetian One Day - Exit hand Ad,TdView Hand 2022-04-26 (sla-1132)
Selma - Selma Venetian one day - AQ money bubble Ad,QdView Hand 2022-04-26 (sla-1131)
Selma - Selma Venetian One Day - Jacks on low board Jc,JhView Hand 2022-04-26 (sla-1130)
Selma - Selma Venetian one day - AA UTG vs splashy bully As,AcView Hand 2022-04-26 (sla-1129)
Hayden Fortini - 87DD BVSB FT - 87DD BVSB FT 8d,7dView Hand 2022-04-26 (had-1117)
Hayden Fortini - 109o BVSB 15BB - 109o BVSB 15BB Ts,9hView Hand 2022-04-26 (had-1116)
Hayden Fortini - KK Small Blind bvsb - KK Small Blind bvsb Kh,KdView Hand 2022-04-26 (had-1115)
Hayden Fortini - 19bb bvsb a3o - 19bb bvsb a3o As,3hView Hand 2022-04-26 (had-1114)
Hayden Fortini - A4DD SM B VS BUT - A4DD SM B VS BUT Ad,4dView Hand 2022-04-26 (had-1113)
Hayden Fortini - 19BB But 55 vs utg 2 - 19BB But 55 vs utg 2 5s,5cView Hand 2022-04-26 (had-1112)
Hayden Fortini - J10S 17BB sm B vs CO - J10S 17BB sm B vs CO Js,TsView Hand 2022-04-26 (had-1111)
Hayden Fortini - 44 But 19 BB - 44 But 19bb 4h,4cView Hand 2022-04-26 (had-1110)
Hayden Fortini - AKS 14BB Hi Jack - AKS 14BB Hi Jack As,KsView Hand 2022-04-26 (had-1109)
Hayden Fortini - A5S 18bb UTG 2 - A5S 18bb UTG 2 As,5sView Hand 2022-04-26 (had-1108)
Connor Dougherty - Live 1/3 Cash - 4.17.22 #4 - limp-raising to build pot against whales goes wrong again Ad,JdView Hand 2022-04-26 (coh-1024)
Connor Dougherty - Live 1/2 Cash - 4.16.22 #1 - Bluffing strong 3!er w 75s on wet board 7s,5sView Hand 2022-04-26 (coh-1023)
Steve - Sullivan47 2 NL - AKs CO As,KsView Hand 2022-04-25 (sts-1024)
Pedro - 10/20 - Test hand 2 Jd,JcView Hand 2022-04-25 (ped-1002)
Pedro - 10/20 - Test Qc,6cView Hand 2022-04-25 (ped-1001)
Michael Maginnis - ACR Online MTT - Ridiculous View Hand 2022-04-25 (mmg-1011)
Connor Dougherty - Live 1/3 Cash - 4.17.22 #5 - TP vs gutshot short stacked & OOP Ad,TcView Hand 2022-04-25 (coh-1022)
Connor Dougherty - Live 1/3 Cash - 4.17.22 #3 - trap maniac and get outdrawn As,KsView Hand 2022-04-25 (coh-1021)
Connor Dougherty - Live 1/2 Cash - 4.22 #4 - TP2K slow players gets sucked out still pays off Ks,QsView Hand 2022-04-25 (coh-1020)
Connor Dougherty - Live 1/2 Cash - 4.22.22 #3 - two pair vs better two pair in 3! pot Ac,8cView Hand 2022-04-25 (coh-1019)
Connor Dougherty - Live 1/2 Cash - 4.22 Hand #2 - ATs vs JJ paired board, too scared to follow thru on bluff As,TsView Hand 2022-04-25 (coh-1018)
Connor Dougherty - Live 1/2 Cash - 4.22.22 #1 - KK facing 4! Kh,KcView Hand 2022-04-25 (coh-1017)
Jürg - jux66 Bounty Tournament 75+75+15 Euro - Casino Barcelona As,5sView Hand 2022-04-24 (juw-1014)
Jürg - jux66 Bounty Tournament 75+75+15 Euro - Casino Barcelona Jh,6sView Hand 2022-04-24 (juw-1013)
Jürg - jux66 Bounty Tournament 75+75+15 Euro - Casino Barcelona 9s,8sView Hand 2022-04-24 (juw-1012)
Jürg - jux66 Bounty Tournament 75+75+15 Euro - Casino Barcelona As,KhView Hand 2022-04-24 (juw-1011)
Jürg - jux66 Bounty Tournament 75+75+15 Euro - Casino Barcelona Ts,ThView Hand 2022-04-24 (juw-1010)
Jürg - jux66 Bounty Tournament 75+75+15 Euro - Casino Barcelona 7c,6cView Hand 2022-04-24 (juw-1009)
Jürg - jux66 Bounty Tournament 75+75+15€ - Casino Barcelona Qh,QdView Hand 2022-04-24 (juw-1008)
Jürg - jux66 Bounty Tournament 75+75+15€ - Casino Barcelona Ad,5sView Hand 2022-04-24 (juw-1007)
Faraz Jaka - houston 5k - #11 Js,9hView Hand 2022-04-22 (jaa-1180)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn 3.5k main day 2 - #11 Qs,QcView Hand 2022-04-22 (jaa-1179)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn 3.5k main day 2 - #10 Qh,QdView Hand 2022-04-22 (jaa-1178)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn 3.5k main day 2 - #9 Tc,6cView Hand 2022-04-22 (jaa-1177)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn 3.5k main day 2 - #8 Ks,3sView Hand 2022-04-22 (jaa-1176)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn 10k main day 2 - #7 Ts,4hView Hand 2022-04-22 (jaa-1175)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn 10k main day 2 - #6 As,9hView Hand 2022-04-22 (jaa-1174)
Faraz Jaka - Houston 5k day 2 - #5 Js,TsView Hand 2022-04-22 (jaa-1173)
Faraz Jaka - Houston 5k day 1c - #4 Ks,4sView Hand 2022-04-22 (jaa-1172)
Faraz Jaka - Houston 5k day 1a - #3 As,8dView Hand 2022-04-22 (jaa-1171)
Faraz Jaka - Houston 5k day 1a - #2 Ts,ThView Hand 2022-04-22 (jaa-1170)
Faraz Jaka - Houston 5k day 1a - #1 As,9hView Hand 2022-04-22 (jaa-1169)
Steve - Sullivan47 2 NL - TT MP Ts,TcView Hand 2022-04-21 (sts-1023)
Steve - Sullivan47 2 NL - KJo button Ks,JhView Hand 2022-04-21 (sts-1022)
Hayden Fortini - KQDD 2-5 TCH - KQDD 2-5 TCH Kd,QdView Hand 2022-04-21 (had-1107)
Connor Dougherty - Live 1/3 Cash - 4.17.22 #2 - utg rfi gets 3! in unplayable spot 6d,6hView Hand 2022-04-21 (coh-1016)
Connor Dougherty - Live 1/3 Cash - 4.17.22 #1 - 3! UTG nit all in w 40bb eff 9h,9cView Hand 2022-04-21 (coh-1015)
Steve - Sullivan47 2 NL - K5s button Kc,5cView Hand 2022-04-20 (sts-1021)
Connor Dougherty - Live 1/3 Cash - 4.18.22 #7 - $2.7K pot cold 4! against loose squeeze from btn straddle As,4sView Hand 2022-04-20 (coh-1014)
Connor Dougherty - Live 1/3 Cash - 4.18.22 #6 - get 3! by maniac w 77 IP super deep 7s,7cView Hand 2022-04-20 (coh-1013)
Connor Dougherty - Live 1/3/ Cash - 4.18.22 Hand #5 - Flop two on wet board OOP w overbluffer Qc,TcView Hand 2022-04-20 (coh-1012)
Connor Dougherty - Live 1/3 Cash - 4.18.22 #4 - Flop TP w bdfd multi-way Kd,QhView Hand 2022-04-20 (coh-1011)
Connor Dougherty - Live 1/3 Cash - 4.18.22 #3 - 3!/Squeeze OOP w AQ against fish As,QcView Hand 2022-04-20 (coh-1010)
Connor Dougherty - Live 1/3 Cash - 4.18.22 #2 Bluff passive players w draw, doesn't work out Jh,9hView Hand 2022-04-20 (coh-1009)
Connor Dougherty - Live 1/3 Cash - 4.18.22 #1 call 3! OOP fold flop Kd,QhView Hand 2022-04-20 (coh-1008)
Connor Dougherty - Live 1/2 Cash - 4.19.22 #7 - My final hand of the session. 6s,7sView Hand 2022-04-20 (coh-1007)
Connor Dougherty - Live 1/2 Cash - 4.19.22 #6 - Flop second nuts and get worse to stay in 9s,9cView Hand 2022-04-20 (coh-1006)
Connor Dougherty - Live 1/2 Cash - 4.19.22 #5 flop set OOP goes very wrong 5c,5dView Hand 2022-04-20 (coh-1005)
Connor Dougherty - Live 1/2 Cash - 4.19.22 #4 Two Barrell Bluff Punished Jh,8hView Hand 2022-04-20 (coh-1004)
Connor Dougherty - Live 1/2 Cash - 4.19.22 #3 Get stacked w top pair in big but passive pot Td,8dView Hand 2022-04-20 (coh-1003)
Connor Dougherty - Live 1/2 Cash - 4.19.22 #2 - Gave up on hand IP w RA after flop Qh,JhView Hand 2022-04-20 (coh-1002)
Connor Dougherty - Live 1/2 Cash - 4.19.22 #1SRP flush over flush + paired board Ks,2sView Hand 2022-04-20 (coh-1001)
Steve - Sullivan47 2 NL - KK in HJ Ks,KhView Hand 2022-04-19 (sts-1020)
Steve - Sullivan47 2 NL - K4s button Kc,4cView Hand 2022-04-19 (sts-1019)
Steve - Sullivan47 2 NL - KJs on button Jc,KcView Hand 2022-04-19 (sts-1018)
Jürg - jux66 18/4/22 - Casino Barcelona 8d,8hView Hand 2022-04-19 (juw-1006)
Jürg - jux66 18/4/22 - Casino Barcelona Js,9sView Hand 2022-04-19 (juw-1005)
Jürg - jux66 18/4/22 - Casino Barcelona As,6cView Hand 2022-04-19 (juw-1004)
Jürg - jux66 18/4/22 - Casino Barcelona 9s,9hView Hand 2022-04-19 (juw-1003)
Jürg - jux66 18/4/22 - Casino Barcelona Ah,AdView Hand 2022-04-19 (juw-1002)
Jürg - jux66 18/4/22 - Casino Barcelona 5c,5sView Hand 2022-04-19 (juw-1001)
James - local - ICM final table Ah,ThView Hand 2022-04-19 (jmr-1001)
Hayden Fortini - Hayden 67S Tourn - Hayden 67S Tourn 6s,7sView Hand 2022-04-19 (had-1106)
Hayden Fortini - Hayden AJ Main Event Small B - Hayden AJ Main Event Sm B As,JhView Hand 2022-04-19 (had-1105)
Hayden Fortini - QJS BUT EARLY VS PRO - QJS BUT EARLY VS PRO Qs,JsView Hand 2022-04-19 (had-1104)
Hayden Fortini - QJS But Vs Loose CO - QJS BUT Vs Loose CO Qs,JsView Hand 2022-04-19 (had-1103)
Hayden Fortini - TCH Live Stream QJCC - TCH Live Stream QJCC Qc,JcView Hand 2022-04-19 (had-1102)
Hayden Fortini - QQ Hayden TCH Live - QQ Hayden TCH Live Qh,QsView Hand 2022-04-19 (had-1101)
Hayden Fortini - 109s TCH Cash HF - 109S TCH Cash HF Ts,9sView Hand 2022-04-19 (had-1100)
Hayden Fortini - AJ FT 5 HANDED - AJ FT 5 HANDED As,JcView Hand 2022-04-19 (had-1099)
Hayden Fortini - J10S FT - J10S FT Jd,TdView Hand 2022-04-19 (had-1098)
Dan Miernicki - 10/20 Live - 10/20 7c,7hView Hand 2022-04-17 (dme-1010)
Dan Miernicki - Live - 25/50 Kc,KhView Hand 2022-04-17 (dme-1009)
Dan Miernicki - 10/20 Home - 10/20 8c,TcView Hand 2022-04-17 (dme-1008)
Dan Miernicki - 10/20 Home - 10/20 Ts,ThView Hand 2022-04-17 (dme-1007)
Dan Miernicki - 5/10 Home - 5/10 Ah,8sView Hand 2022-04-17 (dme-1006)
Dan Miernicki - 5/10 Home - 5/10 3d,3hView Hand 2022-04-17 (dme-1005)
Dan Miernicki - Home 5/10 - 5/10 5h,7hView Hand 2022-04-17 (dme-1004)
Dan Miernicki - Cash - 2/5 Ks,KcView Hand 2022-04-17 (dme-1003)
Dan Miernicki - Cash - 2/5 Ks,JcView Hand 2022-04-17 (dme-1002)
Dan Miernicki - Cash - Live 25/50 Ah,7sView Hand 2022-04-17 (dme-1001)
Lucky Brian - Lucky Brian 4.10.2022 - KK v. NIT + TAG Kd,KcView Hand 2022-04-17 (bno-1005)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 CSABI HAND - BARELL Ks,JsView Hand 2022-04-17 (bag-1197)
Lucky Brian - Lucky Brian 9.4.2022 - AdKh SB Ad,KhView Hand 2022-04-16 (bno-1004)
Lucky Brian - Lucky Brian 9.4.2022 - JhJd button v. straddle Jh,JdView Hand 2022-04-16 (bno-1003)
Lucky Brian - Lucky Brian 9.4.2022 Cash - QdQh v. C.S & REC Qh,QdView Hand 2022-04-16 (bno-1002)
Steve - Sullivan47 2 NL - T8s BB Ts,8sView Hand 2022-04-15 (sts-1017)
- $1/$2 NL Live - Bad Flop Bet (4-14-22) 9d,9cView Hand 2022-04-15 (sgo-1004)
- $1/$2 NL Live - BAD FOLD (4-14-22) Ks,KhView Hand 2022-04-15 (sgo-1003)
Wes Lorenz - LilDubya $0.10/$0.20 Home Online Game - Chris Misplays Bomb Pot Ac,JdView Hand 2022-04-14 (wes-1001)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 50-100 - TURN LEAD VALUE Jd,TdView Hand 2022-04-14 (bag-1196)
Kenneth Adams - STS for $10K WSOP seat - WSOP satellite series Ac,KcView Hand 2022-04-14 (aam-1024)
Steve - Sullivan47 2 NL - 66 MP 6s,6hView Hand 2022-04-12 (sts-1016)
Steve - Sullivan47 2 NL - AKs MP Ah,KhView Hand 2022-04-12 (sts-1015)
Selma - Selma Venetian 400 - 66 on the button 6s,6hView Hand 2022-04-12 (sla-1128)
Selma - Selma Venetian 400 - Exit hand Ad,JdView Hand 2022-04-12 (sla-1127)
Selma - Selma Wynn 600 - AQ in SB As,QcView Hand 2022-04-12 (sla-1126)
Selma - Selma Wynn 600 - KK Slaughtered Kd,KcView Hand 2022-04-12 (sla-1125)
lunar - lunar $2/5 SL Live - Cash game 1 6c,6dView Hand 2022-04-12 (lun-1001)
Hayden Fortini - JIM FT 66 - JIM FT 66 6s,6cView Hand 2022-04-12 (had-1097)
Hayden Fortini - AA TCH Early - AA TCH EARLY As,AhView Hand 2022-04-12 (had-1096)
Hayden Fortini - Kim Stone J6S - Kim Stone J6S Jd,6dView Hand 2022-04-12 (had-1095)
Hayden Fortini - Kim Stone JJ - Kim Stone JJ Js,JdView Hand 2022-04-12 (had-1094)
Hayden Fortini - 44 TCH Final - 44 TCH FINAL 4h,4dView Hand 2022-04-12 (had-1093)
Hayden Fortini - FT Example Q10 - FT EXAMPLE Q10 Qs,TdView Hand 2022-04-12 (had-1092)
Hayden Fortini - KIM AJ TCH LIVE - KIM AJ TCH LIVE Ad,JhView Hand 2022-04-12 (had-1091)
Hayden Fortini - KIM 22 TCH LIVE - KIM 22 TCH LIVE 2s,2cView Hand 2022-04-12 (had-1090)
Bgn - $1 online - AK suited Ad,KdView Hand 2022-04-11 (big-1001)
John Borges - John B s13 #2 - ranging the cold caller Ad,QsView Hand 2022-04-10 (fly-1338)
John Borges - John B s13 #1 - top of his range? Td,TcView Hand 2022-04-10 (fly-1337)
MC - 200NLZ - AA v AKs max value? Ad,AcView Hand 2022-04-08 (cdn-1002)
PokerCoaching - Bluff Catching - Blockers 8h,6hView Hand 2022-04-08 (bdo-1489)
Hayden Fortini - 55 Cash Game Ex - 55 Cash Game Ex 5s,5cView Hand 2022-04-05 (had-1089)
Hayden Fortini - 56S Cash Ex - 56S Cash Ex 5h,6hView Hand 2022-04-05 (had-1088)
Hayden Fortini - KJS 5 Handed FT - KJS 5 Handed FT Ks,JsView Hand 2022-04-05 (had-1087)
Hayden Fortini - Q10S BB Example - Q10S BB Example Qs,TsView Hand 2022-04-05 (had-1086)
Hayden Fortini - A3o BB Example - A3o BB Example As,3hView Hand 2022-04-05 (had-1085)
Hayden Fortini - AQ Cash Ex - AQ Cash Ex As,QhView Hand 2022-04-05 (had-1084)
Hayden Fortini - AK Cash - AK Cash As,KcView Hand 2022-04-05 (had-1083)
Hayden Fortini - AJS Ex 3 - AJS Ex 3 As,JsView Hand 2022-04-05 (had-1082)
Hayden Fortini - AJS Cash Ex 2 - AJS Cash Ex 2 As,JsView Hand 2022-04-05 (had-1081)
Hayden Fortini - AJs Cash Game - AJS Cash Game Js,AsView Hand 2022-04-05 (had-1080)
Hayden Fortini - KQS 2-5 TCH - KQS 2-5 TCH Kc,QcView Hand 2022-04-05 (had-1079)
Hayden Fortini - Ed JJ - Ed JJ Js,JhView Hand 2022-04-05 (had-1078)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 55 Ac,2dView Hand 2022-04-02 (bdo-1488)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 54 2s,2dView Hand 2022-04-02 (bdo-1487)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 53 Ks,9cView Hand 2022-04-02 (bdo-1486)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 52 Qd,ThView Hand 2022-04-02 (bdo-1485)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 51 8h,4hView Hand 2022-04-02 (bdo-1484)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 50 Ah,5cView Hand 2022-04-02 (bdo-1483)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 49 Th,9dView Hand 2022-04-02 (bdo-1482)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 48 Th,8sView Hand 2022-04-02 (bdo-1481)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 47 Ah,JhView Hand 2022-04-02 (bdo-1480)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 46 Jd,7dView Hand 2022-04-02 (bdo-1479)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 45 Qc,4hView Hand 2022-04-02 (bdo-1478)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 44 Ks,KhView Hand 2022-04-02 (bdo-1477)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 43 As,TdView Hand 2022-04-02 (bdo-1476)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 42 Qc,JcView Hand 2022-04-02 (bdo-1475)
PokerCoaching - Bluff Catching - Example 4 Qd,JdView Hand 2022-04-01 (bdo-1474)
PokerCoaching - Bluff Catching - Example 3 Qd,JdView Hand 2022-04-01 (bdo-1473)
PokerCoaching - Bluff Catching - Example 2 Qd,JdView Hand 2022-04-01 (bdo-1472)
PokerCoaching - Bluff Catching - Example 1 Qh,9hView Hand 2022-04-01 (bdo-1471)
Hayden Fortini - Hayden 97CC TCH Live - Hayden 97CC TCH Live 7c,9cView Hand 2022-03-31 (had-1077)
Hayden Fortini - TCH Live 20K Pot - TCH Live 20K Pot Th,6hView Hand 2022-03-31 (had-1076)
Hayden Fortini - TCH Live Stream KK - TCH Live Stream KK Kh,KdView Hand 2022-03-31 (had-1075)
Hayden Fortini - ED 65DD Poker House - Ed 65DD Poker House 6d,5dView Hand 2022-03-31 (had-1074)
Ciprian Fiastru - billioncip Wynn 1100 - $1100 wynn View Hand 2022-03-31 (cip-1006)
Ciprian Fiastru - billioncip $1100 wynn - $1100 wyn Qh,QdView Hand 2022-03-31 (cip-1005)
Ciprian Fiastru - billioncip $1100 wynn - $1100 View Hand 2022-03-31 (cip-1004)
Ciprian Fiastru - billioncip $1100 wynn - $1100 Ts,JsView Hand 2022-03-31 (cip-1003)
Ciprian Fiastru - billioncip $1100 wynn - $1100 wynn As,QdView Hand 2022-03-31 (cip-1002)
Ciprian Fiastru - billioncip $1100 Wynn - $1100 Wynn Ts,5sView Hand 2022-03-31 (cip-1001)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 41 Ah,6hView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1470)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 40 As,5sView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1469)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 39 Ks,7sView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1468)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 38 8c,8dView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1467)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 37 Ah,JdView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1466)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 36 Ts,ThView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1465)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 35 Qc,JcView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1464)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 34 As,5sView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1463)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 33 9c,8cView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1462)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 32 As,QhView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1461)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 31 Kh,KdView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1460)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 30 Kh,7dView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1459)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 29 As,JhView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1458)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 28 Ad,AhView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1457)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 27 6s,6cView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1456)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 26 Ts,ThView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1455)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 25 7d,4dView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1454)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 24 As,AhView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1453)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 23 9s,8sView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1452)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 22 Jh,TsView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1451)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 21 As,AhView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1450)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 20 Qs,QhView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1449)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 19 Ks,KhView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1448)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 18 As,QhView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1447)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 17 Jh,6hView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1446)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 16 Qs,9hView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1445)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 15 9s,7sView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1444)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 14 Qs,6hView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1443)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 13 As,QcView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1442)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 12 7h,7cView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1441)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 11 Ac,KcView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1440)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 10 As,AhView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1439)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 9 Qs,QdView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1438)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 8 Ks,KcView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1437)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 7 Ad,KhView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1436)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 6 Ac,TsView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1435)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 5 Ts,9cView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1434)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 4 Ac,8cView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1433)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 3 Ks,QsView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1432)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 2 Ad,3dView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1431)
PokerCoaching - JL USPO 2022 - Hand 1 Ad,AhView Hand 2022-03-31 (bdo-1430)
Andrey Guimaraes - AndreyGuima WSOP 5KGTD - WSOP Ac,2cView Hand 2022-03-31 (anu-1002)
Michael Maginnis - $2,500 GTD ACR - Big fold? Ac,KsView Hand 2022-03-30 (mmg-1010)
John Borges - John B s12 #11 - busto Qs,QcView Hand 2022-03-29 (fly-1336)
John Borges - John B s12 #10 - super short 6s,2hView Hand 2022-03-29 (fly-1335)
John Borges - John B s12 #9 - Final Table Kh,TcView Hand 2022-03-29 (fly-1334)
John Borges - John B s12 #9 - DFSP!!!! Kh,ThView Hand 2022-03-29 (fly-1333)
John Borges - John B s12 #8 - trying to squeeze As,TcView Hand 2022-03-29 (fly-1332)
John Borges - John B s12 #7 - trying to steal Qc,9cView Hand 2022-03-29 (fly-1331)
John Borges - John B s12 #6 - Jiggities Jh,JdView Hand 2022-03-29 (fly-1330)
John Borges - John B s12 #5 - what??? 4s,4cView Hand 2022-03-29 (fly-1329)
John Borges - John B s12 #4 - standard Th,TdView Hand 2022-03-29 (fly-1328)
John Borges - John B s12 #3 - standard As,QhView Hand 2022-03-29 (fly-1327)
John Borges - John B s12 #2 - bad flop Qs,QcView Hand 2022-03-29 (fly-1326)
John Borges - John B s12 #1 - smooth call or raise? As,AcView Hand 2022-03-29 (fly-1325)
Selma - Selma Daytona 200 - Nuts get raised 9s,TdView Hand 2022-03-28 (sla-1124)
Selma - Selma Daytona 200 - Monster Flop Ks,QsView Hand 2022-03-28 (sla-1123)
Selma - Selma Daytona Limper - A9 in BB Ah,9dView Hand 2022-03-28 (sla-1122)
Kevin M Giordano - good nevada $400 WSOP - WSOP at TS March 26th, 2022 Ad,AcView Hand 2022-03-27 (keg-1001)
Hayden Fortini - TCH 5 Handed FT - TCH 5 Handed FT Qd,JhView Hand 2022-03-27 (had-1073)
Hayden Fortini - TCH 6 Handed FT - TCH 6 HandedFT Th,6dView Hand 2022-03-27 (had-1072)
Hayden Fortini - TCH FT 6 HANDED - TCH FT 6 HANDED Ts,2sView Hand 2022-03-27 (had-1071)
Hayden Fortini - TCH $365 FT 8 HANDED - TCH $365 FT 8 HANDED View Hand 2022-03-27 (had-1070)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian Jew Game - Huge flop bet Js,JdView Hand 2022-03-26 (opp-1024)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian Jew Game - Horrible Turn Ks,QsView Hand 2022-03-26 (opp-1023)
John Doe - The_GTO_Coin Live 50K GTD - 3 Bettings LAG In Position Qd,JdView Hand 2022-03-26 (lui-1013)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - AKs UTG Ah,KhView Hand 2022-03-25 (sts-1014)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - AKo BB Ks,AcView Hand 2022-03-25 (sts-1013)
farid - .25/.5NL - NL1 Qd,JdView Hand 2022-03-25 (sfa-1002)
Hayden Fortini - KQ FT Choctaw - KQ FT Choctaw Ks,QhView Hand 2022-03-22 (had-1069)
Hayden Fortini - Rampage Poker AK - Rampage Poker AK As,KhView Hand 2022-03-22 (had-1068)
Hayden Fortini - TCH 78S BUTTON 2 - TCH 78S BUTTON 2 7s,8sView Hand 2022-03-22 (had-1067)
Hayden Fortini - 78S TCH Button - 78S TCH Button 7s,8sView Hand 2022-03-22 (had-1066)
Hayden Fortini - Hayden AJ TCH - Hayden AJ TCH As,JhView Hand 2022-03-22 (had-1065)
Hayden Fortini - Rampage - Rampage 5d,4dView Hand 2022-03-22 (had-1064)
Hayden Fortini - K10o 5 Left Choctaw - K10o 5 Left Choctaw Ks,ThView Hand 2022-03-22 (had-1063)
Hayden Fortini - 33 5 Handed - 33 5 Handed 4s,4hView Hand 2022-03-22 (had-1062)
Hayden Fortini - 33. 5 handed final table - 33. 5 handed final table View Hand 2022-03-22 (had-1061)
MC - 200NL Bovada - rivered flush gets donked into with ridiculous hand Kc,JdView Hand 2022-03-22 (cdn-1001)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 11 Kc,QcView Hand 2022-03-22 (bdo-1429)
Vivian lundgren - StarViv 250 ladies event - bet sizing? Check or bet Ac,8sView Hand 2022-03-21 (viv-1009)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - ATs CO As,TsView Hand 2022-03-21 (sts-1012)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - A6s UTG Ah,6hView Hand 2022-03-21 (sts-1011)
DL - DL O11 AK vs TT betting size - Last hand 11 out of 78 As,KhView Hand 2022-03-21 (onn-1002)
DL - DL O11 44 vs A6 Stubbon Mid Pair Never Fold - Last two tables 4s,4cView Hand 2022-03-21 (onn-1001)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian $160 Resorts World - Blockers in effect As,KhView Hand 2022-03-20 (opp-1022)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian $160 Resorts World - Big bet OTT or x/give up? 4s,4cView Hand 2022-03-20 (opp-1021)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian $160 Resorts World - Can't jam turn 8s,8cView Hand 2022-03-20 (opp-1020)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian $400 Wynn - Check-back turn to get value? 7h,4hView Hand 2022-03-20 (opp-1019)
Lucky Brian - Lucky Brian 12.3 cash Showdown - AdAh combo count hand Ah,AdView Hand 2022-03-20 (bno-1001)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian $160 Resorts World - They call everything when hot As,ThView Hand 2022-03-19 (opp-1018)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian $160 Resorts World - What if I knew he hit the king? 8c,7cView Hand 2022-03-19 (opp-1017)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian $160 Resorts World - Bad c-bet vs Limp? Ks,JsView Hand 2022-03-19 (opp-1016)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian $160 Resorts World - Must c-bet Jh,9hView Hand 2022-03-19 (opp-1015)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian $160 Resorts World - Did I get bluffed? Ks,KcView Hand 2022-03-19 (opp-1014)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian $160 Resorts World - Gotta barrel? As,4sView Hand 2022-03-19 (opp-1013)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - A7o BB Ad,7sView Hand 2022-03-18 (sts-1010)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - AJs on button Ah,JhView Hand 2022-03-18 (sts-1009)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - AQo in button Ah,QcView Hand 2022-03-18 (sts-1008)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - J9s in BB Jh,9hView Hand 2022-03-18 (sts-1007)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - JJ in CO Jh,JdView Hand 2022-03-17 (sts-1006)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian $160 Resorts World - is 4-bet jam ok? Ks,KhView Hand 2022-03-17 (opp-1012)
Michael Maginnis - $5.50 online Bovada - $4000 GTD Kd,8dView Hand 2022-03-17 (mmg-1009)
Michael Maginnis - $5.50 online Bovada - $4000 GTD Ac,KhView Hand 2022-03-17 (mmg-1008)
Bob Cook - bcookman64 1/3 NL - Cash Game Live Qs,8sView Hand 2022-03-17 (bco-1001)
Alex Kozak - Daypass Sat to a $150K - AJs vs BB Ac,JcView Hand 2022-03-16 (koz-1005)
Isaac Martinez - Morongo 1/2 early March 2022 - A bunch of donkeys at the table Ad,6cView Hand 2022-03-16 (hol-1001)
Dennis Dinser - $1/$2 NL - 3-13-22 6h,3cView Hand 2022-03-16 (dei-1001)
Steve - Sullivan47 2NL - 86s CO 8c,6cView Hand 2022-03-15 (sts-1005)
Steve - Sullivan47 2nl - 42s in BB 2c,4cView Hand 2022-03-15 (sts-1004)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian $400 Wynn - vs active player As,TsView Hand 2022-03-15 (opp-1011)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian $400 Wynn - vs min 3-bet Th,TdView Hand 2022-03-15 (opp-1010)
Mohammed Nuseibah - moe Bros - Vs. River Lead As,TsView Hand 2022-03-15 (mnu-1016)
Mohammed Nuseibah - moe Bros - Bluff River? Jh,TdView Hand 2022-03-15 (mnu-1015)
Mohammed Nuseibah - moe Bros - AK (Bet Fold River) As,KdView Hand 2022-03-15 (mnu-1014)
Steve - Sullivan47 1/2 NL - A7o BB Ad,7sView Hand 2022-03-14 (sts-1003)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian $100 Orleans - TP Paired turn As,AhView Hand 2022-03-14 (opp-1009)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian $100 Orleans - SB complete vs LP limp As,6hView Hand 2022-03-14 (opp-1008)
Alex Kozak - Daypass $109 onlin - AA Ad,AcView Hand 2022-03-14 (koz-1004)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 2 - #36 9s,9hView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1167)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 2 - #35 Ts,7cView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1166)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 2 - #34 As,9hView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1165)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 2 - #33 Js,TsView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1164)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 2 - #32 3c,3sView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1163)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 2 - #31 Tc,5cView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1162)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 2 - #30 6c,5cView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1161)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 2 - #29 As,QdView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1160)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 2 - #28 As,JcView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1159)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 2 - #27 Kc,9cView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1158)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 2 - #26 Qs,7cView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1157)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 2 - #25 9s,3sView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1156)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 2 - #24 2s,2cView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1155)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 2 - #23 As,5sView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1154)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 2 - #22 Kh,9hView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1153)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 2 - #21 Ks,KhView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1152)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 2 - #20 Qs,6sView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1151)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 1 - #19 6s,6cView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1150)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 1 - #18 Ac,8hView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1149)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 1 - #17 9s,9cView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1148)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 1 - #16 Qs,QcView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1147)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 1 - #15 Js,9sView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1146)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 1 - #14 Ts,TcView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1145)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 1 - #13 Ac,5dView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1144)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 1 - #12 As,7sView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1143)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 1 - #11 Qs,ThView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1142)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 1 - #10 8s,7hView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1141)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 1 - #9 4s,4cView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1140)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 1 - #8 9c,9sView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1139)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 1 - #7 Ad,JdView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1138)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 1 - #6 6s,6hView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1137)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 1 - #5 Kd,TdView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1136)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 1 - #4 7d,8dView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1135)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 1 - #3 Kd,8dView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1134)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 1 - #2 Ks,QcView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1133)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $3500 day 1 - #1 Qh,QsView Hand 2022-03-14 (jaa-1132)
John Borges - John B s11 #3 - horrible Ad,AsView Hand 2022-03-13 (fly-1324)
John Borges - John B s11 #2 - worse Ac,TsView Hand 2022-03-13 (fly-1323)
John Borges - John B s11 #1 - bad Ks,KcView Hand 2022-03-13 (fly-1322)
Michael Maginnis - $10 Bovada Online - $4000 GTD MonsterStack Qd,QhView Hand 2022-03-12 (mmg-1007)
Marianne - Fontes 1/3 live - couldn't go anywhere Th,9hView Hand 2022-03-12 (mfa-1221)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn 10k Day 3 - #17 Kd,QdView Hand 2022-03-11 (jaa-1131)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn 10k Day 3 - #16 Ts,4dView Hand 2022-03-11 (jaa-1130)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn 10k Day 3 - #15 8s,4hView Hand 2022-03-11 (jaa-1129)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn 10k Day 3 - #14 Qs,8hView Hand 2022-03-11 (jaa-1128)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn 10k Day 2 - #13 Ac,4cView Hand 2022-03-11 (jaa-1127)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn 10k Day 2 - #12 As,QhView Hand 2022-03-11 (jaa-1126)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn 10k Day 2 - #11 As,AcView Hand 2022-03-11 (jaa-1125)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn 10k Day 2 - #10 Kd,JdView Hand 2022-03-11 (jaa-1124)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn 10k Day 2 - #9 Ah,JdView Hand 2022-03-11 (jaa-1123)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn 10k Day 1 - #8 Ks,QcView Hand 2022-03-11 (jaa-1122)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn 10k Day 1 - #7 Ah,QcView Hand 2022-03-11 (jaa-1121)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn 10k Day 1 - #6 8d,6dView Hand 2022-03-11 (jaa-1120)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn 10k Day 1 - #5 Ac,QcView Hand 2022-03-11 (jaa-1119)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn 10k Day 1 - #4 Qs,3cView Hand 2022-03-11 (jaa-1118)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn 10k Day 1 - #3 8s,7sView Hand 2022-03-11 (jaa-1117)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn 10k Day 1 - #2 4s,4cView Hand 2022-03-11 (jaa-1116)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn 10k Day 1 - #1 Ah,5sView Hand 2022-03-11 (jaa-1115)
Zwetser - 2NL online - 5/49 bad flat gives straight + flush draw Ks,8sView Hand 2022-03-10 (nqf-1004)
Zwetser - 2NL online - 3,4/49 low pair 5h,5dView Hand 2022-03-10 (nqf-1003)
Michael Maginnis - $2,000 GTD ($4 PKO) - UTG+1 v BB with AA open raise Ad,AcView Hand 2022-03-10 (mmg-1006)
Stretch - Stretch 1-3 - 1-2 As,AcView Hand 2022-03-09 (sst-1009)
Selma - Selma Daytona $150 - Flopped flush 8h,5hView Hand 2022-03-09 (sla-1121)
Selma - Selma Daytona Players - Chirper vs POY View Hand 2022-03-09 (sla-1120)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian $100 Orleans - Ballsy call pre by SB Ks,JdView Hand 2022-03-09 (opp-1007)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian $100 Orleans Daily - EP vs Active BB Kc,TcView Hand 2022-03-09 (opp-1006)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian $100 Orleans Daily - BvB Ks,JdView Hand 2022-03-09 (opp-1005)
Zwetser - 2NL online - 1/49 Low pair vs maniac 4s,4cView Hand 2022-03-09 (nqf-1002)
Zwetser - 2NL online - 2/49 Bad river call As,7sView Hand 2022-03-09 (nqf-1001)
Andrew - bandrew2 ML1@411 - ML1: Pot Odds Shortcut 5h,4hView Hand 2022-03-09 (ade-1003)
Richard Rimkus - Rick Mandalay Bay 1/2 Cash - Soccer Tournament Weekend 8s,8hView Hand 2022-03-08 (rvr-1002)
Richard Rimkus - Rick Mandalay Bay 1/2 Cash - Soccer Tournament Weekend 8s,8hView Hand 2022-03-08 (rvr-1001)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian $100 Orleans Daily - Responding to huge open Qc,QdView Hand 2022-03-08 (opp-1004)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian $200 Orleans Add-on - AA has to fold Ah,AcView Hand 2022-03-08 (opp-1003)
Hayden Fortini - KQS BB Tournament - KQS BB Tournament Kh,QhView Hand 2022-03-08 (had-1060)
Hayden Fortini - A5S BB Tournament - A5S BB Tournament As,5sView Hand 2022-03-08 (had-1059)
Hayden Fortini - A7SS Tournament EX - A7SS Tournament EX As,7sView Hand 2022-03-08 (had-1058)
Hayden Fortini - K8CC Tournament ex - K8CC Tournament Ex 8c,KcView Hand 2022-03-08 (had-1057)
Hayden Fortini - KS J9S Lodge Main - KS J9S Lodge Main Js,9sView Hand 2022-03-08 (had-1056)
Michael Maginnis - BOSS #59 $250k GTD Day 1 Flight - BB v LJ RFI 7d,9sView Hand 2022-03-07 (mmg-1005)
John Borges - John B s10 #7 - living on borrowed time Th,7cView Hand 2022-03-07 (fly-1321)
John Borges - John B s10 #6 - cant fold Qs,JdView Hand 2022-03-07 (fly-1320)
John Borges - John B s10 #5 - internet hand Ah,JhView Hand 2022-03-07 (fly-1319)
John Borges - John B s10 #4 - BINK 8c,8hView Hand 2022-03-07 (fly-1318)
John Borges - John B s10 #3 - flop action? Js,9sView Hand 2022-03-07 (fly-1317)
John Borges - John B s10 #2 - profiling tell Ks,KcView Hand 2022-03-07 (fly-1316)
John Borges - John B s10 #1 - value town 8s,8cView Hand 2022-03-07 (fly-1315)
Buzzy Colbert - PS Cash Game - 1st hand of the night As,KhView Hand 2022-03-04 (eda-1010)
Julian - Julian Isaac's hand - analysis of 1/3 Qc,JcView Hand 2022-03-03 (jua-1005)
JJ - Feb 2022 monthly lodge- final table 5 handed - thoughts on shove vs defend against bigger raise size by opponent? Ac,6cView Hand 2022-03-02 (jcj-1392)
JJ - Feb 2022 monthly lodge- final table 5 handed - thoughts on postflop play with JhTh, esp river? Qh,JhView Hand 2022-03-02 (jcj-1391)
JJ - Feb 2022 austin lodge- DAY 2 - thoughts on jamming vs 3 betting to induce? Jh,JsView Hand 2022-03-02 (jcj-1390)
JJ - Feb 2022 austin lodge- DAY 2 - thoughts on jamming vs completing against loose splashy player who will overvalue top pair? Kh,JcView Hand 2022-03-02 (jcj-1389)
JJ - Feb 2022 austin lodge- DAY 2 - thoughts on shove vs 3 bet to induce? Ah,KhView Hand 2022-03-02 (jcj-1388)
JJ - Feb 2022 austin lodge- DAY 2 - what to do with pocket 55 facing 3 bet when super short? 5s,5hView Hand 2022-03-02 (jcj-1387)
JJ - Feb 2022 austin lodge- DAY 2 - 14 players left in tourney Ks,7sView Hand 2022-03-02 (jcj-1386)
JJ - Feb 2022 austin lodge- DAY 2 - 14 players left in tourney Kd,QdView Hand 2022-03-02 (jcj-1385)
JJ - Feb 2022 austin lodge- DAY 2 - 14 players left in tourney Jh,JsView Hand 2022-03-02 (jcj-1384)
JJ - Feb 2022 lodge monthly- DAY 2 ITM - final 2 tables of tournament 5s,5dView Hand 2022-03-02 (jcj-1383)
JJ - Feb 2022 lodge monthly- DAY 2 ITM - final 2 tables of tournament Tc,7hView Hand 2022-03-02 (jcj-1382)
JJ - Feb 2022 lodge monthly- DAY 2 ITM - final 2 tables of tournament Kc,JdView Hand 2022-03-02 (jcj-1381)
JJ - Feb 2022 lodge monthly- DAY 2 ITM - what to do with pocket 66 preflop here? 6s,6hView Hand 2022-03-02 (jcj-1380)
JJ - Feb 2022 lodge monthly- DAY 2 ITM - facing flop shove on A 3 3 from BB Ah,JdView Hand 2022-03-02 (jcj-1379)
JJ - Feb 2022 lodge monthly- DAY 2 ITM - hand #2 of day 2 start: pocket 55 on CO - jam vs fold vs open raise? 5s,5dView Hand 2022-03-02 (jcj-1378)
JJ - Feb 2022 lodge monthly - interesting spot on turn? Ks,QhView Hand 2022-03-02 (jcj-1377)
JJ - Feb 2022 lodge monthly - limp pot in BB with middle pair against 15 BB stack Qs,9sView Hand 2022-03-02 (jcj-1376)
JJ - Feb 2022 lodge monthly - 3 bet pot with pocket 88 utg and OOP....what to do? 8s,8cView Hand 2022-03-02 (jcj-1375)
JJ - Feb 2022 lodge monthly - 3 streets with pocket KK Kd,KsView Hand 2022-03-02 (jcj-1374)
JJ - Feb 2022 lodge monthly - flopping top pair medium kicker as PFR Ah,9hView Hand 2022-03-02 (jcj-1373)
JJ - Feb 2022 lodge monthly - flopped set on level 1 7s,7cView Hand 2022-03-02 (jcj-1372)
John Doe - The_GTO_Coin Live $150 - Facing flop check-raise from SB Ts,8hView Hand 2022-03-01 (lui-1012)
Selma - Selma Venetian 600 - AJ early Ac,JhView Hand 2022-02-28 (sla-1119)
Selma - Selma Venetian 600 - 3 Bet nines 9s,9cView Hand 2022-02-28 (sla-1118)
Selma - Selma Venetian 600 - Suited Ace in BB As,4sView Hand 2022-02-28 (sla-1117)
Selma - Selma Venetian 600 - Jacks in BB Js,JhView Hand 2022-02-28 (sla-1116)
Buzzy Colbert - CI Cash - CI Cash Kh,ThView Hand 2022-02-28 (eda-1008)
Dustin - 11 1r/a - lol Kh,ThView Hand 2022-02-28 (dus-1001)
Selma - Selma Venetian Sat 600 - Stuck in SB 8s,8dView Hand 2022-02-27 (sla-1115)
Selma - Selma Venetian Sat 600 - BB vs SB Kd,8sView Hand 2022-02-27 (sla-1114)
Michael Maginnis - $0.25/$0.50 NLHE - How I handled a bully at the table by waiting for the right moment As,KcView Hand 2022-02-26 (mmg-1004)
Marianne - Fontes MTT - showed A hearts Jh,6hView Hand 2022-02-26 (mfa-1220)
Marianne - Fontes 1/3 live - nice hand 5h,5dView Hand 2022-02-26 (mfa-1219)
Buzzy Colbert - Home game - Richard's meet's quads As,5cView Hand 2022-02-26 (eda-1007)
Buzzy Colbert - Home game - Richard loses to Karen's straight Kd,QcView Hand 2022-02-26 (eda-1006)
Selma - Selma Venetian 600 - Button flush As,QdView Hand 2022-02-25 (sla-1113)
Selma - Selma Venetian Seniors - Ugly Board Ad,AhView Hand 2022-02-25 (sla-1112)
Michael Maginnis - Bovada $0.10/$0.25 - Just a showing how ridiculous some of these players are Kd,3dView Hand 2022-02-25 (mmg-1003)
Marianne - Fontes MTT - Ok? Qd,KdView Hand 2022-02-25 (mfa-1218)
Marianne - Fontes MTT - too tight? Should have limped? As,ThView Hand 2022-02-25 (mfa-1217)
Marianne - Fontes MTT - Block Bet As,9sView Hand 2022-02-25 (mfa-1216)
barry j fleishman - bjoad maryland tournament - pre-flop jj facing 4 bet Jd,JcView Hand 2022-02-23 (bjo-1030)
Selma - Selma Orleans - BB vs UTG Qs,QdView Hand 2022-02-21 (sla-1111)
Selma - Selma Orleans - BB vs Maniac Qs,7sView Hand 2022-02-21 (sla-1110)
Hayden Fortini - A8O DAY 2 - A8O DAY 2 As,8hView Hand 2022-02-21 (had-1055)
Hayden Fortini - A8O DAY TWO - A8O DAY TWO 8h,AsView Hand 2022-02-21 (had-1054)
Hayden Fortini - K9S 25BB - K9S 25BB Ks,9sView Hand 2022-02-21 (had-1053)
Hayden Fortini - 56S 80BB - 56S 80BB 6s,5sView Hand 2022-02-21 (had-1052)
Hayden Fortini - 56S 25BB - 56S 25BB 6s,5sView Hand 2022-02-21 (had-1051)
Hayden Fortini - HF AA TCH CASH - HF AA TCH CASH As,AcView Hand 2022-02-21 (had-1050)
Hayden Fortini - KS AQ Cash Game - KS AQ CASH GAME As,QcView Hand 2022-02-21 (had-1049)
Hayden Fortini - KS QJS TCH - KS QJS TCH Qs,JsView Hand 2022-02-21 (had-1048)
Steven F - $350 Mystery Bounty - KK all in on draw heavy flop Ks,KcView Hand 2022-02-20 (sfv-1001)
Marianne - Fontes 1/3 - cooler or??? As,KdView Hand 2022-02-20 (mfa-1215)
Marianne - Fontes 1/3 - cooler or??? Ks,KcView Hand 2022-02-20 (mfa-1214)
Marianne - Fontes 1/3 - cooler or??? 6h,6cView Hand 2022-02-20 (mfa-1213)
Marianne - Fontes 1/3 - active table 8c,9cView Hand 2022-02-20 (mfa-1212)
Hayden Fortini - Brandon Nguyen 99 - BN 99 9s,9cView Hand 2022-02-20 (had-1047)
Hayden Fortini - KS AK TCH LIVE - KS AK TCH LIVE As,KhView Hand 2022-02-20 (had-1046)
John Borges - John B s9 #11 - defending; speech part 2 Ks,TcView Hand 2022-02-20 (fly-1314)
John Borges - John B s9 #10 - the speech and flash Qs,8cView Hand 2022-02-20 (fly-1313)
John Borges - John B s9 #9 - tough decision: fold, call, or shove? Th,TcView Hand 2022-02-20 (fly-1312)
John Borges - John B s9 #8 - playing tendencies post flop As,KhView Hand 2022-02-20 (fly-1311)
John Borges - John B s9 #7 - my read on Mark Ks,QhView Hand 2022-02-20 (fly-1310)
John Borges - John B s9 #6 - things look good.... until Ks,QsView Hand 2022-02-20 (fly-1309)
John Borges - John B s9 #5 - check down or keep barreling? wonder if delayed cbet is better 4s,4cView Hand 2022-02-20 (fly-1308)
John Borges - John B s9 #4 - vs likely squeeze in BB. Raise or limp? Ts,ThView Hand 2022-02-20 (fly-1307)
John Borges - John B s9 #3 - vs. Jacob and not sure how to proceed Ac,JsView Hand 2022-02-20 (fly-1306)
John Borges - John B s9 #2 - raise to flop? Big decision on the turn Jc,TcView Hand 2022-02-20 (fly-1305)
John Borges - John B s9 #1 - 3betting IP 9s,8sView Hand 2022-02-20 (fly-1304)
PokerCoaching - Tristan 3 - Bellagio As,KcView Hand 2022-02-20 (bdo-1428)
Michael Maginnis - Coulee Region Poker Classic - 7-7 v A-K 7d,7hView Hand 2022-02-19 (mmg-1002)
mpache - Cash - Set up 7s,6sView Hand 2022-02-19 (mln-1004)
- Bonzi Global poker $55 10k freezout - Facing 2x pot flop shove with NFD combo draw As,JsView Hand 2022-02-19 (ari-1001)
Jacob West - Bunnycooler 1/2 NLH at Chocktaw - 2nd hand at table Ks,KcView Hand 2022-02-17 (ofi-1001)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx ACR - 02.15.22 Jd,JsView Hand 2022-02-15 (jnj-1075)
Hayden Fortini - AW 88 Tournament - AW 88 Tournament 8h,8dView Hand 2022-02-15 (had-1045)
Hayden Fortini - AW Tournament 22 - AW Tournament 22 2s,2cView Hand 2022-02-15 (had-1044)
Hayden Fortini - KS J7s TCH - KS J7s TCH Jc,7cView Hand 2022-02-15 (had-1043)
Hayden Fortini - 54dd KS TCH - 54dd KS TCH 5d,4dView Hand 2022-02-15 (had-1042)
Hayden Fortini - Jim C AJ Poker House - Jim C AJ Poker House As,JhView Hand 2022-02-15 (had-1041)
Hayden Fortini - HF Cash J10s - HF Cash j10s Jc,TcView Hand 2022-02-15 (had-1040)
Selma - Selma Orleans - Awkward stack Ah,AdView Hand 2022-02-14 (sla-1109)
Selma - Selma Orleans - AK vs Chirper Ah,KdView Hand 2022-02-14 (sla-1108)
Selma - Selma Orleans - AQ utg+1 Ac,QcView Hand 2022-02-14 (sla-1107)
Selma - Selma Orleans - Tens in BB Th,TdView Hand 2022-02-14 (sla-1106)
Selma - Selma Orleans - AK in BB View Hand 2022-02-14 (sla-1105)
Marianne - Fontes 1/3 live - how's my line? Ah,JhView Hand 2022-02-14 (mfa-1211)
Hayden Fortini - KS KJo TCH - KS KJo TCH Ks,JhView Hand 2022-02-14 (had-1039)
Hayden Fortini - KS A5s TCH - KS A5s TCH As,5sView Hand 2022-02-14 (had-1038)
Marianne - Fontes 1/3 live - folded the best hand Ks,KcView Hand 2022-02-13 (mfa-1210)
Marianne - Fontes 1/3 live - good flop for me 9c,9sView Hand 2022-02-13 (mfa-1209)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Burley Feb 12 2022 - 98s CO 9s,8sView Hand 2022-02-13 (ker-1183)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Burley Feb 12 2022 - CO 76s; 7h,6hView Hand 2022-02-13 (ker-1182)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Burley Feb 12 2022 - UTG T9s Ts,9sView Hand 2022-02-13 (ker-1181)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Burley Feb 12 2022 - SB 55 View Hand 2022-02-13 (ker-1180)
John Borges - John B 2/12 #2 - jam or call? Ts,TdView Hand 2022-02-13 (fly-1303)
John Borges - John B 2/12 #1 - CR Kd,7dView Hand 2022-02-13 (fly-1302)
Marianne - Fontes 1/3 Live - Large Pot 1/3 Kc,KsView Hand 2022-02-11 (mfa-1207)
Marianne - Fontes Home Game Online - Mid-Stage Tourney Th,9hView Hand 2022-02-11 (mfa-1206)
Marianne - Fontes Home Game Online - Mid-Stage Tourney Ah,3dView Hand 2022-02-11 (mfa-1205)
Marianne - Fontes Home Game Online - Mid-Stage Tourney 5c,7hView Hand 2022-02-11 (mfa-1204)
Marianne - Fontes Home Game Online - Mid-Stage Tourney Qs,9sView Hand 2022-02-11 (mfa-1203)
Marianne - Fontes Home Game Online - Mid-Stage Tourney Kc,TdView Hand 2022-02-11 (mfa-1202)
Marianne - Fontes Home Game Online - Mid-Stage Tourney As,6sView Hand 2022-02-11 (mfa-1201)
Marianne - Fontes Home Game Online - Mid-Stage Tourney 9s,JsView Hand 2022-02-11 (mfa-1200)
Marianne - Fontes Home Game Online - Mid-Stage Tourney Ah,TcView Hand 2022-02-11 (mfa-1199)
Marianne - Fontes Home Game Online - Mid-Stage Tourney As,QsView Hand 2022-02-11 (mfa-1198)
Marianne - Fontes Home Game Online - Mid-Stage Tourney Js,KdView Hand 2022-02-11 (mfa-1197)
Marianne - Fontes Home Game Online - Mid-Stage Tourney Qh,TdView Hand 2022-02-11 (mfa-1196)
Marianne - Fontes Home Game Online - Mid-Stage Tourney 2s,2dView Hand 2022-02-11 (mfa-1195)
Marianne - Fontes Home Game Online - Mid-Stage Tourney 9s,9cView Hand 2022-02-11 (mfa-1194)
Marianne - Fontes Home Game Online - Mid-Stage Tourney 6c,6hView Hand 2022-02-11 (mfa-1193)
Marianne - Fontes Home Game Online - Mid-Stage Tourney Ks,AcView Hand 2022-02-11 (mfa-1192)
Marianne - Fontes Home Game Online - Mid-Stage Tourney As,3cView Hand 2022-02-11 (mfa-1191)
Marianne - Fontes Home Game Online - Mid-Stage Tourney 9c,7hView Hand 2022-02-11 (mfa-1190)
Marianne - Fontes Home Game Online - Mid-Stage Tourney 8s,JcView Hand 2022-02-11 (mfa-1189)
Marianne - Fontes Home Game Online - Mid-Stage Tourney Jc,9cView Hand 2022-02-11 (mfa-1188)
Marianne - Fontes Home Game Online - Mid-Stage Tourney Jc,TcView Hand 2022-02-11 (mfa-1187)
Marianne - Fontes Home Game Online - Mid-Stage Tourney Js,KhView Hand 2022-02-11 (mfa-1186)
Marianne - Fontes Home Game Online - Mid-Stage Tourney Jc,9cView Hand 2022-02-11 (mfa-1185)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx ACR - AKo Kh,AdView Hand 2022-02-09 (jnj-1074)
Andrew - bandrew2 411homegame - early position range advantage 4h,4cView Hand 2022-02-09 (ade-1002)
Andrew - bandrew2 411homegame - late position range advantage Ah,4hView Hand 2022-02-09 (ade-1001)
Hayden Fortini - Q10S Tournament Sizing - Q10S Tournament Sizing Qh,ThView Hand 2022-02-08 (had-1037)
Hayden Fortini - 87S 1-3 Sizing Ex - 87S 1-3 Sizing Ex 8h,7hView Hand 2022-02-08 (had-1036)
Hayden Fortini - AK Cash Sizing - AK Cash Sizing As,KhView Hand 2022-02-08 (had-1035)
Hayden Fortini - 55 Cash Sizing - 55 Cash Sizing 5s,5cView Hand 2022-02-08 (had-1034)
Hayden Fortini - KQ Bet Sizing - KQ Bet Sizing Kd,QhView Hand 2022-02-08 (had-1033)
Hayden Fortini - 1-3 Cash Game 78s - 1-3 Cash Game 78s 8d,7dView Hand 2022-02-08 (had-1032)
Hayden Fortini - 1-3 J10S Ex - 1-3 J10S EX Js,TsView Hand 2022-02-08 (had-1031)
Hayden Fortini - 65S Cash Game 2 - 65S Cash Game 2 View Hand 2022-02-08 (had-1030)
Hayden Fortini - 65S Cash Game TCH - 65S Cash Game TCH 6h,5hView Hand 2022-02-08 (had-1029)
Hayden Fortini - QQ TCH HF - QQ TCH HF Qs,QhView Hand 2022-02-08 (had-1028)
Hayden Fortini - Q9S Cash Game - Q9S Cash Game Qs,9sView Hand 2022-02-08 (had-1027)
Hayden Fortini - KS JJ TCH - KS JJ TCH Js,JhView Hand 2022-02-08 (had-1026)
Hayden Fortini - ACES KS at TCH - ACES KS at TCH As,AhView Hand 2022-02-08 (had-1025)
Gabriel - Jakepoker Cash Venetian - Vegas 2021 Qs,KsView Hand 2022-02-08 (elg-1001)
Andrew Li - bandrew 411homegame - For tutorial on bad play of flush draw 8d,7dView Hand 2022-02-08 (ani-1001)
Cody - $450 MD Live MTT - Maryland Live MTT Kc,QcView Hand 2022-02-07 (cod-1013)
Ryan - 2/5 NLH - Flop strategy in pos in a 3 bet pot Kc,JcView Hand 2022-02-06 (rpp-1109)
Ryan - 2/5 NLH - Tough spot in a juicy live game Kd,QcView Hand 2022-02-06 (rpp-1108)
Ryan - 1/2 NLH - Downswing season Ac,JcView Hand 2022-02-06 (rpp-1107)
Ryan - 2/5 NLH - AA in a 4 bet pot Ac,AsView Hand 2022-02-06 (rpp-1106)
JP Varella - JP BestBet 22 no limit - turn pair into bluff 6s,6cView Hand 2022-02-06 (jpv-1005)
LeonGaeilge - 0.5/1 - Vilain river x/r Ac,QcView Hand 2022-02-05 (dxi-1030)
Bell Chen - 10nl - LJ vs Bb srp 6s,7sView Hand 2022-02-05 (bch-1007)
Bell Chen - 10nl - LJ vs Bb srp Tc,TdView Hand 2022-02-05 (bch-1006)
Bell Chen - 10nl - LJ vs Bb srp Ad,JsView Hand 2022-02-05 (bch-1005)
Bell Chen - 10nl - LJ vs B srp 5c,6cView Hand 2022-02-05 (bch-1004)
Bell Chen - 10nl - CO vs Bb srp Js,7sView Hand 2022-02-05 (bch-1003)
Bell Chen - 10nl - HJ vs B srp lj 2 barrel As,AcView Hand 2022-02-05 (bch-1002)
Bell Chen - 10nl - LJ vs B srp lj 2 barrel As,AhView Hand 2022-02-05 (bch-1001)
Buzzy Colbert - Home cash game - Home cash game 9s,KdView Hand 2022-02-04 (eda-1005)
Michael Maginnis - $5 online - Pocket Q's w/ RFI to call to 3-bet to 4-bet all in Qh,QcView Hand 2022-02-02 (mmg-1001)
Hayden Fortini - Tournament Ex - J10S BB Jd,TdView Hand 2022-02-02 (had-1024)
Hayden Fortini - $1,700 WSOP Choctaw FT 5 Left - A5 As,5hView Hand 2022-02-02 (had-1023)
Andrew Lydon - $2/$5 CASH Tampa Hard Rock - Flop Straight 6s,7sView Hand 2022-02-02 (anw-1006)
Andrew Lydon - $10/$10 LIVE CASH HARD ROCK - Flopped Set Raise Turn 9s,9cView Hand 2022-02-02 (anw-1005)
Andrew Lydon - $10/$10 LIVE CASH HARD ROCK - FLOPPED STRAIGHT FLUSH Ks,9sView Hand 2022-02-02 (anw-1004)
John Borges - John B PS 1/30 - checking for pot control and to induce Ks,KdView Hand 2022-01-30 (fly-1301)
John Borges - John B Merge 1/30 - aggression from blinds Jd,9dView Hand 2022-01-30 (fly-1300)
John Borges - John B Merge 1/29 - learning and analyzing 8d,8cView Hand 2022-01-29 (fly-1299)
LeonGaeilge - Divonne deepstack 500 - Main Finale 5s,5cView Hand 2022-01-29 (dxi-1029)
LeonGaeilge - Divonne deepstack 500 - Main 5 As,4sView Hand 2022-01-29 (dxi-1028)
LeonGaeilge - Divonne deepstack 500 - Main 4 7d,7cView Hand 2022-01-29 (dxi-1027)
LeonGaeilge - Divonne deepstack 500 - Main 3 9s,8sView Hand 2022-01-29 (dxi-1026)
LeonGaeilge - Divonne deepstack 500 - Main 2 4s,4cView Hand 2022-01-29 (dxi-1025)
LeonGaeilge - Divonne deepstack 500 - Main 1 As,ThView Hand 2022-01-29 (dxi-1024)
William Montague - Rusty Britt Homegame - Jared 3s4h Qh,QdView Hand 2022-01-28 (rus-1002)
William Montague - Rusty Britt Homegame - Mike Clark Ah,QhView Hand 2022-01-28 (rus-1001)
John Borges - John B Merge 1/28 - interesting Ks,KhView Hand 2022-01-28 (fly-1298)
John Borges - John B Merge 1/28 - big bets Jd,9dView Hand 2022-01-28 (fly-1297)
Bill Suwada - midas001 CashCows Championship Series Event #1 - CashCows Championship Series View Hand 2022-01-27 (suw-1021)
Bill Suwada - midas001 CashCows Championship Series Event #1 - CashCows Championship Series 8h,6sView Hand 2022-01-27 (suw-1020)
Bill Suwada - midas001 CashCows Championship Series Event #1 - CashCows Championship Series 9c,2cView Hand 2022-01-27 (suw-1019)
Bill Suwada - midas001 CashCows Championship Series Event #1 - CashCows Championship Series 8c,2cView Hand 2022-01-27 (suw-1018)
Bill Suwada - midas001 CashCows Championship Series Event #1 - CashCows Championship Series Kd,7sView Hand 2022-01-27 (suw-1017)
Bill Suwada - midas001 CashCows Championship Series Event #1 - CashCows Championship Series 6d,3dView Hand 2022-01-27 (suw-1016)
John Borges - John B Merge 1/27 - gettin after it from SB Qh,7dView Hand 2022-01-27 (fly-1296)
John Borges - John B Merge 1/27 - getting street from BB 8d,2dView Hand 2022-01-27 (fly-1295)
PokerCoaching - Hellmuth Vs Dwan - Round 3 - Hand 5 Kd,2dView Hand 2022-01-27 (bdo-1427)
PokerCoaching - Hellmuth Vs Dwan - Round 3 - Hand 3 Th,TdView Hand 2022-01-27 (bdo-1426)
PokerCoaching - Hellmuth Vs Dwan - Round 3 - Hand 2 Kc,TsView Hand 2022-01-27 (bdo-1425)
PokerCoaching - Hellmuth Vs Dwan - Round 3 - Hand 1 Th,TdView Hand 2022-01-27 (bdo-1424)
PokerCoaching - Hellmuth Vs Dwan - Round 3 - Hand 4 Qd,5dView Hand 2022-01-27 (bdo-1423)
Kenneth Adams - 2018 WSOP Main Event - Bet bigger on river? Smaller to induce raise? As,TsView Hand 2022-01-27 (aam-1023)
Kenneth Adams - 2018 WSOP Main Event - Should I have gotten more value? Ks,KhView Hand 2022-01-27 (aam-1022)
Kenneth Adams - WSOP 2018 Main Event - Raise bigger on flop? Fold river? Ah,JhView Hand 2022-01-27 (aam-1021)
Bill Suwada - midas001 CashCows Championship Series Event #1 - CashCows Championship Series Ks,9sView Hand 2022-01-26 (suw-1015)
Bill Suwada - midas001 CashCows Championship Series Event #1 - CashCows Championship Series 5h,5cView Hand 2022-01-26 (suw-1014)
Bill Suwada - midas001 CashCows Championship Series Event #1 - CashCows Championship Series 9c,4hView Hand 2022-01-26 (suw-1013)
Bill Suwada - midas001 CashCows Championship Series Event #1 - CashCows Championship Series 9h,6hView Hand 2022-01-26 (suw-1012)
Mohammed Nuseibah - moe PokerBros - Overpair Vs Low Board (3-bet) Jh,JcView Hand 2022-01-26 (mnu-1013)
Mohammed Nuseibah - moe Home Game - OverPair (QQ) Qs,QdView Hand 2022-01-26 (mnu-1012)
Hayden Fortini - Ed Cash Game - KJS Kd,JdView Hand 2022-01-26 (had-1022)
Hayden Fortini - Tournament - QQ Example Qs,QcView Hand 2022-01-26 (had-1021)
Hayden Fortini - Tournament - 25bb spot 77 7s,7cView Hand 2022-01-26 (had-1020)
Hayden Fortini - Tournament - 20bb Spot AJ As,JhView Hand 2022-01-26 (had-1019)
John Borges - John B small stakes cash - blinds are 0.1 - 0.25 (add two decimal pts) 4s,4hView Hand 2022-01-26 (fly-1294)
John Borges - John B small stakes cash - raising from BB Ad,QcView Hand 2022-01-26 (fly-1293)
John Borges - John B small stakes cash - trying to defend wider 4s,3sView Hand 2022-01-26 (fly-1292)
John Borges - John B small stakes cash - trying to get better Ah,ThView Hand 2022-01-26 (fly-1291)
Andrew Lydon - JANUARY SENIORS EVENT HARD ROCK - Flop Shove??? 9c,AcView Hand 2022-01-26 (anw-1003)
Andrew Lydon - $10/$10 LIVE CASH HARD ROCK - FLUSH OVER FLUSH 9h,ThView Hand 2022-01-26 (anw-1002)
Andrew Lydon - Live $10/$10 HARD ROCK TAMPA - Pocket 6's from big blind 6s,6hView Hand 2022-01-26 (anw-1001)
Kenneth Adams - 2018 WSOP Main Event - Fold to turn raise?? As,JhView Hand 2022-01-26 (aam-1020)
Kenneth Adams - 2018 WSOP Main Event - How to extract max value OOP? 9s,7sView Hand 2022-01-26 (aam-1019)
Kenneth Adams - 2018 WSOP $2500 NLH - How can I get max value OOP here? Js,JcView Hand 2022-01-26 (aam-1018)
Kenneth Adams - 2018 WSOP $1500 NLH - Overplayed AQ? Should I have 3-bet pre-flop? As,QhView Hand 2022-01-26 (aam-1017)
Kenneth Adams - 2018 WSOP $1500 NLH - Too tight? Jd,TdView Hand 2022-01-26 (aam-1016)
Kenneth Adams - 2018 WSOP Super Seniors - Fold on turn? 6d,4dView Hand 2022-01-26 (aam-1015)
Kenneth Adams - 2018 WSOP $1K Double Stack - Overplayed and got lucky? Or sound float/bluff? Qs,JcView Hand 2022-01-26 (aam-1014)
Bill Suwada - midas001 CashCows Championship Series Event #1 - CashCows Championship Series Kd,JdView Hand 2022-01-25 (suw-1011)
Bill Suwada - midas001 CashCows Championship Series Event #1 - CashCows Championship Series View Hand 2022-01-25 (suw-1010)
Bill Suwada - midas001 CashCows Championship Series Event #1 - CashCows Championship Series Tc,6hView Hand 2022-01-25 (suw-1009)
Bill Suwada - midas001 CashCows Championship Series Event #1 - CashCows Championship Series Ad,9dView Hand 2022-01-25 (suw-1008)
Bill Suwada - midas001 CashCows Championship Series Event #1 - CashCows Championship Series Kh,QdView Hand 2022-01-25 (suw-1007)
Bill Suwada - midas001 CashCows Championship Series Event #1 - CashCows Championship Series 9c,6hView Hand 2022-01-25 (suw-1006)
Bill Suwada - midas001 CashCows Championship Series Event #1 - CashCows Championship Series Kc,8cView Hand 2022-01-25 (suw-1005)
Bill Suwada - midas001 CashCows Championship Series Event #1 - CashCows Championship Series 2s,9cView Hand 2022-01-25 (suw-1004)
Bill Suwada - midas001 CashCows Championship Series Event #1 - CashCows Championship Series 9d,9cView Hand 2022-01-25 (suw-1003)
Bill Suwada - midas001 CashCows Championship Series Event #1 - CashCows Championship Series 8s,AsView Hand 2022-01-24 (suw-1002)
Selma - Selma Venetian Live - Big UTG raise 7c,9cView Hand 2022-01-24 (sla-1104)
Selma - Selma Venetian Live - Aces on a bad flop As,AcView Hand 2022-01-24 (sla-1103)
Kenneth Adams - WSOP $1K Double Stack - Good fold or too weak/tight? Qs,ThView Hand 2022-01-24 (aam-1013)
Kenneth Adams - WSOP Deep Stack 8-Max - Mis-played on every street? Th,9hView Hand 2022-01-24 (aam-1012)
Rollo - b-roll 1/3 live - AK vs aggro reg Ks,AcView Hand 2022-01-23 (wal-1002)
Bill Suwada - midas001 CashCows Championship Series Event #1 - CashCows Championship Series 6c,6dView Hand 2022-01-23 (suw-1001)
Hayden Fortini - Tournament Example - Flop Play from BB As,5hView Hand 2022-01-23 (had-1018)
Hayden Fortini - TCH SAT $365 - Jim C (66) 6h,6cView Hand 2022-01-23 (had-1017)
Hayden Fortini - TCH SAT $365 - Dori HH (TT) Ts,TcView Hand 2022-01-23 (had-1016)
Kenneth Adams - WSOP $1500 Monster Stack - Having called pre-flop, post-flop & on turn, should Hero raise on river? 9d,6dView Hand 2022-01-23 (aam-1011)
Kenneth Adams - WSOP $500 Freezeout - Fold to 4-bet? As,KhView Hand 2022-01-23 (aam-1010)
Kenneth Adams - WSOP $500 Freezeout - 3-bet pre-flop? As,5sView Hand 2022-01-23 (aam-1009)
Nick Johnson - JeterStreet $1/$2 Aurora - KK flop shove Kh,KcView Hand 2022-01-22 (ick-1005)
Nick Johnson - JeterStreet $1/$2 Aurora - Flopped str8 against AA Ts,JcView Hand 2022-01-22 (ick-1004)
Nick Johnson - JeterStreet 1/2 Aurora - High Hand Ac,KcView Hand 2022-01-22 (ick-1003)
Rolander - WPO Event #5 - SB Three Bet AKo As,KhView Hand 2022-01-21 (rjh-1003)
Rolander - LH Event #1 - QQx - 10% contd bet 7h,7dView Hand 2022-01-21 (rjh-1002)
Rolander - LH Event #1 - Three Bet - Monotone Flop 9s,9cView Hand 2022-01-21 (rjh-1001)
Mohsin - WSOP - Balance 9c,8cView Hand 2022-01-21 (moi-1009)
Mohsin - WSOP - Conviction View Hand 2022-01-21 (moi-1008)
cyber woods - $65 Bros nightly re-entry - approaching pre bubble folding KJ early Ks,JdView Hand 2022-01-20 (tor-1002)
cyber woods - $40 Bros nightly freeze - ITM folding pair to an early shove 3s,3dView Hand 2022-01-20 (tor-1001)
Hayden Fortini - Tournament - 20bb play 3 5s,5hView Hand 2022-01-20 (had-1015)
Hayden Fortini - Tournament - 20bb Play (2) Ks,JsView Hand 2022-01-20 (had-1014)
Hayden Fortini - Tournament - 20bb play As,ThView Hand 2022-01-20 (had-1013)
Hayden Fortini - Tournament - Three Betting Aces As,AhView Hand 2022-01-20 (had-1012)
Hayden Fortini - Tournament - Three Betting AK As,KhView Hand 2022-01-20 (had-1011)
Hayden Fortini - Tournament - Three Betting AK (1) As,KcView Hand 2022-01-20 (had-1010)
Hayden Fortini - Nightly Tournament - Bet Sizing Tells Ks,QhView Hand 2022-01-20 (had-1009)
Hayden Fortini - Nightly Tournament - Bet Sizing Tells Ks,QhView Hand 2022-01-20 (had-1008)
Stretch - Stretch 1/3 - QJs Qs,JsView Hand 2022-01-19 (sst-1008)
Stretch - Stretch 1/3 - AQo As,QdView Hand 2022-01-19 (sst-1007)
Stretch - Stretch 1/3 - AKo As,KdView Hand 2022-01-19 (sst-1006)
Stretch - Stretch 1/3 - 77 7s,7hView Hand 2022-01-19 (sst-1005)
Stretch - Stretch 1/3 - AA As,AdView Hand 2022-01-19 (sst-1004)
Stretch - Stretch 1/3 - A10d Ad,TdView Hand 2022-01-19 (sst-1003)
Stretch - Stretch 1/3 - A10s As,TsView Hand 2022-01-19 (sst-1002)
Stretch - Stretch 1/3 - KQs Ks,QsView Hand 2022-01-19 (sst-1001)
Hayden Fortini - $1,700 Main Event - Planning for future streets 2 Kh,9hView Hand 2022-01-19 (had-1007)
Hayden Fortini - WSOP MAIN - Kim's bustout hand As,KsView Hand 2022-01-19 (had-1006)
Hayden Fortini - $1,700 Main Event - Never Give Up Ks,QhView Hand 2022-01-19 (had-1005)
Hayden Fortini - $1,700 Main Event - Tough Flop Spot Explained Ah,6hView Hand 2022-01-19 (had-1004)
Hayden Fortini - $1,700 Main - Light River Call Explainend Kh,8sView Hand 2022-01-19 (had-1003)
Hayden Fortini - 1-3 No Limit - Lesson: Planning ahead for future streets Ts,9sView Hand 2022-01-19 (had-1002)
LeonGaeilge - CHP 0.02/0.05 - Flop Overpair allin Js,JcView Hand 2022-01-19 (dxi-1023)
Selma - Selma Ft L 600 - exit hand Jc,2cView Hand 2022-01-18 (sla-1102)
Pablo Lucas Coronado - LuCoronado 0.01/0.02 NL - Mano Revi1 Qc,QdView Hand 2022-01-18 (paa-1001)
Matheus Lopes - mmfl95 Reta SM 7 - BB squeeze Ad,6cView Hand 2022-01-18 (mte-1025)
Matheus Lopes - mmfl95 Reta SM 6 - CO range flat vs 3b Qc,7cView Hand 2022-01-18 (mte-1024)
Matheus Lopes - mmfl95 Reta SM push/call - Range de call BTN vs shove Ac,8cView Hand 2022-01-18 (mte-1023)
Matheus Lopes - mmfl95 Reta SM 3 - Range de call/4bet Ac,9dView Hand 2022-01-18 (mte-1022)
Matheus Lopes - mmfl95 Reta SM 2 - Range de call/3bet BB 7h,3hView Hand 2022-01-18 (mte-1021)
Matheus Lopes - mmfl95 Reta SM - Range de call/3bet View Hand 2022-01-18 (mte-1020)
Steve Jarrett - TSC $200 Weekend - how to react to all-in on turn Qs,TsView Hand 2022-01-17 (stj-1002)
Selma - Selma Ft L 600 - Day two early As,2sView Hand 2022-01-17 (sla-1101)
Mohammed Nuseibah - moe WSOP One Drop - One for One Drop Qd,JcView Hand 2022-01-17 (mnu-1011)
Mohammed Nuseibah - moe WSOP Main Event - WSOP Bustout Hand Ks,QsView Hand 2022-01-17 (mnu-1010)
Mohammed Nuseibah - moe Home Game - Bluff FD 6h,4hView Hand 2022-01-17 (mnu-1009)
Mohammed Nuseibah - moe Home Game - (Nut Flush Draw-Bottom Pair) Ah,5hView Hand 2022-01-17 (mnu-1008)
Mohammed Nuseibah - moe Home Game - PokerBros 7d,8dView Hand 2022-01-17 (mnu-1007)
Mohammed Nuseibah - moe Home Game - PokerBros 8c,8hView Hand 2022-01-17 (mnu-1006)
Mohammed Nuseibah - moe Home Game - Poker Bros Qd,9dView Hand 2022-01-17 (mnu-1005)
Mohammed Nuseibah - moe Home Game - Poker Bros Ks,KdView Hand 2022-01-17 (mnu-1004)
Mohammed Nuseibah - moe Home Game - PokerBros Ah,JdView Hand 2022-01-17 (mnu-1003)
Mohammed Nuseibah - moe Home Game 1 - Pokerbros Ac,JhView Hand 2022-01-17 (mnu-1002)
Mohammed Nuseibah - moe Home Game 1 - Poker Bros Qs,QdView Hand 2022-01-17 (mnu-1001)
- .5/1 online - ignition Qd,JsView Hand 2022-01-17 (kia-1004)
- house cash game - 5/10 Qs,TdView Hand 2022-01-17 (kia-1003)
- house cash game - 5/10 Ac,QhView Hand 2022-01-17 (kia-1002)
- house game - live cash game Kh,TsView Hand 2022-01-17 (kia-1001)
Andrey Guimaraes - AndreyGuima WPN - Review Qc,JsView Hand 2022-01-17 (anu-1001)
mpache - Cash - Karma Qh,9hView Hand 2022-01-15 (mln-1003)
barry j fleishman - bjoad web tourny, freezeout - range bet on flop and turn bluff Qs,JcView Hand 2022-01-14 (bjo-1029)
Kenneth Adams - WSOP $1500 Super Turbo Bounty - Fold pre-flop to 2X open? 8s,7hView Hand 2022-01-14 (aam-1007)
Kenneth Adams - WSOP $1500 Super Turbo Bounty - Fold pre-flop? Qs,3cView Hand 2022-01-14 (aam-1006)
Nick Johnson - JeterStreet $1/2 Aurora - AA cracked As,AdView Hand 2022-01-13 (ick-1002)
Nick Johnson - JeterStreet $1/2 at Aurora - Top Pair loss Ac,QcView Hand 2022-01-13 (ick-1001)
ZselyZalan - Low Stakes Cash - 50/100 in other currency, technically 0.16/0.32 Kc,9cView Hand 2022-01-12 (zal-1001)
Kai - HomeGame - Asse As,AdView Hand 2022-01-12 (wol-1004)
Kai - HomeGame - Set 3h,3dView Hand 2022-01-12 (wol-1003)
Kai - Homegame - Hand 1 Jh,7hView Hand 2022-01-12 (wol-1002)
Ryan - 2/4 online - 66 in a 2/4 NLH spot 6s,6dView Hand 2022-01-12 (rpp-1105)
Ryan - 3/6 PPPoker - Massive 3 bet pot in a deepstack online NLH game Jd,TdView Hand 2022-01-12 (rpp-1104)
Ryan - 5/10 Private Game - CRAZY Private Game action hand! 6c,6dView Hand 2022-01-12 (rpp-1103)
Ryan - 5/10 Bellagio - Interesting spot in a straddled pot! Kd,QdView Hand 2022-01-12 (rpp-1102)
Ryan - 2/5 Wynn - $1500 eff in position with a suited connector! 8s,7sView Hand 2022-01-12 (rpp-1101)
jpgiro - $16.50 ACR - Sick bubble spot 71 left/63 paid Th,TdView Hand 2022-01-12 (jpg-1003)
jpgiro - $16.50 ACR - Sick bubble spot 71 left/63 paid Th,TdView Hand 2022-01-12 (jpg-1002)
Buzzy Colbert - HCG 2022-01-08 - Home cash game - HCG 2022-01-08 - Home cash game 5s,5hView Hand 2022-01-12 (eda-1004)
Buzzy Colbert - HCG 2022-01-08 - Home cash game - HCG 2022-01-08 - Home cash game Ks,KdView Hand 2022-01-12 (eda-1003)
Christiaan - droplul2022 mini day saver $15 - ft11.01.2022 mini day saver 8s,8dView Hand 2022-01-12 (cde-1001)
Kenneth Adams - WSOP $800 Deep Stack - 3-bet or call pre-flop? As,QsView Hand 2022-01-12 (aam-1005)
Kenneth Adams - WSOP $800 Deep Stack - River raise - sound or foolish? Ad,6dView Hand 2022-01-12 (aam-1004)
Kenneth Adams - WSOP $800 Deep Stack - Fold to 3-bet? Qc,JhView Hand 2022-01-12 (aam-1003)
Mohsin - WSOP - Aggression 9s,8sView Hand 2022-01-11 (moi-1007)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Jan. 10 - Incomplete hand Kd,4dView Hand 2022-01-11 (mfa-1184)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Jan. 10 - Incomplete hand Qc,JsView Hand 2022-01-11 (mfa-1183)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Jan. 10 - Incomplete hand Tc,QhView Hand 2022-01-11 (mfa-1182)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Jan. 10 - Incomplete hand Ac,5sView Hand 2022-01-11 (mfa-1181)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Jan. 10 - 6-handed online 7h,7dView Hand 2022-01-11 (mfa-1180)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Jan. 10 - 6-handed online Ah,9cView Hand 2022-01-11 (mfa-1179)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Jan. 10 - 6-handed online Th,6hView Hand 2022-01-11 (mfa-1178)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Jan. 10 - 6-handed online Ah,8hView Hand 2022-01-11 (mfa-1177)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Jan. 10 - 6-handed online 6s,6hView Hand 2022-01-11 (mfa-1176)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Jan. 10 - 6-handed online Ts,QhView Hand 2022-01-11 (mfa-1175)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Jan. 10 - 6-handed online 9c,3cView Hand 2022-01-11 (mfa-1174)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Jan. 10 - 6-handed online 5h,8hView Hand 2022-01-11 (mfa-1173)
John Doe - The_GTO_Coin Live 35K - vs 3bet OOP Kd,QdView Hand 2022-01-11 (lui-1011)
John Borges - John B S6 #10 - Go for glory or get kicked in the mouth Ks,7cView Hand 2022-01-10 (fly-1289)
John Borges - John B S6 #9 - Scary board Qs,QcView Hand 2022-01-10 (fly-1288)
John Borges - John B S6 #8 - should I lead or CR shove? Tc,3cView Hand 2022-01-10 (fly-1287)
PokerCoaching - $5/$10 NL - Tristan Wade 7h,7dView Hand 2022-01-10 (bdo-1422)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Online 9 handed - should have xr flop Qs,TsView Hand 2022-01-09 (mfa-1172)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Online 9 handed - Multi-way; how's my line 9s,7sView Hand 2022-01-09 (mfa-1171)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Online 9 handed - Villain took weird line As,KsView Hand 2022-01-09 (mfa-1170)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Online 9 handed - Check Raise 9h,6hView Hand 2022-01-09 (mfa-1169)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Online 9 handed - Bet sizing on river? Ks,4sView Hand 2022-01-09 (mfa-1168)
John Borges - John B S6 #7 - what is the proper flop bet sizing? Kd,QdView Hand 2022-01-09 (fly-1286)
John Borges - John B S6 #6 - wonder if I missed value or just right Jc,9sView Hand 2022-01-09 (fly-1285)
John Borges - John B S6 #5 - flop sizing Ac,KsView Hand 2022-01-09 (fly-1284)
John Borges - John B S6 #4 - which line is better - value bet on turn or pot control? As,JsView Hand 2022-01-09 (fly-1283)
John Borges - John B S6 #3 - missed 3b opp against wide opener As,8cView Hand 2022-01-09 (fly-1282)
John Borges - John B S6 #2 - ok to give up or double barrel v station As,JdView Hand 2022-01-09 (fly-1281)
John Borges - John B S6. #1 - missed value? 8h,8sView Hand 2022-01-09 (fly-1280)
Buzzy Colbert - HCG 2022-01-08 - Home cash game Kc,JdView Hand 2022-01-09 (eda-1002)
Buzzy Colbert - HCG 2022-01-08 - Home cash game Kd,8cView Hand 2022-01-09 (eda-1001)
Ben - HL home game - Decision with KK Ks,KdView Hand 2022-01-06 (beh-1001)
Ryan - 5/5 (5 ante) LATB - LATB Crazy action flop! Jc,JhView Hand 2022-01-05 (rpp-1100)
Ryan - 50/100(100BBA) - Hustler Casino Live Nick Vertucci vs Patrick! 7h,8hView Hand 2022-01-05 (rpp-1099)
Ryan - 1/3 NLH - Bryce wrangles with the whale! Qs,ThView Hand 2022-01-05 (rpp-1098)
Ryan - .5/1/2 (.5 ante) - Crazy action in a deep .5/1/2 game! Kh,KcView Hand 2022-01-05 (rpp-1097)
Ryan - 5/5/$50 BBA - Hustler Casino Live Nick Vertucci vs Rampage vs Randall! Ac,QdView Hand 2022-01-05 (rpp-1096)
Hayden Fortini - Turn Barreling Example - Lesson Turn betting Ts,9sView Hand 2022-01-05 (had-1001)
barry j fleishman - bjoad wynn 2200 - good shove? 9s,8sView Hand 2022-01-05 (bjo-1028)
barry j fleishman - bjoad wsop - key losing hadn 5s,5hView Hand 2022-01-05 (bjo-1027)
barry j fleishman - bjoad wsop - weak? Kc,QcView Hand 2022-01-05 (bjo-1026)
barry j fleishman - bjoad wsop - weakly played Ah,8hView Hand 2022-01-05 (bjo-1025)
barry j fleishman - bjoad wsop - good shove? Js,JdView Hand 2022-01-05 (bjo-1024)
barry j fleishman - bjoad wsop - river call? Ah,9hView Hand 2022-01-05 (bjo-1023)
barry j fleishman - bjoad wsop - weak fold? Ad,QdView Hand 2022-01-05 (bjo-1022)
barry j fleishman - bjoad wsop - value betting? As,QcView Hand 2022-01-05 (bjo-1021)
barry j fleishman - bjoad wsop - weak fold? As,5sView Hand 2022-01-05 (bjo-1020)
barry j fleishman - bjoad wsop - weakly played? 9s,8cView Hand 2022-01-05 (bjo-1019)
barry j fleishman - bjoad wynn 2200 - villain hits his flush Qh,9hView Hand 2022-01-05 (bjo-1018)
barry j fleishman - bjoad 2200 wynn - a little loose open but otherwise ok As,ThView Hand 2022-01-05 (bjo-1017)
barry j fleishman - bjoad 2200 tourn - three bet pre? 9d,8dView Hand 2022-01-05 (bjo-1016)
Steven Ramey - Yemar $200 online - Flopped Straight Th,9hView Hand 2022-01-04 (rae-1001)
Selma - Selma Daytona Monthly - AQ in BB Ac,QsView Hand 2021-12-31 (sla-1100)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (95) UTG vs B SRP View Hand 2021-12-31 (ski-1151)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (94) UTG vs SB SRP View Hand 2021-12-31 (ski-1150)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (93) UTG vs BB SRP View Hand 2021-12-31 (ski-1149)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (92) UTG7 vs LJ SRP Tc,TdView Hand 2021-12-31 (ski-1148)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (91) UTG7 vs HJ SRP 8s,9sView Hand 2021-12-31 (ski-1147)
barry j fleishman - bjoad wsop - spirit crusher As,AcView Hand 2021-12-31 (bjo-1015)
barry j fleishman - bjoad wsop - bet sizing 4s,4dView Hand 2021-12-31 (bjo-1014)
barry j fleishman - bjoad wsop - value river bet? Jh,ThView Hand 2021-12-31 (bjo-1013)
barry j fleishman - bjoad wsop main - poorly played Td,AsView Hand 2021-12-31 (bjo-1012)
barry j fleishman - bjoad 2200 tour - bet sizing? Ks,QhView Hand 2021-12-31 (bjo-1011)
barry j fleishman - bjoad 2200 tourn - hidden boat 9s,AsView Hand 2021-12-31 (bjo-1010)
barry j fleishman - bjoad 200 tour - aggressive bb play Td,7dView Hand 2021-12-31 (bjo-1009)
barry j fleishman - bjoad 2200 tourn - nit fold? 6s,8dView Hand 2021-12-31 (bjo-1008)
Kenneth Adams - WSOP Main Event 2021 - 3-bet pre-flop? Fold pre-flop? Kd,JdView Hand 2021-12-31 (aam-1002)
John Borges - John B IVPL on bubble - ICM considerations - 4 get paid Ah,QdView Hand 2021-12-30 (fly-1279)
barry j fleishman - bjoad venetian 2200 - bet sizing Ks,JsView Hand 2021-12-30 (bjo-1007)
barry j fleishman - bjoad venetian 2200 - easy raise Ts,ThView Hand 2021-12-30 (bjo-1006)
barry j fleishman - bjoad 2200 venetian - proper fold 7s,7hView Hand 2021-12-30 (bjo-1005)
barry j fleishman - bjoad venetian 2200 - turn bet size Qs,9cView Hand 2021-12-30 (bjo-1004)
barry j fleishman - bjoad 2200 venetian - raising set 8s,8dView Hand 2021-12-30 (bjo-1003)
barry j fleishman - bjoad 2200 venetian - raising set 8s,8dView Hand 2021-12-30 (bjo-1002)
barry j fleishman - bjoad 2200 venetian - good fold? Ks,QsView Hand 2021-12-30 (bjo-1001)
BaconTetris - $1/$2 NL - Live Cash Hand Kh,9cView Hand 2021-12-29 (kry-1001)
jpgiro - WSOP Reunion - WSOP Reunion Level 4 Kh,JhView Hand 2021-12-28 (jpg-1001)
Mohsin - WSOP - Deep Tournament View Hand 2021-12-27 (moi-1006)
Mohsin - HH - Process Ad,KhView Hand 2021-12-27 (moi-1005)
Mohsin - WSOP Event - Hand 1 Ks,KhView Hand 2021-12-27 (moi-1004)
Mohsin - Bellagio - FT Bubble hand View Hand 2021-12-27 (moi-1003)
Mohsin - Bellagio - Day 3 7d,8dView Hand 2021-12-27 (moi-1002)
Moses - mr 1/2 TCH - Loose 10h2h player Qd,QcView Hand 2021-12-26 (rao-1005)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (90) UTG7 vs CO SRP 9h,9dView Hand 2021-12-25 (ski-1146)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (89) UTG7 vs B SRP Jd,9dView Hand 2021-12-25 (ski-1145)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (88) UTG7 vs SB SRP View Hand 2021-12-25 (ski-1144)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (87) UTG7 vs BB SRP View Hand 2021-12-25 (ski-1143)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (86) LJ vs UTG8 SRP Kh,ThView Hand 2021-12-25 (ski-1142)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (85) LJ vs UTG7 SRP As,4sView Hand 2021-12-25 (ski-1141)
Jay - Cash Game Laura - Jay Bluff Q4 Qc,4cView Hand 2021-12-24 (wig-1012)
Jay - Cash Game - Ciara Set 88 8s,8hView Hand 2021-12-24 (wig-1011)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (84) LJ vs HJ SRP Ks,QsView Hand 2021-12-23 (ski-1140)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (83) LJ vs CO SRP 8h,7hView Hand 2021-12-23 (ski-1139)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (82) LJ vs B SRP Qs,TsView Hand 2021-12-23 (ski-1138)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (81) LJ vs SB SRP Kc,8cView Hand 2021-12-23 (ski-1137)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $5k # 8 - AA in CO vs LJ open View Hand 2021-12-23 (jaa-1114)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $5k # 7 - AKo in BB vs HJ open Ah,KsView Hand 2021-12-23 (jaa-1113)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $5k # 6 - 88 in LJ vs UTG+1 open View Hand 2021-12-23 (jaa-1112)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $5k # 5 - Q8s in LJ vs 3 callers Qh,8hView Hand 2021-12-23 (jaa-1111)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $5k # 4 - 87s in HJ vs UTG open 8s,7sView Hand 2021-12-23 (jaa-1110)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $5k # 1 - 43o in BB vs UTG open BU call 4c,3dView Hand 2021-12-23 (jaa-1109)
Faraz Jaka - Wynn $5k # 2 - A7s in BB vs CO open Ac,7cView Hand 2021-12-23 (jaa-1108)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (80) LJ vs B SRP View Hand 2021-12-22 (ski-1136)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (79) HJ vs UTG8 SRP Qs,TsView Hand 2021-12-22 (ski-1135)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (78) HJ vs UTG7 SRP View Hand 2021-12-22 (ski-1134)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (77) HJ vs LJ SRP View Hand 2021-12-22 (ski-1133)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (76) HJ vs CO SRP 8h,7hView Hand 2021-12-22 (ski-1132)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (75) HJ vs B SRP View Hand 2021-12-22 (ski-1131)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (74) HJ vs SB SRP View Hand 2021-12-22 (ski-1130)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (73) HJ vs B SRP 6h,5hView Hand 2021-12-22 (ski-1129)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (72) CO vs UTG SRP View Hand 2021-12-22 (ski-1128)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (71) CO vs LJ SRP 9s,TsView Hand 2021-12-22 (ski-1127)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (70) CO vs HJ SRP As,9sView Hand 2021-12-21 (ski-1126)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (69) CO vs B SRP Ac,7cView Hand 2021-12-21 (ski-1125)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (68) CO vs SB SRP View Hand 2021-12-21 (ski-1124)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (67) CO Vs BB SRP Qh,5hView Hand 2021-12-21 (ski-1123)
John Doe - The_GTO_Coin 1M GTD - Facing massive over bet As,QhView Hand 2021-12-21 (lui-1010)
John Doe - The_GTO_Coin 1M GTD - Overbet on flop Ks,QhView Hand 2021-12-21 (lui-1009)
JP Varella - JP 2/2 BESTB - Pocket Tens Monotone board 3 way Ts,TcView Hand 2021-12-21 (jpv-1004)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (66) Button vs UTG8 SRP Qd,JdView Hand 2021-12-20 (ski-1122)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (65) Button vs UTG7 SRP Ac,QdView Hand 2021-12-20 (ski-1121)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (64) Button vs LJ SRP Ah,4hView Hand 2021-12-20 (ski-1120)
JP Varella - JP 2/2 No Limit Best bet - 3-bet bluff squeeze OOP Qs,JcView Hand 2021-12-20 (jpv-1003)
JP Varella - JP 2/2 NO Limit - Thin Value Bet Ad,KsView Hand 2021-12-20 (jpv-1002)
JP Varella - JP bestbet 22 - Sizing and realization Js,JhView Hand 2021-12-19 (jpv-1001)
Caden Ortmeier - 100/200 cash style home game - Bad beat As,KsView Hand 2021-12-19 (cae-1001)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (63) Button vs HJ SRP Ks,TsView Hand 2021-12-18 (ski-1119)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (62) Button vs CO SRP Ts,9sView Hand 2021-12-18 (ski-1118)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (61) Button vs SB SRP Js,8sView Hand 2021-12-18 (ski-1117)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (60) Button vs BB SRP 9s,8sView Hand 2021-12-18 (ski-1116)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (59) SB vs UTG8 SRP Ah,ThView Hand 2021-12-18 (ski-1115)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (58) SB vs UTG7 SRP Ts,TcView Hand 2021-12-18 (ski-1114)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (57) SB vs LJ SRP Ks,6sView Hand 2021-12-18 (ski-1113)
Ryan - 1/2 NLH Online - Ryan the Rock vs Benny Diamonds 5s,5dView Hand 2021-12-18 (rpp-1095)
Ryan - 1/2 NLH Online - Ryan the Rock vs Ph34! Kd,QsView Hand 2021-12-18 (rpp-1094)
Ryan - .5/1 NLH Online - Ryan the Rock turns the nuts! Ad,KhView Hand 2021-12-18 (rpp-1093)
Ryan - Wynn 10/20/20 - $10k High Stakes Hand! Ac,8cView Hand 2021-12-18 (rpp-1092)
Ryan - Bryce 3/5 - BadBeatBryce vs loose passive recs! Jd,9dView Hand 2021-12-18 (rpp-1091)
Ryan - Poker Bunny HH - 100/200/200BBA Bobby's Room Jc,JhView Hand 2021-12-18 (rpp-1090)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (56) SB vs HJ SRP Th,9hView Hand 2021-12-17 (ski-1112)
Faraz Jaka - Bellagio $10k - #16 As,7sView Hand 2021-12-17 (jaa-1107)
Faraz Jaka - Bellagio $10k - #15 5s,5dView Hand 2021-12-17 (jaa-1106)
Faraz Jaka - Bellagio $10k - #14 Ah,QcView Hand 2021-12-17 (jaa-1105)
Faraz Jaka - Bellagio $10k - #13 Ad,9sView Hand 2021-12-17 (jaa-1104)
Faraz Jaka - Bellagio $10k - #12 As,QhView Hand 2021-12-17 (jaa-1103)
Faraz Jaka - Bellagio $10k - #11 Ah,5hView Hand 2021-12-17 (jaa-1102)
Faraz Jaka - Bellagio $10k - #10 7d,4dView Hand 2021-12-17 (jaa-1101)
Faraz Jaka - Bellagio $10k - #9 Jd,8dView Hand 2021-12-17 (jaa-1100)
Faraz Jaka - Bellagio $10k - #8 8c,9cView Hand 2021-12-17 (jaa-1099)
Faraz Jaka - Bellagio $10k - #7 8h,8dView Hand 2021-12-17 (jaa-1098)
Faraz Jaka - Bellagio $10k - #6 Ah,8sView Hand 2021-12-17 (jaa-1097)
Faraz Jaka - Bellagio $10k - #5 8c,8dView Hand 2021-12-17 (jaa-1096)
Faraz Jaka - Bellagio $10k - #4 As,JdView Hand 2021-12-17 (jaa-1095)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (55) SB vs CO SRP 6d,5dView Hand 2021-12-16 (ski-1111)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (54) SB vs Button SRP Qh,JdView Hand 2021-12-16 (ski-1110)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (53) SB vs BB SRP View Hand 2021-12-16 (ski-1109)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (52) BB Vs UTG8 SRP Jd,TdView Hand 2021-12-16 (ski-1108)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (51) BB Vs UTG7 SRP View Hand 2021-12-16 (ski-1107)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (50) BB Vs LJ SRP Kh,KcView Hand 2021-12-16 (ski-1106)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (49) BB Vs HJ SRP 8c,6cView Hand 2021-12-16 (ski-1105)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (48) BB Vs CO SRP Qh,ThView Hand 2021-12-16 (ski-1104)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (47) BB Vs B SRP Qs,TsView Hand 2021-12-16 (ski-1103)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (46) BB Vs SB SRP Jd,6dView Hand 2021-12-16 (ski-1102)
Faraz Jaka - Bellagio $10k - #3 8c,3cView Hand 2021-12-16 (jaa-1094)
Faraz Jaka - Bellagio $10k - #2 Kh,QdView Hand 2021-12-16 (jaa-1093)
Faraz Jaka - Bellagio $10k - #1 As,9cView Hand 2021-12-16 (jaa-1092)
Alexander Kleppe - NL10 - Cashgame Session 15.12.2021 Jh,JdView Hand 2021-12-16 (ald-1001)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (45) UTG7 Vs UTG8 3BP Qc,QsView Hand 2021-12-15 (ski-1101)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (44) LJ Vs UTG7 3BP Kd,JdView Hand 2021-12-15 (ski-1100)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (43) HJ Vs UTG8 3BP As,JsView Hand 2021-12-15 (ski-1099)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (42) HJ Vs UTG7 3BP Qs,QcView Hand 2021-12-15 (ski-1098)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (42) HJ Vs LJ 3BP Js,TsView Hand 2021-12-14 (ski-1097)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (41) CO Vs UTG8 3BP Jc,JdView Hand 2021-12-14 (ski-1096)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (40) CO Vs UTG7 3BP 8h,9hView Hand 2021-12-14 (ski-1095)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (39) CO Vs LJ 3BP As,KsView Hand 2021-12-14 (ski-1094)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (38) CO Vs HJ 3BP Ac,QcView Hand 2021-12-14 (ski-1093)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (37) B Vs UTG8 3BP Ks,9sView Hand 2021-12-14 (ski-1092)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (36) B Vs UTG7 3BP As,6sView Hand 2021-12-14 (ski-1091)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (35) B Vs LJ 3BP Ah,AcView Hand 2021-12-14 (ski-1090)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (34) B Vs HJ 3BP Ks,JcView Hand 2021-12-14 (ski-1089)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (33) B Vs CO 3BP Ks,QcView Hand 2021-12-14 (ski-1088)
muuuuuu - 2021 WSOP final table HU - 2021 WSOP final table HU Kc,QsView Hand 2021-12-13 (ogu-1036)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (32) SB vs UTG8 3BP Kc,QdView Hand 2021-12-12 (ski-1087)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (31) SB Vs UTG7 3BP Kd,JdView Hand 2021-12-12 (ski-1086)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (30) SB Vs LJ 3BP Ac,QcView Hand 2021-12-12 (ski-1085)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (29) SB Vs HJ 3BP As,KhView Hand 2021-12-12 (ski-1084)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (28) SB Vs CO 3BP 8h,9hView Hand 2021-12-12 (ski-1083)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (27) SB Vs Button 3BP Kh,JhView Hand 2021-12-12 (ski-1082)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (26) BB Vs UTG8 3BP Ah,KhView Hand 2021-12-12 (ski-1081)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (25) BB Vs UTG7 3BP As,ThView Hand 2021-12-12 (ski-1080)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (24) BB vs LJ 3BP Kd,TdView Hand 2021-12-12 (ski-1079)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (23) BB Vs HJ 3BP Ks,KhView Hand 2021-12-12 (ski-1078)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (22) BB vs CO 3BP Ac,5sView Hand 2021-12-12 (ski-1077)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (97) BB vs Button 3BP 8h,6hView Hand 2021-12-12 (ski-1076)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (21) BB vs SB 3BP Ad,JdView Hand 2021-12-12 (ski-1075)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (20) LJ vs UTG8 SRP Kc,QcView Hand 2021-12-12 (ski-1074)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (19) HJ vs UTG 8 SRP 2s,2cView Hand 2021-12-12 (ski-1073)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (18) HJ vs UTG7 Kd,QdView Hand 2021-12-12 (ski-1072)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (17) HJ vs LJ SRP Td,9dView Hand 2021-12-12 (ski-1071)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (16) CO Vs UTG SRP Qc,TcView Hand 2021-12-12 (ski-1070)
Sam - 400 cash - flush vs full house 7h,9hView Hand 2021-12-12 (sau-1002)
Sam - 400 cash - kings bad beat Ks,KhView Hand 2021-12-12 (sau-1001)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (15) CO vs UTG+1 SRP 8h,9hView Hand 2021-12-10 (ski-1069)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (14) CO Vs LJ SRP Qs,JsView Hand 2021-12-10 (ski-1068)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (13) CO vs HJ SRP Td,9dView Hand 2021-12-10 (ski-1067)
Faraz Jaka - Ryan hh - 4 Ks,TsView Hand 2021-12-10 (jaa-1091)
Faraz Jaka - Ryan hh - 3 Ad,QcView Hand 2021-12-10 (jaa-1090)
Faraz Jaka - Ryan hh - 2 7s,7hView Hand 2021-12-10 (jaa-1089)
Faraz Jaka - Ryan hh - 1 As,5sView Hand 2021-12-10 (jaa-1088)
Chase - Chase 2/5 live - dec9 As,QsView Hand 2021-12-10 (cca-1017)
Selma - Selma 250 Satellite - AJ Cooler Js,AdView Hand 2021-12-09 (sla-1099)
Selma - Selma 1100 Tampa - 4 Bet AK Ah,KdView Hand 2021-12-09 (sla-1098)
Selma - Selma 1100 Tampa - Pot Odds Call Kh,QcView Hand 2021-12-09 (sla-1097)
Selma - Selma 1100 Tampa - Boat over Boat Ah,TcView Hand 2021-12-09 (sla-1096)
Selma - Selma 1100 Tampa - Top set on low board 7s,7cView Hand 2021-12-09 (sla-1095)
Selma - Selma 1100 Tampa - Bad BB Spot Kd,8dView Hand 2021-12-09 (sla-1094)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (8) SB vs Button SRP 4h,5hView Hand 2021-12-09 (ski-1066)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (7) SB Vs CO SRP 6s,7sView Hand 2021-12-09 (ski-1065)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (6) SB Vs LJ SRP Ks,QhView Hand 2021-12-09 (ski-1064)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (5) SB Vs UTG Qc,JcView Hand 2021-12-09 (ski-1063)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (12) Button Vs UTG SRP Qs,JsView Hand 2021-12-08 (ski-1062)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (11) Button vs LJ SRP Ks,TsView Hand 2021-12-08 (ski-1061)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (10) Button vs HJ SRP Qs,JcView Hand 2021-12-08 (ski-1060)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (9) Button vs CO SRP Ts,9sView Hand 2021-12-08 (ski-1059)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (4) BB Vs UTG Js,TsView Hand 2021-12-08 (ski-1058)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (3) BB Vs LJ Ks,JcView Hand 2021-12-08 (ski-1057)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (2) BB Vs CO 7c,7dView Hand 2021-12-08 (ski-1056)
James Romero - James Romero Solver Practice - (1) BB Vs Button 5d,6dView Hand 2021-12-08 (ski-1055)
BF - 10k main event - 4 way bb defend Ts,7sView Hand 2021-12-08 (fow-1002)
BF - 400 WSOPc monster stack - UTG vs CO3b Jh,ThView Hand 2021-12-08 (fow-1001)
JOSE LUIZ ALCANTARA FILHO - zezo_filho start up - 75 ft start up 7s,5hView Hand 2021-12-07 (zez-1001)
Alex Cruz - CG - Lost 9h,7hView Hand 2021-12-07 (crz-1006)
Alex Cruz - CG - Win Kc,JcView Hand 2021-12-07 (crz-1005)
Leonardo - Cash - Pot odds explicação 8s,6dView Hand 2021-12-06 (len-1006)
Alex Cruz - CG - Win Kh,AsView Hand 2021-12-06 (crz-1004)
Alex Cruz - CG - Win Ah,KhView Hand 2021-12-06 (crz-1003)
Alex Cruz - CG - Lost Js,JdView Hand 2021-12-06 (crz-1002)
Benno - Gambit Stars NL25 - Loosing a set vs a straigt 2d,2cView Hand 2021-12-05 (GB-1097)
Benno - Gambit Stars NL25 - Loosing vs a boat Qd,7dView Hand 2021-12-05 (GB-1096)
Alex Cruz - CG - Lost Jc,TcView Hand 2021-12-05 (crz-1001)
John Doe - The_GTO_Coin $900 Freezout - 23 left, paying 15 Ks,JdView Hand 2021-12-02 (lui-1008)
John Borges - John B Synd 5 #2 - Puuuuuuunt Qs,JsView Hand 2021-12-02 (fly-1278)
John Borges - John B Synd 5 #1 - trouble? As,5sView Hand 2021-12-02 (fly-1277)
LeonGaeilge - LGDM 6 - 1/2 Kc,KsView Hand 2021-12-01 (dxi-1022)
LeonGaeilge - LGDM 5 - 1/2 Ad,KcView Hand 2021-12-01 (dxi-1021)
LeonGaeilge - LGDM 4 - 1/2 Ac,QdView Hand 2021-12-01 (dxi-1020)
LeonGaeilge - LGDM 3 - 1/2 View Hand 2021-12-01 (dxi-1019)
LeonGaeilge - LGDM 2 - 1/2 4c,4dView Hand 2021-12-01 (dxi-1018)
LeonGaeilge - LGDM 1 - 1/2 Ad,8cView Hand 2021-12-01 (dxi-1017)
Cody - $1/3 MGM multi-way - LJ AdQd Ad,QdView Hand 2021-12-01 (cod-1012)
Thiago Decano - Thiago Decano Icmizer - D30 82 As,7sView Hand 2021-11-30 (pei-1009)
John Doe - The_GTO_Coin 500 1M GTD - River facing a bet 8c,7hView Hand 2021-11-30 (lui-1006)
John Doe - The_GTO_Coin 500 1M GTD - Eealy Game Ah,KdView Hand 2021-11-30 (lui-1005)
Avraham Jacobsohn - Jay GutshotStraightDrawSample - Simple example of drawing to a gutshot straight Jh,9hView Hand 2021-11-30 (avr-1003)
Pat Heffern - condorpmh CCG - 28-Nov-2021 Jh,JdView Hand 2021-11-29 (paf-1001)
JJ - horseshoe local - what does turn shove range look like? Qh,QsView Hand 2021-11-29 (jcj-1371)
JJ - 1/3 cash - facing turn shove...can i fold here or too much money out there? Qh,QcView Hand 2021-11-29 (jcj-1370)
Avraham Jacobsohn - Jay OpenEndedStraightDrawSample - Simple example of drawing to a straight Jh,ThView Hand 2021-11-29 (avr-1002)
Avraham Jacobsohn - Jay FlushDrawSample - Simple example of drawing to a fluh Ks,JsView Hand 2021-11-29 (avr-1001)
William L - $1000 WSOP super turbo - Float flop? Raise? Ks,4sView Hand 2021-11-28 (wil-1255)
William L - $1500 WSOP - Raise turn? Ad,JsView Hand 2021-11-28 (wil-1254)
William L - $1700 tournament - Fold to raise? Ks,QdView Hand 2021-11-28 (wil-1253)
William L - $1700 tournament - Pair + gutshot on flop 8c,6cView Hand 2021-11-28 (wil-1252)
William L - $5/$5 NL - Fold turned two pair? Kh,ThView Hand 2021-11-28 (wil-1251)
William L - $360 tournament - Stone bubble - call off any two? 9s,4cView Hand 2021-11-28 (wil-1250)
William L - $360 tournament - Squeeze? Qh,JhView Hand 2021-11-28 (wil-1249)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $100k guarantee on ACR - Hero 3-bets light BB vs BTN and misses. Line? Ks,8cView Hand 2021-11-28 (mcl-1337)
Benno - Gambit Stars NL25 - KK cold 4bet vs AK calling draw heavy board Kh,KsView Hand 2021-11-28 (GB-1095)
Benno - Gambit Stars NL25 - TT vs a A9s hitting the flush Ts,TcView Hand 2021-11-28 (GB-1094)
Benno - Gambit Stars NL25 - JJ vs AQ on a wet board Jh,JdView Hand 2021-11-28 (GB-1093)
mpache - cash - don't slow play kings Kc,KhView Hand 2021-11-27 (mln-1002)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP $100K - Hand 20 As,6hView Hand 2021-11-27 (bdo-1421)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP $100K - Hand 19 As,KhView Hand 2021-11-27 (bdo-1420)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP $100K - Hand 18 As,9hView Hand 2021-11-27 (bdo-1419)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP $100K - Hand 17 Js,TcView Hand 2021-11-27 (bdo-1418)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP $100K - Hand 16 Qs,QhView Hand 2021-11-27 (bdo-1417)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP $100K - Hand 15 Kh,JdView Hand 2021-11-27 (bdo-1416)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP $100K - Hand 14 Ad,TdView Hand 2021-11-27 (bdo-1415)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP $100K - Hand 13 Th,TdView Hand 2021-11-27 (bdo-1414)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP $100K - Hand 12 Th,TcView Hand 2021-11-27 (bdo-1413)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP $100K - Hand 11 As,7hView Hand 2021-11-27 (bdo-1412)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP $100K - Hand 10 As,QhView Hand 2021-11-27 (bdo-1411)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP $100K - Hand 9 Ac,9cView Hand 2021-11-27 (bdo-1410)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP $100K - Hand 8 As,KhView Hand 2021-11-27 (bdo-1409)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP $100K - Hand 7 Ad,JsView Hand 2021-11-27 (bdo-1408)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP $100K - Hand 6 5s,5cView Hand 2021-11-27 (bdo-1407)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP $100K - Hand 5 Ac,ThView Hand 2021-11-27 (bdo-1406)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP $100K - Hand 4 Js,TcView Hand 2021-11-27 (bdo-1405)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP $100K - Hand 3 Qd,TdView Hand 2021-11-27 (bdo-1404)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP $100K - Hand 2 Jc,TcView Hand 2021-11-27 (bdo-1403)
PokerCoaching - JL WSOP $100K - Hand 1 As,KhView Hand 2021-11-27 (bdo-1402)
Thiago Decano - Thiago Decano PPPoker - flush river - Sem shove nuts river Ad,8dView Hand 2021-11-26 (pei-1008)
Thiago Decano - Thiago Decano PPPoker - home game loose - S/ extrair river - Cris - medo de boat 9d,TsView Hand 2021-11-25 (pei-1007)
Thiago Decano - Thiago Decano PS mid stakes - Lead obrigatória, mas extraiu pouco turn e river Jd,4dView Hand 2021-11-25 (pei-1006)
Thiago Decano - Thiago Decano PPPoker - High Roller - Sem extrair mais river Kc,QcView Hand 2021-11-25 (pei-1005)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - OOP vs loose guy Ks,JdView Hand 2021-11-25 (BV-1271)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - Nut flush OOP against wild drunk Ad,6dView Hand 2021-11-25 (BV-1270)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - Check raise draw Qd,8dView Hand 2021-11-25 (BV-1269)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - Flush draw OOP Kd,JdView Hand 2021-11-25 (BV-1268)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - Nut flush draw Ad,9dView Hand 2021-11-25 (BV-1267)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - Bluff river with A flush blocker As,QhView Hand 2021-11-25 (BV-1266)
RENATO LUIS DE PAULA - JorgeMacuco PPPoker - mid stakes - Blind war: size valuebet river 7h,7cView Hand 2021-11-24 (rea-1003)
RENATO LUIS DE PAULA - JorgeMacuco PPPoker - Cris - BetBaixa Flop e Turn 3d,3cView Hand 2021-11-24 (rea-1002)
RENATO LUIS DE PAULA - JorgeMacuco PS 5.50 - Mão da Fabíola, Mentoria 5, 1ª aula Ac,KhView Hand 2021-11-24 (rea-1001)
Thiago Decano - Thiago Decano Sem extrair tudo river - Aposta baixa Kh,9hView Hand 2021-11-24 (pei-1004)
Thiago Decano - Thiago Decano PPPoker 1000 - Sem extrair máximo As,AcView Hand 2021-11-24 (pei-1003)
Thiago Decano - Thiago Decano PS 5.50 - Sem extrair river Ac,KhView Hand 2021-11-24 (pei-1002)
hugo - CG live 5-5 - hugo Kc,5cView Hand 2021-11-21 (hug-1001)
Matheus Lopes - mmfl95 BB defense - ex4 6c,7dView Hand 2021-11-16 (mte-1019)
Matheus Lopes - mmfl95 BB defense - ex3 As,6hView Hand 2021-11-16 (mte-1018)
Matheus Lopes - mmfl95 BB defense - ex2 Kd,TdView Hand 2021-11-16 (mte-1017)
Matheus Lopes - mmfl95 BB defense - ex1 8d,3dView Hand 2021-11-16 (mte-1016)
Moses - mr 1/2 TCH - Opponent with 1k stack hard to win Ad,KhView Hand 2021-11-14 (rao-1004)
Moses - mr 1/2 Tch - bad spot where queen no good Qd,TdView Hand 2021-11-14 (rao-1003)
Moses - mr 1/2 1st hand of night TCH - Pocket 10s cracked to straight Td,ThView Hand 2021-11-14 (rao-1002)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 Day 3 - #34 Ac,ThView Hand 2021-11-12 (jaa-1087)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 Day 3 - #30 Ad,8dView Hand 2021-11-12 (jaa-1086)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 Day 3 - #29 Kc,6cView Hand 2021-11-12 (jaa-1085)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 Day 3 - #24 Kh,TdView Hand 2021-11-12 (jaa-1084)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 Day 3 - #23 Qc,QsView Hand 2021-11-12 (jaa-1083)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 Day 3 - #21 Kh,6sView Hand 2021-11-12 (jaa-1082)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 Day 3 - #20 Kh,9hView Hand 2021-11-12 (jaa-1081)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 Day 3 - #19 5d,4dView Hand 2021-11-12 (jaa-1080)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 Day 3 - #17 Js,JhView Hand 2021-11-12 (jaa-1079)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 Day 3 - #9 6s,3cView Hand 2021-11-12 (jaa-1078)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 Day 3 - #7 Js,6cView Hand 2021-11-12 (jaa-1077)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 Day 2 - #45 3s,3hView Hand 2021-11-12 (jaa-1076)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 Day 2 - #43 Ts,6dView Hand 2021-11-12 (jaa-1075)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 Day 2 - #41 7d,7hView Hand 2021-11-12 (jaa-1074)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 Day 2 - #38 7d,4cView Hand 2021-11-12 (jaa-1073)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 Day 2 - #37 Qc,9cView Hand 2021-11-12 (jaa-1072)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 Day 2 - #36 Jd,9dView Hand 2021-11-12 (jaa-1071)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 Day 2 - #35 As,TdView Hand 2021-11-12 (jaa-1070)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 Day 2 - #20 Ks,JcView Hand 2021-11-12 (jaa-1069)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 Day 2 - #19 5s,5cView Hand 2021-11-12 (jaa-1068)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 Day 2 - #18 Qs,JcView Hand 2021-11-12 (jaa-1067)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 Day 2 - #15 As,TcView Hand 2021-11-12 (jaa-1066)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 Day 2 - #4 Jd,5dView Hand 2021-11-12 (jaa-1065)
PokerCoaching - Gershon Distenfeld - WSOP 2021 Event #48 (4) Ac,KcView Hand 2021-11-12 (bdo-1401)
PokerCoaching - Gershon Distenfeld - WSOP 2021 Event #48 (3) Ah,KsView Hand 2021-11-12 (bdo-1400)
Mohsin - 10k wsop main - WSOP Main Event Day 2 View Hand 2021-11-11 (moi-1001)
JJ - 2/5 cash dallas TCH - thoughts on shoving river vs small CXR? Ks,QcView Hand 2021-11-11 (jcj-1369)
JJ - 2/5 cash dallas TCH - thoughts on river call? As,JsView Hand 2021-11-11 (jcj-1368)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 - #28 Jc,TcView Hand 2021-11-11 (jaa-1064)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 - #26 Ac,KcView Hand 2021-11-11 (jaa-1063)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 - #24 8s,7cView Hand 2021-11-11 (jaa-1062)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 - #22 Kh,JhView Hand 2021-11-11 (jaa-1061)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 - #20 Ac,KhView Hand 2021-11-11 (jaa-1060)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 - #18 Jc,TdView Hand 2021-11-11 (jaa-1059)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 - #16 8s,8hView Hand 2021-11-11 (jaa-1058)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 - #15 Kc,JdView Hand 2021-11-11 (jaa-1057)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 - #14 7s,6dView Hand 2021-11-11 (jaa-1056)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 - #13 Kc,JsView Hand 2021-11-11 (jaa-1055)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 - #12 Kc,4cView Hand 2021-11-11 (jaa-1054)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 - #11 Ts,9sView Hand 2021-11-11 (jaa-1053)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 - #10 3h,3dView Hand 2021-11-11 (jaa-1052)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 - #9 7h,7dView Hand 2021-11-11 (jaa-1051)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 - #6 As,KhView Hand 2021-11-11 (jaa-1050)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 - #4 As,9dView Hand 2021-11-11 (jaa-1049)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 - #3 Kd,JhView Hand 2021-11-11 (jaa-1048)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP MAIN 2021 - #2 Ah,4hView Hand 2021-11-11 (jaa-1047)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian $600 WSOP Deepstack - UTG vs BB x/r Ks,QhView Hand 2021-11-10 (opp-1002)
Ken Oppenheimer - thecontrarian $1000 WSOP Mini Main - JJ set down to probable flush Js,JhView Hand 2021-11-10 (opp-1001)
JJ - 2/5 cash dallas TCH - facing min raise and cold caller with top top? Ah,KcView Hand 2021-11-10 (jcj-1367)
JJ - local TCH tourney - thoughts on playing postflop vs shoving allin against unknown? Kh,QhView Hand 2021-11-10 (jcj-1366)
JJ - choctaw WPT deepstacks - what to do with OESD with Kd with no fold equity? Kd,JhView Hand 2021-11-10 (jcj-1365)
JJ - choctaw WPT deepstack - how to respond postflop with JJ? Jh,JdView Hand 2021-11-10 (jcj-1364)
JJ - choctaw WPT deepstack - what to do against flop lead with range advantage? As,QsView Hand 2021-11-10 (jcj-1363)
JJ - choctaw WPT deepstack - how to play top set in 3 bet pot Ks,KhView Hand 2021-11-10 (jcj-1362)
- g - 6 Qh,AsView Hand 2021-11-10 (gul-1006)
- g - 5 Qd,9hView Hand 2021-11-10 (gul-1005)
LeonGaeilge - Goldring 1/2 - Check Shove Semi bluff View Hand 2021-11-10 (dxi-1016)
LeonGaeilge - Goldring 1/2 - Turn semi bluff shove 7d,8dView Hand 2021-11-10 (dxi-1015)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 2 - Hand 23 8s,8hView Hand 2021-11-10 (bdo-1399)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 2 - Hand 22 7h,5hView Hand 2021-11-10 (bdo-1398)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 2 - Hand 21 Ad,KcView Hand 2021-11-10 (bdo-1397)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 2 - Hand 20 Ks,5hView Hand 2021-11-10 (bdo-1396)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 2 - Hand 19 3s,3dView Hand 2021-11-10 (bdo-1395)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 2 - Hand 18 Kh,ThView Hand 2021-11-10 (bdo-1394)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 2 - Hand 17 Ad,QhView Hand 2021-11-10 (bdo-1393)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 2 - Hand 16 Ad,QsView Hand 2021-11-10 (bdo-1392)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 2 - Hand 15 Kd,JhView Hand 2021-11-10 (bdo-1391)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 2 - Hand 14 Ac,JcView Hand 2021-11-10 (bdo-1390)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 2 - Hand13 Qh,JhView Hand 2021-11-10 (bdo-1389)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 2 - Hand 12 Ac,6cView Hand 2021-11-10 (bdo-1388)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 2 - Hand 11 6d,6hView Hand 2021-11-10 (bdo-1387)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 2 - Hand 10 Qs,TcView Hand 2021-11-10 (bdo-1386)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 2 - Hand 9 As,AhView Hand 2021-11-10 (bdo-1385)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 2 - Hand 8 Jd,8dView Hand 2021-11-10 (bdo-1384)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 2 - Hand 7 Jd,7hView Hand 2021-11-10 (bdo-1383)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 2 - Hand 6 Js,9sView Hand 2021-11-10 (bdo-1382)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 2 - Hand 5 Ac,QhView Hand 2021-11-10 (bdo-1381)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 2 - Hand 4 Ac,QcView Hand 2021-11-10 (bdo-1380)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 2 - Hand 3 3h,3sView Hand 2021-11-10 (bdo-1379)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 2 - Hand 2 9s,9cView Hand 2021-11-10 (bdo-1378)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 2 - Hand 1 Ah,4hView Hand 2021-11-10 (bdo-1377)
CK - CK $340 Live MTT - Flop FD vs Trappy Player Ac,3cView Hand 2021-11-09 (kid-1001)
- g - 4 Ac,JdView Hand 2021-11-09 (gul-1004)
PokerCoaching - Faraz Jaka - WSOP D1 Hand 3 8s,8hView Hand 2021-11-08 (bdo-1376)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 1D - Hand 27 Ks,JcView Hand 2021-11-08 (bdo-1375)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 1D - Hand 26 6s,5cView Hand 2021-11-08 (bdo-1374)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 1D - Hand 25 Ad,KhView Hand 2021-11-08 (bdo-1373)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 1D - Hand 24 7s,7dView Hand 2021-11-08 (bdo-1372)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 1D - Hand 23 Jd,8dView Hand 2021-11-08 (bdo-1371)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 1D - Hand 22 Jd,9dView Hand 2021-11-08 (bdo-1370)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 1D - Hand 21 Ks,JhView Hand 2021-11-08 (bdo-1369)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 1D - Hand 20 Qc,JcView Hand 2021-11-08 (bdo-1368)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 1D - Hand 19 Kc,JcView Hand 2021-11-08 (bdo-1367)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 1D - Hand 18 Kh,JcView Hand 2021-11-08 (bdo-1366)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 1D - Hand 17 Ks,KhView Hand 2021-11-08 (bdo-1365)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 1D - Hand 16 Ac,TcView Hand 2021-11-08 (bdo-1364)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 1D - Hand 15 6s,5sView Hand 2021-11-08 (bdo-1363)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 1D - Hand 14 7h,6hView Hand 2021-11-08 (bdo-1362)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 1D - Hand 13 Kc,KhView Hand 2021-11-08 (bdo-1361)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 1D - Hand 12 Qh,9hView Hand 2021-11-08 (bdo-1360)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 1D - Hand 11 Ad,9dView Hand 2021-11-08 (bdo-1359)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 1D - Hand 10 Js,9sView Hand 2021-11-08 (bdo-1358)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 1D - Hand 9 Jc,9cView Hand 2021-11-08 (bdo-1357)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 1D - Hand 8 Ad,7dView Hand 2021-11-08 (bdo-1356)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 1D - Hand 7 Kh,JhView Hand 2021-11-08 (bdo-1355)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 1D - Hand 6 4d,4sView Hand 2021-11-08 (bdo-1354)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 1D - Hand 5 Kd,JhView Hand 2021-11-08 (bdo-1353)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 1D - Hand 4 Ah,2dView Hand 2021-11-08 (bdo-1352)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 1D - Hand 3 7h,6hView Hand 2021-11-08 (bdo-1351)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 1D - Hand 2 Kc,4cView Hand 2021-11-08 (bdo-1350)
PokerCoaching - JL 2021 WSOP Main Day 1D - Hand 1 9s,9cView Hand 2021-11-08 (bdo-1349)
PokerCoaching - Faraz Jaka - WSOP D1 Hand 2 Ks,5cView Hand 2021-11-08 (bdo-1348)
PokerCoaching - Faraz Jaka - WSOP D1 Hand 1 Kh,JhView Hand 2021-11-08 (bdo-1347)
Faraz Jaka - wsop main 2021 - KJ in SB Kd,JhView Hand 2021-11-07 (jaa-1046)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP Main 2021 - facing turn lead 6c,6hView Hand 2021-11-07 (jaa-1045)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP Main 2021 - sb vs bb with 2nd pair Ks,5dView Hand 2021-11-07 (jaa-1044)
Faraz Jaka - WSOP Main 2021 - Small pair from EP 6s,6hView Hand 2021-11-07 (jaa-1043)
Reid Yamamoto - reidmoto AA on button - AA on button As,AdView Hand 2021-11-06 (rei-1005)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AKs OOP TPtK facing raise & aggression. River plan? As,KsView Hand 2021-11-06 (miq-1424)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - J9s flop trips multi-way line check, river? Jc,9cView Hand 2021-11-06 (miq-1423)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AKs 3b pot oop line check, too nitty? As,KsView Hand 2021-11-06 (miq-1422)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 99 otb vs reg squeeze. 4b call? 9s,9hView Hand 2021-11-06 (miq-1421)
Larry H - LH2838 50.00 - Top pair vs Utg Ad,QdView Hand 2021-11-06 (hie-1031)
LeonGaeilge - Star 250 Aix - SB AQ 3barrell Ad,QcView Hand 2021-11-06 (dxi-1014)
PokerCoaching - Alex Fitzgerald - WSOP Hand (3) Qc,JcView Hand 2021-11-06 (bdo-1346)
PokerCoaching - Alex Fitzgerald - WSOP Hand (2) As,KhView Hand 2021-11-06 (bdo-1345)
PokerCoaching - Alex Fitzgerald - WSOP Hand (1) Js,JhView Hand 2021-11-06 (bdo-1344)
Jack - AT - AT As,TsView Hand 2021-11-05 (jcw-1013)
Jack - AT - AT As,TsView Hand 2021-11-05 (jcw-1012)
Jack - AJ - AJ As,JsView Hand 2021-11-05 (jcw-1011)
Jack - AT - AT Ad,KcView Hand 2021-11-05 (jcw-1010)
- g - 3 Jc,8cView Hand 2021-11-05 (gul-1003)
PokerCoaching - Gershon Distenfeld - WSOP 2021 Event #48 (2) 4c,4dView Hand 2021-11-05 (bdo-1343)
Kai - Home Game - Flush 7d,6dView Hand 2021-11-03 (wol-1001)
Selma - Selma Collusus - Missed Value? Jc,7cView Hand 2021-11-03 (sla-1093)
Selma - Selma Collussus - Double Up Ad,TdView Hand 2021-11-03 (sla-1092)
Selma - Selma Collusus - Flip Ac,KdView Hand 2021-11-03 (sla-1091)
Selma - Selma Collusus - AQ suckout Ah,KhView Hand 2021-11-03 (sla-1090)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - Q9o vs reg, river call? Qd,9sView Hand 2021-11-03 (miq-1420)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AJs BvB vs multi-tabler deep Ah,JhView Hand 2021-11-03 (miq-1419)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AKs 3b pot deep vs spew-tard, flush, line check Ad,KdView Hand 2021-11-03 (miq-1418)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QTs iso limper ip 4-way flop vs several fish and big draw Qc,TcView Hand 2021-11-03 (miq-1417)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 87s iso limper ip multi-way 7-high flop vs fishes 8s,7sView Hand 2021-11-03 (miq-1416)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KJo iso limper 4-way to flop TP3K facing donks Ks,JhView Hand 2021-11-03 (miq-1415)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - J9s iso limper 3b pot multi-way IP, odds & ranges? Jc,9cView Hand 2021-11-03 (miq-1414)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 77 ip deep vs reg fills up and overbet, sizing? 7h,7sView Hand 2021-11-03 (miq-1413)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - TT oop 4b pot, line check vs aggro reg Th,TdView Hand 2021-11-03 (miq-1412)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KK 4b pot oop w A high flop (note is v posted when new) Ks,KcView Hand 2021-11-03 (miq-1411)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KK IP vs UTG from multi-tabler, wtf am I doing? Ks,KhView Hand 2021-11-03 (miq-1410)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - T9o BB defend vs multi-tabler, too nitty? Th,9cView Hand 2021-11-03 (miq-1409)
Don Bisco - Blitz MM 2021 - SB vs BB Js,4sView Hand 2021-11-03 (don-1040)
Don Bisco - Blitz MM 2021 - VS the Calling Station 5s,5cView Hand 2021-11-03 (don-1039)
Don Bisco - Blitz MM 2021 - Villain's POV As,KsView Hand 2021-11-03 (don-1038)
Don Bisco - Blitz MM 2021 - Inspired by John 6s,6cView Hand 2021-11-03 (don-1037)
Don Bisco - Blitz MM 2021 - First Hand 4s,4dView Hand 2021-11-03 (don-1036)
PokerCoaching - Gershon Distenfeld - WSOP 2021 Event #48 (1) 9h,9sView Hand 2021-11-03 (bdo-1342)
PokerCoaching - Lara Eisenberg - WSOP 2021 Ladies Championship (12) 9s,8sView Hand 2021-11-03 (bdo-1341)
PokerCoaching - Lara Eisenberg - WSOP 2021 Ladies Championship (11) Js,7sView Hand 2021-11-03 (bdo-1340)
PokerCoaching - Lara Eisenberg - WSOP 2021 Ladies Championship (10) Ts,8sView Hand 2021-11-03 (bdo-1339)
PokerCoaching - Lara Eisenberg - WSOP 2021 Ladies Championship (9) Ac,TdView Hand 2021-11-03 (bdo-1338)
PokerCoaching - Lara Eisenberg - WSOP 2021 Ladies Championship (8) As,8dView Hand 2021-11-03 (bdo-1337)
PokerCoaching - Lara Eisenberg - WSOP 2021 Ladies Championship (6) Ad,TdView Hand 2021-11-03 (bdo-1336)
PokerCoaching - Lara Eisenberg - WSOP 2021 Ladies Championship (7) Ad,KsView Hand 2021-11-03 (bdo-1335)
PokerCoaching - Lara Eisenberg - WSOP 2021 Ladies Championship (5) Ad,7sView Hand 2021-11-03 (bdo-1334)
PokerCoaching - Lara Eisenberg - WSOP 2021 Ladies Championship (4) As,2sView Hand 2021-11-03 (bdo-1333)
PokerCoaching - Lara Eisenberg - WSOP 2021 Ladies Championship (3) Ad,9cView Hand 2021-11-03 (bdo-1332)
PokerCoaching - Lara Eisenberg - WSOP 2021 Ladies Championship (2) Kd,TcView Hand 2021-11-03 (bdo-1331)
PokerCoaching - Lara Eisenberg - WSOP 2021 Ladies Championship (1) 8s,8cView Hand 2021-11-03 (bdo-1330)
Alan Ho - Alan H. 2021 WSOP Sr. 1B - AA facing 15bb shove Ah,AsView Hand 2021-11-02 (ker-1179)
Alan Ho - Alan H. 2021 WSOP Sr. 1B - AQo LJ Ad,QhView Hand 2021-11-02 (ker-1178)
Alan Ho - Alan H. 2021 WSOP Sr. 1B - Q7s HJ Qh,7hView Hand 2021-11-02 (ker-1177)
Alan Ho - Alan H. 2021 WSOP Sr. 1B - AJh +1 HU Ah,JhView Hand 2021-11-02 (ker-1176)
Alan Ho - Alan H. 2021 WSOP Sr. 1B - KK in LJ facing 1 limper; LAG image Kh,KdView Hand 2021-11-02 (ker-1175)
Alan Ho - Alan H. 2021 WSOP Sr. 1B - 86s in BTN 8c,6cView Hand 2021-11-02 (ker-1174)
Alan Ho - Alan H. 2021 WSOP Sr. 1B - T8s BTN Th,8hView Hand 2021-11-02 (ker-1173)
Alan Ho - Alan H. 2021 WSOP Sr. 1B - A3s BTN Ah,3hView Hand 2021-11-02 (ker-1172)
Alan Ho - Alan H. 2021 WSOP Sr. 1A - Q8s big raise over 2 limpers Qc,8cView Hand 2021-11-02 (ker-1171)
Alan Ho - Alan H. 2021 WSOP Sr. 1A - KK in SB Ks,KhView Hand 2021-11-02 (ker-1170)
Alan Ho - Alan H. 2021 WSOP Sr. 1A - QJo in HJ Qc,JsView Hand 2021-11-02 (ker-1169)
Alan Ho - Alan H. 2021 WSOP Sr. 1A - QJs in BB Qc,JcView Hand 2021-11-02 (ker-1168)
Alan Ho - Alan H. 2021 WSOP Sr. 1A - T9s Td,9dView Hand 2021-11-02 (ker-1167)
Alan Ho - Alan H. 2021 WSOP Sr. 1A - JTs BB Js,TsView Hand 2021-11-02 (ker-1166)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #3 2021 - AKs UTG As,KsView Hand 2021-11-02 (ker-1165)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #3 2021 - KQo from EP Ks,QcView Hand 2021-11-02 (ker-1164)
Michael Zaitz - Mike $1/$2 NL Live - Pocket Qs Vs Js Qs,QhView Hand 2021-11-01 (mza-1001)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - K8s bluff jam river spew Kh,8hView Hand 2021-11-01 (miq-1408)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A4o BB defend, bluff catch w bottom pair? Ac,4hView Hand 2021-11-01 (miq-1407)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 97o limped pot, value bet river? call river? 7s,9dView Hand 2021-11-01 (miq-1406)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 63o BB defend vs min-raise, flop trips, line check (flop raise sizing was aweful) 6c,3dView Hand 2021-11-01 (miq-1405)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AQs IP vs donk bets. Ac,QcView Hand 2021-11-01 (miq-1404)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - K8s BB defend multi-way, trips vs large bets, deep Kc,8cView Hand 2021-11-01 (miq-1403)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 97s multi-way SRP, bluff vs weak bets 9d,7dView Hand 2021-11-01 (miq-1402)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 44 defend vs reg, overbet river bluff 4s,4hView Hand 2021-11-01 (miq-1401)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KJo defend vs reg, x-r too thin? Ks,JhView Hand 2021-11-01 (miq-1400)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - JJ fold preflop oop vs raise & 3b ?? Js,JdView Hand 2021-11-01 (miq-1399)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QTs oop - x-r line vs aggro fish Qs,TsView Hand 2021-11-01 (miq-1398)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KK oop line check AAxxx board 4b pot Ks,KdView Hand 2021-11-01 (miq-1397)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - J6s defend, I donk turn, bluff river - line check Jh,6hView Hand 2021-11-01 (miq-1396)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AKo IP line check w/ 2nd nut flush draw vs reg Ac,KhView Hand 2021-11-01 (miq-1395)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KK ep vs ep deep with added pot $, aaand poker is dead. Kd,KcView Hand 2021-11-01 (miq-1394)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 77 vs likely fish, oop vs shorty line check 7d,7sView Hand 2021-11-01 (miq-1393)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 98s 3b pot OOP, line check Pf? turn? ...totally lost on river. 8c,9cView Hand 2021-11-01 (miq-1392)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QQ IP vs fish, line check Qs,QhView Hand 2021-11-01 (miq-1391)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - T9s OOP vs Iso'd pot, PF? continue turn? Plan? Th,9hView Hand 2021-11-01 (miq-1390)
LeonGaeilge - Basic 150 Bandol - Turn check shove bluff 7d,8dView Hand 2021-10-31 (dxi-1013)
LeonGaeilge - Basic 150 Casino Bandol - 3barrell bluff Js,KcView Hand 2021-10-31 (dxi-1012)
PokerCoaching - James Romero - Hand 2 7s,7cView Hand 2021-10-31 (bdo-1329)
Jay - Laura Cash - JJ Ciara Js,JhView Hand 2021-10-30 (wig-1010)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AKo OOP vs reg line check & sizing Ad,KsView Hand 2021-10-30 (miq-1389)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A5s 4b bluff vs reg -- see shorties Ad,5dView Hand 2021-10-30 (miq-1388)
Efren Rafael Fazio Soto - EFF NL2Online - Fish action? 7s,7hView Hand 2021-10-30 (efr-1006)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A2s OtB vs uber fish, river call too ambitious Ac,2cView Hand 2021-10-29 (miq-1387)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - JJ 3b OOP vs unknown seemed decent small sample Js,JcView Hand 2021-10-29 (miq-1386)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - Q9s multi-way folding TopPair to 1 bet vs reg Qd,9dView Hand 2021-10-29 (miq-1385)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - ATo vs Limp-reraise from short fish Ad,ThView Hand 2021-10-29 (miq-1384)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AQs BvB vs Fish sizing up Ad,QdView Hand 2021-10-29 (miq-1383)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KK vs x-r flop, line check Kd,KcView Hand 2021-10-29 (miq-1382)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QTs 3b IP line check vs x-r Qc,TcView Hand 2021-10-29 (miq-1381)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KTs 3b oop line check, river bluff jam Kh,ThView Hand 2021-10-29 (miq-1380)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KQo iso limper multi-way post flop Ks,QdView Hand 2021-10-29 (miq-1379)
PokerCoaching - James Romero - Hand 3 As,3sView Hand 2021-10-29 (bdo-1328)
PokerCoaching - James Romero - Hand 1 Kh,9hView Hand 2021-10-29 (bdo-1327)
Yongwoo - Genghis Han .10/.25 - ACR Cash Game Kh,5hView Hand 2021-10-28 (yow-1009)
Yongwoo - Genghis Han 3k - ACR Qs,QcView Hand 2021-10-28 (yow-1008)
- Kouman Low stake BVB - Low stake BVB Jc,JdView Hand 2021-10-28 (ton-1026)
- g - 2 Ts,9hView Hand 2021-10-28 (gul-1002)
- g - 1 9d,8dView Hand 2021-10-28 (gul-1001)
Chase - Chase 2/5 live - oct 27 Ad,TcView Hand 2021-10-28 (cca-1016)
Chase - Chase 2/5 live - Oct 27 6c,6sView Hand 2021-10-28 (cca-1015)
Chase - Chase 2/5 live - Oct 27 Ad,9dView Hand 2021-10-28 (cca-1014)
Chase - Chase 2/5 live - oct27 Ac,JcView Hand 2021-10-28 (cca-1013)
Thiago Decano - Thiago Decano Hyper Turbo - ICmizer Ah,9hView Hand 2021-10-27 (pei-1001)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A9o defend line check Ad,9sView Hand 2021-10-27 (miq-1378)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AA vs winning reg As,AcView Hand 2021-10-27 (miq-1377)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KQo vs Pokercoaching winning reg, line check Kc,QsView Hand 2021-10-27 (miq-1376)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KJs 3b pot multi-way river? SB unknown, CO reg Ks,JsView Hand 2021-10-27 (miq-1375)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 52s defend, x-r then x turn (wtf) bluff river 5s,2sView Hand 2021-10-27 (miq-1374)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 87s OOP bluff x-r and river overbet (**what if river was blank -- I actually mis-read and thought I was bluffing) 8s,7sView Hand 2021-10-27 (miq-1373)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 88 BvB vs 4b from fish 8s,8hView Hand 2021-10-27 (miq-1372)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - T8s OTB fish in blinds, flop too tight? View Hand 2021-10-27 (miq-1371)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QTs 3b multi-way IP Qs,TsView Hand 2021-10-27 (miq-1370)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - K3s defend, line check, river decision Kh,3hView Hand 2021-10-27 (miq-1369)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 98s in BB limped pot vs overbet from likely fishy player 9s,8sView Hand 2021-10-27 (miq-1368)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AQo OOP line check Qs,AdView Hand 2021-10-27 (miq-1367)
Jeff Bronner - Vesty777 ACR $1500 tourney - KK (hero) vs AKo Kh,KcView Hand 2021-10-27 (jef-1026)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 36th ***** 4d,6hView Hand 2021-10-27 (jeb-1036)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 35th 2d,9dView Hand 2021-10-27 (jeb-1035)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 34th 7d,9dView Hand 2021-10-27 (jeb-1034)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 33th Kd,AdView Hand 2021-10-27 (jeb-1033)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 32th 6s,9sView Hand 2021-10-27 (jeb-1032)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 31th As,7hView Hand 2021-10-27 (jeb-1031)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 30th 5d,KdView Hand 2021-10-27 (jeb-1030)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 29th 5c,QcView Hand 2021-10-27 (jeb-1029)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 28th 4c,AsView Hand 2021-10-27 (jeb-1028)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 27th Td,ThView Hand 2021-10-27 (jeb-1027)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 26th 5h,4dView Hand 2021-10-27 (jeb-1026)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 25th 7c,3hView Hand 2021-10-27 (jeb-1025)
JJ - aria $400 daily - thoughts with TT given big raise from short stack and a flat? Ts,TcView Hand 2021-10-27 (jcj-1361)
JJ - aria $400 daily - do i call here from SB? Jh,ThView Hand 2021-10-27 (jcj-1360)
JJ - aria $400 daily - what to do with TT here < 20 BB? Ts,TcView Hand 2021-10-27 (jcj-1359)
JJ - aria $400 daily - postflop thoughts? As,QdView Hand 2021-10-27 (jcj-1358)
JJ - aria $400 daily - do i call off here? Kc,JcView Hand 2021-10-27 (jcj-1357)
JJ - aria $400 daily - flopping top set while short stack As,AcView Hand 2021-10-27 (jcj-1356)
JJ - aria $400 daily - JTo decisions Js,ThView Hand 2021-10-27 (jcj-1355)
PokerCoaching - Tristan - Cash Game Hands Ts,9sView Hand 2021-10-27 (bdo-1326)
Yongwoo - Genghis Han 5k - ACR Kc,KsView Hand 2021-10-26 (yow-1007)
Matheus Lopes - mmfl95 Jogando OOP - Ex 2 Ac,3cView Hand 2021-10-26 (mte-1015)
Matheus Lopes - mmfl95 Jogando OOP - ex 1 5s,AdView Hand 2021-10-26 (mte-1014)
Benedict Bauer - Jingles8 Salzburg CG 1/3 - Turned low Flush in a 3-bet Pot Multiway 7d,8dView Hand 2021-10-26 (mrj-1009)
Benedict Bauer - Jingles8 Salzburg 1/3 CG Deepstack - Competent player with solid range shows aggression - overfold? 7d,5dView Hand 2021-10-26 (mrj-1008)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 24th ***** Qd,QsView Hand 2021-10-26 (jeb-1024)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 23th 5h,8hView Hand 2021-10-26 (jeb-1023)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 22th Qh,KsView Hand 2021-10-26 (jeb-1022)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 21th 2d,2sView Hand 2021-10-26 (jeb-1021)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 20th 7c,AdView Hand 2021-10-26 (jeb-1020)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 19th Jc,AcView Hand 2021-10-26 (jeb-1019)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 18th 8h,7sView Hand 2021-10-26 (jeb-1018)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 17th Ac,AdView Hand 2021-10-26 (jeb-1017)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 16th 8s,QcView Hand 2021-10-26 (jeb-1016)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 15th Kc,QsView Hand 2021-10-26 (jeb-1015)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 14th Jh,AcView Hand 2021-10-26 (jeb-1014)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 13th 3c,9cView Hand 2021-10-26 (jeb-1013)
William L - $500 WSOP freezeout - Facing two shoves Jh,JdView Hand 2021-10-25 (wil-1248)
William L - $1500 WSOP Monster Stack - Facing lead 6c,6dView Hand 2021-10-25 (wil-1247)
William L - $1500 WSOP Monster Stack - Flopped straight 9d,7cView Hand 2021-10-25 (wil-1246)
William L - $1500 WSOP monster stack - 4bet or trap? As,AcView Hand 2021-10-25 (wil-1245)
William L - $1500 WSOP monster stack - Cbet? As,QhView Hand 2021-10-25 (wil-1244)
William L - $275 WSOP SNG - Fold a set? 6h,6dView Hand 2021-10-25 (wil-1243)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 98s BvB vs shorty line check 9s,8sView Hand 2021-10-25 (miq-1366)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AKs 3b pot IP, low flop b-3b jam? Kd,AdView Hand 2021-10-25 (miq-1365)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - J9s defend vs fishy LJ, I'm an idiot on river wtf $11 moronic bet. Js,9sView Hand 2021-10-25 (miq-1364)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - T6s defend vs reg otb, overbet bluff Th,6hView Hand 2021-10-25 (miq-1363)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KTo in SB, pf? river? Kd,ThView Hand 2021-10-25 (miq-1362)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AJo ISO from BB vs fish, flop sizing? river plan? Ad,JcView Hand 2021-10-25 (miq-1361)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AQo IP vs reg BvB in iso pot View Hand 2021-10-25 (miq-1360)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KK flop set line check, river decision Ks,KcView Hand 2021-10-25 (miq-1359)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AA vs fish OOP line check As,AcView Hand 2021-10-25 (miq-1358)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A7o BvB vs reg, A high too thin? (snap called lol) Ac,7hView Hand 2021-10-25 (miq-1357)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AA OOP vs min-raise on broadway flop As,AhView Hand 2021-10-25 (miq-1356)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - Hero has a mid pair in the SB on a dry flop. Line? 7d,7cView Hand 2021-10-25 (mcl-1336)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 12th ***** As,QdView Hand 2021-10-25 (jeb-1012)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 11th Jh,3hView Hand 2021-10-25 (jeb-1011)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 10th 7d,QcView Hand 2021-10-25 (jeb-1010)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 9th 7h,6dView Hand 2021-10-25 (jeb-1009)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 8th 9c,6cView Hand 2021-10-25 (jeb-1008)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 7th Jh,6hView Hand 2021-10-25 (jeb-1007)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 6th 6d,8dView Hand 2021-10-25 (jeb-1006)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 5th 6c,8dView Hand 2021-10-25 (jeb-1005)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 4th Kh,AdView Hand 2021-10-25 (jeb-1004)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 3rd As,8cView Hand 2021-10-25 (jeb-1003)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 2nd 6s,5sView Hand 2021-10-25 (jeb-1002)
JJ - WSOP double stack - day 2: blind vs blind, thoughts on how i played this? Ks,4cView Hand 2021-10-25 (jcj-1354)
JJ - WSOP double stack - day 2, 15-16 BB range, am i still supposed to defend here? 5h,6cView Hand 2021-10-25 (jcj-1353)
JJ - wsop $800 deepstack - first hand to new table change, weird spot Ts,TcView Hand 2021-10-25 (jcj-1352)
JJ - wsop $800 deepstack - which is better on flop - check call vs check shoving? Js,AhView Hand 2021-10-25 (jcj-1351)
JJ - wsop $1000 double stack - what to do with TT preflop 20 BB against TAG lady with tight opening range? Ts,TcView Hand 2021-10-25 (jcj-1350)
JJ - wsop $1000 double stack - playing nut flush draw Ah,6hView Hand 2021-10-25 (jcj-1349)
JJ - wsop $1000 double stack - thoughts on turn and river decision? Ks,8cView Hand 2021-10-25 (jcj-1348)
JJ - wsop $1000 double stack - thoughts on postflop play and river decision? Jh,AhView Hand 2021-10-25 (jcj-1347)
JJ - wsop $1000 double stack - what to do with AA on coordinated flop? As,AcView Hand 2021-10-25 (jcj-1346)
JJ - wsop $1000 double stack - what to do with KK on turn in 3 bet pot multiway? Kh,KcView Hand 2021-10-25 (jcj-1345)
JJ - wsop $1000 double stack - what to do with flopped set on river? 5s,5dView Hand 2021-10-25 (jcj-1344)
Faraz Jaka - #41 - Wynn 1.5mm Qd,2dView Hand 2021-10-25 (jaa-1042)
Faraz Jaka - #40 - Rio Reunion Jh,JdView Hand 2021-10-25 (jaa-1041)
Faraz Jaka - #39 - Milly Maker Rio Ac,QcView Hand 2021-10-25 (jaa-1040)
Faraz Jaka - #38 - Wynn $1.5mm As,7hView Hand 2021-10-25 (jaa-1039)
Faraz Jaka - #37 - Wynn $1.5mm Qs,JsView Hand 2021-10-25 (jaa-1038)
Faraz Jaka - #36 - Wynn $1.5mm Qh,JhView Hand 2021-10-25 (jaa-1037)
Faraz Jaka - #34 - #34 JJ in sb Js,JcView Hand 2021-10-25 (jaa-1036)
Faraz Jaka - #35 - #35 LJ rfi A7dd Ad,7dView Hand 2021-10-25 (jaa-1035)
Faraz Jaka - #33 - #33 UTG VS UTG1 jam on turn As,KcView Hand 2021-10-25 (jaa-1033)
Faraz Jaka - #32 - #32 Blind vs Blind Ad,TdView Hand 2021-10-25 (jaa-1032)
Faraz Jaka - #31 online tourney - KQ tripple barrel Ks,QhView Hand 2021-10-25 (jaa-1031)
Faraz Jaka - #30 $5k freezout - T5o in bb vs sb Td,5cView Hand 2021-10-25 (jaa-1030)
Faraz Jaka - #29 - 54o in BB vs MP open 5h,4cView Hand 2021-10-25 (jaa-1029)
Faraz Jaka - #28 $5k freezeout - K9s in BB vs HJ open Kd,9dView Hand 2021-10-25 (jaa-1028)
Faraz Jaka - #27 $5k 6max - KJo in HJ vs BB on A dry board Ks,JcView Hand 2021-10-25 (jaa-1027)
Benno - Gambit Stars NL 0.5/1 - Bluffing the river J9s vs K9s Jc,9cView Hand 2021-10-25 (GB-1092)
Benno - Gambit Stars NL50 - 9Ts vs QQ 9s,8sView Hand 2021-10-25 (GB-1091)
Benno - Gambit PokerStars NL50 - Running into the nuts J3 Ts,QsView Hand 2021-10-25 (GB-1090)
Yongwoo - Genghis Han $450 - Local Tournament Ac,QcView Hand 2021-10-24 (yow-1006)
Yongwoo - Genghis Han 450 - Local Tournament Kd,QdView Hand 2021-10-24 (yow-1005)
Yongwoo - Genghis Han $450 - Local Tournament Ac,AhView Hand 2021-10-24 (yow-1004)
Sarah Stefan - SarahPP TestB - Tells/Emotional Intelligence Ks,QhView Hand 2021-10-24 (saa-1009)
Sarah Stefan - SarahPP TestA - Emotional Intelligence Hand Js,JdView Hand 2021-10-24 (saa-1008)
John Borges - John B Synd 10/23 #2 - kick in the balls Ah,KhView Hand 2021-10-24 (fly-1276)
John Borges - John B Synd 10/23 #1 - turn action? 5d,4dView Hand 2021-10-24 (fly-1275)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - FLop middle pair 3 way 8d,7dView Hand 2021-10-24 (BV-1265)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - QQ facing 3-bet in position Qs,QcView Hand 2021-10-24 (BV-1264)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - Flop top pair, turn flush draw Qc,TcView Hand 2021-10-24 (BV-1263)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - 7 way pot with top pair Ks,QhView Hand 2021-10-24 (BV-1262)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - OESD OOP 9s,8sView Hand 2021-10-24 (BV-1261)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - flop OOSD OOP Jc,TcView Hand 2021-10-24 (BV-1260)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - AKo facing 4-bet allin As,KdView Hand 2021-10-24 (BV-1259)
TJ Shea - TJ MGM13 - AKo miss EP Ad,KcView Hand 2021-10-23 (zne-1017)
TJ Shea - TJ MGM13 - AJo missed Ad,JcView Hand 2021-10-23 (zne-1016)
TJ Shea - TJ MGM13 - btn limper 9s,9cView Hand 2021-10-23 (zne-1015)
TJ Shea - TJ MGM13 - KQs flop nothing Kd,QdView Hand 2021-10-23 (zne-1014)
TJ Shea - TJ MGM13 - KQo EP Ks,QcView Hand 2021-10-23 (zne-1013)
TJ Shea - TJ MGM13 - EP v Overpair As,TsView Hand 2021-10-23 (zne-1012)
Jay - Ciara KK - Laura 1/2 Ks,KhView Hand 2021-10-23 (wig-1009)
Jay - Cash Vegas Bellagio - Bellagio 5/10 As,JhView Hand 2021-10-23 (wig-1008)
Selma - Selma WSOP Deepstack - 1K As,KcView Hand 2021-10-23 (sla-1089)
Selma - Selma WSOP Deepstack - 1K Ac,KsView Hand 2021-10-23 (sla-1088)
Selma - Selma WSOP Deep - 1K missed value Ad,AhView Hand 2021-10-23 (sla-1087)
Moses - mr 1/2 tch - hard spot for me Ks,KcView Hand 2021-10-23 (rao-1001)
Fullhouse72 - bracelet44th - 1st 3d,3cView Hand 2021-10-22 (jeb-1001)
Jack - jj - jj Js,JhView Hand 2021-10-22 (jcw-1009)
Jack - jj - jj Jh,JcView Hand 2021-10-22 (jcw-1008)
Jack - J2 - j2 Js,2cView Hand 2021-10-22 (jcw-1007)
Jack - 77 - 77 7s,7cView Hand 2021-10-22 (jcw-1006)
Jack - 77 - 77 7s,7cView Hand 2021-10-22 (jcw-1005)
Jack - 8s8h - 88 8s,8hView Hand 2021-10-22 (jcw-1004)
Jack - 7s6s - 76 7s,6sView Hand 2021-10-22 (jcw-1003)
Jack - KsQc - kq Ks,QcView Hand 2021-10-22 (jcw-1002)
Jack - 8s8h - 88 8s,8hView Hand 2021-10-22 (jcw-1001)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - ATo LJ bluff catching w A-high vs overbets *facepalm* Ac,ThView Hand 2021-10-21 (miq-1355)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - JJ -- WTF am I doing? Embarrassing or prudent? Jc,JdView Hand 2021-10-21 (miq-1354)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - J9s limped pot, river value or x-call? Jh,9hView Hand 2021-10-21 (miq-1353)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KJs 3b pot,IP low board Kc,JcView Hand 2021-10-21 (miq-1352)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - J3s BvB vs unknown - give up or blast river? Jd,3dView Hand 2021-10-21 (miq-1351)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AKs vs reg, TPTK x-back flop, note: "has seen me bet small for thin value" Ah,KhView Hand 2021-10-21 (miq-1350)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0.25/0.50 - Checking AA vs a 4 bet calling range As,AhView Hand 2021-10-21 (GB-1089)
John Borges - John B fuuuuck - fuuuuck As,AcView Hand 2021-10-21 (fly-1274)
Yongwoo - Genghis Han 2/5 NL - Wind Creek 9c,9dView Hand 2021-10-20 (yow-1003)
Yongwoo - Genghis Han 5/10 NL - MGM 7d,8dView Hand 2021-10-20 (yow-1002)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QJo OOP 3b pot line check Qs,JhView Hand 2021-10-20 (miq-1349)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AJo 3b OOP flop 2-pair line check As,JdView Hand 2021-10-20 (miq-1348)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - ATs BvB 3b pot low board As,TsView Hand 2021-10-20 (miq-1347)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AJs 3b pot multi-way OOP Ad,JdView Hand 2021-10-20 (miq-1346)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - TT 3b monotone overpair Tc,ThView Hand 2021-10-20 (miq-1345)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 99 4b vs unknown multi-tabler 9c,9hView Hand 2021-10-20 (miq-1344)
Matt P - Maz $11 online $5000 GTD - 3 player all-in with 1 player being short stacked Ad,QhView Hand 2021-10-19 (mpr-1001)
John Doe - The_GTO_Coin R$1500 Live - Live Tournament Kc,9cView Hand 2021-10-19 (lui-1004)
JAB - JAB wsop main day 1 - amateur hour Ts,TdView Hand 2021-10-19 (jbr-1001)
Efren Rafael Fazio Soto - EFF Online 2NL - Error re-raising at river when not required 4d,4cView Hand 2021-10-19 (efr-1005)
Dan Bish - TopTop Ignite Zone .10/.25 - Zone Boat Over Boat 6s,3hView Hand 2021-10-19 (bdn-1001)
Yongwoo - Genghis Han ACR 5k - Online MTT Kh,KdView Hand 2021-10-18 (yow-1001)
Sarah Stefan - SarahPP Test 1 - Pocket Aces As,AhView Hand 2021-10-18 (saa-1007)
Sarah Stefan - SarahPP MSPT Resilience - Resilience 8s,9sView Hand 2021-10-17 (saa-1006)
Sarah Stefan - SarahPP MSPT Decision Making - Decision Making Ad,TdView Hand 2021-10-17 (saa-1005)
Sarah Stefan - SarahPP MSPT Discipline - Discipline Ad,AsView Hand 2021-10-17 (saa-1004)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AKs vs fish & donk bets multi-way Ad,KdView Hand 2021-10-17 (miq-1343)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - J6s multiway -- every. damn. street. Jh,6hView Hand 2021-10-17 (miq-1342)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AQo Top 2 facing big jam As,QdView Hand 2021-10-17 (miq-1341)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AQo 3b by reg with massive fish in BB - I feel reg knows what I'm doing View Hand 2021-10-17 (miq-1340)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KK vs 2 fish multi-way, BB is massive fish LAG Kc,KsView Hand 2021-10-17 (miq-1339)
One Eyed - $500 100K guarantee - In the money 40 left. 52 were paid Qc,9cView Hand 2021-10-17 (jcr-1007)
TJ Shea - TJ Training - btn v co rfi 4s,3sView Hand 2021-10-16 (zne-1011)
TJ Shea - TJ MGM13 - QQ w A on board Qh,QdView Hand 2021-10-16 (zne-1010)
TJ Shea - TJ MGM13 - ck raise w top top Ad,QsView Hand 2021-10-16 (zne-1009)
TJ Shea - TJ MGM13 - AKs bad board As,KsView Hand 2021-10-16 (zne-1008)
TJ Shea - TJ MGM13 - Bad river fold Kd,9dView Hand 2021-10-16 (zne-1007)
TJ Shea - TJ MGM13 - AKo 3 bet As,KhView Hand 2021-10-16 (zne-1006)
TJ Shea - TJ MGM13 - BB big bet Kc,QcView Hand 2021-10-16 (zne-1005)
TJ Shea - TJ MGM13 - 3 bet mistake Th,TsView Hand 2021-10-16 (zne-1004)
Selma - Selma Daily 250 - BB stuck in Qs,6sView Hand 2021-10-16 (sla-1086)
Sarah Stefan - SarahPP MSPT - Risk Assessment Ac,KcView Hand 2021-10-16 (saa-1003)
Sarah Stefan - SarahPP MSPT - Confidence As,KsView Hand 2021-10-16 (saa-1002)
Sarah Stefan - SarahPP MSPT Vegas - Kyna's Hand As,8hView Hand 2021-10-16 (saa-1001)
Aaron - 0.5/1 Live - QJo open raise CO Qs,JhView Hand 2021-10-16 (mse-1012)
Aaron - 0.5/1 Live - QJo in CO Qs,JhView Hand 2021-10-16 (mse-1011)
One Eyed - $500 HRT 100K - 88 UTG 8s,8dView Hand 2021-10-16 (jcr-1006)
One Eyed - $500 THR 100K - 1010 shoved on. Guys 2nd bullet at the table. I just busted him a few minutes ago. Td,TcView Hand 2021-10-16 (jcr-1005)
One Eyed - $500 Tampa Hard Rock 100K guarantee - 67hh from HJ folded to me 6h,7hView Hand 2021-10-16 (jcr-1004)
One Eyed - $500 Tampa Hard Rock 100K guarantee - AK UTG As,KdView Hand 2021-10-16 (jcr-1003)
One Eyed - $500 Tampa 100K Guarantee - K9 Flop Double cut and flush 3 ways Kh,9hView Hand 2021-10-16 (jcr-1002)
One Eyed - $500 - 100K guarantee Hard Rock Tampa Js,AdView Hand 2021-10-16 (jcr-1001)
TJ Shea - TJ MGM13 - AQs on BTN Miss Ah,QhView Hand 2021-10-15 (zne-1003)
TJ Shea - TJ MGM13 - JJ on Button Jd,JcView Hand 2021-10-15 (zne-1002)
TJ Shea - TJ MGM13 - weak sb Jc,TcView Hand 2021-10-15 (zne-1001)
Faraz Jaka - #26 $5k 6max - K5s in SB vs HJ open Kh,5hView Hand 2021-10-15 (jaa-1026)
Faraz Jaka - #25 $5k 6max - k2s in CO vs BB flat Kd,2dView Hand 2021-10-15 (jaa-1025)
Faraz Jaka - #24 wsop 5k 6max - TT in HJ vs SB flat Th,TdView Hand 2021-10-15 (jaa-1024)
Faraz Jaka - #23 wsop 5k 6max - KJo in CO vs HJ open Kh,JsView Hand 2021-10-15 (jaa-1023)
Faraz Jaka - #22 $1500 wsop milly Day 3 - Q7s in CO Qc,7cView Hand 2021-10-15 (jaa-1022)
Faraz Jaka - #21 $1500 wsop milly Day 3 - A4o in BB vs SB limp Ac,4hView Hand 2021-10-15 (jaa-1021)
Faraz Jaka - #20 $1500 wsop milly Day 3 - 55 in MP vs BU flat 5s,5dView Hand 2021-10-15 (jaa-1020)
Faraz Jaka - #19 $1500 wsop milly maker Day 3 - 77 in UTG vs BB flat 7s,7cView Hand 2021-10-15 (jaa-1019)
Faraz Jaka - #18 $1500 wsop milly maker - 99 UTG vs MP flat, BB shove 9h,9cView Hand 2021-10-15 (jaa-1018)
Faraz Jaka - #16 $1500 wsop milly maker - QQ in BB vs BU open Qc,QdView Hand 2021-10-15 (jaa-1016)
Faraz Jaka - #15 $1500 wsop milly maker - AK in SB vs UTG open Ah,KcView Hand 2021-10-15 (jaa-1015)
Faraz Jaka - #14 $1500 wsop milly maker - AKo on BU vs BB flat big stack Ah,KcView Hand 2021-10-15 (jaa-1014)
Faraz Jaka - #13 $1500 wsop milly maker - AKo in UTG+1 vs SB 3bet Ah,KcView Hand 2021-10-15 (jaa-1013)
Faraz Jaka - #11 $1500 milly maker day 2 - AQo on BU vs firaldo's 3 bet in BB Ad,QcView Hand 2021-10-15 (jaa-1011)
Faraz Jaka - #10 $1500 milly maker Day 2 - QJs in MP vs CO 3bet Qs,JsView Hand 2021-10-15 (jaa-1010)
Faraz Jaka - #8 $1500 WSOP milly maker - AQo on BU folded to me Ad,QcView Hand 2021-10-15 (jaa-1009)
Faraz Jaka - #9 $1500 Milly Maker Day 2 - JTs in LJ nearing money Js,TsView Hand 2021-10-15 (jaa-1008)
Faraz Jaka - #7 $1500 milly maker 1b - 64o in bb vs SB misclick minraise 6d,4sView Hand 2021-10-15 (jaa-1007)
Faraz Jaka - #6 $1500 milly maker 1B - Q6o in SB folded to me Qs,6cView Hand 2021-10-15 (jaa-1006)
Faraz Jaka - #5 $1500 milly maker 1B - J7s in HJ vs scared for her tourney life BB Jh,7hView Hand 2021-10-15 (jaa-1005)
Faraz Jaka - #3 $1500 milly maker 1a - AJo on BU vs MP open As,JhView Hand 2021-10-15 (jaa-1004)
Faraz Jaka - #4 $1500 Milly Maker 1a - AQo in BB vs CO limp, BU call, SB call Ad,QcView Hand 2021-10-15 (jaa-1003)
Faraz Jaka - #2 $3k wsop - AA in CO vs nitty BB call Ah,AdView Hand 2021-10-15 (jaa-1002)
Faraz Jaka - #1 $3k WSOP - JTo in HJ folded to me Js,ThView Hand 2021-10-15 (jaa-1001)
Reid Yamamoto - reidmoto AK no flop - RY As,KhView Hand 2021-10-14 (rei-1004)
Chase - Chase 2/5 live - oct12 Th,7hView Hand 2021-10-14 (cca-1012)
Chase - Chase 2/5 live - oct12 Ad,QdView Hand 2021-10-14 (cca-1011)
Chase - Chase 2/5 live - Oct 8 View Hand 2021-10-14 (cca-1010)
Jeff Bronner - Vesty777 Terrible AA Hand - ACR 25 NL As,AhView Hand 2021-10-13 (jef-1025)
Selma - Selma WSOP Ladies - BB Boat Qh,8hView Hand 2021-10-12 (sla-1085)
Matheus Lopes - mmfl95 Exemplo 4 - Bluff catcher OTR Kh,7dView Hand 2021-10-12 (mte-1013)
Matheus Lopes - mmfl95 Exemplo 3 - Bluff catcher OTR Ac,KcView Hand 2021-10-12 (mte-1012)
Matheus Lopes - mmfl95 Exemplo 2 - Bluff catcher OTR Qh,8hView Hand 2021-10-12 (mte-1011)
Matheus Lopes - mmfl95 Exemplo 1 - Bluff catcher River Ah,8cView Hand 2021-10-12 (mte-1010)
William L - $215 online WSOPC - Flopped draw As,5sView Hand 2021-10-11 (wil-1242)
William L - $1500 WSOP Millionaire Maker - Reasonable bluff? Ac,8dView Hand 2021-10-11 (wil-1241)
William L - $500 WSOPC Reunion - Overpair multiway Qc,QhView Hand 2021-10-11 (wil-1240)
William L - $500 WSOP Reunion - Turned weak trips 8s,5cView Hand 2021-10-11 (wil-1239)
William L - $500 WSOP Reunion - Flopped combo draw Qh,9hView Hand 2021-10-11 (wil-1238)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KQo vs donk bets, v is tagged as fishy (buyin short & limps a lot) Kh,QsView Hand 2021-10-11 (miq-1338)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AJs BvB vs fish, have not seen an overbet from this player As,JsView Hand 2021-10-11 (miq-1337)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - Q9s 3b ip, line check all streets Qs,9sView Hand 2021-10-11 (miq-1336)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - ATo BB vs EP, river c/c, c/r, b/c, b/f? Ac,ThView Hand 2021-10-11 (miq-1335)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - ATo BvB - what kind of note would you apply to villain? As,ThView Hand 2021-10-11 (miq-1334)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QJo ip vs reg, bet bet overbet bluff Qh,JdView Hand 2021-10-11 (miq-1333)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 98s 3b ip vs reg 9d,8dView Hand 2021-10-11 (miq-1332)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 75s BvB vs multi-tabler 7c,5cView Hand 2021-10-11 (miq-1331)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KQo 4b ip vs reg, pre? river? View Hand 2021-10-11 (miq-1330)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QQ vs villain from hand 1328, reg Qs,QdView Hand 2021-10-11 (miq-1329)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - Q9s vs reg facing river overbet TPwK Qs,9sView Hand 2021-10-11 (miq-1328)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 97o BvB, bet, bet, overbet river bluff - villain tagged as fishy open limps a lot 9h,7dView Hand 2021-10-11 (miq-1327)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 88 vs reg, has 3b me a lot this session, river plan? 8d,8sView Hand 2021-10-11 (miq-1326)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - J9s - line check all streets, rvr b/f, b/c, x/c? Ac,2cView Hand 2021-10-11 (miq-1325)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - Hero finds a turn lead. Reasonable? Jh,7cView Hand 2021-10-10 (mcl-1335)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - Hero flops NA but not RA out of the BB with 20BB eff. Line? 7s,5cView Hand 2021-10-10 (mcl-1334)
JJ - home game single table tourney - 10 players, 3 paid....can you ever fold preflop if you know opponent raises with only premiums? As,7sView Hand 2021-10-10 (jcj-1343)
JJ - pearl river - postflop play? Qs,7dView Hand 2021-10-10 (jcj-1342)
JJ - pearl river - what to do on river? Jh,9cView Hand 2021-10-10 (jcj-1341)
JJ - houston champs - postflop against LAG As,5sView Hand 2021-10-10 (jcj-1340)
JJ - 2/5 dallas TCH - middle pair multiway as PFR 5s,5hView Hand 2021-10-10 (jcj-1339)
JJ - 2/5 dallas TCH - top pair OOP multiway on wet board Qs,AcView Hand 2021-10-10 (jcj-1338)
JJ - 2/5 dallas TCH - flopped set, turn decision? 3s,3dView Hand 2021-10-10 (jcj-1337)
JJ - 2/5 dallas TCH - 3 bet with bad flop Ks,KhView Hand 2021-10-10 (jcj-1336)
JJ - 2/5 dallas TCH - facing turn CXR shove Ah,JhView Hand 2021-10-10 (jcj-1335)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - pot control with Flush draw? Kh,JhView Hand 2021-10-10 (BV-1258)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AQs overbet river targeting bluff catcher Ad,QdView Hand 2021-10-08 (miq-1324)
Grzegorz - saywhy e - d Jc,7hView Hand 2021-10-08 (glu-1004)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - QJs in position Qc,JcView Hand 2021-10-08 (BV-1257)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - flop middle set on wet board 7d,7cView Hand 2021-10-08 (BV-1256)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - Flop two pair Kd,JdView Hand 2021-10-08 (BV-1255)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - Straight draw on flop 9s,8sView Hand 2021-10-08 (BV-1254)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - KK vs AA Kd,KhView Hand 2021-10-08 (BV-1253)
PokerCoaching - Jaffe WSOP - Hand 5 7d,5dView Hand 2021-10-08 (bdo-1325)
PokerCoaching - Jaffe WSOP - Hand 4 2s,2cView Hand 2021-10-08 (bdo-1324)
PokerCoaching - Jaffe WSOP - Hand 3 Ad,QcView Hand 2021-10-08 (bdo-1323)
PokerCoaching - Jaffe WSOP - Hand 2 Js,7hView Hand 2021-10-08 (bdo-1322)
PokerCoaching - Jaffe WSOP - Hand 1 Ac,7cView Hand 2021-10-08 (bdo-1321)
Crush - TCH $25/$50 - Bart vs Rampage Jc,9cView Hand 2021-10-07 (trd-1001)
William Kramer Metcalf - 109H 10/6/2021 1/3 RedDragon - Dont know about the call on the turn Th,9hView Hand 2021-10-07 (odw-1003)
William Kramer Metcalf - 1/3 Oct 6 2021 10s Bluff - taking advantage of range vs bad player Td,TcView Hand 2021-10-07 (odw-1002)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - Hero flops backdoor equity vs the BB and turns a draw. Triple? Qh,TsView Hand 2021-10-07 (mcl-1333)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - Hero flops well and gets check-min raised on flop. Line? Ad,AcView Hand 2021-10-07 (mcl-1332)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - Hero flops a marginal top pair OOP. Line? Kh,5hView Hand 2021-10-07 (mcl-1331)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $50k guarantee on ACR - Hero squeezes and gets multiple callers, flops nothing. Line? As,JdView Hand 2021-10-07 (mcl-1330)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $50k guarantee on ACR - Hero see a dry flop OOP after getting 3-bet by IP player. Line? As,9sView Hand 2021-10-07 (mcl-1329)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - Hero is OOP with KK on a bad flop. Line? Ks,KcView Hand 2021-10-07 (mcl-1328)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - Hero flops strong draw IP. Triple it off? Kd,QdView Hand 2021-10-07 (mcl-1327)
John Doe - The_GTO_Coin 200 Live 30K - vs 3bet OOP 8s,8cView Hand 2021-10-07 (lui-1003)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Livestream $2/$2 at Bestbet - Hero flops a combo multiway. Line? Ad,8dView Hand 2021-10-06 (mcl-1326)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Livestream $2/$2 at Bestbet - Hero has overpair IP multiway on a coordinated board. Line? Kh,KdView Hand 2021-10-06 (mcl-1325)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Livestream $2/$2 at Bestbet - Hero flops strong top pair multiway on a dry board. Line? Kd,QcView Hand 2021-10-06 (mcl-1324)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Livestream $2/$2 at Bestbet - Hero flops top/top out of the BB multiway. Line? Ad,JdView Hand 2021-10-06 (mcl-1323)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Livestream $2/$2 at Bestbet - Hero turns second pair multiway. Line? Ah,9sView Hand 2021-10-06 (mcl-1322)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Livestream $2/$2 at Bestbet - Hero has JTs in the SB in a double straddled pot. Line? Jd,TdView Hand 2021-10-06 (mcl-1321)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Livestream $2/$2 at Bestbet - Hero flops top pair multiway IP and faces a flop lead. Ks,8sView Hand 2021-10-06 (mcl-1320)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Livestream $2/$2 at Bestbet - Hero flops FD IP against the BB. Line? 5c,3cView Hand 2021-10-06 (mcl-1319)
William Kramer Metcalf - 1/3 RD 10/04/21 AKs - Feel like im getting right odds to call As,KsView Hand 2021-10-05 (odw-1001)
Matheus Lopes - mmfl95 3bet pots - MP vs EP Kc,QcView Hand 2021-10-05 (mte-1009)
Matheus Lopes - mmfl95 3bet pots - Small vs HJ Jd,JhView Hand 2021-10-05 (mte-1008)
Matheus Lopes - mmfl95 3bet pots - Small vs CO As,KhView Hand 2021-10-05 (mte-1007)
Matheus Lopes - mmfl95 Exemplo 2 - 3bet POTs Ah,3hView Hand 2021-10-05 (mte-1006)
Gabor Montlika - $55 online NLH - 3bet pot with A10s from UTG Ad,TdView Hand 2021-10-05 (mga-1001)
Matheus Lopes - mmfl95 Exemplo 1 - 3bet POTs Qs,AhView Hand 2021-10-04 (mte-1005)
Efren Rafael Fazio Soto - EFF Online free Cash Game - BB defense K5s Ks,5sView Hand 2021-10-03 (efr-1004)
Efren Rafael Fazio Soto - EFF Free Online Cash Game - CO with KQs fold to c-bet in turn Kd,QdView Hand 2021-10-03 (efr-1003)
MagoPoker - Millionaire Mayhem Main Event - Final Table - 4 Handed - Pocket 4's 4h,4dView Hand 2021-10-02 (lue-1001)
PokerCoaching - SHRB 2021 - Addamo vs Negreanu Ah,KdView Hand 2021-10-02 (bdo-1320)
farid - e.g. $1,500 WSOP - AK History Ac,KcView Hand 2021-10-01 (sfa-1001)
Efren Rafael Fazio Soto - EFF Cash Game Online - BB with pocket AA Ac,AhView Hand 2021-10-01 (efr-1002)
Kevin Kan - KT Mika 10/10 A3s vs AA 3 ways - A3s flush draw on flop right price to draw As,3sView Hand 2021-09-29 (kvi-1011)
Kevin Kan - KT Mika 10/10 23s vs Mo - 23s 3 barrel overbluff? 2h,3hView Hand 2021-09-29 (kvi-1010)
PokerCoaching - SHRB 2021 - Hand 27 Jh,9hView Hand 2021-09-29 (bdo-1319)
PokerCoaching - SHRB 2021 - Hand 26 Ah,AcView Hand 2021-09-29 (bdo-1318)
PokerCoaching - SHRB 2021 - Hand 25 Kd,9cView Hand 2021-09-29 (bdo-1317)
PokerCoaching - SHRB 2021 - Hand 24 Ad,TdView Hand 2021-09-29 (bdo-1316)
PokerCoaching - SHRB 2021 - Hand 23 Kc,TcView Hand 2021-09-29 (bdo-1315)
PokerCoaching - SHRB 2021 - Hand 22 9d,7cView Hand 2021-09-29 (bdo-1314)
PokerCoaching - SHRB 2021 - Hand 21 Ah,ThView Hand 2021-09-29 (bdo-1313)
PokerCoaching - SHRB 2021 - Hand 20 Qh,JdView Hand 2021-09-29 (bdo-1312)
Poker Clarity - 5/10 nl - facing small stack As,3sView Hand 2021-09-28 (sup-1041)
Crazysixes - Ignition $500 Million - Ignition $500 Million Qh,TdView Hand 2021-09-28 (sha-1004)
PokerCoaching - SHRB 2021 - Hand 19 6h,4hView Hand 2021-09-28 (bdo-1311)
PokerCoaching - SHRB 2021 - Hand 18 Ac,4dView Hand 2021-09-28 (bdo-1310)
PokerCoaching - SHRB 2021 - Hand 17 Kc,TsView Hand 2021-09-28 (bdo-1309)
PokerCoaching - SHRB 2021 - Hand 16 As,KhView Hand 2021-09-28 (bdo-1308)
PokerCoaching - SHRB 2021 - Hand 15 As,KcView Hand 2021-09-28 (bdo-1307)
PokerCoaching - SHRB 2021 - Hand 14 As,JcView Hand 2021-09-28 (bdo-1306)
PokerCoaching - SHRB 2021 - Hand 13 8h,7hView Hand 2021-09-28 (bdo-1305)
PokerCoaching - SHRB 2021 - Hand 12 Kc,8cView Hand 2021-09-28 (bdo-1304)
PokerCoaching - SHRB 2021 - Hand 11 9c,8cView Hand 2021-09-28 (bdo-1303)
PokerCoaching - SHRB 2021 - Hand 10 Ad,3dView Hand 2021-09-28 (bdo-1302)
PokerCoaching - SHRB 2021 - Hand 9 Ts,TcView Hand 2021-09-28 (bdo-1301)
PokerCoaching - SHRB 2021 - Hand 8 Kd,8dView Hand 2021-09-28 (bdo-1300)
PokerCoaching - SHRB 2021 - Hand 7 Qd,9dView Hand 2021-09-28 (bdo-1299)
PokerCoaching - SHRB 2021 - Hand 6 As,8sView Hand 2021-09-28 (bdo-1298)
PokerCoaching - SHRB 2021 - Hand 5 As,2dView Hand 2021-09-28 (bdo-1297)
PokerCoaching - SHRB 2021 - Hand 4 As,KhView Hand 2021-09-28 (bdo-1296)
PokerCoaching - SHRB 2021 - Hand 3 7c,5hView Hand 2021-09-28 (bdo-1295)
PokerCoaching - SHRB 2021 - Hand 2 Ad,JdView Hand 2021-09-28 (bdo-1294)
PokerCoaching - SHRB 2021 - Hand 1 Ah,QcView Hand 2021-09-28 (bdo-1293)
John Borges - John B Synd 9/25 #12 - shove or no? On pts bubble 7s,7cView Hand 2021-09-26 (fly-1273)
John Borges - John B Synd 9/25 #11 - against loose wide opener Ah,3hView Hand 2021-09-26 (fly-1272)
John Borges - John B Synd 9/25 #10 - Cbet? Snap limp-call threw me off As,9hView Hand 2021-09-26 (fly-1271)
John Borges - John B Synd 9/25 #9 - Standard 3b pot. Question on sizing. Ah,KhView Hand 2021-09-26 (fly-1270)
John Borges - John B Synd 9/25 #8 - river sizing? Ks,QcView Hand 2021-09-26 (fly-1269)
John Borges - John B Synd 9/25 #7 - standard 3b pot As,KcView Hand 2021-09-26 (fly-1268)
John Borges - John B Synd 9/25 #6 - standard 3b pot Ts,ThView Hand 2021-09-26 (fly-1267)
John Borges - John B Synd 9/25 #5 - Trivial hand 2d,2hView Hand 2021-09-26 (fly-1266)
John Borges - John B Synd 9/25 #4 - Dont like the way I played this one 9s,9cView Hand 2021-09-26 (fly-1265)
John Borges - John B Synd 9/25 #3 - Next hand. 3b again or switch it up? Ac,4cView Hand 2021-09-26 (fly-1264)
John Borges - John B Synd 9/25 #2 - What to make of SB cold calling and leading? As,3sView Hand 2021-09-26 (fly-1263)
John Borges - John B Synd 9/25 #1 - 3b pot. Cbet sizing? Ac,AhView Hand 2021-09-26 (fly-1262)
Reid Yamamoto - reidmoto online - AK UTG turn bet or check? As,KhView Hand 2021-09-25 (rei-1003)
Reid Yamamoto - reidmoto GP online - AKs on button flop air As,KsView Hand 2021-09-24 (rei-1002)
Reid Yamamoto - reidmoto AKs on Button Flop Nothing - AKs on Button Flop Nothing As,KsView Hand 2021-09-24 (rei-1001)
muuuuuu - WSOP Main Event 2003 - WSOP Main Event 2003 Ks,7hView Hand 2021-09-24 (ogu-1035)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 live - floated turn As,QhView Hand 2021-09-24 (mfa-1167)
Kevin Kan - KT Mika 10/10 - Set 88 4-way 678r 9k pot 8s,8cView Hand 2021-09-24 (kvi-1009)
Ron Denapoli - Cash Game CSI - Bluff Catcher Kh,JdView Hand 2021-09-23 (kld-1002)
Ron Denapoli - Cash Game CSI - Bluff Catcher Kh,JdView Hand 2021-09-23 (kld-1001)
William L - $20 rebuy - Boat faces river lead 9h,9cView Hand 2021-09-22 (wil-1237)
William L - $900 tournament - Top pair on flop Ad,5sView Hand 2021-09-22 (wil-1236)
William L - $900 tournament - Turned flush Ad,5dView Hand 2021-09-22 (wil-1235)
William L - $900 tournament - KQ in SB Kd,QsView Hand 2021-09-22 (wil-1234)
Vivian lundgren - StarViv 140 dollar daily late middle stages - double barrell or not? View Hand 2021-09-22 (viv-1007)
Ryan - 1/2 Mohegan - 3 barrels with WHAT? Kc,QsView Hand 2021-09-22 (rpp-1089)
Ryan - 1/2 Mohegan - Making poor preflop decisions hurts Ks,JcView Hand 2021-09-22 (rpp-1088)
Ryan - 1/2 Mohegan - Ryan the Rock pressured with 1 pair Ad,QdView Hand 2021-09-22 (rpp-1087)
Jeannine Powers - JP 1/3 Spread - Blocker Bet??????? Qs,QdView Hand 2021-09-22 (jea-1012)
Jeannine Powers - JP 1/3 Spread - same tricky player now in BB As,KcView Hand 2021-09-22 (jea-1011)
Jeannine Powers - JP 1/3 Spread - Tricky player under the gun Qs,QcView Hand 2021-09-22 (jea-1010)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - AT in SB As,TdView Hand 2021-09-21 (BV-1252)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - Slow play Nut flush Kc,JcView Hand 2021-09-21 (BV-1251)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - JJ in SB Js,JdView Hand 2021-09-21 (BV-1250)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - Flop trips with weak kicked 6s,5dView Hand 2021-09-21 (BV-1249)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - AKo call 3bet oop Ac,KsView Hand 2021-09-21 (BV-1248)
Selma - Selma Daytona Live - QQ in BB Qs,QcView Hand 2021-09-19 (sla-1084)
Selma - Selma Daytona Live - AK in BB As,KdView Hand 2021-09-19 (sla-1083)
Selma - Selma Daytona Rebuy - Tens on the Button Th,TdView Hand 2021-09-19 (sla-1082)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1700 Cherokee ME Day 1A - Hero flops a strong top pair IP vs the BB. Line? Ks,TsView Hand 2021-09-19 (mcl-1318)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1700 Cherokee ME Day 1A - Hero 3-bets AKo and flops air OOP. Line? Ad,KcView Hand 2021-09-19 (mcl-1317)
JJ - houston champs - 3 bet pot in position with flopped flush draw Ad,5dView Hand 2021-09-19 (jcj-1334)
JJ - houston champs - betting flop vs checking back flop? Ah,KdView Hand 2021-09-19 (jcj-1333)
JJ - houston champs - polarizing river bet...what to do? Kh,7hView Hand 2021-09-19 (jcj-1332)
JJ - pearl river - is this too much to jam preflop vs just calling in position? 7s,7cView Hand 2021-09-19 (jcj-1331)
JJ - pearl river - turn and river decision? Jc,TdView Hand 2021-09-19 (jcj-1330)
JJ - dallas TCH - 3 bet OOP with low SPR....what to do on flop? As,JdView Hand 2021-09-19 (jcj-1329)
JJ - dallas TCH - open shove vs open min-raise? 7s,7hView Hand 2021-09-19 (jcj-1328)
JJ - dallas TCH - KK on tricky turn in 3 bet pot OOP Kc,KdView Hand 2021-09-19 (jcj-1327)
JJ - dallas TCH - top pair with redraw with multi-action Ah,JdView Hand 2021-09-19 (jcj-1326)
JJ - dallas TCH - first hand with AA As,AcView Hand 2021-09-19 (jcj-1325)
JJ - dallas local - what to do with AA facing flop CXR and future pressure? As,AcView Hand 2021-09-19 (jcj-1324)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 94 Kh,JsView Hand 2021-09-19 (bdo-1292)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 93 Ks,7hView Hand 2021-09-19 (bdo-1291)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 92 8s,8cView Hand 2021-09-19 (bdo-1290)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 91 Th,6dView Hand 2021-09-19 (bdo-1289)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 90 As,JhView Hand 2021-09-19 (bdo-1288)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 89 Kd,TdView Hand 2021-09-19 (bdo-1287)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 88 As,3hView Hand 2021-09-19 (bdo-1286)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 87 Ac,6cView Hand 2021-09-19 (bdo-1285)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 86 As,QcView Hand 2021-09-19 (bdo-1284)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 85 As,8hView Hand 2021-09-19 (bdo-1283)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 84 Th,8dView Hand 2021-09-19 (bdo-1282)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 83 8h,3hView Hand 2021-09-19 (bdo-1281)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 82 9c,7cView Hand 2021-09-19 (bdo-1280)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 81 Qh,TcView Hand 2021-09-19 (bdo-1279)
Matheus Lopes - mmfl95 Exemplo - BC Cunha Jc,9cView Hand 2021-09-17 (mte-1004)
Matheus Lopes - mmfl95 Exemplo 3 - Uncomfortable Spot2 Ah,JsView Hand 2021-09-17 (mte-1003)
PokerCoaching - Justin - Poker Masters - Hand 4 Jc,8cView Hand 2021-09-17 (bdo-1278)
PokerCoaching - Justin - Poker Masters - Hand 3 7h,4hView Hand 2021-09-17 (bdo-1277)
PokerCoaching - Justin - Poker Masters - Hand 2 Qs,TcView Hand 2021-09-17 (bdo-1276)
PokerCoaching - Justin - Poker Masters - Hand 1 Ah,AsView Hand 2021-09-17 (bdo-1275)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 80 9s,9hView Hand 2021-09-17 (bdo-1274)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 79 Kd,TdView Hand 2021-09-17 (bdo-1273)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 78 Qh,QdView Hand 2021-09-17 (bdo-1272)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 77 Ac,5cView Hand 2021-09-17 (bdo-1271)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 76 Ad,8dView Hand 2021-09-17 (bdo-1270)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 75 Ts,9hView Hand 2021-09-17 (bdo-1269)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 74 Js,6hView Hand 2021-09-17 (bdo-1268)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 73 As,QhView Hand 2021-09-17 (bdo-1267)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 72 Qh,9dView Hand 2021-09-17 (bdo-1266)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 71 Ac,QsView Hand 2021-09-17 (bdo-1265)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 70 Ts,9sView Hand 2021-09-17 (bdo-1264)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 69 Ts,ThView Hand 2021-09-17 (bdo-1263)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 68 Ks,8sView Hand 2021-09-17 (bdo-1262)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 67 Ks,KcView Hand 2021-09-17 (bdo-1261)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 66 Ks,7cView Hand 2021-09-17 (bdo-1260)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 65 7d,6dView Hand 2021-09-17 (bdo-1259)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 64 Ac,8cView Hand 2021-09-17 (bdo-1258)
Matheus Lopes - mmfl95 Exemplo 2 - Uncomfortable Spot1 Kd,QcView Hand 2021-09-16 (mte-1002)
Matheus Lopes - mmfl95 Exemplo 1 - Betting too large As,KsView Hand 2021-09-16 (mte-1001)
Chase - Chase 2/5 live - Sep 15 Ah,8hView Hand 2021-09-16 (cca-1009)
Chase - Chase 2/5 live - Sep 15 9s,9hView Hand 2021-09-16 (cca-1008)
Chase - Chase 2/5 live - Sep 15 8c,8dView Hand 2021-09-16 (cca-1007)
Chase - Chase 2/5 live - Sep 15 9d,9sView Hand 2021-09-16 (cca-1006)
Chase - Chase 2/5 live - Sep 15 Ac,TsView Hand 2021-09-16 (cca-1005)
Chase - Chase 2/5 live - Sep 15 Kd,TdView Hand 2021-09-16 (cca-1004)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 63 Ad,AhView Hand 2021-09-15 (bdo-1257)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 62 As,JhView Hand 2021-09-15 (bdo-1256)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 61 6s,6cView Hand 2021-09-15 (bdo-1255)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 60 Qs,TsView Hand 2021-09-15 (bdo-1254)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 59 9c,9dView Hand 2021-09-15 (bdo-1253)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 58 7s,4cView Hand 2021-09-15 (bdo-1252)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 57 Ks,ThView Hand 2021-09-15 (bdo-1251)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 56 Jh,6hView Hand 2021-09-15 (bdo-1250)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 55 Kh,JhView Hand 2021-09-15 (bdo-1249)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 54 Jc,8dView Hand 2021-09-15 (bdo-1248)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 53 As,5hView Hand 2021-09-15 (bdo-1247)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 52 Js,ThView Hand 2021-09-15 (bdo-1246)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 51 Ah,3cView Hand 2021-09-15 (bdo-1245)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 50 Ks,JhView Hand 2021-09-15 (bdo-1244)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 49 Qs,6cView Hand 2021-09-15 (bdo-1243)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 48 Js,TcView Hand 2021-09-15 (bdo-1242)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 47 Ad,KsView Hand 2021-09-15 (bdo-1241)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 46 Qs,QhView Hand 2021-09-15 (bdo-1240)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 45 As,TcView Hand 2021-09-15 (bdo-1239)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 44 Ac,6cView Hand 2021-09-15 (bdo-1238)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 43 Jd,6dView Hand 2021-09-15 (bdo-1237)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 42 Js,9cView Hand 2021-09-15 (bdo-1236)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 41 As,TsView Hand 2021-09-15 (bdo-1235)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 40 8s,8hView Hand 2021-09-15 (bdo-1234)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 39 Kh,9hView Hand 2021-09-15 (bdo-1233)
John Borges - John B PS 9/12 #2 - Think bet needs to be bigger 5s,5cView Hand 2021-09-14 (fly-1261)
John Borges - John B PS 9/12 #1 - liked it in the moment, but think I played it wrong 6h,6cView Hand 2021-09-14 (fly-1260)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 38 As,KhView Hand 2021-09-14 (bdo-1232)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 37 Ks,4hView Hand 2021-09-14 (bdo-1231)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 36 As,3cView Hand 2021-09-14 (bdo-1230)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 35 Ac,9cView Hand 2021-09-14 (bdo-1229)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 34 As,TsView Hand 2021-09-14 (bdo-1228)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 33 9s,9cView Hand 2021-09-14 (bdo-1227)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 32 Ts,ThView Hand 2021-09-14 (bdo-1226)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 31 7h,6hView Hand 2021-09-14 (bdo-1225)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 30 7s,7cView Hand 2021-09-14 (bdo-1224)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 29 Kh,QsView Hand 2021-09-14 (bdo-1223)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 28 Tc,9cView Hand 2021-09-14 (bdo-1222)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 27 Js,TcView Hand 2021-09-13 (bdo-1221)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 26 Ks,QcView Hand 2021-09-13 (bdo-1220)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 25 6h,5hView Hand 2021-09-13 (bdo-1219)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 24 Qh,QdView Hand 2021-09-13 (bdo-1218)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 23 Ad,AsView Hand 2021-09-13 (bdo-1217)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 22 8s,8hView Hand 2021-09-13 (bdo-1216)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 21 As,4sView Hand 2021-09-13 (bdo-1215)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 20 6s,6cView Hand 2021-09-13 (bdo-1214)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 19 Kh,JhView Hand 2021-09-13 (bdo-1213)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 18 Ts,ThView Hand 2021-09-13 (bdo-1212)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 17 Ah,KdView Hand 2021-09-13 (bdo-1211)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 16 Ad,4hView Hand 2021-09-13 (bdo-1210)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 15 9s,4hView Hand 2021-09-13 (bdo-1209)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 14 As,JsView Hand 2021-09-13 (bdo-1208)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 13 Qd,9dView Hand 2021-09-13 (bdo-1207)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 12 As,8sView Hand 2021-09-13 (bdo-1206)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 11 Kc,QcView Hand 2021-09-13 (bdo-1205)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 10 Kh,2hView Hand 2021-09-13 (bdo-1204)
LeonGaeilge - La tine - Final hand 5h,8hView Hand 2021-09-12 (dxi-1011)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 9 5d,5hView Hand 2021-09-11 (bdo-1203)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 8 Ks,KhView Hand 2021-09-11 (bdo-1202)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 7 Ad,QdView Hand 2021-09-11 (bdo-1201)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 6 As,KhView Hand 2021-09-11 (bdo-1200)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 5 As,KcView Hand 2021-09-11 (bdo-1199)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 4 9h,9sView Hand 2021-09-11 (bdo-1198)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 3 Ad,6dView Hand 2021-09-11 (bdo-1197)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 2 Jd,9dView Hand 2021-09-11 (bdo-1196)
PokerCoaching - Poker Masters - Hand 1 Ts,4dView Hand 2021-09-11 (bdo-1195)
William L - $2/$5 - Rivered two pair Ks,JcView Hand 2021-09-08 (wil-1233)
Jim - JimB Prime Social Bounty - $360 Bounty - SB Jam vs my BB with 66 6s,6hView Hand 2021-09-08 (jib-1036)
William L - $300 tournament - Top pair on bubble Ah,JsView Hand 2021-09-07 (wil-1232)
William L - $300 tournament - Stone bubble - flopped set, bad turn 8s,8cView Hand 2021-09-07 (wil-1231)
William L - $300 tournament - Two pair in limped pot 4s,3cView Hand 2021-09-07 (wil-1230)
William L - $300 tournament - Flat or 4b pre? Jh,JdView Hand 2021-09-07 (wil-1229)
William L - $300 tournament - How big to go? Ac,AdView Hand 2021-09-07 (wil-1228)
Steven Michael Madara - 1/2 cg - cg Ac,KdView Hand 2021-09-07 (std-1001)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Mike's High Hand special on 2021-09-04 - Hero flops strong top pair while deep in a multiway pot. Line? Kh,QhView Hand 2021-09-07 (mcl-1316)
- $.50/$1 online - KK set vs lead Kh,KsView Hand 2021-09-07 (JP-1135)
- $1/$2 online - Turn lead 4c,2cView Hand 2021-09-07 (JP-1134)
- $1/$2 online - Missed value on river? Ac,KdView Hand 2021-09-07 (JP-1133)
- $1/$2 online - KK vs turn cr Ks,KdView Hand 2021-09-07 (JP-1132)
- $1/$2 online - Marginal hand vs maniac 4s,4hView Hand 2021-09-07 (JP-1131)
Jim - JimB Prime Social $100K - $250 Buyin - call jam with player left to act As,JsView Hand 2021-09-07 (jib-1035)
Jim - JimB Prime Social $100k - Live, $250 Buy-in Qs,QhView Hand 2021-09-07 (jib-1034)
Jim - JimB Iggy Milly Aug 2021 - call jam from Unknown with AQo? Ac,QdView Hand 2021-09-07 (jib-1033)
Ben - $1-2 NLH (Live) - Soaring Eagle Casino Kd,KsView Hand 2021-09-06 (beb-1005)
Ben - $1-2 NLH (Live) - Gun Lake Casino 9c,9sView Hand 2021-09-06 (beb-1004)
Ben - $1-2 NLH (Online) - BetOnline Ks,AhView Hand 2021-09-06 (beb-1003)
Ben - $1-2 NLH (Online) - BetOnline Js,JdView Hand 2021-09-06 (beb-1002)
Ben - $1-2 NLH (Onilne) - BetOnline As,8sView Hand 2021-09-06 (beb-1001)
John Borges - John B Tiki #5 - facing the limp-3b Kc,KhView Hand 2021-09-05 (fly-1259)
John Borges - John B Tiki #4 - 3b for Ro 6d,5dView Hand 2021-09-05 (fly-1258)
John Borges - John B Tiki #3 - facing more leads... 2s,2cView Hand 2021-09-05 (fly-1257)
John Borges - John B Tiki #2 - facing more leads... Ad,3dView Hand 2021-09-05 (fly-1256)
John Borges - John B Tiki #1 - facing leads and narrowing ranges Jd,2dView Hand 2021-09-05 (fly-1255)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - KK OOP with A on flop Ks,KhView Hand 2021-09-05 (BV-1247)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - KK OOP with A on flop Ks,KcView Hand 2021-09-05 (BV-1246)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - All in on river with middle flush? 8c,7cView Hand 2021-09-05 (BV-1245)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - Bet flop with weak draw 7s,6sView Hand 2021-09-05 (BV-1244)
Nicholas Nguyen - 5/5 AK misses and we bluff - 5/5 AK misses and we bluff Ah,KsView Hand 2021-09-04 (nim-1022)
- home game #6 - i think he has a lower flush?? 8c,KcView Hand 2021-09-04 (clm-1006)
- 1/3 live - limped pot Ad,9dView Hand 2021-09-03 (cez-1024)
Kevin Kan - KT Mika 5/5 NR vs JC - JJ 2/3 river value bet Jh,JdView Hand 2021-09-02 (kvi-1008)
Kevin Kan - KT Mika 5/5 NR vs BAO - Flop nut flush vs BAO raise Ac,QcView Hand 2021-09-02 (kvi-1007)
Jeannine Powers - JP 2/4 on TANK - All in with just two high cards. ??????? Jc,KdView Hand 2021-09-02 (jea-1009)
Jeannine Powers - JP 2/4 on TANK - cautious call after utg raises a peculiar sizing Kd,JdView Hand 2021-09-02 (jea-1008)
Jeannine Powers - JP 2/4 on TANK - utg limp with jqo Jd,QsView Hand 2021-09-02 (jea-1007)
Jeannine Powers - JP 2/4 on TANK - J10hearts Jh,ThView Hand 2021-09-02 (jea-1006)
Jeannine Powers - JP 2/4 on TANK - AQc against my nemesis Qc,AcView Hand 2021-09-02 (jea-1005)
Jeannine Powers - JP 2/4 on TANK - played Q10clubs weak inSB???? Qc,TcView Hand 2021-09-02 (jea-1004)
Jeannine Powers - JP 2/4 on TANK - 10/8o in CO Tc,8sView Hand 2021-09-02 (jea-1003)
Jeannine Powers - JP 2/4 on TANK - not the best way to play AQsuited Ad,QdView Hand 2021-09-02 (jea-1002)
Selma - Selma Daytona Live - Big Blind Semi Bluff Qs,TsView Hand 2021-09-01 (sla-1081)
Nicholas Nguyen - 2/3 NL Bluff gets there - 2/3 NL Bluff gets there 6c,4cView Hand 2021-09-01 (nim-1021)
Marianne - Fontes Low Stakes Online MTT - Late Stages As,KhView Hand 2021-09-01 (mfa-1166)
Marianne - Fontes Low Stakes Online MTT - Late Stages 7d,6cView Hand 2021-09-01 (mfa-1165)
Marianne - Fontes Low Stakes Online MTT - Late Stages Qd,AsView Hand 2021-09-01 (mfa-1164)
Marianne - Fontes Low Stakes Online MTT - Late Stages Tc,TdView Hand 2021-09-01 (mfa-1163)
Marianne - Fontes Low Stakes Online MTT - Late Stages 6d,6cView Hand 2021-09-01 (mfa-1162)
Marianne - Fontes Low Stakes Online MTT - Late Stages Jd,AcView Hand 2021-09-01 (mfa-1161)
Marianne - Fontes Low Stakes Online MTT - Late Stages 8h,8dView Hand 2021-09-01 (mfa-1160)
Marianne - Fontes Low Stakes Online MTT - Late Stages Qs,AhView Hand 2021-09-01 (mfa-1159)
Marianne - Fontes Low Stakes Online MTT - Late Stages 7s,7dView Hand 2021-09-01 (mfa-1158)
Marianne - Fontes Low Stakes Online MTT - Late Stages Ad,AcView Hand 2021-09-01 (mfa-1157)
- Kouman 5/10 - q7 View Hand 2021-08-31 (ton-1025)
- Kouman 5/10 - Q6 View Hand 2021-08-31 (ton-1024)
- Kouman online1/2 - Q5 View Hand 2021-08-31 (ton-1023)
- Kouman online 1.2 - Q4 View Hand 2021-08-31 (ton-1022)
- Kouman live2/5 - Q3 View Hand 2021-08-31 (ton-1021)
- Kouman live 2/5 - Q2 View Hand 2021-08-31 (ton-1020)
- Kouman .25/.50 - Q1 View Hand 2021-08-31 (ton-1019)
Cody - GG Poker 1/2 - Bluff against Rampage Kd,JsView Hand 2021-08-30 (cod-1011)
- home game #5 - Pocket K's vs TJ Kd,KsView Hand 2021-08-28 (clm-1005)
- home game #4 - trip Q's, flush draw Qc,QdView Hand 2021-08-28 (clm-1004)
- Home game #3 - Top pair vs ?? Jh,AhView Hand 2021-08-28 (clm-1003)
- Home game #2 - Pocket J's vs Top pair Jd,JcView Hand 2021-08-28 (clm-1002)
- Home game #1 - Trip K's Kd,2sView Hand 2021-08-28 (clm-1001)
PokerCoaching - Hellmuth vs Dwan - 4 7s,7hView Hand 2021-08-28 (bdo-1194)
PokerCoaching - Hellmuth vs Dwan - 2 8h,3hView Hand 2021-08-28 (bdo-1193)
PokerCoaching - Hellmuth vs Dwan - 4 As,5hView Hand 2021-08-27 (bdo-1192)
PokerCoaching - Hellmuth vs Dwan - 3 7s,6hView Hand 2021-08-27 (bdo-1191)
PokerCoaching - Hellmuth vs Dwan - 2 Kh,2sView Hand 2021-08-27 (bdo-1190)
PokerCoaching - HSD - Hellmuth vs Dwan - 1 6h,3hView Hand 2021-08-27 (bdo-1189)
Codi Webb - 10NL - Online 9h,8hView Hand 2021-08-26 (coi-1001)
- .25/.5 zoom - two pair vs two pair Ac,6cView Hand 2021-08-26 (cez-1023)
Michael G Varon - 5NL - JJ river fold Jh,JdView Hand 2021-08-25 (sce-1001)
Jeannine Powers - JP 2/4 NL on line - Club Tank View Hand 2021-08-25 (jea-1001)
Cody - 1/3 MGM NH - CO vs BTN/BB 8c,6cView Hand 2021-08-25 (cod-1010)
Remigijus Stankaitis - 6 max 800$ GTD - AK Kc,AsView Hand 2021-08-24 (rsa-1001)
Marianne - Fontes Low Stakes Online MTT - Late Stages 7s,7hView Hand 2021-08-24 (mfa-1156)
Marianne - Fontes Low Stakes Online MTT - Middle Stages Kd,JcView Hand 2021-08-24 (mfa-1155)
Marianne - Fontes Low Stakes Online MTT - Middle Stages Ad,5dView Hand 2021-08-24 (mfa-1154)
Marianne - Fontes Low Stakes Online MTT - Middle Stages Ac,JcView Hand 2021-08-24 (mfa-1153)
Marianne - Fontes Low Stakes Online MTT - Middle Stages 3s,3hView Hand 2021-08-24 (mfa-1152)
Marianne - Fontes Low Stakes Online MTT - Middle Stages Ac,KcView Hand 2021-08-24 (mfa-1151)
Marianne - Fontes Low Stakes Online MTT - Middle Stages Qs,JcView Hand 2021-08-24 (mfa-1150)
Marianne - Fontes Low Stakes Online MTT - Middle Stages 9s,8hView Hand 2021-08-24 (mfa-1149)
William L - $2/$5 stream - Defend vs lunatic? Qc,JdView Hand 2021-08-23 (wil-1227)
William L - $2/$5 stream - AA faces giant check-shove Ah,AdView Hand 2021-08-23 (wil-1226)
William L - $2/$5 stream - Squeeze? Ah,TdView Hand 2021-08-23 (wil-1225)
William L - $1/$2 NL - KK big check-jam Kh,KdView Hand 2021-08-23 (wil-1224)
Selma - Selma Daytona 150 - Big Blind Special 6d,7sView Hand 2021-08-23 (sla-1080)
Selma - Selma Daytona 150 - Aces cracked As,AhView Hand 2021-08-23 (sla-1079)
Nicholas Nguyen - 5/5 Facing a tiny bet w/ TP - 5/5 Facing a tiny bet w/ TP Ac,JsView Hand 2021-08-23 (nim-1020)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1700 Cherokee Main Event - Hero flops top pair BTN vs BB and faces multiple leads 9h,7hView Hand 2021-08-23 (mcl-1315)
Jon - 0.5/1 NL - Should I call? Qh,JhView Hand 2021-08-23 (jnd-1001)
mpache - Hippodrome - As 3 As,3sView Hand 2021-08-22 (mln-1001)
Kevin Kan - KT Mika 10/10 - AQs monotone vs raise Ah,QhView Hand 2021-08-22 (kvi-1006)
Kevin Kan - KT Mika 10/10 - QQ sb 3 bet check flop Qh,QdView Hand 2021-08-22 (kvi-1005)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 8/21 #1 - sick busto Ts,9sView Hand 2021-08-22 (fly-1254)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - AA facing dock bet and turn all in Ah,AsView Hand 2021-08-22 (BV-1243)
Cronut - Cronut 1/3 - 1/3 QQ facing 4b Qs,QhView Hand 2021-08-21 (urc-1001)
Nicholas Nguyen - 5/5 Flushdraw vs raise - 5/5 Flushdraw vs raise Kd,JdView Hand 2021-08-21 (nim-1019)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - 3bet AK oop As,KdView Hand 2021-08-20 (BV-1242)
John Borges - John B PS 8/18 #1 - facing donk barrels Ks,JdView Hand 2021-08-19 (fly-1253)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - Fold Top Top to turn raise Ac,KdView Hand 2021-08-18 (BV-1241)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - Check OOP Top Top to one who floats Ah,KsView Hand 2021-08-18 (BV-1240)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - Calling down against wide range Th,TcView Hand 2021-08-18 (BV-1239)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - Calling paired flop with BD flush draw Ah,QhView Hand 2021-08-18 (BV-1238)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $5 cash - check raised holding KK Ks,KcView Hand 2021-08-18 (BV-1237)
Nicholas Nguyen - 5/5 NL Thin value with 2 pair? - 5/5 NL Thin value with 2 pair? Ac,6cView Hand 2021-08-17 (nim-1018)
Chase - Chase 2/5 - Set up 4s,4cView Hand 2021-08-17 (cca-1003)
Chase - Chase 2/5NL - Giggles Ad,9sView Hand 2021-08-17 (cca-1002)
John Borges - John B PS 8/15 #2 - loose 3b and disguised range Kd,TcView Hand 2021-08-16 (fly-1252)
John Borges - John B PS 8/15 #1 - missed value or good as is? 5s,5cView Hand 2021-08-16 (fly-1251)
Nicholas Nguyen - 5/5 Getting raised w/ big draw - 5/5 Getting raised w/ big draw Ac,ThView Hand 2021-08-15 (nim-1017)
Marianne - Fontes Low Stakes Online MTT - Early in tourney As,2sView Hand 2021-08-15 (mfa-1148)
Marianne - Fontes Low Stakes Online MTT - Early in tourney Ah,QdView Hand 2021-08-15 (mfa-1147)
Marianne - Fontes Low Stakes Online MTT - Early in tourney 9s,8hView Hand 2021-08-15 (mfa-1146)
Marianne - Fontes Low Stakes Online MTT - Early in tourney Kh,AcView Hand 2021-08-15 (mfa-1145)
muuuuuu - WPT UK Nottingham - WPT UK Nottingham Ah,AdView Hand 2021-08-14 (ogu-1034)
Marianne - Fontes Low Stakes Online MTT - Early in tourney Jh,QcView Hand 2021-08-14 (mfa-1143)
Marianne - Fontes Low Stakes Online MTT - Early in tourney Qs,QcView Hand 2021-08-14 (mfa-1142)
Marianne - Fontes Low Stakes Online MTT - Early in tourney 7s,6sView Hand 2021-08-14 (mfa-1141)
Marianne - Fontes Low Stakes Online MTT - Early in tourney Ah,7dView Hand 2021-08-14 (mfa-1140)
Marianne - Fontes Low Stakes Online MTT - Early in tourney Qh,QdView Hand 2021-08-14 (mfa-1139)
Marianne - Fontes Low Stakes Online MTT - Early in tourney 2s,8cView Hand 2021-08-14 (mfa-1138)
xxx - xxx 1/3 8/7/21 - Thin value? Ac,QcView Hand 2021-08-10 (yea-1011)
xxx - xxx 1/3 8/7/21 - Villain donk bet 6d,5dView Hand 2021-08-10 (yea-1010)
xxx - xxx 1/3 8/7/21 - Flop lead / River bet size Kh,JsView Hand 2021-08-10 (yea-1009)
xxx - xxx 1/3 8/7/21 - Villain Turn Lead Ac,KcView Hand 2021-08-10 (yea-1008)
xxx - xxx 1/3 8/7/21 - River thin value? 6s,6cView Hand 2021-08-10 (yea-1007)
Selma - Selma Venetian Day 2 - Priced out? Ac,JcView Hand 2021-08-10 (sla-1078)
Selma - Selma Venetian Day 2 - Paid off BB As,QsView Hand 2021-08-10 (sla-1077)
xxx - xxx 1/3 8/7/21 - Value bet / bluff 5h,5dView Hand 2021-08-09 (yea-1006)
xxx - xxx 1/3 8/7/21 - Flop lead? 5s,5cView Hand 2021-08-09 (yea-1005)
xxx - xxx 1/3 8/7/21 - Lost Value Th,TdView Hand 2021-08-09 (yea-1004)
xxx - xxx 1/3 8/7/21 - 3Bet 1 Js,JdView Hand 2021-08-09 (yea-1003)
xxx - xxx 1/3 8/6/21 - Punt 1 Kd,4sView Hand 2021-08-09 (yea-1002)
xxx - xxx 1/3 8/6/21 - Range betting 1 Kh,QhView Hand 2021-08-09 (yea-1001)
Tamminator - tourney - Multiway Pots #11 Ks,JsView Hand 2021-08-09 (tam-1029)
Tamminator - tourney - Multiway Pots #10 9h,9dView Hand 2021-08-09 (tam-1028)
Tamminator - tourney - Multiway Pots #9 Qh,ThView Hand 2021-08-09 (tam-1027)
Tamminator - tourney - Multiway Pots #8 6c,5cView Hand 2021-08-09 (tam-1026)
muuuuuu - $10/$20 HUNL 3 - $10/$20 HUNL 3 Qd,JdView Hand 2021-08-09 (ogu-1033)
muuuuuu - $10/$20 HUNL 2 - $10/$20 HUNL 2 As,AhView Hand 2021-08-09 (ogu-1032)
muuuuuu - $10/$20 HUNL 1 - $10/$20 HUNL 1 Qs,TdView Hand 2021-08-09 (ogu-1031)
Märten - prom2tu 2/2 - August 7 2021 9d,9cView Hand 2021-08-09 (maa-1025)
Märten - prom2tu 2/2 - August 7 2021 6d,6hView Hand 2021-08-09 (maa-1024)
Märten - prom2tu 2/2 - August 7 2021 Qs,QcView Hand 2021-08-09 (maa-1023)
Märten - prom2tu 2/2 - August 7 2021 Qs,JhView Hand 2021-08-09 (maa-1022)
Märten - prom2tu 2/2 - August 7 2021 9s,9cView Hand 2021-08-09 (maa-1021)
Märten - prom2tu 2/2 - August 7 2021 Ad,QdView Hand 2021-08-09 (maa-1020)
Märten - prom2tu 2/2 - August 7 2021 Ks,QdView Hand 2021-08-09 (maa-1019)
Märten - prom2tu 2/2 - August 7 2021 Js,JcView Hand 2021-08-09 (maa-1018)
Märten - prom2tu 2/2 - August 5 2021 Ks,2dView Hand 2021-08-09 (maa-1017)
Märten - prom2tu 2/2 - August 4 2021 Qs,JsView Hand 2021-08-09 (maa-1016)
Märten - prom2tu 2/2 - August 4 2021 As,QcView Hand 2021-08-09 (maa-1015)
Märten - prom2tu 2/2 - August 4 2021 As,QsView Hand 2021-08-09 (maa-1014)
Märten - prom2tu 2/2 - August 4 2021 8s,8hView Hand 2021-08-09 (maa-1013)
Märten - prom2tu 2/2 - August 4 2021 Ks,QcView Hand 2021-08-09 (maa-1012)
Nicholas Nguyen - 2/3 NL Set on scary runout - 2/3 Set on scary runout 7s,7cView Hand 2021-08-08 (nim-1016)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - J9o IP bluffing to look like thin value Js,9cView Hand 2021-08-08 (miq-1323)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AQo iso, TPtK monotone vs donked flop (same villain hand 1321) As,QhView Hand 2021-08-08 (miq-1322)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AA multiway facing donked flop As,AdView Hand 2021-08-08 (miq-1321)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A9s BvB vs reg, x-r? Ah,9hView Hand 2021-08-08 (miq-1320)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - ATo 4bet bluff Ac,ThView Hand 2021-08-08 (miq-1319)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KTs multiway, thin value 3 streets? Kh,ThView Hand 2021-08-08 (miq-1318)
LeonGaeilge - 88 Gangbang - GVA 1/2 8s,8cView Hand 2021-08-08 (dxi-1010)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 34 Kh,QdView Hand 2021-08-08 (bdo-1188)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 33 Ac,ThView Hand 2021-08-08 (bdo-1187)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 32 6d,4dView Hand 2021-08-08 (bdo-1186)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 31 Qh,QsView Hand 2021-08-08 (bdo-1185)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 30 Ac,TsView Hand 2021-08-08 (bdo-1184)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 29 Qh,QdView Hand 2021-08-08 (bdo-1183)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 28 Ad,7dView Hand 2021-08-08 (bdo-1182)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 27 Ks,QsView Hand 2021-08-08 (bdo-1181)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 26 6c,5cView Hand 2021-08-08 (bdo-1180)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 25 As,JcView Hand 2021-08-08 (bdo-1179)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 24 Jh,JsView Hand 2021-08-08 (bdo-1178)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 23 8c,6cView Hand 2021-08-08 (bdo-1177)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 22 Ad,AcView Hand 2021-08-08 (bdo-1176)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 21 Ah,KsView Hand 2021-08-08 (bdo-1175)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx WPT Choctaw $350 - 8.7d Qs,QdView Hand 2021-08-07 (jnj-1073)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx Texas Card House $2/5 - 8.7c Ad,KdView Hand 2021-08-07 (jnj-1072)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx WPT Choctaw Main Event - 8.7b 3h,4hView Hand 2021-08-07 (jnj-1071)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx Texas Card House $5/10 - 8.7a Kd,JdView Hand 2021-08-07 (jnj-1070)
John Borges - John B Keith #3 - short handed, SB showing aggression on paired board View Hand 2021-08-07 (fly-1250)
John Borges - John B Keith #2 - short handed w/ bluff catcher 8s,7dView Hand 2021-08-07 (fly-1249)
John Borges - John B Keiths #1 - short-handed play As,7hView Hand 2021-08-07 (fly-1248)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 7.17 #2 - level 2, SB facing pre/post flop action 7s,7cView Hand 2021-08-07 (fly-1247)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 7.17 #1 - early in, very deep Ad,4dView Hand 2021-08-07 (fly-1246)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 20 Qh,QcView Hand 2021-08-07 (bdo-1174)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 19 As,8hView Hand 2021-08-07 (bdo-1173)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 18 As,3sView Hand 2021-08-07 (bdo-1172)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 17 Qc,QsView Hand 2021-08-07 (bdo-1171)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 16 Qs,6hView Hand 2021-08-07 (bdo-1170)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 15 Ah,9hView Hand 2021-08-07 (bdo-1169)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 14 5s,3sView Hand 2021-08-07 (bdo-1168)
The Punting Degenerate - 2/5 online cash - cooler city Ks,AsView Hand 2021-08-06 (sei-1001)
Marianne - Fontes 1/3 - bet sizing? Ac,7cView Hand 2021-08-06 (mfa-1137)
Marianne - Fontes 1/3 - bet sizing? Qd,TdView Hand 2021-08-06 (mfa-1136)
Marianne - Fontes 1/3 - too lose of an open? 8h,ThView Hand 2021-08-06 (mfa-1135)
Marianne - Fontes 1/3 - Limped on Button..but couldn't play 4c,4sView Hand 2021-08-06 (mfa-1134)
Marianne - Fontes 1/3 - What do you think? As,JhView Hand 2021-08-06 (mfa-1133)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 13 As,8cView Hand 2021-08-06 (bdo-1167)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 12 Ac,JdView Hand 2021-08-06 (bdo-1166)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 11 Kh,QhView Hand 2021-08-06 (bdo-1165)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 10 Ad,AcView Hand 2021-08-06 (bdo-1164)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 9 Ah,8hView Hand 2021-08-06 (bdo-1163)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 8 5d,5hView Hand 2021-08-06 (bdo-1162)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 7 Ah,QdView Hand 2021-08-06 (bdo-1161)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 6 Ah,JhView Hand 2021-08-06 (bdo-1160)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 5 6d,6hView Hand 2021-08-06 (bdo-1159)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 4 Ad,QdView Hand 2021-08-06 (bdo-1158)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 3 5s,5cView Hand 2021-08-06 (bdo-1157)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 2 Qh,QdView Hand 2021-08-06 (bdo-1156)
PokerCoaching - Michael Clifford - Hand 1 Ac,7cView Hand 2021-08-06 (bdo-1155)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KQo OTB vs fish Kh,QcView Hand 2021-08-05 (miq-1317)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A2s 3b pot ip vs tight passive As,2sView Hand 2021-08-05 (miq-1316)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - JJ BvB vs shorty Jc,JdView Hand 2021-08-05 (miq-1315)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 66 ip 3b vs reg flop set, overbet jam 6s,6hView Hand 2021-08-05 (miq-1314)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AA BvB facing turn overbet 5x shove Ad,AcView Hand 2021-08-05 (miq-1313)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KTs UTG multi-way TPwK Ks,TsView Hand 2021-08-05 (miq-1312)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A6s 3 barrel oop Ah,6hView Hand 2021-08-05 (miq-1311)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AQo BvB 3b pot, TPtK check back, turn size? As,QcView Hand 2021-08-05 (miq-1310)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QJo in BB, river plan ... blockers? Qc,JdView Hand 2021-08-05 (miq-1309)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AKo 4b pot vs straight forward reg Ac,KdView Hand 2021-08-05 (miq-1308)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - K9o ip vs fishy 3 streets TPwK Kh,9cView Hand 2021-08-05 (miq-1307)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KTo ip line check Kc,TsView Hand 2021-08-05 (miq-1306)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KJs sb ISO overbet bluff Kc,JcView Hand 2021-08-05 (miq-1305)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 65s in bb 3b pot 6c,5cView Hand 2021-08-05 (miq-1304)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QQ ip multiway 3b pot Qs,QcView Hand 2021-08-05 (miq-1303)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KK oop bet sizing Ks,KdView Hand 2021-08-05 (miq-1302)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AA multi-way 3 barrells As,AdView Hand 2021-08-05 (miq-1301)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AJo trips facing rvr overbet Ah,JcView Hand 2021-08-05 (miq-1300)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 87s in sb complete 8s,7sView Hand 2021-08-05 (miq-1299)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A7s bb multiple limpers, flop TPwK Ac,7cView Hand 2021-08-05 (miq-1298)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 89o bb defend 8c,9dView Hand 2021-08-05 (miq-1297)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 99 oop 9s,9cView Hand 2021-08-05 (miq-1296)
John - 2/5 Mt Airy - Had to call Ah,7hView Hand 2021-08-05 (jhu-1009)
John - 2/5 Mt Airy - Chasers Ac,JcView Hand 2021-08-05 (jhu-1008)
John - 2/5 Mt Airy - Catch the bluff Ks,TsView Hand 2021-08-05 (jhu-1007)
John - 2/5 Mt Airy - Big river 6s,6cView Hand 2021-08-05 (jhu-1006)
John - 2/5 Mt Airy - Attack the limper Jd,9dView Hand 2021-08-05 (jhu-1005)
John - 2/5 Mt Airy - Attack the limp 8c,7cView Hand 2021-08-05 (jhu-1004)
John - 2/5 Mt Airy - Don't be afraid of scare card Th,TsView Hand 2021-08-05 (jhu-1003)
John - 2/5 Mt Airy - Oops Ac,QcView Hand 2021-08-05 (jhu-1002)
Don Bisco - Blitz JG TNP Cash - JG TNP Cash Ac,3cView Hand 2021-08-05 (don-1035)
John - 2/5 Mt Airy - 84 boat 8c,4cView Hand 2021-08-04 (jhu-1001)
Marianne - Fontes 1/3 Live - went for pot sized bet cuz of flush Qd,QhView Hand 2021-08-03 (mfa-1132)
Marianne - Fontes 1/3 Live - was 40 too much? As,5sView Hand 2021-08-03 (mfa-1131)
William L - $2/$5 stream - Call pre vs big open? Call turn? Ac,7cView Hand 2021-08-02 (wil-1223)
William L - $2/$5 stream - Bet turn? 7s,7dView Hand 2021-08-02 (wil-1222)
William L - $2/$5 stream - Bluff turn/river? Ah,7sView Hand 2021-08-02 (wil-1221)
Tamminator - tourney - Multiway Pot #7 As,TsView Hand 2021-08-02 (tam-1025)
Tamminator - tourney - Multiway Pots #5 Ah,QdView Hand 2021-08-02 (tam-1024)
Tamminator - tourney - Multiway Pots #4 7d,6dView Hand 2021-08-02 (tam-1023)
Tamminator - tourney - Multiway pots #3 8h,9hView Hand 2021-08-02 (tam-1022)
Tamminator - tourney - Multiway pot #2 Kc,TcView Hand 2021-08-02 (tam-1021)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - Hero 3-bets IP and flops a good draw, then gets led into on the turn. Line? Kc,TsView Hand 2021-08-02 (mcl-1314)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - Hero flops a NFD on a paired board multiway IP. Line? Ah,ThView Hand 2021-08-02 (mcl-1313)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $2.20 WSOHG on ACR - 3-handed at FT. Hero opens SB and flops middle pair with low SPR. Line? As,3sView Hand 2021-08-01 (mcl-1312)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $2.20 WSOHG on ACR - 3-handed at the FT. Hero flops top pair out of the SB on monotone board. Line? Qs,TsView Hand 2021-08-01 (mcl-1311)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $2.20 WSOHG on ACR - Hero flops decent top pair OOP multiway. Line? Qs,TsView Hand 2021-08-01 (mcl-1310)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $2.20 WSOHG on ACR - Hero flops some backdoors OOP. Line? Kc,9cView Hand 2021-08-01 (mcl-1309)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $2.20 WSOHG on ACR - Hero opens mid pair in EP and turns a set when OOP. Line? 8c,8dView Hand 2021-08-01 (mcl-1308)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - BvB at the FT when 5-handed. Next pay jump is 1 BI. Qd,TsView Hand 2021-08-01 (mcl-1307)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - Top pair with FD Ad,KdView Hand 2021-08-01 (BV-1236)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - OPSD on flop, bluf flush on turn Kc,QcView Hand 2021-08-01 (BV-1235)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - Top pair with flush draw As,2sView Hand 2021-08-01 (BV-1234)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - Flop middle set on wet board 7h,7cView Hand 2021-08-01 (BV-1233)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - Playing two pair on wet board Qs,TdView Hand 2021-08-01 (BV-1232)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 53s otb with massive fish 5c,3cView Hand 2021-07-31 (miq-1295)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 98s BvB line check 9c,8cView Hand 2021-07-31 (miq-1294)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QJo ip line check Qd,JcView Hand 2021-07-31 (miq-1293)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A7s vs total moron, bet sizings, river? As,7sView Hand 2021-07-31 (miq-1292)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KQo hj 3b IP vs reg 3 barrels Kh,QcView Hand 2021-07-31 (miq-1291)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AKs in SB 3b vs fish Ac,KcView Hand 2021-07-31 (miq-1290)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KQs 3b ip 3-way, TP2K w fish in hand, river?? Kd,QdView Hand 2021-07-31 (miq-1289)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A3s in BB flush draw facing big bets, x-r flop? river? Ad,3dView Hand 2021-07-31 (miq-1288)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - K9s IP vs tight reg - I just gave up Ks,9sView Hand 2021-07-31 (miq-1287)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KQo deep vs reg, TP2K (same reg as KJo 4bet hand(miq-1283)) Ks,QhView Hand 2021-07-31 (miq-1286)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - K3s in BB overbet river Kd,3dView Hand 2021-07-31 (miq-1285)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AA multi way, river value bet sizing Ah,AdView Hand 2021-07-31 (miq-1284)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KJo 4-bet bluff vs reg Kd,JcView Hand 2021-07-31 (miq-1283)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 54s 3b vs reg bet sizing on flop 5d,4dView Hand 2021-07-31 (miq-1282)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - K8o vs tagged fish & weak turn bet Kc,8dView Hand 2021-07-31 (miq-1281)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AA deep vs maniac moron and fish Ac,AhView Hand 2021-07-31 (miq-1280)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A9s vs maniac Ac,9cView Hand 2021-07-31 (miq-1279)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AQs SB 3b vs tight villain Ah,QhView Hand 2021-07-31 (miq-1278)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QJo BvB vs tight player Qh,JcView Hand 2021-07-31 (miq-1277)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QJs vs poster, oop multi-way flop, river? Qs,JsView Hand 2021-07-31 (miq-1276)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 66 LJ 3b oop 6s,6cView Hand 2021-07-31 (miq-1275)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - K9s SB 3b line check Kh,9hView Hand 2021-07-31 (miq-1274)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - JTs 3b OOP monotone board w 2pair Js,TsView Hand 2021-07-31 (miq-1273)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KTs 3b OOP TPwK PSB on rvr Ks,TsView Hand 2021-07-31 (miq-1272)
PokerCoaching - Nate vs Fake JK - PokerCoaching Ad,9sView Hand 2021-07-30 (bdo-1154)
Steven Kann - $6.60 buy in tourney - Oof Tc,8cView Hand 2021-07-29 (ska-1001)
Nicholas Nguyen - Bluffcatching vs loose aggressive - Bluffcatching vs loose aggressive As,AcView Hand 2021-07-29 (nim-1015)
PokerCoaching - Poker After Dark - Ding v Johnson Jh,ThView Hand 2021-07-29 (bdo-1153)
PokerCoaching - Poker After Dark - Chamath v Gurley Js,TcView Hand 2021-07-29 (bdo-1152)
Selma - Selma Miami Day One - SB Shoved out AK Qd,JdView Hand 2021-07-28 (sla-1076)
Nicholas Nguyen - 5/5 Kings vs Aggro - 5/5 Kings vs Aggro Ks,KhView Hand 2021-07-28 (nim-1014)
Arthur Louette - 10NL - 4bet pot OOP Qd,QcView Hand 2021-07-28 (lou-1001)
Benno - Gambit Stars NL50 - QQ vs a 3 bet from the BB on a wet flp Qh,QcView Hand 2021-07-28 (GB-1088)
Don Bisco - Blitz T&G LEAGUE G#3 - Shove or smooth As,KsView Hand 2021-07-28 (don-1034)
Don Bisco - Blitz T&G LEAGUE G#3 - New guys shove Ac,7cView Hand 2021-07-28 (don-1033)
Don Bisco - Blitz T&G LEAGUE G#3 - Vs Anders 8s,8cView Hand 2021-07-28 (don-1032)
Don Bisco - Blitz T&G LEAGUE G#3 - Vs Gail Ah,JdView Hand 2021-07-28 (don-1031)
Don Bisco - Blitz T&G LEAGUE G#3 - Tom's Range Kh,TsView Hand 2021-07-28 (don-1030)
Cody - .25/.50 GG Poker - Flop a set OOP on wet board 8h,8cView Hand 2021-07-28 (cod-1009)
PokerCoaching - Poker After Dark - Romero v Daniels Ah,AcView Hand 2021-07-28 (bdo-1151)
PokerCoaching - Poker After Dark - Daniels v Berkey Qc,JsView Hand 2021-07-28 (bdo-1150)
PokerCoaching - Poker After Dark - Soverel v Daniels Ks,JdView Hand 2021-07-28 (bdo-1149)
PokerCoaching - Poker After Dark - Keating v Hellmuth Jh,3cView Hand 2021-07-28 (bdo-1148)
Selma - Selma Miami 400 - Big Mistake Ah,QdView Hand 2021-07-27 (sla-1075)
42smile42 - 42smile42 $1/$2 NL - PS $1/$2 NL - Flush over Flush Qd,KdView Hand 2021-07-27 (ipc-1001)
William L - $5/$5/$10 stream - Facing weird 4bet As,KsView Hand 2021-07-26 (wil-1220)
William L - $1100 Choctaw - Flop check-jam Ah,3hView Hand 2021-07-26 (wil-1219)
William L - $365 tournament - Turned straight, river lead 8c,6cView Hand 2021-07-26 (wil-1218)
William L - $2/$5 - Turned straight Qh,JdView Hand 2021-07-26 (wil-1217)
Tamminator - Multiway2 - Multiway2 As,JhView Hand 2021-07-26 (tam-1020)
Tamminator - Multiway1 - Multiway1 As,JhView Hand 2021-07-26 (tam-1019)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QQ vs EP fish "ol otb / likes to x-r a lot? /" Qs,QhView Hand 2021-07-26 (miq-1271)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - K6o vs reg, should I be bluff catching Ks,6dView Hand 2021-07-26 (miq-1270)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KK vs passive, fold overpair to flush completing river? Kd,KhView Hand 2021-07-26 (miq-1269)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A3s multiway, x-r spew? Ac,3cView Hand 2021-07-26 (miq-1268)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - ATs Trips, sizings? Ac,TcView Hand 2021-07-26 (miq-1267)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KQo 3bet, river action? Kh,QdView Hand 2021-07-26 (miq-1266)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AQo 3b, wtf river snap called! But dumb bet by me. Ac,QdView Hand 2021-07-26 (miq-1265)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - J9s vs reg, line check, river sizing Jd,9dView Hand 2021-07-26 (miq-1264)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QJo iso limper, x-raised w OESD, odds to call? Qh,JsView Hand 2021-07-26 (miq-1263)
Nicholas Nguyen - 5/5 Kings vs fun player - 5/5 Kings vs fun player Kc,KsView Hand 2021-07-25 (nim-1013)
Lookie47 - Lookie47 1/2 Orang City - JTs Jd,TdView Hand 2021-07-25 (lmu-1003)
Lookie47 - Lookie47 1/2 Orang City - 32s SS 3d,2dView Hand 2021-07-25 (lmu-1002)
Lookie47 - Lookie47 1/2 Orange City - QQ Vs Cold Call 3bet Qs,QhView Hand 2021-07-25 (lmu-1001)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - Calling river with Top pair medium kicker Qh,JhView Hand 2021-07-25 (BV-1231)
Selma - Selma Fort L Live - big blind special 3d,5cView Hand 2021-07-24 (sla-1074)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #14 2021 - Farid BB defend Js,2dView Hand 2021-07-24 (ker-1163)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #14 2021 - A6s BTN open Ad,6dView Hand 2021-07-24 (ker-1162)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #14 2021 - 55 SB facing LJ open 5s,5cView Hand 2021-07-24 (ker-1161)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #14 2021 - 77 BTN open 7h,7cView Hand 2021-07-24 (ker-1160)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #14 2021 - A6s EP 3-way Ac,6cView Hand 2021-07-24 (ker-1159)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #14 2021 - QQ in EP facing 3-bet Qs,QhView Hand 2021-07-24 (ker-1158)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #14 2021 - 3-bet vs. LAG Jc,9hView Hand 2021-07-24 (ker-1157)
LeonGaeilge - 0.5/1 Lausanne - 3bet Kc,TcView Hand 2021-07-24 (dxi-1009)
Rauno Remmel - Estzen Tallinn Summershowdown Paf Special - 12th, Paf special, last hand. Ac,5cView Hand 2021-07-23 (rau-1001)
Nicolas Silva - Pulpo Bounty Hunters $1.05 - Q8s facing an all-in in the flop with top pair. Qs,8sView Hand 2021-07-22 (nio-1002)
Nicolas Silva - Pulpo $1 Bounty - JcTh in the BB close to bubble. Jc,ThView Hand 2021-07-21 (nio-1001)
Jeff Bronner - Vesty777 10/25 NL ACR - Top pair bomb pot vs set 9h,2dView Hand 2021-07-21 (jef-1024)
Jeff Bronner - Vesty777 1-2 Live Battle Creek - AKs vs KQo Ac,KcView Hand 2021-07-21 (jef-1023)
Nicholas Nguyen - 2/3 Live - OOP w/ 88 vs 3 bet 8d,8hView Hand 2021-07-20 (nim-1012)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - over limp calling with 33 3s,3dView Hand 2021-07-20 (BV-1230)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - bottom 2 pair 5s,4cView Hand 2021-07-20 (BV-1229)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - 3-bet pot with JJ Js,JcView Hand 2021-07-20 (BV-1228)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - Called AKo to 3bet OOP As,KdView Hand 2021-07-20 (BV-1227)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - call 3-bet OOP Jd,JsView Hand 2021-07-20 (BV-1226)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - Flop top set As,AcView Hand 2021-07-20 (BV-1225)
LeonGaeilge - Montreux 1/2 - QJs vs river bet Qs,JsView Hand 2021-07-19 (dxi-1008)
LeonGaeilge - 1K pot - Montreux 1/2 Ks,KdView Hand 2021-07-18 (dxi-1007)
Rollo - b-roll Test - Test As,KsView Hand 2021-07-17 (wal-1001)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AKs - Flop trips vs reg, line check Ah,KhView Hand 2021-07-16 (miq-1262)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - TT - 3b oop vs overbet Ts,ThView Hand 2021-07-16 (miq-1261)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 66 - Line check, river?? 6c,6sView Hand 2021-07-16 (miq-1260)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KQo - 3 way bet sizings Kh,QdView Hand 2021-07-16 (miq-1259)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - ATs - spew? As,TsView Hand 2021-07-16 (miq-1258)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AKo - UTG oop 3b pot, line check Ah,KsView Hand 2021-07-16 (miq-1257)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AA - 4 way to a flop, shorty too. Ac,AdView Hand 2021-07-16 (miq-1256)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - ATs - vs LP shorty multi-way; Ac,TcView Hand 2021-07-16 (miq-1255)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 98s vs multiple fish and tiny bets 9h,8hView Hand 2021-07-16 (miq-1254)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - Q7s - flop terrible, river x-raise Qh,7hView Hand 2021-07-16 (miq-1253)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QJo - bet sizings? Qc,JhView Hand 2021-07-16 (miq-1252)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QQ - v-bet river? Call fish min-raise ugh. Qs,QdView Hand 2021-07-16 (miq-1251)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - T3o - wtf poker is dead Ts,3dView Hand 2021-07-16 (miq-1250)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KTs - 3b, big bets & overbet Kc,TcView Hand 2021-07-16 (miq-1249)
Nicholas Nguyen - 2/3 NL Live vs Fun Player - 2/3 live Jh,JdView Hand 2021-07-15 (nim-1011)
Evan Holdsworth - badMETAsin $2/$3 - AKo vs huge pfr from limper lady As,KhView Hand 2021-07-15 (bad-1003)
Evan Holdsworth - badMETAsin $2/$3 - QQ on Jc3h6c facing flop raise and 3-bet Qh,QdView Hand 2021-07-15 (bad-1002)
Evan Holdsworth - badMETAsin $3/$5 Cash - KQo blocker river bluff Kc,QhView Hand 2021-07-15 (bad-1001)
Benno - Gambit PStars NL25 - Calling a 4 bet with QKs Ks,QsView Hand 2021-07-14 (GB-1087)
Benno - Gambit PokerSt. NL25 - 43 two pair vs JJ hitting flush 4s,3sView Hand 2021-07-14 (GB-1086)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope Bellagio $5/$10 - Going for max value with overpair from EP. Ks,KdView Hand 2021-07-14 (aqp-1041)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope Bellagio $5/$10 - Weird River Spot with Top Two Ah,QsView Hand 2021-07-14 (aqp-1040)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope Bellagio $5/$10 - Sweaty Runouts for flopped set. 8s,8cView Hand 2021-07-14 (aqp-1039)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope Bellagio $1/$3 - Fun Turn and River Spots 7c,4cView Hand 2021-07-14 (aqp-1038)
William L - $600 tournament - Call off with TT? Ts,TcView Hand 2021-07-12 (wil-1216)
William L - $600 tournament - 4 from money Ah,QhView Hand 2021-07-12 (wil-1215)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand Review Kd,JdView Hand 2021-07-12 (sup-1040)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand Review Jc,9cView Hand 2021-07-12 (sup-1039)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand Review 3d,3hView Hand 2021-07-12 (sup-1038)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand Review Kd,JhView Hand 2021-07-12 (sup-1037)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand Review Kd,QdView Hand 2021-07-12 (sup-1036)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand Review Ad,2dView Hand 2021-07-12 (sup-1035)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand Review Qs,JcView Hand 2021-07-12 (sup-1034)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand Review Ts,TcView Hand 2021-07-12 (sup-1033)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand Review Jh,JdView Hand 2021-07-12 (sup-1032)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand Review Qs,9sView Hand 2021-07-12 (sup-1031)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand Review Jc,JhView Hand 2021-07-12 (sup-1030)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand Review Ac,7cView Hand 2021-07-12 (sup-1029)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand Review As,QdView Hand 2021-07-12 (sup-1028)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand Review Ac,KsView Hand 2021-07-12 (sup-1027)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand Review Qc,6cView Hand 2021-07-12 (sup-1026)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand Review 7h,7dView Hand 2021-07-12 (sup-1025)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand Review Ks,JhView Hand 2021-07-12 (sup-1024)
Selma - Selma Daytona 500 - the speech Kc,KsView Hand 2021-07-12 (sla-1073)
Selma - Selma Daytona 500 - 3 bet jacks Js,JcView Hand 2021-07-12 (sla-1072)
William L - $600 tournament - Turned draw Kc,3sView Hand 2021-07-11 (wil-1214)
William L - $600 tournament - QQ 3bet sidepot Qs,QhView Hand 2021-07-11 (wil-1213)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $500 CPPT Event - FT ICM Spot. Hero is short and flops a flush draw out of the BB. Play? Jh,7hView Hand 2021-07-11 (mcl-1306)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $500 CPPT Event - FT ICM spot. Next pay jump is worth 3 BI. Play? Kc,QcView Hand 2021-07-11 (mcl-1305)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $2500 CPPT Main Event Day 1A - Hero flops top/top on a dry board IP in a 3-bet pot. Line? As,QdView Hand 2021-07-11 (mcl-1304)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - hit straight on turn Js,9sView Hand 2021-07-11 (BV-1224)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - Small bets with Top top As,KdView Hand 2021-07-11 (BV-1223)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - AA facing donk lead As,AcView Hand 2021-07-10 (BV-1222)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - Short stack raised all in on turn Kh,KsView Hand 2021-07-10 (BV-1221)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - Multiway with AA on wet board As,AcView Hand 2021-07-10 (BV-1220)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - Call small bets with top top Ah,KdView Hand 2021-07-10 (BV-1219)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - flop middle set and get raised 9s,9cView Hand 2021-07-10 (BV-1218)
Selma - Selma Daytona Live - Jacks behind aces Js,JcView Hand 2021-07-07 (sla-1071)
Ryan - 5/5 NLH Live - Ian in a tough spot BB v BTN Ad,7sView Hand 2021-07-07 (rpp-1086)
Alan Ho - Alan H. PJ $1/3 July 5 - KJo BTN Ks,JcView Hand 2021-07-07 (ker-1156)
Alan Ho - Alan H. PJ $1/3 July 5 - 97s flopped a flush 9h,7hView Hand 2021-07-07 (ker-1155)
Alan Ho - Alan H. PJ $1/3 July 5 - 33 in HJ facing a raise from BB 3s,3hView Hand 2021-07-07 (ker-1154)
Alan Ho - Alan H. PJ $1/3 July 5 - T9s facing a limper from +2 Th,9hView Hand 2021-07-07 (ker-1153)
Alan Ho - Alan H. PJ $1/3 July 5 - 77 in LJ facing EP $15 open 7s,7hView Hand 2021-07-07 (ker-1152)
Alan Ho - Alan H. PJ $1/3 July 5 - QQ from CO Qs,QhView Hand 2021-07-07 (ker-1151)
Alan Ho - Alan H. PJ $1/3 July 5 - KQs from +1 Kh,QhView Hand 2021-07-07 (ker-1150)
Jim bishop - jimbobway 10NL Global - 56s 5c,6cView Hand 2021-07-07 (jiw-1002)
Jim bishop - jimbobway 10nl global - AQ UTG As,QhView Hand 2021-07-07 (jiw-1001)
Don Bisco - Blitz GT WSOP SEAT GAME - Set of 4s 4s,4cView Hand 2021-07-07 (don-1029)
John L - Graton Cash $2-3-5 $1k cap - 2-3-5 NL $1k cap 2s,2cView Hand 2021-07-06 (jda-1059)
Catcher - Live - test Ad,KdView Hand 2021-07-05 (set-1001)
LeonGaeilge - Montreux - Combo draw 6d,4dView Hand 2021-07-04 (dxi-1006)
Dang Huu - dung live cash otot - intersting hand View Hand 2021-07-04 (dun-1004)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A4s - 3bet; turn x, good bluff? Ad,4dView Hand 2021-07-03 (miq-1248)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - Q9s - flop, turn, river? Qc,9cView Hand 2021-07-03 (miq-1247)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AQo - vs fish limps a lot; bet sizes? Ac,QhView Hand 2021-07-03 (miq-1246)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A8s - vs reg; Can we ever turn bluff here? Ah,8hView Hand 2021-07-03 (miq-1245)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $2500 CPPT Main Event Day 1A - Hero flops bottom pair BB v Jaffe on BTN Qd,2dView Hand 2021-07-01 (mcl-1303)
Ryan - NLH MTT online - Alex "Assasinat0" Fitzgerald navigates the SB Jh,9hView Hand 2021-06-30 (rpp-1085)
Ryan - 2/5 - VIEWER SUBMISSION 9h,7hView Hand 2021-06-30 (rpp-1084)
Ryan - 5/10 Bellagio - Rishi in a rough spot with jiggities Jh,JdView Hand 2021-06-30 (rpp-1083)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - ATs - Range/nut adv; check & bet sizing all streets Ac,TcView Hand 2021-06-30 (miq-1244)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $2/$2 at Bestbet Jacksonville - Hero turns the nuts and gets raised after betting it Kc,4cView Hand 2021-06-30 (mcl-1302)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $2/$2 at Bestbet Jacksonville - Hero flops 2 overs + FD multiway Kh,ThView Hand 2021-06-30 (mcl-1301)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $2/$2 at Bestbet Jacksonville - Hero flops top pair multiway on a monotone board Kc,QcView Hand 2021-06-30 (mcl-1300)
- Kouman $3 home game - Bluff with blocker and outs Ac,2cView Hand 2021-06-29 (ton-1018)
William L - $1060 turbo bounty - JJ faces lead Jc,JdView Hand 2021-06-28 (wil-1212)
William L - Venetian $600 - Two pair vs nit 9c,5cView Hand 2021-06-28 (wil-1211)
William L - Venetian $600 - JJ flops set Jh,JdView Hand 2021-06-28 (wil-1210)
William L - $1100 Wynn Millions satellite - Top pair, flush board As,TsView Hand 2021-06-28 (wil-1209)
William L - $525 WSOPC online - AA 12 from money As,AcView Hand 2021-06-28 (wil-1208)
Tamminator - Susans hand - susans hand Qs,QcView Hand 2021-06-28 (tam-1018)
Marianne - Fontes 1/3 live - terrible line by me Qh,ThView Hand 2021-06-28 (mfa-1130)
LeonGaeilge - Lasarraz 1/1 - UTG Straddle Ac,KcView Hand 2021-06-28 (dxi-1005)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - Flopped bottom set on wet board 9s,9cView Hand 2021-06-27 (BV-1217)
LeonGaeilge - Montreux mississipi - CG 1/2 BTN STRADDLE Th,9hView Hand 2021-06-26 (dxi-1004)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Duel - Hellmuth vs Negreanu Ac,6hView Hand 2021-06-26 (bdo-1147)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Duel - Hellmuth vs Negreanu 6h,5sView Hand 2021-06-26 (bdo-1146)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Duel - Hellmuth vs Negreanu 5s,2cView Hand 2021-06-26 (bdo-1145)
Cody - PokerBros .3/.6 - Turn 3-bet bluff Ks,JsView Hand 2021-06-25 (cod-1008)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Duel - Hellmuth vs Negreanu 9s,9cView Hand 2021-06-25 (bdo-1144)
Alan Ho - Alan H. $1000 WSOP Seniors - hand #13 - A6o HJ open. HU vs. BB Ah,6cView Hand 2021-06-23 (ker-1149)
Alan Ho - Alan H. $1000 WSOP Seniors - hand #12 - BB vs. SB; 96o 9h,6dView Hand 2021-06-23 (ker-1148)
Alan Ho - Alan H. $1000 WSOP Seniors - hand #11 - AJo CO open; Ac,JsView Hand 2021-06-23 (ker-1147)
Alan Ho - Alan H. $1000 WSOP Seniors - hand #10 - T8s LJ; I was chip leader and running over table. Tc,8cView Hand 2021-06-23 (ker-1146)
Alan Ho - Alan H. $1000 WSOP Seniors - hand #9 - BB T9o facing 2 limpers Tc,9sView Hand 2021-06-23 (ker-1145)
Alan Ho - Alan H. $1000 WSOP Seniors - hand #8 - SB T9o facing 2 limpers; Tc,9sView Hand 2021-06-23 (ker-1144)
Alan Ho - Alan H. $1000 WSOP Seniors - hand #7.1 - 22 BTN facing CO limp; 2h,2cView Hand 2021-06-23 (ker-1143)
Alan Ho - Alan H. $1000 WSOP Seniors - hand #6.1 - BTN K6o facing CO limp. Ks,6hView Hand 2021-06-23 (ker-1142)
Alan Ho - Alan H. $1000 WSOP Seniors - hand #6 - ATs 2.5x open from +2; HU vs. LJ Ah,ThView Hand 2021-06-23 (ker-1141)
Alan Ho - Alan H. $1000 WSOP Seniors - hand #5.2 - A8o BTN facing HJ 3.3x open Ah,8sView Hand 2021-06-23 (ker-1140)
Alan Ho - Alan H. $1000 WSOP Seniors - hand #5.1 - LJ J9s open. HU vs. BB Jc,9cView Hand 2021-06-23 (ker-1139)
Alan Ho - Alan H. $1000 WSOP Seniors - hand #5 - 64s BTN facing HJ 2.7x open 6c,4cView Hand 2021-06-23 (ker-1138)
Alan Ho - Alan H. $1000 WSOP Seniors - hand #4 - A9o CO open. Flopped middle pair 3-way Ac,9hView Hand 2021-06-23 (ker-1137)
Alan Ho - Alan H. $1000 WSOP Seniors - hand #2 - BB vs. SB; Flopped nut flush draw. Ac,7dView Hand 2021-06-23 (ker-1136)
Alan Ho - Alan H. $1000 WSOP Seniors - hand #1.2 - 99 in +2 facing limper; raise or call? 9s,9cView Hand 2021-06-23 (ker-1135)
Alan Ho - Alan H. $1000 WSOP Seniors - hand #1.1 - A8o BB facing 3 limpers; SB should lead turn? Ac,8hView Hand 2021-06-23 (ker-1134)
Alan Ho - Alan H. $1000 WSOP Seniors = hand #1 - A7s CO facing EP 3x open Ad,7dView Hand 2021-06-23 (ker-1133)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Duel 3 - Hellmuth vs Negreanu 2c,2dView Hand 2021-06-23 (bdo-1143)
Don Bisco - Blitz Rungood Series Jamul - Well played by Villian As,QsView Hand 2021-06-22 (don-1028)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope $2/$5 Wynn - NFD facing aggression IP Ac,5cView Hand 2021-06-22 (aqp-1037)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope $2/$5 Wynn - Misclick PFR leads to missed value? Ks,QsView Hand 2021-06-22 (aqp-1036)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope $2/$5 Wynn - Bluffing w/ double BDs and Turned Nuts Ah,JhView Hand 2021-06-22 (aqp-1035)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope $2/$5 Wynn - Bad runout in 3B hand OOP. As,KdView Hand 2021-06-22 (aqp-1034)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope $2/$5 Caesar's Palace - Turning marginal hands into a bluff. Qs,JsView Hand 2021-06-22 (aqp-1033)
Selma - Selma Daytona - UTG +1 Three Bet Ah,ThView Hand 2021-06-21 (sla-1070)
Selma - Selma Jax 600 - Suited K in BB Ks,6sView Hand 2021-06-21 (sla-1069)
Selma - Selma Daytona Aces - Daytona Aces As,AcView Hand 2021-06-21 (sla-1068)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - calling / limping in staddled hand As,JhView Hand 2021-06-21 (BV-1216)
LeonGaeilge - Lasarraz CG - X Jd,9dView Hand 2021-06-20 (dxi-1003)
LeonGaeilge - Lasarraz CG - X Jd,9dView Hand 2021-06-20 (dxi-1002)
LeonGaeilge - Montreux - Cash game 1/2 9s,QcView Hand 2021-06-20 (dxi-1001)
PokerCoaching - USPO #12 - Hand 22 Ts,3cView Hand 2021-06-20 (bdo-1142)
PokerCoaching - USPO #12 - Hand 21 As,QhView Hand 2021-06-20 (bdo-1141)
PokerCoaching - USPO #12 - Hand 20 Ad,QdView Hand 2021-06-20 (bdo-1140)
PokerCoaching - USPO #12 - Hand 19 Qd,TcView Hand 2021-06-20 (bdo-1139)
PokerCoaching - USPO #12 - Hand 18 Kc,JsView Hand 2021-06-20 (bdo-1138)
PokerCoaching - USPO #12 - Hand 17 7d,6dView Hand 2021-06-20 (bdo-1137)
PokerCoaching - USPO #12 - Hand 16 As,8hView Hand 2021-06-20 (bdo-1136)
PokerCoaching - USPO #12 - Hand 15 Qh,8hView Hand 2021-06-20 (bdo-1135)
PokerCoaching - USPO #12 - Hand 14 5s,4cView Hand 2021-06-20 (bdo-1134)
PokerCoaching - USPO #12 - Hand 13 9c,6cView Hand 2021-06-20 (bdo-1133)
PokerCoaching - USPO #12 - Hand 12 Ad,QdView Hand 2021-06-20 (bdo-1132)
PokerCoaching - USPO #12 - Hand 11 Ah,JhView Hand 2021-06-20 (bdo-1131)
PokerCoaching - USPO #12 - Hand 10 View Hand 2021-06-20 (bdo-1130)
PokerCoaching - USPO #12 - Hand 9 Jh,JcView Hand 2021-06-20 (bdo-1129)
PokerCoaching - USPO #12 - Hand 8 Ks,QcView Hand 2021-06-20 (bdo-1128)
PokerCoaching - USPO #12 - Hand 7 8d,8sView Hand 2021-06-20 (bdo-1127)
PokerCoaching - USPO #12 - Hand 6 Ah,TcView Hand 2021-06-20 (bdo-1126)
PokerCoaching - USPO #12 - Hand 5 Qs,JhView Hand 2021-06-20 (bdo-1125)
PokerCoaching - USPO #12 - Hand 4 Tc,8cView Hand 2021-06-20 (bdo-1124)
PokerCoaching - USPO #12 - Hand 3 9h,8hView Hand 2021-06-20 (bdo-1123)
PokerCoaching - USPO #12 - Hand 2 Th,8hView Hand 2021-06-20 (bdo-1122)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx Hard Rock Tampa $1M GTD - Hard Rock Tournament 3c,4cView Hand 2021-06-19 (jnj-1069)
Jim - JimB $109 $250k 061321 - Call 2nd Jam with AKo? Ac,KhView Hand 2021-06-19 (jib-1032)
PokerCoaching - USPO #12 - Hand 1 7s,7cView Hand 2021-06-19 (bdo-1121)
PokerCoaching - USPO #11 - Hand 12 Qc,TdView Hand 2021-06-19 (bdo-1120)
PokerCoaching - USPO #11 - Hand 11 Jc,7cView Hand 2021-06-19 (bdo-1119)
PokerCoaching - USPO #11 - Hand 10 Ac,KcView Hand 2021-06-19 (bdo-1118)
PokerCoaching - USPO #11 - Hand 9 Qh,7hView Hand 2021-06-19 (bdo-1117)
PokerCoaching - USPO #11 - Hand 8 Jh,3hView Hand 2021-06-19 (bdo-1116)
PokerCoaching - USPO #11 - Hand 7 Kh,QhView Hand 2021-06-19 (bdo-1115)
PokerCoaching - USPO #11 - Hand 6 Ts,8cView Hand 2021-06-19 (bdo-1114)
PokerCoaching - USPO #11 - Hand 5 Ad,KsView Hand 2021-06-19 (bdo-1113)
PokerCoaching - USPO #11 - Hand 4 Qd,JdView Hand 2021-06-19 (bdo-1112)
PokerCoaching - USPO #11 - Hand 3 Tc,9hView Hand 2021-06-19 (bdo-1111)
PokerCoaching - USPO #11 - Hand 2 2s,2hView Hand 2021-06-19 (bdo-1110)
PokerCoaching - USPO #11 - Hand 1 Kh,QhView Hand 2021-06-19 (bdo-1109)
PokerCoaching - USPO #3 - Hand 5 As,4cView Hand 2021-06-19 (bdo-1108)
PokerCoaching - USPO #3 - Hand 4 Jc,ThView Hand 2021-06-19 (bdo-1107)
PokerCoaching - USPO #3 - Hand 3 Qc,TcView Hand 2021-06-19 (bdo-1106)
PokerCoaching - USPO #3 - Hand 2 2h,2dView Hand 2021-06-19 (bdo-1105)
PokerCoaching - USPO #3 - Hand 1 Js,JhView Hand 2021-06-19 (bdo-1104)
Sean Hazlett - Sean cashgame - he folded AA Kc,JhView Hand 2021-06-18 (sep-1001)
Nate Schmitt - N8Ball $1/$3 Live Cash - 5 Bet Bluff Ad,3dView Hand 2021-06-18 (nrs-1003)
Nate Schmitt - N8Ball $1/$3 Cash - 1/3 Live cash game. Ks,JsView Hand 2021-06-18 (nrs-1002)
Marianne - Fontes 1/3 live June 17 - vs super splashy fish Js,JhView Hand 2021-06-18 (mfa-1129)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 live June 17 - Caught A and flush on river As,QdView Hand 2021-06-18 (mfa-1128)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 live June 17 - Big Time Cooler As,KhView Hand 2021-06-18 (mfa-1127)
PokerCoaching - USPO #9 - Hand 21 Qc,9sView Hand 2021-06-18 (bdo-1103)
PokerCoaching - USPO #9 - Hand 20 6s,6dView Hand 2021-06-18 (bdo-1102)
PokerCoaching - USPO #9 - Hand 19 Kh,KcView Hand 2021-06-18 (bdo-1101)
PokerCoaching - USPO #9 - Hand 18 Kc,7cView Hand 2021-06-18 (bdo-1100)
PokerCoaching - USPO #9 - Hand 17 As,JhView Hand 2021-06-18 (bdo-1099)
PokerCoaching - USPO #9 - Hand 16 Ks,JcView Hand 2021-06-18 (bdo-1098)
PokerCoaching - USPO #9 - Hand 15 2c,2hView Hand 2021-06-18 (bdo-1097)
PokerCoaching - USPO #9 - Hand 14 7s,7cView Hand 2021-06-18 (bdo-1096)
PokerCoaching - USPO #9 - Hand 13 As,AhView Hand 2021-06-18 (bdo-1095)
PokerCoaching - USPO #9 - Hand 12 Qd,8dView Hand 2021-06-18 (bdo-1094)
PokerCoaching - USPO #9 - Hand 11 Jd,9sView Hand 2021-06-18 (bdo-1093)
PokerCoaching - USPO #9 - Hand 10 As,KhView Hand 2021-06-18 (bdo-1092)
PokerCoaching - USPO #9 - Hand 9 Qs,QcView Hand 2021-06-18 (bdo-1091)
PokerCoaching - USPO #9 - Hand 8 As,TcView Hand 2021-06-18 (bdo-1090)
PokerCoaching - USPO #9 - Hand 7 Kc,TcView Hand 2021-06-18 (bdo-1089)
PokerCoaching - USPO #9 - Hand 6 As,AcView Hand 2021-06-18 (bdo-1088)
Nate Schmitt - N8Ball $1/ $3 Live Cash - $1/ $3 Live Cash- Very deep 5d,5hView Hand 2021-06-17 (nrs-1001)
Marianne - Fontes 1/3 live on June 17 - Didn't know I had Adiamonds Ad,4hView Hand 2021-06-17 (mfa-1126)
Marianne - Fontes 1/3 live on June 17 - bet sizing thoughout? 8s,7sView Hand 2021-06-17 (mfa-1125)
Cody - .5/1 - PokerBros 3d4d in BB vs BTN 3d,4dView Hand 2021-06-17 (cod-1007)
PokerCoaching - USPO #9 - Hand 5 Kh,8hView Hand 2021-06-17 (bdo-1087)
PokerCoaching - USPO #9 - Hand 4 8d,6dView Hand 2021-06-17 (bdo-1086)
PokerCoaching - USPO #9 - Hand 3 As,ThView Hand 2021-06-17 (bdo-1085)
PokerCoaching - USPO #9 - Hand 2 Js,JcView Hand 2021-06-17 (bdo-1084)
PokerCoaching - USPO #9 - Hand 1 Ks,ThView Hand 2021-06-17 (bdo-1083)
PokerCoaching - USPO #7 - Hand 11 Kh,KsView Hand 2021-06-17 (bdo-1082)
PokerCoaching - USPO #7 - Hand 10 As,QcView Hand 2021-06-17 (bdo-1081)
PokerCoaching - USPO #7 - Hand 9 As,9dView Hand 2021-06-17 (bdo-1080)
PokerCoaching - USPO #7 - Hand 8 9c,9hView Hand 2021-06-17 (bdo-1079)
PokerCoaching - USPO #7 - Hand 7 Js,7cView Hand 2021-06-17 (bdo-1078)
PokerCoaching - USPO #7 - Hand 6 As,KhView Hand 2021-06-17 (bdo-1077)
PokerCoaching - USPO #7 - Hand 5 Jd,9dView Hand 2021-06-17 (bdo-1076)
PokerCoaching - USPO #7 - Hand 4 6s,6hView Hand 2021-06-17 (bdo-1075)
PokerCoaching - USPO #7 - Hand 3 Ks,2cView Hand 2021-06-17 (bdo-1074)
PokerCoaching - USPO #7 - Hand 2 Kc,8cView Hand 2021-06-17 (bdo-1073)
PokerCoaching - USPO #7 - Hand 1 As,JcView Hand 2021-06-17 (bdo-1072)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope $2/$5 Caesar's Palace - Turned Nuts vs Reg 6s,6hView Hand 2021-06-17 (aqp-1032)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope $2/$5 Caesar's Palace - Top-Top OOP vs Flatter Agro Post. As,KdView Hand 2021-06-17 (aqp-1031)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope $2/$5 Caesar's Palace - Second pair facing unconventional C-Bet 8s,8cView Hand 2021-06-17 (aqp-1030)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope Wynn $600 250k GTD Day 2 - 3 Tables Left Multiway Kh,JhView Hand 2021-06-17 (aqp-1029)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online May 18 - cooler? Ks,QsView Hand 2021-06-16 (mfa-1124)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online May 18 - he seemed weak Jh,QcView Hand 2021-06-16 (mfa-1123)
PokerCoaching - USPO #5 - Hand 11 Qs,JcView Hand 2021-06-16 (bdo-1071)
PokerCoaching - USPO #5 - Hand 10 2s,2cView Hand 2021-06-16 (bdo-1070)
PokerCoaching - USPO #5 - Hand 9 As,JdView Hand 2021-06-16 (bdo-1069)
PokerCoaching - USPO #5 - Hand 8 6s,5sView Hand 2021-06-16 (bdo-1068)
PokerCoaching - USPO #5 - Hand 7 Qs,QhView Hand 2021-06-16 (bdo-1067)
PokerCoaching - USPO #5 - Hand 6 Qs,5cView Hand 2021-06-16 (bdo-1066)
PokerCoaching - USPO #5 - Hand 5 As,QhView Hand 2021-06-16 (bdo-1065)
PokerCoaching - USPO #5 - Hand 4 Qs,QhView Hand 2021-06-16 (bdo-1064)
PokerCoaching - USPO #5 - Hand 3 Ks,QcView Hand 2021-06-16 (bdo-1063)
PokerCoaching - USPO #5 - Hand 2 As,3cView Hand 2021-06-16 (bdo-1062)
PokerCoaching - USPO #5 - Hand 1 Ks,JdView Hand 2021-06-16 (bdo-1061)
PokerCoaching - USPO #1 - Hand 4 Ks,KcView Hand 2021-06-16 (bdo-1060)
PokerCoaching - USPO #1 - Hand 3 Qh,QcView Hand 2021-06-16 (bdo-1059)
PokerCoaching - USPO #1 - Hand 2 Ad,QdView Hand 2021-06-16 (bdo-1058)
PokerCoaching - USPO #1 - Hand 1 As,6cView Hand 2021-06-16 (bdo-1057)
PokerCoaching - USPO #12 - FT - Little vs Chidwick Bust out hand Tc,8sView Hand 2021-06-16 (bdo-1056)
PokerCoaching - USPO #12 - FT - Little vs Koon All-in 77vsA9o 7s,7cView Hand 2021-06-16 (bdo-1055)
PokerCoaching - USPO #12 - FT - AJo Preflop Fold Ad,JsView Hand 2021-06-16 (bdo-1054)
PokerCoaching - USPO #12 - Little vs Imsirovic Bluff Catch Ah,JhView Hand 2021-06-16 (bdo-1053)
PokerCoaching - USPO #11 - Little vs Perry QTo Qc,TdView Hand 2021-06-16 (bdo-1052)
PokerCoaching - USPO #12 - Little vs Bosca Ac,6cView Hand 2021-06-16 (bdo-1051)
PokerCoaching - USPO #12 - Little vs Koon All-in As,AcView Hand 2021-06-16 (bdo-1050)
PokerCoaching - USPO #12 - Koon vs Chidwick All-in Ad,KsView Hand 2021-06-16 (bdo-1049)
PokerCoaching - USPO #12 - All in vs Sergio Aido As,QhView Hand 2021-06-16 (bdo-1048)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope Wynn $600 250k GTD Day 2 - Second Pair Boat Up, Max Value Reached? 4s,4cView Hand 2021-06-16 (aqp-1028)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope Wynn $600 250k GTD Day 2 - Underpair Rivering the Boat Ts,TdView Hand 2021-06-16 (aqp-1027)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope Wynn $600 250k GTD Day 2 - ITM - Monster in the SB facing a limp jam! Ks,KcView Hand 2021-06-16 (aqp-1026)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope Wynn $600 250k GTD Day 2 - Overpair in Multiway Pot Deep ITM Jd,JhView Hand 2021-06-16 (aqp-1025)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope Wynn $600 250k GTD Day 2 - Short SPR Hand Deep ITM As,AcView Hand 2021-06-16 (aqp-1024)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope Wynn $600 250k GTD Day 2 - Exploitative BTN Jam Spot after ITM. Ks,AhView Hand 2021-06-16 (aqp-1023)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope Wynn $600 250k GTD - River Bluff Decision Spot Qs,JsView Hand 2021-06-16 (aqp-1022)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope Wynn $600 250k GTD - Top Pair Facing Bad River Spot Qc,KhView Hand 2021-06-16 (aqp-1021)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope Wynn $600 250k GTD - Sets on a semi dynamic board. Ad,AcView Hand 2021-06-16 (aqp-1020)
Robert Barr - Pokerstars 45 max - Button to BB 20BB effective 9s,7sView Hand 2021-06-15 (rbb-1001)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - Fold top top on flop ok? As,JdView Hand 2021-06-15 (BV-1215)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - 3-handed hand #2: Player sitting out 2s,2dView Hand 2021-06-13 (mcl-1299)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - 3-handed hand #1: Player sitting out Qc,QdView Hand 2021-06-13 (mcl-1298)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - Hero is IP with a marginal draw multiway. C-bet or check? Kc,JcView Hand 2021-06-13 (mcl-1297)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - Hero flops a combo IP in a 3-bet pot. Line? Jd,TdView Hand 2021-06-13 (mcl-1296)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - Hero IP in a SRP with a missed AK. Line? Ah,KdView Hand 2021-06-13 (mcl-1295)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - Top,top facing dock beton flop As,QdView Hand 2021-06-13 (BV-1214)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - Facing aggression with OP Ks,KdView Hand 2021-06-13 (BV-1213)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - check on 3 flush turn Qs,QcView Hand 2021-06-13 (BV-1212)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - Flopped flush OOP Jd,TdView Hand 2021-06-13 (BV-1211)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - Better flush folded Jd,TdView Hand 2021-06-11 (BV-1210)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - Calling OOP with A5s Ad,5dView Hand 2021-06-11 (BV-1209)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - Passive calls with AK As,KhView Hand 2021-06-11 (BV-1208)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - Mono board with top pair As,QcView Hand 2021-06-11 (BV-1207)
PokerCoaching - Tice vs Perkins - Hand 5 Jh,JcView Hand 2021-06-10 (bdo-1047)
PokerCoaching - Tice vs Perkins - Hand 4 Js,JdView Hand 2021-06-10 (bdo-1046)
PokerCoaching - Tice vs Perkins - Hand 3 6d,5dView Hand 2021-06-10 (bdo-1045)
PokerCoaching - Tice vs Perkins - Hand 2 Jh,JsView Hand 2021-06-10 (bdo-1044)
PokerCoaching - US Poker Open - AJo UTG vs BB As,JhView Hand 2021-06-10 (bdo-1043)
Alex Wallish - MGM national harbor - A hand played at mgm national harbor 9s,9cView Hand 2021-06-09 (alw-1001)
Alan Bostick - PokerShaman59 $1-$2-$3 Live - Trips Checkraised on Turn Kh,QcView Hand 2021-06-09 (abs-1003)
Benno - Gambit PokerStars NL50 - folding the cbet in 3 bet pot vs reraise on flop Qs,JsView Hand 2021-06-08 (GB-1085)
PokerCoaching - Tice vs Perkins - Hand 1 As,KhView Hand 2021-06-08 (bdo-1042)
PokerCoaching - US Poker Open - A4s vs LJ As,4sView Hand 2021-06-07 (bdo-1040)
PokerCoaching - US Poker Open - A6o vs LAG As,6cView Hand 2021-06-07 (bdo-1039)
Marianne - Fontes 1/3 Live - VS an overfolder Ks,TcView Hand 2021-06-06 (mfa-1122)
Selma - Selma Wynn Seniors - KK on a bad board Ks,KcView Hand 2021-06-05 (sla-1067)
Dang Huu - dung 5/6 hoi anh em minh - Straight flush 7h,7sView Hand 2021-06-05 (dun-1003)
John Borges - John B 5/30 #8 - trends View Hand 2021-06-04 (fly-1245)
John Borges - John B 5/30 #7 - trends View Hand 2021-06-04 (fly-1244)
John Borges - John B 5/30 #6 - targeted 3b As,KcView Hand 2021-06-04 (fly-1243)
John Borges - John B 5/30 #5 - trends View Hand 2021-06-04 (fly-1242)
John Borges - John B 5/30 #4 - fighting back Ad,QdView Hand 2021-06-04 (fly-1241)
John Borges - John B 5/30 #3 - trends View Hand 2021-06-04 (fly-1240)
John Borges - John B 5/30 - trends Jc,JhView Hand 2021-06-04 (fly-1239)
John Borges - John B 5/30 #1 - raise on flop, turn, or ever? 8c,7cView Hand 2021-06-04 (fly-1238)
John Doe - The_GTO_Coin $100 Live 50 Players - Hand at the middle stages of a tournament, before late registration Ah,KhView Hand 2021-06-03 (lui-1001)
John Borges - John B 5/29 #19 - cold call or 4b? Qs,QhView Hand 2021-06-03 (fly-1237)
John Borges - John B 5/29 #18 - another 3b vs targeted player Kc,ThView Hand 2021-06-03 (fly-1236)
John Borges - John B 5/29 #17 - why? View Hand 2021-06-03 (fly-1235)
John Borges - John B 5/29 #16 - trends Qc,QdView Hand 2021-06-03 (fly-1234)
John Borges - John B 5/29 #15 - Not sure what to make of this View Hand 2021-06-03 (fly-1233)
John Borges - John B 5/29 #14 - trends Ks,7dView Hand 2021-06-03 (fly-1232)
John Borges - John B 5/29 #13 - trends 7h,5hView Hand 2021-06-03 (fly-1231)
John Borges - John B 5/29 #12 - trends Qd,4dView Hand 2021-06-03 (fly-1230)
Dang Huu - dung otot - all in deep Kd,QsView Hand 2021-06-03 (dun-1002)
Dang Huu - dung live game - dung test Qs,JsView Hand 2021-06-03 (dun-1001)
Selma - Selma Venetian 600 - BB vs Button Jh,ThView Hand 2021-06-02 (sla-1066)
John Borges - John B 5/29 #11 - 3b pot Ah,JhView Hand 2021-06-02 (fly-1229)
John Borges - John B 5/29 #10 - Trends View Hand 2021-06-02 (fly-1228)
John Borges - John B 5/29 #9 - trends Qh,AdView Hand 2021-06-02 (fly-1227)
Theo - Secondthoughts $16,50 $50,000GTD - ACR 5/9/21 Th,JdView Hand 2021-06-01 (tnm-1003)
Tamminator - tourney - QQ pt 1.2 Qh,QdView Hand 2021-06-01 (tam-1017)
Tamminator - tourney - QQ pt 1.1 Qh,QdView Hand 2021-06-01 (tam-1016)
Tamminator - tourney - QQ pt 6 Kc,KsView Hand 2021-06-01 (tam-1015)
Tamminator - tourney - QQ pt 5 Kc,KsView Hand 2021-06-01 (tam-1014)
Tamminator - tourney - QQ pt 4 Kc,KsView Hand 2021-06-01 (tam-1013)
Tamminator - tourney - QQ pt 3 Js,TsView Hand 2021-06-01 (tam-1012)
Tamminator - tourney - QQ pt 2 Js,TsView Hand 2021-06-01 (tam-1011)
Tamminator - tourney - QQ pt 1 Qh,QdView Hand 2021-06-01 (tam-1010)
Selma - Selma Venetian 600 - 3 bet from SB Ks,QsView Hand 2021-06-01 (sla-1065)
William L - $600 tournament - day 2 - Cbet flop? As,TcView Hand 2021-05-31 (wil-1207)
William L - $600 tournament - day 2 - Call down? As,JsView Hand 2021-05-31 (wil-1206)
William L - $600 tournament - day 2 - Call down with 99? 9s,9hView Hand 2021-05-31 (wil-1205)
William L - $600 tournament - JJ 2 from money Jh,JcView Hand 2021-05-31 (wil-1204)
William L - $600 tournament - AA in BB Ah,AcView Hand 2021-05-31 (wil-1203)
William L - $600 tournament - Flopped draw 6h,5cView Hand 2021-05-31 (wil-1202)
William L - $400 tournament - Facing lead on bubble 8h,8dView Hand 2021-05-31 (wil-1201)
muuuuuu - $25K partyporker Millions Super High Roller - $25K partyporker Millions Super High Roller Kd,7sView Hand 2021-05-30 (ogu-1030)
John Borges - John B 5/29 #8 - opposite trend 7s,5sView Hand 2021-05-30 (fly-1226)
John Borges - John B 5/29 #7 - Trends View Hand 2021-05-30 (fly-1225)
John Borges - John B 5/29 #6 - trends View Hand 2021-05-30 (fly-1224)
John Borges - John B 5/29 #5 - Trends View Hand 2021-05-30 (fly-1223)
John Borges - John B 5/29 #4 - More Trends and future takeaways View Hand 2021-05-30 (fly-1222)
John Borges - John B 5/29 #3 - Trends and min betting Ah,3cView Hand 2021-05-30 (fly-1221)
John Borges - John B 5/29 #2 - Trends View Hand 2021-05-30 (fly-1220)
John Borges - John B 5/29 #1 - trends? View Hand 2021-05-30 (fly-1219)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - bottom set OOP on very wet board 8h,8dView Hand 2021-05-30 (BV-1206)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - tricky limp gone wrong Qh,QdView Hand 2021-05-30 (BV-1205)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - bet with top pair after preflop raiser checks? Jh,ThView Hand 2021-05-30 (BV-1204)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - Lead river when flush comes in? Jh,ThView Hand 2021-05-30 (BV-1203)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - Top 2 pair on wet board 9h,8hView Hand 2021-05-30 (BV-1202)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - slow play middle set on wet board 4s,4cView Hand 2021-05-30 (BV-1201)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - Facing 3-flush on turn Qh,QdView Hand 2021-05-29 (BV-1200)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - Betting after PFR checks 9s,9cView Hand 2021-05-29 (BV-1199)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $5 - Facing 3-bet OOP Qs,QcView Hand 2021-05-29 (BV-1198)
Selma - Selma 600 Day One - Jacks on the button Jd,JhView Hand 2021-05-28 (sla-1064)
Selma - Selma 600 Day 1 - Venetian 600 Rough Day As,AhView Hand 2021-05-28 (sla-1063)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $2 - Raise flop or turn? Ks,QhView Hand 2021-05-28 (BV-1197)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $2 - Playing nut flush draw OOP Ah,JhView Hand 2021-05-28 (BV-1196)
Ryan - 5/10 Bellagio - I don't have words for this one 9s,9hView Hand 2021-05-26 (rpp-1082)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $250k guarantee on ACR (Day 2) - Hero opens the BTN, flops equity multiway, and turns a strong hand. Ac,5dView Hand 2021-05-26 (mcl-1294)
Chris Jones - FiveByFive Satellite Training Hand - Too much aggression with 99 in a satellite? 9s,9dView Hand 2021-05-26 (cor-1002)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $250k guarantee on ACR (Day 2) - Hero opens BTN and gets flatted by the SB. Standard c-bet? Ac,KcView Hand 2021-05-25 (mcl-1293)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $250k guarantee on ACR (Day 2) - Hero opens wide from the CO and gets 2 callers. C-bet? Ad,6sView Hand 2021-05-25 (mcl-1292)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $250k guarantee on ACR (Day 2) - Hero flops strong equity but is multiway. Line? Kd,QdView Hand 2021-05-25 (mcl-1291)
John Borges - John B 5/22 #25 - trends; lost value 7h,KcView Hand 2021-05-25 (fly-1218)
John Borges - John B 5/22 #24 - massive cooler Ah,KcView Hand 2021-05-25 (fly-1217)
John Borges - John B 5/22 #23 - playing my range Kc,AsView Hand 2021-05-25 (fly-1216)
John Borges - John B 5/22 #22 - bad play? fold? Qs,TcView Hand 2021-05-25 (fly-1215)
John Borges - John B 5/22 #21 - is this a fold on the turn? Qh,9hView Hand 2021-05-25 (fly-1214)
John Borges - John B 5/22 #20 - interesting about Bru 9h,6dView Hand 2021-05-25 (fly-1213)
John Borges - John B 5/22 #19 - uncertain what to do Qh,AcView Hand 2021-05-25 (fly-1212)
John Borges - John B 5/22 #18 - opposite trend View Hand 2021-05-25 (fly-1211)
John Borges - John B 5/22 #17 - trends 9d,8hView Hand 2021-05-25 (fly-1210)
John Borges - John B 5/22 #16 - more trends 5h,QdView Hand 2021-05-25 (fly-1209)
John Borges - John B 5/22 #15 - limps Ks,JsView Hand 2021-05-25 (fly-1208)
John Borges - John B 5/22 #14 - more trends Qc,TdView Hand 2021-05-25 (fly-1207)
John Borges - John B 5/22 #13 - trends Js,QcView Hand 2021-05-25 (fly-1206)
John Borges - John B 5/22 #12 - if only Ah,5sView Hand 2021-05-25 (fly-1205)
John Borges - John B 5/22 #11 - bet sizing? Ah,AcView Hand 2021-05-25 (fly-1204)
John Borges - John B 5/22 #10 - trends 9h,9dView Hand 2021-05-25 (fly-1203)
John Borges - John B 5/22 #9 - trends 9d,4dView Hand 2021-05-25 (fly-1202)
John Borges - John B 5/22 #8 - lucky Kd,TdView Hand 2021-05-25 (fly-1201)
John Borges - John B 5/22 #7 - trends 8d,7dView Hand 2021-05-25 (fly-1200)
John Borges - John B 5/22 #6 - trends 8d,7hView Hand 2021-05-25 (fly-1199)
John Borges - John B 5/22 #5 - opposite trend. Is this fold to 5b? As,3sView Hand 2021-05-25 (fly-1198)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $2 cash - facing donk lead on wet board Ah,AdView Hand 2021-05-25 (BV-1195)
William L - $2/$5 stream - Rivered flush Qh,JhView Hand 2021-05-24 (wil-1200)
William L - $2/$5 stream - Rivered straight Kd,QsView Hand 2021-05-24 (wil-1199)
William L - $2/$5 stream - Turned flush 7h,6hView Hand 2021-05-24 (wil-1198)
William L - $2/$5 stream - Two pair in limped pot Qs,6cView Hand 2021-05-24 (wil-1197)
William L - $2/$5 stream - Rivered two pair, raise? Ac,9cView Hand 2021-05-24 (wil-1196)
William L - $2/$5 stream - Top pair facing lead Ah,QsView Hand 2021-05-24 (wil-1195)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $250k guarantee on ACR (Day 2) - Hero flops top/top IP and deep after getting 3-bet. Line? As,KhView Hand 2021-05-24 (mcl-1290)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $250k guarantee on ACR (Day 2) - Hero flops bottom set IP and deep. Line? 2s,2dView Hand 2021-05-24 (mcl-1289)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $250k guarantee on ACR (Day 2) - Hero gets 3-bet when OOP and deep holding AKs. Line? Ad,KdView Hand 2021-05-24 (mcl-1288)
Benno - Gambit Pokerstars Mini Daily Kickoff 11$ - AK shove vs 99 bet As,KcView Hand 2021-05-24 (GB-1084)
John Borges - John B 5/22 #4 - more small bet trends 6d,6hView Hand 2021-05-24 (fly-1197)
John Borges - John B 5/22 #3 - Joy's 3b Td,ThView Hand 2021-05-24 (fly-1196)
John Borges - John B 5/22 #2 - more trends of the small bet View Hand 2021-05-24 (fly-1195)
John Borges - John B 5/22 #1 - bet sizing & trends? 6d,7hView Hand 2021-05-24 (fly-1194)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $250k guarantee on ACR - Hero flats in LP with a small pair and is checked to on the middling flop. Line? 4s,4cView Hand 2021-05-23 (mcl-1287)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $250k guarantee on ACR - Hero holds AKs and is facing a raise and 3-bet from EP. Line? As,KsView Hand 2021-05-23 (mcl-1286)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $250k guarantee on ACR - Hero flops top/top IP vs big stack. Line? Ad,QsView Hand 2021-05-23 (mcl-1285)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $250k guarantee on ACR - Hero opens BTN and flops a strong top pair vs BB. Line? As,9sView Hand 2021-05-23 (mcl-1284)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $250k guarantee on ACR - Hero opens CO, gets 3-bet from BB, then flops top/top. Line? As,TdView Hand 2021-05-23 (mcl-1283)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $250k guarantee on ACR - Hero flops a strong top pair on a wet board and faces heat Kh,9hView Hand 2021-05-23 (mcl-1282)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $2 - Different action on turn? 8h,7hView Hand 2021-05-23 (BV-1194)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $2 - Facing donk lead As,KcView Hand 2021-05-23 (BV-1193)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $2 - Missed bluff on River? 8s,6sView Hand 2021-05-23 (BV-1192)
Joseph Berg - Wynn $200 - FT Semi-Bluff Qh,5hView Hand 2021-05-20 (jse-1002)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $2 - Raise straight on paired board? 6h,4hView Hand 2021-05-20 (BV-1191)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill Cash $2 - Raise turn with nuts OOP As,4sView Hand 2021-05-20 (BV-1190)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $2 - Bet river with scare card As,KdView Hand 2021-05-20 (BV-1189)
Ryan - Bryce HU 5/10 - A wild hand from a WILD match 6h,6dView Hand 2021-05-19 (rpp-1081)
Ryan - $4K GTD - Close to End of Late Reg Kh,QsView Hand 2021-05-19 (rpp-1080)
muuuuuu - 500NL Zoom 3 - 500NL Zoom 3 Kh,JhView Hand 2021-05-19 (ogu-1029)
muuuuuu - 500NL Zoom 2 - 500NL Zoom 9c,8cView Hand 2021-05-19 (ogu-1028)
muuuuuu - 500NL Zoom - 500NL Zoom Kc,QcView Hand 2021-05-19 (ogu-1027)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $33 $100k guarantee on ACR - Hero flops top pair BvB and gets raised. Line? Js,9dView Hand 2021-05-18 (mcl-1281)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $33 $100k guarantee on ACR - Hero opens TT UTG and things get spicy Tc,TdView Hand 2021-05-18 (mcl-1280)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $20k guarantee on ACR - Hero flops pair + flush draw IP and faces heat Td,9dView Hand 2021-05-18 (mcl-1279)
Poker Clarity - 2/5 NL - Range Advantage Kh,9hView Hand 2021-05-17 (sup-1023)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $33 $100k guarantee on ACR - Hero squeezes CO and BTN from the SB and flops reasonably well Ac,TsView Hand 2021-05-17 (mcl-1278)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 5.15 #3 - played too conservatively vs lag opponent 3c,3hView Hand 2021-05-17 (fly-1193)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 5.15 #2 - fold or open small pp from UTG w/16 bbs? 4s,4dView Hand 2021-05-17 (fly-1192)
Tyler - Shove on Flop bad? With straight draw and bac - Villain in previous hand slow played top two on flop with 4 opponents on a wet board Ks,JsView Hand 2021-05-16 (tye-1001)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $33 $100k guarantee on ACR - Hero gets check-raised when he has the RA but not the NA Qh,QdView Hand 2021-05-16 (mcl-1277)
John Borges - John B Synd 5.15 #1 - Shoulda just raised pre Kh,JsView Hand 2021-05-16 (fly-1191)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Duel - Hellmuth vs Negreanu Ks,3dView Hand 2021-05-16 (bdo-1038)
Jay - 1/3 Cash - KsKc Loser Ks,KcView Hand 2021-05-15 (wig-1007)
Jay - 1/3 Cash - As3s As,3sView Hand 2021-05-15 (wig-1006)
muuuuuu - PartyPokerLive Millions Europe EU100K Triton - PartyPokerLive Millions Europe EU100K Triton Super High Roller Kd,QsView Hand 2021-05-15 (ogu-1026)
muuuuuu - Aussie Millions Anton Jewellery $100K Challen - Aussie Millions Anton Jewellery $100K Challenge Kd,JhView Hand 2021-05-15 (ogu-1025)
muuuuuu - NLH Cash $400/$800 - NLH Cash $400/$800 8d,6dView Hand 2021-05-15 (ogu-1024)
muuuuuu - 2017 Aussie Millions Main Event Final Table - 2017 Aussie Millions Main Event Final Table 5h,5dView Hand 2021-05-15 (ogu-1023)
muuuuuu - $10,000 GGPoker Super Million$ --Final Table - $10,000 GGPoker Super Million$ --Final Table Jc,7cView Hand 2021-05-15 (ogu-1022)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Duel - Hellmuth v Negreanu Qd,4sView Hand 2021-05-15 (bdo-1037)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Duel - Hellmuth v Negreanu 9d,7dView Hand 2021-05-14 (bdo-1036)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Duel - Hellmuth v Negreanu 2d,2cView Hand 2021-05-14 (bdo-1035)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Duel - Hellmuth vs Negreanu Ah,JhView Hand 2021-05-14 (bdo-1034)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Duel - Hellmuth vs Negreanu 6c,4cView Hand 2021-05-14 (bdo-1033)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand As,QhView Hand 2021-05-13 (sup-1022)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand Ks,KcView Hand 2021-05-13 (sup-1021)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand Kd,JdView Hand 2021-05-13 (sup-1020)
muuuuuu - $10,000 GGPoker Super Million$ -Final Table - $10,000 GGPoker Super Million$ -Final Table 7c,2cView Hand 2021-05-13 (ogu-1021)
Marianne - Fontes 1/3 Wynn - Check on flop? Min raise on turn? Kh,KsView Hand 2021-05-13 (mfa-1121)
Marianne - Fontes 1/3 Wynn - what was he calling with? 4s,4cView Hand 2021-05-13 (mfa-1120)
Marianne - Fontes 1/3 Wynn - how did i play Jd,KcView Hand 2021-05-13 (mfa-1119)
Marianne - Fontes 1/3 Wynn - C-bet Qs,QhView Hand 2021-05-13 (mfa-1118)
Marianne - Fontes 1/3 Wynn - flush on turn Js,QsView Hand 2021-05-13 (mfa-1117)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand Ah,TcView Hand 2021-05-12 (sup-1019)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand Kc,JdView Hand 2021-05-12 (sup-1018)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand Ks,JcView Hand 2021-05-12 (sup-1017)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand Ks,QsView Hand 2021-05-12 (sup-1016)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand As,AcView Hand 2021-05-12 (sup-1015)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand Ks,QhView Hand 2021-05-12 (sup-1014)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand 9h,8hView Hand 2021-05-12 (sup-1013)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand Ks,4sView Hand 2021-05-12 (sup-1012)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand Kh,JcView Hand 2021-05-12 (sup-1011)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand Qs,5hView Hand 2021-05-12 (sup-1010)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand Ks,QhView Hand 2021-05-12 (sup-1009)
Alan Bostick - PokerShaman59 $1-$2-$3 Live - JJ with blockers on bad runout Js,JcView Hand 2021-05-12 (abs-1002)
Alan Bostick - PokerShaman59 $1-$2-$3 Live - AKo IP vs 3x 4B Ah,KdView Hand 2021-05-12 (abs-1001)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand 6s,6cView Hand 2021-05-11 (sup-1008)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand 8h,7hView Hand 2021-05-11 (sup-1007)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand Ad,3dView Hand 2021-05-11 (sup-1006)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand Js,JhView Hand 2021-05-11 (sup-1005)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 NL Venetian - Student Hand As,3sView Hand 2021-05-11 (sup-1004)
Poker Clarity - 1/3 Venetian - Student Ah,AsView Hand 2021-05-11 (sup-1003)
Poker Clarity - 1/3NL Venetian - Student HH Ts,TcView Hand 2021-05-11 (sup-1002)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QTo TPwK vs Donk Lead Qs,ThView Hand 2021-05-11 (miq-1243)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 55 vs Loose passive, 3-barrels? 5s,5dView Hand 2021-05-11 (miq-1242)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - J9s vs Reg - Overbet? Jd,9dView Hand 2021-05-11 (miq-1241)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $25NL on ACR - Hero cold 4-bets out of the SB and catches a good flop Ah,AcView Hand 2021-05-11 (mcl-1276)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $ - Face lead on RIver on wet board Ah,KdView Hand 2021-05-11 (BV-1188)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $2 - Raised with overpair & nut flush draw As,AdView Hand 2021-05-11 (BV-1187)
William L - $2/$5 stream - Top pair faces river lead Kc,QhView Hand 2021-05-10 (wil-1194)
William L - $365 tournament - Bluff off? Ks,JhView Hand 2021-05-10 (wil-1193)
William L - $1/$3 - Flopped set multiway Ts,TcView Hand 2021-05-10 (wil-1192)
William L - $5/$5 - AA vs crazy player As,AhView Hand 2021-05-10 (wil-1191)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 88 oop 3b pot multiway with Super Aggro villain View Hand 2021-05-10 (miq-1240)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 76s in BB limped, butchered time bank panic raise, river plan? 7d,6dView Hand 2021-05-10 (miq-1239)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AQo spew - turn x-r (lead?) Ad,QcView Hand 2021-05-10 (miq-1238)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A8s in SB bluff catching Ac,8cView Hand 2021-05-10 (miq-1237)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - QTs HU vs reg - overbet? Qs,TsView Hand 2021-05-10 (miq-1236)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - A3s HU - 3b? - value bet? Ad,3dView Hand 2021-05-10 (miq-1235)
Marlon Palmer - $0.5/1 NL - CO open vs SB call Ah,TcView Hand 2021-05-10 (mdp-1003)
Quang - 10$ Buy in Tour - Bad Beat or Wrong Play Td,TcView Hand 2021-05-10 (lod-1002)
Quang - 2/4/8 Live Cash - Tough Spot, Crying Call As,AcView Hand 2021-05-10 (lod-1001)
- $25nl - AA vs SB and BB As,AcView Hand 2021-05-10 (cez-1022)
Theo - Secondthoughts $16,50 PKOSS 250K GTD - PKOSS #139 Jh,KhView Hand 2021-05-09 (tnm-1001)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $50NL on one of those shady apps - Hero flops strong top pair OOP multiway Kh,QdView Hand 2021-05-09 (mcl-1275)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $50NL on one of those shady apps - Hero flops a reasonable draw OOP 7d,6dView Hand 2021-05-09 (mcl-1274)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1/$2 in Clayton - Hero raises limpers out of the BB and flops an overpair Td,TcView Hand 2021-05-09 (mcl-1273)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $2 - Face 2x overbet on river Ks,KcView Hand 2021-05-09 (BV-1186)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill Cash $2 - Call 3bet with KQs OOP? Ks,QsView Hand 2021-05-09 (BV-1185)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $2 - bet fold with mottome 2 pair on flop ok? 8s,2dView Hand 2021-05-09 (BV-1184)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $2 - AJ 3 way As,JsView Hand 2021-05-09 (BV-1183)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $2 - KK on wet board Ks,KcView Hand 2021-05-09 (BV-1182)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill Cash $2 - Top top into trips Ah,8hView Hand 2021-05-09 (BV-1181)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Duel - Hellmuth vs Negreanu Ts,9sView Hand 2021-05-08 (bdo-1032)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Duel - Hellmuth vs Negreanu Ah,AcView Hand 2021-05-08 (bdo-1031)
muuuuuu - National Heads-up Poker Championship - National Heads-up Poker Championship Qd,8cView Hand 2021-05-07 (ogu-1020)
muuuuuu - Run it up TV Cash Game - Run it up TV Cash Game 9h,7hView Hand 2021-05-07 (ogu-1019)
muuuuuu - High Stakes Duel -Hellmuth vs Negreanu - High Stakes Duel -Hellmuth vs Negreanu 8c,TcView Hand 2021-05-07 (ogu-1018)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Duel - Hellmuth v Negreanu 6h,4hView Hand 2021-05-07 (bdo-1030)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Duel - Hellmuth v Negreanu Kc,2dView Hand 2021-05-06 (bdo-1029)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Duel - Hellmuth v Negreanu 6h,4hView Hand 2021-05-06 (bdo-1028)
Ryan - 2/5 Foxwoods - Ryan the Rock faces some interesting action Kh,JhView Hand 2021-05-05 (rpp-1079)
Ryan - 2/5 NLH Live - Fog in a 4 way 3 bet pot! Qs,QcView Hand 2021-05-05 (rpp-1078)
Ryan - $10K/$20K NLH - Alec Torelli with some soul reading magic Ks,QsView Hand 2021-05-05 (rpp-1077)
muuuuuu - Triton Poker NLHE Cash Game Montenegro 2019 - - - Episode 6 Kd,9sView Hand 2021-05-05 (ogu-1017)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT #1; villain POV - Villain's POV As,4sView Hand 2021-05-05 (ker-1132)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT Sr. - 98s in BB facing 3 limpers 9s,8sView Hand 2021-05-05 (ker-1131)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT Sr. - SB A9o with 20bb Ah,9dView Hand 2021-05-05 (ker-1130)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT Sr. - AJo in BB facing a limper and a raise. As,JdView Hand 2021-05-05 (ker-1129)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT Sr. - KTs 21bb facing 4x open from UTG Kd,TdView Hand 2021-05-05 (ker-1128)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT Sr. - ATo in BB with 11bb facing UTG 8x open As,TdView Hand 2021-05-05 (ker-1127)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT Sr. - KQo with 13bb in HJ Kc,QhView Hand 2021-05-05 (ker-1126)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT Sr. - K3o in SB; Facing small weak flop bet Kh,3sView Hand 2021-05-05 (ker-1125)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT Sr. - TT in CO 4 way Ts,ThView Hand 2021-05-05 (ker-1124)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT Sr. - AQo in BB with 33bb As,QhView Hand 2021-05-05 (ker-1123)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT Sr. - K9s from LJ; Ks,9sView Hand 2021-05-05 (ker-1122)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT #1, Day 2 - 99 UTG 9s,9dView Hand 2021-05-05 (ker-1121)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT #1, Day 2 - AA in LJ with 12bb As,AcView Hand 2021-05-05 (ker-1120)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT #1, Day 2 - 97o in BB vs. SB. Flopped top pair 9d,7hView Hand 2021-05-05 (ker-1119)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT #1, Day 2 - A6o in BB 14bb facing 3 limpers Ad,6hView Hand 2021-05-05 (ker-1118)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT #1 Day 2 - KQs on LJ nearing money bubble Kc,QcView Hand 2021-05-05 (ker-1117)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT #1 - T5s on BB turned 2-pair Ts,5sView Hand 2021-05-05 (ker-1116)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT #1 - TT on BTN facing UTG 3x open Ts,ThView Hand 2021-05-05 (ker-1115)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT #1 - AJs 14bb Ac,JcView Hand 2021-05-05 (ker-1114)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT #1 - T7s in BB; facing river raise Th,7hView Hand 2021-05-05 (ker-1113)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT #1 - 99 from +1 9s,9hView Hand 2021-05-05 (ker-1112)
Alan Ho - Alan H. MSPT #1 - A2s in BB flopping nut flush Ah,2hView Hand 2021-05-05 (ker-1111)
Cody - $40 weekday - $40 weekday 50K GTD Qd,QhView Hand 2021-05-05 (cod-1006)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AJo TPTK vs min-3bet PF. As,JdView Hand 2021-05-04 (miq-1234)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AA - Flop strategy w range, river action with range Ah,AcView Hand 2021-05-04 (miq-1233)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - J9s OOP multi-way on flop, x-r river bluff Js,9sView Hand 2021-05-04 (miq-1232)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - TT 4b squeeze vs aggro reg and LP fish Th,TsView Hand 2021-05-04 (miq-1231)
muuuuuu - 2017 WSOP Final Table Heads-up - 2017 WSOP Final Table Heads-up Qc,JhView Hand 2021-05-02 (ogu-1016)
Kurtis Baron - 10NL Online - AA vs Fullhouse Ah,4hView Hand 2021-05-01 (kur-1001)
Julian - Julian 1/2 cashgame - probably I played really badly As,JsView Hand 2021-05-01 (jua-1004)
Julian - Julian 1/2 cashgame live - how am I supposed to make more money?! 9c,7hView Hand 2021-05-01 (jua-1003)
- $25 nl - straight busted Ks,QhView Hand 2021-04-30 (cez-1021)
- $25 nl - set vs flush As,AcView Hand 2021-04-30 (cez-1020)
muuuuuu - Euro10,350 NLH -Day 4 of the 2017 WSOP Europe - Euro10,350 NLH -Day 4 of the 2017 WSOP Europe Main Event Tc,TdView Hand 2021-04-29 (ogu-1015)
Julian - Julian Cashgame online - standard spot As,JcView Hand 2021-04-29 (jua-1002)
Julian - Julian cashgame1 pokernow - test hand Qc,JdView Hand 2021-04-29 (jua-1001)
- $5 nl - Should I have folded? Ac,AdView Hand 2021-04-29 (cez-1019)
- $25 nl - Do I fold on turn re-raise? Ks,QdView Hand 2021-04-29 (cez-1018)
- $25 nl - Should I have folded? As,QsView Hand 2021-04-29 (cez-1017)
- $25 nl - Should I have folded? Qs,KhView Hand 2021-04-29 (cez-1016)
- $25 nl - raised with two pair Jh,AcView Hand 2021-04-29 (cez-1015)
- $25 nl - trips vs full house Ac,TdView Hand 2021-04-29 (cez-1014)
- $25 nl - two pair vs straight runner runner Js,8sView Hand 2021-04-29 (cez-1013)
- $25 nl - hit set vs AK Ac,KcView Hand 2021-04-29 (cez-1012)
- $25 nl - higher flush Td,JcView Hand 2021-04-29 (cez-1011)
- $25 nl - pocket queens Qs,QcView Hand 2021-04-29 (cez-1010)
Selma - Selma Daytona Live - Lucky guy As,QcView Hand 2021-04-28 (sla-1062)
Ryan - Boski Special $15k Guaranteed - UTG v BB donk donk donk Ks,QhView Hand 2021-04-28 (rpp-1076)
Ryan - 1/2 NLH Online - A Lesson in Minimum Defense Frequency Kc,JcView Hand 2021-04-28 (rpp-1075)
Ryan - TCH Live 2/5/10 - Bond Polarizes HUGE Td,ThView Hand 2021-04-28 (rpp-1074)
Rogerio de Souza Santos - Zwinsky 16 KO YaPoker - KO da Tarde 8s,8cView Hand 2021-04-28 (kha-1007)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Nick Jimas - A9s facing 8bb shove Ad,9dView Hand 2021-04-28 (ker-1110)
Ed Johansen - 11235813ejj Ignition - Bad bluff? Ac,QsView Hand 2021-04-28 (edw-1022)
Ed Johansen - 11235813ejj Ignition - PUNT Th,8hView Hand 2021-04-28 (edw-1021)
Ed Johansen - 11235813ejj Ignition - Horrible bluff? Kd,TsView Hand 2021-04-28 (edw-1020)
Ed Johansen - 11235813ejj Ignition - Horrible bluff? Ah,QdView Hand 2021-04-28 (edw-1019)
Ed Johansen - 11235813ejj Ignition - 2 pair in tough spot Ah,2cView Hand 2021-04-28 (edw-1018)
Hero - micro tourney - HJ v CO 3-bet pot Ts,TcView Hand 2021-04-28 (dfi-1003)
Hero - microstakes acr - HJ vs BB Kc,7cView Hand 2021-04-28 (dfi-1002)
Hero - Online micros - BTN v BB x-R by BB on high connected board Qs,AdView Hand 2021-04-28 (dfi-1001)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jimas home game - Keith A6 facing turn shove 3s,7dView Hand 2021-04-26 (ker-1109)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Jimas Home game - 77 multi-way 7h,7dView Hand 2021-04-26 (ker-1108)
William L - $330 tournament - AK multiway As,KsView Hand 2021-04-25 (wil-1190)
William L - Venetian $400 - Shove flop? Kc,JcView Hand 2021-04-25 (wil-1189)
William L - $400 tournament - Bluff river? 6c,5cView Hand 2021-04-25 (wil-1188)
William L - Venetian $800 - Bet/fold trips? Th,9hView Hand 2021-04-25 (wil-1187)
William L - Venetian $400 - 8 from the money, middle pair Js,TsView Hand 2021-04-25 (wil-1186)
muuuuuu - 2015 Aussie Millions AUD 250K Challenge - 2015 Aussie Millions AUD 250K Challenge As,4dView Hand 2021-04-25 (ogu-1014)
muuuuuu - 2015 Aussie Millions AUD 250K Challenge - 2015 Aussie Millions AUD 250K Challenge View Hand 2021-04-25 (ogu-1013)
muuuuuu - $300/$600 Cash Game - $300/$600 Cash Game Ts,ThView Hand 2021-04-25 (ogu-1012)
William Michael Pickett - Nextdooryeti 25nl Online - Drawing to an inside straight 6h,7hView Hand 2021-04-25 (nex-1001)
- $1/2nl live - top pair vs turn lead Kc,JcView Hand 2021-04-25 (JP-1130)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $2 - QQ facing 3-bet OOP Qs,QcView Hand 2021-04-25 (BV-1180)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $2 - calling with backdoor draw As,9sView Hand 2021-04-24 (BV-1179)
muuuuuu - Triton SHR Series Montenegro 2019- HKD 500K N - Triton SHR Series Montenegro 2019- HKD 500K NLH 6max Final Day Kh,6cView Hand 2021-04-23 (ogu-1011)
muuuuuu - NLH High Stakes Cash -$200/$400 - NLH High Stakes Cash -$200/$400 As,AhView Hand 2021-04-23 (ogu-1010)
Benno - Gambit Stars NL50 - Folding AK on the River on a wet board Ad,KdView Hand 2021-04-23 (GB-1083)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Duel - Hellmuth vs Negreanu Tc,8cView Hand 2021-04-23 (bdo-1027)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - 22 set in limped pot, flop check? Sizings? What if villain c turn 3bet--river size? 2c,2sView Hand 2021-04-22 (miq-1230)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KK vs aggro reg deep x-raise Kc,KhView Hand 2021-04-22 (miq-1229)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - TT multi-way awkward stacks Th,TsView Hand 2021-04-22 (miq-1228)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - JTs - flop check, value bet river plan? Jc,TcView Hand 2021-04-22 (miq-1227)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - AJo - trips, flop sizing, odds to call river? Ad,JhView Hand 2021-04-22 (miq-1226)
Mike Mc - McLovin 100NL - KQs vs known loose passive fish, value raise river? Kd,QdView Hand 2021-04-22 (miq-1225)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $2 - Raise set OOP on flop? 6s,6cView Hand 2021-04-22 (BV-1178)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $2 - check with FH OOP 8s,8hView Hand 2021-04-22 (BV-1177)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $2 - JJ set in SB Jh,JcView Hand 2021-04-22 (BV-1176)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $2 - playing set OOP 2s,2cView Hand 2021-04-22 (BV-1175)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $2 - Check raise OOP with GS As,4sView Hand 2021-04-22 (BV-1174)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill cash $2 - AK vs 2 early position players As,KdView Hand 2021-04-22 (BV-1173)
William L - Bellagio $2/$5 - Backraised Ah,QhView Hand 2021-04-21 (wil-1185)
Ryan - $11 $10k Guaranteed - ACR Spot of the Week! Qh,QcView Hand 2021-04-21 (rpp-1073)
Ryan - 1/2 Live NLH - Poker Face Ash attacks limpers...... Th,TcView Hand 2021-04-21 (rpp-1072)
Ryan - 1/2 NLH online - Wed night ACTION Jh,ThView Hand 2021-04-21 (rpp-1071)
- $5nl - raise flop? 9s,8sView Hand 2021-04-21 (cez-1009)
- $5 NL - pocket 99s 9h,9cView Hand 2021-04-21 (cez-1008)
- $5nl - pocket 9s 9s,9hView Hand 2021-04-21 (cez-1007)
Selma - Selma WPT Six Max - Brutal Ks,KhView Hand 2021-04-20 (sla-1061)
Roman - Daily Micro - MTT Jc,AsView Hand 2021-04-20 (roa-1001)
Selma - Selma seniors nightmare - blinds 100-200 As,AhView Hand 2021-04-19 (sla-1060)
muuuuuu - WSOP 2017 Main Event Final Table Day7 - WSOP 2017 Final Table Day7 Qh,ThView Hand 2021-04-19 (ogu-1009)
Ed Johansen - 11235813ejj 1/2 NL - Home game 2s,7cView Hand 2021-04-19 (edw-1017)
Ed Johansen - 11235813ejj 1/2 NL - Home game Ad,KdView Hand 2021-04-19 (edw-1016)
Ed Johansen - 11235813ejj 1/2 NL - Home game View Hand 2021-04-19 (edw-1015)
Monique Redard - .15.30 Online - Pocket QQ Qs,QhView Hand 2021-04-18 (bed-1001)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Duel - Hellmuth vs Negreanu Ac,8dView Hand 2021-04-18 (bdo-1026)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Duel - Hellmuth vs Negreanu Tc,8hView Hand 2021-04-18 (bdo-1025)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Duel - Hellmuth vs Negreanu Kd,9dView Hand 2021-04-18 (bdo-1024)
muuuuuu - NLH Cash - $1600/$3200 - NLH Cash - $1600/$3200 5d,5hView Hand 2021-04-17 (ogu-1008)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - JJ 3-way from BB Js,JhView Hand 2021-04-17 (miq-1224)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - QJs vs VERY tight player 200+ Deep Qs,JsView Hand 2021-04-17 (miq-1223)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - A6s multiway oop top trips Ac,6cView Hand 2021-04-17 (miq-1222)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - QTo vs reg, implied odds? Qs,TdView Hand 2021-04-17 (miq-1221)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - JJ BvB 200bb deep Jc,JhView Hand 2021-04-17 (miq-1220)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AA vs 5x & 4bet, Range on Turn--do you include AQ, if not still call? As,AhView Hand 2021-04-17 (miq-1219)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 76s vs 5x open 7s,6sView Hand 2021-04-17 (miq-1218)
muuuuuu - $1/$2 Cash Game -Golden Nugget, Las Vegas - $1/$2 Cash Game -Golden Nugget, Las Vegas Kc,KdView Hand 2021-04-16 (ogu-1007)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - QTs vs Reg & Fish TPwK bluff raise / AND value? Qs,TsView Hand 2021-04-16 (miq-1217)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - KK vs LAG & multiway Ks,KdView Hand 2021-04-16 (miq-1216)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - A8s - OTB vs likely fish, value raise river? Ac,8cView Hand 2021-04-16 (miq-1215)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AQo IP vs Reg overbet turn bluff catch As,QhView Hand 2021-04-16 (miq-1214)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - J9o - IP vs donk lead TPwK & weak flush Jc,9hView Hand 2021-04-16 (miq-1213)
Selma - Selma On line knockout - SB aggression Ah,QsView Hand 2021-04-14 (sla-1059)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - QQ what can I learn? Qs,QhView Hand 2021-04-14 (miq-1212)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AQo vs tagged fish, value sizing As,QhView Hand 2021-04-14 (miq-1211)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - TT vs 3 barrels & underpair Tc,TdView Hand 2021-04-14 (miq-1210)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5k guarantee on ACR - Hero 3-bets from the BTN and flops a marginal top pair Ac,ThView Hand 2021-04-14 (mcl-1272)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $25NL on ACR - Hero flops a big draw. Go polarized? Qs,TsView Hand 2021-04-14 (mcl-1271)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5k guarantee on ACR - Hero flops top 2 on monotone board Kd,9dView Hand 2021-04-14 (mcl-1270)
muuuuuu - £25K NLH 6-HANDED TURBO -Toriton SHR London - £25K NLH 6-HANDED TURBO -Toriton SHR London 2019 Kh,6cView Hand 2021-04-13 (ogu-1006)
muuuuuu - $5K Main Event partypoker MILLIONS North Amer - $5K Main Event partypoker MILLIONS North America 3h,2hView Hand 2021-04-13 (ogu-1005)
muuuuuu - NLH High Stakes Cash -$200/$400 - NLH High Stakes Cash -$200/$400 Ts,ThView Hand 2021-04-13 (ogu-1004)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AQo - 3b vs big raise As,QhView Hand 2021-04-13 (miq-1209)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - KQs 3b fish, min-4b. Kd,QdView Hand 2021-04-13 (miq-1208)
- .5/1 Pokerstars MI - KQs vs 4 bet Kc,QcView Hand 2021-04-13 (JP-1129)
William L - $800 tournament - QQ faces big raise/shove Qs,QcView Hand 2021-04-12 (wil-1184)
William L - $800 tournament - day 2 - Second pair faces shove Ts,TdView Hand 2021-04-12 (wil-1183)
William L - $800 tournament - day 2 - Two pair on wet board Td,9dView Hand 2021-04-12 (wil-1182)
William L - $800 tournament - day 2 - Set blind vs blind 5s,5hView Hand 2021-04-12 (wil-1181)
yeppiyankee - HU w/ D - Thinking what to call with Kd,QcView Hand 2021-04-12 (tai-1008)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $2 cash - flop 2 pair Th,7hView Hand 2021-04-12 (BV-1172)
William L - $800 tournament - Give up on turn? Qs,8sView Hand 2021-04-11 (wil-1180)
William L - $800 tournament - Nut flush draw in limped pot As,3sView Hand 2021-04-11 (wil-1179)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $4k guarantee 6-max on ACR - Hero flops a OESD out of the BB. Line? 9s,8cView Hand 2021-04-11 (mcl-1269)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $4k guarantee 6-max on ACR - Hero is OOP with a marginal full house 8s,8cView Hand 2021-04-11 (mcl-1268)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $50k guarantee on ACR - Hero turns top pair multiway with a low SPR Ks,QdView Hand 2021-04-11 (mcl-1267)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $50k guarantee on ACR - Hero flops top pair multiway with a low SPR Kd,ThView Hand 2021-04-11 (mcl-1266)
- $109 Bet MGM MI - Top pair blind vs blind Ks,QsView Hand 2021-04-11 (JP-1128)
- $.50/$1 Pokerstars mi - TT on bad board Td,TcView Hand 2021-04-11 (JP-1127)
- .25/.50 Pokerstars mi - KK vs lead from very loose player Kh,KcView Hand 2021-04-11 (JP-1126)
- 1-2NL live - TT multiway Tc,TdView Hand 2021-04-11 (JP-1125)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $2 cash - AQs on BTN Ah,QhView Hand 2021-04-11 (BV-1171)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $2 cash - GS on Flop Kd,QdView Hand 2021-04-11 (BV-1170)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $2 - Reraise flop with top top? Ad,QdView Hand 2021-04-11 (BV-1169)
William L - $800 tournament - Top pair, weird stuff by LJ Qc,9cView Hand 2021-04-10 (wil-1178)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AQo Iso fish, donk lead, semi bluff? Ad,QsView Hand 2021-04-10 (miq-1207)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AJ TPTK on turn, sizings? River? Ah,JsView Hand 2021-04-10 (miq-1206)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AA fold overpair vs reg As,AhView Hand 2021-04-10 (miq-1205)
muuuuuu - $25,000 Super High Roller NLM Tournament - $25,000 Super High Roller NLM Tournament 4d,4sView Hand 2021-04-09 (ogu-1003)
muuuuuu - Premier League Poker V - Premier League Poker V Ad,4dView Hand 2021-04-09 (ogu-1002)
Joseph Berg - Manchvegas 1-2 - AA As,AhView Hand 2021-04-09 (jse-1001)
Feydreva - Feydreva SNG - SNG between friend Kd,QhView Hand 2021-04-09 (fey-1001)
muuuuuu - partypoker Premier League V 2012 - partypoker Premier League V 2012 Ad,9cView Hand 2021-04-08 (ogu-1001)
Don Bisco - Blitz New WNP game - Fold or call with AA As,AhView Hand 2021-04-08 (don-1027)
PokerCoaching - Hellmuth vs Negreanu - High Stakes Duel, Round 1 Kc,2cView Hand 2021-04-08 (bdo-1023)
PokerCoaching - Hellmuth vs Neagreanu - High Stakes Duel, Round 1 Kd,QcView Hand 2021-04-08 (bdo-1022)
Ryan - $6.60 $6k Guaranteed - Ryan the Rock makes a big fold, right or wrong? 8c,9cView Hand 2021-04-07 (rpp-1070)
Ryan - Nightly on PokerBros - Closing in the FT and this spot comes up! Ac,7cView Hand 2021-04-07 (rpp-1069)
Ryan - Poker Out Loud! - Episode 6 Johnnie Vibes v. Matt Vaughn Ad,6dView Hand 2021-04-07 (rpp-1068)
- .5/1 Pokerstars mi - AK Check call river? Ks,AcView Hand 2021-04-07 (JP-1124)
Benno - Gambit Stars - AhTd vs AA leading on a heart board Ah,TdView Hand 2021-04-07 (GB-1082)
PokerCoaching - Hellmuth vs Negreanu - High Stakes Duel II, Round 1 6d,4dView Hand 2021-04-07 (bdo-1021)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - KTo Iso then bluff catch Ks,ThView Hand 2021-04-06 (miq-1204)
Steve Jarrett - TSC Daily - Calling a Shove and a Shove Caller View Hand 2021-04-05 (stj-1001)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 55 - Overbet river vs reg 5s,5cView Hand 2021-04-05 (miq-1203)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 42s BB x-raise multiway, give up 4s,2sView Hand 2021-04-05 (miq-1202)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - J9o - BB TPwK multiway Js,9hView Hand 2021-04-05 (miq-1201)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - T7s - x-raise vs unknown Td,7dView Hand 2021-04-05 (miq-1200)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - A2s Iso limping fish, turn implied odds? NO! Ac,2cView Hand 2021-04-05 (miq-1199)
Benno - Gambit MTT 5700 player. 765 left - Calling a Button shove with ATs vs TT Ac,TcView Hand 2021-04-05 (GB-1081)
Benjamin Spater - Cash - Cash As,QdView Hand 2021-04-05 (bsp-1002)
2750 - 2750PC $200 online - $200 online As,QdView Hand 2021-04-04 (poc-1001)
Parker - East 100/200 NLH Cash - UNL Poker Club Cash Premier League As,QhView Hand 2021-04-04 (pae-1001)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - QTo vs unknown oop Qs,TcView Hand 2021-04-04 (miq-1198)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 22 vs "ol / ol / Big Bets? / ol" 2c,2hView Hand 2021-04-04 (miq-1197)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - QQ oop vs unknown, sizing, river plan? x-c, x-f, b-f? Qs,QcView Hand 2021-04-04 (miq-1196)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - Q9s TPwK oop vs min-raise Qh,9hView Hand 2021-04-04 (miq-1195)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - A2s - Iso vs fish? Bluff catch river? As,2sView Hand 2021-04-04 (miq-1194)
SU XU - robbie 5/10 live - lesson Qs,JdView Hand 2021-04-02 (rob-1043)
Ryan - 1/2 Zoom game! - Ryan the Rock goes for it all! Kc,QdView Hand 2021-04-01 (rpp-1067)
Ryan - 2/5 Hollywood HR - American Airlines! Ac,AsView Hand 2021-04-01 (rpp-1066)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - KJs terrible river bet? XF>XC>BF? Kc,JcView Hand 2021-04-01 (miq-1193)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 42o vs Fish Calling Station - Extract? 4s,2dView Hand 2021-04-01 (miq-1192)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - A4o BB vs Reg with notes "saw me blf rz rvr / value bet big vs him" As,4dView Hand 2021-04-01 (miq-1191)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - A8s PF 4b call? Ad,8dView Hand 2021-04-01 (miq-1190)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - A5s river overbet vs tight player Ad,5dView Hand 2021-04-01 (miq-1189)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 44 vs station, river value? 4c,4hView Hand 2021-04-01 (miq-1188)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AJo squeezed by reg, fish on btn As,JdView Hand 2021-04-01 (miq-1187)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AQs BvB vs Reg -- give up As,QsView Hand 2021-04-01 (miq-1186)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 98o BvB vs Reg, PF chart, turn, rvr 9s,8dView Hand 2021-04-01 (miq-1185)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 88 in BB, monotone board 8c,8dView Hand 2021-04-01 (miq-1184)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - ATo vs shorty Ad,TcView Hand 2021-04-01 (miq-1183)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AJs - 3b pot TPTK As,JsView Hand 2021-04-01 (miq-1182)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - J9s - lead turn, river size Jd,9dView Hand 2021-04-01 (miq-1181)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - Hero gets raised after flopping a strong top pair with good backdoors. Line? Kc,6cView Hand 2021-04-01 (mcl-1265)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - Hero gets x/r on the flop and spikes on the turn. Line? Ad,9dView Hand 2021-04-01 (mcl-1264)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - FT bubble. Hero catches the dream turn and sets up the triple barrel. Ts,8sView Hand 2021-04-01 (mcl-1263)
Benjamin Spater - JL Office Hours - Ben Spater Hand Question As,AhView Hand 2021-03-31 (bsp-1001)
Selma - Selma Daytona Bubble - AQ in SB As,QhView Hand 2021-03-30 (sla-1058)
Ryan - Micro Stakes ACR - .02/.05 online Kc,QsView Hand 2021-03-30 (rpp-1065)
William L - $345 tournament - Squeeze? Shove flop? Qc,TcView Hand 2021-03-29 (wil-1177)
William L - $345 tournament - Blind vs blind, raise? Qd,JdView Hand 2021-03-29 (wil-1176)
William L - $345 tournament - Blind vs blind Ks,5hView Hand 2021-03-29 (wil-1175)
William L - $300 tournament - River sizing? Qd,JdView Hand 2021-03-29 (wil-1174)
Marko Keipi - 1000 - 1000 buy-in tournament 20bb deep Ks,QhView Hand 2021-03-29 (mri-1001)
- $100 Pokerstars mi - defend 65s short stacked 6s,5sView Hand 2021-03-29 (JP-1123)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $2 NL - Value bet on river ? Ah,KdView Hand 2021-03-29 (BV-1168)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $2 nl - Thin value on River ok? Kd,QsView Hand 2021-03-29 (BV-1167)
Jay - AverageJayPoker5 - GF Quads 6s,6hView Hand 2021-03-28 (wig-1005)
Jay - Cash - GF First Win Ah,2hView Hand 2021-03-28 (wig-1004)
- $100 pokerstars mi - blind vs blind check raise 7d,8dView Hand 2021-03-28 (JP-1122)
- $.25/.50 Pokerstars mi - Raised on turn w top pair open ended Ks,QhView Hand 2021-03-28 (JP-1121)
- $1-3NL live - Flopped trips bad river Ad,QhView Hand 2021-03-28 (JP-1120)
Benno - Gambit Stars NL50 - JJ vs 99 3 bet pot Jh,JsView Hand 2021-03-28 (GB-1080)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Poker - Kenney vs Dwan Kc,JcView Hand 2021-03-28 (bdo-1020)
Jim - JimB MTT Feb 2021 - Must call allin river? As,QdView Hand 2021-03-27 (jib-1031)
Jim - JimB MTT Feb 2021 - facing river jam with top pr top kicker Ad,KcView Hand 2021-03-27 (jib-1030)
Jim - JimB MTT Feb 2021 - Play all streets wrong with K9 on button? Kh,9hView Hand 2021-03-27 (jib-1029)
Jim - JimB MTT 2021 - 2-barrel with 2nd pair Ad,ThView Hand 2021-03-27 (jib-1028)
Jim - JimB MTT Jan 2021 - Against BB turn XR with top pair Ad,TdView Hand 2021-03-27 (jib-1027)
Jim - JimB MTT Jan 2021 - SB vs BB Kh,8dView Hand 2021-03-27 (jib-1026)
Jim - JimB $55 ACR MTT - Thin call with 99? 9s,9dView Hand 2021-03-27 (jib-1025)
Cody - PokerBros - .5/1 Flop Full House Th,JhView Hand 2021-03-27 (cod-1005)
Cody - PokerBros - .2/.4 BvB Bluff 8s,6sView Hand 2021-03-27 (cod-1004)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $2 - Raise donk bet? Kd,KsView Hand 2021-03-27 (BV-1166)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $2 - combo draw confusion As,KdView Hand 2021-03-27 (BV-1165)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill $2 one blind - bottom set on wet board 5s,5hView Hand 2021-03-27 (BV-1164)
Matthew Paradis - 3k gtd - 10dJd UTG vs BB Jd,TdView Hand 2021-03-26 (mtb-1011)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Me vs. Joe 6h,6dView Hand 2021-03-25 (toe-1077)
Adam - $1/2 - Kevin v. Ramsy 31721 Tc,5cView Hand 2021-03-25 (toe-1076)
Matthew Paradis - 5k gtd - raising utg with 19bbs and getting three callers As,JsView Hand 2021-03-25 (mtb-1010)
Matthew Paradis - 4k gtd - 4 handed at Final Table Ks,JcView Hand 2021-03-25 (mtb-1009)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Tourney at Randy's on 20MAR2021 - Hero opens the button with a mid pair and gets squeezed. Play? 8s,8cView Hand 2021-03-25 (mcl-1262)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Tourney at Randy's on 20MAR2021 - Hero flops a NFD out of the BB multiway. Bluff with it? As,6sView Hand 2021-03-25 (mcl-1261)
Ryan - 1/2 online NLH - Fun spot blind v blind Td,9sView Hand 2021-03-24 (rpp-1064)
Ryan - 1/3 TEXAS STYLE - No one folds in Texas Ah,2hView Hand 2021-03-24 (rpp-1063)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Tourney at Randy's on 20MAR2021 - Hero opens the BTN and catches a poor flop texture. C-bet? Ts,9sView Hand 2021-03-24 (mcl-1260)
Simon Webb - £10nl Cash - AJ Ah,JcView Hand 2021-03-24 (maw-1002)
Simon Webb - £10nl Cash - 99 Set 9s,9cView Hand 2021-03-24 (maw-1001)
- cash .02/.05 - should i have called down? Kh,8dView Hand 2021-03-24 (cez-1006)
- cash .05/.10 - suck out? should i have called river bet? As,QhView Hand 2021-03-24 (cez-1005)
- cash .05/.10 - should i have folded? 7c,7dView Hand 2021-03-24 (cez-1004)
- cash .01/.02 - should i have called turn bet? Qs,ThView Hand 2021-03-24 (cez-1003)
- cash .01/.02 - drawing Qc,ThView Hand 2021-03-24 (cez-1002)
Matthew Paradis - 100k GTD - wild action 8c,8sView Hand 2021-03-23 (mtb-1008)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - ATo - multiway, river value? Off a chop? Block? As,TcView Hand 2021-03-23 (miq-1180)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AJo - OOP one and done? Ac,JsView Hand 2021-03-23 (miq-1179)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 88 vs tight quiet player, turning into bluff 8s,8cView Hand 2021-03-23 (miq-1178)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - Q8s - donked on turn, river fold TP to small bet View Hand 2021-03-23 (miq-1177)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - KJs multiway passive action, river call? Kd,JdView Hand 2021-03-23 (miq-1176)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online 3/22 - folded AJo after a raise and 3-bet As,JcView Hand 2021-03-23 (mfa-1116)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online 3/22 - how did i play? Kh,QdView Hand 2021-03-23 (mfa-1115)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online 3/22 - did i give up too soon? 7d,7cView Hand 2021-03-23 (mfa-1114)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online 3/22 - did I bet too much on flop? Qd,QcView Hand 2021-03-23 (mfa-1113)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online 3/22 - turn bet did not price out draws Kd,KsView Hand 2021-03-23 (mfa-1112)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online 3/22 - SB 3 bet As,JcView Hand 2021-03-23 (mfa-1111)
Dominik Haisler - 5NL CG - Flop hero reraise bad? Jh,9hView Hand 2021-03-23 (hai-1002)
Dominik Haisler - 5NL CG - Flop hero move? Ac,QcView Hand 2021-03-23 (hai-1001)
DAVID ARBEL - David Arbel League tournament - Israel Poker League final table Qs,TdView Hand 2021-03-23 (arb-1005)
DAVID ARBEL - David Arbel Live bounty tournament - Live tornament 3 tables Ad,7cView Hand 2021-03-23 (arb-1003)
DAVID ARBEL - David Arbel Live bounty tournament - Live tornament 3 tables Ks,KcView Hand 2021-03-23 (arb-1002)
DAVID ARBEL - David Arbel Lve tournament - Live tornament 3 tables As,TdView Hand 2021-03-23 (arb-1001)
Matthew Paradis - 30K GTD - 6 handed final 12 Js,TsView Hand 2021-03-22 (mtb-1007)
Matthew Paradis - 7500 GTD - ICM Question Qh,AdView Hand 2021-03-22 (mtb-1006)
Matthew Paradis - 7500 GTD - AK in SB vs UTG short stack limp As,KcView Hand 2021-03-22 (mtb-1005)
Matthew Paradis - 10k GTD - cutoff vs small blind Qc,KhView Hand 2021-03-22 (mtb-1004)
Matthew Paradis - 5000 gtd - top set Ks,KcView Hand 2021-03-22 (mtb-1003)
Matthew Paradis - 7500 GTD - check raise from BB on J73 rainbow As,JhView Hand 2021-03-22 (mtb-1002)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - A7s light call vs SB range As,7sView Hand 2021-03-22 (miq-1175)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - K2s BB lead turn, overbet river Ks,2sView Hand 2021-03-22 (miq-1174)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - K7s OTB river raise bluff Kc,7cView Hand 2021-03-22 (miq-1173)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 98s BvB vs Reg, overbet river bluff 9c,8cView Hand 2021-03-22 (miq-1172)
Marianne - Fontes $500 1 mil. gtd - scooped up a nice one there Ah,9hView Hand 2021-03-22 (mfa-1110)
Marianne - Fontes $500 1 mil. gtd - I delayed the c-bet, but should I have? Terrible hand. yuck Js,JhView Hand 2021-03-22 (mfa-1109)
Marianne - Fontes $500 1 mil. gtd - loved the check raise...did you? 9c,8sView Hand 2021-03-22 (mfa-1108)
Marianne - Fontes $500 1 mil. gtd - called his all in because rebuy period 6s,6cView Hand 2021-03-22 (mfa-1107)
Marianne - Fontes $500 1 mil. gtd - how did i play? Ks,AdView Hand 2021-03-22 (mfa-1106)
Marianne - Fontes $500 1 mil. gtd - vs player who played a lot of junk Ks,AdView Hand 2021-03-22 (mfa-1105)
Marianne - Fontes $500 1 mil. gtd - Should I have stayed in hand? 9s,9cView Hand 2021-03-22 (mfa-1104)
Marianne - Fontes $500 1 mil. gtd - This is why you don't limp! 8c,7hView Hand 2021-03-22 (mfa-1103)
Marianne - Fontes $500 1 mil. gtd - D had KK, LJ had QQ Ad,KcView Hand 2021-03-22 (mfa-1102)
Marianne - Fontes $500 1 mil. gtd - ????? Ad,TdView Hand 2021-03-22 (mfa-1101)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 3.20 #8 - Nick, Bob Kc,5hView Hand 2021-03-22 (fly-1190)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 3.20 #7 - PASSIVE View Hand 2021-03-22 (fly-1189)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 3.20 #6 - Fish Food, Wayne Qc,AsView Hand 2021-03-22 (fly-1188)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 3.20 #5 - Wayne, Rainman Th,2cView Hand 2021-03-22 (fly-1187)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 3.20 #4 - Bob, Rainman View Hand 2021-03-22 (fly-1186)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 3.20 #3 - Bob, Fish Food View Hand 2021-03-22 (fly-1185)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 3.20 #2 - Does Wayne ever bluff the river? Jd,KsView Hand 2021-03-22 (fly-1184)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 3.20 #1 - Fish Food, Onderdonk View Hand 2021-03-22 (fly-1183)
- cash - defended 45o Ad,QdView Hand 2021-03-22 (cez-1001)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Tourney at Randy's on 20MAR2021 - Hero has marginal pair IP facing weak lead 9s,9dView Hand 2021-03-21 (mcl-1259)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Tourney at Randy's on 20MAR2021 - Hero flops bottom set multiway and deep 2h,2dView Hand 2021-03-21 (mcl-1258)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 77 in SB fold 7s,7hView Hand 2021-03-19 (miq-1171)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - TT vs bet-happy villain Ts,ThView Hand 2021-03-19 (miq-1170)
JM - $0.05/$0.10 NL Online - Confused on the river 5s,5hView Hand 2021-03-19 (jnm-1021)
bogus9000 - bogus9000 3.3$ - 4bet A8o 8d,AsView Hand 2021-03-18 (pak-1001)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AJ TPTK vs fish & <psb lead river Ah,JcView Hand 2021-03-18 (miq-1169)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - QJo IP vs reg, overbet river Qc,JhView Hand 2021-03-18 (miq-1168)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AJ - extract with big value? Ah,JdView Hand 2021-03-18 (miq-1167)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - KK 3 streets vs limper Kc,KsView Hand 2021-03-18 (miq-1166)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AQo cold 4bet oop vs aggro & reg As,QcView Hand 2021-03-18 (miq-1165)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - JJ multiway Jc,JdView Hand 2021-03-18 (miq-1164)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - JJ ip vs fish Jh,JdView Hand 2021-03-18 (miq-1163)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - TT Iso, flop size? Turn x? Th,TdView Hand 2021-03-18 (miq-1162)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 99 - min-donk lead turn, river big donk 9s,9cView Hand 2021-03-18 (miq-1161)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 65s vs Aggro Reg, overbet bluff 6d,5dView Hand 2021-03-18 (miq-1160)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - TT vs Reg 4bet pot, What would you note? Tc,TdView Hand 2021-03-18 (miq-1159)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AKs vs tagged fish, overbet Ad,KdView Hand 2021-03-18 (miq-1158)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 77 in SB sv UTG shorty 7s,7hView Hand 2021-03-18 (miq-1157)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 44 vs tagged fish, flop turn & rvr? 4c,4hView Hand 2021-03-18 (miq-1156)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - ATo BvB vs aggro Ah,TcView Hand 2021-03-18 (miq-1155)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 33 in SB vs Fish 3c,3hView Hand 2021-03-18 (miq-1154)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - JThh - 3b from BB vs unknown Jh,ThView Hand 2021-03-18 (miq-1153)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AQo fold PF As,QcView Hand 2021-03-18 (miq-1152)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - KJs IP value bets Ks,JsView Hand 2021-03-18 (miq-1151)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 77 vs overbet in 3b pot 7c,7dView Hand 2021-03-18 (miq-1150)
JM - $5 Online - Evaluate UTG+2 Play 9c,7cView Hand 2021-03-18 (jnm-1020)
JM - $5 Online - Should I check river? Tc,ThView Hand 2021-03-18 (jnm-1019)
JM - $5 Online - Good river bet? Jh,5hView Hand 2021-03-18 (jnm-1018)
JM - $5 Online - Didn't mean to fold; should I be wary here though? Kh,KcView Hand 2021-03-18 (jnm-1017)
JM - $5 Online - Why'd I lead on river? Ad,KsView Hand 2021-03-18 (jnm-1016)
JM - $5 Online - Missed Value on River? Ac,KhView Hand 2021-03-18 (jnm-1015)
JM - $5 Online - Good Checkback on Turn? Good call on river? Ah,ThView Hand 2021-03-18 (jnm-1014)
JM - $5 Online - How much would I have paid (value?) Kd,AhView Hand 2021-03-18 (jnm-1013)
JM - $5 Online - Overvalued KK I think Ks,KcView Hand 2021-03-18 (jnm-1012)
JM - $5 Online - Do I need to call here? Kh,7hView Hand 2021-03-18 (jnm-1011)
JM - $5 - Too Aggressive? 8d,9dView Hand 2021-03-18 (jnm-1010)
JM - $5 Online - Bad shove (over shove)? Ks,4dView Hand 2021-03-18 (jnm-1009)
JM - $5 Online - Call Here? Ad,TdView Hand 2021-03-18 (jnm-1008)
JM - $5 - Think I'm better, but no Fold Equity 3bet Shove Jc,KdView Hand 2021-03-18 (jnm-1007)
JM - $5 Online - Did I need to shove? Qd,QcView Hand 2021-03-18 (jnm-1006)
JM - $5 Online - Repping my Range 6c,6hView Hand 2021-03-18 (jnm-1005)
JM - $5 Online - Could I have pushed player off? Js,7sView Hand 2021-03-18 (jnm-1004)
JM - $5 online - Played Too Strong? As,TsView Hand 2021-03-18 (jnm-1003)
JM - $3 Online - Too Timid Qc,QhView Hand 2021-03-18 (jnm-1002)
JM - $5 Online - How To Lose Less Ts,JcView Hand 2021-03-18 (jnm-1001)
Craig A - Craig A $1000 APT Freezeout - KK CO vs HJ 4bet pot Kd,KsView Hand 2021-03-18 (crg-1001)
bogus - Pavel 3,3$ - 4bet A8o 8d,AsView Hand 2021-03-18 (bog-1001)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - KQs SB, x-raise? Kh,QhView Hand 2021-03-17 (miq-1149)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - ATo in BB vs Reg As,ThView Hand 2021-03-17 (miq-1148)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 86o BB, x-r, turn size, bluff catch overbet 8d,6hView Hand 2021-03-17 (miq-1147)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - QTs Top Pair multi-way, v had been somewhat aggro but no showdowns Qs,TsView Hand 2021-03-17 (miq-1146)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $44 SnG on one of those shady apps - SnG ICM question 2 - payouts are 4 BI/3 BI/2 BI Kd,9dView Hand 2021-03-17 (mcl-1257)
Benno - Gambit Stars NL50 - Called a Squezze with T9s vs JJ Ts,9sView Hand 2021-03-17 (GB-1079)
Cody - .30/.60 6max - Poker Bros AQvs29 Ac,QdView Hand 2021-03-17 (cod-1003)
Cody - .30/.60 9max - Poker Bros Donk lead with set Ac,7cView Hand 2021-03-17 (cod-1002)
PokerCoaching - Poker After Dark - Little vs Daniels Kc,JsView Hand 2021-03-17 (bdo-1019)
PokerCoaching - PAD - PC SNG - Affleck vs Little As,9dView Hand 2021-03-17 (bdo-1018)
Selma - Selma Daytona Exit - Flop top two As,QhView Hand 2021-03-16 (sla-1057)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - QTss folding TP on flop to single opponent Qs,TsView Hand 2021-03-16 (miq-1145)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - A3cc in SB complete Ac,3cView Hand 2021-03-16 (miq-1144)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AJ BvB 3b pot deep vs aggro reg Ac,JhView Hand 2021-03-16 (miq-1143)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AA multiway OOP Ah,AdView Hand 2021-03-16 (miq-1142)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - QQ overpair multiway big action, villain shoved 40bb earlier w AK over a single raise pf Qc,QdView Hand 2021-03-16 (miq-1141)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - JJ multi-way Js,JhView Hand 2021-03-16 (miq-1140)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - QQ vs Reg, Btn vs BB Qc,QhView Hand 2021-03-16 (miq-1139)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AA multiway, villain is fishy and stationy Ad,AsView Hand 2021-03-16 (miq-1138)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - K5s - Bluff 4 flush board Kc,5cView Hand 2021-03-15 (miq-1137)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - A9o BvB Ad,9sView Hand 2021-03-15 (miq-1136)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - A8o BB flop 2pair, 4x PSB on rvr? Ah,8sView Hand 2021-03-15 (miq-1135)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - A3s donked Ah,3hView Hand 2021-03-15 (miq-1134)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Me vs. Kevin 9h,9cView Hand 2021-03-14 (toe-1075)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Me vs. Kevin Ts,ThView Hand 2021-03-14 (toe-1074)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - J9s - OESD, rvr bluff shove vs reg Js,9sView Hand 2021-03-14 (miq-1133)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 85s limped BvB 3bet flop bluff 8d,5dView Hand 2021-03-14 (miq-1132)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - KTs overbet bluff Kc,TcView Hand 2021-03-14 (miq-1131)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - KTo - sizings? turn? Ks,ThView Hand 2021-03-14 (miq-1130)
Marianne - Fontes .5/1 - I was at a loss here. 9s,9dView Hand 2021-03-14 (mfa-1100)
Marianne - Fontes .5/1 - check raise, but sizing? Ks,QsView Hand 2021-03-14 (mfa-1099)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $4k guarantee on ACR - Hero has position and a favorable board texture. Bluff? Ts,9sView Hand 2021-03-14 (mcl-1256)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $3k guarantee on ACR - Hero is multiway with a reasonable hand and a low SPR. Blast off? Ad,JdView Hand 2021-03-14 (mcl-1255)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Poker 101 March 2021 - Situational TT in BB vs LP 3-bet Ts,ThView Hand 2021-03-14 (ker-1107)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Poker 101 March 14 - Situational TT vs EP 3-bet Ts,ThView Hand 2021-03-14 (ker-1106)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Mar 13 5:30 - Raise BIG over limper #2; correct play 3c,3hView Hand 2021-03-14 (ker-1105)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Mar 13 5:18 - Min raise over limper BAD #2 3h,3cView Hand 2021-03-14 (ker-1104)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AKo - caught villain bluffing similar size before Ad,KsView Hand 2021-03-13 (miq-1129)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - KJo BvB, thin value river? Kh,JsView Hand 2021-03-13 (miq-1128)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - QJo vs small 3bet 3-way. Qc,JsView Hand 2021-03-13 (miq-1127)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - T9o 4b 3-way, overbet on turn wtf? View Hand 2021-03-12 (miq-1126)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - TJo in BB vs Reg, line check. Raise anytime? Ts,JhView Hand 2021-03-12 (miq-1125)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 - do you like lead on turn? 7s,7cView Hand 2021-03-12 (mfa-1098)
Marianne - Fontes $30 tourney - could I have done something else? Ah,5hView Hand 2021-03-12 (mfa-1097)
Marianne - Fontes $30 tourney - Reckless Hand Jc,TcView Hand 2021-03-12 (mfa-1096)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Mar. 5 - why did BB call? As,JcView Hand 2021-03-12 (mfa-1095)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Mar. 5 - what if I missed river? Villain's line? Ac,TdView Hand 2021-03-12 (mfa-1094)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Mar. 5 - 3-bet bigger? Ad,JcView Hand 2021-03-12 (mfa-1093)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Poker 101 Pot odds - KJs Nut flush draw Ks,JsView Hand 2021-03-12 (ker-1103)
Alan Ho - Alan H. SB facing CO open - AQs in SB 16bb As,QsView Hand 2021-03-12 (ker-1102)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Feb 6 #3 19:10 - 16bb Shove #1 8s,9cView Hand 2021-03-12 (ker-1101)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Feb 6 #3 24:36 - Fold Equity #2; BAD 4c,TcView Hand 2021-03-12 (ker-1100)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Feb 6 #3 14:50 - Fold equity #1value 4d,2dView Hand 2021-03-12 (ker-1099)
Alan Ho - Alan H. March 1 #1 9:30 - BB defend; FOLD when raised postflop! Ad,QsView Hand 2021-03-12 (ker-1098)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Feb 13 #1 4:44 - BB defend T9o BAD; poor play Postflop 4d,2dView Hand 2021-03-12 (ker-1097)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Feb 19 #3 31:41 - Bet for value, BIG shove BAD Ks,8sView Hand 2021-03-12 (ker-1096)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Feb 6 #2 23:27 - Tighten opening range 8d,ThView Hand 2021-03-12 (ker-1093)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Feb 6 #2 - Limping bad #3; Why we bet? As,2hView Hand 2021-03-12 (ker-1092)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Feb 6 #2 - Liming bad #2 Qc,4dView Hand 2021-03-12 (ker-1091)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Feb 18 #2 - Limping bad #1 Ah,5dView Hand 2021-03-12 (ker-1090)
John Borges - John B Synd vid 3.10 #8 - Gary, Jill odd bets View Hand 2021-03-12 (fly-1182)
John Borges - John B Synd vid 3.10 #7 - j-rod, TJ blocker bet View Hand 2021-03-12 (fly-1181)
John Borges - John B Synd vid 3.10 #6 - Gonz, Howard 5s,5dView Hand 2021-03-12 (fly-1180)
John Borges - John B Synd vid 3.10 #5 - Jill, Scott View Hand 2021-03-12 (fly-1179)
John Borges - John B Synd vid 3.10 #4 - Scott, Brad View Hand 2021-03-12 (fly-1178)
John Borges - John B Synd vid 3.10 #3 - Howard, Rainman, Keith View Hand 2021-03-12 (fly-1177)
John Borges - John B Synd vid 3.10 #2 - Wayne View Hand 2021-03-12 (fly-1176)
John Borges - John B Synd vid 3.10 #1 - Scott v Howard View Hand 2021-03-12 (fly-1175)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Me vs. Kevin 3 handed Qh,QdView Hand 2021-03-11 (toe-1073)
Nicholas Nguyen - $5 Zoom NL - Bottom Set Ts,TdView Hand 2021-03-11 (nim-1010)
Benno - Gambit Stars NL25 - Risky river shove vs a 3bet with AJ Ah,JsView Hand 2021-03-11 (GB-1078)
Vivian lundgren - StarViv 140 live tourney - haven't played live in 3 months lol Jc,JhView Hand 2021-03-10 (viv-1006)
Ryan - Sunday Deep Stack - HU for the Trophy! Ts,TcView Hand 2021-03-10 (rpp-1062)
Ryan - 1/3 live - Benny Stacks makes questionable decisions Qs,JdView Hand 2021-03-10 (rpp-1061)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AJo how to extract or induce? Ac,JhView Hand 2021-03-10 (miq-1124)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 77 fold pf? 7s,7dView Hand 2021-03-10 (miq-1123)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - A3s 3bet vs Fish, ugh stack size awareness :-( Ad,3dView Hand 2021-03-10 (miq-1122)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AA vs donk leads from fish As,AdView Hand 2021-03-10 (miq-1121)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - J9o in SB complete. Js,9dView Hand 2021-03-10 (miq-1120)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - A6s EP Iso, good enough odds? As,6sView Hand 2021-03-10 (miq-1119)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - JJ vs Multi-tabler, value bet sooner, bigger or induce? Js,JhView Hand 2021-03-10 (miq-1118)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AKo OOP vs Reg iso Ac,KhView Hand 2021-03-10 (miq-1117)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 99 monotone, 9-high flush block bet 9s,9cView Hand 2021-03-10 (miq-1116)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AQs vs Reg Ac,QcView Hand 2021-03-10 (miq-1115)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AQo vs 2 super fish, one station & one spew-tard As,QhView Hand 2021-03-10 (miq-1114)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - TT vs Spewy Fish Th,TcView Hand 2021-03-10 (miq-1113)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - QQ vs limper, value sizing, river? Qs,QhView Hand 2021-03-10 (miq-1112)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AA - value sizings? Villain tagged as a super fish Ad,AhView Hand 2021-03-10 (miq-1111)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - T9o flopped str8. Sizings? Ts,9dView Hand 2021-03-10 (miq-1110)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - KQo monotone OOP vs tagged fish. X-r flop? Sizing on T? Ks,QdView Hand 2021-03-10 (miq-1109)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - KQs - TP & Flush draw, bet sizings? Kh,QhView Hand 2021-03-10 (miq-1108)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - JJ vs r & 3b, 2nd hand at table. Villain prior hand opened 5x in LJ. Js,JcView Hand 2021-03-10 (miq-1107)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - A5s iso, ss calls -- action w/ short stack? Ah,5hView Hand 2021-03-10 (miq-1106)
Benno - Gambit Stars NL50 - Jam vs check raise on the flop w AA Ac,AsView Hand 2021-03-10 (GB-1077)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Poker - Salomon vs Dwan 8d,6dView Hand 2021-03-10 (bdo-1017)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Poker - Kenney vs Steven 9h,7hView Hand 2021-03-10 (bdo-1016)
Marko Strbac - mancunian81 $100, sco - K7s vs. all in Ks,7sView Hand 2021-03-09 (mro-1002)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx TCH 10/20 - 3.9 (6) Qh,JhView Hand 2021-03-09 (jnj-1068)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx TCH $600 - 3.9 (5) As,KcView Hand 2021-03-09 (jnj-1067)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx TCH 2/5 - 3.9 (4) 9c,9dView Hand 2021-03-09 (jnj-1066)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx TCH 2/5 - 3.9 (3) Ac,AsView Hand 2021-03-09 (jnj-1065)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx TCH 2/5 - 3.9 (2) As,AdView Hand 2021-03-09 (jnj-1064)
William L - $2/$5 stream - Trips vs turn raise Ad,KhView Hand 2021-03-08 (wil-1173)
William L - $2/$5 - Bluff? Kc,QdView Hand 2021-03-08 (wil-1172)
William L - $500 tournament - Near the money - AA faces jam As,AdView Hand 2021-03-08 (wil-1171)
William L - $500 tournament - JJ vs 3 shoves Jd,JhView Hand 2021-03-08 (wil-1170)
Jay - AverageJayPoker3 - KJss bluff Ks,JsView Hand 2021-03-08 (wig-1003)
Jay - AverageJayPoker2 - J6 straddle Js,6sView Hand 2021-03-08 (wig-1002)
Jay - AverageJayPoker1 - Overplay straddle 8h,5dView Hand 2021-03-08 (wig-1001)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $44 SnG on one of those shady apps - SnG ICM question - payouts are 4 BI/3 BI/2 BI Ah,9sView Hand 2021-03-08 (mcl-1254)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $44 SnG on one of those shady apps - Hero flops a small overpair against an active villain. Hold on? 8h,8cView Hand 2021-03-08 (mcl-1253)
Benno - Gambit Stars 0.25 - KJ 4 bet pot Kh,JhView Hand 2021-03-08 (GB-1076)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 3.8 #2 - WTF Th,8dView Hand 2021-03-08 (fly-1174)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 3.8 #1 - overplaying top pair View Hand 2021-03-08 (fly-1173)
Zach - Zappho99 $.01/$.02 NL online - Blind vs Blind Ks,6dView Hand 2021-03-07 (zap-1005)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - QQ 4 way Qs,QhView Hand 2021-03-07 (miq-1105)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1/$2 in Clayton - Hero flops top/top on a dry board and gets donked into. Line? As,QcView Hand 2021-03-07 (mcl-1252)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx TCH 2/5 - 3.9 (1) Ac,5cView Hand 2021-03-07 (jnj-1063)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 3.6 #1 - Call or fold (FT Bubble) Ks,QsView Hand 2021-03-07 (fly-1172)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill 1 / 2 - Call all in with top / top Ah,QdView Hand 2021-03-07 (BV-1163)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill 1 / 2 - Betting TP with 5 preflop callers As,QcView Hand 2021-03-07 (BV-1162)
Bill Vicars - Bill Atlantis 1 / 2 - Double barrel with AK Ah,KsView Hand 2021-03-07 (BV-1161)
Bill Vicars - Bill Atlantis 1 / 2 - Top pair facing raise Ah,QcView Hand 2021-03-07 (BV-1160)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill 1 / 2 - calling 3bet on BTN Ah,JsView Hand 2021-03-07 (BV-1159)
Adam - $1/2 - Me vs. Kevin Kd,QcView Hand 2021-03-06 (toe-1072)
Adam - $1/2 - Ramsy vs. Charles View Hand 2021-03-06 (toe-1071)
Adam - $1/2 - Me vs. Kevin Ah,8hView Hand 2021-03-06 (toe-1070)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1/$2 in Clayton - Hero gets there and faces a dicey river spot Th,9hView Hand 2021-03-06 (mcl-1251)
HPC - Live 1/2 - SRP UTG vs. BTN View Hand 2021-03-06 (har-1007)
HPC - Live 1/2 - 3! pot CO vs. HJ View Hand 2021-03-06 (har-1006)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Poker - Ji vs Petrangelo Ac,TdView Hand 2021-03-06 (bdo-1015)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Poker - Bellande vs Dwan Kh,4hView Hand 2021-03-06 (bdo-1014)
Adam - $1/2 - Joe vs. Kevin View Hand 2021-03-05 (toe-1069)
Adam - $1/2 - Jeff vs. Ramsy Ts,KhView Hand 2021-03-05 (toe-1068)
Adam - $1/2 - Me vs. Ryan As,KsView Hand 2021-03-05 (toe-1067)
Adam - $1/2 - Me vs. Joe Js,5sView Hand 2021-03-05 (toe-1066)
Marko Strbac - mancunian81 soc, $50 - AK vs. all in Kc,AsView Hand 2021-03-05 (mro-1001)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online - Did I play okay-4 bet preflop? Kh,AsView Hand 2021-03-05 (mfa-1092)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online - Should I have 3-bet preflop? Ah,TdView Hand 2021-03-05 (mfa-1091)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online - Sizing on the turn? Kc,JsView Hand 2021-03-05 (mfa-1090)
PokerCoaching - HSP - Hellmuth v Polk Td,7cView Hand 2021-03-05 (bdo-1013)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $2.20 WSOHG on ACR - Hero squeezes and flops poorly with a low SPR Ad,QdView Hand 2021-03-04 (mcl-1250)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1/$2 in Clayton - Hero gets a river fold and gets the sense he's not bluffing enough Kd,TdView Hand 2021-03-04 (mcl-1249)
Marc Larocque - LaRockObama $50 rebuy, add-on - MTT at Filotimo As,2sView Hand 2021-03-04 (maq-1008)
Marc Larocque - LaRockObama $50 rebuy, add-on - MTT at Filotimo As,AcView Hand 2021-03-04 (maq-1007)
Marc Larocque - LaRockObama $50 rebuy, add-on - MTT at Filotimo Kc,JcView Hand 2021-03-04 (maq-1006)
Marc Larocque - LaRockObama $50 rebuy, add-on - MTT at Filotimo Ah,7hView Hand 2021-03-04 (maq-1005)
Marc Larocque - LaRockObama $50 rebuy, add-on - MTT at Filotimo Ad,TdView Hand 2021-03-04 (maq-1004)
Marc Larocque - LaRockObama $50 rebuy, add-on - MTT at Filotimo Kd,JcView Hand 2021-03-04 (maq-1003)
Marc Larocque - LaRockObama $50 rebuy, add-on - MTT at Filotimo Ad,QcView Hand 2021-03-04 (maq-1002)
Marc Larocque - LaRockObama $50 rebuy, add-on - $60-$50-$50 rebuy, add-on MTT at Filotimo 3c,3hView Hand 2021-03-04 (maq-1001)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AQo 4bet pot, river shove or x? As,QhView Hand 2021-03-02 (miq-1104)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - Q9o BvB Bluff Qh,9cView Hand 2021-03-02 (miq-1103)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AQs 3b - TP & flush draw. River overbet? Ad,QdView Hand 2021-03-02 (miq-1102)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - KK top set - I hate my flop shove, should I hate it? Kc,KdView Hand 2021-03-02 (miq-1101)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - TT vs unknown Ts,ThView Hand 2021-03-02 (miq-1100)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AA deep-ish, vs reg Ac,AhView Hand 2021-03-02 (miq-1099)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - ATo - questioning my fold Ad,TsView Hand 2021-03-02 (miq-1098)
Scott Cutler - Ignition Zoom 5NL - Weird all-in Kh,ThView Hand 2021-03-02 (cut-1001)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 small bluff - small bluff 8s,5sView Hand 2021-03-02 (bag-1195)
Poker Clarity - $5250 SHRPO - KK w/A on board Ks,KhView Hand 2021-03-01 (sup-1001)
Selma - Selma Venetian Day 2 - Great board for 88 8s,8cView Hand 2021-03-01 (sla-1056)
Selma - Selma Venetian Day 1 - BB vs Button 5d,6dView Hand 2021-03-01 (sla-1055)
Selma - Selma Venetian Day 1 - Aces with bad flop As,AcView Hand 2021-03-01 (sla-1054)
Selma - Selma Venetian Day 2 - trapped by queens 9s,9cView Hand 2021-03-01 (sla-1053)
Selma - Selma Venetian Day 2 - AdJd in SB Ad,JdView Hand 2021-03-01 (sla-1052)
Selma - Selma Venetian Day 2 - Double again 3h,9hView Hand 2021-03-01 (sla-1051)
Selma - Selma Venetian Day 2 - pocket tens to a reraise Ts,TcView Hand 2021-03-01 (sla-1050)
Selma - Selma Venetian Day 2 - first double up 4s,4dView Hand 2021-03-01 (sla-1049)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - TT strange action, river ez fold? Th,TcView Hand 2021-03-01 (miq-1097)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AK vs maniacal buffoon, raise at any point? As,KdView Hand 2021-03-01 (miq-1096)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - KTo vs Reg - Pre? Turn overbet? River? Kc,TdView Hand 2021-03-01 (miq-1095)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - J8o trips, raise anywhere here? River ugh. Jh,8sView Hand 2021-03-01 (miq-1094)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - T9s squeeze, villain has seemed good on several tables. Td,9dView Hand 2021-03-01 (miq-1093)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 22 3bet pot river call 2d,2cView Hand 2021-03-01 (miq-1092)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 89o in BB, Pre? River? CO *very* active, SB seems straight forward 8h,9sView Hand 2021-03-01 (miq-1091)
Georgios Farmakis - Kerberus94 50k guaranteed 7,5$ - deap in an 8k player pool As,JhView Hand 2021-03-01 (geg-1001)
Zach - Zappho99 $.01/$.02 NL online - Giving Up JTs Jh,ThView Hand 2021-02-28 (zap-1004)
Zach - Zappho99 $.01/$.02 NL online - 3-bet bluffing w/Q2o Qc,2dView Hand 2021-02-28 (zap-1003)
Zach - Zappho99 $.01/$.02 NL online - 3-bet bluffing w/A8s Ah,8hView Hand 2021-02-28 (zap-1002)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Me vs. Tom4149 As,KsView Hand 2021-02-28 (toe-1065)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Me vs. Alan Ad,KcView Hand 2021-02-28 (toe-1064)
Adam - $1/2 - Me vs. Ritt 3h,3dView Hand 2021-02-28 (toe-1063)
Adam - $1/2 - Check raise turn vs. Joe Ac,7cView Hand 2021-02-28 (toe-1062)
Adam - $1/2 - Massive 4bet Js,JhView Hand 2021-02-28 (toe-1061)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Lothar Jc,TdView Hand 2021-02-28 (toe-1060)
Adam - $1/2 - Me vs. Jeff 7h,7cView Hand 2021-02-28 (toe-1059)
Adam - $1/2 - Me vs. Joe Th,TdView Hand 2021-02-28 (toe-1058)
Adam - $1/2 - Me vs. Joe 5s,5dView Hand 2021-02-28 (toe-1057)
Adam - $1/2 - Me vs. Ramsy Jh,7hView Hand 2021-02-28 (toe-1056)
Adam - $1/2 - Me vs. Ramsy Ac,TcView Hand 2021-02-28 (toe-1055)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Want more value!! 7h,6hView Hand 2021-02-28 (toe-1054)
Adam - $1/2 - Protecting checking range Jh,QdView Hand 2021-02-28 (toe-1053)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - AKo 4bet - calling ok here or too stationy? Ad,KhView Hand 2021-02-28 (miq-1090)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - A9o vs posting unknown. X-r flop ok? Bet-fold or Bet-call river? As,9hView Hand 2021-02-28 (miq-1089)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - 99 vs unknown - too "stationy" on my part? View Hand 2021-02-28 (miq-1088)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - KJo vs unknown 100bb shove Ks,JcView Hand 2021-02-28 (miq-1087)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - K6s - Bluff v Reg Kd,6dView Hand 2021-02-28 (miq-1086)
Mike Mc - McLovin 50NL - Iso limps & 2nd nut flush Ks,JdView Hand 2021-02-28 (miq-1085)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 2.27 #2 - too trappy Ad,AcView Hand 2021-02-28 (fly-1171)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 2.27 #1 - playing exploitatively Ah,AdView Hand 2021-02-28 (fly-1170)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Proud Check-call As,KhView Hand 2021-02-27 (toe-1052)
Adam - $1/2 - Me vs. Ramsy 9c,8cView Hand 2021-02-27 (toe-1051)
Dan - 0.1/0.25 6-max PStars - BTNvsBB missed draw 9s,5sView Hand 2021-02-25 (mni-1004)
Dan - 0.1/0.25 6-max PStars - SBvsBB 3bet pot Ac,JcView Hand 2021-02-25 (mni-1003)
Dan - 0.1/0.25 6-max PStars - SRP against shortstacker Ac,QsView Hand 2021-02-25 (mni-1002)
Dan - 0.1/0.25 6-max PStars - 3bet pot-200BB deep Kc,QcView Hand 2021-02-25 (mni-1001)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - ATs vs unknown awkward stack. He posted & short stack Ad,TdView Hand 2021-02-25 (miq-1084)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - JJ vs unknown. C-bet & sizing?? Js,JdView Hand 2021-02-25 (miq-1083)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - 44 - c-bet? bluff catch? 4c,4hView Hand 2021-02-25 (miq-1082)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - ATo vs unknown short stack As,ThView Hand 2021-02-25 (miq-1081)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - KJo multi-way v massive fish Ks,JhView Hand 2021-02-25 (miq-1080)
Jeff Bronner - Vesty777 ACR 25 NL - AQo, played too timidly Ah,QdView Hand 2021-02-25 (jef-1022)
Ryan - .25/.50 NLH online - Is this too crazy of a line? Ah,TcView Hand 2021-02-24 (rpp-1060)
Ryan - 1/2 NLH Online - Poker Masterminds 300BB pot! 8s,8cView Hand 2021-02-24 (rpp-1059)
Cody - .3/.6 - PokerBros 9s,TsView Hand 2021-02-24 (cod-1001)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - AKo vs Limping Fish Ah,KdView Hand 2021-02-23 (miq-1079)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - QQ vs Reg Qs,QdView Hand 2021-02-23 (miq-1078)
Niuwuchui - bluffinginn J.LittleAQ俩公对面 - 抓诈唬 As,QdView Hand 2021-02-23 (blf-1011)
Niuwuchui - bluffinginn J.LittleAQ翻前弃 - 对紧凶 Ac,QdView Hand 2021-02-23 (blf-1010)
Niuwuchui - bluffinginn J.LittleAQ按钮死跟松大盲 - 死跟松大盲 Ah,QhView Hand 2021-02-23 (blf-1009)
Niuwuchui - bluffinginn J.LittleAQ干翻牌 - 干翻牌打跑松人 As,QdView Hand 2021-02-23 (blf-1008)
Niuwuchui - bluffinginn J.LittleAQs打直白 - 顶同花公对面要紧弱价值 Ad,QdView Hand 2021-02-23 (blf-1007)
Niuwuchui - bluffinginn J.LittleAQ大盲打紧弱 - 大盲转花打紧弱 As,QcView Hand 2021-02-23 (blf-1006)
Niuwuchui - bluffinginn JLittleAQ1 - 前位AQ对上头松凶 Ad,QhView Hand 2021-02-23 (blf-1005)
PokerCoaching - Poker After Dark - Bratty Bunch, Episode 1 Jd,9cView Hand 2021-02-23 (bdo-1012)
PokerCoaching - Poker After Dark - Cry Me A River, Episode 1 8d,4dView Hand 2021-02-23 (bdo-1011)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 catch - catch Qs,KsView Hand 2021-02-23 (bag-1194)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Deep - Deep Ad,QdView Hand 2021-02-23 (bag-1193)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 blöffcatch - blöffcatch Kh,KcView Hand 2021-02-23 (bag-1192)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 blöffcatch - blöffcatch As,8sView Hand 2021-02-23 (bag-1191)
William L - $2/$5 stream - Resqueeze? Ad,5dView Hand 2021-02-22 (wil-1169)
William L - $2/$5 stream - Bluff river? Qd,QcView Hand 2021-02-22 (wil-1168)
William L - $2/$5 stream - Float flop vs aggressive opponent Ts,TdView Hand 2021-02-22 (wil-1167)
William L - $200 tournament - AK facing weird line As,KdView Hand 2021-02-22 (wil-1166)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Limping Ranges ID View Hand 2021-02-22 (toe-1050)
Adam - $25 Tourney - 3 Way Ts,AcView Hand 2021-02-22 (toe-1049)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Me vs. Joerohio 9c,9dView Hand 2021-02-22 (toe-1048)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 fold? - fold? 9h,9cView Hand 2021-02-22 (bag-1190)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 riverspot - riverspot Ac,TsView Hand 2021-02-22 (bag-1189)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 poker - poker 9h,9cView Hand 2021-02-22 (bag-1188)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 szett - szett 7h,7cView Hand 2021-02-22 (bag-1187)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 herocall - herocall As,QdView Hand 2021-02-22 (bag-1186)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 agro - agro Jc,AhView Hand 2021-02-22 (bag-1185)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Me vs. Chris Js,JcView Hand 2021-02-21 (toe-1047)
Adam - $1/2 - Me vs. Coutrney As,TsView Hand 2021-02-21 (toe-1046)
Adam - $1/2 - Me vs. Ramsy 3s,4dView Hand 2021-02-21 (toe-1045)
Adam - $1/2 - Ramsy vs. Duance 2d,3dView Hand 2021-02-21 (toe-1044)
Adam - $1/2 - Me vs. Pat Ad,KsView Hand 2021-02-21 (toe-1043)
Adam - $1/2 - Ritt v. Joe 5c,5hView Hand 2021-02-21 (toe-1042)
Martin Grepiniak - Martin G 11$Big Sunday - 3bet pot river jam Ts,TdView Hand 2021-02-21 (mrt-1002)
Martin Grepiniak - Martin G 22$Mini Sunday Milion - River Check jam top2 Tc,9cView Hand 2021-02-21 (mrt-1001)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 on Feb. 19 - He folded to my raise; could I have extracted more value? Qs,AdView Hand 2021-02-21 (mfa-1089)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $50k guarantee on ACR - BB defense spot where hero has a marginal hand Qd,TdView Hand 2021-02-21 (mcl-1248)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $50k guarantee on ACR - Hero 3-bets a big pair from the SB vs UTG and things get dicey Qh,QcView Hand 2021-02-21 (mcl-1247)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $50k guarantee on ACR - Hero 3-bets from the BTN and flops equity. Triple barrel spot? Qc,9cView Hand 2021-02-21 (mcl-1246)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $50k guarantee on ACR - BvB and hero flops top pair. Line? Td,9hView Hand 2021-02-21 (mcl-1245)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1/$2 in Clayton - Hero flops top 2 OOP on monotone board Ac,TcView Hand 2021-02-21 (mcl-1244)
Kevin - $6 Turbo - SB v UTG+1 limp Ac,KsView Hand 2021-02-21 (keb-1002)
Kevin - $6 Turbo - SRP OOP Qd,JcView Hand 2021-02-21 (keb-1001)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx Texas Card House 2/5 - 3rd Hand of New Table Js,JdView Hand 2021-02-21 (jnj-1058)
JJ - TV cash game - facing decent river bet Ad,JdView Hand 2021-02-21 (jcj-1323)
JJ - TV cash game - facing river shove with As blocker As,AdView Hand 2021-02-21 (jcj-1322)
JJ - ACR MTT - what to do on river CXR with top 2? Ac,JdView Hand 2021-02-21 (jcj-1321)
JJ - ACR MTT - 3 bet spot Qd,QcView Hand 2021-02-21 (jcj-1320)
JJ - ACR MTT - 3 betting as aggressor 9d,AdView Hand 2021-02-21 (jcj-1319)
HPC - 0.5/1 - Q9s River Decision Qh,9hView Hand 2021-02-21 (har-1005)
HPC - 50/100 - Hard River Decisions As,TcView Hand 2021-02-21 (har-1004)
HPC - online workshop - blockers pt 2 8s,8hView Hand 2021-02-21 (har-1003)
HPC - 200 online - good example of blockers Qc,9dView Hand 2021-02-21 (har-1002)
Benno - Gambit Stars NL25 - AQ vs JTs. Set but checked. Again 2/3 pot on river Ad,QsView Hand 2021-02-21 (GB-1075)
Benno - Gambit PokerStars NL25 - lose on the river vs a set AJ vs 55 As,JhView Hand 2021-02-21 (GB-1074)
Niuwuchui - bluffinginn 底池控制 - 顶对顶踢输200BB Ah,KhView Hand 2021-02-21 (blf-1004)
yeppiyankee - RYU - Bluffy Line and caught him bluffing Kd,QdView Hand 2021-02-20 (tai-1007)
yeppiyankee - RYU HU Lounge - all in bluff catch Kd,2sView Hand 2021-02-20 (tai-1006)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 on Feb. 19 - good spot to lead out? Ah,6cView Hand 2021-02-20 (mfa-1088)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 on Feb. 19 - multi-way scoop Ah,JhView Hand 2021-02-20 (mfa-1087)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 on Feb. 19 - should I have stayed around for river? Ts,AhView Hand 2021-02-20 (mfa-1086)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 on Feb. 19 - Fun, easy hand Kd,JdView Hand 2021-02-20 (mfa-1085)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 on Feb. 19 - Should I have folded preflop? Qd,9dView Hand 2021-02-20 (mfa-1084)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 on Feb. 19 - bet on monochrome board Ad,8dView Hand 2021-02-20 (mfa-1083)
Jeff Bronner - Vesty777 25 NL ACR - Getting value from K high flush Kh,QhView Hand 2021-02-20 (jef-1021)
Dom - $6.60 6k - bad bluff Ts,7dView Hand 2021-02-20 (doi-1001)
shane - 2/5 - Q10dd Qd,TdView Hand 2021-02-19 (shs-1026)
JJ - home game - what to do against flop raise in 4 bet pot? Qs,QhView Hand 2021-02-19 (jcj-1318)
- Kouman 600 $3 MTT - A GTO raise or profitable shove? Ah,JhView Hand 2021-02-18 (ton-1017)
Ryan - CAITLIN HAND - 2/5 live Qs,QhView Hand 2021-02-18 (rpp-1058)
Ryan - .25/.50 NLH Online - A lesson in donk betting Th,TsView Hand 2021-02-18 (rpp-1057)
Ryan - .5/1 NLH Online - Blind V Blind with a suited wheel ace As,5sView Hand 2021-02-18 (rpp-1056)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online on Feb. 17 - loved this one more Td,AcView Hand 2021-02-18 (mfa-1082)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online on Feb. 17 - loved this one. Td,TcView Hand 2021-02-18 (mfa-1081)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online on Feb. 17 - should villain have called the all-in; he was in tank Qc,AdView Hand 2021-02-18 (mfa-1080)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online on Feb. 17 - fold to the 3-bet? as played? Td,ThView Hand 2021-02-18 (mfa-1079)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online on Feb. 17 - all around, how did I play it? Th,JhView Hand 2021-02-18 (mfa-1078)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online on Feb. 17 - all around, how did I play it? Jc,JdView Hand 2021-02-18 (mfa-1077)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online on Feb. 17 - sizing on turn? 8s,8hView Hand 2021-02-18 (mfa-1076)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online on Feb. 17 - Thank you @lexygavin; this is cuz our last lesson Jd,JcView Hand 2021-02-18 (mfa-1075)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online on Feb. 17 - 3-bet, c-bet Ks,JhView Hand 2021-02-18 (mfa-1074)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $25NL on ACR - Heads up against the shill. How do we deal with the horseshoe? Kh,6hView Hand 2021-02-18 (mcl-1243)
James Tays - jamtay317 River Jam Bluff - Jam River vs Lose Aggressive Player Ac,TsView Hand 2021-02-18 (jam-1007)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 2.17 #1 - Facing aggressive BB Ks,QsView Hand 2021-02-18 (fly-1169)
Niuwuchui - bluffinginn 演示 - 小三法 胡子雅阁 Ks,KhView Hand 2021-02-18 (blf-1003)
Niuwuchui - bluffinginn 演示 - 小三法 Ks,KcView Hand 2021-02-18 (blf-1002)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 TTfold? - TTfold? Th,TdView Hand 2021-02-18 (bag-1184)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Aksvalue - Aksvalue Ad,KdView Hand 2021-02-18 (bag-1183)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 ISOvsfish - ISOvsfish Ks,TdView Hand 2021-02-18 (bag-1182)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Kqo3bet - Kqo3bet Ks,QdView Hand 2021-02-18 (bag-1181)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Turnc/r - Turnc/r Jh,ThView Hand 2021-02-18 (bag-1180)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 QQ4bet - QQ3bet Qh,QcView Hand 2021-02-18 (bag-1179)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 SBvsBB - SBvsBB Ah,4cView Hand 2021-02-18 (bag-1178)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 TT3betpot - TT3betpot Ts,TcView Hand 2021-02-18 (bag-1177)
Adam - $1/2 - Charles vs. Pat 5s,2dView Hand 2021-02-17 (toe-1041)
Adam - $1/2 - Jeff vs. Joe 3d,2sView Hand 2021-02-17 (toe-1040)
Adam - $1/2 - Pat vs. Charles Jc,8cView Hand 2021-02-17 (toe-1039)
Adam - $1/2 - Joe vs. Ramsy Ts,2dView Hand 2021-02-17 (toe-1038)
Ryan - MTT - Live Reads 101 with Abby Merk 9s,9hView Hand 2021-02-17 (rpp-1055)
Ryan - MTT 187 / 35 will $$$ - Short stacks complicate things Ad,QcView Hand 2021-02-17 (rpp-1054)
Ryan - 1/2 NLH online - Is this insane? Ad,KhView Hand 2021-02-17 (rpp-1053)
Ryan - .50/1 NLH online - ATs in a funky spot BTN/SB As,TsView Hand 2021-02-17 (rpp-1052)
Aaron - Live $1/2 NL - WHH #1 Kc,JcView Hand 2021-02-17 (mse-1010)
James Tays - jamtay317 TT turn Jam - TT turn Jam Th,TcView Hand 2021-02-17 (jam-1006)
James Tays - jamtay317 Tony Hand 2 - Tony Hand 2 Ac,2cView Hand 2021-02-17 (jam-1005)
James Tays - jamtay317 Tony hand 1 - Tony hand 1 Qc,QhView Hand 2021-02-17 (jam-1004)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 2.15 #4 - 3b from SB As,KhView Hand 2021-02-17 (fly-1168)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 2.15 #3 - missed river value? Ah,JcView Hand 2021-02-17 (fly-1167)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 2.15 #2 - B v. B facing a post flop raise Ks,9cView Hand 2021-02-17 (fly-1166)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 2.15 #1 - do I keep barreling? 9s,9hView Hand 2021-02-17 (fly-1165)
Troy - $1/$2 - Flopped full house, trips on the board Jd,JhView Hand 2021-02-16 (trz-1001)
Adam - $25 Tourney - BB defense Qs,3dView Hand 2021-02-16 (toe-1037)
Adam - $1/2 - Ramsy OOP 3bet Jc,JsView Hand 2021-02-16 (toe-1036)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Flop nuts 9s,9hView Hand 2021-02-15 (toe-1035)
Adam - $25 Tourney - I check top pair flop Qd,AsView Hand 2021-02-15 (toe-1034)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Alan bets UTG View Hand 2021-02-15 (toe-1033)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Alan 3 bets Ks,KhView Hand 2021-02-15 (toe-1032)
@alexduvallin - Venetian $800 - Level 16 Jd,9dView Hand 2021-02-15 (duv-1009)
@alexduvallin - Venetian $800 - Level 10 As,KhView Hand 2021-02-15 (duv-1008)
@alexduvallin - Venetian $800 - Level 9 Ad,4dView Hand 2021-02-15 (duv-1007)
@alexduvallin - Venetian $800 - Level 8 As,7cView Hand 2021-02-15 (duv-1006)
@alexduvallin - Venetian $800 - Level 8 Th,TcView Hand 2021-02-15 (duv-1005)
@alexduvallin - Venetian $800 - Level 6 Ah,AdView Hand 2021-02-15 (duv-1004)
@alexduvallin - Venetian $800 - Level 6 6d,6cView Hand 2021-02-15 (duv-1003)
David O' Keeffe - davidok88/Minister666 $15 sitngo - Player capable of aggressive moves 5s,5hView Hand 2021-02-15 (dao-1001)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Alvin donk leads top pair Ah,KdView Hand 2021-02-14 (toe-1031)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Alvin OESD Ks,JcView Hand 2021-02-14 (toe-1030)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Bluffing Muser 6d,AcView Hand 2021-02-14 (toe-1029)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Cox donk leads on paired board Qs,AcView Hand 2021-02-14 (toe-1028)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Alvin bluffs mid pair Ks,7cView Hand 2021-02-14 (toe-1027)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Cox triple barrels K10off Qc,7cView Hand 2021-02-14 (toe-1026)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Cox donk lead with mid pair Ah,9hView Hand 2021-02-14 (toe-1025)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Should I be betting out on the river? 6s,5sView Hand 2021-02-14 (toe-1024)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Should I be betting out on the river? Ts,3hView Hand 2021-02-14 (toe-1023)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Pat makes 2 pair on the river Js,KhView Hand 2021-02-14 (toe-1022)
Adam - $1/2 - Runner-Runner Aces Ah,8hView Hand 2021-02-14 (toe-1021)
Adam - $1/2 - Flush draw w/ junky flop 6h,7hView Hand 2021-02-14 (toe-1020)
Adam - $1/2 Cash - Should be a small flop bet Qh,QdView Hand 2021-02-14 (toe-1019)
Adam - $1/2 Cash - Pat checks rivered boat Ac,5cView Hand 2021-02-14 (toe-1018)
Adam - $1/2 Cash - 2 Aces on board As,QhView Hand 2021-02-14 (toe-1017)
Adam - $1/2 Cash - 3 Aces on board 4s,4hView Hand 2021-02-14 (toe-1016)
Adam - $1/2 Cash - Pat & Ramsy Th,9cView Hand 2021-02-14 (toe-1015)
Adam - $65 Tourney - Battle of the blinds As,7dView Hand 2021-02-14 (toe-1014)
Larry H - LH2838 Online - Multi-way pot Ah,JdView Hand 2021-02-14 (hie-1030)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 AKvsKQ - AKvsKQ Ad,KcView Hand 2021-02-14 (bag-1176)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 66 - 66 6h,6cView Hand 2021-02-14 (bag-1175)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 bet/fold - Ak Ah,KcView Hand 2021-02-14 (bag-1174)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Small Stakes Donk Lead Td,JdView Hand 2021-02-13 (toe-1013)
Benno - Gambit Stars NL50 - just flat a 4 bet with KK IP Kd,KsView Hand 2021-02-13 (GB-1073)
Benno - Gambit Stars Cash - bad cbet AK vs AQ Ac,KsView Hand 2021-02-13 (GB-1072)
shane - 2/5 (3) - Q10dd Qd,TdView Hand 2021-02-12 (shs-1025)
shane - 2/5 (3) - Q10ss Qs,TsView Hand 2021-02-12 (shs-1024)
shane - 2/5 (3) - K10o facing triple Ks,ThView Hand 2021-02-12 (shs-1023)
Niuwuchui - bluffinginn $1,100 Live - 演示一 Th,9hView Hand 2021-02-11 (blf-1001)
Adam - $1/2 Casg - Small Stake 5d,6hView Hand 2021-02-10 (toe-1012)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Small Stake Ac,QhView Hand 2021-02-10 (toe-1011)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Small Stake Qs,JsView Hand 2021-02-10 (toe-1010)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Small Stake As,ThView Hand 2021-02-10 (toe-1009)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Small Stake Kd,8cView Hand 2021-02-10 (toe-1008)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Small Stake Kc,QcView Hand 2021-02-10 (toe-1007)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Small Stake Ac,9dView Hand 2021-02-10 (toe-1006)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Small Stake Ad,JdView Hand 2021-02-10 (toe-1005)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Small Stake Ac,QhView Hand 2021-02-10 (toe-1004)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Small Stake Th,9hView Hand 2021-02-10 (toe-1003)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Small Stake Tourney As,QdView Hand 2021-02-10 (toe-1002)
Adam - $25 Tourney - Early stage small stake tourney. Ac,2sView Hand 2021-02-10 (toe-1001)
Marianne - Fontes .5/1 online - Too risky on my part on the turn? 8h,8dView Hand 2021-02-10 (mfa-1073)
jose - fczg - fb Ad,JcView Hand 2021-02-10 (jov-1001)
Selma - Selma Daytona Live - Badly Played Ah,JhView Hand 2021-02-08 (sla-1048)
bajajoe - $100 PKO - All-in Very First Hand of PKO Tourney As,AcView Hand 2021-02-08 (baj-1002)
bajajoe - $33 - Flopping bottom set on a wet board 2s,2hView Hand 2021-02-08 (baj-1001)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - Hero faces small 4-bet while holding AKo Ah,KsView Hand 2021-02-07 (mcl-1242)
Larry H - LH2838 Online 16.00 - What’s the correct play Ac,QdView Hand 2021-02-07 (hie-1029)
Selma - Selma Daytona Live - Final Table Flush 8s,6sView Hand 2021-02-06 (sla-1047)
Selma - Selma Daytona Live - First level 7s,7cView Hand 2021-02-06 (sla-1046)
Selma - Selma Daytona Live - Final Table Jh,3hView Hand 2021-02-06 (sla-1045)
James Tays - jamtay317 QQ vs LJ Raise - QQ vs LJ Raise Qs,QhView Hand 2021-02-06 (jam-1003)
Benno - Gambit Stars NL50 - Check 77 folding on the river 7s,7hView Hand 2021-02-06 (GB-1071)
Benno - Gambit Stars NL50 - Calling with AK in position Ad,KdView Hand 2021-02-06 (GB-1070)
Benno - Gambit Stars NL50 - AK fold vs 4 bet As,KsView Hand 2021-02-06 (GB-1069)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 1.30 #5 - another scary board As,AdView Hand 2021-02-06 (fly-1164)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 1.30 #4 - practice 5h,4sView Hand 2021-02-06 (fly-1163)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 1.30 #3 - coordinated board Ah,AcView Hand 2021-02-06 (fly-1162)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 1.30 #2 - Thanks to Don Ts,ThView Hand 2021-02-06 (fly-1161)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 1.30 #1 - playing ranges and maintaining aggression Qc,TcView Hand 2021-02-06 (fly-1160)
Robert Rzanek - $1.05 Bounty Hunters - #TM512536845 Ks,JsView Hand 2021-02-05 (ryz-1002)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - I've been isolating the lunatic a TON, reg surely knows this As,KcView Hand 2021-02-05 (miq-1077)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - A8s in SB vs aggro Ah,8hView Hand 2021-02-05 (miq-1076)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - T9s deep in sb vs Aggro-tard Tc,9cView Hand 2021-02-05 (miq-1075)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - A5o BvB turn 2pair facing aggression Ah,5cView Hand 2021-02-05 (miq-1074)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - QJs 3bet OOP vs button Qc,JcView Hand 2021-02-05 (miq-1073)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - QTs iso multi-way Qs,TsView Hand 2021-02-05 (miq-1072)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - BvB 2-pair Ah,5cView Hand 2021-02-05 (miq-1071)
Zach - Zappho99 $.01/$.02 NL online - Hero Fold KKs Ks,KcView Hand 2021-02-02 (zap-1001)
William L - $2/$5 stream - Top pair raised Ac,9sView Hand 2021-02-01 (wil-1165)
JJ - houston champions social - what to do with JJ preflop? Js,JcView Hand 2021-02-01 (jcj-1317)
JJ - houston champions social - what to do facing 3.5-4x PFR? As,QcView Hand 2021-02-01 (jcj-1316)
JJ - houston champions social - AQo, around 25 BB, facing shove multiway...what to do? As,QcView Hand 2021-02-01 (jcj-1315)
JJ - houston champions social - short i complete SB here? Ts,9cView Hand 2021-02-01 (jcj-1314)
JJ - houston champions social - pocket 99 facing 3 bet 9c,9sView Hand 2021-02-01 (jcj-1313)
JJ - houston champions social - KK facing donk lead and not so great runout Kh,KdView Hand 2021-02-01 (jcj-1312)
JJ - houston champions social - overpair facing BB CXR Td,ThView Hand 2021-02-01 (jcj-1311)
William L - $2/$5 stream - Facing 1.3x pot donk jam from lunatic 9d,9cView Hand 2021-01-31 (wil-1164)
William L - $600 tournament - Limp-jammed As,KhView Hand 2021-01-31 (wil-1163)
William L - $600 tournament - River sizing? Ac,KdView Hand 2021-01-31 (wil-1162)
William L - $400 tournament - Call river? 6s,6hView Hand 2021-01-31 (wil-1161)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1/$2 in Clayton - Hero gets a bad runout in a 3-bet pot Ks,KcView Hand 2021-01-31 (mcl-1241)
Thomas Hampton - Chippy Cash Game - AKs Ad,KdView Hand 2021-01-29 (tho-1003)
shane - 2/5 (1) - J3o Button Js,3hView Hand 2021-01-29 (shs-1022)
shane - 2/5 - 22 X/R 2s,2cView Hand 2021-01-29 (shs-1021)
shane - 2/5 (1) - 36o BB 3s,6cView Hand 2021-01-29 (shs-1020)
Robert Rzanek - Daily Turbo $1 Hold'em No Limit - #TM502168503 8c,9dView Hand 2021-01-29 (ryz-1001)
Marianne - Fontes Jan. 28 1/2 - VERY hard fold. Should I have called? Frustrating Kc,TcView Hand 2021-01-29 (mfa-1072)
Marianne - Fontes Jan. 28 1/2 - terrible river play on my part. Kd,TdView Hand 2021-01-29 (mfa-1071)
Marianne - Fontes Jan. 28 1/2 - combatting limpers 7c,AsView Hand 2021-01-29 (mfa-1070)
Marianne - Fontes Jan. 28 1/2 - was there anything I could do to get him off his hand? Jd,QsView Hand 2021-01-29 (mfa-1069)
Marianne - Fontes Jan. 28 1/2 - should i have folded to his preflop raise? As,3sView Hand 2021-01-29 (mfa-1068)
Marianne - Fontes Jan. 28 1/2 - okay to fold AK here? Ks,AcView Hand 2021-01-29 (mfa-1067)
Marianne - Fontes Jan. 28 1/2 - usually would bet flop, but just checked this time. Qd,AhView Hand 2021-01-29 (mfa-1066)
shane - 2/5 (1) - K10dd BB Kd,TdView Hand 2021-01-28 (shs-1019)
shane - 2/5 (1) - QJcc SB Qc,JcView Hand 2021-01-28 (shs-1018)
shane - 2/5 (1) - A10dd 3 bet Ad,TdView Hand 2021-01-28 (shs-1017)
shane - 2/5 (1) - AK 4bet Ah,KcView Hand 2021-01-28 (shs-1016)
Ryan - 1/2 ZOOM Games - Yet another wild Wed night game! Kh,QsView Hand 2021-01-28 (rpp-1051)
Louis DeScalzo - pokerdad2878 The Huntsman $3K GTD PKO - KJs Isolation Kc,JcView Hand 2021-01-28 (poe-1008)
John Borges - John B ACR 1.27 #4 - bet sizing questions 3s,3hView Hand 2021-01-28 (fly-1159)
John Borges - John B ACR 1.27 #3 - putting him to the test Ks,QsView Hand 2021-01-28 (fly-1158)
John Borges - John B ACR 1.27 #2 - correct 3b sizing? Ah,KsView Hand 2021-01-28 (fly-1157)
John Borges - John B ACR 1.27 #1 - maintaining aggression Kh,QcView Hand 2021-01-28 (fly-1156)
John Borges - John B Merge 1.27 #2 - bad board Ts,TcView Hand 2021-01-28 (fly-1155)
John Borges - John B Merge 1.27 #1 - facing limper Ks,JcView Hand 2021-01-28 (fly-1154)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 1.27 #5 - facing limp-raise from SB w/ AKo Ac,KdView Hand 2021-01-28 (fly-1153)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 1.27 #4 - for Ranjit 7d,6dView Hand 2021-01-28 (fly-1152)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 1.27 #3 - another river bet mistake? Kd,AcView Hand 2021-01-28 (fly-1151)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 1.27 #2 - Jacks hold? Js,JhView Hand 2021-01-28 (fly-1150)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 1.27 #1 - bet sizing? Th,TsView Hand 2021-01-28 (fly-1149)
Eli Schneider - GSD_Poker The Hunter 5k - Final Table The Hunter 5th hand Ad,JdView Hand 2021-01-28 (els-1005)
Eli Schneider - GSD_Poker The Hunter 5k - Final Table The Hunter 4th hand Kh,QsView Hand 2021-01-28 (els-1004)
Eli Schneider - GSD_Poker The Hunter 5k - Final Table The Hunter 3rd hand Ks,KhView Hand 2021-01-28 (els-1003)
Eli Schneider - GSD_Poker The Hunter 5k - Final Table The Hunter Ad,TdView Hand 2021-01-28 (els-1002)
Ryan - 2/4 HU - NEVER GIVE UP! NEVER SURRENDERRRRRR Jc,JdView Hand 2021-01-27 (rpp-1050)
Ryan - 1/2 BRYCE'S GAME - Ryan the Rock in a rough spot Qs,JcView Hand 2021-01-27 (rpp-1049)
Ryan - 2/5 Live - Getting a bit loose oop As,9hView Hand 2021-01-27 (rpp-1048)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $22 SnG on one of those shady apps - Hero has marginal hand IP on the river. Thin value? Ac,QsView Hand 2021-01-27 (mcl-1240)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - Hero has reasonable hand OOP and multiway in a limped pot Kh,9cView Hand 2021-01-27 (mcl-1239)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - Hero squeezes and then has a lower SPR than he was counting on Ac,JhView Hand 2021-01-27 (mcl-1238)
shane - 2/5 - 107cc 3bet barrel Tc,7cView Hand 2021-01-26 (shs-1015)
shane - 2/5 - Turning 87 into bluff 8c,7cView Hand 2021-01-26 (shs-1014)
shane - 2/5 - KK 3 bet flop Ks,KcView Hand 2021-01-26 (shs-1013)
shane - 2/5 - J10hh facing 3 barrels Jh,ThView Hand 2021-01-26 (shs-1012)
shane - 2/5 - 97cc fold to 3bet 9c,7cView Hand 2021-01-26 (shs-1011)
shane - 2/5 - 98dd double barrel 9d,8dView Hand 2021-01-26 (shs-1010)
shane - 2/5 - K5cc squeeze Kc,5cView Hand 2021-01-26 (shs-1009)
shane - 1/3 - QQ BB 1/3 Qs,QcView Hand 2021-01-26 (shs-1008)
Shengming Luo - Lshark $218online - QQ Btn Qs,QcView Hand 2021-01-26 (shg-1001)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $22 SnG on one of those shady apps - Hero flops a marginal draw with a short stack Qd,JdView Hand 2021-01-26 (mcl-1237)
Larry H - LH2838 online - Bubble to final table 9c,9dView Hand 2021-01-26 (hie-1028)
John Borges - John B Merge 1.19 #2 - FVP: playing passively Kc,TcView Hand 2021-01-26 (fly-1148)
John Borges - John B Merge 1.19 #1 - FHP: Miss a bet on the turn? 7h,7dView Hand 2021-01-26 (fly-1147)
John Borges - John B Merge 1.24 #1a - FHP: bet sizing questions As,AdView Hand 2021-01-26 (fly-1146)
John Borges - John B Merge 1.24 #1 - FVP: missed river value? Qh,JsView Hand 2021-01-26 (fly-1145)
Eli Schneider - GSD_Poker The Hunter 5k - Final Table The Hunter Jc,KhView Hand 2021-01-26 (els-1001)
Don Bisco - Blitz SYN ME DS - Calling the BB 9h,9cView Hand 2021-01-26 (don-1026)
Selma - Selma Venetian Live - Big Blind Defend Multiway 8d,KdView Hand 2021-01-25 (sla-1044)
Make It Rain - $2/$5 LIVE/Parx Casino - Baby flush over top pair Ad,7dView Hand 2021-01-25 (mkt-1001)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online on Jan. 24 - limp central then an all in 8c,8hView Hand 2021-01-25 (mfa-1065)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online on Jan. 24 - floated 55 should I have? 5h,5dView Hand 2021-01-25 (mfa-1064)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online on Jan. 24 - as did i do? Ks,8sView Hand 2021-01-25 (mfa-1063)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online on Jan. 24 - had some showdown value Ad,TsView Hand 2021-01-25 (mfa-1062)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online on Jan. 24 - bottom of range--works out..but should have folded preflop? 8c,5cView Hand 2021-01-25 (mfa-1061)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online on Jan. 24 - was my sizing right? Ac,JcView Hand 2021-01-25 (mfa-1060)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online on Jan. 24 - How did I play it? As,5sView Hand 2021-01-25 (mfa-1059)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online on Jan. 24 - good lead out on turn? Kd,KsView Hand 2021-01-25 (mfa-1058)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online on Jan. 24 - got a lucky river--how's my line? As,2sView Hand 2021-01-25 (mfa-1057)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online on Jan. 24 - probably had best hand on the flop. How's my betting? Ts,QdView Hand 2021-01-25 (mfa-1056)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online on Jan. 24 - could I have extracted more value? played ok? 7h,7cView Hand 2021-01-25 (mfa-1055)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online on Jan. 24 - playing around with bluffing 9h,8hView Hand 2021-01-25 (mfa-1054)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online on Jan. 24 - should have folded preflop Qh,6hView Hand 2021-01-25 (mfa-1053)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online on Jan. 24 - should have done something differently or ok? 7s,7cView Hand 2021-01-25 (mfa-1052)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online on Jan. 24 - My lead out on Turn? What if River didn't hit? 8h,6hView Hand 2021-01-25 (mfa-1051)
JJ - texas card house - final table - 9 handed- shove or fold? Ah,JcView Hand 2021-01-25 (jcj-1310)
JJ - texas card house - blind vs blind Kc,QhView Hand 2021-01-25 (jcj-1309)
JJ - texas card house - what to do with AA on bad turn? Ac,AhView Hand 2021-01-25 (jcj-1308)
JJ - texas card house local - turning top 2 pair and facing river raise Ks,QhView Hand 2021-01-25 (jcj-1307)
JJ - ACR final table- ICM spot? - final table situation- 8 handed - what to do? Ad,TdView Hand 2021-01-25 (jcj-1306)
Thomas Hampton - Chippy 0.01 0.02 cash game - suited king Kc,8cView Hand 2021-01-23 (tho-1002)
Thomas Hampton - Chippy 0.01 0.02 cash game - suited aces Ad,6dView Hand 2021-01-23 (tho-1001)
Daniel - D Rod Cash 2/5 - AA vs 5d6d6h As,AdView Hand 2021-01-22 (drd-1014)
Gabe - 1/15 - homegame Qs,9sView Hand 2021-01-21 (gae-1027)
Gabe - 1/15 - homegame Ad,KsView Hand 2021-01-21 (gae-1026)
Gabe - 1/15 - homegame Jh,6hView Hand 2021-01-21 (gae-1025)
Gabe - 1/15 - homegame As,KhView Hand 2021-01-21 (gae-1024)
Gabe - 1/15 - homegame Ts,ThView Hand 2021-01-21 (gae-1023)
Don Bisco - Blitz SYN WED DS - Villain POV #1 Ad,3dView Hand 2021-01-21 (don-1025)
Don Bisco - Blitz SYN WED DS - Villain POV #2 Ad,7dView Hand 2021-01-21 (don-1024)
Don Bisco - Blitz SYN WED DS - Odds correct? 6s,8dView Hand 2021-01-21 (don-1023)
Don Bisco - Blitz SYN WED DS - Floating OOP VS CM 7c,5cView Hand 2021-01-21 (don-1022)
Ryan - 1/3 ACTION - Big Slick sees an interesting runout Ac,KcView Hand 2021-01-20 (rpp-1047)
Ryan - Phase Tournament - 2k/4k/40 MTT Ks,9sView Hand 2021-01-20 (rpp-1046)
Ryan - Wynn 2/5 - Don't go broke in limped pots Kc,5cView Hand 2021-01-20 (rpp-1045)
William L - Global $55 PKO - 88 vs 2 players I cover? 8s,8dView Hand 2021-01-18 (wil-1160)
William L - Global $110 - Keep bluffing turn? Shove river? 7d,4dView Hand 2021-01-18 (wil-1159)
William L - $200 tournament - On bubble - bluff? As,QsView Hand 2021-01-18 (wil-1158)
William L - $2/$5 NL - River sizing? Js,JcView Hand 2021-01-18 (wil-1157)
Larry H - LH2838 100.00 Global - Fold Turn or Call? As,QdView Hand 2021-01-18 (hie-1027)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Poker - Kenney vs Salomon 5h,5dView Hand 2021-01-17 (bdo-1010)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Poker - Kenney vs Steven vs Dwan Ac,7cView Hand 2021-01-17 (bdo-1009)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Poker - Dwan vs Salomon Ah,KsView Hand 2021-01-17 (bdo-1008)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Poker - Bellande vs Salomon Ah,AcView Hand 2021-01-17 (bdo-1007)
Rogerio de Souza Santos - Zwinsky The Special $11 WPN - Night Tourney As,AdView Hand 2021-01-16 (kha-1006)
Gabe - 1/15 - homegame Td,JdView Hand 2021-01-16 (gae-1022)
Gabe - 1/15 - homegame Jh,7hView Hand 2021-01-16 (gae-1021)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Poker - Kenney vs Dwan 5h,3hView Hand 2021-01-16 (bdo-1006)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Poker - Ji vs Steven Qd,JhView Hand 2021-01-16 (bdo-1005)
PokerCoaching - High Stakes Poker - Salomon vs Dwan As,QcView Hand 2021-01-16 (bdo-1004)
James Romero - James Romero HH_#8 - HH_#8 Qh,KdView Hand 2021-01-14 (ski-1054)
James Romero - James Romero HH_#7 - HH_#7 Ah,KhView Hand 2021-01-14 (ski-1053)
James Romero - James Romero HH_#6 - HH_#6 Qs,7sView Hand 2021-01-14 (ski-1052)
James Romero - James Romero HH_#5 - HH_#5 View Hand 2021-01-14 (ski-1051)
James Romero - James Romero HH_#4 - HH_#4 Qh,3hView Hand 2021-01-14 (ski-1050)
James Romero - James Romero HH_#3 - HH_#3 Qs,TcView Hand 2021-01-14 (ski-1049)
James Romero - James Romero HH #2 - HH #2 Kd,QdView Hand 2021-01-14 (ski-1048)
James Romero - James Romero HH_1 - HH_1 Ks,KcView Hand 2021-01-14 (ski-1047)
Jon Rand - Ignition cash game - Ignition cash game 9s,9dView Hand 2021-01-14 (jnr-1001)
Selma - Selma Venetian Deep Stack - QQ fairly early Qs,QcView Hand 2021-01-13 (sla-1043)
Ryan - PODCAST HU GRUDGE MATCH - Just two guys playin a HU SNG Kh,4dView Hand 2021-01-13 (rpp-1044)
Ryan - $16.50 ACR Tourney - 670 entered, 180 left, 90 in $$$ 9s,9hView Hand 2021-01-13 (rpp-1043)
Ryan - $50/$100 NLH Home Game - CRAZY High stakes poker hand Jh,JdView Hand 2021-01-13 (rpp-1042)
Ryan - NLH live - Matt B in a strange multiway pot Js,TsView Hand 2021-01-13 (rpp-1041)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - Hero is short near the bubble and is put in an awkward spot Ac,3dView Hand 2021-01-13 (mcl-1236)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1/$2 in Clayton - Hero gets check-raised while holding the aces As,AcView Hand 2021-01-13 (mcl-1235)
Selma - Selma Venetian Deep Stack - Ace King misses As,KdView Hand 2021-01-12 (sla-1042)
Selma - Selma Venetian Deep Stack - missed draw 9s,TdView Hand 2021-01-12 (sla-1041)
John Borges - John B ACR 1.11 #1 - almost done with Day 1 of PKO tourny on ACR Kc,JcView Hand 2021-01-12 (fly-1144)
Harrison Javery - $1/$2 Zone online - fast fold set Th,TdView Hand 2021-01-10 (hej-1001)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - Hero has air but turns a good range card. Fire? 9c,6cView Hand 2021-01-09 (mcl-1234)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - Hero flops overpair + flush draw multiway. Line? Qh,QcView Hand 2021-01-09 (mcl-1233)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - Hero rivers a strong hand and faces a tough decision 9c,9dView Hand 2021-01-09 (mcl-1232)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1/$2 in Clayton - Hero flops dubious overpair in a 7-way pot Th,TdView Hand 2021-01-09 (mcl-1231)
Sandy Leggett - Flooby Badoop 1/3 Live Cash @ MGM - Straight Draw in Limped Pot 9s,8dView Hand 2021-01-09 (leg-1022)
Gabe - 1/8 homegame - 10NL homegame 2s,2hView Hand 2021-01-09 (gae-1020)
Gabe - 1/8 homegame - 10NL homegame Ks,9hView Hand 2021-01-09 (gae-1019)
Gabe - 1/8 homegame - 10NL homegame As,KcView Hand 2021-01-09 (gae-1018)
Gabe - 1/8 homegame - 10NL homegame Ac,2cView Hand 2021-01-09 (gae-1017)
Gabe - 1/8 homegame - 10NL homegame 9s,3sView Hand 2021-01-09 (gae-1016)
Gabe - 1/8 homegame - 10NL homegame Ac,TdView Hand 2021-01-09 (gae-1015)
Gabe - 1/8 homegame - 10NL homegame 6d,4dView Hand 2021-01-09 (gae-1014)
Gabe - 1/8 homegame - 10NL homegame Qs,QhView Hand 2021-01-09 (gae-1013)
Gabe - 1/8 homegame - 10NL homegame Ks,KdView Hand 2021-01-09 (gae-1012)
Gabe - 1/8 homegame - 10NL homegame Qc,TdView Hand 2021-01-09 (gae-1011)
Gabe - 1/8 homegame - 10NL homegame Ah,JdView Hand 2021-01-09 (gae-1010)
Gabe - 1/8 homegame - 10NL homegame Ah,TdView Hand 2021-01-09 (gae-1009)
Gabe - 1/8 homegame - 10NL homegame As,AcView Hand 2021-01-09 (gae-1008)
Gabe - 1/8 homegame - 10NL homegame Js,ThView Hand 2021-01-09 (gae-1007)
Gabe - 1/8 homegame - 10NL homegame Qd,JcView Hand 2021-01-09 (gae-1006)
Gabe - 1/8 homegame - 10NL homegame 9d,6dView Hand 2021-01-09 (gae-1005)
Gabe - 1/8 homegame - 10NL homegame Kd,TdView Hand 2021-01-09 (gae-1004)
Gabe - 1/8 homegame - 10NL homegame Kc,9dView Hand 2021-01-09 (gae-1003)
Gabe - 1/8 homegame - 10NL homegame 9s,9hView Hand 2021-01-09 (gae-1002)
Gabe - 1/8 homegame - 10NL homegame 8h,7hView Hand 2021-01-09 (gae-1001)
- $16.50 ACR - Missed value on river? Ks,9dView Hand 2021-01-08 (JP-1119)
Poker Coaching - Poker Coaching High Stakes Poker - Schwimer vs Salomon As,JdView Hand 2021-01-07 (ole-1009)
Poker Coaching - Poker Coaching High Stakes Poker - Kenney vs Schwimer 8h,8dView Hand 2021-01-07 (ole-1008)
Poker Coaching - Poker Coaching High Stakes Poker - Kenney vs Schwimer. 8h,8dView Hand 2021-01-07 (ole-1007)
PokerCoaching - test - test View Hand 2021-01-07 (bdo-1003)
Ryan - 10/10 NLH - WV Poker King armed with jiggities Js,JdView Hand 2021-01-06 (rpp-1040)
Ryan - 1/3 NLH - NOVA MGM POKER with big slick Ac,KcView Hand 2021-01-06 (rpp-1039)
Ryan - 2/5 NLH - Matt in a tough spot versus a PRO Kd,TdView Hand 2021-01-06 (rpp-1038)
Poker Coaching - Poker Coaching High Stakes Poker - Kenney vs Schwimer. 8h,8dView Hand 2021-01-06 (ole-1006)
Poker Coaching - Poker Coaching High Stakes Poker - Kenney vs Schwimer 8h,8dView Hand 2021-01-06 (ole-1005)
Poker Coaching - Poker Coaching High Stakes Poker - Kenney vs Schwimer 8h,8dView Hand 2021-01-06 (ole-1004)
Leonardo - 0.20/0.40 NL - Call de Ace high no turn Ac,7cView Hand 2021-01-06 (len-1005)
Nick - Blockchain tourney - A9 vs JTo trips As,9dView Hand 2021-01-06 (jau-1001)
Poker Coaching - Poker Coaching High Stakes Poker - Salomon vs Steven 6c,2cView Hand 2021-01-05 (ole-1003)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin #15k guarantee on BetOnline - Hero spikes what looks to be a good river 6s,6hView Hand 2021-01-05 (mcl-1230)
Brian - thereitis Test hand 2 - Hand for discussing pot odds Kh,QcView Hand 2021-01-05 (bkp-1005)
Brian - thereitis Test Hand 1 - Used for betting odds Ts,9sView Hand 2021-01-05 (bkp-1003)
John Borges - John B Merge 12.28 #4 - continue to fire or try to get to showdown? Kc,KdView Hand 2021-01-04 (fly-1143)
John Borges - John B Merge 12.28 #3 - double barrel? As,KdView Hand 2021-01-04 (fly-1142)
John Borges - John B Merge 12.28 #2 - On money bubble Kc,TcView Hand 2021-01-04 (fly-1141)
John Borges - John B Merge 12.28 #1 - missed a bet? Kc,KhView Hand 2021-01-04 (fly-1140)
John Borges - John B Merge 12.30 #1 - vs weak better post flop Kc,QdView Hand 2021-01-04 (fly-1139)
John Borges - John B ACR 12.29 #2 - find a fold or priced in? Kc,KdView Hand 2021-01-04 (fly-1138)
John Borges - John B ACR 12.29 #1 - multiway limped pot Ts,6sView Hand 2021-01-04 (fly-1137)
John Borges - John B ACR 1.2 #1 - facing UTG open and cold 3-bet shove Qs,QcView Hand 2021-01-04 (fly-1136)
Larry H - LH2838 11.00 - UTG vs BU Error 7h,7sView Hand 2021-01-03 (hie-1026)
Vivian lundgren - StarViv 1/3 mgmnh - kq multiway w/ straddler Ks,QsView Hand 2021-01-02 (viv-1005)
Johnny Goebel - Cash Game 1-1-21 - AKo vs Erik's KK on a QTJ flop Ad,KsView Hand 2021-01-02 (jlg-1002)
Larry H - LH2838 11.00 - Call river or Fold Ac,7cView Hand 2020-12-31 (hie-1025)
Larry H - LH2838 11.00 - Suspect error on Turn& River Kd,KsView Hand 2020-12-31 (hie-1024)
Selma - Selma Daytona Live - Bluff Catcher Ad,7cView Hand 2020-12-30 (sla-1040)
Poker Coaching - Poker Coaching High Stakes Poker - T9 vs QT Qs,ThView Hand 2020-12-30 (ole-1002)
Larry H - LH2838 11.00 - Donk flop vs UTG ? As,3hView Hand 2020-12-30 (hie-1023)
Larry H - LH2838 11.00 - Bet Turn or River? Ac,JcView Hand 2020-12-30 (hie-1022)
Ed Johansen - 11235813ejj 1/2 NL - Home game View Hand 2020-12-30 (edw-1014)
Ed Johansen - 11235813ejj 1/2 NL - Home game Js,TcView Hand 2020-12-30 (edw-1013)
Ed Johansen - 11235813ejj 1/2 NL - Home game Ad,KdView Hand 2020-12-30 (edw-1012)
Ed Johansen - 11235813ejj 1/2 NL - Home game Tc,9cView Hand 2020-12-30 (edw-1011)
Ed Johansen - 11235813ejj 1/2 NL - Home game Tc,8cView Hand 2020-12-30 (edw-1010)
Poker Coaching - Poker Coaching Polk/Negreanu - T8-hand 8d,2dView Hand 2020-12-29 (ole-1001)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online - Frustrating Hand Ah,QhView Hand 2020-12-29 (mfa-1050)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 online - Limp Central 5c,3cView Hand 2020-12-29 (mfa-1049)
Glenn J Landry - SleepyAA 1c/2c NL Online - JJ UTG OR 3 to the flop Js,JcView Hand 2020-12-29 (gjl-1003)
Johnny Goebel - Cash Game 12-27-20 - Turned flush vs Imad's flopped boat Tc,2cView Hand 2020-12-28 (jlg-1001)
JJ - 5/5 home - flopping top boat 3s,3hView Hand 2020-12-28 (jcj-1305)
JJ - 5/5 home - flopping top top - river value? Ad,JdView Hand 2020-12-28 (jcj-1304)
Glenn J Landry - SleepyAA 1c/2c NL Online - K7s CO OR Kd,7dView Hand 2020-12-28 (gjl-1002)
Glenn J Landry - SleepyAA 1c/2c NL Online - Playing AKs and missing everything Ad,KdView Hand 2020-12-28 (gjl-1001)
Ed Johansen - 11235813ejj 1/2 NL - Online Cash Kh,KdView Hand 2020-12-28 (edw-1009)
Ed Johansen - 11235813ejj 1/2 NL - Online Cash As,AhView Hand 2020-12-28 (edw-1008)
Ed Johansen - 11235813ejj 1/2 Online - Online Cash Tc,TdView Hand 2020-12-28 (edw-1007)
Daniel - D Rod 5/10 cash - APT weekly challenge Ah,QdView Hand 2020-12-28 (drd-1013)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Paul's $1/$2 on 2020-12-18 - Hero flops an overpair multiway on a coordinated board Qc,QdView Hand 2020-12-27 (mcl-1229)
Ed Johansen - 11235813ejj 1/2 NL - Online Cash 4d,4cView Hand 2020-12-27 (edw-1006)
Ed Johansen - 11235813ejj 1/2 NL - Online cash 9d,6sView Hand 2020-12-27 (edw-1005)
Ed Johansen - 11235813ejj 1/2 NL - Online Cash 7s,7cView Hand 2020-12-27 (edw-1004)
Ed Johansen - 11235813ejj 1/2 nl - Online Ac,4dView Hand 2020-12-27 (edw-1003)
Daniel - D Rod 5/10 NL - AKo Ac,KhView Hand 2020-12-27 (drd-1012)
Don Bisco - Blitz SBS - Float to take to control Ks,JhView Hand 2020-12-27 (don-1020)
Don Bisco - Blitz JG game - Trapping Ad,QhView Hand 2020-12-27 (don-1019)
yeppiyankee - 50k NL (Play) - スナこやったから読んで最後オーバーベット As,2sView Hand 2020-12-26 (tai-1005)
Daniel - D Rod $55 MTT 8k guaranteed - Aks As,KsView Hand 2020-12-26 (drd-1011)
Daniel - D Rod $55 MTT 8k guaranteed - KhJh Kh,JhView Hand 2020-12-26 (drd-1010)
Daniel - D Rod $55 MTT 8k guaranteed - AdJh Ad,JhView Hand 2020-12-26 (drd-1009)
Daniel - D Rod $55 MTT 8k guaranteed - 7s7c 7s,7cView Hand 2020-12-26 (drd-1008)
Daniel - D Rod $55 MTT 8k guaranteed - A5d Ad,5dView Hand 2020-12-26 (drd-1007)
Daniel - D Rod $55 MTT 8k guaranteed - JQd Jd,QdView Hand 2020-12-26 (drd-1006)
yeppiyankee - Heads Up - けんつvsだいご Qh,8sView Hand 2020-12-25 (tai-1004)
Kevin - Kevin 1/2 Live - Giant Pot w AKs Against WES Ac,KcView Hand 2020-12-25 (kjd-1010)
Kevin - Kevin 1/2 Live - Weird hand with JJ against WES Jh,JsView Hand 2020-12-25 (kjd-1009)
Kevin - Kevin 1/2 Live - 3 Way 5Bet AK As,KhView Hand 2020-12-25 (kjd-1008)
Kevin - Kevin 1/2 Live - Flopped Flush Against WES Kc,TcView Hand 2020-12-25 (kjd-1007)
Kevin - Kevin 1/2 Live - Set vs WES 4c,4hView Hand 2020-12-25 (kjd-1006)
Kevin - Kevin 1/2 Live - Folding set against Felix 8s,8hView Hand 2020-12-25 (kjd-1005)
Kevin - Kevin 1/2 Live - A5 river As,5dView Hand 2020-12-25 (kjd-1004)
Kevin - Kevin 1/2 Live - AK vs Felix Ad,KdView Hand 2020-12-25 (kjd-1003)
Kevin - Kevin 1/2 Cash - Red Kings Kh,KdView Hand 2020-12-25 (kjd-1002)
Kevin - Kevin 1/2 Live - AQo As,QhView Hand 2020-12-24 (kjd-1001)
Kevin Kan - Achu 10/10 - AKo 3 bet Sippi pot As,KcView Hand 2020-12-23 (kvi-1004)
Selma - Selma Wynn Live Bubble - Bad spot As,3sView Hand 2020-12-22 (sla-1039)
Kevin Kan - Achu 10/10 - KQo 3 bet turn straight Kc,QhView Hand 2020-12-22 (kvi-1003)
Kevin Kan - Achu 10/10 - KK 4 bet pot Ks,KhView Hand 2020-12-22 (kvi-1002)
Ed Johansen - 11235813ejj .5/1 NL - Fox 12-22 8h,9cView Hand 2020-12-22 (edw-1002)
Ed Johansen - 11235813ejj .5/1 HUNL - fox poker 12-22 Qh,TcView Hand 2020-12-22 (edw-1001)
Daniel - D Rod Online $22 MTT - TT Th,TdView Hand 2020-12-22 (drd-1005)
Daniel - D Rod $33 Buy in - 3K guaranteed Ah,ThView Hand 2020-12-22 (drd-1004)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $50k guarantee on ACR - Hero flops a strong top pair multiway with a low SPR Kc,QcView Hand 2020-12-21 (mcl-1228)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5k guarantee on ACR - Hero flops top pair OOP in 3-bet multiway pot Qs,JsView Hand 2020-12-21 (mcl-1227)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $15k guarantee on Bet Online - Hero faces small c-bet holding middle pair 6h,5hView Hand 2020-12-21 (mcl-1226)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5k guarantee on ACR - Hero tries to pot control and gets a bad runout Qs,QhView Hand 2020-12-21 (mcl-1225)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5k guarantee on ACR - Hero whiffs on a bad texture vs BB. C-bet? Kd,ThView Hand 2020-12-21 (mcl-1224)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5k guarantee on ACR - Hero has busted draw on river. Go for it? 9d,7hView Hand 2020-12-21 (mcl-1223)
Benno - Gambit Pokerstars 0.25/0.50 - Folding JJ on the river after 3 betting Js,JcView Hand 2020-12-21 (GB-1068)
Benno - Gambit Pokerstars 0.25/0.50 - folding TT on the river to overbet Ts,TcView Hand 2020-12-21 (GB-1067)
William L - $200 tournament - Shove 88? 8s,8cView Hand 2020-12-20 (wil-1156)
William L - $1/$2 - AQ facing crazy action As,QhView Hand 2020-12-20 (wil-1155)
William L - $1/$2 - Out-of-turn shove from maniac Qs,QcView Hand 2020-12-20 (wil-1154)
Bill Vicars - Bill GP 10NLH - Monochrome board with top pair Ah,JcView Hand 2020-12-20 (BV-1158)
Bill Vicars - Bill GP 10 NLH - Bet draw on turn? Ts,9sView Hand 2020-12-20 (BV-1157)
Bill Vicars - Bill GP 10NLH - Check top pair on turn? Ad,9dView Hand 2020-12-20 (BV-1156)
Bill Vicars - Bill GP 10NLH - Betting turn in question Jd,JcView Hand 2020-12-20 (BV-1155)
Bill Vicars - Bill GP 10NLH - CHeck call river when flush comes in ? Ks,9hView Hand 2020-12-20 (BV-1154)
yeppiyankee - 学校Heads Up - ナイスターンチェック 5h,6hView Hand 2020-12-18 (tai-1003)
yeppiyankee - 東京遠征 - ポーカー打ちたいんだ、AAハンド Ah,AdView Hand 2020-12-17 (tai-1002)
yeppiyankee - NLHeads Up - NL Heads Up Jh,JcView Hand 2020-12-17 (tai-1001)
Ryan - $1/$2 NLH - FOG in a weird spot 6h,4sView Hand 2020-12-16 (rpp-1037)
Ryan - WSOP $10k MAIN EVENT - Bryce brings the hockey sticks to battle 7h,7sView Hand 2020-12-16 (rpp-1036)
Ryan - WCP Fall Brawl FT - A class in how to defend your BB 5h,6cView Hand 2020-12-16 (rpp-1035)
Ryan - World College Poker Fall Brawl - HU for the championship belt Kc,8cView Hand 2020-12-16 (rpp-1034)
Robb MacDonald - 5 / 10 - Tough run with AAs Ac,AhView Hand 2020-12-16 (rma-1025)
Robb MacDonald - 5 /10 - nicely played hand from jules 7s,7cView Hand 2020-12-16 (rma-1024)
Louis DeScalzo - pokerdad2878 $109 Global $12.5K GTD - Facing two overbets vs Crusher Ac,9sView Hand 2020-12-16 (poe-1007)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Online 9 - should have been raising instead of calling 6d,7dView Hand 2020-12-16 (mfa-1048)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Online 9 - Could I have checked raised on flop? 9c,JsView Hand 2020-12-16 (mfa-1047)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Online 9 - How did I play it? Ah,6hView Hand 2020-12-16 (mfa-1046)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Online 9 - Trips on Flop Jd,JhView Hand 2020-12-16 (mfa-1045)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Online 9 - what did he have? Ts,KdView Hand 2020-12-16 (mfa-1044)
Don Bisco - Blitz WSOP ME - Day 1 last hand of the day 7s,7cView Hand 2020-12-16 (don-1018)
Imre - Imre Harrington 9-5 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 2 8s,7hView Hand 2020-12-15 (pen-1063)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Fri - TT from HJ Ts,TcView Hand 2020-12-15 (ker-1089)
Alan Ho - Alan H. AF #9 - KQo from CO Ks,QdView Hand 2020-12-15 (ker-1088)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Online 9 - What were they calling with? 9c,JhView Hand 2020-12-14 (mfa-1043)
Imre - Imre Harrington 8-21 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 2 Kd,JdView Hand 2020-12-13 (pen-1062)
Imre - Imre Harrington 8-20 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 2 8h,8dView Hand 2020-12-13 (pen-1061)
Imre - Imre Harrington 8-19 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 2 9s,7sView Hand 2020-12-13 (pen-1060)
Imre - Imre Harrington 8-18 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 2 As,TsView Hand 2020-12-13 (pen-1059)
Imre - Imre Harrington 8-17 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 2 As,AdView Hand 2020-12-13 (pen-1058)
Imre - Imre Harrington 8-16 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 2 Jd,8hView Hand 2020-12-13 (pen-1057)
Imre - Imre Harrington 8-15 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 2 5h,5dView Hand 2020-12-13 (pen-1056)
Imre - Imre Harrington 8-14 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 2 Jh,TcView Hand 2020-12-13 (pen-1055)
Imre - Imre Harrington 8-13 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 2 Kc,QdView Hand 2020-12-13 (pen-1054)
Imre - Imre Harrington 8-12 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 2 Jd,2dView Hand 2020-12-13 (pen-1053)
Imre - Imre Harrington 8-11 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 2 Ts,9sView Hand 2020-12-12 (pen-1052)
Imre - Imre Harrington 8-10 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 2 4c,4dView Hand 2020-12-12 (pen-1051)
Imre - Imre Harrington 8-9 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 2 9c,6cView Hand 2020-12-12 (pen-1050)
Imre - Imre Harrington 8-8 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 2 Ks,KdView Hand 2020-12-12 (pen-1049)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - KQs ip vs multi-tabler Kc,QcView Hand 2020-12-12 (miq-1070)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - 77 vs limper middle pos. Thin value on river? 7c,7hView Hand 2020-12-12 (miq-1069)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - 20NL - TT in SB vs tight passive open Tc,ThView Hand 2020-12-12 (miq-1068)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - 20NL - AA oop vs tight passive Ah,AcView Hand 2020-12-12 (miq-1067)
John Borges - John B ACR 12.12 #1 - Bounty hunting Jd,QsView Hand 2020-12-12 (fly-1135)
Imre - Imre Harrington 8-7 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 2 Kc,TsView Hand 2020-12-11 (pen-1048)
Imre - Imre Harrington 8-6 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 2 6d,5dView Hand 2020-12-11 (pen-1047)
Imre - Imre Harrington 8-5 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 2 As,KdView Hand 2020-12-11 (pen-1046)
Imre - Imre Harrington 8-4 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 2 As,2hView Hand 2020-12-11 (pen-1045)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - 20NL - 4b pot TPTK vs LAG Ah,KcView Hand 2020-12-11 (miq-1066)
Robb MacDonald - 5/10 - River call in tight spot would like to count combos Ts,6dView Hand 2020-12-10 (rma-1023)
Imre - Imre Harrington 8-3 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 2 9d,7sView Hand 2020-12-10 (pen-1044)
Imre - Imre Harrington 8-2 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 2 8d,3sView Hand 2020-12-10 (pen-1043)
Imre - Imre Harrington 8-1 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 2 8d,5sView Hand 2020-12-10 (pen-1042)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Online 9 - why did he check flop Ts,TdView Hand 2020-12-10 (mfa-1042)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Online 9 - How did I play it? Td,JcView Hand 2020-12-10 (mfa-1041)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Online 9 - C-Bet For sure Js,9sView Hand 2020-12-10 (mfa-1040)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Online 9 - Checking Turn got him to bet river Ks,KdView Hand 2020-12-10 (mfa-1039)
Ryan - 1/3 NLHE - Limp Pots = Crazy Spots Kh,3hView Hand 2020-12-09 (rpp-1033)
Ryan - $360 MTT - December Deep Stack Jd,7dView Hand 2020-12-09 (rpp-1032)
Ryan - 2/5 NLHE - BTN vs BB ACTION 6d,7dView Hand 2020-12-09 (rpp-1031)
Robb MacDonald - 5 / 10 - Dont be afraid of the nuts when you are ahead alot 5s,5hView Hand 2020-12-09 (rma-1022)
Robb MacDonald - 5 / 10 - Bet Sizing matters 7s,7cView Hand 2020-12-09 (rma-1021)
Robb MacDonald - 5 / 10 - Worst Hand I have Played in awhile 8s,8hView Hand 2020-12-09 (rma-1020)
Robb MacDonald - 5 / 10 - Decent Hand from jules but some tight calls Ad,9cView Hand 2020-12-09 (rma-1019)
Robb MacDonald - 5 / 10 - Raise 3-bet raj and C-bet small often Tc,ThView Hand 2020-12-09 (rma-1018)
Robb MacDonald - 5 / 10 - Play value strong vs raj sizing wise Kd,8dView Hand 2020-12-09 (rma-1017)
Robb MacDonald - 5 / 10 - You just gotta hope hes got something to play a big pot with As,AcView Hand 2020-12-09 (rma-1016)
Robb MacDonald - 5 / 10 - Beating Raj's ass for raising wide and calling wide pre- flop Js,KhView Hand 2020-12-09 (rma-1015)
John Borges - John B ACR 12.8 #2 - vs UTG preflop opener Ts,9sView Hand 2020-12-09 (fly-1134)
John Borges - John B ACR 12.8 #1 - Against in position raiser Kh,ThView Hand 2020-12-09 (fly-1133)
Benedict Bauer - Jingles8 GG Master Daily 25usd - UTG defend against Button 3-Bet with QJs Qc,JcView Hand 2020-12-08 (mrj-1007)
Rogerio de Souza Santos - Zwinsky Tiger $22 - 5k gtd Ac,4hView Hand 2020-12-08 (kha-1005)
Rogerio de Souza Santos - Zwinsky WPN $6,60 - 5k gtd Qh,7dView Hand 2020-12-08 (kha-1004)
Robb MacDonald - 5/10 - Should win a pot at least 50% bigger I think 2h,2sView Hand 2020-12-07 (rma-1014)
Robb MacDonald - 5/10 - dude raise the nuts when there is a raise and 2 calls with deep stacks!!!!! 8h,ThView Hand 2020-12-07 (rma-1013)
Robb MacDonald - 5/10 - tough spots on 3-bet pot with button Jc,JhView Hand 2020-12-07 (rma-1012)
Marianne - Fontes .5/1 - 2 pair on flop 6d,5dView Hand 2020-12-07 (mfa-1038)
Majid1998! - Home game - Hero call 2d,AdView Hand 2020-12-07 (maf-1001)
JJ - pearl river main - on turn, do you overcall or okay to fold ? Qd,8dView Hand 2020-12-07 (jcj-1303)
JJ - pearl river main - do you peel one or just fold? 3h,4cView Hand 2020-12-07 (jcj-1302)
JJ - pearl river main - polarized river bet, unknown player in 30s with hunter jacket and hat Qd,4dView Hand 2020-12-07 (jcj-1301)
JJ - pearl river main - what to do on river against loose passive? Jh,8cView Hand 2020-12-07 (jcj-1300)
JJ - pearl river main - lag in 40s Js,JcView Hand 2020-12-07 (jcj-1299)
JJ - pearl river main - against old man in 80s, limped JJ on 1st hand utg Qs,8sView Hand 2020-12-07 (jcj-1298)
JJ - pearl river main - against old man in 80s, limped JJ on 1st hand utg 9s,9cView Hand 2020-12-07 (jcj-1297)
JJ - pearl river main - 1st hand of the main, unknown players Ks,ThView Hand 2020-12-07 (jcj-1296)
JJ - pearl river main day 2 - postflop play Qh,QdView Hand 2020-12-07 (jcj-1295)
William L - $1/$3 stream - Many straddles, aggressive players behind, fold? Ad,9dView Hand 2020-12-06 (wil-1153)
William L - $1/$3 stream - Bet turn? Kd,7dView Hand 2020-12-06 (wil-1152)
William L - $560 6-max - Facing turn lead Ah,QdView Hand 2020-12-06 (wil-1151)
William L - $560 6-max - Call with 88? Th,TdView Hand 2020-12-06 (wil-1150)
amarolahy - 100000AR NL Live - Mijoro QQ vs Papa Qd,QsView Hand 2020-12-06 (rah-1001)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Online 9 - Good check on Turn Tc,AcView Hand 2020-12-06 (mfa-1037)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Online 9 - Should I have tried anyway? Jd,QdView Hand 2020-12-06 (mfa-1036)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Online 9 - Folded to a 4-bet Ah,QdView Hand 2020-12-06 (mfa-1035)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Online 9 - What do you think of the fold? Jc,QcView Hand 2020-12-06 (mfa-1034)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Online 9 - I like it. As,QsView Hand 2020-12-06 (mfa-1033)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - Hero sucks at ICM. What do we do here? As,JsView Hand 2020-12-06 (mcl-1222)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Mike's High Hand special on 2020-12-05 - Hero flops a strong draw multiway Kc,QcView Hand 2020-12-06 (mcl-1221)
Kevin Kan - 5/10 NL live KT East Sun - KT East Sun Set 7 accidental limp 7c,7sView Hand 2020-12-06 (kvi-1001)
JJ - pearl river - utg has not opened hand in almost an hour in early position....16 players left....15th is next payjump, 2 shorter stacks Ah,4hView Hand 2020-12-06 (jcj-1294)
JJ - pearl river - postflop play- should i have bet turn? 9s,9cView Hand 2020-12-06 (jcj-1293)
JJ - pearl river - do you defend BB here to 2.7x PFR or okay to fold? Ah,7hView Hand 2020-12-06 (jcj-1292)
Larry H - LH2838 11.00 BetOnline - Draw goes Bad- Raise Turn or Call As,7sView Hand 2020-12-06 (hie-1021)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 NL5 - AQ Ah,QcView Hand 2020-12-06 (bag-1173)
Robb MacDonald - 5 /10 - Hero called on the river with nuts As,JhView Hand 2020-12-05 (rma-1011)
Robb MacDonald - 5 /10 - Post flop is not that bad. perflop is a leak tho Ts,7sView Hand 2020-12-05 (rma-1010)
Robb MacDonald - 5/10 home game - Reminder that 10/1 is the min ratio 7s,7hView Hand 2020-12-05 (rma-1009)
Robb MacDonald - 5/10 home game - played perfect and fucked your river bet pt 2 As,9cView Hand 2020-12-05 (rma-1008)
Robb MacDonald - 5/10 home game - played perfect and fucked your river bet Ac,9hView Hand 2020-12-05 (rma-1007)
Marianne - Fontes 1/2 Online - Had to call, right? Qs,QdView Hand 2020-12-05 (mfa-1032)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris 7pm Dec 4 2020 - TT in SB Ts,TcView Hand 2020-12-05 (ker-1087)
Larry H - LH2838 11.00 BetOnline - Check raise or fold vs EP Qc,JcView Hand 2020-12-05 (hie-1020)
Larry H - LH2838 15.00 Ignition - Wet board/Top pair good kicker Ah,QhView Hand 2020-12-05 (hie-1019)
Larry H - LH2838 15.00 Ignition - Fold River or call vs Limp Range Qc,QdView Hand 2020-12-05 (hie-1018)
Marianne - Fontes 9-handed 1/2 Online - Played okay? Qd,ThView Hand 2020-12-04 (mfa-1031)
Marianne - Fontes 9-handed 1/2 Online - 3-bet Power Kc,KdView Hand 2020-12-04 (mfa-1030)
Marianne - Fontes 9-handed 1/2 Online - All in, Button As,JdView Hand 2020-12-04 (mfa-1029)
Marianne - Fontes 9-handed 1/2 Online - Hate Gut Shots Kc,QhView Hand 2020-12-04 (mfa-1028)
Marianne - Fontes 9-handed 1/2 Online - Played it fine? Qc,TcView Hand 2020-12-04 (mfa-1027)
Ryan - Special K $200k - Toughest spot of the MONTH Kc,KdView Hand 2020-12-03 (rpp-1030)
Imre - Imre Harrington 7-7 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Qs,TcView Hand 2020-12-03 (pen-1041)
Imre - Imre Harrington 7-6 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 4s,3sView Hand 2020-12-03 (pen-1040)
Imre - Imre Harrington 7-5 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Js,TsView Hand 2020-12-03 (pen-1039)
Imre - Imre Harrington 7-4 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Th,TcView Hand 2020-12-03 (pen-1038)
Imre - Imre Harrington 7-3 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 As,QcView Hand 2020-12-03 (pen-1037)
Imre - Imre Harrington 7-2 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Jc,JdView Hand 2020-12-03 (pen-1036)
Imre - Imre Harrington 7-1 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Kc,JhView Hand 2020-12-03 (pen-1035)
Imre - Imre Harrington 6-18 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Qd,JsView Hand 2020-12-03 (pen-1034)
Marianne - Fontes 9-handed 1/2 Online - How's my betting? Th,9dView Hand 2020-12-03 (mfa-1026)
Marianne - Fontes 9-handed 1/2 Online - How's my betting? Ts,AdView Hand 2020-12-03 (mfa-1025)
Marianne - Fontes 9-handed 1/2 Online - How's my line? 4d,4cView Hand 2020-12-03 (mfa-1024)
Marianne - Fontes Online 6 max .50/1 - 77 UTG 6 handed 7s,7dView Hand 2020-12-03 (mfa-1023)
Marianne - Fontes Online 6 max .50/1 - he was in with 68o Jh,KcView Hand 2020-12-03 (mfa-1022)
Marianne - Fontes Online 6 max .50/1 - feel like betting was all wrong Js,4hView Hand 2020-12-03 (mfa-1021)
Marianne - Fontes Online 6 max .50/1 - Like how I played it Jc,ThView Hand 2020-12-03 (mfa-1020)
braga'-'279 - asdasd - sadasd Js,TsView Hand 2020-12-03 (kec-1002)
braga'-'279 - test - test As,KsView Hand 2020-12-03 (kec-1001)
Robb MacDonald - 5/10 - Why N8 lost more than he needed 2 Ac,JsView Hand 2020-12-02 (rma-1006)
Imre - Imre Harrington 6-17 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Ad,KdView Hand 2020-12-02 (pen-1033)
Imre - Imre Harrington 6-16 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Ah,TdView Hand 2020-12-02 (pen-1032)
Selma - Selma 220 Live - Top Two Kd,6sView Hand 2020-12-01 (sla-1038)
Selma - Selma 350 live - KK too fast? Ks,KcView Hand 2020-12-01 (sla-1037)
Don Bisco - Blitz JG/DR FNP - Action on the Turn Kc,QdView Hand 2020-12-01 (don-1017)
Don Bisco - Blitz JG/DR SNP - JJs Jd,JhView Hand 2020-12-01 (don-1016)
PathyTech - PathyTech $20 MTT PokerstarsPA - Exploitative Fold? 8c,8hView Hand 2020-11-30 (zyu-1002)
Imre - Imre Harrington 6-15 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Ac,TdView Hand 2020-11-30 (pen-1031)
Imre - Imre Harrington 6-14 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Ah,QsView Hand 2020-11-30 (pen-1030)
Imre - Imre Harrington 6-13 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Th,TdView Hand 2020-11-30 (pen-1029)
Imre - Imre Harrington 6-12 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Kh,JsView Hand 2020-11-30 (pen-1028)
Imre - Imre Harrington 6-11 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Ts,ThView Hand 2020-11-30 (pen-1027)
Imre - Imre Harrington 6-10 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 7h,7cView Hand 2020-11-30 (pen-1026)
Imre - Imre Harrington 6-9 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Qc,JsView Hand 2020-11-30 (pen-1025)
Imre - Imre Harrington 6-8 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Ac,KhView Hand 2020-11-30 (pen-1024)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10k guarantee on ACR - Hero flops an overpair out of the BB vs EP. Line? 9h,9cView Hand 2020-11-30 (mcl-1220)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10k guarantee on ACR - Hero catches a bad flop against a short stack. 8s,8hView Hand 2020-11-30 (mcl-1219)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $50k guarantee on ACR - Hero flops a low top pair out of the BB and gets lost Kc,5sView Hand 2020-11-30 (mcl-1218)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $50k guarantee on ACR - Good punt or bad punt? (#2) Jh,9hView Hand 2020-11-30 (mcl-1217)
John Borges - John B ACR 11.29 #1 - Nut flush from OOP Ac,KcView Hand 2020-11-30 (fly-1132)
John Borges - John B PS 11.27 #1 - do I keep smooth calling or raise? As,KdView Hand 2020-11-30 (fly-1131)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 11.28 #8 - vs. Calling station and bad board As,AcView Hand 2020-11-30 (fly-1130)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 11.28 #7 - meant to 3b but software malfunctioned As,AhView Hand 2020-11-30 (fly-1129)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 11.28 #6 - Paired board Ks,QsView Hand 2020-11-30 (fly-1128)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 11.28 #5 - Versus calling station As,AcView Hand 2020-11-30 (fly-1127)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 11.28 #4 - vs tricky SB Ah,AdView Hand 2020-11-30 (fly-1126)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 11.28 #3 - SB in limped pot Th,9hView Hand 2020-11-30 (fly-1125)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 11.28 #2 - vs. two calling stations As,QsView Hand 2020-11-30 (fly-1124)
John Borges - John B Syndicate 11.28 #1 - short handed in BB Ac,KdView Hand 2020-11-30 (fly-1123)
PathyTech - PathyTech $100 Sunday MTT - Reviewing line from SB Th,TcView Hand 2020-11-29 (zyu-1001)
Imre - Imre Harrington 6-7 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Ad,7cView Hand 2020-11-29 (pen-1023)
Imre - Imre Harrington 6-6 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 As,QsView Hand 2020-11-29 (pen-1022)
Imre - Imre Harrington 6-5 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Jh,JcView Hand 2020-11-29 (pen-1021)
Imre - Imre Harrington 6-4 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 As,7sView Hand 2020-11-29 (pen-1020)
Imre - Imre Harrington 6-3 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Ac,JhView Hand 2020-11-29 (pen-1019)
Imre - Imre Harrington 6-2 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 8d,4dView Hand 2020-11-29 (pen-1018)
Imre - Imre Harrington 6-1 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Ad,7dView Hand 2020-11-29 (pen-1017)
Aaron - Online 0.5/1 - 3! pre-flop, wet middling flop View Hand 2020-11-29 (mse-1009)
Aaron - 0.5/1 Online - UTG vs. +1 3! pot View Hand 2020-11-29 (mse-1008)
Aaron - 0.5/1 Wet Flop - Wet Flop w A8cc Ac,8cView Hand 2020-11-29 (mse-1007)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $50k guarantee on ACR - Good punt or bad punt? (#1) Js,JdView Hand 2020-11-29 (mcl-1216)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Fri Nov 27 - AQs from BB facing 1 limper As,QsView Hand 2020-11-29 (ker-1086)
Malcolm Foley - $1/$3 live cash game - OOP as PFR Ts,9sView Hand 2020-11-28 (mfo-1003)
Marianne - Fontes Online 6 Max 1/2 - AQs in BB As,QsView Hand 2020-11-28 (mfa-1019)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Nov 27 - Q9s from HJ Qh,9hView Hand 2020-11-28 (ker-1085)
AlexFitzgerald - AlexFitzgerald 100 NL Cash - Coaching Hand #3 Qs,QdView Hand 2020-11-28 (ass-1002)
AlexFitzgerald - AlexFitzgerald 100 NL - Coaching Hand #2 As,5sView Hand 2020-11-28 (ass-1001)
TylerM5 - $.02/$.05 NL - Dont overplay 2 pair 3d,2dView Hand 2020-11-27 (tyl-1001)
Imre - Imre Harrington 5-23 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Qh,JdView Hand 2020-11-27 (pen-1016)
Imre - Imre Harrington 5-22 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Ad,KcView Hand 2020-11-27 (pen-1015)
Imre - Imre Harrington 5-21 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Tc,8sView Hand 2020-11-27 (pen-1014)
Imre - Imre Harrington 5-20 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Ad,QdView Hand 2020-11-27 (pen-1013)
Imre - Imre Harrington 5-19 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 As,KhView Hand 2020-11-27 (pen-1012)
Imre - Imre Harrington 5-18 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 2s,2dView Hand 2020-11-27 (pen-1011)
Imre - Imre Harrington 5-17 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Jh,JdView Hand 2020-11-27 (pen-1010)
Imre - Imre Harrington 5-16 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Th,TdView Hand 2020-11-27 (pen-1009)
Imre - Imre Harrington 5-15 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Th,TdView Hand 2020-11-27 (pen-1008)
Imre - Imre Harrington 5-14 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Ts,TdView Hand 2020-11-27 (pen-1007)
Imre - Imre Harrington 5-13 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Ks,KhView Hand 2020-11-27 (pen-1006)
Imre - Imre Harrington 5-12 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Qs,QdView Hand 2020-11-27 (pen-1005)
Imre - Imre Harrington 5-11 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Kh,KdView Hand 2020-11-27 (pen-1004)
Imre - Imre Harrington 5-10 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Qs,QcView Hand 2020-11-27 (pen-1003)
Imre - Imre Harrington 5-9 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Ah,AdView Hand 2020-11-27 (pen-1002)
Imre - Imre Harrington 5-8 - Harrington on Hold'em Tournaments, vol 1 Kc,8sView Hand 2020-11-27 (pen-1001)
Aaron - Online 0.5/1 - Hard KK decision Kc,KdView Hand 2020-11-27 (mse-1006)
Marianne - Fontes Online 6 Max 1/2 - two pair all in Qc,KdView Hand 2020-11-27 (mfa-1018)
Marianne - Fontes Online 6 Max 1/2 - should have check raised? Ts,9cView Hand 2020-11-27 (mfa-1017)
Marianne - Fontes Online 6 Max 1/2 - waited to go all in--only had 50 Kc,JcView Hand 2020-11-27 (mfa-1016)
Marianne - Fontes Online 6 Max 1/2 - too tight? Qd,TcView Hand 2020-11-27 (mfa-1015)
Marianne - Fontes Online 6 Max 1/2 - so confused 7c,7sView Hand 2020-11-27 (mfa-1014)
Marianne - Fontes Online 6 Max 1/2 - glad I raised 3h,AdView Hand 2020-11-27 (mfa-1013)
Marianne - Fontes Online 6 Max 1/2 - Should I have folded preflop 9h,8cView Hand 2020-11-27 (mfa-1012)
Marianne - Fontes Online 6 Max 1/2 - Queeeeens Qs,JdView Hand 2020-11-27 (mfa-1011)
Marianne - Fontes Online 6 Max 1/2 - 7s 7h,7dView Hand 2020-11-27 (mfa-1010)
Marianne - Fontes Online 6 Max 1/2 - Floating 4s 4c,4hView Hand 2020-11-27 (mfa-1009)
Marianne - Fontes Online 6 Max 1/2 - Tens Ts,TdView Hand 2020-11-27 (mfa-1008)
Marianne - Fontes Online 6 Max 1/2 - 78 BAM 7d,8cView Hand 2020-11-27 (mfa-1007)
Marianne - Fontes Online 6 Max 1/2 - Should I have played? A3o Ac,3dView Hand 2020-11-27 (mfa-1005)
Marianne - Fontes Online 6 Max 1/2 - AK easy Ks,AhView Hand 2020-11-27 (mfa-1003)
Marianne - Fontes Online 6 Max 1/2 - Knew I lost, but still called Ad,8dView Hand 2020-11-27 (mfa-1002)
Marianne - Fontes Online 6 Max 1/2 - Fun, Easy Hand Ts,KcView Hand 2020-11-27 (mfa-1001)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Nov 14th - KK on BTN facing donk lead Ks,KhView Hand 2020-11-27 (ker-1084)
Jeremy Chan - $1050 GGMasters High Rollers - Lead on river? Js,JdView Hand 2020-11-27 (jem-1002)
Jeremy Chan - $5.50 Sunday Special - OESFD Jc,TcView Hand 2020-11-27 (jem-1001)
Ben Lugg - Luggster 25 NL - Nut Flush Draw - Too Shove or Fold? Ad,4dView Hand 2020-11-27 (ben-1004)
Ben Lugg - Luggster 25 NL - Flush Draw in Multi Way Pot Ad,4dView Hand 2020-11-27 (ben-1003)
Ben Lugg - Luggster 25NL - Triple Barrell? Js,TsView Hand 2020-11-27 (ben-1002)
Ben Lugg - Luggster 25NL - 3 Bet Pot OOP Ac,KcView Hand 2020-11-27 (ben-1001)
John Borges - John B ACR 11.25 #1 - practice Kc,7dView Hand 2020-11-26 (fly-1122)
Robb MacDonald - 5/10 home game - Big Win played poorly Ah,9hView Hand 2020-11-25 (rma-1005)
Robb MacDonald - 5/10 home game - need to improve range understanding Kd,ThView Hand 2020-11-25 (rma-1004)
Caio Lucius - Caio Lucius YA 6,60 - regular Ad,TdView Hand 2020-11-25 (cai-1001)
Benedict Bauer - Jingles8 GGMaster $150 - Defend BB with T4s and Donk!! Ts,4sView Hand 2020-11-24 (mrj-1006)
Benedict Bauer - Jingles8 CG NL5 - Flop the Nuts and get reraised - KQo Ks,QcView Hand 2020-11-24 (mrj-1005)
Benedict Bauer - Jingles8 King´s Special Freeroll 7x$150usd GGMaster T - AJo in early Position against MP 3-Bet Ad,JcView Hand 2020-11-24 (mrj-1004)
Benedict Bauer - Jingles8 GGMaster $150 - BB Defend mit Nutflush draw Ah,5hView Hand 2020-11-24 (mrj-1003)
Benedict Bauer - Jingles8 GGMasters $150 - Call in MP with AQo Ad,QsView Hand 2020-11-24 (mrj-1002)
Rogerio de Souza Santos - Zwinsky Ya Poker Micro - Torneio regular As,KsView Hand 2020-11-24 (kha-1003)
Rogerio de Souza Santos - Zwinsky Ipoker $20 Euros - Torneio regular Qh,JdView Hand 2020-11-24 (kha-1002)
Rogerio de Souza Santos - Zwinsky Big $11 - Inicio de Torneio Ks,KdView Hand 2020-11-24 (kha-1001)
Larry H - LH2838 Online 11.OO - Call or Fold Ad,KhView Hand 2020-11-24 (hie-1017)
John Borges - John B ACR 11.23 #5 - Flopping a set 8h,8cView Hand 2020-11-24 (fly-1121)
John Borges - John B ACR 11.23 #4 - not sure if I should double barrel Ah,8hView Hand 2020-11-24 (fly-1120)
John Borges - John B ACR 11.23 #3 - draw from BB 9h,7hView Hand 2020-11-24 (fly-1119)
John Borges - John B ACR 11.23 #2 - Flopping a set Qc,QdView Hand 2020-11-24 (fly-1118)
John Borges - John B ACR 11.23 #1 - vs SB C/R 8d,9dView Hand 2020-11-24 (fly-1117)
Don Bisco - Blitz JG/DR FNP - Tight Nit 8d,KdView Hand 2020-11-24 (don-1015)
Don Bisco - Blitz JG/DR FNP - Premium Flat As,AcView Hand 2020-11-24 (don-1014)
Marlon Palmer - ACR $15 rebuy - BB call CO RFI View Hand 2020-11-23 (mdp-1002)
Marlon Palmer - 10 Rebuy - BB call HH RFI 4d,2hView Hand 2020-11-23 (mdp-1001)
William L - Global $110 PKO turbo - Shove pre? Ah,JcView Hand 2020-11-22 (wil-1149)
William L - Global $218 - Bluff turn? Ah,QhView Hand 2020-11-22 (wil-1148)
William L - Global $218 - Too tight? As,KcView Hand 2020-11-22 (wil-1147)
William L - $200 tournament - Bluff or float flop? 7h,6hView Hand 2020-11-22 (wil-1146)
- thefisheagle 50NLZ - fold to rvr shove As,QcView Hand 2020-11-22 (TF-1161)
- thefisheagle $100 MTT itm - tight rvr fold Jd,TcView Hand 2020-11-22 (TF-1160)
- thefisheagle $100 MTT itm - turn fold/bluff/call Qh,JsView Hand 2020-11-22 (TF-1159)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - Hero has middling pair multiway. When do we bet it? 7c,7dView Hand 2020-11-22 (mcl-1215)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1/$2 in Clayton - Hero was going to give up on this one, then... Qh,JhView Hand 2020-11-22 (mcl-1214)
Alex Kozak - Daypass Sunday $109 - Out of position raising As,TcView Hand 2020-11-22 (koz-1003)
Larry H - LH2838 11.00 BetOnline - Call Turn or Raise 7c,AcView Hand 2020-11-22 (hie-1016)
Larry H - LH2838 11.00 BetOnline - Paired boards 6s,6cView Hand 2020-11-22 (hie-1015)
Larry H - LH2838 15.00 Ignition - Nit Play? 7s,7cView Hand 2020-11-22 (hie-1014)
Don Bisco - Blitz Syndicate Cash - AK pressure Ac,KsView Hand 2020-11-22 (don-1013)
Don Bisco - Blitz Syndicate Wed DS - Can we fold a set? Qs,QcView Hand 2020-11-22 (don-1012)
th14 - $3 Turbo SnG - $3 Turbo SnG winning hand Kc,5dView Hand 2020-11-21 (tsg-1001)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - KQs - profitable vs JJ+, but what's his range PF & Flop? PF call? Kc,QcView Hand 2020-11-21 (miq-1065)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - BvB - vs a reg Ad,3sView Hand 2020-11-21 (miq-1064)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - AJo - Trips facing heat IP As,JhView Hand 2020-11-21 (miq-1063)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - AJ turns TPTK multi-way vs shorty As,JdView Hand 2020-11-21 (miq-1062)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - AKo TPTK no cbet line Ah,KdView Hand 2020-11-21 (miq-1061)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - AQo TP line check As,QcView Hand 2020-11-21 (miq-1060)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - TT UTG in position vs unknown Tc,ThView Hand 2020-11-21 (miq-1059)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - AQs line check vs weak player(s) As,QsView Hand 2020-11-21 (miq-1058)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - Hero flops an overpair out of the BB and isn't sure how to proceed Th,TdView Hand 2020-11-21 (mcl-1213)
JJ - pearl river - do you bet river with completed flush without diamond blocker? Ah,KsView Hand 2020-11-21 (jcj-1291)
JJ - pearl river main - river play 6h,4hView Hand 2020-11-21 (jcj-1290)
JJ - pearl river main - thoughts on check vs bet on flop multiway? Kh,QhView Hand 2020-11-21 (jcj-1289)
JJ - pearl river main - turn and river play? Td,8dView Hand 2020-11-21 (jcj-1288)
JJ - pearl river main - facing 3 bet on button with QQ against lady in 50s, seems straightforward so far Qh,QcView Hand 2020-11-21 (jcj-1287)
Larry H - LH2838 11.00 BetOnline - Shove or 3Bet vs Limp misplayed hand? As,KsView Hand 2020-11-21 (hie-1013)
Benedict Bauer - Jingles8 Satelitte for GG Masters $150 - 11 Player remained - 7 Players get Ticket 8s,8hView Hand 2020-11-20 (mrj-1001)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - Hero thinks about getting his squeeze on Ks,JhView Hand 2020-11-19 (mcl-1212)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - Multiway with aces on a bad board Ah,AcView Hand 2020-11-19 (mcl-1211)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - Hero flops top/top OOP in a 3-bet multiway pot. Line? Ac,ThView Hand 2020-11-19 (mcl-1210)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - Hero turns a straight on a dicey board. Value bet? Ks,4hView Hand 2020-11-19 (mcl-1209)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - Hero turns back door equity multiway - barrel? Ah,JsView Hand 2020-11-19 (mcl-1208)
Kevin Stachniak - M3nace WPT Montreal, Season XVI - Interesting ICM spot between big stacks Ad,KhView Hand 2020-11-19 (ken-1001)
JJ - pearl river - short stack , relatively soft/straightforward table, do you min raise or shove? Ad,2dView Hand 2020-11-19 (jcj-1286)
JJ - pearl river - 2/5 cash game, what to do on turn against lag? Ad,4dView Hand 2020-11-19 (jcj-1285)
JJ - pearl river - what to do on flop against lead? Ts,ThView Hand 2020-11-19 (jcj-1284)
JJ - pearl river - do you bet river or okay to check back? Jc,TcView Hand 2020-11-19 (jcj-1283)
JJ - pearl river series - do you raise river here? Ac,KdView Hand 2020-11-19 (jcj-1282)
JJ - pearl river series - do you value bet river here? As,AdView Hand 2020-11-19 (jcj-1281)
JJ - pearl river series - what to do on turn facing raise and cold call with queen high flush? Qs,8sView Hand 2020-11-19 (jcj-1280)
JJ - pearl river series - do you value bet river here for 3 streets? Qd,JdView Hand 2020-11-19 (jcj-1279)
John Borges - John B Merge 11.19 #4 - vs splashy player. Not sure about my cbet sizing Ac,JcView Hand 2020-11-19 (fly-1116)
John Borges - John B Merge 11.19 #3 - Dont like the way I played this one. When should I have raised? Qd,JdView Hand 2020-11-19 (fly-1115)
John Borges - John B Merge 11.19 #2 - stop & go, blast, or C/R turn? 8h,8sView Hand 2020-11-19 (fly-1114)
John Borges - John B Merge 11.19 #1 - In SB multiway. Do I keep blasting or pot control? Ad,JsView Hand 2020-11-19 (fly-1113)
Ryan - .5/1 NLH ONLINE - BB DEFENSE AGAINST BTN OPEN 4d,6dView Hand 2020-11-18 (rpp-1029)
Ryan - .5/1 NLH ONLINE - IS RYAN THE ROCK ACTUALLY A FISH???? Ad,QsView Hand 2020-11-18 (rpp-1028)
flatus - flatus 1/3 cash - dry side pot As,AhView Hand 2020-11-18 (ois-1001)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - QTo TPwK vs sparring aggro-tards - table dynamics matter? Qs,ThView Hand 2020-11-18 (miq-1057)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - K8s vs bluffy villain Kh,8hView Hand 2020-11-18 (miq-1056)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - AQ vs loose aggro limper Ah,QcView Hand 2020-11-18 (miq-1055)
John Borges - John B ACR 11.18 #1 - vs. UTG opener Ad,KhView Hand 2020-11-18 (fly-1112)
Bret - wsop - two pair As,7sView Hand 2020-11-18 (brt-1002)
Bret - wsop AQ 200nl - flop c/r Ad,QhView Hand 2020-11-18 (brt-1001)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - AKs calls down 3 streets unimproved Ad,KdView Hand 2020-11-17 (miq-1054)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - KQo vs a maniacal moron Kc,QhView Hand 2020-11-17 (miq-1053)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - JJ lost on every street weird Js,JhView Hand 2020-11-17 (miq-1052)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - JJ turned into bluff on river? Js,JcView Hand 2020-11-17 (miq-1051)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Villain is tagged as loose aggro Kc,KhView Hand 2020-11-17 (miq-1050)
Leonardo - 0.50 NL live, no SB - all in - All in com duas pontas Ts,9dView Hand 2020-11-17 (len-1004)
Katie - katecraig430 PLON DL Sunday 11/15 - Kim Lepa As,QhView Hand 2020-11-16 (kte-1004)
JJ - pearl river series - is this auto call from BB? As,3cView Hand 2020-11-16 (jcj-1278)
Aaron - 0.5/1 Home Game - Jam or No Td,9dView Hand 2020-11-15 (mse-1005)
Aaron - 0.5/1 Home Game - 76cc 7c,6cView Hand 2020-11-15 (mse-1004)
JJ - pearl river series - turning top set Ks,KcView Hand 2020-11-15 (jcj-1277)
JJ - pearl river series - flopping top pair with weak kicker Qd,7sView Hand 2020-11-15 (jcj-1276)
JJ - pearl river series - flopping top pair on monotone board Js,9hView Hand 2020-11-15 (jcj-1275)
Bill Vicars - Bill GP 10 NLH - Call 3bet PF 9d,9cView Hand 2020-11-14 (BV-1153)
Bill Vicars - Bill GP 10 NLH - Call river over beat with top pair Kc,QdView Hand 2020-11-14 (BV-1152)
Bill Vicars - Bill GP 10 NLH - betting with set 2s,2dView Hand 2020-11-14 (BV-1151)
Bill Vicars - Bill GP 10NLH - Marginal MH on turn, BC on river 8s,8cView Hand 2020-11-14 (BV-1150)
Bill Vicars - Bill GP 10NLH - SB pf range, Kd,QsView Hand 2020-11-14 (BV-1149)
Ryan - 5/5/10 Home Game - Curtis 4-bet with WHAAAAAAAT? Ac,9cView Hand 2020-11-13 (rpp-1027)
Ryan - WV Poker King 1/3/6 - $1/3/6 Home Game Ad,4dView Hand 2020-11-13 (rpp-1026)
Ryan - Ben 1/2 Live - Tough spot with KT Kd,TdView Hand 2020-11-13 (rpp-1025)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Do we value bet this river? Ad,TdView Hand 2020-11-12 (miq-1049)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Flop sizing? River, bet/call, bet/fold, x-call? 4c,4hView Hand 2020-11-12 (miq-1048)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Turn hand into a bluff on river. 9s,5hView Hand 2020-11-12 (miq-1047)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - What range do you give this villain? 9h,9sView Hand 2020-11-12 (miq-1046)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Hate every street looking back. As,8dView Hand 2020-11-12 (miq-1045)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - x-raise flop OESD, turn TP, river? Js,9dView Hand 2020-11-12 (miq-1044)
John Borges - John B Merge 11.12 #1 - Analyzing ranges Kc,QhView Hand 2020-11-12 (fly-1111)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - TPwK & flush draw, river donk PSB Jc,TcView Hand 2020-11-11 (miq-1043)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - vs very aggro player Ad,KhView Hand 2020-11-11 (miq-1042)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Donked turn, raise? River value? As,KcView Hand 2020-11-11 (miq-1041)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Limped pot trips. Leading strategy vs fish 7c,8cView Hand 2020-11-11 (miq-1040)
Larry H - LH2838 15.00 Ignition - 3bet from BB Ks,JcView Hand 2020-11-11 (hie-1012)
John Borges - John B Merge 11.11 #1 - decision post flop Jd,TdView Hand 2020-11-11 (fly-1110)
John Borges - John B ACR 11.10 #3 - barreling with a nut flush draw vs SB (good range?) Ad,8dView Hand 2020-11-11 (fly-1109)
John Borges - John B ACR 11.10 #2 - small pocket pair vs BB 4h,4dView Hand 2020-11-11 (fly-1108)
John Borges - John B ACR 11/10 #1 - small pair vs blinds 7c,7sView Hand 2020-11-11 (fly-1107)
Raphaël GAUTHIER - CG - AJ 2barrel As,JhView Hand 2020-11-10 (rap-1003)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Deep. Limper is fish, SB is Good Reg Kd,QdView Hand 2020-11-10 (miq-1039)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Quads deep. Villain fish & min-raising 9s,9hView Hand 2020-11-10 (miq-1038)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Raise Flop? Block River or check fold? As,TdView Hand 2020-11-10 (miq-1037)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - villain is aggro reg - value bet river? Ac,5cView Hand 2020-11-10 (miq-1036)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - AA vs reg. Turn check, River overbet As,AhView Hand 2020-11-10 (miq-1035)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Donk-shove turn Kd,6dView Hand 2020-11-10 (miq-1034)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Turn? River? As,TsView Hand 2020-11-10 (miq-1033)
Leonardo - 0.50NL no SB, live - Line check Qs,QcView Hand 2020-11-10 (len-1003)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Villain tagged as straight forward fish Jh,JcView Hand 2020-11-09 (miq-1032)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Lojack unknown, caller tagged as loose fish. Kh,QdView Hand 2020-11-09 (miq-1031)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - Hero flops top pair IP in 3-bet pot on monotone board Kc,ThView Hand 2020-11-09 (mcl-1207)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Mike's High Hand special on 2020-11-07 - Hero flops top pair on a semi-coordinated board Qd,TdView Hand 2020-11-09 (mcl-1206)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Mike's High Hand special on 2020-11-07 - Hero flops TPTK OOP on a coordinated board Ah,QhView Hand 2020-11-09 (mcl-1205)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - BvB - Float flop IP with some equity Ks,TcView Hand 2020-11-09 (mcl-1204)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Sat - QQ facing min 3-bet View Hand 2020-11-09 (ker-1083)
John Borges - John B PS 11/7 #1 - Massive overshove Kd,4dView Hand 2020-11-09 (fly-1106)
Tammi L Endemann - 20 TOURNEY - ONLINE 9h,9cView Hand 2020-11-09 (ebo-1003)
Tammi L Endemann - 20tourney - online Kh,ThView Hand 2020-11-09 (ebo-1002)
Don Bisco - Blitz JG/DR FNP - Small blocker bets 9s,8sView Hand 2020-11-09 (don-1011)
William L - $580 tournament - day 2 - 37 left, giant stack, fastplay? Ks,KcView Hand 2020-11-08 (wil-1145)
William L - $580 tournament - 2 from money, fastplay AA? Ah,AdView Hand 2020-11-08 (wil-1144)
William L - $580 tournament - 5-bet AK? As,KhView Hand 2020-11-08 (wil-1143)
William L - $380 tournament - Shove on money/day 2 bubble? 7d,7hView Hand 2020-11-08 (wil-1142)
William L - $380 tournament - Check-raised on bad turn Ac,JcView Hand 2020-11-08 (wil-1141)
William L - $1/$2 - Bluff turn? Ac,9sView Hand 2020-11-08 (wil-1140)
Aaron - 0.5/1 Home Game - 96s on BTN 9h,6hView Hand 2020-11-08 (mse-1003)
Aaron - 0.5/1 Home Game - ATo UTG Ah,TdView Hand 2020-11-08 (mse-1002)
Aaron - 0.5/1 Home Game - UTG open, BB defend As,KhView Hand 2020-11-08 (mse-1001)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $22 SnG on one of those shady apps - BvB against a TAG Ks,QhView Hand 2020-11-08 (mcl-1203)
JJ - 1/3 cash - river shove lead- is this ever a bluff? Ad,8dView Hand 2020-11-08 (jcj-1274)
JJ - 1/3 cash - flop and turn play with Ad? Ad,KhView Hand 2020-11-08 (jcj-1273)
JJ - 1/3 cash - 3 bet and a flatter against early open...what do do? Kc,KhView Hand 2020-11-08 (jcj-1272)
JJ - 1/3 cash - home game Jc,TdView Hand 2020-11-08 (jcj-1271)
JJ - 1/3 cash - home game Ac,AhView Hand 2020-11-08 (jcj-1270)
Benno - Gambit Pokerstars 0.25/0.50 - AA get 3 bet LJ from TP Ah,AdView Hand 2020-11-08 (GB-1066)
Benno - Gambit Pokerstars 0.10/0.25 - folding QQ into the muck after 3 bet Qh,QdView Hand 2020-11-08 (GB-1065)
Tammi L Endemann - 400 live tourney - Kam's hand Ah,QhView Hand 2020-11-08 (ebo-1001)
- thefisheagle 50 NLZ - inducing As,3sView Hand 2020-11-07 (TF-1158)
- thefisheagle 50 NLZ - surprise rvr Ac,JsView Hand 2020-11-07 (TF-1157)
- thefisheagle 50 NLZ - bet fold Kc,KsView Hand 2020-11-07 (TF-1156)
- thefisheagle 50 NLZ - tight rvr fold Jd,JhView Hand 2020-11-07 (TF-1155)
Robb MacDonald - Home Game 5/10 NL - bluffed on river 7d,7hView Hand 2020-11-06 (rma-1003)
Robb MacDonald - Home Game 5/10 NL - Bad raise out of the cutoff 9h,TdView Hand 2020-11-06 (rma-1002)
Robb MacDonald - Home Game 5/10 NL - calling 3 bet in small blind Ac,JcView Hand 2020-11-06 (rma-1001)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Villain tagged as limping fish - open limps a lot. Qd,JdView Hand 2020-11-06 (miq-1030)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Villain tagged as Calling Station. Turn-just get it in or call? Plan for rvr? 6s,6cView Hand 2020-11-06 (miq-1029)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - What range would continue? Ts,ThView Hand 2020-11-06 (miq-1028)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - vs decent villain who caught me bigbet rvr bluffing earlier Qc,TcView Hand 2020-11-06 (miq-1027)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Villain & BB were fish. Check raised on the river. Qh,7hView Hand 2020-11-06 (miq-1026)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Fish in BB. overbet river As,4sView Hand 2020-11-06 (miq-1025)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Value/block river? x-call? Ts,TdView Hand 2020-11-05 (miq-1024)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Villain tagged as station/moron Qs,QcView Hand 2020-11-05 (miq-1023)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Double Fishy - hate every street Qs,QdView Hand 2020-11-05 (miq-1022)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Line vs a spewy aggro villain Js,JcView Hand 2020-11-05 (miq-1021)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Good spot to block river? Kh,JhView Hand 2020-11-05 (miq-1020)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Passive line vs Aggro Villain. Click back River? As,JcView Hand 2020-11-05 (miq-1019)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - BB defend vs over-stealing reg 5s,2sView Hand 2020-11-05 (miq-1018)
Ryan - Rosey w the river bluff - $1/$2 at Texas Card House Ac,JsView Hand 2020-11-04 (rpp-1024)
Ryan - Jello in a tough spot - $1/$2 NLH Ad,QsView Hand 2020-11-04 (rpp-1023)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Flop multi-way check? Turn & river? Ks,KhView Hand 2020-11-04 (miq-1017)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - poster. flop cbet size? ever call river? 7s,7cView Hand 2020-11-04 (miq-1016)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Flop size? Turn? River plan? As,TsView Hand 2020-11-04 (miq-1015)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - 99 overpair 3bet multi-way. CO posted BB 9c,9hView Hand 2020-11-04 (miq-1014)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - 99 oop turn bet - CO posted dead sb+bb 9h,9sView Hand 2020-11-04 (miq-1013)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - 3bet IP vs 50bb - preflop calling range? Qd,JhView Hand 2020-11-04 (miq-1012)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - QQ vs fish - weird lines, just jam anywhere? Qd,QcView Hand 2020-11-04 (miq-1011)
ma - zoom - TT Td,ThView Hand 2020-11-04 (dhd-1001)
Sandy Leggett - Flooby Badoop 1/3 Halloween Cash @ Borgata - Questionable Open and Post-Flop, but get lucky Ad,5cView Hand 2020-11-03 (leg-1021)
Sandy Leggett - Flooby Badoop 1/3 Halloween Cash @ Borgata - 67hh on BT versus LJ open 6h,7hView Hand 2020-11-03 (leg-1020)
Sandy Leggett - Flooby Badoop 1/3 Halloween Cash @ Borgata - 3-betting in SB w/ 77 versus rando in LJ 7s,7cView Hand 2020-11-03 (leg-1019)
Sandy Leggett - Flooby Badoop 1/3 Halloween Cash @ Borgata - Calling in BB w/ junk in straddled pot versus nutjob 7d,5hView Hand 2020-11-03 (leg-1018)
Sandy Leggett - Flooby Badoop 1/3 Halloween Cash @ Borgata - Pocket 2s in SB vs. LAG Asian 2s,2dView Hand 2020-11-03 (leg-1017)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Turn bet? River check or bet sizing then call/fold? Js,AcView Hand 2020-11-02 (miq-1010)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Min-raised on flop, how to proceed? Qs,QcView Hand 2020-11-02 (miq-1009)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - dead sb, vb flop? call turn? lead river? Jd,AsView Hand 2020-11-02 (miq-1008)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Cbet size? min-raised, continue? Ts,AcView Hand 2020-11-02 (miq-1007)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Reg Squeeze, SB fish, PF? Turn? 7c,7dView Hand 2020-11-02 (miq-1006)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - BvB - raise TPWK 9s,5hView Hand 2020-11-02 (miq-1005)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Check raise semi-b spot 6d,4dView Hand 2020-11-02 (miq-1004)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - cbet or check flop Js,AcView Hand 2020-11-02 (miq-1003)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Fold pre. Lead or check raise any street? 8d,2dView Hand 2020-11-02 (miq-1002)
Mike Mc - McLovin 20NL - Getting value from a monster 8s,8hView Hand 2020-11-02 (miq-1001)
Michael Olson - 1/3 Live Cash Game - AsQs vs Amateur Reg As,QsView Hand 2020-11-02 (mbo-1001)
Katie - katecraig430 Helix - Naomi Session Two As,AdView Hand 2020-11-02 (kte-1003)
Alex Kozak - Daypass $55 Knock out - Rivered a flush, when should i have bet them off of a draw 9s,2cView Hand 2020-11-02 (koz-1002)
Malcolm Foley - $1/$3 Cash Game - SB play with the button straddle on Ac,QcView Hand 2020-11-01 (mfo-1002)
Malcolm Foley - $1/$3 Live - OOP as PFR deep 5h,5dView Hand 2020-11-01 (mfo-1001)
MATTHEW MOLSEN - Float The River Online - Bad River Decision? As,JcView Hand 2020-11-01 (maj-1001)
Alex Kozak - Daypass Sunday $109 - Playing QQ in position Qs,QhView Hand 2020-11-01 (koz-1001)
Benno - Gambit Pokerstars 0.10/0.25 - calling with set vs a flush Th,TcView Hand 2020-11-01 (GB-1064)
Benno - Gambit Pokerstars 0.25/0.50 - Set loosing against a flush Tc,ThView Hand 2020-11-01 (GB-1063)
Benno - Gambit Pokerstars 0.10/0.25 - Calling a 3 bet with QQ Jd,JsView Hand 2020-11-01 (GB-1062)
Benno - Gambit Pokerstars 0.10/0.25 - Calling a 3 bet with QQ Qd,QsView Hand 2020-11-01 (GB-1061)
Brian - thereitis $1/$3 Cash Game - Office hours question from a PokerCoaching Premium member Ks,KdView Hand 2020-10-31 (bkp-1002)
Brian - thereitis $1/$3 Cash Game - Office hours question from a PokerCoaching Premium member Ac,QsView Hand 2020-10-31 (bkp-1001)
Tamminator - Cash $1/$3 - big river bettor Ks,KcView Hand 2020-10-30 (tam-1009)
Tamminator - Cash $1/$3 - Donk bet2 6s,6cView Hand 2020-10-30 (tam-1008)
Tamminator - Cash $1/$3 - Donk bet 8h,9hView Hand 2020-10-30 (tam-1007)
Jim - JimB $33 online fictional - Call BB squeeze from Button with small pairs? 3s,3dView Hand 2020-10-30 (jib-1024)
Jim - JimB $55 PKO Oct 29 2020 - multiway vs 55BB jam with AKs Ad,KdView Hand 2020-10-30 (jib-1023)
Jim - JimB $33 MTT Oct 2020 - Mid Pair on Button vs. BB shove 8s,8cView Hand 2020-10-30 (jib-1022)
- $4,000 GTD - Freezeout 6-Max ($8+$.8) - Study group unsure of proper plays As,7sView Hand 2020-10-30 (jao-1002)
Yk - cmykim tourney-qa - tourney-qa Qc,AsView Hand 2020-10-29 (yur-1005)
Yk - cmykim tourney-qj - tourney-qj Jh,QsView Hand 2020-10-29 (yur-1004)
Soeren - Bruce_Banner25 Stars Zoom Hand Trips - weird turn raise size As,5hView Hand 2020-10-29 (sor-1001)
James Romero - James Romero GG HSNL Cash Games - 3 Kc,QsView Hand 2020-10-29 (ski-1046)
Katie - katecraig430 BestBet Main Event - Chris Read - Session Two 7s,7dView Hand 2020-10-29 (kte-1002)
Keith Kyle - 400 Deepstack Venitian - Deepstack Ah,2hView Hand 2020-10-29 (kky-1002)
Keith Kyle - 2/5 NL - 10/1/19 4d,5dView Hand 2020-10-29 (kky-1001)
ezhr - ezhr $1 mtt - busted View Hand 2020-10-29 (ezh-1001)
Yk - cmykim 97-20201027 - 97 9c,7hView Hand 2020-10-28 (yur-1003)
Ryan - VIEWER SUBMISSION - Curtis 5/5/10 NLH Ks,TdView Hand 2020-10-28 (rpp-1022)
Ryan - RPaul .5/1 Hand - Should I bet bigger? Ah,KsView Hand 2020-10-28 (rpp-1021)
Ryan - Kyle Fischl Hand #2 - 2/5/10 NLH Ah,7hView Hand 2020-10-28 (rpp-1020)
Ryan - Kyle Fischl Hand #1 - 2/5 NLH Kh,ThView Hand 2020-10-28 (rpp-1019)
Grzegorz - saywhy €5 Online MTT - Fold early ITM with nut flush draw As,JsView Hand 2020-10-28 (glu-1003)
Grzegorz - saywhy €5 Online MTT - QQ in multiway pots Qh,QdView Hand 2020-10-28 (glu-1002)
Selma - Selma Daytona Live - Sunday tournament 6s,6cView Hand 2020-10-27 (sla-1036)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Oct 26 - QQ facing min 3-bet from BB Qs,QhView Hand 2020-10-27 (ker-1082)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Oct 26 - Facing river overshove with top top As,ThView Hand 2020-10-27 (ker-1081)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Oct 26 - Top pair facing 3 barrel donk As,ThView Hand 2020-10-27 (ker-1080)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Oct 26 - BB K8o facing 3x SB raise Ks,8hView Hand 2020-10-27 (ker-1079)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Oct 26 - 99 from UTG+1 9s,9cView Hand 2020-10-27 (ker-1078)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Oct 26 - BB limped pot flopped flush draw 8c,4cView Hand 2020-10-27 (ker-1077)
William L - $600 tournament - Bad runout for AA As,AhView Hand 2020-10-26 (wil-1139)
William L - Venetian $600 - day 2 - Call off with middle pair + draw? Qd,9dView Hand 2020-10-26 (wil-1138)
William L - Venetian $600 - day 2 - Facing river raise 3h,3dView Hand 2020-10-26 (wil-1137)
William L - Venetian $600 - day 2 - Squeeze AQ from SB Ah,QcView Hand 2020-10-26 (wil-1136)
William L - Venetian $600 - day 1 - AA faces turn lead As,AdView Hand 2020-10-26 (wil-1135)
William L - Venetian $600 - day 1 - Raise combo draw? Ah,QhView Hand 2020-10-26 (wil-1134)
Umang - 110 - 88 8d,8hView Hand 2020-10-26 (uma-1002)
Sandy Leggett - Flooby Badoop 10nl zoom - Flush and Gutter draw multiway As,5sView Hand 2020-10-26 (leg-1016)
Sandy Leggett - Flooby Badoop 10nl zoom - K3cc BT vs BB Kc,3cView Hand 2020-10-26 (leg-1015)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - Turned Pair + Draw 9s,3sView Hand 2020-10-26 (afs-1135)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - BB vs BTN 8d,4dView Hand 2020-10-26 (afs-1134)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - Weak Top Pair + Draw Multiway Jh,ThView Hand 2020-10-26 (afs-1133)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - Weak draw Multiway 20bbs ef Td,9dView Hand 2020-10-26 (afs-1132)
- thefisheagle 50 NLZ - fold preflop? Th,TcView Hand 2020-10-25 (TF-1154)
- thefisheagle 50 NLZ - butchered Qs,TsView Hand 2020-10-25 (TF-1153)
- thefisheagle 50 NLZ - bluff catching Ah,AcView Hand 2020-10-25 (TF-1152)
James Romero - James Romero SHRPO $10k - October #2, Quiz (8) Td,7dView Hand 2020-10-25 (ski-1045)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1/$2 at Mark's - Hero flops monster draw out of the BB Kd,TdView Hand 2020-10-25 (mcl-1202)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1/$2 at Mark's - Hero flops a pair + flush draw multiway in a large pot Jc,JhView Hand 2020-10-25 (mcl-1201)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Oct 23 2020 - Kamshooter 77 facing limpers 7s,7dView Hand 2020-10-25 (ker-1076)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Oct 23 2020 - LJ AJo open As,JhView Hand 2020-10-25 (ker-1075)
JJ - home game - facing against LAG, LAG raises his straddle to $20 preflop As,TsView Hand 2020-10-25 (jcj-1269)
JJ - home game - do i call off flop bet? As,QcView Hand 2020-10-25 (jcj-1268)
JJ - home game - turn play Kc,JsView Hand 2020-10-25 (jcj-1267)
JJ - home game - 3 bet pot with QQ in position Qs,QhView Hand 2020-10-25 (jcj-1266)
JJ - home game - 3 bet pot with AK on monotone board Ac,KhView Hand 2020-10-25 (jcj-1265)
James Romero - James Romero SHRPO $10k - October #2, Quiz (7) Qh,JcView Hand 2020-10-24 (ski-1044)
James Romero - James Romero SHRPO $10k - October #2, Quiz (6) Qs,TcView Hand 2020-10-23 (ski-1043)
James Romero - James Romero SHRPO $10k - October #2, Quiz (5). Js,TcView Hand 2020-10-23 (ski-1042)
James Romero - James Romero SHRPO $10k - October #2, Quiz (4) Td,8dView Hand 2020-10-23 (ski-1040)
James Romero - James Romero SHRPO $10k - October #2, Quiz (3) Kd,JsView Hand 2020-10-23 (ski-1039)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 5-10 - Value Qh,QdView Hand 2020-10-23 (bag-1172)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 5-10 - Blöffcatch Kd,QhView Hand 2020-10-23 (bag-1171)
James Romero - James Romero SHRPO $10k - October #2, Quiz (2) 8c,8sView Hand 2020-10-22 (ski-1038)
James Romero - James Romero SHRPO $10k - October #2, Quiz (1) Jc,9cView Hand 2020-10-22 (ski-1036)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris charity tourney - 99 facing river bet 9s,9hView Hand 2020-10-22 (ker-1074)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris charity tourney - BB facing a limp from SB Js,7hView Hand 2020-10-22 (ker-1073)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris charity tourney - 44 facing 6bb shove 4s,4hView Hand 2020-10-22 (ker-1072)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris charity tourney - QTs from BB facing limper Qs,TsView Hand 2020-10-22 (ker-1071)
Yk - cmykim aa - last tourney Ac,AhView Hand 2020-10-21 (yur-1002)
Ryan - $6000 POT - $5/$5/$10 NLH 5h,6hView Hand 2020-10-21 (rpp-1018)
Ryan - $200 Little Stack - $100k GTD 6s,5hView Hand 2020-10-21 (rpp-1017)
Ryan - Poker Police Vlog HH - Poker Police $1/2 home game Ah,8hView Hand 2020-10-21 (rpp-1016)
Jon - Cash GG $5NL - Range unknown Kd,KhView Hand 2020-10-21 (jol-1001)
SAI - basic - understanding View Hand 2020-10-21 (isk-1001)
Yk - cmykim last tournament - last hand of last tourney Jh,QdView Hand 2020-10-20 (yur-1001)
Katie - katecraig430 Poker 4 breakfast - Chris Read Session 1 PDG Qs,QdView Hand 2020-10-19 (kte-1001)
John Borges - John B Merge 10.18 #5 - Second verse, same as the first? Ks,TsView Hand 2020-10-19 (fly-1105)
John Borges - John B Merge 10.18 #4 - miss a street or good to get to showdown? 6d,6hView Hand 2020-10-19 (fly-1104)
John Borges - John B Merge 10.18 #3 - odds to call for chop? Not sure if this is correct As,KdView Hand 2020-10-19 (fly-1103)
John Borges - John B Merge 10.18 #2 - versus spewy player on monochrome flop Kd,QdView Hand 2020-10-19 (fly-1102)
John Borges - John B Merge 10.18 #1 - is this a spot to C/R v. big bettor? 8s,6dView Hand 2020-10-19 (fly-1101)
John Borges - John B ACR 10.18 #3 - Got 'em on internet set up hand 7d,7hView Hand 2020-10-19 (fly-1100)
John Borges - John B ACR 10.18 #2 - Better to double barrel or check-call? 8s,8hView Hand 2020-10-19 (fly-1099)
John Borges - John B ACR 10.18 #1 - luckily he didnt triple on dicey river Ah,JsView Hand 2020-10-19 (fly-1098)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $3.30 HG on ACR - Dealing with donk bets Ks,9sView Hand 2020-10-18 (mcl-1200)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $2.75 $3k guarantee on ACR - Flop a double gutter and turn a scare card. Go for the triple? 6h,5hView Hand 2020-10-18 (mcl-1199)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1/$2 at Mark's - Hand #2 vs Bill - NFD IP Ad,3dView Hand 2020-10-18 (mcl-1198)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1/$2 at Mark's - Hand #1 vs Bill - OOP with two overs and a flush draw Kh,QhView Hand 2020-10-18 (mcl-1197)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1/$2 at Mark's - Introduction to Bill As,KsView Hand 2020-10-18 (mcl-1196)
Sasina Hanson - $5/$10 NL cash - AK value 3 streets As,KsView Hand 2020-10-16 (tes-1001)
John Borges - John B ACR 10.15 #6 - Probably weak flop as I allowed equity 7s,7cView Hand 2020-10-15 (fly-1097)
John Borges - John B ACR 10.15 #5 - Facing odd line Kh,KsView Hand 2020-10-15 (fly-1096)
John Borges - John B ACR 10.15 #4 - For you Don 5d,4dView Hand 2020-10-15 (fly-1095)
John Borges - John B ACR 10.15 #3 - Hope I hold Ts,9sView Hand 2020-10-15 (fly-1094)
John Borges - John B ACR 10.15 #2 - What's better: river bet or check-call? Ad,JhView Hand 2020-10-15 (fly-1093)
John Borges - John B ACR 10.15 #1 - Shouldve bet or hit too hard? Ad,QsView Hand 2020-10-15 (fly-1092)
Selma - Selma Venetian Live - Venetian Live View Hand 2020-10-14 (sla-1035)
Ryan - 5/10/20 - BIG Cash game hand 9s,9hView Hand 2020-10-14 (rpp-1015)
Ryan - .30/.60 NLH online - RPaul with two red Kings Kh,KdView Hand 2020-10-14 (rpp-1014)
Ryan - 2/5 NLH - Rampage Poker Vlog Hand Ac,TdView Hand 2020-10-14 (rpp-1013)
Ryan - RPaul .30/.60 - RPaul .30/.60 As,9sView Hand 2020-10-14 (rpp-1012)
SteveZ - $200 NCSOP Poker #5 - Hand 17:21 Ac,AsView Hand 2020-10-13 (sva-1038)
SteveZ - $200 NCSOP Poker #5 - Hand 8:00 8s,7sView Hand 2020-10-13 (sva-1037)
John Borges - John B 2019 ME - Dont slow play Ad,KhView Hand 2020-10-12 (fly-1091)
Rick Grant - Online Cash Game - Top pair read Qs,JdView Hand 2020-10-11 (ths-1004)
- $1000 GTD MTT - Quad 4s 4s,4dView Hand 2020-10-11 (sgo-1002)
James Romero - James Romero GG HSNL Cash Games - 2 Kd,9dView Hand 2020-10-10 (ski-1033)
James Romero - James Romero GG HSNL Cash Games - 1 Qc,TdView Hand 2020-10-10 (ski-1032)
James Romero - James Romero MSPT $3,500 - October #1 Quiz, (8) 8s,8hView Hand 2020-10-10 (ski-1031)
James Romero - James Romero MSPT $3,500 - October #1 Quiz, (7) Qs,QhView Hand 2020-10-10 (ski-1030)
James Romero - James Romero MSPT $3,500 - October #1 Quiz, (6) As,JhView Hand 2020-10-10 (ski-1029)
James Romero - James Romero MSPT $3,500 - October #1 Quiz, (5) 7s,7cView Hand 2020-10-10 (ski-1028)
James Romero - James Romero MSPT $3,500 - October #1 Quiz, (4) Kd,QdView Hand 2020-10-10 (ski-1027)
James Romero - James Romero MSPT $3,500 - October #1 Quiz, (3) 6h,6cView Hand 2020-10-10 (ski-1026)
James Romero - James Romero MSPT $3,500 - October #1 Quiz, (2) As,2sView Hand 2020-10-10 (ski-1025)
James Romero - James Romero MSPT $3,500 - October #1 Quiz, (1) Jh,TcView Hand 2020-10-10 (ski-1024)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Fri 10/09 - JJ from CO facing HJ 3x open from TAG Js,JhView Hand 2020-10-10 (ker-1070)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Fri 10/09 - 98s facing HJ 3x open 9h,8hView Hand 2020-10-10 (ker-1069)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Fri 10/09 - 84s in SB facing 1 limper 8c,4cView Hand 2020-10-10 (ker-1068)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Fri 10/09 - KK in BB facing 2 limpers Ks,KhView Hand 2020-10-10 (ker-1067)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Fri 10/09 - JTo from BB facing limpers Jc,ThView Hand 2020-10-10 (ker-1066)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Fri 10/09 - AKo facing limper Ad,KhView Hand 2020-10-10 (ker-1065)
JJ - pokerbros - just call or shove for fold equity? 9s,9cView Hand 2020-10-10 (jcj-1264)
JJ - pokerbros MTT - playing top pair short stacked Ad,TcView Hand 2020-10-10 (jcj-1263)
Don Bisco - Blitz JD FNP - Questionable shove? Ts,TcView Hand 2020-10-10 (don-1010)
Bill Vicars - Bill GP 10NLH - Flopped top FH in position 7h,7cView Hand 2020-10-08 (BV-1148)
Bill Vicars - Bill GP 10NLH - Check flop with flush and straight draw Ks,6sView Hand 2020-10-08 (BV-1147)
Ryan - viewer submission - 5/5/10 TCH Qs,JsView Hand 2020-10-07 (rpp-1011)
Ryan - Fog Submission 10/7/20 - Fog in a tough spot with 55 5s,5dView Hand 2020-10-07 (rpp-1010)
Ryan - .30/.60 Online - Rpaul circa April 2020 Kc,TcView Hand 2020-10-07 (rpp-1009)
William L - $1/$3 stream - Turned boat multiway 7s,7cView Hand 2020-10-05 (wil-1133)
William L - $1/$3 stream - Top pair gets raised 6 ways Ad,KsView Hand 2020-10-05 (wil-1132)
William L - $1/$3 stream - Fold AQ? Ad,QhView Hand 2020-10-05 (wil-1131)
William L - $1/$3 stream - TT multiway Th,TdView Hand 2020-10-05 (wil-1130)
William L - $1/$3 stream - Top set, dry board Th,TdView Hand 2020-10-05 (wil-1129)
SteveZ - 201002 NCSOP $100 - Hand 1:08 Ac,KhView Hand 2020-10-05 (sva-1036)
SteveZ - 201002 NCSOP $100 - Hand 58:00 Qd,AcView Hand 2020-10-05 (sva-1035)
SteveZ - 201002 NCSOP $100 - Hand 45:00 Kh,JsView Hand 2020-10-05 (sva-1034)
SteveZ - 201002 NCSOP $100 - Hand 26:00 Qd,QhView Hand 2020-10-05 (sva-1033)
William L - $150 tournament - Turned draw 9s,9cView Hand 2020-10-04 (wil-1128)
Sandy Leggett - Flooby Badoop $550 Live Tourney buddy had - Weird line by villain, played right but are we ever folding? Kc,6cView Hand 2020-10-03 (leg-1014)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Oct 2 2020 - A9o from LJ with 37bb As,9hView Hand 2020-10-03 (ker-1064)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Oct 02 2020 - AKo in SB facing limpers As,KhView Hand 2020-10-03 (ker-1063)
Benno - Gambit Pokerstars 0.10/0.25 - folding 66 on a after a bad turn 6c,6sView Hand 2020-10-03 (GB-1060)
Don Bisco - Blitz SNP - Smooth call with AQo from the BB Ah,QdView Hand 2020-10-03 (don-1009)
Bill Vicars - Bill GP 10NLH - Bluff catch with 2nd pair Ad,9sView Hand 2020-10-03 (BV-1146)
Bill Vicars - Bill GP 10NLH - Bluff catch with TP Ad,QdView Hand 2020-10-03 (BV-1145)
Bill Vicars - Bill GP 10NLH - Bluff catch with TP Kc,JsView Hand 2020-10-03 (BV-1144)
- $22 ACR - Rivered set on scary board 8c,8dView Hand 2020-10-02 (JP-1118)
- $22 ACR - Gave up on triple barrel Kd,JdView Hand 2020-10-02 (JP-1117)
JJ - home game - turning top pair on coordinated board As,KhView Hand 2020-10-02 (jcj-1262)
JJ - home game - what to do with nut flush blocker? Ac,JhView Hand 2020-10-02 (jcj-1261)
JJ - home game - river play against tight opponent who does not have a three As,JsView Hand 2020-10-02 (jcj-1260)
JJ - home game - river play against tight opponent who does not have a three Qc,TcView Hand 2020-10-02 (jcj-1259)
JJ - home game - what to do against 4 bet with flopped set? 6s,6cView Hand 2020-10-02 (jcj-1258)
JJ - home game - what to do with 99 vs playing my range? 9h,9sView Hand 2020-10-02 (jcj-1257)
Ryan - Bryce's REVENGE - Podcast HU Challenge Ad,3dView Hand 2020-10-01 (rpp-1008)
Ryan - 5/5/10 - Viewer Submission Hand Kc,TcView Hand 2020-10-01 (rpp-1007)
Ryan - Monster Stack Vegas - Action Ashley Hand 9s,9hView Hand 2020-10-01 (rpp-1006)
Louis DeScalzo - pokerdad2878 $3K GTD Mini Blitz - 20/40 AK vs Reg Ac,KdView Hand 2020-10-01 (poe-1006)
- $33 ACR - Missed value on river? Ks,9dView Hand 2020-10-01 (JP-1116)
Jacob - Flippintrips 0.5 second nuts - Running second nuts into nuts 6c,4cView Hand 2020-10-01 (fli-1004)
Jacob - Flippintrips 0.50 Cash Game Hand - Possible Misplayed trips 3s,9cView Hand 2020-09-30 (fli-1003)
- $120 MTT - Straight on board vs. Tight Nit 9s,9hView Hand 2020-09-28 (sgo-1001)
John Borges - John B Merge 9.28 #1 - vs. Whale 7c,5cView Hand 2020-09-28 (fly-1090)
Rick Grant - Online Cash Game - Big Call with Pocket Q's Qs,QdView Hand 2020-09-27 (ths-1003)
John Borges - John B ACR 9.27 #1 - Betting large on river with good card 4 me Kc,9cView Hand 2020-09-27 (fly-1089)
John Borges - John B Merge 9.27 #2 - wonder about sizing Ad,TsView Hand 2020-09-27 (fly-1088)
John Borges - John B Merge 9.27 #1 - Loose? Def aggressive Kh,QdView Hand 2020-09-27 (fly-1087)
SU XU - robbie 5/10 - BT sq vs MP defend Ah,AdView Hand 2020-09-26 (rob-1042)
SU XU - robbie Bellagio 5/10 - BT defend vs SB 3b Ah,JhView Hand 2020-09-26 (rob-1041)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Sep 25 - KQ in HJ Ks,QhView Hand 2020-09-26 (ker-1062)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Sep 25 - J7s on CO Js,7sView Hand 2020-09-26 (ker-1061)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Sep 25 - 44 on BTN 4h,4dView Hand 2020-09-26 (ker-1060)
Don Bisco - Blitz FNP - Questionable Shove 7s,7cView Hand 2020-09-26 (don-1008)
Rick Grant - Online Game - Hero Call Online Ah,5hView Hand 2020-09-24 (ths-1002)
Ryan - 5/10 - Chase doesn't want a snap call Ac,KdView Hand 2020-09-24 (rpp-1005)
Ryan - 1/2 Foosers - The Rock vs the Fish Jd,JhView Hand 2020-09-24 (rpp-1004)
Ryan - 5/5/10 - Viewer Submission #2 Ad,QdView Hand 2020-09-24 (rpp-1003)
Ryan - 5/5/10 NLH - Viewer Submission #1 Ad,JdView Hand 2020-09-24 (rpp-1002)
JJ - home game - how to play turn with straight card? Ad,QsView Hand 2020-09-24 (jcj-1256)
JJ - home game - 5/5....should i have led on flop? 9s,TsView Hand 2020-09-24 (jcj-1255)
JJ - 5/5 home game - flopping the world and then rivering the world Ac,4cView Hand 2020-09-24 (jcj-1254)
JJ - 5/5 home game - rivering 2 pair Ks,7sView Hand 2020-09-24 (jcj-1253)
James Tays - jamtay317 High Stakes Duel 2 - Antonio vs Phil Bluff Ac,QsView Hand 2020-09-24 (jam-1002)
SteveZ - 200921 NCSOP $200 - 98s - play or fold? 9d,8dView Hand 2020-09-23 (sva-1032)
SteveZ - 200921 NCSOP $200 - Very loose and lucky vs crb Ah,KcView Hand 2020-09-23 (sva-1029)
SteveZ - 200921 NCSOP $200 - Fold vs Begs Kc,9cView Hand 2020-09-23 (sva-1028)
Ryan - Home game - all fold View Hand 2020-09-23 (rpp-1001)
JJ - home game - flopping the world, facing big turn bet Ad,8dView Hand 2020-09-23 (jcj-1252)
JJ - home game - turn and river play As,KhView Hand 2020-09-23 (jcj-1251)
JJ - home game - turn and river play 8d,7dView Hand 2020-09-23 (jcj-1250)
JJ - home game - check to induce vs value betting river? Kh,KsView Hand 2020-09-23 (jcj-1249)
Sandy Leggett - Flooby Badoop $.25/$.50 Home Game - Awkward Multiway Pot w/ Good Draw against Maniac 7h,6hView Hand 2020-09-22 (leg-1013)
Sandy Leggett - Flooby Badoop $.25/$.50 Home Game - Awkward Hand w/ Middle Pair Qs,TsView Hand 2020-09-22 (leg-1012)
Sandy Leggett - Flooby Badoop $.25/$.50 Home Game - Trip Jacks Flop leads to All-In Hero Call Ad,KhView Hand 2020-09-22 (leg-1010)
William L - $1/$3 stream - Facing river lead Qs,JsView Hand 2020-09-21 (wil-1127)
William L - $1/$3 stream - Bad turn for overpair vs maniac 9d,9hView Hand 2020-09-21 (wil-1126)
JJ - home game - facing allin shove in 3 bet pot on paired this ever a bluff? 9s,9cView Hand 2020-09-21 (jcj-1248)
William L - $1/$3 - Turn pair into bluff? Ac,4cView Hand 2020-09-20 (wil-1125)
William L - $1/$3 - Middle set gets check-raised Qs,QcView Hand 2020-09-20 (wil-1124)
Rick Grant - Online Game - Online Hero Call Jh,JsView Hand 2020-09-20 (ths-1001)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $1.65 HG on ACR - Hero goes for the squeeze from the SB Ad,JcView Hand 2020-09-20 (mcl-1195)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $200NL at Paul's - Hero flops overpair multiway on semi-wet board and faces heat Kh,KdView Hand 2020-09-20 (mcl-1194)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $200NL at Mark's - Hero has range adv and backdoors multiway on flop Ac,QhView Hand 2020-09-20 (mcl-1193)
- $22 ACR - Flopped set bad runout 6s,6cView Hand 2020-09-20 (JP-1115)
- $22 ACR - Overpair facing lead Qs,QcView Hand 2020-09-20 (JP-1114)
John Borges - John B Merge 9.20 #1 - LJ flopping big draw vs UTG opener Td,9dView Hand 2020-09-20 (fly-1086)
Bill Vicars - Bill GP 10NLH - call flop with over cards Ac,QcView Hand 2020-09-20 (BV-1143)
Benno - Gambit PokerStars 0.5/1 - Calling a 4 bet Ah,JhView Hand 2020-09-19 (GB-1059)
Benno - Gambit PokerStars 0.5/1 - Good outcome with a boat Ac,3cView Hand 2020-09-19 (GB-1058)
Benno - Gambit PokerStars 0.5/1 - Give him rope to bluff Qh,9dView Hand 2020-09-19 (GB-1057)
JJ - home game - flopping the world multiway...what to do? Ad,4dView Hand 2020-09-18 (jcj-1247)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Value Ah,KhView Hand 2020-09-18 (bag-1170)
SteveZ - 2996760719 NCSOP $200 - Poorly played 66 6c,6sView Hand 2020-09-15 (sva-1027)
JJ - 5/5 home game - flopping set, facing small turn bet on draw heavy board 6h,6cView Hand 2020-09-15 (jcj-1246)
JJ - 5/5 home game - what to do against small flop bet multiway? Qs,QcView Hand 2020-09-15 (jcj-1245)
JJ - 5/5 home game - do i value bet river or check against 2 players? Kd,QdView Hand 2020-09-15 (jcj-1244)
JJ - 5/5 home game - facing river CXR after no action postflop Kh,KcView Hand 2020-09-15 (jcj-1243)
JJ - local card house - final table - final table, 5 players paid , 7 left i call off here? 5h,4hView Hand 2020-09-15 (jcj-1242)
JJ - pokerbros FT - blind vs blind - flopping middle pair facing lead on ICM bubble? 9d,3hView Hand 2020-09-15 (jcj-1241)
JJ - FT pokerbros - final table - ICM vs shove spot? Ah,ThView Hand 2020-09-15 (jcj-1240)
JJ - pokerbros FT - what to do with Kc6c in sb against multiplayers on FT? Kc,6cView Hand 2020-09-15 (jcj-1239)
Bill Vicars - Bill GP 10NL - 88 facing 3-bet 8c,8hView Hand 2020-09-15 (BV-1142)
JJ - pokerbros freezeout - what to do on river? Kh,JcView Hand 2020-09-14 (jcj-1238)
Bill Vicars - Bill GP NLH 10 - call river with top pair Kh,QhView Hand 2020-09-13 (BV-1141)
SU XU - robbie Aria 5/10 - Hero BB squeeze Ad,KcView Hand 2020-09-12 (rob-1040)
SU XU - robbie Aria 5/10 - Hero BB squeeze vs LP open Jh,JcView Hand 2020-09-12 (rob-1039)
John Borges - John B ACR 9.11 #2 - Overplayed a set 4d,4sView Hand 2020-09-11 (fly-1085)
John Borges - John B ACR 9.1 #1 - PKO 6-handed tournament Kc,QdView Hand 2020-09-11 (fly-1084)
SU XU - robbie Bellagio 5/10 - Hero BB vs SB SRP 9h,4hView Hand 2020-09-10 (rob-1038)
SU XU - robbie Bellagio 5/10 - Hero HJ 3b vs UTG As,AcView Hand 2020-09-10 (rob-1037)
SU XU - robbie Bellagio 5/10 - Hero BB vs SB SRP 8h,4hView Hand 2020-09-10 (rob-1036)
SU XU - robbie Bellagio 5/10 - Hero BB vs UTG open MW Ah,JcView Hand 2020-09-10 (rob-1035)
SteveZ - 200907 NCSOP $100 - Bad slowplay with QQ Qh,QcView Hand 2020-09-09 (sva-1026)
William L - $400 tournament - 8 from money, go with 77? 7d,7hView Hand 2020-09-07 (wil-1123)
William L - $400 tournament - 3-bet cold-called As,JcView Hand 2020-09-07 (wil-1122)
- $16.50 ACR - Facing flop overbet vs short stack 7h,5sView Hand 2020-09-07 (JP-1113)
- $16.50 ACR - JJ facing tiny donk lead on flop Js,JdView Hand 2020-09-07 (JP-1112)
- $16.50 ACR - overpair multiway Tc,TdView Hand 2020-09-06 (JP-1111)
Bill Vicars - Bill GP NL 10 - Nut flush on river As,6sView Hand 2020-09-06 (BV-1140)
Bill Vicars - Bill GP NL10 - set under set 2d,2hView Hand 2020-09-06 (BV-1139)
Jacob - Flippintrips 2000 PKO - Full house cooler 3d,4dView Hand 2020-09-05 (fli-1002)
SteveZ - 200903 NCSOP $100 - Bad All-In 2d,2hView Hand 2020-09-04 (sva-1025)
SteveZ - 200903 NCSOP $100 - Hand 37:00 9h,KdView Hand 2020-09-04 (sva-1024)
- $22 ACR - marginal hand turned into bluff 6h,4hView Hand 2020-09-04 (JP-1110)
Benno - Gambit Pokerstars 0.50/1 - Flush vs a boat Ks,JcView Hand 2020-09-04 (GB-1056)
Benno - Gambit Pokerstars 0.50/1 - bad call on the river Qs,KsView Hand 2020-09-04 (GB-1055)
Benno - Gambit Pokerstars 0.5/1 - Calling 3 bet with AJs Ad,JdView Hand 2020-09-03 (GB-1054)
Benno - Gambit Pokerstars 0.5/1 - good call Kh,7hView Hand 2020-09-03 (GB-1053)
Benno - Gambit Pokerstars 0.50/1.00 - Checking down on a bad flop Qh,QcView Hand 2020-09-03 (GB-1052)
SteveZ - 200831 NCSOP $200 - Too loose against marcwarm Td,AsView Hand 2020-09-02 (sva-1022)
SteveZ - 200831 NCSOP $200 - 3bet dleect, he folds Ad,JhView Hand 2020-09-02 (sva-1020)
SteveZ - 200831 NCSOP $200 - Fold to briarjwo SB raise. 9d,9cView Hand 2020-09-02 (sva-1018)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - Indukálás Ks,JcView Hand 2020-09-02 (bag-1169)
Thijs - TJ MTT online - KQo Ks,QdView Hand 2020-09-01 (tja-1089)
Thijs - TJ 5k MTT - WSOP Ac,QcView Hand 2020-09-01 (tja-1088)
- $16.50 ACR - AA facing flop check raise Ah,AcView Hand 2020-09-01 (JP-1109)
Louis DeScalzo - pokerdad2878 Global Poker $22 $10K GTD - Fold or Call RIver Donk Jam Kh,KsView Hand 2020-08-31 (poe-1005)
Benno - Gambit 0.10/0.25 Pokerstars - Putting on wrong range Kh,KdView Hand 2020-08-31 (GB-1051)
William L - $300 tournament - Shut down on turn? Jc,ThView Hand 2020-08-30 (wil-1121)
William L - $1/$2 - Rough runout for AA Ac,AdView Hand 2020-08-30 (wil-1120)
William L - $1/$3 stream - KQ - 4bet? Ks,QdView Hand 2020-08-30 (wil-1119)
William L - $1/$3 stream - KQ in straddle Kc,QdView Hand 2020-08-30 (wil-1118)
William L - $1/$3 stream - Middle set, board gets wetter 9s,9cView Hand 2020-08-30 (wil-1117)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $1.65 HG on ACR - Hero is short and facing a raise with a marginal hand Ad,TsView Hand 2020-08-30 (mcl-1192)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $1.65 HG on ACR - Is Hero making sick calls or is he just a station? Qd,JdView Hand 2020-08-30 (mcl-1191)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Mike's High Hand special on 2020-08-30 - Multiway 3-bet pot with AA As,AhView Hand 2020-08-30 (mcl-1190)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $44 SnG on one of those shady apps - Want to look at this spot from the HJ's perspective and dig into the ICM more Ks,KhView Hand 2020-08-30 (mcl-1189)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris 5pm Aug 29 - AQo facing cold 3-bet As,QdView Hand 2020-08-30 (ker-1059)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris 5pm Aug 29 - KQs from BTN facing 20bb shove from BB Kh,QhView Hand 2020-08-30 (ker-1058)
JJ - pokerbros - am i supposed to shove over 3x utg raise? 8d,8cView Hand 2020-08-30 (jcj-1237)
JJ - pokerbros - limp pot with big combo draw on bad turn As,7sView Hand 2020-08-30 (jcj-1236)
JJ - 1/3 home - facing big river bet 8c,8dView Hand 2020-08-30 (jcj-1235)
JJ - home tourney - facing 3x raise from short you still defend? Ks,JdView Hand 2020-08-30 (jcj-1234)
JJ - home tourney - facing utg limp and 3x raise of short stack and utg calls...what do you do here? 8s,8cView Hand 2020-08-30 (jcj-1233)
Vivian lundgren - StarViv 1/3 - punt?? with jj Jd,JhView Hand 2020-08-29 (viv-1004)
Vivian lundgren - StarViv 1/3 - 2 pair vs flush Ac,TdView Hand 2020-08-29 (viv-1003)
Vivian lundgren - StarViv 1/3 nl - bluff catching/inducing Ah,QhView Hand 2020-08-29 (viv-1002)
Vivian lundgren - StarViv 1 3 live - get bet into multiway with aa As,AhView Hand 2020-08-29 (viv-1001)
Mike Langit - ItzLangit .2/.5 - Online Qc,AdView Hand 2020-08-29 (mla-1002)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - Blöffcatch 8d,8hView Hand 2020-08-29 (bag-1168)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - Fish ellen Ks,QsView Hand 2020-08-29 (bag-1167)
SteveZ - 200826 NCSOP $100 - Hand 8 Td,6cView Hand 2020-08-27 (sva-1017)
SteveZ - 200826 NCSOP $100 - Busted draw against bigdchipman 6s,4sView Hand 2020-08-27 (sva-1016)
SteveZ - 200826 NCSOP $100 - Hand 6 8h,ThView Hand 2020-08-27 (sva-1015)
SteveZ - 200826 NCSOP $100 - Limp-raise by crb 8h,8sView Hand 2020-08-27 (sva-1013)
SteveZ - 200826 NCSOP $100 - Should check the turn?? Qs,AhView Hand 2020-08-27 (sva-1012)
SteveZ - 200826 NCSOP $100 - Good river check by 87northmontreal? Tc,AsView Hand 2020-08-27 (sva-1011)
John Borges - John B Merge #2 8.27 - Thinking about his range 9s,7sView Hand 2020-08-27 (fly-1083)
John Borges - John B Merge 8.27 #1 - BB with turn pairing the board Kh,8cView Hand 2020-08-27 (fly-1082)
John Borges - John B ACR #1 8.26 - Facing tough river bet Td,ThView Hand 2020-08-27 (fly-1081)
Chris Jones - FiveByFive Rec Poker TOC Home Game - River spot: better to lead or check to induce? Ad,9cView Hand 2020-08-27 (cor-1001)
SteveZ - 200826 NCSOP $100 - Good fold or not? Kh,QhView Hand 2020-08-26 (sva-1010)
Louis DeScalzo - pokerdad2878 Sunday Nine $5K GTD Global Poker - Cbet Flop? Call/Fold/Jam vs Raise? Ah,9hView Hand 2020-08-25 (poe-1004)
Mike - Mez $360 Entry 100K Guar Day 1 MD Live - $360 Entry 100K Guar Day 1 MD Live 3c,3hView Hand 2020-08-25 (mjr-1049)
Mike - Mez $360 Entry 100K Guar Day 1 MD Live - $360 Entry 100K Guar Day 1 MD Live As,5sView Hand 2020-08-25 (mjr-1048)
Mike - Mez $360 Entry 100K Guar Day 1 MD Live - $360 Entry 100K Guar Day 1 MD Live 8s,8dView Hand 2020-08-25 (mjr-1047)
Mike - Mez $360 Entry 100K Guar Day 1 MD Live - $360 Entry 100K Guar Day 1 MD Live Ah,JsView Hand 2020-08-25 (mjr-1046)
Mike - Mez $360 Entry 100K Guar Day 1 MD Live - $360 Entry 100K Guar Day 1 MD Live As,KhView Hand 2020-08-25 (mjr-1045)
Mike - Mez $360 Entry 100K Guar Day 1 MD Live - $360 Entry 100K Guar Day 1 MD Live Ts,ThView Hand 2020-08-25 (mjr-1044)
Mike - Mez $360 Entry 100K Guar Day 1 MD Live - $360 Entry 100K Guar Day 1 MD Live 5d,5cView Hand 2020-08-25 (mjr-1043)
Mike - Mez $360 Entry 100K Guar Day 1 MD Live - $360 Entry 100K Guar Day 1 MD Live 7h,6hView Hand 2020-08-25 (mjr-1042)
Jacob - Flippintrips 3 Way running top 2 into a set - Flopped top pair turned top 2 and ran into a flopped set Ah,JhView Hand 2020-08-24 (fli-1001)
Selma - Selma MTT online - Call question Ad,JdView Hand 2020-08-23 (sla-1034)
Selma - Selma Online MTT - Kk when ace flops Ks,KhView Hand 2020-08-23 (sla-1033)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Aug 22 2020 Add-on - AJo on CO (5 handed, pays 3) Ah,JcView Hand 2020-08-23 (ker-1057)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Aug 22 2020 Add-on - 87s on SB 8h,7hView Hand 2020-08-23 (ker-1056)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Aug 22 2020 Add-on - AKo from CO Ac,KhView Hand 2020-08-23 (ker-1055)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - Value Qh,QsView Hand 2020-08-23 (bag-1166)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - Blöffcatch Jh,TsView Hand 2020-08-23 (bag-1165)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - 3bet blöff Ah,4hView Hand 2020-08-23 (bag-1164)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - Value 9d,6dView Hand 2020-08-23 (bag-1163)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - Blöfföltetés As,JdView Hand 2020-08-23 (bag-1162)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - Value As,KdView Hand 2020-08-23 (bag-1161)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - Bluffcatch 7h,7cView Hand 2020-08-23 (bag-1160)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - Overfold Th,TdView Hand 2020-08-23 (bag-1159)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - River Lead 5h,6hView Hand 2020-08-23 (bag-1158)
Thijs - TJ 250 Satellite - Bluff 9h,6hView Hand 2020-08-22 (tja-1087)
SU XU - robbie Bellagio 5/10 - UTG 4b vs BB squeeze Ah,QsView Hand 2020-08-22 (rob-1034)
SU XU - robbie Bellagio 5/10 - BB vs BT Ks,JhView Hand 2020-08-22 (rob-1033)
SU XU - robbie Bellagio 5/10 - BT vs BB 3b 4s,4dView Hand 2020-08-22 (rob-1032)
SU XU - robbie Bellagio 5/10 - BB 3b vs BT defend Qs,QcView Hand 2020-08-22 (rob-1031)
John Borges - John B Merge #1 8.22 - Double barrel or check? Kd,TdView Hand 2020-08-22 (fly-1080)
SU XU - robbie Bellegio 5/10 - BB vs BT Qs,9sView Hand 2020-08-21 (rob-1030)
SU XU - robbie Bellagio 5/10 - SB vs BB defend Ah,QcView Hand 2020-08-21 (rob-1029)
SU XU - robbie Bellgio 5/10 - BT 4b vs BB defend Qs,QcView Hand 2020-08-21 (rob-1028)
SteveZ - 200816 NCSOP $100 - Got stack-pot ratio wrong Ad,6cView Hand 2020-08-20 (sva-1009)
SteveZ - 200816 NCSOP $100 - Fold to a 3-bet Jd,QhView Hand 2020-08-19 (sva-1008)
SteveZ - 200816 NCSOP $100 - AKQXJ overbet Ah,AdView Hand 2020-08-19 (sva-1006)
SU XU - robbie Bellgio 5/10 - HJ open vs BT defend Kc,TdView Hand 2020-08-19 (rob-1027)
SU XU - robbie Bellgio 5/10 - CO 4b vs BT defend 5h,6hView Hand 2020-08-19 (rob-1026)
SU XU - robbie Bellgio 5/10 - MW Kd,JhView Hand 2020-08-19 (rob-1025)
SU XU - robbie Bellgio 5/10 - BT 3b vs HJ defend Ac,AdView Hand 2020-08-18 (rob-1024)
SU XU - robbie Bellgio 5/10 - SB vs BB defend Ac,JsView Hand 2020-08-18 (rob-1023)
SU XU - robbie Aria 5/10 - BT vs BB defend 7d,7cView Hand 2020-08-18 (rob-1022)
SU XU - robbie Bellegio 5/10 - BT vs BB 3b Kc,QcView Hand 2020-08-18 (rob-1021)
SU XU - robbie Bellgio 5/10 - HJ vs BB defend Kc,KdView Hand 2020-08-18 (rob-1020)
SU XU - robbie Bellgio 5/10 - BT vs Straddle Ac,KsView Hand 2020-08-18 (rob-1019)
SU XU - robbie Bellgio 5/10 - Co vs BB defend Ks,TdView Hand 2020-08-18 (rob-1018)
SU XU - robbie bellgio 5/10 - Co vs BB squeeze Ts,ThView Hand 2020-08-18 (rob-1017)
SU XU - robbie Bellgio 5/10 - BT 3b vs CO defend Ks,KdView Hand 2020-08-18 (rob-1016)
SU XU - robbie Bellagio 5/10 - CO open vs Straddle 3b 9s,9hView Hand 2020-08-18 (rob-1015)
Mike - Mez WPT $3.5K 200K Guar MD Live 5/23/19 - WPT $3.5K 200K Guar MD Live 5/23/19 3s,3cView Hand 2020-08-18 (mjr-1041)
Mike - Mez Day 2 $360, $20K guar MD Live 5-19-19 - Day 2 $360, $20K guar 5-19-19 Js,JdView Hand 2020-08-18 (mjr-1040)
Mike - Mez 8 Max 5/26 - MD Live - 8 Max 5/26 - MD Live Ah,3hView Hand 2020-08-18 (mjr-1039)
Mike - Mez Pokerstars 8-15 early - Pokerstars 8-15 Ts,8hView Hand 2020-08-18 (mjr-1038)
- Cash - Cash Qs,QdView Hand 2020-08-18 (hun-1013)
- Cash - Cash Ah,8hView Hand 2020-08-18 (hun-1012)
- Cash - Cash Kc,KsView Hand 2020-08-18 (hun-1011)
- Cash 3 - Cash 6c,6dView Hand 2020-08-18 (hun-1010)
SteveZ - 200816 NCSOP $100 - Overbet the river? As,QsView Hand 2020-08-17 (sva-1005)
SteveZ - 200816 NCSOP $100 - Silver vs JeffEich 4h,2hView Hand 2020-08-17 (sva-1004)
SteveZ - 200812 NCSOP $100 - Another Bad All In, in 2nd place Td,AsView Hand 2020-08-17 (sva-1003)
SteveZ - 200812 NCSOP $100 - Too aggro betting 7h,7dView Hand 2020-08-17 (sva-1002)
SU XU - robbie Bellagio 5/10 - Hero SB open vs BB defend Qd,9dView Hand 2020-08-17 (rob-1014)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - Value Town As,8sView Hand 2020-08-17 (bag-1157)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - Value Th,TsView Hand 2020-08-17 (bag-1156)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Fold Spot Ac,TcView Hand 2020-08-17 (bag-1155)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Fold Spot 8h,8dView Hand 2020-08-17 (bag-1154)
Selma - Selma MTT online - AK suited in BB Ad,KdView Hand 2020-08-16 (sla-1032)
- thefisheagle 50NL zoom ACR - missed rvr value 9s,JdView Hand 2020-08-15 (TF-1151)
Mike Langit - ItzLangit 1/2 Bellagio - AQ v KK As,QhView Hand 2020-08-15 (mla-1001)
John Borges - John B ACR 8.15 #1 - Odds to call raise? Qh,JhView Hand 2020-08-15 (fly-1079)
SteveZ - 200808 NCSOP $100 - Bad All In Th,QdView Hand 2020-08-14 (sva-1001)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx ACR OSS#23 - 08.12 | Hand 1 View Hand 2020-08-12 (jnj-1057)
Thijs - TJ $27 MTT online - AQs vs a LAG on B As,QsView Hand 2020-08-11 (tja-1086)
William L - $150 tournament - Top pair OOP As,JcView Hand 2020-08-10 (wil-1116)
William L - $1/$3 - AQ in quadruple straddled pot Ad,QhView Hand 2020-08-10 (wil-1115)
William L - $1/$3 - AK 4-ways Ad,KsView Hand 2020-08-10 (wil-1114)
William L - $1/3 stream - Terrible flop for KK Kc,KdView Hand 2020-08-10 (wil-1113)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5k guarantee on BetOnline - Good turn card results in a glorious punt Kc,QsView Hand 2020-08-10 (mcl-1188)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $15k guarantee on BetOnline - Hero c/r bluffs from BB on good texture Ks,ThView Hand 2020-08-10 (mcl-1187)
- $50 NL - K high flush facing overbet Kd,JdView Hand 2020-08-10 (JP-1108)
- $215 online - overpair facing aggression Qh,QdView Hand 2020-08-10 (JP-1107)
- $215 online - Marginal hand on checked flop Qd,9sView Hand 2020-08-10 (JP-1106)
- $215 online - Facing river overbet Jd,JsView Hand 2020-08-10 (JP-1105)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx ACR Tourny - 08.10 | Hand 5 9c,9dView Hand 2020-08-10 (jnj-1056)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx Choctaw $2/5 - 08.10 | Hand 4 Ah,ThView Hand 2020-08-10 (jnj-1055)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx ACR Tourny - 08.10 | Hand 3 Ad,TcView Hand 2020-08-10 (jnj-1054)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx Choctaw $2/5 - 08.10 | Hand 2 Ah,JcView Hand 2020-08-10 (jnj-1053)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx Choctaw $2/5 - 08.10 | Hand 1 Js,8sView Hand 2020-08-10 (jnj-1052)
William L - $150 freezeout - Trips in limped pot 4h,3cView Hand 2020-08-09 (wil-1112)
- thefisheagle 50 NL zoom - bad rvr fold? Js,KhView Hand 2020-08-09 (TF-1150)
- thefisheagle 50 NL zoom - missed value rvr Qd,9dView Hand 2020-08-09 (TF-1149)
- thefisheagle 50 NL zoom - bluff raise rvr Ac,6sView Hand 2020-08-09 (TF-1148)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $15k guarantee on BetOnline - Hero flops a BFD and sets up for the triple barrel Ah,8hView Hand 2020-08-09 (mcl-1186)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $40k guarantee on ACR - Hero flops NFD IP in 3-bet pot Ac,4cView Hand 2020-08-09 (mcl-1185)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin ACR $6k guarantee - Hero flops an over pair off of 23 BB Qs,QdView Hand 2020-08-09 (mcl-1184)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Aug 8 2020 - QJs from HJ Qc,JcView Hand 2020-08-09 (ker-1054)
Benno - Gambit Cash Poker Stars 0.25/0.50 - winning with a straight Jc,TsView Hand 2020-08-09 (GB-1050)
Ewald Stieger - StarLight 2.5k freeze 12th - JJ vs AA oop Js,JhView Hand 2020-08-09 (est-1003)
Ewald Stieger - StarLight 2.5k freeze - TT vs KK set on turn on monotone flop Th,TsView Hand 2020-08-09 (est-1002)
- $25 online final table - facing large flop bet w shallow stacks Qd,JdView Hand 2020-08-07 (JP-1104)
JJ - home - thoughts on smooth call on flop to induce action and/or turn bet? 3s,3cView Hand 2020-08-07 (jcj-1232)
JJ - home - thoughts after he calls out my hand before he raises? Qc,QhView Hand 2020-08-07 (jcj-1231)
JJ - home - thoughts on Ad blocker bluff on river? Ad,QhView Hand 2020-08-07 (jcj-1230)
JJ - home - am i supposed to call small turn bet with flush available? 5h,5sView Hand 2020-08-07 (jcj-1229)
JJ - home - am i supposed to call off with my draw even though just 1 card left? 6s,5sView Hand 2020-08-07 (jcj-1228)
JJ - home - facing turn bet with Ks Ah,KsView Hand 2020-08-07 (jcj-1227)
John Borges - John B ACR 8.6 #3 - Two pair in BB multiway Jc,TdView Hand 2020-08-07 (fly-1078)
John Borges - John B ACR 8.6 #2 - AA and tough river As,AhView Hand 2020-08-07 (fly-1077)
John Borges - John B ACR 8.6 #1 - AA from EP Ah,AcView Hand 2020-08-06 (fly-1076)
Sandy Leggett - Flooby Badoop 7-Handed Live 1/3 at MGMNH - Flopping a Set and Faced with a tough turn 3c,3sView Hand 2020-08-05 (leg-1009)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Aug 4 2020 - A5o BTN facing CO limp As,5dView Hand 2020-08-05 (ker-1053)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Aug 4 2020 - Q2s in BB facing limper. Qc,2cView Hand 2020-08-05 (ker-1052)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Aug 4 2020 - 88 in CO facing HJ limp 8h,8dView Hand 2020-08-05 (ker-1051)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Aug 4 2020 - 55 on BTN facing LAG limp from CO 5h,5dView Hand 2020-08-05 (ker-1050)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Aug 4 2020 - 62o in BB; facing C-bet OoP 6c,2hView Hand 2020-08-05 (ker-1049)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Aug 4 2020 - AQo from +1 facing UTG min raise Ah,QdView Hand 2020-08-05 (ker-1048)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Aug 4 2020 - AJo in BB; facing C-bet OoP Ah,JdView Hand 2020-08-05 (ker-1047)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Aug 4 2020 - AKo on BB Ac,KhView Hand 2020-08-05 (ker-1046)
- thefisheagle ACR 50NL blitz - bad rvr call? IC Ks,7dView Hand 2020-08-04 (TF-1147)
John Borges - John B ACR 8.3 #4 - double barrel or give up? 9d,8dView Hand 2020-08-04 (fly-1075)
John Borges - John B ACR 8.3 #3 - KQ on BTN. Kc,QhView Hand 2020-08-04 (fly-1074)
John Borges - John B ACR 8.3 #2 - 3bet more in position Qh,JhView Hand 2020-08-04 (fly-1073)
John Borges - John B ACR 8.3 #1 - Set of 6s 6h,6sView Hand 2020-08-04 (fly-1072)
Sandy Leggett - Flooby Badoop 7-Handed Live 1/3 at MGMNH - Moronic Mistake Ah,KsView Hand 2020-08-03 (leg-1008)
Sandy Leggett - Flooby Badoop 7-Handed Live 1/3 at MGMNH - Watching a Plane Crash in Action View Hand 2020-08-03 (leg-1007)
Sandy Leggett - Flooby Badoop 7-Handed Live 1/3 at MGMNH - Failed AJo Squeeze from BB against bad LAG As,JcView Hand 2020-08-03 (leg-1006)
Sandy Leggett - Flooby Badoop 7-Handed Live 1/3 at MGMNH - Misplayed Spot in the BB Ks,TsView Hand 2020-08-03 (leg-1005)
Sandy Leggett - Flooby Badoop 7-Handed Live 1/3 at MGMNH - Accidentally Turning the Nuts Qd,8sView Hand 2020-08-03 (leg-1004)
Sandy Leggett - Flooby Badoop 7-Handed Live 1/3 at MGMNH - Aces Mutliway then Against BT Ac,AdView Hand 2020-08-03 (leg-1003)
Sandy Leggett - Flooby Badoop 7-Handed Live 1/3 at MGMNH - SB vs. BB Bluff 6d,9dView Hand 2020-08-03 (leg-1002)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - Value As,KdView Hand 2020-08-03 (bag-1153)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - River Value Ac,KdView Hand 2020-08-03 (bag-1152)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - BLoffcatch Ac,KdView Hand 2020-08-03 (bag-1151)
Tamminator - Poker Powher - Counterfeiting 3 Jd,TdView Hand 2020-08-02 (tam-1006)
Tamminator - Poker Powher - Counterfeiting 2 Ac,5cView Hand 2020-08-02 (tam-1005)
Tamminator - Poker Powher - Counterfeiting View Hand 2020-08-02 (tam-1004)
Tamminator - Poker Powher - Counterfeiting View Hand 2020-08-02 (tam-1003)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Aug 01 2020 - KQ in BB vs. Maniac Ks,QcView Hand 2020-08-02 (ker-1045)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Aug 01 2020 - A4o in BB vs. Maniac in SB As,4hView Hand 2020-08-02 (ker-1044)
John Borges - John B Merge 8.2 #2 - Playing my range Jc,8hView Hand 2020-08-02 (fly-1071)
John Borges - John B Merge 8.2 #1 - Set of 7s 7s,7cView Hand 2020-08-02 (fly-1070)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Jul 31 2020 - KTo in SB as chip leader Ks,TcView Hand 2020-08-01 (ker-1043)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Jul 31 2020 - K9o on BTN Kc,9hView Hand 2020-08-01 (ker-1042)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Jul 31 2020 - 5-handed AA in CO As,AdView Hand 2020-08-01 (ker-1041)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Jul 31 2020 - QJs in BB Qc,JcView Hand 2020-08-01 (ker-1040)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Jul 31 2020 - T9o in SB Tc,9hView Hand 2020-08-01 (ker-1039)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Jul 31 2020 - T8s on LJ Tc,8cView Hand 2020-08-01 (ker-1038)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Jul 31 2020 - KK on SB Kh,KdView Hand 2020-08-01 (ker-1037)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Jul 31 2020 - AJo +2 Ah,JcView Hand 2020-08-01 (ker-1036)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Jul 31 2020 - KJo in HJ Kc,JsView Hand 2020-08-01 (ker-1035)
Ewald Stieger - StarLight 400 Freeze - AK vs KK Ah,KcView Hand 2020-08-01 (est-1001)
Don Bisco - Blitz DJ Friday - QJ SB Jc,QcView Hand 2020-08-01 (don-1007)
Don Bisco - Blitz DJ Friday - JJ UTG Js,JdView Hand 2020-08-01 (don-1006)
John Borges - John B Syndicate #1 - BB v Bob in limped pot 5s,3cView Hand 2020-07-31 (fly-1069)
Mike - Mez 50 entry Pstars 7-24 - 50 Pstars 7-24 As,JhView Hand 2020-07-29 (mjr-1037)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Tues Jul 28 - A2s HU As,2sView Hand 2020-07-29 (ker-1034)
John Borges - John B ACR 7.29 #1 - Delayed c-bet. Missed value on river? Kh,JdView Hand 2020-07-29 (fly-1068)
John Borges - John B ACR #1 7.28 - Poker is stupid Ah,QsView Hand 2020-07-29 (fly-1067)
Mike - Mez 120 20K G, 6-9-19 MD Live - 120 20K G, 6-5-19 MD Live Ks,9cView Hand 2020-07-28 (mjr-1036)
Mike - Mez 120 20K G, 6-9-19 MD Live - 120 20K G, 6-5-19 MD Live 9s,KsView Hand 2020-07-28 (mjr-1035)
Mike - Mez 120 20K G, 6-9-19 MD Live - 120 20K G, 6-9-19 MD Live As,JhView Hand 2020-07-28 (mjr-1034)
Mike - Mez 120 20K G, 6-9-19 MD Live - 120 20K G, 6-9-19 MD Live Ah,2hView Hand 2020-07-28 (mjr-1033)
Sandy Leggett - Flooby Badoop Online 9-Max Regular SitnGo - UTG vs. BB on a scary flop Ah,KcView Hand 2020-07-28 (leg-1001)
Don Bisco - Blitz 7/27 Evening Tourney - River Call 8d,4dView Hand 2020-07-27 (don-1005)
Umang - cash - River riase Td,8hView Hand 2020-07-26 (uma-1001)
- thefisheagle 50NL zoom ACR - bad rvr bet? IC Ac,AhView Hand 2020-07-26 (TF-1146)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Sat Add-On Jul 25 - A3s on HJ facing 2x from LJ As,3sView Hand 2020-07-26 (ker-1033)
James Romero - James Romero $10K UK Millions Main (8) - 3 Handed ICM Triple Ks,JhView Hand 2020-07-25 (ski-1023)
James Romero - James Romero $10K UK Millions Main (7) - Top Pair Facing A Triple 9s,ThView Hand 2020-07-25 (ski-1022)
James Romero - James Romero $10K UK Millions Main (6) - A7s 3Bet Vs A Rec As,7sView Hand 2020-07-25 (ski-1021)
James Romero - James Romero $10K Millions UK Main (5) - Two Pair Facing a Triple Qd,JdView Hand 2020-07-25 (ski-1020)
James Romero - James Romero $10K Millions UK Main (4) - JTs From UTG Jd,TdView Hand 2020-07-25 (ski-1019)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Fri game Jul 24 - 88 in BB 8s,8cView Hand 2020-07-25 (ker-1032)
James Romero - James Romero $10k Millions UK Main (3) - AA in a 3Bet Pot As,AhView Hand 2020-07-24 (ski-1018)
James Romero - James Romero $10k Millions UK Main (2) - TT Facing A Triple Ts,ThView Hand 2020-07-24 (ski-1017)
James Romero - James Romero $10k Millions UK Main (1) - 3B With AK Ah,KsView Hand 2020-07-24 (ski-1016)
John Borges - John B ACR 7.23 #5 - Overplayed 77s 7d,7hView Hand 2020-07-24 (fly-1066)
John Borges - John B ACR 7.23 #4 - cbet sizing? Perhaps double barrel? pot sized? Ah,JhView Hand 2020-07-24 (fly-1065)
John Borges - John B ACR 7.23 #3 - sizing and double/triple barrel? Ac,KdView Hand 2020-07-24 (fly-1064)
John Borges - John B ACR 7.23 #2 - C/R from BB Ad,JcView Hand 2020-07-24 (fly-1063)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - AK vs AQ Ad,KhView Hand 2020-07-24 (bag-1150)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Szett slowplay 6h,6cView Hand 2020-07-24 (bag-1149)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - TPTK value Ad,KdView Hand 2020-07-24 (bag-1148)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Barell As,KcView Hand 2020-07-24 (bag-1147)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - Reg value Kh,KsView Hand 2020-07-24 (bag-1146)
John Borges - John B ACR 7.23 #1 - Betting the flop likely gets me a free river 4h,4sView Hand 2020-07-23 (fly-1062)
Don Bisco - Blitz Wed SYD DS - Wed SYD DS As,3sView Hand 2020-07-23 (don-1004)
Don Bisco - Blitz Wed SYD DS - Wed SYD DS Ks,JdView Hand 2020-07-23 (don-1003)
Don Bisco - Blitz Wed SYN DS - 77 to the river 7s,7cView Hand 2020-07-23 (don-1002)
John Borges - John B Merge 7.21 #1 - squeezing from BB Jc,JsView Hand 2020-07-22 (fly-1061)
Di Wu - homegame - SB 3B LAG Qd,QsView Hand 2020-07-21 (wud-1001)
Louis DeScalzo - pokerdad2878 Ignition $55 $40K GTD - Fold vs Big Open? 7c,7dView Hand 2020-07-21 (poe-1003)
Mike - Mez 450 200K G, MD Live, LAST hand of Day 1 - 450 200K G, MD Live, LAST hand of Day 1 9s,9hView Hand 2020-07-21 (mjr-1032)
Mike - Mez 120 20K G, 6-19-19 MD Live - 120 20K G, 6-19-19 MD Live Ad,9dView Hand 2020-07-21 (mjr-1031)
Mike - Mez 120 20K G, 6-19-19 MD Live - 120 20K G, 6-19-19 MD Live 8s,8dView Hand 2020-07-21 (mjr-1030)
Mike - Mez 120 20K G, early 6-19-19 MD Live - 120 20K G, early 6-19-19 MD Live Js,ThView Hand 2020-07-21 (mjr-1029)
Mike - Mez 120 20K G, early 6-19-19 MD Live - 120 20K G, early 6-19-19 MD Live Js,TdView Hand 2020-07-21 (mjr-1028)
Mike - Mez 120 20K G, early 6-19-19 MD Live - 120 20K G, early 6-19-19 MD Live As,QdView Hand 2020-07-21 (mjr-1027)
Mike - Mez 120 20K G, 6-23-19 MD Live - 120 20K G, 6-23-19 MD Live 9c,8cView Hand 2020-07-21 (mjr-1026)
Mike - Mez 120 20K G, 6-23-19 MD Live - 120 20K G, 6-23-19 MD Live 9h,8hView Hand 2020-07-21 (mjr-1025)
- Live 9 - Cash Ah,JhView Hand 2020-07-21 (hun-1009)
- Live 8 - Cash As,AdView Hand 2020-07-21 (hun-1008)
- Live 7 - Cash Ac,KsView Hand 2020-07-21 (hun-1007)
- Live 6 - Cash 9c,9hView Hand 2020-07-21 (hun-1006)
- Live 5 - Cash As,JsView Hand 2020-07-21 (hun-1005)
- Cash - Cash 4 Ks,KdView Hand 2020-07-21 (hun-1004)
- thefisheagle 50 nl zoom - cold call 3bet IC Ts,ThView Hand 2020-07-20 (TF-1145)
- thefisheagle 50 nl zoom - rvr fold IC As,AcView Hand 2020-07-20 (TF-1144)
- thefisheagle 50 nl zoom - turn overbet IC Ad,KdView Hand 2020-07-20 (TF-1143)
- thefisheagle 27 pl sng $25 - shove preflop IC 9d,9cView Hand 2020-07-20 (TF-1142)
- thefisheagle $11 turbo re-entry - icm shove preflop IC 7s,7cView Hand 2020-07-20 (TF-1141)
Mike - Mez $220 Entry MD Live 7-17 - $220 Entry MD Live 7-17 Ad,KcView Hand 2020-07-20 (mjr-1024)
Michael Conway - Mike APT Online Site - Double Stack Turbo Ks,JsView Hand 2020-07-20 (mfc-1004)
Michael Conway - Mike APT Online Site - Double Stack Turbo Ts,TcView Hand 2020-07-20 (mfc-1003)
John Borges - John B Merge 7.19 #1 - Turning a set Js,JcView Hand 2020-07-20 (fly-1060)
John Borges - John B ACR 7.20 #2 - facing river raise Kd,8sView Hand 2020-07-20 (fly-1059)
John Borges - John B ACR 7.20 #1 - blind v blind Qh,3hView Hand 2020-07-20 (fly-1058)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - Too tight/Exploit? Jd,JcView Hand 2020-07-20 (afs-1131)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online Final Table small field $100 - Limped pot Multiway Ah,ThView Hand 2020-07-20 (afs-1130)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Final 3 tables Online MTT - SB vs BTN 3bet pot Ac,AhView Hand 2020-07-20 (afs-1129)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - LJ vs BTN Multiway Ac,QhView Hand 2020-07-20 (afs-1128)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - EP vs BTN Multiway Ks,QdView Hand 2020-07-20 (afs-1127)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - BTN vs BB Multiway As,QcView Hand 2020-07-20 (afs-1126)
William L - $1/$3 stream - Flopped straight 4 ways Qc,TcView Hand 2020-07-19 (wil-1111)
William L - $1/$3 stream - Flopped flush vs 3b Ac,TcView Hand 2020-07-19 (wil-1110)
William L - $1/$3 stream - Bomb pot - vulnerable 2 pair OOP 6d,2hView Hand 2020-07-19 (wil-1109)
William L - $1/$3 stream - 4-bet tilted player? Ac,JsView Hand 2020-07-19 (wil-1108)
William L - $1/$3 stream - Top set 4 ways Th,TcView Hand 2020-07-19 (wil-1107)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Killingbird's $1.65 HG on ACR - Did hero miss an obvious squeeze spot here? Ah,QhView Hand 2020-07-19 (mcl-1183)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris July 18 2020 - ATs on SB Ac,TcView Hand 2020-07-19 (ker-1031)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Jul 18 2020 - KK on BTN Ks,KhView Hand 2020-07-19 (ker-1030)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris July 17 2020 - KK on BTN Ks,KcView Hand 2020-07-19 (ker-1029)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris July 17 2020 - Q8o from SB Qs,8hView Hand 2020-07-19 (ker-1028)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Jul 17 2020 - K2o from SB Kc,2dView Hand 2020-07-19 (ker-1027)
- .50/1 NL - Top pair oop Kd,JsView Hand 2020-07-19 (JP-1103)
- .25/.50 NL - JJ multiway facing check raise Jd,JsView Hand 2020-07-19 (JP-1102)
- .25/.50 NL - KK multiway facing lead Ks,KcView Hand 2020-07-19 (JP-1101)
- .25/.50NL - JJ facing aggression Jc,JhView Hand 2020-07-19 (JP-1100)
- .25/.50 online - KK flopped set Kh,KdView Hand 2020-07-19 (JP-1099)
Benno - Gambit PokerStars 0.50/1 - running into a boat 8h,5hView Hand 2020-07-19 (GB-1049)
Don Bisco - Blitz Syndicate Saturday Main - Folding on the Turn Ad,AsView Hand 2020-07-19 (don-1001)
Prajit - Prajit MTT - BUBBLE - EXAMPLE 9s,9hView Hand 2020-07-17 (pra-1004)
Prajit - Prajit MTT - MIDDLE STAGE - lOW-MID STACK EXAMPLE Ks,5dView Hand 2020-07-17 (pra-1003)
Prajit - Prajit MTT - EARLY STAGE - SET MINING EXAMPLE 7d,7hView Hand 2020-07-17 (pra-1002)
Prajit - Prajit MTT - EARLY STAGE - EXAMPLE Js,8sView Hand 2020-07-17 (pra-1001)
JJ - home game - multiple straddles, what do with AQo? Ac,QsView Hand 2020-07-17 (jcj-1226)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - kkvsaa Ks,KhView Hand 2020-07-16 (bag-1145)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Tue Jul 14 - QTs on BTN Qs,TsView Hand 2020-07-15 (ker-1026)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Tues Jul 14 - 22 in BB 2s,2hView Hand 2020-07-15 (ker-1025)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Tues game Jul 14 2020 - LJ with Q9s Qh,9hView Hand 2020-07-15 (ker-1024)
JJ - ACR tourney - blind vs blind play 9h,9dView Hand 2020-07-15 (jcj-1225)
JJ - ACR MTT - is this auto call given stack sizes? Ah,JhView Hand 2020-07-15 (jcj-1224)
JJ - ACR MTT - how to deal with donk leads on paired boards with ace high?? Ad,QhView Hand 2020-07-15 (jcj-1223)
JJ - ACR MTT - is this too much to shove over a raise? 8s,8hView Hand 2020-07-15 (jcj-1222)
JJ - ACR MTT - thoughts on river shove to look bluffy? 7s,3sView Hand 2020-07-15 (jcj-1221)
JJ - ACR - how to respond to flop raise when OOP? Ah,QdView Hand 2020-07-15 (jcj-1220)
JJ - home tourney - 4 players paid , 1st vs 2nd in chips, what to do? Ts,TcView Hand 2020-07-15 (jcj-1219)
Mike - Mez $120 $20K guar. recurring MD Live 6-23-19 - $120 $20K guar. Qh,QcView Hand 2020-07-14 (mjr-1023)
Mike - Mez $120 $20K guar. recurring MD Live 6-23-19 - $120 $20K guar. As,JsView Hand 2020-07-14 (mjr-1022)
Mike - Mez $120 20K Guar Entry Live Recurring - $120 20K Guar Entry Live Recurring Td,9dView Hand 2020-07-14 (mjr-1021)
John Borges - John B ACR 6-handed - AK 3b, then 5b all in Kc,AdView Hand 2020-07-14 (fly-1057)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Fish ellen Qc,JcView Hand 2020-07-14 (bag-1144)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Sat add-on - QQ on CO Qs,QhView Hand 2020-07-12 (ker-1023)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Sat add-on - flopped a set 5s,5dView Hand 2020-07-12 (ker-1022)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Saturday add-on - July 11 Ah,5hView Hand 2020-07-12 (ker-1021)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Saturday add-on - BB vs LJ open Qd,2dView Hand 2020-07-12 (ker-1020)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Maniac fish ellen Kh,KdView Hand 2020-07-12 (bag-1143)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Value-Fish Qh,QcView Hand 2020-07-11 (bag-1142)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - odds Ts,7sView Hand 2020-07-10 (bag-1141)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - Feszes Ah,JdView Hand 2020-07-10 (bag-1140)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - Maniac Js,QhView Hand 2020-07-10 (bag-1139)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - Maniac As,TsView Hand 2020-07-10 (bag-1138)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - Blöffcatch 5d,7dView Hand 2020-07-10 (bag-1137)
Selma - Selma MTT online - 88 with 16BB 8c,8sView Hand 2020-07-08 (sla-1031)
Selma - Selma mtt online - 77 pushed out 7s,7cView Hand 2020-07-08 (sla-1030)
Selma - Selma MTT online - 33 in SB 3s,3cView Hand 2020-07-08 (sla-1029)
Selma - Selma MTT online - Small pair in SB 5s,5cView Hand 2020-07-08 (sla-1028)
Selma - Selma AQ knockout - MTT online As,QdView Hand 2020-07-08 (sla-1027)
Selma - Selma online 30MTT - trouble with AK As,KdView Hand 2020-07-08 (sla-1026)
Louis DeScalzo - pokerdad2878 Ignition $10,777 GTD - Facing Donk Bet With Top Pair Ad,QdView Hand 2020-07-07 (poe-1002)
JJ - ACR $2.20 tourney, - 28 players left, ITM...thoughts on BB defense and turn shove? 5c,4dView Hand 2020-07-07 (jcj-1217)
Grzegorz - saywhy Galaxy - eliminated 3 from the money :( Ac,KcView Hand 2020-07-07 (glu-1001)
Justin A - DMMPL - Set vs Dori 8s,8dView Hand 2020-07-07 (adn-1005)
Thijs - TJ $16 MTT online - KJo herocall Jc,KdView Hand 2020-07-06 (tja-1085)
Thijs - TJ $44 MTT - QQ Qh,QdView Hand 2020-07-06 (tja-1084)
Thijs - TJ $44 MTT online - AKo bluff Ad,KsView Hand 2020-07-06 (tja-1083)
- thefisheagle 50 NL zoom - multiway turn fold IC Th,9hView Hand 2020-07-06 (TF-1140)
- thefisheagle 50 NL zoom - tight fold turn? IC Ad,QdView Hand 2020-07-06 (TF-1139)
- thefisheagle 50 NL zoom - fold to rvr raise? IC Ks,QcView Hand 2020-07-06 (TF-1138)
- thefisheagle 50 NL zoom - should bet turn IC 5c,5hView Hand 2020-07-06 (TF-1137)
- thefisheagle 50 NL zoom - rvr bluff IC Jc,9hView Hand 2020-07-06 (TF-1136)
Louis DeScalzo - pokerdad2878 Global Poker Micro Stakes - Paired Board Facing Check Raise and Turn Jam Qh,8hView Hand 2020-07-06 (poe-1001)
- .25/.50 - flopped trips vs lead Ah,4cView Hand 2020-07-06 (JP-1098)
- .25/.50 - AQ multiway Ah,QcView Hand 2020-07-06 (JP-1097)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - Multiway w/ under pair 9s,9hView Hand 2020-07-06 (afs-1125)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - Top Pair Multi-way Qd,TdView Hand 2020-07-06 (afs-1124)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - HJ vs BTN Qc,JsView Hand 2020-07-06 (afs-1123)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - LJ vs BTN 50bbs Ks,QsView Hand 2020-07-06 (afs-1122)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - Small raise over limp Kh,QdView Hand 2020-07-06 (afs-1121)
William L - $640 live tournament - Big draw on flop Qh,JhView Hand 2020-07-05 (wil-1106)
William L - $640 live tournament - Open-ender on flop 8d,6dView Hand 2020-07-05 (wil-1105)
William L - $640 live tournament - AK faces limp-4b shove Ah,KsView Hand 2020-07-05 (wil-1104)
William L - $420 live tournament - River sizing? Ah,AdView Hand 2020-07-05 (wil-1103)
William L - $1600 tournament - 4-bet vs loose players? Ks,QcView Hand 2020-07-05 (wil-1102)
William L - $5 OTB - Royal draw on flop, raise? Ac,TcView Hand 2020-07-05 (wil-1101)
William L - $390 live - Rivered boat blind vs blind 5s,5cView Hand 2020-07-05 (wil-1100)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris add-on - Facing turn and river bet Qs,QhView Hand 2020-07-05 (ker-1019)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Add-on - Facing river half pot Qd,2dView Hand 2020-07-05 (ker-1018)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris add-on - Trip A's on flop Ad,4dView Hand 2020-07-05 (ker-1017)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris home game add-on - Thin value bet on river 6d,7sView Hand 2020-07-05 (ker-1016)
- .25/.50 online - AK vs very tight player Ah,KcView Hand 2020-07-05 (JP-1096)
JJ - pokerbros - am i supposed to call off here? i am shortest stack 6s,5hView Hand 2020-07-05 (jcj-1216)
JJ - pokerbros - last in chips, #30/30, next payjump is i take this jam? Jh,2dView Hand 2020-07-05 (jcj-1215)
JJ - pokerbros - thoughts on calling given missed draws? Ad,4dView Hand 2020-07-05 (jcj-1213)
JJ - pokerbros - do i call turn bet multiway after checking back flop? Jh,JcView Hand 2020-07-05 (jcj-1212)
JJ - pokerbros - is this too nitty of a fold on the flop? Ah,QhView Hand 2020-07-05 (jcj-1211)
JJ - pokerbros - thoughts on betting turn vs checking back to induce river bet? Qs,JcView Hand 2020-07-05 (jcj-1210)
JJ - pokerbros - thoughts on using Ah as blocker for bluff? Ah,JsView Hand 2020-07-05 (jcj-1209)
JJ - pokerbros - what to do with pocket TT in this spot? Td,TsView Hand 2020-07-05 (jcj-1208)
JJ - pokerbros - do you call off 4 bet shove with AQo in this spot? As,QhView Hand 2020-07-05 (jcj-1207)
JJ - pokerbros - is this automatic call from sb with pocket 88 against short stack? 8s,8hView Hand 2020-07-05 (jcj-1206)
JJ - pokerbros - checking back KK on flop Ks,KhView Hand 2020-07-05 (jcj-1205)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $2k guarantee on ACR - Hero flops pair + good draw multiway and faces a lot of heat As,9sView Hand 2020-07-04 (mcl-1182)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $3k guarantee on ACR - Hero plays a small pair OOP 6s,6hView Hand 2020-07-04 (mcl-1181)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5k guarantee on ACR - Hero catches interesting river while holding a marginal pair 9h,9dView Hand 2020-07-04 (mcl-1180)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $3k guarantee on ACR - Hero flops a marginal flush draw BvB Tc,4cView Hand 2020-07-04 (mcl-1179)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $3k guarantee on ACR - Hero rivers top two in a tricky multiway spot Ah,QhView Hand 2020-07-04 (mcl-1178)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5k guarantee on BetOnline - Hero defends BB and catches interesting turn card Js,ThView Hand 2020-07-04 (mcl-1177)
Adam Polek - APo 40USD live - Early stages Kd,9hView Hand 2020-07-04 (adr-1010)
Adam Polek - APo 40USD live - Early stages Kc,QhView Hand 2020-07-04 (adr-1009)
Adam Polek - APo 150USD live - Early stages 9h,8hView Hand 2020-07-04 (adr-1008)
Adam Polek - APo 40USD live - Early stages 7c,3cView Hand 2020-07-04 (adr-1007)
Adam Polek - APo 70USD live - ~30% of players left Th,5hView Hand 2020-07-04 (adr-1006)
Adam Polek - APo 70USD live - Early stages Js,JcView Hand 2020-07-04 (adr-1005)
Adam Polek - APo 70USD live - Early stages Jh,ThView Hand 2020-07-04 (adr-1004)
Adam Polek - APo 150USD live - Early stages Ac,JdView Hand 2020-07-04 (adr-1003)
Adam Polek - APo 150USD live - Early stages Ts,ThView Hand 2020-07-04 (adr-1002)
Adam Polek - APo 150USD live - Final table Ac,KcView Hand 2020-07-04 (adr-1001)
- .25/.50 NL - River overbet Td,8dView Hand 2020-07-02 (JP-1095)
- .25/.50 online - Flopped nut flush draw multiway Ah,9hView Hand 2020-07-02 (JP-1094)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - Bluffcatching JJ Js,JhView Hand 2020-07-02 (bag-1136)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Jun 29 - Hand 130, -240 Jc,JhView Hand 2020-07-01 (cou-1115)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Jun 29 - Hand 129, +157 Ac,7cView Hand 2020-07-01 (cou-1114)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Jun 29 - Hand 127, +300 Qc,JdView Hand 2020-07-01 (cou-1113)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Jun 29 - Hand 126, -430 Qc,QdView Hand 2020-07-01 (cou-1112)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Jun 29 - Hand 117, -320 Kd,TdView Hand 2020-07-01 (cou-1111)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Jun 29 - Hand 111, +725 Ac,KsView Hand 2020-07-01 (cou-1110)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Jun 29 - Hand 89, +95 9d,8sView Hand 2020-07-01 (cou-1109)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Jun 29 - Hand 83, -540 Kh,JdView Hand 2020-07-01 (cou-1108)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Jun 29 - Hand 72, +2753 6d,6cView Hand 2020-07-01 (cou-1107)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Jun 29 - Hand 40, -90 8h,9hView Hand 2020-07-01 (cou-1106)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Jun 29 - Hand 34 Ad,TdView Hand 2020-07-01 (cou-1105)
Ryan - Veganeer Overbetting the riv - get called very light As,KsView Hand 2020-06-30 (rds-1001)
Mike - Mez 360 entry - early day 2 not in the money - 360 entry - early day 2 not in the money Ks,JhView Hand 2020-06-30 (mjr-1020)
Mike - Mez Pstars $50 Entry/ rebuy - During rebuy period - Pstars $50 Entry/ rebuy - During rebuy period. 9 players in so far Jc,TsView Hand 2020-06-30 (mjr-1019)
John Buckroyd - Buckers 2c/5c N8 Cash - QQ Qd,QcView Hand 2020-06-30 (job-1002)
- Cash - 3 Th,5hView Hand 2020-06-30 (hun-1003)
Peter Ryl - Peterrryl 1/2 Hard Rock Tampa - Hand 11 5s4s CO 5s,4sView Hand 2020-06-29 (pet-1025)
Peter Ryl - Peterrryl 1/2 NL Hard Rock Tampa - Hand 12 JTo BB Js,ThView Hand 2020-06-29 (pet-1024)
Peter Ryl - Peterrryl 1/2 NL Hard Rock Tampa - Hand 13 4d3d SB 3d,4dView Hand 2020-06-29 (pet-1023)
Peter Ryl - Peterrryl 1/2 NL Hard Rock Tampa - Tc7c BTN Tc,7cView Hand 2020-06-29 (pet-1022)
Peter Ryl - Peterrryl 1/2 NL Hard Rock Hollywood - 8d6d BTN 8d,6dView Hand 2020-06-29 (pet-1021)
Peter Ryl - Peterrryl 1/2 NL Hard Rock Holywood - Hand 16 ATo As,TcView Hand 2020-06-29 (pet-1020)
Peter Ryl - Peterrryl 1/2 NL Big Easy FL - Hand 17 ATo HJ Ac,TcView Hand 2020-06-29 (pet-1019)
Peter Ryl - Peterrryl 1/2 NL Hard Rock Hollywood - Hand 20 A5o As,5hView Hand 2020-06-29 (pet-1018)
Peter Ryl - Peterrryl 1/2 NL Hard Rock Hollywood - Hand 21 Tc3c CO Tc,3cView Hand 2020-06-29 (pet-1017)
Peter Ryl - Peterrryl 1/2 NL Hard Rock - Hand 23 KJo UTG against tricky girl Ks,JcView Hand 2020-06-29 (pet-1016)
Peter Ryl - Peterrryl 1/2 NL Big Easy FL - Hand 24 JTo, short stack Jc,ThView Hand 2020-06-29 (pet-1015)
Peter Ryl - Peterrryl 1/2 NL Hard Rock Hollywood - Hand 25 ATo BB As,TdView Hand 2020-06-29 (pet-1014)
Peter Ryl - Peterrryl 1/2 NL Hard Rock Holywood - Hand 28 AQo BB As,QcView Hand 2020-06-29 (pet-1013)
Peter Ryl - Peterrryl 1/2 NL Hard Rock Hollywood - Hand 29 5h3h 2 pairs 5h,3hView Hand 2020-06-29 (pet-1012)
Peter Ryl - Peterrryl 1/2 NL Hard Rock Hollywood - Hand 30 QTo SB Qc,ThView Hand 2020-06-29 (pet-1011)
Peter Ryl - Peterrryl 1/2 NL Hard Rock Hollywood - Hand 31 2 pairs against loose opponent 5d,3dView Hand 2020-06-29 (pet-1010)
Peter Ryl - Peterrryl 1/2 NL Hard Rock Hollywood - QQ Against loose player Qs,QhView Hand 2020-06-29 (pet-1009)
Peter Ryl - Peterrryl 1/2 NL Hard Rock Hollywood FL - Hand 33 AcKc BTN Ac,KcView Hand 2020-06-29 (pet-1008)
Peter Ryl - Peterrryl 1/2 NL Big Easy Fl - Hand 34 Ks8s BTN View Hand 2020-06-29 (pet-1007)
Peter Ryl - Peterrryl 1/2 NL Big Easy Fl - Hand 35 QQ flopped a set Qd,QhView Hand 2020-06-29 (pet-1006)
Peter Ryl - Peterrryl 1/2 NL Big Easy FL - Hand 36 2 pairs on scary board Js,TcView Hand 2020-06-29 (pet-1005)
Peter Ryl - Peterrryl 1/2 NL Big Easy FL - Hand 37 Against reckless player Qd,TdView Hand 2020-06-29 (pet-1004)
Peter Ryl - Peterrryl 1/2 NL Big Easy FL - Hand 38 Nut straight on the Turn As,TcView Hand 2020-06-29 (pet-1003)
Peter Ryl - Peterrryl 1/2 NL Big Easy Florida - Hand 39 weird hero play with a flush draw 6s,3sView Hand 2020-06-29 (pet-1002)
Peter Ryl - Peterrryl 1/2 NL Big Easy Florida - Against straightforward player Ks,QcView Hand 2020-06-29 (pet-1001)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - Value Ad,4dView Hand 2020-06-29 (bag-1135)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Value Js,KcView Hand 2020-06-29 (bag-1134)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - Pista Ks,TcView Hand 2020-06-29 (bag-1133)
TonalContrast - .01/.02NL PartyPoker - June 28 (1) 7s,7hView Hand 2020-06-28 (tux-1002)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Visszaemelhet 7s,7cView Hand 2020-06-28 (bag-1132)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - AKs Ad,KdView Hand 2020-06-27 (bag-1131)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Overfold Ad,QsView Hand 2020-06-27 (bag-1130)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Fish ellen Qc,JcView Hand 2020-06-27 (bag-1129)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Blöfföltetés Ad,JcView Hand 2020-06-27 (bag-1128)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 10k Party Poker FT - Foxen vs Blom 6c,7hView Hand 2020-06-27 (afs-1120)
TonalContrast - .01/.02 Cash Game (PartyPoker) - June26 As,ThView Hand 2020-06-26 (tux-1001)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Barell Kc,TcView Hand 2020-06-26 (bag-1127)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Nit As,KhView Hand 2020-06-26 (bag-1126)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Flush vs Flush Qd,JdView Hand 2020-06-26 (bag-1125)
Selma - Selma MTT online - SB huge hit Jd,5dView Hand 2020-06-24 (sla-1025)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Flop lead Ac,5hView Hand 2020-06-24 (bag-1124)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 50-50 - Fish value Ac,TcView Hand 2020-06-24 (bag-1123)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - AK allin As,KhView Hand 2020-06-24 (bag-1122)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Mate hand As,KhView Hand 2020-06-24 (bag-1121)
Mike - Mez 450 Entry 100K Guarantee - day 2 - 450 Entry day 2 As,QsView Hand 2020-06-23 (mjr-1018)
Mike - Mez 450 Entry 100K Guarantee - day 2 - 450 Entry Day 2 4s,4dView Hand 2020-06-23 (mjr-1017)
Mike - Mez 1,100 Entry SSOP day 1 - Day 1 Spring Series of P 1.1K buyin Jh,8hView Hand 2020-06-23 (mjr-1016)
Mike - Mez 1,100 Entry SSOP day 1 - Day 1 Spring Series of P 1.1K buyin Ac,9sView Hand 2020-06-23 (mjr-1015)
Mike - Mez 1,100 Entry SSOP day 1 - Early stages 1.1K buyin Kd,QdView Hand 2020-06-23 (mjr-1014)
Mike - Mez 1,100 Entry SSOP day 1 - Early stages 1.1K buyin Js,JdView Hand 2020-06-23 (mjr-1013)
- Live - - Ks,JhView Hand 2020-06-23 (hun-1002)
- Live - - Ad,8cView Hand 2020-06-23 (hun-1001)
Justin A - DMMPL - 44 vs Chuck 4h,4dView Hand 2020-06-23 (adn-1004)
- thefisheagle 50NL zoom - bluff catch rvr IC Qd,JdView Hand 2020-06-22 (TF-1135)
- thefisheagle $5.50 20K gtd - bluff lead turn IC As,6sView Hand 2020-06-22 (TF-1134)
- thefisheagle $5.50 20K gtd - fold preflop IC 6d,6hView Hand 2020-06-22 (TF-1133)
- thefisheagle $5.50 20K gtd - bluff catch rvr IC Kc,TcView Hand 2020-06-22 (TF-1132)
- thefisheagle 50 NL zoom - questionable turn bluff IC Qh,ThView Hand 2020-06-22 (TF-1131)
- thefisheagle 50 NL zoom - rvr bluff raise IC 6s,6cView Hand 2020-06-22 (TF-1130)
scott - scott 6-max Cash ACR - A4s BvB Ad,4dView Hand 2020-06-22 (sco-1001)
Mike - Mez Pstars home game $100 Entry - 14 left, ~20 started 7d,7cView Hand 2020-06-22 (mjr-1012)
- .25/.50NL - A5 in sb facing large raise Ac,5cView Hand 2020-06-22 (JP-1093)
- .25/.50NL - Flopped set bad runout 9s,9cView Hand 2020-06-22 (JP-1092)
Selma - Selma on line MTT - BB monster flop 3s,AsView Hand 2020-06-21 (sla-1024)
Alan Ho - Alan H. $30 Chris Saturday 6/20 - 2 barrel on turn Js,9hView Hand 2020-06-21 (ker-1015)
- Taylor Carroll HH Review - QQ VS CO Qc,QhView Hand 2020-06-21 (kee-1006)
- Taylor Carroll HH Review - 98s VS Sb 9c,8cView Hand 2020-06-21 (kee-1005)
- Taylor Carroll HH Review - 1010 bb vs UTG limp Ts,TcView Hand 2020-06-21 (kee-1004)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500-1000 - Preflop 5c,6cView Hand 2020-06-21 (bag-1120)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500-1000 - Bluff Spot 5c,3cView Hand 2020-06-21 (bag-1119)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Scare Card Jd,8dView Hand 2020-06-21 (bag-1118)
JJ - pokerbros - is this mandatory defend with A7o? As,7hView Hand 2020-06-20 (jcj-1204)
JJ - pokerbros - how is this line by BB? Jh,KsView Hand 2020-06-20 (jcj-1203)
JJ - pokerbros - do i defend BB here? 5h,6cView Hand 2020-06-20 (jcj-1202)
JJ - pokerbros - turned straight 3h,9hView Hand 2020-06-20 (jcj-1201)
Jared Alderman - Jalderman Ultimate Showdown - Bluffcatch QJ Tc,2cView Hand 2020-06-20 (jar-1001)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500-1000 - 1 over Cbet Ts,TcView Hand 2020-06-20 (bag-1117)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500-1000 - Cbet bluff Ts,9sView Hand 2020-06-20 (bag-1116)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500-1000 - Value owning As,QcView Hand 2020-06-20 (bag-1115)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500-1000 - Max Value As,QhView Hand 2020-06-20 (bag-1114)
Kasper Ankjærgaard-Andersen - KaverAA RiverClub 300 kr. - KK river beslutning Kd,KcView Hand 2020-06-19 (xas-1005)
- Taylor Carroll HH Review - QQ Qc,QhView Hand 2020-06-19 (kee-1003)
- Taylor Carroll HH Review - A8s Triple Barrel Ad,8dView Hand 2020-06-19 (kee-1002)
JJ - pokerbros - defending ATo against another short stack Ac,TdView Hand 2020-06-19 (jcj-1200)
JJ - pokerbros - 3 betting KTo against loose opener Kd,TsView Hand 2020-06-19 (jcj-1199)
JJ - pokerbros - rivering trip nines...should i check to induce or value bet? Qc,9sView Hand 2020-06-19 (jcj-1197)
JJ - pokerbros - flopping set and big donk bet on turn 4h,4sView Hand 2020-06-19 (jcj-1196)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - AA calldown As,AcView Hand 2020-06-18 (bag-1113)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - AAA As,AcView Hand 2020-06-18 (bag-1112)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - KK value Ks,KhView Hand 2020-06-18 (bag-1111)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - missed value Ad,JhView Hand 2020-06-18 (bag-1110)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - KK vs CSFISH Kc,KhView Hand 2020-06-18 (bag-1109)
Michael Powers - Powers ACR $16.50 Low Stake Online - Three Spades on Flop with Pocket Pair and Straight Flush Draw 8s,8hView Hand 2020-06-17 (mis-1001)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris B $10 June 16 - Facing C/R on flop As,4sView Hand 2020-06-17 (ker-1014)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris Blake $10 June 16 - 3-bet shove or flat As,QhView Hand 2020-06-17 (ker-1013)
- $50 online - Bubble situation Kh,ThView Hand 2020-06-17 (JP-1091)
JJ - pokerbros - final table situation Ac,4cView Hand 2020-06-17 (jcj-1195)
JJ - pokerbros - calling utg raise and facing 3 barrels with AQo Qh,AsView Hand 2020-06-17 (jcj-1194)
JJ - pokerbros - AA facing donk lead As,AhView Hand 2020-06-17 (jcj-1193)
JJ - pokerbros - should i always go with it here 100%? As,KsView Hand 2020-06-17 (jcj-1192)
JJ - pokerbros - do i value bet river here with top pair? As,QhView Hand 2020-06-17 (jcj-1191)
JJ - pokerbros - KK on bad turn in 3 bet pot Kc,KsView Hand 2020-06-17 (jcj-1190)
JJ - pokerbros - 3 betting AJ on dry board Ah,JsView Hand 2020-06-17 (jcj-1189)
Justin A - Live Choctaw Weekly - Q9o BB vs UTG 15bb Qh,9sView Hand 2020-06-16 (adn-1003)
Mike - Mez $51 Buyin PStars Level 1 - 13 entries 8s,8hView Hand 2020-06-15 (mjr-1011)
Mike - Mez $51 Buyin PStars Level 1 - 13 entries 8s,8hView Hand 2020-06-15 (mjr-1010)
- $40 online - Triple barrel on A high flop 9c,7cView Hand 2020-06-14 (JP-1090)
JJ - freezeout - headsup for championship i call off shove here? 7h,8cView Hand 2020-06-14 (jcj-1188)
JJ - freezeout - headups for championship- do you call it off here? 9s,6cView Hand 2020-06-14 (jcj-1187)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Limp/Raise Qs,QcView Hand 2020-06-14 (bag-1108)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Szett 6s,6hView Hand 2020-06-14 (bag-1107)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Cheap fold Qc,QsView Hand 2020-06-14 (bag-1106)
Tony Ferg - cash - Floopped Quads Ks,KdView Hand 2020-06-14 (afe-1001)
Looktowindward - PokerstarsVR - AA called to the river As,AhView Hand 2020-06-13 (loo-1005)
Looktowindward - PokerstarsVR - utg raise called and 3 bet Js,JhView Hand 2020-06-13 (loo-1004)
Looktowindward - PokerstarsVR - Limp then raise As,7hView Hand 2020-06-13 (loo-1003)
Looktowindward - PokerstarVR - UTG raise View Hand 2020-06-13 (loo-1002)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Value Kh,JhView Hand 2020-06-13 (bag-1105)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - River Polarizácio 5s,5hView Hand 2020-06-13 (bag-1104)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Szett value Jh,JsView Hand 2020-06-13 (bag-1103)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Value Qh,JhView Hand 2020-06-13 (bag-1102)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Missed Value Ah,QcView Hand 2020-06-13 (bag-1101)
Jeff Bronner - Vesty777 ACR 25NL Cash Game - Bronner 89s vs UTG Raiser A4s 9c,8cView Hand 2020-06-12 (jef-1020)
danny - dynooomite Full Ring 10NL - Range Advantage Qs,JdView Hand 2020-06-12 (dne-1004)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - TPTK As,QhView Hand 2020-06-12 (bag-1100)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - AA As,AcView Hand 2020-06-12 (bag-1099)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Missed Bluff Kh,JcView Hand 2020-06-12 (bag-1098)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Missed Value Qd,JhView Hand 2020-06-12 (bag-1097)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris $40 June 5th - Big stack near bubble As,3dView Hand 2020-06-11 (ker-1012)
Phillip Holmes - valveamp $0.25 NLHE 45 Player - Another crazy bad beat Kh,KcView Hand 2020-06-10 (php-1006)
Justin A - QPL Online - JA - AK vs Cory T. Ah,KhView Hand 2020-06-10 (adn-1002)
Selma - Selma online - 4 bet and lose to a set View Hand 2020-06-09 (sla-1023)
Selma - Selma on line - reraised again with 5c6c 6c,5cView Hand 2020-06-09 (sla-1022)
Selma - Selma on line - pocket tens again Ts,ThView Hand 2020-06-09 (sla-1021)
Selma - Selma on line 25 - AQ in small blind on bad flop Qs,AhView Hand 2020-06-09 (sla-1020)
Selma - Selma On line - UTG with Diamond Draw Ad,TdView Hand 2020-06-09 (sla-1019)
Mike - Mez 120 Entry 15K Guarantee - June 23 2019 6d,4dView Hand 2020-06-09 (mjr-1009)
Mike - Mez 570 Entry 150K Guarantee - day 2 - 9-22-19 Tournament As,QhView Hand 2020-06-09 (mjr-1008)
Mike - Mez 450 Entry 100K Guarantee - day 1 - 9-20-19 Tournament 9s,9hView Hand 2020-06-09 (mjr-1007)
Mike - Mez 450 Entry 100K Guarantee - day 1 - 6-28-19 Tournament Ad,4dView Hand 2020-06-09 (mjr-1006)
Mike - Mez 450 Entry 100K Guarantee - day 2 - 6-28-19 Tournament Ks,KcView Hand 2020-06-09 (mjr-1005)
Mike - Mez 450 Entry 100K Guarantee - day 2 - 6-30-19 Tournament 3s,3hView Hand 2020-06-09 (mjr-1004)
- thefisheagle 50 NL zoom - turn check or bet? IC Qs,AhView Hand 2020-06-08 (TF-1129)
- thefisheagle 6 max $10 - passive line? IC Js,JcView Hand 2020-06-08 (TF-1128)
- thefisheagle 6 max $10 - preflop vs raise shove IC 7s,7dView Hand 2020-06-08 (TF-1127)
- thefisheagle 6 max $10 - fold preflop IC Ah,TdView Hand 2020-06-08 (TF-1126)
- thefisheagle 6 max $10 - river raise call IC Kc,QdView Hand 2020-06-08 (TF-1125)
Selma - Selma 30 on line - AT in SB with limps Ah,TdView Hand 2020-06-08 (sla-1018)
Michele G - PS 530$ Sunday PKO - Loose call? Kd,JdView Hand 2020-06-08 (mio-1003)
Michele G - PS midstake - 99 cooler? 9h,9cView Hand 2020-06-08 (mio-1002)
Michele G - PS online midstake - QQ - tight fold? Qc,QhView Hand 2020-06-08 (mio-1001)
- $50 online homegame - TT Missed river value? Th,TdView Hand 2020-06-08 (JP-1089)
Jeff Bronner - Vesty777 ACR 25NL Cash Game - Bronner KQs vs two raisers Kh,QhView Hand 2020-06-08 (jef-1019)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - UTG vs BTN vs BB 50bbs 6d,6cView Hand 2020-06-08 (afs-1119)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - LJ vs BTN 100bs Qs,QdView Hand 2020-06-08 (afs-1118)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - BvB 30bbs 7c,5hView Hand 2020-06-08 (afs-1117)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - UTG vs BTN 250bbs 3bet Ad,QsView Hand 2020-06-08 (afs-1116)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - Sb vs CO 3bet 30bbs Th,TcView Hand 2020-06-08 (afs-1115)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - open vs nit Kh,QhView Hand 2020-06-08 (afs-1114)
- thefisheagle $25 SNG 27 pl. - fold preflop? IC Ah,2dView Hand 2020-06-07 (TF-1124)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $3k guarantee on ACR - Hero flops a marginal draw IP and turns a ton of equity Td,9dView Hand 2020-06-07 (mcl-1176)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $500 guarantee on ACR - Hero flops a BFD with overs and decides to go for it Ks,JdView Hand 2020-06-07 (mcl-1175)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $500 guarantee on ACR - Hero flops a big draw in a 3-bet pot Ad,5dView Hand 2020-06-07 (mcl-1174)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $500 guarantee on ACR - Hero flops a monster IP and decides between a value raise or a trap Ks,JsView Hand 2020-06-07 (mcl-1173)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $500 guarantee on ACR - Hero flops a monster on the BTN and faces a lot of heat 9s,8hView Hand 2020-06-07 (mcl-1172)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $500 guarantee on ACR - Hero flops backdoor equity BvB after raising from the SB As,TsView Hand 2020-06-07 (mcl-1171)
- $50 online - second pair/flush draw in bb Jc,9cView Hand 2020-06-07 (JP-1088)
- $15 online - AJs multiway As,JsView Hand 2020-06-07 (JP-1087)
- $35 online - KK w shortstack all in Kh,KcView Hand 2020-06-07 (JP-1086)
JJ - pokerbros - playing pocket JJ multiway Js,JhView Hand 2020-06-07 (jcj-1186)
JJ - pokerbros - playing ace high post flop Ah,5hView Hand 2020-06-07 (jcj-1185)
JJ - pokerbros - should i call 3 bet here out of position? 8s,8hView Hand 2020-06-07 (jcj-1184)
JJ - pokerbros - facing CXR on flop against preflop aggressor Ks,QsView Hand 2020-06-07 (jcj-1183)
JJ - pokerbros - polarized turn and river bets after checking back aces in 3 bet pot As,AhView Hand 2020-06-07 (jcj-1182)
JJ - pokerbros - facing polarized river bet Js,JhView Hand 2020-06-07 (jcj-1181)
JJ - home game - flopping bottom 2 - value betting? Jh,3cView Hand 2020-06-07 (jcj-1180)
JJ - home game - turning 3rd nut flush Kh,TcView Hand 2020-06-07 (jcj-1179)
JJ - home game - facing 3 bet from tight player for 1st time when he normally just folds his blinds and straddle As,KhView Hand 2020-06-07 (jcj-1178)
JJ - home game - 3 bet against unknown home game player Ah,QdView Hand 2020-06-07 (jcj-1177)
JJ - home game - flopping top boat Ks,KhView Hand 2020-06-07 (jcj-1176)
JJ - home game - turning top 2 Ks,TsView Hand 2020-06-07 (jcj-1175)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Chris $25 Friday June 5th - June 5th Chris game Jh,9dView Hand 2020-06-06 (ker-1011)
James Romero - James Romero $25,000 Uruguay SHR (8) - Facing A River Triple From Marty Mathis 9s,TsView Hand 2020-06-04 (ski-1015)
James Romero - James Romero $25,000 Uruguay SHR (7) - 5 Left, ICM Spots Jd,TdView Hand 2020-06-04 (ski-1014)
James Romero - James Romero $25,000 Uruguay SHR (6.3) - Bubble Spot (ICM) Ts,ThView Hand 2020-06-04 (ski-1013)
James Romero - James Romero $25,000 Uruguay SHR (6.2) - Bubble Spot (ICM) Ks,2sView Hand 2020-06-04 (ski-1012)
James Romero - James Romero $25,000 Uruguay SHR (6.1) - Bubble Spot (ICM) 5s,5dView Hand 2020-06-04 (ski-1011)
James Romero - James Romero $25,000 Uruguay SHR (5) - Bubble Spot with Ryan Riess Qh,KhView Hand 2020-06-04 (ski-1010)
James Romero - James Romero $25,000 Uruguay SHR (3) - Facing An Ivan Luca Triple Barrel Kd,JdView Hand 2020-06-04 (ski-1009)
James Romero - James Romero $25,000 Uruguay SHR (2) - Hero Calling Vs Niall Farrell As,2hView Hand 2020-06-04 (ski-1008)
James Romero - James Romero $25,000 Uruguay SHR (1) - Triple Barrel Vs Leo Fernandez 7s,7dView Hand 2020-06-04 (ski-1007)
James Romero - James Romero $25,000 Uruguay SHR (4) - BVB vs Rainer Kempe Js,4sView Hand 2020-06-04 (ski-1006)
Jeff Bronner - Vesty777 ACR 25NL Cash Game - Bronner AJs BB vs 4way raisers Ad,JdView Hand 2020-06-04 (jef-1018)
danny - dynooomite 2k GTD - Luck? Ad,7dView Hand 2020-06-04 (dne-1003)
Justin A - QPL Online - JA - QQ vs Ralph Qh,QsView Hand 2020-06-04 (adn-1001)
Sean - Roy's Cash - Shorty Fezz Pocket Jacks Jc,JhView Hand 2020-06-03 (sen-1003)
Nicholas Nguyen - 6 MAX SNG BB vs SB - 6 MAX SNG BB vs SB Kd,2dView Hand 2020-06-03 (nim-1009)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Rangek Tc,ThView Hand 2020-06-03 (bag-1096)
- Cash 6/2 - .2/.4 cash Ks,JdView Hand 2020-06-02 (kee-1001)
Jeff Bronner - Vesty777 SB $5 NL Tourney - Bronner 77 vs late caller 7s,7cView Hand 2020-06-02 (jef-1017)
Selma - Selma 10 online - AQin SB Ac,QhView Hand 2020-06-01 (sla-1017)
Selma - Selma 25 online - TT on Buttn Ts,TcView Hand 2020-06-01 (sla-1016)
Selma - Selma 25 online - Rivered SF 4s,6sView Hand 2020-06-01 (sla-1015)
Selma - Selma on line 30 - badly played jacks Js,JdView Hand 2020-06-01 (sla-1014)
Selma - Selma online 30 - 33 in BB 3s,3cView Hand 2020-06-01 (sla-1013)
Raphaël GAUTHIER - jkjk - jkjk Ac,JcView Hand 2020-06-01 (rap-1002)
Thanapipat Peesanough - Guiman 50/50 Live OMG - Top Pair medium strong call down View Hand 2020-06-01 (mum-1001)
Mike - Mez WPT Main $3.5K Entry - Day 1 WPT MD Live 2019 As,QhView Hand 2020-06-01 (mjr-1003)
Josh - .1/.05 Cash Ignition - 3952918769 Kd,QdView Hand 2020-06-01 (jos-1024)
Josh - .1/.05 Cash Ignition - 3952923558 Ac,QdView Hand 2020-06-01 (jos-1023)
Josh - .1/.05 Cash Ignition - 3952928394 Ks,JdView Hand 2020-06-01 (jos-1022)
Josh - .1/.05 Cash Ignition - 3953140459 Qd,QcView Hand 2020-06-01 (jos-1021)
Josh - .1/.05 Cash Ignition - 3953141501 9h,9cView Hand 2020-06-01 (jos-1020)
Josh - .1/.05 Cash Ignition - 3953148701 Qc,5cView Hand 2020-06-01 (jos-1019)
Josh - .1/.05 Cash Ignition - 3953155435 Kd,KcView Hand 2020-06-01 (jos-1018)
Josh - .1/.05 Cash Ignition - 3953155435 As,8sView Hand 2020-06-01 (jos-1017)
Looktowindward - PokerstarsVR - Top pair versus 3 bet and tricky turn spot Ks,QsView Hand 2020-05-31 (loo-1001)
Kevin - Vegas Club Vegas Tourney #64 05-03-2020 - Folding Aces to 4bet Caller after Turn Ad,AhView Hand 2020-05-31 (kve-1001)
Josh - .1/.05 Cash Ignition - 3951450837 8h,8cView Hand 2020-05-30 (jos-1016)
Josh - .1/.05 Cash Ignition - 3951466176 8c,7cView Hand 2020-05-30 (jos-1015)
Josh - .1/.05 Cash Ignition - 3950912067 4h,3hView Hand 2020-05-30 (jos-1014)
Josh - .1/.05 Cash Ignition - 3950904389 Ac,TcView Hand 2020-05-30 (jos-1013)
Josh - .1/.05 Cash Ignition - 3950902437 Ad,KhView Hand 2020-05-30 (jos-1012)
Josh - .1/.05 Cash Ignition - 3950901498 Jh,JdView Hand 2020-05-30 (jos-1011)
Josh - .1/.05 Cash Ignition - 3950886026 Qc,9cView Hand 2020-05-30 (jos-1010)
Josh - .1/.05 Cash Ignition - 3950886026 Ah,QcView Hand 2020-05-30 (jos-1009)
Josh - .1/.05 Cash Ignition - 3950883247 8d,6sView Hand 2020-05-30 (jos-1008)
Josh - .1/.05 Cash Ignition - 3950177399 8s,8dView Hand 2020-05-30 (jos-1007)
Josh - .1/.05 Cash Ignition - 3950175206 4s,4hView Hand 2020-05-30 (jos-1006)
Josh - .1/.05 Cash Ignition - 3950027807 Ks,7sView Hand 2020-05-30 (jos-1005)
Josh - .1/.05 Cash Ignition - 3950013472 Ks,2sView Hand 2020-05-30 (jos-1004)
Josh - .1/.05 Cash Ignition - 3950007189 Ks,JhView Hand 2020-05-30 (jos-1003)
Josh - .1/.05 Cash Ignition - 3950003428 As,AcView Hand 2020-05-30 (jos-1002)
Josh - Cash - Cash1 Ah,QcView Hand 2020-05-30 (jos-1001)
Raphaël GAUTHIER - test1 - t1 As,AhView Hand 2020-05-29 (rap-1001)
Fletcher Pithers - $0.02/$0.05 NL - 4 bet v BB 3 bet 9s,9cView Hand 2020-05-29 (pok-1001)
Mike - Mez WPT Deepstacks Day 1 - WPT Deep stacks Mar 23, 3019 Ks,QhView Hand 2020-05-29 (mjr-1002)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Way Ahead Way Behind As,AcView Hand 2020-05-29 (bag-1095)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 5-10 - Bluff targeting Tc,9cView Hand 2020-05-29 (bag-1094)
Mike - Mez 450 Entry 100K Guarantee - Late stage (roughly 25 left) button raise w JJ vs chipleader BB Js,JcView Hand 2020-05-28 (mjr-1001)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Value betting worse Ks,KdView Hand 2020-05-28 (bag-1093)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Nincs értelme a linenak 7s,5sView Hand 2020-05-28 (bag-1092)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 2-5 - Bluffcaching Kh,QhView Hand 2020-05-27 (bag-1091)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 1-2 - Bluffcatching Qh,QsView Hand 2020-05-27 (bag-1090)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 5-10 - CLP Ks,KcView Hand 2020-05-27 (bag-1089)
- thefisheagle june 20 hw - homework replay View Hand 2020-05-26 (TF-1123)
Nicholas Nguyen - $10 3 Table SNG Holding Aces multiway - $10 3 Table SNG Holding Aces multiway As,AdView Hand 2020-05-26 (nim-1008)
Nicholas Nguyen - $10 3 Table SNG A5o short stacked - $10 3 Table SNG A5o short stacked 5d,AcView Hand 2020-05-26 (nim-1007)
William L - Global $11 6-max - Giant overbet on river Kh,9hView Hand 2020-05-25 (wil-1099)
William L - $1/$3 stream - Flush draw hits on turn Td,9dView Hand 2020-05-25 (wil-1098)
William L - $1/$3 stream - Turn/river sizings? Ac,QsView Hand 2020-05-25 (wil-1097)
William L - $1/$3 stream - Second pair facing small bets Ks,JcView Hand 2020-05-25 (wil-1096)
William L - $1/$3 stream - Slowplay a set? 6h,6dView Hand 2020-05-25 (wil-1095)
William L - $1/$3 stream - Call down vs very loose player? 8h,8dView Hand 2020-05-25 (wil-1094)
William L - $1/$3 stream - Continue vs very loose player? Qd,JsView Hand 2020-05-25 (wil-1093)
William L - Global $55 - Jam flop? Ac,QhView Hand 2020-05-25 (wil-1092)
William L - Global $22 6-max - KK gets bad runout Kc,KdView Hand 2020-05-25 (wil-1091)
William L - Global $110 - Overpair near money Ts,TcView Hand 2020-05-25 (wil-1090)
William L - Global $22 - KK multiway Ks,KdView Hand 2020-05-25 (wil-1089)
William L - Global $218 - Weird minraise on flop Qc,QdView Hand 2020-05-25 (wil-1088)
William L - Global $22 - Facing giant flop shove Ac,KsView Hand 2020-05-25 (wil-1087)
William L - Global $110 - 2 overs + gutshot OOP Kd,JsView Hand 2020-05-25 (wil-1086)
William L - $15 home game - Top boat, facing leads, terrible runout Ts,TcView Hand 2020-05-24 (wil-1085)
Jeff Bronner - Vesty777 ACR 25NL Cash Game - Bronner K7s vs AA mid raiser Kh,7hView Hand 2020-05-24 (jef-1016)
danny - dynooomite 6max .5/.10 - Shove on River Ah,KsView Hand 2020-05-24 (dne-1002)
Nicholas Nguyen - 3 Table SNG A8o in SB - 3 Table SNG A8o in SB 8s,AdView Hand 2020-05-23 (nim-1006)
Selma - Selma on line MTT - 99 in BB 9s,9cView Hand 2020-05-22 (sla-1012)
Nicholas Nguyen - $3 SNG sb vs button - heads up with KQo Qs,KhView Hand 2020-05-21 (nim-1005)
Jeff Bronner - Vesty777 SB $5 Tourney - Bronner AKs vs CO raiser Ac,KcView Hand 2020-05-21 (jef-1015)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Agro ellenfél ellen Ah,AdView Hand 2020-05-20 (bag-1088)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 1-2 - CLP Qc,QsView Hand 2020-05-20 (bag-1087)
Jan Tomka - test - rest 2h,QhView Hand 2020-05-19 (xpl-1001)
Jeff Bronner - Vesty777 ACR 25NL Cash Game - Bronner 77 vs mid raiser AKo 7c,7hView Hand 2020-05-19 (jef-1014)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 2-4 - CLP Jd,JcView Hand 2020-05-19 (bag-1086)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 1-3 - CLP Qh,ThView Hand 2020-05-19 (bag-1085)
William L - Global $218 - ITM - 2 overs vs BB Ah,KcView Hand 2020-05-18 (wil-1084)
William L - Global $218 - ITM - Short stack leads flop 4h,4dView Hand 2020-05-18 (wil-1083)
William L - Global $11 - River lead Ac,KcView Hand 2020-05-18 (wil-1082)
- thefisheagle 100NL zoom - overbet flop? IC 8h,7hView Hand 2020-05-18 (TF-1122)
- thefisheagle 100NL zoom - flop bet? IC Jd,JcView Hand 2020-05-18 (TF-1121)
- thefisheagle 10K GTD 6 max deep - flop check 3bet pot IC Kh,7cView Hand 2020-05-18 (TF-1120)
- thefisheagle 10K GTD 6 max deep - taking equity on turn IC Kd,JdView Hand 2020-05-18 (TF-1119)
Sean - Roy's 1-2 051720 - Flopped Flush Vs. Pete Qd,3dView Hand 2020-05-18 (sen-1002)
Sean - Roy's 1-2 051720 - Cheryl JJ VS. ? Js,JhView Hand 2020-05-18 (sen-1001)
Nicholas Nguyen - 6 Max SNG bb w/ A4s - Flop top pair in 3 way hand As,4sView Hand 2020-05-18 (nim-1004)
Jeff Bronner - Vesty777 ACR 25NL Cash Game - Bronner JJ BTN vs mid raiser all-in Js,JcView Hand 2020-05-18 (jef-1013)
Jeff Bronner - Vesty777 ACR 25NL Cash - Bronner AKo vs two mid raisers As,KdView Hand 2020-05-18 (jef-1012)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - Blind vs Blind 9c,8cView Hand 2020-05-18 (afs-1113)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - Tough river Kc,QsView Hand 2020-05-18 (afs-1112)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - Multi-way bluff Ac,TsView Hand 2020-05-18 (afs-1111)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - Multi-way turning pair into bluff Qc,TdView Hand 2020-05-18 (afs-1110)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - Multi-way Pair+Draw Jd,TdView Hand 2020-05-18 (afs-1109)
William L - Global $5 - 2nd pair on turn 9c,9dView Hand 2020-05-17 (wil-1081)
William L - Global $55 - Short-stacked royal gutshot Qc,JcView Hand 2020-05-17 (wil-1080)
Nicholas Nguyen - 3 Table SNG w/ TT - 3 Table SNG w/ TT May 16th 2020 Ts,TcView Hand 2020-05-17 (nim-1003)
Nicholas Nguyen - bb vs button QJo - Is this a call? Jd,QcView Hand 2020-05-17 (nim-1002)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1k guarantee on BetOnline - Heads up and I just flopped top two. How to get max value? Qs,8hView Hand 2020-05-17 (mcl-1170)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1k guarantee on BetOnline - Flop top/top on uncoordinated board and decide to go for the max As,QcView Hand 2020-05-17 (mcl-1169)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1k guarantee on BetOnline - Good holding in SB facing EP raise with super short BB Qh,JhView Hand 2020-05-17 (mcl-1168)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1k guarantee on BetOnline - Decent top pair on the BTN faces a large c/r from the SB As,9sView Hand 2020-05-17 (mcl-1167)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1k guarantee on BetOnline - Preflop squeeze with AKo IP faces a lead on a ragged flop Ac,KdView Hand 2020-05-17 (mcl-1166)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Value targeting Jh,JdView Hand 2020-05-17 (bag-1084)
Jeff Bronner - Vesty777 ACR 25NL Cash - Bronner 89s bottom straight loses to top straight 8c,9cView Hand 2020-05-16 (jef-1011)
Jeff Bronner - Vesty777 ACR 25NL Cash - Bronner AQs vs two mid raisers Ac,QcView Hand 2020-05-16 (jef-1010)
Jeff Bronner - Vesty777 ACR 25NL Cash - Bronner T8s vs mid raiser Ts,8sView Hand 2020-05-16 (jef-1009)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 13 - Hand 194 Ad,4dView Hand 2020-05-16 (cou-1104)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 13 - Hand 159, -150 Ah,TcView Hand 2020-05-16 (cou-1103)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 13 - Hand 157 Ad,QdView Hand 2020-05-16 (cou-1102)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 13 - Hand 148 7h,7cView Hand 2020-05-16 (cou-1101)
Nicholas Nguyen - 9h9d vs UTG - An example of range disavantage 9d,9hView Hand 2020-05-15 (nim-1001)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $6k guarantee on ACR - Friday night whine #5 Ah,KcView Hand 2020-05-15 (mcl-1165)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $6k guarantee on ACR - Friday night whine #3 Kc,KdView Hand 2020-05-15 (mcl-1164)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $2k guarantee on ACR - Friday night whine #2 Ah,AcView Hand 2020-05-15 (mcl-1163)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5k guarantee on ACR - Friday night whine #1 Td,TcView Hand 2020-05-15 (mcl-1162)
Jeff Bronner - Vesty777 Sports Betting $5 tourney - AQs BTN vs mid raiser Ad,QdView Hand 2020-05-15 (jef-1008)
Thijs - TJ 300 MTT - Turn decision Ad,9dView Hand 2020-05-14 (tja-1082)
Thijs - TJ 300 Online MTT - vs lag OOP Jh,KcView Hand 2020-05-14 (tja-1081)
Thijs - TJ 200 Online MTT - OESD bluff 9c,8cView Hand 2020-05-14 (tja-1080)
Thijs - TJ $500 MTT online - FD 5h,6hView Hand 2020-05-14 (tja-1079)
Thijs - TJ $500 online MTT - Turned hand into bluff 5h,6hView Hand 2020-05-14 (tja-1078)
Yuval - Silly Tournament 285 - AQs open As,QsView Hand 2020-05-14 (eli-1005)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - TESZT-1 7h,8hView Hand 2020-05-14 (bag-1083)
Mathieu Murray - Morney87 PS MTT - Fold top pair Ac,QsView Hand 2020-05-13 (moe-1001)
Jeff Bronner - Vesty777 ACR 25NL Cash Game - Bronner 89s vs 88 Mid 9c,8cView Hand 2020-05-13 (jef-1007)
Adam - test hand - BB vs. SB 3! As,5sView Hand 2020-05-13 (adb-1001)
- 25nl - AQo sqz from SB Ad,QsView Hand 2020-05-12 (shb-1001)
Jeff Bronner - Vesty777 ACR 25NL Cash Game - Bronner K2s BB vs mid 3x Kh,2hView Hand 2020-05-12 (jef-1006)
Jeff Bronner - Vesty777 $22 ACR Tourney 5-10 - K8s vs Two Good Players Ks,8sView Hand 2020-05-12 (jef-1005)
Jeff Bronner - Vesty777 $22 ACR Tourney 5-10 - Bronner KK vs 5 Limpers Ks,KdView Hand 2020-05-12 (jef-1004)
Jeff Bronner - Vesty777 ACR Cash Game 25NL - Bronner TT vs AA Ts,TdView Hand 2020-05-11 (jef-1003)
Jeff Bronner - Vesty777 $15 ACR Sunday tourney 5/10 - AKo BTN vs ATs Mid Ad,KcView Hand 2020-05-10 (jef-1002)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Blöff As,8hView Hand 2020-05-10 (bag-1082)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Flöss Qh,9hView Hand 2020-05-10 (bag-1081)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Missed Value Ah,JhView Hand 2020-05-10 (bag-1080)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Missed Value As,TsView Hand 2020-05-10 (bag-1079)
Trent Walker - .10/.25 ACR 2 - .10/.25 ACR 2 Td,9cView Hand 2020-05-09 (sea-1026)
Trent Walker - .10/.25 ACR - .10/.25 ACR Js,TsView Hand 2020-05-09 (sea-1025)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx 5.7 - Cash Qs,QhView Hand 2020-05-08 (jnj-1050)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 3 - Hand 35, +390 Ac,QhView Hand 2020-05-08 (cou-1100)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 3 - Hand 20, +265 Kc,JsView Hand 2020-05-08 (cou-1099)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 3 - Hand 14, -100 Qs,TdView Hand 2020-05-08 (cou-1098)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 3 - Hand 6, +258 5d,5cView Hand 2020-05-08 (cou-1097)
- $15 online - Raise over limpers As,6hView Hand 2020-05-04 (JP-1085)
- $15 online - Nut flush draw in limped pot Ah,8cView Hand 2020-05-04 (JP-1084)
- $15 online - Bottom set multiway 4s,4dView Hand 2020-05-04 (JP-1083)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 250 Sunday Major - final 3 tables top 2 stacks Kh,TdView Hand 2020-05-04 (afs-1108)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 250 Sunday Major - CO vs BB 25bbs Js,TsView Hand 2020-05-04 (afs-1107)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 250 6max online - BTN vs BB Jh,7hView Hand 2020-05-04 (afs-1106)
William L - Global $109 - FT - How to get it in? Ac,KcView Hand 2020-05-03 (wil-1079)
William L - Global $109 - FT - Call off with AJ 2nd of 4? Ac,JhView Hand 2020-05-03 (wil-1078)
William L - Global $109 - FT - A9 vs BB As,9cView Hand 2020-05-03 (wil-1077)
William L - Global $109 - ITM - Top pair vs UTG Ad,QsView Hand 2020-05-03 (wil-1076)
William L - Global $109 - 4th pair, turn into bluff? Ah,4sView Hand 2020-05-03 (wil-1075)
William L - Global $109 - Top pair facing lead Ah,JcView Hand 2020-05-03 (wil-1074)
- thefisheagle 100NL zoom - fold preflop IC As,7sView Hand 2020-05-03 (TF-1118)
- thefisheagle 50NL zoom - bet rvr for value? IC Qs,QdView Hand 2020-05-03 (TF-1117)
- thefisheagle 50NL zoom - missed value rvr IC Ah,KcView Hand 2020-05-03 (TF-1116)
- thefisheagle 50NL zoom - bluff catching IC Ks,QsView Hand 2020-05-03 (TF-1115)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - Overpair out of the SB against a wide BTN player while deep. 8h,8cView Hand 2020-05-03 (mcl-1161)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - Top pair IP multiway. Standard bet? Ks,JsView Hand 2020-05-03 (mcl-1160)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5.50 on BetOnline - Flop draw, turn top pair, catch bad river out of the BB. Th,9hView Hand 2020-05-03 (mcl-1159)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5.50 on BetOnline - Flop an overpair out of the BB and have to decide where to x/r or flat. 8h,8dView Hand 2020-05-03 (mcl-1158)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5.50 on BetOnline - Strong top pair in multiway pot. How much value to go for? Kc,QsView Hand 2020-05-03 (mcl-1157)
- $.5/1 online - Led into with draw Kc,QdView Hand 2020-05-03 (JP-1082)
- .5/1 online - AQs facing 3 bet and c bet Ad,QdView Hand 2020-05-03 (JP-1081)
- .50/1 Online - Facing lead from frequent limper Qd,JsView Hand 2020-05-03 (JP-1080)
- .50/1 Online - Turned top pair multiway Kd,9dView Hand 2020-05-03 (JP-1079)
JJ - pokerbros freezeout - do i call off pocket 55 this short? 5c,5dView Hand 2020-05-03 (jcj-1174)
JJ - pokerbros freezeout - <20 BB with multiple limpers...see flop or jam? 4d,4sView Hand 2020-05-03 (jcj-1173)
JJ - pokerbros freezeout - <20 BB with multiple limpers...see flop or jam? As,8hView Hand 2020-05-03 (jcj-1172)
JJ - pokerbros freezeout - overpair with bet and call on flop Ts,ThView Hand 2020-05-03 (jcj-1171)
JJ - pokerbros freezeout - flopped middle pair, facing turn bet Th,9cView Hand 2020-05-03 (jcj-1170)
JJ - pokerbros freezeout - flopping top pair, facing turn raise Ah,JsView Hand 2020-05-03 (jcj-1169)
JJ - pokerbros freezeout - facing raise in 3 bet pot with pocket TT Ts,ThView Hand 2020-05-03 (jcj-1168)
JJ - pokerbros freezeout - facing raise in 3 bet pot with pocket AA As,AhView Hand 2020-05-03 (jcj-1167)
JJ - pokerbros freezeout - turning top set facing pot size bet Jh,JsView Hand 2020-05-03 (jcj-1166)
JJ - pokerbros freezeout - facing turn raise with flopped top 2 Ad,5cView Hand 2020-05-03 (jcj-1165)
JJ - pokerbros freezeout - polarized river bet with all missed draws Ah,QcView Hand 2020-05-03 (jcj-1164)
JJ - pokerbros freezeout - tricky runout for pocket 99 9c,9dView Hand 2020-05-03 (jcj-1163)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 263, -250 Ac,QdView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1096)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 265, -120 9h,9cView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1095)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 267, -500 6h,7hView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1094)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 286, -80 Ks,8hView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1093)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 288, -115 Ac,QcView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1092)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 292, -35 Kh,TdView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1091)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 293, +45 Td,8dView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1090)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 295, +50 Js,KdView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1089)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 296, +291 8c,8dView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1088)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 309, +215 As,AcView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1087)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 326, +67 5d,6dView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1086)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 328, +317 Ks,AhView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1085)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 329, -1015 3d,3sView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1084)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 335 9s,TsView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1083)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 341 9s,9hView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1082)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 344 Qh,QcView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1081)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 348 5d,5sView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1080)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 353 6h,7hView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1079)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 363 4d,5dView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1078)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 365 Ah,8hView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1077)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 366 Qh,JhView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1076)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 370 Kd,JdView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1075)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 386 Qc,KcView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1074)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 397 Ac,9cView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1073)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 411 5h,4hView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1072)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 413 Ah,KcView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1071)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 418 Ks,3sView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1070)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 422 Ad,6dView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1069)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 430 Ad,TdView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1068)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 432 Ac,TcView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1067)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 433 Kc,QcView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1066)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 436 Kc,KdView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1065)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 437 Kd,QhView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1064)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 441 Qd,5cView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1063)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 444 Ts,QsView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1062)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 445 As,AhView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1061)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, May 2 - Hand 455 Jh,JdView Hand 2020-05-03 (cou-1060)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Ellenféltípus Kh,QhView Hand 2020-05-03 (bag-1078)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx 05.02 (5) - Folding the River As,TdView Hand 2020-05-02 (jnj-1049)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx 05.02 (4) - Jamming All In 3c,3dView Hand 2020-05-02 (jnj-1048)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx 05.02 (3) - Misplayed the River? Kd,QcView Hand 2020-05-02 (jnj-1047)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx 05.02 (2) - Flush Draw Td,7dView Hand 2020-05-02 (jnj-1046)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx 05.02 (1) - Folding an Ace Ah,8cView Hand 2020-05-02 (jnj-1045)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Value Js,JdView Hand 2020-05-02 (bag-1077)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - River Value Qd,QsView Hand 2020-05-02 (bag-1076)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - 1 Over, Value,Calldown Qh,QdView Hand 2020-05-02 (bag-1075)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 30 - Hand 82 Ts,TcView Hand 2020-05-01 (cou-1059)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Bet/Fold Ks,JcView Hand 2020-05-01 (bag-1074)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 29 - Hand 238 Ah,8dView Hand 2020-04-30 (cou-1058)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 29 - Hand 237 Qh,KsView Hand 2020-04-30 (cou-1057)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 28 - Hand 295 Kh,KdView Hand 2020-04-30 (cou-1056)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 28 - Hand 250 Ac,ThView Hand 2020-04-30 (cou-1055)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 28 - Hand 245 9c,QcView Hand 2020-04-30 (cou-1054)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 28 - Hand 232 7h,8dView Hand 2020-04-30 (cou-1053)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 28 - Hand 203 Ac,ThView Hand 2020-04-30 (cou-1052)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 28 - Hand 197 Ks,KhView Hand 2020-04-30 (cou-1051)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Thin Value 7c,7dView Hand 2020-04-30 (bag-1073)
Richard Parrott - 5/10 - Test hand As,KsView Hand 2020-04-29 (rir-1001)
- .5/1 online - KK multiway on wet board Ks,KcView Hand 2020-04-29 (JP-1078)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Just Call As,KhView Hand 2020-04-29 (bag-1072)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Protection,Polarization Ks,9sView Hand 2020-04-29 (bag-1071)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Barell,range - River Decision Ks,JsView Hand 2020-04-28 (bag-1070)
Yuval - Silly 5/10 - black aces As,AcView Hand 2020-04-26 (eli-1004)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 25 - Hand 70 Ks,JdView Hand 2020-04-26 (cou-1050)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 25 - Hand 56 Ad,8dView Hand 2020-04-26 (cou-1049)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 24 - Hand 401 Ks,KdView Hand 2020-04-25 (cou-1048)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 24 - Hand 392 Qc,JdView Hand 2020-04-25 (cou-1047)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 24 - Hand 333 As,QsView Hand 2020-04-25 (cou-1046)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 24 - Hand 331 As,3dView Hand 2020-04-25 (cou-1045)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 24 - Hand 329 As,5sView Hand 2020-04-25 (cou-1044)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 24 - Hand 315 Js,8sView Hand 2020-04-25 (cou-1043)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 24 - Hand 281 Ad,AsView Hand 2020-04-25 (cou-1042)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 24 - Hand 176 Qc,QhView Hand 2020-04-25 (cou-1041)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Példa Value - 100-200 Ac,3dView Hand 2020-04-24 (bag-1069)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 20 - Hand 47 Ks,JcView Hand 2020-04-23 (cou-1040)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 20 - Hand 44 Qd,QhView Hand 2020-04-23 (cou-1039)
Tom - spitzgoby PokerBros Cash Game - 3! Bluff Turn 6d,TdView Hand 2020-04-22 (tol-1001)
danny - dynooomite $2000 GTD online - Bluff - good or bad? Ah,TsView Hand 2020-04-21 (dne-1001)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Value OOP 6h,6dView Hand 2020-04-21 (bag-1068)
- thefisheagle 100 NL - bluff catch? IC Ad,8sView Hand 2020-04-20 (TF-1114)
- thefisheagle 100 NL - fold to 3rd barrel IC Ad,JdView Hand 2020-04-20 (TF-1113)
- thefisheagle 100 NL - xr in 3bet pot IC 6d,5dView Hand 2020-04-20 (TF-1112)
- thefisheagle $20 online - value bet myself IC Kh,9dView Hand 2020-04-20 (TF-1111)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1.65 TPE anniversary tourney on ACR - 3-bet a 30 BB stack from OOP and got myself in a bad spot Ah,TdView Hand 2020-04-20 (mcl-1156)
Yuval - Silly 5/10 - AT hit the straight Ad,TsView Hand 2020-04-20 (eli-1003)
Yuval - Silly 5/10 - Hero call with 99 9h,9dView Hand 2020-04-20 (eli-1002)
Yuval - Silly 1/2 NL - AdAh 19/04 Ah,AdView Hand 2020-04-20 (eli-1001)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 19 - Hand 16 Ks,QsView Hand 2020-04-20 (cou-1038)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 18 - Hand 87 Kd,KhView Hand 2020-04-20 (cou-1037)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 18 - Hand 119 Ac,TcView Hand 2020-04-20 (cou-1036)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 18 - Hand 138 As,JdView Hand 2020-04-20 (cou-1035)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 18 - Hand 180 Ac,JhView Hand 2020-04-20 (cou-1034)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 $10 PKO FT - BvB 5c,3sView Hand 2020-04-20 (afs-1105)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 $100 PKO - EP vs CO Qc,JcView Hand 2020-04-20 (afs-1104)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 $100 PKO FT - Multi way Jd,9cView Hand 2020-04-20 (afs-1103)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 $100 PKO - BB vs EP Multiway 6h,3hView Hand 2020-04-20 (afs-1102)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 $100 PKO - UTG vs CO Ah,QhView Hand 2020-04-20 (afs-1101)
William L - Global $218 - ITM, combo draw 9c,6cView Hand 2020-04-19 (wil-1073)
William L - Global $218 - AK in BB vs 3bet 3 ways Ac,KhView Hand 2020-04-19 (wil-1072)
William L - Global $55 6-max - 2 from money, weak top pair Kd,TcView Hand 2020-04-19 (wil-1071)
William L - Global $5 rebuy - ITM, turned set, wet board 8s,8hView Hand 2020-04-19 (wil-1070)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1.65 TPE anniversary tourney on ACR - Flop top pair in a 3-bet pot and face a lot of heat Kc,JcView Hand 2020-04-19 (mcl-1155)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1.65 TPE anniversary tourney on ACR - IP and deep while facing small flop lead with a marginal draw 9d,8dView Hand 2020-04-19 (mcl-1154)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - Loose 3-bet of UTG raise then gets check/raised on flop Ah,JcView Hand 2020-04-19 (mcl-1153)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - Decent top pair IP. How many streets? Kh,ThView Hand 2020-04-19 (mcl-1152)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - Decent top pair OOP. How many streets? Ks,JsView Hand 2020-04-19 (mcl-1151)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - OOP 3-bet with AQo #1 Ah,QsView Hand 2020-04-19 (mcl-1150)
- $25 online - Bottom pair turned to bluff Ac,2cView Hand 2020-04-19 (JP-1077)
- .3/.6 online - AQs 3 bet oop Ad,QdView Hand 2020-04-19 (JP-1076)
Larry H - LH2838 Global - BB defense Kh,QhView Hand 2020-04-19 (hie-1011)
Larry H - LH2838 Global - BB defense Ah,4sView Hand 2020-04-19 (hie-1010)
Larry H - LH2838 Global - BB Defense Jh,9hView Hand 2020-04-18 (hie-1009)
Larry H - LH2838 Global - BB Defense Kd,6hView Hand 2020-04-18 (hie-1008)
Larry H - LH2838 Global - BB Defense 7h,3hView Hand 2020-04-18 (hie-1007)
Larry H - LH2838 Global - SB oop 6c,8cView Hand 2020-04-18 (hie-1006)
Benno - Gambit PokerStars NL50 - loosing against 4bet call 66 6h,6sView Hand 2020-04-18 (GB-1048)
Benno - Gambit PokerStars NL50 - AK vs 34s 4bet Ad,KcView Hand 2020-04-18 (GB-1047)
Benno - Gambit PokerStars NL50 - AK vs 69s Kd,AsView Hand 2020-04-18 (GB-1046)
- $.50/$1 online - 2 pair vs. overplayer of marginal hands Ad,7cView Hand 2020-04-17 (JP-1075)
- $20 online - Bubble blunder Jh,JdView Hand 2020-04-17 (JP-1074)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Buci online - Bet/fold 4h,4sView Hand 2020-04-17 (bag-1067)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - C/R ellenfél range lapján Ah,QsView Hand 2020-04-17 (bag-1066)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - Checking Strong Qh,QcView Hand 2020-04-17 (bag-1065)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Checking Strong Ad,AhView Hand 2020-04-17 (bag-1064)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - ISO-BARELL Qs,JhView Hand 2020-04-17 (bag-1063)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 14 - Hand 135 Ac,TdView Hand 2020-04-15 (cou-1033)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 14 - Hand 131 5d,5cView Hand 2020-04-15 (cou-1032)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 14 - Hand 79 Jd,JcView Hand 2020-04-15 (cou-1031)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 13 - Hand 121 Qc,QsView Hand 2020-04-15 (cou-1030)
Ron - gipperpk wsop 50 nl - 3 bet pot tp flush draw turn Kd,QsView Hand 2020-04-14 (gip-1037)
Ron - gipperpk wsop 50nl - flopped 2 pair raised all in 8d,7dView Hand 2020-04-14 (gip-1036)
Ron - gipperpk wsop nl 50 - to set monotone Kc,KhView Hand 2020-04-14 (gip-1035)
Ron - gipperpk wsop 50 nl - check raised all in flop Ac,QhView Hand 2020-04-14 (gip-1034)
Ron - gipperpk wsop 50nl - call river tp no kicker As,7sView Hand 2020-04-14 (gip-1033)
Ron - gipperpk wsop nl50 - brick river what to do Ad,4dView Hand 2020-04-14 (gip-1032)
Ron - gipperpk wsop nl 50 - QQ check turn villian pot bet Qc,QdView Hand 2020-04-14 (gip-1031)
Ron - gipperpk wsop nl50 - JJ 3 bet call? Js,JcView Hand 2020-04-14 (gip-1030)
Ron - gipperpk wsop 50 nl - 3 bet AK button As,KcView Hand 2020-04-14 (gip-1029)
Ron - gipperpk wsop 50nl - KK raised all in turn Kh,KcView Hand 2020-04-14 (gip-1028)
Ron - gipperpk wsop 50nl - QQ facing all in on flop Qc,QdView Hand 2020-04-14 (gip-1027)
Ron - gipperpk wsop 50 nl - villian lead all in river Jc,KhView Hand 2020-04-14 (gip-1026)
Ron - gipperpk wsop nl - 3 bet pot top set Jh,JcView Hand 2020-04-14 (gip-1025)
Ron - gipperpk wsop 50nl - 3 bet from button Ts,AcView Hand 2020-04-14 (gip-1024)
Ron - gipperpk wsop nl50 - 4 bet pot tptk nut flush draw As,KsView Hand 2020-04-14 (gip-1023)
Ron - gipperpk wsop 50nl - 3 bet pot SB vs button Kh,JcView Hand 2020-04-14 (gip-1022)
Ron - gipperpk WSOP 50NL - villian leads 3 streets Qd,JdView Hand 2020-04-14 (gip-1021)
Ron - gipperpk WSOP 50NL - Raise flop face reraise all in Ac,9cView Hand 2020-04-14 (gip-1020)
Ron - gipperpk WSOP 50NL - over pair on flop check turn villian lead river 7s,7dView Hand 2020-04-14 (gip-1019)
Benno - Gambit PokerStars 0.25/0.50 - AQ vs KQ As,QcView Hand 2020-04-13 (GB-1044)
Benno - Gambit PokerStars 0.25/0.50 - Nut flush Ad,2dView Hand 2020-04-13 (GB-1043)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 12 - Hand 12 Ac,5hView Hand 2020-04-13 (cou-1029)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 12 - Hand 8 Kh,9cView Hand 2020-04-13 (cou-1028)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 12 - Hand 1 Ad,8hView Hand 2020-04-13 (cou-1027)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 12 - Hand 62 Jh,JcView Hand 2020-04-13 (cou-1026)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 12 - Hand 75 Qh,JdView Hand 2020-04-13 (cou-1025)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 12 - Hand 106 Kd,QcView Hand 2020-04-13 (cou-1024)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 12 - Hand 142 Jc,5cView Hand 2020-04-13 (cou-1023)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 12 - Hand 165 Qd,9sView Hand 2020-04-13 (cou-1022)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 12 - Hand 188 Kh,QcView Hand 2020-04-13 (cou-1021)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 12 - Hand 204 Qs,QcView Hand 2020-04-13 (cou-1020)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 12 - Hand 238 Ad,8dView Hand 2020-04-13 (cou-1019)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 12 - Hand 249 Ah,9hView Hand 2020-04-13 (cou-1018)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 12 - Hand 255 Qd,JsView Hand 2020-04-13 (cou-1017)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 12 - Hand 276 Ac,8cView Hand 2020-04-13 (cou-1016)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 12 - Hand 332 Qs,9sView Hand 2020-04-13 (cou-1015)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 12 - Hand 339 Qc,ThView Hand 2020-04-13 (cou-1014)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 12 - Hand 506 Kh,JdView Hand 2020-04-13 (cou-1013)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 12 - Hand 510 9c,9sView Hand 2020-04-13 (cou-1012)
Wenjie Jiang - bruce pokerist - C&B1 Ks,ThView Hand 2020-04-13 (bru-1003)
Ron - gipperpk Stars 200NL - Pocket jacks raise flop , bad turn? Jh,JdView Hand 2020-04-12 (gip-1018)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Home Gamge - 0,5-0,10 Exploitiv fold Kh,QdView Hand 2020-04-12 (bag-1062)
Kyle Murdoch - Greyfallow $1/$2 NL - How to Play As,AhView Hand 2020-04-10 (kye-1001)
happygolockey - happygolockey 20NL 6max online cash - 20NL 6max online cash KK getting value from limpers Ks,KhView Hand 2020-04-10 (hap-1001)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 9 - Hand 103 Kh,QsView Hand 2020-04-10 (cou-1011)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 9 - Hand 37 Js,9hView Hand 2020-04-09 (cou-1010)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 9 - Hand 47 Js,9hView Hand 2020-04-09 (cou-1009)
Ricardo Perin - Example 1 - Example 1 Kc,AsView Hand 2020-04-07 (ric-1001)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 6 - Hand 170 Qc,JdView Hand 2020-04-07 (cou-1008)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 6 - Hand 82 Ks,JcView Hand 2020-04-07 (cou-1007)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 6 - Hand 59 Tc,JcView Hand 2020-04-07 (cou-1006)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 6 - Hand 49 9s,9hView Hand 2020-04-07 (cou-1005)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 6 - Hand 30 8h,8cView Hand 2020-04-07 (cou-1004)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 6 - Hand 27 Qs,QcView Hand 2020-04-07 (cou-1003)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 6 - Hand 22 Kd,5dView Hand 2020-04-07 (cou-1002)
csallen - csallen $5/$10 NL, Apr 6 - Hand 8 3h,5hView Hand 2020-04-07 (cou-1001)
William L - $1/$3 stream - Squeeze from BTN? Ac,ThView Hand 2020-04-06 (wil-1069)
William L - $1/$3 stream - Squeeze from SB? As,TdView Hand 2020-04-06 (wil-1068)
William L - $1/$3 stream - SB folds AK? Qd,QcView Hand 2020-04-06 (wil-1067)
William L - $1/$3 stream - AA check-raised by TAG Ad,AcView Hand 2020-04-06 (wil-1066)
William L - $1/$3 stream - AJ facing 3bet Ad,JsView Hand 2020-04-06 (wil-1065)
William L - $1/$3 stream - AQ vs TAG Ad,QcView Hand 2020-04-06 (wil-1064)
- thefisheagle 100 NL online - polarized river call IC As,QdView Hand 2020-04-06 (TF-1110)
- thefisheagle $5 online ITM - bad turn raise? raise flop? IC Kc,TsView Hand 2020-04-06 (TF-1109)
- thefisheagle $5 online - wrong turn bet? IC Ac,3dView Hand 2020-04-06 (TF-1108)
- thefisheagle $5 online ITM - flop fold IC Ks,KdView Hand 2020-04-06 (TF-1107)
Phillip Holmes - valveamp $1 NLHE [45 Players] - Is this the worst bad-beat ever? 7c,8hView Hand 2020-04-06 (php-1005)
Michael Conway - Mike $100 Rebuy Tournament - Near the end of the rebuy period. Poor Play 9d,9hView Hand 2020-04-06 (mfc-1002)
- $50 online - 97s sb 20bb effective 9d,7dView Hand 2020-04-06 (JP-1073)
- $.5/1 online - Marginal hand after 3 bet 8d,6dView Hand 2020-04-06 (JP-1072)
Jim - JimB $109 300k 4/5/20 - KK in BB folds to SB jam - straightforward? Ks,KhView Hand 2020-04-06 (jib-1021)
John L - $0.50-$1 Cash GlobalPoker - JJ UTG w/ no overcards Jh,JdView Hand 2020-04-06 (jda-1058)
Ron - gipperpk WSOP 50NL - bluff gone bad Ah,6sView Hand 2020-04-06 (gip-1017)
Ron - gipperpk WSOP 50NL - Call 3 bet QQ Qs,QcView Hand 2020-04-06 (gip-1016)
Ron - gipperpk WSOP 50NL - bet turn when he gives up Jh,ThView Hand 2020-04-06 (gip-1015)
Ron - gipperpk WSOP 50NL - check raised flop tp flush draw Qs,TdView Hand 2020-04-06 (gip-1014)
Ron - gipperpk WSOP 50NL - stuck on river View Hand 2020-04-06 (gip-1013)
Ron - gipperpk WSOP 50NL - check raised flop with draw Td,8dView Hand 2020-04-06 (gip-1012)
Ron - gipperpk WSOP 50NL - donk river bet 7s,7dView Hand 2020-04-06 (gip-1011)
Ron - gipperpk WSOP 100nl - 2 way nut draw all in Ac,KcView Hand 2020-04-06 (gip-1010)
Ron - gipperpk WSOP 50NL - 777 river raise all in 7s,6sView Hand 2020-04-06 (gip-1009)
- $450 online - Straight on paired board 7h,7dView Hand 2020-04-05 (JP-1071)
JJ - pokerbros - pocket AA facing allin shove Ac,AdView Hand 2020-04-05 (jcj-1162)
JJ - pokerbros - KK in 3 bet pot on coordinated flop Ks,KhView Hand 2020-04-05 (jcj-1161)
JJ - pokerbros - AK against 2 shovers in early stage for 40 BB? As,KcView Hand 2020-04-05 (jcj-1160)
Steve - Sullivan47 Free roll online - facing 3 bet 9h,9cView Hand 2020-04-04 (sts-1001)
Jim - JimB $450 450kG Mar 29 - Call raise on river? If so up to what amount? 5c,4sView Hand 2020-04-04 (jib-1020)
Jim - JimB $55NL mar 23 ITM 198 left - unknown new player As,QdView Hand 2020-04-04 (jib-1019)
Jim - JimB $55 NL mar 23 - ITM 469 left - shove pre, call jam? Js,JhView Hand 2020-04-04 (jib-1018)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Bet/fold Ts,7sView Hand 2020-04-04 (bag-1061)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - Rangek Ah,AdView Hand 2020-04-04 (bag-1060)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500-2000 - Mániákus/Fold Equity Ah,5hView Hand 2020-04-04 (bag-1059)
Rodryk Schönfeld - 0X@v@X0 Book1 - QQ Qh,QdView Hand 2020-04-03 (rod-1001)
Selma - Selma 40 online - KK bustout Kc,KhView Hand 2020-04-02 (sla-1011)
- $450 online - AK in multiway 4 bet pot Ad,KcView Hand 2020-04-02 (JP-1070)
Düşün - Dürt OnlineCash - Setmining 3d,3cView Hand 2020-04-01 (smy-1030)
Düşün - Dürt OnlineCash - SlowplayedFlush Jd,8dView Hand 2020-04-01 (smy-1029)
Düşün - Dürt OnlineCash - AcesontheSB Ah,AcView Hand 2020-04-01 (smy-1028)
Düşün - Dürt OnlineCash - FloppedStraight Jd,ThView Hand 2020-04-01 (smy-1027)
Düşün - Dürt OnlineCash - BluffingWithaTightImage As,9dView Hand 2020-04-01 (smy-1026)
Rhys - Red23 $1 Rebuy (Rb period ended) - Ak vs fish when missed flop As,KhView Hand 2020-04-01 (rhy-1004)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Passzív feszes ellenfél, overpair tulértékelt Th,TdView Hand 2020-03-31 (bag-1058)
Selma - Selma 600 live - Q9 on the button View Hand 2020-03-30 (sla-1010)
Rhys - Red23 $2 Rebuy $300 Gtd - 88 Btn facing Big stack 4x 8s,8hView Hand 2020-03-30 (rhy-1003)
Ron - gipperpk wsop nl50 - Top pair paired flop Ks,QhView Hand 2020-03-30 (gip-1008)
Ron - gipperpk WSOP - Flopped set HU 6h,6cView Hand 2020-03-30 (gip-1007)
Bill Vicars - Bill GP .05/.10 - over pair - bad run out 7d,7cView Hand 2020-03-30 (BV-1138)
Selma - Selma 600 live - QJ in SB Qd,JcView Hand 2020-03-29 (sla-1009)
Selma - Selma 600 live - flop set of 88 8s,8hView Hand 2020-03-29 (sla-1008)
Selma - Selma 250 live - AJ tough to play As,JcView Hand 2020-03-29 (sla-1007)
Selma - Selma online - paid off poorly As,TsView Hand 2020-03-29 (sla-1006)
Selma - Selma 600 live - more AK trouble As,KhView Hand 2020-03-29 (sla-1005)
Selma - Selma 600 live - 99 with big cards on flop 9s,9cView Hand 2020-03-29 (sla-1004)
Selma - Selma 600 live - trouble with AK As,KdView Hand 2020-03-29 (sla-1003)
Sarah - $100 Daily Tourney - AK on Button Ad,KdView Hand 2020-03-29 (sar-1001)
James Romero - James Romero $10K LAPC - Module 1, Quiz#1.1 Ah,2hView Hand 2020-03-27 (ski-1005)
James Romero - James Romero $10K LAPC - Module 1, Quiz#4 7s,7hView Hand 2020-03-27 (ski-1003)
James Romero - James Romero $10k LAPC - MODULE 1, Quiz #3 Js,TsView Hand 2020-03-27 (ski-1002)
James Romero - James Romero $10k LAPC - Module 1, Quiz #2 As,ThView Hand 2020-03-27 (ski-1001)
Selma - Selma Local tournament - JJ in BB Js,JcView Hand 2020-03-26 (sla-1002)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 Live CG - Scare card 6h,6dView Hand 2020-03-25 (bag-1057)
Düşün - Dürt OnlineCash - BlfCtch 9s,9hView Hand 2020-03-24 (smy-1025)
Düşün - Dürt OnlineCash - BluffCatch Ac,KsView Hand 2020-03-24 (smy-1024)
Selma - Selma 2/5 NL - The spitter Ad,QdView Hand 2020-03-24 (sla-1001)
- .25/.5 online - AT vs limp 3 bet Ad,TcView Hand 2020-03-24 (JP-1069)
Ron - gipperpk WSOP 50NL - flopped set loose to straight Tc,TsView Hand 2020-03-24 (gip-1006)
Ron - gipperpk WSOP 50NL - turned nuts, villian river flush Ks,QsView Hand 2020-03-24 (gip-1005)
Ron - gipperpk WSOP 50NL - Trip aces raised on river As,KsView Hand 2020-03-24 (gip-1004)
Ron - gipperpk WSOP NL50 - QQ bad move Qs,QdView Hand 2020-03-24 (gip-1003)
vigor-ish - vigor-ish $1/$2 NLH - Austin Poker Palace Js,8cView Hand 2020-03-24 (cam-1001)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Live CG - 100-200 Jh,JdView Hand 2020-03-24 (bag-1056)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Live CG - 100-200 Bet/Fold Value Qh,QdView Hand 2020-03-24 (bag-1055)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Live CG - 100-200 Relativ pozició 8s,8cView Hand 2020-03-24 (bag-1054)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Live CG - 100-200 Ad,4dView Hand 2020-03-24 (bag-1053)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Live CG - 100-200 As,4sView Hand 2020-03-24 (bag-1052)
- .25/.50NL Online - AK four bet As,KhView Hand 2020-03-23 (JP-1068)
Carol Chen - 1/2 NL - K flush over J flush Jd,TdView Hand 2020-03-23 (hec-1072)
Carol Chen - 1/2 NL - SB vs BB Qh,9cView Hand 2020-03-23 (hec-1071)
Carol Chen - 1/2 NL - Hero 3bet squeeze and then called 4bet KJs Kh,JhView Hand 2020-03-23 (hec-1070)
Carol Chen - 1/2 NL - Hero called 3bet with AKo OOP Ac,KcView Hand 2020-03-23 (hec-1069)
Carol Chen - 1/2 NL - Hero 3bet with JJ then called all in Jh,JsView Hand 2020-03-23 (hec-1068)
Carol Chen - 1/2 NL - Hero called 18bb with mid pair vs LAG Ac,7hView Hand 2020-03-23 (hec-1067)
Carol Chen - 1/2 NL - Hero called big river bet Kc,TdView Hand 2020-03-23 (hec-1066)
Ron - gipperpk 50NL - AK against punisher Ad,KsView Hand 2020-03-23 (gip-1002)
Ron - gipperpk WSOP 50NL - Pocket KK Ks,KhView Hand 2020-03-23 (gip-1001)
Benno - Gambit Online Cash 0.25/0.50 - Bad Call AKh Ah,KhView Hand 2020-03-23 (GB-1042)
Düşün - Dürt OnlineCash - RiverCheckRaiseCall Js,9dView Hand 2020-03-22 (smy-1023)
Rhys - Red23 $300 rebuy ($3 buy in) - Big pot, medium stacks overcards and flushdraw...Rebuy period closed so less craziness. Ah,JhView Hand 2020-03-21 (rhy-1002)
Thijs - TJ 2/4 cash - Turn shove vs draw Ad,9dView Hand 2020-03-20 (tja-1077)
Thijs - TJ 2/4 cash - River bluff 4s,6sView Hand 2020-03-20 (tja-1076)
Thijs - TJ 1/2 cash - Check river? Ad,TcView Hand 2020-03-20 (tja-1075)
Thijs - TJ 100 USD Tournament - 3d5d 3d,5dView Hand 2020-03-20 (tja-1074)
Thijs - TJ 100 USD Tournament - Raise on tell Th,9sView Hand 2020-03-20 (tja-1073)
- thefisheagle .25-.50 zoom - bluff too small IC Qh,9hView Hand 2020-03-20 (TF-1106)
- thefisheagle .25-.50 zoom - bad turn shove IC 5c,4cView Hand 2020-03-20 (TF-1105)
Düşün - Dürt OnlineCash - BluffCatch 4s,3sView Hand 2020-03-20 (smy-1022)
Düşün - Dürt OnlineCash - Calling3StreetwithNothing Ah,3hView Hand 2020-03-20 (smy-1021)
Düşün - Dürt OnlineCash - BluffCatchOnTheRiver 2s,TsView Hand 2020-03-20 (smy-1020)
Düşün - Dürt OnlineCash - CallingPotsizeBetontheRiver 7d,8cView Hand 2020-03-20 (smy-1019)
Michael Conway - Mike Local $100 Rebuy - Second hand of rebuy Tournament 6h,9hView Hand 2020-03-20 (mfc-1001)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - Flopped set out of SB gets a poor runout 5s,5dView Hand 2020-03-20 (mcl-1149)
- .3/.6NL online - Flopped nut flush multiway As,4sView Hand 2020-03-20 (JP-1067)
- $240 live - CR good flop 5s,3sView Hand 2020-03-20 (JP-1066)
Elanit Hasas - EllaElla Tampa 02/20 6-max $600 - Against TP 9d,8dView Hand 2020-03-20 (eha-1004)
Elanit Hasas - EllaElla Tampa 02/20 $600 6-max - 5-handed vs blinds Js,TdView Hand 2020-03-20 (eha-1003)
Elanit Hasas - EllaElla Tampa 02/20 $600 re-entry - K9 Kd,9dView Hand 2020-03-20 (eha-1002)
Elanit Hasas - EllaElla Tampa 2/20 $600 re-entry - AcKd Ac,KdView Hand 2020-03-20 (eha-1001)
William L - $400 WSOPC Tulsa - Flopped the nuts, interesting river 6d,5dView Hand 2020-03-19 (wil-1063)
William L - $400 freezeout - Middle pair+draw 6 ways Jc,TcView Hand 2020-03-19 (wil-1062)
William L - $300 tournament - Jacks facing big raise/call Js,JcView Hand 2020-03-19 (wil-1061)
Düşün - Dürt OnlineCash - AllInFlop Ad,QhView Hand 2020-03-19 (smy-1018)
Düşün - Dürt OnlineCash - HugeOverbet As,9sView Hand 2020-03-19 (smy-1017)
- $11 online - 2pr +flush draw multiway Ac,4cView Hand 2020-03-19 (JP-1065)
- .5/1 nl online - AQ Rivered 2 pair Ac,QhView Hand 2020-03-19 (JP-1064)
John L - $1/3 Cash - Fold to CR on turn? 9s,9cView Hand 2020-03-19 (jda-1057)
John L - $1/3 Cash - AK OOP Bet/fold flop? Bet/fold turn? Ah,KdView Hand 2020-03-19 (jda-1056)
John L - $1/3 Cash - Always check this flop? Qh,QdView Hand 2020-03-19 (jda-1055)
John L - $2/5 Cash - Flop set Qs Qs,QcView Hand 2020-03-19 (jda-1054)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Pass play with flush draw Ks,9sView Hand 2020-03-19 (BV-1137)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Play nut flush draw passively Ac,7cView Hand 2020-03-19 (BV-1136)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Delayed C-bet Ac,JsView Hand 2020-03-19 (BV-1135)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Float - Cash 5s,4sView Hand 2020-03-18 (bag-1051)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 ONLINE MTT - Rangek Kh,QhView Hand 2020-03-18 (bag-1050)
Düşün - Dürt OnlineCash - AllinwithMidPair Qs,TdView Hand 2020-03-17 (smy-1016)
Düşün - Dürt OnlineCash - TryingtoTrap 6s,2cView Hand 2020-03-17 (smy-1015)
Düşün - Dürt OnlineCash - BluffCatch 9s,TsView Hand 2020-03-17 (smy-1014)
Düşün - Dürt OnlineCash - TT at the button Ts,TcView Hand 2020-03-17 (smy-1013)
Düşün - Dürt OnlineCash - BluffCatch 7s,4hView Hand 2020-03-17 (smy-1012)
Rhys - Red23 £5+0.50 £2K Bounty Hunter Mini Event - How to play Open Straight draw late stage tournament against a small-ball LAG 2s,TsView Hand 2020-03-17 (rhy-1001)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $3.30 KillingBird home game on ACR - BvB against the man himself Ks,JdView Hand 2020-03-17 (mcl-1148)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $3.30 KillingBird home game on ACR - In a marginal spot multiway with a low SPR As,TcView Hand 2020-03-17 (mcl-1147)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $3.30 on BetOnline - I make a range move on the flop against a weak lead As,QdView Hand 2020-03-17 (mcl-1146)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $3.30 on BetOnline - I make a spicy play and get out of line with A9o IP Ac,9hView Hand 2020-03-17 (mcl-1145)
JJ - horseshoe local - facing BB lead on good flop as PFR Kh,JcView Hand 2020-03-16 (jcj-1159)
JJ - horseshoe WSOP - flopped set facing river lead out 9s,8sView Hand 2020-03-16 (jcj-1158)
JJ - horseshoe WSOP - flopped set facing river lead out 6d,6cView Hand 2020-03-16 (jcj-1157)
JJ - 1/3 cash - facing river bet on scary river Js,TsView Hand 2020-03-16 (jcj-1156)
JJ - 1/3 cash - facing river bet on scary river Js,QhView Hand 2020-03-16 (jcj-1155)
JJ - 1/3 cash - facing reraise on river with straight on paired board Jd,TcView Hand 2020-03-16 (jcj-1154)
JJ - horseshoe local - pocket 66 on interesting river bet 6d,6cView Hand 2020-03-16 (jcj-1153)
Larry H - LH2838 22.00 online - early play Kd,KhView Hand 2020-03-16 (hie-1005)
Düşün - Dürt 10$online - bigturnbet 4s,4cView Hand 2020-03-15 (smy-1011)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $6.60 $1.5k guarantee on ACR - Flop a monster BB vs UTG and try to get the max 8s,8cView Hand 2020-03-15 (mcl-1144)
Düşün - Dürt 10$Online - gettingAgressiveOnpairedBoard 5s,AcView Hand 2020-03-14 (smy-1010)
Düşün - Dürt 10$Online - preflopallinsetup Ks,AcView Hand 2020-03-14 (smy-1009)
Düşün - Dürt 10$Online - Smyrnee's hand Js,TsView Hand 2020-03-14 (smy-1008)
Düşün - Dürt 8$Online - agressivedraw Ks,4sView Hand 2020-03-14 (smy-1007)
Düşün - Dürt 5$ online - all in buff Qd,2dView Hand 2020-03-14 (smy-1006)
SU XU - robbie 5/10 Bellagio - hero BB iso MW Qd,JdView Hand 2020-03-14 (rob-1013)
SU XU - robbie 5/10 Bellagio - Hero HJ vs UTG2 open Ah,KdView Hand 2020-03-14 (rob-1012)
SU XU - robbie 5/10 Bellagio - Hero BB 3b vs reg BT open Kh,JhView Hand 2020-03-14 (rob-1011)
SU XU - robbie 5/10 Bellagio - Hero MP 3b vs reg UTG open Ad,KdView Hand 2020-03-14 (rob-1010)
SU XU - robbie 5/10 Bellagio - Hero BB defend MW Ks,JdView Hand 2020-03-14 (rob-1009)
SU XU - robbie 5/10 Bellagio - Hero SB 3b vs CO open 9s,8sView Hand 2020-03-14 (rob-1008)
SU XU - robbie 5/10 Bellagio - Hero BB flat w JJ vs UTG open MW Jh,JdView Hand 2020-03-14 (rob-1007)
SU XU - robbie 5/10 Bellagio - Hero HJ vs BB defend Ks,JhView Hand 2020-03-14 (rob-1006)
SU XU - robbie 5/10 bellagio - BT straddle Js,JdView Hand 2020-03-14 (rob-1005)
SU XU - robbie 5/10 Bellagio - Hero UTG open MW pot As,KsView Hand 2020-03-14 (rob-1004)
SU XU - robbie 2/5 Wynn - Hero HJ open vs CO 3b 2s,2cView Hand 2020-03-14 (rob-1003)
SU XU - robbie 2/5 Wynn - Hero BT vs CO open Qs,JdView Hand 2020-03-14 (rob-1002)
Larry H - LH2838 online 10 - final 2 tables vs chip leader Ts,8sView Hand 2020-03-10 (hie-1004)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0.25/0.5 - calling with AK Ad,KdView Hand 2020-03-10 (GB-1041)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0.25/0.50 - giving up on the turn QKs Kd,QdView Hand 2020-03-10 (GB-1040)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0.25/0.50 - folding on the turn with 77 7c,7hView Hand 2020-03-10 (GB-1039)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 MTT - Pot odds 9s,8dView Hand 2020-03-10 (bag-1049)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - Value owning Qs,QcView Hand 2020-03-10 (bag-1048)
JJ - 1/3 horseshoe - what to do with overpair/gutshot draw? 7d,7sView Hand 2020-03-09 (jcj-1152)
JJ - 1/3 horseshoe - playing KK oop Ks,KhView Hand 2020-03-09 (jcj-1151)
JJ - horseshoe turbo - did i miss a shove spot from BB with ace? 6s,AhView Hand 2020-03-09 (jcj-1150)
JJ - horseshoe turbo - do i call here with JTo with 2 overcards and gutshot? Jh,TcView Hand 2020-03-09 (jcj-1149)
JJ - horseshoe turbo - did i miss a shove spot on the button? Ts,8sView Hand 2020-03-09 (jcj-1148)
JJ - horseshoe turbo - KJo in 3 bet pot Ks,JcView Hand 2020-03-09 (jcj-1147)
JJ - horseshoe turbo - playing KK tricky? Kc,KhView Hand 2020-03-09 (jcj-1146)
Kasper Ankjærgaard-Andersen - KaverAA RiverRoad deepstack - AQs Ac,QcView Hand 2020-03-08 (xas-1004)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Flop nut flush OOP Ad,3dView Hand 2020-03-08 (BV-1134)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - AK missed flop Ah,KcView Hand 2020-03-08 (BV-1133)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - call 3bet oop - bluff river Ah,8hView Hand 2020-03-08 (BV-1132)
Bill Vicars - Bill Stones 1/3 - set on wet board 7h,7sView Hand 2020-03-08 (BV-1131)
Tomasz - Madjester Hero call on the river when overbet - 1/2 Th,TdView Hand 2020-03-07 (szc-1001)
Düşün - Dürt 10$ online - Bluff Catcher Js,ThView Hand 2020-03-07 (smy-1005)
Düşün - Dürt 10$ Online - Bluff Catcher Ks,8cView Hand 2020-03-07 (smy-1004)
SU XU - robbie 2/5 NL Live - Hero AKo 3b vs LJ open Ah,KcView Hand 2020-03-07 (rob-1001)
Akshar Falgun Patel - Akshar Live #3 - JJ v a Older player Js,JcView Hand 2020-03-06 (aks-1002)
Akshar Falgun Patel - Akshar Live Poker - Live Poker hand #2 Qs,ThView Hand 2020-03-06 (aks-1001)
Luka - Imperator 5/10 NLH Cash-game - 3-betting KQo against splashy UTG raiser Kc,QsView Hand 2020-03-04 (uka-1008)
Luka - Imperator 5/10 NLH Cash-game - QJo on the button (orthodox play) Qs,JhView Hand 2020-03-04 (uka-1007)
Luka - Imperator 5/10/20 straddle NLH Cash-game - Turn decision with 65cc 6c,5cView Hand 2020-03-04 (uka-1006)
Luka - Imperator cash-game 5/10 NLH - Big 3-way pot Js,JhView Hand 2020-03-04 (uka-1005)
Luka - Imperator cash-game 5/10 NLH - Flopping nuts straight Ks,TsView Hand 2020-03-04 (uka-1004)
Luka - Imperator cash-game 5/10 NLH - Errors on various streets vs tighter guy Kd,5dView Hand 2020-03-04 (uka-1003)
Luka - Imperator cash-game 5/10 NLH - SB vs BB straight-flush bad- beat 8c,TcView Hand 2020-03-04 (uka-1002)
Luka - Imperator cash-game 2/5 - Badly played KK Ks,KhView Hand 2020-03-04 (uka-1001)
- Kouman £55 50 entries - Hand here was 22 but could be 22-77 2s,2dView Hand 2020-03-04 (ton-1016)
Benno - Gambit cash 0.25/0.50 - folding on the flop Ac,KdView Hand 2020-03-04 (GB-1038)
Callum Hamilton - 50NL MPN - Solver-approved hero call Ad,JhView Hand 2020-03-04 (cal-1007)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Overfold Ks,JcView Hand 2020-03-04 (bag-1047)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Value Ks,QdView Hand 2020-03-04 (bag-1046)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Value Ah,ThView Hand 2020-03-04 (bag-1045)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Value Qh,QsView Hand 2020-03-04 (bag-1044)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Value Kc,KdView Hand 2020-03-04 (bag-1043)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Value Kh,KcView Hand 2020-03-04 (bag-1042)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Cash - Buc Ad,7dView Hand 2020-03-03 (bag-1040)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Cash - Buc View Hand 2020-03-03 (bag-1039)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Verseny - Buc As,QhView Hand 2020-03-03 (bag-1038)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Freroll Value Tc,8cView Hand 2020-03-03 (bag-1037)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Freeroll Qh,4hView Hand 2020-03-03 (bag-1036)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Value nit ellen Ah,KdView Hand 2020-03-03 (bag-1035)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - Multiway pot with a combo draw in position 8c,6cView Hand 2020-03-02 (mcl-1143)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - Flopping big and trying to get the max out of two opponents 8c,7cView Hand 2020-03-02 (mcl-1142)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - Flop NFD out of SB and have to decide how to play the flop Ad,4dView Hand 2020-03-02 (mcl-1141)
JJ - 1/3 horseshoe - playing AA with nut flush draw As,AdView Hand 2020-03-02 (jcj-1145)
JJ - mardi gras - weird river spot? Qh,JhView Hand 2020-03-02 (jcj-1144)
JJ - mardi gras tourney - shove preflop vs playing postflop? Kh,ThView Hand 2020-03-02 (jcj-1143)
JJ - turbo tourney - top pair, multiway, short stacked Kh,3cView Hand 2020-03-02 (jcj-1142)
JJ - mardi gras tourney - flopping middle pair when short stacked Js,5cView Hand 2020-03-02 (jcj-1141)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 2/5 Live - 400bb deep 4bet pot As,KsView Hand 2020-03-02 (afs-1100)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 2/5 Live - AA MW As,AdView Hand 2020-03-02 (afs-1099)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 2/5 Live - 300bbs 4bet pot Js,JhView Hand 2020-03-02 (afs-1098)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 2/5 Live - AA MW As,AhView Hand 2020-03-02 (afs-1097)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 2/5 Live - KK 3bet MW Ks,KhView Hand 2020-03-02 (afs-1096)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 2/5 Live - EP vs BB As,9sView Hand 2020-03-02 (afs-1095)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 2/5 Live - BTN vs CO 3bet As,QhView Hand 2020-03-02 (afs-1094)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 2/5 Live - KK MW OOP Kh,KsView Hand 2020-03-02 (afs-1093)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Parx 1200 ME ITM - BB vs LJ Qh,JhView Hand 2020-03-02 (afs-1092)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Parx 1200 ME - MP vs blinds As,JhView Hand 2020-03-02 (afs-1091)
Mike - 1/2 Live - JJ from SB Js,JcView Hand 2020-03-01 (mik-1029)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $200NL at Paul's - Good flop with jacks gets interesting turn Js,JdView Hand 2020-03-01 (mcl-1140)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - Turn top pair with AK. Value bet river or not? Ah,KsView Hand 2020-03-01 (mcl-1139)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - Get check-raised after flopping top/top. As,QsView Hand 2020-03-01 (mcl-1138)
- 150 live - flush vs all in Ac,7cView Hand 2020-03-01 (JP-1063)
- $150 live - overpair oop on draw heavy board Qh,QsView Hand 2020-03-01 (JP-1062)
- $1/2NL - AQ multiway As,QcView Hand 2020-03-01 (JP-1061)
- $1/2 NL - 99 vs large lead 9s,9cView Hand 2020-03-01 (JP-1060)
- $1/2 NL - AK bad flop Ah,KhView Hand 2020-03-01 (JP-1059)
Larry H - LH2838 $10 online - QQ vs 2 callers Qh,QcView Hand 2020-03-01 (hie-1003)
Bill Vicars - Bill Thunder Valley 1/3 - Bluff river with no equity 8h,6hView Hand 2020-03-01 (BV-1130)
Bill Vicars - Bill Thunder Valley 1/3 - Multiway suited connector 9c,8cView Hand 2020-03-01 (BV-1129)
Bill Vicars - Bill Thunder Valley 2/5 - calling 3bet oop Ad,8dView Hand 2020-03-01 (BV-1128)
Bill Vicars - Bill Stones 1/3 - Playing suited A in position Ah,2hView Hand 2020-03-01 (BV-1127)
William L - $1/2 - Top pair 8 ways As,QcView Hand 2020-02-28 (wil-1060)
William L - $500 tournament - Facing lead As,QcView Hand 2020-02-28 (wil-1059)
William L - $150 freezeout - 3-bet Blind vs blind Ks,QhView Hand 2020-02-28 (wil-1058)
William L - $200 tournament - ITM, 2 tables left - weak top pair vs old guy Ad,4dView Hand 2020-02-28 (wil-1057)
William L - $200 tournament - 2 overs on paired board Ks,QhView Hand 2020-02-28 (wil-1056)
William L - $200 tournament - Bad river for 2 pair Kc,QcView Hand 2020-02-28 (wil-1055)
William L - Commerce $5/$5 ($500 max buyin) - Top pair facing lead Kh,QdView Hand 2020-02-28 (wil-1054)
William L - Commerce $5/$5 ($500 max buyin) - Top pair+flush draw Ah,JhView Hand 2020-02-28 (wil-1053)
William L - $400 LAPC 6-max - Pair+weak draw 6s,6dView Hand 2020-02-28 (wil-1052)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Rangek megértése Ad,QhView Hand 2020-02-28 (bag-1034)
Tamminator - $1/$2 NL Live - 3-way pot OOP Qd,JdView Hand 2020-02-27 (tam-1002)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Hero Call As,9sView Hand 2020-02-27 (bag-1033)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Live CG - 100-200 Value Town Ad,AhView Hand 2020-02-27 (bag-1032)
webwiller - webwiller Cash NLHE 6max NL25 - AsKd, AKo, AK, Turn action, check-shove As,KdView Hand 2020-02-26 (web-1003)
webwiller - webwiller Cash NLHE 6max NL25 - JhJs, JJ, AJs, AdJd, underpair Jh,JsView Hand 2020-02-26 (web-1002)
John Borges - John B Synd #12, Hand 4 - AQo bustout As,QhView Hand 2020-02-26 (fly-1056)
Kasper Ankjærgaard-Andersen - KaverAA Riverclub Fredagsdeepstack - 99 med et overkort 9c,9dView Hand 2020-02-25 (xas-1003)
Kasper Ankjærgaard-Andersen - KaverAA Riverclub Fredagsdeepstack - AA mod 5 spillere Ac,AdView Hand 2020-02-25 (xas-1002)
Märten - prom2tu KoT 2020 - S1h11 Ah,ThView Hand 2020-02-25 (maa-1011)
Märten - prom2tu KoT 2020 - S1h11 Ts,TcView Hand 2020-02-25 (maa-1010)
Märten - prom2tu KoT 2020 - S1h10 Ks,JdView Hand 2020-02-25 (maa-1009)
Märten - prom2tu KoT 2020 - S1h10 Qs,JhView Hand 2020-02-25 (maa-1008)
Märten - prom2tu KoT 2020 - S1h9 Tc,TdView Hand 2020-02-25 (maa-1007)
Märten - prom2tu KoT 2020 - S1h6 Qh,9hView Hand 2020-02-25 (maa-1006)
Märten - prom2tu KoT 2020 - S1h6 Ks,QcView Hand 2020-02-25 (maa-1005)
Märten - prom2tu KoT 2020 - S1h5 Ah,5hView Hand 2020-02-25 (maa-1004)
Märten - prom2tu KoT 2020 - S1h4 As,6hView Hand 2020-02-25 (maa-1003)
Märten - prom2tu KoT 2020 - S1h3 As,AhView Hand 2020-02-25 (maa-1002)
Märten - prom2tu KoT 2/2 Texas s1h2 - K and 3 clubs there, other made up As,AhView Hand 2020-02-25 (maa-1001)
John Borges - John B Synd #12, Hand 3 - AQs UTG..... is this ever a call? Ah,QhView Hand 2020-02-25 (fly-1055)
John Borges - John B Synd #12, Hand 2 - QTs w/ flush draw Qh,ThView Hand 2020-02-25 (fly-1054)
John Borges - John B Synd #12, hand 1 - A9o vs HJ Anthony As,9cView Hand 2020-02-25 (fly-1053)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Live CG - Buci Ks,KhView Hand 2020-02-25 (bag-1031)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Online MTT - Slowplay As,KcView Hand 2020-02-25 (bag-1030)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 500-500 - Fold Equity Ah,JhView Hand 2020-02-25 (bag-1029)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Live CG 100-200 - Value OOP, SPR 5s,5cView Hand 2020-02-25 (bag-1028)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Live CG 100-200 - Fold Equity Jd,9dView Hand 2020-02-25 (bag-1027)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Online MTT - Floatolás 9h,6hView Hand 2020-02-25 (bag-1026)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Online MTT - Fold Equity Kd,5dView Hand 2020-02-25 (bag-1025)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Online MTT - Fold Equity Jc,TcView Hand 2020-02-25 (bag-1024)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Online MTT - Fold Equity Ad,9dView Hand 2020-02-25 (bag-1023)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Live CG - 500-500 Win 9s,9hView Hand 2020-02-25 (bag-1022)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Online MTT - PP Overcard Barell 9c,9hView Hand 2020-02-25 (bag-1021)
Damion - Salty D NLH1 - NLH1 Hand Kc,5cView Hand 2020-02-24 (the-1001)
Kasper Ankjærgaard-Andersen - KaverAA Fredags Deepstack // Hånd 1 - Valuebet på river med nut flush Ad,2dView Hand 2020-02-23 (xas-1001)
Düşün - Dürt $100 Online - Smyrnee's hand Th,8dView Hand 2020-02-23 (smy-1003)
Düşün - Dürt $100 Online - Smyrnee's hand Qh,9hView Hand 2020-02-23 (smy-1002)
Thijs - TJ 1500 usd wpt - Bust hand 4d,4cView Hand 2020-02-22 (tja-1072)
Thijs - TJ 1500 usd wpt - Next hand, bluff As,8hView Hand 2020-02-22 (tja-1071)
Thijs - TJ 1500 usd wpt - Call against Lag Ac,QsView Hand 2020-02-22 (tja-1070)
Thijs - TJ 1500 usd wpt - Block/Value bet Kd,6dView Hand 2020-02-22 (tja-1069)
Thijs - TJ 1500 usd wpt - JJ Jd,JhView Hand 2020-02-22 (tja-1068)
Thijs - TJ 1500 usd wpt - Bluff on low stack Ac,2cView Hand 2020-02-22 (tja-1067)
Thijs - TJ 1500 usd wpt - Value bet river? 7c,7dView Hand 2020-02-22 (tja-1066)
Thijs - TJ 1500 usd wpt - Bluff Th,JcView Hand 2020-02-22 (tja-1065)
Thijs - TJ 1500 usd wpt - Nitty fold Kh,8hView Hand 2020-02-22 (tja-1064)
Thijs - TJ 1500 usd wpt - River fold 6h,TcView Hand 2020-02-22 (tja-1063)
Thijs - TJ 1500 usd wpt - vs short stack Qh,6hView Hand 2020-02-22 (tja-1062)
Thijs - TJ 1500 usd wpt - slowplay 4c,4dView Hand 2020-02-22 (tja-1061)
Thijs - TJ 1500 usd wpt - 44 4c,4hView Hand 2020-02-22 (tja-1060)
Thijs - TJ 1500 usd wpt - J9s on flop Js,9sView Hand 2020-02-22 (tja-1059)
Thijs - TJ 1500 usd wpt - KJo UTG Ks,JhView Hand 2020-02-22 (tja-1058)
Thijs - TJ 1500 usd wpt - mucks river Ah,9sView Hand 2020-02-22 (tja-1057)
Thijs - TJ 1500 usd wpt - herocall Ac,JdView Hand 2020-02-22 (tja-1056)
Thijs - TJ 1500 usd wpt - Pre flop bluff w blockers Kc,QcView Hand 2020-02-22 (tja-1055)
Thijs - TJ 1500 usd wpt - BB 9c,TcView Hand 2020-02-22 (tja-1054)
Thijs - TJ 1500 usd wpt - Max value? 3h,4hView Hand 2020-02-22 (tja-1053)
Düşün - Dürt $200 Online - Smyrnee's hand Tc,6sView Hand 2020-02-22 (smy-1001)
Alper - alpirinko deneme - deneme 6s,6dView Hand 2020-02-22 (alp-1001)
Thijs - TJ 2-4 cash - Vs lag station Ah,JsView Hand 2020-02-21 (tja-1052)
Thijs - TJ 2-4cash - bluff Ac,4cView Hand 2020-02-21 (tja-1051)
Thijs - TJ 2-4 cash - all in call w draw 5h,7hView Hand 2020-02-21 (tja-1050)
Thijs - TJ 2-4 cash - BB defend Kd,TsView Hand 2020-02-21 (tja-1049)
Thijs - TJ 2-4 cash - River push w straight on board Qc,QdView Hand 2020-02-21 (tja-1048)
Thijs - TJ 2-4 cash - Bluff Ah,KcView Hand 2020-02-21 (tja-1047)
Thijs - TJ 2-4 cash - Splashy Ad,QcView Hand 2020-02-21 (tja-1046)
Thijs - TJ 6max 1000 usd - push turn when ahead? or let him bluff river 8s,8cView Hand 2020-02-21 (tja-1045)
Thijs - TJ 6max 1000 USD - River value bet? Ah,JdView Hand 2020-02-21 (tja-1044)
Thijs - TJ 6 max 1000 usd tournament - Fold river 9d,9sView Hand 2020-02-21 (tja-1043)
Thijs - TJ 6max 1000 usd - River call Ah,KhView Hand 2020-02-21 (tja-1042)
Thijs - TJ 1/2 cash - Herocall opportunity Ah,TdView Hand 2020-02-21 (tja-1041)
Thijs - TJ 1/2 cash - Herocall Qs,TcView Hand 2020-02-21 (tja-1040)
Thijs - TJ 1/2 cash - Vs slowplay Qh,KcView Hand 2020-02-21 (tja-1039)
Thijs - TJ 1/2 cash - call crazy player w king high? Qc,KsView Hand 2020-02-21 (tja-1038)
Thijs - TJ WPT usd 300 - Semi bluff Qh,3hView Hand 2020-02-21 (tja-1037)
Thijs - TJ WPT usd 300 - River fold Kc,QcView Hand 2020-02-21 (tja-1036)
Thijs - TJ WPT 300 USD - Turn hand into bluff? 4s,4cView Hand 2020-02-21 (tja-1035)
Thijs - TJ WPT 300 usd - 3bet pot Kd,9cView Hand 2020-02-21 (tja-1034)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1/$3 NL at MGM Nat. Harbor - Hand played by Juice that I thought was interesting enough for the IC Ad,AhView Hand 2020-02-21 (mcl-1137)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - SB squeeze with AQo lands me in a tough spot Ac,QdView Hand 2020-02-21 (mcl-1136)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - Double-barrel on turn after flop c-bet 6c,6hView Hand 2020-02-21 (mcl-1135)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - Flop reasonably strong hand multiway and unsure how to proceed Kh,QsView Hand 2020-02-21 (mcl-1134)
Benno - Gambit Online 0.25/0.50 - 2 pair Td,8dView Hand 2020-02-21 (GB-1037)
Benno - Gambit Online 0.25/0.50 - shove on the turn Kc,QcView Hand 2020-02-21 (GB-1036)
Benno - Gambit online 0.25/0.50 - Winning on the river Jc,KcView Hand 2020-02-21 (GB-1035)
Bill Vicars - Bill Stones 1/3 - Flop nuts OOP As,JcView Hand 2020-02-21 (BV-1126)
Bart - Bart 5-5 Test - 2-22-20 Ah,9hView Hand 2020-02-21 (bar-1001)
William L - Wynn $600 - Short stack, 13 left, suited ace Ad,8dView Hand 2020-02-20 (wil-1051)
William L - Wynn $600 - Top pair in BB Qs,JsView Hand 2020-02-20 (wil-1050)
William L - Wynn $600 - Second pair, little action Ts,TcView Hand 2020-02-20 (wil-1049)
William L - Wynn $600 - 2 from money, blind vs blind 9h,5hView Hand 2020-02-20 (wil-1048)
William L - $600 Wynn - day 2 - Flopped nuts against UTG 6c,5cView Hand 2020-02-20 (wil-1047)
William L - $100 freezeout - 3-bet then facing lead As,JsView Hand 2020-02-20 (wil-1046)
William L - $200 tournament - Middle pair vs 2 players, one maniac Kh,JsView Hand 2020-02-20 (wil-1045)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live cash - give up on turn IC Ac,JcView Hand 2020-02-20 (TF-1104)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live cash - nitty river fold IC Jh,8hView Hand 2020-02-20 (TF-1103)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live cash - missed value river IC Kc,JsView Hand 2020-02-20 (TF-1102)
- thefisheagle 2-5 live cash - loose calls pre and post IC Ks,8sView Hand 2020-02-20 (TF-1101)
- thefisheagle 2-5 live cash - facing river overbet IC As,KsView Hand 2020-02-20 (TF-1100)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live cash - post squeeze play IC As,3sView Hand 2020-02-20 (TF-1099)
Keith rivera - 50 live - 910 9s,TsView Hand 2020-02-20 (riv-1002)
Keith rivera - 50 live - ak As,KsView Hand 2020-02-20 (riv-1001)
Phillip Holmes - valveamp $1 NLHE [45 Players] - $1 NLHE [45 Players] 7h,9hView Hand 2020-02-20 (php-1004)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin 200NL at Eddie's - KK gets into a fun spot multiway Ks,KhView Hand 2020-02-20 (mcl-1133)
JJ - 1/3 cash - playing AQo in 3 bet pot in position As,QhView Hand 2020-02-20 (jcj-1140)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Call all in with Nut flush draw Ad,KdView Hand 2020-02-20 (BV-1125)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Cg 500-500 - 500-500 Máté handje Ks,JhView Hand 2020-02-20 (bag-1020)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Live CG - 100-200 Qh,JdView Hand 2020-02-20 (bag-1019)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Live CG - 100-200 Kc,KhView Hand 2020-02-20 (bag-1018)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Online MTT - PP with 1 overcard Qs,QhView Hand 2020-02-20 (bag-1017)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Online MTT - PP 1 overcard 9c,9dView Hand 2020-02-20 (bag-1016)
Phillip Holmes - valveamp $0.01/$0.02 Cash Game - $0.01/$0.02 Cash Game Bad Beat Js,KcView Hand 2020-02-19 (php-1003)
Mike - ACR .05/.10 - AA vs TIny River Bet As,AdView Hand 2020-02-19 (mik-1028)
Mike - ACR .05/.10 - K10s all in bluff Ks,TsView Hand 2020-02-19 (mik-1027)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx Choctaw - Choctaw View Hand 2020-02-19 (jnj-1044)
JJ - 2/5 cash winstar - AQo facing 3 bet and cold caller Ah,QcView Hand 2020-02-18 (jcj-1139)
JJ - winstar main - set over set 7s,7hView Hand 2020-02-18 (jcj-1138)
JJ - 1/3 horseshoe cash - how to play AK on turn here? Ah,KsView Hand 2020-02-18 (jcj-1137)
JJ - winstar river main - playing aces with < 20 BB, what to do on turn? As,AcView Hand 2020-02-18 (jcj-1136)
JJ - winstar river main - tricky river spot? Ah,2cView Hand 2020-02-18 (jcj-1135)
JJ - winstar river main - rivering 2 pair 7s,TsView Hand 2020-02-18 (jcj-1134)
Mike - ACR Blitz 6max .05/.10 - 98o Triple Barrel 9d,8sView Hand 2020-02-17 (mik-1026)
Mike - ACR Blitz 6max .05/.10 - 56s Triple Barrel Fail 5d,6dView Hand 2020-02-17 (mik-1025)
Mike - $600 WSOPC Tampa - JQs vs Anthony Astarita Qc,JcView Hand 2020-02-17 (mik-1024)
Mike - 2/5 Live - KQ vs Pro in BB Ks,QhView Hand 2020-02-17 (mik-1023)
Mike - 2/5 Live - AQ for 3 streets Ad,QhView Hand 2020-02-17 (mik-1022)
Benno - Gambit Cash 0.25/0.50 online - against a fish Ac,QdView Hand 2020-02-17 (GB-1034)
Benno - Gambit online 0.25/0.50 - Set vs Set (Hero check raise) Ts,ThView Hand 2020-02-17 (GB-1033)
Benno - Gambit Cash online 0.25/0.50 - Set vs draw 9s,9cView Hand 2020-02-17 (GB-1032)
Bill Vicars - Bill Thunder Valley 2/5 - Squeeze from SB Ah,3hView Hand 2020-02-16 (BV-1124)
Bill Vicars - Bill Thunder Valley 2/5 - Check Nut flush on river Ad,KdView Hand 2020-02-16 (BV-1123)
Bill Vicars - Bill Tiunder Valley 2/5 - Top pair with FD - reraise flop? Ad,QdView Hand 2020-02-16 (BV-1122)
Phillip Holmes - valveamp $0.01/$0.02 online NL cash game - $0.01/0.02 NL cash game Ac,QcView Hand 2020-02-15 (php-1002)
Tamminator - $1/$3 NL Live - 1/3 NL Live Kd,QsView Hand 2020-02-14 (tam-1001)
Thijs - TJ WPT 1000 usd 6max - 88 8s,8cView Hand 2020-02-13 (tja-1033)
Thijs - TJ WPT 1000 usd 6max - TT Th,TcView Hand 2020-02-13 (tja-1032)
Thijs - TJ WPT 1000 usd 6max - Value on river? Ah,JdView Hand 2020-02-13 (tja-1031)
Jacob Kehl - Bridgeking test - test Ac,KhView Hand 2020-02-13 (jac-1001)
Ian - $3 Triple Play 2/6/2020 - A $3 triple play on Bovada. Kh,ThView Hand 2020-02-13 (dpo-1011)
Bill Vicars - Bill Thunder Valley 2/5 - Face pressure with over pair Tc,TsView Hand 2020-02-13 (BV-1121)
Bill Vicars - Bill Thunder Valley 2/5 - Slow play 2 pair 7s,6hView Hand 2020-02-13 (BV-1120)
Ian - $3 Triple Play 2/6/2020 - A $3 triple play on Bovada. 7h,KsView Hand 2020-02-12 (dpo-1010)
Ian - $3 Triple Play 2/6/2020 - A $3 triple play on Bovada. Qd,AsView Hand 2020-02-12 (dpo-1009)
Ian - $3 Triple Play 2/6/2020 - A $3 triple play on Bovada. Jh,9cView Hand 2020-02-12 (dpo-1008)
Ian - $3 Triple Play 2/6/2020 - A $3 triple play on Bovada. 5d,7sView Hand 2020-02-12 (dpo-1007)
Ian - $3 Triple Play 2/6/2020 - A $3 triple play on Bovada. Qs,3dView Hand 2020-02-12 (dpo-1006)
Ian - $3 Triple Play 2/6/2020 - A $3 triple play on Bovada. 2d,2cView Hand 2020-02-12 (dpo-1005)
Ian - $3 Triple Play 2/6/2020 - A $3 triple play on Bovada. Jc,JhView Hand 2020-02-12 (dpo-1004)
Ian - $3 Triple Play 2/6/2020 - A $3 triple play on Bovada. Jh,5dView Hand 2020-02-12 (dpo-1003)
Ian - $3 Triple Play 2/6/2020 - A $3 triple play on Bovada. 9d,QdView Hand 2020-02-12 (dpo-1002)
Ian - $3 Triple Play 2/6/2020 - A $3 triple play on Bovada. Jh,4sView Hand 2020-02-12 (dpo-1001)
Phillip Holmes - valveamp $0.23+$0.02 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VII - Small Stakes Bad Beat 1 Jc,JdView Hand 2020-02-11 (php-1001)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Példahand - CG As,KhView Hand 2020-02-11 (bag-1015)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Példahand - CG 9c,3cView Hand 2020-02-11 (bag-1014)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Példahand - CG Ks,KhView Hand 2020-02-11 (bag-1013)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Példahand - CG Kh,JhView Hand 2020-02-11 (bag-1012)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Példahand - CG Ks,QsView Hand 2020-02-11 (bag-1011)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Példahand - CG As,QsView Hand 2020-02-11 (bag-1010)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 Példahand - CG As,KdView Hand 2020-02-11 (bag-1009)
Alex Quinn - FOXWOODS $2-$5 - Bad Check on Turn ? Kh,QdView Hand 2020-02-10 (ale-1014)
Alex Quinn - FOXWOODS $1-$2 - Raising with As in hand As,3cView Hand 2020-02-10 (ale-1013)
webwiller - webwiller $100 NLHE Sunday Special - TT from BU vs UTG Limp/Call Preflop on J high board w/flush+straight draws Th,TcView Hand 2020-02-09 (web-1001)
bryan - online freeroll - fish loses half stack first hand Kc,QhView Hand 2020-02-09 (sbi-1004)
bryan - online freeroll - drawing for tournament life 8d,5dView Hand 2020-02-09 (sbi-1003)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin 200NL at Eddie's - Dream spot that I think I didn't bet well 3s,3dView Hand 2020-02-09 (mcl-1132)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live - 4 bet preflop MA Kh,KdView Hand 2020-02-07 (TF-1098)
9Tsuited - $1/$2 NL - Folded KK Kh,KsView Hand 2020-02-07 (lar-1027)
- $1/2 NL - Flopped straight multiway 6c,3dView Hand 2020-02-07 (JP-1058)
- 240 Live - AA multiway As,AhView Hand 2020-02-07 (JP-1057)
- $240 Live - Open ended straight and flush draw multiway 5c,4cView Hand 2020-02-07 (JP-1056)
- $240 Live - Rivered 2pr vs attempted all in Ah,TcView Hand 2020-02-07 (JP-1055)
JJ - 1/3 cash - flopping set, what do to on obvious OESD on turn? 6s,6cView Hand 2020-02-07 (jcj-1133)
JJ - 1/3 cash - pocket JJ facing short stack shove Js,JhView Hand 2020-02-07 (jcj-1132)
JJ - 1/3 cash - pocket KK on coordinated flop as PFR Ks,KhView Hand 2020-02-07 (jcj-1131)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - 99 OOP in the HJ facing a BTN 3-bet 9s,9dView Hand 2020-02-06 (mcl-1131)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - BvB with 98s facing a potential lead spot on the river 9c,8cView Hand 2020-02-06 (mcl-1130)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - 3-bet from SB with dry ace against BTN open Ad,8hView Hand 2020-02-06 (mcl-1129)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - Flopping a medium flush 3-ways and going for the max on the river 8h,7hView Hand 2020-02-06 (mcl-1128)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - Choosing not to 4-bet AKo from CO vs SB 3-bet Ac,KhView Hand 2020-02-06 (mcl-1127)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - Choosing not to 3-bet KQo out of SB vs BTN open Kh,QsView Hand 2020-02-06 (mcl-1126)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $4.40 on BetOnline - Flop NFD OOP in 3-bet pot against villain who's blasting away Ad,JdView Hand 2020-02-06 (mcl-1125)
Bill Vicars - Bill Stones 1/3 - folding top set on 3 flush board Ts,TcView Hand 2020-02-06 (BV-1119)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live - AA oop on tough board MA Ah,AdView Hand 2020-02-05 (TF-1097)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 ÖSSZEÜLÖS - VERSENY Kc,QcView Hand 2020-02-04 (bag-1008)
Alex Quinn - Foxwoods $1-$2 Cash Game - Check raising with Q High Qh,JdView Hand 2020-02-04 (ale-1012)
Alex Quinn - Foxwoods $1-$2 Cash - Flop Big In Cash Game Qd,8dView Hand 2020-02-04 (ale-1011)
Alex Quinn - Old Foxwoods $400 - Tough spot! Not sure what to do! As,JsView Hand 2020-02-04 (ale-1010)
Alex Quinn - FOXWOODS $180 - BUST OUT HAND 15BB Js,TsView Hand 2020-02-04 (ale-1009)
Alex Quinn - FOXWOODS $180 - Calling KsQs to a UTG min raise Ks,QsView Hand 2020-02-04 (ale-1008)
Alex Quinn - FOXWOODS $180 - Getting Check Raised with Pocket 10's Th,TdView Hand 2020-02-04 (ale-1007)
Alex Quinn - FOXWOODS $180 - Checking Turn after flopping huge Qd,9dView Hand 2020-02-04 (ale-1006)
Alex Quinn - FOXWOODS $180 - Calling big open on button with Jd10d Jd,TdView Hand 2020-02-04 (ale-1005)
Alex Quinn - FOXWOODS $180 - Reraise with AJ off on Button As,JcView Hand 2020-02-04 (ale-1004)
Alex Quinn - FOXWOODS $180 - Jd9d Jd,9dView Hand 2020-02-04 (ale-1003)
Alex Quinn - FOXWOODS $180 - ALL IN WITH 10's Ts,TcView Hand 2020-02-04 (ale-1002)
Alex Quinn - FOXWOODS $180 - BAD PLAY WITH 9's 9s,9cView Hand 2020-02-04 (ale-1001)
bryan - $5 online 6 max - donk call 9h,8hView Hand 2020-02-03 (sbi-1002)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Raise on river with FH? Ad,KdView Hand 2020-02-01 (BV-1118)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Bet thin on river? Ah,KcView Hand 2020-02-01 (BV-1117)
Bill Vicars - Bill Tower 1/3 - Bet top pair on river Ah,QhView Hand 2020-02-01 (BV-1116)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - FLoating to river against known player As,2sView Hand 2020-02-01 (BV-1115)
Mike - 2/5 Cash - Way too thin on river? 6c,7cView Hand 2020-01-31 (mik-1021)
Mike - 2/5 Cash - Crazy Hand/AKs Ah,KhView Hand 2020-01-31 (mik-1020)
Mike - 2/5 Cash - AKs Value Owned As,KsView Hand 2020-01-31 (mik-1019)
Mike - 2/5 Cash - 76s 3bet Bluff 6d,7dView Hand 2020-01-31 (mik-1018)
Mike - 2/5 Cash - A4s Bluff Give Up View Hand 2020-01-31 (mik-1017)
Mike - $180, 50K G - AKo Triple Barrel for value Ad,KsView Hand 2020-01-31 (mik-1016)
Mike - Straddled 2/5 Cash - AKs from SB Ac,KcView Hand 2020-01-31 (mik-1015)
Mike - $500 Tampa 1 Day - Soft Table KK vs QQ Ks,KhView Hand 2020-01-31 (mik-1014)
JJ - 1/3 cash - playing aces multiway Ac,AhView Hand 2020-01-31 (jcj-1130)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live - passive line IC Qs,QdView Hand 2020-01-30 (TF-1096)
bryan - 33 online - 3k gtd deep 2.5 hr in Qs,QhView Hand 2020-01-30 (sbi-1001)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live - bluffed wrong guy IC 2c,2dView Hand 2020-01-29 (TF-1095)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live - nitty turn fold multiway IC Kc,TcView Hand 2020-01-29 (TF-1094)
- thefisheagle 1-2 live - missed rvr bet? IC Ts,TdView Hand 2020-01-29 (TF-1093)
- thefisheagle 1-2 live - lucky rvr chop IC Jc,9cView Hand 2020-01-29 (TF-1092)
- thefisheagle 1-2-5 straddle - missed turn bet Th,9hView Hand 2020-01-29 (TF-1091)
Jim B - AZJim $2/$3 Live Cash - Vs. straight-forward straddle, showdown or bluff river? As,5sView Hand 2020-01-29 (jim-1016)
JJ - biloxi main - AQo facing 3/4 bet As,QhView Hand 2020-01-28 (jcj-1129)
Bill Vicars - Bill Thunder Valley 2/5 - Pot control with top pair As,QhView Hand 2020-01-26 (BV-1114)
Bill Vicars - Bill Thunder Valley 2/5 - Battling with top pair & flush draw Ts,9sView Hand 2020-01-26 (BV-1113)
Bill Vicars - Bill Thunder Valley 2/5 - AJ holding on, then value betting As,JdView Hand 2020-01-26 (BV-1112)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live - xr flop with no plan IC Ad,QdView Hand 2020-01-21 (TF-1090)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live - folded set IC 8c,8hView Hand 2020-01-21 (TF-1089)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live - passive line IC Ah,8hView Hand 2020-01-21 (TF-1088)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $4k guarantee on ACR - Playing the rest of the hand vs the BB after range betting the flop with backdoor equity Ah,6hView Hand 2020-01-21 (mcl-1124)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $4k guarantee on ACR - Taking a flop from the BB with the final table looming Kc,7cView Hand 2020-01-21 (mcl-1123)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $4k guarantee on ACR - Making a move BvB when 7-handed at the FT 9d,5dView Hand 2020-01-21 (mcl-1122)
- $1/2 - Q9s multiway Qs,9sView Hand 2020-01-21 (JP-1054)
- $1/2 - AK vs short stack and overcaller Ah,KsView Hand 2020-01-21 (JP-1053)
- $1/2 - AA vs new player Ac,AhView Hand 2020-01-21 (JP-1052)
JJ - biloxi million dollar heater - missed shove after the AQo fold? As,8hView Hand 2020-01-21 (jcj-1128)
JJ - biloxi million dollar heater - AQo in BB against 3 bet with 11 BB... Ah,QcView Hand 2020-01-21 (jcj-1127)
JJ - biloxi million dollar heater - weird spot on bubble with KK, 4 away from money Kh,KdView Hand 2020-01-21 (jcj-1126)
JJ - biloxi million dollar heater - turning straight when OOP against obvious flush Qs,JsView Hand 2020-01-21 (jcj-1125)
JJ - biloxi million dollar heater - giving rope with pocket QQ Qh,QcView Hand 2020-01-21 (jcj-1124)
JJ - biloxi million dollar heater - should i defend BB here once tight old man from SB calls? Tc,8dView Hand 2020-01-21 (jcj-1123)
JJ - biloxi million dollar heater - flopping trips but no good??!! Jd,TdView Hand 2020-01-21 (jcj-1122)
JJ - biloxi million dollar heater - rivering full house in checked pot 5c,5hView Hand 2020-01-21 (jcj-1121)
JJ - biloxi million dollar heater - pocket KK in 3 bet pot Ks,KhView Hand 2020-01-21 (jcj-1120)
Jason Shinbaum - Shinbaum $1650 Tampa Hard Rock - H02 As,3sView Hand 2020-01-21 (jan-1020)
Jason Shinbaum - Shinbaum $1650 Tampa Hard Rock - H01 As,8sView Hand 2020-01-21 (jan-1019)
Jason Shinbaum - Shinbaum $360 Jax MMT Day 2 2020-01-19 - H02 Ah,6hView Hand 2020-01-21 (jan-1018)
Jason Shinbaum - Shinbaum $360 Jax MMT Day 2 2020-01-19 - H01 Ks,6sView Hand 2020-01-21 (jan-1017)
Jason Shinbaum - Shinbaum $360 Jax MMT Day 1 2020-01-18 - H06 Ad,3cView Hand 2020-01-21 (jan-1016)
Jason Shinbaum - Shinbaum $360 Jax MMT Day 1 2020-01-18 - H05 9c,9dView Hand 2020-01-21 (jan-1015)
Jason Shinbaum - Shinbaum $360 Jax MMT Day 1 2020-01-18 - H04 8d,8sView Hand 2020-01-21 (jan-1014)
Jason Shinbaum - Shinbaum $360 Jax MMT Day 1 2020-01-18 - H03 Ah,QhView Hand 2020-01-21 (jan-1013)
Jason Shinbaum - Shinbaum $360 Jax MMT Day 1 2020-01-18 - H02 3d,3hView Hand 2020-01-21 (jan-1012)
Jason Shinbaum - Shinbaum $360 Jax MMT Day 1 2020-01-18 - H01 Ah,AcView Hand 2020-01-21 (jan-1011)
Jason Shinbaum - Shinbaum $250 Daytona MMT 2019-12-29 - $250 Daytona MMT H-07 Ts,ThView Hand 2020-01-21 (jan-1010)
Jason Shinbaum - Shinbaum $250 Daytona MMT 2019-12-29 - $250 Daytona MMT H-06 As,AhView Hand 2020-01-21 (jan-1009)
Jason Shinbaum - Shinbaum $250 Daytona MMT 2019-12-29 - $250 Daytona MMT H-05 Ks,JsView Hand 2020-01-21 (jan-1008)
Jason Shinbaum - Shinbaum $250 Daytona MMT 2019-12-29 - $250 Daytona MMT H-04 9h,9dView Hand 2020-01-21 (jan-1007)
Jason Shinbaum - Shinbaum $250 Daytona MMT 2019-12-29 - $250 Daytona MMT H-03 5d,5sView Hand 2020-01-21 (jan-1006)
Jason Shinbaum - Shinbaum $250 Daytona MMT 2019-12-29 - $250 Daytona MMT H-02 Qh,QdView Hand 2020-01-21 (jan-1005)
Jason Shinbaum - Shinbaum $250 Daytona MMT 2019-12-29 - $250 Daytona MMT H-01 7h,3sView Hand 2020-01-21 (jan-1004)
Naji - Naj $33 NL - JJ on 333 flop Jc,JhView Hand 2020-01-20 (nna-1001)
Mike - EBH $1/$3 NL Live - Multi-way pot odds example Ad,KcView Hand 2020-01-20 (mie-1001)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $4k guarantee on ACR - BB defense flops a nut flush draw Ad,9dView Hand 2020-01-20 (mcl-1121)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $4k guarantee on ACR - Overlimp in position leads to a big pot As,6sView Hand 2020-01-20 (mcl-1120)
John L - $2/5 flop bottom pair flush draw - Should I lead or CR flop? 6c,3cView Hand 2020-01-20 (jda-1053)
John L - $2/5 QQ - Check turn? Bet-fold turn? Qh,QdView Hand 2020-01-20 (jda-1052)
John L - $2/5 AQ value bet river - Both reluctantly called turn Ah,QsView Hand 2020-01-20 (jda-1051)
John L - $2/5 KK flop FH turn quads - Check turn OK since we'll get all in if they have Ace? Ks,KdView Hand 2020-01-20 (jda-1050)
John L - $2/5 Hero Bought Button - Float a much smaller bet? As,KhView Hand 2020-01-20 (jda-1049)
Richard - println $1650 CAD - WPT Deep Stacks Montreal - Late day one. Build a stack? As,KhView Hand 2020-01-19 (rpt-1001)
Bill Vicars - Bill WSOP Circuit Seniors - Thunder Valley - Shove top pair multiway Kh,QcView Hand 2020-01-19 (BV-1111)
Bill Vicars - Bill WSOP Circuit Seniors - Thunder Valley - Limp? Call? Shove? Ac,7cView Hand 2020-01-19 (BV-1110)
ERIC - $5/5 NL Live - CCC 6c,7cView Hand 2020-01-18 (erc-1001)
- $240 live - AQ w nut flush draw Ad,QhView Hand 2020-01-17 (JP-1051)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live - bad rvr call IC 8h,6hView Hand 2020-01-16 (TF-1087)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live - missed value? IC Kd,6dView Hand 2020-01-16 (TF-1086)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live - terrible rvr call Jh,JdView Hand 2020-01-16 (TF-1085)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live - bad flop bet? ICMA Ad,KhView Hand 2020-01-16 (TF-1084)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $3.30 on ACR - Bubble spot #2 - Go for it? Td,9cView Hand 2020-01-16 (mcl-1119)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $3.30 on ACR - Bubble spot #1 - Go for it? 4h,2cView Hand 2020-01-16 (mcl-1118)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Bomb pot AA on BTN As,AdView Hand 2020-01-16 (BV-1109)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Bomb pot with A A Ah,AsView Hand 2020-01-16 (BV-1108)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live - interesting hand 4d,2dView Hand 2020-01-15 (TF-1083)
- WSOPC Choctaw Main - All in against Splashy Ts,TdView Hand 2020-01-14 (kay-1001)
- Kouman £50 final 2 tables - spot with final 2 tables Ac,QcView Hand 2020-01-13 (ton-1015)
- Kouman &pound;50 final table - first hand of a final table Jd,JhView Hand 2020-01-13 (ton-1014)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 3/5 - Bomb Pot - 2nd nut flush Kd,5dView Hand 2020-01-13 (BV-1107)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 3/5 - Small set vs aggression 5s,5hView Hand 2020-01-13 (BV-1106)
William L - $100 tournament - Lead into with overpair Kd,KcView Hand 2020-01-12 (wil-1044)
- Kouman Bounty 75/75 - calling for the game As,TdView Hand 2020-01-12 (ton-1013)
- Kouman Party 1k Mini Main Day2 - pressure on a weak range Js,TsView Hand 2020-01-12 (ton-1012)
- Kouman Party £1k Mini Main Day2 - first hand day 2 top pair 3 ways 2 allin As,TdView Hand 2020-01-12 (ton-1011)
- $350 HPT - Bad runout w AK Ac,KcView Hand 2020-01-12 (JP-1050)
- Kouman Party £1k mini main - put to decision by 20's euro tour pro 3s,3dView Hand 2020-01-11 (ton-1010)
- Kouman $1000 Party Mini Main - 3 betting lag turn nuts but shove with very wet board and potential counterfeits Js,9sView Hand 2020-01-11 (ton-1009)
- Kouman $1000 Party Mini Main - folding AJo utg to good players As,JdView Hand 2020-01-11 (ton-1008)
- Kouman $1000 Party Mini Main - flop draw bet turn/river got called 7c,8cView Hand 2020-01-11 (ton-1007)
- Kouman $1000 Party Mini Main - utg 3-barrel Ac,JcView Hand 2020-01-11 (ton-1005)
- Kouman $1000 Party Mini Main - fold top pair to tight old reg Jh,AdView Hand 2020-01-11 (ton-1004)
- Kouman $1000 Party Mini Main - 3bet JJ flop FH no action Js,JcView Hand 2020-01-11 (ton-1003)
- Kouman $1000 Party Mini Main - open AQo, cbet flop As,QhView Hand 2020-01-11 (ton-1002)
- Kouman $1000 Party Mini Main - raising button, cbet flop Ts,8sView Hand 2020-01-11 (ton-1001)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live - 3 barrels IC Kh,QsView Hand 2020-01-11 (TF-1082)
- thefisheagle 1-3-6 straddle - rvr shove? 9h,8cView Hand 2020-01-11 (TF-1081)
- thefisheagle 1-3-6 straddle live - range betting and rvr value IC Ac,9cView Hand 2020-01-11 (TF-1080)
William L - WSOPC Choctaw $400 - TT vs SB Ts,TcView Hand 2020-01-10 (wil-1043)
William L - WSOPC Choctaw $400 - Wheel Ac,2cView Hand 2020-01-10 (wil-1042)
William L - WSOPC Choctaw $250 - Squeeze with 88? 8h,8dView Hand 2020-01-10 (wil-1041)
William L - WSOPC Choctaw $250 - Donk-jammed on flop As,KcView Hand 2020-01-10 (wil-1040)
William L - WSOPC Choctaw $250 - Top pair, short stacks As,9hView Hand 2020-01-10 (wil-1039)
William L - $250 Bossier City - Pair against loose passive Ts,TcView Hand 2020-01-10 (wil-1038)
William L - $5/$5 stream - Missed draw against wide range As,TcView Hand 2020-01-10 (wil-1037)
William L - $5/$5 stream - Ace against tighter players Ac,ThView Hand 2020-01-10 (wil-1036)
William L - $5/$5 stream - Suited ace against wide ranges Ad,6dView Hand 2020-01-10 (wil-1035)
William L - $5/$5 stream - AQ in BB Ah,QhView Hand 2020-01-10 (wil-1034)
William L - $5/$5 stream - Ragged ace in straddle Ah,8sView Hand 2020-01-10 (wil-1033)
William L - $5/$5 stream - Bluffed off JT Jd,TdView Hand 2020-01-10 (wil-1032)
William L - $5/$5 stream - AK against loose players Ah,KhView Hand 2020-01-10 (wil-1031)
William L - $5/$5 stream - AQ preflop Ac,QhView Hand 2020-01-10 (wil-1030)
William L - Foxwoods $300 - Check-raised with overpair Ah,AcView Hand 2020-01-10 (wil-1029)
William L - $300 Foxwoods - Top pair in near-family pot Kc,QhView Hand 2020-01-10 (wil-1028)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live - rvr bluff IC Ac,TcView Hand 2020-01-06 (TF-1079)
Bill Vicars - Bill Thunder Valley 2/5 - Calling with Top top As,KcView Hand 2020-01-06 (BV-1105)
Bill Vicars - Bill Thunder Valley 2/5 - Call allin with over pair Ks,KhView Hand 2020-01-06 (BV-1104)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Shoving against min-raise As,KcView Hand 2020-01-06 (BV-1103)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Large squeeze from BB Ks,KhView Hand 2020-01-06 (BV-1102)
Campephilus - ACR Venom Satellite - As9c from CO As,9cView Hand 2020-01-05 (tdi-1001)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live - passive line IC Kd,JdView Hand 2020-01-02 (TF-1078)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live - missed value IC Ks,JdView Hand 2020-01-02 (TF-1077)
- $400 DSE - Flopped set vs lag 9h,9dView Hand 2020-01-02 (JP-1049)
- $400 DSE - AA vs button caller Ad,AhView Hand 2020-01-02 (JP-1048)
- $400 DSE - Facing limper 15bb deep As,TdView Hand 2020-01-02 (JP-1047)
- $400 DSE - Weak ace vs sb caller As,6cView Hand 2020-01-02 (JP-1046)
- $400 DSE - 77 3 bet 7d,7cView Hand 2020-01-02 (JP-1045)
JJ - 1/3 cash - facing 3 bet with KK against tight old man and tight sb player Ks,KcView Hand 2020-01-02 (jcj-1119)
JJ - gulfcoast poker - facing delayed raise on turn against tight player Th,TdView Hand 2020-01-02 (jcj-1118)
JJ - gulfcoast poker - flopping combo draw multiway in SB 9d,TdView Hand 2020-01-02 (jcj-1117)
JJ - 1/3 cash - flopping nut flush draw with 2 overs on coordinated flop Ad,JdView Hand 2020-01-02 (jcj-1116)
JJ - 1/3 cash - do i bluff on the river? Ah,JdView Hand 2020-01-02 (jcj-1115)
JJ - 1/3 cash - what to do on river? Qd,JsView Hand 2020-01-02 (jcj-1114)
JJ - 1/3 cash - facing river bet on 4 card straight with turned set against preflop raiser 7h,7cView Hand 2020-01-02 (jcj-1113)
JJ - 1/3 cash - weird river lead? Ks,JsView Hand 2020-01-02 (jcj-1112)
JJ - 1/3 cash - do you call flop bet with AK? As,KcView Hand 2020-01-02 (jcj-1111)
JJ - 1/3 cash - what do you do on river? Js,JhView Hand 2020-01-02 (jcj-1110)
JJ - 1/3 cash - what to do on turn- check to induce vs bet? Ks,KhView Hand 2020-01-02 (jcj-1109)
JJ - 1/3 cash - what to do on river? Kc,QcView Hand 2020-01-02 (jcj-1108)
JJ - 1/3 cash - flopping set in position multiway 6s,6cView Hand 2020-01-02 (jcj-1107)
JJ - 1/3 cash - combo draw in limp pot, $6 utg straddle Ts,8sView Hand 2020-01-02 (jcj-1106)
JJ - horseshoe local - bubble spot, 12 players left, 10 paid...options? Ks,QhView Hand 2020-01-02 (jcj-1105)
- thefisheagle 1-3-6 straddle - fold river? IC Qc,JcView Hand 2020-01-01 (TF-1076)
- thefisheagle 1-2 live - turn barrel IC As,JhView Hand 2020-01-01 (TF-1075)
- thefisheagle 1-3-6 straddle - defending oop IC 4d,4hView Hand 2020-01-01 (TF-1074)
- thefisheagle 1-2 live - flop bet? sizing? IC Ad,TcView Hand 2020-01-01 (TF-1073)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live - fold equity IC Ks,QsView Hand 2020-01-01 (TF-1072)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1/$3 NL at MGM Nat. Harbor - Aces catch a bad board OOP As,AcView Hand 2020-01-01 (mcl-1117)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1/$3 NL at MGM Nat. Harbor - River a monster OOP and not sure whether to lead Ah,AdView Hand 2020-01-01 (mcl-1116)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $150k guarantee at MGM Nat. Harbor - Flopped marginal draw from BB in limped pot 9c,8cView Hand 2020-01-01 (mcl-1115)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $150k guarantee at MGM Nat. Harbor - CO open turns into a potential 3-barrel spot 9h,7hView Hand 2020-01-01 (mcl-1114)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $150k guarantee at MGM Nat. Harbor - 3bet with high cards runs into top pair on the river Kh,QdView Hand 2020-01-01 (mcl-1113)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $150k guarantee at MGM Nat. Harbor - Check/raise semi-bluff faces a lot of heat 9d,7dView Hand 2020-01-01 (mcl-1112)
- $400 DSE - QQ vs frequent 3 bettor Qs,QhView Hand 2020-01-01 (JP-1044)
JJ - horseshoe local - playing top pair with nut flush draw OOP Ad,KdView Hand 2020-01-01 (jcj-1104)
JJ - horseshoe local - playing pocket KK too passive? Ks,KhView Hand 2020-01-01 (jcj-1103)
JJ - horseshoe local - facing raise on turn with mid pocket Js,JhView Hand 2020-01-01 (jcj-1102)
JJ - gulfcoast poker - facing river CXR Qh,JhView Hand 2020-01-01 (jcj-1101)
Bill Vicars - Bill Caesars 2/5 - flop full house 4c,4sView Hand 2019-12-31 (BV-1101)
Bill Vicars - Bill Caesars 2/5 - passive play with over pair Jh,JdView Hand 2019-12-31 (BV-1100)
Bill Vicars - Bill Caesars 2/5 - Check back top pair A on flop Ah,TdView Hand 2019-12-31 (BV-1099)
Bill Vicars - Bill Caesars 2/5 - Passive play with QQ Qh,QdView Hand 2019-12-31 (BV-1098)
John L - $1/3 cash - Bet the flop? Ad,KhView Hand 2019-12-30 (jda-1048)
- thefisheagle 1-3 cash - bad bluff? R-MA Ts,KhView Hand 2019-12-29 (TF-1071)
Bill Vicars - Bill Caesars 1/2 - 4 bet with JJ Jh,JdView Hand 2019-12-26 (BV-1097)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Cash Jc,AsView Hand 2019-12-26 (bag-1007)
John L - $2/5 cash - 3B flop? C-R turn? Kh,ThView Hand 2019-12-25 (jda-1047)
John L - $2/5 cash - Value bet river and fold to raise? Qs,QdView Hand 2019-12-25 (jda-1046)
John L - $1/3 cash - Am I supposed to call vs unknown? Ac,KdView Hand 2019-12-25 (jda-1045)
John L - $1/3 cash - 3 barrel bluff Ac,2hView Hand 2019-12-25 (jda-1044)
John L - $1/3 cash - Slow play this FH? 3s,3hView Hand 2019-12-25 (jda-1042)
John L - $1/3 cash - Bet-fold river? 2s,2hView Hand 2019-12-25 (jda-1041)
Ramsay - APL State Champs - Lucky 4 way showdown Ks,JsView Hand 2019-12-24 (ram-1001)
Bill Vicars - Bill Caesars 2/5 - straight on 3 flush board Ts,9sView Hand 2019-12-24 (BV-1096)
Bill Vicars - Bill Caesars 2/5 - set on 3 flush board 7s,7cView Hand 2019-12-24 (BV-1095)
- thefisheagle 1-3-6 straddle - missed value rvr Qc,QhView Hand 2019-12-23 (TF-1070)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Nut flush draw missed Qs,AhView Hand 2019-12-23 (hec-1065)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - 2 pairs got outdrawn Kh,QhView Hand 2019-12-23 (hec-1064)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Nut flush Ah,KsView Hand 2019-12-23 (hec-1063)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - AQ made top pair Ac,QhView Hand 2019-12-23 (hec-1062)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - LAG donk bet Ad,8dView Hand 2019-12-23 (hec-1061)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Bluff catch LAG Kd,AsView Hand 2019-12-23 (hec-1060)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Mid pair doesn't hold Tc,9dView Hand 2019-12-23 (hec-1059)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Mid pair doesn't hold Jh,9hView Hand 2019-12-23 (hec-1058)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Loose Aggressive led out on turn with wet board Qc,QhView Hand 2019-12-23 (hec-1057)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Loose Aggressive check raise top pair mid kicker As,3sView Hand 2019-12-23 (hec-1056)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Bad play by me As,4hView Hand 2019-12-23 (hec-1055)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Bad play by me Js,AdView Hand 2019-12-23 (hec-1054)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 Cash - CG As,ThView Hand 2019-12-22 (bag-1006)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 Cash - Cash 5s,6hView Hand 2019-12-22 (bag-1005)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live - rvr shove IC 9s,9hView Hand 2019-12-21 (TF-1069)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live - missed value Qs,8sView Hand 2019-12-21 (TF-1068)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Failed triple barrel Qh,KhView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1053)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Opponent outdrawn Hero Qs,JcView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1052)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Opponent slow played Ts,6sView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1051)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Opponent outdrawn Hero 9h,9dView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1050)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Bluff got busted Ks,TsView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1049)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Short stack all in Kc,JhView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1048)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Opponent hit gut shot on the river Ks,7sView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1047)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - AK vs pair As,KhView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1046)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Top pair in multi pot Qh,9hView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1045)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - H got lucky and hit trip Jc,7cView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1044)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - 2 pairs lost to set Ac,JhView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1043)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Loose aggressive player hit on the river Ac,5cView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1042)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Lost on flip with AK vs JJ Kd,AdView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1041)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Opponent hit trip on turn Ad,8dView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1040)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Lost on a flip Kd,AsView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1039)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Loose opponent hit trip 6 Ah,KsView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1038)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Opponent slow play set Ad,9dView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1037)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Bluff on flop failed 3d,3hView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1036)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Short stack hit top pair Kd,TsView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1035)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - H bluff on scary board Kc,8cView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1034)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - H bluff on scary board Js,QdView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1033)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - H check raise goes on all in on flop with OESD 6h,5hView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1032)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - H got lucky and hit a straight Ac,3cView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1031)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - H got lucky on the river As,KcView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1030)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Pocket Ks lost to set Kh,KdView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1029)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - 3bet pot with suited connector Tc,JcView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1028)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Big draw vs big pair Th,JhView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1027)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Opponent bluffed turn but made a pair on river Kh,AcView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1026)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - H folded on turn 7h,6hView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1025)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - H lost (pair K vs pair A) Kd,9dView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1024)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - No set no bet 8h,8sView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1023)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Aggression on multipot 7h,7dView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1022)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Hit it on the river Ac,3cView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1021)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Bad called on the preflop 3bet Qh,TsView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1020)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Bluff failed Ac,ThView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1019)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Bluff failed Td,8dView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1018)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Fail bluff catch Kh,JdView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1017)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Fail bluff catch As,TdView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1016)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Hit a set in 3bet pot 6c,6sView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1015)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Fail to bluff catch As,JdView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1014)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Facing aggression with range and nut advantage 8c,7hView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1013)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Mono board Jd,AhView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1012)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Second nut lost to nut flush Ts,7sView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1011)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - River bluff failed 3s,3cView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1010)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Turn and River Bluff 8d,9dView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1009)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - All in on flop Ad,KhView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1008)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - QQ got 4bet Qs,QhView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1007)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Hit it on the turn As,KhView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1006)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Got reraised on cbet with AK Ks,AhView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1005)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - 3bet blinds Qs,JsView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1004)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Short stack 3bet pot Qc,AhView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1003)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Bluff catch failed Ks,QsView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1002)
Carol Chen - $0.5/$1 NL - Full house over Full house Jc,2cView Hand 2019-12-21 (hec-1001)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 ACR 109 - LJ vs CO 18bbs Kd,QsView Hand 2019-12-21 (afs-1090)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 ACR 109 - Multi-way LJ vs BB Kh,8hView Hand 2019-12-21 (afs-1089)
Michael - M_Ace MTT - 40bbs BB defense vs EP Js,6dView Hand 2019-12-20 (mae-1002)
Michael - M_Ace MTT - 40bbs BB defense Js,6dView Hand 2019-12-20 (mae-1001)
Callum Hamilton - Online cash - River checkraise bluff 8d,8hView Hand 2019-12-20 (cal-1006)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Betting AK when missed As,KsView Hand 2019-12-19 (BV-1094)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1//3 - called set to bet & raise 4d,4hView Hand 2019-12-19 (BV-1093)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - AA six way As,AdView Hand 2019-12-19 (BV-1092)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Pair & flush draw multi way Ks,TsView Hand 2019-12-19 (BV-1091)
Mark Kaufmann - Noizyvelvet 1/3 live - AA v ?? As,AcView Hand 2019-12-17 (mak-1002)
Thijs - TJ Megastack 13 - Can I get away on turn Kh,3hView Hand 2019-12-16 (tja-1030)
Thijs - TJ Megastack 13 - Fold Ad,JcView Hand 2019-12-16 (tja-1029)
Thijs - TJ Megastack 13 - Turned hand into bluff Ah,5hView Hand 2019-12-16 (tja-1028)
Thijs - TJ Megastack 13 - Shove on button Qc,JdView Hand 2019-12-16 (tja-1027)
Thijs - TJ Megastacks 13 - Against splashy passive lag 9s,6sView Hand 2019-12-16 (tja-1026)
Thijs - TJ Megastack 13 - A high Ad,KcView Hand 2019-12-16 (tja-1025)
Thijs - TJ Megastack 13 - Bluff catch Ad,5dView Hand 2019-12-16 (tja-1024)
Thijs - TJ Mega stack 13 - Priced in? 8d,TdView Hand 2019-12-16 (tja-1023)
Thijs - TJ Mega Stack 13 - Qc Jc Qc,JcView Hand 2019-12-16 (tja-1022)
Ross - Ross £1.50/£3.00 HU - 88 vs QTs 3bet pot 8s,8hView Hand 2019-12-16 (rol-1001)
Mike - 2/5 - KK vs Mark Kh,KdView Hand 2019-12-16 (mik-1013)
Mike - 2/5 - AQs As,QsView Hand 2019-12-16 (mik-1012)
JJ - horseshoe - 5/5 cash Qs,QhView Hand 2019-12-16 (jcj-1100)
JJ - horseshoe - 5/5 cash Kh,KsView Hand 2019-12-16 (jcj-1099)
JJ - horseshoe - 1/3 cash game 6d,6hView Hand 2019-12-16 (jcj-1098)
JJ - horseshoe - 1/3 cash game Jh,JdView Hand 2019-12-16 (jcj-1097)
JJ - horseshoe - 5/5 cash game, facing river CXR Ah,KdView Hand 2019-12-16 (jcj-1096)
JJ - horseshoe - 5/5 cash game, $10 button straddle Ac,KhView Hand 2019-12-16 (jcj-1095)
JJ - horseshoe - 1/3 cash 2h,2cView Hand 2019-12-16 (jcj-1094)
JJ - horseshoe - 1/3 cash Qs,QhView Hand 2019-12-16 (jcj-1093)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - UTG vs BB Kc,4cView Hand 2019-12-16 (afs-1088)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - HJ vs BB Kh,KdView Hand 2019-12-16 (afs-1087)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - BTN vs BB 80bbs Ad,9dView Hand 2019-12-16 (afs-1086)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - OOP Multiway Ac,KdView Hand 2019-12-16 (afs-1085)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - UTG+2 vs BB 100bbs Ac,AsView Hand 2019-12-16 (afs-1084)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 $100 6max MTT - HJ vs BTN 6c,7cView Hand 2019-12-16 (afs-1083)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 $109 6max MTT - CO vs BTN As,JhView Hand 2019-12-16 (afs-1082)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - HJ vs BB 20bbs 9c,8cView Hand 2019-12-16 (afs-1081)
- thefisheagle 1-2 live - rvr call Ts,TcView Hand 2019-12-15 (TF-1067)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live - missed value Ks,QhView Hand 2019-12-15 (TF-1066)
- thefisheagle live 1-3-6 - tight fold As,KsView Hand 2019-12-15 (TF-1065)
cybergrind - Bottom set on coord flop vs heavy action - Quite far away from the money 5d,5cView Hand 2019-12-15 (sem-1010)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin TOAD $700 Main Event - Big pair from the SB faces an unfortunate flop Kh,KdView Hand 2019-12-15 (mcl-1111)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin TOAD $700 Main Event - Flopped set faces rough turn card and action 9c,9hView Hand 2019-12-15 (mcl-1110)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Paul's $1/$2 on 2019-12-13 - Aces out of the BB face a poor flop Ac,AdView Hand 2019-12-15 (mcl-1109)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Paul's $1/$2 on 2019-12-13 - In a spot against a typically straightforward player 8c,7cView Hand 2019-12-15 (mcl-1108)
John Borges - John B A5o vs Don - Synd #5, Hand 2 As,5dView Hand 2019-12-15 (fly-1052)
John Borges - John B Synd #5, Hand 1 - AJo vs. Wayne As,JhView Hand 2019-12-15 (fly-1051)
John Borges - John B Synd #4, Hand 1 - 10-9s v BB Ts,9sView Hand 2019-12-15 (fly-1050)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Call BB with small pair 2s,2cView Hand 2019-12-15 (BV-1090)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - hero call with 10 10 Th,TsView Hand 2019-12-15 (BV-1089)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Check raise with combo draw 7d,6dView Hand 2019-12-15 (BV-1088)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill 3/5 - Fold river with top / top Ac,KcView Hand 2019-12-15 (BV-1087)
- $85 Live - Flopped straight vs. calling station Ad,3sView Hand 2019-12-13 (JP-1043)
- $85 Live - Top Pair flush draw vs tight passive Ks,QsView Hand 2019-12-13 (JP-1042)
Chase - Chase 1$/2$ NL - Tough river decision. Thoughts? Ad,QsView Hand 2019-12-13 (cca-1001)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill 3/5 - flop middle set Jc,JdView Hand 2019-12-13 (BV-1086)
Bill Vicars - Bill Peppermill 3/5 - check turn with AA Ad,AhView Hand 2019-12-13 (BV-1085)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $200NL at Eddie's - Large 3-bet pot with QQ produces a low SPR. Qh,QcView Hand 2019-12-12 (mcl-1107)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $200NL at Eddie's - Flopped gutshot and BFD multiway gets used as a bluff on the river Kh,QcView Hand 2019-12-12 (mcl-1106)
Joe Batterman - $220 Live Hand 6 - Flopping Top Pair and Flush Draw Ks,QcView Hand 2019-12-12 (jot-1007)
Joe Batterman - $220 Live Hand 5 - Flopping a Combo Draw Ac,3cView Hand 2019-12-12 (jot-1006)
Joe Batterman - $220 Live Hand 4 - Turning Broadway As,TdView Hand 2019-12-12 (jot-1005)
Joe Batterman - $220 Live Hand 3 - Limping Behind and Flopping Middle Set 6s,6hView Hand 2019-12-12 (jot-1004)
Joe Batterman - $220 Live Hand 2 - AA Ad,AcView Hand 2019-12-12 (jot-1003)
Joe Batterman - $220 Live Hand 1 - Top Pair + Flush Draw Gets Raised Kd,QdView Hand 2019-12-12 (jot-1002)
Joe Batterman - $100 Live - Top Two Raised By Random MAWG Ac,KsView Hand 2019-12-12 (jot-1001)
- thefisheagle 1-3 - bad rvr call Ad,KhView Hand 2019-12-10 (TF-1064)
Jordan Sanders - Fudge Continuing - Example Ks,JsView Hand 2019-12-09 (san-1008)
- $400 WSOPC - CR from LAG As,JhView Hand 2019-12-09 (JP-1041)
- $400 WSOPC - Bet from LAG on scary board Ad,QsView Hand 2019-12-09 (JP-1040)
- $400 WSOPC - Top pair top kicker in position multiway As,9sView Hand 2019-12-09 (JP-1039)
@alexduvallin - $400 WSOP Cherokee Ring Event - Folding pocket Queens on bad river. Qh,QsView Hand 2019-12-09 (duv-1002)
@alexduvallin - $1700 WSOP Main Event - Flopped straight flush draw, ended with 2 pair. 7c,9cView Hand 2019-12-09 (duv-1001)
- thefisheagle 1-2 live - bad rvr shove? 2s,2hView Hand 2019-12-08 (TF-1063)
- Kep .50NL - PokerStarsPA Ks,KhView Hand 2019-12-08 (kke-1002)
- $400 WSOPC - Top pair check raised vs. tight player As,9hView Hand 2019-12-08 (JP-1038)
- $400 WSOPC - JJ multiway oop Jh,JdView Hand 2019-12-08 (JP-1037)
Jordan Sanders - Fudge Watch Stack Size / Take Turns - Will Have To Take Turns Stealing Bc of Stack Size 7c,6cView Hand 2019-12-07 (san-1007)
Mike - 2/5 - 55 vs. Old Guy 5s,5cView Hand 2019-12-06 (mik-1011)
Mike - 2/5 - 86dd 8d,6dView Hand 2019-12-06 (mik-1010)
Mike - 2/5 - KJ vs. Drew Kh,JhView Hand 2019-12-06 (mik-1009)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1.5k guarantee on ACR - Trying to play my range in a 3-bet pot IP after set-mining 4h,4cView Hand 2019-12-06 (mcl-1105)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1.5k guarantee on ACR - Using the flop texture to attack a player with 100% Stl and 100% Cbet. Ks,QsView Hand 2019-12-06 (mcl-1104)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 $55 Online MTT - 5 from ITM of 130 person tourny Ac,QcView Hand 2019-12-06 (afs-1080)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - CO vs BTN 3bet 150bbs 6s,8sView Hand 2019-12-06 (afs-1079)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - BB vs LJ 18bbs Kc,TcView Hand 2019-12-06 (afs-1078)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - BB vs BTN 40bbs Ah,9dView Hand 2019-12-06 (afs-1077)
William L - $1/$2 NLH - Multiway with AK Ac,KsView Hand 2019-12-05 (wil-1027)
William L - $1/$2 NLH - Weird backraise Ac,QhView Hand 2019-12-05 (wil-1026)
William L - $1700 WSOPC Choctaw - Tough spot with AK Ah,KdView Hand 2019-12-05 (wil-1025)
William L - $1700 WSOPC Choctaw - Early combo draw 5h,2hView Hand 2019-12-05 (wil-1024)
- thefisheagle live 1-2 - missed slow play? Js,JcView Hand 2019-12-05 (TF-1062)
- thefisheagle 1-2 live - bluff catch Ah,JhView Hand 2019-12-05 (TF-1061)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Paul's $1/$2 on 2019-11-08 - Flop top/top multiway on coordinated board As,TcView Hand 2019-12-05 (mcl-1103)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - QQ out of SB faces terrible flop Qh,QcView Hand 2019-12-05 (mcl-1102)
John L - $2/5 - Reasonable Check raise? Ac,4cView Hand 2019-12-05 (jda-1040)
John L - $2/5 - Just a cooler? As,KhView Hand 2019-12-05 (jda-1039)
John L - $2/5 Straddle - Can I get away at this depth? As,QhView Hand 2019-12-05 (jda-1038)
John L - $2/5 Straddle, Dead $25 - What if big stack calls flop? Jh,JsView Hand 2019-12-05 (jda-1037)
JJ - ACR - 5 handed, final table Ac,9cView Hand 2019-12-05 (jcj-1092)
JJ - main - facing 3 bet View Hand 2019-12-05 (jcj-1091)
JJ - local tourney - pocket 88 in BB against utg limp 8s,8hView Hand 2019-12-05 (jcj-1090)
JJ - local tourney - AK facing 4 bet shove As,KhView Hand 2019-12-05 (jcj-1089)
JJ - 1/3 cash - KQo, flopped top pair, facing donk bet all 3 streets Ks,QcView Hand 2019-12-05 (jcj-1088)
JJ - horseshoe local - KJo in BB facing 3.5x raise Ks,JhView Hand 2019-12-05 (jcj-1087)
JJ - horseshoe local - JJ on cutoff Js,JhView Hand 2019-12-05 (jcj-1086)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0.5/1.00 - running into a bigger boat Td,TsView Hand 2019-12-05 (GB-1031)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - UTG vs SB 20bbs 9c,9sView Hand 2019-12-05 (afs-1076)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - BTN vs SB turn-donk 40bbs Qd,QcView Hand 2019-12-05 (afs-1075)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 $100 Online MTT - CO vs HJ 3bet 250bbs ef Ah,AcView Hand 2019-12-05 (afs-1074)
Jordan Sanders - Fudge Primary Strat. - Continue The Hand for Balance Js,9sView Hand 2019-12-04 (san-1006)
Jordan Sanders - Fudge Primary Stragety - Combining Equity To Win (Post Flop) Td,9cView Hand 2019-12-04 (san-1005)
Jordan Sanders - Fudge Secondary Strat - 3betting to 4bet bluff Squeeze (Exp.2) Js,ThView Hand 2019-12-04 (san-1004)
Jordan Sanders - Fudge Secondary Strat - 3betting to 4bet bluff Squeeze (Exp.1) Ts,6sView Hand 2019-12-04 (san-1003)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Nut flush on paired board Ac,2cView Hand 2019-12-04 (BV-1084)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - called 3-bet OOP Td,ThView Hand 2019-12-04 (BV-1083)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Raise with blocker As,TdView Hand 2019-12-04 (BV-1082)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - weak 2 pair 6s,3hView Hand 2019-12-04 (BV-1081)
- $1/2NL - missed AK Ah,KhView Hand 2019-12-03 (JP-1036)
- $1/2NL - QQ vs short stack Qd,QcView Hand 2019-12-03 (JP-1035)
- $1/2NL - overpair facing big lead 9s,9cView Hand 2019-12-03 (JP-1034)
Víctor Salazar - vatopkr Local tournament - BB 50-100 Ks,9dView Hand 2019-12-02 (vic-1001)
- thefisheagle live 1-3 - weak turn check Ac,JhView Hand 2019-12-01 (TF-1060)
- thefisheagle live 1-3 - tight rvr fold Ad,KhView Hand 2019-12-01 (TF-1059)
- thefisheagle live 1-3 - rvr bluff raise Ad,QcView Hand 2019-12-01 (TF-1058)
- thefisheagle live 1-3 - preflop strategy Ts,ThView Hand 2019-12-01 (TF-1057)
- thefisheagle live 1-3 - multiway flop xraise As,AhView Hand 2019-12-01 (TF-1056)
- $100 Live - Tough spot with flopped set 8h,8sView Hand 2019-12-01 (JP-1033)
- $1/2NL - TT facing big lead Td,ThView Hand 2019-12-01 (JP-1032)
- $1/2NL - Marginal made hand after 3 bet 9h,7hView Hand 2019-12-01 (JP-1031)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 3/5 - suited connectors in BB 9s,8sView Hand 2019-12-01 (BV-1080)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Limp in CO Th,7hView Hand 2019-12-01 (BV-1079)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - JJ bet on king high board Jc,JhView Hand 2019-12-01 (BV-1078)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Weak hand called on flop 8s,6sView Hand 2019-12-01 (BV-1077)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - top pair vs lead As,JsView Hand 2019-12-01 (BV-1076)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - top set - shove too much? 7s,7hView Hand 2019-12-01 (BV-1075)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - A10x on button Ad,TcView Hand 2019-12-01 (BV-1074)
martin blake - dubluff £1, £2 NLHE - Session at Victoria Casino Ad,QcView Hand 2019-12-01 (bla-1006)
martin blake - dubluff £1, £2, £4 NLHE - Turn sizing by villain costs his bluff working Ts,JdView Hand 2019-12-01 (bla-1005)
martin blake - dubluff £1, £2 NLHE - Getting such a good price can we ever fold here? Js,2cView Hand 2019-12-01 (bla-1004)
martin blake - dubluff £1, £2 NLHE - Turn shove cries desperation bluff Qs,TsView Hand 2019-12-01 (bla-1003)
martin blake - dubluff £1,£2,£5 NLHE - Making a river mistake to force off a chop As,QhView Hand 2019-12-01 (bla-1002)
martin blake - dubluff £1,£2 NLHE - Slow playing turn to raise river. Js,TsView Hand 2019-12-01 (bla-1001)
- $1/2NL - AA facing lead As,AcView Hand 2019-11-30 (JP-1030)
- $1/2NL - Turned flush 9c,TcView Hand 2019-11-30 (JP-1029)
- $1/2NL - KK facing lead and call Kc,KdView Hand 2019-11-30 (JP-1028)
Jim - JimB $33 $20kguar ACR nov 30 - early all-in over 3-bet - call with AKs? Ac,KcView Hand 2019-11-30 (jib-1017)
John Borges - John B Synd #7, Hand 4 - JJ short stacked multiway Js,JcView Hand 2019-11-27 (fly-1049)
John Borges - John B Synd #7, Hand 3 - 65s BB v. Wendi 6h,5hView Hand 2019-11-27 (fly-1048)
John Borges - John B Synd #7, Hand 2 - AQ vs small stacks As,QhView Hand 2019-11-27 (fly-1047)
John Borges - John B Synd #7, Hand 1 - 4-bet 10's vs Don B. Th,TdView Hand 2019-11-27 (fly-1046)
John Borges - John B Synd #6, Hand 6 - FT screw-up 7s,7cView Hand 2019-11-26 (fly-1045)
John Borges - John B Synd #6, Hand 5 - 75 in SB with CR semi bluff 7s,5hView Hand 2019-11-26 (fly-1044)
John Borges - John B Synd #6, Hand 4 - 66 vs. Ranjit 6h,6cView Hand 2019-11-26 (fly-1043)
John Borges - John B Synd #6, Hand 3 - KK vs. Scott D OOP Ks,KcView Hand 2019-11-26 (fly-1042)
John Borges - John B Synd #6, Hand 2 - Vs. Monte in position As,QhView Hand 2019-11-26 (fly-1041)
John Borges - John B Synd #6, Hand 1 - +1 all-in (too fancy?) Jh,JdView Hand 2019-11-26 (fly-1040)
- thefisheagle live 1-3 - missed value Ks,JdView Hand 2019-11-25 (TF-1055)
- thefisheagle $250 live Vic - thin value Qs,TsView Hand 2019-11-25 (TF-1054)
- thefisheagle live 1-2 - missed flop multiway Ac,KcView Hand 2019-11-25 (TF-1053)
- thefisheagle live 1-2 - flopped quads 7s,7cView Hand 2019-11-25 (TF-1052)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $11 $2k guarantee on Bet Online - Getting spicy out of the BB and then getting dealt with 7h,3dView Hand 2019-11-25 (mcl-1101)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Home game - 88 set mining 8s,8hView Hand 2019-11-25 (ker-1010)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Home game - 22 multiway 2s,2hView Hand 2019-11-25 (ker-1009)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #8 - JJ from HJ Js,JcView Hand 2019-11-25 (ker-1008)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syn #6 - JTo multi way Jh,TsView Hand 2019-11-25 (ker-1007)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Synd #6 - KK in CO Ks,KcView Hand 2019-11-25 (ker-1006)
Larry H - LH2838 online - cash Td,ThView Hand 2019-11-25 (hie-1002)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 2/5 Live - LJ vs BTN 400bbs Jc,9cView Hand 2019-11-25 (afs-1073)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 2/5 Live - flopped Set Multi-way 9h,9sView Hand 2019-11-25 (afs-1072)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 $300 MTT - EP vs EP 30bbs Ac,TsView Hand 2019-11-25 (afs-1071)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 $300 MTT - UTG vs Sb Check Raise As,3sView Hand 2019-11-25 (afs-1070)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 2/5 Live - Limp pot>Squeeze Kc,8cView Hand 2019-11-25 (afs-1069)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 2/5 Live - Multiway Check Raise Ts,8sView Hand 2019-11-25 (afs-1068)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 2/5 Live - BvB Qc,9sView Hand 2019-11-25 (afs-1067)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Live 2/5 - BB vs CO limp>Squeeze Ah,QsView Hand 2019-11-25 (afs-1066)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 2700 Main Event - UTG vs BB bluff catch 8d,8cView Hand 2019-11-25 (afs-1065)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 2700 Main Event - CO vs BB 3bet Ts,9sView Hand 2019-11-25 (afs-1064)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 2700 Main Event - Multi-way pot w/ Draw Qc,5cView Hand 2019-11-25 (afs-1063)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 2700 Main Event - limped pot vs Olivier Busquet 7s,8sView Hand 2019-11-25 (afs-1062)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 2700 Main Event - LJ vs BTN 60bbs As,JcView Hand 2019-11-25 (afs-1061)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 $2700 Main Event - Sb vs CO 3bet deep 7d,8dView Hand 2019-11-25 (afs-1060)
Mike - 2/5 NL - Larger bet sizes on all streets? Kh,KdView Hand 2019-11-24 (mik-1008)
Mike - 2/5 NL - Nitty fold on flop? 7d,7hView Hand 2019-11-24 (mik-1007)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $11 $2k guarantee on Bet Online - Playing my range on the BTN 4c,3cView Hand 2019-11-24 (mcl-1100)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $11 $2k guarantee on Bet Online - Flopped top 2 OOP faces bad turn card Ad,JdView Hand 2019-11-24 (mcl-1099)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $11 $2k guarantee on Bet Online - AKo in position in a 3-bet pot As,KhView Hand 2019-11-24 (mcl-1098)
- $1/2NL - AA led into As,AdView Hand 2019-11-24 (JP-1027)
- $1/2NL - Top pair 7 way Qc,JcView Hand 2019-11-24 (JP-1026)
- $1/2 NL - Bottom pair on button Ah,2dView Hand 2019-11-24 (JP-1025)
Jim - JimB $22 or $44 - 25k Guar ignition mid nov 2019 - 77 short stacked early pos. vs UTG min-raise 7s,7dView Hand 2019-11-24 (jib-1016)
Jim - JimB $22 or $44 - 25k Guar ignition mid nov 2019 - 99 late position vs 2 all-ins 9s,9cView Hand 2019-11-24 (jib-1015)
Jim - JimB $22 or $44 - 25k Guar ignition mid nov 2019 - Odd spot with AK Ad,KsView Hand 2019-11-24 (jib-1014)
Jim - JimB $22 or $44 - 25k Guar ignition mid nov 2019 - SB oversqueeze with JJ Jh,JdView Hand 2019-11-24 (jib-1013)
John L - $2/5 Live $20 Bomb - Just shove turn? Ah,2cView Hand 2019-11-24 (jda-1036)
John L - $2/5 Live - Bet turn, fold to raise? Ac,KcView Hand 2019-11-24 (jda-1035)
Bill Vicars - Bill Thunder Valley 2/5 - Top, top facing check raise As,KdView Hand 2019-11-24 (BV-1073)
Thijs - TJ Poker open - Turn hand into bluff? 3c,4cView Hand 2019-11-23 (tja-1021)
Thijs - TJ Poker open - Bluff from SB 7h,5hView Hand 2019-11-23 (tja-1020)
Thijs - TJ Poker open Day 2 - 3bet vs LJ Ah,8cView Hand 2019-11-23 (tja-1019)
Thijs - TJ Poker open - Thin value? As,5sView Hand 2019-11-23 (tja-1018)
Thijs - TJ Poker open - Bluff vs Splashy LAG Ac,JhView Hand 2019-11-23 (tja-1017)
Thijs - TJ Poker open - Lead flop? Jh,JcView Hand 2019-11-23 (tja-1016)
Thijs - TJ Poker open - Low bluffbet Ac,KhView Hand 2019-11-23 (tja-1015)
Thijs - TJ Poker open - QQ vs set Qd,QhView Hand 2019-11-23 (tja-1014)
Mike - 2/5 NL - 77 vs. Good LAG 7d,7sView Hand 2019-11-23 (mik-1006)
Mike - 2/5 NL - QQ vs. Good LAG Qc,QsView Hand 2019-11-23 (mik-1005)
Mike - 2/5 NL - KJ Cooler Kh,JcView Hand 2019-11-23 (mik-1004)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Betting thin on river Js,JhView Hand 2019-11-23 (BV-1072)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - 2 pair on 3 flush board 9h,8hView Hand 2019-11-23 (BV-1071)
- $1/2NL - JJ multiway Jh,JdView Hand 2019-11-20 (JP-1024)
- $1/$2NL - QQ facing all in from loose passive opp Qs,QdView Hand 2019-11-20 (JP-1023)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Facing check raise Jc,JdView Hand 2019-11-20 (BV-1070)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - 4bet QQ? Qh,QdView Hand 2019-11-20 (BV-1069)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Raise with OESD Tc,8cView Hand 2019-11-20 (BV-1068)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Raise flop with Overpair Ks,KhView Hand 2019-11-20 (BV-1067)
lj (Luck) westerbaan - Luck 2Euro/2Euro - cashgame 2/2 NL Jc,JhView Hand 2019-11-19 (lwe-1001)
JJ - choctaw satellite - KQo in BB with < 20 BB with NO ANTE... shove, raise, or check for deception? Kd,QcView Hand 2019-11-19 (jcj-1085)
JJ - day 1 of WSPT - literal last hand of day 1...300 players, 45 left, 10 away from off or fold? Ts,ThView Hand 2019-11-19 (jcj-1084)
JJ - choctaw satellite - flush draw + gutshot + 2 overs on monotone board Qd,JcView Hand 2019-11-19 (jcj-1083)
JJ - choctaw satellite - weak ace in BB Ac,2hView Hand 2019-11-19 (jcj-1082)
JJ - choctaw satellite - nut flush draw - facing turn bet? As,TsView Hand 2019-11-19 (jcj-1081)
JJ - choctaw satellite - flopping trips multiway 4c,3cView Hand 2019-11-19 (jcj-1080)
JJ - choctaw satellite - pocket 99 in marginal spot on river? 9s,9hView Hand 2019-11-19 (jcj-1079)
Emilliano (Cashgame Sweden) - €2.5/2.5 NL Live - Cashgame Stockholm Live 8h,9hView Hand 2019-11-19 (eil-1001)
cybergrind - $2.20 Party - AA on 4-flush river vs maniac As,AdView Hand 2019-11-18 (sem-1009)
- Kep $15 Online - PSPA Daily Student Upload Jh,9hView Hand 2019-11-18 (kke-1001)
JJ - choctaw sattelite - facing pot size rivered bet with rivered ace Ah,7cView Hand 2019-11-18 (jcj-1078)
JJ - choctaw sattelite - flopped top set 8s,8cView Hand 2019-11-18 (jcj-1077)
JJ - choctaw sattelite - J3o in BB, rivered trips Jh,3cView Hand 2019-11-18 (jcj-1076)
Yigit - Yigido 1500 WSOP - XXX View Hand 2019-11-17 (yko-1001)
Laurentiu - BigThinker online tournament - huge x/r river for value 3s,3dView Hand 2019-11-17 (rad-1012)
Laurentiu - BigThinker online tournament - call or fold? Tc,ThView Hand 2019-11-17 (rad-1011)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $200NL at Eddie's - Multiway pot after raising A7s UTG Ad,7dView Hand 2019-11-17 (mcl-1097)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $200NL at Eddie's - Flopping aces full in position and trying to get the max As,AcView Hand 2019-11-17 (mcl-1096)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $200NL at Eddie's - Getting action after flopping trips out of the BB Td,6sView Hand 2019-11-17 (mcl-1095)
Charles - CoinPoker Satellite - Early in CHP satellite. Kc,JcView Hand 2019-11-16 (cr-1001)
cybergrind - $22 Party - A7s OOP vs tiny 3bet As,7sView Hand 2019-11-16 (sem-1008)
Laurentiu - BigThinker online tournament - thoughts on river? Ac,4cView Hand 2019-11-16 (rad-1010)
Laurentiu - BigThinker online tournament - thoughts on river 5c,KhView Hand 2019-11-16 (rad-1009)
Laurentiu - BigThinker online tournament - check nuts OTT 9d,7cView Hand 2019-11-16 (rad-1008)
Laurentiu - BigThinker online tournament - slow play trips 4s,5sView Hand 2019-11-16 (rad-1007)
OMGisMidas - 600 - ICM spot View Hand 2019-11-15 (tav-1012)
OMGisMidas - 25SNG - reg vs reg View Hand 2019-11-15 (tav-1011)
Jordan Sanders - Fudge 1/3 NL - Implied Odds : OESD 9s,8sView Hand 2019-11-14 (san-1002)
Jordan Sanders - Fudge 1/3 NL - Implied Odds : Flushdraw Js,QsView Hand 2019-11-14 (san-1001)
cybergrind - $22 Party Mini - Flopped hidden straight 7c,5cView Hand 2019-11-13 (sem-1007)
cybergrind - $22 Party Mini - Flopped broadway + NFD Qd,TdView Hand 2019-11-13 (sem-1006)
cybergrind - $22 Party Mini - Flopped TP 4-way Jh,9hView Hand 2019-11-13 (sem-1005)
cybergrind - $22 Party Mini - Flushing river 9s,7sView Hand 2019-11-13 (sem-1004)
cybergrind - $22 Party Mini - 4-straight turn vs rec Kh,6dView Hand 2019-11-13 (sem-1003)
JJ - 2/5 cash - choctaw - what river bet should i use for 2 pair? Kh,5hView Hand 2019-11-13 (jcj-1075)
JJ - 2/5 cash - choctaw - turning top pair after checking back flop As,QcView Hand 2019-11-13 (jcj-1074)
JJ - 2/5 cash - choctaw - turned set facing CXR 3s,3hView Hand 2019-11-13 (jcj-1073)
JJ - chcotaw main day 1 - pocket 88 against utg limper and unknown 8s,8dView Hand 2019-11-13 (jcj-1072)
JJ - chcotaw main day 1 - KQ out of position in 3 bet pot against LAG Kh,QhView Hand 2019-11-13 (jcj-1071)
JJ - chcotaw main day 1 - sb vs bb hand Tc,5cView Hand 2019-11-13 (jcj-1070)
JJ - chcotaw main day 1 - pocket 22 - bluffing on river? 2d,2sView Hand 2019-11-13 (jcj-1069)
JJ - wsop choctaw main oct 2019 day 1 - facing 4 bet with AsKs As,KsView Hand 2019-11-13 (jcj-1068)
JJ - choctaw main day 2 oct 2019 - pocket 99 on CO 9s,9hView Hand 2019-11-13 (jcj-1067)
JJ - choctaw main day 2 oct 2019 - sb defense with gutshot? 6d,8cView Hand 2019-11-13 (jcj-1066)
JJ - choctaw main day 2 oct 2019 - BB defense? 6s,8hView Hand 2019-11-13 (jcj-1064)
JJ - choctaw main day 2 oct 2019 - JcTc on CO against BB on middle board Jc,TcView Hand 2019-11-13 (jcj-1063)
JJ - choctaw main day 2 oct 2019 - AQo in sb against LAG , all-in river spot Ac,QsView Hand 2019-11-13 (jcj-1062)
JJ - choctaw main day 2 oct 2019 - pocket 88 on button 8s,8cView Hand 2019-11-13 (jcj-1061)
JJ - choctaw main day 2 oct 2019 - KJo on button Kc,JhView Hand 2019-11-13 (jcj-1060)
Greg Brewer - gabpoker 100K Eagle Cup $200 - AKs vs 3bet after calling open Ah,KhView Hand 2019-11-13 (gab-1002)
Greg Brewer - gabpoker 100K Eagle Cup Main $200 - AKo vs 3bet ip 117 left 81 pay Ac,KhView Hand 2019-11-13 (gab-1001)
OMGisMidas - 600 GTD - BTN vs SB Qh,QsView Hand 2019-11-12 (tav-1010)
cybergrind - $22 Party Mini - FD vs 2 recs Kd,QdView Hand 2019-11-12 (sem-1002)
cybergrind - $22 Party Mini - Turned set vs reg 2s,2hView Hand 2019-11-12 (sem-1001)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $3.30 on ACR - Pocket pair OOP backs into a straight on the river 9h,9dView Hand 2019-11-12 (mcl-1094)
- thefisheagle live 1-2 - passive line as pfr Ad,JdView Hand 2019-11-11 (TF-1051)
- thefisheagle live 1-3 - xr flop 8s,7sView Hand 2019-11-11 (TF-1050)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0.50/1.00 - calling with 88 a 3 bet 8d,8hView Hand 2019-11-11 (GB-1030)
Laurentiu - BigThinker online tournament - call,raise or fold, bounty included Tc,QcView Hand 2019-11-10 (rad-1006)
Laurentiu - BigThinker online tournament - PFA Check TP OTF As,2sView Hand 2019-11-10 (rad-1005)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0.25/0.50 - Set over Set 22-99 2h,2dView Hand 2019-11-07 (GB-1029)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - two pair facing aggression Ts,9sView Hand 2019-11-07 (BV-1066)
Ken Van Volkenburg - rainmaker314 22 online - AJ from the BB As,JhView Hand 2019-11-06 (tro-1001)
OMGisMidas - 500gtd - loose passive oponent Ac,6cView Hand 2019-11-06 (tav-1009)
OMGisMidas - 1000 GTD - SBvsBB Kc,QcView Hand 2019-11-06 (tav-1008)
OMGisMidas - 600GTD - ICM harass Qc,JdView Hand 2019-11-06 (tav-1007)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - AK vs AQ As,KcView Hand 2019-11-06 (BV-1065)
OMGisMidas - 1000 - SBvsBB Kc,QcView Hand 2019-11-05 (tav-1006)
OMGisMidas - 1000 - LJvsCO Qh,QcView Hand 2019-11-05 (tav-1005)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Set vs Straight Jh,JcView Hand 2019-11-05 (BV-1064)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - 25 out of 380 left and ITM Ac,QcView Hand 2019-11-05 (afs-1059)
- thefisheagle live - got bluffed by better hand Js,TdView Hand 2019-11-04 (TF-1049)
- thefisheagle live 2-5 - sample hand Js,JcView Hand 2019-11-04 (TF-1048)
- thefisheagle live 2-5 - rvr call Kc,KdView Hand 2019-11-04 (TF-1047)
OMGisMidas - 4000 GTD - A7s BTN As,7sView Hand 2019-11-04 (tav-1004)
OMGisMidas - 1000GTD - AQo Ac,QhView Hand 2019-11-04 (tav-1003)
OMGisMidas - 1000GTD - max value As,QcView Hand 2019-11-04 (tav-1002)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - Widening the 3-betting range from IP 7s,6sView Hand 2019-11-04 (mcl-1093)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0.10/0.25 - Folding to a river jam with JJ Jd,JhView Hand 2019-11-04 (GB-1028)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0.10/0.25 - Bad 4 bet shove? AK Ah,KdView Hand 2019-11-04 (GB-1027)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0.10/0.25 - Bad call on the river Kh,QdView Hand 2019-11-04 (GB-1026)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - CO vs BB 35bbs Ah,QsView Hand 2019-11-04 (afs-1058)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - Heads Up 7h,8hView Hand 2019-11-04 (afs-1057)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - BB vs BTN 150bbs As,TcView Hand 2019-11-04 (afs-1056)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - HJ vs BB 18bbs Js,TsView Hand 2019-11-04 (afs-1055)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - SB vs CO 35bbs Kh,8sView Hand 2019-11-04 (afs-1054)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - CO vs BB 18bbs As,9cView Hand 2019-11-04 (afs-1053)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - Sb vs EP 3bet Kc,KdView Hand 2019-11-04 (afs-1052)
Laurentiu - BigThinker 11$ online tournament - X/R flop 8s,KdView Hand 2019-11-03 (rad-1004)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin WSOP $250 Daily Deepstack - Playing the NFD out of the SB Ad,9dView Hand 2019-11-03 (mcl-1092)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Venetian $600 Ultimate Stack - Flopping a marginal hand out of the SB and facing a bet by the BTN Jh,7hView Hand 2019-11-03 (mcl-1091)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Venetian $600 Ultimate Stack - Playing the nut low OOP BvB 3d,2dView Hand 2019-11-03 (mcl-1090)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - Facing a check raise holding a marginal hand IP Jc,JhView Hand 2019-11-03 (mcl-1089)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - Going for it against a maniac Jd,9dView Hand 2019-11-03 (mcl-1088)
- $350 live - Barrel give up Ah,ThView Hand 2019-11-03 (JP-1022)
- $350 live - AQ multiway Ah,QhView Hand 2019-11-03 (JP-1021)
John L - $1/3 - Bet all 3 streets? 5s,5cView Hand 2019-11-03 (jda-1034)
John L - $1/3 with Straddle - Maybe bet small on river? Jc,TcView Hand 2019-11-03 (jda-1033)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0.25/0.50 - Bad call Ah,QhView Hand 2019-11-03 (GB-1025)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Check with flsh draw Ah,9hView Hand 2019-11-03 (BV-1063)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Loose call on BTN 4s,3sView Hand 2019-11-03 (BV-1062)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Ad3d in SB Ad,3dView Hand 2019-11-03 (BV-1061)
Bill Vicars - Bill Stones 1/3 - fold AJx to large raise As,JdView Hand 2019-11-03 (BV-1060)
- $240 live - JJ utg Js,JdView Hand 2019-11-01 (JP-1020)
JJ - hypothethical 4 bet - As4s blocker 4 bet As,4sView Hand 2019-11-01 (jcj-1059)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope Borgata $1/$2 - Facing aggression on a wet board with the flopped nuts. Kh,KcView Hand 2019-11-01 (aqp-1019)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope $185 BPO Championship 1B - Finding and Executing a three street bluff. Qd,7dView Hand 2019-11-01 (aqp-1018)
OMGisMidas - 6 max sng 25€ - loose villain playing pots Ac,5sView Hand 2019-10-31 (tav-1001)
Laurentiu - BigThinker 11$ tournament - Bluff catching top pair Ad,7sView Hand 2019-10-31 (rad-1003)
Laurentiu - BigThinker Online tournament - big bet on river Kd,QdView Hand 2019-10-31 (rad-1002)
Laurentiu - BigThinker 11$ Satellite - Satellite Kd,QdView Hand 2019-10-31 (rad-1001)
JJ - 1/3 cash - facing allin jam with flush draw on flop? Qd,TdView Hand 2019-10-31 (jcj-1058)
JJ - 1/3 cash - 10-26 Kd,QcView Hand 2019-10-31 (jcj-1057)
JJ - 1/3 cash - 10-24-19, 4h,3cView Hand 2019-10-31 (jcj-1056)
JJ - 1/3 cash - 10-24-19, flopped nut flush Ah,6hView Hand 2019-10-31 (jcj-1055)
JJ - 1/3 cash - 10-24-19 Ac,AhView Hand 2019-10-31 (jcj-1054)
JJ - 1/3 cash - 10-24-19, bad runout/worse river card? Kh,JhView Hand 2019-10-31 (jcj-1053)
JJ - 1/3 cash - 10-24-19 As,AhView Hand 2019-10-31 (jcj-1052)
JJ - horseshoe local - 10-26-19, Ad exposed as burn card Ac,8cView Hand 2019-10-31 (jcj-1051)
JJ - horseshoe local - 10-26-19 Th,8hView Hand 2019-10-31 (jcj-1050)
JJ - horseshoe local - 10-26-19 Th,9cView Hand 2019-10-31 (jcj-1049)
JJ - horseshoe local - 10-26-19 Kc,QdView Hand 2019-10-31 (jcj-1048)
Glen - 1-2 Live - Holding onto our hand 9s,9cView Hand 2019-10-31 (gle-1005)
- thefisheagle $300 live - sizing Ad,TdView Hand 2019-10-30 (TF-1046)
- thefisheagle uk oct 19 - passive line Ah,6hView Hand 2019-10-30 (TF-1045)
Glen - 1-2 live - Flop the essential nuts, fold turn to small bet. 7s,6sView Hand 2019-10-30 (gle-1004)
- thefisheagle £200 deepstack oct 19 - bad call 7c,6cView Hand 2019-10-28 (TF-1044)
- $240 live - triple barrel Js,8sView Hand 2019-10-28 (JP-1019)
Autochtonus - Autochtonus $3,000 Guarantee Live - Lost straight to maniac's boat 5s,3hView Hand 2019-10-28 (edi-1001)
Daniel Eylenfeldt - ScoutingZealot IFMP Nationscup Kiev - Matchpoker Ac,4dView Hand 2019-10-28 (dey-1004)
Wenjie Jiang - bruce poker hand 2 for coral - extracting value from out of position with a good hand against a passive opponet Th,9hView Hand 2019-10-28 (bru-1002)
Wenjie Jiang - bruce poker hand 1 for coral - extract value when out of position with a good hand against aggressive opponent Ts,9sView Hand 2019-10-28 (bru-1001)
Jim - JimB $44 $30k Guar Ignition Oct 26 2019 - AQ in SB - checkraise on flop wins? Ah,QcView Hand 2019-10-26 (jib-1012)
Jim - JimB $44 30k Guar Ignition Oct 26 2019 - Proper Squeeze? Call 2 All-ins? Ah,KcView Hand 2019-10-26 (jib-1011)
Glen - 1-2 live - Nut flush and top pair Tc,AcView Hand 2019-10-26 (gle-1003)
Trent Walker - 10/25/19 - cash 5 As,JhView Hand 2019-10-25 (sea-1024)
Trent Walker - 10/25/19 - cash 4 Ks,QhView Hand 2019-10-25 (sea-1023)
Trent Walker - 10/25/19 - cash 3 Kd,QdView Hand 2019-10-25 (sea-1022)
Trent Walker - 10/25/19 - cash 2 Td,ThView Hand 2019-10-25 (sea-1021)
Trent Walker - 10/25/19 - cash Ts,TcView Hand 2019-10-25 (sea-1020)
- $240 live - Kicker counterfeited Ac,JcView Hand 2019-10-25 (JP-1018)
- $240 live - AQ float Ac,QdView Hand 2019-10-25 (JP-1017)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0.10/0.25 - Bad outcome with AA Ad,AcView Hand 2019-10-25 (GB-1024)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0.25/0.50 - Folding JJ on the river Jd,JsView Hand 2019-10-25 (GB-1023)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0.25/0.50 - Folding to a river bet Js,TsView Hand 2019-10-25 (GB-1022)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Deep in $150 online MTT - UTG vs BB 25bbs Th,TsView Hand 2019-10-25 (afs-1051)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - 1st level MTT 600bbs Ah,KdView Hand 2019-10-25 (afs-1050)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - Deep in MTT vs Big Stack 9c,7sView Hand 2019-10-25 (afs-1049)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 $100 online MTT - 3bet pot OOP Qc,JcView Hand 2019-10-25 (afs-1048)
William L - RIU Reno main - Bizzare back-jam Ad,JdView Hand 2019-10-24 (wil-1023)
William L - RIU Reno main - Bluff gone wrong 9c,7cView Hand 2019-10-24 (wil-1022)
William L - RIU Reno main - Good draw but big bet 6s,6cView Hand 2019-10-24 (wil-1021)
William L - RIU Reno mini-main - Flop bet+raise As,TcView Hand 2019-10-24 (wil-1020)
William L - $1/$2 NL - Big 3-bet turn jam by loose player Kd,QdView Hand 2019-10-24 (wil-1019)
William L - RIU Reno mini-main - 3-way pot on pay jump Ks,KcView Hand 2019-10-24 (wil-1018)
- thefisheagle UK Oct 19 - bad rvr fold Kd,TdView Hand 2019-10-24 (TF-1043)
- thefisheagle UK Oct 19 - missed value? Ks,TdView Hand 2019-10-24 (TF-1042)
- thefisheagle UK Oct 19 - call turn shove? 9d,9cView Hand 2019-10-24 (TF-1041)
Mark Kaufmann - Noizyvelvet 1/3 - ChipTalk 6s,6cView Hand 2019-10-24 (mak-1001)
- $45 live - AK Multiway Ad,KcView Hand 2019-10-24 (JP-1016)
John L - $1/3 cash - Turned flush; don't know what caller had Ad,2dView Hand 2019-10-24 (jda-1032)
John L - $1/3 cash - Set on flush board Kh,KdView Hand 2019-10-24 (jda-1031)
- thefisheagle UK Oct 19 - set over set Qd,QcView Hand 2019-10-23 (TF-1040)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - To bet or check the aces when the turn card is somewhat poor? As,AdView Hand 2019-10-23 (mcl-1087)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5NL Zoom on Ignition - Middle set faces large turn raise Kh,KcView Hand 2019-10-23 (mcl-1086)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5NL Zoom on Ignition - Open BTN and face a SB 3-bet Ad,8cView Hand 2019-10-23 (mcl-1085)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1/$3 at Bellagio - Hand that made me decide to rack up and leave 9s,9dView Hand 2019-10-23 (mcl-1084)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Paul's $1/$2 on 2019-10-11 - Overcards multiway on a wet board facing small bets Ah,QhView Hand 2019-10-23 (mcl-1083)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $100 rebuy at Mike's - Playing middle pair IP in a 3-bet pot Jd,8dView Hand 2019-10-23 (mcl-1082)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5NL Zoom on Ignition - Potential overbet spot on river Ah,9hView Hand 2019-10-23 (mcl-1081)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Bluff raise preflop Ah,8sView Hand 2019-10-23 (BV-1059)
Mike - $5/$10 - Jam w/Draw vs. Monster Draw 5c,6cView Hand 2019-10-22 (mik-1003)
Mike - $2/$5 - Huge Jam with Nut Draw Ad,TdView Hand 2019-10-22 (mik-1002)
Mike - Hard Rock Pinktober $1,100 - AQo Late Day 1 Ac,QhView Hand 2019-10-22 (mik-1001)
- $250 Wsopc - AA check raised Ad,AhView Hand 2019-10-22 (JP-1015)
- thefisheagle uk live cash - october 19 uk trip Ah,KdView Hand 2019-10-21 (TF-1039)
John L - $1/3 live - CR river instead? Qs,JcView Hand 2019-10-21 (jda-1030)
John L - $1/3 live - Just let go? Check turn? Js,JcView Hand 2019-10-21 (jda-1029)
John L - $1/3 live - Flat nut flush draw cheaply instead? Ac,JcView Hand 2019-10-21 (jda-1028)
Jim - JimB $750 Local MTT Oct 19 - Seeing only what I can beat Ks,KhView Hand 2019-10-20 (jib-1010)
Jim - JimB $750 Local MTT Oct 19 - Tight Fold vs. UTG All in Js,JcView Hand 2019-10-20 (jib-1009)
Jim - JimB $400 Local MTT Oct 19 - Call for stack UTG with 1010 vs. SB Shove? Td,TcView Hand 2019-10-20 (jib-1008)
Jim - JimB $400 Local MTT Oct 19 - Is this ever just a call and fold with overs on flop? Js,JcView Hand 2019-10-20 (jib-1007)
Jim - JimB $400 Local MTT Oct 19 - Call 2 all-ins with only 4BB and a pair? 7s,7dView Hand 2019-10-20 (jib-1006)
Jim - JimB $400 Local MTT Oct 19 - Button call CO 4-bet shove Ah,KcView Hand 2019-10-20 (jib-1005)
Jim - JimB $300 local MTT Oct 19 - Button snap call whole stack on a draw 9d,9hView Hand 2019-10-20 (jib-1004)
Jim - JimB $300 local MTT Oct 19 - SB vs. BB against unknown 20's Kc,JcView Hand 2019-10-20 (jib-1003)
Jim - JimB $300 Local MTT Oct19 - Button 3-bet against my KK PFR Ks,KdView Hand 2019-10-20 (jib-1002)
Jim - JimB $300 Local MTT Oct 19 - StraightFlush draw facing bet and raise 7h,6dView Hand 2019-10-20 (jib-1001)
twopears - sean live game at casino - AK vs AA Ah,KcView Hand 2019-10-19 (sho-1009)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Calling reraise on BTN Qh,9hView Hand 2019-10-19 (BV-1058)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - bluff from BB Ah,4hView Hand 2019-10-19 (BV-1057)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - set in SB 4s,4hView Hand 2019-10-19 (BV-1056)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Flop nuts Kd,QcView Hand 2019-10-17 (BV-1055)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - semi bluff turn 7s,6sView Hand 2019-10-17 (BV-1054)
bill - $185 Borgata $20k guaranteed - bet-fold bottom 2 on turn 6d,3dView Hand 2019-10-16 (eft-1007)
bill - $185 Borgata $20k guaranteed - after strange vibe on turn, ok to check-fold? Kd,QsView Hand 2019-10-16 (eft-1006)
bill - $1/2 @ Borgata - value bet on river too thin? Ks,QdView Hand 2019-10-16 (eft-1005)
- thefisheagle live 1-3 - charge semibluffs? Ah,QdView Hand 2019-10-15 (TF-1038)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live - folding to pressure As,QhView Hand 2019-10-12 (TF-1037)
- thefisheagle live 1-3-6 - overbet shove flop Ac,5cView Hand 2019-10-12 (TF-1036)
- thefisheagle live 1-3 - slowplay AK Ah,KcView Hand 2019-10-12 (TF-1035)
Glen - 1-2 live cash - Make the 2nd nuts on river, facing all in bet. Kd,JdView Hand 2019-10-12 (gle-1002)
Glen - 1-2 cash live - Make Aces full As,AhView Hand 2019-10-12 (gle-1001)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0.10/0.25 - When the flush hits Ac,8hView Hand 2019-10-12 (GB-1021)
JJ - rungood main - do you defend BB here? 9s,4sView Hand 2019-10-11 (jcj-1047)
JJ - rungood bossier - 28 players left, final 27 get table redraw && $200 payjump between 28th and 27th As,KhView Hand 2019-10-11 (jcj-1046)
JJ - local tourney - interesting spot 8h,AhView Hand 2019-10-11 (jcj-1045)
JJ - satellite - interesting spot Ks,ThView Hand 2019-10-11 (jcj-1044)
JJ - local tourney - interesting spots? Qh,QcView Hand 2019-10-11 (jcj-1043)
JJ - local tourney - interesting spots? 8h,3cView Hand 2019-10-11 (jcj-1042)
JJ - local tourney - interesting spots? 7s,4sView Hand 2019-10-11 (jcj-1041)
JJ - local tourney - interesting spots? Ks,5sView Hand 2019-10-11 (jcj-1040)
bill - $100 tournament - turn the world 8h,6hView Hand 2019-10-11 (eft-1004)
- thefisheagle live 1-3 - check flop instead Qs,QdView Hand 2019-10-10 (TF-1034)
Max - Maxim 1/3 cash - Raise QQ Qs,QhView Hand 2019-10-10 (max-1003)
Max - Maxim 1/3 cash - two pair on the flop, bad turn 9h,8hView Hand 2019-10-10 (max-1002)
Max - Maxim 1/3 cash - straight/flush draw on turn Kd,JdView Hand 2019-10-10 (max-1001)
bill - $125 $10k guaranteed @ Borgata - set on flop 6s,6cView Hand 2019-10-10 (eft-1003)
bill - $1/$3 - players tight calling pfr but loose pf defending blinds or if already limped Ad,8sView Hand 2019-10-10 (eft-1002)
bill - $2/$5 - monotone board with set on flop 5s,5dView Hand 2019-10-10 (eft-1001)
Lester Wee - $1/$2 - Live Cash Td,8dView Hand 2019-10-09 (les-1001)
Yair Grinberg - Yair online 5$ turbo - AQo - in the money - 11 players left As,QhView Hand 2019-10-09 (hab-1022)
Yair Grinberg - Yair home cash - QQ top set on a flushy bord Qs,QhView Hand 2019-10-09 (hab-1021)
Yair Grinberg - Yair home cash - 3bet fold 99 9s,9hView Hand 2019-10-09 (hab-1020)
Yair Grinberg - Yair home cash game - 98d 9d,8dView Hand 2019-10-09 (hab-1019)
Yair Grinberg - Yair home cash game - KJs Ks,JsView Hand 2019-10-09 (hab-1018)
Yair Grinberg - Yair 225euro - KcJs - blofing river Js,KcView Hand 2019-10-09 (hab-1017)
Yair Grinberg - Yair 115euro - shoving nuts flush draw A4c Ac,4cView Hand 2019-10-09 (hab-1016)
JJ - rungood bossier - day 2- pocket JJ on turn Jd,JsView Hand 2019-10-08 (jcj-1039)
JJ - 1/3 horseshoe - pocket 99 on king river 9s,9cView Hand 2019-10-08 (jcj-1038)
William L - $400 freezeout - Final table Kh,ThView Hand 2019-10-07 (wil-1017)
William L - $400 freezeout - Final table Ah,9cView Hand 2019-10-07 (wil-1016)
William L - Texas Poker Championship - Day 2 - Bustout hand Qs,JsView Hand 2019-10-07 (wil-1015)
- thefisheagle live 1-3 - value bet river Kd,QsView Hand 2019-10-07 (TF-1033)
- thefisheagle live 1-3 - flop sizing Jd,TdView Hand 2019-10-07 (TF-1032)
- thefisheagle live 1-3 - missed value river 4h,3hView Hand 2019-10-07 (TF-1031)
- thefisheagle live 1-2 - multiway 3 bet pot Th,TcView Hand 2019-10-07 (TF-1030)
- thefisheagle live 1-3 - turn bet sizing Kc,QdView Hand 2019-10-07 (TF-1029)
OTTAVIANO CAPELLINI - ilpazzo Casa delle carte - 100k grt View Hand 2019-10-07 (ott-1001)
JJ - rungood main - october 2019 Ac,AsView Hand 2019-10-07 (jcj-1037)
JJ - rungood main - october 2019 As,QcView Hand 2019-10-07 (jcj-1036)
JJ - rungood main - october 2019 9s,9cView Hand 2019-10-07 (jcj-1035)
JJ - rungood main - october 2019 9d,6dView Hand 2019-10-07 (jcj-1034)
JJ - rungood bossier - october 2019 Ks,KhView Hand 2019-10-07 (jcj-1033)
JJ - rungood bossier - october 2019 5c,6cView Hand 2019-10-07 (jcj-1032)
JJ - rungood main - october 2019- pocket aces on button As,AcView Hand 2019-10-07 (jcj-1031)
JJ - rungood main - october 2019 Ah,JcView Hand 2019-10-07 (jcj-1030)
JJ - rungood main bossier - october 2019 7d,8dView Hand 2019-10-07 (jcj-1029)
JJ - rungood main bossier - october 2019 2h,2dView Hand 2019-10-07 (jcj-1028)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Calling raise with straight draw 9c,8cView Hand 2019-10-07 (BV-1053)
Bill Vicars - Bill Stones 1/3 - Double barrel flush draw Ac,KcView Hand 2019-10-07 (BV-1052)
Bill Vicars - Bill Stones 1/3 - set over set Qd,QhView Hand 2019-10-07 (BV-1051)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Bluffing with As As,9dView Hand 2019-10-07 (BV-1050)
Alton - Example - Dominated Hand Ac,8cView Hand 2019-10-07 (alo-1001)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - Multi-way Bluff Ac,TsView Hand 2019-10-07 (afs-1047)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - Multi-way semi bluff Ac,9sView Hand 2019-10-07 (afs-1046)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - Flush draw gets raised Ad,JdView Hand 2019-10-07 (afs-1045)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 $200 online MTT - UTG vs BB Ticket Winner As,ThView Hand 2019-10-07 (afs-1044)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5.50 daily on Ignition - Overpair OOP runs into bad turn card Kh,KcView Hand 2019-10-06 (mcl-1080)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Mike's High Hand special on 2019-10-05 - Isolation raise leaves me heads up IP with two overs and a draw Kh,QcView Hand 2019-10-06 (mcl-1079)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - Flop top/top in 3-bet pot and get check-raised As,JsView Hand 2019-10-06 (mcl-1078)
- $120 live - qjo bb Qc,JsView Hand 2019-10-06 (JP-1014)
- $120 live - flop trips in multiway limped pot Kh,3hView Hand 2019-10-06 (JP-1013)
- $120 live - KJo bb Kd,JsView Hand 2019-10-06 (JP-1012)
- $50 Live - multiway after opening 98s 9h,8hView Hand 2019-10-06 (JP-1011)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - FT Bubble BvB Qd,QcView Hand 2019-10-06 (afs-1043)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - Multiway OOP Pair+Draw 7d,9dView Hand 2019-10-06 (afs-1042)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - Draw in Multiway Pot Jc,9cView Hand 2019-10-06 (afs-1041)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - Questionable River Td,TcView Hand 2019-10-06 (afs-1040)
JJ - rungood main - flopped straight vs rivered backdoor flush Jd,TdView Hand 2019-10-05 (jcj-1027)
JJ - rungood main - rivered straight vs turned full house Qh,TcView Hand 2019-10-05 (jcj-1026)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5.50 daily on Ignition - Bottom pair faces donk min-bet 6d,5dView Hand 2019-10-04 (mcl-1077)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5.50 daily on Ignition - Catching a good turn card after seeing a flop in position 8c,7cView Hand 2019-10-04 (mcl-1076)
- Forum Post - Calling EP with J9s Jh,9hView Hand 2019-10-04 (jao-1001)
Yair Grinberg - Yair 175euro - Ad6h 6c,AhView Hand 2019-10-04 (hab-1015)
Yair Grinberg - Yair 175euro - AdJd - pot odds to call a shove Ad,JdView Hand 2019-10-04 (hab-1014)
Yair Grinberg - Yair 330euro - 10s10c Tc,TsView Hand 2019-10-04 (hab-1013)
Yair Grinberg - Yair 330euro - how to *not* play 8d5h 8d,5hView Hand 2019-10-04 (hab-1012)
Yair Grinberg - Yair 175euro - bad play all the way with K9c Kc,9cView Hand 2019-10-04 (hab-1011)
Yair Grinberg - Yair 330 euro - finle table - bad blof Qd,5dView Hand 2019-10-04 (hab-1010)
Yair Grinberg - Yair 175 euro - fold crazy pot odds - QQ Qd,QsView Hand 2019-10-04 (hab-1009)
Yair Grinberg - Yair 115 euro - 9 to money - fold in BB 2s,2cView Hand 2019-10-04 (hab-1008)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 $30 ACR - Big Bluff Qd,6hView Hand 2019-10-04 (afs-1038)
Omer Faruk - Ofya Day 2 $130 Buy-in 100k GTD, Final 15 - Immediate all in live As,KdView Hand 2019-10-02 (meq-1002)
Omer Faruk - Ofya $130 Buy in 100k GTD - Day 2, Final 14 from 1500 ppl As,ThView Hand 2019-10-02 (meq-1001)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - BvB tight fold? 8d,7cView Hand 2019-10-02 (afs-1037)
Yair Grinberg - Yair sattilite to m.event - 2d2c 2c,2dView Hand 2019-10-01 (hab-1007)
Yair Grinberg - Yair 255 euro - 10s9s 9s,TsView Hand 2019-10-01 (hab-1006)
Yair Grinberg - Yair 175 euro - A10o As,ThView Hand 2019-10-01 (hab-1005)
Yair Grinberg - Yair 255 euro - A10s Ah,ThView Hand 2019-10-01 (hab-1004)
Yair Grinberg - Yair home cash gmae - nut flush on river Ah,ThView Hand 2019-10-01 (hab-1003)
Yair Grinberg - Yair 115 EURO TOURNAMENT - 77 from BB 7s,7dView Hand 2019-10-01 (hab-1002)
Yair Grinberg - Yair home cash game - folding AQo on the turn Qc,AhView Hand 2019-10-01 (hab-1001)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Double straddled 5 handed Ad,6dView Hand 2019-09-29 (BV-1049)
twopears - sean 50NL - fold, call or shove? Qh,KsView Hand 2019-09-28 (sho-1008)
twopears - sean cooler? - were my preflop sizings correct? and is AK never folding? As,KcView Hand 2019-09-28 (sho-1007)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Cash Ad,AhView Hand 2019-09-28 (bag-1004)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Cash As,JcView Hand 2019-09-28 (bag-1003)
William L - Texas Poker Championship - Fall 2019 - Stone bubble vs. short stack Ah,AdView Hand 2019-09-27 (wil-1014)
William L - 1/2 NL - Facing donk jam on flop Ac,KdView Hand 2019-09-27 (wil-1013)
- thefisheagle 1-2 live - playing vs turn check raise Kc,QsView Hand 2019-09-27 (TF-1028)
- thefisheagle 1-2 live - protect flop checking range As,JhView Hand 2019-09-27 (TF-1027)
- thefisheagle 1-2 live - should i lead rvr? Kd,QdView Hand 2019-09-27 (TF-1026)
- thefisheagle 1-2 live - missed value rvr Qh,JdView Hand 2019-09-27 (TF-1025)
- thefisheagle live 1-3 - 4 bet bluff preflop Ac,5cView Hand 2019-09-27 (TF-1024)
- thefisheagle live 1-3 - bluff catching Ad,TdView Hand 2019-09-27 (TF-1023)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live - lead river? 4c,3cView Hand 2019-09-27 (TF-1022)
- thefisheagle live 1-3 - rvr bluff overbet Ks,JdView Hand 2019-09-27 (TF-1021)
Trent Walker - 9/27 - cash 5 5s,2cView Hand 2019-09-27 (sea-1019)
Trent Walker - 9/27 - cash 4 Ac,JcView Hand 2019-09-27 (sea-1018)
9Tsuited - $1/2 NL - Was it a good idea to turn second to bottom pair into a bluff? 5d,6dView Hand 2019-09-27 (lar-1026)
9Tsuited - $200k Guarantee - SB steal Qs,9hView Hand 2019-09-27 (lar-1025)
9Tsuited - $200k Tourney - Opponent seemed scared Ac,8hView Hand 2019-09-27 (lar-1024)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 - Cash Jd,JhView Hand 2019-09-27 (bag-1002)
Bagi Máté - Bagivey95 100-200 live - Cash Ad,JdView Hand 2019-09-27 (bag-1001)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - BB vs EP 35bbs Ac,9dView Hand 2019-09-27 (afs-1036)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - BB vs UTG 25bbs Kd,8cView Hand 2019-09-27 (afs-1035)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 $100 online MTT - BB vs SB 3ways 70bbs Jc,8dView Hand 2019-09-27 (afs-1034)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - BTN vs BB 35bbs Ad,9hView Hand 2019-09-27 (afs-1033)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 SHRB London - Elias (BTN) vs Imsirovic (UTG) 9h,8hView Hand 2019-09-27 (afs-1032)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 1k 6max - AK BTN vs BB Ad,KhView Hand 2019-09-27 (afs-1031)
- thefisheagle live 1-2 - aggressor check fold flop Ac,QdView Hand 2019-09-26 (TF-1020)
- thefisheagle live 1-3 - turning top pair into bluff Ac,JdView Hand 2019-09-26 (TF-1019)
Trent Walker - 9/27 - cash 3 9s,9hView Hand 2019-09-26 (sea-1017)
Trent Walker - 9/27 - cash 2 Kh,JhView Hand 2019-09-26 (sea-1016)
Trent Walker - 9/27 - cash 7c,7hView Hand 2019-09-26 (sea-1015)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - Top/top on wet flop gets raised by player IP Ad,KdView Hand 2019-09-26 (mcl-1075)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - Flopped set OOP on monotone board 7s,7hView Hand 2019-09-26 (mcl-1074)
- $50 home game - Short stack check raise Kd,JcView Hand 2019-09-26 (JP-1010)
John L - $350 Live tourney - Just 3-bet Pre? As,KhView Hand 2019-09-26 (jda-1027)
John L - $350 Live tourney - Should I shove here? Js,9cView Hand 2019-09-26 (jda-1026)
John L - $3/5 - QQ flop set Qs,QhView Hand 2019-09-26 (jda-1025)
John L - $3/5 - River bluff? Js,TsView Hand 2019-09-26 (jda-1024)
John L - $1/3 straddle - Just call turn? As,QhView Hand 2019-09-26 (jda-1023)
John L - $2/5 Cash - Should've raised - which street? As,QhView Hand 2019-09-26 (jda-1022)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - double gutter call Jc,8cView Hand 2019-09-26 (BV-1048)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5NL Zoom on Ignition - Is this a check-raise? Part 2 Kc,ThView Hand 2019-09-25 (mcl-1073)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5NL Zoom on Ignition - Is this a check-raise? Part 1 Ts,9sView Hand 2019-09-25 (mcl-1072)
John Borges - John B Synd #3 - AA vs Craigy As,AdView Hand 2019-09-25 (fly-1039)
John Borges - John B Synd #3 - KK vs unknown Ks,KhView Hand 2019-09-25 (fly-1038)
John Borges - John B Synd #3 - BB check-raise Ad,7dView Hand 2019-09-25 (fly-1037)
John Borges - John B Synd #3 - suited connectors vs unknown and calling station 8d,7dView Hand 2019-09-25 (fly-1036)
twopears - sean NL50 - river fold or call? As,6sView Hand 2019-09-24 (sho-1006)
twopears - sean NL50 - preflop. mistake? Js,TsView Hand 2019-09-24 (sho-1005)
twopears - sean NL50 - oop against a high 3b player Kd,TdView Hand 2019-09-24 (sho-1004)
twopears - sean NL50 - Folding most of the time? Jc,TcView Hand 2019-09-24 (sho-1003)
twopears - sean NL50 - Fold Call or Shove? Ah,QdView Hand 2019-09-24 (sho-1002)
twopears - sean NL50 - Lead or C/C 8s,7sView Hand 2019-09-24 (sho-1001)
9Tsuited - $1/2 NLH LOOSE TABLE - Did i play top pair incorrectly OOP? As,JdView Hand 2019-09-24 (lar-1023)
John Borges - John B Synd #3 - QQ early vs unknown Qc,QsView Hand 2019-09-24 (fly-1035)
Bill Vicars - Bill Stones $200 tourney - slow play set 6s,6cView Hand 2019-09-24 (BV-1047)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $200NL at Eddie's - Flopped draw out of the BB turns showdown value Jc,TdView Hand 2019-09-23 (mcl-1071)
Bill Vicars - Bill Stones $200 tourney - AA flop bet raised Ad,AhView Hand 2019-09-23 (BV-1046)
9Tsuited - 200k Guarantee 3 away from the money - 2 pair with 19bb; Do we go with it? Ac,3cView Hand 2019-09-22 (lar-1022)
Mike Baker - Bake $5K Guarantee - BetOnline Kh,ThView Hand 2019-09-22 (juv-1001)
- $240 live - AT 16bb Ah,TsView Hand 2019-09-22 (JP-1009)
- $240 Live - 2nd pair flush draw Qd,6dView Hand 2019-09-22 (JP-1008)
- $240 live - Top pair vs lag opener Kh,TdView Hand 2019-09-22 (JP-1007)
- $500 HPT - Limped pot top pair Ah,6hView Hand 2019-09-22 (JP-1006)
George - Joro .01/.02 NL Online - Weird Hand Ac,KcView Hand 2019-09-21 (jor-1001)
Bill Vicars - Bill Stones 1/3 - 2 pair Counterfeit 8d,7dView Hand 2019-09-21 (BV-1045)
Bill Vicars - Bill Stones 1/3 - flop nut straight Qs,TcView Hand 2019-09-21 (BV-1044)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $22 SnG on Pokerrrr2 - OOP with marginal hand facing large turn bet Kh,JcView Hand 2019-09-20 (mcl-1070)
JERRY YEE - yeeluvspizza West Valley Poker Group Tuesday 9/17 (7pm) - Ben's BB resteal opportunity Ks,ThView Hand 2019-09-20 (jye-1001)
John Buckroyd - Buckers DTO QTos line - Was surprised with this line it is suggesting Qd,TcView Hand 2019-09-20 (job-1001)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - set trying to get in stacks 3d,3hView Hand 2019-09-20 (BV-1043)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope $40 Weekly - Interesting FT spot while already ITM 5s,5dView Hand 2019-09-20 (aqp-1017)
Bill Vicars - Bill Stones 1/3 - betting with nuts 7d,6dView Hand 2019-09-18 (BV-1042)
Bill Vicars - Bill Thunder Valley 2/5 - AK calling raise Ah,QdView Hand 2019-09-18 (BV-1041)
9Tsuited - $100 $5K FREEZEOUT - Squeeze spot from BB 6s,5sView Hand 2019-09-17 (lar-1021)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope Borgata $1/$2 NL - Interesting Decision facing Donk Lead Kc,9cView Hand 2019-09-17 (aqp-1016)
JJ - set over set - turned set over smaller flopped set 3s,3cView Hand 2019-09-16 (jcj-1025)
JJ - horseshoe local - pocket JJ with Js on turned flush Js,JhView Hand 2019-09-16 (jcj-1024)
JJ - horseshoe local tourney - turning flush multiway in position 6s,8sView Hand 2019-09-16 (jcj-1023)
9Tsuited - $100 freezout ITM 16 left from 152 players - Is this a good bluff spot As,JcView Hand 2019-09-12 (lar-1020)
9Tsuited - $100 Freezout 152 entries ITM 15 left - Is this a good spot to re-jam? Ac,8dView Hand 2019-09-12 (lar-1019)
Richard F Stubbe - rickfast $1/$3 NL - Cash game As,AcView Hand 2019-09-11 (rih-1001)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5NL Zoom on Ignition - Playing a decent top pair after 3-betting from the SB Ac,JsView Hand 2019-09-11 (mcl-1069)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5NL Zoom on Ignition - Taking a bluff-catch line with QQ OOP in a 3-bet pot Qh,QcView Hand 2019-09-11 (mcl-1068)
Jerry - Imperator Cash Game random - In position vs Raise and 3bet 100bb Js,JcView Hand 2019-09-10 (mon-1001)
William L - $200 tournament - Overpair vs. turn lead Qs,QcView Hand 2019-09-09 (wil-1012)
William L - $200 tournament - AK flops well Ah,KsView Hand 2019-09-09 (wil-1011)
William L - $200 tournament - Pair+draw Jh,ThView Hand 2019-09-09 (wil-1010)
William L - $1/$2 NL - Bad spot with aces Ac,AdView Hand 2019-09-09 (wil-1009)
William L - $170 w/$50 bounty - Flopped low straight multiway 6h,5hView Hand 2019-09-09 (wil-1008)
Thijs - TJ $500 live MTT - AJo Ad,JcView Hand 2019-09-09 (tja-1013)
Thijs - TJ $500 live MTT - Donk Lead Ks,9hView Hand 2019-09-09 (tja-1012)
Thijs - TJ $500 Live MTT - Bluff against very loose player 7d,5dView Hand 2019-09-09 (tja-1011)
Thijs - TJ $1000 Live MTT - Bluff Kc,9cView Hand 2019-09-09 (tja-1010)
John L - $2/5 Hand I Saw - What do you think about this hand? As,JhView Hand 2019-09-09 (jda-1021)
John L - $1/3 - Bad float, Check-fold on river OK? Ks,QhView Hand 2019-09-09 (jda-1020)
John L - $1/3 - Str8 on paired board Qs,JhView Hand 2019-09-09 (jda-1019)
John L - $2/5 Straddler - Small flush on 4-flush board 5d,3dView Hand 2019-09-09 (jda-1018)
John L - $2/5 - AA - donk bet As,AhView Hand 2019-09-09 (jda-1017)
Jarred Gabin - GodsBigToe $22 $50K Online - Flopped Nuts Against LAG 9c,TcView Hand 2019-09-09 (god-1008)
John Borges - John B 2nd Synd - Stabbing at pot from BB after weakness Js,9cView Hand 2019-09-09 (fly-1034)
John Borges - John B 2nd Synd - from Yahtzee to big hero call Ac,5cView Hand 2019-09-09 (fly-1033)
John Borges - John B 2nd Synd - Versus Passive Older Man Qs,TsView Hand 2019-09-09 (fly-1032)
John Borges - John B 2nd Synd - bluffing Gabby after she shows weakness As,9hView Hand 2019-09-09 (fly-1031)
John Borges - John B 2nd Synd - big blind special Ks,KcView Hand 2019-09-09 (fly-1030)
John Borges - John B 2nd Synd - Weak board Ks,TsView Hand 2019-09-09 (fly-1029)
John Borges - John B 2nd Synd - Bad bluff vs unknown Ah,TdView Hand 2019-09-09 (fly-1028)
Daniel Eylenfeldt - ScoutingZealot DPSB HULL - HU SnG Round1 Lvl2 Ad,JdView Hand 2019-09-09 (dey-1003)
Daniel Eylenfeldt - ScoutingZealot DPSB HULL - Heads Up SnG 100 BB Stacks 5d,5hView Hand 2019-09-09 (dey-1002)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Live $550 MTT - Bluff Catch River Qc,JdView Hand 2019-09-09 (afs-1030)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Live $600 MTT - Calling off with Top pair Kc,JcView Hand 2019-09-09 (afs-1029)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - Raising 2nd Pair for Value Qd,JhView Hand 2019-09-09 (afs-1028)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Live $550 MTT Day 2 - Missed Value? Qs,QdView Hand 2019-09-09 (afs-1027)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - Optimistic Bluff? 7d,6cView Hand 2019-09-09 (afs-1026)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 $33 ACR MTT - Bad Flop in 4bet pot Qs,QhView Hand 2019-09-09 (afs-1025)
- thefisheagle live cash - cbet flop? Ac,KdView Hand 2019-09-08 (TF-1018)
- thefisheagle live cash - turn fold Ac,TcView Hand 2019-09-08 (TF-1017)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - 3-bet large with AKo from BB and faced with a dry flop while HU Ad,KsView Hand 2019-09-08 (mcl-1067)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syndicate #2 - JJ in BB with 14bb Js,JcView Hand 2019-09-08 (ker-1005)
Alan Ho - Alan H. Syndicate #2 - 97o in BB 9c,7sView Hand 2019-09-08 (ker-1004)
- $200 HPT - Flopped straight Tc,7cView Hand 2019-09-08 (JP-1005)
- $200 HPT - shove over limpers too out of line? Kh,7hView Hand 2019-09-08 (JP-1004)
JJ - horseshoe local - flopping middle pair in sb 5h,9hView Hand 2019-09-08 (jcj-1022)
JJ - horseshoe local - AK utg, turning top pair Ah,KcView Hand 2019-09-08 (jcj-1021)
JJ - horseshoe local - KQo, turning top pair Ks,QdView Hand 2019-09-08 (jcj-1020)
Bill Vicars - Bill Thunder Valley 2/5 - AK early position Ad,KsView Hand 2019-09-08 (BV-1040)
Bill Vicars - Bill Thunder Valley 2/5 - AK early position Ad,KdView Hand 2019-09-08 (BV-1039)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope $600 Borgata Kickoff - Passive KK in a 3B pot Kd,KcView Hand 2019-09-08 (aqp-1015)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope $600 Borgata Kickoff - Semi standard defend? Js,9cView Hand 2019-09-08 (aqp-1014)
Bill Vicars - Bill Tower 1/3 - AK facing small turn & river bets Ad,KcView Hand 2019-09-07 (BV-1038)
- thefisheagle bounty 220 buy in 100 bounty - turn bet? 6d,6cView Hand 2019-09-06 (TF-1016)
- thefisheagle WPT 1200 buy in - river fold to overbet As,KsView Hand 2019-09-06 (TF-1015)
- thefisheagle WPT 1200 buy in - check shove flop Ac,JcView Hand 2019-09-06 (TF-1014)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5NL Zoom on Ignition - Turn some equity after flop ch/ch and consider bombing blank river Qh,ThView Hand 2019-09-06 (mcl-1066)
JJ - horseshoe local - pocket JJ on button As,JhView Hand 2019-09-06 (jcj-1019)
JJ - horseshoe local - pocket JJ on button Js,JcView Hand 2019-09-06 (jcj-1018)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - Top/top facing flop raise and bad turn card Ad,KcView Hand 2019-09-05 (mcl-1065)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - Bottom 2-pair on a wet board facing a lead Kh,JcView Hand 2019-09-05 (mcl-1064)
JJ - horseshoe local - flopping top 2 9s,7sView Hand 2019-09-05 (jcj-1017)
JJ - 1/3 horseshoe - pocket aces As,AcView Hand 2019-09-05 (jcj-1016)
JJ - 1/3 horseshoe - top pair and open ended draw Kc,QcView Hand 2019-09-05 (jcj-1015)
JJ - 1/3 horseshoe - AQ, flopping trips As,QhView Hand 2019-09-05 (jcj-1014)
Junuss - Junuss 2/4/8 ante 2 (370eff) - AKo iso on BB vs STD 3bet Ad,KhView Hand 2019-09-05 (gou-1001)
Marco - 1/1 Cash - Blocker Bet River 6c,6dView Hand 2019-09-04 (mac-1001)
Jonathan - SHRPO 5k Main - A6ss As,6sView Hand 2019-09-04 (hor-1007)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5NL Zoom on Ignition - Flop top set on wet board - 3bet pot IP Ts,TcView Hand 2019-09-03 (mcl-1063)
Nico - $0.25/$0.50 NL - Description Ac,JdView Hand 2019-09-03 (eid-1001)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 3 /5 - Set in SB 7d,7hView Hand 2019-09-03 (BV-1037)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 3/5 - Nuts on River Qd,9dView Hand 2019-09-03 (BV-1036)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - top pair raised on turn Kh,QsView Hand 2019-09-03 (BV-1035)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 3/5 - AK facing 3 bet Ah,KdView Hand 2019-09-03 (BV-1034)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $22 SnG on Pokerrrr2 - Trying to play a strong top pair in a multiway pot Kd,QhView Hand 2019-09-02 (mcl-1062)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on BetOnline - Potential spot where leading is appropriate 2h,2dView Hand 2019-09-02 (mcl-1061)
9Tsuited - 150k Guarantee - Good spot to bluff maybe Kd,2dView Hand 2019-09-01 (lar-1018)
Jarred Gabin - GodsBigToe $11 $7K GTD - Loose Aggressive UTG 4c,8cView Hand 2019-08-31 (god-1007)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5NL Zoom on Ignition - Squeeze out of the BB runs into top pair on a dry board Kh,TcView Hand 2019-08-30 (mcl-1060)
9Tsuited - 1/2NL - 99 OOP Sux 9s,9cView Hand 2019-08-29 (lar-1017)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx Cash Game - Mollywhopped Ks,KcView Hand 2019-08-29 (jnj-1043)
John Borges - John B 1st Syndicate - KQs in BB hand before FT Kc,QcView Hand 2019-08-28 (fly-1027)
John Borges - John B 1st Syndicate - SB vs Wizard Ks,JhView Hand 2019-08-28 (fly-1026)
John Borges - John B 1st Syndicate - AQ facing big bet and shove post flop Ad,QcView Hand 2019-08-28 (fly-1025)
John Borges - John B 1st Syndicate - KK in SB vs raise and caller Ks,KcView Hand 2019-08-28 (fly-1024)
Jim B - AZJim $145 Live MTT - Turning equity leads to a 3 barrel Jc,QcView Hand 2019-08-27 (jim-1015)
John Borges - John B 1st Syndicate - Queens in the BB Qs,QhView Hand 2019-08-27 (fly-1023)
John Borges - John B 1st Syndicate - AK v. flopped trips As,KhView Hand 2019-08-27 (fly-1022)
John Borges - John B 1st Syndicate - flop a set early but obv draw comes in on river 9h,9dView Hand 2019-08-27 (fly-1021)
- $240 live - AQ UTG vs BB Ad,QsView Hand 2019-08-25 (JP-1003)
- $240 live - Flush draw in 3 bet pot Ac,QdView Hand 2019-08-25 (JP-1002)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx JNL 8.25 Cash - $1/2 Cash Game As,AdView Hand 2019-08-25 (jnj-1042)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx JNL 8.25 Cash - $2/5 Cash Game Ac,QsView Hand 2019-08-25 (jnj-1041)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx JNL 8.25 Cash - $2/5 Cash Game View Hand 2019-08-25 (jnj-1040)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx JNL 8.25 Cash - $2/5 Cash Game 9d,8cView Hand 2019-08-25 (jnj-1039)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx JNL 8.25 Cash - $2/5 Cash Game Qd,TdView Hand 2019-08-25 (jnj-1038)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx JNL 8.25 DeepStack - $180 Deepstack Kc,5cView Hand 2019-08-25 (jnj-1037)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx JNL 8.25 DeepStack - $180 DeepStack As,KcView Hand 2019-08-25 (jnj-1036)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx JNL 8.25 Tourny D - $65 Daily Tournament As,3sView Hand 2019-08-25 (jnj-1035)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx JNL 8.25 Tourny C - $65 Daily Tournament Ks,2sView Hand 2019-08-25 (jnj-1034)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx JNL 8.25 Tourny B - $65 Daily Tournament 2s,2dView Hand 2019-08-25 (jnj-1033)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx JNL 8.25 Tourny - $65 Daily Tournament As,KdView Hand 2019-08-25 (jnj-1032)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0.25/0.50 - running into a boat Ad,JdView Hand 2019-08-25 (GB-1020)
Jonathan - 10k Bellagio Cup - Dom N 7 high 2x Pot 7s,5sView Hand 2019-08-24 (hor-1006)
Jonathan - 3k 6max - 22 Over-Bet river bluff 2s,2hView Hand 2019-08-24 (hor-1005)
Jonathan - WSOP Main - Ace S River Bomb As,ThView Hand 2019-08-24 (hor-1004)
Jonathan - Montreal 10k Party Poker Main - K8 Value Over-Bet Kh,8cView Hand 2019-08-24 (hor-1003)
Jonathan - 5k Hardrock Main - Darryll v Ian Ts,5sView Hand 2019-08-24 (hor-1002)
William L - $350 tournament - Overplayed top pair? Ah,TdView Hand 2019-08-23 (wil-1007)
William L - $575 tournament - AQ against UTG Ad,QcView Hand 2019-08-23 (wil-1006)
William L - $575 tournament - 2 pair on free flop 9s,5cView Hand 2019-08-23 (wil-1005)
Thijs - TJ $1000 live - vs LAG - final table 9s,JsView Hand 2019-08-22 (tja-1009)
Thijs - TJ $1000 live - Blockbet Jd,QhView Hand 2019-08-22 (tja-1008)
Thijs - TJ $1000 - Preflop push vs unknown Ah,KcView Hand 2019-08-22 (tja-1007)
Thijs - TJ $1000 live - 3bet pot vs LAG 9h,9dView Hand 2019-08-22 (tja-1006)
Thijs - TJ $1000 live - Thijs4 7c,7sView Hand 2019-08-22 (tja-1005)
Thijs - TJ $1000 live - Thijs3 3h,3sView Hand 2019-08-22 (tja-1004)
Thijs - TJ $1000 live - Thijs2 Qh,QsView Hand 2019-08-22 (tja-1003)
Thijs - TJ $1000 live - Thijs 1 Qh,QdView Hand 2019-08-22 (tja-1002)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin WSOP $2,620 Marathon - Flopping a pair and a NFD out of the BB Ad,ThView Hand 2019-08-22 (mcl-1059)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1/$3 at Bellagio - Top pair with a BDFD multiway Kd,QhView Hand 2019-08-22 (mcl-1058)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin PH $250k guarantee - Playing a marginal one pair hand multiway 8s,8hView Hand 2019-08-22 (mcl-1057)
9Tsuited - $100 Turbo Freezeout - I considered 2x raise to steal Qs,5sView Hand 2019-08-22 (lar-1016)
9Tsuited - $1/$2 NLH - Thin Value with Aces As,AhView Hand 2019-08-22 (lar-1015)
John L - $2/5 Cash - Bad calls? - AQs against LAG and TAG Ac,QcView Hand 2019-08-22 (jda-1016)
John L - $2/5 Cash - Terrible fold - Other mistakes? As,QcView Hand 2019-08-22 (jda-1015)
John L - $2/5 Cash - Too big 4B w/ KK? - Is this too big a 4B? Ks,KhView Hand 2019-08-22 (jda-1014)
John L - $2/5 cash full ring - 88 flop set 8h,8dView Hand 2019-08-22 (jda-1013)
John L - $2/5 cash 4-handed - Bet any river? - Should I bet any river? Jh,9dView Hand 2019-08-22 (jda-1012)
John Borges - John B Tiki Tourney - BB shove Ks,JhView Hand 2019-08-22 (fly-1020)
John Borges - John B Tiki Tourney - getting bullied? 7s,6sView Hand 2019-08-22 (fly-1019)
John Borges - John B $600 Double Stack - Trying to squeeze Ac,TcView Hand 2019-08-22 (fly-1018)
John Borges - John B $600 Deep Stack - multi-way limped pot 7s,7cView Hand 2019-08-22 (fly-1017)
John Borges - John B $600 Double Stack - BB flopped set 7s,7hView Hand 2019-08-22 (fly-1016)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - set on straight board 8s,8hView Hand 2019-08-22 (BV-1033)
Bill Vicars - Bill Stones 1/3 - 2 2 set on 3 flush flop 2h,2dView Hand 2019-08-22 (BV-1032)
beyaz - BuBBleBoy testing1 - once hand for testing As,KdView Hand 2019-08-22 (bul-1001)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on Bet Online - Heads up in position with AA and a poor flop comes Ah,AcView Hand 2019-08-21 (mcl-1056)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $10NL on Bet Online - Whiffing after large OOP 3-bet with AKo Ah,KsView Hand 2019-08-21 (mcl-1055)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Venetian $600 Ultimate Stack - Flopping a marginal top pair after RFI from the BTN Ad,4dView Hand 2019-08-21 (mcl-1054)
Jim B - AZJim $2/$3 Live Cash - Flopped set feels very marginal vs. this Villain 4s,4dView Hand 2019-08-20 (jim-1014)
Jim B - AZJim $2/$3 Live Cash - Strong hand+flop, river runout looks great for Villain range Ad,QdView Hand 2019-08-20 (jim-1013)
Jim B - AZJim $2/$3 Live Cash - 3-bet from BB, flop the A, villain continues Ac,JsView Hand 2019-08-20 (jim-1012)
Jim B - AZJim $2/$3 Live Cash - Donked into multiway with a good hand Ad,KcView Hand 2019-08-20 (jim-1011)
Jim B - AZJim $1100 AZ Championship Day2 - GTO & ICM considerations near bubble Ac,JcView Hand 2019-08-20 (jim-1010)
Jim B - AZJim $1100 AZ Championship Day1 - AK on Button vs UTG open Ah,KcView Hand 2019-08-19 (jim-1009)
JJ - rungood main - money bubble- pocket QQ against chip leader OOP Qs,QhView Hand 2019-08-18 (jcj-1013)
JJ - home tourney - pocket KK on button on level 1 Kc,KhView Hand 2019-08-18 (jcj-1012)
JJ - home game tourney - T4o in BB, flopping top pair, no antes Ts,4hView Hand 2019-08-18 (jcj-1011)
JJ - rungood main - top pair on flop, gutshot on turn 9h,7hView Hand 2019-08-18 (jcj-1010)
JJ - horseshoe local - pocket TT against early limper - level 1 View Hand 2019-08-18 (jcj-1009)
JJ - $1/3 horseshoe - KQo turning top pair Ks,QhView Hand 2019-08-18 (jcj-1008)
JJ - $1/3 horseshoe - pocket KK utg Ks,KhView Hand 2019-08-18 (jcj-1007)
JJ - $1/3 horseshoe - AKo 3 bet from SB As,KhView Hand 2019-08-18 (jcj-1006)
JJ - el dorado - chopped ace on the river Ah,JhView Hand 2019-08-18 (jcj-1005)
JJ - horseshoe local - playing pocket KK against tight 3 bettor Kh,KcView Hand 2019-08-18 (jcj-1004)
JJ - horseshoe local - pocket 33 on button 3s,3hView Hand 2019-08-18 (jcj-1003)
JJ - rungood main - pocket 99 in SB with multiple limpers 9s,9hView Hand 2019-08-18 (jcj-1002)
JJ - rungood main - pocket aces on button As,AhView Hand 2019-08-18 (jcj-1001)
Jarred Gabin - GodsBigToe $22 $9K GTD - Top set on an awkward board Qh,QcView Hand 2019-08-18 (god-1006)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Bluff raise on river Js,JcView Hand 2019-08-18 (BV-1031)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Bluff raise on river Js,JcView Hand 2019-08-18 (BV-1030)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0.10/25 - Bad shove on the flop Ah,AdView Hand 2019-08-16 (GB-1019)
- thefisheagle live cash - turn check? Ac,KsView Hand 2019-08-15 (TF-1013)
Jim B - AZJim $1100 AZ Championship Day1 - AJo on Button vs. UTG but frequent opener Ad,JcView Hand 2019-08-15 (jim-1008)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope Borgata $400 100k GTD - Potential Missed Value Ah,QhView Hand 2019-08-15 (aqp-1013)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope $300 Borgata 75K GTD - Disgusting Bubble Decision Js,JhView Hand 2019-08-15 (aqp-1012)
9Tsuited - $100k guarantee - 3bet from sb with short stack bb? Qd,5dView Hand 2019-08-14 (lar-1014)
9Tsuited - 1ST $100K GUARANTEE - SQUEEZE SPOT FROM EP VS B LAG 8s,8hView Hand 2019-08-14 (lar-1013)
Jim B - AZJim $1100 AZ Championship Day1 - Missed flop check raise, then board gets worse Jh,8sView Hand 2019-08-14 (jim-1007)
Jim B - AZJim $1100 AZ Championship Day1 - Trying to get max value very deep stacked in Level 1 6h,6dView Hand 2019-08-14 (jim-1006)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope $40 BPL Weekly - Maximizing Value on virtual nuts without worrying about draws 9c,8cView Hand 2019-08-14 (aqp-1011)
9Tsuited - $100k guarantee - Considered bluffing against a tighter range Ks,QcView Hand 2019-08-13 (lar-1012)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 3/5 - KQx folded top pair on turn Ks,QhView Hand 2019-08-13 (BV-1029)
9Tsuited - $100k guarantee - I think the SB had a range advantage and would be hard to get a fold Ks,QcView Hand 2019-08-12 (lar-1011)
Syn0815 - $20 online - QQ - 450 BB Pot with Top Set Qd,QsView Hand 2019-08-11 (xos-1002)
- thefisheagle live cash - turn raise y/n? Ac,2cView Hand 2019-08-11 (TF-1012)
Keith Hafen - 2/5 Cash - Should I just call here? Jc,TcView Hand 2019-08-11 (lbh-1005)
Keith Hafen - WSOP DoubleStack - Questionable call of raise 6h,8hView Hand 2019-08-11 (lbh-1004)
Keith Hafen - WSOP Closer - Questionable all-in call Ks,3sView Hand 2019-08-11 (lbh-1003)
Keith Hafen - 2/5 Cash - Should I have bet smaller? 8s,7sView Hand 2019-08-11 (lbh-1002)
9Tsuited - $100K GUARANTEE - PREFLOP STEAL SHOVE 8s,8hView Hand 2019-08-11 (lar-1010)
John - John 2019-08-09 Metro live - Was my action correct - Soft game Ks,QcView Hand 2019-08-11 (jok-1002)
John - John 2019-08-10 Metro live - Was my action correct - Soft game 8d,8hView Hand 2019-08-11 (jok-1001)
Bill Vicars - Bill Stones 1/3 - J 10 raised folp Jh,ThView Hand 2019-08-11 (BV-1028)
André - zas006 London 12K - Mão que me eliminou View Hand 2019-08-11 (and-1002)
- 200 - mtt Ah,6hView Hand 2019-08-10 (mgn-1002)
- 200 - mtt As,JdView Hand 2019-08-10 (mgn-1001)
Syn0815 - NL 2 (mBTC) - CO Raise mit KQo - OESD Ks,QcView Hand 2019-08-09 (xos-1001)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - River bluff raise Ad,5dView Hand 2019-08-07 (BV-1027)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Bluff of 4 flush board 9d,9hView Hand 2019-08-07 (BV-1026)
André - zas006 BSOP Winter - Start Up View Hand 2019-08-07 (and-1001)
Jim B - AZJim $250 Venetian 250k - Villain looks capped, go for it on turn? Ac,QhView Hand 2019-08-06 (jim-1005)
Jim B - AZJim $145 Live MTT - Wild 4-bet-jam turn & sandwiched multi-way As,8hView Hand 2019-08-06 (jim-1004)
Jim B - AZJim $2/$3 Live Cash - Missed value on turn or river? Ad,9dView Hand 2019-08-06 (jim-1003)
Crazysixes - Igniton $200 20k - $200 20k $100 KO Hand Ac,KhView Hand 2019-08-05 (sha-1003)
9Tsuited - $1/2 NL - Widening pre-flop range Td,8dView Hand 2019-08-05 (lar-1009)
Jim B - AZJim $2/$3 Live Cash - Turned extra equity, but enough to continue? Jd,TdView Hand 2019-08-05 (jim-1002)
Larry H - LH2838 Global 10K - Hand 1 Kd,QdView Hand 2019-08-05 (hie-1001)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online 100NL - Set on monotone board 3bet pot Ts,ThView Hand 2019-08-05 (afs-1024)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Live $450 multiflight - Tight ranges and AQo As,QhView Hand 2019-08-05 (afs-1023)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Live $450 multiflight - Too short to flat? Ad,3dView Hand 2019-08-05 (afs-1022)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 WSOP $600 deep stack - Turn overbet jam As,QsView Hand 2019-08-05 (afs-1021)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Live $150 daily - Turned straight OOP As,TcView Hand 2019-08-05 (afs-1020)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Live $450 multiflight - Two pair OOP 250bbs deep Ad,9dView Hand 2019-08-05 (afs-1019)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online cash 200NL - Pot control w/overpair Kh,KcView Hand 2019-08-05 (afs-1018)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 1/3 NL - Rivered top pair w/ blockers Kd,TcView Hand 2019-08-05 (afs-1017)
Trent Walker - Cash - 8-5 (5) Kh,8hView Hand 2019-08-04 (sea-1014)
Trent Walker - Cash - 8-5 (4) Js,JcView Hand 2019-08-04 (sea-1013)
Trent Walker - Cash - 8-5 (3) As,KhView Hand 2019-08-04 (sea-1012)
Trent Walker - 8-5 (2) - Cash Jh,JdView Hand 2019-08-04 (sea-1011)
Trent Walker - Cash - 8/5 (1) Ah,KcView Hand 2019-08-04 (sea-1010)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Venetian $400 deepstack - Playing middle pair out of the BB vs a BTN open Kc,8cView Hand 2019-08-04 (mcl-1053)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin PH $250k guarantee - Flop a set multiway and get a lot of action 7s,7hView Hand 2019-08-04 (mcl-1052)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1/$3 at the Rio on 2019-06-03 - Flopping well after getting out of line from the CO Qs,7sView Hand 2019-08-04 (mcl-1051)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Paul's $1/$2 on 2019-07-02 - Aces get a tough flop against three opponents As,AdView Hand 2019-08-04 (mcl-1050)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Paul's $1/$2 on 2019-07-02 - Raising limpers IP with AJo and deciding whether to c-bet flop Ac,JsView Hand 2019-08-04 (mcl-1049)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Mike's High Hand special on 2019-07-03 - QQ in BB - Multiway flop when deep Qc,QhView Hand 2019-08-04 (mcl-1048)
Jim B - AZJim $2/$3 Live Cash - When river looks like pure value bet by opponent 7h,7cView Hand 2019-08-04 (jim-1001)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Betting with nut flush draw Ah,KhView Hand 2019-08-04 (BV-1025)
Daniel Eylenfeldt - ScoutingZealot NL10 Zoom - QQ SB After 3-Bet Qs,QcView Hand 2019-08-03 (dey-1001)
- Triton Hand 3 - Bill Perkins vs Rajkumar 6s,6cView Hand 2019-08-02 (js-1014)
- Triton Hand 2 - Cary Katz KT hand View Hand 2019-08-02 (js-1013)
- Triton 1 - Trickett Hand Jd,AcView Hand 2019-08-02 (js-1012)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 3/5 - A A in BB Ad,AhView Hand 2019-07-31 (BV-1024)
Jarred Gabin - GodsBigToe $16.50 7.5K Online - 2 pair on a wet board Th,9sView Hand 2019-07-30 (god-1005)
Jarred Gabin - GodsBigToe $11 12K Online - 2nd pair on a wet board Ac,6cView Hand 2019-07-30 (god-1004)
Bill Vicars - Bill Stones 1/3 - set on flush board 7h,7dView Hand 2019-07-30 (BV-1023)
Bill Vicars - Bill Stones 1/3 - set on straight board 8h,8dView Hand 2019-07-30 (BV-1022)
William L - $500 WSOP - Bluff in BB Jc,7dView Hand 2019-07-26 (wil-1004)
William L - Rio $1/$3 - Folded overpair on flop Js,JcView Hand 2019-07-26 (wil-1003)
William L - $400 WSOPC Choctaw - Good spot turns weird Ad,TdView Hand 2019-07-26 (wil-1002)
William L - $400 WSOPC Choctaw - Flopped small boat 7s,7dView Hand 2019-07-26 (wil-1001)
Crazysixes - $162 100k GTD - SHA 002 Ac,JhView Hand 2019-07-26 (sha-1002)
Trent Walker - cash - cash 5 Qh,JhView Hand 2019-07-26 (sea-1009)
Trent Walker - cash - cash 4 As,JhView Hand 2019-07-26 (sea-1008)
Trent Walker - cash - cash 3 Ks,6sView Hand 2019-07-26 (sea-1007)
Trent Walker - cash - cash 2 Ks,KcView Hand 2019-07-26 (sea-1006)
Trent Walker - cash - cash Ad,KdView Hand 2019-07-26 (sea-1005)
John L - $3-5 Cash - KQ in the SB Ks,QhView Hand 2019-07-26 (jda-1011)
John L - $3-5 Cash - 96 on button limped pot 9s,6dView Hand 2019-07-26 (jda-1010)
John L - $1-2-2 NL Cash - Set of QQ over set of 88 Qh,QdView Hand 2019-07-26 (jda-1009)
John L - $1-2-2 Cash Game (Button straddle) - 66 flop set on flush board 6h,6dView Hand 2019-07-26 (jda-1008)
John L - $1-3 Cash Game - QQ in SB to 5B shove Qs,QhView Hand 2019-07-26 (jda-1007)
Jarred Gabin - GodsBigToe $16.50 $7.5K Online - Nut Flush Draw On Paired Board Ad,3dView Hand 2019-07-26 (god-1003)
Jarred Gabin - GodsBigToe $16.50 7.5K Online - Top Pair On Wet Board Ac,QhView Hand 2019-07-26 (god-1002)
John Borges - John B Tiki Tourny - A2s v. bluff As,2sView Hand 2019-07-26 (fly-1015)
John Borges - John B $600 deep - A8s vs insta-muck Ah,8hView Hand 2019-07-26 (fly-1014)
John Borges - John B $1500 Monster - Bustout Ks,KhView Hand 2019-07-26 (fly-1013)
Bill Vicars - Bill Stones 1/3 - semi-bluff raise 9s,9dView Hand 2019-07-26 (BV-1021)
- thefisheagle 1-2 live cash - correct shove? Qc,JcView Hand 2019-07-25 (TF-1011)
- thefisheagle 2-5 live cash - would an A ever fold? Js,JdView Hand 2019-07-25 (TF-1010)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live cash - betting for value and protection Td,TcView Hand 2019-07-25 (TF-1009)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live cash - missed value? Ac,QcView Hand 2019-07-25 (TF-1008)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live cash - bluff catching 8s,8cView Hand 2019-07-25 (TF-1007)
Crazysixes - $320 75k - Online $320 75k GTD Js,JcView Hand 2019-07-25 (sha-1001)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin WSOP $250 Daily Deepstack - I get out of line UTG and flop well Kd,8dView Hand 2019-07-25 (mcl-1047)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin WSOP $250 Daily Deepstack - Top pair + backdoors multiway against a 3-bet Qh,JhView Hand 2019-07-25 (mcl-1046)
Jarred Gabin - GodsBigToe $50 5K Freezout Online - ICM Pressure Blind Vs Blind at Final Table 3d,4hView Hand 2019-07-25 (god-1001)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5 NL Zoom on Ignition - Suited connectors multiway in a 3-bet pot Ts,9sView Hand 2019-07-24 (mcl-1045)
9Tsuited - $70 Deep Stack - Short Stack Button Play Ah,7hView Hand 2019-07-24 (lar-1008)
Alan Ho - Alan H. $10k WSOP Main Event - T8s in BB Th,8hView Hand 2019-07-24 (ker-1003)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - call with combo draw Ks,9sView Hand 2019-07-24 (BV-1020)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 3/5 - Turning under Full house 4s,4cView Hand 2019-07-23 (BV-1019)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Betting with gutshot Ad,QsView Hand 2019-07-23 (BV-1018)
Bill Vicars - Bill Stones 1/3 - A/A with flush draw As,AcView Hand 2019-07-23 (BV-1017)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 3/5 - Fold straight & flush draw Kh,QhView Hand 2019-07-23 (BV-1016)
Albert Hart - Athenian test - test action input As,KsView Hand 2019-07-22 (ah-1092)
9Tsuited - $170 Freezeout - Against a laggy euro dude no history Qs,QcView Hand 2019-07-22 (lar-1007)
9Tsuited - $1/$2 NL - B $10 Straddle Against a loose splashy table and villain Squiggy Ad,TdView Hand 2019-07-22 (lar-1006)
9Tsuited - $1/$2 NL against a splashy button straddle - splashy button straddle Mike Ah,ThView Hand 2019-07-22 (lar-1005)
John Borges - John B $1500 Monster - Another bad board Ac,QhView Hand 2019-07-22 (fly-1012)
John Borges - John B $1,500 Monster - ATo v. Good Kid As,TdView Hand 2019-07-22 (fly-1011)
John Borges - John B $1,500 Monster - More horrible boards Qh,QcView Hand 2019-07-22 (fly-1010)
John Borges - John B $1,500 Monster - KK v. kid Ks,KhView Hand 2019-07-22 (fly-1009)
John Borges - John B $1,500 Monster - QQ v. SB Qs,QhView Hand 2019-07-22 (fly-1008)
John Borges - John B $1,500 Monster - Runner runner no good Ks,9sView Hand 2019-07-22 (fly-1007)
Alan Ho - Alan H. $1,000 WSOP Seniors - WSOP Seniors hand #7 7s,7hView Hand 2019-07-21 (ker-1002)
Alan Ho - Alan H. $1000 WSOP Seniors - WSOP Seniors hand #3 As,QdView Hand 2019-07-21 (ker-1001)
Krysta De Lima - redcufflinx WSOP ME 2019 - 6,6 OOP Play 6d,6hView Hand 2019-07-20 (red-1001)
- 1/2 6max - Overbluffing turns, good sizing, bad hand choice. Kd,7dView Hand 2019-07-19 (js-1011)
- 1/2 online 6max - Playing paired boards IP vs BB Ad,2dView Hand 2019-07-19 (js-1010)
- 1/2 online 6-max - Choosing hands to call OOP to 3bet As,JcView Hand 2019-07-19 (js-1009)
- 1/2 online 6max - BvB As,QsView Hand 2019-07-19 (js-1008)
Keith Hafen - WSOP Double Stack - Bust out hand Ac,9cView Hand 2019-07-15 (lbh-1001)
Weston - freshiz 07/12/2019 - Another bad river call 6d,7dView Hand 2019-07-13 (fre-1001)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0.25/0.50 - Calling with middle pair on a draw heavy board Qs,KdView Hand 2019-07-12 (GB-1018)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0.25/050 - TT(set) vs A6s drawing Th,TcView Hand 2019-07-12 (GB-1017)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0.25/0.50 - Drawing to a flush Th,TcView Hand 2019-07-11 (GB-1016)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0.10/0.25 - set vs set Qs,JsView Hand 2019-07-11 (GB-1015)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0.25/0.50 - loosing set against a draw 3h,3sView Hand 2019-07-11 (GB-1014)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0.25/0.50 - AK vs cold 4 bet Maniac Ac,KsView Hand 2019-07-11 (GB-1013)
Greg - brock2008 $200 online - Raise , Call or Fold Ah,5hView Hand 2019-07-09 (bro-1001)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Gabe's $250 rebuy on 2019-07-06 - Led into on wet board after flopping trips Ad,JdView Hand 2019-07-08 (mcl-1044)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope Bellagio $5/$10 - Rough Flop Decision Qc,QdView Hand 2019-07-07 (aqp-1010)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope $2/$5 Mirage Neeme/Owen MUG - Interesting Turn Decision 3s,3dView Hand 2019-07-07 (aqp-1009)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Bluffing with a draw 7c,6cView Hand 2019-07-04 (BV-1015)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - Raising JJ in SB Js,JhView Hand 2019-07-04 (BV-1014)
James Tays - jamtay317 Knights of Columbus - underpair vs BB preflop call 6s,6hView Hand 2019-07-03 (jam-1001)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0.25/0.50 - AJs called against a squeeze. Bad river Ad,JdView Hand 2019-07-02 (GB-1012)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0.25/0.50 - Bad call with a draw 6c7c 7c,6cView Hand 2019-07-02 (GB-1011)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0.25/0.50 - fold on the flop after calling a 4 bet QQ Qh,QcView Hand 2019-07-02 (GB-1010)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0.25/0.50 - Calling with a strong draw Jh,ThView Hand 2019-07-02 (GB-1009)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0.25/05 - Leading with bad result 9h,9cView Hand 2019-07-02 (GB-1008)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0.25/0.50 - 2 Pair vs Set Qc,KdView Hand 2019-07-02 (GB-1007)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $22 SNG on Pokerrrr - OOP with a monster on the river Ts,ThView Hand 2019-07-01 (mcl-1043)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 1/3 - AhJh facing turn raise Ah,JhView Hand 2019-07-01 (BV-1013)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $360 Sunday at MGM - NH - 3-bet AK in position and face interesting action As,KhView Hand 2019-06-28 (mcl-1042)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $33 Lucky 7 on Ignition - Playing a strong non-nut hand when super deep 9c,6cView Hand 2019-06-28 (mcl-1041)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin WSOP $2,620 Marathon - OOP with good top pair facing a bad river Kc,QcView Hand 2019-06-28 (mcl-1040)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin WSOP $2,620 Marathon - TT in the SB with 29 BB facing BTN raise Th,TdView Hand 2019-06-28 (mcl-1039)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Venetian $600 Ultimate Stack - QQ multiway facing an interesting run out Qd,QhView Hand 2019-06-28 (mcl-1038)
9Tsuited - AK disaster Day 2 Monster Stack - On a new table vs unknown reg As,KdView Hand 2019-06-28 (lar-1004)
Bill Vicars - Bill 1/3 Towers - Facing Donk lead Ks,QdView Hand 2019-06-28 (BV-1012)
Bill Vicars - Bill 1/3 Stones - defending under pair Jd,JhView Hand 2019-06-28 (BV-1011)
Albert Hart - Athenian save test 1 - save test 1 'hh' View Hand 2019-06-27 (ah-1091)
Thijs - TJ 250 USD Live - TJ-1 8d,8cView Hand 2019-06-27 (tja-1001)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5NL Zoom on Ignition - BvB - Flop top pair on a monotone board and play it cautiously 9c,7cView Hand 2019-06-27 (mcl-1037)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5NL Zoom on Ignition - In position squeeze faces an interesting board Qd,TcView Hand 2019-06-26 (mcl-1036)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5NL Zoom on Ignition - TPTK facing a donk bet on a monotone board Ad,QcView Hand 2019-06-26 (mcl-1035)
Albert Hart - Athenian save test 1 - save test 1 after new hand View Hand 2019-06-25 (ah-1090)
Albert Hart - Athenian save test 1 - save test 1 after next hand View Hand 2019-06-25 (ah-1089)
Albert Hart - Athenian save test 1 - save test 1 View Hand 2019-06-25 (ah-1088)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5NL Zoom on Ignition - Squeezing with the old Q2s Qs,2sView Hand 2019-06-25 (mcl-1034)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5NL Zoom on Ignition - Flatting ATo in BB against CO raise and SB flat Ac,TdView Hand 2019-06-25 (mcl-1033)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Wynn $1/$3 NL - Fun hand with top set on a fairly dry board Js,JcView Hand 2019-06-24 (mcl-1032)
Benjamin Ball - Pr0f1t Live $1/$2/$10 BStr - 83 flush w/SF redraw 8c,3cView Hand 2019-06-24 (kfl-1001)
John L - $1k Senior Event Day 2 - KhTh (Very passive table) Kh,ThView Hand 2019-06-23 (jda-1006)
John L - $1k Senior Event Day 2 - 8s8c SB (Very passive table) 8s,8cView Hand 2019-06-23 (jda-1005)
John L - $1k Senior Event - AhJh Level 4 Jh,AhView Hand 2019-06-23 (jda-1004)
John L - $1k Senior Event - As8s vs. loose woman As,8sView Hand 2019-06-23 (jda-1003)
John L - WSOP $1000 Senior Event - QsJs Round 1 Qs,JsView Hand 2019-06-23 (jda-1002)
John L - WSOP $1000 Senior Event - TdTc Round 1 Td,TcView Hand 2019-06-23 (jda-1001)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live cash - small spr Ac,KsView Hand 2019-06-22 (TF-1006)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live cash - checked back flop Ks,9sView Hand 2019-06-22 (TF-1005)
Patrick G. - Online cash - Online cash Kd,5dView Hand 2019-06-22 (pat-1002)
Patrick G. - Online cash - Online cash Kd,5dView Hand 2019-06-22 (pat-1001)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Venetian $600 Ultimate Stack - OOP after 3-betting QQ and facing a tough board Qh,QdView Hand 2019-06-22 (mcl-1031)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Venetian $600 Ultimate Stack - UTG with KK facing a 3-bet and a cold 4-bet Ks,KhView Hand 2019-06-22 (mcl-1030)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Venetian $600 Ultimate Stack - In position with AKo after 3-betting As,KdView Hand 2019-06-22 (mcl-1029)
Benno - Gambit German Poker Tour Main Event - 99 vs raise on a dry board 9s,9cView Hand 2019-06-22 (GB-1006)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope Wynn $550 100k GTD - Confusing Turn Jam Js,TsView Hand 2019-06-22 (aqp-1008)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope $2/$5 Mirage Neeme/Owen MUG - Gross Turn Spot Ah,8hView Hand 2019-06-22 (aqp-1007)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin WSOP $2,620 Marathon - UTG with QJs and 23 BB Qs,JsView Hand 2019-06-21 (mcl-1028)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin WSOP $2,620 Marathon - AKo in the BB vs BTN min-raise on first hand of the day Ac,KhView Hand 2019-06-21 (mcl-1027)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin WSOP $2,620 Marathon - Opening trash from the BTN and having to navigate post flop with it Qs,3hView Hand 2019-06-21 (mcl-1026)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin WSOP $2,620 Marathon - In position with a small pair 4s,4hView Hand 2019-06-21 (mcl-1025)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin WSOP $2,620 Marathon - OOP to a small 3-bet with a reasonable hand Kc,JcView Hand 2019-06-21 (mcl-1024)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin WSOP $2,620 Marathon - BTN vs LAG BB spot As,4dView Hand 2019-06-21 (mcl-1023)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin WSOP $2,620 Marathon - BvB hand from the SB against active villain in BB Qs,JcView Hand 2019-06-21 (mcl-1022)
Bill Vicars - Bill WSOP 2/5 - AA cracked As,AhView Hand 2019-06-21 (BV-1010)
Bill Vicars - Bill Caesars 2/5 - foldin a set Td,TcView Hand 2019-06-21 (BV-1009)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live cash - flop nuts 9d,7dView Hand 2019-06-20 (TF-1004)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live cash - bluff catching 9d,7dView Hand 2019-06-19 (TF-1003)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live cash - turn decision Td,8dView Hand 2019-06-19 (TF-1002)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0.25/0.50 - 3 bet bluff with A9s As,9sView Hand 2019-06-18 (GB-1005)
9Tsuited - $1/$2 NL - 3bet light pre vs loose player 3s,4sView Hand 2019-06-17 (lar-1003)
Benno - Gambit Zoom 0,25/0.50 - QQ vs KK 3 bet pot Qh,QcView Hand 2019-06-14 (GB-1004)
Bill Vicars - Bill WSOP Seniors - Fold to raise Ks,QhView Hand 2019-06-14 (BV-1008)
Bill Vicars - Bill WSOP Seniors - Semi bluff all in raise Js,9hView Hand 2019-06-14 (BV-1007)
Bill Vicars - Bill WSOP seniors - bust out hand As,QdView Hand 2019-06-14 (BV-1006)
Callum Hamilton - Unibet cash - Hero fold of the day Ad,3sView Hand 2019-06-13 (cal-1005)
John Borges - John B Online tournament - Would you ever fold here? Qh,QsView Hand 2019-06-12 (fly-1006)
Benno - Gambit 1/3 $ Cash game - Bad call for QQ Qs,QdView Hand 2019-06-11 (GB-1003)
Benno - Gambit German Poker Tour Main Event - QQ folded against a shove 75 BB Qs,QhView Hand 2019-06-11 (GB-1002)
Benno - Gambit German Poker Tour Main Event Day 1 - folded to a turn bet with JJ Js,JcView Hand 2019-06-11 (GB-1001)
9Tsuited - 1/2 NL - AdAh vs an unknown player Ad,AhView Hand 2019-06-10 (lar-1002)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope Orleans $2/$5 - Thin Value Bet? Kd,9dView Hand 2019-06-10 (aqp-1006)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope Bellagio $5/$10 - Questionable Turn Lead As,4sView Hand 2019-06-10 (aqp-1005)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope Orleans $1/$3 - Interesting Decisions at $1/$3 at Orleans Qs,9sView Hand 2019-06-10 (aqp-1004)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope Orleans $1/$3 - Standard Straddled hand at $1/$3? As,JcView Hand 2019-06-10 (aqp-1003)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope $500 Big 50 Day 1C - Weird Big 50 Spot in 1C As,KhView Hand 2019-06-10 (aqp-1002)
Alexander Popovic - IdiotFromEasternEurope $500 Big 50 Day 1C - Big hand at the beginning of Day 1C. Ts,TdView Hand 2019-06-10 (aqp-1001)
John Borges - John B Milly Maker - Question for a friend Td,TcView Hand 2019-06-08 (fly-1005)
John Borges - John B Big 50 - Jacks Js,JhView Hand 2019-06-08 (fly-1004)
John Borges - John B Big 50 - multiway OOP As,QhView Hand 2019-06-08 (fly-1003)
John Borges - John B Big 50 - 1st level Big 50 8h,8sView Hand 2019-06-08 (fly-1002)
John Borges - John B $15 online tournament - Online tournament Ac,KcView Hand 2019-06-08 (fly-1001)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin PH $250k guarantee - Multi-way with a marginal hand Ad,9dView Hand 2019-06-07 (mcl-1021)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin PH $250k guarantee - Tangling with the chip leader late in day 1 Ks,JsView Hand 2019-06-07 (mcl-1020)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin PH $250k guarantee - Uncertain how to respond to flop + turn leads Ac,4cView Hand 2019-06-07 (mcl-1019)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1/$3 at Bellagio - Being careful not to overplay a marginal hand + draw Ah,6hView Hand 2019-06-07 (mcl-1018)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Venetian $400 - 3-betting fellow big stack from the BTN 9s,7sView Hand 2019-06-07 (mcl-1017)
9Tsuited - $300 $250k reentry - Loose Jam Preflop Ks,QhView Hand 2019-06-07 (lar-1001)
Callum Hamilton - Unibet €5 tournament - Hero call Ad,KsView Hand 2019-06-07 (cal-1004)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 $40 online 6-max MTT - Flop overbet 3-bet pot Ad,TdView Hand 2019-06-07 (afs-1016)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - Turn range too strong? Ah,KhView Hand 2019-06-07 (afs-1015)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - Turned Set on 3 to Flush Kc,KdView Hand 2019-06-07 (afs-1014)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - Turn/River Bluff OOP Ts,9sView Hand 2019-06-07 (afs-1013)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - Early in MTT Ah,7hView Hand 2019-06-07 (afs-1012)
Vlad - 200$ online - AK against a maniac Ac,KsView Hand 2019-06-04 (vla-1001)
Bill Vicars - Bill Stones 13 - How to play QQ when 3bet Qs,QhView Hand 2019-06-04 (BV-1005)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 13 - small flush 6s,4sView Hand 2019-06-04 (BV-1004)
gabrielfmacedo - FactorBR BIG $11 - Torneio Big $11 PS 9h,6dView Hand 2019-06-03 (jtk-1001)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Big 50 - Straightforward player bets big on safe flop Td,ThView Hand 2019-06-02 (mcl-1016)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Big 50 - BB defend against LAG who didn’t look at my stack closely Kh,9sView Hand 2019-06-02 (mcl-1015)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Big 50 - OOP with QQ in a 3-bet pot Qh,QdView Hand 2019-06-02 (mcl-1014)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Big 50 - Responding to a habitual 3-bettor. 6d,4dView Hand 2019-06-02 (mcl-1013)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Big 50 - OOP in a 3-bet pot Kd,JdView Hand 2019-06-02 (mcl-1012)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Big 50 - OOP with a total airball As,9sView Hand 2019-06-02 (mcl-1011)
Callum Hamilton - €5 Unibet tournament - Annual hero call Ah,TcView Hand 2019-05-29 (cal-1003)
Callum Hamilton - €5 Unibet tournament - Thanks for playing Ah,JdView Hand 2019-05-29 (cal-1002)
Callum Hamilton - €5 Unibet Tournament - What you want in the first hand of a tournament. 4d,4sView Hand 2019-05-28 (cal-1001)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 13 - KdQd BB Kd,QdView Hand 2019-05-28 (BV-1003)
- Anhydro 1/3 - Donk Bet River Js,JhView Hand 2019-05-27 (joh-1002)
- Anhydro 1/3 Live - Call Call Call 4s,5sView Hand 2019-05-27 (joh-1001)
Bill Vicars - Bill Towers 13 - AA facing donk lead on paired board As,AhView Hand 2019-05-27 (BV-1002)
M - montesino - 1/2 Qs,JsView Hand 2019-05-26 (eka-1001)
- 30 10K WSOP - x/c vs bet w nut flush draw on paired board OOP. 9s,AsView Hand 2019-05-23 (js-1007)
- 30 10K WSOP - BB Donk lead, overpair IP on MT board Js,JhView Hand 2019-05-23 (js-1006)
- .5/1 online WSOP - River bluffing range. Js,KcView Hand 2019-05-23 (js-1005)
- 100 10K FT - Preflop mistake that turned into postflop mistake. 3c,3dView Hand 2019-05-23 (js-1004)
- 320 100K WSOP - Interesting turn jam. Ad,8cView Hand 2019-05-23 (js-1003)
- 320 100K WSOP - Mistake vs tilted player? Jh,8hView Hand 2019-05-23 (js-1002)
- 320 100K WSOP - Bet Sizing... Kh,QsView Hand 2019-05-23 (js-1001)
- thefisheagle 1-3 live cash - check raise flop multiway Td,8dView Hand 2019-05-22 (TF-1001)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $1/$3 NL - OOP with a marginal draw 3d,4dView Hand 2019-05-21 (mcl-1010)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $5NL Zoom - Fastplaying a big draw Td,9dView Hand 2019-05-21 (mcl-1009)
Andrew M - AM $1100 Live - Montreal Open 9s,9dView Hand 2019-05-21 (mal-1001)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Parx Big Stax 500 - Blind vs Blind 4 left at FT 5s,4dView Hand 2019-05-20 (afs-1011)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Parx Big Stax 500 - Final Table - current payout $8k 9s,9dView Hand 2019-05-20 (afs-1010)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 $44 online 6-max HU - Turn check raise bluff Kc,9cView Hand 2019-05-20 (afs-1009)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 $44 online 6-max - play any differently? 8s,6cView Hand 2019-05-20 (afs-1008)
Aaron L Gardner - BlindTiger Cherokee Casino - Local Reg Tournement 9s,8hView Hand 2019-05-14 (ALG-1001)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $400 Mini Millionaire Maker - Dead money pickup spot at the FT and on the bubble Ks,4hView Hand 2019-05-12 (mcl-1008)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $400 Mini Millionaire Maker - Bubble spot with KK against limper and BB Kc,KdView Hand 2019-05-12 (mcl-1007)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $400 Mini Millionaire Maker - Turning a pair while OOP in a limped pot 6h,5dView Hand 2019-05-12 (mcl-1006)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $400 Mini Millionaire Maker - Another BB defense with a marginal hand 3c,2cView Hand 2019-05-12 (mcl-1005)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $400 Mini Millionaire Maker - Defending my BB with a marginal hand 6c,2cView Hand 2019-05-12 (mcl-1004)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $400 Mini Millionaire Maker - Attacking an EP limper from MP Ks,TsView Hand 2019-05-12 (mcl-1003)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin $400 Mini Millionaire Maker - 3-bet spot against exceedingly loose opener Ks,TcView Hand 2019-05-12 (mcl-1002)
Ron Bondie - skifoo $100 Motor City - Motor City tourney 8s,3dView Hand 2019-05-05 (rbn-1001)
Albert Hart - Athenian event2 - description2 View Hand 2019-05-03 (ah-1087)
Albert Hart - Athenian test1 - desc1 View Hand 2019-05-03 (ah-1086)
Albert Hart - Athenian test1 - desc1 View Hand 2019-05-03 (ah-1085)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - 100bbs w/ Top Pair As,TcView Hand 2019-05-03 (-1007)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - weird raise in Limped pot Ah,ThView Hand 2019-05-03 (-1006)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - AA goes for Full Value Ad,AcView Hand 2019-05-03 (-1005)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - Check-raise gets unexpected action Qh,TdView Hand 2019-05-03 (-1004)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 1000bb Deep Online MTT - 1000bb deep 4bet pot Qc,QdView Hand 2019-05-03 (-1003)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 Online MTT - Bluff Catch - 3bet pot 8d,7dView Hand 2019-05-03 (-1002)
Christopher J ONeil - AFA567 12 left in $60 online 10kGTD - bad fold near Final Table Qs,TcView Hand 2019-05-03 (-1001)
Albert Hart - Athenian short desc - addl desc View Hand 2019-04-30 (ah-1084)
Ryan Morgan - th3morg 6 Handed example As,KsView Hand 2019-04-25 (MORG-1005)
Ryan Morgan - th3morg 6 Handed example View Hand 2019-04-25 (MORG-1004)
Ryan Morgan - th3morg AA - Deep Stack As,AcView Hand 2019-04-24 (MORG-1003)
Ryan Morgan - th3morg AKs - Deep Stack Ah,KhView Hand 2019-04-24 (MORG-1002)
Ryan Morgan - th3morg 99 - Deep Stack 9s,9hView Hand 2019-04-24 (MORG-1001)
Bill Vicars - Bill Hand 001 Ks,KcView Hand 2019-04-24 (BV-1001)
- 300B1 Kh,QhView Hand 2019-04-20 (JP-1001)
Darren - 10K #4 QcQd in EP all fold to HP CB, should have checked? Qc,QdView Hand 2019-04-19 (ofy-1006)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx April Review 4.5 7s,7cView Hand 2019-04-19 (jnj-1031)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx April Review 4.4 Jh,JsView Hand 2019-04-19 (jnj-1030)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx April Review 4.3 Ks,KcView Hand 2019-04-19 (jnj-1029)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx April Review 4.2 Tc,TdView Hand 2019-04-19 (jnj-1028)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx April Review 4.1 2s,2cView Hand 2019-04-19 (jnj-1027)
Darren - 10K #10 6d4d in BB vs sb we hit 2 pair 6d,4dView Hand 2019-04-15 (1003)
Albert Hart - Athenian test cash Js,TsView Hand 2019-04-11 (ah-1079)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx April Review 3 As,KdView Hand 2019-04-05 (jnj1026)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx April Review 2 View Hand 2019-04-05 (jnj1025)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx April Review 2 View Hand 2019-04-05 (jnj1024)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx April Review 1 8c,6cView Hand 2019-04-05 (jnj1023)
Albert Hart - Athenian 3 quiz events test3 View Hand 2019-04-04 (ah1078)
Albert Hart - Athenian 3 quiz events View Hand 2019-04-04 (ah1076)
Albert Hart - Athenian 3 quiz events test3 Ks,5sView Hand 2019-04-04 (ah-1077)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx Review 4 As,KcView Hand 2019-04-03 (jnj1022)
Albert Hart - Athenian testnew View Hand 2019-04-02 (ah1075)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx Review #2 (Set vs Aggression?) 4h,4dView Hand 2019-03-31 (jnj1021)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx Review #2 ($175 Deepstack) As,AhView Hand 2019-03-31 (jnj1020)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx Review #2 (Defend BB Ante?) 6c,QdView Hand 2019-03-31 (jnj1019)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx Review #2 ($65 Tournament) As,2sView Hand 2019-03-31 (jnj1018)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx Live at the Bike 9s,9cView Hand 2019-03-20 (jnj1017)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx 3.20 Hand 5 (Cash Game 2/5) Ah,4hView Hand 2019-03-20 (jnj1016)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx 3.20 Hand 4 (2/5 Cash) Ad,KcView Hand 2019-03-20 (jnj1015)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx 3.20 Hand 3 (Tournament) Ks,TsView Hand 2019-03-20 (jnj1014)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx 3.20 Hand 2 (Tournament) Qc,QdView Hand 2019-03-20 (jnj1013)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx 3.20 Hand 1 (Tournament) Ks,9sView Hand 2019-03-20 (jnj1012)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx $2/5: Slow Playing AKoff As,KdView Hand 2019-03-18 (jnj1009)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx Deepstack Tournament 8s,9sView Hand 2019-03-18 (jnj1008)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx $2/5 with Regular $10/20 Player As,AhView Hand 2019-03-18 (jnj1007)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx $65 Tournament (Multi-Way Pot) 7c,7sView Hand 2019-03-18 (jnj1006)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx Deepstack Tournament 2s,2cView Hand 2019-03-18 (jnj1005)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx All in w/QQ Qs,QcView Hand 2019-03-18 (jnj1004)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx Tournament: Flopped Set (3 Way) 8h,8sView Hand 2019-03-18 (jnj1003)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx Tournament: Betting Too Much 6d,9cView Hand 2019-03-18 (jnj1002)
Justin Neeraj - throwbacktx $65 Tournament (Hand 1) Kd,JdView Hand 2019-03-17 (jnj1001)
Steven Piotrowski - Middle pair #1 8s,8hView Hand 2019-03-16 (spi1001)
Aaron - AA-Poker 8s9s FLOP a Flush draw gutshot straight draw 8s,9sView Hand 2019-03-16 (aar1001)
Albert Hart - Athenian test edit points View Hand 2019-03-11 (ah1074)
Albert Hart - Athenian test edit points View Hand 2019-03-11 (ah1073)
Maxim - Maxim pocket pair against turn raiser Th,TcView Hand 2019-02-28 (rmx1001)
Mark C Lovin - McLovin Bluff catching with a marginal made hand Ac,TsView Hand 2019-02-25 (mcl1001)
Dave Larson - RiverU Dream Flop. Call or raise? Kh,QhView Hand 2019-01-29 (ru1001)
Albert Hart - Athenian test tags 2 View Hand 2018-11-26 (ah1072)
Albert Hart - Athenian test tags View Hand 2018-11-26 (ah1071)
Albert Hart - Athenian test View Hand 2018-11-19 (ah1070)
Albert Hart - Athenian 3 players View Hand 2018-10-26 (ah1067)
Albert Hart - Athenian AK QJ As,KsView Hand 2018-10-26 (ah1066)
Albert Hart - Athenian AKs QJd test As,KsView Hand 2018-10-26 (ah1065)
Albert Hart - Athenian LJ AhKd Ah,KdView Hand 2018-10-25 (ah1064)
Albert Hart - Athenian hero_position View Hand 2018-10-25 (ah1058)
Albert Hart - Athenian Hero/Lag View Hand 2018-10-25 (ah1057)
Albert Hart - Athenian AKs QJh View Hand 2018-10-25 (ah1056)
Albert Hart - Athenian test cards View Hand 2018-10-25 (ah1055)
Albert Hart - Athenian When to call an all in View Hand 2018-10-07 (ah1054)
Albert Hart - Athenian WPT Aria - - Final Table Hand 13 View Hand 2018-05-24 (ah1053)
Albert Hart - Athenian quiz display 2 View Hand 2017-12-21 (ah1052)
Albert Hart - Athenian quiz display View Hand 2017-12-21 (ah1051)
Albert Hart - Athenian Shoving/ICM/Final Table Play View Hand 2017-12-19 (ah1050)
Albert Hart - Athenian quiz3 View Hand 2017-12-18 (ah1049)
Albert Hart - Athenian AQ suited UTG - test quiz View Hand 2017-12-18 (ah1048)
Albert Hart - Athenian all in 2 View Hand 2017-11-29 (ah1047)
Albert Hart - Athenian all in 2 View Hand 2017-11-29 (ah1046)
Albert Hart - Athenian all in 2 View Hand 2017-11-29 (ah1045)
Albert Hart - Athenian all in 1 View Hand 2017-11-29 (ah1044)
Albert Hart - Athenian stop preflop View Hand 2017-11-28 (ah1043)
Albert Hart - Athenian test comments - resaved View Hand 2017-11-17 (ah1042)
Albert Hart - Athenian Raising the Limpers View Hand 2017-11-16 (ah1041)
Albert Hart - Athenian testing View Hand 2017-11-13 (ah1040)
Albert Hart - Athenian Final Table - 5 remaining View Hand 2017-11-13 (ah1039)
Albert Hart - Athenian The perfect river card - altest View Hand 2017-11-13 (ah1038)
Albert Hart - Athenian The perfect river card - altest View Hand 2017-11-13 (ah1037)
Albert Hart - Athenian test View Hand 2017-11-08 (ah1036)
Albert Hart - Athenian Final Table - 5 remaining View Hand 2017-11-08 (ah1035)
Albert Hart - Athenian Final Table - 5 remaining View Hand 2017-11-08 (ah1034)
Albert Hart - Athenian edit of ah1029 View Hand 2017-10-26 (ah1029)
Albert Hart - Athenian WPH10004 View Hand 2017-10-26 (ah1028)
Albert Hart - Athenian WPH10003 View Hand 2017-10-26 (ah1027)
Albert Hart - Athenian WPH10002 View Hand 2017-10-26 (ah1026)
Albert Hart - Athenian WPH10001 View Hand 2017-10-26 (ah1025)
Albert Hart - Athenian View Hand 2017-10-26 (ah1024)
Albert Hart - Athenian ah1021 resaved View Hand 2017-10-24 (ah1021)